0 FA1L315.% . - The". Carlisle Herald Ee Expositor," will be issued evei:7 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at Two DIM- Lens,per annual, payable in adv s ance. • ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the usual rates Letters addressed to the editor,tni . business, MUST BE POST PAID, otherwise they will receive no, at, tendon AGENTS. The follOWiag,nammt persons_b_ambeen appointed Agents for the "Carlisle Herahl 4 Expositor," to whom payment,afOr subsetiption .and. advertisement can be made. • • . . : D. SHELLY, Esq. Shiremanstown, Comb. CO. _.SCOTP.COYL, _Newrille—. :do- P. Kooirrz; Esq. Newburgh do Trios. W. Ifklans f Esq. Shippensburg do • 'JOHN *UNDERLICH, Esq. do, do - J.-MATER,Esq.Doguestowu) - do Wirsoar; Esq. Meelmniesfinrg, do WILLIAM RUNSILA, Esq. Hopewell do . 11. STORGEQp . , Esq. Chureldown • do Dr. ABA Wurrn, New Cumberland do. Taos. &aux, Esq. Illoomfield,Terry county A. BLACK', Esq. Landiaburg . •do R Y. '--- - \,- MEI -~~~. sweetest flociers cnripled,- From various gard6Cs with carp." Poi; thelliwald and Expqsi ton; • T.B.E - RINGLET. • • . . _ Andis.. t.ii• o all, sweet sister, is t this This little ringlet, °Nit' ne awn.fiur lmir, - All that remains of what Was nuee:in thee • .1 g • Mni?; Where-is thy brow 'Of sunshine and of joy ? thy voice or musick _ • alid thy sweet toad of mirthful rm'doily r --- ="Oli'Vliereare they, -?-_ Sleeking,-thou dearest one, • •In thy call, narrow home: - Colic with thee love To - thy Might:dwelling And left us noUght - liut-this rialmemoTy;-[:.':. -- , She hrings again, the bright ilepas,ted one"=- - "I feel the gentle clasp of thy2oft hand, " • And seelliee in that 117mr-iirlien frigid Death 'Stole on thee, andthy - Pallid lips, grown cold .Gaveto tliyesistei' their last earthly kiss. SELECT TAL-Z. From - the Lady's Book LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE A. stranger was ushered into: the parkur, 'where, tw,o young ladies were seated, one 'bonnetted and shawled, evidently a 'morn ing visitor, the other in a fashionable un dress, as evidently a daughter or inmate of -the mansion.- The latter rose,- with a slight inclination, of the head, and requested the gentleman to take a chair. • " Was Mr. Temple at home?" •" No ! bat he was e2A - )ecte I in directly." The young ladies -eh- ld • triiriTil7 exehanget ail glances, as. t ie stran ger drew' carer, and _certainly Ids extraer -dinary figure ,might justify a passing :-;en onion of mirth, if politeness and good feel 7. ing. had notzrestrained its expression. ' Ills extreme spareness, and: the livid hue oilli4 complexion_indieated young, 'illness, and as he was apparently young - , the alinostoto tal bAdness of his head, was probably ow- . ing to .thc seine cause. His lofty forehead Was above the green shade that covdred . his eyes in' tinshadowed majesty, unrelieved by a single, lock of hair, - and the lower. part of.. : his face assumed a still more cadaverous hue, from.the reflection of the grceri coldtir -abovd, There iv i as-zsomething_inexpresgi- . Iblyforloin and' piteous in his whole appear ance, notwithstanding: an air of gentlemanly. 'dignity pervaded his melancholy person. He drew forth his pocket book, and taking 'Mit a'folded paper, was about' ' to present it; to Miss Temple,'Who drawing back with ,a srippressed - laugh .said—"A. petitiori ' sir, I •Stippose?"'—;then added in a low whisper, :to her companion --"the poor fellow is -perhaps getting a subscription for a wig." The whisper was very low, - but the-stran- - ' ;ger'sshaded, though_penetrating_eyes_were_, 4fixedyripoii_herlace,_and_the .motion.of_her..! lips - assisted Jiim - in - wknowledge -- of--their sound-=-he replaced the paper in his pocic • et-book-"I am no petitioner fc - . .t , 'Our b'outl;' ty, Madain " said he, in.a. voice,;• whose. Sweetness fell like a reproach on her ear—, '"'nor have I any claims on 'your compas. - Oen, save being a stranger 'arid an invalid. —l7a-m-tliel:44---l-etter-to-yout4atheri ;from a - frieiiid of his youth, who, even on liiii death bed, remembered: him with grafi . tude and . affectionw ill you have the good . nesito present toihirri• ty. name- and dim ftiont" - • Then 'laying th card 'upon theta 'ble; - lie - madii . 'a IoW tie' arid retreated, be lerelMisa!feMPlcjitifftiene to apologize, if • 'indeed .. any:, apology: could be offefed for . • 'hevieVity arid rrideueSO . She-approached the tabld•rind took 'up the:daril" Gracious • .Heaverts!!! she; exclaimed" it . cannot be. :poisible,'?,-- 7 8ydney:Allisonthat bald, yel • : low,liOrrid-looking :ereatureSydne.y Al. rlison ! they described him as the perfection. of . titArtly, beautirl never. ,will -- believe. it 'rhe. is •.an f linpiistorthe ...in - etch !".• The - :''Yetit*lady'who was with her;,belteld-y,ltli, .'.4.Stdiiialirrierit;';the ,paSsion . that - lighteiLliti` - Miss:Temple's fac'ei'anikhoer - loOks besotighk ° o. .•'liitileriatidn..':",Haie '3l'oll .net . heard;" • " 43 •4 1 C:IVIlis:TeMple,:l!sinee,.: ,Oe: came , to this • - cit-Yi+hail was betrothed'': 4 hd' been . i mit 120 fr di -:.ri n. `child,.lo.a yeung-1 iitlemah ,re-' ----- - 'sidin:, lL enba:; - ; whose 'itirele ,i,vas:;tlie:.l:io - ' B " l 4r- - t e2l l' mv father ? • Y ri - must have ..., • l '2±!