131 1 .2ALII$LIE HERALD A;*l'n::izioo.silime. • Ltd like People itenteathar THAT - 0NV11.6 PIIIITEIt tOTSI:1 IN : ik .EitNATE • LAV WINTER t`O . l .dun SIWAIII43 AND - RE. .PRZSENTATIVES IN CONGIMSS TO VOTE; I N FAVOR. PIrT3E ompus - ANDfistr.ympus .bul4rAnAsuitVaiLtb. • . 4 1 i lit ISSUE.' I?-irwiimaratr.3-tiiItt tha Parter,ainvention • , • . Itift'eh ,aispiiMed it..ltorristorg on the'.4th of Juli, . . wtopte4.thef)ltotiing resolution: ....“. • .., . . .iti?”..StILVE.O, TIC. -IN WE ITAVL' FULI.. CON- 11'SS?tak IN : THE TltlttiT;,si,NTE - 7 , ;iITY, Altstii ifiiigiliticits.q? 4 41'Fi of i ' 5:?m4.11, , TIN'. vA *l3 - OtiOrZlki%s ikkci ,lr(i,, ll'lrt-- $ ti, ,.. , ... ; !- , 1 ..,iy ~ 1 1 . : 11.1 , iir•ityoot?tozity.o;Outt lie • 11,43 ;votes for 'Dated ' .P.' Porter votes in favor of -''y awl4l.ina nd theS UL - ' e . ' xy 4i tente i logAltre' l i di g ' fe . other injurious .t‘teibure of the present. irnbeole,ond fiek!d athnin- • • I tration of,the.,Ge9etalG,overnm at itnit that he yote!ifottJOSlOll votes AGAINST fliiiiwtif4l the. 'uti , TreastitslSch&m. - tf ,attEm'ataEn; TOTzis or PsNisYLviorrA, that • Porter: and,--:Yan 7 11iiren • are, identified-4w alt, thia2,sare. one and 'the 'wino. If Porter 'should be elected; Vanliiiren will opntider 4411 . 11' uppi oval o • o9nscience tliotate,Lpi•l,Rituer r the'.supromacrof the laigy,and .4n inviolate opnititutt on. `trolottri4irb . ATioNg. thiltTah 1 pm . ri Erp?sitor, . . - TO .-ROBEfirigNOQOIiAS-EO4. politieil, arena:: , . ei rs_ulppt-tiie:Drii t'' of all „parties . ..to; texider , themSelveS'• popular) While riot a tew content them selves Witli . pr.rmeting 'party interests,: and - tho aeeuring to IS 1110 I themaelv_es_..theAti n ,,irlt _and dill' 0 EA. n Elt., these "- . ,,th r 00.- P ils i cased by, your:felloW : Citliens; and,ialtho' you rank high aura ininioiterhil . offi ter. ofj us tice; yet suppose not that your officer will' ""sshield"you from your politicalcrim' s:' They -. -are--great ; they-ateeporinensand, like the .--characte"ofgubernatorial candidate, David Porter,. they . must, be ,cipcised.. -Bc,-ncit- therefore- deceived:when-1.-tell you; . that it thegreat_politioal canvass. no vv- pend rtg,,, your. felloW._.citiiens Lpity,!theiaberrai.._ - , tions of,one whose Mind lias been led astray Who never fulfil them—by.a party who has altdad ypromised the officeo,f . county..Prea , corisectuantly,•On'your..pail, - there is •no:,ohance Of . D i or Ills lak-six*iars, and:in the miny •• " Tio . .al contests in- : which : you 19v.0. been: - langaged, your-eourse has - been unstable as `: the wind—at one time professing to adve ate the doctrines of • the red-nrouili demo ' crate faction, end colidernhing in the harsh eat terms-the Muhleitherg party;.- while, at tt nt6re.,eotivenient season, (for the sake of tiffici3,) you "go the whole hog"' for the AntiArao ture.ii party. And -I . pray you, air, what 'reason have you heretofore given for supporting tlie principles -of our-;(Anti ,—Ariiiclliirert)-.