U WEI F filf, l ll7.lllE XL.—Ab. 41. rir Van% . The ",Carlisle Ifer:ald & .L!xpositov," will be issued . every -TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at TWo Doi= LAns,pet.anstum,payabie in advanc,e. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted lit the usual rates Letters addressed to.the editor, on btiSiness, MUD - BE' PAID, otherwise they .will receive nd at "tcntion. . • The following nnmea i)eritins have been appointed Agents for the •" Carlisle - Herald St Expositor," to' whin payment for 'subscription and athiertispments can be made. • .. ~ . . . . D.' - • D. 11.£.14,Y;Esq. Shiremanstown, Cuinb. Co.' _ ' ScO 1. COYLE"; Esq. Newville,- ' - do ' \ ..• P. K NTZ, Esq. Newburgh; -do ' . num.. V. Himr.s, Esq. Shippe‘nsberg, do _ ,• . JOIN. 11 nnEwen,Esq. do.: . (.. 1 .0,..* ' . .. . .J. 1V ATE 11, Esq. HOgtiestown, . : do.. '• • .' H. WiLsorr,'Esq.lHaelianiesburg . , °- do, . -." Wxr.itAst .RtnisitA ESq. Hopewell, -do . : R. SiimoEoniESq. ChurchtiiiiM, '.' : - ilii -- .•.. .. . ,Dr. ASA' WHlTE;:lsfeW_cUlillielitilidi do '• - Thos. BLACK, Esq-BlOornlield;Pgry eminty., A. 111.noz, Esq. Landisburg, .. _do . •-: -., 7P-0 'E . T:R.Y:-. - »ae -74 44 0 - ~‘ zgritto"sl- , 4 4 la• sweeti , st . 11Awftsenriell'd; Froiu fli•icytis'grtrtletis `E - 11 ' S . D-11 E A• 11 oh lye The anguish from nv..hrow, pain:! ' Father ! I had a dream just now, -• \Thiel) must not conic again. . ertmiled - ttiSles'l seetn'd • .4 „ . Deek'd as the..y.deek a bride; - • Theyplaced trrirni.; upon my. ~Lod took. 'tne_front.thy.shld:- _ _ • I breatlnitt•tite Cell sor'sfragiltfice, Where The.clouded.incenae fell; - ficikil.amid the eliaunted praye . r,. The tMg,:kO's lordly' swell ; • 'And 9' Ity ray hosam.knew tile sigh, Which Illapture . loves to•-ti'ake; • 'But when I caught my Father's eye,' iN : lethought my heart would break. .Vith wreaths oflove from mwtlrs wrought, To,hintl-ray - !MUTT a gentle tongue ira4 fraught With, words 'twas Wisp to name. . Tut when thy brawieclipsvil With wo i Like twilight o'er me shone, l'thought it was unkind to gp-r-' J3tit vain these rye's were upward. CriePs tear bad little heed, __±._ 'Youth beamed where. the torch-light blazed, And bade the bridegroom speed: . t saw a strange'; - at my feet, Whokneeled.aml plead the while, smile . tc; me - seemed trildly sweet, ' • Yet not ins Father's smile._ Softly he told of jpys nplaid, For virgin hearts like Mine, ..ktul of altoMe '01(1 Loyn had•matfe— , - Oh ! brightP'r Itt. than thine. ' ' Uu t take, oh! take ITIC to thy heart, -My brow so aches AV' 1 pain—i — '- -- f Father! that dream would bjd A part-- It must not come again ! PO - LITICAL. Rawhis TOiWombat . oilier,s ; urveijo rs. . . , Mead, and the ibscdution therein contained concurred in by the House—June T t 1838: . Mr. E. Whittleaey; from the Committee bf Claims, submitted the following - ' REPORT: the COMMiltee of Claims, tooy„hom ivas referred tha..petition of Rasselas 'Whit 'comb, George C. :Van Zandt, Thoinas • Brown, and John Miltoy, of Indiana, • WilLird Burrows, .or-- Wisconsin, Brogkfield,'of Michigan, .Andrew For 'ter ajul '1 oh n - Mhatry, of Ohio, and Jas. 2_ A-Rousseau,- ofKentuckyi repnrt:= -- Tla '. 'the said persons, set folili their grievances as' follows. • . 1. '" To the honorable 'The• Vous . e - of Reive • eentatives - In' 6ongress . assembled .• " Whereas. the . undersigned petitioners ',ltave been employed as aurveyors of the public land , - Thr - tho-Surveyor—GeneralLof 'Ohio, Indiana, Michigan; -and the Territory bf WisConsin; and _having expended our `lime and Means in .the..performance Of ,Said -----surireys,.,"and-liavin g duly made returns of The same to theeffme, severalmonths sin - cc ; .. and . the surveys being. accepted and platted, our. petitioners beg - levee - tp stlie, ihax;the Surveyor General, though repeatedly:re-, quested to adjust our, claiMs, has totally . neglected the_saine to the 'great loss of the . Surveyors' whose notes have been protested, drafts dishonored, .and' property. sold, for :debts 'Contracted for, the very purpose of proiecutiog.said laurveys; when, at the o same • time, the Surveyor General, .by his 'report ,' for the n quarter ., coding September 30th; stows ,on.unekpended balance- in file ;Iranis-Qf s39,g,s3"oVhich,aclded,io $13,000 -AvliiCh -he has since rceeived, aniounts to • 185,283; that he has put us ofyypro. Anc, to timP“3ince December, tinder ,pretence of disposing of private property -to Thy - our demOds r but of which there is no prospe4 of sumps, ~. .. . . • \ _ • , . . • .. g . ••..