. , , TuE Foutrrn.-.-This day was celebrated pretty ge nerally by the citizens of our county, as parties were .. held hi almost every , section of it, who commemorate ed.the anniversari.of their independence hien appro:: 11 ' .... ---- ~- .--, . ~, priate and sPirited'lnatiner.. In our osinllfintienthii-' -•• • ~ on,-(!f-Yar:A4t:tir.-.-The bill to increase the ''- - •t.V* gan.g various amendments ' 45,4 P,..,, °- rough,' the day was ushered in by the firing of canneli' :. ."ate . ..• and the snund 'of the spirit-stirring driim. 'At nine •.; , ' k ' • , ....9Ert-hF'336en*lally Passed -by : eon roes. Yv-e o'clock, an address Was delivered by the R e y, Altrii i , ra!",#...lrPm an abstr a c t of the. bill, as published in the ,petitilsl . l,l . ,lnquirer,l•that T. Spade, bathe members of his congreitaVieri. Pion.: ` the tegirrients pivitosed :lifterent political parties of.the ilaY had s e Peelebrii: t° 1 . :,:' increased are a s follow, viz: 'one.conipany phe tons, at each, of Which - toasts - Were !Ira '-• ffitorier of tulfidto,,each Of the four. regiments of artillery, ;six.' teerrprivates to every cumpanytofartillery, and thirty liheir ftivottite„Canclidates ,for, governor of this g,t. , t. ' commonwealth. dant: CV: Sininer, Withaboid se: eight privates nd one Sergeant ~..to each' c,9kni)any'?f, . . s ij , h i %,) - 1 , ~..,• ''',, infantry The ' number otsecond liententintato acorn= ventyA. ragoonsi an Bowie y equipped and uni;. • '' '' - pany of artillery is..to be reduced to one; brit allithe •, lerrnecl, arid iiiciiint6d-htinoidechargers, - paradd wesentiecond-lientenantiare,tpdhp_. retained in the tlwough theiitiriciPai;Streets, and then wended * their 1 'service. :The section in the ~ ', i -..iiiginal bill; PrO - TirditTg way tothe delithifiil•SPrings" at Idichitel Bge'sforge • fil'etiites soUtb;:eiilil Of this borOn I'' .11 - ' tl : • 'no Officer in die corps titan be employed in any ~ . . set rice or tiny state or cordpany,, for whichhe isli,all took:of:an exeellent collation ' red Al"Cd'fOr the eeei- mpensiition except his pay froni die IT sion.l . .Notliing, ye-believe, ocejto mar the fee - 2.l°° .„ • . ,L U. Alvities bf the. daf dieither eirtiio - Celebrations; and all States: was striekin mit. Tho number ot,,assistunt • returned to tokorn at a:. deasdnabledichir. In the even-, adjutant generals to „be apPointed; is s educed from . • • r• • four to two' Thewhole ' •- ' ''d d f i - ~,...,,,..Ls..incrtase pi op e or n the ing, the anniveraiirfof the linicitcli.hilosophiCal-Reci.i. - bill - - - ~.•• . . . ety.pfi.Olekinson Coilegewas celebrated in the.first ,ns ,ipio"..diy,Ftsie.d:tli.e.liotts:6,-)vill. amount :i.ea7 Presby(eritin church:. Where :. severe[ addresses Were bout f9,,ur; , nr Tam melt. . . :•... -- - . , . • delive?idllYaang ganiiPme n t• onlembera,of the soci- ,Lark,,stmistrotrritn.. ritoit'CinsnA;r-The Que-, efy, Who diq!tonor to themselves ' and.-the occasion. - i'.:. '‘. be.' ....tiiiit. of 'Alm 29th ult. , contains two important lye understand - that the,' celehirtions s lielil at :New- publiedde - nments issued by-Cord Durham, from Which Ville, Shippensbnr4iand Middle Spring, were well the N...Y.secnntr?erciai. givei the folloWing abstract: attended—the forrner;Webelleve,by gentlemoritilane; One of thern'iminfittit ViCe.Athrilt4 Paget,' ' Major and. the two latter by 'young' men And maidens, 0 • 1 '-• '' - old eneral IVl'Donnell, Col. Grey, Col. Coiiper, and the I men,' fcc.• Addressee Wereilelivered at eaclioftheee xv .....Cin. Charles Bull ' ' " ' . er, • a Specsal Vow:tat—the other Celebrations by gentlemen appointed far the . 1 darPbsei makes a dialiosition of the p risoners 00W inconfine but; as We have not yet seen the proceedings ofeither - 'fle a f or treason, • and 1. - 4'; .. , 9 . the_ parties against whom of them, we are of course unable to •give the - particu- warranttrhave been' ssued:hut who have notbeen ar , •-- . . lars in.our paper to-day. • ' z_. .. rested. )tolfred Nelson; t. S. N. Bauchede Br illirl RATION Or Tit Fo Fain:Fps OF Mt risa:—The T. ea( u, R. ger; S.-Marchessault, H. A. Gauvin, T 0 11 It `silly of our Farmer Governor,' in accordance PCs Rivieres, and I,: 11. Mason, !mai ng acknowledged wlth previdtts arrangemeut, celebrated the anniver- theirtreasbn, - pre to be transported to Bermuda, ici, sily of Arberican Independence. at the beautiful and remain thereduring Her Majesty's pleasure.; Papi delightful 'Grove of Mss I-lendersoli Parker, neau and fifteen °them, Whose names are mentioned, I one mi l e north-east of the re.orogh; .T end h numberas-- and who_have fled frYni the provinces, are prohibited I • sembled Wailniler than has been bre - tight : together on from . returning, without permission; under pain of n similar occasion - for anuniher of years, althiingh' a death, satire also those transported to Bermuda. All treat titan). ef our friends had gone to Harrisburg to , the other Prlrotters are to be released on giving seen celebratethe day. , ;•••I : be farmer and the mechatiic l the• • city forth* good beluir'iour„ except those charged -Profetkloinittntitt-tindthe laboring man, th e- me ' with the murder of Lieut.. Wier and Joseph Chart • • a!id tite;manufbcturer, st..i;inet.there together tn lank - LORI. Durham is - tai4 to be fictively-engaged in cebrating the anniversaajg,of that day, on winch in the preptuation.otmeasures, which will be embo ou for fathers "aged their lives, their' fortunes died in ortlinanees . of the Governor General and•Spe- -and !heir B4prlg'4onors" to rr;'aiiiri the liberties-el. eial•Conacilns soon as Possible: They relate to 'tin" ' this , conntry: - . Y . They . .there ract tO precraira ilia thei- -ry law, is bankrupt - -law, the: judicial establishments bad undiminished confidence in the 'stern . republican . wad municipal institutions fer the whole pi:OVinc;tite nrinciplesaritl capacity of our present eXiellent and establishment of registry, offices, the - equitable corn .f.tithinl Gover!ter , T.he 2,l•ratest unanimity and good mutation of feudal tenures, and New education.— feeling prevaileittbroughout the day, and the multi- Sir John Harvey, Governor of New Brunswick, ar tilde . separated with Ile- cleterraination to do eveyy . .rivetl st Quebec on 'Thursday the 2sth ult,in the brig thing in_their riow&r to c. the cause of "Rrr -of war Charybdis.- The 43d - regiment leTt'Montreal NEB. Axii TUE' SUPItE.NIAf_:I - or Ilia • LAvt rs?;- ,on Saturdav week: for :Upper Canada, and is to be re- I placed hy•the 24• th, now in the Niagara district. It is said that Lord Durham and his 'family were expected to arrive at Montreal ortWednesdni in - Twang, and to leave that place on Nlonday for tipper Canada. - . . A Sle . s,--It Indy be • Nyorthy 'mote An.ltate, that, at the rtitniA• eelebra6n on 'Wednesday last at the C ros e 4ipwat•ds of Ilerpusytere pre,. scut, who vereeither , snpnprters of Well' or . Bisldeliberg at the lost-übernatorial election._ . - Nltnatou.;•- :Number one of volume Sixteen of till &Interesting , and ehtertaisting Was pubjjahed on Saturday the 3fol of 'Julie: It is eniltel lisl4 au_aecurate :tad beautiful portrait- of that • n .cmpliShed scholar and eminent suOsnian, - ClarrleS • 'pingite, and. a_ well exegoted: title page. The liter.: ary conten& of this number embrace a gt, eat vsyiety • if subjects', of oil •munsingand gracela-chata cter, and are:entirely original, being from' such* celebrated pens as those of Morris and Fay Cox and Willis, Worth - and &icing, 'Sargent and 13e0unin, IngrahaM and Ku' wles,and Mrs: Sigourney. For further informa tion in relation. to the .Alirror and the toxins of sub scription, we would refer .the reader to the Prospec , . . tus hi our advertising colutims. . : ,; SouxtrEnN I,rrEU-SP.V.3t castzsctm.