Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 07, 1838, Image 4

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PO'E T R Y.& ,
- -
„ e
--, 1 V
a t -- =DAY"tp
_ va-t4
4 . 5
AVith-swect2st 1 1 .1cfcra each:lt'd.
From various garlic:o call l / 4 1 with care."
Pri;iti the, Dalthwv - 9 -Whig
. •
' • In"by pers,n, .
• 13eauty,.sinimetry,,eler,ance., and ease ,
Are all corabiped,a ri . o4e Biotite, .
°7 • queenly bearing;'attrar.esllieeycl,
t . ititi.A4oo
• •
ariajestf.;tit tholtalititits rethiNi
Those iii I arehid eye-brotss,of deg pest black;
enciitlishiclibeamS in laugliiug dirdMicity;
Those Matchless eyathut in reverie recline. .7
With' such modest loveliness; as cloth' see
• The midde,M angelic.modesti;__:__'
But animatod,. flash with such brightness''" -
ACivouldPotiO`blush the* 0'4.0414. .7 4 - 4
Ofthe,rderning 'Then those ruhY_checks,
with the liitely !mei oftlie ripe , •
luxttrious peach, so deiielte,Yei'
'Supremely beautiful. To viu midi the
Come th . ose cnrlingliPs—the nectar of a. •
,Tlieuiainl flowers with profusion JaVislied
Could not compare lyith one sweet impress ' •
Ora' virgin kiss 7 —one rootinuett Smile
. .
• 333t1i so lieswiteliinqly play upon them,
That:readers irresistable those modest Charms:--!.--
. - • • To: be Seen Ts:to beloved.; • Coriles then tlie
• Dimplechin of nice proportions, to complete
The picture, true, tonature, as words can -• :
• 4,„.tiritw it 7 -nor less, nor more, in form orgrace,
`llasthtis prerasely lavished all her. Store •
Of loveliest).irdportions.
t-iren;st tough the arrow drove;
She fcll;:transaxed in death. and .warnfin gere;-
The elmidrr:al the sang. that:v:9l;e the grave,
'greeted,r.thriiiii;?s ray', "%than o'er
_Tlict•shatlew'ed fields its rosy thein did pour,
DisplUeing fflnem. übw thiit lay is sung;
Its 'eltarth eNtinßui shed; and the.grove no there
. ...Itcspouds 1.3 meledy'--per ih.there raiigne • .
woodland, that.b.thuMt:'s store
Can pny such melting tribute; and ottani •
L0t4,1 oftidr, so sweaty as did the; '.•
• iTev.-latighishig to di&—tenever sear
sing. zigaitif _ 0111__Lenizitly,'eeP for.thee,
And dn'tili ruthless mth•derer rerjuitinzjus - tiee See.
ern ' appePi in -- a
dry goe'ds store, situated irl'a s sindll
_ .
an old lady from the country Caine in. She:
purch SerraUM - atilt
• at length observing a - ,neatly - painted - and
varnished. bellows hanging by a post,'. she
enquired What it waa. The clerk perceiv
- ingthat the old-ladrwas •rather- ignorant,-
. and being soinethinT cfa wag. informed her .
that it Was a pew fashioned fan which he
• had lately received fro:a the East, at the
same time taking the bellows' down and
puffing with it in :hie hag, told her that
• was the mode of operation.. The old lady
- . repeated the opprAtion,on herself, and was
so delighted with' the neWfan, that She pur
chased it forthwith, and departed. • .
On the next - day our inforniant, the Min
,Listey, Jidstan__ahm2inppent to' preach at a
schoolhouse in the neigliTiOiiitg
-The congregation, being, assembled, while
theininister was in the act ofreading the
hymn,`' who should 'pop in but the old
woman with her neiv fashioned. an; and
' . having taken her
,seat, iminediately 'cam
menced -piffling away in good earnest. The
congregation knew - not what to'rnake of it
-some' smiled, and some looked astonish
ed;-but theludierots preVailed - oifer every
thing Olie, and to such an extent, that the
minister himself was obliged to .stop read-
ing, hand the book to his brother in
the desk. After the usual preliminary ser
vices, he.fose to' t preach, but•there sattons
picously :the old' lady.. with the hellotirs
-front, a hand hold-of each handle, the. nose. i
- 1 , --turned Alp - tow ards -herlace,-and w ith - rn uch
self-complatencyhmfrtng the-gentle breeze
into her:face. What - 6 do or how toPro
..! teed_lie_knew:mot, for s ,he could not cast his
--. ‘iyes Over the.Cangiegation_witlidutmeeting
. with she., old lady. ' length summoning
resolontiOn,-and trying.iii.feelthe. solemnify
-1-le.finishished his discourse, but it cost
him Moeffortthan any before - or since:—
O. /bunt ' V ernonk Watchman. - •
LIFE TOO siloier,..iitf WASTED.—PIiny
makes a striking computation in regard to
the shertness of life.: never recall it with
out,being,Poiverfully'iMpressed by its truth;
"Coniider,", he says "the time • spent in
• - sleep - , - and" - you''ivill find that a, man only
lives half his, space. The other, half pas
into account the -infancy, which.
are destitute '"Of teas - 0140:1r , longivity
which-is:second childishileis.—The scene
grow diili, the limbS.are . racketi, the'sight,.
the 'hearing;_ihe__power._ .. the
teeth also 'dies hefoie„:"us i and, yet- all.: this
' • time is reckoned in th6'Periud of a Ore."—
But,_ short, as - lifeii,',attlie hest,
complain iiS'bre'Vity let ,thein,
without tO'.seizc and make- the
most ; How truch,
(16.!‘ire;ivasie'iiii`,indacisinn, in vain re-:
greth, sive lopls an, angroun e• ears.
What a vast`,'portidn at - oar freiiiia ,
, ,tances
..11 7 1T 8, e'd ..Inerp: 2l ?ai i ingsvaiting
. forpenietliing
,that seams necessary, for 'our
hap pineco, and the welf..9l'*hich'preyents
eitj4ink tliesp-resentliAiEtt--;
ZS o wlttpli 'PH TIFSITIN - PLA,§ll,4lt
• ." ±e
/4' al ft) Ife,,,E , t" ion) .
_,esou!p of, the .
Poiter*ly tfpoit'dib orG ov
«\en t tai hat",the'Sr oppeeod .
