'Which thS'7 hail — sufferedthus adsuredliecit:.tile—d;- :-en -dure foi the same trial' again— r and of 'the. jciy,'MOre than he 004 expi.ess;,which he feltat finding'hor so. willing to fulfil, her _engagement, which it is said,:is soon ,to be', conSunmated.. It Was not tilr.thenthat he was , made acquainted With the fact, that his ladylove is heiress - to an. estate- worth. 200,000 01 Who Woiild not be 'Ship , wrecked; and henceforth, - -who will say " niatcheii, are mot .matle in heaven ?" HERALD EXPOSITOR.' BY GORGE M. AIILLIPS, h. CARLISLE. TVESDAY'AFTEiiiiOON, SEPTEMBERII,IB3B, , • . FOR P-RESIDF.NT, WIM4 „ . I , an -Buren-:T4chet._______:._ _ - FOR,GaVERN 011, JOSEPH RiTNER. .Congress. 4"--REDERICK.-W Mel*, ES4. ' _ ' • .08embly. .1 - * GEORGE RUPLEYi!, •BENJASEIN RIEXPIOLDS; ' Commissioner.. • , JA C ()WS - RYE Director' of 10 Poor. : _.DAMES Auditor. - AIjAAI -11EIG plaee. - at - theliead Of . 1 :our. columns to:daY • , ..ticltit formed: in , couNty.sonvention by the friends - of Josepli Titner , andOpporthits oflMartin Vanturen: We place it at:our mast head - with pride and _pleasure . ,•and'edlifidenily•predief r iiial, be successful, or at .least aportionofit,• as our friends are zeidousin the and our' gm° . nents distracted and di.vidytL It is. one wbick = the.honest.yeornanty..ofilumberland_l support with all their might,- inasmuch. : as it is the strongest that has beempiesented.' •to them for some years. In". our next, we shall speak. of lkembrits and qualifications ' of the different etildidates at seine -and 'giye our reasons why . they •should ceive the votes of the, people in preference -.to their loi , a loco opponents._ • ricrnttring enr absence at the Pittsburg onvention, several letters and eorarnuni cations weretTeceived, which shall receive due attention. The faverof_our ShiPpens burg correspontlent iS crowded outthis .weelt,'but shall appear in. oUr„next: • . --=•-• • ' =. Our press - liaving Ina witti - an arel derit,thellerahl and txpesitor . is delayed longer than _WC-Wisited. - ' ---- We'liav - e not‘been • able,•jnoreover, to pay that attention,lo:,inr 7pqper to-day, which we shot.ld have done, jtad we not been absent . at the Pittsburgh convention.'; . . • IcrlVele. arW there, has been, great trou ble in the loco foco camp during our ab sence.; It's wonderful,. indeed, the 'swaps , “anii_;Thanges' thst tak eh place within ihelast ten days., The igre..i-t-gun' .of the party (dol. M'ClUre)' has . been .. 'surrendered' at. diseretio - n' -to his subaltern, Capt.,Ramsey!!,., Pliiiitagnaiihnous chief, ~ we. suspect,, waif 'taken by surprise," and .abdicated before - he - waS aware of his rival's rail strength. But there was-iiictchery a hpard;- and Capt. Ramsey and his few'adroit -friends accomplished by intrigues r and stra- ItagemS, what they could not bk.fair means. tr - r, Our - , neigh!) . or' of _the Volunteer, we are'tol l,, 4rtandary r fer-aLlew . !days relation ; to' the rival.candidates for , cnn! ess: - • - best foelingsLand—sympa- Ale; were for IVP.Clure; but avarice point r •ed to the county treasury; and Ramsey. must .-receive4he-nominationt of the way! 'The schoolmaster is abroad' truly, :and seems .determined to have Seine of the publicfodder at alkhaiards!,. How admi :ribly would our county affair's 'be managed, , if we haA Col Cornman commissioner, and George Sanderstin for. treasurer! What -a.neble pair . of and diiintereeted democrats, whose_prinei/es,'sepin Ao lie' en tirely in their±yeekeisi I , • :DEIIIOCiAT9, LOOK HERE another - column - we publish a , letter urritten by 'Jonx. ANDREW SHILLZE, Ex-Governor of - Tenn.; • "syivania; in reply, io•one front a committee of citizens asking :his views on the subject of the apProaching eleCtion.This old and • ..ataunch. dethocrat gives his Opinions freely and fullyon the .subject. .We ask the 01,0 Democracy--the Inkiest old Gemara far "nem+ who,supported Mr. SnoLzE when . •a -candidate for'Grovernor 2 —te . peruec - this let ter with : attention. 'fin3y will then' See who is the Democratic candidate for Gov- eruo.r, - THE PITTSBURGH. CONVENTION.-We left honie on Wednesday of week before ;last,' - to attend the sessions of the Convention called to convene in the City iif"-Piftsburgh on ':the 3d.inst. On our arrival Sn the city,• we were delighted to see that It, was crOwd ed , with,delegates—,-indeed, wasliterally ‘ - `taltec by 'stove by the friends of JOSEPH' IHTNEIi and Specie Payments . ../1// the city .public houses in t h e were crowded to excess, before The time Cppointeil.for the as sembling of the convention;' and those who arrived at a late hour- ,were, compelled-to take lodgings on the floor, on:chairs; or' wherever they -could procure a'peg tO hang uptin. "As We are somewhat hurried this . week, finding on our return a:goodly quart ti9kof business to attend. to, we shall not be ablin to give as.lengthy an nceount , the proceedings,of this body a s we desired, and