-.-IV.e.itave just •recetved the July numbei'Orthis beautiltilly printed ---attriably-coriducted-periodical, imilltave_onlyitad time • a glance over , iti svell stored and diiersified . pages..l • • ---It-contaiiiaa-greatsarle_tyLpf original articles, both in prose. and poetry, frOm the pens nf sonic of the most -tlistingtiished-writers:in the-country,,whose:_c33ntribu, tint; a-have -p I aced•the-Nles7;e'ngerin-the-first rank of . Xmerican or British monthlies. We hive neither space nor time to'give the contents of the present ad.; mirahle , numberin opt , paper t o-slay; but willtierely add, that tlte . work.is published in niot thly numbers of GI pagekoa . ch; . 4 vohmie in advance, by T. ' - W. White,'" . Rie itniond; YR: and isevery way worthy: . the putt:image of that portion Of otirlrehtlers, wtio are devoted to literary pikrsuits, . . Ton•l6r.lexeanockvn.-rThe-Juno, ntnnber - of - this v`aluahle ;n1.164160, not reach us,tiilwitidn • a feii - dais pa. 4, is a Capital one; and Arell - sustain the high-e.luirecter, which it has IV onfor itself_ in" Enrope and - America. - - Among the prose articjei, we were pleased and, entertained -withi."Aty Log Book, or sages frbniithe i onrrinl-ofan Wile& in theL.S. Nave 'TlieJOsnit's, Sermon;"The.lltissiasipplYalley•and • the''West•lndia-• islands,:‘Plwenelogy made Easy;' 'Sciepce by -the, Sabbath kith the Shakers,' and 'Letters from Ileint!..' Aniong the poetical pieces; , . ire 'The, Dead Eagle,' , Thonirts,CarOphell; . 'The ' Pak hyl.fith.:Way:iiideV"*.Msho,t Charlion; • Paraphral;e.ef Deat.ll;,:,bythe anttr' of Laeodi and exiiellent. • :But it . is the 'Literary •,,,Noticea' 'and , the. 4litlitare.Table' that'mnst. attrnets our attenticin;'i r iS they : are allnOstinvarialily highly in• teresting and instlyetive.. Tlie . :lsnickerhookeris is. .„enetl *)t9nt.ltly 14 Nciir York, Ri.ss. tier'inntim iii ad vance,hy-MessriShirk and Edson:, • • srantrul. Itvizin . r..--It is atated in the Arkansas ''ilizette,-".tititf. :Vier the VilsOn; Sitepicer of the legislature:of Oat state, seas riermitted of, the rnuc- Aeiof Major: Antfinn§,, thpSiierlit and a majority , of ikejary, had, kgrrin4...trcativigfrOlie, 'and 'danced anll __.,:hie*kOritaiTTtii:ooiii4iiff . ! - , lava -bten-',l46ltfijigati. pied -ki.the-irelliitoWliioliCeiii - Ori their fiendish cord:ming in the 'street during the night, among the most boisterolm o, y om was, A son', im, 'self! ;Our , iieatlOi, , s'Avitl. probably rphignatei•thaf:this oiiociPle totictier, was eetinititted in . the Hall of the ' ' House of RepieSentativei of :Arkansas''-in ape:ii . clai, -light Wit winter, amfddring• the session 'of the, Hoge!' 'Mr. Antlioni,(Nvhig) xi , ltti. tralcing, some -.r,e,Moirkti'Ai n i: *debate vhie ga,49fienea., ; ip, , the, lioe;6 f9ao;i3lita .i; 1 Allils,on k, "vlio_deieemiatianilY4. ",li_Fßter''l 3 4: l 4 l4 , - stal4y, antilestiteligtl:hia - : 74f , OthViheict..ii:., ~. • -,, Bcaiie44,lfPl ;yet; t ipt*cihstiindinithit'r"i4arAlP l o' atniatiMCinne-4,‘4NtillSott; wits'; acquitted lif littiiti4 . . . • f r iadi s .an'd lieno4.:eir!fien!ilew rtikngt ',..... 2.' •.• ,-. . , .. - ! 3 / 4 . : , : '.,,'" ' : 4 ...- • „'':',,''''',:'--;.', ': '''''' ''''••' ''''::,';',''',' ,‘ . ~mxt , rritt*. . l4;3ipitztriti V e observe hf , the•Ne‘i. • ie . lc' Evenin g 'Stir that ten Macomb has, • i . 'oo h' ' -Ostgeneralorder:at sitat : ettt'a fl . aibot.,..datedJuge 21. All there' titai.p.q . be Made hihinf' there, as te the, .. ~. Adjutant( :l"ti ChtihP, tit Washitte• ph?'• deaet:iii l ova / Blit0;4 8 49 1 -PcinInim i 4 76 9 0- * I tNIC' 16,0ii./ . 1'1,311140n‘; • - 4##:*o'..li -00it4:"St40:04.i**4-IVPOO.r#: . i iii 6.4 'a - e. , . ~.'''' •, .! „' . #l4 - ifir• •i4,111,*i303.1ne , .n0,ipme,! 1 1,8. 'lr. ~, P~iG,--;.;:oSiii7o7oltii:iiive to, o' , *i'4)' '' ..-.. 11 - :* -77 :i - . 1 :.*: - =4*.tolixq.! . *,f4" Ik: : l'i-' . .: l 24".af*i!leiYi!Pi .i . 4 4,! s `. o ' ~..PlN 4 lfii3ll- 4 4, . .&* 6' ,.pilifo,P 4 x6 r iTii, i iii. $ , * iti i , t wi.o. : , .4uhiori, ii i 4i,tit'4;iiiilton„prtint4iiiikpliitti?liji(9. 3 d,.,,,! 'near thelihe; stii(l'Me:ior ClifrlF; of t:l2:o,.olrAetly.i the remainder of the frontier to the aei. , ':!' l ll2 s # ' , • head onartergare at lloidtom , , These . tiiriingeraTi of nurse; are merely temporati? All the inhabliOtte, •• Along the lice are urged t-. 1 the tieesaity of a vigilim!. ' - '.. suppression' of any atte.nipt to-violate thi.- , feiti^.. , el eel - . . . • 'rtIF:STING OF Lexington Oh 'server montion r iluit an infant - of four: months thUt place, having been — siiing . in htn : locust; was immediately - seized with-violent Sickness,' and-expiredinitbout tyoutp-four, hours. • A Loy of ten ycara,of, lig - L C - residing .in clarke'couniy, has ii g ! cauv,ht. a number of loCusts and-put them in - : his hat; was stunil l y hevercly.in several placca onhead; that lie Micl in a- few hours-afterward. These facts should admonish both:adults and Children to beWare of the locusts. . . • "Bocic Ao.s.tr.r."--..;The National Intelligencer says, that. the House ofßepresentativespassefl a resolution some shOrttiine since, by- a; large Majority of. votes, for changing the interior arrangementofthe Hall, so no to restore it to the old plan which existed previous to the 02d congress, reversing the seats of members, and placingthe Speaker's chair where 'it fornierly stood, which is directly opposite -to its present posi tion, • _ . • - .Ut.riFFl OF .TIIE rIB.ATO INlrrenntt.,-,The Mobile E. arniner of-the:l2sth tilt - .7.sates,,tpatrrthia - ncitorions ani daring pirate died that morning about 6 O'clock, in , :ansequence ofa Wfauid hereceived the day before fro! t one of the guards,. while on his way back to the pris from Which : he escaped a few days previous, having been - imprisoned for riot. He had adroitly managed to unloose himself niter he was retaken - , and he made resistance in, a - enuring him, which left the guard no.otherifternatit , e than to shoot him down. Mitchell hidlieen engaged in Tariou.S daring ails of piracy for years past, and at the,time of hiseactipe from - . prison at Mohile, fie, held pravateering Commission in the service of Tezas :; lEis xaid hie inwpor-ivas -to - get on hoard of a boat-at the Wharf in Mobile, so'as to reach a vessel lying at the Bailie ready for , the expe dition, indite had several COMpaniOns'leagli'ed ivitlr It-Will be recollected,_ that this,aarnO.Mitehell Was generally accused with being the commander , the .long,loW, blaeklooking schooner,' which was re ported to-bitve captured the packet Susquehanna from Philadelphia to Liverpool lint 'and.