Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 25, 1838, Image 4

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. • -• • •
ITERE.AS.h'i and by ait Sete(' the , C;eitlral As
iiahibv,of the contine,,wenitleuf
a, entitled
,'° Ah itift:-r4datill the general elections
within this Coniminwealtli, - mirovinl 15th day of
FebrUary, .one. Ilimmuul: seven hundred and ninety
nine, it is enjoined on the sheriff' S of (via etilltitY with=
in this coinmonwe:4l6s totive publio note Of 'such:
general elections to Im held and to 'enumerate in !loch:
notice, what.officers tire:to : he elected, .
• • .•
- • *JOHN •
- -
High Sheriff of thd county of Ciunberlimil, dO Mare
fore iterehy make known mitt giyo.this ' •
to the electors of the' ceniity.of Cumberland, that on'
die second Tilesday'Or Oetai)(11 next, (being
day_of ! the,mrintli,) a,getieral electioo will be held at
• the s'everal' eleCtion established law in
paid (Monty; then and there to - elect by ,
ONE P. - ERSON, : For .Governor thri l Utimmon-
Aveailth.tif PrinntivlYsids• ' • •
• ONE;PERSON, For member of - Ccitwesfof the
StateA the district coniPoied of counties
of Ouniberfaiiil, Perry; afirliMiatii,'
TWO ,PERSONS, to represent the 'County of Corti
berland in the House of Representatives of "-Pennsyl
ONE COMMISSIONER; for 'the comity-of -Cum
berland, to, serve for three years:
• ONE i IRECTOI. OF THE POOR rind of the
Ilointe•of•Emplrirmeiri. •• -
~ONE VERSON; for. Auditor to settle the public
accOunts or diti - County CeminissioJ)ers,
•• • . And in; and by an net of the general assembly of
this Coming - maw unlth - ,AiiirbreA the tillnlarkfai•eh,'
180fi, it isdirected. that the inspectors of the said gen
. ertkelectioas shall be chOsen by•hallot on Friday
next preceding the Ist Tuesday in Octobei (bei nk die
_42Btli day ' Of September next) at the 'usual plaees of
• holding toWiiship.elections, tit; be held by the respec
tive constables who aye reqiiii•ed to give at least one
-• week's public notice of -such electi on, and the said cons
' tables in each township shall be assisted by two quell;
fied,Citizens chosen, hy •sitch citizens qualified - to
vote as alien be there present. And to case of
the neceSsury refusal, death or absence of a constable,
his didiesare to be .p . orformed by the supervisors of
the respectivetOwnships, ward of di tt iati - •
— And the inapectors chosen are reqnired by said act ,
to beat their proper election districts on the day of
the general election aforesaid at nine -o'clock in the
morning to do and perform the duties enjoined on them
.by law. And the return judges of the respective ilia
trictsitre required to meet at the court house in. the
borough of Carlisle, on the Friday next after the 2d.
Tuesday in October next, then and 'there to 'perform
—thosetidngsreqitireitof-thom-liy--the.-afelMsaid 9rt,
amity an ait - of the general asSembly -- ap.
, proved ttd
- snertcat . ' Be it enacted by the Senate and
.17bioe app ..,..fiyweeintatives of the Co,mnotriv - iiilth
—Penney vania in General .qesembly. it is.
hereby enacted by the authority oldie eame, That the
several qualified electors.wlko shall vote at any general
- specialfelection „ m
within. this. Comonwealth_shall.
gibe in to theinspector of such election, seperate tick
- formacli. station or office. voted for, which ticket
Shall contain no More than the proper .
names, bid. no ticket slialfbe rejected by •the-Jiridges
the_electiona in counting of the-votes, should, tIM .
. same.cOntainlawer-twine_s-thaii , thri , properAnuriber;
those for sheriffs tiqd-corriners e.xeepted. • .
-Sre . r. 2(1, awl he it enacted by . the authority aturZ.-
'wild, -That it shall be the ditty of the sheriff or coroner
~as.the case may be, of, cacti and ,eyery enmity 'C'itilll,l .
• • this Commonwealth, to give public- notice:it the saline
• titne'rind place and -in the same mullet:and under the
same penalty that be is now-required, to give notice
of any general or special election, that every person
who shall hold" any office Or appointment of profit or
trust ander - the . Government of the United States;:
2whethern 'corninisSioned officer or otherwise sub
__ tinier-dne_Lirislative ; J , ecative or;liidiciaryDepart-.
roents!olthe-UnitedlgUiles-anitalso that every-Mem
.ber of Congress is hy Tani, incatible".oflielding - or. es
• ,creising at the' same the • office or appointment of
Judge, Inspector orClerkrif any election in this State.
And in an nab( the general assemblv•of this
CommOnwealth,, approved the sixteenth day of April,
1838; • . ,
' Provided,&fe:.'That, the following described boun
daries, being
,part of Allen township,• Cumberland
county, to wit: begining at - a pOint in the centre of the
gm - a rball leading to 'kook's iuill;where the line of
-the New Cumberland election district crosses the
same; thenee in a direct line to the Menonist's meet- .
ing litiuse,.(known by the-name of Martin's meeting
liouse,),tierice in a direct line-to the house of -.Henry
Longnecker, thence to Jacob Waggoners's, near to
the Yellow Breeches creek, So. as' to include Long--
neckei and James Dindop,thence down the said creek
to the line of the New Cumberland district, near3o
Joseph BeePsfarm, thence along,the line of saiddis
• trict to the place" of -beginning, he and the' seine. is
hereby erected into a - sephrate election distriet;and
the qualified clectoilitherem shall hereafter hold their
general elections at the house now owned or occupied
by Peter McCann, ihthe town of Lisburn, in said
township. , _ , •
- Given,under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Of
fice, at Carlisle, and dated September, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
eight, and sixty-iecond year of the Independence of
the United States of America.
, Sept. 3, X 838..
IiIrEIREAS the Convention to-propose Amend
ments to the Constitution, have agreed upon
sun* atiendmenti to be submitted .to the people of
this Commonwealth for their ratification or-rejection.
Now, therefore in pursuance of-the Arovisions m such
- case made in and by an net of the General Assembly,
passed-the 9.90! (hi): of March, A.D. 1836, and of Mt
thrity even hysaul Convention:
. ,
• - 2 •
Notice .9 Hereby-Given, -
That an election will be held in the several election
districts Oahe said county - of Cumberland, on the said
second: Tuesday of October next, (being the day for
holding the General elections of the commonwealth)
for the ratification or rejection of the said Amend
.. mentstri_ilie _Constitution':
,Tlce - Titildeit and Inspec
tors of said election are required to receive tickets
either printed or written from citizens qualified to
vote, and to ilepoait.them hi a box or boxes, to be for
that purpose provided by the proper officers; which
tickets;sholl he labelled on the outside "amendments,"
and th:oie who nrefavorable to the'riniendments may
exprege'their desire by voting each a printed or writ
ten ticket, or ballot containing the words,. "'Tor the
tonerAtnclits,",. and,those who tkit . opposed to-such
. amendnfents may d 'press their opposition by voting
each a printed or written ticket or ballot containing
the words ',Vigninst the amendmeiits." ' •
•; o,l , 6i:under niy, hand and-seal at Carlisle, the' 3d
day pf,Septeniber e ln the yearlof oue'Lprd i . one,thou
sand eight.handred and thirty.:eight,itinththe
see:mid:pi:ar of the Independence or the Utiiikd States
‘ Pf ;'. •
Sherlfr.l4ol4o Carlisle;"?_
- -- "-',Septeinber,-3d 1838.