_, l ,* . l° ,tiAr":,litther. 4 - has ,::lif.ra)is; taken .^,. rifle 'to' eire tr ''e 'the report, se : that no ono • . . . , . • . 1 . .• ~ .... . . .. , . . • • . _. .. _ ... .. • .• • . • . . . . , ........ . . • . . . . ... . . . . _ ... _. ~. . Lbr . . .. , . . • ~ ... , ._,.,, ..„ ..•,•...,_• ... ... • al ° . ........ . .• .. .. • .. .._... ... . , ' .- (4.,.............- zi . . . _ . . . „4 • . . . . . .. .. L. . ._ _. . , .•.. .. . .: ..., ,4J4 - -.-. .....,-,:::.:' . .. .' ..'..-... '''...-., ,•._ i... 1 '''''. .." .:'''.... : ::: : ..._!_,_ l ' , :i:- . -- . ..- 1 ~......5.:..,...i . ....,:."':., ''.. , , r ,' , ..: ; :,.'....'j. - ..i....,.. .::. f., . . ... . . . . , ............ _ , ... .. , .. . . . • • •• . . - .. .. .. . , . . . ' . . • ~ • . . • .. . . . . ' ' • ' .. . .. , . r . . - . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . A FAMILY NiWSPAPERI — DEVOTED TO NEWS,.POIATICS, LITERATURE, WILE ARTS AND SCIENCES,"AGRICULTURE, AMUSEMENT; SIC.. ecC• might pies me Upon — my - favour. And this is the delectable bridegroom! the one who has been represented as clothed,ip • every grace, calculated to fascinate a female heart —and I, fool thatl was, rbelieved it, and looked forward with rapture , to the, hour of our first' meeting." , Here she paused, and throWing herself back in her chair, burst in a passion _of tears.. Mary. Manning,' tier_ . more rafional- companion, - endeaVoured to . -soothe the 'excited -- feelings of her - friend, . and sugge - sted - to - her, that whatever -disap pointment she might feel with regardLto his personal appearance., his -character . might be such as; awaken a Very ardent attach . merit.. • "Indeed," added Mary, "I thought . there was .something quite interesting in his addreSs, and his voice was remarkably persuasive in its-tones. He-has evidently been Very ill;•and - his bad looks are- owing to this - circumstance. He will become handsomer by and by . ; ''BeSides,* my dear Augusta, what is mere beatity . in a .mati. ? It is the yirerogative.ef 'a woman; and you . are so highly gifted, in -that-respect. your self, you should be willing that-your hus- . _hi - gni-should cA:cel-i-n-those - qpnlities which men_ generally arrogate to "themselves." "Husband !" . repeated Augusta, " I .wouldl -as soon take a death's-bead for my husband. ,Lcareitothlwaboutinere- bean ty.,_.p milled_ • -there-is intelligende and . spirit. But with stich a bald, livid looking wretch at -my 'side, stick a - living memento of mortality,- , I_ sbould . siiik•into my grave in a fortnight. I*l never:will - marry . him unless I- ani , d rag ged.-to the :than!' here Mr. Temple -en- •_tered, the^ room, and intarruptedher .rash I -speech-. Miss-Manning-too-retired, feeling-' that - her presened-might be .an : intrusion: He looked-astoniShed'at theuaitation of his - -daughter, who' handed :him '- the'-card, and turning away leaned -against the Anantel piece, the image of woe. , "Sydney Alli 'Son : arrived !"• " exclaimed . Mr, TcmpleT "Where is he; when Was , be i here? and why. - -,-istietOne?—who--wha - t is the - matte ray i tit ,lyo_ti L Ailgiista7 : 22.1.10_11rst_Wis hol_myleari_ .seems, accomplished, and I find you weep ing 'Tell -- rrie thetineaninguf all this'?" - "Oh! father," .sobbed lAutrustaL-covering her race w4ll - her handkerclief," heis so .uglY, alid you told me, he was tyo very Ititidsoine.! • Mr. Totwtple could not forbear laughing' at the piteous lone-in which ' Au- AuSta-uttered‘this melancholy_ truth, thOugh he immediately resumed,: 'in an - accent of ,displeasure, ."I am ashamed of your folly .--4: have always, given . you credit for be. -ing:.=a-gittl-of_sense,_but you_talkiikc_alittle. fool•-.-ugly.!-- If•-a man -is not ugly! -enough. to frighten his horse, he is handsome enough.- Besides, it is nothing, but a whim—l saw him when a child, and he was an uncem moldy beautiful boy.. 'I 'hope- you did - not behave in this 'manner before him—why did you 'suffer him to go away?" "Why, I did not know him," said, Augusta, in con siderable trepidation, for she' feared, her father's anger—" and he looked So thin and J wo-begone; I thought lie' was some for eigner asking charity,' and' When he•took _-,:, - ; <°~~,.~ ~~S?j 4~ MEE out a paper tfoug it it a petition, an sau something about one—so he was angry, I believe, and..went away, saying lie lied torslet for yeu;from a friend, who was dead." ... "And. is he dead!—the good old man ! dip best, the earliest friend I ever had in the world—dead and gone!" Mr. - Tem ple leaned his faed_ovcr..on his hands, and sat in silencaseveral moments, as if strug: gling a aith powerful': emotions. After a whilMf. Temple lifted his hands, and fixed his darkened eyes' upon his-daughter. He 'took her hand• With affection and.solem-, 'pity.. "Augusta, you aie thachild-ofaillu. ; once as well as of indidgence; you are. my .only child,. and _all.--the Wealth, Which now surrounds you' with luxury, will be in your dliposal, after my death. "Oh! fath er, do not speak of such a thing." 