.__.„........._. . . .___ 7 _•_. _ , ---.,-- SADDLE AND - HARNENS,;,. - . . 6,,,, . • ~ •_ ,:._ ~,,, 7 . • .. ' . " • 4 The Su 'scriber reSpretiiilly. informa - Om citizens of CumberlAnd county thathe still continues to carry • on the 'above , - business, at his: shop in. West High Street, in the borough of Carlisle, nd ibr man y years occupied by Mr. William Alexander, where he has - now on hand nilargdand excellent - assortineut of.. • • • Saddles,Oridles l Artereingales, • 'sm. &e. which ho will:sell on the mmt-itcOmino , doting terms. Thaiikfa for past favors ' he .respectfully askss continuance of the public patronage. , • SIMIIETT - ER: • • Carlisle, May ' , 23 • • ',Pennsylvania; Union find Transportation Line. THE subscriher will conti nue at the 6paiiig• of the - . liaitigatiorlto.run his . . . • .LINE Or IgOATS 3 . ' Between Philadelphia and ,HarrisbUrg—produce for' the city market , received at the ) Warehouse of Henry RhOads,:hlain Street,- Carl i sle ()vitt any cttliar Ware-_ house on the CuMberland Valley Rail •Roacf; to be forwarded.to GeergeW. Layng, who willforward it immediately . to the personseonstped tn . hi' Phifidel phia. Also, in return; bring all hunts otMerchttudize at the customary piles. .March :-. -: ,VaZatZaZA.33l l 4l - 0 . Z_2, -Z ik.. 7 IT IPiv . :2E.:A T 'MEN EgYTOLK ELLY / ' ' ;.:T1314.:ZS Ids :yinee're thanks to the - citizens of Carlisle and its the liberal patronage Which has- been bestowed npon him, and solicits a continuance of The slime. II is shop-is now_ sitnated in East Ili -Street, - ' udjoining,the Drug Stern of Sainuel Elliott on the east, and Joint 11.•11'eaver - ie Co's. store on the west, .where lie_will-,cOnstantly keep on,lunul a large assort meet of Fashionable rutr and qilk:ltiatS,_ CONSISTING OF . - Beaver, .Otter,' 111147e ': at, Plain Russia and Bradt. OF ALL 41141)11.01T11 S- 3 All of Ills mutirritniteacturiii ,, 'which Ire will: dispose, of at low priells, .lie flatters liimselfiliat r ,hy-strief.-attentiow to ltsi ,-ness tk-disposition to please, to .111. Th. and ieeidve' a 'share of public patiinygo. • - • 7 .- - • N,..11.• Military eiips Will he manufactured-td - Oriler, on reasonable terms, " . • April 9, 1838.;, tf rarm for S.ale. THE subscribers offer for sale their tract of Land, situated about font foiir miles north-west of Alartinsburg Berkely county, Va., containing 350 ACRES of first, rate Limestone Land, to %%hick about One lfundred more can he added, if the purchaser desires it, equal in strength and fertility of soil to any in.the Inc:if-Valley of Tir`gibia. - It- ks finely watered and - well improved as. to buildings, &c., having upon it' a large and commodious Brick. Dwelling House and • good Kitchen,- a fine Limestone Spring i n the yard,, which - has never known to fall„ with a 'Stone Spri4 'HOUse at its source, and a short distance froth-it a' largatone_Distillery,.with_over.licathwater...l...Also, two Excellent Orchards, of grafted fruit; good Barns, and stables, Smoke house, corn house,. wagon sheds, -- and - otherout - huildings - oemeceSsity - or - convcuienrolv a farm. Of this land, about two hundred and ninety acres arc cleared, and inn high btate of cultiVation : the balance well clotliett with fine thrifty thnbee.- -: The - cleared land is divided into •elei-en: different and- 'Under good fence—with- constant water miming through each of them—producing luxtfeiant ly; wheat, rye, corn, oatsctimothy,.clovcr, and every :,:xnher descriptibn of crop which good land in this see , Lion of cfiOntry is capable of producing; besides, being - equal, as n Grazing Farm to-any other: ftether - descriPtion of this property is deem ed unnecessary, as persons wishing to' purchase will no doubt view-thepremisesondjudge-for-thetnselves.- ' Terms, Will be accommodating and price low. I CATHARINE GROVE. • .T. 20011 .2. GROVE. • • mijr 21, 1838.-25 NEW GOODS. wiimmnmnrai • . . HAS just received 'a , large supylv of new and sea -sonable Goods; consisting in part 01 ,-- • . teloth - s - ; "Cassinters-,. Caisineits, Vestings, . . -:Suytmer-- Cloths,- —Linen-LDrillings,l Mel bourne striped, Calicoes, ginglionts,. Cant brics, Irish ~7;inens,_ Silks,Gl9des,_ A lt_o_c4:, ings, Musline _De itaines,Cllzalleesi"enz- I. hrellas, Parasols;` e . ghorn;Tuscan,• , uq. . Stow .Bonnets, 4..e.i § , c. • Also, an entire new steak of BOOTS and S OES, ' and Fresh Groceries, all of which hive 17n &id in , cheap, and will be soldiaully low for easiir' :'---. ' Cl. 0. returns his thanks to the citieensof Carlide and vicinity, for the liberal shareprpatronage here tofore -bestowed, and :respectfully' t - iFalicits - a — eotitillll.. ance_of the same. PersonafShing to purchase will .please_eall and examine It'2 stoat, as he is d,etermined . to sell Mt' as good terma , s any. house in.the borengli. 8 7 He continues - at theaa stand, nearly opposite S. El licittnipritg• store,(a - nd four doors east of the market _house._ :____,_,/ — ' - - - :2 -- May .22.„ 1838. .• . • ' .•, • • GROCERIES: In, North Hanover. Street, opposite Corn . mtves.-17m,- The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and --the public generally; that - fie - has just opened a btoek eas,-Wines, Groceries, &c; of superior "qua lity,-whickhe will sell on reasonable terms., Among whiehltre the following articles: Wit: Madeira, Sicily do: Port ; Tenneriffe; MalmseYr choice tens; Sperm Oil; Java7oild white, Rio, Liberia, and green col Tee; - Philadelphia-Pale- Ale;. - French .and turd; loaf andAunip Suer; brown SugarkScandies; Jersey and Virginia Ilams; mackeral, shad, herring, codfish and . salition; pickles, preserves, fruits of va rious kinds, spices, Spanish and common clibeolate.,` Cocoa; Vrt.ll, 'sugar-house and Common molasses; whitawine Vinegar; pine apple cheese, Sap Saga and Herkimer,Cheese; Spanislysegaraof superior quality; %Sills "arid .4.lraoilds; Glass, Queensware, China, Stoneware',g iaerthenwareilize. • -n • May 22, 18 3 8 ;`4 3 !- . • • THA'r, 'aria ;'aiitl...rfeommodious ',TA ST;4l4,AD,'fOrmeaY,lik 'the occupancy...of if. - .Dava;'sktutited on - 4.l)e:corner of - Mnin - and ,- -Bedford sheets, opposite the jail. Said house has' long. been 'occupied Jill' n . ..a7ANommi r iind-ia we11..-ivorthy-the Wen ' 'tion °fa liersme-onipetent to keep a good hom . sp,tini buildingsbeing extensive. and calculated to / give cum fortable neciannooditionta sojourners, very exten, - sive. stabling, arid first rate - wca - Of *water in the This'propeily will belet:pnndvantageeus terms tow • person; , desirous 'of 'engaging.* in tire "atern-keeping business. Also, a „Praina.: , Bitildhig':ad joining the *, tavern suitable for offices - 6r shops for ine,chanics. • . ' ROBERT At °CLAN, .../4•44a.f0r.-Cotninodeit letseA.gliott --- ~• --Mar4.141:-.183g, 1, . , RAISINS by - the ' . .b.cuejo. , pal. 4 by * , -••„ • • • • . WILLIAM BOSTICK,^ _Harrisburg, : • 16. - r*: LEIB CONSTITUTION Cl= COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, • .1S AMENDED - BY TIM CONVENTION 4 or ONE THOUSAND HUMMED AND TIIIRTV-SEVEN- : . • TIIINTI'EIGIIT. • WE; The People of the' Commonwealth of PeOn sy'lli'aniai ordain and establish tyis'Constitutlmrfd its Mvermoent. • ! ' • • ARTICLk -- T I • • Section - L -, The-legislative_power or this Common wealth shall. be vested in a- Geiteral ASsemblyT Which shall consist of a Senate and House otitepre sentatives. Section 11. 'rho representatives shall be chosen' anntilly. by the citizens of the city of Philadelphia and of each county ievectively on'the second 'rues day, of October: Section 111. No perm shell he a representative who shall 'not have attained the - age of tiverity-One years, Arid hare been a citizen and inhabitant of the yeiira 'sl year thereof an inhabitant of the district in and , whielrlie - shall be chosen - a - reprisentative, unless shall have been - absent on the public business of - ne-United States or-of Section IV.'