.• - - ' .
; E, .
.14E4.,5P,F0R .& TERM OF YEARS,
Fitrat 4: . ?tv.witielt,the
_sobseriber. resides,
.txuitaibtog 185-ti'erts, 'or '55 acres of it, with the prin•
cipahibiproveymehts, sitoottl withijn tike limit% of the
• • • V. E_THOIO.II.I. •
• Septenthei'lB,l/5,18.--4t. „ , • ,
Dieeoti~tioil of Pa'
• ~.
---- .Tht - partiieflipAkeretofoi•e. existing b,eiween"
subscribers, under the lirm of .1 CO YLE, ih
.thisdsy, ,by mutual agreement, di ssalved. l'he books.
are; in..tbe' harjds of one of the. late
ppa4~ocrs;who' Ss _authorized :Same, and
bitißeti that all:ciakerrkMd will makdirmaacliatesettle.:
September 0, 1.838':•• •,• - '
the busincia_MteretgemAiti.earriest_Muby..
the subseriberot the ,pld stapdoilicr will in 'a few
• diPt" have a 40 , mar gaberatiissMlineht elpull ,and
_Winter-Goods;ond lameibi - btriat atte
ness,te,raceir, dlibaral, Aura 'er,.faitroafige. •
• ,seprrr'Qol:l"LE:. •
SePieMber . 18 • •••
. . .
• ivgt. racE
that lettern,testainentary on the
lafa, of
Vrankfoidionitship, .Cumberland condtp, deceased,
Ilnii,be'enisitied , bv the ltegister i wand for said cow
ty. tn. elf: subscriber, alio' reildes Ktbe.toie,usbip and
persons indebted-to Jaw estate
:41,1 , &soused; will please slake, imlueiryte
se,(l those Istving-clainris or dems,ulSdioupst
)4." estute,"tire retiuested,topfalse.tli'essn'elcoowii)
Exoc?etor of Henry Bloa4r, ar.
.Ig;!clatt . to yogi , 'irate-I*(9n
lilkatzmilittag Inclovapp,
'''l.lloTaitabE i
N OPPORTUNITY hi now offered of supplying
yOui.seives with WOODCOCK'S
• cF4{ t:tii
5 -
11014 the best arficle ever VT:I:el: to the . Parbiera in
this section o)the State.
Thiifie riollgilS . a ill nin choke nor carry dirt, and
the dra , ft-i s about one-dh led king than the P ouglfs . here-.. (4:three;
sides n great saying - in time and in keeping
them in repair. The point and share can he put en
in five minutes, and bestdes•cost only 25-cents each,
and when dull can he turned and repeated until worn
out ; and &ell then-will he tc.ken ikpart pay fOr new
'The followinr, , named persons are among those who
have purchased and used the aboveylougha during the.
last season, to whom Farmers-arereferredfor inforM,
ration respecting them, viz: - • , '
IfathittOO. WD ers, A•Tni= -
strong, Samuel Strivkler,'John!Litt3t:, lleury j
Slvder, Philip Miller, Mr. AShway, John
Knees ; Endon Elliott, Es . •• • -
Letterkenity,--Michnel Grove, .Daniel
Mr. Shields, 'Nine lIVSOre, .30111 . 1 Miller, Abraham
Hoover, John Rodes, Benjamin Bodes, Sam'l Hodes.
- - Gußford.—Philip-Oiler,James Du n lop, Jhs.•Pur
viance, Mr. Bitnerijohn.Lesher George' Trace, Jo
sephlYingert,-George Fetterhoo ' f„ Mr. l'angy, Geo:
Dull, William - Byers. Johit B. Cook,-Sam'! Geese-- j
Mid:, Henry George, Peter Baker, .• '
Green.—Jacob ,Oyster,' Samuel
-,-J Purvianie,,,Theoh
Darr; Johkileicharililr.oseph'-Neicely,Alexun
der - Thomson, Henrf-Winpzert; Martin : Wjngnet i
Charles Iletighi - Mr. Smith, Mr, Clark, Afr. Solaber ,
get; SamvielLemy:
Southampton„--.Saitnel. Thomsen, John Orr.
. Theinas.-- 7 ,1 - ncob Shirk; Mr. Gallagcr, John
• . ••• •
We have-also secured the right of Adams . ; Curti- j
berland,, and Dauphin coubtica, and the following
gentle.menitadaras laave_wed 'the Plotwha during the
"past - season7to , wltorrcrarmerwin - thatcounty - nre - re.r
ferred. • -•-
~ . . , ,
Iclml,. 'i'7l , , 7 Talwr4R.-43nmuel :Durboraw, - Esq. 4'
Tose_pli COShun, Aleiander;visjlwaine, Jaeoklieller„
:Diq. z jaenliStralyr. - .. ' 4 - .
.71' ear Vilillp:st_Tain„."4 , . Pecl&riek Dell. '
- llitrstowti.—JaCill) ( ;ra g s. " . - :. ,
.-.(OThe.(ibovo_Plart„Rlh „con_phyrnis• ))"4 li'ti&at flat PortnehT of 'W. StIllf„:11T-SzCO:Chamberslmrg,'of
JOHN 1 4 '.: LYNC, LlM•cfirare Alefehant, Carlisle, and
of - THOMAS-HARRIS, NeehanielJairg., • Where
Farmers wrici wish to-test the Plough, will please eall
and get them ori trial, and if thu_will net render full
and_: entire - mai slketi on, mdelutitki...ifill: lie: : Mailes A r
they break it is at our.expeuse.-We will also payany
l'ariner for any damages or., pea of time,'Jie may-
Suftain in trying the Plough, if he does nut like it at
trial: - There have _been sold- hi Veanklin and the.
ac.l,Priningvouhty, upwards' of ONE .
these Ploughs, within 18 months, , --- ..' ; ••
.I . OIIN DENIO . ,- Sgent,--
August 27, _ 1838.--fm. . - • ,
Office in SURGE ON
a few - floors east of
the Jail,
lifiENDEns his professions ices to theeitizens
• IL ,tif this place end the publicgeneratly,•and more
especially to those who ere'sutliTing from CHRONIC
DISEASES, and respectfully informs them, that' ho
professes to cure all kinds of
which ere in their nature curable, in a perfeetliensy ,
and mild manner. The medicine is administered in
ternally, is pleasant to the taste and easily taken.—
charges will be moderdte.
lie will visit patients, when called upon.,.at their
- respective places of residence, in this place or its vi
cinity. Persons at a distance, laboring. under Chro-
Dismes, may obtain mecical advice and medi,
tine; for.ofinmonth,by, addressing bitn a letter (post
paid) describing their disease, end •eneroging — if
rent five dollar banknote.
Medical consultations can be had daily until nine
o'clock, P. M. : unless absent on prififegsinind duties: —
The folloiving dikases are treated and cured on
Homoeopathic Medicine, viz:
Certain Diseases inCident to the Genital Organs in
the Primary or Secondary state,withont administering
in this treatment, without administering in thiS treat
-mentany-of-theiasuaLefiensive_andipurions medi-'
eines, so notoriously destructive to the human system
and constitution.