, 8 1 3 ye e ..pitraer . lts thil;ianks.Th
e •peO ,
thlt-all, mew e: , end, cry
,of the 'lobo: , foeoe
ke,•4' . .piertrehmlne'v anO'thdt'th6y
la es i their Silinpk4stet nio ney to' be,`Car
oi,.by yrefeteAce . "dold
spA eilver.-4nctistere ITnio2l,
IiNEVIi•SIiCIAVAINIA 3 SS: •- • • • - - `'• •••
•it a4 ". , 4, - •In` the nam 0.. and •• by. the ~ autlibrity .the' Common- .
wealth of. PeritiOtaniti ) . • Y .
7 • 13 Y E
,• CO VONOR OF SAID' pOlll2llONkO ra. •
• • • . • A','Prociamationi • •-.' •
The . .period has arri've&When the series„ fArnsfortunes , Produced'hy thetnitiriousl . ~
interference of the Stational
. Greverninent with, : the ,(nitency.Of the,CpuntrY'is about__
to tel Congress !having sarictionint:the•attemptAdgive to the
• Federal Executive the entirettontrol9f the ISTaticinal;Wealth,.:a4o(the.whole:aiiiinnit.
df specie in the country, and the :consequent pOwer. to affect aril wield its own 'pour ,
p0§013: all. the *capital. and credit of , the . I.lriion';':and„hairing.alsd imposed . Certain salute, ,
ry.restrictioas on - Somuch of
. t.his power as had):men' already:arrogated, it isinciant.;. •
beat on the rommonyealtli.or Pennsylvania to 'put forth her strength, to einakeklier
dormant -energise .
take . thht :.e tand:the ..,traile -ainFobitimerce . .of 'thelJnion,
which her unbounded resources, her; vast naturali..and,artifiCial facilities_ for •their de
v e lop e mit, Find theßolid. o lid eitergetieellataCteibf'.'her;'eitiiielii`ileati4fdT7fOlepriiii •
her of which stand, ali the measures of i the NationikGOierrirrient'haire.'reeentlY.'tended, .
'For the production of this . Most desirable restilti. , the, measure first requisite Is,
that an end be plitto,- certain - openiitfractions. al:the apirit, -. er:the,l„4hieh--lialie--
been forced . upoiLus-,byAhd•tiverbeatinilieeiiiiiies . of . the times, and tniestore . credit
.-and . the: currency to the firmbasis on which they "stood, before their 'We derangentent
- was aismecessatily'brought - tipon the people., -. • • , - 7 '
t . 1, - . therefore; hyvirtue of that enjoinment of the Cenititution which requiresthe
GOvernor:Cit the . gtate to take care that' the laWs . lie'laitlifullfeitiCuted;andliii the
,purposes.aforesaid,,4o•hereby require that ,all the - .Banks'in this Conlmonioealth; on ..
_ kloWthe thirteenth,. day of 4uguStnext ensuing••fite. daielaerebf, to :resume and
continue the-redemptiOn - of - iheir - re - skeeliern - Ortsibilttnnd - Oiket obligntton itrooLD.
.and - auxin cOiy,. according to'lU .
true:intent and meaning oftheir charters y And,,
for the purpose of aiding those institutions in the laudable object,'l deeMit proper to
-state, from the informatien- 1. have. obtained, _that theifisolveneymigeneral_conditioiv_
- is such'as-to entitle.theni to the confidence: Ail' all • wholitaldtheir notes,:their amount
of specie on hand-being- greatly., inereaSed; and of tiOtes in circulation . diminished;.
since the. suspension of 'specie payments in May; .1647, .
While it is thus cheerfully announced . that 7 the - mearni: . otthe• 'Banks and aniple;
and their:eoricluctl_tas been, thrmighout the late t.iying'erisis,generally . sitch . as to sus:.
tarn our already ;high character for punctuality, heitesty - iand solvency;'inairitain'nnd'
even increase our trade, -keep up thejalue of property, and prevent the -State from
--beciniiing - Ttlie-theatre-olipanic-cr - disiressl - yet - rshall - fetil - bomul - , -- hrduty - talholitiblie, -
. to take all means in my power to compel a rettirit - to that . agency and.tesponaibility to.
their' creditorslor-Avliielitheyweresreated.i. : 4;:howayer,ia,returOeliromptly.and. :
:TaitliftillYiilaa (Mat line of duty: jlieTlaWS:iintl,:ttijihe . . - public - from •which :they
haVe been eihni)elled to depart, the occurrences of the past year Will only be recorded .
'n'tur-history,as--another-instanCe-of-the-perfectulaptation-Of - republiCarirlitstittitionfi- . '
to' the demands of every coinmon' and overruling neeessity •
. being bowed by.ginerai.ecinAdnt; becomes for the time the law of th - e - land, But_
to justify suchnecessity,,' and tO • prevent.future evil front initteceashry4d
currenee or continuance, it is indispensably-.requisite, requisite. that the instant . ther.preSh •
- sure of circumstances Which produced" .it ceases,the empire of the express and oral
nary.' la* of. the land should be ye - Stored. ..A.cecidingly; if im the Otherliand - a return
to.general and- real •redtTniptien iii specie, and a Withdrawal of paper, money .
from eirculation,Ald hot now. take'place, - Wheri - adniit.thatiit,may, with safety and:
public benefit, I shall hold it my
.duly, forthwith to lake all - the' measures-to compel
it, wkicktlie:cons4itutionand - : laws have plaVeil„in my power_;: and• at the opening
,the" next session ofthe".legislature, to recommend •the-passage - qf such laws. as
.vay ?..ore eft:equally guard the figure-from-the-evils of the past, -
Mid further; for the: purposes and by vietne-of ,the-enjointrient aforesiid,-Vdo
. .alsA hereby require , all -persons . dies corporato, who'rnay. have yiolated. the; laws
of this State,lby the emission and•circulation of :notes of any deneMinatioir under that
of tiro - to: take instant - measures for the
- .full.andlonestie:deniption_iii the same,: in. gold - =:and airver'eitiinf-cif.'oltothet7airiPie
-equivalent - as shall-be satisfactory:to-thebolders -thereof, -tinder...pain of the-penalties-: ,
provided - in such cases, which penalties,'if this notice be not compliba. with in. a rea4
.sonable time, it will be the-duty of all good:citizens to enforce. • *-
•• Should this - requirement be fully and' promptly, complied-with, the- Common
- wealth will be restored- to that sound currency Which she possessed. before the suspen
sion, viz: One composed - of gold and silver for all soma:under, and - of notes instantly.
