Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 11, 1838, Image 1

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. • - : • •
. _
The odruatehreraido..E.rpositor, ,, will be issued
every TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at. Two Doi- .
zAns,ver annurn;l4abie in advance. -,. . . •
- ADVERTI4r.gENTS in serted at the tonal rates
, • .. -
Lottersalharesse4 to theetl)tor; on business, itUS T
ItE 1 3 0gT.1"kli, otherwise they no nt
tetition. • . _ •
•• • _
- - • . • 11,GENTS - • . '
. Th e lolloWihg:immed - perso!ts - httvolmon - ttppolnt ed
~.kge ots for..the " Carlisle Ilerfdd & 'Extiositor," to
. .
, 'whom •payroent for subscription and advertisement
• can be - Ms : de, • . - • .
-SCOTT Cort.E;.Esq. Isre - Wville. , • dO '
PaE.ootni; Eit - i; ; Ne . Wburgh , ' do ~
. . ,
.Txtos„ W.: :14..tsies, ESTSjapilcileiltirg . (10 .
• . j.l),llN_NV_l:lif.DEltii7",..c;Y4ll,::::_dati:: (10 .
-.. J. MATEmt,E,sti.li_o_guestowo
.. : do
- It. Wictirt, Esq. Atechanicsliorg, :db. ' •
"WILLIAM . toissitit, Esii:Kopewell • do
lII , D
'........ Q
AußcEorr, Esti...Chore:ll6%4i . , - .do •.. -.
Dr. ASA Wu ITE, Ndw Cuml!crland do
-. -7:ispros.--4.lvAcKsir. -Moth:101dd; Perry:tibulity
VLACIZ, isq, 'Lad' 6.12 u rg• • do
• : .
• • • SALE.
TI IF, 29Th DtcY-OF SEP ,
UP TESIMIt next, will be sold-11y public outcry,
on the Tretnises, - '
ilifortblM•act 'of 'First ride,
, .
late - the property or Henry Givler, deceased,
-ate: in AVestpenusborouglt township; Clunbet:land
.county," cannoning T11..0 HUNDRED
FORTY4PWITA GRES, tilore , nr lessouljoining.
.lands.of Jacob Mvern,Slunuel - 111c1cleellitu,Esti. Brice
L Sterrett add others, j,r'o miles west-01`....tbe2 borough
of Carlisle, and. Illioutone and a half fropi, the town pf
and in Sight of the Cuinba.huni Vniley
Mail Road. The inaproveinents [hereon are a
• .
• - wr
• • b
_ Ota kiMares4--
ly.tat- of stone, Warta Shed; Corn- Cribs, with oilier'
. necessary Out-houses. Thc-re is a timer-If:tiling we
of water with a pump' therein; - There are
_also two
bearing Apple Orchards ta - a.thriiing coaditiou
The Terms of Sale, :arena
• ihe-third Of the 'purchase money to-remain in the
• hands.of thp purchaser during the life of the Widow
of the aforettaithdecedentotaCtlminterestaheiatoLto_.
be paid to her annually during her. natural life; filly
- dollars of the purchase money to be paid op the eon
firmation of the sale by the court; -one4mlf of the loaf
- 'lance to he paid on the first of April, A. D. 1539,
'when possession of tho premises. Will be given tn 'the
:purchaser, and a deed made fitr the same, -- the Wi
dow's thirds to hear interest. from, the fir At. of April,
• i. 839; the residue ofthepurcha4t 'mtey t6' be paid
'in threc , enunl annual - paptretitc - Vitthi'ut interest--
. .The.whole to be-secured by recognizance in the Or
'plaans',Court; with security.. The Landlord'sqbare
of the grain in therowth to be sown this autumn, to
'pass to the pureGser"of said 'sale.'
• Adininistralor of Henry Gilder, dec'd.
l ia.„ August 21,1838.-1 i: "•".. •
• .IP O.R
. . . .
. pursuance of the 'led • will. and testament of
WOLF,inte cif the liovough of Silinpens
`burg, deceased 4,-011 he sold at public sole, on the pro
mises, on Satui:dti#429thilay of Septenlbei , next,
Tract' llLit in ost
"sAcar.s, situate one and a half miles north west
shitionsbur, a reasonable _part of which is good
*owl laud. rheimiwovenients sre! a
' - •
Otte Story annetp .
• •
4 - 11. - • Stone 11)tvalitt.g? itanse,
• - AND LOG B.Wr.
. „
'Where is an. Orchard and well of water near the door
Of the House. Saitrtract of land adjoins lands of
David Nevin, Samuel D, liendersqn - and - others.
CiOr - Sale will. Commence lit 10 o'clock on said 'clay,
- at which time the. terms of sale will 'he ,made known
11317 D" I:P.dGGONER,
August 1,!838.-:-t& -. • - '' . .
it-erlie Mancaster Viamiaer tsi•ilerald." will 'in
sert the above three time's aid charge this office: -,,..,,
Selminary 'for litentig Ladies,
' - • ' CARLISLE,' Ph.• "`
•,THE Third Quarter, of the Young Ladies' Semi-.
parr hs.thohorough_of Carlisle, tinder the care of the,
• sahseriber; will open on tin fah --day of Segtember.
---YeanigLitdies,-wltose-pneentaar-hienda-dolnot reside:
in; the boreuet,areiaraestly advised to board with
their Teacher,.,for_ itiaLitrrattments -Itavw.been
matteNtrith a pyrrate he enjoined,
unless otherweie 'directed, ity'die'pa'resit or guardian,
in . :which ease the :.Teacher 'vat ,he.eonsiderett, respon
aihle only
,for,the li,terarjt improvement df , herAmpil,
'Persotts interestedia harm; inore,particidar inpr
mniiiin as to the'cluiradter. of the soltool;are referred
do Rev.'Preaident HitrhiMand , Alte (other members 'of
ie Fatality of Diekinsm,Ciollegel: to llev.,Thomas
•vr Professor Thomas Sewall, of,Wiishingtoit
Piramon ; l:r.pelah Studies, its,
g"—per quarter, .• - . $ 'These; aboompaided with;lthetorle, History; •r •
7 50
tiYXIIeW B Pia-%
;;101 1 0*y;Morall'hillisopti7; or French; 40,.00
Xpatruction iii fch
s , q2 , Pft4wing; or ,
Prianting, trOolie an 'cites areaf . if)
=Win illfu.sic: - %;z - • :
tirrtortis,ln cases, required t any#sca. ,
• 1 -Carlisle, Angi,st 10fr3w.
*31**,131,i) iOH - 414 1 4P 6 70, - - .
iii4ki:b l inil l • 44 9 nginpe11.,iki n e 7 ,• •
_ - Extracted'Glnghrn
1.1 ,
' Chintzes.and . Chally %Aunt, n new .nrtia e,
b • ~. • OLD & .
