'PFtoCLAMATION. HEREAS inainirby an act of the Gomm' As . the ConamonwettithalPeansylvaid.- a,,entitled t" An fact regulating. the general elections within this Commonwealth; Approved . Lith day oil Tebrum7, one thousand seven Finadred and ninety I none, it is enjoined on the sheriff's of eaeliconntY with in this commonwealth, to give pnblici notice of such general election's to be held and to enumerate in such notice, wliat:oflicers arc MIA , . elected, ' . • jORN, - ELM' • , , • High Sheriff of the county- of Cumberland; do there fore hereby make known and .give this. • • • PoittL.T.c-Vorr i pt to ,the electors of the county, Cu berbind, that on the ,Second Tuesday of October nektilbeing the ninth day of, the, mOrith,) genet-Jr - election Will - be held at the 'itesersirelection dikricts established, by law in saltletinnty;then and. thereto elect by ballot, viz: ONE PERSON, For Governer of the Common .. wdalth'ef PennsYlvania. ' . - - ON - E - TERSON.7 - Forinemberuf - Congress of-.the- United States from the district composed of counties of ,Ctimberland, Perry, and Juniata.- T TWO PERSONS, torepreseathe county of Cern berhind in the House of RepresentativeS of Penitsyl v . . • Innis. • . ONE COMMlSSlONER;forthelcounty of ' Cum laevhip.d,to serve for.three cars.• • AU= DIRECTOR OF THE PODlt.and of the House ofEmployment. ' - - ,ONE - PERSON, for Auditor to settle the public acconnts,of the county Commissioners, &o. • . ... And in, and by an act of the 'general ;:asseinbfy of — this Commonwealtkapproved - the - l7tli day) ol'iMarchi -1806,-it-irtitreced-that the-hispectors - of theilaid gen era' elections 'shall be chosen by ballot on Friday next preceding theist Tuesday iti.Obtober (iming:the 2:7th day of September`-next) at the usual places of holding township elections, to be held-by, the respec , five constables'.who are _required to give at least one 'week's public notice of su oh election, and the said, cons- , tobles in each township shall be ossisted,by twtyquali fled. citizens, ,chosen by such citizens_lipliiied_to vote - . as shall be there present. -And , in -Case , of the necessary refusal, death or absence of a constable, his'duties are to be ;performed -by the supervisors of - the respective townships, wfird or 4istriet, ' And the inspectors c'hosenare ,reqiihredday, said act to bent their proper, election districts on the day of the general election aforesaid at nine ,o'clock in the InOrlll rig to do and perform the duties enjoined on them t-h by the return judges of the respective d u iB.- tricts are reniaireil - : M to eertit tlie/courousein-the borough of Carlisle, On the Friday nextailer the 2d 'fiestas in. October next, then and there to perform , required..Of them byithe_eforosnid.net.. - a assembly p in •in ant ynn ac o. proved 2d of April; 1821 ,Sneriox at. Ile it enacted by.. the Senate and -.Timm - of ; RepreeentativeiLof the -Conimonvealth of • Penli.tilvania. in Genera ',, , iseembly -met, and, it 14 hireby enacted by the authority, of' the same; That the several qualified electors who shall vote at any general - or, special election within•triis Commonwealth shall. . give in in tho inspector asitch election, generate tick ets fOr'each station or Office.voted for,, which' 'ticket shall contain-no more than the proper, number of -rianies;-butt- no , ticKet shall - he-rejected-by the Judges 'of the elections iii Counting of, the votes, should the same contain fewer, names than the proper 'number, those for sheriffs anOoroners_excepted. _ ' . Sl:er; qa, Snd be it enacted liy.the auttifirity afore 7.eaid," That it shall be the duty of the sheriffor coroner as the case niay . bei of. each and every county tvithiti thiStommonwealth, to give.publie notice iitthesanie time andplace and in the - same manner and under the - Same penalty that he is now required; to.giye -of any general or special election, that every :persew Who shall hold any office - or appointment ofTrofit or -trust under- the . Government of, the. United States,. whether a commissioned Officer or otherwise,_a sub - ordifiate officer or agent; who is or shall heemployed under the Ligislatiye; gxeCutiie orJudiciaryffepart meal; of the United States, and - also that every ber_ef Congress is by law-incapable - of holding 6r ex ercising at the' same. the, office or . appointment of. Judge; Inspector or Clerk of any election in this State. And in and by an act of the general assemble-adds -Commonwealth, approved the sixteenth day of April, 1888, • . Provided, &c. That; the following described boon (*ice, being part - of Allen township, 'Cumberland county, to wit: begining at a point in the centre of the _greatroad_leadfug:to.Brook's_mill,_where_thelineof the New Cumberland election distriet..crosses , the same, thence in a direct line to the Menonist's meet ing house, (known by the name of Martin's meeting house,) thnce in a direct line to the house of Henry' Longnecker, ,theneeAolJacob Waggoners's,- near to: the Yellow Breedhes creek, so as to include Long neeker and James Dunlop, thence down the said creek to the line of the. New Cuaiberland district r near to Joseph Best's forth, thence along theline of said dis.: triet to the, place of beginning; : be and the same_ is hereby erected io;t6 a separate - deethin district arid" the qualified electors therein shall hereafter hold their general elections at the house now owned or occupied by. - Peter McCann, in the town of Lisburn, in said ___ . !