Consumption ; Bronchids,Palpitation of the 'kart
Dyspepsia; Liver Complai nt,R CiiliC;;LO
ness--- - Fistula rine Rheuma
tism,Epilepsy, Asthma; Sick Headache, Deafness,
'Giddiness, hernia or Ruptures, Lameness from Pal
sy; Lkers or old standing sores, Necrosis, Caries of
bones, Cancers, Tetter, Tic Douleureux, St. Vitus'
Dente, Diseases of the eve in general, Figtula Leery
melia.--Gutta Serena, Cataract, King's Evil, Rickets,
White Swelling, Dropsy, Dysentery, Pleurisy, Hoop,
ing Cough, Creup,Pneumoma, Hysteria, Fluor Mims-
Melanc holy, Int:entitle:lee of Urine, InflaMed anti Ex
coriated 'Nipples, Diseases of. Women and children
Fevers in general, Ague, Scarlet Fever..
For all the above named and many 'other diseaSes
:there...can be satisfactory evidence given of their
thorough cure:
Carlisle, August 14,1838.7-4 r
. . .
TUST.i.eceived and for sae at Dr. Myers' Drug
cl'and Book StOre—coMplete sets of .' . , '
' - : "Waverly Novels"-27 volumes.
; The Bridgewater Treatises. • , '
',. Lockhart's Life of Bards.
. •". :. • " .' ' Scott.' '
, -
ft " , Napoleon. . '
The Divorced, by Madame Bury. .
Walaingbain, br the G:itnester:
' The Linwooda, by Miss Sedgwick.; •-•
Diary of the times of:George W.
• . Court of Rome. '''' • '
—AI.SO • ' • ..
' ' The Pic -. vick Papers,illustrated by viola from
Crilickshati -- . ---'--7.-- ----1-1 - -
.. Tem Jen s, illustrated lip Cruickshank. • .
'...Carlisle,4 lust f. , 7, 11138: - . •-. . - '
' W . AXIA Tria2M4
THE Stibscriber respectfully informs his friends,
and the public enerally, that lie has for, saleint his
Coal and' Lumber Yard, on the batik of the Stutque
'sauna river, in the tovni of Worrnleysliume,
2000 ?tiperioi •
• . • • • cop',
Panite?fane CQ77117012 - Boarda..
loplar Plank (!nd
- 2000;goorl qaalii..y,,seasonid 'light Bar,
ipl - S'tavqp-and. Heqcting. -
All of whiehilie will dispose of at layi,ratCs, and arc
the most or.commodating,tdruts. rersons wishing to,
ptircluiseivould do, Well 11 , , Falling :iivith tier aubseri-,
her, end examine hisstOokbaore they PuiClutie'
AN Election for •Presiderit;Tredsurer , ; Secretary,
.and four Managers for the Cumberland Valley
tail Road• Company, williko held at the public houso
cf.:Colonel 9corgo Ferree, in Cifirliile, on,' the first
Monday (first day) of October next,between the hears
of 10 ci'clock, • A,..M.and.•4•otrilink,.P. M. • By' the
act creating said company it is .crirovided that' no per-'
son•shall be permittedto ,vote,at'said ,Clorstion, unless'
he or 'We shall have fully. paid rill "the, instalinenta on
.tho shares ofstcieitb • y him orlrer aribsoribed.'"• •
_••••• • ••,• i •• •
Carlisle,.September /3-1838.1, : •
• SRl:Molar
.14ead and:Ligl4 ground MoMiliii•Do Urines,
, • ' -listracted
Chinties and, Challirirent,'Or -new
For saleby; • • - • ARNOLD' fit' CO.
Mny 14, . ' • • . • .104. ,
. ,
_ 4'
. • . irlo 4 „• 4 , cv . •
(*. e- g _ ( It
' • „.•- THE GI .D. . ,
. ~ . .
. , . , ...
1.1. F- INS Mt s -:
. .
dint:ify and Trust Company of Philadrl
- • ~ ..tvfice,-151), Clirßlnnt sheet. • ,
• CAPITA.I".; ' OP' W 3,00 000.. •
, -.-:. ,Cfbart,er-PeriteAral. . : .
- - iNstittn.r.tvv.s, 'grant • ~././wirth!ies - and Endow:.
.11 . " anenm• ankinake" e r•t:'ci'ts gthierally that involve
he eciatingenCy of li - 1;.. - - ,len6a Mesta as authorized
by the. Charter., froin kfliVidaals ' .corporate bodies, or
Courts '6l;litst;ve, ill,dexeel:telhuniagreeably to the
'desire of th.Yportiec, and Cticei‘e Depopitec of money.
in trust; acil on•i: , tereA. •-- - - -
- • .
. „. ,
- LIFT,. I'.%7SURANCE. 2 7.The brills are ap low as
tliciffe oruny office in - the'llniOn. -, • .
Irlates for _batwing $ too. ...•
...dp,.. , 404,,,1** r--:....F027:.7.-Yeara _Whole Life•_,
• '." annurill!)." ' Anniudlij.
20 , - - $0.91 •$0 95 • 'sl 77 -
• - 25. , 1 00. 112 : 204
30' -1 31 ' . 1.36 - . 2.36 •
• 35, 136 ' --.- 153 • • 2 . 75, -
40 1'69 . '') 'B3 ~ - • 3 20 •
`: 45Th :.1 • 91 ' 1 96.. •.. 6_76
5Q _: 1.96 . •_2 -4J • 4 6- •-•
~_ .
55 2 32' -. -3 21 . .0. , .8 -
.... ...
Further iiffortnation Can be obtained by application
at the office:., - --'•
'.. . ' - - .-B. W. RICHARDS, /Ira% .
•': - JOHN KJAMES -Ictnar,y. .
I , GrOITOE W. ASTI :TreaS'er.. ' ' •' .
June 11, 1838. - - dte
m - : : ---- '-
mi - 12 3fa3 Xi al
Havingyeeently. returned from,.:Philadelphia foul
New. York with a 'VERY EXTENSIVE' ADDI
'FIONA° my former Stock, I beg lesve,to offer to the
citizens Carlisle apd the Public generally:' •
.a_GRNER.II, .Issatermtlivr
comprkin g terry nitiele in Drug lino Which I .
will dispose of Wow vqktr-or ltWrtzt, nt thc 'loU , C3t
• pomde rat ca. Physicians—ianity);Stor, keepers--
a call at the old Stand on East llfgh Street.
-Ifny..'2B; V);38. ' • 27
• --. .
- 'Returnslily sincere thanks to aiecitizens of Carlisle
-and adjohiing country; for the =Ft - liberal patronage
which has beew.liestowed upon hint,find „a wis h es to in
[brill the pithlic,geuerally that he-has.replenished his
stock of Goods, and llutterit -iiimst !f* that lie "will be
alile to give entire-satisfactioa to all .who'will 'call at
Ili s St/ire, liistlf iii iffialief.iiiii Price o gooila . ; ditto - is
resolved tn.Fpli low for cash. . , •
~- Call at therAll Well kiiiiwit Stand of L. Harlan, in
North , liainuyer .Street, and. examine. his stock of
Goods; as lie has a general and eoniplete„ tiasortinent
of Hardware, -
.• . . .
of the hest quality ; _whieli will bp sold at wholesale
or retail; ,
. .
lie has
also the N....ew... Cumberland Nails-but call
and examine , each uric r OC m.:spll.. • II
- -- Carlisle,-May.l4- 1 1835:—.3m,
• -
TIONg !sone subscriber has just received
from Abe Am Ishers the- following large •aSsortment
of New,Works:
Polish Orphan Two
'Homeward Bound,' by Cooper‘• _ •
"Cooper's Italy-HCOldermithe Courtier.' •
Earnest Maltravers—Alice; or the Mysteries.