'tDo not interrupt inc. Mr. Allison., the uncle of this young - man; was 'my benefactor and friend, when, all - the .world, looked dark upon-me. He' xtricated me from difficul ties which it. is unnecessary to ekplain— gave me the Means of making an ample fortune, and asked no recompense,. but a knowledge of-mykluecesd._4 was through' his_influence Lwas_iinitetLtayour_nOVLAlh. Irgel_mother--,yes! I owe. e_very_thingLie hint-- , •Wealth,--teputationl,- and a brief,-but rare portion of domestic bliss. This taut, I benevolent,' romantic gold man; bad' Oftelfe; - phew, the orphan child of his . adoption, whom he most tenderly: loved. When 3i • Commercial affairs carried.lnc to Cuba, a bout ten years ago . Sydney was a charm- -ingAjoy,22----hereAug_usta_grogned--" a charming boy; 'and when I spoke with - a 'father''s pride, of my 'Own little girl, whom I had leff.behind, - my friend gladdened at the thought, that the union which had bound our hearts- togethei would be perpetuated in our Childrenr..we pl i edged-our solemn--prom- ise to , each other that this union' should take place at a fitting age; you hp.ve" long boon award of this betrothal, and. I have' seen with great pleasure, that you seemed . to enter- into . my ,views, and lo look_ forward whir hope and animation to ,the fulfilment -of-this•eontract.----T-haengagement is-now doubly :binding, since' death has set his' awfutseal upon ii". • It must be fulfilled. Do not'bYyi?neunprecedentajj folly,. make mennhappyat a' moment like this." 1:1 4 'or 'giy - p-me; my dear father; but :indeed' when ~_yew see him ' ,.yowWill_not-AVonder.nt-qh --- a Shock I: NavereCelvel :After all• yon - had , said:of , :hini, after -.reading his - uncle's let ters so; full of glowing" descriptions; after diVelling..Sci long-on the eaceful-imagelaY fancy 'drew; .to find..Such,a.dieadful 'boa tiast:r • i,' Dreadful • nontrastt, why: 'surely he.cannot -be transformed' into such - a. mon ster'.' ..',. - You have hot setti him yet," said Printed and:Pisiblisbet; Weekly, by. Giorge OIL . .10billips,:pi.'earipae,.Cumberlqnd ra. "she, mournfully. "No! you remind me of 'my negligence. After the ?Strange re ception-you have given him, ;Cis doubly urgent that - I should hasten to him. • Haye a care, Augusta,:you fiave alwaysfound the a very indulgent father, but in this instance, I shall entome implicit obedience: — I have only one fear; that yoU ,liave,alre'ady so dis gustedlim _with your leirity, that he may refuse Aimseif, the honour-of the alliance." "Ile refuse •mti," murmured AuguSta, in a as she- glanced_at herself. in _a mirror that shone above the mantel-piece. As the nature- of her reflections may be well fined it ma be interestinar to fol.; MEM IoW the young man, whose figure had made so unfortunate an impression upon his irt tended bride, and learn something of the feelings that, are passing through his mind. Sydney Allison returned to his lonely apart ment,atthe hotel, with a chilled and aching. heart.. The bright day-dream, whose beau ty cheered and gilded him; eveti. while mourning ever the death liedof .his uncle, while lapguishing himself on the bed of sickness, and while a sea=sick • 'mariner; he was-tossed -upon-the boisterous waves—tha dream', was fled. She, who - ba - d' al - Way - S1 risen . npon his imagination, as the. morning star of .his destiny-=this- being he had met, nfter_years:or_roman tie. anticipation... what_ a. meeting. He : Was well aware . of the sad ravages, one .of , the violent fevers' of-a trop ical clime had matte upon his -beauty, but never attaching_much value : to his own per sonal - at trac tionsi - he. &PIM- not-believe that the marks - of a - divine Visitation would ex pose 'him -to ridicule, or unkindness; of an extremely sensitive_disposition;. lie was pe 7 . culiarly aliverto-the stings Of satire,-and-the pareastic whis - per of Miss Temple, woutfil ..ed him to.the quick: "What!'? said - he, to himself;.as he folded his arms in melancholy abstraction; id. the,solitude of his chamber; "what;'if the dark luxuriance-of-waving hair which once shadowed my temples, is now --- gotte - . - is - riet - thought - and intelligence -still-lingering-onlmy-brow-?,L-Are - therene warm and alitinated.veitis of. feeling.in - ray • heart, because:the:tide of health'noliinger colours my wan and faded cheek?, . These enfeebled eyes, which I must now _shelter from the dazzling light, can they not still emit the rays of tenderness, and the-beams of soul ? This proud beauty! . May she live to know what a heaftnhe has-wouhded.'l, lle rose - and.%v . alked slowly across the floor, pausing before a large looking. glass, which fully reflected his persou. •• He could &It:Torii:ear a sniile,ln the midst of. his iiielaneholyst the ludicrous contrast to his former self, and acknowledged it was preposterous to expect to charm at fitst sight, under the present disastrous'eclipse. Ile almost excused the covert ridicule,- of which he had been the object, and began to pity the beautiful • Augusta for - the Clis:11)- pointment she must have endured. It was under the influence'of these - feelings . Mr. Toni* found him. .t.!My dear - fellow," said the latter, warmly- grasping his hand, nd—gazing—earne boy! how ill you must have been !