-partyl---Wai-ittioti-in-your-own: langitag,,.'the -only party that could : secure perpetuate our extieo-:-the only,party hat - could deserve oitKrepublicfrom'anar thy and conftisicni,. - T i hese, sir, were your I own ideas;.yoar. toWintoOrds. F 4ut now, how Ghanatt - - . • • ' You are -INTR. - aware,. sir,that the doe trines of the'.Ven Buren and Anti-Van ;ren parties arm as•tl iam e,tric y -Opposite •ka.e,it othef as light .atadalitneSS—that the ten*, to ruin:oar agrietilittrali• corn- 1 1 niercial, and manufacturing interests; while! - the latter prom - oa - 3 thernt , ..that -- the-motto of the for Mer is "perish Credit, perish aim.. mercer "; ivhile tho- latter ` protects both. • This poSitionie manifest, and . : has , been' ac knowledged. by, yourself to be true `anti 'tor rect. Cati yon,.dare you deubvit? so, let facts : facts`whic'i'willand mist -strip'a. political hYPOcrite; and present • hint to . a'eernrittitiitY in his;nakeduess. "At large andOtithnslastierneeting'Of the' zens of Cumberland - opposed.: to •• the- natinintr.adininietta- - ttion," you acted aSPreaident;:tind to toils pro 7 ceedingsyour, riartiela'attaehed; : thira sane ' tionirig all typo principles:adopted inihe, pre, Amble and reSolUtiOns -that enthu'siast'ic -greeting. ..• ~,. , • . For the Iferght 4.4 Erhositor. - , Mr. Ilti/fips-;....ll•is t hard to bolster up 4. bad character. • ,•thilsifiers- should have bet; ter Memories• than the -yolunteer 'edit:WEl., Orem gains have been. takeirto;thieww odi, tun on. the •character:of thatlonest,bitt in, jured rrianamtiel - ttiirgeon—who, after laboring hard fur,,David :11,,Porter , 1*d' not being paid - 4°r it, was,compelle4l6 take, the benefit °film insoliteitt,:lawd ' ,I16not: only lost, his .'lawnlabiit,:lmit the" wage's. he paid to hands - employed•Aiyihim•s dcd'tl "white:gryot, iv4qup9.,,,, of w6ll-bred entletiienirli.Oloeoichtiaidisown aotrOigaer;Wisoliqitilyth4ialijittilti9l,49tmt l i k i r f o opl e ptd44l4l44:-:of , , 011 - 10 eopn convqnktt7ifipb.a,TroJNOT:NTi r itAVlceoituatioo•TeeejlOrlipOtiilesiireyn to, .V . z.rfesieeti,64 iiiie44 s -00740, 1 1 0 1 'hoxp,Alieir,:fdelings re ;,speeteAi nt:Aealt- Rloge4 giort:4l:the,44o4.:llo*o, - ;f9Sfialetri hogs# : who stand to them to tlaa Y retlqtiOn ef-, The oliolestir f;ii,,,lprAst4lciiicve.,,46Y4l9o of alficialsuperiaral SorglYihe:y 'They' iiioALitte;t9.thok 0110aten: ,clc) Aw‘g-.ll' ttek = • iii t ,6 o ( . - figipt hve. e, • - 4-ii..i.".:c.Aslt - vof4 - ..tigtv‘._:, Fro" w the Harrisburg chronicle. REASONS WHY VIT . GANNOT SUPb, PORT POtER• FOR`GO V. ' • 4 -- ERNOR. In our last:we gave a ,fe w reasotis , •wlty we support JOSEI'II RITNER for, re=eleetioh thesilfice of-Gorornekend•inyetiiiqqUenee, it becomes ptoper to'itite our , reasons for iflrPosi-W iliokti!lriPoiVerl' for; the OPPi! B e Porter, th&t-;.;• ' .-.1t4-Because we, watiti'no 'change in 0, r state administration. ': . '' no ~. r' - ~-. •-' ''' . -2.