-41tich - nuide• uch a , great noise throughout the countriat the time. LATE. ranm Trzia.—Advices .wera received from _y_clipccf, at New 'H L rleani ttothe , 24th which state that the 0:1Tipil; recently .Minister to thincountrir, decline's imineta candidate, fox the Vice Peestiettey, which lie had been' nominates lie.meetingahad heen held 'at ''velasaii and )3iiiorlik, to take inta,consideration'tlte prOprietz Of, marching imniediately rigninstifetMnoras. - knew paper ailed . the','Civilian7 into*. published in Hong!.Oft; and sup= ports e* Gray kin (or 'the` Presidency: Since itl.teiirnmetit of congress, President Houston has re=• 4)pornted . Idr. Samuel Williams as a' Commissioner' under,:ihe y ,law aufltori.sinitikC The CatholiC 7 clturcli san , l6.nOialiVreen.roblied of on large,crucifix -with its cohinTropi,tl. Alin , can-, ..o'nriTtolf`4s'n TntiVat's , glad to tind by the PittsbUrgll - Advociteithif‘thejiiiii, 4itletors of: the canal paoketabhve ttiude'tirrangeasenti 61:,01e, c:livieyskt!sei.4:!f,,papsengers,arotind the breach lib ttie Canal, vltieb.:alis occasioned by tl;e'fate . tintor tunate iiti'disastrous flood'hithe'itOhlath: ; PasiengerS 11 0‘,i;, ‘ Bl '9 l i.: ( aga,a,ai li3Oli,taiOaik tar44l4 o a , ' a .tlititAtoC,cif 4 9.1),1.iN're1tC7,91At,.. 1 1 - 3e'll'Pter4g °° d'l u rn" lai6.6Uf',W - 417iikt f iea );44....1•:the'i f iointi,:1),crtit **.erokiiti#k , l,l9*4 7 4,4iihc 7 ,.ftlilx44 ,, ,, 1 ii2FM4?#ilimfi..o.4!,"9 , *do - q•oiO4:itfik , g94,..t. 1 foi*qyitioolol4 ar9iltl444o.#4o;:sit:thit-liii*i,, lay TP,i7.."°)l" i alt i la c i,a7ei v a_ ll ..aa'ar. , ."9, l flier.f!TiSCisk, p k„6 5 ;,,,,, t r: f - , - mid t!...ext , ol39' . .;6!,l)c , 9l . l , oriiirlti#43efoie: . Had itnot been fill', !tiilrestiti,ei,iy:o4 . so,#Clo4,o ' " r iii U . latte44lislied iti tlajuntpeityShurt„,,pill,qmd written Ers!,ap intelligent,gentlaTO . st I . lol,4l§',l)burg, the tollsthis y&a, ivuultl*e" , : - ,aln . 94dedk',T l ll l !ibit, and it half of dollars,. and next,yefir to nearl'UliiiiilY ~ . , ~, Jur: ;ditoramitoink' FitaNT.lpt, 7 - 7-7, ll, i`lan9' beb Oazette ; - t late date says, 946 report } vas quite current that 'dace' witin a - day or tivO,, that a %Tool )10 4*,rfietr:fr,os o, *i'f.Nil‘ l llo4 , :iktlvs s6 4qPl . : and reOitOd iltat' ; lllO,,,oltolerti.'wesrovaloo lit St. Pkerre , peysOlie;had Eked iii ptie'day> intfq; would ite~poPulnt the time; It ie !nv?Aipredonase'of,ibilora iher,P> *eliPiefir to have .OallrquOlit' the • 41:reireValieroleo' from daiVediteTine t ie. qi letiiiredneF,,tlie CR tterri 'enGanci:nith'Gtdidi ANOTISEII IND.I.6.II3ATTLE.—By the arrival of the 'steamer Panteeatlacksonville -on - dm - 21 strut - June," iritelligefiee was received of a battle with the Indians . 'on the :19th withini,feW miles • (if IsTewnausvillei in Which several. on both:sidesWere, frilled andwounded,. "Calk; ijear, of the di's' giiiiiiii;•z*lbirty or forty *M . Lieut:'.Howe,of the, saMe.'„cOro,:titth twelvertnen; and Capt : Walker, ,volunteer, .tell in With aboy.'ipta . :4, tivithema4,etrwat t m salute; . .. Walker was killed and fiVe'oelietilqcominandAvcre wounded. • 'Dye hurSele.wpreltillcdi 'fnueng-Which weee..lengs444l . fowce. „ s; and-several Indians werere. Gen;L•Taylpri six cOmpaniesof men, arrived at Black" creek :on 7 ,the 20th; and it4as ex'pect'ed the' re that he wciiddleaelt• the:Sitagcs better•mannersthimip, crowd thejnaelves, thus into civilized society., • • - - - i Ep TE DROWN SRS.•--The New'Xo es . rlt papers' „ . • mention, that the bodies of the: tbree daughters' of ;Isidielist - Cozzeits4r. - ,Wticiwere - droWnOld r :the near( bleat: 'a - short , :tiMe lined while-birthing, were found . orizi . hesdny by Mr. cfpha 13:.crorp well Mr..Havens,.and,were:Mpropriptelif„ bdried nt West linint on the.sdnie 'day: '. • . . , AN ARMY Otillni.--:-The Washington. - Globe sliya; that .the'grittluatea of the.Miliqtry,Acade - nay . 'West Font for the present year n have been appointed seeondlieUtenants iii the fourth, and, sixth regi- . meiiiird%fantry„ and to • Whom- short leavesOf ab sense Were granted in the General OrderepTo, the 27th ult. have sinee been ordered-to rep.orttO neral Scott in the Cherokee country, where their tier vices are necessary to. aid in the removal of the Ins diane to the west. . . • , • . ATTAcx.tirt Venit Cnnz.J--The .arrival, at . Balti more-of ltite - advicesfrorti ','S.rew Orleans, state the pro:. battle . boinharcirrient of :Vern Ong: byr the French mina drop, itbeing'tit eintentism of the different vessels on the coast to concentrate - at that poitit fOr iintifeidi ateaction-. *The arrival Of the sickly season has very. probably admonished the French tobring the quarrel . to a, speedy termination.l. \Santa Anna is at the hett . d of the garriscnt, and ii - inaking prep:et - Mons to - rtsist the-assault. • . . ........ „. - ‘Gotrzo, Atraatn,r—The York. Republican-states, that; ian - lYeAnesilay evening.; - the 27th Ult . : a locimio tive engine eame on to Nl...Miner's .. .farm one and. ' 'half miles from qw,horough of York,;whiclr had tra velled along the laltimore and York Rail-road line from Timonium. - I.rt the. cati j attached to the:engine, were Charles Howard, Esq, - the President, .and Isaac. Trimble,,Esq...the:Cliletßugineer of_ theßair-road Company.. The only portions of the road remainini, in a 'state - unprepared for travelling.,:are that between Mr, 111iller 2 s farm and York, and ten miles fj•sru Ti 'nioniumto Baltimore, from which the rails linve been.• taken up,• and-the route partinlly.eininged. The cn,, line from Baltimore to York, it is expected, - will .Ire'rprtpared tot trai•elling by the tirst'nf_Angust. THE TURTIENCIC, TtXBl RS -The nation ntadritin= . , . IStilition are eternally projecting some new schen - Mu.. ke eN3M;euriency :of the country hilts present tinsiq tied stai!e; j and to embarrass every branch of indintry! No sooner ii as the spet..ie circular repealed bra very lingo majority in bothliouses'of congress, which was -hailed as the harbinger of mor'e proiperouS tunes in ' over;. sectidn of the union; than the Secretary of the Teensury issued an oillier to the Collectors of customs and the Receivers orpublic money at the land ones, instructing them not to rCeerve in payment of public., dims the. notes of any specie-paying„benk; which had issued bills under the denomination of $lO within a specified period! This unwise and injurious act im mediately casta_gloom oyer_ the . brightened counte _nrces of the people, because it probibitedthe receipt oftke notes of four-fifths of the banks in payment of gOvernMeni(lebts, although they redeemed their notes in silver. end-gold.on_demand! And no s sooner - was the ruinous sub -treasury scheme Prostrated bya roost aemdetiroTjority of the-representativesorthe Which spread joy and thanksgivingthionglont the eat tire land, thanthe - President's eliosen - :organ in rite Se nate (Xlr. Wright) intrpduced