Steven's Travels in Egypt; Arabia, &c. '
-Cromwella Novel.
Lady of Lyons—u play by Bulwer.„ -
Kate Leslie—Charcoal Sketches... ' •
__ Mel - Byer and Desert ; by Miss Pardoe. •
Leila; by Bnlwer. • . ••• • • •
Adventureli of a Bachelor. •
State Prisoner—a Novel. -
Oliver Twist; by "Boz."
• Sayings and Doiiigs,tof SATs-Slick, .
Lockhart's - Life-of'cottveompleteo : •
Lnmertine's Travels through Palestine. •
Outward Bound.
._...:Poetry..ef:Travellingt - by Mrs: Gilman.
Barton or the : Se - 4e ; ••by - t4e author of Lafitte..
Skettes of allonng L!nly
.. stul_Dentictnan; . hy
Thu Glanville
Pirate's own Book.
Miss Austen's Novels, complete fit t volume. ,
Anierictin Democrat ; by Cooper. " •
Carlisle August 28, 1838.'
He.must b e a miserable villatirindeed, who
would place tJc life of afellow being in
- danger, for the purpose -of making mo
ney. •- ... .
. , .
What do Druggists prove by . mokingond telling
Counterfeit Pills purporting to be
,BrAndreth 9 s. , 'Vegetable
• Uni
181.—That they are withirat IM.tatrr and ifONORA
nix principles. •
2d.—That no other medicine is required by the
public; or why do not these druggists 'counterfeit
other• pills in the same way they diißrandreth'sl
Simply because no others save Bt andreth's Vegetable
Universal Pills ever effected the extraordinary cures,
ti the- known—mitrenaKurit.Nowis
..firfilliPills are
to have effected.._
• "There never was a persmirwho used the _
Who no t•did.recommend them in. terms of '
i v - I the' most unequalled praise: • •
eArtheless, these counterfeiting druggists have ,
.dole fit aretleing.the aburacterof theGenume la great.'
I t
deal. of ; but it is doped that individuals will
not elle _ selves to be deceived by,desigrdng per.
sonsoirhT ' only object is to, Mike money" and, who
are perfectly careless of coniequences. • It is a matter
'Of no heparin:lee to them whether, ,the. : Poor child - is
.resouvl„froin a bed of sickness .and, restored to the
yearn:ng arms of itiparents,nr whether hint on whom
a' large' familv rely solely, upon for- Support; is p're
vented from Alling,.adearly and untimely grave.--17he
tirile'may.corqe when greatnesa of their guilt shall
'become, clear to, their beurghted.puderstandings, and
then .it is hoped 'they will etuleaVOr to make 'some ti.
mends by the aft& t)ifritx 'of tlieir lives. - -.'.•
Every, authorized agent has a , ceyperphite certifi
cate of agency, and has it exhibited in his store. ' Ne-.
ver purehase unless thisliXten seen; and have some re
gard alflo to:the 'character the agent' bears tureetig, his :
rello_woitizens.....He.mttst be. a miserable villain
_would place the life or a fellow:Creatnre in danger for'
the purpose of Making money.
_. .: : •.- ... '• .
.Dr.. - Braiicketlee Offtes'in .Philadelyda. ' . ..
- ,%Prinuipalf,•No. B.llorth BtdStreet,, -.. • . ..
..:. ~Mirior ofilee;;No. AS; Chestnut Street, near 2d st.
Bemeniberthenbove 'officers are kept' exclusively
. 'for the saleorthe Ont. and genuine Brand reth's Pills.
...H._3llc.follewing_lterstiiii are.kdUly. authoriiedAgenta
forthe . 9cittaty.tif Gumberlariti, in State of Penn- . • -..' i t it s , ll ..;_ a _. A , a _ 7 7 3 -:
aylvatua,..whoserespective names are::'. • !•'. .-. .. , • r. . . ..„ , • , .
©A , . . ,.- _ .•.,. .. • _ -• t 1
WRGrTY,HITNER;:egrIisde , • - ~-' .. ...- ' ' . '.' •. • - '' • • -•-,
•• • • . ' . .'• ' HENRY - 3"'KELL'ir
s, cuLitnrSdiv;,'S/4ippio.obi4rk„. •.. , ~-,'. r • • ..., •• • ••• •-•- , .;., ..,
' • JoHAT mookki,-Areii,„iire, ,:-.,..- - . -• • ... . .INFoR4S the *ring Sew of :Carlisle`
.11 ,
~ , . • ..- .i:-- ' -- • . and the 'surrounding ' ootintry,' that:' lid is '''-
N. p. .- Np - druggist, apothecary or vedlhr,,, is A l.,
lowed to - sell the genuine BrtualreVaPillsoinderally." ,
l'PrePareil ..,te: inanditchire 'in - the , neatest'.."-- -- ' - .
( .etyle; WITITEIIIISSM VATS for stfm-(A.-- - ` -
circumstances whatever. -Also , observe. vrhen -vole _user wear, , at his , Shop.,in East high Street, ' '-..
mellow, of any,advertised Agent?, that they'liave a 5, f e w. dooro,iveolof Major Jo o oh l tohroj o a Ho w ; i i o . 4
neitliportethe Store - 4 Jan CO' A/80;
certifiCate of agency,, aidiedend sealed' by- ree;,--- - -: - '
• I ....; lil .'-'`'::''''. 1-t; BRANDRYa 1[ 1 , 34 ..P.: ~.- :White Silk ,Htig - of-Iltd_best_plush•.ttiftdfs_oniulocks.
• ..+1...!' ' Wo..B;.YorikAih ' Swept, .I . l hiladelpldd:
.of the latest citY fasidon. -'.. - - _ .l-- ---
i k
-iff. N lB . — ly• . - .‘• '", - . ~._ - - - 'orlistz,' . . ik.- '..:::,',L,f;' l . -
.111 4 Ptiriaikif , r
- Wri - 41.416111. i . 9
IiANKFUL for past faiews, her •lii interim the
I . c.
. public that he still continues to arry on the a
. . . . Bove mentioned business, in .
n'ekr ffilig4 Street, Caria,sle / .
'a few 'doers west ef,; 4)9:Post Bike, ma directly
posite the•book.strar,•-,pf,.1. Loudon,, where he is,pre
pared to necommodatel:all who -May: favor:him with
.their_custom r in - the most neat-nunmer,.and-at reasam,-
able prices, By strict, attentitni to .bosiness and an
earnest desire to please, he hopes to receive a liberal
share df piiblic patronage.
P.' 5...;-.The latest city fashions will be constantly
followed up. ' • •., ' .
.. , ~. ..- .
.11 gdppr l y of: -
_- • •
Constantly:kept on hand, and for sale On reasonable
-- ---. .... —.... _.
Foitvardink OfltQd
, • 14'clets'
. . .
TIN takna that Jar.,, ,, c . and i•oninaodintta WART,
hd , •1:;- thr Canal quiLltaiLlioak.