. .•
• Log!ioOst:--ohlipp . ed and grtotirici • • .
;14licaragila•Wctod; - • Cochineal.: • '
, Oil, of Vitrol,,
'Affiader; • " • • Nitro'ne
• Aforintio
and for saleovhlehiltelor retail,. a
ibV;tli6mical Siore
. !". ELLIQTT.'
-' May 28. ' 26 .
. .
• , .
. .
. ,
. .
... _ . ~. . ,_. .
• • -
•:-.-..-: .
.., , , , ~
. . '
' , .' .. _ ' ..... .
. '
, 'i..f .
..'. ,•.; • ~ ". "
. .. U .....•
... .. • : ....A
.: - •.
, ~-..., ~...............,0 ~ : ..;. ~.. _,•.......
. ..
. . ~
...•...... .4.......,,....7_:_.....,t...‘,„...•..;•„;,..... .
_ ~.. ...
... ....,
. .
. .•
. .._ . • •
. .
'E. High Street, a few doors east of. tht
court Hous,
The stibseribei• having leased the above named
•estabiishment from Mr. Sinion Wungerackand hay
ing provided himself With-everk thint-necessawis
now enabled to accommodate travellers amitlfers in
n` style that.wilUnot-fail-to-please-tho'sdWhfr - inay - favor.
him with a call. • -
'reek:ice Ids special - -attention. - - These will ,Le
kept constantly provided with the best of LIQUORS.
will at all times be abundantly. supplied with all the
delicacies which - the season and market can afford,
! and no exertions will be-vvanting , to' please the palitte
of. the most fastidious. _ .
. _
aresoMmOdiotts and.seeure, and, a earefulluid.atten
liostler-Will be alwayain_atitindanee_________-
-- 110 - ARDERS . Will be tfikefilly the weik, month — a'
year, on the most reasonable terms;
A - strict attention to business:and an anxious desire
to please, will, lie trusts,, enSuxe hits a reasonable
share of liuhlic patrobage. -
• Carlisl_(l; April 23, I 838;-tf.' •
N. B. The cars run lingt the nbOve catobllshment,
nt..6 nutt 11 o'clock, A. M. and. nt 2 anti 7 o'clock, P.
fir = etrotto
TIM subscribers haVe just received' in addition to
their former stock, handsome assortment of-..--.
a 0 02)-0
. _. • ,
which makes thi-r assortmenl - noW ygry g.ond ? • and
will-be sold very low. •They.most rispectfullysolieit
The public to give them a call. . • •
produce will be taken in exchan g e
for g oods. -
•- • .• .
shippensburg, dyn e 4,. 838,-.1.-tf: : •
rni I IA NKFAUJ 11:114.111mrs,livrellxjaornis-the
Amblie 'that-lie still continues t 6 niMey on the-it
burl; nietitioned'bTisiness, itr.
n:recl,.f.'cr . .",;-i 4e
u few doors vest. of the Post Office., and directly 'op
posite the book-store-of,h-huitdon, rtv - hris-pee=.l
pared to necolunmilate all who May liver him with
their custom, iii.the,„most neat manneronid at IT:IS011-
able peices. , fly strict attention' to business' and an I
earnest desire to plenso, lie hopes_to receive a liberal
Share - mrpubliertvaniniage. -
P. •S.—The latest city fiishions will lie constantly
followed up. -
• .1 supply of
constantly kept on hand, and for sale 'on reasonable
—Juno-1:8,1838. . :9
By the subscriber at llosserntan's Mill, in Frank
ford tonslup. •
• :100 11 USI I ELS OIL MEAL, • •
Which will be,sold cheap fir cash, Pr give is C3Z.,.
change for Flaxseed. fir which article the highest
prices will at all thti) be allowed.
• J. CULBEirrsox.
July 3, i8:18.-3w.
epairs in lite Cow( !Mouse.'
- fißorosALs will be received at the Commission
," cm - Office, Carlisle, on MONDAY the 17th
tlav'or September nest, for making Certain ulterations
and repairs in the Court II else, agreeably to n draft
to be famished by the commissioners. The plan will
be exhibited in the menu tioneoind any information
given by. the clerk of. the Commissioners.,
110131: C. sTP.HRETT.'
• • • , Cummissio,ncr9.
Cominisgioners' OOiCe ,
Aug.Ciu lisle , '23, ?RAS r...iNV
• .. .
• , ---•x- '. • ..71"Z IV 41 0 Oiii, - -4, • --•-• --------
. TITST received and for, sale at Dr. Myers' Drug
40 a Rd' LI ook S trw e,.--v
o ntril etd • sets of '
"Wardilr. Novels"-27 volumes. -
The Ilritige.rater Treatises. -
Lockhart's. Life of llitrns. ' • ' ,' ' ' •
• " - " " - ' licotr. * • - ' -
. ..
' -' If /.". 'Napoleon.
..." The Divorced, by 'Madame Bury: r
•.. W nlsilighign ,or the Camester. . ' .
• The Lutwoods, by Miss Sekwick. - .
Diary of the times of George IV. , .
. Court of Home.. • - -• • : ..,, --.- .
• .
The Pickwick Papers,illustrated .tty prints from
truirksbnuk. '
Tom... Times; miff , trtted: by Cruickshank..
- Cinlisle, - .A.uost '270 8:38. .
Mercbi-Gicen;:that-letterslesttinentary- on the
last will pull testament .01 /Miry Bloser, sr. late . 0
Frankford township,--Cemberlatul- county, -- deceased,
haielieen issued by the Tiggister in and for saul
ty, to.the'lnbscriber;wlin resides in thotownship and
county aforesaid. All vertions indebted to the estate
of the Isaid deceased; will.; please make A immediate
payment; and glow having ei;deniands against
thosaid estate, are requested to m'ake thesame known
• —.
• ;Breed:d of or Henry 13 bser, sr.