__Given.under my hind and seal at the Sheriff's Of fice, at Carlisle, and dated September, in the year of our 'Lord one thousand 'eight hundred and thirty eight, and sixty-second'year of the Independence of the United States of America: ' - ' , JOHN MYERS, Sherif. SHERIFF'S OFFICE,3 te. Sept; 3, 1838. PROCLAMATION. - . -WHEREAS the Convention to propose Amend ments to the Constitution, have agreed upon sundry-amendments-to-be submitted to-the-people-of this Commonivealth for their ratification or rejection. Now therefore in 'pursuance of the 'provisions in such case made in and by an act of the General Assembly, passed the 29th day of March, A. D. 1896, arid of au thority given by said convention: Notice is Hereby Given, That anelection will belield-in;thsevernl election districts of the said county of Cumberlanil,on the said second Tuesday of October next, (being the day for holding the General elections of the commonwealth) 401. the ratification ar-rejection of the said. Amend , ., meets to the Constitution.. The Judged and Inspec tors of-said election. are required to receivetickets either, printed or written from 'citizens . qualified to Tote, and to deposit them in a box or boxes, to be for that purposerprovided by the pro Per officers, which tickets shall be labelled.onthe outside "amendments," and those Who are favorable' to the amendments may express their desire by voting each a printed, en-writ ten ticket, or, ballot containing the words, "'For the amendments," and those who are opposed : to such aniendrnents may express their opposition by voting each a printed or written ticket or ballot containing . the words ""Againat the amendments." ' a , - Given, under my . hand'and seal:at Carlisle, the 3d, day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thon sand 'eight hundred "and thirty-eight, and the sixty , . .second yctir of the independence of the United' States Of - America. . , . , - -- JOHN IVIYERS, Sheriff: ' • September e; Bd 1898. —_•-• L • PU•BLIC SAL t• • •TurrlLL' 'tgold at Public Sale, on Saturila:y,ihe s • ~vir - 15th day of•Septeniber next; on the , premises, a Valuable , propery, situate in Monroe ton , nshiti, • ,Cumberland county, Tmiles .eabt of Ciirlisle, on the . Baltinicire and York 'goad, and en 'the Yellow ilreeclr; 'es creek, enjoining ;land& nf, 'Main Betuttlt, Geurge I\ Windt; Jos, Solleilbergee'end s, containingether • . One Iltznitlted and ' weak Acres; - The',lnipeanErenta-crit,.a hirge STONE . MERCW&IJT MILL, •three "stories high; with fair - run' oftitone, mILIui:SAW: MILL glory • . :; 1 1 11/T4V e lk 110 . .7.1Z13. • • • ••• • fi r iaAßil e ,' 4u 4 ali ; excellent .ot.watCr.: .6 1 1iple• Orchard. iii'iiiidf*ittiAwerit . .y-tfir4' 4 l4 re s' of 1404,414 h hare. beep Bet • etiait - heretofore foe That` Itearptieni,nr;the whole togethee,,at *tbe....option, nf , ,the• purchaser or 'purehatiera: • Safe_ te Cepmence44`l9. o'clock - nair, Arlen' attndance twill be given,' and terma:of talc Made „ - -;./Oh r lf:4! • ''..-tionicle-Tenvnohip,q , 6 12. -...• .; st''. 4 .f ',Aag.6,l4,:ifiss::;,„ • • • • The York . 10pUbliciin and :lAtesitter Emniihrr,, ill ineekt the Ahern .4' eurrea anticiptrge.tln? office. 41113Vir RECEIVEM,47A: liv l ll4, , cHA:s. ,Daitxll,4 May 14.• DRF: - EHRMAN • -2 op 111 laic :IPhy sicitfii, §ITRGEO.N ACCOUCHEVR; o.ffice in High Street, a few doote east of the Jail, Carlisle, -Pa. riti gitrDEilS his professional services ' O the citizens' of this.place and the public generally,. nnd more especially to those who are sulTering.from CHRONIC. -I)ISEASES, and .respectfolly informs them, that he. .professeir to cure all.kindaet . 01 - `gAND . '011 . 110NIC : ' DISEASEO„. which' re in .their nature' curable, in a perfect„easy .n,nd_mildilianner. The meiliein'e is-administered in ternally, is pleasiiiTinthi - fisle — iihAWSilrtsikeli i . fiechargeikuti//.6c-moderate.„ . . *lien call9:4Afetf,fit - their respeCtiyiplaces of 'residenee, hrthia. place or, its 7.4-. , PerSetis nt a distatieb,h - diering. :Under Pliro nio-DiseaseS, May obtain Mecienl advice and: medi cine,for- one .moutlt n bi addressing_ltimalletter..(POst. paid ydeScribing then• and enelbsing, a car-, rent five dollar hanirolote. . , 11fedical 'constiltatioria can be had daily until nine o'clock, P. MC. unless absent oh professionattluties. - ' The following _diseases nee. - treated and cured -on -FleitiocoPatitie'lgetliciue,ilF.-LL.,,,____.± • Certain DiSeases.incident-to the 6enitel-Or - _Organs in_ the Primary Or Secondary state,widibut admin i stering in this treritmant, , Avithhat rldrniniataririg in this ti , ea.V. Anent any .of the usfinl offensive and injurious medi.'. eines, so notoriously destructive to the human system and.constitutioa: " • Contuniptioti, B rolichitis,PalpitatiOn of the Hear( Dyspepsia, Liver CompIAA, Ililions Colio,'Costivei.' aces—Fittul}t no, Files—Gravel—Gont,.lllieuma tisin;'Epilefisy,-Astlfriiii, .Sink - Iteadache,.Dentriess, Giddiness, Hernia or Itiiptures,..Liimeness front Pal sy,.Ulcers or old Standing sores, Necrosis , Caries of bones, - Cancers,. - Tetter„Tid Donloureux, S t Vitus' Dance, Diseases of the eye in general, Fistula Leery-. ntalia=—G'utta Serena, Cataract, King's,Evil, 'Rickets, White Swelling; Dropsy; Dykiiteyy, Pleut isy,lloop; ing Cough, Croup, Pileinnot iia,‘Hysteria ; Fluor albus :Melancholy, Incontinence 5f Urine, lathed and•Ex ,coriated. Nipples .Diseases of-Women and,children Fevers in gener4 - - • -- , For all the shove named and many other diseases there can 12e Jcitisilictory ,evidefice given of thar Carlisle, August.l4,lB3B.—tf. , • • LOUCIVS Famous Clare; iter,llie jitheos. malisnee and IP :tins. MUCH need not be - said in relation to this'Wanden ful remedy; as the proprietor feels confident that when'applied,ltwill, as can be proven by theznumhe of respectable .personS,..effect . entire ._cure.-of_the. Rheumatic and other pains.. It had not until .lately, been his intention to make it public; but 'by the rc- Tient implicnUons of his neighbors, and the wonderful cures - it itfts-effectedihe -feels it- a- dutvlie .owes to society. as, welLiss to 'himself, to make it More gene r , rally Lmown, - and at the saine•tiine have it put fl'lllear as he can within the of all who may be afflicted with tharpainful-disease. . • ~ Hundreds_ of qames_could be _published of person :; who have been .cured by this celebrated inedieine;: but the folloWing are selected :freni.t.lie- Mass, a's he _ing7amply sufficient to attestits powers. • • • .1 Olin Srove, - • Dayid Bender, - 7aebb L. Nagle I'. Linclemuth; . George Fisher, : John Alsbaugh C. Stoner;; - • • Johit CoOyer, - Samuel Fenely , Aaron Bender, ALindemuthjr. - SamtieWming Hobert Dysart, R. Richardson, • Jacob Worlieh heir Alsbaugh - J: Illirenbaugh, Jacob Miers. .