- bel 0 AVti,.; - 1 . 1)t 11,01 - Gitt!flt.;;ltt - fa re e t T fierrishiig i -wlierw
their aiTanr4::lpelits - a•e stick .
tiwy cat! nt
(prward produce, and lnerchlificlize with -promptness
and phiees, viz: , • - ,
' •
bits, .11altinun'e, Carlisle ,. Chambersburg,
They have lately enteredintb arrangeinents sO as to
enable, them 'to send any produce or. goods by way o
the Pennsvit ;mitt Canal and Columbia Railroad, to
.Philadelpliin, at the_ same--prieCa charged. by calict
-tonnattica.rumting-an.lut -.11111911-cBvitylnis - gaininp,
three days in -time, and 'delivering goods inllrdati
isireet, avoiding the usual expense of bawling from tlu -
. -
pußcrusu crain, Flour,' am
coupirrimodam. , of:j . very•Apaimiptionrand
Atantly on band Coal, idasteo;tish.an_d EMt-f.9 l '
April 2,1838.-41 K
Felt .SA ILE;
By the subseriber at 13ossiqqi1air'4.M111; iif
400 GA.LLON . S.LINSEFAT 01L;and -
. .
hthsnlil -cheap for cash,
far' .Phrt - seetl. far which nrtiele the highest
prices will at all times -
J. cuLurArtsoN.,
Jay 3,1833.-3 w
.wC ey n 7
PROPOSALS will be necked at the Mike of the
li'f•atdin Rail Road Company, 'until the4sth
for laying down the superstructure of eleven miles of
the road, between thambershurg add Green - Castle.
A description of the work to be done,.may be had by
application to - • EDWARD WATTS,
.Chamb'g, Sept: 4,1838: • - . Engineer.
. . Broad Street, Philadelphia
THE undersigned respeetfully•informs the citizens
of-Franklin and Cumberland counties,That..he Juts.
opened a WAREHOUSE in Broad Street, next door
above Broad strt.tlotel, for i the sale of all - klnds of
Cotmtryl, Prod •e; aid respeetfully'solicits-iOnsign
° Fronf his general acquaintance; knOwledge of bu-
Leineas,and_thoexereise of hiLlst efforts to promote
the interest of his customers, he flatters himself that
he will be able to render general satisfaction. •
Philadelphia, May, •- - - • •
.Philip .Berlin, Chiwabersbutg.. •
. .
Daviditrabon, Esq. •.
Geo. W. , Himes, Esq. hißpensburg.
J. Sayoyer, Esq., Newville. -
Gen. Sdnet ;,121exandei, -
. HenderSOn,
Jacob Rupp, Esq. Harrisburg.
Geo. W. Layng Esq •
Nir IL0,;: (-_.' DIAN -.0
TOE-subscribers have just received in' addition to
their former stock, a handsome assortment
• VC 3 Et •
which. Ices 'assortment now very , good, Und.
will be soli very tow. Tbey retest respectfully solicit
tlie p ublic to give ' themnreah . -----
S.--Country:produce will be taketoin exchange
for goods: '
• Shippensburg, June 4; 1888.—tf.
FirlaNIEGR$, noTEL.,,
E.• High Street,. a .feui doors eaSt the
Court-House, . •
PTA: R§ . l; E
The subscriber having leased the. above named
establishment from lt , Tr. Simoti • Wutulerlich, and hav
ing provided hlmsdif 'with every, thing necessary; . is
now enabled to ace,oramedute travellers and others in
a stileJliat will not fail to please those Who may favor
him with ' •
will - receive -Ids 'special attention— These will be
kept constantly provided with the . best,of LIQUORS,
'will at all -Urges be abundantly supplied ;Rh _all the
'delicacies whlehLthe season and. market can 'afford,
and no exertions Will be wanting to' please the palate
of the most fastidious. ,• . - • ••,••• •
• ":'•• ' -111E , STABLIES. ••' ,
are commodious and 'secure, and- o careful Imtl • atten
tivo.hostler-will_be always to uttendailee. ' • •
BOARDERS Ayill be taken by the Week, Month •or
year, on the Mestrertsiniable terms: ••.•. • • ~• • : • •.;
..,;k strict atteutloh to busineas and all , AUXloo.3 desire
lo:please, will, he .trus(x,: ensure..him . ,a reasonable,
share of public patitonage. , •
JACOB ,'REHRAR - - - .
•. 23,4838.- 1 4 f. • ' •.• •• • .r• - ••••• •
-N:lt%The cars ran - past , the:above establishment,at 6 and 11..0'c10ck,.A..11 , 1.,and, otiland Z o'elock,
-~'' ~:
• = TWO F . ARMS,'adjoining leach :other,' one % 'eon=
Mining' One' Hundred rind'Highti Acres, end the
lothcr,One Hundred Mid:Sixty:Ades, of .first quality
Limestone Land, lea good state ofoultimtion. These
farina; 'are 'sittmted ..On • the Letart.SPring; in South
Middleton township, Citmlierland 'count - y, about
1 miles south of Carlisle, and within. sihht of .two first
ritto.. merchant mills, on the said sprlng.. 'The im
.Tirovements fITC-ft
. ,
- .• i„,..z. • • STONE HOUSE,• •
.; • •
-=419.11 1 I , -''' . STONE 8.2.11 N; • ' ....
1. . -
.. -- '.. - *lr' ~.'-i'..';: with other Ueeessary buildings:
• k(Zither description is unnecessary, as purchasers
will slew the premisgiaadjudge for themselves. -
Possealion will be given . on the first of Apiirnext;
An indisputable title will he given. . For terms ap
ply to the subscriber in Carlisle, Pa. ' -t.
' '• ' '" . .ANDREW HOLMEB:
~.._..AugT i osr i s.m3..t.r.7 k -7 - __ ...2_,L.---- . . . _ ...
. _
The Lancaster Herald & txaminer will insert
ahove to the amount of $2, and charge 1110 office.
Valuable: Real
. . ' - . . _ .11' 131 L RIC •Siiii.;E: '•
. •
. sold* riddle Sale, on the'.prontses
•V V - _on Fridhy i the 12th day a October' next, at
ft-iecloek-,-A. M"-thefolloWing-mluablu-RearEstato,-
situate•in Monroe township,Cumberland county, con
sisting of a tract alma rate Li mestone Lill ift, 1/01111(16(1
by lands-of Henry- Landis,' Martin • Brandt, - Oeorge
Dalsbough, and others, containing 251 - acres and 80
perches strict measure. - Having , theecon er e cted a
large two story .
,-- • . '. --- STONEADWELLING:•_
AY. •,. •,
..._ _..._
• , . vi 01364..
~, ,).
~,,„,..,,..„ . Wind A STONE KITCHEN' •
attached 'thereto—n:large, - Sivitier - llikili,TlYsiggon
Shed, Corn Cribs, and othey .itecessary out-louses,
with a fine • . . .
. . .
. ..