July SD, 838.--z6L
0 BAUD PROPOSALS will be reeefved at' the.
k,Rail Road Offcein Way flesh' nro s ,"Praiddiii' Conn
ty, until sunset pn Afonday the lat of Qciolier newt,'
for the
radiftg anti' .Foranatteli of S
mika o a f the Getfylobuik., t028 .. i0n: of 14e
`' 'Penn,BZ/lvanaa Rail T 4 ay, 'coninaenczng :
at Ripplio „
the4illsa4o, .Bvik(frig'-afEi-Stope C'ulver'ts,
fro* 9 40,40-feet ?pin?: ••
tn . Piatni.aini.,Seccificationi of the ex
' aai Olden yieek ,pieneding the letting,.
and all ne,ceis#.l7,infOrination.furnislied. ,
• , - CL,CLARCKSON, §up4.- ' •
•••SPrtq s nli;'ets 1 . ,'3 . 8 . 38.: 7 -3,*- 6 4 , 1 , •' •
- •- n :F4STRAYO-•;"
, the ilOtti •• ,•'•
' I,Sttrar-CoWs,,-; - & t am
tite_onea•l3l4ndle mid *he,
-slit in tbe"len car, :ittpeoscd AO' ii",.tlyillvtspe. thirteen
~The,Othee, is epleroyitii
eAvliite Mee . , 'sitp - pOtieil
Papertowtt, July •
, •
.Priitted and l o tiblialied llreekl ,, by aeor-e OIL :in Carlisle' . Cumber ra•
I.Bi. A.l) 1% W , -kii V
ar.autia lawamizt a :
--Returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Carlisle
and adjoining country; for the most liberal:patront!ge
which has been bestowed tip - on him, and wisheS to in
form the public generally that he has replenished his
stock of Gnosis, and flatters himself that lie will
able to give entire satisfaction,to all who will call at
his Store, both in quality and price of goods l ashe is
resolved to sell lenv for cash. • ..
Call at the old Well known Stand of ,L. Harlan, -in
North Hanover. ;Street, and his stock. of
Goods; as he has a general and complete assortment
of-Hardware,' • ' " •
. •
"-41-so nrid
Of the best .quality, 'which will be soldsat wholesale
or - retail. - • . •
Ile has also the New Curoberland Nails-;:but call.
Cnrlisic;:llT~~y.l~,.lBB6.~3m._ •---..:.__~.~_•
" .AE°. • • _ •
'7I.I I ,ELIDIVIV - 20 - 4 •
'Having recently returned from Philadelphia and
New -York= WWI a 'VERY - EXTP.NSIVIi.
VON to my fornier Stock, I leg leave to offer to the
citizens of Carlisle and the Pablie generally,
Coraprish every- artiele
-Will dispose of WHOLESALE or RETAIL at the lowest
poßsthkratce. Ylipiipians—comitry - Store_keepers—
Fullertiaml Miters; are respectfully invited to give me
a the Old Stand-on littst.lligh Street. - '
- Gaclisle, May 211-;- t 538.• ; 21
.... , _ .
• : 121 8 8 _:Dc.. N.A . -T .8 ...: '
- .„- --- 1:1 - 8 - Nitrir - 7041-KElliiilr-7 - - - -
_... _ . -
INFORMS Ric Voting. - Aim of Carlisle
ittid the suarnintiliig country, that he is '
prepared -to manulactiire-hr the neatest ..... --
slylr, 11 7 111.TERETS8/..111.47/%f irmtliii-, , ,A" - --X 4 -
mer wear; at hiS Ojai') in East I I igh SWeei, . . • ,
alew doors west of Major Jacob Itelircr.'S - Hotel, rind
nex t 4190 r to - ale store of .1 olui I LAVeitter fr, Co. A IsO,
White Silk Hats .of the 'best plush; made on blocks
of the latest City fashion. • . . .
' Carlisle, May '22, 1.83 . 8.—ti. • . -
. • . . -...
zsrnj •
14 - 1 . .\11:1 - 1.61.fik premises of thesilbseriVer residing-
Ittin Alton township, Cumberland 'd:`--
on the 14th of July last, A
BLACK COW, with a "white"face ;
white spots on her belly, droop
td,ybetween S and 4 years old. The
owner is desired to come forward, prove property,
pay eltar,, ,, es, and take her away, otherwise she will he
disposed of according to law.•
' . SADLER - .
August 18;1886.--.3w.* . .
Forwarding and •Conamission
- lb use,
pinn ,
6- 3
T f a. s a
HAVE taken that large, and conunodions WARE
UOUSE, lately erdetedpn the Canal and Hail Road,
below the runt of Chestnut street, Ilandshurc, , , where
their iirrii4i . .iitents are such that they can at all tilliVe
fatward produce and: merrhaddize with promptnest
and despatch, 19 the.tolloWing'phices, viz: .
-Philudeiplaa . , Pittsburg, edam
bia, Cbanzbersburgy
.and all intermediate pluses.'
They have - MeV inttvred int) aiTangeivtents strasit
e!ntile" them to :tend any produce sir guoils by way ö
the Pennsylvania Canal and . Coluinbialyoad, to
Philadelphia, at the same prices otle
companies miming on, the Thilnireanal;thils gaining
three days in time, and AelirOing 'Dods in Broad
street, tn 7 oitling the usual expense of hatiling from the
Schnyll ill.
country produce of every description, and keep con
stantly on hand coal TplasterifiSh-and saltla
Aplpil f 2. , 183a.—tE • 18.
• 11 . 1 . 1 S ar 11 , 0
' 2r10W31 - 14' •-•
South-wed corns rqf Alain& sts. Carhth P.a
Geoiwe iTerree,
ifAVENT:; taken the abece nnrned
,(fornierly.kept , by Mr. 'George Aughinbaugh,) res
pectfully.sulicits his friends and the public' gencrallyi
4_o : favor hini with trip; custom . -The house is inrge
and convAilent;'e.ohtattiing- upwitrdiof R.T
C athipti - slfor Ffind lies, S
_ iers limiment
is extensive and eonvenint, 04pable' df-,, holding. ; up
isards of 70 horses; worthy the attention. of , Drovers,
eeutral_ond.exeellent part of-tll6l3tra-for
the sale oflMrses,
Drovers, Farmers; Pedlers, mid l`rivvidleri arc it
vited to pive lOm n each . • - '• • • • • •
grid attetition.nmd moderate charge,
tti,render.general sat sfaetion. • •
Cirllsle,Aliril 9, 1858, • '
. , .
The-136ard of .Sehool Direetnrs , of the horoupli .0
Itlechatilesbueg;Ni'9illd herohy make known; that ONE:
or TWO well qualified Tea n lieve,of regu tar haltiy3 and
good moral character ; are .wanted to take charge of
and teach the schools ofSaid 6111 , 0.114 h: •- • •
. There is an,ityerage number ;c)f,1,.50 t:bolors to be • 1
,'n fit Two,sehoOl rooms adjoiningench'ether and,
connected brg.door; • One- to - aiferageloo, the: Other:
Tho,Preiiikicitt.9( reit4, l # , cceeive
proe9Sai4:f.r9m teachers'Wtake tigirre ; of: find teach
an average - M-610)er 50'ini - plis)it.-11;"O
to take qbarge of and teach ' , MI "peerage 01100 in the'
large. room-,--pr. taketharge en d 1.4;ae1?. the whole;
averagmg . lso rooms.• ;
Those lumd . ,Th proposals for 100 schninrsi .