another odious bill of the same injurious character, which' passed that body by a majority of five!, This'hill: repeals, several Sec, tiohs of the deposite na,Jas ns OtiMr acts relative to the Collecting and disbursing of the Publicfunds, places all the treasutes i ,of the nation, under the immediate and entire control'of the President to car ry. out the hard-doney and impracticable projects of thendministrationt. ,The passage of this 'measure by 'tfie - Senate, -, iitrWe leorn-from-the --N ew-York:papers,. has . cansed,the tieereitse of stocks in that city, and a gain eastn gloom over the money market and busi ness prospects of the community, ' Should it iinfortu natay pass thelionseithb . direful effects of the specie circular will be fastened upon the people in their very worst form; and the banks generally; whleh were'a bout resuming specie payments, • sill be: firevented Trona doing so in self-defe?ice Tor sonic 'UM% at least, or be hiiiiSsed and 'probably - destroyed bya relentless and perseCuting administration, Whose motto is -'rule I or ' • . • ONE Or KENEiALL'S' Sya l TnensunEns,!—TlM ' bile RepubliCan contains a statement ifili•clation to the •defalcailon eta. poitmaster .in Illinois; which shows the hit' vtle:s ofth'e . sub-tveasul , y'systeal - I . l4P:it is new, practised, and which reflects great discredit upon the Postmaster General. • -R appeatsfroin that,- about i three.yeat:s ago, the town - -' 'of ' l l;cerriont 'was laid' out in 'l'czewell connty,lllinoii,lrd soon heeame the_Scatorjustice; Where. a.post-office,waiestabliShed arid* noisx - and foe° . appointed :pea This man beennie a ranting bitrooni tor--ealled county and Mcipshir, ineetingl-got lent reso ~ lcre t passedlutions by hi effolln werS . • ! ; , -antl sika • atlgweil to nearlvihred...yeara biing. called upoo,!_lllenny.:9f the'qleposiit tM — *C .h4.'SittlitreaSucyli.7-fitlefigth;•hewevciclerid edit allA s 1360' 7 I:ti'fOlitrofthejnal - contractoes, there.bcing abbiit• - $1.80(1 then,in Ids hand . • . • but„upon':"OfatiiiningltiaNatilt, pr,f,s:sifq.!yit*s6l4ary, e'f 6l /0;.0*-TI.i!,04 1 ;q*Y, iPlft B lq,iii* •40,i,01 1 g44449 . 0 1 Aft*.0 6 4YA tc ' r :.` 1 0 , MA.*.‘ 0.00 ll',! 1 4 11 ) : ; Tiolr'.ol.•,'of course, twos not pacd--=and Ken loll'a. l'*ig*e l ?i'g 4 O.'r*e e # l , t t' - l i !! 4 .Ft'o*4!rt 4 O , losoolieri - 04'04'' f 0*':**0#10,*4)TOCOelii* 40, , 84chikoitrm.*lb4i0 6 i.7v1"30+.frOOT • ', , iifiiiii'q'itiQillnoti'doi*ogaiit'.litii;fF.tie-440P 4 ,i3fiki* • lt,:iiaAtijOi...:ipononi". i•Otte; • ,gblie te t!eitielif Orthp:tnited.State4:?al-*elltit*i,thoS, iridir in ; the outitty, Ifol di ils i OyAmogiliieitt self for party ptirpoaes, and thereby brought 44* id, , chi= . A:00 ol m oil. • 1 "6 ii lEEE , . 'Manz kastoxsilois.—The numerousresignations] weather seldom - so cold as to make fire necessary, and of persons appointed tnthe-Porter-Yoinfg*O', irCitirizl in the warrirdstidenifiirit7so hot - es - Ave have had vention at Harrisburg, and on Porter committees of fers a Week past: Nor is the country more unhealthy dorrevondene9:And vigilance:in counties ; _ and ttiwn- thin isusual in new!settleMents. All emigrants have Atipb,-,stee,aq, pouring in upon .ns 'from all•quarters. _tip undergo it process of acclimation more - or less ac 'Samuel. Bowen, John Niatele, Angustus ' , Hoffman, yore, according as they marlinve come from a cold john WOmer,• and Joseph NiMmel, have ,decliped at- or warm region.', He also stated facts illustt:ativq.of -tending,the Porter convention ,at Harrisbuti•iititiie the heneq.Cial hifluerice of the colonies in suppressing ,fityasdplg l 4Pli'!..4os i Pg rir*'n7Y'F9Plt,,,PT:l4l..the slave: . ?allo t a'ad,iipproying.tlivnorals of the na-: 'delegationappolotedhy • 'the` , party' . 'in. l3clittylicillco. I 004; tut. it iimuld be iropossibi, in this In4ef.notlec, that 6NCresigned ..011,4i,e 1 Y; , ~T 4i,, ~?.#°69.r.;.i!'•,!Pariiel Ito -.entet . 7into Any : detail the inutuefout interesting :Relitig,'GjeOrgeHarfey;lidardStiiiifif 81'.1jIllti.:Weil; hiidinstriiiiti4iiiiternWniaof tins g4il4iand we 4lie6l;•Vi.iAdairi:Sinith-4..46:6-.'itBlit#o-it:*4.y, - ,ileilit. - ',_Sueli,W , Fexer,:iaa titeOtifi4ititifrtil 46l- . iel:Ftellner, andpat4(-4,nclyras,-Oui_ve-alsOehlio;-- liy•thenii4, o._it . :._*'deteitiiihed to Bold irnoti‘ei•rnie.l:- .- , ‘d iketitiio o'6.o:irMo).*ffilit49.-9f-NiiilV.lP:tlie''.l4,iiki;.fitti.o#ool,itir%;"--;;;;.1'-'::- torisititi of 1-leidelliiiii;; Wilgii -- inatint,t,lMafting diet l ' i Tliiirxdeetihg4as yrineli#ill:C§' niiMerorielir, attended large mintier of TVrE:NT.Y.,tldtiT.iejSignittions to - ilia&tlie r - foi•iner: - ' -Alt4mohi. of the; audience hed'mit I 1 [ that townshitOlone.-4tfivetT•evßeAt*OrtithesCapd! heard?hin(before.PMW I3nehatir repeated the aiiik ! . similhr resignitierfivwhich ll daily meet our exelp pa- stance of .his remarks' On: , , the evening, with P&;iipOldiSliOl'in;l4l.3i,'(4o,o*,ol,the idate,A4the., '.sortie additioniO4Xucli;,to•theyegret..9f liiiisiteateis,, friends of pprter' ,, r!ooke:olo - 0/ . cifitf w c -4t.:?. _,*jie,.l ! l hoiirevei; - , - ii Was:oood to...ideSiii in_CouseTi . ° eli ) e:P ; t, 1 th'eihomiinaid:hiiiiM4iiiiiiBrttay theii'ii;a*es; liViliiiiiiiiitiiir•Thkjlev.•_ltfri4i l ,F 4 { 4 MA# i ^ l) ' 9ll. or, Aim they most iinquestimieldt - '4uld;',i ) o thus haVe - 4ci. i'..iioues,ed,•to:,addr,ess thernettliii;:ttiithOttßktilnt pointed thousands' ofthefriCiithi',.6E'bOveritOr-itit fn ferl-elcpectedly, callediirati; . PreSerited to:i'tlie:- audience.' 'on Committees to aid the . election of didirf'Caindidatei;l:ratte,h interestingintc:lligcsse;'clerilit freiri his . per is the eonSitiptleirelope..efit of theie fiieticmoie.".l:_sonalsite!luaintance and c*Mipotidence:4l(lleolonists over, whietr lies,earriell 61:!;,* anddiernailnto' r the- in Liberia, '. - •• , , ;,., -: . .--, c. ...-: • Porter ranks from one; end. 'of :the state to the other, - "On' the Niicile,iiMilpir,it:irmAireited at these Meet.. and which hai caused them to - become so reckless and i ings, satisfies ue4at'the . cause of African Colonize- ilesperate - in their career; '. • • . 1 Lion is imireiminglpiptilsir urith:tlie people of: this ' comniuniti, imili ia‘,believeitthei the . ,mapagers of the peCiety will take sucffkr,ieasiieeii• during the .sue-_ ceeding year., apt° keep'aiive4ii interest,linil to in crease it throughout the coutity2N, __ . • T. Si; . . . TilE Loco Focos 4.lllALGAbudiorr.=-4i is said in the Doylestown Democrat of the . 97tli . ult. that,atn meeting held in Bucks county last fall, reeolutien - I was offered , in "opposition to airtalganiation7ith_the : blacks, and adopted unanimously by the- loco'facos. Dmild R.-Porter was not then in nomination as a.can- . , didate for governor,' or such a resolution would .not have been offered; for; as the West Chester!egia'ter , truly remarks, the locofocoa are the uly political 1 party that ever sanction ed and justified4an unnatural union between 117 e Whites , and blacks o by ‘ electing to the Second - oflicein the gift - of people* shameless practleal amalgamator, and by nominating for the highest office in the gift of the people of this state an -awateitr-atnaigametor!