.Withia three years after the.first meeting of the General Assembly, and Within eyery subsequent term of seven years, an enuirieration - of tbe,tastable inhabitants shall be made in such man ner as shall .diretted 'by law: The nutnberor representatives shall, at The several periods of soak ing such enpmeratiom - be - fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the city'of philailelphia and the several counties, according .to the number of taxable inhabitants in ceeli: and shall never be less than ai l itty nor greeters than one hundred. Each -- beithily shall have - at least one representative; but mi. - county hereafter erected shall be entitled brit sepa; rate representation until a sufficient number Of tax • able inhabitants shall be tontainedlavithin it, to entitle -them to one representative agreeably to the 'ratio Whitt) shall'lliett he established. L _': - Section V._Theietiaterti - shall.be chosen for three years by the citizens of Philadelphia and of. the' several counties at the same time t in the same man ner,Mul at the same places where they ouill vote for-representatives.' Section VI. The number of Senators shall,.at the several 'periods:of making- the - entimeration.befere mentioned;be:_-fixed-by the : Legislature.,arid• appor... tioned among the sitstricts - foltried as : hereinafter number of taxable.inhabir. Liants_in_eack;_and_slall never bo . less Allan bile foerth,_nor greater than .one-third;pf the number representatives. ' Section VII. The senators shall be chosen in dis, (riets, tol)e forined by the -legiAloture ' • but no dis trict shall be so formed as to entitle it to elect more that two senators, unless tne numogr.of [ornate in- habitants in ant, city er countyshall, at any time,- Le such as to entitle' it more than lieb,but no city-or eounly shall be . entilleit.to elect more than four senators when. a district . shall be composed of two or -more eri ' unties they shall he adjujiiimq neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall be divided imforming.a district. . "Section' VII!„No: person shall he a senatorOvho shall not -ha)_ , ,e Mtn inedthb age twenty-qive.yeara, .and have been a citizen-and in iabitanf of the State .four years next before his election,lind the.last year thereof air inhabitant .of the' distklet, for whieli he shall be chosen, 3tpless lie shall have •been abseht on ` the public lnisiness of the Ihnte/F - States orof tins Slate; and no person electelias aforesaid, Shall 'hold said affice:after he shall have removed front such dis trict; _se'Ction-I.V.The—scrudou who nifty he.eleclelLat the first general elect ion .- after the adoption of the _amendmentslo . the:COnstitylion, shall be sliv . ido hy -lot,iniq'three classes. The seats-of the; senators of the find class Shall -he vacated.dt .the- expiration of: the first - year ;r- of 'the second class at the-expiration of the second yeah; and of the third class at the ex- 7 . piration of the-third year; so that thereafter one third of the-Whole-number of senators may he' chosen every year.' The senators elected before the amend _ments tathe_constitnt ion _shall.bc_adopted;shall ludo their offices during the terms for which they shall , respectively have been elected. • . Sefition X. The General Assembly shall meet on thellist Tuesday of Janutu'y, in every year, listless sooner convened by the Governor.• - -Section XI: Each house-shall -choos'e its Speaker .and - other officers; arid' the'Senate shall also choose ';i Speaker pro tempore, when the Sieaker shall ex ercise the office of Governor. _Section XII. Each house shalt-blge the_quali ' fications of its members.. Contented elections shall , be determined by a 'committee to be teleeted,formed and regulated in such manner as shall bedirectedby • law.• A majority of each9iouse shall_ constitute tt" —quOrum-to-h-busieesa.Otut-a-sitiallernuintier-may ,adjourn from day today, and may be authorized by law to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as may be provided. • Section-XIII. EaCh house may ileterinine the rules of ita procyydings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of two-thirds, txpel a member,'but not a second time for the samt, cause; and shall have all other powers necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free . Section MY. 77,e legislature snuil not have power ...lo_enact_laws_annulling.the_contcact4lmarriage_in. any case where, by kW, the courts of this Common. wealth are or may hereafter be empowered to decr a divoßil SectiorCV. Each house shall keep ajo al of its proceedings, and .Publish them week , except such parts as may require secrecy: . • the yeas and nays of the members on - any - question shall, at the desire 9f any two of them,..6 entered' on the 'canna Is. • • • Section XVI. :The doors committees of the who when the business sha: secret , / Section XVII. either house. shall, without . the consent of the thee, adjourn for more than three --daysynpr-t- ny-other7place-than-that-in-which-the— two houses shall be sitting. Section XVIII. The Senators and representattires - shalt - receiveuompensatiturfortheirisFiVieello - bii . aseortainedbY law, and paid out of the treasury of ' the Commonwealth„,. 'They shall lit — all - caSes, ex-7' rcpt treason,-felony and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest during. their at- tendance at the session of their 'respeelive houses, and' in going to and returning franc the same. And • • for any sfeeth or debate in either balmy, they shall not be questioned in. any other. !dace,. • - - . ' Section XIX.' No Senatdr, or representative shall, ' during the lime for which he shall , have been elect= • cd, be appOinted to - any civil office under tlsis_Com monwealth which shall have been,-created, or the emoluments of which shall have ?Ten increased dosing sucli time: and no mender ~ f CongreSiter - other - person holding any , offics. (except of attorney_, at law and in ilie militia) under thetrnited , States or 1116 Comitl9nwealtil,_sitalf be Tintiiiber.of-either— house during ifis continuance in -Congress, pi', , iii -utlice.÷-_-____..i . , Section 'XX. When vacancies happen hi. either house, the Speaker shall - issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. . Section XXI. All bills for raising revenue shall originate - in the lionise of representatives; but , the Senate may propose amendments as in other bills. Section XXII. No money shall hejlrawn from the tresury but in consequence of appropriations, made by law. Section XXIII. Every bill . tyhich . _ _ -passed"both - Muses shall be to the Go vernor. If he approve he shall sign it, but if he sicell nut approve be shall velum it with his 'objec-' tionk to the houseln which it sit:ill:lamp originated, whit shall -enter the`objestioila _at laiggeel upon their journals 'ntul. - proceed to redeonsideifit.. If, after such re - constlention,two-thhes. of that house shall • agree to pass the bill, it'shalf be sent witlrthe ob jections to ithb other bouse r by which .likewise• it shill be re-considered,• and if approved by two thirds oftluit house, , it shall be a law. But in such Cases the votes of both house S -shall be determined by.yqs 'and nays; and the names of persons, voting . for ohlealust the bill shall be:entered oh the jour-, , ands of each housejespeerely.-. If any bill „shall not be returned by the G vernor'withid ten ;days.. .(Sundays excepted) after t iOltalliirtvo' been pre sented o.liiwit 'AMIN, a lawirAllre:nnannoTes__if_L_ it, unless thriGcnpral,:Assembly, by their adjinwntirrent,"prevek its return',in-Which case i t , shall , be' a laty,„,uhless, sent: back within !three • days 'aftertheir•next meeting. , • „ • &ellen XXIV: Decry. order, idsolutied,ite 'into . to 'which' the concurrence' tif both housei may. necessaty(t .h.trpt •on the adjournment),• shall be, preentsd to . the GnyernoC, and' before ,it' • shall false •t;ifi , ct, - be approved by him, or hilhe clis ,..approtied, shall he Tepassed'hy two-thirds of boat__ • • LbIe.LAHOI:O" lit_CtiArtitit:4-=.