THE GIRARD Ars RII P4 l ~r URA MS a gm, 11 .4nnitily ond Trust Company of Philadel ph.ut, OFicc,4so, Clhertnut strect. , 4C.I.RITAL Olt $300,000. Charier Perpetual. - i r rNsunE LIVES, grant :/Enmities and Endow noiti , and make contracts generally that involve contiTigdacy ot•life. Accept Trusts as authorized I.y th , charter, iron individuals,corporate 110111e4 ' or ( ;ntirti of-- el4-andmcnte_tlian agiceahly_to -- the' .sire nt the parties, and receive Depositee of money' Di' link, and on interest. LIFE Ii's:SURAINTCE..—The terms aro as low as t'i yr! of any lace intim Union. Rates fir Insurittg $lOO. • _ 4ge For. 1 Year For 7 Years Whole Life Annually. 20 $0 91 $0 95. 'Ol 77 25 1:00 1 12 .2..04 :30 1' 31 133 -2 36 . 35 1 36 1 53 2 75 40 1 69 1 83 3 20 1 91 1 96 -61-, 1 96 • 2,99 232 3 21 6.18 - 45 50 55 ' , Furthe'r, inforinntiodcan be obtained by application at-the office., )31 V.HICH ARDS, Pres't, • JO!-IN. F. JAMES, ! actuary. arnnor .1.% 7". Mu, I'retawrer. 11, 1838.—Gin_ • • • EEO ' gly 01 at XV . .• P TITAN EIVELT: subscribers have just received from•the cities ji,.• of Xew York and .Ployarielphia, - n handsome as ;arta-lent of. neW desirable Goods; athong_whielt are Rich Paiuted Alasfins an • il Lawns,l ; Rich Figured Satins and Poult it! Shies, : Black nod Blue-Black Poult de Soles, and Gros de • • Black It. Lutestrian 'Gros de Paris,. ,Gros de ; Mines - , • ; • • • - Super - iiff - d - afra - Siit•;rons, Silk Velvets. ,• Lupins Bombazine cold:Barone; •• • • " • Black Satih - • • • Black Italian and imitltion crtivats.. • • " . India Satins and Levantines.' • ". " "Stinchews and Sarsactts, • - --'--C:doured Leivantine -and-MarcelinehandkerchlUs. - r, Super Linen..Gambrie HatUlkerchiers, • - • -, • Pongee, Flag, 1111(1 Bandaupa du" • - • Gauze Veils. and Demi Veils, Black Bohinett Veils 1-4 and,„,Q-4. I adieu' and Gentliunen's-Emglish Silk. Hoes. ' • --floskin 7 aud Deafer - Gloves,. ''• •• . s••• ,• Extra super Buck • do. • - - • White midGolared Silk and Ciittlin.Gloves. • . Ilohinett Edgings and InsiVti up: • . and. 6-44 Bobiniitts, plain and figured, - • Plain - Mut Figured Swiss - Muslin; • • ' Salim Bumbazineould-Paner Stocks. , • - Assarted Gauze Bonnet and Cap Ribbon, . • 0nt1.12-22 new styleilonnet do • 'Melt Embroidered Belts. •- • ' • • ' .•• • • • : 2' . • • = ARNOLD & CO._ -• • - ,yearty oppothe the Carlisle' Rank. NOTICE. • LL Persons indeLtcd to the estate qi . „.NlLsov, Into of ' this borough , deceased, gill . please to make ..payracnt witlieut delay.i and th ose having elai ma agiti List said estate, will present them to SAMUEL. ELLIOTT, ,E.r I r. of die lasi Ville:le Mary D. Vileon, dec'd. June 18,q1838.- LAST NOTICE. . . persons indebted to Thavrta. MAttititxT. 'A ministrator olthe estate"of HENRY MYERS, late of Allen township, Cumberland county, deceased, arc, for the last time, requested to meet said Mark ley at. Shepherdstown,(toWnship - and county aforesaid). to pay MY their respective dues, on the Sixth day of Attgast next ; and those' having claims.agninst said —estate, will present thern.on the Se'venth4,4usryst. _ Al so, those who have accounts with the said MarklOV,' ..._will comeAo the said place-and, on the Sisth nfsAgr,9st, and murit Oblige me,, as If base moved to -- rent" tri - e-tuntyy - Pa7Trovl-it-wili , liew.v.ery-meonwuiettt for Mi• to call again. I hope this notice will be coin.: plied, with. DANIEL MA4KLEY, June 18 1838.—Gw. • -..•• TAILORING. • • • • --vaLLIAM 31 , 1 3 .111En50N, . TTHANKFUL for past favors, hereby informS the public that he still continues to cork on the-a= • . hove mentioned business. in . . . t r iireSr Nigh Street, Carlisle, • . a few doors west of`the. Post Office:and directly op vosite the book store of .1. Louilon,,where he is pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him with their, cuStinn, in the most neat manner, and at reason able prices. By strict attention to business and an earnest desire to please, he hopes to receive a liberal share ocpublie patronage. ' . ' . 1. 3 , S.—Tim-latest- city-- fashions :will..llCconstantly_ followed up, szlpply of . UEADY: 3/A.DE CLOTITIN6.. ronsthiltly kept ow band, and for solo on reasonable . • terms. • • • ' June 18, 1.838.—tf • • 29 • . 1 / 4 1 Ceti/RI/trite/0 CollatlY mCeting of the. crimberland 11_ County Lyceum, will be held at 'AI cellANIt::5130110 0., Saturday, June 30th; exercises as follows:. • , o'clock—An address by President Durbin, -sident of the Lyceum ; 'which will be followed by - , ports of Committees, and of the delegates from - 1 , : , ,1 LYceurns;_ulso by the exhibition of minerals, • N.ities and works of art, whether. deiigned for • ,I*,:binet of thitTi• - eWiirlifif: — ; , . o'clock--Address by James ITamilton i Escfr, t -1 , .• followed by the discussion of th,e' following o '"lfrould the pecuniary interests of the Far ,: Afeehanics of our State cufer,.6l,their -1 greater portion of time td. their chlldren,for an education PI . ROBERT CAMERON, Pei. See'ry, ' Cumberland Countyl,yreum. • . • .-.4t is tope that early measures' will ,beta-' -II the--Lyceums of. the county, to secure - ox at this Meeting:: and that' Ble Dele •,, I:1 come up with -written reports, touching the ! .:r. , •:-; -,s, 'stite.• and . proipecti'.ol . -the Lyceums which 1-;:,y severally represent._ . By order of the Executive Cont . niittee. Mil !RI -- • •-• AHN C.IIIIIPRELL, late of • • Frank ford township, dec'd. - • T AN?, NOTICE that I will hold an Inquisition on a -t.,.;?. Partitione Facienda, on the premises late Cantpbell; deed, ori TUESDAY the 24th day .?lii 1838, at ten o'clock, where all'inte c;;ted attend. . •• , • JOHN-AI:MRS, Sher' I. . 51lierilr's Office, CIJ.