=your uncle, too"—the warm-hearted man was incapable of uttering another syllable, not more moved-at that moment, by the recol lection of his frignd, than atfe'eted by the transformation of the blooming boy, whose lvaving. locks were once 'SO singularly beau tiful; . sympathy, _was_ so unaffected, his welcome so warm, and his affect .pressedin' so heartfelt a' manner, that Syd ney,. who., had just been• alining himself with -proud philosophy, - against the indif ference and. negldct of the world, melted into woman's softness. • Ile bad been 'so long among stradgerS, and those of rougher nature 7 -bad experienced . so toldit disap pointinent in his warmest hopes—he bad felt so blighted, so alone—the reaction was - too powerful, it unmanned hitit. Mr. Tem ple Was a remarkable instance of -a man, Nvilo retained a youthful' enthusiestiChnd frankness of character;` Aer a long and prosperous 'intercourse with the world -of buSiness: - - The rapid . accumulation" of wealth, instead of narrowing, as it too often does; enlarged.hiS benevolent heail. When in-n-long-atl-confulential conversation with Sydney, lie-rearried---that-Mr;-Allisar-had le-ft bur a - setall - fortune• - fer - his.support,l4? , .11M - lin remise - prmbe 'had been-led to- exirct;_he. was_more _than:_ever anxious to, promote the union with his daughter. HOwever mysterious itzeemeif - that Mr. Allison's property should be so diminished, .or have been so much overrated, he rather rejoiced at the circumstance; as it gave him an . opportunity of Showing. his grain - 111e and 'disinterestedness. But Sydney was prottd. - He felt the circumstance -of his altered fortunes,' and though not a poor man, was no: lontrer the. heir of .that wealth,lWhich was his, in. reversion; -when' Mr.. Temple had plighted his daughter to In , his short interview with tier he 'ad' gained such an insight into her charac ter, that he recoiled".•frcim - the idea of -ap pearing- before, her; as her betrothed.lover.. e ',-Recetvme-as-alrierid," Saidlhe' . to. Mr. Teniple;..“_ let your-daughter learn hi look upon me as.such,' and Pask no More ; un less I 'could Win -Mk a f fections, .nothing woidd induce Me .to.accept of" her hand,- under existing eircumstanees,:lbelieve that' impossible.' Much as I feel youNkindness,. ndleacred 'as - 1 hold:the wishes of the dead, I- Jiold yam' datiilitei' s }sappiness• para mount to every Other consideration:: This must not besaCrifieedfor me. Promise sir,, that it shall not, j should he thore.- 1 Wretched..thall words,. can - express, if .L thought . the .slighteht • force were imPosed' upon'her sentiments.?' . "BesatiSfied.on that seore; sky nettling. about it; only let her gCt fulty acquainted. with you, and there will be no'occasion to employ force. :Yo - ti must forget the mis take of the morning: ,This yellow, fever makes . work_ of a man when it gets hold of him, but you Will soon revive from its effects." . ,* - * Sydney Alliscin•beeame a daily visitor at .Mr.. _Temple's. Had he , assumed.. the privileges of a lever, Augusta would have probably manifested in a wounding man-. tier, the • aversion . she felt for him, in that 'character; but .it was Iniprisilil“c - i - treaf with disdain one, who never •presumed to offer any attentions beyond•the civilities of Irimiitship. Though - rendered . vain from adulation; and selfigh from indulgence, and though her thoughtless vivacity often made her forgetful Of the feelings of others,Au gusta TeMple Was-not destitute of. redem ing:virtues. Nature lead gifted -•her-with very ardent affections, and,opened but few - channels,, in which° those affections 'could. flow. She had the - great - misfortune to be the only child of • a rich; widowed, and 'de tingparent, and from infancy had been ae- Lcustorner.L.to_se,e:every-one_arpund_her_sub. setvient to - her will: - 7Slie had reaChed-the affe of womanhood, Without :Flowing one real' sorrow, _or meeting whit a, being • who had exeitedin any degree„ the affect:Riffs—of ._ It r heart,. Her warm ahrylindiseiplined -rmaginatioii had dwelt : feetyears .- on One image. - She- had : clothed littilg • the most splendid hues that, fancy everopread -upon. iher-palette ; and had porn- Syllney appeared !before her in his original brightness, the reality would -probably haveybeen dim,. to the visions of idehl beauty, by. which She. liattlieeki-so lodgliguntert;77ltv• - .the - •great7 ness of her disappointment, she•beeame•un- - 'just and unreasonable, violent-in her preju: dices, and extravagant,,ln her manifestatiquF Of them. -Pat after-the. first jebidlition ,of 'her grief, she grew morp guarded, from-the dread of hell:idler's anger; and.as Sydney t -contirruedTthe:same T reserved-randTtlilrliified - ' _deportment,:shalegan .to think her father's I prediction was fulfilled,and that theiraver- ! -sion. wa§ mutuat -SIM did • not derive a 4 -1 pinch comfort - from this supposition as might lie anticipated. • She hriddreaded his importunity, bit she•coeld not endure hi:d indifference. It ti'as in 'vain Mr. Temple I urged his young frienTto a different course of conduct—lie always answered„ "Let her cease to dread me as a lover, then she I may learn to 'prize me as a friend." • One evening, there Was a concert at Mr. Tem- ! ple's. Sydney, who waspassionately fund 1 of music, forgot every cause of niquietude, I while abandoned to its heavenly influence.' He stood near the fair songstress of the hcltr, 1 1 keeping' time to the harmony,,•while iu a pier glass opposite, he had a full view o/I x