*, - * -, * • , ' l ' ‘..... r. . . s._.. L ~. , . ', , A ' • - .:,• . :•,: fj`i4 '?..' , .;;;; i , r; :. . •,,., . . , .1; 4,, , , A .,.... ~ ;-, .1, „1 „ ,. „ .... ~. \ . i ..- .. . ' . .. . , . . „). • ~ FAMILY NEWSPA.PER:7-PEVOTED rib POLItiCS,.I4I-TEHATITHE, THE .A.N'D thEiCES, A6RICA.II4Ti.THE; AMUSE, NT, Fed. &C. IMMiI " In.consideration of the abcA'espreinisesi your. .petitioners., niOst resiidetfully request that an 'inquiry be instituted into the pro coeding .of-.the,departrnent, and somo meas. , urea 'adopted for, our relief." The committee addressed a letter to. Mr. Woodbury - , - Secretary - of - ther-Treasuryi-xe questing hirri•to furnish ascopy of Mr.. Ly-, deka account; also 'a Statement of the•amount due to the 'petitioners ; also ; any cOrrtspon-- deuce bet Ween the petitioners -- and.' any branch of the TreasuryDePartnient, lation to the, balarice._.so,• due ; :and, •also 'copy of any Rorrespondence had with. Mr. • Lytle on ihepame subject.. - They request ed him to•state whether the petitioners had perforMed. their contracts; and, if not, whether there Wns any failure on their part, before there was a failure to pay On part of the_ United States. llis answer, accom panied by. a report from Mr.:Whitt;Onib, Comthissioner of the. General ,Land Office, with the documents and correspondence,re .orioi;ili al contracts, with. an 'abstract from a tabular statement that accompanied . . Li an estimate the the year 1838, Mr.. Lytle put_ down the amount he'required in his district at $163,892; the 'artiottitt - on hand to_he deducted. ' •P- • • . _ . The _petitioners have repeatedly made' their complhints, by. themselves 'or art of them, by their Representatives in Con gress,-:-and -Mr. Lytle . -has,- on-each corn- - Plana, been repined - by'Mr..Whiteomli, --- by order of the Secretary of the Treasury. to delay - pa ) itient--mrlotrgeri-and---hehas 'been admorlishbil•of the consequences that nmst follow a further procrastination. - Mr: White' ornb han Tiiiiited an - anxions desire that Mr.' Lytle should - yifocc, igiy - acp - El - 67 - 7 the petitioners, and that he should account for his- remissness. ,Beitig . without ' tiny. satiifactory explanation, if.appears - P•that the President has been infornied Of .the-com plaints,•and that he has -adopted measures to invesneate than.. . . :- • - . 7-,-.X.4_44-411ix.ireilmstances,•Thie.;coMinit 2 ..y-11 - i"n bis letter-to-the__Cdnunis - Sioner ol tee • deem it to be in - expedient to: - proceed the Generalf Land _Office, is. not .•defiaite; i forther - litpresentininvestigating the official itutt_llle _does' notspecify any one9f„the_,Po-__iconduct and. dclinqininey.of:Mr. Lytle, _and: - fitioffers, but; in general terms, he SUfr" th - eY - fru& ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, will protect the somcof p the deputy surveyors complain of i 'public interests and reputation of Mr. Lytle - hiS 'remissness-withbut. ally- _justifiable- so - far.a his officialTlCAS !ilea Ilk) . 6xecutivd ' grounds; and he apologiS:e4'for -not 'Timm- l approbati6ll....- ---- •.• - - • - • • • .p. ~ _ .. _ in g a statement of lifs . diSlinrSenientS;',by ' XAs - Co ' " t ' l - C 'Pecuniary relief tobe granted Mentioning hiSr ill health and indisp.MiSable, '- ' !- p toi Ilie-petitioners,. the coMmittee dre.- satis-:- absenCe,• - and the difficulties that' attend the fli,-1 alai die United Stateg are indebted to collection .of .the orders_Ad drafts that —' ' them fin laboi• performed under said 'Con have been dr..wn on him.._ ' • tracts, except as tO - Willard BurrOWs, 'who p _D. appears from the _correspondence_with was paid on the Btl>.of May (Pas appear S - the committee were in rhisbed,that.the from the voucher) the sum' of $l - ,880 41; petitioners, or a portion of them, have urged 'This• ' payment Was subsequent to the tittle Mr. Lytle to pay their respective claims the petition was forwarded t i nt Washington. 'for_' several months. 