Consisting of about 250 hearing. Trees.: -
There are. about. 170 acres of the above property,
cleared and iii a•good state of cultivation; the lialaoce
•is covered 'With (irk rate veCy
kind.. There is a strollg and never. failing • Kpring
• if-Water rising in the basement story of the. dwel
ling libuse,bit the remises... • - ••
7-LT sposc -
investment, in real estate ,--• well to attend --the
'„sale,ns the.alinve tract.rtf is surpassed
in Ciamberbind county, in pobit. of ferlility . of soil
and proilitetivenbss...: It liC"fl within` im?e - irtile of Oki
_merelianonills,bn irelloq Breeches t.,lreek, , •
• The terms of 61ir•will
Or sale, and due :attendance riten by the subseriliers;
pr: the deriseil of
. Abgoct 18;1838: 7 4i. / 7", -
cr:yitte.4 Lanenstr Volkareowl" and.." Lebanon
Cornier" will publish the above till . sate;roark , 'priee,
wndeltorge this-oflice." : / •
- IndiLsk NS - ?...X4DIUX.T -Pl.l. IL CP
)Loctupof an order of tlie9rfilians Stti
orl, well
r be sold at public fare SaturdayMerliali day
of - October next, :it - 1 - o'clock; P. 31., on the prom=
iSes of tract No. 1, the follewingprepertY,
No.' Valuable Lot - of Lithestone'
late -the prolierty of Alexaieler 1;11111, (1(.1.4265r - if, eon - -
iaininy ,SEVENTEEN , ACRES, more 'or' li•ss, and .
br the • State - Road ficalli lig - from Carli4e
"Newyille, by' a: public read leading (coin Diller's Mill
_lO the Mount Rockxoad, and by the lands of J:mies
Irvine and C. Bowermaster on the two remaining
The above described laad , is under good fence
and in yt good state of Culticn iind is also rendere.l
valuable on account of its being situated within one
eighth of a mile of Newville;
No. 2—Also at the same time and.plaee,
anotheelot, of land, siteat,ein the township of New,
!-tom-feymerly also_the property Alexatidiii:GlcuMi
deceased, containing. FOlilt ACRES,nore or less,
'bounded by the state road leading from Neirville to
Dublin Gap, by the CannoiloguinCt creek, and by
lands of James -Herion and. Jefferson, Boles'On• the
two-remaining sides: This Jot is also in a good state
of cultiyatiOn and within : one mile of NOV Vi i IC.
The terms of ihe tale will be made known 'on the
day of the vendue, or at any time 'previous/by en
riving of the subscriber.
• Administrattia of the .48tate'of ales. Glow. &c'd.
.Septemberlg, 1838: •
.A rarm rcir
81. onllr o~ the Orphans' Cone nf'CiiniLc'rl"aril"
county,! will expose toPublic 'Sale, on' the
premises, on Friday the 12th of October next, at 12
o'clock, M.,
• •
a FIRST- RaITE Filll4l • •
In Silver Spring toWnthip;Cumberlandconaty, a out
one mile North of the Harrisburg Turnke, bounded
by land of Armstrong Irvine; Francis- Eckles, Mar
tin Harman, and, others, containing 130 Acres, with a
• • •=4-tL — .. --: Two
• •
S-1•!/.4 '
111 r. C der Press, Spring House, and other
improvenienis thereon erected, with
an Orchard of choice Fruit.' About Sae' himdeed .
acres of the land are clehred, in it gnod.state
tivation,and under excellent fence. It is among the
best Farms in Cumberland county.
Terms of sale $230 to he paid 'on thC confirma
tion of the sale,the residneof one-half the:put'cliase
money, to he paid on the Ist of April next, when pos
session will be given, and the balance in two annual
payments without interest. •
SeptembeilB t lB3B.
cO-Tlic , •, Lancaster Herald & Examiner,will please
insert the above till sale, mark price, and charge this
Office. • , ' L.
- •
S many of the citizens of Carlisle„and its vtcuity,
arc in the habit ot. visiting.the Poor Mime and
'-the-grounds-connented--therowAWFautl-i'.wften ..._ie-re:4-nt.,
mong . thentliave-hnocked the apples off -the trees,
pulled the flowers, and disturbed - the paupers at their
occupations: the Directors take this mode of. notify-.
ing all persons, that they must not injure any of the
, property belonging le the institution, nor annoy or.
interfere with the inmates of the Poorhouse. , Those
who 'conduit themselves properly -are heartily wel : -
' come-to-visit-the-establishment-on'oall-daysi_excepf
Sundays, on which days'no one will be-admitted.• •
, t . Per ROBERT M'CUNE, - "'
. • DAVID aIVfAiIINGER,- ' ireetore.
--- -- : - r - : , - . A-7 . -- - All'Al7 WAGGONER; - --=- ~ -
. M. P!SII.BIU,RN, Steward. '
August i2O, 18 . 38.. " •• - . ' ' - '39 :
. ,
. • • •
Tlfe subscriher keying rented .his Forge, &c. &o:
and rcginquished the Iron Business, requests all per
sons hiring • unsettled accounts with him, to present
them immediately for settlement; and, those persons
knowing, themselves indebted by Note or oth erwise,
'will please make payment without delay. ' -• •
- Dickinson Forge, Ang.'.2ft;'l.B3B.-;-4w..
,The.Solool-ilireetors,of , Soutlt , Middleton towpe
ship, are. desiieus to,prp'eure the
.seryiees or Several
, Teseheri. 'Those who are desirous of taking sehoots
will inake imniedinte - Opplierition'to the miderniglieil.
: , • : SIAJART; • •
• . • . WILLIAM GRAHAM - ,
• ;School Director.
South Middleton . Tommship •.• • ' .• ,
: : August 28,1888.-3 w; - :,,S : „", _
.• • • • •,
. . .
SEALEP-PIiOPOSALS will ho - receivecint , the
Rail Road Office Wiiineshoro', rranklid.Votin-1
until sunset on Atohday (he .
: 1# of''Octber
or the'—•
... • , •
Einti'lPoOtiltitiOit of S
miles oftike:Gikilabilik . Oxtensibli'qf Ike
• Poins9oiniiti. - A . ail.' Wiry . COnimencipg :
. • ,
'424:D7-for , flikß4iildiiig
from 9le Idet'Sfiqn. . '
(j Plnns and peo~fication6 • '
of the work will he es-:
hibitedUt ruld.Office the wOek pm-ceding, t,ho:letting,i
and all ileceqB37 itd'ormation furninhed: .
.Scl'telnker 1, 1838.---,94--41 •
• -. •
SALE. i • • .
TEMBER next, will be, sold by public-outcry,
on the premises, ' •
rattlable Tract .of 11,kst rate
. .
Limicsworm LAND
9 •
, •
met thii property .of HenrytGivler,' deceased,',
ate in ,Westpeaushorouglx towriship, Cumberland.
county, containl TWO EUXDRE D AND,
FORTY:=EIGH ..3CRES, More fir leas, adjoining
lands of Jacob Myers, Samuel AfeKeehan.,Esq. Brice
I: Sterrett antlotlters, ten Miles west o 1 the borough
Of Carli,sle, and about ono and a half. from the town of
and • Newville ain sight 'of the Cumberland Valley
Rail Itond : The improvemenhothercon oven'
0h .7 : 4 1111 1.4'. ! ,• DWELLING USE
• •
built of. stone, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib's, with 'other.
necessary out-houses. There is a never-failing well
of water with a pump therein. There are also two
hearing -Apple Orchards in a thriving condition.
- The Telling or • are: - •
One-third of the ,purchase money to . remain in .the •
hands-of the purchatter daring the life of the Widow
of the a foresaidlleceilent,mid_the_interest-thereef-to
be paid to her annually, during her:natural life; .filty .
dollars of the purchase money tube paid on the con
firmation.of the sale , by the court; otie:half of the ba- ;
lance to . be -p a id- on the first of April, A. 1839,
when possession a the premises' will be , gireurtn i the
'-purchaser, and, a deed Made for the same, thelVi
dow's thirds to bcar - intOest froM the first - of'April,.
in.three equal annual payments, without iriterest.---.--
The wlMle to bp secured. retto,, , mizatle'e in the Or
phans' Cratri,. / with security. 'me Lytfullord's share
• of the 'grain in the groYth to be 804 ; 11 this autumn, to •
pass to the purchaser of said.snl`C.,/
, • - JOHN MeXEMTAN, . .