-iisre, 4th June, 1838.5 . . . - I tECTIFIED WHISKEY. r;, ,, i' I El' subscriCk.;- residing near Sprinu,Vorge, an qt., -uounces to the puhilciliathevilicoustantly hiiVa:: c 1 c !..: 1 gitta 'on hand a suppi of Rectified Miff ;il_,t• at: it Avg for sale. • e has also Qld Wins c\l...4 -; 1..1W key which has . pen rectifie . d,ao will . ..5r...„ _ .'- , ,..w 'be sold in quantities to snit purchas e-. • ''''''''''' era. - ... ... • M. G. lIELT",ZHOOVEII. ... . , June . ll; . .ikSITDST RECEIVED ii - lug,anthiptin,Tobeteo,which sold by the Reg, at inanufeaturing prices' by • Cl.lAittES B.A.RNITZ. . June 11,4E38. • . ,• • •-• 'I3OCITS, SII-10ES I ' tic BROGUES, -6---.2 4*.svery_varletyrilTiaelyed-auff for sale . • . • Cll - 11.5,11ARNITZ: -- • • 24 . LEBION4' ,0t A,IS e r tSjor sit,te,at the Stoie of - . , •• • ~ nn. WIT A IL.I . Ayt , VOLANTI ° rAs.retuovd.. thuce to • uu. Drug . Store in ffanover street, few doors north'Of the Ootter, and .directly opposite.. George- W. .Shisfer'S -Dry-Good. Store.. May 1 111 . 38.-4 ti • Off OZI.VIVELV 17 0 us.E. - g ~ Tim "subse . riber announces to -- the publiWthafhe . haffrented the - well known • 4s: : • '. * Tavern Stand, :.. ,k l , .1 dr ! ___ • • . ,„,-; , -. 4 •A'!" -- • , 'At Sterrett's Gap,.. ,_-- Tallies North of Caflisle, and 44 Miles West of Bar ,isburs,,, where he solicits,n share of publicpatronahre. Ifls table. sliall be filled with the best the markets will cird; . his Boris supplied Withchoice Lignors. : Al so sto liii-g7Wltii-011- the-necessary-provision.fur_hor ses, and attended with a Careful-hos*., "•- .. To thoie unacquainted with 'the 'Ptak, "he would state, that it is situated on a fine healthy part of 'The country, ivith a splendid.view of Cuthberland Valley, from the dliservatory, exactly 06 the top of the. Blue Mountain, at _the jimetion of the State roads, fril Harritburrto:Landfsburg A a d':llloomfield, and from Carlisle. to Clark's Ferry. Persons wishing to spend ifeiv - Weeks in the country, during the warm . weather, could not'find'a More comfortable place, it being ,her tween, and within but 21 Miles of the Carlisle-Sul phur Springs, CuMberland county, and 8 Miles from the AVarrn Springs, • Perry county. Cold or - Wartn baths in fine order at any time. ,He hopes that by strict attentiotko business and a dispositiorsto please; to merit and receive ti,share of public patronage. , .: ' , JOHN.LOUCK. - .. S_Tratitc•rT's_GAr,? ' ' ' .Inne 2, 1833. 6 - . - • ' , . !§ALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditiord Exponas to me di rected, issued out of the Ceuta of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday tIM 21st.daytif.Tuly - 1838, at laoelock4; M. the following described real estate, to wit. • Pitie. Grove-estate r emnalhing twenty five thousand Hefts of hind, more or less, situate in Dickinson and South Middleton township, Cumberland county, with a Furnace and Forge, Cpal Houses, Smith and Car penters Shop, a 'Large Brick Mansion lionse, and. thirty Log tenant. !louses, one grist-and saw mill, a two story stone office,ltwo large and 'excellent barns, one larp, , e stone stable, luanteveral small stables, and other buildings', ore Banks, Minerals, adjoining lands of George Ege, Moore.and the - ' Adams County-line, and others. There is'a. large part of this estate which is cleared and so imprdved as to be ad mirably adaPted to the pairpose Jif it is tenants, and in a good state of cultivation, the ore bank 'and timber. for coal aro . sa conrenient to' the Furnace and Forge - and - essis be had at s 3 little:- expense as-to--make it amongst.the _most superior Iron Establishments in Pennsylvania,. the - -wistei-neXer-fails to nu extent-to i - ful o p er n ti'ob of either Forge or Furnaces - taking everything connected With the establishuient inhiconiideration, it has no superior in Pennsylvania. - • . The above estabfishment is 'now in -full operation find the furnace has- lately. been "repaired with the fcitent hot blast "Seiied and :taken in 'execution ns -the property of PeteeEge; - and to be sold-by , ..",dlso, :fllot of Gro4nd, - situate in r :the town of Newburg, Cumberland county,containing in breadth, and 159 feet in length, adjoining, Lots of Williams Boyd: an Alleyond theMain,Strcet, having thereon erected a vr• Brick & Frame limise, • Seized and taken in .execution as the [Mopetg ct John, C. .smith, 'find to be sold me, • . • iff: Slicrilis Offiae - Carlisle May 23,1838.5 •• . • • At an Orpbans'_Courqbegan and held. Tin Tuesday the first day of Mar,A. D. 1838, and holden at Car lisle,-,in and for same county. _ Before the Judgef the same Court ; Sa.thefollowing Proceed ins, were had, to wit: - - '2(l :Alan 1838. In the ease of the estate•of Jacob Rhodes, deceased. It appearing t 0 the - court that the Administration account of Jacob Rhodes, deceased, has bedii' settled by the Administrator, Sam'l Mattes', and there havelieqn advancements made by the lutes late, to the several heirs nt The Court d6Tloiv grant a rule upon-all the heirs and legal represents- ' Lives of the said deceased ; to appear at the next stated Orphans' Court„ to be held on the 4th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1838, mid skew cause why they should not be severally charged upon the linafsettlement orthe said estate, real and personal; with the advancements matie-to-eaeh-oftitem-r-and-M-thew-ealtse_why_the.. recognizance entered into by Samuel Rhodes, to whom the real ester as confirmed, should not be regulated accurdingly.fe w Cumberland Count!, 9 ss. .\ • I v that tit& above is a trim 0 1 I l extract c act taken erl.' from the records of the Orphans' Court, hi and for,said county. _ - In testimony whereof, I have hereto put ~,, - my signature, and affixed.the A seal of slid rt 0 'Court at Carlisle;lst June, :O. 18 . 