ithe groups behind. Augusta was 'a little In 1 the rear, leaping on the 'arm' of Miss 1!:Iiii, ni,pg,. lie could gaze on her imagr./ thus reflected, • Without her bCiag comp - flints of the act, and he silted as lie p4(.1 mvolnii tary homage to her brilliant bpatity. Tier figure was of superb proputr fens, her fea tpresfiTiiir e - Id( - 5111:1ffThiAel of oriental sym-• metry;. while her eyes glittered through her dark sweeping lashes,...like sumbeams through the forest foliage. She stood with her head a little averted; --- and - - her - profile presented the Softened outline of the linea ments, - ascribed to the beautiful • daughters of Judah. He forgot hiMself entirely; in the contemplation of her loveliness; When he•saw her. turn,- with tM- - id. - clr - smileancl hold up her hands in. a whimsical attitude in thddiretion of his head', as if in the act of warming tbem;',for the full blaze of the I chandeliers, ! seemed concentrated in' what point,. and • all eyes; lured •by - Augusta' gesture,. -were turned upon .his illuminated skill - - Tor onirm - ement--Sydney lost - . his .self-possession, and the angry - 'glint- wtis._ seen: distinctly burning on his sallow cheek. The 'Mkt, he similed superior to such weak ness,•andretreating a few steps!, bowed for her to pass forward.,She had . relied on the shade that covere his eyes, for Sec-lai ty from protection-unconscious-of-the piercing glances tlfin were glancing beneath: Her 'conscience ITOW. upbraided her for her folly, and she felt with bitterness how low she must- be' in the ' opiaion of the man,_ whose admiration site secretly coveted, not iwithstrindingthe-ridieule-ahe-dared-m-throw- -1 Upon his - persom ----- After -the - company - dis- 7 persed, she-remained alene_in_the drawing' room-, dissatisfied with herself and sieftening, at the pleasure that surrounded her. - The . door softly Opened. It was 'Sydney, who had returned ! for his gloves, which -he had left on the •mantle_piece..._it.snras the.. first time • she had found herself alone With hiiii,• and she felt excessively . embarrassed. In that tone, which even she aelmOwledged to be irresistably sweet, ,he apologized fOr his intrusion, and taking his gloves;,. was _refiring; :when. she, ever impulsive, 'arrested .his motions. -"Stay ..one moment,. Mr have great reason to 'despise me—l have treated•you with unpardonable hivity and rudeness. -Though •I can hardy hope your forgiveness; I. cannot withhold "this acknowledgement; of' my prrors•--y • ciur calm .forbearanee ha'S , done More for my reformatron, than a, thousand- reproofs." surprised and softened at this unexpected avowal, from the cold,' sarcastic Augusta, *hose fluctuating epnipiexiOn, and agitatfid voice, sore wag* tO hersincerity,,AlliSen :Was at firstineapatililiofreplying, • "Your present Pandou'rrat.length, lie.said,:" would indemnify me ~for. nv•wli gr.ater. rinfi.!eing . than yoti have O'er iodic:led:on me... ti new me; MisS Teniple; totake it lvanta•rn dC. this 9 first moment of ,eontlifeee, to.,disarm.you Of all fear.;On my - ace:mint. •. The . relative situation in' which ::',I have been placed by others, has given_us • bath' ninth enitirrriss:•. merit; •but be assure my, only, wish is to be looked upon 'as 'your friend.• Consider yourself as entirely unshackled. • In bright er hours I might haVe aspired .to the dis tinction our parents designed for me, •but worn tIOW - n by sickness„ - the Rhadow of my former self, 'Heel but too sensibly,;-that the only, sentiment I can nowinspire in the fe _male_ _hoarti•-is that of CoMpassion." gusto was so : much impressed'hy his deli cacy and generosity, she began - to hate her ? self for not having more his - worth.'• She raised-her-eyes-to-his-face and sighed-r-."Ahl" said she to herself, must respect and , esteem, but I •can never love him." . Mr.. Temple, whOliadliberY atient the whole evening, returned* at this moment, and big: countenance expressed his pleasure, in finding , them-dins alone, in .apparently__ confidential conversation with_, each other... ‘!' Do not go Allison,'-'said he, "4-have-been oppressed ivith 6usiness to night; and want a little social-zenjOythent before I sleep. _Besides; I do not feel quite •well, 'They now observed that hr, looked unusually pide,-and pressed his hand upon jiis_head,ao__-ifia_ 7 palliFather," said -Augusta, "you-indeed-lookill—you:--have fatigite'd yourself ton much. A glass -of Wine Will.rovive : you." She hrought the glass l lnn_ . ..itist . as he: tOtirit - from her hand, with a skpile; a sit - a - den spasm came over. him, .atilt,-the' fell- back in his speechless and to - Ofitged., Augusta'sTier cing shriek .alaimed the servants, who riial% ingini beheld their master supported in..the arils of:Allison, gasping for breath, while. Augusta was trying to loosen hiS'ertivat With hands nerveless from terror.: -A physician was i reedy su in Mon ed who bled him prO fUsely, and after a few hoursj consciousness was re:stored: 7- - was rernoyed- to his el9fiber, and. Allison remained (hiring the_remainder of the-night;;ATP , to sat by her fathertsliCdside - holding his . sat by her tamer-. -„--..._ . ) . 