—Had-the-resoiutionin_ques tion been adopted recently, irmigbttbeit bereasons! bly inferred that theloec focoi l 'of Bucks had become -1 ashamed,of such an outrage en common decency, and were about to condemn it in the most indignant and appropriate terms, were it nottnown that shame WAS note compcnient part Of their composition.-'- • . Ile iiTANT . 61 , A Cirs.n.tercn.—Hrider this head, the West Chester negiSternnd,Exarniner remarks, that the,Porter preSies are - Parading certificates, signed I T iridividuals'"of Huntingdon county,:rwith a:view of ob,-, . taming far their candidate an honesteharacter! - These papers were, no doubt; dra*ncm by. some demagogue friends of the would-be . governor, :and : passed About for signatures of his partisans---men who would sign anything-‘at all that was calcidnted te_do Porter or the party a service,' In fact, it is stated theta - ion - I. .mittee was A ip 4 Rlted:for.theexiiress pgrp9se.oe.rlia;.. nufneturing certificates or Chiiiysit&; - a - Mleifetilati#ig thenfln Huntingdon - county; • -After-beingbusily -erp . . ployed for two wed:4,qt is %lid, they were unable to procure more than.t4Anatopa, setting forth that P . er,,• ter is':• , : lti.ii• - what thow-papp7 assert' hilii to be! - The prospept - of acanphite Kst •be Poor Mdeed, when ' IL friCnds are thus obliged to appoint committees 'to find bins a character! . . . ..-- .. . Guy :Actors CO:":lllCCT.—According to the Harri sburg Chronicle, the conduct of the Porter delegates to the convention on the 4th of.jely, was highly in :Suiting and outrageous to the.citiF.ens of that place! It was clangorous,- in some measure, ford prominent. Ritner Man to walk the streets of Harrisburglor two or ilirCe thij:S, - inilesi lie Wished" telberitisultedby ruf- - 1 finn di:unkards-belonging to_ the Porter convention!' i The editor of the . bikronicle, Who is a peaceably dis posed man, says he was twice assailed into: Most un becoming and brutal manncr, in the space_of.onehour on Tuesdorevening,lq characterS..such as we have described! -- Seirerartithei — citizens were itisOtelAik: -like- manner;-and t -it-is saici,Alle delegates Troia Hun tingdon were, above all others, the most tilde, insult ing; and,ruilian-like in their conduct!• . . MOnr. Pncienrerrosr.—t - e learn from the Balti more Transcript, that the Secretary of the Treasury has removed Martin Bielrelberger,r.sq. from this of fice of weighmaster of the port of Baltimore, an office Which was conferred upon him by Gen. Washington foil. his services during the revolution,' and his civil -.tjualificatiogs also._Bot_thos it , is with the ; national administration: they do not even spare the war-worn soldiers of the revolution, if they but dare to-think and , spdc. of the puldie affairs of the country, whose erty jrnd independence tbeyaiddilin aebsevingd . 'Home Ttraus:F.t-,-TheHnntingrion JauFnit}con tains the veceedini*.of a Eitner meetinglately held in Porter. township,, fiuntingdoe, coxing . , it Arai resolved unanimously, that no ritimher of the 4eri tifiers of the character of David R. Porter, Esq., can 'e*unge' the records of.the court. This is a moat Sdrairable hit, and one that .cannot , well be.inet even by the, stoutest and fiercest advocate; of, the "Iron Grey" - AnarncE or AllsO.--73.y0p0g 4 1 a)" carded a Ict ter to the iiOst-olTice, but dropped herself into ihelipx instead of the letter, and did not (Hienvet. the mistake, till the 'clerk (the iallant.young eajitain)' askedheiiif she was aftle. 2 . ' LaoMmONlcA:Tpriij: . t ., . ,4.::•..:1 IVrintorme -00t.o;rizArzeri, , .: laririssti..--- 0 Thursday last, the AnniverSag irieetini•Of the Cie:pr. 1 'ficrianuP County totanizatol:llqiii•Yol'lYit- held In - the - ? l .FthO i ?k i :l iiii°l4 ° lo q l PA ßteti-6 -was::il* . _lngo . aged. A. - f i s 4ziA 'the President of the Society; irt - , tiie - iihilli, .. ;Aliirtii. -,3 74itri • - 4-th . e .- `i-00i' of th e Itfatmgersi Arlitniorlin-foFmithrint! t l t Pf cohtlu n, t he IneetiniS was 4P,'°6B°AhY the Chen- ; man, ivho, in h specott s iMitriteiV.l.Miolghliu4Y , Aery, appurite:lo , o9.q,ge ot ' l l l %tv l . l V . Fci!i .4 ! l Fr(4l%clfirPer elklilii . W4 4: 4# ol4 (kos 04 6 : A' coldp.te. , 4 l4 g - 77- f lib l vln g that It. is not qutte go wild or go unworthy an '.pitcove,i,.: 4s ite,..wpwrixtxvioul:4 r,Oiizes l 4tiZl)?„, Eii;r?oiliiAtit:, lit 4140 W renkka litor tlkisi , that•4B , .oiif4olsaipaiij:3o74* - 14jiA4 54, 7 ‘ ,t . onrene:# (1 e/ag 0 4 ° 641-4 4 1 1f ro*:'4l.o',?6 , 4fiiolitli,ritiWYX+: .444 - # . 0`.6,*91 - oc,?iiiwoc i doiliftiv4b 3 / 4 4 , 14,4,4 lig)" VOieg.c lo )h4iiie:o4..mtitive ,74 rth ciitiititutieinofii,osofo*morq',o3*oo4 14 - 4*tibil ?fllo - octie:ii4,o.§-ie&e:, 6 0 4 0 0,, Et ., ' :1 4441 1 4%-°r - ,if.: 0 4 .4T-aeird . 4 4i 4- 0 00 g* 64!a l i f . ii,iiigtiV,tit act:brOti•!illit 4)rf. , lFetir#: *000:4 4 .**Qt l L 4 Qio 6 x4 th q: ll%. foo k t Ai i44'by,' - d* . J , tixooki,4*?..im to,t,oul vi, top, - pi#7749t slkohjetr;-:";:':?1;',4,‘ . 1!,„', :: . :_f'l4:4Zi. I '-`lltpi4 CiftiiiiiitilleAt, 7 lhiA4iiiiiiin'iV , o6o4 l iiii4 BYCl4.Cifflgfitfa 044460 4 >C ' , taeilei iilil4loiiri3O:ic4lrik**l.o4L't :6f-,tp4041i10n,, 0. 4 OrA:liect° -B fth e;' : °° i brr4t.',3 s 4l i ,ti tt at4iii it Tni 1P. 4 ° 6 i( l ,',4friitttO(4,oi . ;o 4l 4l l , o o- 447 f 1 A - * Pa gitloli'Aete"i,h4 s 1 11 ‘i/' oril"lipo ' it i ii i ** i i it, iYlasilf "- fil fi iii i ' W;a o o. 6inte kY / q 1. : 11 f el I *, ':50,,t 6 .. ," 6 , l i,trip*;:, ,F .r t i . ,:i' l so.',dlai:li,„::At4 4 oo ol V a r ,:iuuafri,tkioi 0100110 antlitiMy alto 011:°°:**Porta'ali:7'• 'o''Cctili,ii:,"'iti4 i3cifi linutot ally iwcaluetlie,ona,thot'f246'dtht‘tlitiienst of tied fruits ef: the :earth — the " beyond comb r153p,;',1,P temperature carving;but,little, . the !! ANOTHER Ntrticu tis.---We learn frorrahe lait Tel egraph, ea the Iltrriaburg Keyeton,t.*:the Ab-' olitio ar who have _lppon inveuting, coihing and.: puNir lung the most base and disgusting slanders a - -; gminst Gen.- - Porte,routt•to receive an urnporianeac cession, in the 'person Of a female wretch at Letvisl , sawn, wlioltas given practical evidence of her adhe sion to the doctrines of micalgarnation - by teAnarEso , NiOno!"---Voliniteei.. - , . In which Mr. Volunteer, she folloWed-inihefoot tlierie of Cid. Richard Al: Johnson; Vice rresider4 of `the United 11htes, WhO was elec,ted by the'foco f cr- 4gßl7ration Tarty7--Herarcf-fd-E4 " -0 . .-" • Tui SELECT Seneox..—We requested • to : state . tbaltheSelect School which Shoutd race iuet on Wednesdaylast—liut whieltwas_.omitted in con-, sequence of thatsbeing the inniversify'Of American . Independence--will. meei• h. ! inorrop, the Room _occupied by the Feinalelligh Seltool, ct two o'clock in the afternoon. The Common School Teachers in the town and county are invited to. attend. 'Any: of tour citizens who. desire to be present on . ffie oceasion by calling on any of the .