I= I= TEIE CHIPARD E 6 t , ft. - 011 Yinnaity and Trust. Company o 'hilade& • _ . •'. • ; Q,ire,159,-.t.'hestneastreet. _ CAII. ) ITAL 6.14 1 $360,0001 Chartek Perpetual. . • NSIIIIE LIVES, grmit' . in'ing*Mia Rod. ...Fiqrfrip ' nieiits and petke smdrarts dist hiYOIC - e the cool iiigetior of Ere. Accept l'etfst,g mithol:iied hi the charter, rrom ;courts td c l,lnstieeottid„es.t.ciaiiiheiii ap,.Katily h.! the d: sire of the liartirs, aud,reci.dili fieposdes.df . • • • LIFE INSI:ILA.NCE.-4he terms are as low as, - thoi, of an'%> office iii.the thiimi: • . • -. . ..Putev 00. For 7 roars' ‘ll7ible - -TiP .4)l.7ptagy., «hut& 20. 50..91 . !$0 95 : .25 • 1.00 •1. 12 • 204 . 50...•-. 1 31 - . • 239 1 30 - 1 '53 '2.75' • 40 • 109 183 • . 320 , • 45 •1 91 100'. , 373 • . .60 • 1 60 - 7. -- 2 — (3 1 5 , 460 55 • 232 3 21 . 518 • • wi.inforninoon obtaiilecl 1) application at the . . . . B. W. 131.CIIAIMS, M:es't, . . - • . ' 301iN If..J.A.NlES;..letuarzi (L:C:itf: il W.Asir, q'reasnrcr. •' • ' , , Jullp It, 1338.-slim • , . • . . t 1;q• /r -0 7 R.,- Cl/LITITRL;2T. TIT! 11. P. subscriber..; luavc ,jn.,t rvevived from the cities . of ,Vewhal tfl...k-nr.;. m n as isnrt ent pi: new ibssirz.iire C;on4s, wtilt:}l are Pnutt - do S ,ies; - ,111;wk lkiult de Suies, xi 1 Cron de Naple^. ' • • -- '111:i , 1i ft. lutesildjrl -- Cros da Paris , Gro3 d eNtra Supt 4, Lyons, Silk 75 - tdvots; ipiils " • • • 111a714.7 Satin Vt•stio' - ' • . iliaikitn.linrr arid c 4_, raval . q. " India . • and Sarsnctts., Lavaliano and ".`.l . .u,:volilm-liandl,‘O'clilers „Super.Li.2ou.CLlniricll.4lidkcrelriurs, do - • • Tho• - . 1 rloldnr , d V oils -f-1 s.z.lifonct 11-1. afol-Co;.1! , •111:-<",*,: aikd I ival • . - :tva - snrcr - ilnuk. -- U-11.iw.:1-SPIII-. and Cotton Glove - 13oldi)f.dt v.llO-.l.k,surtin , „xs,.• and llobinvits, plain and jimilvd, St',• Satin, I.lorld,:,•;:irit--, and • . andCiii..l6llllon; '• ' a;l 1,2 AY \ MEC{ do --; • - inch i".udn•oikr,-d . _ . . AI2NOT,D opp%-•iti•ihr• Carll7le iluuA - • ik,H . l`;fP e •. A 1 .1, pc-Riiii , rirrrh4 I tl-1 . 1(• or NTAnV I:11(1_0(A Illti , llDl . Clll'2, l l, drernscd, till payititnt t itllnnl I•Nti:ly ;I:li it1_f . 1.111 . 11113 1:6•1( 111 . 1`i: , [1t, 1110:in_t - ht.7l 11 ill 6 . I",.liarp• 1). ,11 • ly (.1 'll n, Y•7l ei . 1 - u , A 11(1.) to aksim. ‘launr; ..\d 7 \•\ (If c:-C:ti.t. of .11EN R.A . ' 11.„): MIS or A I.p.voshi dcePr.s4.(i l“y iit l'hepheriLi o, n. (tawie.hip nod county mcor,inid) to pay oIY their relpectil'a dal:3, on : lye .`?..r:le-ritty of voxt ; and those Jun Vi r eg era ons,against estate, will prosl.nt 111-m ow the S.o.r.n.'h of tigust. ----Also,dlof3(.4llllllaVece-papit 3 with thabald..\ hirklOy will conic to tin.: said pla've :Mil pity Ofrjill the M oth of 4i u.ust,. and 'melt oblige 'roe ' an I have' moved to county, Pa., and it will he very inconvenient t'or me to ealliagain. I hope this notice will he com plied with. DANIEL MARKLEY,Idnrr. • June 18, 1838.—"Gw TAILORING. -WiLLIAM 1119PHERSON, PIEVIANKPUT, MI , past favOns," hereby informs.th public - 6ml be still Continues to carry on the hove mentmed business , in " - West Nigh Alreet, Ca list( a•fotAiiors west of the Post Office, awl directly Op posit.C. the book store. of J. T r oudo'n, where, he is pre pared to aecommodate all , ' who may favor him will ithe most nealinfummopd at reasan tilde prices.- By strict pliention tolritness awl al ,7 • calmest desire Co please, heltopeikKi'eseiv6 ..14)er • share ofpuhlie patronage. '• • 4 I'. S.-1-Tlto 'fatest city fasbiollFlivill be constantly fAloa - ed up. sup.32ify .ot • t-constantly kept on hand, and for sale on yeasonable terms. Anne 18, 1838.-tf‘ '29 Canaberiand Con illy Zycep,m. YTIIIFI Semi annual meeting of the Cumberkind County .I,2lceuai-wi 11-be-held at 3, I I;CLIANIC4DULIG. - OIL Saturday, June 3011; ; exorcises as follows:.. - • / 1. 10 (evlock7-A . .n 'address by l'l4:sitlenfpuiliin, President ()Paw; Lyceum; oJiich will be followed by I:.eports':of Committees, and of the delegates front. "local LyeetonS ; also by the eNbibition of ndnerals, and . works of art, whether designed for • 1 / 4 ‘.this Cabinet of the 'Lyceum or' ifot.. .7! 2 o'clock—Address by James litunilton i Etncr, to be followed .hy the discussion of the follow lig question: "Iloidd the pecunieiry ititereNto•aphe bi;r mere and .11echanics of our State eitFer, by their al loleing a greuter portion qf time to their chibircli,for Velhtb'ing an educations . 2 " • ROTIMIIT CAAFF.RON, Rec. Seery; . Cumberland - County Lyceum. itiltupeti lhat-rtAy measures will be ta • ken, by all the Lyceums of the county, to secure *a ilt' tliftrnfeetlirx: •sunFilint the come.-nir*lthizoriac•n•TeporiG:ttintdrinp, - the , ---erntutinint,-••ntatet ni t ut - prospects of. the layetelleS St!terahr t:epr:•Cent • By'order of the ExeCutive Conz»nttee. it. C. . • June 14,1838.• • • . . To the' heirs and legal Representative of ~ ,:- ..j.OHI.V. adlifilliELL, late 0f 51 .,' Franklaril lownship, - deed.• . ..- TAKTI-NOTlOrithaf-Fwilt-hnlul-aninquisifion on a Ivrit, ALP/wit/tine Pariedd f 1,- on the prenit. , Ths lace of John 'Campbell, dee'd, on Tuu6OAY the '2.lth day of July, 1.83fi; at ten o'clock., A.