Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 11, 1838, Image 4

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    .• - 110VOICS
ononlislia l'aJwyti. •
mucH. need not be said in relatimi to this Wonder
ful retai,o3 ~ as the „proprietor • feels, candident that
-wheitapplied, it Will; as can he prawn by the iminher
ifresper.wble - persmis; d ire cure of -tho
-,;-.ltheinntitie and 'other pains. It had nut until lately
been his intention to make it public ; but by. Bta
fluent applications or his neighhors, and the:wonderful
citrus it has .erected, he facia• it a duty he owes to
s iclety as well as to himself, to More-gene
rally-known, tuant thti same time have it ptit a near
as he eau within the reach.of all who may be afflicted
if ith That disease. '
.---Hundreds , of , tuuneS,enuidibeJ-pnblitheal cf persons.
who have been , citi•ed by this cnictiitted "Medicine,
lint did folloWlej; tire selected from the mass, de he-.
sidlictent to attest as, powers.
.3ohn Brave, " Thivld Bonder, 1 ien],l.. Nagle
Linatentelt,• Con* Fisher,,John Alshiit4 ; it
C. Stefier, , • .lelet Coover,„ Fon tel Ft nely.
Aaron Bender, ~- .indetnitt jr.. Samuel _Young
llobeet Dysiirt, : It. Pichardsrni, 'Tenet)" Worlielt
Henry tilsbattilv. %l. "Diff.ttibangh; Jacob Miers. j .;
Clifisfinif"Orete"; - '= - 3".•ldieseul,
Went Joy, Augusta -1.83ti.'
All;oMers: from n disLmee addressed to ,the salt
seri h t..l on, f c6ttitly, will be prompt,
liii„nLaitlfull);_tndetito• :
E' ,,:
Atnimt s.q.,.r . qh. 7; 18:37. •
The above medliciae is alsp for Rnle. Lv
Carlisle, I~eLr6ri~ , y-l~;~t;h3n.
Yaiti:ifite • ifaollelor Kieft%
• 1J01L1....11e. Old:Ilt 5L116,011 'Sal I ti I
• ;day' of Srfit.endxy meat, n ‘altiable lot 'of
gromuE"sittnit.(‘ in Fraoklord township, nhom 2 piles
- from iltcr'l3 mill, mul - tlirez , qtrirt,:rs tAt: 1111 frdni
- SiPeS (40Tern, (formerly Slouch's) adjoining lands of
John 11 Urkholder; David ft; toner's hei rs, nd W.;',Vlter:
Tlfeybolts.noidaits !I Acres of- I.and, 'more •or less,
having . thereOn erected a -two atbry -Weallterboarded
HOttaecrwith a stone Kitchen, one niul -- a half 'stories
. Ko_Wpiike oven, with i n frame 'around It, a nesyer fail
- -ing--/ielrofivatext-near_tlie=doiii. - „stream
-There are ,
also a groat varictx,of choice fruit thq-s, sadms prods,
cherry, apple, plumb, pile. • Re. Also-a r ood
One mula.half neves artfie abovedeseribed land is
- timbered, tunl the residife. in a good "ttat,e of eultivit
lion. This propertyTme
orilTbeliing . ed to Einlifiner
Newswanger: :Doe attenilaace will he given and
terrns_of side made .known - ,by • HENRY OCHER.:
August,T4,lB3B.-7. _ •
-For Salt
._ .
_ ..
rriIII: -subscriber .will SelLat.inivate" Old; a ya I tin
-_ • j_ Me tract of Lind, sttiaate: )n Niclrtipa towni:liip;
--Cumberland_ Bounty, about a half mile-west :A . -Stung] ei
_ town, on the tuenidkc lending to. Claiiiihci•slant,ad
' 'oininz, lands of .1 oh:: Stough and - Samuel l 3 row.nell er,
- tottaining , • . " - . .
x t -101 gla it A c . .
or first-rate LIMBSI'ONF. LAND, about -fifteen
acres of which are-.coviired with thriving YOU N.G
the remainder is under.l;noil fence raid in
a good state oTinltialttion;bilving thereon; (Testa:a
Ariti TWO ST-011.1C
• 1 . 1 4
A e ; P. OG--ROUSE--', u
There hi.also oh the premises a thriving YOUNG
AlirpciFion Wishing to view the. preinis r cS will Ball
'With thc.siihscriher, reshiMgin Frankfm:il township,
about one mile nortif of•Aitex;'s rind a short dis
t/nice from Ihittrick's acme, . -
- . •
Ahust 2,1, 1838. •• ' , '
nyspipp•gine and
- 411111:ieiSRP. •-
. _ •
e 2(r e! , se •
Mr. William Salmmt, Green street, above Third
street, Philadelphia; afflicted' for several years with
the folkiwing distressing symptoms ; Sickness at the
stomach, head:ache;'dizziness, palpitations of the
heart, impaired appetite; sometimes acid and putres
cent eructations, coldness mid weakness, of the ex
tremities, emaciation and general debility, disturbed
rest, a sense-of pressure .and weiglit at the stomach
- after-eating, nipildmare, great mental despondency,
severe flying pains in the chest, back, sides, cos
tiveness, a 'dislike for, society, or conversation,
----untary sighing midaveeping, Luigi* and - lassitude upon
the least exercne.
Mr. Salmon had applied to the most eminent phy
sicians, who considered it beyond the power of moll. :
eine to Kestore hiM to health ; however, as his afflic
tions had reduced him to a very deplorable condition,
and having been recoMmeadeil liyn relative or his to
make trial, of Dr..Williany Evans' - Medicine, he with
difficulty repaired to the office . and procured a pack
age, to which, he says, he is indebted for his restora
tion to life, health and friends. He is ow enjoying
all the blessings ofperfeet health. Persons desirous
of further. information, will lie satisfied with' every
Tartionbir - o his astonishing cure at Dr. Evans' •Me
.•-- ical-effice,--No.lifiNorth-Sth Street,Thiladelphia.
The above Medicine is for sale tte,the office of the
Herald &
TEE i rII:
. ... . _, .
Is has 'fife many years been a great desidertitut—
ammg European and Anierican Dentists;to thanuthe
ture Teeth from incorruptible inatterinkstyltiels shwa,
imitate the natural living Teeth. • - -,. . - -
11Ittay have - devoted: years to unstWeessful &Teri.'
•' -- tuenirst-.-awltstiters lace. succeeded in manufacturing
. teeth :.i . :swim:i:hi the poreitlif SChre;'hut
• if ;. l ,in'n .., . j tfin - ce-wit-tspisutilsite-app_eitrint- 1 1/..,
swrite** t i.c.y a . e 'easily *distinguished
.from the litlMAts
' Aftrw-low? and tedious„experiments,, the subscriber
• has t:ucecod"ed in nraisilifeturiitg,teeth of thaferialS"eit
tirelC incorruptible, and, pertt-ctlyin, ird t tatioti-of-hu--
-.. -
mats teeth: -....'They havea. wttui-trattspareney, tint? aro
made of - varioursizes and thatles.
- In ettseS ~.- s •ti... re absorption of the wveoltut process,
or other causes may render it iseeeSseryi ito,wil I cast
of he same, that'erials uttached to-the teeth, artificial
glens, syltielt.'slitill imitate, the"guru anti 'fittliply the
. loss of stag:Mace . '
•lt is entirely impossible for these teeth to change
their color; or cause foetid breath. '
He ivill insert than froth bite, to entire iets,.kii such
manner that they,Avill make articulation of the voice.
perfeetiLt 4 tolkterlally_ml4 joiorotieationoeill '45
flit A —the y, atiitot be'Aistinvislietl frOm the inost boat t-.
tiful natuital living teetlisby the, most teruthtizitg oh-
Pentnl_Bnzry, at:nov(ll4 to Alta late scientific int-,
- q' - ';4IP. ./61 , 141 1 PoSurgioilDeithlt;
' N. W. coiner of Charles & Fayette streets,
- - • Baltimore
111)ANAAVA -from the Subscriber, residing in,the
..K11; borough - of - Cbrliile;art "appred- 7. ' •
tine to tlie , CabineJlfakin,Kihreinette, -
James -
betweeri. aixteen And seventeeniyeara, ,
of age,.4 feet 4'.0r.5 inehea,bigh; dark
conapktaien.:..,Had on, when .he ran
m,eitit:bf tiark•zeohired ,suramer .Any
nreturaingTaaidrunaway reoeire the above
ward-bat tMeliatea paid.
TILE suhserihers;'settlexp the,bgaitless
of thi late , 'firtit _of ,Ogi/by ifitner, hereby give ,
notine:to nll "those: indebted; , to sha.ks,Payment CM or
befivhc 2(hh-Sefitenibert!ext„ nfterNihich date their
aceouats,'tihiceti in •otber, hands for oolletion.