--- • 1 - Beenuse,"---lie 7 „liaii : qualincittions which for : AkatimPortantloffice;did we even desire , a_chatige:7-'' -. 5:•' , '. - ;: , .:`, . 3,4.l l 4cOefiFt,We .belie7m,. Nth ii“ Posse s: sion•of,menY, ,- Arlits.kof: character, which, Would ~diSqualify anymaifor„-the , ofFiee of -0 6 -T 11 "' of Pennsylvania.:l4,';:-.---- -, - ~ ,74-., .-..;,- , -.- 4th. Because i ;heis , nat- a Pennsylyanian in; ' 1 • 1 feeling, ,li ee . ' t pr.tittp.e'ant ~ u ' , lB 'pnnec ed i with and controlled by,.: the pat:Mat present jin Power; in' , the Federal C4,overnment, which ever has been, and 'now is, 'opposed to the interests of the Keystone- State, en deusoring at all-times and upon _all OCC-a sions, to rob• her of all her ( !„tly; deprive .her. 'of :.• her.rights ...arid .tlu irinnunl ties to_which ler .statidieg_Land' - character - ea title - ht r - , -, in -the-fetleral- government.- ---- • - ealt: ,Becatise,'lle is the toctl'of a' 'party, which, has-no-settled-principle-of—Guvern= i mem- policy -L - 1)1u that which tends to the. aggrandizement -cf political demagogues, and `put into unlimited_p_ow et' o ree4less AO depraved:Partiians. . . . _,_ i3tb.: Because, not baying been brotight up among the people,. he •is therefore, a stranger to their wants and 'Wishes, and ,minister tho, government to their __ gool_ -7- 1 - 6. - Biiausir; we relieve ,IVir. Porter to be apOlitieal fortune 7 hunter,..whose_:onlk object and . desire is, to advanee T his Own interests and who would subvert every n- terost of - the - -- goveritment—m—accompkt this;—such---measures therefore .as would tend to elevate - the. character of the:State in . intelligence, -riches, as •- well as virtue; - --- 1191e.7 - nr -- iin" -- Countenafice frontitirM .•; _ • Bth. Becigesei he is .in favor of the taxa tion . of the people, hebaving . voted for the. mammoth,. improvemement. bill, Which would taYe Made a,coutinuance_of the..ottern ouslaxes _imposetLunder *tiff's 'liiininStratiori; absolutely necessary ! .1 9th. Because, he is an ',enemy to edesno my in, the financial depar:tment.nf . the - goy , ernment, and woitil ..not check ittindicious improvements-though:- it would' drain the'' Treasury., without -repdeting either the pepple or the. State any good. :11(s sup the Seisloil. Of . 183 . 6—'7, is proof postive of, S'FATE DEBT AGAIN Factearestecbboratlfrhigis.- At the close or ;. - thfi a . finsniCak year 182;9, the.leat.(3le r pige„.lW:plf, ; was...l- elected Gpver nori;'3lte,..b Ogoncinvv4slttr.., oPennsylvaota Oved:fliti !.11 1 0ier , bonoIliect 149_ ;00) at , Ale , ,,oppp:lor,,flie ; .firla ß elal ycar,l,B3s,,the years..sPiPfernot,' , ,Wolf monv . out: •of ofric•o.' ,thd C_oilinvoNmealtltsvOs indebted for money; ~bol!folved , , 524 9 6511 1 ..,'744, , ,582, Wolf .lEiViniri,fhorrowcd , sl6,44974ar 32; .Pcnnatmtt.lAmper'act of 7th Deeefriber, 180, anti' , 4th Jittitiory, 1831..: ~202,500 00 do.