• Christian Organ • J. Hiestatal, • .„- Mount .Toy, Augusti 2.5, I-836. All orders - from a distanee -addressed' to the sitha scriber, Mount-Joy, Lancaster county, will be prompt ly andlaithfully attended to. SAMUEI/LOUCKS. Mount Joy, Feb. 7,1837. • ' - _The_above.mediebmis_alsre_for 9.91 e by JOAN HATFIELD' Carlisle, February 12, 1836 lirilluable Lot tor Sale. WILL be - sold nt public sale; on -Saturday the Bth day _of September next, a valunblMot of' ground, Situntein Frankford township, about 2 miles from Alter's mill, and three quarters of n mile 'from Sipe's tavern, (formerly Stouck's) adjoining lauds of lolliglurkholder;David Stoner's h eirs, nnd •AY.- Alter; The.whole Contains 6 Acres of Land, more or less, having thereon erected a two:story Weatherboarded House, with a stone Kitchen one and n half stories high; - a - Inrgeslior.rand - ti flackemitli`Shop .iii l a' goodbake oven, with n frame around it, a never fail ing well - Of iffier near - the door. - A stream Ofit,ever failing water runs through, the proPerty. There are also a great variety of choice fruit trees, such as peach, cherry, apple, plumb, pear, &c. Also a good Barn. One and a half acres of the above described land is timbered, and the residue in a good suite of cultiva tion. The property formerly belonged - to Emanuel ,Newswnnger.- pue attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by: HENRY OCKER, August 14, 1838.-4w 5 .• . --VALLIABLE_ILEAL . ...ESTATt For Sale . MBE subscriger will sell at private '- sale, a valua ble. tract of land, situate in Newton - township,- Cumberland county, about a half mile west of Stoughs town, on the turnpike leading to Clunbersburg, tid 'oining.lands of John Stough and Samuel Browneller, containing • . . . , Slity;Eigh.t Acres . of first-rate -'LIMESTONE - LAND,-abont—fifteen acre§ of which arc covered with -thriving YOUNG TIMBER; the remainder is under good fence:and in a good state of cultivation, having' thereon erected a. TWO STORY • 11(01ETSE -arid Stable. . • • . There is also on the - piemisera - thriving YOUNG APPLE ORCHARD. • • • - - • -. Any, person wishinglo .vieiv. the, pr.miises swill call with the subscriber, residing in Frankford township, about one mile north Of•Alter's Mill, and a shortdia tance froth Hettrieles stOre. _ "SAMUEL. MARQUART. August 21,1838. , • • • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • - s --- - follt - S - 4 - 1, E. . - • • THE subscriber will sell at, private sale a valuable tract, of Limestone' : Land, situate in Southampton township, Cumberland couitv4i miles north of Ship.- pensbum the Cumberland _Valley Rail Rciad runs 3 of a mile south, and a beautiful wieW of the Cars is seen as they pass - ,) adj oining . Simnel Flickinger, Mo. ' acs Hemphill , and et her lands of the subscriber, ege t -18- - ACRES. , 64 Perches, about Forty-five 'acres of which is cover'- er ed tviththriving young TIMBER, the residue under I good fence, and in a high state of cultivation, having ,thereon ore o ted al :oncdl; ' „, ~,,,,.'). .-, ' ' „.• .'"? :4 4it OIT S E - - =LI 2 -AND ST'A'BLE - ....:..--ou : ... a well ofwater at the door, mid It never failing s p r i ng 1 about twenty reds from the house. lithe above pro irsirty is not sold , before the 2titlt September, it will on ,that day be exposed to' public, sale on the premises, at 10 h'elook,.and the conditions wilkbe maaelf. ll( Tnig ,the subilor4Wr , ; • i •'• . ~.. ,- . . ~ 4.ItEXdINDERP. 1(4,1,5b.' , .., Kutuat 28, 1838.-4 w.— `,-, ' ."-• •The Lanenster, Herald aid Examiner 'will , insert • the above ,3 weeki, Mark prieh, add (Marge thitenflich. . \ t AiI:MAY froat,lhe"tittlticribci, liorOeilt of Carlisle"; aii'saiqiperili tier. to tr, iut.rne4: .;' ;' • '; 4r.itlineS :, : , Z beti#Oti 'y - eArs Of agc, , 4: feetA.Oi r .sliiches•h!kli, - ilark . "'__ t.oltiplerfori.-i. Had'ik o ltem lie ratt....", 'away, a suit :of dirk colored Any person 'eeturning said rundway, 1,11511 receive thi'above rewaid, , but'tto,chargpsvaid., JACOB .Carlisle,,Angost,2l,lB9B.--3w. - *? - ':2l-4-,*'...**: . .,..**:;iii - ;:**.i . .- . .:::'..i30'.,.:-*:. - --'..:*4.:lr‘L. - -0.-: . _:** - '.',1,: , *.:: . *::* 1 .*'. OE A - 1 4 i rikoltrg (1 . yourielteo.w,ith WOODCOOCIPS _ 56t ttrlibatviiing . PLOMIL the beat' etie etie:dffe red to `the Farmers -"-'111,1171 - Fetton oftlFFState. - These,_Ploughe;will ?not choke nor eftr4...dirt,and the draft is abouCone-third less than the Ploughs here-. ,trhfore iq itse, two horses..doing tlie.work of three, be side'in'greht time and keeping ihein ;In 'repair: • The:Point 'Mull glare 'can be' ut- on ,•intife - rhinutes, - tuul - besides cost only 25 centS each; and When , tlull,c.an he turned and reptated•uatil worn out 1, and even then will be taken in .pirt. pa) for new ones. - - 'Thefoll owing named persons are among those who haVikpurchaied and used time hbdve Ploughs during, the Ihstsmtsonito-whom - Far'mer's are.rePrredferinforni-- - ation respecting.them,Viis___ • /fantilio4 townihip.. 7 -Philip :Winters, Sohn Arm strong,' Simnel Strickler. -John . 1.,itt1e . , - Ilenry-Detz, Slytler,. Philip "Miller, Mr. Ashway, John Kunes,Entuen Ehq. , • • .6tiericenny.—Michael Grove,Daniel kierner, Mr. Shields, Isaac tisore, aolin.111iller„ 'Abraham Hoover, JOhn'llodeS, Berijamin andes; Sam'Lltodee. Guilford.- Oiler, James Dunlop, Jas._Pur, -vlancei Mr, Bitner, John Leshcr, George Trace, Jo- Wingert, George Petterhoa,' Mr: YaniVT, Gen. .Dull,, William Byers, John B. 'Cook, Sain'lGeese l man, Ilenry , ,George - , - Peteikilaker, - Green.