Must calculate. to . proNide titetnnelres: with; ntleatil,
one assistant, : at thete..owtoxptruie; ,nntithose
'must provide thethSeivenWith Ittleat,Ctwileassistantn at
their. °WM - ektiense. - -- 411; . asslitititt.slmnst he .. .such .as
the Board iindhattruove.,;: •• ,
The brnnehes
principles 9f liii:4l;lll..kqiiig,i i
and - Conqmsitioni ,
:111;ilieltOf . G r 9oinetrc.iMinerOiogyi . .th2tani;;;964 7 4
- otialrio of X..iistbry-Darticularly that of :tti6
tic't " 7
2: '
. hti closed int e Atke,
-firfttor: nontinne;
• - '
:7 . 11= '''•
Mechanicsburg; August 6;1838:-•4t., • "
P aB Eit--11-71,43=g-S
- :,,Broad Street, Philadelphia.
TIfE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens
,of Franklin
.and Cumberland counties,.. that he has
opened a WATIELIOVSE in Broad Street, nett door
- above - Broad - street - Hotel;fo - illiCialeT)r all kinds of
Country , Produce, and respectfully solicit& .consign.
ments. _
From his general acquaintance, knowledge:of:lm
; siness, and the, exercise of his bestefforts to promote
. the interest of-his custothers, die- flatters 'himself that
he-will be able to-render general satisfbctiom
• • •
_ - _JACQ - B_BERLIN.'
- 71'hilliddithia, May, 1838:
- • • REFERENCES. • • '
• Philip Berlin, Chainbersb'urg.. • •
David Mahon, Esq.
-- W. - Ilinte . s, Esq. . ,
Shippey! shut. - •
• szvoyer, Esqq , pl , v-illO. _
Gen: - Sant'l Stexandey,
Esq. . •
" deo. "W.. Layng, .
sn . •
urg. ,
, • Esq. 4am
~.. nintityhit(Wrrue-gOin'panyvqf-Philaelel
__:___4) act. • . ____H____.
oficrlis.,9 chestnut . erect. • • .
... . .
.: -CAVITAL--(1F--$300,000 -
---- . ' Chorter-Perpetztal. -- -
- , -INSERE LIVES; graitt danuities find '.:EOilme , -
312 menls .arldiffiakti: contracts - geneMlk That involve
i . Ife - COiiiMgency of pat. Accept 'Prusts as authorized
by the charter; from individuals, corporate bodies, or
l' Courts
.of,lnstice, abd execute tlmit agreeably to the
desire of the parties, and.receive.Deposi!eo of money
iii tried, and tio interest:. -
.' LIFE INSUIIANC.E:—The, terms are as low as
those of any Mike , in the-Union. - • ' . . - •
Rates fir' fttsioNg,',s, HA,- .-' ' . •
~/ye fer I rear -.Poi. 7
..rear's - Trhok Lip -
- - . --- dbennally. .danuallit.•
_Ao_-.._ . .$0 _9l. • -.•$10 95 - •'. $1 77; ' '
.......... . 1 . _ ..
. ...
.25'; -. 1
00. . .
1 2 - - - - 0.1.'• -
. 30 -1 31 - - - . 1
__,_ - _2-a6 .,
--- - --35 -- - 1 - "30 -- 1 - 53.. - -2 75 •
:---4.0-• - 1 69 '-"'1 -
'- 3 7
.2 - 0 - 11 -
. _ -
• - . 45, - .. 4 . 1 91 •• 1 -00 • - 3'73 --
'5O - '. -- 1 OW • 2'09. 4:60 „
55--'. 232 : 3 21' . - • 5 '', 8 '-__.
Pucther information can be obtained lay appliCation
nt,the office. . c' - '
. .- 1
I. \V. RICHARDS, l'reet,
• ,
JOHN F. JAMES,.4ctum•yo‘.-
C. EOTlnEW—AßJJ._Treasiirer.__ : 7:
Jiinell, 1833.-6 m - - ' "---
Slzz gr,r1.1"21.11.A.12
IMTURNS his sincere thanks fo the citizens of
Carlisle• and its vicinity, far the -liberal: patronage
which has been: bestowed upon him, and solicits it
continuance of the same. !Us shop is now situated in
• ..Easf4itgh . l A:freer,
'aqiining the Storii of Samuel Elliott on .the
east, :toil John il. Wvaver & Co's. Store on the west,
whore lie will constantly,keet on hand a large assort-
rnr and Silk Hats,
Beaver, Otter; • &al" Nutria; Musk
Liam- - •
' L 7 g 0 1 .. a
..0 A 1 1 ; C . 13, OAI Et- N
.. . .
All - of his.own 4 mtiptifireturing, iiiiich he will dispose
of atlim , prions.; , ' • • .
• . • . .attention lleiflatters liitrrielf . that, by,strict , to Mt+
ness and a disposition to. pleas -, to merit and receive
.a slirctortmlilieliatronagh.
. -N.8.. Military capi•mill he manuflictur - ed to.order,
on reasonable,terms. ' l'•-•!' •
Carlisle X ril 9, oat. tr. - • . v- 19 -
• • \
(00•4. 1 '.1%, •
i3,aise,rilier ref;peciftillv informs' his friends,
and the public generally, that be has fir sale, at his
Coat and Linnher Yard ; on the bank of the &utile
lanina'rirer; in the town of Worinleyshurg;
6 2 1 000 Bushels arfs)!Ltrioli!
PoplavPlank and Scant linf,,S,c.:*c.
2000, good qiiality,' seasoned Tight
: °• rd Staves and Heading. •
411:orythich he will-dispose 'olat-low - rates, and-on
the most accommodating terms. persona wishing, to
~‘, p ad 10,i41 titk: buls. , r; • '
ter, mtil CAinline his stock befoi-o they pnrchake else-
April 9,,1355.--3m,.• ' 10.
Just • itic'eive(r• at the Wiare
• • .
AnothertOlif of 6 India ilfaftin also
a very. aupovior 01 . rigurpd afattips. nll . o
whialitliroffer ithalladvroice.'
•.. • L
MttY,i4. ;47,1= •
,- , ,
4tOrf,ll,togi., ..D•7•::..,,:611.).";',)
:- S ; 'lfAilis ' iTZ. '''.