convertible into 'specie for all sums of •and over, five dollars,. Thd result of the at , the currency_ will then l . that Ad. only • pegper issues :in
circulation.ANV NOT the
.In communicating thus publicly-with my.fellow citizens on this most importantand
interesting matter, I - WOuld respectfully hi - id - earnestly satto nll,.be firm and cool in
the emergency. •Trust in the laws, have .confidence in the institutions, and sustain -
the high - crelli,t.,and - character of your, glorious-,Commonwealth. YOu have borne
yourselves through the 'Crisis nobly and honorably: , You:have coine . almeatuninjured
out of the trial. Make One more 'cairn and steady . effort and.-all will .be well. The
forbearance and determination heretofore exhibited have been such as .to reflect credit •
- upon - the - Statc, -- whileit - hai - strengthene - d -- the - hands and cheered - the hearts of your
public agents in the performance of duties Of no ordinary difficulty. Contraating; as
- ialittityrallydoneethe-feelings-snd ,- ..hoPes , - - eonneeted7.with-ithis , sttempt-te:,idthe:re---:
sumptiOn, with those whiclvaniinnted me wheri.l addressed my-felloW citizens on the
subjetht of the suspensiori..of specie 'payment ? I cannon but - rejoice; at the difference..
We were then entering-upon a new and 'untried course of action whose -happy termi
nation was only matter of hope. We are, now at the conclusion, of our doubts and
fears, and,. with the blessing - df Providence on the exertion : of oufmoderatiomand
-thistry,.about to return idniir usual confidence andprosperity. , • .
- Given tinder my hand and the great seaLof the State, at.Harrishurg; thig tenth'
day of July, in the year of our Lard one thousand eight hundred and thirty
-eight; and-of the-Coranionwealth the sixty-third,. •
Secr'y of the s Commonwealtli.
• ,
J. r. 13
a-memorabl •
lesson to all who are disposed to take-the
vengeance of the laW into theft' own:lipids.
- The atrocious. practice of,'Plynehing"-
serves tp be , stamped.with the .. indignation
of then and= the wrath of: Gbd.L. Every ac
tor in the' tragedy ,, Tat 'Kosciusko
ihOuld gat once be driven forth, an,exile froth
society and all , its sympathies ,----Lottisoille
. .
A few, days 'ago, a sum of
,money was
'stolen near Kasciusko, - ..Mississippi., A
black, girl, who professed to know all about
the circumstances, charged a respedtable
white person, with being • the thief. Upon
her testimony the . citizens seized him; tied
him to a tree: and "lyuched" hint With ex-.
treme severity. • Ekupng 'the, : c!peratiOn a .
man named Parker. stood looking 'on'and
etclaimin...Gike t tstaini I 110 . haii the
money! - 11e.iet liethief•aprtiVill Soon eon ,
.fessir The lyitolierefoundi however,, after
nearly killing •theiiitictiiriithat . he Would
not confess any he Waiat length .
released, torn; bleedingilndnnableoto stand.
A few . lin* afierwardti siispieion began to
rest upon „who 'on. being
.tied to theairie r 4red,,.rdriied. out "./..hdee
the money."' The • w here 'sit in : woe fotiiid
in his Jpossessizi
_aed.that of 4he'Weneh,Lon
_whose false. testinfolly, the, innocent man
had been so mutilated: •
'A,rotris REQUT4ST.--Tlii editOr, ottke
St:. Louis Bulidtiik, makes -ƒh
i \
Pc Will piezeiitiernan Nviio botrolirisfi,our
pocket liandkertipiefi ' tvith4lit.
his noise, j *lLo4.l',4:Y.j",.
• -•--- •
.r.o4ap#ngll walking
ifinothe) .-: yesterdayofflake,"##:fcill!rlnetil"i'
q to g 6 sounds
-"What's, your eggs a dperi 3 Ourm?!..",
paia. an Old tdi , Yrnilik , (
ratner - ug Au .youx.4..price- r ninupopect Au
enough for 00.. 1 •'• 5001f..4i ,- ,i314 :
hunk Toy..arp - rriaY`think so; but tAysti.
would'ut lay eggsfor a 'eetit alpikee,
I know!"—Bangor Couriet °
ii t .4. : ,:,
::Grossness and ViArtiri4p—ln order to
show how Mr. BOND'S speech lids stung to
the Auickt how perfeCtly furious it has made
the partizans of .paireri•low_ bitable, to an
swer of power; how
_unable .ta answer its
facts,. they resort to abuse—and; also, to
show, the - style and manner of the Glo be--=
the Offcial journal of the Administration--
atal What 'soft Of - Sniff its readers: die e6 i ri
paled to miallow, the extractthu following
, • Bond is very ` make of a great
dull frog, end not bigger .than one of
species, in 13rObdignag;.whence We would
SuppoSe he eame, from his , power of exag
geration. His rotundity of body is togged
round with spradlinglegs, half length arms,
t'oje brig, tinout.:' and
. oys: thrust-
‘iindy , tiiniipi• painted hirri out to the onpo;
sitiati as the very creature to Bello~ blood
NOW, in 'addition. to the fact :that this
_paragraph. ;appears-4 tt-ilie-'lead mg -- d i
- artical - of - n - nowspaper-that-is-recognized-hy.
the Xdnairnstration as ita "official journal,"
and that it reflects; tlie. tone and!temper
the Adminiistrationi .a fant .itieif sitili;
elpntly disgraceful; 'it is to be recollected,
Who the, editor of. the fiver is, and What
mariner:of man=-lni7bOsars , - to 'br4--hiho
makei the : above , pershimfrefieciiimakr.
,Mr. Bondi though-not- very-hands.,
'an=henoel,:`representativet'and. with 4,
der, ; sincerity and integrity i and 'health,- am
contentment in ,featuresand appearance,
hot ererf , aiii: Who_
atiaits him that 'Can •say' ; the
the first mirroi:iheypass Will tell 'them, if
they, would onlylook at' their own
. •
. .
