EZI i. OLUAIE 11.-Xth 51. aultmA_ The "Carlisle Herald Expositor," wilt be issued every TUESDAY AFTERNOO'N, TWV LARS, petiannum,fiayab/e in advance; ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the usualrates Letters addressed to the editor, on builness,NtST BE 'POSTPAID, otherwise'they will receive no at tention:, . • • ' • .;GENTS. The following named persons have been ; Agents for the': " Carlisle Herald & ExpositOr,P to • whom - payment for Subscription and advertisement t . man be made. D._Sum,LY, Esq.Shiretnanstown,_Cumb. Co, *Seorr'Cairts.,,Esq. Ne.wvill . e . do .:1). Koorrn,'Esq. Newburgh do - E_.1,34. /IMES, Esq. Shippensburg do - Joint YlruNDF,Jet.xcx, Esq. . d 0.... do_ J. NATEEIi, rag . . Hoguestown - do WiLson, Esq:Meihanrubuirg, - do • .4: STUAGEON, Esq. Cbufeldown do 'Dr:^AsA Wurrag New Cumberland •do - --- 1 -L--'sThos.HLAMF,.Esq.--Illoontfi4d r Eerry_county . Landisburg . do . • :~'~O-E=T - R-Y=: '"Witit sweetest flowers corielt'll, variowsigotAehs with core:, 'For; the ET 11°f#°: :The sky Clear; and opening Morn, 'Was welcOmed with - resounding horixi. Whose knoWtOones together drirn _. The farmer's cheerful little...CTe NV. . _ Tvici-thenightless wights, a giddy pair, ' • ' Renouncing indolence and care,: • • • Arose before the dawn of And to the Country trode their Six-miles were. gained, (such miles as those Are leaglies to him who loves repose,) 'When these pedestrians, arne and sore, • • Walked - up before the farmer's door. - - ".Good morning,:lkirS. --. 7 ; how irye "Quite well I :thankye, how are you?" 'Walk in—Lsit Bowu=tell Sulain, John" "To haste and set the irreakfast'on:" . Accostedihus, she thus replied: • Tiley ate-, then to the'harvest'hied, • _ • _ And soon, vide i3preadingsferthezround, ThiCk-gntlering sheaves were Strewn around, From morn to night no . murm'ring Word:, . • Escaping frcim their lips, was•hestrd ."Though sweat emerged froM every pore, • And every aching joint was sore. " Why toiled they thuS?"—,the reason's pltiin— . 'Twee ndt to save the farmer's min 'Ent he'd a . daughter whose fairilice,' And formwere. fraught with mateliless grace. • LShe smiled.-4!twaabalm'to cheer the heart— She sighed—Lititealed the lomat smart— :She pitied—it was Oil andtrine, -Withpowerto adothe.tilmost.div Thus did old Jacob till the soil; fourteen years' incessant toil, • . ire" Laban's romping lass he took, e• • , 'Sweet RaCh6l•tiithlter Shepherd's - oyoolLT 'But now_the..farnArlszt!oi:h.ls o'er,. • ' Ilis.soundiog Seythe is heaill no m ii eT 'Come men and , merry maidens, come, Lees have ajolly harvest hi;ne. September, 1538. THE BRIDE. '"The vows whieh.you have spoken, TO lotre and cherish her through life-f OM may they ne'er be broken Itimember, "she forsakes for thee, ' :Kindred, andfriends, and home— The keens of childhood's sportiveriesi, - O'er the-Wide - world to roam! `-blt!'taite her—She is allthine own - -4 . To thee her Itart Nor deems the thine can ever be, When joy will,take its flight Bat if sneeeeding-yeirs-should-prove I That she has.jmlged :How can she look or think tin thee, Whp thus-bath ma r'd herblieaf Butstill I hope never be, ..That she'll have mtuse. to geep,, • death's arni shall lay thee low, grave to sleet); ' • • • And that:yenta:ter will•blast the 'topes, RaisM inter fond - yanng heart!' tint•gadrd her like a tender Till ebbing life depart! ' `Fl% * *''lti`redeemible IParti." . . o Srheotatt PtiPeriestioil'its dress/a/ion - an - 4 tiot contra-, iieri.ihle itith' SP E CIE at thaplace 104eAt issued, will, . A - Koilifyialle Of the; NatiamarVivOnmeat:P--Govf Ritner,*Prpolamidian. : :._ -, .. - . ,-- t .": ,! : ' It realest brlttid;urion . thi "--,p00r1ey.4,11te.. - present „Adreiiiiitratiotirof, the-17041d Governtnenti , that It . .. _Stands ini - Mswerably charged with : the indletnteld - 91 Gtii,4ltrtze. : Tice only • 'lltiiilliil"?.. Obit: making; • 41 piper rags” is that of the Federal GOveinteetit.4-..: : The.9Vy Shin. Plasters now in '. circulation are - those' of the, Federal 99veretnent....: The only irredeeinahle ..letTeney..now egoat is s that 9f the $03,00q,9p0 ,asked; Sorihythe ;Pidhident, !passed. by„ . an Admmistration: ..COngtess,;atet noW. used .bi the Office Heldera Of ,the r edema Govei'nitielitTlhus the Administration whic' hasitlP idooridenouneeid . tlie. credit of the Theihs, and. 3*lnjseeratnys,fircostiedt, pillite...ith4„yelloyinyttpecit .4 41 ' out'of the i nterstioa Of, i e - i tem silkei pnr.sps"', and "awimalp the Mississippi ''-,--now beg fir ifsidirien-. 