, ',, .''''.. ',:- ' ' ' '',' . '''..": • :'• , ,
~ Nt i : A , ' .. ' '
tlie - S,6,,yinfe mut House ftepre.
ripfitativei' or PeriiiiyAitilti lthd th!e of . .thd
Gerieria; fw;i801; Wye . tbia 01110.-nnll me ren,,ay• ror,
‘9lP.iiikibi. 14woritltl(tl to
-2 JOUN:fit
4904:2(i; 4E08:77444 • • ,
I - 1 1 ' CIELIO4i-n 'OMAR- GOODS..' •
. „.:,.:AgN,():1 4 0.,:'&„ P 0... ~: -, ...:...... -.:: .
---Ittltotitreoi,iA,alekol. 9 't ckiii q ' q , 04, 8 ..
' {WI,. 0 COIN and a*.l is.pil. li
/hVirrs;'wlati - nru', i,illi.:o4l=
moillYthWfor cash. . .- 7 - . .... - ---- 7 --- , --.....1.
Ilinv.l4. ' ' . 21.
./attend yo#l , ' liitereSts
rziotrEas,- ,
41310 1 ittabtit -• :
APoRTuNITY is 110 . 1. V , offered of gyr
p! •
I Y . o7selves with WOODCOCK'S
• .
Rein s . thi heal article ever grered to the-Parmers in
- • this section of the State. ,
- These .Ploughs will. not choke nor carry dirt, and
the draft is about one-third less than the Ploughs here
tofore in use, two horses ding the work of three, be - -
sides a great: saving- in• time antrmoney in-keeping
- them..m. repair. The point and , share can be put on '
in five minutes, nail hesitles cost only '25 cents each,
and-when idull .13/11{1116,Alttled-atld./72pelitl:LLUIltibY.Or11,
out; MEd e ten tiltetrWill be-taken in,part pay for new
The of owing named persons arc among those.who
lastseason,to whoniParmers are referred for inform:-
ation respecting. them, viz.:
tawnshi t.—P4ilip Winters, 'John Arm=
strong, -Samuel- Strickler, - Joliii 4 Little,Alenry Betz;
Slider ; John- . 1
Letterkenny.-*--Michael Grove, Daniel Kremer,_,
;Mr, - Shieldk, - Iknae Besore; John - .Miller, Abraham
Hoover; John nodes, Beujamin•Rodes, Sam'l Rodea.'
. GniTortt.--Philip Oiler, James Dunlop, Jas, Par- -
vianne,-Mr. Bit - ner, john Lesheri George Trace_,JO;.
saph Wingert, George...rettorlidof,--Mr„l'augy, Gea.
Dulli---Witliiiiinflyees, John 11. CookiSain'l Geese-.
mati,.lleury George,. Peter Baker, • -- -
Green.--,Jacob 'Oyster, Samuel Purviattee, Jacob
Darr, Joins Reichard,-.Tr., JoSepli Neicely,.Alexan
der-Tlionisol - Henry „Wingert, Martin ;Wingert,
Charles Iletai, Mr. &kith, Mr, Clark, Mr. Solaber
gee, Samuel - Leroy. -- I ' -.
Southamptoo.—Sanicl-Thomsmcjohn Orr. -
St. l'hotnos.—Jacob Shirk . ; 'John
We linve.also secitplal the righl•of Adaaia, Cmn
herlaml, mut , Danplim cOuntles, and the followinr,
pasf season, to whom Partners iri that county.. are re
--7-7Reat• Tiro Tircrits:. , --Sarnitel Durboraw,
Joseph Coshuo, Alexander M'llwaine, Jacob Keller,
Deil: '
111 tittetictmen.- 7 ,l:tenb - C rms. .
cryTheabovePlongla 'can aiwir Le, lrnil at the
- Putonfry of .1V . SEIHEET k CO. Cleenbersborg, of.
JOHN llareivare Merchant, Carlisle, and.
of THOMAS 11.1E1HS,' Merhanie - sburg.. • IVbere
Farmers whO'wish to test the Plough, will pleaseyall.
and 'get them on trial, and if they will not render toll
and entire satiidnetion, no charge' will be- matl, -if
they brEtkit is at our expensd.Wn.Will - also pay Lot) ,
Farmer for any damages or loss of time, he may
sustain in trying thePlough, if he does not like if nf
ter triad. -There have been sold- in Franklin and.the
adinining county, upwards of ONE THOUSAND. of
these Floughsovithin 18 months.
. JOHN DENIG, .4gent.
August 9.7 1838:—Sm. ,
14 drawn Ballots in each Package of Ticketp?
78 No. Lonery 7 -1.3 drawn ballots.
.•. - Slate of - Virginia. . •
Class No kfor 133%. ,
To be drawn nt Alexandria, Va. , Saturday the Bth
of September next, 18a...
"•• -
"2,50q-1,707-30 of 1,000-56 a 410-50 4333, &c.
Tickets only slo—Halves ss—Qttarters - $2
Cert.'s or packages of 26 'Whole Tickets $l4O
Do - 26 '• do . 70 •
Do , do 26 Quarter do 35 '
•14, BtilwANT scilm#l.
$5 . 6,000—515,000--$.0,1)0Q, • • .
. 100 OF 1,000
cia•l3 'go: 6, for 1358.
ra be drawn 'at Alexandiqa,- l 'ft. on Scp
• tanbei• 1.5, ISSB. • • ,
. ,
I Grand Caplthl of $56,000; 1 esTitid of 1 5, 0 ( 10 ; 1 do
of 10,000; 1 do of 50,84.1 dOi)12,08t);
,100 l'Adzes of 1,006; 10 . ivy-Qt. : film ; ~ .),0-do S 00; 85 do
. •
200,448:4'c'e; - - •
• Tickets only' $lO —r4 $ 5 ---Quarters $ 2 50 ;
CertifiCates,ol Packagtmof 25 whole tickets, 140
• 25 half: /70
1)0. (la. • .25 quarter do 5.5
For the benefit of the Petersburg IlenesOli.nt Me-,
. ' ehaule.A.anneiation.
Clans No 6, for 1838. . •
To be ; div u
en Alexialria, Vn. on Saturday,
• — Septttnber ‘2',2, IS3B.
CAPITAL -- $,1 . 5,9„95; to,00n; 5,000; 4,000; 3,500;
3,294; 3,000; 40,prizes of 2,000; 50 of :200; .
Go of ,150 r, &.c. . .
Tieketi only VlO-11alire 5 7 -:Quarters 2 50. •
CerOp of pnelinges (4 . '25 Whole 'Tickets •
,1130 •
DO . 25 QU'arter do_ , 32 50
df_sl,ooo. ,
13 Drawn Nos. in each Paelutge of 26' Tickets.
For endowing Leesburg. Academy nod for other
as 3 , T0 6 for 1938:___
To be drawn at Alexandria, Yu. on' Saturday, tbo
, • 29111 of Sept„ 183 f. ,
oat n ; scis tx
C P,ITAL . $30,000;10,000, 5,000 2,1120 j, 100'prizes
of 1000, 50 of 300, 50"0f200,tc0. ska... • .
