Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 25, 1838, Image 3

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BY GEOltr,F;
-•- The Peoples Candidates,
V•ltat 11114 iittial2l2ll(o,l2ivo
Buren. Ticket.
':ConnoTssioner. • •
-j'A - C EN ER.,
• Director o •the Poor.
-- • •
.• Dtel-on: - yottgr G4eArdll •• •
• •We have received' •intimations that the
I?orter . Loco Foeos "haVe - an intention, of
zinanufactaring FettenED antrrirTenTlis., ,pur
:Totting to be 'from those who - liaveherete-
Perjpry anttlilleg'al-acts
of.Davidß - .*Pol. ter, Whichnre, - .7 - to emivey
the im,ptesSion that they hive been deceiv
ed, and. the accusations,' against him ire - -
all false 1 These . are io•_,b6- ind.ustriuSly
circulated the conntri , '''On_ the :eve'
• ofthe eleetion, Whop it will be too late to
- contradict theiril - Be on your guard
theirs:is aliopcless .scaese—and they will
_ tesoit to Forgery, Perjury, and :111isrepre- .
seutitions to defeat - . 'the. 'election , of
' JOSEPH TH'PNER. Remember that six
yearS ago the peopleel were cheated out Of
Fanner . candidate-by-AIM-Fononn AX—
witosyl..;ErFirt: Learn Then by etperience
that nothing is 'too base for the Tarty, and
remember 'too that -if the, ChargeS
. againko
Daid R. Porter were Ealse; * montlis have
elapsed in which his 'friends might ,Intle
'disproved thein-- 7 :nlL'P THEWAISTIOT.•
n'We have . btcn requestCd to stale, ihr.t the Rev.
SEYs, a • MissioLary. froin Africa, will preach 'in
the Methodist Episcopal church on to-nwrrow
ncsday) evening; at half past 'seven o'clock..
kr" Meetings of Specie
friends of Rituer and - Speci
Payments will be - held on SettirdaY next inNewville,
School IlOuse, in West Pennshorough township, on
the same evening, at early candle light. The knoll
work, progresses itcadilY and impidly;and the zeal of
our friends-in-everyloarter-of-the-county
commendable And praise-worthy. they but exert
themselves from:tliis till lie: election as they have for
the last two or three weeks, we shall carry QIUr entire
county ticket. A little mare energy end exertions,
and victory will perch upoli-ottel;aunerw.
. Slav' leaoes. Etc . ciion,
FRIENDS OF RITNER! Reiriemberthat on Fri-
(lay nest, .the election for Lis,
wiltribehehlin tlie-ilitferent-toxins]
Dui. armor' for the contest -and be at the )nirs
o r
Me on
early. Secure the election of Hither Inspectorir, and.
then we shall have fair . play ()lithe hecand Tuesday of
October. Give us but that; and we shall triumph in
the county,, despite of all the exertions of the loco fo
,Let our which-word be 'I - Mum-and Specie Pay
ments: and Am. Will gowell. " -• .
Citizens sitetnnberfn tad!
We warn . be on your guard in- re awn to.
falsestaternentsduitinay be circulated by the Porter
menon the . er . re of the election: Remeniter dint it vas
forge (1 ?otter thatjlefentetii.hetleol)on of osepli
ner in 1832; anditfoiriery was resorted tout that time,
may it not be resorted to again?. We iberabre warn .
our friends to beware ofsuch stories and tricks as may i • . a/IbOdig /On. • ,
be Circulated and practised a few day sbefore ,the elm-' •Tlie friends of Van bui.enandPorter have lribored
Coe by our ardidand unprincipled opponents; bard ,to ideMify Gov. Ritner with • the abolitionists,
.. '' by resorting to every species of tricks and falsehoods
• • Coininitiee.s • of.„ rigila*c? -to accomplish their object, but an in . vain. - • Wepub- .
'some weeks ago the-vote of David :li. Porter
- Are yeiiiloing your duty? ::Are you. native . itt - your -- lishetl
legislature during the session of 1819-20, irtre
in spreading cot information amongst lii (lie
latioti to the admission of the territory of Illiseouri
lent. neighbors?' Have you alltbiagsrCadY for the 2tl
' into the union, Whieh proved him to be a strong . oho.
Tuesday of-October? ',flea lavehet, awake: front
Yew lethargy:. •TheenemY Sie.tietive. Feliow their Jitiordst. We have 'since ascertained: from thejour
examplebi that reirpect „We Lave a righteous cause Mils, that n joint resolution raised 'during the mission
of 1828-99, instructing:our : amnion' and, requesting
to sustain, and' ilwe bc but as activeris our Opinments,
victory shall be ours. • .",. •-.... ' • ,J : " - our representati7s in congress to pt the passage
, ;.: ~• ....;
.... •„ ~ .-....-... .•,.: . . , of a law, "to abolish sicase)7l in the district oft`atiluin-*
¢ld:Molltite..Cutuberlatillis-.-. No.!' Thieresolutiottis tested by Ner - Middlesdaril;
'...- Speaker of the House of Representatives; and Daniel
'.' ~...' .- -"• ' ' Coing!, ,- . -
~ ~. ', .: ~ , ~ •, . • ., sturgemi, Speaker of the,Seaate; and is approved by
During the hist. : two weeks, our friends throughout : J. AndreW Shulze,•Gbvernor. of the. COmmonwealth,
ther i ouidy.have been 'very active infertheringthe goad' on the 24th of April 1821 if
It passed the .. of R. by : :
cause; ':lrialmost every district of the county, meet a vote of 81 to 8; the tweJaoksewnientberifroin . this
e been held, which , cSre attended by tend ~.eciunti (hiessiin'Aleiander and tobich);voting for it•
li .
or tw 'ties, but by HUNDREDS of the farmers and iind,it, assed : . the Senate. - without:e ilisseliting voice.:
workingmen ; the reel .bone • ind:sineito of the-hind, ; the , great'bull. dog' of the party; the State Treasurer
'fhe•friends .of sitner and Specie -Payments are up , and ChairmatiOf the Porter Central Oommittee,WhO
and doing, and if the, changes continue frotatilisii!itil . bait recently been 'aoeireetnitlly.'nsed..up'..forbis - folly '
the electi on, as they.' have been for the last, four Or five and igiiorinee„.was Ocji'SPeaker;Of the Senate, .and
weeks; we bitie no hesitationiii . saying-tW' Gimbel.; Voted iii.f4vOr.of the abolition of oive4; in'the district
„ . . .
tandeounty niterthev.viulT , ueOny of Oetoher,' of Colombia. In shed, almost eveil: jack:snit and Van
berranii.ed along side of the Other :democratic' coon,,- m`f:mber of both houses voted foe this alicolition
tie's;which •harigiverilheir. supOrt to Joseriknitner. --9 . 0 e best eridence that they have
-*Let our friends throughout the coefit3' ; ,. ere,- been the war nis nilyseles ,of the.principles tvid
,to be ACKIy.F.--let:therno on .With.. thole . tow nidt i p objects of the abolltibiiiStS;aturwltich proves what art.'