- 7 JaZob Oyster, Samuel Purviance; Jacob Darr, John Beichard, Jr., Joseph Neleely; Alexan der Thintison, Henry.. Wingert, Martin 'Wingert, Charles Hetiolt, Clark,-Mr. - Scilaber. ger, Sit io nttel Leaky, . Sot, hompton. ,, ,Samuel Thomson, .1 ohn - Orr.. -_John. Crider. • " —We-have-also-seemed-the-sight:-of-Adams,.Cum , - .er an . any ja - titihin counties, aMt - the full gentlemen in Adams !lave used the Plinths during the, past season, to whomFarmersin that county are re ferred. • ' • ' • Near Two j'aiieris:-.,Sainuel* Durborow, Joseph,COshun, Alexander 31'11v/iliac, Ji,oob Keller, Esa.,-Jnenb Strcnly. '' •• .• . Near .41/1/eritown.--Frellerick Ilitnteretown.---Jacob. Grass. , . co — Thiel Ploqhs can itheays be,had at the. Fornieft*of W.-AE(l[4,ln' CO:Clinmiertilitut, of -JOHNACLYNBriltireware-Merelinnti - Carlisle , :tm of THOMAS HAIUZIS, Ntaanicsbuig. Where Farmers who Irish to test the Plough, will please call and get them on trial,-and if th'ey will Al otrender full and entire intisihation, no-Charge model they breakit is at ottr expense. -We will also pay any- Farrn -- er for: uny_daniages or loss - of time ; lie .may gnash, in trying the Plough, if he does not - like it of-; ter trial. here have hi:en:sold in. Franklin and the adjoining. ..I' cOtiatk,aipwiirils'of,ONlL - THOUSAND of these..PloughS, within 18 months. • .• - • JOHN RENIG, agent. '- August ;7, -1858.,-6m.-:' . Valuable Beat li:Aitate at - . PUBLIC &I IL E.:. . .::: .. LL_ __ _ wiur ~ be sold at Public-Stile ; on the - premises I , ..• . Tr 2 oh' Friday the leth day i of October nest, at , *. Acymits WANTED. , „ . 111. o'clock, A, M., the following valuable Rral.Estste, i The School Directors of South Middleton town situate in. Monroe tmynship,Cumberland county, con- • ship, are desirous to procure the services of several sisting Of -a tract of first rate Limestone Land, bounded Teachers. • Those-who - are deafrmis of taking schools. by lands of henry Landis; Martin Tlrandt, George • will make Irani:Ake application to the_nuderaigned. Balsbough, and othera, otontaining 9.51 , acres and 80 .. • JOHN „STUART, perches_ strict recasureLilaying_thercon_e_r_ected_a_i . - • _ W - 11 -- 4LIAW - G - R - A - HA - Mr -.-1 large two story , _ . , , • • . ~,,,!=•-;,.. -17431;NT:E DWELLING i School Dtreclorii, .i 2 ,q; 111 i I _IIEIL 0V % IFI 9.- . I So A u Tgl i t i( 2 ld B l , e' lB n BB 9r .— °. w 3u ,ns . lt'lP' ' S ? 2 eil , .' WITH A-STONE KITCHEN j T -- att'aelieit thereto—a large SWitz•ei; Barn, Waggon Shed, Corn Cribs, and other necessary out houses, with a fine • • • Coasiiting of about 250 bearing ,Trees.. There are 'about 170. acres of the above property. .eleared antlitrattiod.slate.of cultivation ; the balance is covereilaitith first rate timber, Of a very thrifty kind. There is a . stroog. and never failing' Spring of Water rising intim basement story of the dwel ling house; on the premises. . Those who may be dispesed . to make ti profitable investment in real estate, will do well to attend the sale, as the above tract of land is surpassed by none in Cumberland county, in, point, of fertility of soil and prodnetiveness. it lies within one mileeif two merchant mills, on Yellow Breeches• Creek. The terms of sale will be.mnde known on the day of sale, and due attendance Oven by the subscribers. HENRY MOYER; • . SAMUEL SHELLY, GEORGE' - BRINDLE, -- . 41.ents for the devisees of Henry Miller, deed. August 28, 1888.—ts. . - (X7The "Lnneaster VOlksfreund'! and "Lebanon Courier" will publish the above till.sale,niark price,'l and 'charge this 'office. • PVB f - SATZ't 19111 HERE will be exposed .to pnblio , oile r at the AL.Coart House - iin Carlisle r on Saturday-the-29th day of September, 1838, at 1 o'clock, P.. 111.. • , • • -A A It.-11 • • situate in Allen towntlivi,Curktherlitnd county, on the. Yellow Breeches creek, and adjoining.the town of Lisburn, containing 125 Acreinfexcellent farm land, a largeportion of which is meadow'on the creek.— The improvements are—a good DWELLING HOUSE ,.. fill - - Balm - - Illart}: tere is water in 'every field. -The land. is all cleared. There will be_ sold 'with the. Farm, fifteen' aorta 'of Wboilland, in Fairview township, York county, distant. about Terms 'Of sale $2OO when the :sale. is made, one half the residue ou the Ist of April, 1839, the balance, in three annual pay ments-without interest.. ~ . . . , •-•- • A' MOUSE •Sr LOT OVG.ROI.IIIIIO in the borough of Carlisle ? situate on the east side of I.Hanovei street; bOunded by a lot of :lain - Noble on the:south; by eke r ikViiices of Ilenry,Shell; deceased' .on the ;north, and. by, Hanover street .on the west.' having thereon erected a TwO Story : lause. and large having thop p ,'Containtng SO feet in front ant 1.240 feet 'in detith, with the, privilege of well of w4ter, about thirty feet from the Ititchemdoor. Termsellt, upton the' title being made. Possession will .he giltln on the Ist of ApiiFnext. '' : °•• ' ' ' • , ' The ne o undivuled fifth . -part or a Tract of Land in Silver Spring township; Cumberland amity, boUnded by lands of•Conrod; Mut - flinger, heirs, ; and others . , containing:Elk Acreaor first rate Limestane . L•And, all cif Whtch nein:wed except abed four sores, nnd under gond fence., It being the Internat.' ofJohn Hogue Waugh. , :.Teema cash, :when the title is made: Possession be giv,okinimediately.. , The firsi PrOp . erty. is Sold - by me as .Executor of A fi grew Patialters;Eici. decease& The lieccni&as Attorney-in-fact .for J. Quinn "Thornton and. wifei and,the,,third:_ as„„ Attorney-in-fact John. Alenn, Trustee for J. Hogue Waugh". • • a = .FREDERICX T.S. 'came 'Atli - wit - Os '• " " OTI CR. .rriany of the citizens fif Varlide and ite vieinty, are.. In, the habit of. viattinig the ;Poor and the grounds ommeeted, therewith; aid as some few , Inolig MOM haver khoeltinf , th - e••= atipleEelf the /trete, • .1444 , the : flowera, lind ,ditdurbed the piteperiat their, fri , • occupations ;the Dlreetcireetke tiliatoßde . pr j natitirl • •:p c .r; ineall;perinina p that they must not thjure . thiy, or itti • ifroperty, , behinging - AoltieltiltittitibtWhor';ntinoi'ot• —l ' 7 % • interfere with the inmates, of the Poor House.. , "..rrhose - • ?rho. eondeet,therriselites,prepeilz area hiaki!".. &line to ,•Tesia• Misliment on all:dairti except. 