5 _ hand, almost shinned by the suddenness of -the-ealarnitY; Never, since _her-recollec lio, hadn a her father known an hOur's sick ..._ i ness, and .now' to be prostrated'at - once, i the' midst Of florid :11-1-- health,/il, was. awful. I She 'dared not ask; the - physician if there i - was. danger, least he shotild confirm,: her `worst fears. - .Shc - loWedat Allison, and in 1 his pale - and ansiobs(Comitanance, she saw a 'reflection of her Awn anxiety and 'sorrow. Towards mornidg My. Temple-opened his Keyes, and lo iced earnestly • round him- - / MD i" My childr :ti," said he, "come near , both—hod ..'.7. " Father," cried Augusta, i " we _kW iirar theeoh! my father, say_ I that yin are better—only say that you will live; As she uttered the lust word she lu - /, , c,t1 her :head upon the bed cover, "and cobbed as if-her heart-were-breaking. : , "My hild," said Mr. Templc faintly, ~.you must call upon God -to sustain you, for there is,, I need. - I feel that the hand of death is upon . me. Sudden and awful is the summons— but it niiist We obeyed. 'Doctor, I would, see . my minister. • Not to give peace to MY parting soul—for all is peace here," said he; laying his hand feebly on his heaft,-"peaCe with P.M and main—but flic - rb is I would witness before I, die." ' Sydney, who stood at the bed's head trembled St the import - of these, words—Augusta in her -agony, - -eomprehended --- them not.:---"-Syd ney, my son, give me your hand—Angtis ta, is this yOur handl hold ? My-.children, if you would bleSs my lakliour,"you ninSt let my dying . hand behold your union. 'lt will-gladden my friend, when I meet him in another world, to tell him his litst wishes .are cone - a - inmate& ,'Di) you consent,. my Ichildren?" 'He looked up" toSydney, with that earnest expression which is never seen except-in the eye of the dying, and pressed Ateit_hands together:int Lis, : already Cold timr . dewy - with the damps of leatl. Sydney sunk Upon his kness • unutterably affected. All the 'happiness of his fizture life was at stake,' but it seemed as nothing at 'that No-' mem. - " Your daughter, ir ?" was all he could . Utter. . -"Augusta,' L repeated Mr. T emple; in - a. voice fearfull bollow, "_will )Iri } , ou-not speak?" -.- "01 . 1! ny father," she murmured, "do With me a you will, only -take me 'with you." • The;rever'end figure of the minister Was now ad led to the'group,, that sitrrouniletLtho bed of ' floath._S tillage- and . awful 'was the bridal ceremony per- -formed---af--Sucha_lnoin*k, and attended bk.-Stich. solemnities.: ~ Skdae---y.faciliiifli-e --was .m . ysterieusky alid . irresistibly., ithiellail 4 ou the fulfilthent of his destiny WithoutAY, volition of his own. ' It was with blood less lips - and deadened perectitions, Au gusta :repeated her vows; but' IoW as they: were, they.fell liksmusic on the 'edr - .. Owns so shortly to close to all earthly s' - l"'There. is .-a bieSsuk above mingline: -,mine," faintly articulated the dying ins : "I -bless ye, my dear. ,childien,and -ye, will be bless ed." TheSe'werethe hilt: 'vents •, he ever uttered: Augusta fell almost lifelesibri her Tathei4bosoiri,.but - what was-a-Moment be fore:the tethple of an in:LWOW spirit, was r now but dust'and ashes.' ' At the same um -1 Mem an -.orphan`and a' bride, she - was inca pable of comprehending the-startling, reali-- ties,Of. tier situagen. ‘ 'The iMages that flit ted throtigli her mind, were like the phan tasmagoria of a dt'eava-:—a vague' mpression of:something' awful and indescribable hay- - ~ . . mg occurred, a'wild fear of Something more awful . kill Impending'filled her imagination and 'paralyted tretframe.. But Allison had 4 full and aching sense of the.responSibili tics so Unexpectedly imposed - upon ,him. 'He mourned'. for the' venerated -- acid - goner= Ohs friend so suddenly snatched away, but he 'grieved' Most of ;a11,4h4f hiS laSt act had placed-in this keeping:that to whieh he' elt. be had no legltimaut fight. - ,NCI iselfish re 7; pinings filled. lifs heart =- brit to CO POO, waryiet/,' pined. irrtivOably 'to a Wothan, ; . CIIII - Vilio - lia - rd giVen'hirn - SO many protifsotpar ,- .. ' Ors ta-flier--ritind.--,reqairritLithe4terli,,,l3ltt±: " sonal aversion.' who, never till that even- . salutary . discipline of adversity; and,*that . ing, had evinced towards . hint the - slightest discipiine . was, preparing. How she prOfit sensibilitka woman wheel, he did: . 'init ed hy the tpaelfinga of this monitress, whose loVe, and whose superior fortune burdened lessonso*W `ever hard, have such high arid 1 /1 him with a painful sense of obligation— celest a I bearings, the' events' Of after years • there was something inexpressibly • galling, my s low. . . and humbling in 'these circuthstances, .. to ~,*'. y * * * . * 0 . 0 - 0 , 0 . the senSitive and high,minded Allison.' Ten,' A ~/111g. tiSta.:llld.Zhig-: friend' are once _Mar e i 'derness, hoWever, mingled With the. bitter-1 11) . 1.6min to the . view of the 'reader, but • ness of his reflections; and even then, lie the llnstiny of the-former .ie changed.-,- -,. • • could•have..taken her to lits i peart,ind wept They are seated in a ..parlov side •by-side, • • over_het. tearsofa..4.lnparly„' and. sorrow, hatitis_.nottlie same, rich in a 1 the adorn- • .had'he,..not dreaded .that she-would, recoil. ,newts of wealth andfashiou, trAugasta • from his embraces. He - did not intrude P'?', once, occupied. It is. in -a at, rural cot e- s cot the 4:11e - i_grief,.. and. for darys_tag'e, in the Very heart of ,t e . Country, :em- she buried herself in the solitude but ier i Iroziomod lir -trees ;and ' Owers... A - 1 .