-M., where all if,tur-.. este t l may attend. . ..., . , JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.. ' Sheriff's Office, • " t f• . • Clarlisle i 4th June, 1838.5' — RECTIFIED — WILISIMIC: --- F r i l E rni e„',l,l ';a sc o ." tlLY,:,,rii l e. li t'l l i l. A; l i e i,i,"w f- k l ::' , ,", l .l.t l :i ( i i i",Tiir,!:: 4 ( • 3E 7 1/4 - ~ , 'T l l' iVf.',l'l'el . i ni l l e ifas i a l i c ijotici ' ' ' it i is i t z ......., i t,Orre's w!,ich, has bur..Rl:m.4(l,mA will '‘,..7A, 'i.,- , ,, , i,q 8 A ll2 sold in qiininitibs to suit purchas ,"l„,,3. - • i M. G. 111LTZ1100VER Jung/11, 1838 "rr UST rIGEI riteg and spaa 09 • will'he sold by theneundheturing prices - ' CiIA.RLEF3 13AliNf1z:. J4flel]- ic33 •.:371tocePA, 111.0E5 7 .& BROGUES,, " of every,variety received. andfor rate Lp r'- cilit,9l:-.BARNITZ. lOU L.E.MONS - ')Sc.. ORANGES, ' ' pule at . • t!u Store` of - , • SEamriaaros SAME. , . - By-virMe" or a writ of -Venditiord,Exponas to me di-. rected, out of the Court of Common fleas of Cumberland eounty,itill ho exposed tg.pultlie sale, on liatui•day the 2.l:st. day of July 1133, atlt.) ()clod:A.M. the following treseritted estate;lt? wit. - . ; Pine Greve - estate; i•ont.tipieg.tweuts‘ thou . . 4 and acres or Janil;•:nore.or less, - sit tattelo . l.nukiiison and S ontli dill et on tdW11.1111 . 1, -- CtiniberlattA county - with 0 Furnace and i'ttrge, Coal Ilott. , es, Smith amt Car i penteri Shop, ;0 Li - Brie': Af:nr,: ; ion I toost , , lull 1 1.1'1143 - Im' tenant rriFt.and eavv•will,:i tWtilarg,e hntl eNcolleht tuiros, 3111(1 t -et eral small stables. lutil • tr•-hAtilti+,• — llante., mrrais,:vll.sl7lllp; ' rd . C 'foot'' and the. Adams is a large loot of this e.sktie•whielT k It.tr.o•tl 'and So inuivoveti :t5-to he Itarafily ;tilt:pito:to the purpos:t. of I , :troiht , g, ;lad et'! of it is orNipie4 by and in a good e:aie of tlto ore hank and tioilter for - e.tial are so cooo.hient to the Fe:share and F:11 . 1..;: :ilia 0:m he had at sn little evo'ile , .• as to trfol“: it.. nte.ongct the most supt-rior- - ,fron - E - s-tabl V neye'r.litilit to an -extent-to_initn.rt-th.c.‘fillhoper talon el chi:to. 67 . evet , y thing. coniteetetrs.ith the eshiltrellinrotintocousiikration, has no mipot : i.r.. ill Ponnschaol 1. . — Elot oho efeihlisitto oe, is Low in nil! olwralloo 1.j(•1:,• - i)Fci) .toh.•o cs.etitiiitt tls • Lk , property'Ll ll.sterC.ge, taut to lo; sold 4/n. Lot or (iroond, ' t•onftliitipgsoll. Itree , hll, anti iL tt tl-et - in les ..ttt. stljoittint; Loh; of tl, :train 5 . t.r.. 7 t.1, it:g • tliereon''oeret.tetl • TWO STORY rrarne . • . . -- ' .../12V1) LOG,. } C'T.IBLE. ._ svi,..) - iii3O - 1.4::(.11.i-.1 eci•inimi ivti the prrihrrlc o ohn C'..Vniith,;totho 1)1; r,91(11):1 we, . • 'Cat'lit.lv . l.Fll,.y '23, I • - oa9..EcE.. . _ At an Ofphatis' Court, began and held on 'ettesday he_firltdcy of .` , :a . ; - , A... D.• 1838, and [Millen at Car li,de,' ia , and loc Cumbeilmid conmst. Before the Jialgeilrof The s;inic C:ourt;&e.- the fidlowing proceed -2;1 May, 1833. In the-Ose.of-the estate of Jacob Ilhodes,( l .CC.C:=l:-AL Nil - WM . l . llg in 4.he court that the Atiministratiou account of .liteOliAtlimlC-c-,--1-IP-ecamb has been settled by tile -Villlilligtratly, SIIIIII MIMICS, and there have been Mk aueement - ; made by the intes tate, to the several , heir;: at line. The Court tin now grant a rule uncut all the heirs. and.le:vtl representa tives_of the .said.deceased, to appear at the next stated tleidetna' Court,te held on tin:Atli day of Septem 7 her, A. 1). 1839,': ad_ shew cause-why they should not 1 Inc severally ehar,,ed upon the final settlement a the said (-Ante, reaLand pursomd, with the advancements mare-to melt of th e m; and-to -sIICNV CM / Sl- Why- • the Cecogui ; zattec entered is.to by Samuel Rhodes; to whop IA te ' real e silt, as son 11 nMed, should not he regulated according's - Au w - ettinUtrlana County, ss. , ~„%kI do certify'that,tht! shove is a trite ft 1 ,,. extract taken front 11w -records of" the v Orphans' Court; in-and-tor -said-county. tel : thnony tvhereof, 1 have hereto pia "..? no% . t t ix l 4 , l ,i t e he seal of said t out 1)-18,38. THOS. CRAIGHEAD, Cll 0. C Carlisle, June 4, 1838. NOTICE. Aban Orphans' Court began and held .on Tuesday the first day of May, 1838, and holden at Carlisle, in and for Cumberland county: Before theiudges of the same Court, &c. the following proceeding tverd had, to wit: . Ist May, 1838. In the -case of the citation to the heirs oil Dysert„ late of Hopewell township, deceased;-to-"appettrtl s-dayouul aceepror -refuse-to :accept of the reaJestate of said intestate at the valua tion, nod appraisement thereof, taken, by the Impdsi tion, he. Tha.sliikilr makes return duly served on, all who reside in Ins Bailiwick. The Court further order thLtimbliehotice be given to those heirs who i aside out 6f - the county to appear at the nest stated- Orphans' Court, to be held at Carlisle aforesaid, on Toesdaytlitifourthilatii - Epo7rnber - nextond-itceept refuse to accept the estate of the said James Dysert, or shed' cause why the same Should not be 501 d.... Cunt c! la it d Calm - f do Certify the above to be a true ex do - tract taktnarom the records of the Or ' 04 1 ,Vigi'phans Court in and for said county. in testimony whereof, thavelieretoputtny_ signature; Anil affixed the seal 'of-said °Mutat Carlisle, the 30th May, .r& - . 1838: • - THOS. CRAIGIMA% CM. 0. C June 4, 183,3.