1 ey,d3nt.y"drmmises to :hay ; ' " - one year allsi ,- 41ate,"-- ‘ 1 P . OSTI4OTES;" ..ii lire neinahle' Shin Plasters,"—' 1 - .. . while.,e*ery_hody'ehdhOte . P.s.irokeli kohl and s ilver as' ithey.ask-foii, with 3.l6,io93ank•Rftgi' 1" st• the - Banks.—' -Tltedlankti‘havis-resitmed..speeie . .-pseirtients,• • tiiul the • rGoiermiient fists been: put:s9.6,o6o,noDid delit- '. Th e' ,destrtiyet has iiieorne destroyed. ~,.. The Tit intirwhieh 'lass AdminiArtitioinpropoled to.ltimbletatheillathOs f . Ambleditself.f.. We suggest to. Mr. it ..lhfroo-the' Ike ofisugiesting in histnest Messageilhe. oet o - " taySinkliiit Administration of thei.Otivtir* At hie "he suggested. bvtlie korsiljoisiobles-, ,_ ,loge or e Banks.--Neus rork Expre:- . • , . , . • . All - r. . .6.. ';'. • ....” ..,„. •,_. .• - . . • . • • •• ^ - • •. . .. • , •. - . • • •• 11URRelli FOR-FR47rK. A meetink of the friends Of - Josepti - . Rit , - ner Was held at the house. of Johnliettriek, in Frankford tOwnship, city Saturday' after nookthe Bth inst.. The 'meeting was calla-. posed of the yeomanry .of` the .eotintyy, . principally aged' Get:mans, wise enthusi asm gave strong assurance that they are de -termined-to show _those who haire insulfed them . by stigmatizing their Oaiternor as_ a `'.damnede .old Dutch hog,'!- . that they will not desert • the' :old' wagoner. Seireral ;ad-. dresses were delkiered, and responded to by the 'cheers of : the multitude.- - I The organized - by by thp—ap-- I oin . tinent_cof WI., JO lIN..MY ERS, Presi- George :Hiller, George - - Wade 'Slielliib'eitei; Jonah 'Williams. • On motion, the.following persons were -appoiored a committee = to draft a preaMble and resolutitins exPressive :of the sense...ef the ineeting:Daniel Leekey,Robt. Laird, -John Winecoop, John llettrick, Samuel MerkWert, Victor Shannod, Samuel .Gray-.• . Sarnuel Bowers, and-JolualeKeelyan; . wlitrafter - retiring7a shortthite'retiorted-the followin prearnhle:aiid resolutions: •....: --Whereas, - it is the right.:,of the people, under the Constitution of our, Government, .freely to express -their --opinions of Men and MeaSures . . at all times aispecting the the adniinistration of .our government and. whereas, we consider the, coining election as-very.. important, both to our own state and to the" _Union.: .and' Whereas, Martin -Van- Buren lias, -long since, _ forfeiteVall_ claim' to the confidence of the people, by ' , declaring that the people rnight , take•care. of themselves and the _government- would take care of itself,' and• having uniformly acted on that principle .With an - apparent designjo. change.our_government_to_ aristo, and-Ltake.-into_his.,own. hands both . _the___purse., i and..‘the. sword_of,the_..nn.tiort.t, - Therefore be it - . • Re3olvid, That we'eann6t support Mar tin Van Buren for our next -President;. and as -we consider .. .the election of David- R. Porter for our next Governor would be an, aPproyal.of the acts-and measures of, Mar tin 'Van Buren, as they are; in principle, identically the same. • - • Resolved, That we will not support- D. R. -Porter-for Governor, tecnuse we.know 'of no qualifications, that he liosSesses•which fi t -hi m_forithe office and„_beean ee _there is good reason to believe that he is an *moral and dishonest man Rand because he is in favor , of .the--Sub-Treasnry. Scheme and a shin-plaster -currency. Resolved, ; That - we will _support the re-- .election of-.our".preserit_worthy__Goeernor,_ Joseph' Rimer, by all honorable means in our power, because.he ;is a good governor, and'an honest men; becauselte• has man- . aired well for. the •interest; of the State hle, made .our public - works -- productive -repealed-theL-State-Taxi-!&e,--tconSiderably, -reduced th,e.. State Debt, "antl'hns.pni e. CommonSdhool•SyStem gOod.foofing,. giving -equal . chance •of education to both poor and rich. Resolved,`_ That the pondutt . of - the, I friends of Porter' throughout the . state.