* Directors, will 'receive an invitatien. - ; . F.' Ctthll.EltlA'ND' COUNTY, LY •' . i - 11Ircru,sticantroo, JIINZ 30, 1839. ' . The Cumberland County Lyecnin, met pursuant to up . pointment, when the meeting was opened by a highly interesting address ' by the-Rev-President — DIM ut:Tf, -- PF - ciidat Or the Lyceum. -- =-- - - - On motion, it -ryas then: Resolvell, That the mem bers'of The Meclianiellnfrg Lyceum, be ini ilea ni par; ticinate in the deliberations of the present meeting. Reports of Committees, and of local 11:yeeums, were then, called for, mliercupon„Prof. Am.r.w presented the Lyceum with n partial analysis of a mineral found on the land of Johnson Moore, Esq. of Carlisle: the publication of which report is withheld, by request of i the Professor, till the analysis may be completed. • Mr.•Rupp, from the "Slicer Spring Farmers Ly_r ceuni," made a verbal report, presenting the Lyceum, which he represented, as in a floui islung condition, 1 and as being engaged intim publication of a monthly paper, devoted to the interests of agriculture, which has already reached:its 9th number. Prof. Caldwell, from the committee appoint,el, to ' make enquiries concerning the existence of lead ore in the county: made 'a verbal report, that though the coinmittee had , in possession several - specimens- of lead ore, from the immediate neighborhood of the comity . , yet that they had not satisfactory evidence of the existence of any within the limits of f Cumberland county.- ••• . • ... . ,„ . • James Hamilton, Esq., from_thd committee who have in charge the minerals, and speohnens of art, belonging to the Lyceum, made a verbal report, that they weren't:milt to le deposited: in_the_brick :office, nenr i the corneioccupied by Mrs. Bramit, in Carlisle, where they would be subject - folhe inspection - of the members of the Lyceum, Minerals weiv then for m:l4, presented to the-Lyceurn,for deposite„ by Prof. Allen, Mr. Rupp, F. J. krampli.,.. There were also presented to the,Meeting,forinspection, A neat collec tion of minerals, by Mr.-Rupp; and by F.• J. Kramph of German*, and.W, Askew of England, a variety of very beautiful specimens of Naturat'llistory, compre , heading most of the more interesting'birds seen in , our valley.. • % • , - • On motion of Dr. Day, Resolved; That the follow.' ing resolution—of a-former meeting ? by Mr, Hamil ton—be published with, the, proceednms of .the *pe riled meeting rand-that - the -curators of the-different townships be requested to furnish to the next meeting of the-Lyceum, all theinformation they can collect in relation to the same. • ' - _ ._ - , , "Resolved, That the Curators of the several fawn ." ships be requested, between this and the nextineet " ing of the Lyceum, to collect, and bring witH them " any specirdens of iropi - or other ore found, in their " several lownshipsLimarking on , the' specimen the " exact locality where it intis rotincl,•whether.the ore ce in abundant or scarcoovhether .it exlSts in;yeins or gi,beds: also,.the character of the ground in ;which the 1 " mine is excavated, whe.ther, lime, eston slate,or ann. "dy soil; with pieced of suc h rock acconManying the " ore; and selected by the Curntor, , out of the mine..or '" its immediate neighborhood i also the name, of the " furnace• where the ore is used ; and ascertaining " from the proprietor thereof, what per•cent. of iron. "'it perils ' -Whntpromulion of flue and •other ore it " requirestomeke good metal i also whether the.iron t! or castings,, and the' number of tone de at_sine " furnaceplar :week."•)6 , ~ •_, 'Ma " ' -- ' " ii Tlkh• Curators are also requested to 'bring with " them pieces.of the-common limeseone,lliiit or other' ": rock; fonnd in their lowbfhips, with the exact local " ity,,ofeach i And report, hi ;writing; - what 'proper-. " tint' of the township is blifestone;alate or other soil: 44 What is the'largesterp'of wheat, rye;corn or,Mitai i 4 any. fain, in theur.township has 'proiOced. Per acre ' ,i" 41 within the knit seven. fulli, inn} try:ale tr;ousiderest ":ap average crop of the oho - ye - Own on, an' acre of f I ..theii beat langii; also how far, lime•has been used at '' a rannu°3 ) E#"iNith'3l,lnt 84,41e8s:".11, 'l'; ' 1 ~ '4FA•I,, '.,, 'l',WheritipadLycituntuljonriied till 2-ti!iihoolt.•'LLt•:• iiiiitrinet acetirdilif "toltdjourtincient;Wheit a lifetly inteikilliDClVectiyeLOit rolc,inott MIA': arthq!..inke.• was tle iveig4lTT,Jttr 6 :44 l lm l o; l Vl r t i), ,:ktVr'" ~:ceodtß-liy'-ttn4tuAroittixi-41 ` lo:teeth:in "by Messes. Veiier,.Ziig,Ritpp; ar well=rliTould4npealhititr, interest! Offilt inctMeobaniC4Of o o l. ' stale., s l ll r,Cr4 ) 3l9lrA llt ! , !* Inner Aline to t6ii , iliildreh' for actlflng anAltit, H , :,:it - 4411.ft540';.V. 4, t, o'l' , :k d-''i - .:. , 1 4,- 4k , ,to r riiiidon:of-veatarantan, Res /440; Tkit - lt, , astp: tuft IN/AK/004 n 49/ePte Viktlie 07. 4 311 PtOtf r4 q ;S 6 VLY,I II , I OOF4.tto ° 01 c. ,: . g r idb :X!,VN'I-17 1 3 ''.7Hi l i i'Ma•t on or 'rZecidoeo. , ,..Reio mid?',:iliticluo` rt6liktOinhe LYee;'irrri Ve! ilif.4ol.V.TM:t frt ' : li . ipinid Flatiti)ton,lfirt thenVtli , PlVlltiaterViu 11,rakat:00./Vreaara le4tAtlfraehllidlV:4l,o4lf; UV litterettfor tpeelattrifteNattriarglitorpt V, tii stie,d Vy theot for, the joapeotielibtihelocetbM ruse? On mottc t ,ar g proceo4l4,l%*#„Tp.iiiiter4 'MC %I', Ithkib'kreqltelteltlitMftilof,PYS*ol,lo4,Df thtfi ttato rataitotiatverutitqa/eir roapOttpa:,, ti e f. s . r ,,' ~,,:,,, p, ~.... _• . .N ,- ; . ..+.4. ~ ,i ; :, ~A , CA 'N'iliV,Wfilttyo73o444lolilthiallil i*liili 6 ' 3.iifeo(l . ' 'ti tildy.#olive,occototteA.r:ft--. ~, - ~• ~ z -c-, 1 . 4 ,,- ; .-, ~ •-,, •,,, - ,i,., ; . ' IlOpratilcAmsnows 4.114:4, A., , ....!r,1_ . 1-4- . . , )?ec.,,5e0; Canutrid, Co, ,z,s( r dioi r ; '''l,--,....?;;..:..4.6:;;;;....., ~ s , , C' sth. by. the neer: 4phtl 61/21.ttsT4ref Catiisle;teigteelVf.ip::::- '1,P19#411)1.44'0r §Otkl!li4altti*,tow;mpilib;f?s P"6"1.11111112121111mm '...-' , . , ' "; r :•,,*".' ?•;,; : fIIBDt. • .vestadttr.ravtin, in - the 51 sfyeer of hie On Pridny last, after fClinvr:itigriniV',*ktii.l__';tllo!';' . I* Kn.o"kriCalt lo o.lo ll !'" i ci the,s4tli year oC her 'age. 4 On Thereday lastpie tiorougyior,stiiirspk-,., ver, Jtietr,. infcttit.'gn; C;ef)t:'Jetne.t'ltfertini:tored Yairi AinontWrittld =I M=ll=2 FLOUR AND MEAL.-.—The flour mar l ket continues depressed and _heavy, and the , transactions limited—sales of two or .three parcels of good brands for sliipment at :137 perbbl. Fresh ground flour is held 'firmlY at $7; - but old stoett. and Ohio are iinsettlediii e prier, owing ta* the triffingde -mand.-- Rye flour—sales at $4 per bbl. ‘-'odroc - - meal-sales in bills. at s3,2s— ; but large—parcels__coul6 _probably ..be.had 'for $3,x2-. • • A. sale inlihds . ; a7t $1 .9fcii.7B - r - aii: QRAIN,--,T,he stiles - X"WliCatliaie been liioitbd ; good' 4, quality domestic. at $1,60 ; inferior $1;53 ;Jr bushol.—Rye, considera 'l3le gales °V Pennaf at 80 'a 77 cents, being. alarther decline. 'Corn—pribei are steady, -with §alei,! iif - ivOild', ' ellow at 7`4 Schuyl- . . ko - i Cm ,to 70 • Oats ' No sales of Southern / ';oB.tii, sales tit soil left' afloat at 2$ bents, , small pareeli itt;3o l a 3t.