---Iw. • LOON. AL'IL` • • Thd subscriber baying relinquished the Mercantile business and desirous•of closing his unsettled accounts, as he intends leaving Shippenshurg„ begs leave to call the attention of those who have unselteed accounts to call and settle Them" as there will be do further indul gence • given after the first.of August, as fill accounts that are' not settled by that slate shall be placed, in the hatuls_of_a Magistrate for collection without respect to persons. • -THomAs MMES. Shippensburg-i,TulTh,l2, 1839. • NOTICE: null IF. Public . will lake_ notice that _letters testamen tary have. been ii4 - 31 - Ced - i - 4 -- th - e -- subieriber,- resi ding in Monroe township, the Diecutar of the 'last .Will and Testament of ',CONRAD BM:MINCER; Late of Silver Spring township, Cumberland county i deceased 'All persons having . elaims 'or demands against the estate of said- decedent, arc, requested 'to mfiliiythe same known to him, without delay - ; - persons indebted to , ' said 'estate, , are . requestedOr ll ca and- •: .. • • . • • • 11E - 41:121' e it 4 , C 7 07:1 ~WANTED, Several' Journey Men MILLWRIGHTS, .C.BR 7 _ PENT ERS, WAGONMAKERS, by 'the muli scriber, itt his establishment in the I.?rotw4l o f N ew = to whom' constant employment addle highest wages will be Newville, June 4, 1838.-3wl'„ MCP. & CORN WANTED. Film highest price in easli, will be paid by the subtri:iber, • his Wm:cheese, for Ike t C'prn. • OWEN M'CABE4- • Xlarrisburg, 11, 1838 r AIACKEREL. 5 0 ie n a n t the r storehouse (1 1 :2 1 . 1 I Z.:PALN nAd foi ',burg, June 11, 1938 6100 TQNSOF PLIqTER 9 'A l e ,r . ),) • - • , 0 June 11, • , - .. WEN" .A.I'CAIIE Cont.limes to ' receive ' tied for word goods and produce by rail, road to Phil. Q Ihrrisburtr,, :Nee 1.1 - " I -8.8. . .... .1- -. . , ~ • 5 0 A • 0 31143ERT. , for Ls,; Pot T GEntaltp . 2. e by • . .11nrehburgiune..1.-4-1:838,--7-0-1VEN,AVGA13Eg 2 bt...'t 5. .0 - vl„tiLi4,*:• s :T.ffi...:.i - tv - ..41 - :p.:...4*(0:.37ig*1p#.61.,.tvit< • • • - XEOk' W•T- . 3CL•Uw • • • • EIGHTY tionsFA- . (40-lEgfacks ahatt4o, PAPP ,) Are required for the United States Cavalry School of Ti•nctice,"4 CM-Site BarriCa ' • These Horses must be well formed; strong, active, niiil pe.rfectly - sotind - r - between-lbur-and,six-years oldr about lifteeu hands high, md long tails. - -4 &ir price will . be pad, in cash, for }wises" of thi description... E„ V. SUMMER, ()al . )t.„, • Ist:Dragoons:: .6014c-Tinrilteks, lv .% • May 1.7, 1838: ' ' l'-' -•- . • Xitao at This -. . . . • HAVING dispossihorthy Fthek, I reque - st att . i•ho luive. unsettled• accounts,,parileularly those likifi sus -veer thems.ekes to hein('Tcht,las the - creditono ingen end, ore apt to observe o'conimeighiblii - pfdrifigiiesic,) to call' of the kesigetiCe of the 'subscriber, 000ni•aiiii prevent any. action on his part, that might 'occasion dryness ltet•enfter. - A constant supply of PR AN DRETIPS PILLS, will be kiln - at the Post Oflicei-h' - -- - .. --- --- ' ----•--'-' ' - - JO/14V - .SIOOREr • *Ncvvville, M - ay 20083% - . _ . ~.~' '1•llE stibitert ter retpeelftill• - / inicir•nis . Iris - 6.lentls, nqtl the pnitlie generali.y, that ite has for sale, nt his Cast and .I,tinther Yard, on the hunk• t , f the Stisque hatinit-riv.er, in the town of Worinleysinti...,_ 1 4 - UM-a-Bt . VAVerektri Simi it'll, . • • • Pan~tel and Corn 712 olt,--L'oen*: . Poplar Plank and ..SZantling, AST. 47c. 2000, gooil qualify, scasOcdr-T. ight_ Bar-1 rid Staves and Headinn , AII , of which he 1611 dispose of at low rides, and on tlio.nrist oet:innidodating tiTins. • Persons wishing to pni•dissr-woidd-thrwcll-liv-callinr, With ilie-siiseri-i her ; ond:extonine his stock hefore - they pnvelifis'e else- Wherl! _ GEORGE RUPLEY. Apr9,lBsS.f-! , -t'jn. " 4 "%, - l9 • „ ci&-op g r rt' 1 6 - vv " Ilr'oad Tun o.dersigned m•siwetelilly_ informs trii. citizens of, Fi.,,Dmio cumiwil u oil.t;oooti,s, that Ito has olu - : lull a IVA nr.l to u1..;]! . .• in !front' St rect., !lest &our zdtovo lircad street 11 . 0101, for the !..ale of idl kinds of Country - Protlnce, and respectfully solicits consign ments: rrol” his 14( . 1 , 0,ri11. notpirtinlance, hilOwledge. evtly•F.,,, (Voris to_punniotc thv hilut•ut of Ilis/.ll , , iontei•:;.:llc, 11litk:rs 110 %till le al!le to retitl! - 1•1411eral-satisfnaitm. • r (10613 - -B - E1?1 1-48. _ REFERf.:NCtS. . Philip Eer falto 71 ,Es Gco. J. Swoyer, Esq., Newvilie. \ =I ILAJiVitiIIEEEM AND ". - Tr AN , ,-T,)m. , yßO:oucli: & commlssioN 751. Gen. Sain'l .41camindee, Z C ar lisle . • , 11 7 : M. Henderson, F,s r . F - ..• Jacob I?upp, -E. - sq - . IlatrisburP Geo. tr. Lnipro . ,• Esq. .( • Estate. of- Robert McFarland, deceased NOTICE Js hereby- tires; that- letierit-of Administration on the estate of Robert McFarland, late ,of - the borough pf Carlisle, Cumberland county, deceased, have this day' issued in tine form.of law io ate - subscriber, who resides in Frankford.townsitip, county. aforesaid.- All persons, having cl;tims or (limit - Inds against the estate of tlip _said decedent, - are !requested to,pittke known.the same.without delay ; andithose indebted to. said estate to pay their said debts to ROBERTLAlRP,Administrator. _May_.9.41,838.=6;Y: 126 • • For. S ak. . . • . • .32,,excellent and commodious Two Story DWELLING. HOUSE, with the lot of ground on whiehlt sfands of .about• THREE .4C ffeN--)inving thereoha number. qf choiceFriiit Trees: a Well of never -failing -water at the door,•stabling, &c. The property is pleasant ly situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland bounty, Pa., one quarter of a mile west of Brieker's .Mill,-ou-the-turnpike.roadleadingfrom Ilarrisfiurg to Carlisle. Terms reasonable; 'enquire of S, Ilep 'burn, Esq., Carlisle; or 'attic subscriber on the prem ises. JAMES WILLLA:MS ON. • April 23, 1838. . DISTILLERY-FIXTURES' Tor Sale-zClomp' .. - . . A large and -squalor Patent Boiler, capable of ills tilling 59 - bushels.of mitt - daily; with. Coppri , Wai in and Globe, in an excellent condition, Also a qtribti ty of- Copper Pipes, Bras.F' Cocks, furnace Bar ,e.o . c. being the total machinery of an extensive D'stillery now discontinued. They•will ho sold the a , and in parts or togethir, to suit purchasers. : l .