'ene: will lid.itilmitted..';' , • Fat HOTIER'Ir.2I , I'CONEI, -- o, • ...p.cvxu E,NINgINGEn i :Dirgdorx: A,1314•4WA,G00NE1.f., "•• ' 111".'FISHBURIVIStatir'et' - -Atigust 20, I.llsBi—tf. • • • 39 . " .• • FARMERS ijiteliti,vi your 161th:rests PLPITEIGIA . PLOUGHS, - TILE GIRA.RI) :... , ,LOONSPRANCEi . . . .Innaity and Train . Compaky Pliiladel . • • . Chestnut et;•eet.• • CAPITAL OF $300,600. . . . . ChnitersPerpelual. •• Nsunt. LIVES, grant 'annuities nifd Endow menta_and-makee contracts generally:fluft involve he contingency of life. Accept 75.ftste ne authorized by the charter,.frdna •indifidurils, corporate bodies, or, COurta of Jutttce, afid'eirecuni them agreeably to the desire of the parties, and receive Deposites of .money in trust, and on interest, * • , — LIPEINSURANVEThe 'terrnei are' as low-as those of any office-in the Union. . Rates furditenring $lOO. „ ••4go' .For 1. Year .For 7. Years ' Whole Life",!` • annually. annually. . - 20 - . $0",91 . $0.95 .sl'77 25 :00 - •I 12 2 04 - at), • - 1.1 - 1.• 1 36 2 36 35 1. - 36 . • 's3_ • .• 2 75 ' ".. . - 1 .69 .1 83 3 20 '.4 • 1. 91 • .1 96, .'3 73 50 — 1 - 96 - 2 09 ' '4,60 • 55 2 32' 3 - 21 "' —Vltither infoilinittonean be obtahiedhy appUcation at the ofnee. • ' • - DiAlr. RICHARDS, Pres'ti JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. GroitoE W. KM ' Tvasurer"; June 11, 1838.-6m • • " •PRODUCE & COMMISSION lIMMEOZ. I • '• _Broad Street, Philadelphia. THE undersigned respectfiiq inforini the - eltikeini o o i f )e F n t e m d n a kl . Ad au c i real t i ta n . 3 c r o o t a nei r , e e t t k , a n t e x h t e d o h o zi r s aliove Broad sweet Hotel, for the sale of all kinds of 'r.COlintry!Produceand-resptictfully..solicits- consign ---Frofiiiiis—getiefarriciinintliticeTknowledge-of-bhi: siness, end the exercise of his best -etforts to proirfoTT the interest of kis customers, he flatters himself that he will be able to render general satisfaction. • BERLIN: Philadelphia, May, 1838: • . . ..• , REFERENCES:: .. . P.hilifi-Rerlin,, liarhbersburg. _ David IlfahOn; Esq.- shippen'a • •blirg. -Geo. Tr-Dimes, EkT 5 SziloyiFf; • Gen. Sahel dlexarider,.Z • • • 'IV. DT ...fiendersoh,. Esq:c Jacob Rupp; En.- - •• • • Geo. W. Lizyng, Esq. Tiarrienitg. • NOTICE. . _ •The subscriber having . rented- his 'Forge, Ste t &o. and relinquislied,the Iron tinsinesil requests all "sons bpi-big Unsettled accounts with him, to present 1 . them inuneilbitriVlousettlementrrend - those persons , knowing iliriniefves indebted by Note or otherwise, will please make payment withmit delay, : Dickinson-Torge., Aug. - SEPTEMBER PRIZES. 14 drawn Bollots in each •Packarre of 25 Tickets.- 78 No. , Lottery;--13 drawn ballots. Shite of 11,ICIIMOND ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class No 5 for 1838. To be drawn at Alexandria,' Va. Saturday, the Bth — of next;lll33. CAPITALS. HIGHEST PRIZE 30,000-10,000-4,000--.3,000—:- 2,500 , -1,797-50 of 1,000-50 of 400-50 of 300, &c. • - Tickets only slo—Halves ss—Quarters $2 50. Cert's of packages ores Whole 'rickets $l4O Do - do 26 Half do' 70 I • Do do 26 Quarter do 35 - - BRILLIANT SCHEME. • $50,000,415,000-410,000; 100 OF 1,000 noxinns. .41exandria Lottery, • - . Class No. 6;f0R*18313; To be drawn. at Alexiuria, Va. on Saturday, Sep. tember 15,1838 EMI! • . . 1 rand Capital' of $50,000; tcapital of 15,000; 1. do • • of 10,000; 1 do of 5,000; 1 do of 2,080; 100,Prizes.of,1,000; 10 'do 0f_500;.20 to 300;,85.d0 200; Sm. Btc. • Tickets only $lll--Halves ss4—Qufirters $2 50. Ceitifientes of PackngeS of 25 whole tickets, • 140 Do. ---25-half. do _ • PI do. 25 quarter do 95 " "CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000 NETT. Virginia state,Laficiv, For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevolent Me • ehanlc Association. . • ,• Class No 6, for 1838; • To be drawn at Alexandria, Va..on Saturday',• - • ' • 2 September 22, 1898. _ • 4 • • OUAND SCHEME., bAPITAT 4 $35,295 ; l0m0 ; .5,000; 4,000; 3,500; 3,2923..; Spo ; 4o prizes of 2,000; 50 of 200; ,60 of 150., &c. , • Tickets only slollalves s—Quarters Cert's of packages of 25 Whole Tickets , $l3O Do ' 25 Half do. ' 65 • • Do do 25 • Quarter do 32 50 100 of $l,OOO. - 13 - Drawo Nos. in each lineknge:of-46-Tickebs. - ' -LlVirginia State Lottery, For endowing Leesbuig Academy and for other PtirpOtilea.„ , • , .ClassNO,l3 for-1438; To be drawn at Aleiandria, Va. on Saucdaycthe • . • ' • •- 29drof 5e0.),183 . 8. • • - . • DELAND • • - CAPITAL_ $30,000; 30,000,.5,000 2,820; 100 prizes Of 1000;" 50 of 9(10, 50 of 200, &0.,&c.. Tickets only $ lO-Halves ss—Quarteris2 50. Cert's ;of Packages of '-'26 Whole !Tickets- $l4O DO Do. , do.. , 28 Half • ,do • '75. 00 Do. '' do. Quar ter do 35 00 par - Orders Ar . na r ti and shthi.es iirteVeate.. of Package. urthe above Alagnlficent'Etcheines receive the most,proiapt attontaou,,,ald aa official. ac- Count - of, each drawing sent, immed* - 4,erlt is' twat.. t 6 all who order from us.. Ad' •- - • 'D. Pt; GREGQRY' C firi:dkers • . • . • 'Washington Pity; p. , V , ...August 28,1.898, • " ' ' "Pti sw.LE.'• "'' . TWO FARMS, adjoininiesiolt , other, 'one Mining One litindred . and .Eighty ; Aereic, and the Other One' Hundred' and . Acres •-of qUality LitneEitone Lind, Ina good•etittenf mtl i ti4Mien.. These farmif. are %situatedt an r the I.ietart%Slitinvoin South Middleton Aotrnship; Cumberland county, about. miles south 'of,garlisle, anitivithin eight of two first rate'. Merehint.milli ont - 06:saiespopg . i _ The STONVI-10ITSE -- . . STONE , Ed2RN; . ith ether necessary berfie,ieription is Unnecessary, Os pnrchisers it{llView the pre'rnises:lvatljtulge,for,thernselies.. Po9seesitiri will be.givi‘n on the first of April next: Anlndispntahle.title will he given.. Fototerms: ap-. ply, --A tO : thei' ‘ iebseiiber in Carlisle. Pa.; • .; • -• •.