'Ph:ly complain that i•The . peltitiver3 thave-already-'suffered-(as he not oily neglects to pay. them, but that , tho-, sry', :mints it is-entirely reasonable to he violatesids . promises from. i s m (3. to Lime, g ,.. r ; '‘ p• • - .- - -:- --1-1•......-- - n i great inconvenience am, Loss from ' mid that by relson_of his long absence from —J ."' °se ' .11O_Li_cceivium file_m_ottex . auti...to ...them,_to.... humPe-tirci-r--n- n lintitin-s--arnW3le- ": ------ t dischar,ge debts they were - obliged to con 1.. It does - t, - •thatif • Lytle,' ' . „ no appenr i i.n any ~ will to enable them to 6ommence and !.verbal or written communication with tlw prose ' e.nte the surveYs. There seems to ' petitioner's, kleclined. to pay them on the be. no 'ground to hope thin'they cciuld lie re ground that they fiad - , - not - pertbrineff-their I ij e ,.- e -ip •-„, the present s'essiot of - Congress parts of the Contracts, nor that money_waS -if 11 IAI-should be reportedl-and hence the not due; but, on the contrary thereof, it -- committee felt sin increased- anxiety that re seeins.to be admitted in a letter from Mr.' lief should be - ;ranted at the proper ' depart- Miller, chief clerk, written by directivity of ment without the tardy proebss of legisla -Mr. - Lytlert - 07Mr:'Wharry-; -- that-Mr.--Lvtle-i- ------ adinits Mr. Wharry's right to demand • i A letter was addressed to Mr..Whiicomb . pay,' and Mr. Lytle's inability is made to iAtoknow if it was within his - power to set rest oft the want of fnnds. - • • tee the' accounts, and to pay the - amount The letter is under 'date of March 16th, due from present aPpropriations, according 1838, midis I as follows. . to a suggestion made by him - in the course Major Dorsey has just handed your ,-of tlic-„;rjp,pondence. 'The - committee letter of the -12th iilstant, and the Surveyor ie. 1 -- • are gratmeo to ' learn that thir• departments Genecal regrets -*exceedingly his inability , has under its -control a sum-of-money suf yet, to pay the amount 01 your surveying ficent to discharge these claims' withoutaccount, which he confidently believed-- he , any injury to the public service. The fol-• would have been prepared to do beThre this ..d • • i• .' • • , • ownig respiutton is submittem . - time: - - The c - ompteffort - tif his - arriing - e - ffiefif - s i . - ' • -- ' -:--. -- -•-• • •• Resolved, 'That OW Cemmittee of °Claims at Louisville, for the sale of his . property I there, will, beyond doubt, be effected in, the •be discharged from the. further considera tion of - the petition . Of 'ThiSselas AVhitconib, course - of the coming week, so that by the : sale of the Louisville script, issued by the 'George . C.`. Van Zillah. Willard Burrows,: city council, he will be put in funds, „A . Thomas • Brown, N. Brookfield, • Andrew will forthwith pay your account. ' He feels ' Poiter, Aohn" 'Marry, JobnMilrow, and Under obligations to you. for your-kindness : James A. Rousseau ;P and that *the same, and forbearance during his tempeark want -3v4h the documents that accompany it,,be of fundS, and respectfully 'asks - you to.bear referred to the Secretary of the Treasury., er y_ . _f ey e-1 . - 011 - 0 - I , TTlllif -y e -40r--settleinent-;-under trio buil b ncts-n-rate -with.--liim--a v the petitioners With thetTnited States to. will settle your claim by depositing in bank i by here Psubject to your Order." • 1 survey public lands, and 'for payment under Wt apprapriations hen the want of funds is alleged as the. existing 'only •reason, why ...payment is• not made, IptPublic land: • - ifik surveying the . . . last:annual report, were sent to the eon= iniftee. The petitionerc.aystQ FUrTsm.veying - purtio - n* Of the public land. The Cdrnn?issioner-of the General Land Office - has not been able -ttraseertahrhow `in surveying has been _completed, nor-how_utuchis. tjtioners, owingito the :neglect of the Sur yoyor Getrerat, Mr. Lytle,- to inakb his re turns. On these points the petitioners and Lytle- tividely, ditrei. They allege ; they Were not.in fault until :their pay was withhelit and that they suffer Oeat . loss in niut raeuiving. NV ilia' IS• 'Owe ; to them.: Mi. T - ;:V11.