'!" t "CrIMILEs;OGILItY,
.„?August €4l
Uie4y,ilinxi - Ointlett,em teptantee 7 _ ~,
r . 1
,", .1 . es It7ine t late opj_ bp a g , ,-
, Alltjllandl'lneill .:
-am b c.6 l pberland
, fald, West," , Peansboreugh townt Jp,.. ,
'county, deeensed:have' b "" !simeqlt:s the r c s a id ; all
reaiding,Pt 1/Ig SP4ng'.in't‘he Unv i Pa tlx l 4 l 37;ll Q tl tleeeasesl;
persons italebte4,lo 1 .1 "1 44 ' r° e { o w l thoso lay-.
will plee,§c.PWeilTneiT 8 P a r!! l tti ent du _
, int dahlia naiad the Baal elptle f lf . ),p ,
,‘. ~.. ,_ ,4 y. , .
. ly ro,,ty, z ,t s . A r l i n, i 5 ',,,,,4 40 4 1;
Big fjPeingi Aug. 1 . 4 , 11 31 6 • ,
Ati ion rripti/ ONE riiotmAxp
_ •
'lt, The r;Colile't , f the CTlrnmenlMlttror—Prelin—
syleania, ordain and establislt_this Constitution for
its Civreftunent:
ARTICLE I. • ~ . - - ' , ':.
Section I. The •legislidire ,
poWer ar this :cottneocof,..
-wealth . shalt be Vested in at Genera! Assembly,'
Which shall consist of a• Senate and House of:Repre
sentatives; • , -
~,t ~ • . , •.. • .•.. , ~- .
'Section 11. The tcpres , -;itatives skill be chosen
annually by theMilizens' of the city of Philitielphia - - -- •
and-of each 'county respectively on the second Tues- '
day of October.. ••.:. , • '
„..-. •.. :* .
Seetion III: . No ; persen shall , he's representative
:•who r sinill-not. have-tittained7ltheage_af_twerione=._,
years, and litre been a eitixen and, hill:Jilt:int of
State three years neXt•prereding his election, and the
last year .11ter6if an inhabitant of die diitrid in and
for whieli'lle shill be chosen a repreS.tntative, unless .
•li - C.Sliiill have brfort nkient on thic-publfelieSiness - Of 7 •
the United States or,of this State. ,
Sec Hon IV. Within three' earn after tile first
meeting of fife General Assembly', atid•within every
_subs:vie ii t‘le tin of seven:years, an -enumeration of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such. man-,
tier as shall be (Masted by law. The' number of
_representatives shall; at the several-periods of matte.
';iii;.?; suclOhnunteration, - lie• fixed by the Legishitiiiir,.
and 'apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and
the seyefal oandies,-neeeriling, to the number of
taxable inhabitants in each: and shall never by less • .
Alein sixty tine , greater - thaw:one liiindred, , - Each , -
CoMity-shall hate :it least ode representative, butmo
county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa 7
rate representation 'until a-sufficient nuinber'Mf tax-:.-
-able-intir — lntatitili-sliall;be=colitiiiired_williliflt :
entitle, them to one repi•esentative agreeably to the
ratio whichalialli.lien be establislie‘
Section V. The kinators shall be
. ehoserrfor three
ye:lliCy' the citizens of. Philadelphia and pi - the
-several-countiesmt-the-sameAlmerin-theiame man-.. 4
nor, and at the same places where they shall "te'. ,
for representatives. . -,
several periods of inaking•:the entimeratiOn befdre
..mentioned, be fixed Irk the, 'Legislature ‘:•and _amen, _.
tioned_•aurreig the distiicts fortned na hereinafter
' directed, according to. the number of taxable inhabi
tanti• in each;' atid'eliall never. be then one- •-
- few th,Mor greater titan one-thild„of the 'number of _
• representatives. :.7 .- . ___:.,____________,__ _ -
Section yi L The senators shall be chOsen in
trlets,to be fo•ruied by the legislature; but-fo dis-.
trit . sliall'besa - formed as to entitle it-to elect more- •
- than tiro senators, onicso tac manner er'ra.raote•ris- ,
hahitants_in_any city .or coun , y shall, at'„any time,
bi , , entitle it fo alert _more than tW.),-but no -
-, city or county , shall ec entitled to elect more than
four senators ; when' a district' shall be composed •
of two or more. counties, they sliall be: adjoinin g ;•,
neither the eity of Philadelphia nor any county shall,'
-1 5.i.i7iii•Videditribiniiiig a district.' --- ' • ' ---- ------'-,---
- --Section V ill.' Ni pisson shall be- a senator; ylio -
shalt not have attained the age of twenty-five years,
and have . been a - citizen - an:l inhabitant.ilf the State
Maur years.fies_t_liefore his election, and the last year
.'thereof-an,-inhabitant of the distrierler:Whielr.=_he7:
--shelf be chose:ion:less. he shall liav'eli r 2.enalisent on:.
the - public business of the United States tic of thii•
. State f and no persoli - Thrtrd as aforesaid, shall fiord'
• - said Office after heshallfincrreinote.dfiwurstich - dis= -- . ,
- trill- .., • - • - -
Section I X.; -The-Senators who may be: fleeted . at _:.
- the first gent/al steel ion- after - the adoption of the
-amendments' a the conidittition,Slialt - be divided by
lot into three classes.- The s,cats of the senators of '
the first class shall be vacated at the expiration - of
• the first year; of the second class at 'the expiration --
of the second year ; and ofthe third class at the
thirdof the third yror ; •so that thereafter one
third.kf the wholein wither of sMators -may he chosen
every year.* 'rho senators idiuded -bifore-the amend
-ments to the constitution shall be adopted, shall bola_
their Offices during the I'm its for which they shall
respectively have been elected.
Section X. The General' Assembly shall meet on
' the first Tuesday of linuary, in every year, unless
sooner convened by the Governer.
Section XI. Each house shall eiiiibse its Speaker
and ether talkers; slid the Senate shall also choose
a Spralcer pro tempore, when the Speaker shall ex
ercise the Mike of Governor.
- Section XII. Each iiiiiuse shall judge",,of the quail=
tications of its members. Conteited elections. shall .
be'determined by a committeelo be selected, formed '
' and regulated in sutgi manner as slialibedirected by --
law. A majority of each house shall constitute a
quorum to do business; but it smaller number may
. adjourn from day to day, and may be Mithmixed by
law to comps; the attendance of absent members, in
such :Milner and under such penalties as may. be•,*
provided. ~
Section Xtll.
,Each, house may determine-the
rules of - its' proceedings', -punish its members -for
disorderly behaidour, and with -the 'concurrence of
two-thirds, sxpel a•niember, but not a second time
.for the cants cause ; and shall have'all other powers
'necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free
State. , .
Section 1.1 1 1 - The legislature Sinai not have power_ -
-to-enact-lags annidling_the-contract_of_marringe_in__
• any 'case where, by law, the courts of this Common
wealth are or may hereafter be, empowered to decree
a divqrce. . .
Section XV. Each house shall keep a journal of
_its p_r_eckedings,..antLpublish_them_weekly,,except
such parts as maf..require secrecy rand the yeas'
and nays of the members on, anyjmesiion. shall, at
the desire of any two of them; be entered en the
journals. . ' '• • .
• Section XVI. The - doors . of each house, and of
committees of , the whole
. shall be , open, unless,
when the business.shall be.such as ought , . to be kept
secret. •-• .•. . . . . .
, Section XVII. - Nither - house - shall, - without - the 7
_CiIIIMILOUrte . other; adjourn for more 'Utah three
_days :nor to-nay otherldace than _that in wliiilfl.W -
Aw_o_bouses shall be sitting,_ : . .
• Sil.ction-Xffil. The Senatasre-ffreifetitattves—
shall rceeivea cotnpensation for their services to be
-atm:Hai:fed by law, and - paid out of thetreasurket
the Cointrlonleraltli. They shall in all cases, ex
.cept :treased, felony and breach or surety of the
peace, be• privileged from arrest during their at
...tendance_nt_the_ session of their respective houses,
and in going to and returning from the same. Mud .
for 'any speech or debate in„ . theY shal l
-not be questioned in any other place.
Section XIX. - No Senator or' representative Shill,
,during the time-for .which he shall 11mM-been-alt.,-
' ed,' lie apPoinied to any. civil Wilco under this Co .
i n
nionwealth which__
have'been createdoir f he •
emoluments of which shall . have been - increased
ikTrifig — sileliiiiirerfin - d7no theariber of Congress Or
other-person holding any office (except of attorney
at law and in the militia) under the. United. States
or this Commonwealth, shall be a_memb,er of_eitker .
house - during ins Nontinuance_in Cyri fess or -in
'.;ffi ce . - ',.. 7*-- , ., ~,-, ,;, ; ..."..: , :. - 45:;:f7: gt, ,, y, •. •
-; -Seetien XX.,,Wheeivecinciet..4)
house, the Speaker itltiWisSue'vfl . f election to
fill such vacanCies. - , . , 7 ' " ' , 11'
Section o XXI. All bills for raising,reVenue; shall
originate in the house of, representatives, but the
Senate may propose..arnendmen to as in other..bills.