- • • -- Appl .by.mail, or.personally„ to the übscriber a Clare's Ferry, Perry, county; Pa. , AMOS/. JONES, -- Clark's Ferry, May Wi1,838., w. P Uiltl46l . . . • - WILL be• exposed to.jythlic sale, on Friday the '224 day ofiune'lB3B, I lIIME THAVS' OF -. ' • 'VAT:CAI4LE LAND, situate partly in South Middleton townshi.p;Cumber lab& county, antl II nitingdon.townShip; Adams coun ty, • ntnirimg in all about • • • 'lf . dittES,, , .. • . . The Woo: l l),fAnd belonging to thls,property isAivided into-lots-o, from---5 -to-.20 Acres each, which will be old-scprivately.—.This-proporty was -lbrmerly- ocutt.a . plod- bf , Ludwick Waltemtre, deceased. - Persons wisldbg,to purchases_crutalLnpon,JaCnlcG iss or Dui id Zeigler, tenants on theprtliOrti',-who ivi11 , 46 . preastire in gavial; 'any information ilatt may be re= imired of them. - , - . . Sale to commence at /6 o'cloCk‘of . said day,•on the property occupied by Jacob -Glass, when due ittten tendance will-be given arid terms of sale made known by , . . -_ JOSEPH - DJ YLOR, ..att'y in fact for dlgn6 Woltemire June 4,1838: . . ... . . . .BONNETS,,BONNETS; . . . -__A: era k sueply or coloured ' Engli rill 'Braid 'Straw Plorenee - Brald, and ORIENTAL BONNETS, have inst becn.reeciredolnd arc ofrered uncommonly low, by ' ' : ARNOLD Sr.. CO. • • FRUIT. An asCortreentof Vreslr;Fruitkist received and for title by . S. E,LLIOTT.:- RIBBONS. Lilue, Pea Green, Salmon, Purple, and all desira ble eulourii or Gauze, Mantun'and Satiu'Ribbomfor sale by. - , ..., . ' • - AItN9LD Az. co. , LIVQ,P O I . I I tOPS) OPJ 9 _•2.- Jusi*ctiVelptn'erat. Vales NW ; 1 Itorr4,..very ow. • •* NYIN . J.-631T1211-18. ~..pcsg • Npfroteil. , Jost received, a largo sOpply; which will be- A oki very.-19v, either by.tbe barrel or retail. Also, 'seve ral barrels best clarified whale Oil, Avarntated tedium clear:, 1- fahror..r..on-Ens. , HAM Cloth Caps anaTalm.-lerif Ilats,Toi , sale by C. OGILIIY. • • UST received; it supply of. Murrisgn's Pills, in j • - • . .•• ... , . .eELII. • • .. . • _MMV7 6001,111 4 ' - • The. subscribe' , kestli opj ortunk_ . of aunt - nine,' tig to his friends and the ly, the , intelligence, tintt he is nor/ receiving tint' opening in the store vomit recently occupied by - rtle: Thopitts i - trt; dirtittly opposite the store offloottge 1 fitcnill, E sq . i n , 1 1, ( ,b 0.1 . 0 ,0 1 nr S ppansbuit; nn I:ittire new and splendid. asprtinent of . • . • Ta.. - Fihiaina,blazo . ocis ~ 7 , which hovel/C[4l selected with p;retit care infl'lttlattel -, Oda, Neo York and Baltimore, iun l, which he eiut zcottildt , ittly-ivcanintead-lo hist:ldea-41;4 and .c.U.Sltaners, asbehig.avellttdaptcd to the 1)1'e-soot-and approncliiiig teasoo; and withal he is determined to sell as C I I E.\ 1' - trs - tlit , harthress of-the times-mitt tlai-ststrcify ofraJlie:y -• . . little, Black, and fancy colored cloths and cassinters. Saltinelyt, a ;gouil as4oripk.al:=. , ---• Boathazitai, _____ A handsome article for Gen- . T.',il;eaasian, and . -ileinca's Suanajr Wear: - Princetta, . , .. , . Ilrolviarisli-Litten, .. ___. ' ' (I( Bleached Ilusia drilling, " ' '• • Illenelted French drilling. ' I frown an!l bleached donleslie . shirting3imil A stdendid ass-artolilld.orcalicoes and pnitito' Jams; Bits- article for . Ladies' dresses." ; i;,.;;ni; dr Naples, (16.ltalin lutel,trings. '.; A hand sOine_assort WM. ofGit lirmo. Ond'llgured Imok, Swiss, *jaeonut loot vanil ! rie inusli as. - Silk; 11:kndanna 31 ill Flag ltandk , _ A sploinlitl acsortmlqit of Ladies! 1' 'f:fr.ll: and -rinse fancy Ilressllandkorellicfs. - 11moict. etivand hell Mons. . , MaOkerel, I hi ring it,nd ct“lr i sh. sAdki Trees. , . I .onkin“. Glasos, Ciirrting and A ronlCdete assortment of Men's Black, Prab; Fur and \ Vika II A TS—l'atin Leaf I lats. • t - assortintliaThr — • • HiIItD.WARE . 9 for Farnilies..or ,I( . ellanies; _A largo assortnient of .1366 ks and Stationary,: • (0 . V,T0 .01141Q1),ITZ Of evcry description. Also an extvislye asssort _ , • Dicta of • Groceries, Ligt(prs,Queensivare,Glass,,S . -c. Jogetheri;wiii O Oeiit variety of -goods, too tedious to mention, he 11011' offers to the public with 'Confidence, believing that none' whO 'mav gise in 11 - Calf Will have occasion to turn AWatdisßath;ficAT,as he is determined to sell onvery liberab ,terms for CASIE, or-bil ' e-ow:11 eredit to puTtetital-MOn. All kinds of country , producti will btu — titketritr - er= change for Goody.. GEO. JOIINST ON. SlkippetAiwg,..May fB,--IS3B. 'NEU Crovitigkit , TILE' miliscribers have just received iv . addition - their former stock bandSOMe llSSOrtnlelit SPRING AND SITMIKER: (0101ZDZI which makeh the'r -assortment now very good,- and will be sold very low. They Mo4t respectfully solicit the public to ply them a call. P. S:—Country produce will be taken in e.clumge for goods. . - J. & D.'IC WUNDERLICH . SL CO.' Shippensburg, June 4, 1833.—tf.. ritEsz-x DIMLNICZU [Mai . . 1 • lllto** reOently 'returned from Philadelphia and New York'with a VERY EXTENSIVE ADM ' 'JON - to my forme' Stock; I lieg leave to offer MAIM ! eitizenh of CRllple, tool tho public-general - ' • dENER3I; ASSORTMENT, Comprising every article in the Drug line, which I Will dispose . of WunizsALL Or RETAIL titill92rvest possible rates. .Physicians=country Store keepers= Fullers and others, are respectfully invited to give me a calla the Old Stand on East Iligh-Street. S. 