- hi , ' le EPE! . and when an expectation is awakened that • .. . .. . . _ . . this obstacle Would: be . overcome in a few , PORTER AND - HIS . UNSATISFIED days by the sale of his own . priyale proper- . , - • C4EDITORS.: - ty, to'meet a demand on the pu ‘ blic treasury, Me' -hate published certified extracts Mr. Lytle then had. in his hands, according from the records of the Huntingdon . corn ,to his otvirteport, .made-on-the--31st-day--tv couit, Stfcityin,g.• that DAVID IZ,.Pillt: of March, 1838, $30,848 44. In statinif, TER-took of-the-insolveilt-laws i ilismeeount.lia.sh.QffdebitedliiniS6l 141;00 ,-- .4 .1 Miti lilitt, suits tire . 171 Y TENDING . I,N THAT and his actual defalcation Was 38,8-18 .44-.' ....r., OUR T ' APAINST Hilt FOR EI , EBTSTONTHACTpY He was indebted on the 30th of Septeni4 rnEviotis TO 'HIV - TAkiNG THE HENEFIT: ,• , beri 1837,. $39;2.83 881, He received-in I , , T- Vaiiou's ,denials •of . these charges aie Washington; in the:followipg month, •23;-1 niade in the Locofoco papers, some' of them 000, according to Ins statement making his indebtednessm that date, as admitted i?y . I ! . s , i-frned by meo who oughtAsyhavb inoroe -852,283 88 'i s r P b ec . ,. tfor themselvestban to affix theic 'names himself,— _Thi.,4._anniunt was Deduced at. the 31st•Marpti,18 by r7 tilo . -following payinents . to wit:,,, Paid. in 4th. quarter.. ' 18,37. $4',313 53 Paid in Ist 'quarter fB3B 5,.21.1..22 - Paid to deputiss on . account 7,810 00 . • 44-` Balance on hand, March 31, • • ' 1836 . • • 936,848 :44 Short credit • 2,000 • .._ Actual balaneo Mardi 31st, • 1838. •. a. • $38,848 44 He furnishes voitchers, on the • - 14th May, 1838, for this stun 5,806 40 This sum remains•unacepunted- • • .r • '533,042 04 In his' totter of . the 7th Of May; Mr: Ly tle promises more prottipt . attention to the . . Printed emits 1 1 'abiishett ; , Tired/ail, by George Carlisle; Oantberliziell,County; rd 2 • . • • businese of his office, furnish, as sooty as they can be collected,the outstand ing drafts that are against; him. . The ipeti -tioners request :thatanitiquify?.. s 3pay be in.' stituted k ink) the proceedings of Mr. Ly tle as Surveyor General, and - they pray that some : - measures -may be adopted for 'their .relief. It .appears 'front the., copy of a let ! . ter dated 'February 8,1.838, that So soon as-the-Commissioner of the •General. 'Land,, Office - watt - informed 'that 'payments. Were withheld from „the , 'petitioners, . - he. urged - Mr: Lytle, by direqtion - Of • the Secretary of the Treasity-;t0 make immediate payments; and to .- forrard proper voueliers. - lie - was told that no more money viOuld be advanced to him until he haboiinted`foi . what he then had. , 7 , 7 to. downright facsenvoas, or et the best flagrant — evasions of ihie.uth. ,• It is ,even denied that the debts; which it is:admitted _Mr.-Porter-owes - , tie just, notwithstanding HE HIMSELF AORNOWLtZO,OED4 TMEM TO nu . so in his petition for the benefit of. the in-. advent daivs -- ;whieli petition, - strange_ to •s#, has disappeared froni, the Prothone 'tar,y!s offickpf county=--an. qffice :held for more than pwrlve years by. Pon.T.Eti, iviro is - frys• ONLY MAN LTYINOINTERESTED . I O N TE DESTRUCTION Of THE PAPERS. BUt, if the debti are not justly due, as stated'by rorter's.friends; not meet a trial,; instead of having the suits put off froth time to time; •as one of"them • has been since' 1819? • tbe &barges against Mr. -. .orter,•alate meeting in,lhint.. countyiitgdon passed the following,rcsolu tion,•which:is full Of. Meaning: , • `ltesolved, That no 'Umber of the eer- tilieifoof • the, character of David R.”l"Ortai Can.' EXPUNGE THE RECOIiDS'OF THE - T S D rTEROrO 0 JP al IUILje 17,.1 S3S. - Paßl's far . • - ._.._' 'Po .Robeit'annphell Beg: Prothonotary of the court of CommonP . . . tino.don Cozinti: - --- c • • - • ' • • • - . . . SIR:: •- • . ~ . • .. . . . The Committee of Correspondence of J-luntirigdon• county, request.that you will furnish them ;with' an exact exemplification. A of the Records of the Insolvency of David ji, - , Porter, as Tully_asilie . , same _may-appear . d remain in, your °Thee; also. that you' will furnish them 'with a literal-al - Id correct'eop.y of his P i etition.for•the-benefit of the Insolvent Laws;-abd . also a correct and !literal coy of `the : schedule of his . property, together with a list'of his creditors,-and fife. nature and amount of -his debts, ,*ith a statement of Ids losses, - and the:means Whereby he beanie insolvent, which by la* washe required to exhibit under oath, annexed' to'hiS.said Petition; - and copies.. of any _._ -other-paper rclating-to-Uaid-cause-of-Insolvenery-Lthat_may reanain_on_file:in_theLProthono-_ starys office. )(oil are arso.requested to examine if there are any - suits entered, or pendinirin the Court of_ Common Plea s of • uuntirgdpn , eounty against. D. R. Porter f(? 