-, in insulting, the Governos_ -on account o his descent; calling him 'dutch log,"-tin4 presenting his. person on.paper for the pur pose of ridicule, is- degrading t buinan • nature, and shows the - badness orthe.cause -they_tspase, - • • • • Resolved; That' We . highliprove of Govprnor . •Ritiwr's Proclamation;-l --alreadY; Ito we -find :thatit-is;wrealityiLand not a, humbug "already can every rtien4.hlii has good bank. patier . h 6101'04pr for it, not like the'few' piee -- e:of ckson gold that was shaken Att , our rioses a : etv, y.ears ago, onplectionground,.4o . out of our votes, ResolOed;'That7tre zdill . use all hoitora ble,menne toi,prOmote the k eleation..Of the Ticket nominated by the friends-of Joseph leaner, ,on Wednetiday't4.si.ki:inOcinc: Resolved, That .-these . , proeuedings be signed by the offieers , and published in the . Carlisle. Republican, the Herald and Ex positor, ,and the German paper Onmotien,the meeting. adjourned. • [Signed, by, the Offieeti.," 'mtikle , , glow*Ar,oir. THE END!! !." , • Agreeahly _ td , motice,. a meeting of the friendi of - .Tosapii ; Ritner Shiie h 'of Seprn rnarkstowii.nn'l34nydey the 43t . te bay.- The .meeting was- ~orgnnized iv- the apileintinont, p res idi n , ;- 7 -; 7 Stottor,is'lrn•diy,= ; .' • DANIEt.-Stitil.P.llAl4, , • ZeAnino; . `Eig: • , ,AI9EL , Ar t tclik , any. „: , - 'i:TAcon - '• BENJAMAN & H°O4PO 3 * , ' ' Vice Presidents Jacob Pipher. A FAMILY ITEWSPAPERr - bEVOTED TO , NEWS, POLITICS, LITERATURE, TT* ARTS AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTaR, AMUSEMENT, &C. &C. iD DI iñl FORD: SAMUEL - KatiEWELL, • Jo in4,l - pzowzg, - BOAVIIIAN, HENRY • JOHN 'MUSSER, DAVID BOUGIIWALTER, •-•• ANDREW , OILER, _ - • -BURORHOIXER, • -•- Vice Presidents; Secretaries, • Printed and Published, lireehlY, by George Jil. Phillips, - inCarlisle,,Cuniberland • County, Pa. I . J=o ' , Sheik, Jolcrr Miller, - I. D.- Rupp, David Rexchurd, . —Secretaiies. On mption, a Committee was appointed to draft a preamble - and 'resolutions expres sive of the.sdniiments of the meeting, viz: Joseph Messer, Henry Rupp, Robert Wil- Son, George Sherborne, John -Saddler, John Sheely, Jr. - • During the time the committee retired to prepare - resolutions, C. B. Penrose, -Esq.,, was called on, and ably addressed the meet ing, whose -remarks- were -reepived with cheering and aCclantitions. - - The Committee ,ithen reported the fol lowing resolutions: , _ Whereas, a Crisis is approaching in the -Political-historytof - our-State-when several important questions will have to be , answer= ed, shall we continue. to enjoy the privileges wHe lave so long been the boast orPennT sylvania? whether -.our rights of property are to be longer.preservedt Or'Whetlier the agrarian-doctrines of-foreign-infidels-Are-to be put-in practice? whether We shaft • con- tinue to enjoy the privilege of 'electing our :statejttlers, or whether we are to submit to :haye'-placed -over us - men—whose_ o illy re-I CoMmendation is that. they are the choseti - • puppets, of 'the wire workerS at. Washing-. - ton? whether we are - to. enjoy the benefits - , , Of 'a. - SOund -euTrency ? onto have, saddled upon us . forever irredeemable -protaises- to 1 pay by our bankrupt _national administra -1 tidn ? whether we - are to 'Continue in office ,the chief ,rnagistrate: of hur •Siate i • whom 'we know - to be• honest,•and who has shoWn. ..himself in -the highest degree capable of performing the duties of .Governor of-this commonwealth? or to remove to-place in the, executive chaii-of Pennsyl vania-a' man-4 hoseTepu tation-fcr-in tegrity israt rbest; but doubtful, and, the veryideamf -whose talents -forgovernment is rediculaus? Therefote Resolved, Tttat , we believe-it. our duty to expres'i_in the ,most_ decided, manner our `disapprobation of the course rof President Van: Buren . and the reading' Measures of his ilininistration, knowing the - former to he characterized by extrava gance and' corruption. and The latter to be frSught with danger to the ,interests :of the • community. 