'ELLIOTT. L 27 7.1 Carlisle, Ably 28,1838. . WINES & Littt,QßS: Just returixed from the city of Philadelphia with a general assortment of lIINES £4 LIQUORS, Purchased from the first hands, in wood• and glpss, to which -I-invite the attention of Innkeepers- geatrally.. Lishoit,Teneeille, Port, Old Madeira, Pale 'Sher-, . • ry, Malaga, Champaigne, Claret, Ahiscat, , and Hock AVINES. • Brandy, Holland Gin, and Ohl Whiskey;-' Which havelieen purchased at the shortest PAC'S, and will be disposed of on accommodating terms.. CHAS. 13ARNITZ. • . '24 ilooks.}.l[Prie May 11, ii - cles. The Subscriber' has juid'returned from Minitel ' Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Also, School Books id every variety--together vith' the standard and Mis cellaneous works, and all the new publications,— A larg4i assortment of stationitry---eap and letter paper by the ream'. Also, a lin* variety . of Fancy articles, which will be soldon accommodating terms. - ' JOHN- J. wiITERS. Carlisle, aray 22, 1838 o•PAINTS;•&C. , •-c") I wog hl.calLthe. attention of Painters and•othei•s, 'to a large assortment of Paints, &e. which I have just .receiviA, and will, self unusually low. • 'o.lb. Kegs.: do . •-"Dry. ••:.6 - Ohronite - re&dia Prus.aian - Blue ; Yellow Oker, Ventran.l?o, t Linseed Oil,• Red:Lead, • • Spb• •Turpentine,- Orange Mineral,... Copal Varnish, . • ~.• Japan • , do • ." • " REctivEin AND FOR SALE, A vii•lety.of Trayelling nod Family Baskets, at the Store of . CHAS. 13ARN1TZ:. Ala) , 14. ,‘• ' , WRAPPING kAßN,'fcr 6. 11 c by CHAS. DARNITZ . Uncommonly Cheap/ Cloths, Ir4ting* B(tti &c., for sale - at the Store of 14, ;F 23 VALIJABLEPROIPERTT ZPVIO - DA‘X Mi. .- . . !VIE subicriber will, sell at. priiatc sale, or will Ic sp term of years, that valuable tract of laud, aituate , in the southern part of the borough of Carlisle, coiitaining , abitt 5 Acres, thereon erected a . , • • /Large Stolie rilnid 3 P/Er#: " :...(gormerly known as "Gray's , '• MILL HOUSE, Aielhi.if4rater_ nitth prernisea. This propthty is suitable farnany - purpose§, - iiitelt :is diStilling, a tinintlery,•or tan yakl, The buildings will he soldor:leased, with or without the land; and pCISCSS4III For . ,terms apply to JAMES ARMSTRONG.: Carlisle, April 0;1838. - • • • FAL R 9 -,.11 OTE 24: 4 High glAct, a :few .d 007.9 east of the • leased the above, named niitablishment from Alr. ,S'imon I I nn/ler!' otml hav ing jiff:lidded liinisclf with every thitm necessary, now a. stile that iiill not fail to pli2asii those who may fit% en• hint with 'a mil.- • 'TAE` EAR AND CELLAR 1611 reeeikv jll3 special tittention,"l'lwse . will be - kept eenstardly provided. with tlie hest of L1Q.1301;,5, . . - . • ,1 17-I.P, LARDER 811 tinteg be qbootbintly vltjt all the (121k:.vies which the w:lfirm alld nu eNertions frill "-t);.,. - Vat , . , 11. tt)i.L. , :tr.c the paha: , of the most . THE STJ,V.c.:I I ,I:!:FiL . • „, ; e copui - odious and sceucc,aad.,2l careful and attol, licelostio• be WaA sin attUndanev... 11()A.Iil)PAtti :will be iaketi by the werk, totoitli or yearoin the tiurt reasonable - • LA.. strict attention to hiviiirsiitiothaii-anNiiniti : deEiro to qilease_, L will, be ,irtistii, elowire Itirit• a rri.solialtlr share of pudic pstivu,(;r.. • -• N. n. 'flit -ears rim parA the above I.lablimhiller..t; al 11 awl 11 o'cloi4:, A. NI: and al. '2 and - 7 n. •__- 4`) . 03r.° fill (7.1.; Z - 1 - I.g • . • •-• , .11J - . south-west coriler - qf main ce Pill curiz;,..'...,1,1.'h -4, -- -11AVING (111,:l - n1 0' al/OAC (lin'pu9'ly_kcpt Itl Ali., George Ati,..dlllll,:iiigh,) re:;- 'pecollll, - :,.41eirti Itiv frieffilsThrtil liror 111111 , T11'• II.01!t• large criveTrieffi., •/.' -C71.-1.1/ If adal.l.•ll for V 41,•111.3, tdm . l trhwielit. elr,i.;ill.' The Is extele,i:e. • I..,t,NA•iiii.ll., eapallLe leAllittl It . 1) wtirds of -70-Ifor,et - i, }whi r , in a central and excUlott_pitrt 'Awn- for the-g-alo : ParinerscPeOlcr, and Te.v. cllerK are in-. t 4 him a rail; 1.16 hopes bytriet at tentiolt-ana incalcrale el: rge .to render general s:il-:Taion. •- - • - 9;1 ti3h. 10c .1,11 •. Noticv iti 111.1 . 1111' glVelqillat the ni , i..ottht. of 'William lint and Afelelicirdftelitielb;iti, Az,iglice or 's o o mo i NiddTg:, has been presvnted'tothe Court of , Cfunilion . Ctimberhuid"county, far .voctilpitinibpl and allow:pia•., and said COllll have appointed the-first day *f August. Collet, (being the 1.3;N AlitS' of Said month,) :for its consideration,--and- -Hole on all- Con=- evened to slim cause, why it bird I not he confirmed and allowed. CEO. PI.P.AIiNG,. Prothonotary's Office,? Protlionotarr. _ "Carlisle " 1 11":t- - "9, 1838.5'41' -•- . • • DUTTON SEED. CORN: CHE olbseriber lets flit' sal,. at the Cavlisle Iron Works. and at C. 'AfTarlane's hotel, a few busitels of , very superior Dutton Seed Corn. The •Dotton Corn - Fs - 116 - ailCilly — aiperior. to any other Corli r igi•own in this iseetion of eountry,as front 50 to WO hu,shels: 1 per arre,AFeigits . about .411)s.t.o.theloisher; - . - aildlott. ,--- tures in VO days. - - . ----- 'itirCHAEL EGE: - 23. . • 213 s t[ta- T HENRY J. KELLY. . INFORMS the Vcatrig Alen of Carlisle and the surrounding country, that he .is prepared to manufacture in the .neatest style, 'BUTE R U5,57..1 ILiTS for sum.