— :••• per opt I.3th•Morelt,lBso, ;44,000;000 0) , 21Et•Moreli;1831, 2,483.131 ES,. do. , 90:11 Aloreh, 1831, 9'JJ,003 001 ,•• ‘," - - 90th' Mar e1r,'1332, • 4 , 2,34g,8330 m do. . do, ~.sth Aprll, 18.52, 509,1103 (y) =tli, 18th Feb'y. 183:3, • 2,544,030 44 Ith March, 1893, ;,,420,000 CO' APri41834, - - - ---" 2,235;400 00 11)Oitott,reeeived 'On-Perot:oh:a Loon , , „ . Ter net" ot Apri T emiMraiy,Loan per net. (i . f Permanent U . :an 'Or' the use of the Eoss.'.. tern Peniterotimry; pcsi nets: 28th - • . Itigrek, 1831, witl 4th April. 1833; 1r20 i 030 0? PermliOeitt I,4can, Or the lise of the Un- • ' inn tannitornpnnv, pet: nets ortat - Marc!i J 833; E 5 130; llccemberi,l933 ; _ C0,3;000 03 . Temporarvlhan I.lplite nee,cif the Pais, - tern and Airiisterii - Penitantlitilea cet of 15th Aprjij , 74,413 !)0 • : • , .SIG-`09,743 32 amcirrit pgid Mpr.k3cm2ry (35,00 t) CO_ • - , • ' • -"- • , q.! O 743 32 • In (!iipenrefrorit this then; that rt ti,c elnae of the inarentl year 1837, two yeursafter GOvi:ro , ir 1ti0untet1.0_524.33p,033.-82,. 11A.V1Nqji:4:•Dr-11E.- . DUCE!) . $250,740- OO.As.fAllowN v i ii: • • Paid Temporary Lonolier get of, 17th: ,_ , • . •lnimary,•lBB.si ." ' • - ...f.t50,600,06 • do. " do . . tip. _, ar.101.51.1i • . • „. April, 1835, , • •-74;440-Cp . • • ''36 - 14 - A - 0 - 1;10 — i t h - ficnifi thi9 deduct lact instaimentipceiv; permanent l sin per Aprils 185,• . _ . 'Tete then - is a plain 'end 'honet.' state ment of facts, made'from'ptililic dociimente in the Auditor General's Office,;; nail' to wench=we invite = the attention `' of :all unpte= judieed minds. Let those"wlo have'doubts on the . sUbjeCt - , examine' We stand prepared to o•O'lre'it.' - any time: the correctness - of .- our . 'staterrient,‘.h)i -- the official documents, and 'ldtie'ehilleiied OP". • • '" - 'Wolf increased the STATt:DriBT, Rimier hafpreduce(Lir. 'Wolf would haveinereased it many mil:. niop. • _% _ • Miner has said he will fiat increase it STATE — INVX upon the people. ' • repealed i - L_and saved thkpeople . in.one year $294;509 114. • Woltleft the TfeaSurf bankr.tpt— ,, only 830 ; 000 in it.:-._ Rittier - his kept it well - filled—antora than a MR,I.ION in it now. .r. •-. Wolf borroiyed . ii(Oriey every year tesus tain creditor - - Ritner makes the Commenwealth Work upon.her "own hook,".:she needs no "bni: rowed • capital" and' Will never "'break" while he dii.ects, her.: , Wolf coujd not, inake the Public Works tir wined ve._ , liltner has ,made tham , a souree,of rev .. \Vole, was. in favor of comirion SchoOls Ritttet is likewise, mid has done more ?orTthent -than-Wolf-ever thotigh AI ore o,faracier l of Pennsylvibiiit d3rottrl-H effec's of .RitheeB —When Joseph Hither was elected Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania, she had no (+erne-, ter, Or Worse than tickle, among her sister States. She' had. been ridden down, and boived to the stray of deinagegiies at Wash= ingtori ; -and instead of beinrsen-indepen-. dent