Meetings--let them continue to throWiheir IteondSides rant hyjicierites and inipOsters they bee in accusingiser
into the enemy's camp.L-anitll triumphant. VICTORY '.•.iinriy7,i • the. very
,thing•lshich they
. theirtselVd•s hire ,
yi)lperchupori their banners: - ' • beoa Of! -- • „ • • ••.. • •' .
. . , • • • •
Never -were the prospeas'of any politieittparty.
'Pennsylvania so cheering as arc those of the friends of
JOSEPOIZITNEft. iciterY section of the corn..
.monWealth—Trom the mirth; ' the "south; the ,eOSt,
-thelwestalLthe intelligence -ye reeeive,isyerfectly,
tigrtWahle. - lye heat. Wally of individuais'—oF . Zelilt-,
barhoods 7 .of toamshipg—and 'ei•bn' of . Whole coml
tics, where chany'ea in faoi , of the Old :Parnier have
been brdupt about.' Every day we see theglivines of.
huncl'reds of personawlio publicly declare, that they
have heretofore oppoiciaosepfillitneri but that, bhing
impressed with-ti knowledge of his superiority; both
in 4 moral and,of view;over his ()Imo
nent, they Will now give lain thein hearty support.
All the changes- we hear of are in one. lirection- 7 -in ,
favor ofJOSEPH RITNER. ev y quarter,
'-umentirelpeolVdtnit s -of - SUCGESSian hingnoW
, but the neglect of our friends to do their duty can pre,
sot a GLORIOUS VICTORY. Let activity, then,
I ,artimate every one, and 'our majority will be swelled
• 7
fred er it* el at tr• Esq. •
. _ . •
The manner in Which the nomination of, this gen
tleman for congress has beenreceived by the people,
is highly encouraging to our .hopes of.liis election.
frMr. Wattsis extensiVelykTOWn.throughotit the dia.- ,
man.of fine talents and Cultivated rplnd,-Z:
ti it
a good citizen, ar- honest man, and one in every
wart:lnstilled to fill the'situation which his fellow ci-,
tizens wish to impose upcin him. It would be a ore- -
dit fo thiS district to have:a representative possessed
of Mr. Watts' character and talents, whose opinions
~ wetildcominand'respect'M the councils ofthenation,
would - extend further thin - the
Mere force of a .way
The greatest and ,best arnment which the Porter
men now have to make use of; is Grakging. This they
do with a trick, and in-such a mak that ninny of them,
. f this asteni I talry — suppose -- 7that - Portet.
lis it chance of being - elected! .1t is in tills manner
that they keep up the_ s . pirits.of their deluded follow-.
erS. The most extra - vagant calculations are, made
Nt : i tl; regard to the yotes, oWratalea, andilKise
do ncir : Siu.l.aire into such thingireceiveis:true-
Focliistance;'the : Pmfeentval - com .
this county and the five counties which hind it, the'
following vote::
Por Porteethe following majorities, in
. Curuberland': . . . 1 800 .• •••.• .
-Tel . . . . . . 900 -
- . . • . . 500 •
Nprk. . . . -1200- 7 -
• .
• . . • .3 , 103
They tillow for ItitAer;:iii
•Aquins -
• • .
Airtkinglor-PotteaLti-m:ki•twityori-- - •
Nowoniy one havingttktiowludge-of the state of
partici in die six eottitties jiist nantetlonust kulow-that
Ilerter will not only have neinajoidy:itithein at all;
but that he will . he beaten I.2oo:votlis,' making, only
the small -difference of about four thonsaml votes itt
the calculation.
(0 - "Gett. Hugh Brady, of the U."St Artny,arsivicti
in-thislmroughLonlWednastlay-last, enloat
out Thursday afternoon, he reviewed the First Batta
lion of Cumberland VolUntee6,Mnder the command
of 'ilea-Col Faulk, 'on the matt square, Wiiielt Lad
turned out with alacrity' to hay due honors to the old
luro It NV tis iAlftlidgomqktradei - nund 'the noveltY of
the scene dreitniundreidn'of all altinnes of our citizens
to l yietv it, all of whom were delighted. The gem , '
ral exiwessmi hi l mscifbighly pleased with the volun
tell% - kitufand hospitahlemintineru
in -which he .was received, And recognized many a
mongst them with whom lie had been acquainted dur,
hug his sojourn at the CC lisle Barracks nhout twenty- .
five years ago. Out the following day, the general
took his deparNi4. fir his Had Quarters at Detroit,
with the best wishes of his Triends and
It is ninnsing to see Capt. 'Ramsey, now !lathe
candidate'fn• eongresspeakingto, and treating, and
Sliaking hands frith iheil who, in. ordinary times, he
Cannot see. An old man the other day remarked, that
'the fellow had shaken handit.with him teat day, n
thin he had never done-before, aidd be had known
hiitrti•om hilibirth."- the old gentleman understood .
the, object of the . e4tain's friendship. ' . 1 - -
7121 . 2 ,it'ontralf4. .
•-We Ivrruld ask tinynine men:out of ten, u•tho,intend
to-support Nyni. S. itarnsey for congress, -whether, if.
echtir of the General
-they-had-legal-husinesstoltpinsact,amthatl an pots-
answer without doubt, would unhesitatingly be, we
u ill' take NVArrs would Bien ask the sameger
demon, if they have not sufficiel cOnfidettre'ld.
3. Ramsey to trust him in the transi'etion of theirpri
vale business, why 'are theyso regardless of their duty
ns . to ent,fer' . tipon him a Situation in whirls theirpub- ..