-(e - -- mer wear, at his shop in East High .Street, it few doors west of Major Jacob Rehrer's Hotel, and -m•xt d o to the store- of - John - II: rWeay . er 'CO -- A Is o, White Silk Hats• of the hest plush; Made on lacks of the latest city fitshion. , . CrtFlisle, May 22, 1838.—tf: .ARNOLD & CO. , alarge assortment of frish,lntlile,ToWlitig, R ssianudllurlapLlNENS. 11-4:7-4,ant ;- hie lq - ct;r: A very suiterioi• article of 8-4-104 & '•l2-4 German and 'Gish Sheeting, till of which they ' offer wholesale or kettil unctoiimonly low for cash. May 1, 1838. TS-berebv2iven, that Letters of Administration-on' Alie mite of ll:Agin CartAnt6 of Carlisle, Cumber land cotinty, deceana,iliiire form of law to the subscriber, who resides in. Carlisle. Al!- popsolis having claims or demandg against the 'estate of the said .deceased ; are rinmested to. make known the same without delay—and those indebted to said estate to pay their,said debts to _ GEORGE . CART, - April 9, 1839. • " ANOTHER SUPPLT. Just Receivediat the, Store • ARNOLD & CO., Another supply of 4-4 and ti-4 India Mattin ; . _a very superior - article_ of. _Figured. Olattilig, al ftt.-o small advance, aFF.I4.• • • '24 S UR GEO aY. 1).11 XTIS .thid Ma . nitfacturer of the sileeiousjiletolic aizd Mineral Incorruptible' Teeth, - ,W.-CORNER OF EIIAELES AND FAyETTE STREETS, - - • • ' DYR- - STUFF S%- , -, —:------ . LOgwood—eliipped and ground,. s' Nicaragua IVoud, . . Cochineal, ` • Brazib -- : - .Lne.flye, , • • .. Fustie, ', L • Oil-of Vitrol,, • , lltuldat; - - '"'“: ' - . NitrOna l i‘eid,' . . Indigo, . • ' . ' Murattt4 do .. - Juk .received: and for sale, 7Aalesale.or_ratail,-4- thi: Chemical Store of -' - " ' --- - - • 8; ELLIOTT. , , , YOURtJF,EtIi: • If. carious 1.'41 aro properlv ti•eattal at a seasomt ble time, the progress of ,the decay May he entirely arreatr. F. H. K,NAPP, Beata/ Stir,er4m, , • N.. V. Corner of Clio ies St: Fayette its. Baltimore. Aftty. 28.; • • • - 25:: . • IiZECtrinEtP.HN Gni)piy . Dr .•• • • 111 n) 14 SOFT STIELL:'ALIVIONDS, 11 0 Filbertq for .614. by MEI • • ~ . ..HATS ; I-LA4s 1- 7 1 - teccived a treat variety 'Of Fitslkioitttl46 litiwin;Bruslt, -- and auk ilatg l / 4 . May Iti • • . . C'KR 'Sr LE; d S;S'~'C NOTICE BALTIMOR:E, CHAS: CHAS.' BARNITZ • r ' • UNITED ST' 4 Z ' ••• • ii."ECRutnNO SERVICE. . • ••, WANTED - for the liitriso , STATES MOM, a few, Odd-battled Citizens, between the ages of 18 and 35 y`earti,Ateingaltout 'fives - feet six ladies high, of good charapme, and . of rewectahle standing among their fellow-citizens. • None, need-apply to enteepe ger- Vitte;hot those who are determined to serve the period of-their enlistment-.-whieh is only:three - years' ito ncitly and • - - - - - ' • Pay of Drakowz • soldiqrs, TIAG7I • • .. ••• ... - 111011111M1. p . • •1.6 pa t. 5 • ._ . -Thitctithie - slictwiithelmaunrof -,- ti . y which enlisted soldiers, ac- . .cardin,„ 6 . to their respective grades, . are' entitled to • receive far their-. - services. - •• P. 44 .= To the Sergeant-Major,lauarter- - Mas- . ter Sergeant, Chief M7tsieiiiii, and. • Chietilagleredelt • , - To the Ist,'Sergeant of a company Ordnance Sergeants • Corporals, linglers miciaM; • I:M•pici's and Blacksmiths VA 'till 'VI'S -- "YIN •liesides the monthly,pny, as 'above stated,; : mie ra 'timi per daybs'allowe;l every soldier, which is amply soffieient roi• his sub64l.ce.—also,h large sopply.of enoirortable and ger,•,^el'clothing. "Good ImarterSitial nel are at alr.timeS fdraiOied and every attention :will be plOll to making- those inew whu mac enlist, - :Mil are determined to serve their country. in good I;iilli T eoinforuible and-eontmited - w ;tit their - situati9M. The best medical attendance is always provided )or the sick soldier ; and no • dednetioM of •palv is made ' dining tlni"period he is onableb o peryorm his 'dilly, -Should the soldier be (11F:11)1(41 iii the Pyle of his duty. the lays proVido'a pension tin. him. blie the :Mole itdsseen thalthe pay Mid allnattees are resm'a.table, and that, with prudence, and commit:3', the - Mnothly pay or s,,hri,,,ny be bid cs, ' ' c6ioryrt and convenience ; is lurid -1;et1 by the Government, incholin•.. his sugar and colter. 'The prmient .soldier, thoreMre, may breadilY saNYfroinOda _during-big Ount. i. m listent- *years ; ;:f the eNpirmion o 1 the nine _lmeambelle'thouses, i t mrtsliacca small limp in 515 t . the AVeAern Stair;, mot there settlelTildselt'cundorta lily, no his opii hitA ftlr the rest aids it ING ft vs lig 7.l'ol's, flr Ppann. I.iltileting, East Akin. ,`.•:?Ped, it;xll, as the.- .I . olmileer ppint&t.; - ; ( ! i,Vre. - ,l)t•ecillber 1!;.57.—tf. - sum•l`l• T w-ty 0--TOT - M AT:4711.y given In nu)'vitizvn, clvvr, or Soldier, alto slcdl IN‘lng tci 16is Bendc2doos ;doe rp,rod Fdrmed, mnoNl,..aod Toth (nfi 1, 1 . I l i e duti e s (. ;1' a . soltlior,:uul, \vim hltnll be .N.l.;lll:trlrciili4c(l. • i.,Hg (read it'oo? of. i ." E.cor'rqe, - • L . `43 r,l .11: 6 1" 1 --t',ll'E.tak(l:l-ILittl ,, rlk- ,, •14:;i; W.\ Iltit awl 16i1 1,1;m. lurk." rink; ;aid — Ai 101 pri,llllOllC,S :111111.11'11):Itell, I o't followini?-rlikey - s, \lz: • •, ' Philtz(!aphirt, Cohan - BallimOrej Carlisle, g ui •Vhey have rawly et.t.tured'into auTangtancitts so as to enable them to salad arty prtuducc o 1110,l'etunst attial Cattat and Columbialtaiiriutidl. Ic Pitkitadelpliia, at the same pulses charged by culler colmamies - rumting out the Union canal, thus 14:titling (tree days in time, and delivcring goods iu Ltroad street, avoiding;-11172. - mtual tx pease °flu:m . 