1 Resolved, That we . a're opposed to die election of David R. Porter, because he is .the candidate of”the Van Buren-Party, and ik-pledged'to *carry out all the hateful and dangerous_ measures__of, the Van thiren - :a&H ministration,•and his election would be con- sidered_as_urt appraval_oLits..cours&_,-„.. - .Reseiveil, That - in - the , Sub-Treasury .Scheme we see a deep laid plot of designing 'politicians to fasten upon us a national-bank of 'the w9rst description;, one over which the President of the IThited States has the , entire control; one which givep him the most unbounded . means of bribery and cor ruption; .onewhich . gives his office-holdas, all the silver and gold,, and. which compels thOpeeple. to make, use of the wretched substitute called 'shin-plasters. - ' ..:.Resolved,.. That we_glor r jri havingsnch , n- 1 manio; support as Governor.Bitner, who.' has always ,been ,the 'firth Mend of Ponn: 1 . . , sylvania, ~and Who . has , done more -to .ad- 1 vance her interests than a‘Y'man since 60 days. of _ltis illustricths ~-e Nauctplek, &men ' ..Say.doi;_.___:...._.:.,_:._..'. ' '.' ' - ............._.,.. - L. "Resolved, That we cannot nupport'Da vid R. Porter, !wens° we,believe him to= tally incompetent tugeiern this great Corn' - monwealth . r . 'the public reeords_of our- leg,- 1 . islature - giver:no - evidence'lziflfis-goO,itiitiali;- - -fies_Us_TaL - Statesman ;.„ he never..stmeeeslett* 1-hie pieferiskin; . bis. bathe until.his nonaiiia tion was seareely.ever heard out his: oivn county; , and the sally:- ,reason:foi ination was that he, was considered a fit and pliant tool for the hands of Martin Van Arili r ' rem Resolved, That we have strong practical evidence of the Statesmanship of Govornor Ritner; in, the, comparitive, prosperity, of Pennsylvania, when in every .other .State there. Was the greateit. pressure and distress. its °Porter—hos shown 'himself in favor Jof a State Debt; and, eonscOuently a State.Tax s .having voted for - n appropriation - bilfwbich - wduld'have almost doubled; out state / debt,-, which wad merely in favor of private' companies,' and which,would:have taxed. us to pay'.the• in tOssi, if: 'Governor giber had not inter posed his. constitutional :poirer,..for -Which he'deserves and• receives the .thanks of the people of ,;this fcemrtionwealth, ~ a nd for kvhich lie.)vill' recelire. as a reward'a majori- , ty of _their votes at the 'cominglelection.!...' '/Fege/viiii That 'the cry of • yroseription comes; with a bad greed from-teen=' .who have 'Made it a.rule" to turn 'Mk Of office all who-are Opponed-tO:theirtinD polities, who are evencnoW'fitraing out , -Pdat-Masters iii thie f irid . other counties of the state; =and who are 'now imitrisiiitffie I-further. don Of,thef‘hieltory'broorn'.' in CuMberland epintY, and' he sweeping Mit 'Of; offiice-ull ri3iippcidis • faVorable tO .eleCtiok qoverteißititer.:: plistihe gpba'raral . PO l l4 qh - r , WPllits;.4k l ' intrigning village' lawyer,tr,lto, could, nOt. man : - .04110.rq; TPut;:,,*l;•ieaire - it; Qt t,for nnotli'er three .Y9. 0 : 1 : 1 P.i0F 411 :. 10 * 6 .1 61 4 Farmer tio:tyglit into an ~'„exeeeilinglY, state„, of 'cut tite_anOrk,.; , Pild:AvAlo .W 9 1 1. 76 7i4 'TAY' Of 'a, 9 6 4 Pik qO, SF-tll4during .t! 1 Ixt , g)rPe.):01 1 ,1: ' , :Raab/110; . 'rya, Wf.; P9,ofiallY-Nikor of' eti 400:t4tin') 3 3r,„9, 1 0, -61 40 16 k- 44 P. (1, Piare(ooo44criY:44 . oo o .. ,i411 , f0h 4 ." ) the part of, our: ritt , p(le w ith' r trE,s D - I r.E itmo • at the head, will feeeive a inajoritiin Cum -beßandleourity.:_:.. - '•- - Resolved, , That these proceedings, be signed by„the cabers of this ineeting and published., • [Signed by the officers.j THE - VAN BtIRENP. ' Martin is taking . • • --" His flight Towards the Sulphur White, ' - - Leaving dull Care behind him." . He wast,at Norfolk on -ihe,2sth, -- I.Vhire _the_ Oprporation_ gave him a dinner:— thence he intended to pursue his journey to the Springs via Richmond, . to recruit after his unavailing struggle to paps. the Sub-Treasury Bill. . • John, his son, -was -present at the-Pbro- nation - , rvi - E - 6: --- . iteller.'_':___of-the_NeN deseribes hiereception by . the Queen.z--- 'ley . and 'Whitfield—are tile most extraordi-. What a thing it is to: be a son of the Presi- nary_body' of men that ever Jived. They .dent, eh, amta . Democrat at•that? ._ . 