38. THOS. CHM - GILEAD, Cl'k 0. C. Carlisle, June 4, 1138. • • • • NOTICE. • • 'Atari orphatis' Court began arid held i on Tuesday the first day of May; and holden at Carlisle, in" and rtr Cumberland county. Before the jull4es of the same Court, &c, the following prOceeding were had, to wit: . . Ist ,May, •1838. In the case' of the citation Ito the heirs of James Dysert, late of Hopewell towoship, 'deceased,- to-appear this-day, and .acceptor_ refuSe. to. accept-of-the real estate of said intestate at the labia= tion and appraisement thereof, taken by the Inquisi tion, &e. If he sheriff Makes return duly served on all who reside in his Bailiwick . . The Caiirt further order that publiC notice be given tethose heirs who reside out of the bounty to appear at the next stated Drphans' Court, to be held at Carlisle aforesaid; on 'Tuesday the foffeth-dirof S'eptembeitnext,and accept or refuse-to accept the estatehf the said James DySert; or shew cause why the same should not be sold. ---- , Cumberland •Colotty, es.. . - - ~-4 .; ‘ O l, tralctdln'te e t n l p t i l n i abovee uie rec the-records d b s e o a r true ae O me r - - % .. : ki - -i : 1„..• plums Court in and for said county. In i*ji , • testimony ':Whereol; I have hereto put my A .. .. ...... signatfire,-and :affixed-the-'seat of said 'ii , i!... Court ut Carlisle; the..,soth May; A. D. 1838. • ' .' .THOB.t.BAICIIBAD, Cl'k 0. C. /june 4,1838.--4 w. ._ , , . LOOK AT THIS. ' The subscriber itavintrelinquisited the Mercantile business and desirous of closing Iris Unsettled accounts, as he intends leaving,Shippensbitrg; begs leave to call the attention of those who havettusettled'accounts to. call and settle them,Ostitere will be no further indul gence given after the fiest of August, as pIl accounts that arc not settled by thatdate shall be placed in the hands of_a Magistrate for collection:whim:lt resect to perbons. • - - THOMAS RIME S . Shippensburg;.tune ii33B. \dr lat Asblic will take 'notice that letters testamen .y, have been issued to-rttre — substriber; - resi ,-- Monroe townsiiip,%the Executor of the hist and testament of CONRAD , EMMINGER, of Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, Jceased: . All persons having claims or demands Against the'estate of said, decedent, are requested to .make the same knotimto him, without delay; also all persons indebted to. said estate, are reqtiested to call and Bettie: . • 1113*AV _ .t.seint6r. Juno li;lii—dw . NVANIVAI, fieverni SourneVnien ' MILLWRIGHTS, 4-CAR PENIERS,• add VAGONNIAKERS, by the sub •scriber,at his establiehment in the borough of New to whom constant employment and the lughes wages will brt given, WM. li. MILLIGAN. Newvillo, JIM 1838.--3wf • RYE Bjt CORN WiiNTED. • Tin highest- pi Aee in cash,- will be - paid by . the subscriber, at his Warehouse, for' Rye & Coro. • OVEN MiICABE. Harrisburg, June 1,1,1 iJO. . MAC REL. 5 OBealeßaßtZell best ise 1 0 1, j i u .) s v t re n ee ig liMnAar • Harrisburg, June 11,1.838. ~ • for kik 300,T."" 1 7 9-1 ":Y -1 64MAILBE Harrialiurg4tme 14. 1838. lowes *CAM' continuei 'tc; receive and ibr. ward - good& and:produce by rail, road to Phil- Harrisburg, Semi 11, . • • - • 5 QARIVII tiOUGHKEEp. • ;or sa t &Tr sbwy w itine 11 ,1898' OWEN 'I,WCABP.-- TWO - ST,ORY .7 OTICL'. OTICE. Ile SFOT'3OJ SA:cl'tt. itUISIES4- .(40 JadatkB and 0 Ilays,) ,- _ Are-required-forthe-llnitedßti*s-WC dfally-SCIMid of PractiCe,",itetitlisle Barracks. • • , • Thesc - Horses must be.well tormed; strong, active, and perfettly sound : between (our and six years old; about fifteen fiends bigh,'and long tails.' ,• , - A fair price_ will be hi Cask; for lsidses'of thi description. • • ,• • • V.,SUMNE, 'Capt. it Dragoons.. bniTacks,/ May 17, 1838... ' LOOk. at This, •: 'HAVING disposed of 'ray stock, I requeit all who have 'unsettled accounts,' particularly those who sus pect theniselvei to be in debt, (as the creditors in ken-, eval, are apt to observe a commendable .promptness,) to call at the • reiddelfee ofthe . : - subsCriber, and prevent nny_actioit on his Tart,that might occasion dryness hereafter. • constakt simply of lIRAN DRETH'S.PILL.S; will be kept"nt the Post Office, by • ../OHN:MOORE. Newville,,llaf29,l;l33B. : . • LUMBER filiND ca t ,-xx 4 .. ter. Aimix, 4 _, THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the publie,generally, that he has fa. sale, nt his Conitnd ...umber Ynrd, on the badk of the Susque 7 banns river, in the town of Wormleysburg, • . 2000,13usliels superior Smith . • ........ • Panne,' rind Cammaia Boards. _Popldr_Plankand_Scantlinh,,44-.4r_c.. 2000, good .4ualit,y, seasoned, Tight Bar • • rel Slaves. and Heading All of which he will dispose. of at low - rates,-nnd . on the most aecommodniing , terms. - Persons wishineto purchase would do well bY 'Calling with the subscri ber, and - einmine his stockbefore they purchase else where. - - ` GEORGE April 9,18.39.-9 m; ' .-- •v 19 • 'PRODUCE eO.3I3 I IISSION Liivrt - 1 • • - • • woanowasiog • ,Broad Street, Pliladelpliia THE Undersigned reVectrully. informs the citizens of .. . Franklin and Cumberlind 'countiel, that he, has opened aWA REHOUSE-in B volid 'S&L-et, next door a bove Broad. street Hotel, for the salehf all kinds or Country PrOthice; and kespiie:tfully solicits consign ments. . • • From his general acquaintance, knowlictige.or bu-. siness; and - the exercise-or his best-abets to promote the interest of-his customers, lid - finders himself that be will be able to render general satisfartion. • • - - .T./ICOB__BERLIN. . Philadelphia, • , REFERENCES. • . . Ber/hii_Chambersbuyg... • Dagul Melon, Esq:l. Sh ; ensburg: • Geo.'W. Esq. / PP J. Swoyer; Newville. - Gen. S l anel 31exander, ?