'Settion XXII. Na' money shall :be , drawn • from
~ the - troimury, : but in. censequence , of appropriations, ".
inadehy,law.. - ... :.• ;••: • . •
L-, • -. 1 • ' • '
' Settion.u.N.'XM. , Every .' bill ...Wiiich:". shrill. , have
passed .both lingoes shall be : : presented : to' the,Go. .
vertior; If he: approve ,be. shall sign it; but if he '
shall 'not: approve he shall retina - it with his objec-;
boos to the, house in Vitielfit shall have originated,
who shall n enterithe'objections et large upon their
s j u o e urria v l . s co a n n s i i l d ' e p r r a o i c km eid ,
13 t % 0 e .
-I t i li ; ir ci d n er s o l f d At i.r a i t ta lieu i s f e . s uf h t a e l r l '
eget to ; PaM 'the bill; it s h all be Mt With the oh:
lertionix to 'thu other house, by which likewise It
shall be ,re-considered, .and if appreved . .by; - Awe-.
thirds of that it shall be a law.. But In anch:
cases the yoteatif both houses .Shall Aie,:o r i gn pi nt ,,x.-
li.Y yeas 4114 nays, and the litvnie!t o.r.Persons'voting
for.or evilest - the, bill shall be entered:en the jour- - :.'
tials.of each : house ; respectively.... If tiny bill. 8411. _ 1
' not be. refereed 'by the Gevernor.withie; ten days. ,
(SuedityLciteePted) . after it shall litiVe been, Ate , . ,
' seated to,hitn; it shall be a'latvitilihe.itianner as it.
he. hid. 'signed, it, unless „the Clenenal Assembly, by' ,
'their idjournment, Prevent its retuen, in Which case.
It 'shall be' a "law;, unlesiY,sent back . w,ithin, three
--- dayeliftet - ..tlieir - itext riiceting.,- ,, : ...;:',_,Ll:_
~f ....._:_,
,Section XXIV:, .-Every,:,erder; , resolution ,or Tote
, •to , Which 'the :eoneurrence ,of,;bothi'hauSei May be
necessary (except opc.a
,question of' adjoUrninent)
shall lie:' , , presented 1 . 9 the Governor, and before r„lt ..
shall take effect, biripproved by him, or being dis.s . :
'approved, shall ho.repassed.lty.two.thirdil of both
t i4CCii , cd, tett' g l / 2 .Oss lttynnOi'iiCOlalyiitcd 1;46 V. 40:
ritllloa:tiarrtnitea),redttinc,iiir ttidi3 by dc4cn,boitesi
tin irdes package's, 'very low: D.calers Kee incest: ,
cd to cull. J. J. MYIF4(B.
7 : , - o) . **:-.i.i._i ii .i.j . k.,oli.::7l.:; : e**)t4i. - .4,_ . .t.,.:4: - .a .. .0i,:..0. - t - i'.0:..0. - .**.:a - :** , . -
- mtsea- oc ci n aturtoine:riilck_and....linutqtlqb4
.`scribed in vase of a bill. • • ..
• . Seel iOII.XXV. c.OrPOrstiOnly Mall be laWeaftei .
created, renewed. or, extended, - with hooking or .d 1
coon! privilegee,.With.Out - six' I/lett:he preei(Wee:
puhlic ..nelice of .Ihe ; intended application for...the
same, in sue; manaerge shall preecribed'hy 7gwi
Nor shall,any charter for the purposee 'aforesaid, be'
granted - foralonger period Man tiainty pears, and
every such:charter contain a ,elanse - reserving'
to the legislaturelhe power to alter, revoke or annul.
tho wine whenever, in their
rioue-to - the!citi#ons of the'renmonvetilth; in such •.
manner.hou:eVer.tkat .ho injastice shall be done to the --
corporators, ,No law hereafter enacted, ehall
: create,
renew or ealenit theTlatrter - ofltore : Par+-oirc-cdrlio , --
• ;Section I. The Supreme Execiitire power of this .
Conimontiealtli Shall be Vested hill Governor.
• Section 11. The Governcir shall be chosen on the
second Tuesday-Of October; by the citizens of, the
Commonwealth, at
.the places where. they
spectively, i . ote for representatives': The returns
of every election for: Governor tThatiliClikaled.tip
end:transmitted to the seat of .goveninienti directed
lhi - Jhe r Spealter.oflhe Senate; yvho shall, open and
Putlish.thein in 'the presence Of .the, members of
blithliettseiirtrilre - lergisla tureTlie - perSciri - having ,
the highest number of 3MteS . shall rte ..GUvernor.
'But if two or more shall bp equal and highest in
votes, one, of thenifiliall be chosen GoVernor by thp
jOint,:vete of the niembers of_both' honks.' ,Con
tested elections shill be determined by a Committee •
to be splecred-from both hoUses of thelegislaturc,
and formed and regulated in such manlier as shall
tee difecte.d' by law.
Section 111. .The Governor shall hold his office -
during three years from thifd Tuesday' of Ann
ary next. ensuing. hiss election t .-and. shall not be .
capable of holding it longer than six in any term
of 'nine' years. . •
Section IV. Ho shallibe at:least thirty years'of
ago; and have been - a citizen and en inhabitant of
this. State seven' years next - befhre his election ;
'unless; he - shill!: have been — aliseht on the public
business of the United States ova .thii State.,
• Seetiiin V.• No member id". Congress or .person
-.:_litolling.iLyloiliciAin_hr_gieljillteti States or SJiis
&Olen IV.J..IThe governor shall at stated times
receive for s services, a'cpmpensatiun.tylticii shall
be neithe mereaked. "nor diminished Miring the
period fur hich he shall have_been_elected.
r SeCtiur 11. Ile shall be, commander-in-chief of
I: the atm ttd navy of this Commonwealth, and' of
the Mil' except when they shall be' called, into
!.7tlte act; • . victraf—tholfitite&Strrres*'
Sect' &XIII. :Ile shall appoint a Sccretarlrof
-during-plea Sur e; and he shall nomi
nate and and with the advice and consent of the
&nate - appoint all judicial, officers: -of courts
record, wills-otherwise prosiidedjWitillitireili4li:
IleAdiall-hare- power to fill all -vacancies.-
that may happen iir oath judicial of:lices'durtng, the
yerexl of the Senate', by granting commissions which
alrtll expire at the etutor their - next vssinie .Pro- .
-- shed, that in acting on execultre - noifintatiorit tae'
,Senate sit with open doors; and in confirming
-or rejecting the nominations of- the C;oiterner - ,- thn
rote shall be taken by- yeah and nays. ,
Section - IX. - He shalt have power to fines- ,
atul 'forfeituros,•itud giant ,reprieve's and - pardons,
...excelt in Cases' of Impeachment.
_Section X- llemay:reguire.infomatiep,in w
frorn.the officers in the' executive dit - Ortment upon
any-subject - relating - to the duties of their iespec..
tive.offiets. ••
Section XI. Heshell, from time -&o -time, give to .
..thn General Assembly inforri.lll9tt: of the state - .
- the Coinnionweallb,Tattl - recinmend-tcLtheir_cen
sidetation such:pie:ism es as he shall judge eltpedioitt.,
•Section XII. - lle-may; on extraordlnory occasions :
-converte:_the General_Assembly r ; - and in ease of •
disb - greerrient - betiveen: the two luillses,wilth respect
to the time..of. adjournment, adjourn '_them to such
thrte - as he'shall think. proper, not eiCeedirig_fvui:
months. - • - •
Section XIII. Tie shall- take care that . the .laws
be - faithfully eitecuted,
.Sectinn Xlv, in.ease cif the death . or resignationof. the Govern/W; 'or of . his . removal from office,..the__
.Speaker of the Senate shall_ exercise .the office of
Governor, until another„Governor shall he - duly
qualified I-but in-such - case another Governor shall
be chosen at the next annual election of reprcsenta
lives,' unless such
,death, resignation -or removal,
shall occur within three calendar mon , hs immedi
ately•preceding such next annual election, in which
. caie'a Governor shall be chosen at the s second suc-
Ceeding annual election of representatives: And
if the trial of . a
contested election shall - continue
longer than until the third: Monday of January
next ensuing the election Of,Governor, the Governor
of-the- last_ year or Hier Speaker_of die'Senate who
may bein 'the exercise of the executive authority,
shall continue therein .until the determination of
such contested eleetiop, and until a Governor shall • . • '
Section XV. The SecrWtary of:the eomin err:Wealth --
shall keep a fair register of. all the official acts and
proceedings of . the Governor, and shall, when re
quired, lay The same and all papers,•minntes and
vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of
the and' shalt perform'. such other duties
te shall be enjoined him ty
- Section I. In elections by the citizens every white
freeman of the age of twenty-one years, having re
sided in thii state one year; and in the election die
.trict where he offers is vote, ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years paid
State — of County taxi - which - shall -have .rbeen- as
sessed at least Yendays before the election, shallenjoy
the rights of an elector. . But a.citizei of thi United
States - who had previously been a qualified voter ty
this State, and removed therefrom and returned,and
who shall have resided in the election district, and
paid tales as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, after
'residing in the state six months. ProVided, that white
freemen,.citizens of the United Stales,,between the
ages of twenty-one and twentY•dwo years, and hav
ing resided in the State one year, and in the election
district ten days it. - aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote, although they shall not have paid taxes.. •
Section 11. All elections shall be .by ballot, ex
cept those by persons In their representative cap's.-
e..cities, who shall vote viva voce.