'are the pioneers .of- civilization; they heed --,- " - my - My - 7 - young - =John=Van-Biffin-is---not-danger i -however-iinnibient; they Lbehaving very: well here. 'He . pins up at ; - not-for. luxuries ,; l . _ tiler - care' not to tread the Lung's fashionable 'Hotel in Bend Street, ' the ._carpeted'hal, nor to seek learning or. and quitzes the Engifsh dandies most • un- 1 pleasure ,in eloister, or saloon, but 0n, 7 611 Ihercifuily.. •I, understand als3- that. the l they go, to the remotest vergerof the gtolie, - Queen is much. better. pleasedTivilli - our !-wherever erring - man-has:watidereit;-Wher, Prince than with the white.haired oprig •of ' ever-there is ono 130U1 to - be.teciaimed, there royalty.froni :France—l. mean - the Due iloithey_go, to wrestle with the world, to defy • Nenionfo., John has a great deal ofrnaturat its temPtatione; to.enlighten its moral-dark drollery and -- wii about-him,-a-little bizaie rmus - ;,, .._ .- • .___,.. ,it is true--..but the poor Frenchman has ; Apart from the.'holy character of-his•mis rsittlepf• either. Both . .have. • long legs, .but;sibii, there is a motal•grandeur in the - Meth-. he_form_anil _figure of theDeinoerafis de- - odist itinerant as - hewends hiswaythrongh ,•cidedly,miich- straighter thin- that of the . pathless forests, withoutTS4ociates, without I. tri,-cOlor.• 'On eaoli - -side of the Queen, - reward, witlinutevenThe stimulus of . praise. when ,She is at the- dinner table, is a chair He leavei home, and kindred; the tie : of generally :vacant.. = . ---- • ~•:-.. . • - -.' • early laird ' -perhaps • and-' - gocs 'forth; • to , --` When .she wants:to talk to any, of 'her • straggle unknown anaalone-r-to.doom lihri.;, guests, - She -• senda- -- hd - r - pageT - to - ' - the-per- -: self to-poverty;Ao_the_gibes and jeers 'of the ' son - with a reqirest to drink wino-with her gay, -the, broken .health,' to premature old: majesty. •The - . person thus honored, 010. age. And what is his impulse?', -• It is:not , mediately getu up, atawalks up to one of _artibition , ;- - - - it - is not - pride-4t, is not any oice . ! the _vacant chairs, drinks with her majesty, :- of thoselfishMotives that sway the human and•enters into 'conversation, ,• When John ; brensf. ---- What is it„Reader?—it is to preadt• shad the invitation he entered, I urn told,' the word oflife, to theysii'r. • ..to quite an e • i • interest i nginto it TETE Willi • r ,- . m i. the pretty „little queen. : -- He talked 'of, the United States:-'-of out big rivers . big , . From the Daily Pittsburgh G4i.Zette. mountains---and big prairies: - The queen - • . Young illeairs was highly delighted with young John—. Rif TAER; COATrE4IIO.7I ! indications of which crossed her fair cheeks- '.-•-• - 'l3 A riTSDURGii,. Monday, 12 M. in the forte. of .sweet.arniles. • After alittle i .Convention met at the 2d Associate Re while, her majesty sent her page to another formed Church; on Fourth . s treet, and , was ;of her guests.' . This was the signal for , temporarily organized•bY appointing Gen, John to retire to .hil former seat at table; T. S:'CIT N NII4G HAM, of Mercer, Presi : which liee did -With great grace, her .little,' dent, and Col. '1..D.• Minion, of West-, tonjesty-eying4bim-•foom-beneath=her-left eye all •the time.7'-time." - Gatette: --::-.,,i . - -4 :Trierelmtd;and -- Mr; - & - Guyeni,:of - Dauphins i'Seetetaries. The foflowing committee, consisting of. one delegate-from each city and 'county re presented, was appointed' to report perm nent officers : . ' • • . : Adams, *-1%1 ichael Cr - Clarlison; " • Allegheny;Gen. Wm. - Marks, Armstrong,Joseph Buffington, „ ' Beaver, W. D. Bois,. ' - • . . Becks, Levi EL' Smith, - ' ' . • 13edfOrd, A..Kini, ' • ------- ._:::_Biadford,l_,.,...C.o_Wells ' • ' Butler, C; C„: Sullivan, Cambria, •Evan• Roberts, , ' . •-' Centre, Maj. G-Armstrong, • Chester; -Jesse--James, . i • . . Clearfield, Benjamin Hartshorn, • • Crawford, Joseph.c. Ilays,-..: _ Cumberland,•ThOmOs Himes, ' - Daunhin,-Martiti Lutz, ' „Delaware,, , T:.S. Walter, .' ' ' • , a Erie,- Andrew Scott, , • -. ~.