• " 'ANDREW' 110.14MtS. ngnstqB,lP.s4.--t.t • .-•-•-; i • 1 ,4 1., the above to the.grnount of.; sttutelutrgefitis office. • . ritEsx-r - , HavikrecentlY reMrned from Philadelphia - and New.- York- viith_ri VERY EXTENSIVE ADDI TION,tb my former , Stock, I lieg• leaVe to offer to the citliens Of 'Carlisle and the Public generally, ~, • .1 •GENER.II; 880.RTMENT, • Comprising every article in the Drug; line, which I will dispose of WIMLEFIALE or 'RETAIL at-the-/otoest •p_ostil,le rates. Phyrsiciana--gconntry Store keepers— Fullers - and others, are respectfully inviteij to give me a call at. the Old Stand on East High Street. . • S,,tLLIOTT. Carlisle, 1838. ' . 27 S - .A 1 -- E-1 A • , HENRY J. KELLY - INFORMS the-Young . -Men of CaMisle _ and- dm-surrounding .country; "prepared: to manufacture in the neatest ••••V:1 style, !MUTE RUSSM 11.37'Sfw suin-(o7_•\. r we mear, Rids Skop itrEast High Steet,.." • -a-few doors - weal of Major Jacob High Hotel, and next door td the store ofJohall. Weaver Ft .Co. Also; White Silk, Ilats - Orthe best plush; made of blocks OftlaTtatettreltylitshhitt;' --- • 4 Carlisle, May 22, I 838.—tf. ikirzvrcrrding and:ConinOssfon' .I .. Q c At - Vie ,a7a.l a a MaLti/Ll-21.n0 HAVEllaicemthat Largo -and commodious WARE HOUSE, lately-erected.on the Canal and Rail Wad, below the foot of Chestnut street; Ilarrithurg, where - their arrangements are such that they can all times forward:produce and Meriliandize . with - lirotrippimp. and despatch, to.the following plaets;viz: ' . Philadelphia, Pittsburg, dolurn7 _ bia; -Ballimore;CaHi Chambersbur Sandadl interTediatc places. _ _ They have lately entered.into arrangdinentS so as tc enable them to send any produce or goods-by way o the Pennsylvania Canal and Columbia Railroad, to Philadelphia, ant--the-same-prices-charged by 'other, companies running 'on the Union canal, thus•gaining three days in time, and delivering goods in Broad street, avoiding the usual - expense of hauling from the Schuylkill. • THEY WILL PURUIIAS} drain, Flour, and country produce of every descriptlonomd.- keep cern _stantly on hand coal, plaster, fish and salt for sale. April 9., 1838.—tf. 18. LUIRDEIC AND . COAt • • THE suberiber. respectfully.informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has' for sale, at his Coal and -LumberNaird, on the bank of the Suiiiffe= hanna river, in the town of WornaleysbUtt, 2000 . Bushels .superior Smith .coal, .Pc n,ncland Common Boards. Poplar Plank and Scantling, 4.c. 4.c. 2000, good quality, seasoned Tight Bar rel Staves. and Heading. All of which he will dispose of at low crates, and on the most accommodating. terms. Perdons wishing to purchase would iio ivell by callingWitli the - subscri;; ber, and examine his stock before they purchase else 7 where. GEORGE RUPLEY. • • - April 9; 1898.-3 m.. 19. 2 4 11022Z5Z - 433U4 E Bc.,3"tf.R.E'A.W - • • e6!--- utAnivailalaw(Dtaza EpINRN_J. KELLY, -. RETURNS his sincere thanks to the citixens of Carlisle and its vicinity, for the liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon him, and solicits a continuance of the same. His shop, is noWisituated in Ea - st Sit'oe1 4 , adjoining the Drug . Store of Samuel Elliott on the east, and John . H.-Weaver & Co's. store on .the west, Where ho will constantly keep on hand a large assort- . went of Fashionable • • • • • - • Sil Fur -and • CONSISTING 011` Beaver, Otter, Seal, Nutria, Musk - rat,.:Plain . Bussia and Brush 11313:E1 UIE 4 Cia COLOI at S s All ()rids own mfinufacturingovhicli he will dispose of at low' prions. • - • • He flatters himself that, by strict attention to busi ness and a disposition to ,please, to mecit.find receive a Ware Of public patronage.: - N. 13. 'Military caps will be nunnufitotured to order, on reasonable termsw .; ;Carlisle, April 9,1838. . 114,, SPLENDID CR:ALLIES,' • Lead apd Li ht ground I!.ismitain De Laince; . - -ExtractedDlnghame ' • • ' Chintzes find._ Chally •Lcittni, (a new ig•Rple s ) Fir sale. by,, ' - • ; , ARNOLD 114.' CO. - - : =NI .CHEAP., 'CHEAP' Goops. • • • ; ARNOLD-;& CO., • Have just received severid - Bati - of jcking*, Mut int; Chia*, and Diaptia; which iiiroffeked'unitaa manly lo*foi citok• •-- ' • • •- - 01[1 M - fe :J 14 8 c e 4 t r . Anotl*r supply of- 4;-6 al,to ievery superior Oracle Of Fig?ired JP - at/44,1411 q; they-offer tau small advatice. • May 14. 1,-' „ . S OFT : SHELL AlAtom3s,: l'illferta•forsole by r. • CHAS. lIA,HHITZ. ' May 14.. • . • : 24. =A 211E.2 2 ..1:120TEL.' E. High-_Street.,:q:few doors east of the • Couil House,• . • CARLI - SLE, •• 7 - The7ifulfidibelFhT - svitig7leased - tlie - alieve - narned establishment from Mr.. Shim Wunderlickand ing provided himself with every thing'ttecessaiy, is .now_enttbled to accommodate travellers and others in style ‘ that will not fano please those wha.may favor him 'With • THE , B AND CELLAR will;rdceive his, special attention. These. will be kept constantly provided with the'hes of LIQUORS • THE 'LARD E R w)11 at all times be abUndantly supplied. with all the "rdeltaitierwhich-the'season-and..rnarketean afford, and no exertion's will, be wanting to please the palate of the most fastidieifs. THE STABLE'S • •• . are commodious and secure, and.'a careful and , atten tive hostler will be always in attendaoce. , - BOARDERS taken by the week, inonth - Or year, on the moat reasonable terms. . A strict attention to business and an anxious desire to Tlease, will, he. trusts, ensure him a reasonable share of public pittronage. • • , JACOB_ REHRAR' Darlisle,Aprif 23,1838.—tf. N. ;The .care rail past the above establishment, at Gond 11 o'clock, A. M. - and at 2 and 7 o'clock, l?. M.