Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 05, 1838, Image 1
n N .IFS"~:-`:i:`i,.'$'.~~+'~~:r`+c~~w;;A~re:~~~~ ._~T.._..... t tr ? , , , .nY~.Ynry 4 "J,ryf~`,.:irst.{4 ~4 ; tr`w''~~;[:~. " 1'C:1 z ~.::'t`~~ rl:4i ~zt: n~.... =I MBE , 17 7. . 2 . - .,!.±.A.;:..f>.. I,!'t ME • • . r. , ';' , .''lisi;il'f.:!‘,,,:"i - ;:'\'' cr,' - ' ; ':: ~". ';::, '; I; .; +, _ *ol,wmE•izz=m): „, ”' The 1 Carlisle Iferal.V.674..rpssipr,",will! , el!med - r' liftEi&Cobist, every iias•tlek annutAirciyet . anirddifezece. , . lEEE APYPIZYPENIEINTS inlette4 at the usual ; rates I f ettcraaddressedtQtk cditor,onbusiaessbMUST . BC POST PAlDotherwise they witk receive not _ - • AGMNTS. The'Sollcifwieg persons have,been appointed Akeuts.for Ihe , " Carlisle .Herald ,„Exposito,r," - to wham tiagjeetit:fcisg ,oilisariptiets:atid;lulverti!erPnti esutle• made:7- , SHEr.Ll4•t4..Shiremanstoway_Carab;. , Cq, Seerr - Coys,a, • do P. Koiiletz,'Peq. q%T.ewitmt,ll .T,.1103. HIMES; ESq. Shippeneburg.. do do . • It. \Yr ctieer, Etwil'Af..lctxtitilesbot , g;', do: ' • WILLIAM-RONgitk, Esq,• . .Hcipowell•—• do . • SrunoEiT,,Esq: Claurchtown . do. • 3 Aliii.' , Woxii,-Ne:xe Chro6Ctrbind do' tooe..l3bAcx, Esq. Perry do • • POET,RY. Fr, in varinnognrddns care."- THE WITILEIbb TABp: PeOF SLLZYOIS -4hafoictittreisitigiiity . a•• • • , : robes o f ;One, Isc;rid addressed, .4kiViattedost lhotili s ereiirldriellcrut,tlHcrwri ?With 'firoals oil:mei gray; "UVliiteroolifuryowl!) aloud among i y brandies. pixy..: 41 "ilieiephyrtift, the "satins* On, The songsters of the . ; All pass then; „Arid linger with the fair.- " 7 ' 4 "lsproliatedivoikof - gir rac - 7110161 d our happier lot; 4sToilougur.l4old ,with us a idacu, o hencu'addin forgot." • • • st ay; cak:xicit. thus in seorriir4iiiide;" • .. . . thgeiiiitter ;Air; ' •• • • lesditingli deride' • 'l'tiliat God's din heeds bath ..".Woo'd the light hrceae. of heaven; :But t 'suddenly;rielaud arose-- , • _—,forni Ives risen! '"Swift sped the yolt--frpsn heaven it , came; I bowed rite to d , m othis_b_ery.avement count as slime, 'For 'twasihe band of God. . 4 sßpioice in bitauty,lP:lo)e 'inesek) , _*. ,Faqinweach: - gri . tworwhich_you erpeakr ja'ari3 faith* toit." , • ' ' • ' The whiCli scorns hturntile ixfor tiCith4r brave'nor gOod, • ' ' Atiddliave letthiied niesson :puke - : Fro 4 nl4l4 , ,Cllingin the *cod. • 7frilkerpOre Attioeitte.• ' A ISONG ',FOR ALL fIiitiE;TIENNSYLVANI. ° . kk-4 The 'old -Oaken alticket.° ennteltOie - eall is lotid-ringing MI :nine tci !he wurtringi I?aotitsoii of the_ freyateno; is'to your The 'beanbag fforrze to'ilotiir is , bringing; Thh battle r geid sopn..will c atino, , h4,oar view: Then, sag; are 3r- 4 1 x7 1 4 an. receive it, " The shock ',f . rt:i i ,t , P which-the must ehorily repel: *IOW onward!: your 'aid! every true mai will .give it; --41,440.divita,,lar:41447iirmeti-ikit's4iiirirr44.4c-X4rnt • .-• ; Thehnrd-hsted Farmer; , 'Wei for theTaimeetilari.ixtit-th'eMOoxiilvell! ( We want no new workmat—no_ experimenti ng t;s - .._,We l / 4 10..#0.°T0Pf*Av!d 41 . 1 g1 1 4 741 b. FgP:ool!tiNti And ever rifii-Pljibt,lsoPA Weeso A. then taught! x,, l i nen t aw'riy in your pt.* foi the farmer Prei ll sllnir Add bl Eacii:6llll., iMai(nstinsiY . pret'l4llt Mantidinge . a; We'll vote r for ,the Farmer , , • rc at 4 n ! , C:•• 11 •; ', ..r'1.,..111111 1 04,4C0idcry c , IFTtEWTO ;Ple, ..,F,101M01,46P,10141P341-Alliiral**ll, , , Van B in-v}iny!th - their legions_ .4 _ free in theelime of theil93iiih; And *nen ,4 - 54-#4fid f , ifie* are tbe . 1 011. 8 4 11 at that ti,171;q , ..114 ' - 4ds s ol l V2tikit 4611 -4 1;641he g*trhinipti,tdie g t o _ • • • (0.46 , 400.9 1 00441 4 4fiti0Nr4i 1 .9 1 'itt•, ,, K' Pr^ giitt,:or n o,,lf h to l l9rshliftFAT4 t, . 1 , •-•• , • , r . 3 41.4 ' 1 0,iii_. i•o„ -Wf.rg-Y4efeiAPprokfa '9oot.ivioPs! rtirPr i i:',"IIIATTP,PC!*!;-i 11pKi 7. Lir.e: ~ 4 (Banc : 1;10)f s', -- ,.:4,v4.:4 ,. !,, trsp it im, hvyt t oo-ofor„o.4,imtl,.)e,:Oh;, 4 .e.lth 'A ..' _. ePteraberp 40UNInuly.R4gi ougetlotroustjtows rvitcrdrinimimisAighi , „.• fere 1 1 tit - err:l t i e "1 1P lit4 "1 " .""4- 0 , . .1 „,._, ' lhii • tassiiiete Viintit.l tßilf gbflgiferitilmtill,446yeq,jf 140ge4 in , (44_o4lo t t , Jan, or iimyjaikin.the awjoliiing countief, otylfliv ' (INS thwitgalettlfervitt vitvc.: ism,: egi'l!., , Li AVA)P.:' il '4444'400;0i* WI ; ' 4 . Y . l3rTh'F ili p 1 WE I ht.. i , , • . . . ~ _ .• - .. x ia . - . ~ _.- - ~ • • - '.. , ',- - • ;. ... • ~, - <•...--• .',,',,, '.,,, ,' :-/ '` , .i . ,' r A 1!, 3 • 4, , , ,- - - ,, ,', , ,L , -:.•_- . ."-:.. ; . -. .:',' "..,',.., ' ... - ' ' . . .. • .. ', • , ` .. . - . •. . .... r-, ; ,,,,, .T.:;,•: ,,-, : - ' . ..f' , 7:', , ',' . 7:' ,- _ , ",•,- - .' - ': - ', - .':,• ,., ,` : :•:•;:'• . ':''.. ',...;: •,: , ... . , • _:,,,,, .._:, ! , ,..., : ,-..,,,.. , : ,-;:.,, ,i , ...- : :,, ,, ~.\ -,.(.,: ..:•i.,.,..,•,,,,,: __ i. ,... ... ~.,.., _..,,.. ~.,./ ;,•• n ii . n . 4 , , - :". • ,•:. . . ',..,: -;-,,' ...7 ...-i;•-:• . ::: ,%,. ' , , :fi:F. ~...,-. ,i ',.,-.='':',''l'''` 1 1 , ,,. : ,i 5 , 1'1.." - , .. ''''' '!.'.'' . .. , ... -,- 1• . . . • ~ , , ~ ... ~ , - .• . 7 - 7 , , : c — f 7 '''''• ..: •- ' ''.'