• • Fiyett - 6 - , - G:Nir: -- Bowman, • - - - -'-'Greenoloseph-Gregg,,L--- ,, ._ . _ -_•._ _ • Huntingdon, ,Ittrites Arthurs, . -- - 'lndiana, 'William Mootehead s • • • _Jefferson, C. A. Alexander; 'Juniata,,,C, Ramsey, • •• .Laricaster•county, 'S. S. Patterson, • . Lantaater !pity, W. L. Atlee, ' • • • , Lebeinin,:George•Mark, • Lehigh, A. P. , Ruhe, • : • ,i':4epirpink, J,_l3'. - Quigley, ••:- Mercer, J. P:: Garrett, . •: , Mifflin, ..L.1.. - Maclay, ' . - . - . - tPhiledelphie'lianunty-,-Hi-'0,.-Ptattf---.- , --L_ ' .'Philadelph'ia . city,' Mordecai Taylor, -,.'• Perry, -- A - .• W,.,Montoe," .- .', '' ': '. -=-Schuylkill; •-13: 7 •P,.P_omeroy., - _-__:_-_•„._., ,i - Somerset, Smiley•Fritinn, • • . • • .. -: • • :Union, G.A.•Vantialiey, ' . , ,VenOngo, 4. Highland, .' ' . . . '.'ll,vishington Milliinn•-M . 'Kennan,. .:Wayne; :Col: ,H. L.!'Seeley, -.„•• , •• - ' Westmbrelaud,.Maj. James Moothead . ,,, The Convention then ailjourned*meet.' againln , the:same.place,:at X . P. - .. -11'L.:','' . .1 SUIZE.SIG.I. • , • All circumstances now conspire 'to .show that - Mr. Ritnei will be re-elected by a handsome majority in October. We feel Confident in that result. Biit we now see •that our opponents •tite not-less convinced; they give up the contest, we presume, ex cepting fOr form's .sake. We hope' they are not.about to rally on another candidate, •so as by-any-chance- to mnke-us,.elect-pur . man again by plurality. •We 'want a majority, -say ahinitThe indica tion of despair which :we , : find, and which we belieVe unerrinvin this particular, is to bp found in, the fact that -some of the - 1ea'44 , 1 iiiiVali - Buren - papere-of the State hive come .out With strength for ibe,newfonsti intion. -While there -was n hope .that -theY, could. defeat. Mr. Ritnei,- they-kept pretty -011.4he question of the constitution; for quiet_ :reaepns—tTi©y.did riot wish; after-toiimgend - and Money to.secure the election of a Governor; to find that in _placing. him in the ehait% of state r they had taken from, his hands the means ‘.of. rewarding - .them for their party toils and:lll4r party sacrifices. ' This was well understood months since---there'viias to'be a leanirit towards the' newconstitu tion.by.ethe most active of the party papers and party men, until the "signs of the times",i3bmild! enable • them to guess With some' accuracy, as to the chances of success, gu carididate;-then if the signs were favorable;they.iVere to, let the Old constitution defeat tile' amendments; ' liut - if thereTiihonld be satisfactory iridica,; , hone of ' the defeat of their candidate, then they were to , rally to the- support 'Of the' new ' constitution,' and by carrying that, take, from the* opponents the executive patronage.'which-they (the Van Buren,nien) have weilded; under other 'circum stances, would' .have: ~wielded, for party purposes, and se:'s re*ard for. party labors Slid the means rqL . future::success. The signs are : against Ritner's re electioo is ttow,!placed..alidost 'beyond the reach of doutiond the,:loca &cos are, about to seek venginicelfot their .coming defeat, by. stripping• hird of a:portion 'of his execu tive privileges,and litniting his term, of of fice. -1 1 ho question. Of eld.or neiv 'constitu tion_isundouhtedly:obe .of 'much conse quence; but '2.at . liresent, we are busy With that of the Governer, - Midive:hail the indi-, cations noted2abiive --- ai atioStlaiiorable sign.— United' .Ntaovciazelte: ..te 1. - _,., . ~ . PriVate"' -2 ••. • u st r : - o - oun- 1-- -r.-' 4 " • W. S 'milli, 13 Ull erv. ~. 7! oi . ,ioedi'4Y It gcn_e,Mß, 97 77 f - • T_P.Pri/P - . 4 “---- - "•' - ''' - '1!"'-', -.Y"-- -. 7^ IV:eilta!Ci.:6-,l4kvi;,i'hr-,-9,.e-Hiecaid.o„,.,.-,.,e,cm.k- t.,,„0,6i. - e - I";;'liiiig - 4 Ganibrut,. ' ', 41ni.„6t t h o n ro lv ot e r4?Ik n i l ;:at.Y,T,1:,::: i Bah' • i 'i':l-iartit Joubted • vt iriV.Y , ;' '-' I- . j po t •I.A . ;cemli)g tiOttutt',. , Andre C!' . (lt, "•,(' entre ' -''' •'' ' ' 'mot' iIviVIII fun ° • r '•'. ki .' ttft tile - '''' "ti T: ur en, . I. mg . Porter ~.. 7. ' 'Ve . 'thug Dr. .. • l' - :''',Yeiiii Ij , :}3:ti,dksi , , , leo Foe° party, ii)-- - re - Vr..,-,,, t to. la p f e ll ow , Inplal..' . D. NI -Fareplly,Okiviiroitl;',. - , '------ _ ~ , ItrttlMgr :or AttviF 13 7 .. : 311 ,1 - 1,,,,,1.; . , 'sB`. 