.fiarinisriatoi of Harry - Vivlcri - licit:•
,Annma et, 1838.—ts: 1 1 \ • -
FORS 41/4 AYL. •
N pursuance orllie last will 'aoktestartieut of
JI MIMI - 01,P . It ; • • •• • I.l.i_ofShippon
lepeiisesd/will-ham piw
rqis&s, oii Sgbirday the 29th day. of September next ;
- •
A TrActoilLiisiraestOsac - Law! ••
• 4
I •. - uO:4TAINtsa. ABOUT . •••
AGRE, and a• miles north west: - of
wood.lan(h The impnivemesits are' h' ' •
• - -- • -
.-- , k . •;;,, IDEIe-Stlpry atrad-:n Wlalift 1
i 1 ' - - - 'i" 1 ' -
4 •• a I Sicate-.19t0cl .taig• lonise_
Sr,• '.. . pw . t • - ,
~ . . T 117) :LOG 13.dn.N."-.:
,Tlie - ye is an:Dreliard Mal wa-ar.watelLtiear the (lom
'bftlie House.- Said iraitt. of . lanil :iiljoios :180(15 of
Da% id Nevin, Samuel, D. I kncle•soll and otiMrs.. .
'•Cit , 'SlO ' will - Zqiililitr('• - iilliTTii'iiliiiik — cM'Obl 'llity',.
M.Wilielv Lithe Iliederimi of sale will be•made known
, ' • D.a rID "TAD G ONE R,,:_,.. .- .
1 -. , - . • . . . ' ...E.x.eculoi. .
C 1-The-"Litiasfer Examiner kflerald" will in
serf-tlad - aliove three times sued charge this office. _
- 11.?„44-.1,1 . • , ,
subscriber--will-Sell at kivate-sale a -valuable
tract of Liiiieltunv Land, 'situate Smith:111)11ton
trirmilip,Ctinthmland coma) . , 44 miles birth of'Ship
pensbur,,.theCumberland Valley Rail Head runs
.of a mile smith, and a' beautiful view of the Cars is
seen as they pass_,) adjoining. Samuel Pliekhiger,'Mo
ses Ilempliillond-othettlands-of-dte-subseriher,-eon-'
• •
118. ACAES9
64 PerclMs, about Forty-five acros of which is cover
ed with tboving , younr;TLlTßE.Mtbe residue under
good fence, nod m a high state of cultivation, baying
thereon erected n small .
F.l •
G q `? •
Vq o b. 'A N D STA BLE
n . well of water nt the door, and a never failing spring
about twenty rods from the house.. If the above pro
liVrtlriiiCie gni biltirethellith - September; it-will on
that day be exposed topublic Mle no the premises, at
10 o'clock, and the conditions will„ be made known by
the subscriber: •
The Lancaster' Iteraid anti nxaminer will insert
the Oxeye 3 weeks, mark price, and charge this office.
IV HE subseriber ' Sell at private frac, .valuh
' hie tract of land, situate in -Newton township,
Cumberland county, about a half mile west of Stoughs
'town; on the turnpike leading to 'Clnuherslutrg ' ad
*oining,landa 'of John Stonglkand Samuel Browneller,
- .
Sixty-right Acres
of first-rate - LIMESTONE LAND, about •difteen
acres of which 'arc covered with Ahrivlng YOUNG
TIMBER; the remainder is under good fence and ih
a.good state of cultivation, having therecut erected a
• and Sloble.. •
There is also on the premlses a thriving YOUNG.
Any peraerovishing to view the pr' , unises will call.
with.the suliscriber, residing in Frankford township,
abed one mile north of Alte'r's-mill, and a short dia
-1 Aanee-from-liettriek'stare- _
Augnat ;11,1838. •
1 5 7E1= 5.47.3 M
• . , exposed y. .
HERB will be -to• public -sale; at- the
Court Muse, in Carlisle,' on Saturday-the 29th
ay of - Sefitember, - 18380it 1 - o'clock - , - 1.1. . . -
.A FA.R . IIII -,
• - .
. -
. .
situate in Allen - townshiti, - CumbeslatuLconnty, owtlM
telloW-Brecchea,creelti- and adjoining. the town ,of
Lisburn, eontaining 125 . Acrei of excellent gain land,
a lark licirtioicof which' is meadow on the creek.—
The ungrovenienti are--a good ,—--- , -- - .-'
et/ BaRA
:121 7. Oken.lßD.
1' lore is water in every field. The land is all,
cleared. There will be sold with the Farm fifteen
acres of Woodland, in Fairview township, Yo'rk
county, distant about mils. Terms of side $2OO
when the sale is made, one Miif the residue,op the
lst of Atiril, 1839, the balance ih three' unwind pay=
merits without interest
in - the borough of Carlisle, situate oit the "east side ot
Hatioser street, bounded by a lot of John Noble on the soutli, by the des i§gCS Or Henry Shell, 'deceased,
onlbe north, and. by Ildnover street on the west,
having thereint erected a ATwo Seory House and
large We therboardedi shop, containing . so, y ee t,i n
front and 940 feet in depth, with the privilege of a
well of water about thirty feet from the kitelien door.
Terriss cash, upon the'title being made. Possession
will be given onithe lit of April next.
' The bni Undivided fifth-part of aTraet of Land in
,811,vert,Spr_ingtownihiti, Cumberland county; hoU n ded
l,ylends of Opur r iiil EmmingeiSlielljr'i hews, Un-d
-tithei•s, nontainlngPiftit Acres ii(firStitateMiniestone
Lankaltorwhiell is neared exce4nbhut•feur aeresi
and under good fence., It being the interest ill s ,,lohn
Hogue AVan4lt . . 'rerinseish, when the titlels made.
Possessioa will b r e gi'veo immediately. . , •
The .fiist proi)ertyls sold:.hy me as . I.lx:i..eator of
Andrew Carothersjlsq.:tleetased, , The seeend, as
Attorneyrin-fact . fer-,J,Qttinn. Thornton and wife;
nail, the third •as Attorney-in-fuel - 1w John Glenn,
Trustee 6)1 4 1: Ilogue Waugh. • -:
"' Csirlisl6,.Auxust .28, I •• • • • •
rem= azE.
1313 Y an Circled of the Orphans! Court of Climber
land county there will be Bold at 31.'Clelland'a
- Tavern; in Newton township, on the . Walnut Bottom
40—O'clock, on 'Friday the - 12th Octobeite74-
• • .
• A Tract of Patented . . Wood
, Lan . d• • • ''-•
Situate in Newton and partly- in South=Ptcin•tatilt4
shiPS, bounded by lands of Moore and Biddle;lanob.
Palm, - 'John. Kitzmiller,.J.tteeli Creamier; and Jacob
Keller; containingl49.ocres, more or less., • ' ; • .
This land is , covered with the finest Timber; Bad
has a stream of water passing throughit :sufficicat for
a Saw Mill or , Fulling Mill. • .;.
Terms of, sale; our half the Orrelutse money paya::
ble on the •eonfirmation of the sale by the Court, and
thereitidue.idone-year, with interest. • ' • •
• - •. • SAMUEL . .RIIODES;
• administrator-of Jetc • ob‘•Rlsoke, deceased.