/ic interests must ,necessarily suffer? It may be re-'
lied upon, that a young lawyer who, after practising I
six or seven years at the bar ; and has hot talenftstifft
elem. to g4into . t business wliich 'would pay - for the'
salt ho . uses, would be avery unfit representative in
Congress. where he ttmet. every thiy
sins with men of vigorous - - •
Out .Prospect,s.
_:..T1.•.J0:T : ,,.- i . , ..!-',. : ,,.4,: . : . ,..i. - ..0:*.f,711 - .:c..4...X..:0: . .,,:4 - :* , 4',: . .w.v..p . p.i01" . ,t . ..:0:.v4.
The Harrisburg Chronicle givesan:account of some
gross outrages committed by the ioColci , co . :l 3 orteritesi
upon the packet'llots in - which tltere 'Were'delegates
in t!* ititrii..x•lcOnvention-tti Ivittsborgh, , Atpun-v
can's Island •one of boats was'assailed.. With Stielt .
-amimmense-shower Ofstones,-thatvery-serioutchijUry
, would luure . been . Inflicted upon many of the passen
sere, had:they-not iodk the eabini. J trans
parency likeness of Washington, attached to one end"
of the lamt, was torn to pieces with the stones thrown
by.the.infuriatid mob. 'At Blairsville, „the boat in
which the editor of the Chronicle had taken passage
homeward,. waaassailed by a
,mob of upwards of one
hundredlilackguardS, whO, for awhile, threatened
death and destruction to all MI board. They made
foul and.filthy spereanhoufthe 'delegated 'on hoard
_the hr . • led •Gov,
e eeli
loitt and" e
Candidate,' The ( Mack Dutch 11 . 610.,' and' Old Dutch
Joe Ititner.' But not satisfied with all this, they
must insult innocent and respectableladies Ivho were
in the:, boat, by calling them Peggy Ileaty's, and ask
ing the passengers to bring them out that they might
set then i! VIII the honest yeomaiary.of the state to
lerate such brutal and outrageous acts-as these? Will
they not indignantly flown upon such base conduit at
the ballot- boxes? party dials composed of such
materials,- who-thus act the part of bltteltguaids_m;A
should be opPosed by every-friend of-good
ordernint - moialsjthroughout . the state.- .
• - • -
. cOlamespimb Fitzpairick;lii his laSeletter.from -
Shippensburg to tie editors Of the liolunteer:''says
that Mr.. Penrose, it the speech 'he •delivereclAt the
late Ritner. meeting held in that Idace,'abused the late
Hon: Williani Ranisey. - This is untrue—he 'did nO
such-thing, and- PedngOgue lknewhe . was-lying - whew
he-wrote the lettetrreferred to. Bat . 11hat elsc_cduld
be expected from d'hired' r - ieribble4mito - is - .doing the
'di woi•ito of his employers; and whOCarITA sustniu
his cause by faCts and arguments? . Verily, the lying
Pedagogue Avortliy„and appropriaie cOrrespond
ent'Of the lying:Volunteer. •
161-The-lasholunteer-epiiiiiiiis-alette •-fi•oin soma
friend in Pitfsburifi,ln whiciiit is stafetlicaillie - Kir- .
tor men will carry .Allegheny county! ..The editor's
'conscience (if he have any) unrsr
when'helia&Ted - that; titter-cortlurcmtipriisiton For e
linew dint J,oSejili ltitney'a'iiil the `whole couiitY_ticiet
p.apr2iiivii a majority -- of at-leatroitelliOusaintlir.A.l
legheny. But after Sanderson's 'gross falsehoods in
relaiion to Mr. Rupley's unpopularity-- and3lr. Se
ner's incapacity,-and his eidosgiumsupon John Corn
man's worth and qualifications; which every unprejit
-dieed-man-knows-torbe fah3e, lie is-eapabie'of-saying
any-, thing;liowever base and untrue _
IrrFitEDEUICF WATTS, :Esq. _ our candidate
congress, irbharged in the Voluuteeriwith having de
'ared, if he had_the . poWer,'- he, would deprive
all doormen; 'who lUtve not prop`ertyAo the titudunt of,
one ihound dollariii: of the liberty_ of vOting."-
deny thiitMr. Watts ever made. a declaration , -' 7
eVety-irmin iteatminted witk : hiniAnows that she
ch;txge is /' alar . ' late lie was colleocted-tir t s rf
fect-alwonk=-uotin Cumberlitiul county; where - he is
'kuovn» , iut in other parts of th'eflistriet,
!lc is not so - well - knowii: We.say agiiin; the charge
is a basefuls*pti, and dare the 'convicted 104.7.'0
prove that it is true. He cannot do so, and therefore'
must stand hdore'the public branded as a slanderer,
'a 'calumniator, and n falsifier---a character whichhiii
been - .LEGALT.trdotto him-during his brief d i to- .
Tial 9areor.
100 .
•The last Volunteer'cOntlins a letter from Sidp
pensbnrg,profes.iink to give an account of the Meet ;
ing held in that place on Saturday 'week, by the snp-
porters of Gov. littler and the friends of specie pay
ments, in which it' is stated that there were not more
than 25 vatable inhabitants of the borough And ton n
ship of Sliippensburg present. Those Who were in
at the Meeting . ; they eend.thiS state=
meat in the Volunteer, were no doubt somltwhat
prised to find that there could be - found aniongst ihem
one person hold enough lo indite such ii most 710(0.•
rimy falsehood. But when they Are told that the snge
writer Is none else than-Mr. 'Pedagogup,' alias Sir
'James Lam 4 Fitzpatrick,' alias 'John n
Esq.rtheir wonder will instantly.cease, as they have
illTvaTdTh - tnl -- suillcient - evidence - to - convince them - that
he would stop sit nothing iu the - way Of lying to serve
his employers. The idea that only 25- whigs in the
township and barbital! of Shippensburg, which em
brace - so many- 7.aliis and public spirited - wings,
001 be got to attend a , rneeting in favor of littler and
'specie payments, is so , supremely ridiculous and im
probable, that no intelligent man of either party could
feenne moment credit it. . • •-
, Q7TLc Volunteer repents itsnsserti9n, that John
1). Mahon, in his speech at the Piitshurg ltitner Con-
Nctitiop,'said that David It:Vol:ter wns an honest'rnan,,_
tuathat the charges hrotight against Itiin were not
itrite".'alVe'sittilett Mr. Mainni - iihriii — A. mi'ke - tise of
the language.' iniptitea to him: he merely remarked
that he did not ap_pr.ove
of Mr:Porter before the people--:and as to the ehar: l
gas of fraud and perjury, he said lie had never inquir
ed into their.' truth 'or falsity: lie opposed him on
other grounds; and thought that his 'being in favor of
the sulPtreasury scheme would. induce the PEOPLE
of Pennsylvatiin, by a large majority, to dppose him;
for hebelieVedthere was no use , to leak, further for
Objectionitoliim: •.! ,He Would go for .ioseph Rafter,
bemuse he 'was a good governor, and was in favor- of
Pennsylvania. interests 'and measures. This is
honest truth of the matter, and the Volunteer may lie
nsinttehas it:pleases in relation •to it. The peOple
- 151 - CatrifititTo - iiTatyr,TeveTtlfifehlArlqalfoirtilMnill'
have said what has just o..en.pi4 into' h i,W
is,moutlill .