Ireasonifelony, and breach-or--autety of- the -peace,
priXllepod f p al Leg,App:_n_g_their attendance
on elections , and" in — goinctovand returidirribitr'
• them. , . .
Awricix, TV
So , lon I. The House of Representatives shall
hay.) i to sole poker of impeaching. e
- Seetion 11. All, impeachments shall. be tried by
the B. sate when' sitting for that purpose; the
Sen. 'c s uponmeltarallirmation. No per-,
son b It 1 be convicted Ns ithout. the concurrence of
two-. tills of the members present.
!get - ;al lit. The Governor, and all other civil
OffiCers under this Commehwealth, shall, be liable to
Impeachment for any misdemeanour in_office.k•but
' judgment, in such cases, shall not extend further
than tO'temoval-from-office,-and-disqualificatio to
hold any office of honour, trust or profit, under this
Commonwealth: The party, whether - convicted or
acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment. •
-trial, judgment, and-punishment according to la*.
~. • •
ARIVLE V. ' ••• •
Section IYlnie 'judicial w
poer o & this Common
- wealth shall be vested in power
Supreme 'Court, in
Courts of Oyer and Territinerand General Jail:De4
liverjt, in'a Court of Common Pleas, Orplians'Criurt,,
Register's Court; end d 'Court pf Quarter. Sessions
•- of •the Peace; for; each county; in Justices of the
Peace, end in such , other ,Courts •as the legislature
may from thne to time establish.
• ection The judges of the Supreme Court t eof
- the several Courts - of. Common Pleas,'and of such
other .Courti-ofilecord:as are or shall be established
• by law, shall be nominated by the Governor, and by
and Mith the - eorisent:Of the Senate appointed and
Commisaioned,by him. -The judges qt the Supreme "
. Court. shall hotel their offices'for the, term of fifteen
years if then shall
_so , long ,behave. thaneelves well.
The president jOdges of, the several Courts of Ciminon
Pleat-and-.qf such other COurtrof - Record - as are or
shall be establisheittylaw, andati other judges
vuired to-be learned in the law,ohall hold their offices ,
for the termof ten. years if they shall so long behave
themselves "well.'the ASSlciatejudges of the Courts
of Common Plea* shalthold their offices for the term.:
flf,"..fixa-Yeat;is -behave themselves
well. ",But any reasonable etiuse Which shall not
be 'sufficient
,groUnd of , intifeattmenti"the, Governor
may_remove any-of 'hens' on tillattareeire two-thirds,:
of each branch-0-th° legis,lature.- The' judges , of the
Supreme Court 'and 'the preSidents of,,tho. several
Courts of Common Pleas shall afatafeol timeiriceive
' for their, - - services alvadegyate citinpensation_lo.bt_
- fixed hy WNW 'Shall . during
their continticinte . 4ii o,11160; V*.ikey receive no.
feetor perquisileicf office, her hohf any:,:
of profit under-this „ .
•,- , 5i,ett00.14..• litherwitiaidirieted
Courts of Pompton' Pen shall continue as al piesent
•- - • ,":
rHENFiIt 4,1 r. respectfully t ie
questii i tlte ropribera the,,Vorgerlnfantry„ tO eime
forward, or. send the miltutittre '
of their heads; as soon
ai.Voiaibleito"eiialddlibirtShav e their Para itrOpar , ed
4vidiort timebefore the t neampinent. • .
'Carliale, August 211,i -
.;eBtaattshci. • blot rountieb.snait at ang
time be friellyle4 , i ; ope,..ktypig , il.idrt:stibrgayi :"4
for Raid, Courts., •,- _ •.. *
tjo;isiliciioti 'of • , tlio Stipreine
Court_Shall extend over the ,Sta*e4 -and' the "kolgeS_
thereocshall by- vittne •of their'offices; ho justices
of Oyer apd,Terminer and General Qail Delivery,
the several comities. -, • ',-
- Seetion . V.' The judges 'of 'the'COurp of-- Common.
Pleas, in: each county,. .oall by virtue Of, their
' offiees,"be justieei - df'oyer antrgerminer4l4.oe ll o-___
• ral,Jail Delivery, for, the , trial 'of . ..lapilli 2 , and oilier..
• offenders therein ; any two of Ile said _judges, the
- president being - eneishall be ,
' shall ; not aid a court of oyer, and terminer, or jail.:
county wlieniLthe_jadgell2eLtlie---1
Supreme Court; or any of, them; Shall. he. baying in ' 1
. the same' county. :The pa;ty accused, - tis well IVA
the Comtnonwealth',May,.unddr, such regulations. as .
shall be prescribed by law, remove 'the indictment
and proceedings;or a 'transcript thereof,'intd the
Supreme Court, -
,Vt. The Suprethe Court, slid the several
' •
courts - of - common . -- ploas;' - stri I 1,. ' beside -the- - the - powers: -
— lieretoftiVe - is ty - exercistitby: - Ilicini - have - the: -
. power of a court of Chancery, so far us ielates to
the perpetuating of testimony,. the . olitnining .of
evidence, from. pl,icesliot Witlmt the . State, and the
7v careof therttorsopi , :antl -, estatesposerwko tire
non compotes mcntis. `And' thalegialature shall
vest in the Said courts 'such other - pciwers to grant
• relief in equity, as shall be, pond - necessary . : and —,
: 'lnv, fisoin.thne to thne, eillaEge or, diminish - those
powers pows or vest Them in sub other comas u 3 thkv shall
,',-.1-3udgaproper, - for the duendmieistration.Utjustice, _ _
• •Scctkin VII. 'The judges of 4lie'codrt or common
pleas-of each empty, ;my two of whom shall bp a'
'• quorum, shall compose the court of .Quarter Ses
sions-of the peace, and orphana',court thereof; anti.
the register of wills,. together-with the said judges,
,or any tivo
_of - them, shallcomposc the register's
-court of each county. . _
Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common '
. pleas - shall; ithiu their respective counties, have' .
- shall;
: the ,like - po vers• 'the judges -of the- Suprelde- -
Court; to is tie writs of certiorari to the justices of -
thu'peace • and to Cause ,their, proceedings to be
'brought before them, and the
- like right and justice .
to3m dello. ' - • - ' -
" --- Section. IX. The - prelidenVrWiln - t in each 7 : — `
circuit within such -circuit, and the judges of• the . '
court of ' cornmon,:pleas within :their 'reSpectiie
- ou - titles — shall -be justices of the peace, so Ad-. as
=-relate'skerianinalirnatters. ' ...
Section X. A. register's office, for — tlia - prObato o
wills and granting letters of. administration, and an
office for. the jecording of deeds, slip .15e kept-in
teetion XI. - TIM "StYle - Of 'all - process — shall - be
The Comm:mm.olth of Pennsylvania." All prose
eutions shall be earried"on in the name and by
. the
authority of the Commomiealth of Pennsylvania, •
and conclude f , peace and dignity of the
- ' ' •• • ARTICLE .V
Section' 1,, Sheriffs - 'and coroners' shall,• at the
times and places of, election of representatives. bo"
. chosen by the citizens' of each county: One person
:shalt be chosen for each' office, who shall-be commis
:Brie: lithe . Governor.-I'hey shall _hold-their-- .
offiees - for three ye.Ars, - if they shall so long behave
- themselves well, and until a successor be duly.
qualified ; .but no person shall be twice chosen or
appointed' sheriff, in any term of six years. Vacan-
--cies in_either of_the_said offices. shall be filled by
an, appointment,- to be made. by the -- Gcivernor; to
continue until. the. next • general election, and.Until_,
.. a-successor_shall.he_chosen_aful qualified as afore
, Section ,11. The .freemen or this coinroonWealth
shall.---be-arnied r organts-41-and-disciplined .- for - ita ,
defence, - when and iii such manner-as may be directed' .
by taiv. -_ Those who conreientiously scruple to, bear
-- arms, shall not be compelled teAlp so, but_ shall - pay,
•an equivalent for personal service.. S upreme' . .
Section - 111. , • Prothonotaries _of the
Court shall be appointed by the - said Court for -
the ,term of three years if they so long ,behave
-- thettis,dves well. J'rothenotaries and clerks of the -
-several other auks,. Recorders of ""deeds, and lie- .
gisters - of will.{, shall at the tinies — ainiplaces of
election of representatives, be elected by the quali
fied deeters of each county, or the destricts over
which thefurisdiction of said courts extends, and
"shall be / commissioned, by the Governor. They
shall- hold hold their offices far three years if they shall
so long behave themseldes well, .and until- their
successors shall- be duly qualified. The legisla
ture shall provide by law, the number of persons
in each - eounty'who shall hold said offices, and
how many-and which of said offices shall be'held
by one person. Vacancies in any of the said of
--r- ca - shall be filled by appointments-to be made
by the Governer, to continue until the _next gene;
rat election, and until successors shall be eketetk
_and_qualified as aforesaid. , ~
Section their
and orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriffs ' shall -keeP their offices itv - the
- County town of the county in which they, respec
tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor
shall, for special reasons, dispense -therewith,-for.--
any term not exceeding five years after :the county
' shall have been erected.
Section V. All commissions shall be in the name
and by the authorityof the COmmonwealth of Penn
sylvania, and be sealed with the-State seal, and sign
ed by the Governor.
Section VI. A State Treasurer shall be elected
annually, by joint vote of both brancheeof th'iregii:r'
- falure., - • _ . .
' - Section VII. Justices of the peace or aldermen
shall be elected in the several- wards, boroughs,
and townships at the time of the election of eon.'
stables - by_the quakfied voters thereof in 'such
du - n*6er asshau be directed bylaw,tind shall be _
commissioned by the Governor. foraiiiiii - ifffiii
years i &it no township,'ward - or borough Shall
elect more than hadustices of the peace, or alder- .
men ittithiut the consent of a majority of the qua •
OM electors Within such ictionship, ward or Ito,
. . 'Section VIII. All officers 'Whose election or ap.
• pointnient is not provided for in this constitution,—
__dhoti - he elected or appointed Vs shall le_direeted
by law. ;,No person,s7iiilibe appointedlo any of- _
._ fiee'within an cou nty who shall not have been a
- eilize - iiTirid an - i abittria - therein - one-lear.r ,
, before his appoiptment, if (lie' county shall have
' been ad long meted i ; 'but if it shall not have_been
so long erected, Then„ within the limits of - the
county Or counties out of which it shall have been
taken. '- No -member of Congress from this-state,
or any peter) holding or.
: exercising any office or
appointment' of trust or profit under the United
- Stales, shall at the same time hold or exercise any
' driceqn Ail atate, : to which - a salad 's,,or fees or
e t
perquisites arc by law annexe .nd the kgisla- ~
- tures may by law-ckekirt,tehat S' lf leoffied are in
comipatible. No member of the Senate or of the
— house shall bs the. -- :.:
Governor to any office, during the ter ' dr which
he shall have been elected. ~ %---
- ' Section : lM - All offica-ti fbr. a terns' of year's '-
shall hold their offices for .the terms respectively
treeified, only on the aUdition that. they so' long
behave themselves well; and Shall he removed on
conviction of - misbehaviour in office or - of any in--
firma crime.. •
Section .2c. Any' person, who sh , er 'the
adoittion of--the amendments proposed by this
_Convention to. the ,Constittst::,n, .0;U a duel or
send a challenge for that 'purpose, or he alder or
abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the
right of holding any office.of honour. or ptofit_in
this Slate, and shall be punished otheriviseen such
mariner al is, or be prescribed
,by law; but.
the executive may . remit the, said Vence and all
its disqualifications.
- - ARTICLE VII., • • _ , ,
- . Section T., The legislature sball,lts- scion' Its. con
, veniently may be, provide by low,.for,the establish-.
itlent of , scheols'ihraighout the Statei:' in such
manner,that the poor may_be Aught gratis. .
Section IL . The .arts and' k sciences shall be Pre- .
(noted in one or more seminaries of % looming. /
Section 111. The rights, privileges; imm . ities - :
and estates of religious societies and Corporate' :
ies, shall remain' asifthe constitution of this State
' had not been altered or aniended. '','. •," :
. 7 iiitactiai iy. The kg/81416re shall not invest any •
'emporate body or indiitidual with the privilege ,
... of takifig private property for public use, without ^ 1
,auckarporation pr indieldisalto. make __
compensation _hi the owners of .'acid. - ?riperty, or
;en 'adelwiteseeisritY therefors -- • • sud f pro-
~ perly sAO Ita iaken: -,
~.- ,- .. • - - . • ~- - •
. A:iviii - cm . 3, 7 m .- ' -
'Alimliare ' of- the Genesi& Aitioniti : and allot _
!ere ; executive; and Judicial; Shall -he ~..incl- h y .001-
,''' ~.- S AIVO "Itsplat TERTJ-16 0 - r ''''
`, If icarrottl TEN:4Ii iiroprOperlittextteditt 'a sEil,iiit'niv;
' , be time, th 4 prgrOss'oP i tgle' deCaY AngSr bo ,P I4I MY
}EiElrested. , ,
. - -
~ -1`!, ii; .IC'YiT,P,,,rjeptat•Stirgeott,„_. , ,
-. T.W. Coiner of Charles RE 'Fayette sti:-.lllwhimore. ,
' , 'coMiiy 538. . 4 " :
~,,... ± 25,
itr iiiffirmation, to suppott the, , 00tistitutimi of thi
Commonwealth, and to .perform the duties. Of. p.heir ;
teipoctiire offices withlidOityi..
•That'the general, 'great arid esiential principles of . '
liberty-and free government: may be recognised and.
unalterahly estahliihed; WE DECLARE,
Seetion ,All men' are. born equally free and' in-:
dependent, end have certain inherent and indefeasible
'rightl;amang:yvliick_are thase'of enjoying
_end de
fending life...and libkily; icqUiring,
,posieSaing --
and 'protecting property and reputation; and of &t
-suing their own happiness;' '
• Section 11. All
i poweOs_inherent,irklieveople-;
and-all - frea7giireinments are Pounded on; their eu-
Welty,. and . instituted for, their. peace,, safety 'and '
happiness; •Fbt the advancement of these ends ; they
have, it all thrice, an ;uhalienable and • indefeasible'
~right, alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as' they may think proper. •
Section 111. All, men have a natural and indefea-
, •
slide "right to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates -of- their own-consciences; anon can,
Of right, be :compelled to - attend;crecti - orsupport;
any place of worship; or to maintain an ministry
against his consent; , no human authority can, in any
case Whatever; coi.trol or interfere with the rights
of, conscience ; and Ito preference shall ever bo
,by. law, to any religious -establishments or
modes of worship: •• • •• •
-.pection-IV:TNo — p - erdon who acknowledges the
'ling of a God and a fottire state of rewards and p,u•- - ,
nishmentsiehall - nir accoutit — ef - his religious senti.;`
wilts,hOld any..offico: or place of
trust or profit under thia Commonwealth; . •
•Section.V. Elections sliall:bo free and equal.
• Section' VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretotore,
and the right thereof remain inviolate.: • • • - •
•Soetion.Vll. Tha printing presses shall be free to
ever' person• Who ondertakes to 'examine the pro--
. .ceedings or-the legisrattire, or .any any 'branch' Of go
Vernment:• And-no law shall ever be - made t 6 re- -
strain the rigid thereof. The -free' communication •
;of-thoughts. and opinions is ono.of the invaluable
• rights of man and e,very citizen may freely speak,
write and print any subject; being responsible
for the Abuse of that liberty.: In prosecutions fo't
the publication of papers invostigating the official,
where the matter'pUblished is proper for public in
formation;.the .triith-thereof may - be' given' in - evi- •
dence And in all indictments for' libels the jury
shall Ware a right to determine the law and the facts,.
'under the directimi of the court, as in other cases.
Section - VIII: . ..The people shall, be, s'ecure in their
...ratms,_houses,lpapcts_and.possessiona, from- enroll.--
sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant. to
search' any - placo, - orTto , :seize - any. - porson - or - thirigs; -
_ shall Issue,..without describing .them as dearly as
-may be, .nor, without prObable cause - s'upported by".
- oath or affirmation. • - •
SectionlXAn all irimlnal - presteirtions - , - the - 26=
cused bath a right to -be .hCard by himself and his •
counsel, fo - demand lie nature and cause. of the ac
cusation against him to meet•thi witnesses face tt.
fOce, have ' compu lsory process fer'eibtaining
.nesseem . his favour, and; in piosecutions - by indict- '
meat of inforination, a speedy public trial, by an
--impartial Jiiryth.evielnage he -- eannonie - scom;• '
- pelted to give evidence against himself,.nor can - he
,be deprived of hkr - life, liberty, or property,. unless
• by the judgment :alas- peers or the law of the -
- Section X. go' person'. shall 'for. any indictable
offence, be proceeded against criminally by infOrma..
except In- cases arising in.the land-hr naval
__forces,.or...ui the militiar - when -in.-actual service in •
,time of, war or public danger, or
,by -leave of the
tOort, fOrOPpiession o ce. No •
- )Terson- shall i -for the - same ,offence,le .twice put ,in --
-jeopardy of life or limb.; nor. shall any_nnan's pro._
- .perty-be..taken or applieditcf without the_,
consent-!!of. his_representatives,:zand_witholit
compefisalkui being made. ' - '- -
Section XL All courts' shall be open; and every,
- man for an - injury 'done-him in-his liiiidi,.goods,,per.-
::_sOif or reputation, shall hi - ve remedy by - the due
Course of lav"•,, and .right and - justice - administered,
Without sale;-_denfa,l-or delay. - , Suits may betirought
against the Commonwealth in , such-manner, in-such.
courts, and in such cases as the .legislature may by
- Section XlLlio power - of siniperiffing Saws shall
be. exercised, Unless by the legislature, or its au=
Tthority. • . • •
Section XIII. -Excessive -bail - shall tuit.-._be-re.r.
quired;nor excessive fines impoSed;. nor cruel pu
nishments inflicted: • .
*. -Section XIV. All prisoners' shall be bailable by,
sufficient sureties, unless for capital offencei,, when _
' the proof is evident or presumption great; and the
,privilege of the Writ of habeas. corpus shall not be
suspended, unless, when, in cases of rebellion or in
vasion, the public safety may require. it. - .„ .
Section .XV. No commission of Oyes and Terminer:
or jail delifery — lhall be, issifell. -
Section XVI., The, person 'of a debtor; where
tlierels not, strong_presurription of_fraud,.shall.not__
_ be continued in - prisOn; after delivering up his estate ,
for the benefit of his. creditors r in such manner as
shall beprescribed.hy law. •
Section XVII. No er post forte law, nor any law
irepairing•cOntracts shall be made. . •
Section XVIII. NVOrson shall be - attainted - of •
treason or felony by the legislature.
Section XIX. No attainder shall work corruption
of blood, nrir;'except during the'life of the offender;
forfeiture of estate. to the commonwealth ; the es
tates of inch persons as shall *destroy their • own
lives, shall descend ..or vest as in - -cash of natural
and if - any person shall be killed by
Icasualty, .thero shall be. no forfeiture by reasott
thereof. '.* ' -
Suction XX: - The citizens ha►"e a right, in a peace
able manner, to assemble together, for their common
good,'and to apply to those invested with the powers
of government for redress of grievances, or other
proper purposes, by petition, address. or remon-
SectiOn XXI. The right of Citizens- to bear arms,
in defence of themselves•and the State, shall not be
questioned.. • • •
• Section XXII. No standing airy shall. in time
of peace; be kept up without the consent of the Le
gislature.; and the military shall, in all cases, and'
at all times, be in Strict'subordination to the civil
power. .
Section XXIII. No soPiii - ili - alciiiiiiiie — o, -
be-quertered in.any_bouse Withoutthe_consentottis.
Ownge, - nor in time of warybut-iii:-a-inanner, ; to-be
a_ manner
prescribed by law:
legislatureilibalLnat -grant
. _ •
any _title of nobility or hereditary, distinction,,,noi
create any office the appeitittnent to whichshall be
for a longer term than during good behaviour. •
Section XXV. Emigration from 'the Stale shall
noto be prohibited. • • ' • •
Section XXVI. To guard against transgressions
of •the high powers which we:•have,.delegated, WE
DECLARE, that 'very thing in this tirtacle is ex
cepted out of.the general powers cifagoyenanent,and
shall for ever remain inviolate. - - -
' ; ARTICLE X. , • :
• Any amendment or amendments to this cortilita
tion may be 'proposed in the .Senate or Ilouse:of Re
-presentatives-, and ff-the-sane-shall-be -agreed to by
a 'majority of the'inenibers elected taeachllouse, 'such ,
proposed amendment or.amendments shall be entered
on their. journals,. with the yeas. and nays taken
Ilieremi, and the Secretary 4 the Citninibritaixtlitilhall
cause.the same Ibbepublishecl three months before the
next election, id at least one netveparkr , lri eSirit
coOnty in whirls a newspaper shall be published.; anal
if in the legislature next afterwards chat* such pro
posed amendment or amendments ;shall be agreed to
by it inajority'of -the, meinbers dated to each house,
the' Secretary of the Commonibealth shall cause the'
same again to be gtiblished in manner .aforesaid, and
such' proposed amendment' or amendments shall. be:'
submitted to the' people 'in such manner.and at such
time, at least three months, after being so agreed to'
by t he two houses as the legislature shall prescriber
and if the people, shall approve and ratify such
aniendment or amendments, by a majority o f the qua
iffied voters of this State voting-thereon, such amend=
ment or amendments shall become a part of the con
stitution; bid no amend itiVi or 'amendmenteahall
be submitted, to theleople .6"fiser - th iiii,(mcc, in fiv e
years; Provided; that ir more thin on e aineridnien t .
be submitted; they shall , be submitted:in suih manner,
'and form,that the . pebple,sitai,vote tor or • against
.eath amendment separately and distinct*
That 'no inconvenience May'arige flit : l'ole altertt
Sons and amendments •in .The Constitution , or this
Commonwealth, and in order - to carry, this same into'
completeoperation; it is hereby declaredand ordain.'
ed That •
' Section I. All lawifor this Connan*ealtliiri Oren,
at the limit yrhen 411w_ • said alterations -and .9m,clut:;
]rents: in the-said shall thkrt UtrePt.aa
not ' inconsistent. thermartlOnd:oll l- rietts.action‘
prosecutions, cialtesonui contracts ,us'syell
Yiduals as of
,1:440 corOratiVthall , cOntinuemr
till said alterations' and 4trriond*ntsitad . Art*Sen
" 6
Section Tr. Tho;alterat n an d id* n 6 en tbi n the'
otalas • receive
supply; ..,..ot4lp. for c3cinniqn".§cliti'4ls.
• • Axtest ' • J. J. INNERS
..' ,
,• , .
ssel Constituticin 'shalt take enect ,
trete the first day
. ef.January, eighteen hundred and thirtyniue. -
' ' Seetion ill. The clauses, sections, and articles of '
the Said• Constitution, which remain unalteied, shall ,
continue to be construed and have' effect. as if the
.said'Conatitutiori had not tieen Mrietided. '; . • '
_Sectien IV. The General' Assembly which shall
'convene in DeCeMbei, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight; Shall continue its , session,lis. heietofore,„nott
wiaatanding the prevision in the eleventh section
Of thelltst . tirticle, , nnd shall at'all tirnee•be regarded
titf;_the: first General „ - Assembly under the•amended
„ .
Constitution. - ''' • • , • -. • '
Section V. The ,Colierncif who Aliall be'elected , iri...
tober,eig - gliteet ifend - E'r d and thirty-eight, shall be -
inaugurated: .on •the : third Tuesday •so • January;
eighteen . hundred, anit.thirty:nine,-:tor- which-time _
the present exectitiVe term is, hereby extended: • '.'
'r'''' Section. VI:. The eolninissions of. the jndges.of the
Supreme Court, who maylmin office on the first day
of January'next, shrill expire in the' folic:hying-men
ner : The commission which bears the earliest date
shall expire on the first day of January, Anno D 0.,,
' Mini 'one thousand eight-hundred and forty-two; the
Teommission next dated shall explre - Owthelirst day
'of January, Anne Domini nne.thouaand eight-lint,-
tired and, fc.rty-five; the cerprn mission next.dated Shall ,
expire on tin' 'first day of January, Anno Domino ,
• one thousand eight hundred . and forty-eight r - the
, commission next dated shall expire on. the first day
of 'January; Anno 'Domini one thousand eight him- ,
dred and...fifty-mi.; and the commission last dated
shall expire.on the first-day of January, Anno Do
mini one' thousand eight hundred - andlifty-fear:” --- : - .”
..Section VII. • .The commissions. of the.Prqsident.'
judge's of the several judicial districts and of the
associate - law judges - of - the - firstjudieial district shall
expire aitllows : 'S'lre 'cOmmissions of one-half of '
those-who shall nave'lield their offices ten years, of -
•Ihore at the adoption of the amendments to the consti.:
tit tion, shall expire on the twenty.seventh day of Fe
'bruary, one thousand.eight hundred and thirty-nine";
'the commissions of the other half of tlfeSe Whet-Shall
have held their Offices ten years or more atthe adop
tion of ,the amendments, to the constitution,, shall
expire on the twenty-seventh day of - yebrnary; one
,thousand eight hundred and forty-two - ; the tirsthalf
- to 'embrace thoie whose commissions shall 'bear. the 1
oldest date. Tilt commissions of all the . remaining 1
41tIges:Whtshall, - not hi,ve-held-their, effices-for-tew,
years'at the adoption of die - difie - n - dthetit.l to
shall expire .on the twenty-seventh day of.
February nekt after fife end of ten years froth- the'
date of their commissions. .. ,
Section 'VIM The Recorders of the several Nay
. eidWouttsoilid Other crireirialvcourts'iti.Ahis Corn
and in ;the same planner,. as the president . judges
--of--the several-judicial 'districts ; of those : now-in
ofr.ce, the commission oldest ln date shall expire on..
- the :',„tvreti ty-spventh day % of February , one thousand,
pight - hundred and forty-rote, and the , others eVery.',_ .
71 - WO - years-thereafter- according-to- . respective_ respective:7 -
dates.t Those oldeit in date expiring first. . -•
Section IX. The legislature at Rs: firstsession tin
: der the amended constitution; shall divide theother
associate judges of the State into four Classes. The _
„commissions of those of `the flist class 'shall expire'
...on the twenty-,seventh day of 'February, eighteen
hundred • and forty;
of thoseof the .second class on
the twenty-seventh day-of February; - eigliteen hun
. dred and forty-one, of. those of the third chats on
- the twenty.seventh:day of February, eighteen hun
dred and fortyLtwo; and of those of the fourth class'
•on the twenty-Seventh 'day of - February; - ,eighteen
hundred and forty-three. The said classes from the
first to..the•fourth shall by arranged according tattle
seniority of the-Commissions of the several judges.
- Section XLEm_thenotaries,_clerkiiefacveral
courts - (except cif _the- Sups eine-Court) recerders'of
- „ . , deedsand registemelwil is, shill he first elected snide;
. the amended Constitution, it the election of tome
: sentatives in the year - eighteen - hundred and thrrty,
nine; in. such Manlier as, maylre prescribed - by law,
. '. Section .X'l..Tlfe - appointing powersbaliremnin ai"
herethfore, and all officers in the appohetment of the
_executive department shall continue in the exercise
of-the duties of their respective offices until the
legislature-shall-pass-such-laws as may be required
_ - by the eighth section of the_ sikth article of the
emended constitution, and until appointments shall
be made under such laWs ; unless their comniiSsions_
. shall be superseded by new appointments, or "shall
. .sootier expire by their own - limitations, or the said.
offices shall 'become vacant. by ,death or• resignation,
and such laws shell be enacted by the, first legisla- •
_ .tnreunder_the amended constitution. , :..o .-_
-Section XII. 'fhb first election for'aldermen and
justices of the:peace shall 'be held in the year-eight
een hundred ,' tut forty, at the time • fixed for the
. election_aLedtables,;,Thtt jegislature at its first
session uudq the-emended constitution .shall pro
vide for the said election and for subsequent similar
elections.- The aldermen and 'justices. of. the, peace
now in commission, or who may in the interim be
appointed, shall continue to discharge the -duties of
'their- respective offices, until -.fifyem:days .after-the
. day which shall be fixed - by - Veit/ . 'the issuing of
. __•nostcommissions,at.the_expir4t.„...of_which.time,
their commissions shall expire. . ' •
. ' In testimony that the foregoing t the amended
- . constitution-of. Pennsylvania,. ai agreed .te in '
• convention, We the officers and menibers of the
• convention hive, hereunto signed our names at_,
• 7 - Philadelphia; the twenty-second day of Fehr& -
- ary; Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred'
. and thirty-eight, and of the Independence_.ol
. • -the United States Of America the sixty-second.f
• JOHN SERGEANT, ' Pr6ident.
, .t. ' . •
Daniel Agnew, ~ Ezra S. Hayhurst,
Wm. Ayres, Wth. Hays, .
M. W. Baldwin, 'Abm: Helffenstein
Ephraim . Bahks,
,____ ____ -M. Henderson - , - .
- -John Y. - . Barclay, Wm. Ilendersoni
Jacob Barndola'r, Wm. Hiester, . - -.-
Chat. A. Barnitz, - • William High,. '
Andrew Bedford, Jos. Hopkinson, '
Thos. S. Bell, . John Iloupt,
James Cornell Biddle, Jabez Hyde, ,
- relibeliiii - LAtigelOw; --- Charles - Jared - Ingersolli" - • - •
Saul. C. Bonham, -Phs. Jenks,
Chas. Brown; - --.- George M. Keim, . ''.
Jereridah lIrown; James Kennedy, •
William Brown,Aaron Kerr,- ' - • -
Pierce.Butler,.' . • ' . Jos. Konignmeher
Samuel Carey; . ' • _ Jacob Krebs, '
• Jelin Cemmini . .H. G. Long, •). ' •
- T eemes S. Cunningham, David Lyons, - . . '.
_LWilliant Cur% - --- - Alex, Magee,
, ..
.. - . _
- --Wni.-Darlingtott,--- -,----J4l-K. Mann,- - • : --, .- .
,George Chambers,:"
_....M..Mereditn,.... - --
•-:--- d'Olirrehatulfel7- IV
--- James Merrill,
Jos, R, Chandler, Levi Merkel,
) Cli.- Chauncey, ' - Wm. L.-Miller.' • .
Nathaniel Clapp, • James• Montgomery, •
.James•Claritew ' . Christian Meyers,
' John Clarke, • -D.- Nevin,.' ' . .....•
William Clark, . ' , Wm. Overriple, .- . •,.
'A. j..eline, •-. .Hiram Payne,. '
- Lindley Coates ,' ,' Matthias Pennnacker .s'
- - IL-E.-Cochran, • ' James Porter, .._ „,.•
' -Thos. P. Cope, --Jamesliadisoti Porter, _
Joshua Fy . cox,. . Saml. A. Purvis. ,
Walter Craig, •, . ..: • E. C..Reigart, • • ;•••••
Riad.. M. Crain, ':: :A. H. Read, - ..
_Geo. T._Crawford,_ _ _ Geo. W.-Riter,„ _ '
Cornelins'Crum, Jrio. Ritter, . _.: ' • •
. Benju. Martin, - , . ~,, M. Gold Rogers,
John L. NPCahen, ' ' Samuel Royer, • •
, 11.-T.-M.Driiiiell, - ~- .JamesM,Russell, , ... ,
James M'Sherry, ,i , ,Daniel Saeger, _
"Mark Darialt,..,. :-; 4 .7 , 7 .t. , ... J John Morin Scott, . '
Harmer. DenpY, "':* , Tobias Sellers,
Johnpickey, •G. Seltzer, .
• Joshua - Dickerson, - . --,__Geo. - Serrill„ •
; Jacob Dillinger, ' . •IL my Scheetz, s .
Jas. Donag in, Gee ge Sbilleto
J.R. Donnel1,. - -
Yokeph -111.Doran, • G'eo. SintiNt,
' James . Dunlop, . •, -. ' -Wm. Smyth, '.
Thereat; Earle, . Joseph Snively, ••., ,
..D. M. Fel-rally, ",- - Jito. IL Sterigem,
• Robt. Fleeting; ".' , •. Jacob - Stickel,- -,. , '
Walter Fotward, - Ebenezer W. Sturdeirant. •
JohitFoulkrod, ... : :I , ' Thomas Taggart, *: • .
Joseph Fry; Jr. . Morgan J. Thomas, ,
'John Fidler, - ' „ ' • James Tbdd,- . ...' • • '
Jelin ,A.Gambl, . . Thomas. Weaver, ,'1 .
.Wllliain Gearhart, . . .J..cob B. Weidman, .
I. , David Gilmore,, • •r . ,; R. G.. White; • ''• ~ -
. Virgil Grenell; •', •. , Geo.'W. Woodward,
. ''William I:. Harris; ' -R.. Young. • '
. Thomas Hastings, ~ f.. - .. : ' ..,; ..' ~, - ' ' '
. .
(Attest,) S. Si . tociiv Sedreary.
Assistantt Secretaries.
. T. yOixams, .
. .
'• - - •SE,CRLTARY'S ovncr„ • ?
- - - HAIIIUSBUTIO; Fanatianv 2:8,-1838.5 4
1 certify; that the foregoing is an exact' erid 'literal !" the Constitatitin(of the Conimonwealth cif
_Pennsylvania as amendel4y the,Convention of one
;•thousand pight,-htiedred 't -thirlyoteven.thirtY
eight.'!dcMite4, rtrt, iiil Ai d irn r • the "t6th- day of
meiFeliruafrelB3B i the a - ntCnts• byin`g in', italic,
and. the retained portion's of the present Constitu,
tion in roman lettor. - ' . .
- - tt(rtvEs,
Sec'y of the Comrnorereilih. -
110iiiraT• of Gaiii.e;itatttua for
sale Auxou,),t,
• .• .
,O f fice 'in- High Street, afew ;doors east of
• • the Tail, Carlisle, Pa; • ;'-. 7
TriNDERS his professithial services to the ialtiielat •
of this place and ,the public . generolly; and' More,:
especiallyto thosewho arc suffering g•om CHRONIC; '
DISEASES,:and recipectfullYinfornis - thein, that he..
Professeacure all kind s to inde bf. % • •
• .
, • • DISEASES; ' •
-vidoi-nie-:in;-their-riatiire-mYrablei-M-st-perfecti easy. ' •
end mild manner. ."the medicine is adnannstered in- -
ternally; is pleasitif to the taste and easily taken,— •
• •
Ile will lila .patients; when` c3lled ` upon , ati their
respective places of residence, in this - place - omits vi
cinity.: Persons at a,ilititance, - laboring . under Chro- .
ilk: Diseases, may oldnin ineeical advice and medi
cine, for one month, by - addressing him a:letter (post
paid) de'scribing dinease,:and enclosing a cur- .
.rent fire dollar-bankrnote.. , - ,
. .
. . . ~ . . ... ~
Medienl consultatinns,can be had daily, until, nine'
.o'cl6ck, P. Al: uuThss absent. 6tl rbfessional . duties.,
- . rifirfollisesses are ..ea c .an. cure on
Homoeninitlite Medicine, viz i,, -: •:' - , •
. ,
Certtiin Diseases incident to the Genitel Organs,in
the Primary or Secondary state,without 'administering. •
in this treatment, without administerii!g in this' treat
ment any - of, the usual - offensive and injurious'medi- '
-cities; so noloriontsly destructiim tottheimmaniy,stem
'fund constitution. ' "•, •
Cnnsureption;Dronchitis;PalpitatiOn tietheHeart .
:Dyaitepsia; Liver - CoMplaint;BilionST-COlfe COStive
ness--Fi swift ono,
tism, Epilepsy, Asthma; Sick Ifenditche; Deafness,
Giddiness, Hernia or Ruptures, Lameness from Pal
sy, Ulcers or old :Standing sores, Necrosis, Caries of
Lanes, Cancers, Toter; Tie • Doulonreux; St. -Vitus'
Dance, DisensesoUthe - eye in general, - Fistula-Lacry- . ..
Seretta r Cataract, King's Evil, Ricketa, ,
W 'lite Swelling, Dropsy, Dysentery, Pleurisy, Hoop
hug Cobigh; Croitp, Ptieutnot tin, klysteria; Fluor albite;
"Melancholy, Incontinence of Urine, Inflamed and Ex
coriated Nipples,,Diseases. of Wonien and children
Fevers in general, Ague, Scarlet Fever."
there; can, Ve tkibfeetory -- rtitleilee — giVelL
thorough cure. - .
curitsle f .Attgust _
- Ire — the- undersigned,- Auditors appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Cumberland enmity, to anait and
marshal-tile-asset ila.o[..Pavid_iiretloeer,r,
~ldiiiinistrator.el deceased; dill meet on
Saun•day.tpe 251 t the house. of C. Zug;
in the boo - nigh irg.. ThoAe ipterested
GE.o.itpr 4 McGINNES,•
- • Sudihirs.
Jlll5. 23, 1838
:P-U 8.L.1 C. - .8 A,LE.;:
A. TILT lie sold . at . Publ i Sale, 15 iCSdittrelo the
151/1 (Tau of &member nzst, on dip premise s ,
propt-rtr, situate ,in Munrcie towpath),
Cumberland county; 7 miles ..east,ofCarlisle, on. the
Baltimore and Voakilfoad; and 'on tic YellOW Breech
es :creek, adjoining. lands of Adam-Brandt, George
ffitindt, Jus: - Sollenbet•giii. 1111(1(4.116's, containing,. '
thsellumultetl.a;sd Ten Avres,
STONE IllEttentANT .1).:1114L 1
- • three bt9rieShlgh,-witbiour-iltu of stom4
one tv~raa story
mnd Lcii Barn;
--4hte . Tufaid ffirmse,
and stable, and an excellent well of water. -
SLSO;---.ln Excellent Spple Orchgrd.
The_Mill will be sold with tvienty-three acres oe -
land, which have been set apart' heretofore for tha t
purpose; or the whdle together; at the option of the.
purchaser or purchasers.
- Sale to' commence at lt) oU said dttc.wheß
due attendance will be giveiclindLterms of sate made 7
knOwu r by . . .
JahtiV r k-4 . 018)-HBR.M.D27.-- -- - -
Monroe Towaship, _ • •
Aug.. 14, 1838,
The York Iti-puldienn nod tanthster,„Examiner,
will insert the tibove . 4 times nud charge this office. '
He must be a Miserable villain indeed, who
. would pjace the life of fell* being in
danger, for the purpose of making ?no.
. • --TO HONEST NS. 1 - - •
do Druggists pri:ove by making and selling.
Counterfeit Pills purporting
lir it 11d ret lils 11 7 egelable lUn
lst.—That they without lioxtEsT andlum'uns...
not pri e - g°
2d.—That no other, medicine is required by the
public; or Xvliv do - noi 'these druggists counterfeit
other ..pills in;the same way_they do ltrandreth's?—
Shindy because up others save Brandeeth's Vegetable
Unitersal Pills ever elTheted.tbr extraordinary cures
that these Pills are known--AvNivEusitts KNOWN.-^ ,
to have effected._
. - e - -UtwOr"-WaSirp — erson'WlitruseiVaie" ------= " - •"
• -
VEGETABLE"II - N . fVE11:841, - PILLS;
Who did not recoMmend,thein iyt terms of
the Most'unequaltapitthe...
Nevertheless; these, counterfeiting druggistz ltave'
iloue iSturedoing the char:titer of the Genuine a'great
deal of injury but,'it is hoped that individnals will
'not allow them set ves. to. be deceived by designing per,.
ions, whose only object is to make money,;• and who
ttre,perfectly eateless of censequences. It is d'inatter
of no importance' tolliem :whether - the - poor Child is
-rescued from a -bed of sickness And. restored to the
yearning arms Of its phrents, or itliether him on whom
a ge-family•rely solely Amon_ for:: &II OpAlt is pre
vented from filling: tit early and untimely grave: The .
time may come when the greatness of their guilt shall
become clear ,to their benighted,undersmudings, and,
then It is hoped they_ivilrendeaviMto:maltO tOme sr
mendi by the after purity oftheir, Ihres. ,
Every authorized agent. has. a .copperplate certifi-
Cate of tigenCY; and has . it exhibited in his store. Ne.; -
verpurChase unless this is seen and have some re- •
gard also to the characterthe - itgent liestrs. among' his ,•
'fellow citizens.: Ile-must be a miserable villain :who
would place.tbe life of a felliny, creature tu danger for
the per pose of making Money." • - • - r. •
. Dr. Bratuireth'a Offices in Philat.Whia.
: Principal, No..:9;North gtli Street: ,
Minor office; No. 49, Chestnut Street; near . '2d st.;
Rememher the above' officerS tire kept exclusively
for the'SaTeiif the 'true and genni ne Ilrand reth's
The following perionit arc duly authorised Agents
for the county or Cumberland, in the State orrenii
'sylvania, Whtise.,„respeetive tiames'are •
GEORGE W. Hl7 l NER;Varlisle. •
JOHN MOO.IM-Newvtlle...: •
N. „No druggisl,,:apothecaty. or pedlitr, - is
}owetl sell the genutneßraiidreth's Pills,under.finy •
nirchnistances whateSer.' obierve. -- 111en ',you
purchase • of any advertised Agents, Xhat.o4 -!,v!
certificate of agency, signed and sealed by me,: •
-• • • • -D. •BRANDRE'I
AugttsT 8; . 11 . , - .M4/,' •
No. 8, North 81h Pla!lad&14?
- . .• ;
• •
'• • - NOTICE , • • •
S hereby given, that Letters of Admierstiation .on
the estate of :LVIT.II) 37'0.ArEN, litnerritink
or() tonnshili,
_Cumberland county, dccas haY.e.
"this daylesued in due form °Ohm', to the aulnieribers,
residintrin 'said tossaship: all persons 'having °Wail
;or ,tletnands signinst the estate-91'pm said deeetised,ere
reqltesTed tb' make ktionn did same vithout dehiy—
and those indebted to said„estato,tcipay: theirreage6^
tive dues to . • -
• E
• "D
• • • - .12finiinistrptor8,
• Filijaih,ford TqwrOlipli'
Aug "
1838. . ..