17 H a d ;:, . ~,. , m , 1). . , . the othtr •tilik k thutoltk i i Ciiniberlaita; .44 !: 6g'' '' hie own nAngunis , '.- •-r.'- r ' .' li . Wiliam , ' e 61"s ' .. 'W . -I`e -' •- ' titnt Dini - dit„ , •erter.e • 1 ..,,, OT , _ ,‘ ;, , , , _ ~,..„.„, . oiii,' el e'arle' . l4:l ;I - ~:.: ..:.,:.: the , dennearatie. !Alit , ' known -, ~ • - kowil•atilt he ‘. ••••••••• : - ;TY.:,...1;;;,...,,,Ape mitio - hin, , , - ..-1 . '..-. -." . ,` '-', -- ,„,..,..- ~.. .. r it its 40 ti?d 44 -11PfvuICY., , ',- ' _.is lloo __l-LigN 7 6: 4 .9-•.'- , - ,-. iu~iliin ^,---,-.-,-.72:--,-,-.t-,', Da 0x,C1. 4 ,ritc,,.... • - ~ . I -,.. ~„4 4;a„),, , ,,, a aarrtaa-,...: . .,, ,. ~,,,,,,_,,,,,.,.. ~,,...„1 .6„ ,,D . ..„. i. i tiptkra,:., ..,7 .., .. ...,. ...., ~,,,pll9-.,4js!ietietityr...Lny'd'aevtrad,.;'46i a'lte'r ietieik- ,'• vvl !' la n' 4 / • %EY- ,- 17, r' i.T.;.: , 1 !'"l':'!'' ' ' litit,pp.4l•'4::W olll 4 6 '_,.°A,. _,.. Iv ; i - e •ii,-, 11 i m ,iii rss d o I, ...E ii)iih - Blibitt, n 2i.e7,„ , , i „ ~,, ~,,. ~,,,,,..•, .d. - a laktttorittnatibitby o ur, - P a r,7y,-„ v i ._ .. cd - tt o o l y aa J. t i ~.,...-?-”fflriltipei'lreAtri ' • - ''' .(4 ' ' arthbim. l - , ,t,t0;10- - 3 . N.I .), i ~ ~ T ~ , to fide. thAt -°- c an ,-- . l k ' .frai gut itke pritPmal!" ~ *ir t iii i , e • To c-Oreenei" I ,. .nefit:coofe l g,toni towlwin, .71.- O ,‘T, t r , ~.‘. ~; .. - . ~'-.'.: 4 , 1 - raw spoke" the - 4111U, , „ I Deferred articles. -Benirett---Ahe-truth lirHerald; thus .cs, isas: From the New Orleans. Picayyner—r eltlethodisin in- Texas. We were actually astonished; and at the same time gratified; at seeing in the Nat chez Free . Trader, a statement of the gess of religion in _Texas. The Metho- ' -dists . alone have:in fait ceuntry twenty so cieties and three hundred and twenty prea chers,- including six elders and three exhor ters, One oftheir (the,Rev. R: Alexander,) has travelled this year, in the course of his circuit,_ twenty-two hun dred .miles on horseback, through swamp and•prairie, swimming rivers, and sleeping, out, exposed to every. privatioit and inclem ency. -'The Free Trader, after giving the above mentioned particulars, bestows upon the Methodist clergy some neat and richly, mer- e ited encomium's, whicli_site.copy below. -----The-itinerant-of-the:Metho_dis_t ehurch— herenlamso *stieted'followers of Wes- '.'_e'. _. ' , - - AFTERNOON,` . ceelock ,--- : Thecomatittee appointed at the previous session,• TePOrted -tlia' folloiving: , officals, 1 who were nhaninmealy electes4 ;::.- - , ,'• 7 -'- 7 7- Preia - ent• - . ' NVM. - -,IIPISTETC: Esit.',::at Laneastor.. ',' •' ' '`. l 7 ''').'. 740 . e.Piiiiiiielits, I ':,; ' ''•• - banial-111:_Sitlyiar,Adami; • r'' -' 'Henry. *...Braatcenridie; Allegheny, . H ~. ;'(:)apt. auridet-Wiutipliy; Aranatrong,•;", c': James 'ii'aiteis . iiii., ;Beaver, , • . •• ''‘Vto.;ll.' Iteini,%BerkS; . . ' i •!, ''Sa"iiniii runk;i Badfcir, - • ' • IME David Blair, Washington, Adam Bausinan;-Indiana. -James B. Ferree, Laneaster-connty, - P. Meixmiell, Lancaster' city, . George. Mark,-Lebanon, ' • Aug-..F..Ruhe, Lehigh, Jervase Manley; Lycoming, Ezekiel:Sankey, Mercer,• • • Y. F. Keaeler; Mifliin, . Thomas Reed, Montgomery, - William Metcalf, Piladelphia county, M: S. Wickersham, M. D. Phila. , city, IL F..Etter, Perry, ' • GeOrge M. Eckert, Schuylkill, John F. Tiedman, Somerset, - - John Wolf; Union, Venango,'„ Robert -Wylie, Washington, , • *Col. It. L. Seely, Wayne„ ,„_ • Jesse Lippincott; Westrnorelau•_„,_ John . Baer, York, _G, Darragh; Pittsburgh...