~ 'c,s,7
,„,nlys WWI •• f lay-
ivto..- , , ~,,,, Inlay CI
O iidLE"
' , L i,
.triefii, gave /lOW* t, _iiii,a,rin;liiiis;-.7 ,
.01 ~
... t o o k of „ Cep,„,,,, •• atergaelone,,
itig-ou a -•
haise'a fow , w , , b. Jhaci
Pure - •11'10)7' :•-•
1 / a ve °"
' Cry abundant'. and llls'iAi l Sen - ,' i
ty`th*/*l'lar9l;el-clieap:-4.7iii'' • °..:,,,,,.:- `. 1
e b 11 ! 3 ,
• ,
..,..-4.4.6:+..Y.Y"' drunk-. "at
- -:,, 6 f A
~ ' , 1 % „,, r e r e-; ~ L
t itif e ` T'.. following:"`o"''.lthinat::-
Charleston;e,`g; 9.9i''',ll,er.Ati-- 'of "our. 4, ,e.ack
h Latiil36-'217//'l3•l"'%a ciAleetars ,
77 1 e , ~ , • gathers-a , , it,- lia:
'4'' the,loldOM , fa frontisP ee ,
Ml4llionr, v.„-natUre`,. ti . to give beautY
; merit i v he Great -11 'ius
played '-, c
to. his works.
. ym
/. l avingreentlY„retureed .from • Philadelphia and
TION to my Former Stock, I beg , leave to offer to the.
citizens of. Carlisle and the Public generally, ~-
00.5iRrNn.g . ,.0 , eggi7ti:ac in
„the Ortigline I
Aym,,,cutsfipso of Nvliot.nsAtz or:Rwrilipaldtlin ?ores)
ppasi* 'a t4 :' , :Phynicitins=-countrY Store Is.'eepers:-
1 ullers:o4 'pkilei:s, feSpectlitlly.invite.dio give me
C•tralll-tit the Oltl•soiii en East
• •'• ' ELLIOTT.
Carlisle; May 28,.18j8, 27
TAIJ - ,iNG.
1111-1/01KPUI, past Favors, hereby informs the
A. public that 4e, still continues to otirry" bn the ti;
„ • hove mentioned business, in
West tlreet Carligte
9 9
a few doors weiT the Post Office, and directly, op
pbeite the book store of 7: Lbudon - , where he is pre
pared to accommodate all who_may favor-him with
their custom, in.the most neat manner, and at reason
able prices , fly strict attention to bUsiness and an
barnest desire to please, he.hopes to receive a liberal
share of public patronage. . ,
! S.—The latest - citylashions - will be constantly:
followed up. ,
.• ' sopigg of
, .
constantly kept on hand, and for sale on reasonable
terms. • -
June is, 1838.—1 f 20
:''.3V . W . ,,0;; vitivi4.4
THE •Aubaerihers ltaVe just received in addition to
. their former stock, a landsome aplortrnent of ~
...vvhielk...atakea-the .,ry.. , gpod",_and
will be solder y low.. They Most retpeetfully-solicit
khe.public to give them a call. ,
P. S.—Country produce wallbe taken in exchange
.-- &l.). - K. MUNDERLICH & CO.
Shippe6ebttrg„.J.nne_kll3.s: • „
.• •‘ 11.400 K vr. Tugs.
The sUbscriber laving relinquishetrthe Mercantile
business sad desirous'Of clOsinghis Unsettled accounts;
hi he intends leaving Shippensburg, begs leave to Vail
the attention of those•who hare unsettled accounts to
call and settle - therir;anthere - stlinciaufurtlier-indul-
Renee given after the first of Atigust, as nli accounts
that are not settled-by-that tlate-sliall-be-plated in the
hands or Magistrate for collectiou',without .respect
to persons. - ••• . • THOMAS "MIMES.
Shippensbuii,.Jtine . . •
-• -MOTEL. ._ . _
Stiett, if fern 'doors .
_east - of the-,
• •••' Court Ilbuse,.. - •
• .
• ' ARLISL.t;
The subscriber' haiing leased the' above nained•
_catabliihmentframikir. ISSitioto ,Wwulerlicb, and hay
.now_enabled to accomrnodatetravelletwandothers tn:l
a style that will not fail to please those who may favor
Aim with a call.
, . .
IMRE B-4.11 - AND — VELLAR -
wiLreceive his special 'attention. 'These will . be'
kept - Constantly - Provided with the beSt - ofI.IQCORS.
• ' •
. •
will at all times be abundantly supplied with all the
delicacies AV hick- the-season and .market can afford;
and no, exertions will be wanting to.pleaszake palate.
of the niost fastidious.
are commodious and secure, and a careful and Wen
tire hostler will be always in attendance. • I
BOARDERS will betaken by the week, month or
year, on the mqst reasonable terms.
A strict attention to buSiness,and an anxious desire
to pleate, - . Will, he - trusts, ensure him a reasonable
share of public patronage, , .
JAC . CULItE R A R - 7 - 1
'at'.lllle; April !.. , 3; 1336.- 7 41.
—,N..11-up,. above establishment,
at 6 and 11 o'clock, A.M. and it - i/aPaY OICIOCE, P.
By the subscriber at Bosserman'S Mill, in Frank
ford township. •
300 BUSHELS .OIL MEAL, • •.•
Which will be sold chenp for Cash, or given in cx;
eltan'ge for Flaxseed.; for which - article the highest
reioeswill at all.times be allowed: , • .
July 3, 1838.-3 w.
Vizet'l?eceived at the. Stoq
. 4.ItIOLD & id.; ,
. ,
Anothee sup p ly of 4-4 and 6-4 India Mattin ; also
a very .saprlor_article Figured-Mattink, all 0-
which they' offer at a Small advance. . •
May 14. 24
. .
H NE a tome-assortment of Irish, Table,Towhog,
null - fl4Tan
ble Dial)fr r __ALyorriutlelior_ar4olOf4- - 4-7.441-444.-
12,41Germa" n and
offer. 4holosale or retail tiaornraonly low for east."
18,j01 • • .
_ .
Lead - arid Lilit gc;onnd Mouslin De Laines,
, Extracted,Ginglutins,
• • .Chilitzei and, Chatty Iddum (a new nrOele,)
it intle,bk : • • • ARNOLD. & CO.'
I FoAiny , '
*— • --- ARNOLD St - CO.,
'Have just rieccived several. Bales of 4leckiligNi4AllB
- Checks'and - n 1 :0 6 70 1 : 6 414. 101Conl
zikiiionly low fo r cash. • ' .• • , •
• - • -• St
.I)VE*rt}t l r
I:ogwood qhip edantlgcound,
NiciirogusiWood,,. Couhineai, •."