• _ ^J. , t ,0,0,11 vxleotk 4 -THE sith . scribers have just recei , iett GI addition to 'their former stock, a handsome agisorttricnt-of • SPRING AND SUMMER . • which , . Malies the r assortment .now very good, and .will be, SOIO very low. They most respectfully solicit the,publio to give them a call. P. S.--7 , Country produce will be,taken-in exchunge for goods, , . • • .J & D. - X. WUNDERLICH & CO.; TAILORING. - • WILLLUVI 10VPHERSON",i•-- .11 . THANKFUL for TT - st favors, hereby informs.the public that he still continues to carry on' the - a- - • , 4 hove mentioned busines s ; in • ••• West Iliolt-Sfreet, Carieste• a few . doors west of the Post Office, and - directly op posite the book-store-014.-Lotidortowhere-he-is•pre-. pared to accommodate all nitO may favor him :with their custom in the most neat .manner,aud.atreason , able-prices . - custom,-in strict attention-`to bushies's and - an earnest-desire to please,he hopes to receive a liberal share of-public-patronage.. - • P. 3..-The latest city fashions will be - constantly followed up tipply Of . - ' . . . )11.EAID' IT MADE CLOTIIIN6. ustantly kept on hand,. and Or bgle on iensonable terms, J e utte 18-;.1838.4f iNIIII SA LE. . . By.the dubscribmatDossecnian's in_Frank; ford township. _ , • ' . 400 GALLONS LINSEED OIL and _ • o.o_l3llSlip .9 OIL -MEAL, Which. will be sold cheap !for cash, or given in ex change for. Flaxseed. for •which article the highest -prices-Will at 'all times be allowed. . J. CULBERTSON. - • TO 011.11:PEIT,IZR.S.'. - • Repairs in •the Court !Rouse.' PROPOSALS will be received at the Commission ers Mee ' In Carlisle, "on MONDAY the 17th day of September next; for making certain altgations and repairs in the. Cbnrt !louse, greeably to be furnished by the commissioners. The plan will -be-exhibitedAn..the mean time, and any laformation given. by-the.clerk.of..the ,mean, JACOB ZUG, • •• JAMES WILLIS, -ROP'T C. STERRETT. • : ' • ' Commissioner:. Attest—JoHN ittwirr, Clerk. Commissioners': Office, a • Carlisle, Aug. 23, 1838.5 " • p $1 KUJ $ I Di $4, - 110AtAla ii DI 11 The Board of Selord Directors of the borough o Mechanicsburg, would hereby make known, thtit.ONE or TWO well goal ified Teachers, of regular habits and "good morhl Chaeticter; are wanted to take charge, of and teach the schools of said borough. __There him average number of 150 scholars to be taught. Two school rooms adjoining each other' and connected by_ s a door ;, one to, average 100, the. pther -50 scholars. •• The Preildent of the Board stands ready to receive proposals from teachers to take charge- of and teach an average number of 50 pupils in the small room— to take charge.of and teach an average of 100 in the large room—or to take charge of and teach the whole, averaging 150 pupils in both rooms. Those who hand in proposals for 100 scholars, must calculate to provide themselves with, at least, Oneassistant t ot iheir. own expense; and those for 150, must provide themselves with at least two assista,ptsat their own expense. All 'assistants must be such as the. Board shall approve. , The branches to be taught are theTollowing -- Spelling, the first principles of Elocution,Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography,English Grammar,, and Composition,. As incidental branches i the first principles — of - GdiStnetry, .Minerology, Botany, and a general outline of - Ilisary—partieularly . that of the United-States, &o. &e. - • The receiving of proposals will be closed on. the first of Septeinber next. The. school will continue five or six months: • - 'JACOB . WEAVER, = -- • Pres't - of the Board. .illtest:—W. A. W.- . STIGLEMAN, Sec. , MeChanicsburg, August 6, 1838.—St. _.lll.R_.Z!'_~_l._Q .N_'_ll 0 IL,S ~ __- IAf(fO'VIT I J,',I7aI2, S'otstA•tueat coiner opectinle Pitt sta. carlurte,'Pa George Ferrie, HAVING taken the above namefl establishment; (formerly kept by Mr. George , Aughinbaugh,) pectfully solicits his friends and the public generally, to favor him with their custom. The house is large and convenieht containing. upwards of FORT I' Ji JIB E RS, well adapted for Families,Stu dents, Boirders and transient custom. The stabling is extensive and convenient, capable of holding.lip wards of 70 horses, worthy the attention of Drovers, being in a central and excellent part ofthe town for the tale of horses: • • ' , Drovers, Farmers, Pedlete, and Travellers are in vitedlogive him a call. , hopes by strict attention and mod . eratei charge. tender -general Sat - .arlislejAprill;lB9B.' • • ..19. t' • •-• ES THAI: • - . • , AME to . the-tireintsea of the subseribe,r resit tog Allen township, Curstberlaild ' ' • County, on. the .14th of aulimjast', A ?".0 BLACK COW,, willte. face, r; white.atiots on herbelly, dirootilorn.". • ed, between a and 4 year 4 bldr Thek• owner,. is, desired .to come for,wartl,- prove prcp . erty, Oar char g es, and' take her away, otherwise she'tvlll be disposed 'of aceotditig - to law.. • . •• • . , JOHN SADLER: Auglist 18,1888.-3 w." , , . - • . .Cummig.sicittEß's . • . • , Caßizle,Atiiiiist 1508.58. ." ..THP,'Journals Of the Senate iiett'tibititie of'Repre , l sentatives of Pennsy.lvanit4l and Abe. repotts ;the( State Treasurer t and Genei•al, for 1858, have been rebeiVeil tlhisliffibei;init'l Itrel'eadyibeitellife ry, tolhOse w4tEurebOtiivreutitled tereeelie theos.-4 , • • JOHN ITIN, OVA% August 20,1838.-4 w, , • • _ • VA.LIIABIOE,',IMALi ESTATE .8 :4.'4 6 .16,• ,r utiaance of the 'last - and-Aut moat:B • aDaTilf WOLF; late of the borough of Shippens buyg, deceased, will be sold at public sale, 00-the.pre- - miser, otti Sdturday the 29th day , of September nest, • ' • A Trac! of Livikesione . Mind, . COThNTATI 4ING rIYttiE ABOUT a COWER r tr& - Z.' " - ACRES,,situaye' one amt• a half miles north'srent: of Shippensburgi - a reasonable part of 'which is - good 'wood lantl._,The Improvements arc f. a , • Story ind'a Halt Stone DtOetlinlion'ee D LOG BARN Thiel; 'water:nearthe door of the House. Said tract of - land-adjoint lands of - David NeviicSamuel-WHendersonrand-others.' car-Sale will 'commence at 10 o'clock on said day, , at 'Which time the terms of sale will be made known by DAVID -WdIGGONER, Executor. .4.ugnst 21,1838.