Tickets only „I,to—Halves sS4Quarteiis-$2 , 50, - ---
ert's of Packages of 26:Whole. TiOkels $l4O 00
do. , , 26 Half ' , 75„00
.Do.` -; do.. - 26-;,Quevter ;do ' 00.
finittit hod .Shisra or Certtgrites
of;Packagei In thealrove PlarificeilElebeines, will
reeOve the moat prompt att . enttnn,,an&an,official au
eouneOf en6/4'. tlealoihg lent iniinedintely 'atter it is
oveeto Ull. •wlito °Niel.: fron .tlet. %Add 1.614 -
; kep. - Aftlnagrrs '
• . - Washington City D. C.
• Atpnst• 28 C3B: - - •
. : The thb'se'riber; linvidifnrented &a. tie.
enitrelkrlqukslwils4...l3usiness,-repests all ~icr
nnSettled'aiToteits with; him; to pre cnt
thendiiirrodintply.thr 'tettle:titeitt; and, thoseOeti;this
hnnivin , ;':ltieniSolcisi indented by Note Other 4436,
144o,pske ..„•;,, •
• BictinSon f'orge ..ritin• • OS" .7 1:9381-7-4‘i... "
..Tilt ellociit
fo - tfrOcovitlitie'et.tiet.g•(if r;ottriii
'l!.onelicriL; oie•46Olijottstitatiii'#"tclioolii
inAtoidioto niiplipution to.llo'•l'tlii)v,i7:• ; •,:od.'
is• ST ;•‘,
• • )urer
,A • - Augttat 4 28; t • •
3' .1 :-: :••••\ ••• '1•1" . •;
PITALIC/ 4 VP ' ALLZ I 1 . :F i'
THERE will v e xposed . to, public stile, - at ,the
Court House . ; in Carlisle', On Saturday the 29th
Of Se,ptember, 1839, at ro'Olock, WM. •=• •' , .
-- •:• A . E.AL'kt ra -- .. •. • ' .
. 9' -
. .
-situate-in' on . the
Yellow Breeches creek, anti adjoining the town of.
Lisburn,centaining 12 . 5 I?..cresofex4llent inhalant],
- a fare portion, of which is meadow•on the creek:
The nnprotementa are—a goad . " - -
berets Water, in every 'field: The - land is all '
chaired.. • There will be sold with the _Farm fifteen
acres of, Woodlitud, , in Fairview township, York '
county, distant about. ti miles: 'Farms of able--$4OO
Wlien-the'-sale is riftide, - one half the "residue -on the
. .13t of April,•lB39; the balance in: three annual pay=
ments without interest.
• -
in tife'horetigh of CarliaCe, s'umtt`e ou`tfe coat title of
i Hanover strect„bounded by a lot of. John noble' on
the - South, by the devisecii of Henry , Shell, deceased,
iv-the-nortltrafid-hr-Htinoveman cot on-ithe-westv
I levying .thereon erected a 'l' wo Story_linusemul
huge" IVeittic~lionrtleB ship, cont:iinb:g 90 feetin
.front and .2 , lo,feet in depth, with the
- welt or ` ; atcs , ' fibout thirty fret from the kitchen doors'
-Terms caskiipatf•the - title being is :Kt - Ie.::: ',Possession
will be given onit4elst of - April - nekt. . :
The one undivided fifth-part of a .Tract of Laud in
Silver Springtownshi p, Curoberland county, bOunded
- gy-lands alConrod...Emmingcr- , Shelly's - lad
othersTcoiiiiiiiiing Fitly Acres of first rate Limestoue
Land, allig which is cleared except about four scree,
and under good !Voce. be: J
ing the interest pf John
Hogue , Whugh. Termacash, whent.he title is made.
•Piissessio.n will be given immediately.,
,The: first property is sold. by me an Executor 'of
Art.-eased. - The. aecond, as
Atprney-in-fact _'Thornton and. wife;,l
and the third as,' Attorney-in-fact for John Glean
Trustee for J, Hogue Waugh.
.- Carlisle, August 28, t 888.—ts. •
TWO FARMS,.iutioining ',each' other, one trn
tainin (inci fitintlred -find tighty A'cres,..antl-the
other One I Itintiretrantl' Sixty Acres, or tiv q .i i (ohy
, ol
Limestone Land.; in a peal state: nitriation- l'ltese
farms aro. Sktuatetl - on • the Letart piing, iit tritap
Middleton' towliship;„enntherlantl county, about I.a.
mites south of Carlisk, and within siccht of two 1104
rate, merchant mitt's on The -said spring. The im
proyements are—a . , ' . .
.. 9
_ 2, • • ~ . .
4t 1 1 . STOSEB.III. .zV,.
Li ii __. _ . _ .
' '.i 3 / 4 . „ . i„ •' - -
44, .-- ....7ii•i- WWI Other necessarAttilding,s:
A fiirther doScription is,mittecessary,as purchasers
will view premises and judge for themselves.
Possession wilt be given-on the first of April - next.
An indisputable title will he;given, For terms np
ply to the subscriber in Carlisle, Pa.
Augn42.8,1838.--•tf. • - . .
"i'Lle Lancaster !fernld & Examilier - will insert.
Alle_aboveiu-trurnotanatV., 7 ',;pndintrgethiS
ua d
ire „az - iv •Sdr.LE. --
WILL be sold at Public Sale; 'on. the premises
• on Friday the 12th :day of Qctober next, et
10 o'clock,A.: M., the following valuable Real
situate hi Monroe township, Cumberland Comity, eon
siblingof u tract of !list rate Liinestone Land, bounded
by lands of Henry Landis, Martinllraidlt, .Georati
Balsboughi - and others, containing 251' acres and 80
perches strict measure.. Having thereon. erected a
large two story •
' • lao.l3%lEc t
- wan A S•t Q' E KITCHEN
attached' thereto—a large. Switzer 13aro,\Waggo
Sheil,oCoii Cribs, and other •necessary out houses,
witir a fine - • •
• '
ssaV ID a.B . alis(graiWATEN
Consisting of - about 230 bearing ;Trees.. , -
. Theft, are-obi:suf. 1,70 acres of the AM . !' property
'cleared and ltsagood state of cult,i . vtittst; the badar re
is covered with liest.Vate tiniber,,of a vel7-thritly
kind. There Ast .atrost,.,.., stud never failing -.Spring
of \Votes' rising' , in the basement story 'of.the tlwel
ling house, Ott the premises: •
Those -who -may ~betlisposeil to make ii - pOlitable.
isiyestment in real„-estate , will sits, w ell to attend' the
sale, as the aboVe tract oelund is surpassed- lie none
in -Cumberland counts; itt. point of IVrtilitv of soil
and productiveness., ft
,lies mile of two
-merchatitmills r on Yellow 'Breeches Creidt., ' •
_-The terms'af-saletvill mode-16,0w. tho--doy
of stilg, :tint' due attendance given liv the subecribers.