enquire info the theta - fo r e theniselvet6and - thequdge
accordingly. They know what WoUld have Witten
ebillfr, Mahon fa that case, and aretherefore alto
getherindifferent on the subject.
j The eflitornfthe Volunteerhas broMne it great
champion of Cot . WOodhure all 'at once, and appears
to have taken hiin into his. 'holy keeping,' Ile will.
denounce and anathematize all who even question the
abilities and modifications - of the . -although
Ire a cknowledged toa political partiiiaii not morethan
three weelts prior to; the nomination; that the colonel
wits 'not competent,' but that he was 'a-clever fellow.'
thiswe are prepared-to' prove at any time, and it is
11d hestevidenen of the Volunteer's, hyPoerisy on this
siibje'et. - The 'sentiments of that print in relation. to
Col. Woodburn, when he and ,Sanderson Fere cantli-.
dates for the legishititre sneeialsclectiOn• some:
four. years ago, were of the most violent
. kind-;-apd,
although the latter wasqupported - by the red-mouths
and a goodly ntimber:of ivhat he now. cullSifedertilt,',
liscause he was Upponentof Van he
wag liilludiY;,defeated. ':i'lle„sanie 'ollie' and f.slan- .,
derous attacks'' were Made , upon COI4 « oodtitirn in
the same paper three'years, tigii;•when ho W'aihii
ilidate„foV the legislathre, on the TAtubletiherg,ticitetc
but the editor of the VolUntUer 'diem to lat'ie ent;rslY:.
,forgettentheSe thiugs,,, grid he iati*.theadvocritii : Of
a mkn . sviop he then Aytiald;haiiir
feet,lf ite 4 had but i;c:ificiiisC4
at lengai.iceeivedit!eofJieiti
, rou;ni,
`:Pciky's" 10 inO
ga:tv;3 , 4l#Ol:,l4:cariKrsa ,
.441; a - rattjarity , bialichea of thelegialatixre'l
Oneth4usand tuni for lilrtioiS
More mob zaal.
, . .
• We publish in'anOther coletpu. :a letter froin
~ Whartnn,Bsq,a respectable lawyer &icctizenofHun
tingdon,iri rehitiOn to the. part he'Wits indUced to take
lif,faVor - ofDavid-RI-Porter,:and_the:r_ealionsfor. , not :
aupporting hin s i now,' which we: commend to the seri
ous atientioii-drour T tiadera_Mr—Wharton:Y;RS.
wayv supporter of Gov. Ritner; but viten hie
bor (Mr. Porter) was nominated by the sth of Mardi
conventioh, 12e avowed WS:determination tavote for .
hirrt out.of personal friendship., He Was one ofeight
'lawyers who signed a certificate, stain , * that there_
were no unsatisfied judgments on the docket against
IVIr: Porter; but he has since foundout to the contrary,
and that lie was imposed on-by the ‘dodger;' -who told
hint they were all paid off but the costs, ‘vhich was the
reason satisfaction had - not been enter&l. 'He signed :
two other certificatesi one accusing, Porter of blasplie
my, Whart.O;belleveiFlit - the time ttilie
false, but which lie now believes-to be true. But we
Will no longer keep the'letter - from our readers;
-- - - (Cilf John Cornman should, by any possibility, be
elected commissioner,; which he so much desires., he
would not only receive his daily pay, but would throw
all the public printing of-that:office to the -*Oltinfeer,
of which he is part owner: T.lponitifi election depends
Clint of George Sanderson .ns county .treasl*r, who
would receive his per centage on the pub ti t money,
and throw • all the printing of-his office to tbi) yollii
teer, of.whibli he is the Other me . owner.. 'filius,this.
brace of brawling clenzagoguci; and griping pluckle
heads would 'feather their nests' to spr..purpose—
but we trust and believe that an enlightened publicwill.
defeat their base plins offiOiony! gigrand*lient.
-.. • . --
7 : - . 7--- , - .7 --- '- ' - : -. 7 , ...
-- ."Ztle is stated in the - ,Toltinteer , ;•of Thursday last;
that "the Illiner. - eetithicters - in; - seyeral - - placed have
turned offirhite laboring men on the public Works,
and supPlied,tbele.places with neiroe!. -- We pro
nounce this assertion te be, anddare the editor
to produce his proof. _lle knew, before his paper of
last-weetrapOared!,-ttfat- , thittfamotts-charge-had .
beeit di&proyed.( - .r -- %`•e - ilte signatures of the ceiirautT)ii
themsely6s; yet he has Ttlio'ttudacity"..te,eumebut and'
as - seri - the eiphilletT - fdragio`od."_liii wiiht better can
- we - exptet - froni - an-tuiPtiticipled-cabal,4ltoi - not being:
able to 'find any 'just fault-with the state administra
tion, dr - 6 , 6141VA tor 4 esort to _fahre/toado - of th&deexest
dye-to sustain their sinking cause? They_know that
their_causeis desperate, and therefore hare to-resort
to the most desperate measures to uphold it.. But let
us,suppose the charge to be true; .do not .the greater
i - portion-of our-readers-in-Alifitioretigh-know,--that the
father of the junior editor of-the-Volunteer, aniLthe
-senior . chosen- candidate"- for :epmmissjoucA
- employs the most-worildees ne,4l.oes aboutour tow!),
such as LofYy Pen.; preference to
poor steilte. men? They know this to be - a fact; and
consequently , will not think fnuelrof the sympathies"of.
the Volunteer so pciihticakitexpressed Un this
• .