September 11 1838.• •
. ,
1 1 '111.11.711 COFIXT . Sdakig. -" •
-7 - a - -N.:purauttnee-of-a-Aktree-,of-the-orptirthe-courtTl-7----
will expose to public sale, on the preinises,late
of Wm Holmes, deceased, - •
"On Ratarday the 2011 f day. of Octoba'
'fest, a tract / of first rate Limestone Land,. sitiiate . in •
North Middleton township,' Cumberland. - countyi -- -
b - ounded by lands of Jacob Zug, Vivid, Strickler o Ton. ,
atlianliolmes, and the Poor House Farm, containing
89 Adres and 28 perches, about 75 acres of which are
- cleared; the - 'residue , covered with timberT - , On this
property there is a fine spring of limestone water.—r -
fhe above propertywill he offered for sale entire or
iu part, so as to suit purchasers.
Terms of sale made known nu the day - of sale.
admi»intrator oprillianalalmq,:deceased—__
September. 11 ; 1.2t38.t5.
- g - N. pursuance of a decree of the Orphans' Court of
71 . , Cumberland untidy,. there will. be soldon the
pre uses, ,-
3.l6nday . the 15th dwj °crab& next,;,,.
tit 12 &clock, pf said - an by public vendue,wlltluit
Situatc. in Allen township, Cumberland county,, late
the propurtyef Michaet Lung, deeeased, bounded by.
lamb; of. Jacob Merkel, David Shopp; Jacob Long,
. .
The sahrtrait onanti is First Rate,.
and has erected th'ereon, a-Three Story
r - - Ain as . ferettlllivellink
Pfif'' ii II ri ii
~ . El l'n
• - - • , . .9.
:J'" .ALarge..Pottble _Log .
,Bnrn; -- . .
Wagon .Shed ; Corn_ Cribs, and Other .out
- - buildings. . ,
There,. is a Timm. failing piing of wafer MOM
nod the Cedar Spring - Run is the boundary
lincron the SoMli - - About 83 ithres -
of the whole-tract iselear'ou
d.-• Thereis a lnk. Or
chard p • renrities..'..This plantation- lies about:. _
four kmilett'west of thuyisinmr,;llw state road from
Ilarrisburg to rietlyalumg - phssinglhatigh.lhe same.' • .
The terms dt sale are as Mllows:—.Foitr hundred
dolltu•s•to-be•-paSil nn ot - the - W.:der:T
one half . of the residue on -the I st•tittyAlf April next,
when possesion will he given, and the remainder. iu •
tlfree annual instalments,4ilhotit e -interest thereafter.- --
The whole to he seenred by Juihnnent !tomtit. .•
• r
Of Alicia:Ml Long Deceased.-.
Sepiembei• IS3B
INlpnrsnericr - ofnn orderbf,l6c Ortiliane - Poitt"
of ctimberlantr county, will be expiised to sale by
public auction or outcry, on the premises, on _
_ Friday thc , of : October + m44.
the following described tract, of land, the pt4ciperty of
John Graham, into of said ebtinty, ileeensetl;.,
A - Tract et Pate cited. Laeld,
sininte in I fopewell ,townsbin; nbout tbreemiles enst
of NewbnOi , and six west Of . ,Islewrille; bounded by
-bunts Or .I)_l3twnine,, eontainjng,
30Q 11:07,28,
more or less, 150 acres of which are
„cleared, and
Twenty Acres of good. Meadow,
a never failing stream of water running through it,-a
well of water near the house;
• .2 7 4 •
, LOG BARN," •
and other improvements thereon erected. 'Pilo crop
in -- the greMal -belongs-to the-tenant-and is-therefore •-.-
reserved. Pdssession will be given - on the first of
.April, 1839.
The terms of the above sale are ''eme-third - of the;
purchase motley to. be paid on the At of Aprit, 1839,
and the residue in five equal amatql payments there
after, the whole to be secured byl , e4uggizance in the
Orphans' court, with approved security, upon the con--
firmation'of the sale. • -
• JAMES 611A1IAM; .
• . •
administrate• of John Graham, deceased.
--In v imanoc-oran o r deva tii c t OrUhansrCourt
Cumberland ectiudy : , will be %old
.on , the premises; on
Saturday the 13th day, of October next,.:i
at 12 o'clock, M., a Lot of •Ground, with . . .
11. - 0, V. E • fc. kla "LIE
thereon, erectetyate thepronerty ofJohn stoner, dec., .
situate in the Borough of 'Newville, bounded by n lot.
This prolierty is; clear of all ineunilminees. . • '
Terms of sale, one half of the purchase money on
the confirmation of the - .snle, and the t residue in one
year tlierealler,, without ' interest, to be secured by .
Nuletent bond.. Possession Williferglith on confir
ination of sale. • : • - ,
-.JOHN MlNNlGH,..Ereentor. .
September.dd, 1888. . r ••.
eitrizaxs;_ - coeN7f , sazE__
"1 - N pursuance 4.0 decree of the Orphans'. Court, X
will expese , tepublic - sale r on the premises,. on
.Tuesday the 23d : of October „Nfext,
Tanytifil , 'Property; situate in 'Mifflin; township,
Cumberland abput, 5 miles ,frous Newyrlle,
bounded by lands.of Jacob North,-John
'Christian' 'Mistier.. and outer:, and eontaintngClne
Act , o and 'l.lO Percheit,'haying.thercon 'erected a
2.'Slor•,y /Go"' liotase
TAN. ROUSE - • •
Bark- Sheds-an - th;Tan•Vetts
Also, a Tract of Land in the sanie,lownship,
bounded by lands of John Neagley,
ler and others, containing 15 acres:- Abotil 19 AriCR
of this tract' , -are , '-elenred; the residue' CuiTeretrw it it
'thtiving timber. The: •aboycxprolierties are now in
the' imsstlssion of WimAilims, anti form part of the
real .estate -1-IPlnies; deeca'sed:
pus tnadcluown,on Om day of , ; t
.September 11,1838.' •..,,•
. .
. .
- ' • 'r. .- -::::.NOTIVE , ,', -,.. - i,'.: , 1-,.
, , . ~ , , . •• - ~-.••• , •
~ A
,-BSCON,D,ED,,* yesterday, frziny k 6' la - f t .:x..od &i l e a
,l - t-iff the• Rey. Josliiia Williams' .:D;'ileceased;la
eStpenasbot..o.4k.toiviAliip,-ClUnlierinnit!onl4Y r n- ,
pi_9ltr,n Boyofamed„ •
. George :Ina ler; .' r • ..-..,.. j*
•an indented - .... 0 i• tho - Farmirig . 7 •.' 1t ... v -
BiliflitlCS . S, aged about seventepri . years.- 1 . z ''''?*
Had,Oil •when he Went away a.Stripcdcet- ' . •' . .
ton rataidaliout laid Paiital'Oons, a strAc - , .if .
hit Ind laced calf skin boots. All Persons.7.l7.' • •
:af,e lieiebY cautioned agabist, harboring Or employing'''
said4ppreatice at the peril of the laW; as he hassece, •
vit i•ears of his appreaticeshitYk•t to serve:: •
~.: '. . 1:1; wmu "NtSy admin6tratSK..-•
,Neiribei tfl -- ,1838;-:_:. - • 1 .
. ,
. . , - • , .