--L'‘, I 1 . :. Lead and Light, ivoulad Moitslin Do .. 3 I: , :-- •Eitracted Gingliania, : • iv- , '" .. „1: ,.. :Cl . dnties afid ,G . ally Lautz.Vcc. a DCW .. niiich,,) k i Sale 17 3' t sag each house and of shall he open, unless, e such as ought , tole kept W...**(44'VC-i'4'n.-'114.,1t - 0:9:044::,9 . *4 elms ncierdieg to the rules_ and limitations pre ' - Section if.XV. No corporate body shall be hereof er created, renewed or, extended, with banking' or dis-, counting, privileges, Without - six-months „previous public notice .of the intended aPplication for the same in sucli .manner as shall be ,preseribed by taiv. Nor shall,any charter for the PUrpoSes aforesaid,' be granted - for longeKperiod than, twenty years, and Ceery eh - eh charter shall contain is clause reserving to Ihi , legislature the . power to aller,'repoke or annul the swpf , whenever V/ their opinion it viaybe,,inju lions twthe citizens of the comMonWealth, in such no twig that no injustice shall be ddne to the carporators. No law hereafter enacted, shall create, reimw or extend the charter of more than one corpo . ' : ARTICLE 11. . Section I. The Supreme F.xecutiVe power of this --Commonwealtitihall be vested in a Governor. Section IL. The Governor shall be chosen on the 'second:l%losday of October; by the citizens. of the Commonwealtb, at the placeS where they shall re spectively vote for repreSentatiyes.i. The returns of every election for Governor shall -be sealed up and . transmitted , to the seat of,,government, directed to the Speaker - of the Senate, who, shall open and publish them in the presence of - the members" of , both houses of the legislature. The person' — Viite - S - 61A11 - lieGovernbr. But if two or more shall be equal' and higheit In votes; one of_therir shall be chosen, Governor by the joint vote of. the members- of both houses. Comp! ___testeilelectimis,shallibe_ileterthirmd by a Committee to be selected from both houSes of the legislafure, • and formed and regulated in finch mannen as shall be directed by law.- - • . - Section 111... Th e. Govern* shall hold his attic° during Iliree - years - fromilielbiu#Tuesday. of Janu .ary. next ensuing his-election, and. shall not be capable of holding it-longer than six- ink any term . of nine years,.- ' . Section IV. He shall be at least thirty years of age, and have been a citizen and an inhabitant of this State seven years next before his election ; --unless be shall have ,been-absent on :the- public business of. timUnited States or of this State. - ' Section., V. No member .of Congress or .person 'bidding any office 'under the United'States „or this. State shall eixercise_thp. etlice:of Governor:. — Sectiotil/L . The GlaVernor, shall at staled times receive Tor his services a Comperisatithi, which shall be neither increased "nor.' diminished - duri»g the period . for Which he shall'have been elected.. - - Section-V(l.'lle shall be - commander-a-Oder of • " the army and navy of this cominonWeal,th, and .Of the militia, - except.7when • thershall be called into ..the actual service of the United States., ' ... • appointa,Secretary of-the . Comnionwealthduring pleasure, and he shall nomi : note tindbiand with the advict'and-consent of - the' -Senate- appoint all judicial. 'oXicers of courts of record, unless otherTisb Provided for in this COW tution. He shall Inikc,liower to fill all.Wizneies , .that mayshappen in via dudieial .o.ffices durtng the recess of the Senate,-bn granting commissions which ' shall expire at the' end of their next :session': Vro videdi that in acting on executive noMituitunrs the Senali shall'sit with open'tfoors; and in•confirining or rejecting thc. noniinations the Governor, the 'rote shall be.taken.by wens and nays. Se - 60011IX. He shall have power to remit fines mist forfeitures, and _grant reprieves' awl pardons, except in case's of i mpeachment.' • • Section X. He may require information in writing," froni the .officers iil thp ,exemitive department - upOn any subject relating to the duties their-respec tive offices.;- - . • Section XT Ile shall; from time 'to , time; give to Ali , . General Assernhly informntion of the state: ' , the Commonwealth., and reconitnelidAo their. eori --shleration stickineasures lis.he shall judge expedient...— Section XII. Ile may, on, extracddirtaty bcpaoons convene , the General; Assembly ; and in: 'etse - &agreement between the two houses, With respeci.:: * to the. time of. adjournment,adjourn them to - suet' lime as he shall_think 'proper, not' exceeding four . . Section XIII. He slialLtaka' care - Unit the laws _be faithfully exectited.'.• .Section XIV. IA case of the death or resignation of the.Goveritor, or of-hiq removal from office, the Speaker of the' Senate shall exercise the office of Governor, until another .Governor shall be duly qualified ; but in such case, another Governor shall. be chosen at the. next annual election , of_representa tiveS, unless such_ death, resignation or removal, shall occur within three calendar months imnicdl ately preceding such next annual election, in which case a Governor shall be chosen at the second suc ceeding.. annual• fleetioii of representatives. And if- the 'trial of a, crinteqed. election slialt continue longer than until third Monday of January. next ensiling the election of Governor, the Governor of the° last year or the Speaker of the Sc . nate whc may be in flip exereisecif the executive author' slfall. continue . therein until the determinaty „ ”. a. 7e . or-shall .e mmonwealth ..a official-hots-and ., A shalt, when re papers, minutes and _., efore either branch of . perform such -other duties I ,' nby law. . ARTICLE 111. Section T. i elections by the citizens every white freeman o he age of twenty-one years, having re sided it iii state one year, and in the election dis trict .x 'here he Vets - to - vole;leit - days — inunedialety! yeding such election, and within ttne_years paid . _State_ or ,Cminty_ta.s,which shall have been as= sessed at least ten days before the ; election,shallenjpy _ the rights of an elector. But a,eitizen of the United . States who had previously been a 'rrtialtfied . .voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and ... such contested election, aneuntil'a.Gove, as aforesid4. - - Sectioil XV. The See Mary of ,the shall-keep-a-fair-tegisier,q-all7the proceedings of the Goveiithr, quired, lay the Same and .a vouchers relative thi.reio• the legislature, and sha as shall be enjoined who shall have resided 'in the election district, and paid hires as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote,aftcr .residing in the state six months. Provided, that white freemen, citizens of the United States, between the —ages of twenty-rme-andtathenty < ina resided in the State' one year, and in the election district ten days IS aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they Shall not have paid taxes. - • Section 11. All elections shall - be by ballot, ex cept those by persons in. their representative *cepa cities, who shall vote viva voce. treason, felony, and breach or surety df "the peace, be privileged from arrest, dtiring their attendance thein. . • Section I. The Housed Representatiies shall - have the solo power of impeaching. Section IL' AU impeachments _shall be tried-by the Senate; when sitting 'for that. purpose, the Senators shall be 'u oath or affirmation. _No Or son. Shall .be convicted Without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. • Section 111. The Governor, and all' otJier'citil officers under this,Commonwealth, shall be liable to impeachment for any , misdemeanour in office; butt • judgnumt k in such cases,'sbalt not extend 'further than to removal from office, and disqualification to _hold_any_office_pf_. hopour,lrust_or_profit, underibis' Commonwealth : The. party, whether convicted or ----!acquitted, shall-nevertheless-be-liable-to--indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. ARTICLE V. Section I. The judicial power of llns tommon= wealth shall he vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De li-very; in - a Comte( Common Pleas, Orphans' Court,. 