4g from the 'l',lllll' WILL PCIICILASE Grain, Ploua, and ec . mtr y produce of evo - ey i4.seription, and keep eoil idastei.;llsh and sall,for sale. A - 1 ,1•11 - Dyspepsia and Dypodhion. driacisni: interesting •Cnre! . . _Mr.__Williant_Salmon,_Green_stsget,.above, h street;PhiladElplihrodllicted.for. several _years 'with the tolloiving• distressing, symptoms : Sickness at the Stoniach„ ; dizziness,, palpitations of the heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid find putres cdnt eructations, coldness - and weakness of emaciation and general debility', diSttniatd rest, a sense of prCssure .and weight at • the stomach after eating, nightmare, great, mental despondency; severe flying limns in the chest, Lac y , and sides; cos tiveness, a dislike for society, or conversation, invol; untary sighing and weeping, langor and lassitude upon the least exercise. - . ; Mr. SiiTmon had applied to thelnost eminent Ow siciani; who considered it beyond the power:of Chino, restore him to health ; however, as his :tinie r tiOnii Imd reddeed him to a very deplorable condition, and having been recommended by a relatiVC . Mhifi - to make trial of Dr. William Evans' . Medicine,-he with difficulty repaired to the office and procured a pack age, to which, lie says, he is indebted his restora tion to lifc,„bealth and friehds. He is row enjoying all the blessings of perfect health. Persons desirous of further information, will be satisfied with every articular of his astonishing- cure at-:Dr. Evans'-Me d:'cnl office No. I9,North Bth street, Prirlitdlina. , The above medicine is for sale,at the office •pf the Herald £r, Expositor, Carlisle. • • -LIVER COMPLAINT SIX YEARS STANDING. Mrs. Sarah BrenhiSer,,wife of Amos, Brenhiser -Corumof_secontLstreet autWermantown-road r Phil • adelphia, affected for the last six,years with the Live- Complaint, was completely restored to. health by Dr., William 1. , ..n5' Camomile ~'Fonic to. Family Aperient Pills.' Her symptoins were habitual ,cos tiveness, exerutiating pains in the stomach,'depression of spirits, lair.or, extreme debility, disturbed sleep, great pain in her' side, - dould, not - lie on her - left side without nn aggravation of pain, dizziness in• the head, -dimness of sight; with Miler symptoms indicating, gretiNeeangement in the fiMetithis ofthnLiver. Mrs. Ilrenhiserlias made trial of. varions medicines now 01 before the public, but received no relief until she was advised to make trial of Dr, F,, vans' bf which she is happy to state that they effectually relim>d her of so the above distressing symptoins, with 'others, which' of arouot essential Omtimate. ' -- , ---Mr.--Brenhiser(busbandi - of - tho - above - Mrs - BreiF. -- .'er,)lut laser,pul wo yenrs-tilflivrett,.. state of Piles anti Costiveness, of which lie was ellee- ME tuaily-ettreu-. . We do 4erelly subscribe at& signature to' the truth of the' gbove en:es, that the statement is in everyrefi pei4 true. . - SARAH lIRENIIISFA, 1 -. ' •-• ' -• .• AMIN §TElP,ll:iker. - • ' '• • No. ti, NorthTightli street, Philadelphia.. ' , LQUW'S )174 QZ;11 S „ . coati an OW oilier. AIOCII-need not be said in relation to this Wonder ? ful remedy, as the proprietor feel 4 confident 'that when appfied; as ean lie pgoveithy:fheMliiiber of respectable persons; • effent entire pure of :the ' Rheumatic and other-pains. , It hint :not' - until hetai s 'in make it public.;, but by . the, re gum d a p [ diCattona n of his aneighbors, mid the wonderful Leureiilt has eilbeted;he feels It„a- duty lie uwes_,to seidety, as well to lihnself;te make d'more gene ' ktiewn; and tit the'saine thaelitA-e it put a near 0 he ean. within theme]; ofull - who may lie afflicted withdhat painful disfiusd;' , o - • • Ilundecds - .of names coulirb n .ptillj , sheil of persons who have been cured' by this celebrated medicine, hut the following are selected from., the mas s , ii, amply.,sidilcient to attest its,powers, -,--David 'Bernier, Jacob yt: Nngic Oecirge' - .Wither, John Alsbaugh, , C. Stoner, . John Coerce, Samuel Featly, Aartm Bender, - Shmuel obert Dysarti . Rit•hardson, .lacohWot•lao p„ IlenryAlsbaugh - Diirenbaugh,.: Jacob Mien. . Christian Organ ' Illesiand, Mount .4', Aignsi. 28,18;36.. ,A II -orders frnin a distaniM addressed to, the sith serilier.Ximit 3Uy,LatiCaster comity, will be pros stet-' ' SANIULI;:LOUCKS. ;fey, Fair, 1837. • . • • TLc nhore mei:tibiae lot:No . :for sale by •• Carlisle, FebreatTi- I'2; 1838, • • --.- ~ • • f' FOR , RENT.- THAT. lrtrge- endcominodious- TANTE. sT AN DOorinerly in the. occupancy' of 0:_ r . hatee,,situated on.the corner . of Main and long Streets; opposite . ' the jail. Said 'honk has loitg been occupied as a TivEart,;and i%well Worthy the alien... tibn of a person - competent to keep a good house, then. buildings bang.extensive and calcubited.to give fortable aceotamodtitioh to sojourners, tie. very bitten-. sive stabling, and a first rate well-of water in the yen!' This property'will be let on adVaataga9lll - i'ala to a, person • desirotis of engaging in. the tenrnAceeping: -business: Also a 'Frame Building. adjoining ,the tavern suitable .Also, 'offices or shops for nfeehanies. . • ' ItoBurr•MeCLAN, •.. -agent for Cu noilodore JCBCe .13: Elliott; Merck 1.E..!, 1838: . • • • • TEAS, WINES - & - GR,OCERLIDS,_ In North. llctiyo)!.Areet, .opposite Corn= • . Inn. • • • The' übscriber respectfully infOrmsida friends and the public generally, that he has just opened 4 stock of leas, Wines, (lrocerie&c. &e, of superior lily ? which lie will sell on reasonable terms. Among Which are the following itaiores:lndia Madeira, Sicily do.. Port, Tennerifie;'Malmsey; choice teas.; Sperm • Qil; Java, old white, Rio, Liberia; and green.!zoffeei.