Leo Dye,
• Fuetio, - 'Oil of .Vitrol,
Madder . Nitrous Acid,_, ,
Just received And for sale,vhsikstilii or fetail,
If eariotis Teetli . tui Tirtiperl3' . heated at a
eayy~:.may:be mak„b_entirely.
arrested:l 7: H.' KNAPP,'Denta/ Surgeon,
N:W.,Cornar or cdaolea & Fayette ets, , ,JalOntere ,
May'2B. ' :2s,
sorr SIEELIA ,4i141110M10 1 - and
Filberts fcir ale .by •
litttSr, • '
, . , ,
I?AzimlX.Bl' •- • ""
•f , • • • ' • 11 4i 1 ilITZ: •
- • -
ry'ON.4 - .004 4 .1At4 for sale
. .4% .AB . A
• IN,l.lN.lll'CABE.continne to ire'netio''lnid for.
.1 1 / 4 ird , goods and 'prodace by rail injul to Phil
elpliiitirll , - - r - , til•-• . ••I'.; •; - • t ••,' ' .. . • .
• I Af4triaburg,Jima 11 - 1858 .., . , ....
C oth, tops aid . 'Falm . -1e4.11a4 for salel)y
Z - * - :-4) - ..4 - '04'46..i'"4;1. - 11 ,
. , .
- ;...4 1 . 4 ,:garir.,P14 1 .4 . 2.ga1k..
51 „::,
114_7,.:,.:,8i. , ....r.,',4,-721.•: - .. E:4l
- •
, ,•.,
• . „.
Zit,a l ß l B2 o WW2 aIBZ
ETURNS his sincere thanks to• the citizetisLo
Cat Wale and its vicinity; tor' the liberal patronage
which has ;been bestowed 'upon. him, and solicits a
,conthitianee of the same. t- His shop is now situated in
• sl it h :s cet,
adjoining the Drug toree.'f 'Sanwa Elliott on. the
-east, and John H.'Weiiver & Ce's. store on the West;
*here lie constantly keen hand a large asscirt
. . •;:, r,nentotTostsitifnable
riir :and Hats;: -_
Beaver, HOl.ter; • iVutiid; - Musk:-
" • r
iat) , Plaid Russia itizit : firpsh
• 41, a‘-'..
. ,
of his own_nninufaCturini,which he wilLtlisPose
of at low pricns.- • • . ' .•
He Ilatters - hirnielf that, by strict attention to.busi
ndes-and a disposition to please, to merit and receive
a share of public . patronage, , . - •
N..p.. Military `yaps will be manufactured to orde,
on reasonable terms: . ' -• •
Carliale,A*ll tfk:.- , '''''
.:For-trial at August term_ , 1838._
istWeek'eommenekng on thel3tlt August, 1898.,
bunean roil iisO, - Moore'S a - 111111 , dg,
Crawford; . Ala. MGlaughlin,
Kellen: • - ve.
Wise-for use , va. Cronister's adm'rs.
'• vs. Finley , .
Gray , . vs.. 'Wilson
Chtireli • vs: - Cart -
' - Bredin
- • • Mooreet
ConimOntieidth - ••
of..Cazin"3-foi• Marcel - vluglist.
Week comrnenciAlo.ll.Augusf r -1-831
vs.- -Crawford . ' • •
_Same _
-Vsi Picking, . '•
Vs. _Trimble .- •
vs.. .Patton • -
vs, Sheller et al.
vs. Matthews '
;tie: , Blnck •.. :
Sturgid. - '
Le singer •
vs. Alartiu'et al .
vs. A. :Vault . . •
, Kauffman •
vs.. Menu - -
'vs.' Bitzer • :
vs. Brandt . . - -.•
S wigert -
Givin for use
Lyon et pl. •
Cliristleb for 'use
Commonwealth -
Same • -
Kennedy •
Bail Bead
Brandt et al
Baldwin, .
nail Bead --
*sea. -:. -, VB. DySerVS St dra'rs.
Hursh - - . - vs. Smith '
Lane's•admini itratot4 vs. Harpet et at ------.
McCormick ass: - 'vs.. Longnecker et al
Cc!inmanwealth,for use pa. —llarpei• et al :..,
Montoe ' • :vs. GreyWadm'rs.'
Rime!' tntlee. - • -Pa. Harper
Cm-other's' mot: Vs: Moote
- .
Leeper . , ' pt.. Herren et al
'Bennett • '' ' - *vs. -- Ilenfian and - wife
• Martin vs. Wilson • . . '
Mall & CO. ' • vs. Givin
Black • -vs. wboti .
tlever . Vs. Noble
. .
M'Allister . vs. Laverty
Same ~ . „ vs.- Same . '
Samg . vsa Smite
Y,vii'tue of a writ of. Venditiani Expound to me
-direeted f -i ssued- ontlof.the Court of_Common
tleas'of Cumberland county; viil be exposed to pub
lic, sale at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle,
911 b'ettltEdgy .. l4 davg atfzusi next, 1838, at 10
M.therellownifileseHli - ed - feWliSo6 - ;to
The-Forge and Pqiniecc, estate, called
Mating' Molly iron Ii or/cB, -
• t •
Composed. of several adjoining, and contiguous surveys
or tritcts of land, situate in South Middleton and
Dickinson townslups,and containing in all about "'
7689 ACRES
OF D LAND, be the same mote or less, bounded by
lauds of Alnyberry'afierrVane Thompson, Val6rl ,.
tine IFJoffrnan, Peter' Ege, Adam Houk, Thomas
Weahley; 'William Weakley, J. Donell, 'Samuel
Weakley, the heirs of Y. Mimfe, dee'd, and others,
together with all _mints and •minerals, and right of
possession*of digging and taking ore; or Mining ore,
Or in any war attached or appurtenant to the said iron
Works estate, having thereon erected a
one Smith Shop, two Carpenter Shops, a Warehouse,
an Mike, two Mansion'Hciuses of atone, each two
stories high, a Bank Barn and Stabling, and
useehltd - ocettpied with the irotrvorki, - a small Grist
aturn - fitin - rtemniees in
anyway attached to or Inolotigingjo - or-belonging to
the said estate. • '` •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
George L i ge, and to be sold by me, "
JOHN .31-yERS; Shenil:.
. .
SuEnmis OrFigi.,.Carlisle;? ts : - .
.. • '
June 7:, 1898„ , 5 • .. . • . ,
1,010 - U.31/16/./.4' MOUSE. •
. subieriber- announces . to the public, that lie
• • has rented the well known.