'Register's Court, and a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for each county; in Justices of the Peace, and in such - other Courts as -the legislaturb may froni - time to time establish. • - - • • _ Section I. judge's of the _Supreme Court,,of . several " Courts of Common" - Pleas, and of such -- , o_ther Courts of Record as.aro or shall, be established by — law; shall be nominated by the Governor, and ;by .and with the ,iaiieent- of - the. Senate appointed and commissioned ,y him: The judges of the ,s uprenie Court shall hold-,their Offices for the term of fifteen years If they.shall so long behave themselves cell. - The president judgei of the_ everal Courts of Common Pleas and of such other Coils of Record as are or 'shall he established by law;and all. other judges . re.... • quircd. to - be learned in the taw, shall hold their offices ' for Mel ervj of ten Pears if they shall ho long behave themselUes The Ass Jciate judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years if they shallisOlong behave, themselves well._But' for any reasonable cause Which Alhall .710 j . be micient ground of `impeachment; the. Governor.. may simove, any of them on theacidress'qf twti-thirds aeh'branili Of thWegi silatiire; - "TheOka — Of h - e - T Supreme% Court !and' the Presidents of the, several .. .,Courts.of.common - Pleas-shall'at stated-limes reeeive r )0: their services an. adequate 'ionipensation to be fixed by twit, which shall ,not be diminished' during Man continuance in 'bffiee, but they'shall' receive no fees'dr . perquisites of efice, nor hold, any Yther-office.. of profit under - this Commonwealth: Section III; Until' otherwise directed by lain, tht COurbi Com_dlon Pleas shall continue as at present ' ARNOLD & CO.,- --. • Have irrstreoloved several Bales oflrickinAns):llnp lina,, Cheeks, and Di,rociio; l lkieli arv - ° Wei. eti 'Poly. low foo . edsli. • • : Mai 1 - • : established.. Not more than jaw eininties stain canny. ti_adreLinded_c_Cimo_ne_jatlicia_blisfr ict - organized for said courts. . ' • Section IV; 'The . jurisdiction or.the Suprenie 'Court:shall extend over the. State . Mutitlie - judges , 'thereof, shall by .virtiny of MIMI. offices,•be justices of. Oyer and.Terminerand General Jail Delivery, in the several counties, Section V., Tire judges of the Court of Corrimen 'Pleas, in each county, shall by virtue .of their • offices; be justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene- ' rat .1•61 14 . livery; for the trial- Of capital 'and other.. Wonders therein ; any two of the said judges, the presiqpid . being one, shall be a qiiortim but they not hold a court of oyer and• terminer, or. jail' deli ver . y.,ony. county;_when the :judges_ of the Sum ctive'Culiit, or oily of ther); shall bp sitting in ' the sums. county.. The party.accusek as Well Si the Commonwealtb, may, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law, remove the indictment and proceedings, or a transcript thereof; into the;'` 'Supreme Court, • Section VI, The Supreme . Court, and , the several courts of--eoininon pleas, shall, beside the powers heretofore usually exercised by them, have the power of a• court of Chancery, so far as relates , to, 'the perpetuating of testimony,', the obtaining of -evidence-Tian- places not ivithia the State, ancl:.,the cave of the per Sims and. estates of those who are vest the said courts such other powers to grant rdlief equityras -- shall be:found- necessary:- and 'any, from time to time,- enlarge' or diminish those. • powers or Vist_theirrin Snell other_ courts as they shall - . judge proper, for the chie'adininistration ofjUstiCe. Section VII. The judges.of thecourttif common plea's of each county, any two of whom shall be a, quorum, shall . eoinpose the court of quarter Ses shins - of the - peace, and orphans. court thereof-rend .the register of together with the said judges,-__ ' or. any tivti of them, shall compose- the register's 'court of each county. ' - • • , Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common • .shall,Within their the 'counties, have the like powers with the judges of •the Supreme Cant; to•issue-writs of , certiorari to-the.-justices-of-.. the the peace, and : to cause their 'proceedings • to be 1 brought before them, and the like•Aight Midlistice • to.lie done. - !Section- I X.--The -president _of_ the court-in -each - ;.‘eirciiit within such circuit, and- •the•judges of - the court of mailmen pleas ,within their_ respective counties, shall be' justices of - the-peace," - so far as relates to criminal Matters. Sectiow.X., A register's of'fice, for the probate of -wills and granting letters of administration, and an Office for the recording of -deeds, shall .be kept, in each-county.'. • . Section XI:.. of T ,all2prOcess -- shall " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.". All prose-. 'enticing shall be married 'on in name and by,the authority, of the , Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,. __and conclude against thepeace and dignity of the ' , ARTICV, 'VI. , • ..Section Ir. Sheriffs and coroners - shall, at the limes- anti- the of election of representatives; be 'chosen by the citizens of each county. One person - shall be chosen. for each office, who shall be commis- . sioned by the Governor. They shrill Held their - offices for three YearS,-if they shall so long behaVb',. themselves well, and until "a successor be duly •- • qualified ; but no persciq -shall be twice chogen or' appointed_shcrifPit airy term-of - six years.' Vacan cies in either of the said olliceslshall , be filled by -en' appointment, to be Made by the Governor, to :continite.initil the next general 'election, and 'until . a. Successor shall,hechosen and _qualified as -afore- Section 'II, The freemen Of this common*ealth Shall be armed,-organizcd andAisciplined lir its . defence; wheriand in such manner.as may be directed , by law. ' Those who conseientiotisly scruple to bear arms; shall not be compelled tri . do so, but sbalLpay an equivalent for personal service; • . ' ' --1-Section-111.