-- few chainber,•• - She admitted Ito_ .one. her I words - Will . explain- the-l'past. • Mr.. Tern- . :'. T . chosen friend, Miss Manning, . who repre- 1 Ole's:Open, generous, uncalculatirig dispo- .. sented her as inconsolable, either sunk in a i i tie it . had; C - x -posiitl - 7 him to. the:_: designs of torpor,.-from which of could arouse ;.-11mAreenary and-treacherous. .A-le never - her,. or in .a state f n ervous ei'cireirTnnt could refuse to etriloiSe a note for a friend, — still-more-distressing. : He waited, - hoping or to loan money when it was asked With • that time would restore .her to . comparative„,a.„ „look -Of distress. .He . .belieired -- hiS Ire- . • composure, and she . would be lyilling so* iircescs' e,xhau.% - tless. as his benevolence, ~--- to receive., from hipi. ilie •cfin,solations of but by the failure of several - hou - ses, with-, . friendship. Finding, - a,t - lr - argththat-slte - Whieli he wati largely connected, his-estate wasinvolved-in-ruini-and-his-daughter-left.' • destitute of - fortune. - Mr. Manning su ff e r -- . ed- so muck 4innaryin the general loss, , he Was obliged to sell all that he Still.posses- -, .seil iii the city awl:relire ;into* country; • • ' 'With. limited means 7-ot,silli . sisience. - : But - .:,' though limited,. he had shtfleierit.tor . all the . Comforts. of life, - and- -- What - he .deemed its .. : luXuries—books, - music., -the 'Sodalities of friendship, and the exercise:Of the kindly Charities. A - cherished - member of -this* charmino. family; Ankusta, , my longer the -Bpciiled ;hilt] of fortune„, but tneichastened„: disciple of. SorroWc•leartit - .t 45. estimate, the 'true ptirposCS . of 'her being; an d: to mourn over he r former perversity: With •such - ennobled - - 3; it? 'ks-- of -. lif6 and _its enjoyments, she began. to think:Slie: iniglir be - hapiiy -with a intsband,•-with such irreproachable - wOO,ll and exalind attributes - as - Sydney ; Allison; . eveit though he-had the misfortune. . 1. - 60-'lte bald--and -.sallow. -But -him -she . .-had - • banished, 'and _when_would_ tie return? ,_I-Ie had, written. to her once or twice; in .the— most, affectionate. manner, as-a--brother -, - would write, he had .spoken.of amended „. health and reviving - Spirits, but he sp - Olta of his return . ," as of something indefinite and even remote. Site: too had written, and -:- her . letters'were . transciipts-orthe- - prOgres , ,_ -- sive:elevation of licr character, and expres sed with' candor and - warmth the just appre- , .- _elation site now had of his own. She was ---, uncertain whether they had — ever re received --- him. It was long•since she had any tidings, and, she felt at ! lillleS that sick-- • llo.Wiifllio-1-;bTift-,-wliiztli-silifiefrid:filiteTil" Lir-- hope creates, .. . - , conchmitnt ne.i-t Teel'. .persevered in her-system,-o: mid That - tithe, while it must, aCeording to its immutable laws, softenOier anguish for her father's death,' probably increased 'her dread for the 'shackles • that bound -- her, his resolution was take'n.. Ina. short time every. thing was arranged for -his 'departure to a foreign-lands / The ship, in -which he was bound. apasynneer, wavre - atlyinsaili - wlien lie requested-.a parting interview withAu •,-A parting inter Vie w l--;--Augusta was roused'atthat sound, from the selfishness of, Ile.tVas going into banishment,' and , she was the 'cause. For the_ firSt 'dine ;since ceremony, the, thought forced, : itself into her Mind, .that he too Might ,hve cause for sorrow, midi that hik happiness might be saeillie..ed.as'Well - es liet Own.. Alli Son. Was grentlYShocked, to - see the change 4 ;Wrotight in her radiant face. •110 was'so Much agitated; 'he forgot every . - thing ho purposed to say, and- reffic - mheled. only the.strangcness of- their, situation. He endeavoured t to repress his own . enotiod; lltathe might-not increase her'S ; while - she; utilised to self-control, abandoned herself to a passion of tears: _lie •approachnd lier with, tenderness and solemnity, and entreat • her to listen to hint, as a friend, as one to promote her.happiness; by:any sacrifice she might require. "I go," said he, "Augusta, to another clime, whose ge dialinfluence 'may restore 'me again seine portion.Of,my further vigour.' 7 1go tiio,l6. the hope, that in my alfsence you. may learn , submission to a destiny-winch my presence renders . insupportable. you :knew- the angnish 4 that filleciny heart ; when I think of myself as / slid involuntary _cause of. your wretchediess„you • would pity me, even as muclias you abhor: Hear ,me, Augusta, -While I repeat with all the solemnity of the vows that bound us to each other, that I will never claim the name of husband, till your own -free- affections hallow the sacred titletrythe - trunin timtr-I-leave-yotf-with one, who will be to you as a loving sister, 'in whose father you will find a faithful and affectionate guardian—will- you not part Irem -me,- at-least in- kindness 1 " Augusta sat, with her arms thrown around Miss Man ning, weeping,. yet subdued. All the best impulses 'of her nature were awakened and aCtive.She would. have given worlds to say soniething, her of her remorse and regret-for her selfishness and wayward ness. Clasping her hands together_ she . -exclaimed, "Oh !