.:4, a
n St irtatd -
'T h ' '2 7 - - tit ''Steriett7B
7Mt es orth and 14 miles 'West of
risburg, where he soliCits Midilicpktieriage.
its table shall be filled With the - bestthe markets !rills
afford:ogs iffiFirsuppliedliitlichoiLiquo •
so' stabling; with•all ,e 'necessary provision for hor 7
kis; and attended with u careful hostler,. :
,To those , unacquainted with . ..the place, he, would'
A,Ma i .that it is situated•on a fine healthy:part of .the
I country, iiiilia'sjilendid view of CUmberland
from.the ithservatory; exactly' n the top of the. Blue
l'Nleuntaiti, at the junction of, the State Toads; from
Harrisburg to Landisburg and Bloomfield , nail from
Carliele to Clerk's Ferry. Persona wishing , to spend,
few' weeks in the country; during the worth weather,
Could not find a more bonifortable.plaee, it being
twi t it i cAand within but. 2.4 miles of thQ
tngs, Cumberland count}; sail miles from
e%WaFifi'Springs, 'Perry . County. , Cold 'or-warm
-baths in fine order at any--time,---He ;hopes-that-4
strict attention to business , and st.dispisitioatopleas,'
to merit and . receive a ihire of publFirenar.' '
• -
June 2,1838. ' S
3 a
INFORMS the Yount 314 HL11TIt,Y J.
' iitT 6 iliti le4 1
`s 110
and the tirreundhit'countri,lthrie
ptepared to' - maifpataivfirr -- .tho i-neatest,
mer wear, at hip shop in East Iligticktiee4. -
lifew' doors west of Majoi‘,Jpeobiletu l ßA's Hotet;, - ang.
:neat - door to the stoie - ot John.H; Weaver Ea Cu. Alio,.
Mrhite. Silk - 110S pest 'plaishr Made on blocks
of the latest'eity fashion: ' •
' Csrlisle . May 1.11.1, 1.838.-tes . L .„. •
. -
ren,Green;.Sifitnon,'Purpl6,-and'all ,41cqiiirk
ble iolottro of 'Gauze, - Mantua and Satin Ribbon for
sale by "; ARNOLD &
1D.,1t W AItIFA
Atasiem tategamao
• Returns his sincere. thanks to theeitizens of. Carlisle
and adjoining cotintrY, for the most liberal,patronagc .
which has been bestowed upon him, and wishes to iir•
form the publie generally that he lins'replenished his
stock of Goodsoand flatters Nil:itself that he will be
able to' give entire satisfaction to nil who will, call at
.his Store; both in quality and price of goods; as he
resolved to sell low for cask,.
• Call at the old well known Stand of L. Harlan, in
Nortlt Hanover. Street, and examine his- stock of
Goods; ;isle has a general add_tornplete ,asioEtment
of !lardWare, • ' •
Also, a large assortment of Griffin's Duuble Itenned
Steel Passmore and Newton Darlington's
Cpr4 and Gras*'4'4E4o4
also the-New Cumberlhnd Nails—but call
and eimnine,.each one for himself.
• Carlisle,*
- • rc- - ;. - ." , .. ....;:.-.... . -,- -
*-"Jee' , -* . A . l'ia . '• . -
. . • Broad Street, Philadeliihio,
THE Ain denfigned respectfully' informs the citizens
of-Franklin-and--Cumberland counties ' that he has'
estiaAREHOUSE in Broad Street„next,docir
liboverMd Street Hotel, for the sale of all kinds of
..., A
COtintry . ro uce, and eespectfully.solicits .consioon
From his eralltdquaintance, * knowledge of
siness, And the exercise of his best efforts to promote
the interest af -liii7e - ustomers, he flatters himself that
he will be abletp renqer.keneral_satibiltaicin.
- - - Philadelphiai-Nflyii 838;----:-‘.....,--- ----.-2-- IL._
• •
..,.__PlkilipLßeriin, t:hamberstiute....__....____...
• Da ' i • i,11;..-Esc..LZ,
ii b .
oiilverts urg - 7 --
- oeo. W Mines, Psq..S • . •
-:---:-.T; Swo iier,-.Esq-Newville;-
~- (lei?. Sihrel .dleTander,' .1 Carlisle."
'., "W. .111. Hendersoa :Perk 5 .
-- - Jacob. Rupp, Esq. •" • - - -
II arnsbu rg.
Geo. W. Layng, Esq. : •
= .-. • THE GIRARD . •
: . •
.annuity and *Trust company of Pliqadcl 7
• • . o.ffice;ls9,..clostnul street.
CAPITAL OP $300,000.
• (.Ithrier Perpitual. - -• • •
rtsvrtE typls,. grant ./htintities and L:Tia.,;.
: metes .and make contractstenerally that involve
ontingentv.,Of Accept Ti`usts as authorii,ed
by the charter, from individual?;; corporate bodies, or
-COOrti - of-iiistieei-amtekicutethOni-agrecablv-taqhe
-desire of the'parties, mid receive Deposites - or money
ip ttust, and .on interest, _ _
.1.11.11 INSURANCE.The terms arc as low as'
those of any office in the Union.
Ratea fir liisulinvpoo. • . • •
, Age ...Pori Yew! ..F.'pr'T Years ..11/hale Lift
- Annually. --annually. •
- 20 $0 91 $0 95 • . S 1• 7t.
25 1 GO 1 12 "'2 04 '
30, -1--31 -- 1 36. 226
35 '1 36' - 153 275
'4O. 69 1 83 3 20
45 1 91 1 96 • 3 73
50 1 96 2 09 4' GO
• - 55 2 32 321 5
Turthei information can be obtained by application
at the office: . .
6. W. RICHARDS, Pres%
JOIN. F. JAMES, actuary. •
Gooncro W. Mu, 71.easUrer.
---- June 11,-1883.-6m
. -
• - ANA" • • •
.vo Trawint4.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends,
and the public generally, that he has for sale r at his
Coal and. Ltuthe n r Yard, on.the bank of the Susque
hannrrrivcr, in the town of WormleySlatrg,
2000 bushCls s SOperior Smith
coal; . •
. . .
Pan ntl and Common _Boards. -
Pop - le& Pll il/e and - Solid
2000, good ..qualz:ty; seasoned Tight Bar
rel Staves and Leading..., •
All of which. he will 'dispose of at low rates r and -on
the inustnccoramodatiog terms. Permins wishing ti
purchase Wetild der well hy calling with the .subscri - ,
her, and examine his stock before they purelusse
.110)ii : 19.
SiX YEAR S . _ STA 31 DI G.