-ProThonotaries-nf-the Supreme_- ' Court shalthe- opp_ointedfii the said Court for the term of three. years if- they so'long behave themselves Prothonotaries and clerks of the several other courts, Recorders of deeds,'and Re gisters .of Wills, shall at the limes and places o/' - election of representatives, be - elided 'by - the quali fied-electors . of each county, or the districts over which the jurisdiction of said courts extends; and. shall be commis by the -Governor;'They shall ; hold the' ' officesfor three years if they shall so 'long b tave theinselves well, and until . their success° shall be duly -qualified. The kgista lure all provide by lath, the nuniber'of persona -- i each county who shall hold said dices, and tote many and WhiCh of said offices :slat% be"held by One person. Vacancies in any of the' said of. firxa shall befitted by appointmentB to be made by the Governor, to continue until thelteil genc‘r rat_ election, and_until _successors shall _be-electeit-- anti qualifiedas aforesaid. -- - ,setion IV. PrOthonotaries, clerki of the peace -- and - orphane - courtsi - recorders - uf - deeds, - registers of wills, and sheriffs, shall keep their offices in the , county town of the county in which they, respec tively, shall be officers, unless- when the Governor shall, for special reasons, dispense therewith, for any term not exceeding five years after the couniy . ,stall,have been erected. Section V. All commissions shall be in the name tifid by the authority of the Commonwealth of Tenn sylvania, and be sealed with the State seal, and sip ed by_the Governor. Section VI. A State Treasurer shill" be- elected annually, byjoint voteof both branches of the tegis: -lature.,- . , _ _ _ -• Section VII. Justices of the peace or aldermen shall be elected in the several wards, boroughs, and townships at the time of. the election of cow - stables by 'the - qualified, voters thereof, in such number as shall be,directed by law, and shall be' commissioned by thi:, Governor for ckterni of five years . ; but no township, ward or borough's hall —eket-mere'llianlivajusticei of thepetieearakter; - : men without the consent of a majority of Theffiii• - hfied electors within such township, ward or bo-' rough. ' • Section VIII. All Officers whose election or ap-- pointmetzlis not provided /orin this constitution, • - shall 'be elected-or-appointed-=as-shall-be'-directed--- by law. ' No person shall be appointed to any of•- ce_within_any,.co_tody_icho..shaltnotheive been a __ citizen ,and an inhabitant therein one - year next before his appointment, if the county shall have - bearsa-longerected-;-butifit_shallnol have been_,_ so long erected, then ,within the - orthe - T • county or counties out of which it shall have been taken. -No member _of Congressfrom'this.,state, or any person holding or exercising any office or appointment oftrust or profit tinder the-United _ Stales, shall at the same time hold or exercise any office in this stale, to which a•sakiry is, or fees or • perquisites arc by law, annexed; and the legisld.. titre-may by-law declare what State offices are in compatible.' :No.inember of the Senate or of the _house_ofrepresentatives shall be-apPointed by the . Governor to any office during the tern) for which • he shall have been elected. .....Section_l2‘...„4lLoffwertt_for_a_lerin_of,„y ear shalthold their offices for the terms respectively' • specified, onlynn-the .conditiOn that they soAng behave themselVell ; and shall be removed on conviction of misbehaviour in office or of any in - fahious crime. - Section X. Any . perBon• who , shall, .after the , . adoption of llte - amendmentsrpropsed by ;Mit 1: •ronvention -to the Constitution, fight a- duel 0r,.. send a challenge for that purpose, or be aider Or. abettor infighting a - duel, shall &deprived of the right of holding any office of honour ca:'pr . ofit in . thieState, and shall be punished otherwise In such manner as is, •or maybe prescribed bylaw ; but__ the executive .may. remit the said offence and J i l t • : • -its disqualificalions.'• •" . • ARTICLE 'VIL - Section I... The legislature shall, as soon as con ' .veniently may-be, provide_by law, for the establish - ment 'of schools throughout • the State, in' such manlier that the poor may be taught gratis. Section 11. The .arts and sciences shall be pro- Moted in one or more seminaries of learning: Section 111.. The 'rights, -privileges, immunities and estates of religious societies and corporate bo 'dies; shall remain as if the constitution of this State had•notteen altercil • ' .Sectionl - 1 - Thelegislature-shall not intiesi any corporate body . or, individual with, the privilege of taking private properly foriniblie We, without. requiring sada corporation or individual to make. 4compensation' to the owners -e said property, or giie adequate , security therefor, before 'such pro perty Mall be token,. ARTIP MeMbers of the-Gone al Assembly,. and all ofli cers, executive and pid'oial, shall be bound ' by oath . .- . . • • . . .. .. ... _ _ 4,0 i•eilloycjl his Oilice to the Dr log Sioco• in ,N, I `,llnitON'ti.-: htreet, It few eloors north brthe (wner., and I tlivecili.' opposite Geco'gh . W_V'Sheaferts • thy Good Carlidc,•Mayl, 1..84--ti - ' . ~ ' ‘' 2' - ' •'' . . . 5r affirfriation; , to ' support :tho cOnatitution, of this -2,OnaingriwOiltli, and to perform' the duties: of their respective offices witiiiidelity. -- . , . , • • ARTICLE IX., . . That the general, great and eihential principles of liberty and,Liee government' may be recognised and unalterably established, .WE DECLARE, THAT Seethin 'I, All men are born equally fteeand in dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible • rights;aitnig WhielvareAlnist of enjoying and de fending life • arid libertY, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pur-, Suing their own happiness. - • • Section IL All power is inherent.in the people, and all free governments arc founded on their-au thority, and instituted for. their. peace, safety, and happiness ; Fertile advancement of these ends, they have,:at. all times, an' unalienable; and indefeasible -right to alter, reform or abolish their go_v,ernment, in such manneras they may-thirik proper. • ' Section 111. All men have a natural and indefea;. - sible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates. of their own consciences; no man cab, of right, be. compelled_to attend, erect, or support - any'place 'of worship, or tq maintain any ministry against his consent; 'no human authority can; in any "case whatever, control or interfere with the tights 'of - conscience • and no, preference shall ever be — giVeiVb -- flaw;:to any religious eAahliihmenfs or modes of worship.- • . , . Section-IV, No person who acknowledges the be ing of a God and ; a future state of:rewards and nu- . , nishments ' shall on-account of. religious a rocs be disqualified to hold any effice or place of 'trust or profit under this'-Commonwealth. • Section V. Election& shall be free and equal. Section VI. Trial: by jury shall be as heretotore, - • and the right thereof remain inviolate. • SectionNll. The printing' presses slialrbe free to _ every person Who uride - rtares - lo examine the pro ceedings of the- legislature, or any branch of go vernment: And no law - shall ever be made tb re ' strain the right thereof. The free, communication .of thoughts and opinions -- Is one of the invaluable rights of _than ; and every. citizen may-freely_speak, _ write and print on any.subjeet, being responsible for the abuse ethat , liberty.. hi prosecutiens fur the .ptiblication of papers invstigating the official - conduct of - -officersor -Men in a public capacityer . where the matthr published _fs proper for public - in- - formation, thetrutli_thereoLmay_be given in evi -.donee :. And- in all- indictments for libels that jay • shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, under the - direction of the court, as other cases. Section VIII. The people:shall be scenic intheir persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea , sonable searches and seizures . : -And rio warrant to • - search any place, or to seize any , person or things, - shall issue, without describing them as nearly as may .be, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. Section. IX: In all - eriminal',prosecutions, the ac-, cured to -- be heard by himself and-his counsel, to demand the nature and cause Attie ac ,,cusatien against .111m, - ,to meet the - witnesses - face to face, to have compulsorOprocess for obtaining wit ' .riesses in bis favour, add, in pa oseciftions by indict- ment _or information, a speedy public trial,' by an iinpa - rtial jury of the vicinage ;lie cannot be corn - pelled to-give evidence against. himself, nor -can he . be deprived of. his life, liberty, or property, unless by the judgment Of his pUers or -the of the land:.. Section X. No. person Shall, for any indictable - - offence, -be - proceeded Against criminziThi by inforina-, tion, - except. in, cases arising in tlie land or naval'. ' , forces, of in the militia when 'in actual service in time of war, Or pUblie danger, or -.by-leave of the . court, for Oppressim; and misdemeanour in office. - No person shall, for the raise -chance, he twice - put fn jeopardy of life or limb';- man's pro . perty, be taken or applied to,pidifi,' use, without the consent of his representatives, and without just Compensatiodbeing`made. SectiOn_XL__All paints shall be op_m_onl; every_ man for airtnjury done him in his lands, godds, Son or reputation, shall have remedy by the due course of law;-and right' and justice administered, 'about sale, denial or delay. Suits, may be brought ' .ainst the Commonwealth in suckinanner, in such . courts, and / in - deli - Cans as the legislature may by law direct. Section XII. No power of suspending laws shall . be exercised, unless by the legislature, or „its au -thority. - Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be re quired, nor excessivelibes impend, nor cruel pu nishments'inflicted. Section XIV,' All prisoners shall be bailable 'by sufficient sureties, italtss-fet capitaloffences, when_ the proof is evident or presumption great ; and DWI, priyilege of the writ of habeas - corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in eases of rebellion or in vasion, the public safety may reqUire it. Sectibn 'XV. No commission cif Oyer and Terminer, or jail delivery shall be issued. • --Section---XVIL-The----Persen-of a debtor, where there is not strong preibmption of fraud, shall-not becontinued in prison, after'deliverit.g - up his estate for the benefit - Of his creditorsi-in-stic,h--mariper-as shall be prescribed by law. • Section XVII. No ex post facto law, ;or any law impairing contracts shall be made. Section XVIII. No person shall be -attakited of treason or--felony by the legislature. Section XIX. No attainder 0101 work corrupijon .of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender; ,forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the es , totes of such persons as shall' deb , troy their own lives, shall descend or vest as in case of natural death; and any' person shall. be killed by casualty,' there shall be no forfeiture reason - Section XX. The citizens have a right, in a Ps9ace ' able manner, to assemble-together, for their colon wit good, and to apply to those invested with the powei." l " of government for redress of grievances, or other proper purpodes, by petition, address or remon strance. SectionsXL Thright of citizens to bear arms . ; in defence of themselves airitttut:Btate,...shall-not-hir questioned, Section XXIL - No - standing--iirmy titian, in time of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le gislature; and the military shall,irk.`alr cases, and at all times, be in strict, subordination to the civil power. . . „ Section. XXIII.. No soldier shall, in time of Egaie, • - lie quarfered lin any liirusiithout th - e - Z - •onsent of the ,owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be Section XXIV. The- legislature shall not grant any titleof nobility or hp,reditary distinction, nor create any office the appoihtment to which shall be seponhefoEpa Is S t ttce e bhle i edft t 1 0_ rxiAihp O ronip l I geof f!rbxXrt remaintN • r vae prohibited. powerse.7ry nweoer.irgeneral Emigrationfrom. the State shall inviolate.' -guard against hhipoiolnlwvagteeeni.hniif he goat' transgressionssodienraidsmednit andc xE.. - - . ARTICLE X'. . . Any amendment or amendments to this aonstitu • tion may be proposeit in the Senate or Rouse of Re presentatives, and if-the-same shall - be - .agreedlo - by a majority of, the members elected to each House, such proposed amendment or, amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the 'leas and nays taken ';ereonoind the_Secret -.l4t_the -intonwealth shall the same to be .cause the same to be publisi wee months before:oe next elictionan at least one newspaper.: in every county it which a newspaper shall be published.; and if in the legislature next afterwards chosen suchpro posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of the members 'elected to each haute, „the Secretamef the Commonwealth shall- cause the same again to be published in manner aforesaid; and • uch, proposed amendment or amendments shall be atibmitted,to the peOPle in such manner and at such 'time, at least three months, liter being so agreed-to by the two housel as the legislature shall prescribe; mut - if the people shall approve. and ratify suck ank a. amendment or a'mendments by a majority, of the q lifted voters of-this State voting thereon, such d ment -or amendments shall become ' a part - of the . dilution ; but no amendment or amendmentl. , hall be Submitted to the people qftener (Nan myezin jive years ; Provided, that if more than one amendment be.submitted, they shall be Submitted in efich"manner and forvi that the people may vote for or against each amendment separately and.distifictly, • . , •SCHEDULE, That no. inconvenience may arise from the pltera-, • ' lions and amendments in' the • Constitution. of thii Commonwealth, and in order to carry the smile into complete operatimi, it is herebydeclarcd and ordain. • • Section j. 4111a.ws of thisliommonwealth inreicri 7 at the time when or, said alteiatiobs 'and amend-' ' monis in the said CoC.'„— as shall take cad) and not inconsistent • therewith, arkdr all , rights, actions,. yrosCputlons, and contracti t aa.wnit,of indi viduals as of bodieS corporate,sfialt continue as ' the Said alterations andy'amendnictits had not been 'Section U The-alteratkno and emendtnent4 in the lIIM -- ,COOO,PEIVIV*NTED. . . . . TIIC finliSC - I . lher will giye eonstaut.eniploypaelt,ltti_ liberid stages tp:yfirBi Kute xvliiskey.• bariAcooper, of iioller Mill IndllByoll6 Ilabitti. Jilitnerliatte ,iptem.loii Anna be ulnae te r'',' • . _ TlifialAS FRE li Y. ~..Albbileses. 1116%' • 1,„1533;..2,„_,• _.. •,‘-- "•. . • . .' .4ig,4o;,ComJ 232 MEI said Constitution shall take 'e • ctfrom the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine: Section - 11E - The -clausesisectionit,-and-artieles-of the said Constitution; which remain - unaltered, shall, continue to be construed and .have, effect * if the . ffaid Constituticin had not /Seen amended.N ".'• Section IV. The General Assembly which shall convene in December eighteen hundred and thirty eight, shalt continue its session; as heretofore, not withstanding the provision , inelevnnth4cction of the first article, and shall at : 11 times be regarded' as the' first General and. under 'the untended Constitution, • • *." Section V. The.CroVernor Ivho.sliall be elected in tctober;eighteen hundred and' thirty-eight, shall be inaugurated on the third Tuesday in January, eighteen .hundred and' thirty-nine, `to which time the present executive term is hereby extended. Section VI. The commissions of the-judges 'of the Supreme Court, who May be in office on the first day of January next shallexpire in the following min tier: The commission which bears the eat.liest date shall expire on: - day:of - Jantiary, - Annolle- - Mini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two ' the. commission next dated.shall expire on thelirst day of January,. Anno Domini one thousand eight bun.' died and forty-five the,commission next dated shall • expire on- the first - day of January, -Amu). Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight; the commission- next-dated-shall,eir.pire-on-the-firStday_ of JanuarY, Ann Domini one thouband' eight.hun dred_aud fifty-one ;• and the commission last dated' shall expire .on the first Any of January; Anno Do - - mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. • - Section VII: The-commissions of. the .President judges of-the several judicial' districts-and of the associate law. judges.of ,the first judicial districtshaa expire as follows The commissions of ohe-half ofo those who_shall have held their -offices ten yeats m more at the adoption ofthe amendments to the consti. tiitionisholl expire on the-twenty-seventh day of Fe briiary, one, thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine; the commissions of the Other half of .those'who shall have held their offices ten'yoars or more,at the adop tion of - the amendments. to constitution; shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousaiWeiglit hundred'and forty : two - Oho - first - half to embrace those whose 'commissions 'shall bear the' oldeSt date. The.commissions of all the remaining judges who shall not have held their Mfices for ten years at the.adoption of the amendments to the eon, stihitiolishall expire 'on the twenty-seventh day.of -February next after 'the end of ten years frotrOthe date - of their commissions. • Section VIII. The Recorders of theseveral Mayl: orst_Caurts, and ether. criminal .courts in - this Com monwealth, shall be appointed for ,the same time, and- in the same manner, as the ,president judges' of .the severaljudicial_ districts ; of those now, in efficerthe commission-oldest in-date,shall expire,oe. the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight_lindred and forty..one, and the others every 'two years - thereafter_according to their respeetive -dates.—ThOse oldest in date.expiriegfirst.: ". Section IX: The legislature at its first - sessicirtiii; 'der the amended constitution, shall-divide the other_ associate judges of the State into four classes., The - cOmmisslonsof ;those of the first class shall expire on the twenty-seventh day:of gebruaryleighteen . 11111140_;nd forty ;,:of 'those of the .se.cond.class_on. the twenty-seventh day' of February, eighteen Min -their and. forty-one - ; 'of those of, the third class on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun , ;died and forty-two; and of those of the fOurth'elass . on the twenty-seventh day,of February, eighteen hundred and forty-three. The said classes from the fait to the fourthsliall be arranged according to the scnierity of. the cointhisSioris of the several judges, •, . Section X. •Prothinintaries, clerks 'of the - several courts (except of the Supreme Court) recorderi of • deeds and registers ef, wills, shall be first elected undei the untended Constitution, at the election of re,pre•- sentatives in the year eighteen'hurnilVd-nnil-thirty nine, in such manner as may be prescribed by law,, Section XI. The appointinghower shall remain as heretofore, and all officers in the appointment attic executive - department-shall con t inue-intlie-exertise of the duties Of their, respeCtive Offices until the toftislature shall pass such laws as may be required. . by; the-eighth-section of the. sixth article, of the amen d,-(1 constitution; and until appointments. shall be made under such laws; unless their commissions • shall be supeseded by new, appointments, or shall sooner expire by their own limitations, or the said ofiii.e's shall become vacant by death or resignation, andsuch laws shall he enacted - by the first - legisla ture under the arriended constitution. • - • - Section - .W. The first election for aldermen and . justices of the peace shall be held in the year eight een hundred ,and forty, at the time fixer for ,the :election of constables. The legislature at its'first 'session under the amended constitution shall pre . videTer the said election and for subsequent similar. ,elections. The aldermen and justices of the' peace now in.commission; or who may in the interim be lippointed, shall continue to discharge the dutiei of their respective officesOintil_fifteen _days after-the . - d a y.which_shallte_fixed_bY_law_for_theissning_ef _DM commissions, at the expiration of which time, their commissions shall expire. In- testimony that the foregoing is. the amended constitution of Penns;flVania, as agreed to. in convention, 'We the officers mud members of the convention have hereunto signed our names at Philadelphia, the twenty-second day of Febrii , - --••ary, -- Anno Domini-one - thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and or the Independence or _ _ the United States of America the sixty-second. • JOHN SEAGEANT, President. ilaniel Agnew, Ezra S. Hayhurst; Wm. Ayres,-_Hays, - • m."\ - V. Baldwin, Abm. Helffehsteirt, I.7,phrajm Banks, M. Henderson, Joh t Cy. Barclay, . -Wm.-Henderson,- Jacob Barndolar, Hiester, • - - Chas. A. Banatz,'. William High, Andress Bedford, , Jos. Hopkinson, - Tho s . g. Bell, • John Houpt, ; • Tames corn ~'li Biddle, • Jabez Hyde, T I,b eu , L. Di -elow, Phs. CharlesJenks Jared Ingersoll, , Chas. lirowsr, , James Kennedy, • Jeremiah Bfown,. aron Kerr, . 11E11 — n Brown, Konigraacher, Pierce Butler, JOY. - "rebs, • • . Samuel Carey, Jacob John Cummin, G. G. P.Onb, Thomas S. Cunningham, David Lyons; • • ,Akr-Mageee Wm. Darlington, Joel K. Ainn, -,, GlerZe_PharnhOrs_r. _,,Ny_. M. Meredith; ....._ - John Ch - aiidler; ' , - 'rlariiiinerilfl; - • • Jos. It. Chandler, .. --,•• tevi•Merkedv ' ~ - Ch. Chauncey, . Wm:. L. Miller,- Nathaniel .. -. Clapp,- James Montgomery,. -- jernie - Clalkia, ---- . -Christiaribleyers,___.__ John Clarke, - • -- D. Nevid, • , • , William Clark,a • Wm. Overfield',. • - A. J'. Cline, . .liirmn rupe,_____ . Lindley Coates, Matthias Pennypackep It. E.-Cochran, _ __ _ Janes Porter, ~ .. , . ~Thos. T. Cifpe, ' Janice Madition Porter, Joshua F. Cox, _ Sam]. A. Purviarice, Walter Craig, ,E. C;Reigart, - . . Richd. M. Crain, 'A. 11. Read, . Geo.T.,Crawford, • Geo: W. Riter, • Cornelius Crum, . . Jno. Ritter; t . Benju. Martin, , H. Gold Rogers, . , John L. M‘Calien,r , , - Samuel Royer, • E. T. bPDowell - , James M. Russell, Temes-MiSherry, • Daniel faeger,_.____ „ ... • Mark Darrah, John Morin Scott, Harmer Denny,--- , . , Tobias Sellers, • John Dickey, --i--• G. Seltzer, . . Joshua Dickerson, • ••- Gee. Swill, ', Jacob Dillinger, ' Henry Scheetz', ~ _-- • Jas. Donegan, . George Shilleto, . . J. R. Donnell„ - __Thomas, H. Sill, • Joseph , M. Doran, ' Geo. Sriiithcr '-- - . 1- -- .'7. ' James Dunlop, .V , , - Wnt - Amyth, • • --- - Tholuas'Earle, : , Joseph Snively, . D-IVI. Farrelly, JIM. B. Sterigeni, . • . :Rohl. Fleming, . Jacob Stickel, •'' .. Walter ,Forward, • ' Ebenerer'W. Std4evant, - John - Foulkrod, Thomas Taggart,' t '\,.., Joseph Fry, Jr. • ' MOrgan J, Thomas, -, John Fuller, - • • *James Todd, . , , Jahn A..Gemble, , .' Thomas Weaver, ~ ~ William Gearhart, ' . ' J;:cob B. Weidmun, - • David Gilmore," . -111. G. White, •, . Virgil Grenell, -•-. . ' Geo. W. WoodwarN . William L. Harris, A. Young. Thmeas Hastings, , • .';- '' , -' )! • (Attest,) S. Sncion, Seeretary, -." . • , ----''. a'' ,:' -? G. i" FAIIII '‘ . ..?- Assistant Secretarie• ' , . , •. .. . J. WILLVAMS, , . , ! '; StC.RETARY'S OFFICE, ~ '. HARRISIIIIUG,I4.II.IRUARY 25 ,. 1838. „I certify;thal. the foregOinr, is. an .eime Cant literal copy-of .2 , 3 he Constitution - of - the Commonwealth - 7ot Pennsylvania ns ameuded by, the Covention of one thousand' eight *hundred mai thirty-seven-thirty eight,” deposited in thi n office on the 26th day , of February, 183 S; the nenclme n nta - being in lladic , and the retained, porti ns of the - present Conatitu lion. in roman letter. n • TIIO, EL ,Il IUiOWIrB,• • .Secly of thencommerltvealth..:-: - • 118.xp. nomervely,', Blue I."reilai'lliiintazipit of ',Lupins'; .1 ailliers, 'aild tither mak,l;hich arc offered, decida•dly Mean= er than' can 6 bpi*cliEittettkloe*ltcre. ' • . . ._. • . . !,. . , TA e 0 r - ,1 \ I • IT, I ~,i ' , • ::-.* „ -1 - 1 I' , : '2.. ~- 1 - ' - l4 ,i , -; . 