1 debts d"uc"hy I hini i , previous to his Insolvency, ancrif any;s3,''W Krruiteliterde'tild fo'r wliai aiiiount. _ . All of which Yoii will plodso-to certify Under your hand-aucl-seal of .oflice. . • - •-* • 64,491 g IMO . . . .. ‘ ..,_ _ . . Th . e Petiticin of DaC:idß, POcier was read, praying - fOr_tlie - Benfit - pf the act made for the relief of : ltisolir.eitt - ilebtoi - $. - f.Whereupon_it is. considered V the_ .Court and ordered, ilitit the. ;... loth day :of F'dbruary next be appOinted - for hearing - hint and - his - creditiirs,, at the_ court house :t in the borou&t of-Huntlitgdon; and that David R—PoiLter give fifteen-days-personal. Ootice,conly)..of.the_tiom, aild place of hearing. hint and, his 'ere-clitoris:: At an adjourned - Court, held at Himtingdon, in , and for. the minty .of Huntingdon. on the 10th day of February; A. D. 1819: , :before the, tiOn.- Charles Hu§ton.Esqiiire' President and Davi& Stewhrt, and - Joseph :NMme Wssociate :Judges, &c. David R. - Porter, an int.olvenf debtor appearing-in the court-and. proving-service-of personal-notice On Renner & - Varitries; assignees of James Galbraith; Robert Provins, Executer of William Jackson, dee'd, Tobias Harnish, Evan Crane; George kirshulze, Junior, & co.; Willian.Orbison President of the Huntingdon Bahk; Hasid NPMurtrie, Michael Wallace acting, asSignee Of - George •Marshall; John Gloninger, &co; - and .111 - illiant Ingram, fifteen days before tic clay ofihearing; and.takingthe..oh.th.pTeseribed. by law; and assigning all his property, to Michael Wallace and William Simpson, in trnstiforthrlitsc - trf - his -- erctlin . 7rs.--Thc-saidourt-ortlered-that-41-le-.-JMd-Dirvid-R. Por ter be discharged FROM CONFLVEMENT,'arId he shall not at any time hereaftu be liable to imprisonment, by.reason - -of un judzement or decree obtained for" the p;iy mem of Inoney, only, or far any debt, damage, cost sum or sums of money, eontnfetpcl,. Or occasioned ; or -due, before the time Of making...this - order, *And 'the court allow the said David R. Porter, to retain his,necessary 'wearing appar6li • And the court further order, that whenever - a majority in number and value of his'cieditors, residing hilhe -United States, or having a knol9AlTorney therein, consent iii Nvritittg thereto',. he shall be released fiom all suits, and the estate and property which he may afterwards acquire,. shall be-exempted from exeCutiohlbr.any debt contracted, pr cause of action zreated;Tretvitirtitliii4iS'eliiiiWldr — SZVehydiffi'lli Assembly in such case made and provided''. • Assignees to give bail in $lO,OOO. Liuntingdoiz Co. as. • *lx,___ . . . 1 1 .5,:.--- --L-Robert Campbell, prothonotary of the Court of Coin {tiL ( • 'inoit Pleas of said, count}-,do certify, that the Mremoinif• is I true 'copY of ....., .--: v.. A i. ; the docket+entry in the case of the Insolyency of David R. Porter, as .full • '') . 41% I; and entire a:s, the original remaining - oh Record id thesaid ceurt; . .and I fur ther certify, that Ihave :it the instance of di - Yers persons, repeatedly made diligent search :among the Records. on tile in the said 'court, sincp..thamonth-ofJanuary-1.836, fm%the ~.... petition 'ofthe - said - kR. -- PO - rier . , - iiiiiking for the benefit of the Insolvent laws and-the schedule' of his propeand list of his creditors; and I have hot bcen.able to find it, and believe it cannot be gonna among ,the • ReeorAls of the . said :court. In- Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the said court Buntingdonthe 25th day of May A. D. 1.838. . ROBERT .CAMPBELL .Proeij. , .. ~ Idili ,Ttin'e, 1818; . , : . - .4i/ison Samuel Sturgeon;) No 48 Angust,slBlB -- .- .. ~ - ...--._ .____ _ --- , . . .... . • um mows convent ; sert'ed on.l6[ll..Tupp,lB•lB -. . - IP'ff..enters a & rule of' reference, and appoints the 7th .thiy• of July next, to choose . arbitrators, at Prothono, tary's office.: July i 7th„ partie's_appeared, ;Ind agreed On Johii Royer, Win Berry, and Maxwell .Kindead, to-'be arbitratorS;who4are to Meet at the house of ' - ' Thomas OWens, in Franidin tgivnship,„.fen Wednes day the 28th day of My. instant, AO. hear, &c, and make. report &c. August. term 1818.. (12th day) On motion of Mr. Allison;" and affidavit filed; rule of reference struck off; Ohe dap, plantifi enters a rule of reference, and appoints the.2Bth (lay of August 1818, to choose arbitrator's, at 'ffi'd' Pray- office, at 8 o'clock, •P. M. . On.the .29th August 1818, the ,parties appeared, and agreed on Maxwell Kinkendi John Stonebrealv• er, 'andWm. Moore, to lie arbitrators in.:ffiii suit, who are to meet at the house of -Themas-D-Wens-,-inrikeeper,-in_Franklin_tOwnship,:on-the-19th;„day-Of September,, ,Noy. 4819- -coned, April coned, August coded, ..Nov: Coned, January_lB2o_coned,..April coiled 'August . conty,. No.v...eoned, January . 1821 -coned. ' . lIIMMIMM r 0 ton_ & David Port ,ly trading under The ' firm of Patton &. Por- „5.1. , .41/4 11 440 , 4*.rr)rti . .. . .. .. , , -The p e tition of Samuel .tutxeon.*39 read, : praying_for.the benefit of the Ael, made for Y the relief of insolvent debtors.• -Whereupon it in considered by thecoUrt and pr 7 deicd that the 28th day of August instant, at the court house in the borOugh of llnn.; tingdoti, be, appointed for a"-.hearing of the petitiond and his creditors'.;: and' that the ,petitioner give notice in the Huntingdon Gazette and Huntingdon 'Republican tilt that • •pi:the At an "adjOttrned dourtheld.at linntingdon; in 'and for the Cotinty of linntingdon on .the "28tli day,of 'August 18.19". "Befop the: . .Honorable . David Ste . Wart; and Jes', Ale'.Ctin'olt . stittiren,.associateJudgeS, &c. . , Samuel Sturgeon.anSolventidebtor,appearingin.POUrt, and provinff i tiotice to his'erediters; agreeably to the order of the Geurtial August tel tcappear,- and sluitv cause if any' they hatri-why, he shonld . not he entitled to the benefit of"ibe aOt made fey ,the relief,of Insolvent debtors; and'takewthe - Oath prescribed by jaw; and as- I signinghis",.property to Jacob, Beal and Thomas OWenS, in trust, .fOr the use of his creditors, the said pou'ft .arder; that. the said Saniuel Sturgeon he discharged from con finementrunclAat..heshaltnetat any time hereafter, be liable to: imprisonment;' by reason of any Judgement - Or decree, 'ph'4iined for the - payment of onTY'&4 (re-' maintler of the' order in the usual "form:) ' .Sarnueliutiiepp's petitiOn'.for the bonetkof the. insolvent laws is in:the usual" forin; At the Snit of Jacoh.Deal;:and . .to which is . attached the folloying list of property, and' 'debts duo him,viz,: • • Property7--Ondico.W, •two--:beds and bedding, ono spinning -wheel, pne one tea)cpuc, one small, table t ' one tin iiiieketi- six knives. and 'forks; cups and aim d el f ne. choppin&axe..!r , :.'• •,.... • ' `..--....._... -,_. • ''•-•. • -...e. • .%, -.- . r.v. , t9 i . I • •) i . -'. 1 .. :,... .9# , 9) • 4 „ . ... .... ._ . 1:.., ::!:.•::.....1.47-1: -/if: THE:i.----",-,i,•.-VI David Blair; - Geo; \Nr .sniith, • _ David Mitchell, .• J. A.. M'Calien, ,TOseph G: Watson; R.Obert Gummins„ • - Abednego Steve.na, Thomas E..Orbispu, JrndslludsOn, Patrick Lanh; _John Stever, •John Campbell, • lanws_Short i _ 'f- - 11Yrin --- Murray, ..Lno.LOJorroly_T in the - . •179tert.of IPlens.,ol4lnutingdon,Cairent y,_ =. term- I_Bl9. " - IMI Certified from the records; 251a - MaylB3B; --- 7 ---------. ROI3.ERT Cd.2II.PBE:LL, .P)'oey. . .. - .l2tegyst Tenn, 1819. the--„rootif.e: .A._Sollitlay, • • . Jean' Moore, • j'lnneg . Clarke, David C. Ross; • Robert.l... Johnston; • . , . A. R. Crane,. - John I'arks; arLca• . Debts Dith 7 -By Patton and Porter,'supposed about $7OO 00--iadob'LoWer count $3l 81, . , • List -of petitioners Creditorg .Jacob Beal,_clue Bill about • " • 'rho - mos Owens • Gh \ l„ninger and cci. Huntingdon 'Furnace acct • , David Adanis due-bill balance about • • John Nnwman, acct: John A'Bride, acc't " -- J'africk Madden / utiseitled acconnt, - George-Mullen, • do: do: ;-• • - - Montgoinery, _ _ _ 'Assignment made to Jacob Beal and Thomas OWeni usual form - (and• ed- and sealed.) - • .': • SAMeEL STURGEON, L. ...(Witness. R. Allisan D. Sterne Hughton:-.) ME EEZ HUNTINGDON-CQUNTY;SS. • • . • • .. • • : • - m. • • , Samuel Sturgeon being duly sworn aceording to la*, before o the subscriber, one of the Justices •of the • Peace for said county; deposeth. and saith that the aboVe and-foregoing is •a just and true schedule of all: the property, real, per sorial, and pixed,le V,Thh ha is in any manner entitled; that the means whereby he became insolvelifisrtlre loss. of a large sum.of 'money due_him - ..by Pation . 4 , , Poi:ler, amounting to about seven hundred dollars, who .have became insolvent, and.further , viol not.°- -. 4 .• ---- - ' 'Sworn and subscribed die. - 11th day'pf -.• : August, A.D. 1819, • • : i3efora-Aaron, Ipurnh: Y(~ ~•• ~~~ xi% Ifet the Coarl ot Colatmon.ll9leas of littntitegdoti Cotinity, _2BthzDcc. - - • - • .111i§on_ Miles David McMurtrie • :,"1 - No. 37, January. Term, . 1810;, • . k - vs. '- - - _ - CaPiaii:De - bt; brPromiSsary*NOte, BooAc ; . E Ity.ard B. Patio . lj : 4- . -.colt nt,.and'fOr money paid, laid out, and'exi. ,11. B.', Porter, - lately. pended. 'Bail 411542,000.. C . l.'aetSil3. -- B: - .. •.. _. trading under the firm._ . 81 - iippeippearS .fOr D. IL Porter, 'cont'.d. of -Patton. tind'Por-, - April-term, I'Bl9'. . - Deft. pleads - nodassumsit . _ • ter. - , , " •and pay't,wfth leave;_4c. lep't non Solvit, filpprls - 6w -tent:itrl2;ooo'as. -ssVe - and"fileAbi - p4al coiii'd — Ain — cunt d. special bail in this stiit a . cknoWledged :Nov. coned, Jan 1820,•emit d, April cont'd; lath January, ; lBl9, -- — Nov: conei4 Jan.lB2l,lcont'd - , L:_.:_:l - ,:cnire. to August tbri0.....181- . -Aug. coned, 0; ....• ' -(and cent :up, to.l9th .JantOri; ,183,7),1011f,_ • do. ' ' August, 1837, 7 "-, ...lanuaiy, 1837, Narr filed cont'd,and 18th 6f do. , - ,- , - Nor, - • ' : • - -.--tkpril°,-.1837, Death..of EdWard B:Patton stig - . 7 ,--- . - . . _. - ' Bested cont. d, Aug.•-c:ott'd r -20t1Moit.- ride on: -_, • - •' _ - ' •• _ . ... defendant t6. - appetul,arid,,ple:id on or before th 6 - fir's'i'day of r tiet"teriii. - Not`.. Coned, Jantiary, - 1. 838; - coiled; h iiti % 2 . oth . 01 . ...A.pti1 ; I.B3Eo'oer On - delinilant to - piead - in tiro days or 'judgment,. now 23d April,- rlB3B. Bell, attorney for defendant; pleads' payment; 'Avith:lea"Ve toigive th6 - qweial matter in evidence, ! I ke, Rep'r. ilOil SolVit.- -Issue- - and rule 'for trial .cont'd,• - -- . .:. , • - ,Sheppcn 13d1 • . . . . _ . _ • Iffuntingdon, S'..: • - ; . . . .., - .. . _- . . . - I hereby - c - ertifv that the ab s ove „is a true cop-'of the docket ry-in the 4;t: t iWz- above' stated case (exe t a contiinted succession of. continuancea from - San. _ 7 4-,!.. hri p term, 1821 iup to Janna tecm - , 1837) as filly as the saine.appears in the .=••4,.' original remaining: on '•,.' ord in - the Court of Coninion Pleas of said county: vi' s. --Witnes-my hand, and-the seal- of said court 4.he 2fith day. of May, 1838:.: •-- • . • ' POBERT ,C./.131P1.14.1.t, Prothonotary • • • IS_TILILOOLUMOP C031.310..-IPLE.4 S' OP 11UNTINbDON COUYTY. 7tll May ircnry - Crain and` .' 1 No. 30; August term, 1838; Summons Abraham Crain, adm'r.:of I debt balance due or account, stated •not ex-' Evan Crain, deed, ceding $1,000.. Messrs . Bell & OrbisOn . . . appear for defendant without serviee of • ------,-------- DaviiVß - Porteivkiryiling - -writ. . „Av t , partner of Edward 13: Pat: , , .. • Atti OA • -ton, trading under the firm . ... . . . . . . ' ' • 4 ter .of Patio), 4- Porter. , - . . e,,'"dtz.'4 -- - --- ••r --------- ---- - ----- CEiifitrcrfiiiiilliiTiiiWorir2 . slliiiTTM -- '; +lnit. - , ROBERT CAMPBELL; Pi•othonotoey, • . , b'lair By-the Court The above is a cortiftetteopy, firSt of the doettet: entry, in the ease of th nsolven. - 0:5;6( D.(IVII).R...pan . TER, (the petition and other original"papers. being missing, from appears iitat"Samttel SturgeonTDavid - AteMurtrieTE - van - CTaneTand - se;- -- otheth were creditors of Mr. Porter when he was discharged. 2d. The docket entr4: of-a - suit of Samuel-Sturgeon-againSt Porter and-his partner,-which suit'had-been s coMmeneed abotit seven months before Mr. Porter Was discharged. This suit is still undecided: .13d. We 'have,* proceedings of Alai court on the applica s ' to of Samuel Sturgeon:to be discharged under the insoWent laws, at which time heMaleu oath th t Porter (S. Co, owe him about 700 dollars, for which suit had been br . ougit and t want of.-which rendered it necessary.thr him to avail lihnself_of the benefit'ofrho'in-- solvtnt laws.' 4th. The docket entry of a suit,.David MeMurtrie against Porte.r(.... • Co. commenced about ONE "MOOth,bEfOre 'Porter - was,dise-hafgaLliader_lielnsolisent laws. •It is , Yet undeeided, stli end lastly we have a -suit by the •administrators of EVan Crape against Porter for the recovery of -debt due by Mr, Porter at the . times - lie took the benefit. Evan Crane is 'one by: - Mt,,,Parter. one ofhis creditors whenhe took the benefit. • So far therefore as the records go, they . show'llr. Poter_as_stilt indebted to several persons•Whornhe returned as-creditors When he - iv - Ss di'scharged a§ . an insolyeitt.th 1819. . 'ln .answer to this documentary evidence taken from the RECORDS_ OFTHE' COURT, NO PROOF has been adduceil by Mr. Porter or his friends, ,• satisfacto rily showing .that the - claims, of his old creditors ' ni d shed on the subject is the folio-Wing: . . 1•• , Anumber of Mr.. Porter's neighbor's state "That the chargq, that,he -has defrauded his creditorS is.as false asit is improbable• that it is not believed.hy• any, and known ..• to be untrue -bithose-Whe 'rife etideltioretlio give it y Yl•eney, • ,111, a ~.......Flat_the_ab_ov_e_and various other. scandalous al• ders,emanating from the same 'zorrupt-souice-nre,equally-uutittd-4alike•-•disbeli •ed --and detested, herc_where,the • .. truth is known; • - - .. . • • • . The•stiterrieutrfrorri which this extract, i • died citizens. -Itis not intimated; ho untrue. ThIS - 44T1h - iiik 4L iS Ineeess< rf -- fOrtt the people that 'their 'Statement 'to le depended upon. -•- In'iefelenCe to the uit o amuel Stgeon, the Ilarrisimig Eeparter says "that it — s Sturgeon, . was-well-knoWiLthat_i as_ decided in fdior - of the defendant"—that . the arbitrators , . _. . __ awaided that there, •as nothing' due from the . defendant to..the plaintiff;" and that •. , "thOWard.was ever filed:" .- • - . . . . . , • -s. . _ - - ..... The Huyt'ngdon 'Advocate. also - ' 4 asserts as • follows . : "The arbitrators did award ird finat there was.nothing duo from the defendants to tht3 plaintiff." Again it says, ``Tlid - atiiittators awarded that, there was - nothing oWing:frorri - the defendants to the plaintiff.",' „ • . „ . , • • -- And the GaZette more bold than the rest, goes more fully into Particalarsaud states • '" : The suit was refert4d—air award was triale.iti favor of Patt o n 4- Porter, in 1819. --and now for the -firsetime is"this - deterinined -suit raked from the ashes, and'merely 'because the award, 'ooottgli . scaled, opd kiyen to on of 'the arbitraters;•NaPpeps,,no to. bein,ilisOffice, -1 'ryas, we believe,. the neglect of the arbitratOr to forward it 'to . • the piopei'otlige.."--(Thiette'of Julie 27, , 1938; -- , • , TheB' e 'aStieitions - of 'the:leading:papprs:in . the. stipPOrt Of . Mr. , Porter are .0024. PLETELk 'I)ISPROVE.I) liy the folio`Wittecerlijicato Of: all the AIt,BITEA : TOES now living, and - by 7- the of davit of Mr;:,SfOrgeori himself... '2, ' -'. -• • -:-,-, .- . .-- -- • _ .'...' - ',.,-'.. -k .:'•,:: .' .: Ju1'.r3.9.77, 1938. . : • ::..1 - .6 hereby • certify; that I was one of ~t4- i ti.bittaters;'Wheretn; SaMitet Sturgeon '‘,,r4s -- .l)l4intill, and Patton 4 7. porte r defendants. - ,Jhe: . ..greitf,lengtk . Of time- that-' elapactl-sinetithat time,. the partictilaii•of which has:eieajiedrny'recelleetion: : 'So' i far I, can that We net at-different - tiMea'rind places,.huf:..NEVEß , MADE - - Ot T .AN . A \YARD. 'this is to ° •the best Of illy belief at this tiine'.:,, '-'' '''''''' ~.. •- ' ~.'. . ..... .. ' . : ~ :. - :i:. -, .. -- . . .lll.d.tlr E 41' K1iVE4.4.1). ... . . X/E SAMUEL STURGEON, tiertifieci from the Recopl fiVEßELL;_P.roil ,sth of Nay; - RalLela:Cdloy4.-- is'signed,by upwards of 'one-hun thaf the above records of - the eourt are iniin-tcsdo-beforeAtiovie_Lattiejci:_aiiiYiliob_ $300.00 or 880 00 . - ) 2`oo 15 00 125 - - 450