musetherefore defer it till our next. To be brief, however, the 'nonvention was called . to order by C. Darragh, Esq. of Pittsburgh, , who ,nominated T. Cebnitivonam, - .E, sq of Mercer county, as chairman; and Col. Mathiot, of Westmoreland, and E. : Guyer, of Dauphiu as :secretaries. committee was then appointed to a•eport officers for the p,ernianent - organizatimr - of - the'convention whose report,• together with the entire -pro ceedings., will be given in Our next. If we ever entertained a doubt of the Te-eleetion of GOv. ltitner, our vlslt to li;TVrotern part of the state, and ihe size and enthusiasm 0 . this convention, at :once dispelled it. We &insider JOSEPH RITNEWSO-election, hya Most triumphantmajority,.as-certain us .that two and iiirolinalte .A large nutidterofgentleinen addressed the'ximyen . - ,tion . With much -zeal and the body of people assembled 'was uocregrihan, I.II.HEE -. THOUSAND. - • : • _ ..IQm - Some-tithe. Junb, 001-Col. AC -Clure returned home on. , -and at the very time the sub7treain ry.hill*ai_expected to be _ tlecide,d—inlhe ihouse; thought that:something urgent. had brought him herne. -.7tV.e._mentioned in I L iiiii7paperat the:tit - tie, that lie doubt beard,of the intrigues - and plOts of sornemf i ltis old fii . end. to •supplaig hint, rindthat he' had probably'returned -- M - get - his - confiden; trial friends throughout. the district to give a tone in his_ ailor at the-celebrations on' the 4th of July. •On that occasion did net speak unackisedly,4ndzreciiii - Wilie fully vorifietLallthattVe said`ghb- - intriguers' have been successful, and the colonel is `laid on. the Shelf.' - •• FRIENDS, DE . ACTIVE.—We „say to our friends in each , of 'the' -deciion districts, - be active, and victory.: shall, be - )ours. Let eachipan-bestit hiniselffrom_this_time • til' the Second 'Tuesday of Octobenneit, and a glorious victory awaits us. We have the Notes 'hi. this • county 'to .--- give 'Joseph llitner and our whole .connty ticket a tri umphant 'majority. • .Nothing is wanted, therefore, but our friends to do their 'duty, and when the returns shall behroUght in on the' night of - the second Tuesday Oc- Inher — , -- "it be:ticen—that.,victbry:_has perched upon, our , banner. • .Let not one' 'vote be left atAiorne, but let: all , come and 'give ." long pull—a strong pull—and a .ptilk N !iltogether". 7 -arul the : way .the loco focos'4vill stare will be a caution. \ I 11=7.13e t remembered, citizens of Cum berland cotiiit, thatthe County Conven tion, of the frienils of David R. Porter, Re solt;ed,support David R One; becatae he a friend lo •the ciples ond measures of \Martin lint %Hu.' 'What stronger.leiridence•Ao . we want of the - fact, that if David R. Porter should be elected Governor 'of- this State, :that his election would be claimed as a Sun TREA SURY triuiiiph, and that ..atithe next •sesiiimi• of Congress, this. infamoup bill would be passed in opiosition : ta the wishes of nine tenthi of the eitizene.of this.countyT74 call. upon You, therefote, to go -I to the "inns and cast yotir'suffreMs-for-JCSEPWRIT:. IScER, THE .ANTI-SUB: TREASURY CANDIDATE. _By so deing,..jrou will for ever put to rest the mad schemes 'of those' up and doing, andslietory - shall be yours. LOWER END IN MOTION 1 .-' 2 A. very large-mid respectable meeting , of the farm ers cif_the lower end the county. We un derstand, was held on Saturday .evening last in thehormigh of Shiremanstothi.: The old ..hardy farmers. turned'• out in their, strength. -'Several addresses were deliver ' Proceedings in our next. •loco -Foco . Tickct. CongresB. . . . , • . • • AVICLIAM, R:GqiIGAS ok . Col. JAM S ' 11577(10.01:.5b1t*.., WE CommiseloiLerc . . ° . - 'JOHN CORNIYIA.Ni . -Dirgctor of the Po''or, v • JOHN • .12udito?.,. • • . 4 JO)-11.„C4,EitliENIN • . - y. - „,.lli.t.',lg.4'*.ll,kiti : tt .W. - ti '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' EVIDENCE IN HIS OWN HAND WRIt 1N9.,--Below we give 'a rt . ,c.sfinur. of the receipt which David. R. Porter gave to - George. Davis, 'for part of : the property which he cancealed when he took' the be nefit of the Thsolvent ' The Original receipt WE HAVE - SEEN; ,it was found -arriong the paperoOf the late. George who, our readers.will remember, was One' of -Porter's aids in. the legerdemain . prac : ticed concerning his`, property.' AR wit° doubt whether there is such' a receipt or not, may-call - with 'Robert Campbell, Esq. of Iluntingdon,in:whose possession it is, and judec fcd• theibselveg. Ve o havesee'n it, together with' the bonds - which Niter gave when he conveyed away hisJproperty. "' - We - aslrt te - marala4d intelligent freemen of Cuinberland• county to pause and reflect heferethey-iilte.for Daiid R. Porter, alnan upon whom the Charge of PERJURY, has _been, fas tened. Will you -- , can. you entrust the destiny and honor of your stateln - his polluted-hands-1— know. you will - not, am? we think We bear you say, "We capriot'suppOrt Di , R. Por ter, because 'w.i'xiicnv Rm."! „- EEME . . .. , . ‘' - \ • '.' .• • 1 . . . ' 1 --- 71 ..: _. ‘• ..' • „...:. - i V \ A . . . , \7-•-.---- ~,.,- --.. ' ' ..... ..-..-: .--.....,- .t\t - *. " -. . . _.. . .. - _t . ' ••. - -- .. ~.. . . . . . . . ._ - "... "4.. -...."..-- ~, N' •... . . .t - . .. ---t, • , . . '7 . . - • , t . - 1.. 1 • . - • . •- V - 'The above, in the lang,uage Of the Penn- sylvania,lntelligencer,'proyes'FßAUD and - . PERJURY beyond the possibility ,IoT doubt, ilt • exposes the .statement of Mr., Porter's certificate maker, Thomas . M- O wens, that "Porter. was not interested to the amount of one cent:in the collection of Lose bonds," 'most etTectually; Sand_ knocks the Porter's', friends, of clearing him frcim diet Charia been made agiinst:him. .'" "The.fac similiewas;prepar r etn delPhia. A gentleman from •Hunting took.the original receipth and, bonds with hitn'to the cityi - Where'TheY werc'exlibiteß to all. - who washed tci•:examine then'; arid' among others, to Josiah Randall,•and many leadingmew Of ahe • opposite party, who de, ciared themselves convinced . thereltriusebe "something-. rotten in The .bonds, together Av;ith the original receipt, 1 -ivegain,.243tate., may be seentin Hunting-, don; . and,We challengethe friends of, Por -I..mt_ altommitteei-:consisting - of equal '-imixiber of:_l honest men of - both" inies, to go to fluntiugUori and. examine 1 , the documents to, which reference has :en snade.. If they do this,..we ask no rare-than-hereafter--.to-be- ktm foi-mter-consi-- A 3red siemens, if.,what have pub shed, against Pavid'lt: P \ , cannot be lbstentiated.. . ~,. . We,hayei i nvited a ,prosecution; in case th ter to a ie hand writing is not Porteria: We now ,iropose to go into court in an amicable ac tion, wieh-sny friend or; friends. of David R. Porter, and if . thercan .proOe -that-the lac given abave-is n ot-a--true copy of a 'receipt in Porter's hand writing, with his name sigte / d,,-to-lt,, and which is. now in, Huntingdon, we milt:pay the penalty ,at- Mched to FOR‘GRRY, and live - under the disgrace of it-the rest of our, lives. Let them come .on tut 4 clear 'their .ctintiidate 'of the awful ci:line Periury, IF ;,THEY CAN, • CUANGie.---At.4 meeting of the triende ' of, Goy. Ritner held,iii:Duoks.vinaty a few days,ago, it was' ascertained that there - were ONE' titINDRED AND FIPTEN: per , sons r present ':Whe' had i,oted for 'either Wit y -or lifolaftibo4 in. le* /Wit YOUIVASSERTIONSI — We learn from the Pottsville Journal, that the Ritner Stand ing'Cornmittee of Union coinityliave pro -posed to the Porter patty, a joint commit tee, to consist of three of each party, whose business it:shall be•to proceed to Htinting dOn,•-under oath, and examine into alf mat= tern touching the insolvency of David - R. Porter, 'and to report thereon with all the necessary 'documents. This is a fdir iest, and we tinhesitatingly Make the same.offer to the Porteparty of Cun4erland county. Let:ccfnamittees , be formed, -and--the,truth investiff,ated. - It is of importance to .our eipponents :to disprove the, unqualified - ns sertions which are daily beingArnade against their candidate; and many who have here tofore been the friends of Wolf and Aluh lenberg -are leaving their ranks,' because they conceiVe the !silence of AL: Porter's friends on the - subject, to be a tacit conces sion ofits.truth. Here, 'then, the lists are 'prepared, a fair field is 'opened—the chal lenge-given—they - should= - accept - and:try -1 -"Heaven favor the right!" This proposi,. l tion is so fair, that, if not accepted, both parties Ittironghont the - State. Bain place but one 'Conitinction• ton :it refusal._ C!onte,,i _then,gentleman,_if_Dayid_R-P_orier lumniated, as you have asserted So often; backyout;aesertiops. - • I ner - onvention-assembletVin-thalAsiociatene. formed• Clturchjn, PittsbOrgh, one of t the largest 'Churches in''the ; stateiit was TOund to be *lob small to . conlain More than two- 1 ali'irds of the clUTtateijn'.attettdance'. • . order, therefor, to acconimodaisk : everi one, " .. • ,the Convention adjourned .to a• bOautiftd Grove on the banks Of the Allegheny, ;where a .sc4rold - was erected forAhe aocom-moda tion:iit. the speakers: ._:The !lon. - RICIIARD DL, in .conamencing his eloquent and . manly: _addrOss,treinarked, "'that. he..liad alWays:•Opposed. the:policy of Van - Buren, and should continue to. do so, - but it had never - re - occurred • that-for so . - doing lie:should .be, as - he was, brought to. dlae scaffold:'-'=-Mr., , Biddle:contiripedf an - .6Very..onO:Avlio i lieardAtintadmitted,Ahat: though he•had been- "brought to the..scaf 'fold,"-it-was iii the - capacityof theciaioner, for•-tlie . Way in which ho used up` Van Bu ren.andliorter "was a cautiou.", ERROR , PORRECTIED. , -.lnourlast, in pub lishing?the Locol'oco County Tieket;_we inadvertently prefixed the title of "COloner to the cognomen lof Mr. JOIINVORI.prIiIsI, the candidate for CommisSioner..The'rea der, by referringAo the .ticket in this, day's paper, will perceive that we 'have divested the gentleman 'of his. "bor.rowed plumage," and 'he now puts Ids best leg foremost and tualfe - a - his bow. - to an ,admiringand cxnec -tant woild;from the giddy pinnacle to .which he.bas been elevated, as plain John Corn : - man! Although . Mr.-Cornman commands : the esteem . .and - iespect. of all +Whoknow him ; although he can command a copious flow of "oratorical eloquence," and in ex pressing his ideas, he uses the most chaste and claseic4anguage, (sometimes a little too flowery though, and beyond The compre hension of:Ais_ordinary:_xnortals,)—and..al tifough.,by 'lie excessive -m'ollesty and un obtrithiud and retired he has won , , '"golden opinions from all •sorts, of men'," and gained for•himself "troops -of friends;" ..,, , . yet notwithstanding, ..with all. these- facts staring us in. the face; we do most:positively, dopythat-.helm - helm - ihel honor T to com mend a regiment. ' Colonel' quotW, he I In t ' deed,many or our *woos; .iiiilkin g front— . his' Stately st e p and high military bearing, and'well knowing that that "sprig a.fehi - very," Mae - ter:Ephraim,: who inherits ma-, of the soldier-like virtues of his'. illustrious 'sire . , has- always evinced ang penchant for military titles- ,and" - :. gew 7 gaws,. haio I Thought, in-the' simplicity - Of their hearts,.: ) that Mr.'Corninan Was -a BONA FIDE " : Mi-. 1 Warp Chieftain." EvenNwe ourselves liaie, A been, deceived, _amtve now_hasien .to pay-. 11 to:Coionelliie i beghis.pardon) Mr. Corn- man, 4itairbfinde 440 fable.: ' : ' . . OLD IN JJEMOCILATIO FRASKFOAD AWAIISE ! —We understand thaLon SaturdaY' s l34lt, one of the largesti:nicetings ever held in the to IvnsYtip . E) 'rankford, was. , held at the store of Mr.'3ohn -Remick; in . that town- There were at'least 175' persons present. , :Sevaialaddressesvere delivered. The proceedinkl are browdedout this week bot shall appear in our next. . ' vrA Loco,Foeo paper in thelrsrthern • part of the state, in speaking of the quali fications of Porter, winds - 4 in eoinething like the following strain •-; :1 1 G . eneral Porter is a gentleman of the mest,insint,eating anilsifideoi4lished, news, combined with. the- most enticing-ex terior." • ' • , • •• . , , • We ire aware that . Porter "itisinu2itedr himself:into the, goollgrates' 01. ;#uharY pet. _ sons in and about Huntingdon aounty,and, afterwards pri)Ye4, l !iiiiiiielf :to have Veen % an "iMeomplislied"eemindrel.. .Aste exterfor f ! We. knoW , nothing about; eieapt,,,itideed, , it be'that lie, Keinit,Wi peg • ) Pf,a7,1 1.0 10 the paoo,,orYit,tue.% ;, COMMUNICATIONS. To theeditor of the Herald and Expositor; Van Buren Democrat' Balsa the fi,vour of ' yott &ink him, through your columns, to express his disapprobation to again of the ticket formed by the democratlceounty delegation, on Tuesday the dth init. I allude; Sir; to the renomination of Col. James 1 . Woodburn for thelegislature--=a man,whe hail been a member a part of a session and two full sessions al -1 ready, without ',possessing. a, single ntialificatton for a legislator; except that he can say yea or nay as the ease may be. Col. Woodburn 'is a' most miserable scholar: he cannot conneerthree simplosentences to gether, icarrectly, for the life_of hinu.lie•cannot. spell 'note than one•word out of five, . if he was to he shot. fOr it,ae his letters will fully prcive;- and-he ire man of little or no reading, as his conversation abundantly shows, his mind being a perfect 'barren waste.' He neither displayed judgment nor coneisteney in his le.' gislativecareer,, having at one session voted for the mammoth, improvement bill and the Chartering of va rious batiks, and at the next pursued a quite. contraxy course, thereby showing that he had no opinion of his own, antithat he'vras a 'nose of .wax' for others to mould just to suit their purpose!). These are such palpable facts, that none of his friends dare deny thera fora vooment, because the journals of the house_ . will . satisfy any man of their correctness. And _Was knot this xig-rorcourse of - Col. Woodburn in.,The legis lature,Land this support , ofrnammoth improvements in" opposition to the best interests of his constituents,that caused hint to fall bahind his colleague at the last e lection in every borotigh, township, anti district in the county, except one.? It.wae very stronereasoncthat . induced the democrats of Cumlieriand county,-who are proVerbial fo; their strict adherence to !regular !Irani-. nations,'to give Col:Woralburn's colleague one him-. Bred anil iixty-tuo yotes snore than they, gave to him, ivliithltnara - tralow-eStimafinificriihicirthevoloner is held by members. of the - party in' everiliection of the county. This ominous togei fact that he has-already 'been • electedAliree:sessions, should liave.adritonishedliim -to decline and Slime his. credit, and warned hia indiscreet friends not to thrust him-again before-theparty,aniLthe.ipublie..'Butthey have dared to lirave public opinion, and to treat with contempt a large portion of the democratic poky, by foisting, the colonel .upoimscagaiii,-even-after-Lhe-has frequently declarid Sinee.theiidjottinment of thehst 'session, that hedid not wish-a renoinination.4t_was in consequence of.these declarations, and the fact that he had received his share - of the' publichonors, that induced the democrats of the 'Kier end" to cast about:for a suitable snecessor-;and theliames - of A. Sniith Lusk, Samuel Piper, Jo seph Wagoner, William Stough, and several Others, were mentioned by their respective friends, , Noiv, it is very well known to the party and•thc pollici that every indiVidifal just named is superior in qualifica tions to CoL-Woodburn, and-that .n Majority of tlienv_ arefar his - superiors in every ireSsttet. ;Messrs: Lusk and - Piper each possesses five thnes the Tindal:in - Mid' ,qualifications that Col. 'Woodburn does, - and the for. .mernias five times th&merlt in a military point of view in the service of his country—yet these gentle men-, in the face of all these facts and circumstances, had to yield to-a mere 'man of straw;' bccause he was backed by alargeTamily connexion and a'few leaders in Carlisle! If a ronjoritY - Of the; derincriats In other parts of the county are disposed to submit to tlittriif siletiCe, and Wady follow In 'die wake of some un - -; kincipled politicians inthe*rty, not,:bdt will, castmy vote for George Itupley,, an old republican,, who is well known to excel'Col. Woodburn in every particular, and whose vote at the last sheriff's election shows conclusively the high estimation in which lie is helkn his whole neighborhood as well as elsewhere: And there are genres of democrats who, being equal ly-disgusted with the public course of Col. 'Wood burn in the legislatUre, and chagrined at his renomi- - nation for a station'which lie has, disgraced .liY his ig norance and inconsistency, will vote with me against him in the • • "UPPER END." Fur the Herald and Expositor Mit.'Parturs—The editor of the Volunteer, In speaking of the ticket recently form4l by. die' demo= erotic delegates of the county, 'Mikes some very bold assertions and contemptible_ insinuations, which seem to me to,require n passing notice. Ido this with the _more_rehmtance, because I have been a consistent Van Buren man and efriend of Gen. rorter t anti um there.; fore - mot-disposed to -come - in collision with any 'who support the same principles, ortiito advocate the same candidates. But when a party editor, puffed up with noucirself-importance, andisluming hitiself upon the influence which his station is• supposed to give him, mide•takeslo utterituabluiling alsehoods in reletion to the county ticket, anti to cast aspersions upon those democrats who have expressed their decided disap probation agabist one or two individuals on_thattickt , _ et, it would be unpardonable to remain quiet._ In relationtto'The eandidates..nominated, the editor. says:_ 4 r6ey pre allwelf'known to theTeeiple-cd-the county as •gentlemen of intelligence, honogy, and strict podded . integrity, and are every marworthy rand colvipetentr • . Ai'diyil , Will.venture to assert, that there is net,onothei4rldividual in the place; who; is possessed of ordinary intelligence Ruda kilOVledge of the candidatcs,'.ind•Who has the leatit regard 'for his I cluiraoter as aistati of trtlihitaintegrity, that would make such-a declaration. 'lt is a base and impudent falsehood, known to this whole community tar bp fatse, 1 which none bin a braten,ignoramni would dare lA3 ut ter, and which none but a silly knave weailtrbelleve. To the editor of the-Volunteer, thCrefore, belongs all i'the credit of this-declamtion,whichisas tidier . • it is mifounded, mulwltichl•must Once its author be fore'th'epublic in.tbo:most colitomp n tiblo liF,ht,. such • sno - rnan dorablefeetings cool endure: -•: . . 'Let us sake; for example, Johu Cornman, the raw didate for commissioner, and test the limit of the Vo lunteer's assertion. Is there a min in this enlighten ed-community, '' , :vho knows - Mir:thin - IR c - b - Tif,hitii, and who imompOtent to judge of his qualifications, that would pronounce' John Common a 'gentleman of in 'telligence,' and '.pert' -t pay worthy and icirrOetene to discharge thedutiesn't the olliee for which he is a can didate? Is he not extremely illiterate anti ignorant, but full of egotism . ak4arN,Mitee; whose POMPOide and ridiesitous 'sayings and doings' have made him a veal laugliinvitoch for:the whole comm Unity, mat caused . , even somenf 'his relations and' , heitfriendnielliiile' at his folly and sillineSs?•• -Has lte not teen repeated ly Itincetforuthe democratic tioket for •some Milne Or' , other, And airipeatedly_reketedhy.the party; became there wasnlways enongh of lol.eNgenee.ameng them to know that he . was net 'cam/tete/4' for any responsi hlepuhlic station? • .41.iiii#assint his nomination for, c ommiesinner,on ontral#pasi nine-tenths of !bode.- miasmata of the borongli,' 4 Who had openly, expressed ; their sentiments against hint?-/ Let these facts bonen:- traterted, if they can. , ~ .. .. . ,Letiii now reverse Sic pintare,,.nnd see who were the competitors, pfjohn, common, feiiii:tlie ibciongip Their 'Were -Gbh. * en Lae,beet e e i Dr. - 90 1 % 4D; 1 rbulke,Col: Jelin 111‘Ginnigi'40:1)::Sloloti„.E 4 1:. P. 1 DaVislson, Esq.. ,Cifirles Sell, Esq .. lvtaii*- oioq, ' Jcisoph;tebanh, "John ZgiCantinlp, - !Geo .'• Ny.'• Slinger, ianii-Tehi'i'PttAtillt,...l.o...t•heie 00 .1,1 ,0 1 VIdniq 0"* 15 iiiii,oo)a not Morit!iisite/iigenti,aed 'ainiii.4!it'..!:ihnyt .loho'Corlinme?.,':,lts 'diets ,Okki 04 'ltier(!tell,l ' ,Y? . '. , itlettlit•4os4tMo . Aiik• iv** , latge:Ojoritt et .• , .'... .._. . ME , ' 44 ENE =l3 ',',:.:, MEE them far superior to him in all respdets? How;tlien, • it will be asked, did he receive die nomination in pre ! . ference to all the Other Candidates? :Simply bCcattse la son is one of the publishers of the yolUntecr, - nind other is believed to have exercised his iiii!uence, 4or him in secret;, for he was Seen throperini with one of the delegates on the stairs leading to the hall im mediately after the second baYlot was taken, which re sulted in atie between I?r. Foulkennd.Cornman, eacli having Ift—and as soon - that gelegate returned. to the hall, the third ballot was taken, and Common re ceived .a large majority over Dr. Foulke!!! Frein these plain facts, [the people ! can druF,their own con clusions, and.act acrprdingly. , ; 3Vith regard to the defiance which:the egitiii of the Volunteer hurls at those democrats who . will not nor cannot support John Common under the lelitking and outriVous circumstances ofthe case,.we look upon it 1 1 . as . che iaving Of-a petty demagogue and . upstart 1 1 who has been long yearning tiller some of the 'spoil.' of office; and Who vainly imagines that lie can drive us into the traces by his arrogant and insolent course! But we can tell this blustering dictator ; that no Mat. ter Whether he denounces us as 'open' or 'secret ens mkt,' •we have got tfig-right kind of Materials, - not on ly in this borough, but throughout the county, to de "feat his candidate for commissioner, and are waiting -patiently for an opportimity to do so 7 - We have not . only the materials and the disposition to reduce John' Dorman once more to Tileproier:lever, but also to. hainble the arrogance mid dictation" of the editor of the Volunteer, who laiaiti fnougli to think that he is the grand pivot round which theMhdle,party .should revolve! Unless.w&do.thikat the approachirig"elec tion, our delegate electioni will-be nacre farces, 'and the generality_ofourdelegatcs mere puppets, Who will. have - nothingito - dotbut.tii - register - the - rdicts - olalittle unprincipled cabal in Carlislecas•was the case on'the dth A PORTER DEMOCRAT. oh the 29th'illt: by the Rev. VF)lliem -A—r—mstrong, Mr. Sobieski ilrady,Cas tier of he erehan an Niechanicl'llank of 'Wheeling, (formerly of thla_bo rough) to - Malt Mary E. &daughter - Of the Hon. A., caldtrril, of Wfienling. - =1 - On-Thurfalny evening liat,by the Rev. \Valiant T. Sprole, Mr. john Turner, to Miele - Catharine Hal bert, both of thia l place. - . _ hy. the Rev. - John Ulrleh,, itfr• PA - kip' Zeigler, to Miss e llfary .Onn ffedrich , all of North Middleton_ township. . • - rOn the the 4th inst., by the satne,llfr. Jacob Korn hone, to Miss 5T1071114 N . Cll , ltChiVa7Ver, :fill of Allen township. _• - ' -On the- same-any -03y 117dst-; ler, of Ifopewell, townblkip, to Miss Martha Filbert; of Smith Mitlilleton , • '_ • This titotting,by.the snme,:lll.r: fpnry:•,..V'entinon,_ ,tiLMies llette-IL-Rorkin, both of-South-Middleton township. • - • • ' - Orft Othcinstiiot;hy thi?. IrteT. D. P. Rosenmiller, Mr, Afenrrrr GEonitz; to 'Miss ANICA Bo w4fi, b`o - th of Frankford'towoship._ . • :.T. DIED, Of Dysentery, in I4ewville, on the 91st ult., tit the residence of his parents, Elijah Wesley; son of Thom as 11. and Catharine Criswelleged one year, three months and - seventeen , day s. - - Will the Lewistown andlilurniagician papersilense ropy the above?- - • - • [COMAI VNIC ATED] Died,lwthis'borough, , otiViredneiday the sth inst., MARGARET Amer., daughter of John U. and 'Lacy D.'Weaver; aged.about 15 months. ' • This interesting babe was the second and only ro-_ mining child of her bereavettparettts, het 'little sis- , ter having taken her. departure 'from the world litit' a fe'w weeks before 'her. Thnt they are both. now at rest in thewlitsom °Petals; enjoying the felinity oT eternal life, the presence of their heavenly Father, and thecommunion of angels, must be to their earthly. _parents and friends a 'sweet consolation, and the only one which can heal the bitter pangs of parting from them to know and see them no more in this world for-. 102 i Y They've yielded up th htrant !wrath- .To brwhom' given; They'Ve passed the d some vtile of depth ' ' To fiVe for age hi eaven. .In:the bright miinsionp oT the bleat They feel uo•ehnst'ning rod, •Bitt Aria the sweet, eternal rest-- Of spirits with their God: • ~, ...,,.. , . . - . . . ' --,, . - . ~. .„ 's - ?. „ • 11".: te. . •• ' • _ 1 , n _ . . --7 .7"TrirLie — ailairrivrla . . A meeting Of thofieWho desire there-election of our Present excellent. Governor., Joselili :Tiltiner;-in opposition - to - the - candidate of . the,Sull.triMmry-par • , D.ll. Porter; of theise"vilio are opposed to the ruinous policy and measures of Martin:Van Ritmo and his Cabinet, will lie held at the Public Rouse of Chris tian Zuck, in the borough of Shippensburg,nit Satnr 7 . day 'the 15th inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M, ' .It. is expected that several addressrswill be deliver-, ed on the occasion by able speakers.., • . By order of theComniiitge of Vigilance. ShippenibuT,"Scpt 4th, 183 IL " - . - , FOR IRIEIN For Rent, the house now occitpied by the sutseri.. her; in West Hi g h Street, Carlisle. "PoAmsolion can be had some - tithe in the month of October. '— ,For terms apply to Soptemher.ll, 1938. . * 4 . NOILIC e • • A BSCONDED, yesterday, from the late reside"nce 111;:of the-Rev. Joshua Williams, D. D. deceased; in -Westpennsliorotigh township, CumberlantPcotimy, ()LOBED, BOY.,napied • • George Miller, • r • an indented Apprentice to the Farming , Business, aged about seventeen tears.— Had on when he went away, a striped cot- ".„ ton'4rounatihout -lind pantaloons a Straw ' we t hat , nd laced calf Skin boots. A ll persons are hereby cautioned agt — iiiisfharboring or employing 'said.opprentied at the peril of the law; as he has sere tral years of hissipprenticeiltin MI yet to serve. 4 • -." L. U. WILLIS, :;Idnittistrator. - . --Septerniver. _ • • • NOTICE., • . , , , 11 Election • for President, 17reasinier, Secretary, A.tind four Managers fOr the Cumberland Va ll 9" Rail Road Company' will be held at the public honse of Colonel: George Ferree, ln Carlisle, on the' first Monday first day) of October next, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A:111:lind 4 O'clock; . 11y. the act Orating_ said comp any , it is ",provided that , no per.• "swill - 611 be perMitted to vote at said election, Unless lie or she' shall WM (Idly - paid all , the instalment® on . the shares ' o by him or. her ralbseribed.”. • ,T. E,BY(..VecritOr,9„,., Carl) pl.i; 8;18'38."-St. • • - September lfsaireliasers aid a ahe lOulortnie Giotto, Citasundri And Cassmetts the Store ' - ' ARNOLD 8t En . Ai ‘4uPul d nRiN. SHAWLS. Sallior's 4-4,-6—a, 7-4 aiat 8-4 'Merino ShlWid are Orem& ter sale:decidedly cheaper' then they can be himght alecwhere 4 - • ' Sept ' ARNOLD - Er ttr:*. . . m: . o amm .-. • t y. 1 . a . n .,,,,r 0 d =t; t ti . v , R ii i , j l L n . s soldll 1 5 7it t VI 3 f air . 1 :u1 1 : - Tavern, in Newton Avnsbip, on the Walnut Bot a to ( rn is , at 12 o!clock;on . Frlday the 12th October next ? - - ' , .'Tract of #atenited. Wood . , '• ' - • • 13ltutite in Neivtirt and partly in Sonthampton town-. ships, bounded by lands-nrYloore' and Biddle, , ,Jacob Palm, John F.itzmiller, Jacob 'Crefimc.ii and Jacob Keller,•containing 149 acres; More or less. ' • ' This land is covered ,with the finest Timber, and Las a stream of water passing thrbugh it sufficient Or a Saw Mill or Fulling Mill. Terms 9f sale, one half the purflmse Money paya ble on, the confirmation of the sale by the COurt, and the residue 'in oneyenr, with interest, ' • . • - SAMlfFlL•rittotiEs, . • adnihotrator of .Taro' R,hodca , de cease x, Septeniber.ll;lB3B.. . O'RAPilfela SP- COURT SALE. 1N pursuanse_of n decree of' die Orphave Court,.! . will expose to publii Sale, on the iirconises„hts of Win Holmes, deceased,' . • ' On. Saturday the -29th day of Ocitib er• • next..n tract of first rate Limestone Land, satiate In North Middleton township, . Cumberland • county. • liounded by'latida orJacoh Zinr,l3lrlch Witrickler f lany" [alum Ilolmetr. and the Poor liouse Farm, containing -. 89 'Acres and 28 perches, about 4•5 acres of which are - claired, the t.e . iitlite covered Witli — tinsW; On - trill - . • . property there is a fine . spring oflimestono water.—. The above property will lie offered for sale entire or Part, so as to snit purchasers.. • - • Terms df sale made known on the day of sale, • - JOSEPH .CeLVER, ' ' ..adminitai-ator of William Hobiter, tkeens44 SepteMber 11,1838.—ta. NEIV CIIEJIP.CIOODS. -ARNOLD & CO., are J ust receiving and opeelOg:. - • a large.assortment.of DRITt GOODS, snitable ter fan sales, to Whicitthey invite the Attenaon of thoie who wish to pnrChasegooo Goode cheap, ,as they will be ennh&U toot a Goons_ dedidedikkieeEfo - fitak. had ever Wen ofibreil•in this place,- eonsistioglittinns-- otp Super English and German 'Merinoes, • - French and Welsh '•do Green, Claret, .and Colored'Siltes; Illack andlline.Black - White Red and Yellow Flannels, . -- MErificTS&Tilv tCand-liandker'oliters, - • Furniture and Chintz Prints; - - • Merino and Wooded Hoie, - 'Stiper Black-Silk—Velvets. 'Super—Velvet Cords, ..•• Extra and Super CLOTHS; -• • -• Fine Lendon.Cassidteits, , . PlaiOnnd Strlped•Sattinetts, • - • . • • Pilot Cloth and Lion Skins • - Fur.and flair Caps, &c.... 1 / 4 43:43t0..' -All or Which Will he sold on the most actaatividing terms, and decidedly - cheaper than can be bought else where. .Purchasers are:lnvitedOpal andsndgo for themielvei3. . • • .• • .• ENTtpursnance of an_order of the Orptutnit Court, ,pf Cumberland county, will be cuptteed to - Wile by publio . auction - or,outery, on the premtses,Ou • • Friday' the sth day: o".l42ctoker nest, the following (lest:kited:tract of laind. r tittrprope4 oT John Grahani,into,of:eabl.eountY; dec4isoll, . A Tract of •Pateuitediaand; situate iii Hopewell township, about three tulles esull hof NeWbortt. and sic west 0(.1414411e; boundedlty lands ofV r illitun othori6.oonig more or less, 15C acres of whiolocart - eleired, ate the remainder well-timbered, ... q . .... Twenty Scree f -good Meadow, . • never failing stream - of wafer ruusiinglimossOt it, 's well of water near 'the home, a TWO ,'S'TO.I?.. Y ,STONE _ : 4 .; 1 e. s AVELLING. HOUSE. • LOG . 11.141,1N,' • . tel tither improvements thereon erected. The crop. in the ground belongs to the aeliant awl is thereby) reserved. •Possetnion will_ba ;Ilea on the_ firs t Of .. The terms of th,.••alv.ive sale are, ime-tildrd of the 'purchase money - to be paid on the at' Ap5.11,1839,, and the residue in five equal annual payateitts Ahere after, the Whole to be secured by regovizenee in' the Ortilisns' court, with approiet seeurity,opowthecon firm:Aloe or stile: • , •.- ' TAMES GRATIAM, Administrritor of John .Grahatil, Sisiestsed. September •t I , 1858. . • 0 RPILL7r,i; • COVRT SALE. • N pursdanee ofd decree of the thehaue CouriA j . - aill - expose to . paths ode, on late pre/sleek Oil - - Tuesdaij the 236141 . 0itviber s 'NeeT 7- : a Tan Yard Property, situate hirCilia township, ' Cumberland county, abodt-i rzdles -irom hounded t hif lands of Jasob - :Nonni, John Christian Whistler and otheas,ttnir soistaining One Acre and 110 perches, haring U,preois arested.a . • • ,2 S;0131 lair, Mouse, - ' '"lPair • "..t. - TAN 110 . ' t * T44 " •' 1 Bark.:Sliids and ran-Vats, Btc.. Also, n Tract of Land in .tae sams township; ounded-by.-lands-of-John_Ntaitey_Xliristian Whist, ler and others,•containing 15 acres. Aboat IS acres of this tract are Cleared, the „resider. :oorered with dolt-in.' timber. "The above properties are now iw The possession real estate of William Holmes, deceased. Coiiditi-;, • ons made known on the day of sale. - 3,OSEPII CULVEIiZ, • Administrator V" Win. Wawa. deceased. September 1.1,18 W -7— • . ! - Ch:capei Walla Ever.• FIZENtH MERINOES are offered laver fott cash than they ever have been in this market by. Sept. 11. ' ARNOLD Ec CO. The Best and Cheapest Mus: iii,,iicavited and unbleached; for Bale In'town,* RepL ARNOLD & Co. MRS:. - A Ni ORETIVS A lupply or,the above Pills lekeid eouetsntly o 4 hand. --Asohey are received ch'rectlyfromainSran. dretlea Office in Philadelßhia; thiey are WARRAXTII) ocilAit, the Agents cautionary advertisement to thn • Contrary notlinvthstanding. ~ •• • • • • . . • • • Sc ELLIOTT. , At his Drug. Store in Carlisle.. • -4 ceptember 11;1838. • • f • • • - nova FoR. The 04scriber lislah4 one mile 'east of Spprint; Forge; has .tor isle a nenaber.oeStf c re e 61.. 0e ..ut54 9 , .whieh will b e laiaporill o g-rita T il ti sT 3 i van. Sh[itionbei. , ll, 1 • ~„ . FRANIKLIEV, RAIL ROAD,, (k =7 ge:- • 7sl-rwr - Utf.' 614 v:" • maS PROPOSALS will lie rteeived at the 'office elks Franklin Rail Road‘Company, until the 1.50 s for laying down the superstructure of eleVen mile* of the road, between (Awrobertihurg and' Green Castle. , " description.A of the:work in be &hie, fantbek Nab,' 7. application to ~ RDWARD 'WATTS, • Biginterh, EIIM V - A - 141TABLE LAND ~: Von SALW: 300 ,LCIREO, ••• ' • Po.llit: REA •. - • • TllE:anhaeritier Videlicet to rent his Mtiti*ANT GIIIST MILL:;.; 'ith'4lrunbf. Stenea, situate on the Sisquelumnßiver, ' 'thou& bf the lAttle Jidda ta Creek, With Witter • auffielent to drive it. every day . in' the year t every; ine#sil ent, order. The b u ildi n g is of stone, stories high,. and: is within eight Oflbectinal,lit,Thrben' i altliidandfivorablrilte. - "t ed for'Ai b t ain . l 9 l 3 : o 3 P I 'o l 9 retuiiilvairiteCandi and of the; iiurronrido . g..ebutory. Peaseradoit - will tiet given immediately' or in 2 menthe.' . " ' ~ArArence--.'l F rederink Niratta,rEsqr,'Onidielejy; ; " ' ' 'AMOS,./C.4.IVEM: • ; jeelir 'Old riesTPl/ f i n 4 a* Angnat tti.it -0417' ' • • Me \ IMMIIMZI =I BE WM NM