_ C arli sle. T.M. Henderion, Req. c Ja c' Rupp, ! Lay Esq. ng, Esq ., .4arrisbuig. Estate of :Robert McFarland deceased IVOTIlt4; : • • is - herehy-givert - ,-that - -letters-orninistration-en• the estate of Robert McFarland, late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, deceased; have this day issued in due form Of lair to the subscriber, Who resides in Frankford township, county aforesaid. - • - All persons having; claims or demalulangainstft estate of the said ,decedent, are:' requested' to make known the same Without delay; and those Indebted to t • said estate to pay their said (lehts to, . ROBERT LAlRD,Administratiir. May 29, l'fl6B.—friv. 26 Ibr Side. .2,t excellent and commodious Pwo Story DWELLING. HOUSE, With the lot of ground on which it stands of 'about THREt : ACR.ES—hSving thereon a number of choice Fruil Trees: a Well of never-failing water nt the door, stabling, &c. _The property is pleasant ly skated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, Pa.,one quarto" of a mile west qt Hricicees Mill, on - the titrupike.rimd leading fronillarrisburg_ tp Carlisle. Terms reasonable ; emptire„of S. Hep burn, Eai.,,Caillble, or of the subscriber on the prem ises.'. • JAMES WILLIAMSON: April 23, 18dEl. DISTILLERY FIXTURES IPor Sale.; •;-Cheap: . • • A large and superior Patent Boiler, &Table of dif tilling 50 bushels of grain daily, with Copper Worm and Globe, in an excellent condition. Also a ipuinti= ty of Copper Pipes, Brass Cock's, Furnaceßars,Uc. being the total machinery of en extensive Distillery - now discontinued: 'They will be t anti in parts or together, to suit purcleisers. . Apply, by mail, er personally, to the subscriber at Cliai's Terry; Perry - - AMOS A. JONES-. Clark's Ferry, May 52 . 3,1838:--5w... , I' ÜBILIC &ILE. WILL 'lie exposed to public sale, on Friday the 221 day of June 1838, THREE TRACTS OF, • VALTJABLIP LAND, situate partly in South Middleton township, Ctimher land county, and Huntingdon township, Adanis coun ty,' containing in all about 500 ACRES • The Wood Land belonging to this protiertv is diiided' into lots of frora - 5, to. 20 Acres each, veriich,Tl4ll-be sold_ separately Thilmter wne formerly wenn; ly._ t •- , ick Walt _ pied bi Did - Wick isiltemire, deceased. • :trims - wishing io purchase, can call upon Jacob Glass or Mairld - Zeigler, on the, preiretty,-wherwilttake pleasure in giving Any inforthation that May be re quired of them. . . Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said dad, do the property occupied by Jacob Glass, when due alien; tendandE will be given and terms of sale made known .j08..111 ,Pd 2 .1;401?, • - 4tt'y in fact for.9gnea Waltemirel Jiine 4,1838. : b , IiONNETA , A fresh supply of coloured English Braid Stitt* st 'Florence Bra td, and ORIENTAL BONNETS, have just been received,sindltie offered uncommonly low, by . • 2 ARNOLD Es to. . FRUIT. . An assortment of Fresh Fruit just feeeived.nn4 for sale by . ELLIOTT. • 111I1300NS, RIBBONS... Lilac, Pea Green, Salmon, Purple; and ble colours of Gauze, gantna and,Satin Ribbon for sale by , ARNOLD /37:4'C0. N. • • • •fops, 71:opS. : Jost received several balei best.Vo. I topc, very low. .. - ;~,~~ii--. 'est Spekti s 0114 . • nit received, h large thrPttlY;Twitich will be 'sold very ldw, either by the barrel or, retail. Alec, scve. rcl barrels best clarified whale oil Warranted to burp clear:. .OnWRB. HAIR Cloth Caps and ridui4of no 3 Ai; Welly. C . 6011..11Y • 'LUST received, a inpply of gorrieon'kPills, in', tr 5P..9041 . The subscriber takes this opportunity of announcing to his friends and the public generally, the pleasing intelljgence; tharhe is now recetving and opening in the store 'room recently occupied 'by Mr. Thomas Rimes, directly opptiditalte - store-of o:Urge Hamill; Esq. in the borough f‘ Shippensburg, an Entire new and splendid assortment tl of - ‘af. . • _ Fashionable gods,_ _Which: have been selected with great ciFellt -Philadel phia, Now York and Baltimore, and which, he can confidently reconatnend to his flienils'und customers, as being well ailapte,tlto the present and approaching season:, and withal he _is determinedla sell as CHEAP as the hardness of the times and the• scarcity of willOY • may'reqUire. Blue, Black, andfaticy' colored cloths and cassimcrs, . . Sattinets. a good, iiisortment. • Bombazine, • } A handsome article for (le& Circassian, and , • tlemeii's Snout - ter Wear. - • Prineetta, • • . • - Broirn Irish LiOen, Blisiched do, do: -Bleached-Russia - • • Bleached French drilling. - • • . .- Brown and bleached doinestitt shirtings and sheetings. A. splendid assortment'of calicoes and painted mus lins., - . . Zephyrinn—a `benutiful'articlo for Ladies' dresses: `• Illatk,Gros de Naples, do. Italian lutcstrings. • A handsome assortment of - ' '- Plain and figured. book, Swiss, ja:coact_ and cainbrie muslins. Silk. Bandanna Anil Flag Handkerchiefs. -• • • A. splendid assortment of Ladies' crape; : silk - and gnus° fancy drOss Handkercltiefs. • • • • - -Bonnet. dap and belt Ribbons. Shad; Mackerel, Herring and Codfish: Grass and train Scythe's and Saddle-Trees. Looking Ghtsses, Carpeting mid Matting, lltc.'fith;.. - A complete assortment of IMien's Black, Drab, Fur • and Wool HATS—PaIm Leaf Hats. 1 AlSo; nn iissortmentof • ARDWARE; Contiinink almost every article iu preseninse, either for Families or Mechanics. A large assortment ,o . _Books and Stationary."'" . 6 2 / Ea&D.l2lOO Of every description,. :Also,. an 'extensive asssor meat of Groceries, Liquors,Qu . eenstoare,Gine 5,4-e. which,. together with a , great Variety of goods, too tedious to mention, he now 'offers to the public _with confidence, believing that none whomay give him a call will have occasion tolurn away dissatisfied; as he is determined to sell on very lifiMlLl"tectus fur eASETor-the-ustud-crediao-putictUnl-men , ----—. All kinds of country produce will be taken in, ex change forGdods, =3 0 C.2I:L.L aurn. SEE. UMW SietrDM. GEO. JOHNSTON , Shippensbi*gi Mai 28,1838. 4. 