430 u (4 4 es t corner otAiiiiii Piltits;.Car - liatc, - .Pcd - ... ..... ° • George reZeci.,/ , ' • • • 1. rI.tIIAVING taken the aboveed'istablishmenti (formerly kept by Mr, GenigeAughitibattgh,) refrw ,pectfully solicits his friepla and the public gelterallki to fitver him with their Custom/: The house is,large. and ecnvenient, containing upwards of ,F O .I?7'Y CHAMBER ,S', elf adapted for Familicq,l9l4-i. dents, Boarders and transient custom. The stabling ; is extensive and sonvenlent, capable of holding tip; wards of 70-horses, wiictlirthe attention of Droi , e:ril, being in a central‘and excellein'part. of the town'for" the sale of horses. .• . . •Drovers, Farmers, Pedlers, and Travellers are in.; Nlted to give him a call,' - • , • - Ile hopes by strict attention•and 'moderate - charges to render general sat dilation. R • Carlisle, April 9, - 1838. • ' • 19. • Forward . iti - g . 7 - aitdeonamission - - -. • - Aftottse,•. "VA . r. _OO • WHI111:11U1411-efilqattalWat 'HAVE taken'that large and commodious WARP,. 110 USE., lately erected on the Canal and Rail Road j ji below 'the - Riot of Clies ifiTat atreet,Harrisburg, Where , their arrangements are such that they can at all times forward produee and merchandize,with 'promptness and despatch ; to the following places, viz , • Philadelphia, Pittsburg,-COlurl- bia Baltimore, Carlisle, ChainberSburgo. - and.all intermediate places; • . .They have lefely entered into arrangements so as ttf . 'enable them to send any produce or goods by - ivay •tl - the- Pennhylrimia Canal - and Colimibinitailroad, to , Philadelphia, at the same prices charged - by other companies r111111111g; on the UniciMeanitl, thus gainiug guodsin.Broad• street, avoiding the Usual expense of hauling from the Schuylkill: PURCHASE -Grain, Flout, tutd. , . - • country produce of every i descript.ionoind- keep con.. stantly on hand Coal,:Platter, fish and salt.for.sale. ; Aluil a, 1838:—tf. .• ' . • . 18. ' • . .. New A.rrangement, - .llliladelphiaalgyriqbarg - cind - Sysqicehdiz ,--- na Transportation . Line, THE Stifiscrikr•respectittlly informs the public in ttenerig : thatfie shill cptititaties to occ,upy.that. aro anti tommodions 'Waill'Otir4( formerly kept - , _M,'.lllterti,lEsq.. at recetitly ky-,111. Bit eke" where he Is --- - ready-to receive atelforward prodttee.ot all Idescrip- - tiOns from flatrisbitcp; to Philadelphia; as he is now. Cunning. a daily line of UniOat Canal decked boats, of .the first cldss from each ;place, and delivers goods in three atttl.a half daYs: from the time of departure. be - received 'at the warehouse of Charles. lI uniplirevs and tiet, 'Street ,wlittef, Schuylkill - Philatlelphiaond Bolton's liz:Co..hdrinnunt darn.- - N. 13,---Goods wilt also be reeeiv6(l - at the above places and fortyarded- by the same line .in Connexion with the Sfisquehatuiti Canal packet. and freight boat company to islorthumbecland, Williamsport, Dan- - ville, and ',.lVilkesbarre,,teut all otlier. intermediate. places along the Stistineleutio(.: Merchants may be '— asXurral - of Faxing-their ;756(15-14w:wiled immediately. The subscriber_ will endeavor, by strict attention to tneTitlystetre-of iiatrOciige, Which iti:mitit i'espectfidly solicited. _ • OWEN •McCABE: -11arrisbni*, April - ff 1823.: • ' . . 19. • .Lf-VER- COMPItiAINT, $10:•. - v - pAg4_ s:TA • • Airs: Sal ah - Brenhiser, wife. - of Anl as Beenhiser corner of 'Second street - and Germantown toad, Philk adOiiiiiirceted - for the last Cix.yeivs with fhe Liver Complaint, has completely restored to health by Dr: William Evans' - Camoluile Aperient Pills. I ler symptoms we k' habitual cos tiveness, excrhtiating painsjw-the-Atomackdepression or spirits, lat*or i eNtreme debility, disturbed sleep; great. pain in fier side, could not rig" on her left Sick without anagg•ravatitm•epain, dizzineia in the head, dimness of sight; with other symptoffis indicating mat derangement in the-finctionsof the-Liver.—Mm Brenhiser has made trial of. various . Medicinei now before the public, but received no' relief until she was advised to„Make trial of De. Evian' Pills, of which she• is happy to state that they efreCtlially relieved her of the: abovedistreasing 'symptoms, With others, which , are not essential - to intimate. , - 7 - hTe.llrenhiserViushand - of the - aiiove73lra: - Breli:. - .111`ser,) bad been two years afflicted with n-dratkeased state of Pries and Costiveness, of which he was effec -tuallse-cureti. • We do hereby subserihe our signature .to the truth of the above cures,that the statement is in every res.: pect true. SARAH BBENHISER,,i, • " 1011 N STEW, Baker. • No. ET, North Eighth street, Philadelphia. _ . . • UNITED STATES ARMY. RECRUITING SERVICE. WANTED for the UNITED STATES ARMY, a few able-bodied citizens, betweeMthe ages of 113 . siiid 7 .0 years, being about five ti•et six inches high, of 'good eh d- of re FillN table-standing- amonvthae-- fellow=ilitizens. None-need -apply-to-enter-the-sm vice, but those who are deterinioed to serve the period' of their enlistment—which is only three years ho nestly and IM.llllllly. •Pay ofDriiioori eohliere,when. minted. This tmble•shows the nniquht of pnv nhioli enlisted solilierVnc- • cokiiig . to their respective grades, : are entitled to receive for their. services. To the Serreant , 3lajor, Quarter-ifras ,-ter-Sergelmt,:ehpf Aq ua i c i ivir _a n d_ chief Bugler—each .." la 'Sergeant of a company Sergeants • t . Sergeants--each.'" 'ro th. Ordianct. nit - ot ' - Buglers Musicians . Farriers and liihilsmithe -.Brtifieers -- PrivateS • • -ye sl a ted;ra • . Besides the monthly f*, as aiit.. A • which is amply tienper•day is allowed - ever soldier, e supply of suffiCient fbr his subsistence-:-a — Bio, a larb ,-tersand - ;comfortable and genteel - clething: - . - Good - mta. • uel are at all times . furnished Oind every att. I d. will , tie paid to making tliose . ..men who may ett... and are, determined to sense their country.-in goak, faith, comfortable and Contented.with their situafitio. firedieiir attendance isidWays7priivided - fon. - the sick - soldier fond' no deduCtion of during the. period lie is unable to perform' hts'dultY ; ;..., Should the soldier be'disabled in the line 'of . the limo provide R . pension for him'. vs - By the-abbveitls seen that the pay and allowances are respectable, and that, with prudence and economy,. the. monthly pay tif' the soldier maybe laid up-as 1 every thing requisite for his i3orqfort and convenience I.4"furnished by the Government,. inchtding his sugar n n, j' entree: : The pratlent soldierCiti - erefore; may r e a d.;ly save from $9OO. to $5OO .th‘titig• his short en . li s t inc ot of 3 years'; and at the of the term lie can, hechoosos, - purclinse 'Wien farm in any, of • the Wes:Wen States, and there settle him self ettinforth bly, on ' own. land, for the rest of his life. '1 - RECRUITING RENDEZVOUS, Carlisle; Flame Building, East Main. Street, formerly '.tieed as,the, 'Volunteer printing office. • . December. 4, 1837.—tf. ' - - (011ie sum of- TNvo DoydrA r itig: will be giveii to any citizen; Non-ctutanissimied.officer, or. • - Soldier, wl Shall bring .to .this Rendezvous an able bodied rocruit; well fornied,' sound, and otherwise duly qualified, (as above deseribed)' , for the, dutiesofit soldier; shall; be regularly-enlisted. • :pßoiwc.g • • • _ .. • -„ - WAV21111131(0110/114 The atdseribet !froonfilatte to' trapsact ag,eneral Com. m y s io A 13, m ii le y o ; for the sale of alllcinda of country produce:' They "ai:so - coatinue to receive and fot 4 s;%!ard with dedpatoh, goo is ordered•for 'oak fif...tho terifirai on thottatberlatid 1 'alloy Rail Road - • Trodare. erderod 'Wenver'Si 111iller;Iiitikiafrorg, • . fat , •,r , "; - !ORNICIV FOX.: Meter to " • • : iirc ad Street , abiaye 'IOteIIAIICESutiGILTIV, V 61 )1 f`aili " • Air. R nen lip, • `'• 111 i tt IA 14 tC 4:" S - 1 ? * $ g "41 15 180 575 12 144 432: 10,120..3601__ 9 108 324 la 129 3601 -7_0,4,