• ' : . WHISKEY- - --Aii bbls. has sold less free -1 at 31 cents; hhds. 291,4,6ceasionally 29 :entri..-4Pentio: InirUtrer. - .•• • ____,_ . . . • • , • FLOUII.-The market remains in a calni - state. The receipt.s are light,' and transac.: lions' appear to- be confined to - the , retail_ The - wagon price is uniform to-day at:4l',so; and sales froin stores are , making at X 7,75, tillich is considered :the fair store price. •.- - nett' crop, 'which is now ;'being githereci, in; Will not only abundant. in quantity, but exceltent_ in quality r , The first parcelsci- m -AtlA,cli - _gei7 - erally rekalles us first front Virgilitfc-rmay possibly appearlii the:cotirse of the ensuing week. A small pareel.ef Md, redjat_2l,3o -yesterdayis lie-oilti traniaction_oLwbiqh_ Ave_have _heaid this week: - 7-;,, WI-llsKEY„.;—'r he , ,Jutitkel , lids quiet:been hrougliOUtshe -week, 4:t p 1; cents . for; ; Wair,on 'price of :tibia.- is 29 cents, exclusii , e of the liarref., The in "spections of the week -comprise l ;22 hhds; and - -977 bbls. 'of .2 hltilsi4rand -102 bbls. were received from the Susquehanna: EMI • . , . . _... • •TM Third Annirersyy of th e,"Oratorical Socie , ty,of Dickinson InstiAtte" will be celebrated in the Metlindist Eplaeopol Chtirli, on TUESDAY EVENING. NEXT . ,'l7th instant;at Welock. The Rev. S.-S. Reszni. will deliver the address to the Society,- • -• . The pyldie•are retocetrullaimnited td attend. ....,Crirltsle, , lnlv:_l o ISM • ' • , O _ • .NTIC.M • - • - • - --•. .... LL persons arecaminned . 'against' piiiihfimi,k - CIYIII3S lIINGWALT, WA note for VO, given,' by -me 'to him; on or about the 21st of - June.,.lB.sB,pny-: able on demand; as , • Lwill not pay the.same . unless compelled-by law. - - .• • . _ • • • -ROBERT ;ARMSTRONG. - Carlisle July 0 1803 —BlO •• . • rriNi4E Anditoranppointed by the . Orphans; Court 11,, • oFCumberland county, to marshall the assets of the estate of Janies Maefarinne, dee'cl;,t and among the creditors of said deceased; have appllnted Friday theith' day of August next; for a hearing of said cred itors, and ndiustment•of their claims; to meet at the house of F. T,eN. ler, Innkeeper, Leesburg; where all eonSerned-may attend. = • • - WILLIAM GII ; LF.LAN,, SKIMS WOODBUIIN. , , • • Auditors. July 9,1889.-6 W. , TAKE-notice_thauwe have applied to the Court of _Commcin.Pleas_Of Cumberlaa - countyjor the - benefit of the• Insolvent Laws, andtfie mid Judges`have ap pointed the 2a Monday of August, (being the 13th) for the hearing of us. and our creditors, when antL where you may, attend If you think. -- proper. • JACOB . MSS, ' • • JAMES MOORE. , ••• • - • - • HENRY lIAIiDER.. , July 9,1833.-3 w. . - : - . • 111Y-viitne'of a writ of. Venditiani.Exponns to . rde p_-_.(11 re ote (1 e sue (1,-o ut ,o f the Court of Common Pleas OrCiiiiilierliPrdWillityov ill - be - exposed to - pnb- - lie saleitit'the Court Douse ui the boougl) df Ciuiible, on SciturtZaylhe ttth!flayof August. mal t 18S?, at I.o_ o'clock, A. DI. the following described real estate, to . , Tlte, ore aad Furnace. estate, called .:437ottlit-'llolly iron H arks eomposeti of aereral adjoining and contiguous surveys di iraaia Of. land; „situate . ircSouth 'Middleton and Dickinson ton%nships, and containing in all about 7689 'SCR S .- - OF •LX..1.0); be the vtme more OP less, bounded by' lantlS of MisYberry '8).100;301e Thompson; Vitien- tine JHoffnytn . , - Petir' :, Ege, - Mont Honk,- Thonins Weakley; ';ll'illiatit - 2'Weakley; Donelll,..Sayntie l Wenkley, the heirs of 11Xnpre;.dee'dgiint ethers; together minerals, _and right of possession of diggibir,nntl'l4l4ore; or mining ?re, or in any may.Ottneited nr appnitenant to the - saki 1r on works Otntei hay.inithereon,ereeted riltittickA catot F one. Stnith'Shop, two CarpentOx §hops;:a WarehOW, an (11110;...tlio -111.4Yi5iOn-liontOs or stone,: each:two Stories high',..a. Bonk . ktorn tind Stahling,..rul .TEN - EittANTS' 'used' and'riOottpled svith . theleore works, n small Grist ,SIP!, with 411-4,tho,Wter rightond.apportoronces in - .01 belonglna' ea a . ane, bigot ;R epi arittitio c,'# of jOnicfpflity ,- gls late et 0430 : '-, mi• , TAlietltiethfiat_l43l,l'.ll,Nir an' laquisitio -ir ',.•'fiiicrFPafilti,iii•ef,"WAti-9,a;7:orkilie OremliFt.. la e 4411'i:ea AV,ai*lici)eqcapefl, imThokstlav interi• eit6itioq (MO atttind:= "Anr , • • _rflts Ve - ra r • , .% 7lXT:At=,ittlien tlio ' stii;soiitiev neni . ,A 1 Cumberland o onntx; Fa., ort• the .23d tioy - 4tine lopt4 fl4V.COlai'iopp'ased be r fir mu Ohl hut Stock;txtplt.ttrOoik 'sol nlEig*hlte.t.preon,tts:',foreTiOsit- The °No? r• • li R3' ar '0 I told tie itoanix; ACCOIII4IO ,421417t,.9T4g4.017,.`.: NES c ,, ittiptit sktitlii . • - ‘,.' IVA& iubsaibenAt r-rank. tintr 00,V,T,SireLS pip' MEAL,' 'WilTeii;4l,l).;:iati(elCAß:6l. *cash, in'lex+, change , for Elnkse'c,(l. fbr ntiiett nraeln the highest skt All timet be allowed., . • , *-, ' J. 0-1,03E 1 1T5 034: ' 3wV , ' 1 - • - _... ___ .. -. 1 ~4~~~~ Plq.Mddphia, July 7, Balliiiiore, Ju1y . 7,4 888 Silt' RIFF'S SALE • Tt: ' , - 4"-A r e - 1;r4i; 4 47 - Of \ m'st E ex 4 . . ; . THE t FIRST ISTIXBRIL 07,!, : Tqc. 'istxTr.Vsliit voiuma THE NEWilt - ORK Amnon IFiltbc issuciton,thelhirteenthAtylt-lient-__. . ; ,elf will contain - a - portrait-of - Charles - Sprfiguiihe' AmeriCan poet, engraved liy„ - Parker, from a painting by Harding, and a . vignette title page. These will be - succeeded by three costly and mi!gnifiCent engraiingai on steel, by the best artists, designed and , engrilved, from...original paintings exprcssly'for, the Work.--- Etchings on wood by Adams, Johnson and others; will also embellish the forthcoMing..vojtimehbeside I fifty pieces of. rare, beautiful, and popular music, ar ranged for. the pianoforte. gutter, liArp, eta. - - ' The New Volume will contain artibles from the- - pens ofwell• - known And distinguished writers, upon , -every subject . that can prove interesting-to the gene- rid reader, including original poetry---tales and, es -says, Inuporods and pathetic—criticaf - notinerly Tend choice•selections from-the best new. publirntionsi brith A mericau and English--scientific `and-literarf ." intelligenee---Cepioni-notiees of-foreign.countries,-by------,- correspondents engaged expressly and exchiSivelyfor . • • . -this.lournal-`--strictures-upon tlie-varinns productions' in the Fine Arts • that'are presented for thenothiewnd • approbation • of the' public--elaborate. npd beautiful .---- 7" - specimens of art, prip?tvilig,s, music, ete.L-hnotices ;of h . the acted doma and, other arnuseinents-:-tranalatiOu_k:"', from the 'best new works in othetiangunges,Frencl47 -- „ - Gernitta;ltalinn, Spanisii", - Cte,-7-nad an • infihite sari-' ' . . ety of miscellaneous :reading relating ; te . litisiiing events,,'emarkable' indlithltuils; dis,coveries:und 'hint provement in science: art, Me.chimics, and a l , erietroV '. original papers from Amerienn writers of distinction.: ) As only ifslimited number of copies will be Issued.' those desirous of commencing their subscriptions With . w;. the co , rrimeneement of the' - sixteenth - volume can be ~,, • supplied, by,f.illirecting their. communications, potty_ -"- paid, to the editors, enoinsingrihe siitherliftiorilirroe„,- . . -,,, . five-tiollai•s, payable in all cases in advance. Oi '. , ~ • .......... ...... 