• - . - John R. - Royer; Huntingdon, • Thos. W. Duffield; Philadelphia co. J. S-Richarde,"Beiks, • M. - Lefridgei , Lehigl4 - • D. - W. FarrelLy, Mercer,, • - Wrn. Mills Washington, William Henry, Beaver,. -• __' • Quigley;Dyceining',., • _ On - taking the chair,,the 'resident made a short Mid- eloquent. address, Met which it .was resolved that committees be appointed to - draft resolutions, and to prepare an ad. dress, , During the appointinent of the. conitnit. tees,lhe ,- Convention.was-addreiiidlifT: - C.flairiblin :Esq., of York, and. Mr. Far of , Crawford: After the names of the:committees had_ been announced, Mr. Dunham, of Beaver having been loudly ealled„for, spoke untilthe time.of adjourn ment. . ' The Convention adjourned,-to meet-at the-bravo House _ al 9 o'clock to . -rnorrow morning; thence to march in processio_n , to •Xtr., , Stevensores, lots, on Penn 'street. • TUESDAY . MORNING;- Aug. 4. The Convention met, in purstiance.to adjournment, at the plaCe appointed by the Committee of Arrangement. The minutes of-the-day:were read_by_Thomas field; jr;, of Philadelphia county, one of the Secretaries. The following committee to w d i raft io ressolution .unanimouslysimade a t d h o e p r t er : rt b . w , which v He'nry M. Wattg, of 'Pittsburg, , Richard Biddle, Allegheny, Dr.' George L..Fauss, Admits, • . M - ONickle, Armstrong, . • - George G. Barclay; Berks, _ Samuer Mr. Barclay, Bedford, • • ' Col. Eliai Gilkeson, Bucks, . Delmore Pasiavant, Butler, `. •L. P. Boyd,_ Crawford, " • Petriken,' Centre,, . Bsnjamin Hartshorn,learfield, G e orge • M.• Phillips; Cumberland; Sainuel Shoch, Dauphin, - • - William M. Watts; Erie, • William Sloan, Fayette, J,ames-W. Modrehead, Greene; 'Sanibel Mclsleely,'Huntingdon, .Dr. George Getters, Indiana,' . ! Andrew Barrett, Jefferson; , • - George.Pord, Lancaster. city, Jarnes B. ,Ferree, .Laneaster.County, W. W. Selfridge, - .Lehigh, - „ - -Henry Bastian,'Lydoming, Lariiig:Litak -- ;;Mereer, •• • • - -- Valentine-Contnerr -Mifflin,- JaCob_Keyser, Philadelphia county, . Thomas Crowell;Rhiladelphia city ; William IL Mann, SChuylkill, Frame, SomerSet, - C.' Vanvotg, Union, . a William Cornwell; Washington, •. • John - F. Beaver, pestmoreland, Mr. ,pprlllpr, : Yorlk...; ' —After..which, Judge ,Braeltenridge dressed the - :Convention,, and was followed by. the ! Hon.. of Pittsburg. - Th - e - ,refort Ofthe . GOMM - it - tee on lutions . was thOn read bY,Mr. Watts, its chairmari, and unanimoualY-adopted; - Wit4nr.As, It is -nOrOnly - the-righty hut the dutrof the people; pekeOly , to hip and' consult on s•ail.. occasions -,touching EMI MO ME the 'public welfare: And whereas, .the pt'e „ „ spilt eventful . crists,.. the contest tor the ot- Ace,of Goierner of this; commonwealth, is onethat-,has'excited the deepest .interest throughout.jhe .. And :whereas, in View of - the state Of • things,. we, the Repro sentativii,of the Yqung:.,Mett of .Pennsyl; Vatain, hive assembled together'at this time, for thepurpose,of expressing our senti mente, 'and tZdopting'suclimeasures,as may lier deemed conducive to- the interest,. the hapPkne - ssTand - ,the -- funtre-prsperitY-of7lnt fellow-citizens : - Therefore, Resolved, Tliat-ec)mitii c as we' do, from all 'parte of s commonwealth, we feel duly authorized.' in declaring,;that' the - tinf• lawful interference; of Martin 'Van' Iltiren and his Fedeial - .office-holders, -With 'die rights,saml , liherCteS, and , rrivilagei Which they h a ve:roseritid to.themselvOs; :arld 'hold iticroo;--haS4xcitett_inttinda.Land_lostingitt. dignation aMoilgt" the. Pe - ople of •Pennsyl :oo,,:::, point meii (if .Aftir; I,3 nre e, C 7afj AnA:hi.st - - ..p'ciipr*o:l,: Lthe`-"blii "the . t v oirillifottiNfialtli,;who : hhtAs:thyolia r itV` assistance. • 3 `l.l* MEM ••• roz.. 43. ecretctries MI iiiiii 'Res - ohied,'riiiitTkeWill — oppose ,- Mattin Van. Buren, noE, and hereafter, because we haVe no faith or confidence in the, nisti— because his principles are not the principles • :of-the Constitutien—and :because hie most cheriShed measures hare -resulted' in 'the ruin of countless thonsands, and in the dis- • grace acd bankruptcy of the nation. k ReAolved. That, in our- deliberate opimi ion, the destruction or the-eurrency thei suspension of Specie payments, 'the pros tration of credit,rindastry,' and cornmerce, and the consequent.. embarrassment of the nation, - are solely 'ascribable to the wild policy and measures of the Loco Foco par. ty, of which Martin Van 'Buren is the head, and Thomas H. Benton the file lea. dg r. • Resolved, That Om recognitzeas theiead.i ing measures of Martin" Van. Buren'a ad ministration, the infamous= Sub-Treasury-- scheme—a - system that had its origin in el.fmh_atribition . and p_oliticta