26 Nirkko S-Jovtll4 • - THE subscribers have justreceived in addition 'to their former stock, a handsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER • (54100M0 ..,• . . . . . witiCh makes*, the , r assortritent now very good, and will be sold very low. They most respectfully solicit the public_ t,o give them a call. • P. S.—Country produce will be taken in exchange for goods. . _ . I L Zi D. K.V . ..UNDERLIC.I - I dr.,.CO. . Shippensburg, June 4, 1838.—T PRESI-1 • • Pa ' TjaICZUM2/6 having recently returned from' Philadelphia and New - York with n VERY -EXTENSIVE ADD!- TION to my former Stock, I heg_ leave to offer to the citizens of Carlisle and the Public generally, GENE.R.4I,' OSORTMEND, Coraprising — irvery article in, the Drug line, which I will dispose of WIIOI:ESALE or RETAIL ie lowest posszble rates,. Physicians—cotintry . Store.keepers , -- Pullers and others, are respectfully invited to give me a call at the Old Stand on East High Street. ..• $. ELLIOTT. —Carlisle,ifayMASA-- . . ,WINES & LIQUORS. ;hist returned from,the City of Philadelphia with a general assortment. Zif , WINES ,E$ LIQUORS, purchased from the first liatids, , in wood and glass, to which I invite the attention of Innkeepers generally. sboti, Tenerilfe, Port, Old Madeira, Pale Sher ry, Malaga,, Champaigoe, Clart, Muscat, and HO& WINES. - Brandy, Holland Gih, and Old Whiskey; Which have been purchased at the' shortest prices, and will be disposed of on accemirmdating terms. . . CHAS. BARNITZ. - u • • 14. . 24 Books, 4 . _ , Irugs- and - Pitney Ji•- • .tteleh. .• The sub Scriber has just returned. from Philadel p mar Thdthnore-with-a-large-arpply_ofFime. Paints, Oils and Varnishes.. Also, School Books in - resell variety—together with the standard •• and mis cellanedds worki, and all the new publication's. A large titsortrrient, of "stiitionary - -;-elip and leiter Oater by.the icani. Alsci a largeLvariety,of Fancy articles, which will be add i on, accommodating terms. . ,• „ JOHN.J. JKIERS: CarUele May - 24 1838. ' _ . - - • . .oj 7 -I D 4HVIS V I ite' •40 • , t would tall the attention of Painters a nd others in a large aseortnie'nt of Paipts,lic: which I have just received, and will sell ttuusttally low. •- Mile Lead, in 26lb'i Kega; D4l e i lnionaic Lithaige; do. Green, "Spanish Brozini; Pruaslan Blue, Fellow.Okeei Ventran Red; Linseed Oiii • - Red Lead,, Spt,7l4e n thie; Grange 111lneral; Coid Varnish, - Jap an; do "49. ELLIOTT: • ittECEIVEIY:A.ND FOR SALE, A-varie4 OE-3)1041114...tutd Fo t ittily Raskets,4 Abe_ st ore o r v . , May Id. • • " Wit*Oprka -WW 1 ' for sale by • • '11 1 : BARNITZ. , 14 ' • • .': 1 1 0 '24 . , ~. ~ , . , ..' . -Encoilunonte .,- Cliets.p -- Cloths, ..„.- Caselitiers;Sattlkiti, Vestlaga; &a. Ice:, 'ton sale at the Stara of •, , • - ARN9:I4,& CO. ~..1487.14,:.. . . : ;.... —.......- ? ,,, ,-E• .24._ • '' . VALUABLE PROPEIt )(- lit TilEliiiiradriber will sell at private Sale; or will le .seTor'n term of .ybars, that.valuable tract of land, .sityateitith . e sotitlierri part of the boroligh of Carlisle, tai Conning about 5 Acres, baving'thereon ereeted'a itirgt StOnes. 3311ildi1t? • (Fortnerly knci . Wit "and ` a Brick Dwelling Hoitsy, with twoweTi. of water on the premises.' This propertY is suitab le for many purposes, such as distilling, a' foundery, or tan yard. The buildings will be sold or leased, with or without the land, and possession gl,Nett — immediately. - For tcrms apply p-s.? . • • • . . . JAMES ARMSTRONG. —: Carllsle , April 9, 1838.. FARMER'S HOTEL. 'High Street, a few (Thai..? cast of the `Court House • • • • The- subscriber having Mased _the above named establishment from 111r. - `Binaon hay . = - ing prOvided himself with every thing necessary, is now enabled to accommodate travellers and others in a style that, will not liii! to pleasethose Who may favor him with a' all: • ; • • THE BAR ANDVELLAR will receive • his 'special attention. These will be kept Constantly provided with the best of LIQUORS. THE LARDER will at all tithes be abundantly supplied With "all-the delicaeies which the season and Market can afford, and no exertions Will 'be wanting to please the:palate of the most' astidious. - . - 1 THE STABLIES .. are commodious and secure, and a careful and 'atten ,' tive hostler will be always in attendancd. — . - '--BOARDERS-will-be-taken-bY -the-Weeki-month-or year, on the most icilsonableterrns. . • A strict attentionto business and an:anxious desire to please, will; he trusts, ensure him, a reasonable share.of public-patronage. _ - _JACOB REHRAR . . .Iki". B. The cars run .just the' nlnive'istablishment, at 6 antl'll o'clock, A. M. and at 2 and 7 o'clock, P. . It. 01.1.4 SI a.V.11 0 US ti • • • 21 1 0 TI OTA52 '; _ • , South-tisestforner of Main & Pi ll Carltile,' Pa . . . , - , . , • . - , . . ___. , _ -r - • ..Geor , re Itkreei- -- - ---- ' ... ... ... . _. _ . . . HAVING t ake n a • the above named • es a i is Imen , f I t (formerly kept by Mi.. George • Atighinbaugh . ,) res pectfully solicits I& friends and the ``public generally, to favor 1' with their custoth. • Theliouse'is large and conviatimit, containing - upwards al% 1' 0 R T" 1' C 11. ,Ilf B . E R .57, well adapted for Faddlies, Std den4, Boarders and transient custom.. The - stabling is.extensiye and convenient, capable, Of.ltohliag.ulkt wards of TO horso, worthy the ,attetition of Drovers, being Ma; central and excellent part of .the _to ‘ wa_ for. the sale - of horses. , . . . - Drovers, Farniteiii Pcdlers, and . Travelleri lire in vited-to give him a call. lie hopes by strict attention Rita Moilernte - Charge to render general at sfaction. - : - • . Carlisle, April ASSIGNEE ACCOUNT. • ' Notice is hereby en, that the account of William Line and Melchoht Hreinicrhati, Assigoce of Samuel Neidig, lins.been prosented to the Court of Common Pleas, of Cumberland.' count ,for muifirmation and allowance, and said Court have alippinted the first flay of . August - Court, (being th e 13th day of said =MOO for its consideration, and Rule on all con cerned to strew cause, why it shall not be confirmed and allowed.. • GEO. FLEMING, Prothonotary s Office,/ 4: w Carlisle, May 9, 1838.' SEED - COILI THE subscriber has for sale at tIM Carlisle Iron Works. and at U. IHTarlane's hotel, 11 few bushels of ypry superior.DuttoQ Seed Corn. . The _Dutton Corn is decidedly_ superionlo. any other .Corn growtOtt_this section. of country, as it yields from 50 to 160 bushels per nere,--weiglis abold. 