Mrs. Sarah Brenhiser, wife of AIMS' Mile,nhiser
corner of second street and Germantown road, Phil_
adelphiaTaffettedforthelast - siz - yearswith the Live-
Complaint, was completelyiestored to health by Dr. ,
Witham EVA'S' Camomile Tonic and Faddly
Aperient Der symptoms- .ere
_habitual cos
tiveness, eVrtitiating pains in ' the steidach,depressio9
of, spirits, langori.extrenm debility, disturbed steel),
great pain in her side, could not lie on herieft side'
without an aggravation of pain, dizziness in e,head;
'dimness .of - sight, with; other symptoms i dienting
great derangement in the functions of the Liver. - Mrs.
Drenhiser has made - trial Of various .medicines now
before Ihe public; but received no relief until she was
advised to make trial.ofDr. Evans' Pills of which she
is happy to state that they effectually relieved her of
the above distressing symptoms, with others; which
are not-essentistio-intimate.
,Mr.'llrenhisei,(hustiand - of . the , "above itlis.„l)ren.
;liisei%) had been-two years'nfflitted with a distressed
-state ..of Piles and Costiveness;pfwhieh he novas ace - -
- ly'eured. ' • , ' _
;''We do hereby subieribe 'env signatuie to the truth
, efthe-iibovwcures i that-the-statemeutis_iti_e.rery_its,
- peel tittle. „ • SARAH BRENHISER,..')• •
. - '?No.-17; North•Eightb street, PhiladOphia.
Famous Cure. .' , tor the Rhea
• matistri„and.'other-Pains:•..
MUCH need not be said in relation to this yothica
ful remedy, as the proprietor., feels confident tWit
When applied, it Will, as can he proven by the number
of respectable" persons,' effect an 'entire, cure of the
Rheumatic and other ;thins.: It had not until lately
been-his-intention to make it public.ilitut-hy .thc_re—
quent appplications of., his neighbors, end tho:ytinderful
cures it has ,efft..eted; he feeli 1t a • duty he of tO
society as yell as to hinitielfite Make it. More genc
rally„know,n, and it•the mune tithe have it put a near
ail he can withimtheyeach of all who may be afflicted
',Hitndreds 'Manes could be phblis,heirof personS'
who- hhve ;been., cured •lii• this melebrata medicine,
b u t the following. are selected front the thaws; ashe
log ;imply:sufficient to attesl. its. oaers . ,
Johit Srove; Divid'Bendee,' het% I;..Hagle
`PArAndernuth,• : -; George Fisher; • John Alsbaugh
G.-Stoner s :. ,L John Copier,: —.Saltine' rejig - Iy.
- Airim - Bender- Lindemuth Samuel-Young_
Helmet *kith:, •R. Richardson, Jaciob Woklick
Henry Abliangh Difienbaugh, Jneobllliers
Christian Organ, .J. . • •-•
• , 11lounfi1iff, — AllOst25,1830.; . •
All orders. from,a, distainth atklressed'to the.sttli
scriber, Mount JoY;Tithelister, eonnty,Yill be pefinpl
ly and faidifully attended;tiki - T
MThoe , ',' •• .
. • , H./..*OUCKS.
Joy, keb."*ltes . /..`. "1. - - •
above thedicinVi *.
, • - • JOHN . HATFIELD.
•Varlisic February 18314. •• • - •
..‘ e ". •
•Is has, for many years, been. a . oeat.desnleratum
• •
among Eni•opean and.AnieilettiaDentists;to`nianufae
ture. 'rectli from ineorrn'ptibleltutterialswhich should
imitate thL natural liviogTeetli - • •
' Many have . clevoted yeare to'f.unsuceeesful*
Ments, - and others hare sueeeeded.ifi miniditoturing. ' '
teeth of materials similarto - the- tioreelain.iviOihut
generally they.have an'opaque white';appeuraime,-by
cwhieh they.are eaSily distinguiihed .from the huittin
After lorgllnd tedious experiMenti
has succeeded:in manufactut:ingtietti of Materia a dv"
tirely,ineerruptibleittrd perfectly iti-imitation .1
Man teeth. Theylitve semigransparencfcand'are.
made of various sixes andslaides: - c,;.; • .
In cases where abiorption of thi:aveolat pretties,
or other causes may render it necessary, he will cast
of the same materials attached: to' the . teeth ', artificial
gums, mbieh shall , imitate' the., gum 'had !calmly: the
loss of substance' • 4 , • . ,
' • his entirely:inMessible for shade` hietkto'chingeo
their color, or tame foetidlireath. ' • -
• He will insert there from to entire sets, - In Such'
manner that they will make, articulation of the Voice
perfect, and
.mateeially Usphit in mastication, and st!,,
that they. : distinguished from the most hem:
tifurnatural livipg.teeththcfmost...scrutiM4*
lie - also perfor`miS - all the various operation - 3'ln •
Dental Surgery, according to She late , somntifie im
provements in the art.-. • -
• - F. ..11. XV.41 3 .P . , Surgeon Dentist, 1'
W. corner of Charles Fayette street., • ,
Baltitn f:
1211 M
-- THE - piopiletor reSpecifUlty inf t Ordidietuttic in 1
general that-he is now ready to aceoniniodate a large •
number of Boarders and Yisiters. The Springs, art
Situated 4 miles north of, Carlisle , and 7 .l.sniles south
of Sterrett's Capon die North_ Mciunkitin;ln u Ane, • -
lieilthY r and romantic place and pure air. ' There-is '
'an extensive Bathing. Establishment erected (both
warm and.cold,) .and every accommodation may, be .
relied on. ,
D.-. C 0 ENNA
• Barouehe will rime daily filoin. Carlisle
to the. Springs for the accommodation of Vislters..
. .
7,- - ,_. 0 osn- synxztra, • _
, .
. • .
South Mountain, •14 . Miles East of Chem-
...—L. • ..— L.:._:...,1igt.,9.41.ggi....____2.__.:.L...:, - . L..4..___
.subscriber, thankful to the. 011ie for . , paSt•
• jt . ' favors ; respectfully informs them .that he •will .
l'O•iopewhis• - Geld'Spring:estahlisllffeat - fOrjh'e_recep r •
tion of visiters directly after-the 4.j.Lpf July; and will .:
spare_no efforts to render satisfaction to whoever may - -
favortim with their company.- .-. • ' —. •• -
' • '
- 11.1" s• TABLE - - --
, •._ • ,. , .....