—t5. ' , (0 - .The "Lancaster Esnininer & herald" will in. sert the above theee times and charge this office. 0_11,1 5 11 A NON? . = a=O U.S SALE...- Ur N N SATURDAY THE 29TH DAY OF SEP- - TEMBER next; will be' sold by public outcry, an the premises, - - , ' • el namable Tract of First rate . LIMESTONE LAND 9.- • late the property. of Henry Givler, deceased,:.sitv ate• in Westpennsborough township, Cumberland county,- containing - TW 0 lIGYVARED aND. FORTY-EIGIFF - ACRES ; more or less, adjoining lands of :Jacob Myers;Samuel McKeehaii,Esq. Brice 'Sterrett and others, ten miles west of-the borough of Carlisle, ed about one and a half from the town of Neivville;' and in sight of the Cumberland Valley • -Rail Road. The' improvements thereon are a • ' - TWO? STORY - STONE i:DW - ELLING:HOUSE huilt of stone;.Wagon Shed, Cairn •Cribs, with other necessarront,houses. a ' There is . never- failing well of water with-a- putniNtherein.. 'There are also two bearing Xpple Orchatils in a thriving condition. .-- r ------. The-Terms of-Sale -are :. • One,third of the 'purchase fiionek- to. remain in the hands of Me - purchaser during-tile life of the . idoi , of the aforesaid decedent, and the , interest th'ereof, to -he-paid-to-her-annually during. her natural-Wet-fifty dollars - of the " ptYHcliase ' iiioney to - be paid on - tlie — con 7 l , firniation of the. salely_the court;. one-half ofthe ha._ lance to be paid on, the first, of April, A. D. 1859',• when possession of the premises will im given to the' Purchaser, and - a deed made for the same, the dow':i -- iliredi - to bear iriteeest - froWthe - first of:Atiril - , - IBA Uie residue of the - nurchase money to lie paid,- in.thitec'eAnal annual payments, without interest.— _ l'ite - wlinle-to be secured-by-recognizance phaus' Court, with security. 'f lie Landlord's share of the„grain in the growth to be-sown this autumn, tot ! pass'AeAlie.preliaserofsaid . . - JOHN McKEEHAN, ✓ldrninistrator of Henry Givler, dec'd. August 21,.18.18.-6: "4 ihiii c'~ i)i i ouug-Ladies;. - • . 13ARLISL . F, . . • 1 IBC Thirir Quarter of the Young Ladies' Semi nary-in the borough of Carlisle, - under the care of the subscriber,•will open. Oil the '6th day of September. Young Ladies; whose par7nts or friends do not reside in_the-borougl;are-earnestly-adVised - to - lioard with their Teacher, for which arrangements have. been inside with 21 private family: and this will he enjoined, unless•otherwise directed by the parent or guardian, i:: which case the Teacher eau be considered Tespon-. sible only for the literary improvement of her pupil. Personsinterested iiihaving more particular , niation as to the chnractei: of the school, are referked:l, to ReV. President Durbitriand_thepher members - of the Faculty of Dickinson,,,collegv to Rev. Thomas C. Thornton, of Carlisle,Nsr to Rev. G. G. Cookman or Professor Thomas Sewall, of Washington City: - • . • • - —PHEBE. - ' Terms of Common' English Studies, as Geography, • Grammar, Arithmetic, Reading and Writ ing—per Quarter, • - • - • These, accompanied with Rhetoric, History, or Natural Philosophy, with English Com position, Botany, Chemistry, Astroncirny, Mental Phi losophy, Moral Philosophy, or French, Instruction", ui Spanish, Italian, Drawing, or . Painting, will involve an extra charge of . 50 'Opportunities „are frequent for taking private Lec- . sons in Mizell. cryf urnon is, in all cases, required ix ADVANCi. Carlisle, Ati4ust 21, 1838-ow. 'NOTICE TO CONTR.A.CTERS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at th e Rail Road Office in Waynesboro', Franklin coun— ty, until sunset pn Monday. the let Of October next, for the • • Grailing and Formation, ors miles of the Gettysburg Extension of the • Pennsylvania Rail 'Way, commencing Ripple,s Summit: , .• • - - Also—for the Building of 8 Stone Culverts; from 9to feet Span. Plans and Specifications of the Werk . will be ex hibited at said Office the week preceding? iliejettlig and all accessary information furnished.-- • •.• . • • ' ' CLA TI CKSOI4;Sup't. September 1, 1838.-sw-41 . • • . • ESTRA.I%. Came to the residence of the subscriber , on Friday • the 20th inst two • Stray - Cows, ice , the once. Brindle am! White, with.a . 0 • slit in the left ear, suptosed to be twelve or rteen yeah old. • The other itt a dun or mouse eolor, with a white face, su pposed to be fifteen oriixteen yeari old i arid. now g iving milk. - . • Papertowti,July 810888. . • . ,••••- IS hereby Given; that letters tietainetitiry on 'the last will and testainent . of HenryPteetc Sr.. lite o Frankfordnivishiti, - Cutrtherland county, deceased;_ ;• • : -• . ued_hy-the-Register-inundfortenttaiimtt - , ety, to the subscriber,who resides in the•township, and county 'aforesaid. ', ,All persons. itidebted,to'..the estate of the said 'tleieisetl, wilt: plealie make ichnied'iate payment, atuf those having. elaitus er•demiandsaiithutt• the said estate, are requetited - to, make the same known tvithont delny.to , . . ~... .• - , .. '', * 1 • ' • DAVlDriLeistit, • , • •, . , • . Exe,cta or of Henry Bloser sr • July •11138.=-6t:" ItOOKS. • JUST received and for sale at Drag and Book Store.--complete setsor ..'"WaverlY.Noyela"-27,volurriesi ; :. • - TheJ3ridgatwater Treatises s. . • , • Lockhart as Li " fe of Burn - • . 'The 'reed; by . llfa Burp,. •Waisingimm, or the Gamester. • •' ' The Linwoods, by Bribe Sedgarick.„ - - • DifiCy- of the times of 06orgel: • ' The Pick*lck.raperi,ilinstraled by,priala from romlon'es, illastrateil by'G a ruielfeli irk '' "' 4 Augnst,27, 1838.: • „ . , • 01 -7 0 • ,„.:. Vicarninalircod,', codlings - 1E.% • ,•'' ".• • • . Lad - ' • • :Oil '4ol l stiol6 ' Madder, , . „Ilitrana;Aditli; •;, " Y'liadigse, • , • Just received and toriciestaicir iwau, the Chemical Store art • • -. B. ELLIOTT. $ 3 Oa. 7 50 10 00