repttblic, ,ntais a-niefe-vassalAof f3deral Bei the adniinistration of Joseph Ritner, has reversed the uninviting, pictar.!. lid at ":onee, tgolt,aistafid., egaingt_oneroach ntentti from abraail;'4nil fivor of the old deino'cratiit 'Creel of .S . F . A.TE:RIOp'I ., S, -We now have the.result of,his noble lade pandintae, in , tits; dfereit'de7 Which all the Statesin:;:theilniun_payLto 'PennsAvania.. • Aniong all the at:te,of the diiiernot, none has been . ...bettet. ea,lillated , jd , fill still Mora . firmlyyllid - charadter Pettte - yivarriaz - thiir his proclamation,'. It linfi been,,re-pnblished iti„eyery. state in the• a%'ery -*here Apointel te-aa, the , Would . occasion a leal;:bingiblei permanent resumpthitt ofspecie 'paymentS. DA. I timbre papers at once . declaredohat it- could ' dau'se the banks:Of •IVlaryland jo , open their' vaults ;,,ttinl. the, venerable Eiteitle, of,the RichmondEatA iiirei; set it down its."SET 7 ,M HE, (WES',I'I,ON. ,IN, lir f fitl - nliee:l*,„the:Dlite-Preiss c tltat- the-same feeling peryndee the •Buekeye, : conunnity . , and ;thepiOCeedingi-ef-the latellank,Cort vention shows that the .hanks Of,the . follown measures; -by , agreeing.: to-resumer on 13t1i,of t ;Auguen. ; , , 'MaasanhusettsilPOnnee-,, tiOtit •• Rit4tie,lslautli, Delaware Maryland Kerituelty,, -, :ind Missouri. • A. hie , 7Ought •to' be , asource! ofra ti tiiiii4to ',every 'Pehns3rlvaniani:':antl . -'every PctilibylVaniari Ainglitlolailprolid:.or a elliCf magistrate_ • 'lniquieeneit Ni by'the"„itiatltufidtrs'of ,h' Commonwealth, but , by thoso attoloi4ukti relmb,to statest : •,'",, Thclikonw,4B.aOY,er APPW' b„efoiei fifla ton, ' :thei ~# ;ir„ges` P 9600n. 64040 20 1; 1 t N !i4%*g vg;30119116e , ? Ptlbk ii :000Y0,,,fti,F.1.9tFr it tier,` ,firo Ag gqr,lPPittigz h c;;;i 4l 4 '? 11 99 0 afc-wqr for.„,ller oxtylattic character ; nro;4 l )C#lfo o P 4 rs: I,,..4)lMB.o4lfordloCcuPlOd by,aasepli3Ottintet; iyy:/AtlMPtir4V'Vq ll o4,; ., tsq.„ wail'PVlMY.SonounlPA,-,1044,004Y right` iasti a 3 ''ildf , al.4l , lsqlit l l4oo4'dt,ifilllon)au B. IVii!ler: , •:' , AbotOilial - fs,Nid - 4440441, of Alta' Hotel was 434ved4L, ' • • `` - ' • jecaq'ork, -Cortespondmce f!f-the Penn'a,—/tivr:rerw- NEW YORK, AtlgUSt 1,/ 12 o'clock at - Noon. Destructivg:Pite,4,otio pork ~m-iartis Liii , .:muttnaree 44vieee frotfilKll,(ltiOthe , 'St-‘james, state:that; confidendepolle .cr4diis44, Ameri can inereftiiiis is eiiiieiNefeito#ll dr V the buyer's in NEWP,York and Philadelphiamarketa,atdmakingpXtell stre.preparations'ao,ptirchia.d**fall Many. Merchants Searn'l,o4hitik buisinesii;;UrW-this • Howesr;,:all,the ,dester*,sieiehii'eui::the tow Pressure safety' - , Noite of , tlieln;,,after : , theterrible9essori. - they'rhave 11•404' seerrj: disposeilio; put` our their art ifiErtlferlhatitliey s cen:draiithem ha& Avith - eate. ,, • enninfercial .atid:Othei accounts, re. ceivt din Landon; from 'New." York up - tp June 2d, - prodticedia - grkkritrect mi the commercial men, and financiers jp Lon.' don. -- They. Seem to think thai the poihive -revival of the Atnerican trade hair cornmen , 'cud without the possibility of a declension. 