TO . THE art:Y . kin.—
The Vol'unteer, the Perry - County Donaocrtit,and - o :
they loco foco pressed in the state, have stated that
James Dunlop, Esq. ,of . Chamberiburg, inn speech
which he delivered'at a . Meeting of the hien& ofJo
seph Ritner in„that place, remarked that he believed
' David It. PoiterWas an honest man, ,and that all the
' charges circulated against:his 'honesty and character
were false: Nireltre - authorizedte state, that - hie. D
never made use of the IttOgnage attributed to'im by
the priAts `referred -- fo. In that speech, he said, in
speaking' of 111 C, : Porter, that, "as for the chargEts of
dishoneity itnd fraud against him, /1..n0-wane-,
thing. Whether:they are true or not, it is the sense
to me ; I have not read them; nor do I intend to say
One Word , on the subject of thev. • I haye other-ma
sons for opposing him: Ile is the candidate.of the
Loco 'Foco,..A.grarian, ..Ul3 7 l.7reasuCy:parti,which is
sufficient ground for any Whig to, oppose him. If you
elect Daidd R. Porter, you sustain Van Buren
co Focoism, the Sub-Tr'ctisury, and all the experi
ments of the present and late administrations:" Now
Volunteer, what falsehood will you flat in - vent
or retail? '
• weres h r ,p r i v d to sec_itstated-Lin:the 7 last
Volunteer, that the friembiof Hither, in declaring that
naVid R. Porter voted for the Cietty•Sbniir rail-road,
tied, - We, were - tretually,astrinished to find . .thlit• the
the — Volunteer hit'd ION; lost 'AM; sec of
decency and truth, as te. say that Porter did not vote
loran appropriation to that road. We affirm Male
did, and any one that will examine the journals of the
schsion of ,141,7,e - We
'some time since had n fainthope of the reformation - of
'neighlwir Sanderson; but alas! our liope has 'vanished
into thin air.', Jfe .'is joined tolhis idols—it:lMM
, . • •
we opened the Volnntoer of last week,.
and juld read the second article under the editoiial
heal, n cold iTiffalur , . camme over as. We were
thunder-struck to see the very aolemn'manner in
irhich : the editor .told that we *roast beware hen!
we handled the candidates on thq toe° foco ticket!
Ellood and _thunder hoW we trembled to' sde
or deciare,that his motto was, "Lay on McDuff, and
be he- who first cries, hold! enough!": We
were alinost con Strained to give up the canvass in des-
Pair; but, after thihkin*, over the matter,.we conelud,
.ed innur loth' minds to still hold fast, and fight out
the battle manfully, •
'efTl,Volt.u4eerof last week is out openly in, its
!thitse - of - A=Governer-Shulze,---We-give-the-edttor
credit for Oh ? :16 it eCinees his c . onsi stency in thispar
aiculne' at least;TThat Paperteereed,withilbuse-and
folseltoods against Shulze Immediately after he
was elected governor by the democrats, by a majority
of more than twenty-fiye thousand. It-was' always
secretly and insidionily opposed' to Mtn, .14 without
- effect, and is now unly'.lalibring in ita'yoeittlen;
ting its small spite at!those whem it :cannot injure..
Gov,Shulzeluts'matty old friends in this county who
will profit bythe.noble sentiments in., his late. letter,
and willyesent the abusp"of him by the Volunteer.
, ..
• I'lte coMmuni'eationo we - published two weeks
ago, in relation to the legislative career, - Alt& want of.
qualifications; and, the unpopularity 'of Col. YlfoodLr
bern, ar' reaivltb hive given olrence . to" the Volunteer.
That.paper insinuates thatit is the production of a
'pitted: correspondent, whieh • we pronounce ICI he en
tirely destitute of truth for it was the free offering - of
one of the Most zeafouls Vats Bnren men
. in the county,.
;Who - Spoke his gentimenti like, nfreeman. 'it nasertet
that. the' communication; contains , utilise"' inpil - wSlati.
dorotie attacks' Upon qta;, : Wcitiptirn, Which ,is also
destitute oftruth.: Our correspondent merely stated
sclud the:journal; of the house:will proie, that'Cid ! .
„ .
Woodlnum pursued a very inconsistent course in the
ingislatureiby voting in favor of banks:and inummo
. 1
improiyement hills , .one sender!, ,tind., - otipeeing them
the next.;-that', he'Wan, illiterate man end unfit for
station of legishito -,...itibs letters Ain:l:public acts
*mold lire;/64;ritin.1 th t' he „Was unpoptilar With the
Partyto, , ithiell , he:itelonged,.tui.the Official returatiof
the-last; clection - 'amply demonstrate. The - so facts,
therefore; the'. - editor (anti prA tin editor) of the Von i
lunteer - terms iiibnat;44;id !.valiil.7..pyt tgftacke'! , . out '
upon theifttorainue•-, 7 - '. , • ,' :' '.. -, ~' ~- - . - 1 . i
.. , ..
Chambersbgrg, - 41P - argaintingtion
- 14111:1&11007.19:'''' ' • •
The-following-is -a-profile-of - this-Rail -
Road;.figures ekplaining, the various
facts concerning it. -
No. 1. Chambersburr. '
2, Pornolt'sMouptaiti;lOund-- - the;Potith;;
ern - dittt or winch, the road has_ to run.: F..
3. Tuscarora Mountain:
_ 4. =Osvlingr
--5. -4'unnel-throigh-Sideling-Itill—
a mile. - I
6._ Broad top mountain. •. ' • -
7. Rayatown Minch of the Juniata. - ,
._.B—Juniata, er. •
9. Ridges.
.. _
D.• R,.. Porter's farms, titfo'' .
which the line poSses, on which there'll a
spite fee a. furnace, adll.7f ---- ": 7 •
.1. LE - • •, .
• This.roitd rune round a great many hills&
-"mountains; -and-conOequentlrinus t---be -very
crobked ;• - and:- whew: eonstrncteil it:46041d
USELESS,be as few persons ever think
of travelling that- :route.- Should a road be
constructed along this route, there : woad
' not be business enough to employ t'Loco
motive once a week!!! Yet" till road would
Cost - MILLIONSto- construct it.- Not 7.
withstanding•all facts staring him in
the faCe; David Porter moved
that an appropriation OfTWO HUNDRED
..THOUSAND DOLLARS should be , ifiacle.
to this Road!!! Ifany one &Mins This
-statement, we refer hint to the journal of
the Senate of 1636—w, Vol. 1, .Palrje
where hp War find - Jhe folloWing record':
"A motion..was ruaddbYt), V. PORTER
to amend the 6th Section, (of the bill to con
tinue the iinprciVement'of the ' ; State) by in
sertihofter. the word "to as follows:
~T o. the "stock of the HUNTINGDON
COMPAN'Sr - Tipp lifundred Thou
sand 111ollarS” !I! •
Should DAVID R. PORTER be elected
Governor,' he would use all .the influence
of his office, toproctire the construction of
this RO'adill • ,• •
The • difference bet Wee n. this Road and
the Gettysburg Rnirßoad would be,_ that
this road would cost twice Us : much to make,
and When constructed, would'belVOßTlL
LESS, :as: there Would be no travelling
the Gettysburg Road would be very useful
and productive,
But besides
.voting for this useless and
expensi : %ie Road, MILYORTEW VOTED
THE dorry SEt UR .• ROA.% •as may
be seen byllie'Jotzrnals .gt the Senate II
If any,.noubts that the . above is not a cor
rea'profile of.the r outeof the Rail ficiad
from - ehambersbnrg - tollui)tintdan f let-him
• .
examine,any _recent map-Of=-Pennsylvania,
whore the . nuninta . ins. and ridges- are • laid
do wn, .and ;his, doubts must . vanish. •
Aleniestbst.there is a 4, nil sun
derseulding between Col, .111'Clure
icy, end toprove that thereis none, sayetilPhei may
be !ken' daily nrelking '.the public avenne‘i'tc4ctlier.
.This we positively 'deny, and idmost.everreiiizet: of
can - Veer witness to- the!fact, that .they
have hetakvery peldetn,,Seen„tertheeshicetthe Cap
tain chiseied the iCeloncl out of tlie;nom*ticiti. ' •Wc'
have no' doubt, howevei, quit2fOrn, this; time until_ the .
election, the Captsirklirillihri:iwitintselflute thebein
panY of the 436.- l Anel Its frequently. In-pet:slide; . for
sake of keeping ;up appearatices. ' • .
iocoAcoi.. of this horough held' a "meeting
Saturday evenidg,-ivhich-tras- closed- With-. two or
three rains, it . nd muct,iyt•aniiiin g and turbulence, as
i s tiSSCUStdrilgeneriiiiY et their gatherings. M. 4
told, that two °four friends narrowlyei.daped a severe
beatiali the I itftor .thp. meeting. W:is
thrOugh, the intex;ference of some of the more respect
`Rble of the party, merelyfor expressing their opinioti
honestly; Ilq01:611,1a1V; .turbutixime. t ridte
,swaggering, appear. to be the or4r, 6r. the Apy,
with'tttd "real loci! focoa, who )taro' pi;:re",pled Wikaterer
'for 'the supremacy of the
0. The, proceedings nf the meednis•orcalrfriendft
are. efonAed Cul thli'vdelk,*‘Vell.•iis several ' , 'ottier
artlelee sll of whichlvlll bCiputiliahed
The Erie ,Gazette of the 15th inst. contains a letter
from Charles W.,ltelso, Esq. formerly of this
well . known asAltighlihntelligetit young lawyer; and
hitherto a leading Vin kuren mau fi. in which he gives
his reasons for iilludaOning the" party and supporting
Elias Brecht, who harking bd - en a *arid and zealous
advocate of Gen: atiokson and. George Wolf, has also'
published his renunciation, and comes out strongly in
favor of the Farmer GoVertior. We 'most sincerely
helie've, that if the election did not take place for * plic.
or'seien weeks, Bitner's Majority over Porter would
amount to thirty thousand, so numerous are the cluing=
es.whiCh are daily taking--place in his'favor-hieVery
section of the state. •
,---On-Thared ay-1a154-bp-the-Rev: - Nik - Thornton - ,Me."
John E. Norm, of Frederick, Md., to Miss Eliza
T. daughter of John Phillips Esq of this place.
I _
The bride Will accept our thanks for the flue Ake:
of wedding Cake with Which we Weit faVored_ .
eating it, we took a glass-of Adam's ale, and drank to
the health of the happy-couple, wishing .thitt.peace,.
-happiness and prOsperity mightalways'atteridttem.
At'Stovstown;-Somerset county, on Tuesday- the.
18th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Cook, Mr. ITenry „Little,
1 Jerchanti-7 to :Miss' - Catharine, daughter of Jahn
Clendenin,.rosry.,of Rogueatown, this county.'
With the above notice, we received agoodly Ace
of potind cake, from which we: infer that the InTify
couple are of that clam' of folks, who think its dUty to
remember the printer in times_ f hilarity and festivity.
They have our beat wishes for their prosperity-thro'
"On rosei_may_their footsteps move
-Their tears he alWays tears ollove— --- '-' :-'
Their smiles smiles 'Of joy.".
On the.2oth inst. the- He i r, D. P. 'Wosenmiller,
Mr; David - ClaudY, o Miss MarYaretta Crap), both
of Diekiiisontownihip. . •
' . On Thursday last, by t'ho'Hev. Henry Autiind,Xr.
Micha6:l IViiic to .11%iss Mary TV. Elliott, all of Mon
roe township. • - • • ' '
- .•_olt , same, Mr.:John Ernest to
Miss Catharine iyomercr i both of 'Fraultford town
.the...l2ol,inst.-by the-same; "11fr: - .Tpeeph,Sahbe/d,
of Bridgep9rt,,N. J., to Miss Rebecca, only daughter'
of .114 j., E.,"..4krenor of this place,,,i'
On the 6th inst. by the name, Mr.X.•l3ucktu Miss.
4gceGreen, both of ibis _ •
This by the same, Mr.
Silver Spring township, to Miss .S'itactnna, daughter of
Alexandsr Searight., of
'On the-13th-inst. by the Rev. Samuel 8, preeher, Mr.
77mmail risher;to Miss - Sarab Zeller, both of Cum
belatid - county. '• . • - • -
• -.