Will be abundantly supplied with the..beat the,coun.,
dry can idford-‘:•bia .114/1 with the'clioicett Linnet's, - • :
and his S7L4I3LE writh the ; bestof feed. - •-•
~ .' ... '
- -To persons •acii
pninted i'vitli'llic_ character orthis ".
Spring,rits location Aid salubrious air, nothing need: -
be said to recomine." d it 0- those who-desire the in-- •
yigorating effects of the •ccibl fenfititin,',' ail - T .. 110ov :
ilestith4tispiritili breezes, or-who wish ti escape for -
At season from the heat find burilien of husinesslo en- -•
_joy:Abe:pleasure of
. La rctreat'amidst natureWbOweis; "---"
abdAtlong side of- one of her most delightful fotin
. nnaciplainied_.with Tthe..ativantnge :of . ' ".„...
the' "Cold - .Spr ing;' } will . find no . more;:i.atisfuctory• -
Way of becoming better informed than by paying it a
.visit. ' '- • • - :GIDEON "SHIREY. = '
- . .
111-- . Com/or/Ole , -Con ante-from :
Chambersburg Acidic Sproig, and back nide, can be any time.. .
- - • . .. .. . . -
.lone 2fi ,18:38.
• ..pott__RENx_.,_
• • •
THAT tame and'_enfnmodibus -TA
T .ND, formerly in lite occupancy dIC.L .
ava, situated-on the corner-el Main and Bedford
streets; opposite the jail— - Saidliouse It'as long been.
occupied tts.a TavEnx, and is, well vvoillav the attenz
tion of a person competent to keep a go•ocI house, the
buildings extensive end calculated tegive-cein
fortable accommodation to sojourners, &e. very exten
sive' stabling, and a first rate well of water in the yard.
This property vvil) be let on advantageous terms to a
'l)erson - deSirotislif engaging. - in - -the tavcrit-keeping
tidiness. Also, a Frame Bnifdiv adjoining the
avcro suitable far offices-or dhops for mechanics. -•
. •
.ftOI3E.RT - McCLAN,
/Ten' of. Consmodore fosse D. Elliott. .
Athrch 14, 658. •
koravanclite— and CoMmission
, 7flMuse l •
,4 -171 %
Nyyma - vmat zout/hthwutio
HAVE taken that large and Commodious WARE: •
below the foot of Chestnut street; Harrisburg., where •
their arrangements arc such that they can at all times
forward produce and merchandize with, promptness
and despatch, to the following, places, viz: ", •
Fiala PittsPurg,.Colum- • .
Ida, - Baltimore, Carlisle, C.hamberthurs,
• and all intermediate places: • •
'They have lately entered into arrangements so as
enable them to: send any produce or goods byway
the' Pennsvlpnia -- Canal - and - Cohimbia - Railroad, to
Philodelpiiio at the same Trines. charged by other
companies running on the Union canal, thus gaming
three days in time, and delivering goods in Broad
-street, atioiding usuatexpense_oflunilieg fr:lra.the
TiIEY WILL PURCHASE Grain, Flour, and
Country prOduce . of every description and kee con
stantly on band coaldilaster, fish and !salt for sale.:
APril ‘2; 1838.-tf. • • • , . •18.
11l t AS if OA . SIS •
Zraco2 )
1- Sasth•tig# corner . rf Illain C.l ' Pitt3fi Carlat, :Pa.
. ..
- - . .-eortre ' , envie, .
3 . .
. HAYING taken the,libere ' named establiihMent i
(formerly kept by Afri'Deorge . Aughinbaugh,)i'es- •
pectfully solicits his friends and the public generally;'
to favor him with their custom. The house is lortO: '
add c,oikenient; containing upwards'of F 0 .R TT
C H 4 .7118 ES; welLatlapted for Families;Stu- •
dents;Doardet and transient custom. The stabling' .
isextensive a d convenient, capable of holding up-
Wants-of-Al-horses; worthy the attention of Drovers, •
being ih a central atid,excellent part of the town
the said of horses. , , . '
• Drovers, Farmers, Pedlers, anciTrov,ollersj* in
vited to give him - a call. •
- --Ho hopes by strict tatention andanodemte444o; '
to render general sat sfaction. . -, -
Car i e, - April 9,1838. ' . ‘{ - —l9:-
.111yspepsia andlfilyeloclian.
• drilcister . • -
ntere - stznig Cure,:
• • - . .
M. Salinsn, Green street *above Third. '
street,•Philadelphin; afflicted for 'iie3;eral'years with
the following distressing syniptoms Sickness at the •
stomach, head-ache,. dizziness, . palpitations of the
heart; iMpaired appetite, sometimes acid and putres
cent bructationi; coldness and . wealinesa . bf the ex.;
tremities,:einaciation and general .debility;'distuthed .
reit, as sense of:pre:sure - and weitlit at the' stomach ••
atter • eating,' nightmare, great mental
iseimretlying pains in the chest, back; and sidei,..cos
tiveness! a dislike for society, or "Conversiitionrinvol
notary sighing and -weeping, longer and lassitude opon
-the leastexercise, • ='z.. •
Mr. Salmon laid applied to the most emineittphy- ,
sicians,..Whe considered, it beyond the power of medi
cine to restore health ; However as. his Mille--
dons hadreducedhlia'fia`fti -iiiidePloiiitile•tiondition,. -
and having tien redointneride :by.a.relittlivahis to
.make trial of pi, Will iiiii:Ekoipgootifisei ticiyath
difficulty.. renaiied to die,cifil.ce and preburestA pack- • •
age, to which,lie says Pie tiiinciebted'.fortis,
tsou to life;.hetilthuntillititide:,...He ist•iiW epjoying .
all thehletsings iiftie*Cl l lol4l :Persons destrotta
of 'further fiC sz i tisfii,id.witti _ ev ery
narticnkir of hite .
•i c al.olitee; - Nci;l9;•NOrth'fith'street;Vhlliidelphin: '
-.--,-.Tlie-sliavArne_dicino is for.stile.att the _office of
H era ld ,54 , '• • • •
TAKE. - notice that we Have applied,te-the Ceart of
Common Pleas of Cumberland•coanty; for the benefit ,
of the Insolvent ,Laws, and the said Judges have ap-
belated the'2d ..Niend,qy of August, (tieing , the 13th)
for the" heariagref us and our - et4ditOrs; when and
kwheppllmay attealryouihink proper...
- • • • • • • • JACOB HESS, -
• ' • " -JAMES -MOORE. •
' . I:IR,NRY H. EDER. • •