- forgive the, Sydney, that 1- cannot love you":- - -then con Scions, that she was oiitvt wounding more - deeply when- She wished to leal,-she only Uttered; "what an unfortunate, wretch I ain!" "We are both - unfortunate," said-:he ; moved beyond his power •of control—but we• may not be always • miserable. Some thing whispers me, that VC shall meet again with chastened feelings; ,incapable of .ap preciating all that is excellent in . each other,. and both earnest in the endeavour to merit the blessing that hallowed our nuptial tie: I leave ,you that' 'you may be restored ,to tranquillity—l may never return=--I 'pray to-Gt-41,-thatife-may Ilmli ntr a_grave in that ocean to whose bosom I am abpli to corn, tit myself, if I am only to live foil the mis dry, Of " Nootn," - cried - Augpstii, - A . r . thi - S - iimsr not-heicayon-inust_not_become, au exile for me." " Listen to - her,"' said Miss Maiming; -earnestly, her. whole soul wrought up into. the most painfill . excite , Mont, -at-the 'sight of their mutual distress— " hided Sir, .you are 'doing what is rash and uncalled for—Oh! why with so much to bind you together, , with qualities capable of inspiring the strongest attachment in each' other, will ye close up your hearts in this . manner, end resolve to be miserable." "I Cannot'now remain' if - 1 would, - as I hart 'taken steps, Which cannot' , well-be recalled ;youriather, Miss Maiming, knoWs'and approves. my intention. He .is the gated guardian and protetitor Of AngiVta.,l I will ,not,-I cannot prolong 'the theie moments. Farewell ' Alignsta ., of me; if possible, with kindness- 7 -1!t: I live.tb return, I . Will be to you; frieLo, *other, or husband, as your cw 0 heart I sluillTdictate.". He pressed. her cold teal Passive hand in his—turned, atid - WaS 7 'gene.. Augusta would have spoken,„-but she. seem ed under the influense, .of a night niare.nHer faculties. were spell-lintid-;-• -She- wOuldltaie_rielurned:thnparting pfof-. inn) ,of his - hand, ,but her fingCris-eents-d -iseicies. 'She 'shuddered with superetitiouS dread.` father's upbraiding spirit. peared to her imagination, armed with tie 'terrors;' of the grave; and'. threateding' her with the retribution. of lieavetfl' =I IRE ITere is something that will please the ladies and astonish:the - Jaen:, - EXTRAORDINARY :SYMPATHY.• ----Thu-singular-----63rhipathiestthat—forwarn— afuture union bet Ween the sexes - , have, in some instances been most surprising. Tho' fUllowing, which came within my knowl edge, is perhaps_one..of..the.molst_singular..;.__L: Mr. a brother officer of mine, was a Man of taciturn and retired .habits ; -set= • dom frequented public • places of amuse— theta, and when there, felt any thing but - • gratification. 060 . evening titer • supper, he . waS, however, prevailed upon to',go to a ball. .We had not been long in the roopt, when, .to my utter surprise,' lie expressed great admiration• of•a-youlfghitlY whci - was foi engaged • her to-dance.. Such ad act' of ;;apparent, levity. on his part 'struck' us' as-a -sigularity-,-which-might have-been : attributed to an uniumal hulti!gence at table, ,'hqd not " the contrary - been the case, for he was remrlably abstemious.. The.,-danCe Was scarcely over' when -he came - to told -nie With a look of 'deep, despondency.._. that _his lovely, partner. was a Jnarrietl.„wo - min., The tone of sadness **Wlr ho. addressed nie was truly:ludicrous. -. 4 few - Mitintes:after he left the ball s : room: The ring,eness of his 'conduct-led me .to. fear that his mind was not altogether in a sound state • but I was confirmed in nu apprehen sion When he fold" me the-following morn- • inglhathe.Wassonyincedhe 81 1.941 1 d be mar- : , ried=to tkZ object of =his admiration, whose - husband was a young .and. man - . ..in.the neighborhood. • Here matters rested, - and we both.event abroak'NFe did not meet until three years, afteioAen, to my inter surprise I fourai N that'his diction had been verified: • . . • " The lady's husband had died frum•alall from his horse, and the partiei Were,„:rnar ried. -Brit what rendflred this . eireittritatarice siilt More:strange - iS,'"that a Similar presenti nietit„was;`,.eXperieneed_bY__the_yatinglady_,L___ teller on - returning from the ball, mentioned 'teller Sinter ivith much emotion; that she. itaa doticed",„With n• stranger, . to 'whom; 'she felt convinced that.she was destined "-tO:be , married .The conviction einbittered, every moment •or hies as, despite 'Of her -.- trenuoiij:efide.avires • 6he".could-,notlAOynips the 6 tranget?'-frorus her cOntitaiii' - thOughie, rebicionny.7'34l44,l6 'the hotiepr'SeefUg Min rience. " - • Tnx.AS.--Late accounts: reccivedl.iy i way of New Oilcans; states' ihat Cien . ;• LaMar • frat - rce - erVed 4.--Large-rtrajoritte4--for liiesident. The election of, e4:0::- -B4it r to Coitgrcs' from Galveston,,itillil4""bnit.- tbsted 'before Congress - when' illy2lhOtty: Meets.. The grounds of Oniiism ' ; :afe not stated., • A • 72t13 BE ME