• 'On the••••-same- day, by the same, Mr. - Tohn - Stec*,
Printer, of ...I;ionesdale, 'Pa., to 'Misn 9n c Elizabeth
Canil ell,` of - Harrisburg.
On Tuesday the -18tb Intl: by same, 7lenryl.2. - Rut,
ter; (Editor of the Ploughboy,) tFaruh....4nn
. .
—•• • •
' On TneStlarlast, Mrs.Eliiebeihyllawn, consort
of Dr. David N. Mahon, of this - place. '
Orrthe 16th inst. Edward, infant son of Mr: James
Hoffer of Ads place, ngednine months. --
Id Southampton
. township, on the 12th iust.,,Mr.
George Irdiialna, aged about 4:0 years.' • " •
In 'Shinpensburg, on Friday hist, Mr.
Henry NofsicprZaged about - 553am . •
' In Shippenshurg, on Ihursdity the 13th
lanwarlfcElroy, in the 76th year of his age.
WANTDD, a situation - as Clerk in a Dry Good
V Store, by a voting inan who has for the last
six - years been employed in sin - Importing -House in
the Hard Ware business. The•best of reference can
be given. - . •
Address. (through Post Officej X. Y. 7..
N. nood - vensmaii, - the would offarlila
services to any that would employ him as Clerk.
Carlisle, Sept. 24, •
. .
' 011 FOLK; An Sept. 1838. 3
- On .1120X.D.11, the 15th October, -
Will be offered for sale, nt Pubfic Auction, nt the
Rending Room, in this place, nt
. 176 Shares 61 Stock of Farmers' Bank
of Fir:Tip/a, .
ISI Shares of Stock of the,. Carlisle
__Bankof.Bennsylvaizia, -and -
, .74 Shares of . Stock of the . „. Dismal
• Swamp Canal Company.
Norfolk,_Yit. September 24 1838, 3w. -
"Lot tho Dead neat in :Pea*O.,'
This maxim is a very grunt one, and should be
served by the friends as well as- the. foes of a dead
Man; On Alie - -Inurtli 'Of July - last this rita.iiin was
tiolated by' the pretended , friends of William Ram
say, in a toast:An-which he is spoken of as the Demo+
m~tio of Capt.„William-S.-Ramsey=find *rink
-My- was-toasted • as " . 11 Chip of-thA-old-blool0"—IL
man, and after being robbed of nil I had in thC World;
I will not be insulted by- hay ing the man that reined
me toasted in the public.papers, and his son praised
as" a chip of the old block,' without having the satis,
thrtion of telling the public that I ant but one of. thou
sands who have suffered by the cuilliing nil tricks of
old William Ramsey, Whe nearlrreduced me and my
family to poverty.
That it may be known What kind of "a *chip"
Wiliam, the candidate for CongreSs, is; nod what kind
of "a chip" he came from, although I am not author
ized by any person to use their name, yet if anyhmly
wants toluene any thing about l the character of the
.said candidate for turrssry and yntrrn; I refer them
for informationabout the's** of Henderson against
James Lumberton, to Mr. Lataberton, who can tell
-all-abont : that,and-what-himpeood-on-thattrial
can refer also, to Maj...Tiihir-rHarper,.,who can tell,
mav-be i - whattecame:of the-persenal-"property iif old-
William Ramsey after his death, and why he, Major
- Harper. did not get it for the use of the creditors, or
who (14d .7ektt,, 2 - '
I will have some satisfaction for the money mit of
whiCh I was cheated, and I therefore imenMy own
'authority make this stntementAtitho.publio
Carlisle, September 24th;
....; .; J.I.IST • IttCEIVED. •
GI mirk PALLOWS., 111)erinr Bleached Trinity.
- „, - 4,q) and Fall strained Sperm,Oil.
RESPECTFULLY tenderi profensionnl ger
vices to the eitizenn of MiddlePes and ita 'vicinity.
Ile„ is n . grednkte of Jeffersori Coltrgei 'stint - hati'licen
prncthimg medicine for inivards,of te6Yetir*
Ailddlesek Sept. 24 - 1838.—.4w.. - • '
pßinsli sA.LitioN, eke a " far
stile by
- Sept 24. - 'CMS. BARSTiTiti
FlSHrti FIS11:: •:-.
• Sllnd No.- 1 and y,; • ' •.. .
Iterz:lPr • k‘ 4: ' ••
dtist inceived.and forinte • •
,• • • .. •• .
SC.K.P,ED frorn , thd - nns%odi of the; Comosible:ori
174 ; thO .11th' 'of Sefiterobet• - i DUN RA% ,
trinfc',- about 5 fest 9;nr , loinched :hii;h t_
deliniriod ehin Entliintiblnok hnt,white Mien t , glinct.
about» . 'brown silk writ, and' browlo - ctiminCtt . )iiiiiis.
ThOitboo inward will basiveli 10 Carlisle
lad, or, ntiyitill in the udjoniiiigoduntieN - or dnilverod
to•Ahe iuttrethOr, , , t
. • •
Sept. 1 : 1;,18 ; 1,8:«43t.
itacktog Out.
o n w d n on ,a r d d , 4 % p h a i t t ltida Maui : nada_
I.OOQ Yffklif
100 lin: nglisk Side Nutria FUR; blown
.50 do'. .d9^ 4.19 do very, sup'r do ' -
50 do .Beiver_FUß, • do '
50 do Otter do Back and Side • • . ,
900, do English. and Scotch Coney FUR •• " •
1000 do Carrotted Russia .Itares''FUll,'Oom C.
H. Donner's - Factory .
100 do Turkey Beck*, very white • '• . - •
"vicuna 'Wool
10,01)0 Canada 'muskrat _SKINS , : • • • • ' •
3660 Southern ido . do
20,600 Rabbit • • 'do ' - •
• 50 Russia Hare ,
-.000 Vicunia . do •
10 Bales. Buffalo ROBES
50 Cases Guttt'Shellito,OrangeXaritetand.Liver
100 do • Extract LOGWOOR • • . •
. 100 .Bble. Chipped 'Campeachry . do • " • •
Cask Verdigris, old and dry
200. ideces Silk PLUSH, assorted, part very low
. „SOO doz. Skivers,,blue, black, cream and. Maroon
10.000 Spanish FELTS, ass't qualities and weigh_ a _
'5003 &tinny do . do do - do'
some very fine • . ' •
tfilning•tn the trade, which are, offered - for kale; on
liberal terms to Dc , alQrs and Manufacturers.