541bs to the_ bushel, and m tures in 90 days, 16IICH✓IEL G. EGE. Maly 7, 183'8: 23. , BUSSg a Nat Si ' • , • HENRY . J. KELLY . IN FORMS the Young Men of Carlisle • and the surrounding country, that he is prepared to manufacture in the nJatest style, WHITE RUSSIA lIATSfor sum mer wear, at his shop in East high liotel, and nextcdoneto the store ofJohn 1-1. Weaver Sr. Co.- Also, While Silk lints Of the best plush; made on blocks of the latest city,fashion. Carlisle, May 22, 1838.-6. . • . . ARNOLD. & CO. , IrVa large assortmrnt of Irish, Table,ToWling, Russi an,l Burlap LINENS: 6-4-7-4 and 84 Ta ble Dia . A very superior article of,B-410-4 .84 12-4 Gerrnan and Irish Sheeting, all of which• they offer wholesale or retail uncommonly low for cash. • , May 1, 1838. • • • NOTICE • IS hereby gien, that Letters of AdMiulstration on the estate of William Cart, late of Carlisle, Cumber land-oonntleocased, have this day issued in due form of law to the subscriber, who residesin Carlisle.. All persons having claims or deMands, against the estate of the said deeenied, and requested to make known the mate without delay—and those indebted to said estate to pay their mid debts to GEORGE CART, slebnY: April 9, 1838. • ANOTHER SUPPLY. Just Received at the S'fore..of • ARNOLD & CO., • Another supply, of 4-4 and 6-4 Indla3iiittin i iliSak a vet* superior artiele of Figured Matting, all of which they olfet at a Spiel advanbei s •P. H. KNAPP, . . S tilt GE 0 N -- .D - EVV-T S , Manqractuiet! of the Silecious Metalic and. Mineial Incorruptible reeth, zs. w. - COENE* OF oil/LILO AND EATEiTE STREET*, ott FVS. • • • Lodinod--chippcd and grbund j ,Nicaragua Woodi . Cochineal, 4 • Brazil; • • Lac Dye, rustic, Oil of Vitro!, • • Madder; nitrous Acid, - 'lndigo, Muriatic do. - Jtist received and for sale;sitholesate or retail; at the Cheniieal Store of 6 . • S. ELLIOTT, May'2B. 26 • .SAVE IOUR TEETH.: • • If carious Teeth are properly treated ata seasons= ble u time, the progress of the decay may be entirely arrested. • • . -T. H. KNAPP;Denia/ Stu r geon, N. W. Corner of Charles & Fayette sts. Baltimore. - • May JUST -'RECEIVED.—A guppy o f r.a.r.v LEAF IMTS. • -Mss-lA: s SOFTSHEIAL . A 141117 and Filberts for ' sale by • - CHAS. ATINITZ. ‘24. • Ntay.l. HATS: . LT,—HeieivedafreatTariety of FikshignableßasetiOrlo,and Silk Hats. • For sale by • .•, ' GRAS. . BARNTT.Z. UNITED STATES. ARMY • IttOt vIiINGIi.; SERVICE. • WANTED for the UNITED STATES ARMY, a few able-bodied . citizens, _between the ages of 18 and,3s years, being about five feet six inches high, of 'good character s and of respectable standing among their fellow-citizens. None need apply to enter the ser vice, but those who aredeterunned to serve the period of their enlistment-7-which ,is only three yeais - ho ; acidly' and faithfully.. • • Pay . of Damen; —eoutiere;tpm . n---, • ' . , mounted. •hS This table'shows the-amount of " a cc pay which enlisted soldiers,. ne-' `1•, cording to their respectivegrades, are entitled to receive for their, . -y 4,• - services. - • v t - . g - e To the Sergeant-Major, Quarter-Mas ter Sergeant, Chief Musician, and Chief Bugler—each • ' Ts) tlp 1 st'Sergerint of A company Or ranee Sergeants AO Mt:other S tni ergets7-eaeh Corporals Buglers . . . - . • Musicians Farriers and Blacksmiths Artificers - • Privates ' • • • ' ‘8 90 285 TBeSides the - monthly pay, abOve stated, one ra-:. tion Vier day is allowed every soldier, which isamply sufficient, for his subsistence—also,lair supply of comfortable nail genteel clothing.. • Good miarters and uel are at all times furnished ; and every attention will be paid to making those men Who,may enlist,' mid are determined to serve their country in good' faith, comfortable and contented With their situation. The best medical attendance is always PrOVided :for the sick soldier vend no -deduction of pay- is Made during the period he, is unable to perform his duty, Should, the soldier be disabled in the line of his duty. the lawa'preVide a .pension for ltim.. • , . By the above it is seen that tic ptif hod allowances are respectable, andthat,witliprudenee and economy, the..monthly pay of-the soldier z maybclaisl everything requisite for his comfort and convenience is furnished by the Goveknnicnt, including his sugar and Coffee. The prudent soldier, therefore, may readily nave'frorit $3OO to $5OO during his short en . listment ot3 yenrs ; and at the expiration of the term ,lie can;_if hits Cllo4Thelt . ,puretulse a Small farm in any_of the Western States, mid theresettle hiniselfccimforta- - bly, on his own land; for the rest of his life. - RECRUITING RENDEZVOUS, thti aMe 'Building, East Jlldin Street,'. formerly used as the - Volunteer prin i ting eke. . December 4 11837.—tf. - - C(l•The sign- .TWO DOLLARS be given to'any citizen, on-commissioned officer, pr Soldier, who shall bring to this ,Rendeivous an Able ! = bodied recruit , for Med, sound, arid' otherw.iie duly qualified, (as ilioVo deScribcd) fOr the duties of a soldier, and l Who shall-be.regularly-enlistetL:. •; ' - • Formal& mul CommissiOn House, \72.13 IT - TINVE - biken that large and commodious WARE HOUSE, lately erected on the Canal and Rail Road, Jitilow.the foot Of Chestnut stret*-115-rriAtarghere their arrangements such they can-at all times , 'foriVard produce an:d inerchanclize promptness and despatch, to thefollowing plaCes, viz: --- - • Philadelphia, ittsburm bid, Baltimore, Carlisle' Cha mbersburr g: .