1 The editorial conduct Of the new volume WliiVt-. 4 ,•,- , • under the charge of Epes Sargeannd will contiil4 l .‘:::" as heretofore, contriblitieps, fropilkleisrs..Miirria,. ::. Easy, Cox, Captain ',„Marvatt, Sheridan Knowles, :In men, Willis, and waist of two.liundred othett, well known to. the reading commiinity. •In the :vitrietY, interest, amusementand instruction of its literary de- ,' ' naitirien ' t, and the 44(M - der of its emlielfisliments, the 'beauty of itsm • sic, and elegance of its typography, It is intended to render:the volume, ln all reaticeln; • .:' : equal, if not simerinr. to its , predecessors; And it in ' ~.. .._. universally admitted. that no. work' extant fiimishes , . such valuable equivalents for the ti•itling mount at •••• -which itrs afforded peinnnurn, as the-Mirror. -, Jn no advertisement: likethe present, it is notpos- . Bible to state 41 our, plans .for . •ttie„pew volume; and, . .. if it were, it-would flotbe.necessary,forn journal that ',_ is iiiigir.qnSivel;TlCriewli.hot onlvthroughofit the 11ni. , 7. .:-- ted States and Greats Britain, but:Wherever the En- . '._ glislrlanguaTe is spoken. Sniffle - eh to gay, that nei-, • ther f . mips, labor.• bleat:industry, My exnenseshall . . be sparethto,,,render it ti light. erneeful, and agresabli -Lange ofpolitenntl eleenntlitefamre:nalvelyat an— ,ornament to the . tieriodical preys of-the United States( —intended alike for the-perusal of our.friliand TgenZ tie countrywomen; the- secluded student; the 'man of, ' I:',. bald traa; rind till-rof bedrisexen nessessinwlepartiele of- -'^---'- taste or refinement- , -and'while its pages, will never ' •.-i containi,n single word nr, sentence-that would"vibratei ' upplenmutly upon the ear of thsepaNitsenSitivedaugh= ' ' tee of.: Eve, they will he rendered not:theileas acdep. , • table.to the opposite sex, ' ,..' '' • ..'''•' .... CONDITIONS. ' . • ' ' • ..i. • The Mirror is published every Saturday. tali°. 1.1 . Barclay street. next deor to-Br:midway. - his elegant-' Ifiiibitedlictice - ektrit.super d •r*d - ipiTirfoloem,%wtOt _ littylg, minion • and, nonpareil trne. RIO f'TfindliSb . ,1; 1 ild, once every three months: with 'it Splendid Su:per? .. . Royabßuorto Engraving, and &cry, week - witlisi tiny- - ' • • 1 tiler piece of Mush , : arm armored for the Phinofin,e, ''., Harn, - Olitsr. etc. • For erich 'Volume an exquisitely. . Engraved Vignette, , Titlepage, and - Tieenohnis Itideie _ are furnished.- ' The terms :rare me dollarsper• an. ' niun, parable. in nil - cases. In arivaece.., It is forwardn, • ed bv the enri blot mails- to aulrerihers residing . oat - • - - of the - city of New-Yoric. CommiintiTatlens; mist s • Paid, napstlfiginiiiressed_to_the editor... , _No sia l scrip,;._, • • thins renal' IfoiLin less period thrin.nne veer. New! sub scriberilifiS.- be supplied froirithe beginning oleic. present volurfri. • • trYSubscriptions received by the Postrnsteto, Can , - , lisle. ' - .._ ~ ,_• • , - - S. - July S 10 . 39.. --- Tnr.'nrnorietir respectfully informs the . publie iri general that he is now ready to -- accornmndate a-large number of Boarders and - Visiters. - The Springs arci situated 4 miles north of Carlisle and 3 miles south of Sterrett's Gap, oa the North Mountain, in n fine. healthy, and romantic-place and-pure air. ---There is an extensilie. Pat/lit:Jr Estagrahment..erected (both warm and cold,) and .creey necomModation may be relied on.. .Inly S , 183 R.. • - • - N. B. A llsrotrlie run drily Cr...ln - Carlisle O the Springs for the accommodation of • - • ' ItJTI ON. . • •A number of Pedlers and Hawked--Lava beim:- • travollirirryound the country, Irnposint on the corri. . munity, hyseprosenting that they_arer engageii .. Concern. • This is to oi'oe notice ' that we hade'notiomPerUer. or Pedlers, either with wagim or on foot,. diiposinti pf merchandise for us, and that all such TiCr9ol:ls, tbuti represent themselves are deceiving the oornmu- , --- - nitv.• • . • • AANOLD k . CO: • Carlisle, une . . • The subscribe ~hailtig,laeen. appointed by thetOki... phans' Cntirt.'nf nmherland cnnnty, t 7 rnarshal, the' assetta in the,bandeof I%obcrt Admlinstrater -of-William-111 late of Allen townshipolie"l,, will attend nt his Office:on 'Wednesday the 25th:day of_July, fer_tliat purtinse . : HUGH GAULL — KOHR - . -- „,-,-- SO June 94,1838.7-1 t . South Mountain' - 14 Miles l'i:sitaf cham:r . • . bel'oblerg.` _ • HR • Subscriber thankful-to the public for patt.: . j• favors, respectfully informs them -that he will . re-open.his.Cold Spring estahlishmeet for the reeep—, tion of Yisiters directly nfter.the4th of July, and+wilt, spare no efforts to render. satisfaction to whoever mar fayor•hini with their coinpany.-.;• . ..--'• ' • . . • • HIS TABLE. • , win b A abundaLtly suppliedwith ',..ne'besethe contr., try can afford-his'B..3R•.i , .ith the choicest r.,iquoraj and But S,7',IBLE with the beit of tied; ' - 'To persons acquair led with the - . lib Tirr.iofe oil. Silringi its loca,tban and' ralubriouitaii ' uothing need , he saioltn.• recortr.nend it to.- those %OW desire the in vigornting 'effr..ets 'bf-dlie, tool: fountain, and pure,. health-insVrin'g :breezes, Or who wit& to escape..for . ' sensor from the heat and litti:then-of-buriness to ens joy the pleasure of a•rettle . .at arnidSt nature's bowers.. and alonx side eftorteof her .:most.'delightful foun ' tilittß , --ThOse.'unadthutinied: with the advantage of :the ''•Cold: Spring..," will find no more satisfactory' way of becoming better informed than by paying. it a , CIDEON . 17 . • Cluiziibershurg to the Spring, tur — arba - OK; again, can bcti - - - - - Rat. : • 011DI.VANCE , • Tae the, eym, ftiiillier,,iticiireytt 'iiptiise:r of • ef: &little; hy their tOl,ll tisgt,the min, sl_4r_, tl . litAeotia;:r4se(Poirl,leined• .01,traustlee - -of h 'Clifieter;RlVeortvrotittrii--.6ve.tifid tition the inhohi= I:tor-m.0f the .httrouat ofcCmiisle, for the veor 1888,tit — , freff!ty.' ..e'xi.e.nocit the Borough, to,and meet saes apktiriations ne the:Council have • 'reatlcl'or oltollfrekt time to'time make for the nsuite; S 'May, 11138:. T W' .f ? r,49l'l:"ll " filill " FiKKIVE iTTS . rtefitdEet.of COWL ,-. ''.' • . A.74)P.Pg - .•;. , P , :'.--I::.P'..i P. ,''''+'' .-..'s,'ti", s -r - :. , ... - 1 , ,, ,- , 4.-,-..,..: ISM I~; ~..un~39;°t533 Ls or L't•• :savoilant,4 4 2. . I ).tsEFP:. v [u Oe subscriber At Bosser),l.l,lA', ll , for w f,cy A:A!), ARNO jave'teibirlit' sutotiinilnick" fribcti.:llcAbszlne;.i-,t\,1,41116,,,,TAP0 t 10-0 i , hrd tithrt‘ aditite#.roAkor v ,wiliAliv o re:.on t*.o4 decieoiti 140.1.4 itty4ll3;elltP 4 A 6 o ° l tlt he r :l ' •i - 'gst ‘ :.;15.0431rgi:41fi 1 Z5,1 4 : 13- R 4 0 4 4 13 *K.: Gf every variety; rerelyed and for,!aipliy, . • - (110 ROMIZ. 'ii- k 4 OBE BIM NE* iroL,UME CARLISLE SPRINGS. D. CORNMAN. .TOTOICE: CCVS4I;) sprt3r,wa, EU In In iffil