. '..;-' . :-.' ' ' ';'-' '''';''. '' ' ' ',, ''' ', ' ''''.,... -, ... '' " h ',',,, ' ...'T'' ...' ';;'. ':' -''''... " ';:,,•: ',':.. -. .. 1. ' , • : !:' ..- :;•; . '-! . : .: ':•.:' - :',"' '''' - ''. '. '• ' - ' . 1 I ~ , . • . • EMI ~G ;' ~.:~ y• 622=9 TH:R:"§ViOINEBR:INE it.S _l3.y the felleviing certificates,iwhich wo copy front the. Huntingdon Journal,-it will be, seen the:character, of the Mesirs. Stone brakeri 'sustained- by their teighbors— not the single ,certificate 'of one or, two 'heited paitizan;hut Of dolens - on - dozens: -- - These ,are answers William Heiiklust Richard , Jones, Daniel Hewit. MARTEST GATES, the other per Lifter, states • . su positively, that he never authorized such: -a - • . uso of his-,,pame- - that he neverpaw such a parier—and that he dues not agree to its contents.. " • - = 'do them. _ Letter &Om John ilikunson, - • 'Esq. . ~• .Huntingdon, Sept, 24, 1838.-' ITO (Miii Wintt.ttrasori, Esq. `-- -- 74 . VIttob - importance . and credit has been attaehed to youi:statements, and your po iiiiiiiiiirtlib—FaireliPlifircltrri6--011-0- 'TA — ', fr-- -1 signetEltinFwiri,noti Prom the opinions ex-. pressed. by:the Triends'lif David 'Porter, as- a-nnan of•hono?;--atid,.knOwiiii too that you have heretofore been- an opponent-of .the.;pleserit,__atutlate„AtlininWratiotr of, Poieinnient, - have linenjtitlatetl You the' following:, queries, And - es!crof you -•a'_eandildland-,--definite_an=__ • ,strgi to 'each: • • • • Ist. Were you 'at Oile,,tiine;an advocate .of ER ..OrithernatoriaLchait ? If-aye; 2nd. •Are'yon - advocate of his elee .'_.ttion?,!AAte 111!).t._ • . if Sci,•what has changed your views? . d. Are . yoti•acquainted with John Stone braker, and his•sonJohn'it. Stonebralterit 'if aye,'what aretheir characters ; as•men' of veracity and integrity. • '411i146 - ireAlfekr. ?fitatiiilerits in 'Pte . :case of assigning certain bonds to. the Sennebralter,' any weight •in changing •:_yinifiapinitons 'ofAheintegrity . -'of Mr. •,Portei'.s. cprlductl • - " *sth. We have,, seen •.:yehr name • attach'eil to certain certitiedtes; - .published to sustain " the Tchariater_of - Porter, as an right and 4nst* sighthnse, • certificates? • If aye-ado,. you still ad- horelto'the , opirlions - theiviii - .exlm , si4edl 6th: Is theelder Storkebraker.a member :itiel ..dieigethollist.Epissi*.kihurelidu good_ standing-=was he, ever expelled there fromr and• is he generally . ecinsideted a man of ."Sound .mind • and 'difiposirix: .• ' ' .mswer -- te - flte - last - elausevivaY;his - mint• . . , 7th. Hoye you-ever seen . any - thing ivhiCh is as sound . and as capable of recollecting, convinced-you that - the - fit - eneral Govern- and reciting- transactions now,' as in , the , - Meat, lirM ' using its influence to-secury,, dayth o pf his more youthful vigor: ~ \ the.' electioii_. , 6f..• DoVick,:.:*•• l'efterl_ I,l_ _ ..Vo--answet.:your_ seventh_ .query I .cary sire—What is 'it?' ' ' briefly say, that since the .Messrs. Stone.; Bth. Are you.' acquainted , with the , charac= - of; Michael Wallace, _M. Kinkead .brakers have . given their testimony to, the tens public, 'the 11$ar4hal of the -United Mates. and other signore td certificates 'of thb has served O writ upon . SaMuel W - Atone- Stonebrakere? • If , a",re--:-What are their. l ii. a k er, - - the ; eon and brother . of the others, d ‘charaeter and in , society? ' .-- , and; fluit, lio'N without' ,previously, making A:definito• ansWer is - requested to these•, any callon him—the exkutien of which questions, because we doubt not the candid . ' process min add - Cost to the amount of not I:nipper-tem of . ,B,: porter ~ , will aceord'i.less than fifty dollars on, a pOor, yoting, hen honesty 01' dr 4-.) purpose•to yott;' as , theY allyA3ts !est, and leaned, •rhan, who .was . prepared ,at liavif 0n..a1l ()Cessions avowed_ their 1 :00.1iny time to adjust the claitri; upon the _ger inyour statements. . • :- ..; ' " . ' ' • 4 , . him• the credits to whieh . - Areiy-respectfully-yours r &c.,- ' •,- i .:,. liewas'entitled; ( A: - cOnsider,this an' insillt , '- 'ANDRE W R llBB E l 4 4 ' -',' •and „injury, upon the ..people, -.when luta BENI: ; BANNAIN! ! - ' theds,,who.owe thousands of dollars] roarni, unmolested, - and merely because „they be /terra to the dominant•party • , . , - - • ,‘ In answer tdyour' last inquiry;•l say I. am acquainted with nearly all. of the sign 'era, to:the divrao ter and eerrectlishits;. too _ ~ j ii3i• cif,•them are einong• our oldest and - best , I;citizeits. .Butas you have seleCted Messrs. 1 Wfillace and : Kluipitt-,;r4 !must Odd nty tes tiinony-_to-tlicireirara'eter-inote-atiargo-. ‘,Mr:'"Nalleee , 'Ser'Ye l tlj, :the : ;Senate; t4' ; this gtete indl*ae' eleete, froin.Abity . distriet;- and' tiC . , has eVer been r e_p_ected:anifhOndMd iiy . fili, 'iierdiitl - diIL7V ,7-T,-;ifirgia--litakike--en for:innay,yeare 'a proadr ie ne leader - of . the Oli.rDemocratie. partY; niid iSAtill,*n firm unyielding ':supporter., orter.' ,, of:' l :ero 3 "ian 'De tifoOCi6Y-.--'MTwas''OP6ll444?oei-41's. tf etc 4 SPiWg-:bY'NeOlent.*ol' A. - EAkltt - -NE - W sP' ,, Elti , -,"l3E'tr. OlittiVtj . ,l4lktihA'f#OtitlCW tirft- - im4.TultE,' - TM:,Aler- S'A.bal:sbrENG6s'i".A6tiitilrt.ttAub. —,,AMekOA-ttitt,'--&&ek.c.',-,, EEO UM 4 ME Pi..O,l.:l:T.ll;P:A:.L:''' - 7::". - ,. - '.: The truth, we believe, id, that they were :It4Uanufaetured_withuutitle_siguersumeing the eieetion of David 1. Portei to the MMIM guntingdon, Sept. 24; 1835. GENTEEMEN:-t -- "r'''' ------.' litie - t - 'n/ - '')o - IfirrliSgrbreillilaTelf" ~- 1 ' in iny hanaso eontainino' several definite quesitionsi -ana ' askipg7 , equally definite an- ,j am 'ever ready API - aY O 7 , ~openly,.openly,;rilY sentiments upon any,_eobieet,__yet on , the ; ilidientiieeasion,Oere the enmity-if small minas may-charge 'Met-with- beinglm-iiiistaw: ble. and wavedng • caterer, for;:public, faVor, I you - will - 40` - uwtlie,jpetimf,t - ci,- - $4 - 1, - , -- 71(10c - ,0 - 01 MOO" ; throagh a -senile. of initiEr , lifheted I iipoit tlielitiblie Mind, ,tliiir throu,gli rtlid . de. l i siTe toi.:placie myself. - conepieoObely . before OAlriliibliO4 - .;;a I - : - ,*ll.4lliythgn.lanSWer` , YOU qußri es ;!! B, ! 3oo, 4X,f 4 t dCO"itOYaiß9Psibiel ieepedious`of the'reetitede Of iny:Osro rriuliffe ii4dier'vike‘iliebri'ot. the iinvieue s 'e - iiii,i4 lowering brows of Alle.A'afigtia.n4 , iihall i , 16:., ior me. ,' %-• ',,,,, ~., 'q:; ,, 4' ' : 'i. - ,/,-- :',..', ',''..,",''''' .To your first laqui,r3ii-1-onsieri - 1 - stias 4 supporter rit%Min',Oirte,r;, , BeeinsO lihi& for }wart:been indinatelyaequsinteiVarlth , htm; i l e,iiiirinymeighgar; and-1 then liSlieirea, him iiriaiiiitiliptiiht , and conscious in - higcrae4z... lap, and .4e.,.profs'siodly-vm the 6104eint; Or.;.:ay, , katailltot: oe .-fiipidi , ,-br.:the:,l3oll-, Triailiii y richeinq;•ainleaOire *liieh tlhOtir i Ano4oll . thitik.fidtigihtiivitklitithicißOyf;b4,, 1 , t'llt Oil_ illtii I qr, 1 . 4 n g rOte d:' *Vim -446'=itystitu. .blune'°P;inirOPOitrY;i'f!..":,'...,, c- -...):i..":' , :i,';' , .` . ., l.fiina'*ioloiiiliSt'§Oirs , ; by ' ''si,lll* ' 1 I Am _..tcot; •ifiw‘ *4 l / 4 (1 , 4 iwoutipinve'di D'•'. l V- I !pitee;:hee*tiai6Tfet - ind, , Aw 2ri s itlyl,t6 % ' wli 6 kMK',t!: 6 it' 6 tAik*f4gltild;'list*gy : 'decS 6l 4 - ibeii .- :defir,aiinatioia6,iiiiii!f:a.. , :iiis; oleo dOp. ~,Liiiii,,,l.Stit...9l,th'i ',.iiciiolo:l!P.4#:'';alk' ''Sjtk.,treasiir.y.", , ' , Jrz,Perd_li4Clasatiprot - ,Qiiicit.i , 0040*1Lwas:.foraact ,f , o' ,4 : l say...4fiis , ' , s4Poprtl 'AellA" z , '"oer iieiroi:OoA lll ,44VW,M3 4 -011,0nOti; '4444oliY`vt)tli.46,l'rii'Alr:itiz"4voFsi enterprise 01P 1 ?7 , -- 00 9 110 3 44 Ttlake ) tsiablisklrtlY;OlfiCial; !poweictiqualledpalr. :by. diai:of-ft , ,A . Oto . - ,orat'otAtulai ' I`.Yeohoilve,onbeildOtrylvote MEE iiiil „ „ • •:‘;' in:200#4 .41 4 . 0400 . 0401tUt:0ui1t0 -- ; 04. =I = ?eietliilPPOrtAiiiiepktitlier - , because he is t c nen . o , ennsy yenta, nn . ppose, ;to, the abOtte:Schoine. '. _ , ' ' To your third; treplYJ ant and alWaya. .have been long •;and, .intinatitelY. acquainted' with bOili the Messrs. Stinfietirakers. _Their character', for truth 'andihtegrity . is' anini _peaChed'end I believe,,Wholly . .unimpeaelia= 1-ble.; - ,.they, - have - been' Tree ,from eVen The siipioicin'Of want of . hopeatir or . truth;' their. statements have alWaYs been considered' as good as their'oaths ; • and there is not amen who regard's . his, own character, wOuld. say I :thattheir2,,oathe--are...-initentitled-to-Ahe- , ,ful- 1 kit' credit;7' - For years - , they have - resided where they,,,„ and their , charactenii stand without bleinish or reproach." •_ • - . . • .. • • - To the 4th . queStion; I must aeknoWiedge.. , '4liffietilt •Ao ninke a definite answer, The ,great, amount of testimony WhiCh has been bfought_whear;_and__Avith,convincini I . weight, upon : ate , reflecting .portion of the Community; renders it difficult to say any, .one. part .of-it-had a particular effect.. • the wh i ~,.united_.and_c_e_mhine_ -to-the-dame--factsi--whicih7 - convinces„ - and -- must convinee_alLeandid inquirers, -at least of- a. want 'of , moral rectitude in•the course. of Mr..POrter. • v .Lam free to admit : that. I believe every wordutered by then, (the 'StOnebrakers) strictly true, and had I doubted - them ,the .documenfary evidence firelitiee . d, fully sustains - thm. ' , Others who have . ' examined "as I have, with a desire 4,5. 1 -do justice to Mr. Porter,set freefrom-prejp. ! ' - dice, must be.c - onviheed, rte 1:- . 11avo been, of his .wilful, desertion - of".the . path of - virtue.. .- . To the.fifth, I say I never signet], neither ' did I authorize !my be signed to a certificate-, -griped-- by-.84.,-. citizens- of. this county., ' / - 111 - th - h ------ 11 -- ' saying — t ta a e.c arges in t he celebrated Union connty.Letter were false; Ldid--sign-a-certificate-.that-Mr-. : Porter__was_ .not a blaSpherner;.l..did_notbelieve_he_was a blasphemer,. for I considered blasphemy ' the highest grade of impious profanity. -I i did. certify that-there Were no judgments on the decket_ngainst-Mi. Porter . b ecap Se 11 I ey were. of Mere:than. tni envy yogi. standing, .andin -. law - werell'ot - agaiiisf - him ; I . did not_certify. tl e `Thad.ever : been paid. - , • To your..sixt • ii rrpgatory I must say 1 I regret_th'at the first clause is . introdueed ;- itis_,Avitli_ feelings,oLmingled _s_orow_and_l surprise that I seethe'-name of -any chris tien .sect introduced into any political tlis - , 'cussion. - The sphere of the professed wor . shipperin any-form is 'around the- al tar. and. sanetuarytif - his Gods to h'.nt- he . inust ren der his account for-the deeds done in his body, and whether a man is attached to any sect,, is a matter of small. moment; if he be asincere .7 a - nd - worthy Member, he will . meet his reward. I cannot violate - the pic cepts or him who says 'judge not. - I j can only say that Mr. Stonebraker has been I for-manrsearsTaridis -- now-a-m - is - er - of the church, you name; his continuing so is evidence of .his standing; ,andinever.heard that he 'been expelled : Therefrom. t• In Ad a cti j a,ti.'T,° l : l ,,tt„,Pi,o4§, , bY _ -a.,o___".-- ~.'',.:,_-_._ HENRY VITINON•'S'AFFIDAVIM! : i .t e i e s , 'it4a,na la : t ir ty i 1 ' ;'l4 .a ggc . , ,,, i ; t 4 7, 3 n, m i l v v e T d k ~.740 7 ,e t i t ic f n c loi , v i , comity, eared' ' f ' : ii,,. ' thei i i4 :,, si i , ' . by 141 :. gelld,4 l l. • ''' '' ' '-: cQ .l.. ' ' '-i - ' '''° f Jti r of tii ''rare , ri r .Thia I have insvvered"ai,hrt.,4 an. ni acrlber, one ° • the 8 ) 8 88,: P , 1 1 .' candidly is possible ; "YOurinOtrjSs. , ; ;Srou =War isaidi° oo o'l ' HP#Y2,VP4 O . , . , ...PAq' ' liberty , to in 4 NAM use ()fit you being duly) sworn nee4dingr.-19 . 15w, cdolk °T° at _ ~ ° . .! , 4 `" ' " ' depose and say, thaCli's_vritn't as On apiren May deem prudent:,,.,,?-„.,,,.. ' `',' • '''' , ' ' '`'. "'''• '` r r tier . :Johti S nettiali 1 •Seii 1 , the , year With:§*PrnesinnefrnC.-rptl4 l •3 l l ,• . 4 l- ./. - I.Vii .1- , v . ! !, 4 7kre• IL , lam teener:4ollv Yonifr &e. : 1808. PT' .0 09, , baL ;°??TvP . s 9 1 4t.guld°t”' •JOIIN O,II44LCMSON.. , liithit l 4 l q/i.'br :tfiPle'.. ll , ( 1:1 ), '.4 3 ', 0 PP.,1, 4 T 1 1 A Russell dii -B Mil ' gags ' ' • worked, and : lived ttitn 10 4, n°4;o ?ff At, •• , .., , ~,, , -• , ... . ~‘ , „,.... time for seventeen ycars .af mards, .itan ..., ,T- ',..5, ,, '•"- , 04 ~=•`, ,' I: `+' - - '-' I . ' , 4411, .." s.• ,- h . 41 - ii ' ' l) 140 ' W V/Ing016; in Ott (;) aV,A ~ • TO , T wrifT,.,,,,,!V c ...,. s44„tomelik,bo)) efiti4p oossamit, ;' *e' ' 't , Ve ' i t nidnii4niidA;i3liiiif.t4nitifilt's n 01 ' law's i ' thin', fig i t ' '''` r Methodist' p • .. i ' h.' f piuit• b lE' f piu - b'pxi oiiit', 4144161141444 :0 9 maw .. IT ~ 9 ,...- , ..- - ,pie- - . i°44 06 COnth,:ii , arPg;h: ai '9 1 4- hNi 9 Ol e r bP°A*lY 3l )r_aker4•„lus„l) o 94 B miili ,, aut# 4o Ibluri StmtebTalgl , s Bo °l'; , ,, , ktiAilef4° l4 rit - .lfilnra7 - ..,,..A1i,41 10 al§-crreq°Aectq l at 4 -aqPP: i itV , 'vilifie - 4 -144- Pliaigh 6 vsP34 lO- Printer,lYllibrCritt -, :walltdalc ,- vt 4 , the' , 'bocikei - ,. - St '.=d - ' (Aril it diir•Oty:,aqielli,)ly., qißm,tigrA,_'Or 000'1 noiand,',44,l4ollonebt , las freclu°titlY. "fh f s'phitrh; iO'„`tehEnli. 4,e. bnOngi,`-tlnfll l °' t . 13 Yektna-Fin 1 tling! t , 9,,1109k9 0 his leioh agatntn the i - zp_inte ( • )r ;Aitlill; 'O4 , A,irtrtte , 0 40'.,;Q, * r„4, 4 ;:#44 1 4i0C`10 0111 1 la_.°T9 l : 4 family ttie.-.'0P1,1t40 6-0- T,3 1 1 .1 , , 0 PO4 . 0, 9111 P 1 v - t?''PE,MY OI I9 I I II 4Nori.-11 3 4-orpb, l 9qo.i. ,l9 h r t; eantradidi ,;thit,F!seitiotis ;;;Asnißt i sl , t.tbp,Moiropypi:,w4;oo4..„rns.-gaprillaPfoulci hoApi4uio6'ilicAiar4t 6 rP( the is 4.:_, oiln; has . nlw,aye ,tp4ed Ane•PPlat;°4 l lkeni . and 13 tdndVral.Q.'.o4'4'i'm'e;l ll 4refo#'; kil.: 0 ;‘,0& Np*ftv.Pl7,4vl4, l ,l9,o4 ll :eq4onafqlyl. *l.lO l iti'.l ll l§aliiid,o•,'':,,th's:`,ooltrol64lu‘, tkijit'cg t l.l2 ',bast aer:ed, the, pnrk 4-4 fnlim ionturdstitim;' 1 411 P0 0 7 AC: ve f a :Pl '4 4ll( l' ‘ Pai4 4° l o 9lat'PP fat' 44;e• - isnpvgrhtlgtici,sonibr*eis .1 , , -.- z` ,-- ,:' : :'. -- '1:. '',•4 , '';_ ~: ,‘ . . ~ ' , „,..,- , , ... ,' ,) ',-,,!:-... ':,•• : ' 7111:D41 , 7.1jriiiititjr0.0A 1 ! - :: 0 trtp luEAt't s . . .which - hasteen - unlustly - and7tVick6dlrti. - •. • -• ." FortyTiciti Signers!, N:U GU ORS. Colrain .Forges, Sept: 4, 1838.. Whereas certain statements pUblic - prints, injurious - to . .the - Cliarnctere 'of . of the: Messrs. Stenebreakers. of this toWn= shipoihiCh_say_thd,tithoXlder_Stonehreaker is dead, and his dim John. H. Stonebreaker, and brothers are rascals - ind-s - copinlrels; and ought to have. been-ir the penitentiarflOng ago - and statements aremade.. purporting: to :1; _certificates,... Hopkins, Hew_ it; Martin- Gates,'.-andiiehird Jones, that the Messrn. Stonebreaker's affidavits arn--.entitled to nd -weight'and ouglo.ndt, to . be--believed,- . -which are-all.-malicion - s,false-:- hoods:_ We the iindokfigned citizens of If . ran lain.. township,- Huntingdon. • Comity; residing in the iinmedike neighborhood' of the itlessrs, .Stonebrenkers, . and being per-; socially acquainttid..w,ith them' for. many: yeard,. their general . character,.Concitict aqd reAmtation, solemnly believe. them,_ to be' men of of voracity and integrity, and that they would not, make any statement to the ' publie7not-strictly-trael-and:that-their-affi davits are entitled to-all - Ike .confidtnet - and credit that any other good citizen of thiS coin monwecilth would be. - 'they-have aF all - ti mes----reee ivecl --the' l eonfidence , -of their neighbors, . and ..againdt, whose etchracterns !we have 'never heard.' any charge alleged until! now in the . public prints, 'and . whiab. I charg-es- w', basely talse.and.em_i titled'to no credit; and we think it out duty • as fellow citizens and neighbors of the . Messrs. Stonebrakers-to give our Heiner the public in their 'behalf. ' . , -Sixty-Eight Signer' Stonebreaker; state,for the ,informa tion of the; :: :.public,,',that one, :among: , the Oldeat members of.ihe Methodist Epis- copal ChuiCh in this COunty, "has'been a member of said 'Church for ifiwards of thirty years, and has ,always - aince we have' had any knowledge; of sustained an elevated character ~fOr , truth and ,veracity, and as an upright . ChriStianin our' C.hurch; and, we. solemnly ,believe him ter be a-maii of, sound mind, and whose character; until now. in the public prints, •has - never been suspected, for dishonesty, falsehoods, or .want_ol_pietY ; andAve,further believe, that all - the charges and assertions'attenapted -to be 'made upon his charaCter in , the news papers 'or otherwise, contrary to honesty, veracity - and: piety—are wholly without foundation, and bntiiled to no'credit What= ever, and are only .put . forth =by political clernagoguew to answer their Vile'enclif. -We do, not make this .statement for political effect; but with the , sole end, aim and, de- - sign to retrieve and save 'front calumny the character of aheloved brother in our Church . . "ArOtt E '• -We the underi don comity, having seen or heard of Publi cations in a net's-paper called the " Advo- cate & Sentinel," published in Huntingdon, whereby it is attempted to impress on the riblic raj fid e - opinion ---thaflabii:-.Stone braker, of Frankliri - toi,itnshili, in tbis coup=. ty, is dishoneSi, and his declarations on oath .are ,iinworthy of belief, feel ' called upon as his neighbors "and fellow citizens to disabuse the public to contradict those-imrintations, and dechireto the--World our knowledge Of ' the - mon , .'WeJave knciwn him forantinalier of yeats,, many,O,f us for the„ . greater part of a life time,, aOl do 'soleninly - a - siert and betieVe;' that" his ' character. has __heretofore, • and. IS yet, _without a -stem. 1 , • For many years he has - been 'a' . Member 1 1 of the , Methodist F.Piticoptif ClMieb; and, know him cannot' but be grieved; that 'the - virulence .Of party pxciterdent should:_haveLproilticed_such_a_waßton_ans him to be a man of strict truthand veracity,. `Ave - can - assure-t ie- peop e o enney an a : that we verily believe - he would not "not assert, er t O swear to thamit' which 'there Wait; or_ •coultlbee r shadoWlef-doubti- -'chat-altheugh , -; he is abent,' or near ' sixty:Yearitif age; he is, yet an active man, and t we believe his itlias of right or wrong-are so strictly cor ract,--41tat--whoiever,-lielitstl or"-Might-te-have any doubts in'relation' to' ti - Matter 'he would make•no pesitiVe , assertion- about'it, 'much' leois would he's Wear tb sueli asSertitni` - :'*:. l • velact3s, integrity,; an -mora c aracter,•are wiNtout" reproach';` that..--hei — deponent;' is now forty-nineYeari of age' and hal known I Stinnbreaker since he was le pay; ariclViat he ''never heard Any "'charge§ of any 'ltind whatever against his characteriiiiitil , Mae' D. R. Porter hemline - a: Candidate 'for : G'of ernnr=and &Pe - tient further states, ` that lie Ili been acquainted"with - • John: U. Stone.; braker'sinee "the year 1800, entrthat - 10, - deponent, believes- - bim" to' be a;'Man of be -1 tween thirty-five and'thirty-eight"yeariel age, and ,that he (John 11. Stonebraker,). has been a married'. Man foe a lone-time,l aria: hitS - ii ; daughter: liliO -- is toriiidered .- a woman grown—and'deponent further states,; that, he is now living a near neighhor -- toH, ,John Stonehraker,' !Sen., and . , believes his m i nd to-be' as strong as ever it Vitie. - ; -- And 1 deponent' urther states that'john it.'Stone in-alter is -considered among his neighbors as a: - man Of good thiracter.r-'and ( Wilier saiilL.not., •' - ': ' ~. -' ' _ .-- • '. • 7 . . HENRY FULTON.. ""- } ,_Sworn and sahaerlhAtLleford_ __ " • 2____ '— me the - 4iliai - y - lif i 841:1 - 8 - 38: _:._ DAVID SNARE..: . ----- -, . _____ _ - riiitheir:EvidCitice; ~ , . -- - We call attention'to thee-letter ofMichael Wallace,_Em.,_an_eld _inerulMrsif_the__eni ate ; a careful perusal will satisfy any -body that.: - orter has not,paid...lll: his! Just-debts. Mr. Wallace, was one Of the creditors men., - tiotfed - :m m7the — pidei - of - 1110 - Cotirt,,-7tutdr-Court,; [stilt IMPaid ; ,ind, his. charge hgainst hith is directi_!-Messrs The IVlessrs. , ---.Stonebrakers-Lhe knowsiand has long known._ ..... : ...' . Afr. Benedict :;--Qti cooking over the Ail i•Oetite-. and-Sreli ti it el-iif-- tlie 28th-tilt. on y - attention' was, arrested- by:_the_fellciwiq statement in'it:, ".Now the truth is; Gen. [porter never had any trusteesrthe gentle ale never. gaveliOnd; or took ! upon themselves the trust; but having full confidence in his integrity, they _and his creditors, left. 'it withflim -to -make . settle- Ment and manage tdi• the business himself," Having been-re (if the persons appointed trustee for pa - via It:Torter; I feel myself called u . potrio staterio the • public the rea sons why I did not ae't as his trustee.' ' Im tmediately on my_ 'frame beinigienßninced by rthe_court as - one alhe„trustees, Mr. Porter I came to 'me= and expressed a. wish that I 1, would consent to the appOintment, and give the necessary - security, and to induce me Ito de - se intimated to me that it wonld not F , be necessary :that' myself sithuld do any Ithing' in the matter; but that lie ',would do all; and that his intention was to pay all' the / claims - against him-lut-one,--which-was a , ;,large one ! , and which he would never pa.v. Ilvas - reluctant to :comply witlyliiis . h, and told him so'; 'he 'then lov f t 'e v and in a _short time again_ came ,to me,_mul. urged yrul .. to consent and °comply, •and- at the - I3ante _time' mforrned and gave me to understand, that unless 'I would'let him have the settle- -Inent-ni-all-the-btudneSs r -he-did-not-wish me' to have any thing-to do in the 'matter;; • and 'that if 1 would so consent and comply he would make me as safe as'he 1:m1d%; that lie would giviine John •Stonebralter, and; I think, - Thomas M. Owens, - as - sects= rity or bail tit& I shoidd riot lose by doing so. This I refused-. to agree to; and Mr. Porter , then' , Walked' off and left me: 'A short-time after thii Mr:. - interqn conver sation induced believi that there was` ,no property, - or trust funds to he gotten zyr i tollook after,, at :any ate worth ,the trouble of attending to it, and in eonsequence - there. I or, 1 never acted in, looked after, or in-, quired fUrther abont the business." '.. I have been didappthmed In what ,lepes /lad at that:me, , that Irr.,_"Porter, might,pay hi debts as -he haa•aiee ,baffled and delayed several'Of his creditors;' cias 'a63, , clams . evidently just, - As' tes , my .oivn claini,`"aP though a small matter, not' he one Kali of it-is-yet-paid,- Mond' #.- tvos-the,--elaith- on -which' he get - hinizelf - purtiljdit. ---- Ourhw the Jaiti-August Court in-Huntingdon; I ; called. on'Mr.,pprteri _persortallyi l and' . de; rnanded a settlement;With him; btit,4o,pp,i -tivel§ refiia"ed'deitie any thing in the tuatter• -until--after-the-eleetion •;2-2ard-1-iialkild_vtr' hO; compelled to; , *et who: js ~ i Maly t rue , to - inte from him ili-thg,hes,c:P.o l o 'ca11iw. 1 41 1, .. 1 PIA iltlw compelled.and,trying i to - dci , by - thiti only , -course ferine..- - c`" !'u----",'. i. Y. ~., -'' :.Ditring thetall 'of 1801, I biieniimachitain - tea .with'dolm Sumillitakers / .af,ldllived twitli-. 1 in a few rods r.,ic jiiool3,Bo-for siime , 1v).0..1 ' of AMC: . - :llliciain&iilo,-:tinCeilitg ' • ,hisi neighlmrhOMk.b9Plool(ol4,fikitli Oil regularly had 4600 Aillilirm:joi. ' 0; , ilk :thirtydik. sre.grop:Fla rai3 l :4lfil`vlll.iiill* .64 . oid' fc. u 04 ',441.1:40 - tii , :ilivi'W.o4 l #,o4. st l ia,iiqoity,:', , ..Tri;oo,it i 'VOysilli s oiirjor to . 'tiii , ,jlr.o;* l o l ',44 . A:- 3 ; 4 ,iia , gri4 0303404 04 4. ")1 . 5 9 -. !,!!P . 0.P 1 -4...hiliiiilf,e l 4 l o o o*,oo b lO a l;P r Al i t i tflaqto a l V: l 4V.: l l ol .4eClPO , his:lenOWlOdgO* " ho'; 44-4 k to hek , diOicMititZt4o l o4o*(iii c,ll o. - "Pirf . :O AliiPot(4t.''.' - :: , P4=4'ia., :,: - :";ii,,.. , r , ;`,, :;.:Wiike:t.o4l l *4l;o4o:flAw l T l i.s#,O, 4,;':fitglltiOt AtTPI4 I 4O - i,!l!ViiO4%i* 41*40,* - ORillt.l.tfiAars:„oo4ol,l7 - ,pggifi , :pop!:-: , 041-;>,40',,#9R04t,lik;*5#044fitta01 oratog,9; logy , Aios , ; . *4:ol4l;!i.,fleckkitio'ne, ~ J P4O, I I 4 .#Y, P P,i,IPA!.#4I,III ) Attho., , spef,t sooko JtPONoolo ll o4tißrao4% . 'ifk , /ill*o4 o4l * knowledge 4 thec.ligagtOPrijkli#l.sofl - 10*enn;'-untl*onid;,yt just b4' tris - 0)4-60iit , Aktni;it:sli.( l.6l 4 - be 4 •o,9* . 'thi4-'44* 0 7 1 -0 1- ' - -ceittOi , koktioYirmilit , 'all74l4sltathati*..l liktirial,clitfOotia ' ttidifhOsi6*Odiff# ld t4tUVe•beeitit so \t'iro'.-,o4,, ; 'h4t , fli'yvet#4o, s Years.aP'i, , ilidwtfio'Avamrll64:* 4 ( l i e;; Ocoltipyn,AlMS.-71011oraiattAll.tilr ~OF- PASSP/p4)ollßTglifierAiM94Yh F4Y.;* , ataitlottigitolOOOOtii i44 ** lili ti e F i l ihe(hxd, bilictisitelts**ithili;:liitieldteivva -•--• • • - • well 'known.`,. At whieh tithe reapititable clergyman Who was pretty well acquainted with - him, told me he hoped the law might now What_moralperausSion had; failed to_ aeePnililialt,-that is Prodttee a reformation in his, character.. -.ln short I feel Confident that tatate bat whit is Well Ateown, - and.what,, the ',mind of every, candid man;Afficihiwell acquainted 'withThothas °Wens, . will at once concur in, when I state that' kie , is man who will say " yee—yesi 0 . yes yes certaihly,'.! to any thing,which can be asked - *•'l'equested of him, ,provided the doing'So wilt' not trench. or create a'aemand demand:., his pocket - or interest, that he just the proper sort'of initruhiebt, for a &styling man,, or set of men to get to doiletit,thaVtheyshruilil have the use: of, his name, lei:t - it:their Ruk, pose. No,,.man who 'knoWs !Monies M. Clwens can believe that he wrote or dictated a sincie sentenett.•:olYthat . which : ri}spears. over his name, in, they " Ady6c4tilr. : nel" of the : September - . ---- - , , , „ MICHAEL IVAILACE.•:' Morris-township;-4V141188. - '_ - i"" •" - - --Mr. Beneclicti--4tiqticg tiirtrysaf iexny apology for' thus intruding bpbif you. untl the public'. My been used in the puhlic' Prints 'aria - autolialter of Gen Porter; which I was. When den; Porter wits• nominated,' tlie'ida out hy himself and friends; and 'Confirmed by the. primary meetings of thC party;` ; that he-was-Contieriotitive 7 --in,hisr- - viewS‘ 7::::-Thip beipg the fain, rfelti that,those who were , opposed to 'Mr. Van' ,Burcn could . give lthn theifeappOrt, Without-sacrificing mi3r,priri ciple'd Pennsylvania policy; b.ut thc,resci lution -passed by-thef7YoungiMo,ll7.B Coat liOjt,, and the address of their members of Porrgress, have connected Mr oiter Mr. Van Buren and his odious Sul.4*.featitt --ryTSelte-me;--scrclegily;--thatit niust - driire from his. impport all - those who - think:,the sub-treasury olmoxious in the people,- and anti-republican„ in. principle. Hence it is clear that the election 'of Mi._ Porter will be proclaimed- as a sub-treasury - triuunih. Pennsylvanies interests demand that he .be - defeated: .I,Osepli he - not proven civable ?- ' As 'much. has been said in - relation 'to the signing of certain certifieiteafn favor - of 'Mr, Porter, 'I Shall here - take''occasion' to explain.l 'The lint certificate, was a denial . of Aeltarge made in the celebrated. Camp bell letter ! as it-was, called, charging Porter. with concealing property fOr-fratldulent pur poSes,:at The time of his insolvency; and other charges of - less weight. Believing Mr„Porter.not guilty, end confirmed inthat belief by the fact, that Mr, Porter instituted a snit in the ;criminalT court •against Camp hell, ;however, - : was' pet oil by Mr-Portees:_counsel_at.the August -term) as an honest Man, 1 felt give 'my .name to 'disprove the charge. • The next was - rTheitiffeaff - Ortirtawyere ‘(myself -one)istating-tltat-there-were-no-un - satisfied judgments on the docket against ,Mr. Porter. , Mr. Porter stated to nie, that they were all paid except costs which was the reason satisfaction hod not been entered:' Lawyers know that:loch - is - often" the - case. I have since learned by, ono who is private sy. ac,?painted with-the facts Ilia they are not paid yet. ' - 1 The third and last certificate, was to fute a elrarge of blasphemy...which I siened, never having Inotirri Mr:: - titer - guilty - of - the Charge,-61' my , owil knowledge: . .. The 'charge - made in , the . first certificate has been lately placed befOre the •publie on I much stronger, ground by theAhdavits the Messts; Stonebmlcers; -men of - asgobd bialshe.atliffini's_oilintY3 arid there is earthly ,inducernentwhich could coneeive to make the elder Stonebra !ref, or the: younger either; 7 olo- fo' that, xylaieb..would noybe true, -, z old - man; probably-60,-seekingeo,political faVor, and' in no =wise: conne.cted , witW party passions, t or prejudices; and has, not; to my edgei -ever ~Itskediany; ' , p artY for political favorfcii, many years,. tintrat this .tinte,- a mentber,of,the-MethodistEpiseopalChUreh bitt_affidavittai:sikrit. property-loft .vgitk Mri pot. ter: , - 111r4 rteEhfriendfLPlOduge sgkedule oftreiord thCtime;of ineolyericYpiaiK:gie, -- PrOPertY. ocitagagit . '! 641; jO, irme returned,,it WecatTrAtklthn , atVdMickt; ',...40,44 11 -9Ptlaod 2 uoi , thik 4. earlY filigu*.,of /GPnl , ,,P4 , 3o4:: ll o B 4Uuq , auxiQu* , , eekik , f4;4oll,9thipt*thOtifil;siirdo tiv,qlll4lo,,*eat-eert4e l yostrotigszieviiienert thq4,1,4p 6 r0 , RsAcrtiono•frAtitA.4f l A.Alee*Pol Stiingl).Niffeo - ; • „ _ 4;rlf f:One . , 10 1 Se g. tope e t 10110 f Pr*qt4o : 4:44iifit* 4 4 1 04: Opmylt.tolo#-,SmitakkiOtijOrtiPitOgrAllt I, , ,t9M:PM*Titit.#.4 l ,, 4o 4o.#kff; llo ; Ittfiqair lie lio Th :iiii4Ne,,o 1411 e voitk bboarnic tht. **.4400140.*:404 4 }. 410 ?egiv;:et, Ajt*ei,,b)44.4o,4*ll!*iit(eteeiaNteteAt ter*tiap,4lo.,,,f't?tteL*,eoc.l4lteivertorol; 7 . tftitlitairo.l"Plat in476rkile* iii:***eiiit,*(4viioj.7(*Vifet.44 4l- AttiO PXof-P4.44-1 1 00 . qp4.00 , ,gifttoii§coeo , th, boopie:l*4itlnflx:Yeappoisygirs - W9 ii 1.4.; lined *lnt; t**, ttideii),ll3f 04104A11fee1i,46066i* Q 47,tateR. csv o t kwv.!ohlity in 10. Ell ' '~.,,0~ r,r. fxo '~. i IMIE MEM ME tif: - ;,.. '' l :.' 3 ''':.'l' , ' ;.-•: . •;' , ',.',7: ...-:2' • m NE Tr SERNEgf f . • • iteiTthat: order 3 , Tot give, -at all into..the •Inuidtr'or Thbniss' TYLVwelis' qalii*POptadv.ini me as . i=rcagoil 'eceipt..,tot'antti isige hands I would Tose sliate,Of the .bail..meney., . David:l4 Po" " ter tag° my hands one ether/ond on - ,ICiado Russst, Peering : date same as the ,ifirl - 43; and - assigned - .I:tient by 11-14 ,Porter.;to me',.the,, , aisign- Inent_dated the oth -: of - IstinarYi -1819 . also received frenisA R,‘Forter, a ,note or bond for about six hiindied dollars, drawn • by some; . whose , . name. . is pot (HS tinctly reeollented....:/ tnitkli'Van..ffiyers,- Or Byers. Ile also left' in my hands one 'other.ohligation,io favor of Patton* Pot-, .ttri'liiawnbk ,. aVi. Wakefield, the amount nofrecolleeted. }o aist? left in My hands *, patent or deed of - itraef of lindTeituated 1. 4 B4OOOOPAY. hundred ocregf..Pr thereaboursi- - The, whole of ,-which bonds " 1 - or obligations, arid, Said.,deed u lvere depof , 'lilted in illy Minds; somewhere ;abont the , first-part of 1819, arid'assigned to etelpf difirdeWen ,there was 'no assignment: ' The bond for , three hundred tind : , ,forty-three dollars,. and , lhOw4 , fo9bi§!lo l , l .o.,in i enqmie4bbligi l ool l 3 and di - Cr .- deed, were deliveredinto my ape, - , charge,,by;,:l47.'Porter,, : ruit - skewing. -that-the-amount,--for4hich-l-Was bailortuld easily be made out of the bonds assigned to myself- and Owenti, and then'ailying , - - .-'take these (meaning the three latter' obligations.. and ihe'deeds) and keep Slierdy after,whielf time , Mr,Perfer eondned, and 'Caine out confinement bY_ applying:to:the law!for thereliefof-thettdc_J_ solvent. ebtore. - 114. 4-.4; 1 0t.' 'ter [Wea..releaped he and-1. gave , into his /ands the obligations and: aabd, except such as-r had received thew). .i1eY.:"..1014. Mr... Allison, ond„_tk,elbeful• of _. three .•hundred,,- and foitpitliree • dollars, which 'haying been leftin the hands of Mp. Allison • did not then bare Security:- but wh ich Owens brought 'on My °tip _ der some ' time • after from Allisont - about which time, in the Presenceof-Pavid - : Poror,,and at.his request,i, assigned it to - Georgeliavisi Epq., - on Which bond- I never received one'cent, neither did I'on the two-last--mentioned-obligations. - And de.--- ponent_further saith that David•R. Airier,, -' told him, that he had , got, all the money. on , the obligations_ except ,W akefield!ii ; and,. -Porter! furthei .told deponent that -the tract of land; hut--deponent deen not recollect: the amount• whicit.Porfer said " he,obtained for it. • Deponeriffurthetsaith„ that some time ahont the time he tei re leased, after lii`_:releaSe; rorter brought the , books of account of the . firmofPaftenkPorter anddelliteredthem . into my hands, witka positive request that I sheuld not deliveritioin7info the fiends of - any, person except himself; Which' hooks look_antl.put:intika_luutelinp - icy were kept for a considerable length of time, when David 11; Perter, called ; and took th_em and carried them to the office George Davis; Esq. and in . 47hich' offiee Saw then m some time 'ailerwarde.' White iti_tny,possessiun,,,Mr,.lames_ McMnrtrie , .. called and demanded them, and.l positively. r refused. to give them to then in formed-Liar.' -Porter—that demand' hill, - - been Made"- fer 4 tlienr, arid he then r*ttin de- 2 aired-me not give thentio any one:-Atitut said Alepouent furthersaitl4, that at the time Of the:-transaction ; tf.:3vpa.' way , fortned that ihe.desire: of ,Mr, I?Orter.was to Secrete- his propertyefrom his -' - dePonent being at , that time ignoranti re9nimments..ef.ihe leif.:L.Depenent" far,: - ther saith ls..preaent statementis made; on this part,-;entirelytol,pot '-'at; believing that:- many perionalnicialifiharge lthe with.oonitiving with Mi.: To fief to 'rte..'' 2 . crotehis property, and:with a'deskii solely tci lay before ;the people tlortratV9f a - nlat7 tai;: n Inch :qtr ti;ihle: to.; much misrepresents.. : non. "..To - the - treth'ef ‘ the *bare; then',4l heltnotis that heinait‘ tiefoiiiikanY Yeats' meet Him Who , 4 . trieth - tliblastend:unjosi,l:, mosthe- PeaCTinlY llveearlb l itd ftit'llt sr smith • • riot, ~ ')1 °it a-sTOttrattg. - 1 Strom' and subscribed.befoie trte', - "'':the A6th daY'or Ktig • ipli-11398'.' ,D_AATID, SINRRE:"iL ~.....:_ -,...'-,14., , , - '-7.1..!.,' • - '.. t ,• ,Deip:isin4;tlte ficcypation Itgreirnsef... , ' th l i;:llisithaitifitek ,'Peie•iiipt,: ! .*erti*tati t -iii,p6r, 84 , ettid• to*raiti.:ooeactiwolii - o - at- -- ittgbi' deilpfeet 010 , 4a - 4406V 15f-41106* the; 'Awn: o o, iii*RnaAlid- ample oilmrtind4 !1.1P"..t6:';f0.1Kri.,ti1V.0903.* • 4Y:.chktieltAnt l lat , ' l l 4 °Ptlart- -*: 44 ;l i h AFFTI. t ' , . 110 7, , : PA pitit 4 C- 1 4 114 ifid 01 0( 11 Y-Irentelli*wa r t* 'igav,V.titiftill*:,.'l64*--:tl64:!kitVt'aitiOni— tiiltititeiaongSf;gl4l664lM3r ;141 `heed 1 1 410, 4 .0ifireir fttd the StatOttlab iiiteause 114 Igitiled:lll4.'4loo4t Sad near Milton, s‘ yit., , okt. . ' bionget* . k, , paisatc dram sad 1101pfck90/'::Vltita,o4:„ C•11(41:00.1416 citi..4 ill isv tiwite - Titoi:oliiiiti it rsioftlAteir . • arriooihriliii;*o.4 l o7 l o l l s ': . (tbrki far, . i - atijik, :V i tlii.,':Stliiiik ''' . . - :144it..•• Ailidt';':o6illik-I*Ylid,4 l ii: " . - . f' V7 4 /4 1- foiliOtiaitht 4 Oktir. Wlik t ilillf I****° 'Aikiiiii. , ltii' 4 6o4lg ':: t. , iiii•iliii(#9o ' Nei, ".,. li kii'it'l4Wteihii i tU t iii4 l iiiilii3 c 4o:# dig& '•• llitiriolittiWraid - ii i iitattiii s o • aKVe = 1 iniOtei 6l PVt;c 6J 'YOOitn';'' t 4 4t*t 7 ‘.-;-- *h 4 '' o, 4 Y'd 'Oil& et:ikiPiliihirPliOt*, , JkitYttiteleui-fieeenittilieill:7 . ltilt, yi# .71 0 'd ' tatelhVl3itle.far Gesitaiiirit'''titiiikeer+9l, - 'lli hro.titiliil'ilaitii'alid.tielf . 0601*C:fifth - di ._- *fei 4 tlfeEtefiltiti irAthier;''aiiiiiKttef - l a ro 106410(10.) liithkeir 1iiti116.44-c1: NM= ME ME i : ::.;:',:,7 1 .. MI