„ ant all Wow& latp places.; -Th - eY hqwe lately erite.r)tlitto arratigeinerds so lisle: enable them to send, any produce or goods hy . war o P the: Pennsylvania :Cabal and,Cohimbia Railroalf, to Philadelphia; at the same, prices-cluued by other companies running by' the. Cnioo canal, thus.gaining . three days in time; and deliveringgoods in Brand street, avoiding the usual exkuse of hauling from the Schur (kill. , " . . ,THEY: WELL PURCHASE Crain, Flour, :and country , prodUce of every description, and. keep con stantly on band coal ; plaster, fish and salt for sale. April 2;1838.-6. lB. Prothonotar '43ALTIIII9RE --CHAS-BARNITZ, IMO .;. . . _ ... 1 r....t....._• •- _ _ • f e • ~. AP,. t . , . A • - aao . -.. Mf Dyspepsia , and -111iporehon . drincism. 7,n te u-rel .• - • 'Mr: William Saliiion,iGreen. street, above Third street, Philadelphia, afflicted for' seVetial Years :with the folloWingAiitresgiig.syMptorns,: Sickness at the stomiich, hend;aelte, dizziness, ,palpltations.the heart, impairetaPpetite , , - sornetinaes acid and pi:tires cent cructatipne, coldness. and weakness of- the . tretitities, emaci ation and,,general Visfar rest, a sense of prepare and , weight .at the OM , till after nightmare, great mental despond , toy, severe flying p ,pains firtbe chest, back, and 'sidep,.cos. tiveness, a dislike for saiety, or conversation, invol untary sighing and vreping, lan& and lassitudeupon the least exercise • .. Mr. Salmon I): diikilitffl to the Most eminent sicians,who considered it beyond the power of medi cine to restore him to health however, as his afflic tions had reds eed him to a very deplorable bonklition, and having been recommended - by a relative of Ids to ritaketrial of Dr. William Evans' Medicine, lie with •difficfilty repaired 'to the office and procured a pack age; to which, he says, he is indebted' for lii9 restora tion to life, health and friends. , -He is y ow enjoying all the blessings of perfect health.. Persons desirous of further infarrnation, will be satisfied with every particular alas itstonishing cure at. Dr. Evans'. Me dical office, No. 19, North Btli street, Philadelphia. • The above nvedicine4is for Sale'at the office of the Herald & Expositor, Carlisle. . . LIVER. COMPLAINT • • six YEARS STANDING: Mrs. Sarah Brenhiser, wife of Aitios Brenhiser corner of second street and 'Germantown road, Phil ailelphia, affected for thelast six years with the Live: Complaint r was completely restored An health by Dr. William F;vans' 'Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills. Itelayniptoiiis were habitual cos tiveness, excrutiating,pains in the stontacti - , depression of - spiribi,langor, extreme debility, disturbed sleep, great pain in her side, could not lie on her lett side without an a=ravistioti. of pairi;-dilzines,s in the head, dimness of • sight, With other Symmtonis indicating grad derail - get - emit in the functions of the Liver. Mrs. Firenhiser has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but received no relief until she was alliised to Make trial of Dr. gyine Pillsqf which she is happy to states that they, effectually relieved her of the above distressing gymptonis, with others, which are not essential to intimate._ Mr. Brenhiser (husband of-the above-Mrs. Bt hirer,) had been t }re] ors afflieted with a distrel state of Piles and CostivenessoTirwliiiliThe was el tunny cured. ' • • ,We 4o hereby subscribe our signature to the truth ofthe aboie,eures, that the - s tatement - hrin - evert-res.- Pect true. /' 'BRENHISEH ) . JOHN STEW, Baker.' • No. 1 . 7, North Eighth street, Philadelphia. • LOTICWS ramous Care lin' the Rhea. malism and Other MUCH .need not be said in relation to this wonder ful ,remedy, as the proprietor -feels confident. that when applied,,it will, as can be proven by the number of respectableliersons, effect an entire cure of the Rheumatic and other pains.• It -hail not-until lately been his_intendiiii to make it p ublic ; but ,by the re. quent.applications of his neighbor,, and the IV ot!derr, to ~ cures it has erected, he feels it a duty ewesae society as well as to himself, to make mor e geoe .„ rally known, and at the same time nave itzut a near -as he can. within the:reit:li if.;; all who.may beaillisted With that painful illsciiSe. • Hundreds • of could be' published, of persons who 111:V4 been cured by this celebrated medicine, but tke folloWhig are selected from the mass, pe ng sufficient to attest its.powers. Ja n s rov e,. —7- David Bender, Jacob L. Nagle, Lindenuith, George Fisher, Jolla Alsbaugh, C. Stoner, John Coover, Samuel Wnely . ;. Aaron Bender,--,.., P,Liudemuthjr... Samuel IC,tinni,. -Hobert - Ilysztti— It Richardson " - ",FietiliWiiiliCh, Henry Alsbaugh J. Difrenbaugh, Jacob Miers. Chrialan Organ, . J. Hiestand, .. Mount Joy, Aligust 25,183 G. ' „' • - - All orders 'from a distance-addressed to Ahearitb scliber, Mon nt Joy, Lancaster cotuity, will be prompa ly and faithfully ,atteaded to. • . • ' • • "BAMITEL'LOBG4S. --- MottntJoy,Feh. 7, " ' • • ' , The above medicine is also for sale ht.'. - Cailfere,"Febritarf - • • • • FOIL . RENTi. THAT large and commodious TAvEßtyr TAND, formerly in the °cringing of WATIi. situated on the. aorner *gain find Bedford , genets, opposite the jail. 'Said ,hoinie. fiat long . bepa , - occupied as a Tv'tzliv, and is.well Worthydieutten- • lion of 'person competent to keep a,good house,the buildings being extensive and calculated to give tom fortable accommodation to scikarnersi gm. 'very exten sive sodding:, and, a first rate veil of water In the yard& T his property will be let on adtantageonit terms to a' person desirous of engaging in the taternskeeping. business: Also, rt . Frame Barging' adjoining the tavern suitable for - offices - or qhorm for_ mechanics. ROBERTOfccILAN...- • • - Crnynnodore Rue . NEW GO--ODS.. • CHA m RT ' S 1:) .- G . IlLd' i llji ''' '.: • ' '- 411rior, , 'HAS just reit , trrsupyly of'nel and' ea." sonablu GOods,eetia sting in part of ' ',... • .Cloths, CassimSre," Cassinetts, rtrestings,- Summer' - Clothi'.:Linert' . Drillings„'llfet. bourne stried Calicoei, Gingham, Cam • ' :....-. ws, Irish. Linens,:Silks, Gloves, :Stoek.' ._ ink*, Mualine De - LaineS Challees, , Urn— . , 1 brellas,' ParasOts, 1 Leghorn Tasean,..and . , Straw Bonnets, iVe. 41c. - - •.. . • Also, an entire new stock of BOOTS and SHOES, and.Fresh,Groceries, all of which base been ha - • cheap,- and will be sold unusually low for cash: • .C. 0. returns his thanks to the Citizens of Carlisle ' and vicinity, for:the liberal share of, patronage here tofore bestowod, end respeetfidly solicits a continu- • ance of the 9,me. Persons - Whit - ling to purchase will ' pleate-call and examikihis . stock r as he is determined • / to Baron as good ten as - any house in the borough: He continues at the old surd, nearly opposite S.. El.. lioit'if Drug store, and four doers east of -dm market '. house. . . - . May 22, 1835. • . . 6-142, 15' 180 575 . . ~12 144432 . 40 120 360 9 108 324 1O 120 360 rain' for Sale:. , • THE subscribers offer for sale their tract of La - . • sittiated about four miles nortli-west-d[-Martinsburg - Beckely count, Va.,containing 350, iteRV of jfht rate limestone Land, to whch about no . 11undiletfittore can beadded;ifthe ptirchaserdesire• it, eipial'in Strength . and ,soil tp any , in the greatyolpof - Virginia. - It is finely watered' .well irep ved as' to buildings, - &c., having uponit a *Il large and commodious Brick- Dieellink se 'and • good Kitchen,- fitie, Limestone Spring-in the yard,. - which has neck:km*li to fail, with-a Stone Spring _I:. ziotisu of : its sue q, and - a short distance from it a large Stone HiStillery,With over head _water. Also, ' two Excellent:Orchards, of grafted fruit; good Barns; and stables ; smoke house, corn - house, wagon sheds, • and other out huildings.of necessity or contenient on ~.01; this landiabolit typo .hundred and : ninety ' , aima are cleared, iind. in it high , piate of cultivation: the balance well clothed with floe. thrifty timber.— The cleared.,landfliiL di videil,iiite fields,, and. under good feace.,--;witit, conitant water' running througli.euch s of them--prod4cing hixitriant ly, wheat, rye, corn; oitta,tiniothy, clover, and every: otlferilegiriptimrif - croKwhich good, land i iii tiorief country. lticapable - of-iirodimi4, - liesided, being-- - equal ; as a Grazing ,Farm to any-other; - n A further description oftliis proPetiifs. teeirs- - ed uunecessary„ as:persons wishing to purchitio.iill 'no doubt View the premises and judge. for . Terms will be accommodating.and price Inn', -. C.d77-1./41?INE GROI 7 .g. • May 41, 1 ii.lB.'-25 • , - , : _ . ....... . . 1,7 4 .&Z - MZVe,& Z 11134 5"1 85-I' E A 'll., ~~ls9'L~Jg'~~°~©lB3~'o -•111IENRY • RETURNS his 'Sincere. 'thanks to le 'pftizens Carlisle and. its vicinity, fdr 'the patroriao which' has been, bestowed upon •solicits a contintianFe of the same: - -lalis-stop is now situated in • •- - , East Ilig a .,eet• tuljoirting the Drug Store of Samttel Elliott on' the • 'Efactiffilloh - n - 11TWeavericenhiTetare - on - tticrirei,l, - , where he constantly keep on band a large assort : . , meat ol'Faslilonable- rift; Ind Silk Fashionable . •,• Beaver;eoNsisTiro , - • !Oiler,. Seal, rat, Plain anti Brush • • • -41 Ai ..121 0 a ("' ' OF ALL COLOURS; All.ofhis OWn initnetcturing, ite will dispose of at low prienS He flatters 'ltirnselfthat, by strict atteution'to bosi ness and a disposition to please r to merit and receive a share of public patronage. , ' ; fps will be inintlfaitor' ed to ordef; on reasonable terms: , • Carlisle, Apri) 9,1838.,1. 19. SADDLt AND 114RNES$ rregark..K4- NiWk utala-alra.gewiaiti tf . The Suliscribei• respectfully infMthi the k't izeria of Cumberland county that he still k!ontinhes lo carry on the above, business, at his, shop ln Welt High v . Street, in the horßug,lt of Cailisle;iind for Many years occupied by. M;-. jVtllidm,Alcwniler, Where lie has now oh hand a Mtge and excellent assortment of Seiddles ^ . &cc. Btc. which he will' sell on the most accommo- . dating terms.'. • Thankful for past fasors,. he respectfully asks is - continuance of ,the public patronage. SAMUEL ENSMINGER. Carlisle, May-ZtiBJB.-Bw. • SIREr".;:i OIL. - A suPPIY I I .4 : Pale Sperm, and Common Oil,--,ands RI!? 81 :rmaceti 'Candles, yarranted "free: fromiululte.. " S. ELLIOTT. 1 "..u0n, just reeelFed by A t ur t irrowl NOTICE. • The Su sort. er, appoulte by theourt Auditor; to whom, is referred the account of Thereat; Ilrotstcr ono °Nike Assignees or Pcier Thrush,forfinal Sett.h.: went; and mit-take "such di2tribittion of tho effects In the-hands-Of the said Assignee as shall lie•steciording; to law and the. terkoc sant trust,: will'meet, at. the Prothonotary's Office, inCitrlisbß On Sith'itillaY- the!' " 2tst clay of July nex.4 . 14 ten o'n . totAt 1.1 i! forene i ne . Of which ;di:pencils atincernell Gt4'4o l ll 4l .o;MAUtan,„, May e8;1818.--.4w. .SPLIENDI,WC 4:14 *VIRSt. • Extsitoted Gtnirtunnk r • r •-• Chintacg Cad Eitaily:liarimi tirtiofe,i; • r sside•by , /-- • „.- A.R.SR.)LI). IMEAJF'. Cltrld),P - G 0,01345. ARNOLD- . . • Home_ in of reeeivea ii6veri4.l3lllet "Tickilts , * ins, _G'hecklt, and pianfrtovhbib are of •uneenn-, monk* low . for •• , • ..µ . ___~l._r-~.