• , " 11.f.."Killi NlOlllll,
.• • , ' •- • SAMUEL
caloncE musimx.,
the der?sees of.lleuri.ll:lllcr;We'd.
• :August-11% ' : • ' .
of I'lie ',.LatiCatce.VolkFfrestad" and , . f's tebnuoit
Courier" Nriii . pulilisslitheaboye till st.le,naufli price,
stud charge thisollice.... `'.. •-•
• .
ALL - • - •. 1 .141.F.1 PeRLIVA.•••
from the I:Wl:hers theAbllOwlng large assprobeni
of-New-Works: " ,f -
Polish'Orlilutn.L;..TWo Flirts, • . .
‘Homeward •litoUntl; ) by Cobrier.
!..n .r oostintotrovers—Auce,..or..t.ho .31vs
''Sfeve,, , s Travels in Egypt, Arabia,
Cromwellr-e Novel..
2 Ludy of L t yinis—a play Imßillwer..
nite,•l7,eiase--Chareolil,Sketchs. • .. •
The.lliver antl.Deterf; by.Mise - l'ariloe.' • ,
The iObbersi, by Jnv o e!s., , ,.. • •
Lelia; by Vollmer: • • • .
Adventures of a Boeholnt,' .
. State. Prisoneis- 7 d Novel,.
Oliver. Twist ; by ' • Ar•
• Sayings 'and Dologp 'of. SnaStiok, ' •
Lockinut's Llfeof, Scott cninplcte.
Lanlertino Vales - tine. ; ;':
Outward Doane- :
ll'oetry cif Travelliog;-b*-3itre . . - dili000:..: - ,' .-- ,.
llarton.or tllq.Seige' .I`.;li
Sketolics of a Young poly and': Gelitfemusq - .ky
- -: fiche
hook. : ' :‘ • ,
American Democrat 't",tlY•Coolier,
"- 1111(4•R9,-'--
1 .. 4. t_inripy itf tliceltiXe.o of pti.l i isle and As vieinty;
„,. :are inth"oltithit of Osiiing - I.4 . •Pciirliointi .. :iitul
I tho grounolkolihnot:}tott.therewithinntl;ntkioino tow
toong_fhem kmvp
,kqpck.o itt l,the nitplett; . ,c(r p 1 e, , ,,. 0,... eg ,
. palled thd p , .50 , 04,, nod' distueti :t Ito itdit.pBi.s nt . thOtt,
ittiontineionst 7 lho ; Ill i tots tutee this'lnotte:tf 'Ajotity
A l l, fi ltpurnoild, pult . .khe,3: - 4 11 . 1 0 ', ll .9t:,,iiiitiOnnY.l4lo4„
Itro po r ky. j i elotigito ., tnd . tott,httnynt, nor_minny . 11 r
'1,14311.:fe \vtil)lhe Ittmoto'4oi'd i!oot: tioliste 'Those
.4-110'qnitlinit';i1t6invelio§ 'riraiidrly 3 tinit lkdrtily):ii , olt
comalimi:kriiit, itto , 'Oto lifibblueOtzon‘ 91k xinet,cspcTi
)s.lknqaya,.pp:*:.l.4le.h.dityn,no ong,witiboictmico,..4. i i
j .
I -, , rpritollEirr.NTAlN.r. , _ ~-' -
, .., , DAVfIY,BMIIINGP-/a; "Pli . ittera,' .
t . ..-,. ~,,...ji4WAtills4.o.olsNlike. , - -1;:`, ,,,, q0.'
, ----.) • ...--.:- -':-34: - .Fisteaults;-?strvrayt.
. 4tit05t.:008.313:-',.it. - . _ .. ' . 19
iER:IIIE:Si_, -- rigi, ' •
I[I7.IIE.RtAS in and by an fact of the General As
enably of the CommOnwelth of penniyivani.
a, entitled," An act regulating the general elections
within this Commonwealth,',.Appr_oyed 'lsth day of
Ilebruary i -one?thousand - seven - lindrail - iiid7nioety,
nine, it is enjoined on the sheriff's of each eau* with.
in this vominvinwealth,' to.givelublie notice .ar 'such -
generul elections to he held an d, to enuraeratein such
notice, what officers are to he elected, ..
• • 1, JOHN MYERS,
High Sheriff-Of the county of Cumberlandi dothere
fore lieiidiy-,rtike.knoWn undgive this. .
• PII - 8.L,1V NOTICE_.
to the ejeCtors of the-coUnty:',OLCUrriberlaMl, -- iluitiiC
the second Xuesday.of October. next, (being the ninth
day of thiArtantlid a general election Will he held at several. eleetiori-distriets established" by law In
-said-county-411m atalthere - to - elect by ballet, viz:
ONE.MRSON, -Eor- Governor of the COMMOnl
wealth- of Pennsylynniii. - '. - - - , '
ONE PERSON,.-Por memlierof congress -of the
:United States from the 'district composed of 'Coin - dies
of Cumberland, lierryopd Janiatii. • .
~-T WO-PERSONST- T nepretenttliecoutit
beeland in the House of ItepreS&iWi - f
,-ONE-00-81AliSSIONERTfois - theetTuTity
berland, to servefor three. years,: -_
ONE — IiiRECTO4V - OP THEfiljOR and - of the
House of Employment. • . ,
ONE . i'ERSON; for' Auditor to settle the...public
accounts of the tountyComniiiSionere,lSi.c.. -- • _
Andin,-and-by intact-or the gcneittl - aSsembfy ,
thisCornmenwealth,approvetftho - 17thdif}}ilartitiefireeliT -----
1801, it is directed that the inspectors of the saidgen-
ceal elections shall be chosen by ballot On .
next-pr '''ecedingt heist - TueStlify in - Oct:Ober (being the --
27th day of September-iieXt)_attel,usuaLplacesq of -
holding township elections,to he held by the teepee- - ,
the constables who art 'required to give at.least ofie
week's-public notice of such el ecti oti 2 and the said Cons- -
tables in-each township shall , be assisted by .two
fled citizens, chosen b y suChr:citizens - qualified to
vote as shall be there „present: And. in case of
the necessary refusal, deatlfer absence of a cc:nisi:dile, -
his duties-are to be perforined by the supervisors of: --
therespective wwnships, ward or district..