1 Mr. Biddle's agents - in -London have achieved 'a great'trnitn plc there; ditiPite-the prejudices - Which his rivals attempted invert uausly to4et trp. , : ,-It_follows as a matter of course, that in 'proportion as monetary af t firs hriprov_e in the ,ljnited:. States, will from- - •PurOpean ittdclta and'„iqiest them in these of this conntry. , • • * --- The - Afabs7wilkappea T in-Philadelphia in , September.' Yeti have the Giraffe . Lihere, -until the end' ofLuext week: ---- - tusineii:Of kinds-ii - dull at present. — The city is "half empty. Rockaway and the Spriags hays taken half:our-belles and beaux;' fit - return, We have an unusual num ber of Louislatiai-Aabama - -and- Camlina ' ,men About -4 if_clock this' morning, a most de. ! structiVe fire bioke out ie the block' boUnd -etlfiy Himniond; Perry,'West' and Wash. ingion streets.' llt rated and•burnt two -thirds Or-nearly-fifty-houses. - ceintnenced' wyallOw Chandlery.-- - The htitiees'were'lvio Story bricks, habited byrespeciable mechanies. _ _ _ • - Tile" h A .spreadt , Witdeor.Ciiiatile. rapi - difY; The, inhahitanfa - .roused, from . theirhittis iv itVeiv or s no Clothes upon them some as naked 'as theliour they were born. One nian Was dug; ontof th 2 ruins •dead a 'very .foruntr lady is missinl, sup posed-to-have shared the 'same-fate. Murders are rife ,here. Nut a (lay now passes without one. Ycsterdhy morning- : -‘ 2 . a woman at day-break, looking out of her window in Front street;saiv four men mur-_ der another.-- r Inistiandtatrtel-the.-Police-2, Office for officers; before they returned; the body was taken off, and has not yet - been -found, Two •negro_ boys quarreled yesterday, and "one r. - tahbect,the other._ I,Anotber Ada*. wo:naw in Centre street, and calt her lip half off' with, an - razor;.it is supposed lio. rrieancto cut her, throat. _ 04,903 00 250,000 oa G 4,70:) CO .-=2 . 59;74U-0- ... . . p os tscript Farther PartiallarB.-1:0 a to yestenlay'S _PrAttirer,,, containing :4 . - lettei - - Mi from - r New York 'cor w respondent; e, pub- -' lisped a brief account of the late dreadful . donflagraikny in NeW m - York; by which' bc swa. fer.tylanit'llftY houSes Were ,destroy ' edp We . are sorry to • state that the papers I4lricli arrived ',;estertltiy . ,' Comborite 'that statement to die: extent of thirty libuses, . with °tilers . darnaged,____We±regret_to- raki,-- -- that the loss_of life Was but two painfully- ` cornict. 1 The . .Ptar.of. ,Ntredubsclay says,...- , , • ‘.."rhisnfo 'rning at 3 o'cloek,-a fire:broke out.,in the,Soap, Factory.nfAKl-liiiiiiihrey ... Jonesdn_tire_centre Lof theLblock%bOunded...._._ by Perry ; ,Alarnmond,..