No'. 5 S. Liberty it. Raltiiztore.
Se t t. 1338.--1 w
ei.slkippiag FURS nt all tlines.purihnsetl.
• •
Battalion -.Orders"!
•'The 'Battalion' ,f Cumberland Volunteers, -
will parade. in Carlisle ;on UM -11th day oractober •
next, with arms and- neenutrenients; And otherwise_ .„_
properly equipped and preparedfor three days Camp .
duty:. Each company will 'make arrangements for its .
own accommodation with regitvm , provision and ex;..
tra mess furniture t as tents. es - mp-kettleii; mess-pans,,
straw wood and Stw - twill only bcfurnisliett indi
vidual must linvira knapsack with at least one blanket,-
onepair of bloc- and one pair . of' white : pantaloons, '
together with any other clothing:in mnvthiuk proper
to carry;as men will not he reini red tobJ in uniform . •
the tittle, Each iinn-corn officerand private •
- will provide himself with niw onnud of powder made - .
Into blank cartridges. Officers in command of compa- ._
nieswil eau se tit eir respective. enmmnnds era sufficient
tart-thereof,todie-cm-the-ground,f-which-will-he desig
nated befcire tharti file in - or nen r CiridistelniviVednes;
•day afternoon at four o'clock, to receive %tents and
other maters, for camp..ajnl_ In_receive„instroctions. --
The tents will he pitelied on Wednesday evening and
stinick-nit-Tlitirstlitymnridng at uiite o'clock,
'at.Which latter time the Battalion - will be formed, and -
move to its position for ramp Mits.... OtherVol
tinteer-Companies-atedwich,r rem-wet fully - invited , to - •
join and participate 7 -theranks will be open Maim In
who may appear, prnrerly_equiliped-4lm !
sicians,whether playing ha field or band instruments
of music, are. especially invited not payticidarly re
imestedl; accompany The Battalion. The place at
present deSignatud for the Campls in then_e4:ld)Or,.,:_,..._•_„.
hood of-Shippensburg, trrxrlietre - it is expected-the -
Battalion will be cOnveved on tin rail road, free of •
charge, atherwiseit will go into c11111T) in the neigh-
.boyhood of Carlisle. A:s .this IS; M -be a,Battalion. •.• -
Encanipment for the iiiironse of .receiying military
instrncticni,. width ,cantint be easily obtained every
day, - it is tinned find cvneand that .every, individual •
will. prepared;Mulyr:snived to perform all the
duties which may he rennired of him cheerfally, aasl..
with the sale view of plea - sing and to be pleased. .
6itinel - conancfnditirßatt4r
- ,
. Sept. 94 1838. ".
NOtice -to Tea era.
. The-Board of School Di rectorsof isTetvville, SchooL
District - would hereby make known that .two Male
and one.Pernftle Teacher. well qualified, of regular
habits,itnd good moral- character arc wanted to talcts
charge of the schools in. said Borough. Proposals
'directed to James Kennedy, Esq., liresident, or "%Pm.
T. Barr,_ Secretary, (post paid) will receive imme- • _
_diete attention..:_The_seceiving_af proposalawilLbe
closed on the '2 d 'MOntley of October, at which time
the schoolsare,exPeeted to commence. '
'By order of:the Board_
JASgS-KENNEDY, President.
'WILLIAM T. iitßit,:Secretary.-.
- • NBSS. . • . • •
The subscribers Tiustees for the Creditors of WM.
B. MILLIGAN, hereby give notice that they have
etaployed lifital4 to fniislc coniiiletelY till the work in
the shop of William IL Milligan, consisting of Four
IVIICO Carriages of -- different Aeseriptioas, Gigs and
Harness of the best quality and made in the neatot
ntanner.• Also • ,
Wagons and Thrashing. Machines, •
of the most approved plan.. They will•sell the same
at the very cheapest rates to enable theM to close the ,
concern. The public are requested to call and el
amine the work at the shop in ewville.' • .
September 24, 1838.-4 w:
A ren:i !id C6e•cu~ Co pang.
.11y - Mcisrs. Bucleydiropkins,'..*:;Co.
. . . _ . ..
• TIIE. Prolirictors . of. this establishment . htte tlio
honor to the inhabitanti of 'enelielo null Its
vicinity, ilinitheir CIRCUS will open: In the Ilorougli
of iparlisle on Thursday. the 4th day of 06t r oberifor______
ONE - DAY - OgLY - ,-irittutheir cxtt sitleatiti,.• •
fa! Stud of horses, and Conipany:of first tate Egties-
rifin With rmer - 0. 4 ': - . '. • . -. ' . - .
The se:elle - in the circle will 'Present
of talent and manlv'activity, unsurpassed by any other
establishment.. 7Eliejaretut is, fitted up wait. eyes', ' -
comfort and"convenience. faccthe manlitersflat
ter themselves; that with their personal arection4l.lie.:
succession of novelties they will •prOdikei
stitnt! one of the mea rarlee,inimatingi and Interest- ,
ing Equestrian entertaininents, ever presented to -
American. • • -
Deers'openedat . corn-'half-past 1, performance , to co- •
meoce at'-2P. M.- And at, rand halftpast, ritl , , the
evening. .
dents--Pit,Ss ciNntei
Estate, of Jolit) Heck' deed .
'' The , O r Court .or Cumheilind - enuntjr, hitti
arioninted.the" Subscriber an Auditor to'roaridtalk_the •
'assets of .10IIN IAECK, deceased, in the handsof the to and among the creditors of said
/ftstate. according to 'law i which 'will be, done at my
- office in, the borough ofShitiklialturirizinBntU day
.11)4.'21M darof_iDetnber,vf_whielt...ervlito*An4...all..___
others intore,sted will take nptin., L.-;• • .
‘ Septamber'24, )03# . 4:77-41v.
• . , . , . •.
• s:
.ThasALEp•A Sth*beir
• .
pok . IiORSt, ten years 41 . ,
,trAtried -
f o g( t.DS,riddle,or Harness. „
Septe44o 24, 18.38.
1.20.13:11.2.RELS Ainolerel. and 20'
do. , jast i received and for nal6 ".!
ir oIyAN• moCABS:
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