Artirtheinspi:c . torS chosen are required by aid net '•
to beat their proper election diStricts-on the •day- of
the general election `aforesaid atnine o'clock In the
morningdo /Maud perforin the duties - enjoined ontlieno
the r returnjadges of
nieet at the Court house in , the
of Carlisle, on the Friday nextafter the !hi -
'Tuesday in Oetobernext;themi' thereto pikelorin
those_things . rewired oft lienthxtlie.afor(..saidtice.„
" - AO in and by-afiaef of asseinbli'ap
proved - 2d - Of:April,. 1821 - -
St:vrtott.-14. , lie it enacted - 1;y the Senata.and
goose of li'tprexrutiitires of the Commonwealth .of
Penniglronia Generat - vAsembty ma;, mid it
hereby entieted by the atithoiity of the mune,Thut the - -
several qualified electors who qiall vote at anytge(neral '
or spfcial election within - this Cominonwealth shall.
give to to Oa:inspector' of Such election, seperate tick- .
ets for'efich statten_oriCiffice-votcd- for, (which ticket--
shall contain no more-than the proper. number of
but nnticket „shall be. rejected by the Judges
of the elections in cotinting . of - the votes, should The
same Contain fewer Ames than the - proper number,
those for sheriffs and coroners excepted. -
-- (Scr - r. -- 20, -- Zuf be t enacted h,lj the authority afore
mad, That it shall be ihe duty of the sheriff or coroner ; •
as the case may be; of each end every county within
-this Commonwealth, to give public notice at the same -
time and place and-in tine same manner and under the,.
of any general, or speCial election, that every -. person
who shall hold any office or appolntinentof profit of
trust under' the - :Goveriertent Of The . United States, '
whether a - commissioned officer or otherwise, a sub
ordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
undor the Lhrislative, Executive orjtaliciary Depart
ments of the United States / 1111(1.0s° that every mem
ber of Congress is.ffy, law , incapable of . holding or ex
ercising at the same. the office or appointment of.
Judge, inspector or Clerket any election in this State. . -
And is and by an act of the general assembly of this .
Commonwealth, apprOyed the Lixtecoth tiny of April,
.That, the following . described holm
dories, being phrt of - Allen toWnshtp, Ctiniberland -
county, to witt , beginingat'a - pointlit - the - centre - of the -7- '"
great road leading 'Brook's tom, where the line of,
the New Cumberland election district , crosseil - the
same, thence in a direct line to the Menonisetnmeet- •
log heeSe, ( the tonne of Martin's meeting
house-,) thence in dab:ea - line to the house of Henry
Lonp,mecher, -thence to Jacolilaraggoners's,'near to
the Yellow Breeches creek,: So nit-to include Long- •
beeker and James Dunlop, thence down the:said creek
to the line of the „New. Cumberland disttlictotear to..
Joseph" Best'S farm thencee-along the line of said.dis
trict_to the Voce - of beginning, and . the sante is •
hereby erected into a separate 'election xlistrict;and"
the nuolifiecl clectorS thereioplaill hereafter hold their
general elections at thehouse now Owned or occupied. :
by-Teter 'McCann in - the town of 'LiSlittrn:in said
Civen'under my'hand and sapl pt the. 511014'4.01-
lice, at Carlisle, nntl, dated September, in the vear of
our Lord one thousand eight' hundred- and.. - thirty,
eight. Mal sixty-second year pf the, Independence of .
the-United States of Aturrica.
JOHN , AIYERS; Sheriff:
, •
Or'etet.:? te .
, Sept: . ' -.- • •
. •
.4 1T ;rEarr,.p.i.s,t h e-J Q M:iverhiiin to prop* . Amend
'V latenta'ftt.theTolsnatitntion; lityn nireed upon
sundry. amendments:to be subMittedlo the neople of
Aids Conamonarealth for their ratification or' Hiection.
'Now thera* in:lnirettunce of.the provisionaln such
case Made in Intl Ify•o it act of the Generitl Assembly,
'eased:the 2.9 th tiny of c .tihreti, A. D. 4836, tuid-oftut
r t iordy glyrelihrtutd - cumetedon. •
014'447i - 8 7f r . - -
That an itlectioh - Willlie - held:in - the - heyereteleetion
I '4o l "fk ij'tte' r ie h l4`e t t ilii ;4 t tVeaEr fßouit.
limiting the elections of theeammenwehith)
1-fOr the retificatien or rejection of. the said. Amend
ments to the Qoustitetion.f. l'lte Judges nod
said election 'ire required to irielie tickets -
either, printed' or 4irtien ',froreciti tens qualified to•
'rote, and to.Aloposii them - in boxes,to be for
thittlomposeltre . rithid by the 'propei offieers,:whreh,
tickrts shall hefithellcd on the outside "amendnienta,"
Anil these iilro a favorable to thd nredudinento_nmy
theatre : by '
ten ticise,t;ur .4110t , ciontai mug Abe • worcN "Vol. the'
.oiie!.(!teolie,r anti those - Who! ere ; ennotiod,.M. such
iirritndioefiti - , May 'eifttaipi thete'opnosition ritittg . .
esitti:e.cnrioted.Jar -Written ticket,or ballot containing
the' %Orli* "Aghlust AtatimentlrectAti.r.•
iien..tintlorttly. hand Und feel tit datdiste,. the. "$d
thi'Y orBittendiee,'llkhe 'roarer our tord;ime thee-
Sinid , eight, hundred .attd:thirtyaelght,..und;theldxty-'
e,hiqlltiO of theleklependenicepftlie,,UnitedlAttttPl
tOliNfiatti2§ 4. Stlkr
fni OM C.(); Cir1,100;1 , -
-- 'dti ANB , '',COVirr? 1:$ - AtEt t '
etimbetio,o , cciiiiity; itie'
L tbiti
- 14 - Fiatudfilt
;# , Loriar Chi a4ti 1 ,
rIUCOI3 I % - ri . ;:efer:: W r-T rAilat - .14 - 1 141
it 4' gi . c7 6 l ,? •
: t pirvi r ! !, 0 r o ,
fl , _(,,co , ;l.l,lthtivr, Alain ; Street, Oturete4i4o-,..'
3. l .liiiot.ilteot,y• (Ikt : tr . :twin
'Perm'sortrett:.; ttio, tittrohjiselnr
-11i6 -
I;•ear ytkerpittlci,' without: Interebt,'-ttv"lkfOil . .o l 4W.
,tittpancist boiat), • , •
Posses)ottr* - 1111•Ity - glictit34 . - ....0101%,'
itiatititivr info;
.• JOll - I,'ST . Eiiickar; •
• 1 , ,,L1Z - ABETI - 1 - ,STON,..p;!xoyiroi7." -- ,.' ---
iSciitiirilier: 438,. : • •
- 4