-- Philathlphia 'Pale. Ale; French and com Mon Mus tard; loaf: and luinp.Sugar; browii Sugar; candies . codfish_ and_salinouHAckles, tirozervesy of • sinus kinds, spices, Spanish and common ehocolate cocoa, sugar-house - and common ,m•dasses-, while wine inegar- pine apple chee‘se. Sap Sago and - Ilerkimer cheesq - gpanish'Segiirs of :superior tpialitv Rosins and Almonds; Class, Sibtecnaware, Chita: and liarthenwate, • • C. FOSTER. • LIEle 14492.6i0 15 180 575 - 12 - 144 - 452 lq I‘2o - 300 • _ 910832-1 10 I±2o 3GO 8 96 288 Aray . '22, OVAL • - • • CHARLES O.G/LBY IFA Sji ist received'a large snpylv of fiew anti sea sonablo Goods, consisting in part •Cloths, Cassimers, Cassmetts, ;17est-Ing - a, - : - ~ S 'amincr Cloths, Linen 11:1c1-:' • bo . nrne striped, Calicoes, -Ginghaom,Cam.; Irish Linen:s, .Silks,-Gloves; Stock: : brellas, .Lerr.born, Tuscan, and At,o, an entire new stock of. BOOTS,and Sj V)F.S, and Frq..tla,irocerics ; hiten cheap, and Will be.sold unusually Idly for cash. C. O. r,inrns his lhankst citizens orearfisle • Aufd au -initc, fn. the hint's! share of paThonage- here --torois‘ Ir, , siowi.dond.respertfully contintt :ewe of tint. same. PLTSMlSwishijllg to purchase Will oh•ase_call had examine his aLy house in tho•horoug•fi. lie cosot inn-s=at tlit , ol4l.:stAod ' nitudy opposite-S'. 41;14. ' liott's..l)rug store, and fJor dours-east of the-market house. • . . . I;,y T!, 1 !15S Parma for:Sale. TilE.solwrihers offe'r - I.Fsiale lii.irtractofl7,!oul, situated alyan..latir north-o'c-xt t f Oottiity, eootai [dug ACIVP,s • whioj aIpOML One 0 411 130 :1116',•11,11 , 1110 •il. equal. iIV - F.irength and t , rtilit , O,f soil to any in thO .is .and t.ll itoprored as to•hui! t.it - e.,-, 5..c.-,-itat-init-upon'it a • la op. MA' CF)1111110111011ti lifirk /Aim! late . hen, a Tini, tin , yard, ii huh hag neyerk'nown to lid I, With a :sirone Spring_ 'iloose._at sOitree, and silort distatieeliinn it a sumo'Jilt over, Jusatl water:. AlSe t voo lAcellent Orehitrils, of geafte'll fruit'; good Thlrfts, and f.tal_d to c.4_, smoke house;o; corti Wagoit and other n: huildinß of necessity- or conveident Ott, . leers are cleared, and in. a - high state of •eultisatient: .the:baliinee well 'clothed - with line tritilt v y Outlaw: The cleared land is divided into eleven itifferenf.- liehlsond ttilder good fenee--with constant Water rtinning through each of thent-L-produeing luxuriant ly, wheat, rye, corn, oats.tintoilet , elovor, and every otheEtlescription of erdp_whieli kood ] mil iu this.sec-. , lion of country is capable or besides, hieing canal, as athatiingFarn I to aor other. further description of this property is deem ' ed tinnetasssary, as persons wishing to purchase will no doubt t ieNv the premises aml jodge.for thentselyes. './'‘..47/tY will be aceiAtintotlating and price low. a97 - 7.141?1.1VE • GR.' 0 VE, J.deO.B .1. GROVE. • Ality 1833.-25 , . . • • ILK Zr. Ira K 2' ~3~'~Jt~?~'si(~°L~'©~~.~o EMEEIEZTECOI RETURNS his sincere thnitki in' the citizen's of CarliSle and its vicinity, for the .lib Oral pationage: which hai been bcstots:ed union Itini; And solicits n continnance_hfitlic iSnotY.'situatettin:_ East Ili.glt Street , adjoining the Drtig , Storb' of Sainuel tElliott on, the' east, and :John 11. Weaver & Co's. store"&r the west, where he will constantb,•.krep on hand a large assort- . Went - of Fashionable arid_S ilk_Hats • CONSISTING OF lieaver, Otter, Sea, 'Nutria, Mitsk ,rat, Plain. Russia and BrUgh • ®F. .L COL °VIM ••• All - olliirouirmlutufoturineWhichite - will - dispose - of at low priens. • • . . He flatters himself that, by strict attention to busi ness and A dkposition to please, to merit and receive s share of public patronage., N. Irlrilitary caps will bemartufactur . ed to order; on reasomdNe terms: 9, 1838. " 19. SARI LE AND lIARNESS ill' , ' 4 77(7 - - - 4 ! • 2 ic" - • , • • =- 1 / 2 m-is. - -n-w-a% a 'a al .iibicriner respeettulty — mfbi'ms — the — teitizeii: of Cuniherland county that he still continues to carry Street, in - the borough of Carnal and for many Tears occupied by Mr. AVllliinn - Almiander, where now. on hand ir large and cicellent assortment, of. • - • • ..,. . i'S'aildles Bridloivalliallingaleg, Sic: &c..which he, will , sell; eu the most accommo dating. terms. - . '. •.. —, -, f -- - .-.. Thankful_ for. past;favOfirbe - Testiktfiill'asks a, continuance of the 'public patron:m., - ....:;, . . 'SAMUEL EN'S.IMIN9E-R.. ' Carlisle, 1.14- 7,183 --Sw. . "" - .23 ' Pennsylvania, Union and Transportation . _,. Zdne. TIE subscriber"wilhoontitme at the opening . of the • . navi ga tion to run • LINE OF BOATS,: _ IMMTV—pprterir:s4-itirft.'die., Betw.een.Philadelphia.anil..l7a visli3lrg — rlirPl) , lcejor-::- the city iniirkcf, received at the Warehouse of Mtn y RheatisOinin Stieet,tarlisle, or nt.an); otherMar 'loose, cl.the.thir4berhind Nittlley.:,rinilyAgid,ll:to he. ~ forwarded to 'George W. i t ayOg' : ,,who will forwa r d it initnediately to the persons conSignoil to in Philadel- hid. Also, in rettirn, bring all kinds of Merebandipe -. the eustontary . rides., .. - . , ....„ -,.,. „. . . , . , . - WILLIAM BOSi'ICK, • mwrisbn,:r. ' ilaroli 10, 'lB 0 8,-3m •SE,'.VRM OLL.'&.C. .1, :: '.. A sttpply of - Pale - Sperpi . , ancl - Comn;oti . ie—nbtl also•Sperm9ceo. - bindles i varrantill-fme frornAdulte--- ration juit received by ' . $. ELLIOTT,. . :' '-~ F 11 1:1 ~,-