-Waiihington and 1 - ' - West streets, ;North River, 'destroyingthe whole block, composed of two, story hod. ses With brick fro*, ribeiti thirty in number. From. the black the. flaniei Mctendeffth the I•north' el tie 'Of lianiinenci Street,' to, alumber yard attached - iii`di`iiiiW;MilL` "WlargeAnan , tity : of lufnber Wei' einisimie4 btrt t ~e e t riaved. ' Vepert Says . three , persiptir Were • ' burnt'to death—one 'terrain,: whose body, • . has been 'taken front the rums, ..,yhe front .:. ' walls la the blOcli; except • those on • the Set'Ali'side -, of .Hammond street,-Sre'stand. Mg, The " interior of • theldock was totally 1 consurried, •' - - •:`, . ' °'-: ••. :::',7' , .: - • , ~ .. . . 1 Most of the fatuities were poorand ter', . little' of the property. was insured.' - ' ' „tate' and Important front - 2_ - _= -- --- - ;:—.: ±. 1 ellexielh4-----3-- --' ..,' -- Fran tie. Xew Or!eans Bee of the 25th nth . By way of Pensacola, we have more re , !cent intelligend'e*in Mexico.;; The Pen- , 1- socola Gazette ‘ineritioris.the arrival of the I:l.lnited'Statei sloOp-Of-wor, Vandalia,- from a cruise of ieveiitY:four days in the Gulf of - tMexicofand on' the coast sol\l'exas,' having visited Vera,,, Cruz, Tampico. Matamoros : and 'Galveston. ' ~, I, 1 5 ,41.c 1 1 8 91 .Me were rerY'cleselY •Wrt,ehe bythe French cruisers. The ccin- , Ltemplat,CA; -attack, cin the. C a qiiti.,.cf4:Salx Jean ' de `Ullcia, - liai, for ,the ;present been ohandon, . 0 ( 1 1 mid ,tilkp .C 6 ailm:D,Prendiq , , .419. French • , Isdinieler. I,llaS,Sailea,', r9Y, Diairii., ;;StY:e"eis 1 frOnf ,ille Valet' OtaW'f, - ,'allil - 9.04 :wall not -- - 40 warosil:ht„liC(oo,bsidienttieet to,cap- lie elapsed for -tlikbloolfacle'te j ,liedeln,,P 4neWn- , , . `..--.1t00404.0-“litiZzaele, ,4n ~the- `_frigate --tilitatinine s-i,--4.azat-rtinebor-under,the-island-- I 44§IteijAitOs;.and one:brig and two schoon-, (-4!„# 6 4l* ^ flikate i fl , lapOchese,:- are close in , ilu,th.the,Slualls, ,, and - feequently within mus- - ii,l4':, SlT'Pl'of , Oct 'Castle, .one , brig, is off Alvai* l6 '!iirhidi'illeat .was opened on the - ittlr-MaY? bi, - IbuicMexiTtlf4o/niment- Tile Cruisers off , Tainpico and Matamyras 1 li(i, it michoil fOlo selii 'W•ltli tife'harbor; and other' , vessels%ari . 'ehruisitig.aleing the coast ~ t t'letiveen these paryr.'r't , t'-'.,- , - ; 4 ~,,,-. • ~,;.. r ,4,• 1:,:`,7 1 :91117,40peirCd quiet ititekiis,l'Y'Tiii Brit, 1 - isli, &Act whic h. eitiled . :ll:O4vo C l * on the- 4 17th May, ~h. n d.."he'elf dettined if week i;',ftet:' thd'iegtildr. dtiier intip l lg;iiv'the i, e . . 41 , ,iec1t'.61 the 'MeiiCan`Oiiietinikent, Tor the • puipOsCof,,,, ~alilne,', ' dilt!' a f . vri,:ittest,..to• the .. Ift t itiar CUNQ4 4 ei 3 nt, - Ili beeeiner Mediator 40tri'oe:O - -the,fieVai - aid 'Mexican GOvern i nionts bonlic . _The bea of feelins, have 'thus. fa; tejik'up between the French sqwidion 1 riid our own. While the Vandalia. lay .under Sacriticios, the French and Ameri can officers were in the constant recinro. " cation of services and courtesies: