Proni:the,.:2lbaziyargua-V -thursday. - - .i 13.0111 THE NORTItEItN: FRON::1 DARING 0 11TRAGE.--All express? from Watertown reached 'this pity-yesterday all , ..."._tertioon';,bringing_despatches to_ifo_v_LiVaLey.. ',from the District • Attorney, Matshalw•Ste, at that place; by which we .regitit to learn that a'ailost•extraordinary outrage . - mitted . Within the American' waters, • ir ar l y ' ThurSday morning: The Britiat; s i cam ,. boi4 Sir Hubert tei v.:La:rut seven • miles-from - Frenel_imeel_,Antthe__the_r , Lawrence, , Nas forcibly seized by a body. • of arinecinien, siipposed to b6C a c nachan-reTti-; gees, seion fire, 'mut entirely 'consumed. The ,I) . joineil . extracts from The letters to the'Etettitive, afford the'infortnation yet:reooiyia touehing this affair. • We trust kVA; by the prompt action of the civil au , . thoiities, aided by the military, all' liiriher aggressions or apprehended retaliation may • be prevented; - . and that. the :perpetrators tif the ,outrage may be discovered andbrought • .itea pum . . , • to.mersnment. .„ • ces such as to, req m uika- the immediate ititer position-Of-the,stafe Iti,thorities, left .town. soon after the arrival of the expre . ss, in - the, 'evening cars for and. - thenee,c by re lays of horses toliratertolirli. - : . • From gno. G. snninviAlkt, Dis. Attorney-. • . ~ To his Exe,elleneY,AVin. L..Marey. Dear Sir4.-I from inomeht . receiied by express, from H. DavisLEsq. House.ofricer at. Frepeli aTletter-of which :the following is a'eopyi-lind , the in, -- formation -- ,..therein'containedmay fie relied - upon - as Correct— • - "Cinv-Tor:!; . ; Mary 30, ling.'. "Sir—La .„. •_ e _ st,ntglit - tiltirittsh - stpainer - ir- , lltibert.-Peel, was barded ncar..this place -by about '5O ar disguise; the -1 persons on boar .-was driven on shore; -and The - boat set om irei-and--wholly-:consume - 4 - .,- . You are roqUes cd-to-- aid - the- - -propep air, - or to advise the prop er course to , _.. • •.. . ReaPeetfu ly, .yours, - • --- • DAVIS "C.. C. _Sherman - , Esq..' . In addition to the-libOve,--the---trieskager taunt - is—me that, _althouigh : itty_lives_;w-ere as,•yet . knotvii`o , ---tblater of, the Sir Robert Peel was badly burnt oii board the vessel: - : , .." : • OUr steamer Oneida, .on her wayto Og- . • densburgh, thig:naorning; volunteered And took the crew- onboard, and carried. _them to Kingston. • - •-• The Whole 7 community here is excited the greatest.-extent, at 'this nn'Wartatitable - outrage; • And - a . retalitory - has upon the."other _side, will r it fs.lcared, he again. excited, and to an -extent beyond. control.. The. steamer Sir. Robert Peel, it . is said, Was taking in wood:at Mullet - creek for at the. Narrows beloW, Abotit , seven miles , rrorn•the crock: • - - - "deemed" it due- to tile Executive* that he should-be -int me(' lot ely.apprised _this_af, lair: the more especially aB we are lefi here without any regular officer of to Av.hop._apply.. .:Cummings, who has. 'n at Sackett's -Harbor, and who had • I. • - - • _.."1 by Gen. Wool, as it was un been direc. - derstood, to:take ' Lhargc .of this frolAer, now abSent. . . I have this moment learned th a: Armstrong had 'command orthe Robert Pe,?'-' cagain to whom it is said, the, refugees, had un old grudge. He resided in this village during-the-last-Wiriter,-:-and-•-was-ehargud with being a' spy upon their-operations:— -1 mention this cireumstance_as_authorizing the belief that, this act proceeded from the - Patriots, or-Refugees, on this side: The presentimpression is, that we shall be unsafe on the frontier without an armed force; and immediate Measures will be re, • , quired to afford ample yfrOtection to - British vessels in our waters, or ill -- colifidence ititettourse will be broken up. have - • thought - it - advisable' --that -Crossi-of the militia, should call out one or two companies. of dragoons to go to French Creek; wither:l' shall proceed with the Sheriff this afternoon: • No person to our knowledge . was recog nized, as having been engaged in this out rage; but individuals • residing at French Creek have been missing for several days. A portion 4tif the Sir Robert it is said ivas --From-RsoN-Pkinsktitsi-4)eptity-Marslial. ."I intend immediatelyp repair to French' Creek with _Do gto . r_Carrier,_ the _collector; and anofficer, • authorized tti call: ode the millitia if necessary. A leiter has just been received frdm French Creek calling for a fotee to protect them from being burnt to night, as a measure of retaliation." . • • f!.Aillis excitement, here; an.d a rumor 'afloat that the arrangements' of the' pirates were to make a simultaneous attack, epon tight,different boats at different places," rrom FrtriNcis MALizity:,,Ma'ster U. S. N. ---- _f Fhe vesse2 ° w_ asmset on fire and - consum= id Within seven miles Of FrericlfCreaki - and ___within,puri : pateis, while . takingjn wood. • Theire appears ifs - doubt - that - the - expeditionH 7—wasgottiFi - fronftliik — side, - althotigh?aryet, ,, 110 person have beenitletitified as actiors in • the scene. It is ; .satisfactory to state' that'll° lives were lost.'-' ; - - IM5=l 6 -lion and Cote acgueted.—Drs. Nel son. and - -Cote,„; who -- surrendeie Gen. Wool, on the Vermont frontier, in March, _end were, placed under, heaVy bonds to ap-- peat at the U. g: Circuit Court on the 21st of May,. were ,tried ott that day before Judge Thompson and acqUitted. , Nineteen wit nese, including Genq Wool 'and his staff, were.exaniined, but nothing Was produced to prove any organization of the .Patriot forces Within the Vermont lines. . . The Bank Robbery:—We are requested to state that the ladder, left by the thieves Avhc4ately brtikeinto the Bank of the Me tropelis is still at the Bank, . andonay be irle*ed by any person who' is desircars of examining, in, The ladder is marked. on . -7,-one‘of ieusides - with - a men's-face andleady having black hair; and there is otout cord tied round - one side Of the ladder:—No • . • Sant F fick'•saye, that when a fellow gas' tooo - lazy tn work, . ; he paints his name . ------ oliertbe - dootr: - ealls it alavern;-andini-like as not; he_malies the -- whole niirghboehood • rts,lazy as hiniself.‘ k • Corresfi:ondence of the:lialtimore.iimerican. UNITED * STATES. SENATE. _. . • •_ . . A: mesinge - was receixed front - the Mouse of .Representatives ••Intorming• the Benate, that the joint. resolution annulling-theVeas nry dirt - ttar, and . prohibiting anyr.such order hereafter; had .pas .d that body. • . - d A number of meipori`hU on various tab- Ljects_Avere_prese.nted and.referreth: . . • • • Mr. Webster offered a resulution ii struct big: the Committee .on Finance to inquire and report whether, under the - Depoiite4t .of June, 1836, it is, now.coinpeteni For ,the. , Secretnry -of the - Treasury !to. employ ari:y bank hieretdfore.seiected as a-public de i"osi tory, and whiff h 'since 'the 'passage of that act, has siOpendetl speoie payment; and uTho .considcr the expedieney of repeal 7, ing Or moilifying.p:o 'Much of. .that . act as 4 - iprohibits'the receipt in/payment for,_ banks which. issue notes of .a lees denoitiblaiion than-fiv . e . ddl- . . . • -.This . beiur / a Jcsolutcon of inquiry, it lies over paule(the roles for ...- . The Senate then went into the considera tion ,of. private bills. ' — ' . : . \ ,4101.1 . 8E..0F .REPIWANTA.T.IVES Mr,, o (larlplid* announced to the - Huse that glifeSsrs.- Prentiss B and Word bating been elected by the, people of MiiSissippi ut NovemberiasLand_thatsiettioiLhaving_ -been again affirmed, were in attendaiice.and in readiness to, take the Usual. oaths Those _gentlemen:Chen preSented 'themselves to the Speaker, 'when Mr.. Pientiss,- •on belue 61 . himself :and colleagues, stated, , that con-- sidering.themselves:as. having been elected in. November last; they 'would take the path upon the merits of that- election onlyi - and -withotitanyreferefteP-whoteVerAO - the - reeent confirmation .it by.theicitizens of: issis sippi: The oath was then --ad Ministered and they took their seals - CURRENCY. —lkirßoarhinov64,los4tispend_the_ rules_for_ one hour for• the pilipeist :taking ufi and. considering the following Joint nesokution• of the Senate, passed - last evening, vii: Resolved, That it shall not be lawful for. the Secretafy of the,Treasury to make' br to continue in force, any general order which shall create any difference between the - till % ferent branches_of_revenue,-as-to the - inner br 'inedhun o; :payment in which • debts- or' trues accrni4to . tho(Tfiite - 4 - A dieision being- called, - the motion *ig *agreed to;l:yes 112; Noes 34. • The joint resolution-was then - . taken and read twice, after Which Mr. 80011 moved the Previous, Queition on-ordering it to a' third reading; whiehbeing 'agreed;to Ayes • 151,..N0es 57, the resolution was *read. a• , third time. • - _The question then recurring on its final pasage, Mr. Duncan moved to commit it to the CoMmittee on Public 'Lands with in struaions_to amend by adding a clause Inv,- tibiting the salcof . more than 320 acres of public land to one person,- and that upon,the condition of , ac l / 4 tuatc - dcupancy., - 7 - Mr: Boon moved the 'Previous, Question on. the 'final passage of the Joint Resohl lion, so as to cutoff _thiEinmendmentoVhich b ungordered, the Joint Resolution was finally . nassed, Ayes 154, Noes 29.' REPEAL OF THE 05CIE CIRCU- , In the 1.J. - & - Senate, on - :Tuesday etTO - . ing, Mr.. Clay!s resolution, amended by Mr. Webster to i-eadls follows, was finally passed— "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentativeS, &c. That it:shall not lie lawt ` ul for Elie Setretarraf :the - Treasury to inalte, or 'to continue. in force nity -gen eral-order-which-sfiall,create-any-difference- between the different - branches of revenue, as to' the -Money or mediuni of .revenue .in which debts or dues, accruing to the United States, may be paid.' Before the vote was taken# • ' Mr; Clay, of Ky.,, expressed his regret that- the second portion of. his resolution had .not-.teen adopted, and lie hoped that some farther' ,remedies might be provided, •speciallythe_repeal of the proViiion in notes of bank issuing notes of a denomina tlon loss from • - - - - Th - e-vote - mr-the—pasSage-of. the resolu , •tiori was as follows . • . • • YEAS-7-Messrs. _.Bayard, _Buchanan, Clara Ala„ Clay of Kentucky, Clayton avxa Fulton, Grtindy; King, _Luinpkin, 1.,y0n - ;:McKean, - Merricki , •Mouton,-Nicho lis;'Norvell, Preston, Rives, Robbins, RQ' . hinsdn; Ruggles, Sevid, Smith of Indiana, Southard ; Spence, Swift, Tallmailge, Tip -ton, Trotor,-Wall, - . Webster, White, 'Wil liams, Young- 7 :34. NAYS—Messrs. Allen,. Benton, Brown; -C des , of-tonnecticut,•Strange-41. THE SPECIE CIRCULAR Er;PEAL. Our readers. Will learn, A' doubt not, most of them with'great satisfaction, that the Joint-Resolutiorixopealing i -in_effeet r the_ Treatury Order of July, 1836, 'and pro hibiting. the ..Execiltive' from making any discriminating and' partial orders concern ing Government limpy in time to'come, Which - paised OR Senate - on Tuesday even ing, passed the House of , Representatives yesterday almost with the swiftness of an arrow, .and now needs' only, the President's signature -to'_be a_law. _The _unexampled' majorities, in both Houses show the strength• of the general dislike, jusdy'entertained I L igainst this celebrated Circular.- - , . Here is the end, thert, of one gxperi remit, and mO:3 sincerely do . we rejoice at it. We congratulate the country that Con gress, in• so decisive "_a manrier„., has guished one offihosenieasures which have so L inneit annoyed Wand distreated thi . It i remarkable with what pertitraCity the Executive have Withstood Imbliesentitnent in regard to this pernicious measure: • The diplieitationS, of, friends, and the reiterated -decisions_ofiCengre4o,..have..alike...been.*l availing to produce . its repeat, Thriolc. fourths ef, the Members el the 104.,,,g0ff- MEI E BANKS: LAR - #II -1,4r : o.*-..( - ; tctiv.„ gress. pronounced its : condemnation by. the bill of Pebruary, 'l3l - i . - which Gen. Jaelt .son,patrin_ s_pdcliA and would neither -sign,- not-retbrn_to_Congress_.that_it_niight .be passed - into a law:withoutMS signature. Then there was theillaTre . asury. bill of the _extra session which* passed the Senate, and Which contalnela;elause repealing:the Spe cie .Gircular. . Next, there is tho_Subjieas ury bill of this7Sessiod, which has also pas.- ed pe . Sen9te,' co . ntaining (idthe 23d sec - • OauSe,--iii6ed: tioil) a rescindin) by Nix'. ~Yebster. now, here is the' joint, resolution; ii. the identical terms'of that section, substitu, led by the flenate,ohthe motion Of the same gentlenian, fOr the:propoSition.if Mr. Clay, *Melt has received the sanction of over , Whelming'majerities in both Houses. Thus has the Senate four 'different timeS, and the: House twice, declared in effect, fhatAis Jacksonian Experiment No. 2 ,ought hot I Infily;te — b - c — reitok — ed - 7, hiff - th at it ought tirade unlawful for the Exceutive ever:here , utter toiSsue or authorize_any_similar order. Yet up to this ,Montent,has•.the Executive clung to the Measure - , - regardless efAhe in jury whieh even - liis partizans, avow that it inflicts ;on :the countryregardless •of the public 10111 7 , most empliaticalltspokenthro', the Pepresentatives of the Ileeple. Yes,' Clung to. it with a tenacity which is totally unaccountable upon any; other .liSrpothesiS 'than that the Executive. will has - been - con , trolled bysome "Malign influence,".. either proceeding from the 'Hermitagg, .exerted here by the or_g_na...eoncectors•an advisers of the measure. Be' that' as it maY,- the fate :of: that.:."eiperimeht"; . The odious and micastitutionaLdiscrimination• must now begiven np. Congrm has pro nounced its fate-hi a voice .that must be , heard, 'and with a imaniMity_thal leayes no •llopes to its friendS, even froth the VETO. --- Blaineable,hOweveras - we - ,hold'the Presi -dent for:adhering' with' such obstinacy to this uppressio, measure, whieli he could M any moment have abrogated with a dash of -the-pen; it-must-yet- be : admitted,Lin , eunder,- that he has_only_actedin,:_accordance_with the solemn pledge which be gave -on-enter ing upon - his high• trust,.. "to tread in- - the footsteps 'of „his illustrious • predecessor;'' and. thoiewho - - 4 1 p . s i t deph ntialloots Mr. :My circtirnstances, nMst-utylird him praise for2;the fidelity with whieW he- has redeemed that - pledge . . Ile hus.dertainly.. ",trod :the foot Steps as long as lie could;' though_ they. have led liim through a therny. path; ••'ClenerallieltSMN : poPularity r itwas_ iirr6 - gaittly - asseited by his - adulators, "could stand any_thing:7 - -kifid . popularity it has been to the country!. Tortunately,--thouglr he left his obnoxious' measures as-a - legacy', to• the_ incumbent pf_the Presidency;. he_ 'could not bequeath ,with it that popularity -by Which, he was enabled-to sustain 'them,: and frample..M.:the_dhstthe acts of-the:NO -- pie's Representatives..Natipnal Intelii genee - s,• - We have great satithetion'in-ptesenting to-•our readers the following letter from Mr. Biddle . to Mr. Adans, ltshows how prom pt- Iy the Banks avail themselves of the first movement Which . indicates . a favofable change in the- oisposition of the , Govern-_ meet, and it furnishes . the - firsf•intiMation upon which the country May rely of an apA proachirig totirttptiOti of Apedie PaYments. • It gives us great 'pleasure to add that -in consov_ence of . the repeal!: of the Singio, Cireilar,,the flank of the United States has .determined to accede to the, _request of the Boardof Trade. of the city of New York, contained in the following resolution of that ' highly respectable b0dy..—,.,..ew er aw. ."Regolved, That our recollection of that liberal system .pt,irstied by 'the former Bank of the United • State tende'r.s .. us peculiarly golicitous-.that.a large banking institution be - established ere; tinder he_ - _Oren-: eral Banking law, which shall be managed -with-the same -enlarged--Views,-and the- same enlightened. and liberal policy."'. " PHILADELPHIA, MIW 31, 1838. MY DEAR- SIR— - in, my letter of the 7th ult. l'stated belief that there could be no sdfe nor per manent resumptimi- of specie' payments by the Banks, until the policy of the Govern ment towards them was changed. • - The - repeal' of--the Specie-Circular-by -Congress-makes_tgatchange. _ I bee now, VliaTtifitillitiwrliwe - rititaretn;:titeitmarts - 1 of i -restoring the curretier.'. I rejoice very sincerely at the termina . , don of this_unhappy controversy, and shall cordially co-operate - NiOith the Government by proinoting what the Bank's are, I am sure, anxious to effect, an early resumption of specie payments throughout the Union. With great respect,lrours,. - N. BIDDLE Abetnts,•Washington D. C. • From theßarOsbuiff-Telegiaphi, llifotnts under Gov. firth erg let-the -people see what - theillavegainod" byl.the _election of Gov. Ritner, andithe reforms, introduc ed under his administiation. -In 18V, the 'friends of Muhlenbetiin Al lleghany_ county, published an address in which they_denounced the office4tolders un _der Qpv. / Wolf as "CORRUPT AND IM BECILE"—as."SEITISH—AND-PROD-- IGAL"r--and as'"A * BAND OF-ARMAII- D-ERS PREYING UPON_THE VITALS OF THE STATE: 7 'They also gave the following summary' of the. increatie of the debt under Wolf's adtninistration: A- Daily inereasunf ;',.::.- . $8,359' A' Monthly, " ''‘. = -,:- $249,879 A' Yearly,.. " " " $2,998,450 A' Total, " ." . - ' $16,994222 ARAMs daily, Monthly and' yearly inc,rease - Of State debt, hae "been arrested—totally stopped, by G. ,Ritner, • The state tax repealed, and, .e.r:r ‘ OmptY. tre sury resuscitat &WO Led—but the - Pt:Yeas ar uneasy. There is nupublie plunder to be h d. - They have tirerefore nominated one of Gov. Wolf's '93 - AND OF — AR — MAUDEAS" for Geyer-. nor, that tin , pnblic coffers-may,:again be opened to thern.-. This fEtet cannot be doll ed,'else ;idly did they nominate a: "COR, RUPT AND. IMBECILE—SLAVISH: AND PRODIGAL,' ,old .OFtee-holdeil e COM- -'wThe trial r.Vaughan; , torthe mar. Cr of his COlusin, is progressingla Richruond. A BANKRUPT 'F,REAWRV. • • Frona: the _CtorigieSSional , proceedings; - it will 'be seen ,that the , President has . been ; reduced to_the necessity of applying to, Congress for means to &LEP `,‘the of-gOverament, mo tion." ' ,In his message the Presideut says that'"the United States are in imiriediate danger of being rendered unable to • diS 7 Charge with good faith and 'promptly, the various pecuniary obligations, of the.goyern7 _ment;'' and hiS Secretary of the - TreasUry, .11 - sfiln! -- on7the-same-strin;: _avers • that,, un- less the 7 nicaiures he expedient mends be adopt ed, oi:some Other ekpedient be , devised, "it- will be. - impracticable. to . preserve the national . faith upbrolsen,Laml_to_a_w_ittlie injuries. with which the. ptiblic 'service is threatened."' And " lb; this cOmpleXion liare-corne at last" . all the experiments mid expediency of our currency tinkers, 'which 'hare=-been .concocted to *introduce U. ne* system 4 Orrtinance f lirdto, "strew—SUN-61i the • rnins". of the, credit system, and the banks.! ! .".Bet a short time ago the national . treasury seemed to be in danger of sullbea -tion•---,str-ftillEarld•• plettAstie .hatrits - habit. grownt• now, tinder the treatment.Of politi cal quacksovhose remedies have proved far more drastic that' •litandreth's pill's,-it has.. become jean' and shrunken and iii -nent danger' of starvation.' The. forty _mil lions. --:of--surplus revenue are gone—the fourth instalment has 'biten,Witlineld Troni• the states—a new national debt of ten mil iitiderlhe deceptire title of treasury notes, has been contracted, -and Set •fthe" grand hailing sign of distress" is held out by_ the adrninistratioh,- and . Congresi- is asked, to turn away froni - the 'Government " the . intriailient danger" of bankniptcy and- a vioation of . the publij" faith. Such are the.'co'nsequenc_es of toeo foco jbmizci cring„ and" the confiding. of the • national' treasury to men who 'regard it only as ",the spoils of victory."' - •• ••.'" - • And what is the reineily proposed by the admir4Stration for the exhausted Condition - ofthe;treasdry? - fit ORE:§-.FITN--P-LAS -TERBI !,E:4--They -ask ongtcss. -- low then te-isSue Old, or pia afloat new tteasury notesjireclecifiable in Specie and selling at a diseount in the inone_y_maykot; ileCl;.Crealitg .4 Nation- . lit Debt; deluife - the people with an appear ance of solvency! • Thus the Taco focoe come , :the-gyeat Shin 7 plaqtei s e -Iviftiryfaclu 7 'rens: . or the "inti . ontlie General Go'vern-; _ .•• • • ment enters into, competition with every petty-corpotatiOn_inAlte_c_ouritry in issuing irredeemable paper, and yet its _Satellites are every inhere - denouncing its opponents' - as '"the shin plaster. party.'.! They. possess most-cOnsu mmate= powers 1 - of impudence - But the : . peefde. haie'laken them in. hand, aiidllie - ..ballot..boxes are proving -to _them that . ."honesty - letlichest - policy,"—Kork -Republican; - • A Philadelphia paper •gives am account of a recent interviev^with Mr. JOHN Q. ADA* at Washington, during Atrhich he is :reported to have used--the-following lan guage : • . "Lhave long been firm believekin the - MY - elation of ' Gbd; and have 'long trusted in the atonement of: Christ; and during a long , life I have. seep the prayer of faith prevail withlsrael's God; It is true I haVe been, called by Cyod's providence to dis charge-high-obligations—ta-my-country;4 have been four times in Europe, and spent - more than twenty years of my life in ,for.;. - eign - countries.. I wmg-theri-called--to---th-e -riesidency, and the four years that I filled the only unhappy years pf my life, my old *e feel it peculiarly ca til ,, s. to guard the liberties of i rmen. I`il eve aSstirned -vast rei :s, and in this rugged ciisisl have dosired = the-praycrs-of_ all' the good and , virtuous. I shall soon pass away, and 'if our country is to remain free; other, and younger, and stronger men must fill the. breach. They must, be .then equal to any crisis, and not afrai of dan ger; and 'above all, they must be. men 'of prayer and piety," Mineis.—A. vigorous contest is waged . by the Whigs against their Locofoco oppo nents-in Illinois.— not-be -siirpris _edAbould_this_State volle_fare at the- elec iiiiiiiii-Augustr---Itris-no*-iivthe....hand: 0 the Administration party, The Whigs count upon carrying the Governor, Lied tenant Governor, members of Congress, and state LegislattireOhio Journal- 414ppointfithits by the Goveino2:, FIi.EDERIC . K , FFiAIWEY and ALEXANDER BACHE, of the city of Philadelphia; aid the ReV. WILLIAM P. ALitunt, of Washington dountr,.-to be Commissioners•'to.examine and report to the next legislature relative to a, survey for, a Sate.lVlap, agreeably to a late act. - . _ §AitruEL .sNvnEn, Eilq;• to be Prothorki;• 'ay ,_ pfatisTOtOye-r-and` Terminer and,lg exter,eseitins of Monroe county, vice Gilkon 'Unmet; Esq. resigned. DUuniEA Lizaosii, Esq. to he'Clerk of the Orphans'• Court and Register and Recorder of Bradford• county, vice Genrge A. Mix f Esq. resigned; JAniEs - DONAluiorti - to _lia.Pro.z thonOtarjr and Cidrk of-thd several Courts of Columbiatounty,-vipe Jarnes Donaldrion, Sr. Esq. resigned. ' THADDEUS , STEVENS, Esq. to 'be Canal Commilisioner,•in_ the place of .lohn Tag gart;,Esq. resigned..._ , • jOitit .Thony,, Esq._ to be Canal Coml. missiener; in the place of Moses Sullivan, :Esq.. resigned. - • • s,:nq L: .EROIIBOI4, Esq. to 'be! aster Warden- for the port of Philadelphia, vice David Matra, deceased. ,-, • !-.HENttiffaitea;.Eaq tote Measurer ofi Marble.' • • ISRAEL CI►Ii~ENTER, Esq l ;-iO. be Notary üblie for the County of Lancaster. • : z:Hal4ir"l4firr k its,..,Esq.• to be Notary Pub.! lic /Or the borotigh,Of Hanover; York co. Jlppointraent ilte.vlttorriey. giocral..; Wtt.Ltitnii,W.4tissitN; Esq.. to . be Deputy. and county of' Allegheny. . - • F 4 'HERALD 81; EXPOSITOR. T-33y-cwonoik,ll4-rim4Aaps. CARLISLE. TUESDAY AFTERNOON; JUNE. DvA.Chipi. Tlce Peopk's - e FOR PREBIDENT, • -taxamutemil9 FOR GOVERNOR,' • . a.oo , Wri b at . ataiMtrkMa. -POSTSCRIPT.•Just as 'IIC were going to, press, we - reeelyed., a letter• from the editor•; dated at Reading, on the:evening-of the 3d instant; in which he says: " This place is literally crowded with dele gates to the Young Men's Convention, and every miu- ute: more ate arriying,:Temteettliat:the_Convention will consist Of - from 1090'to 1500 delegates. From all accounts, the Fanner Governor is going to bqre-elcc, ted;by a troneillioniinajbrity." - • • • • bat•e - a number - of - excellent political arttz cies from our exchangO papers on file, and also scores of resignations by individuals appointed On the Porter• eonaniitteesof viOanee in-uvery-section of-the coin- monweatti),:all of which we shall lay before our read trs iii - dtursuastra; -- , • ' . , . fait is stnted in the- Green Bay UemoCrat,llist GoVernor•Dodge-h;offerell the situation of Brignd ier• Goners! ih the United Stites Arnix i Ond that the 11on: of KindyrhoOk; is spoken : of as .• • his successor. • ( . 1-71'lle . :New York Evening Post sayi,tliat . theM drib m ST4,TF,Li4IS,Of lice million s of dollars has been taken by 'the United States Bank of..PennsylVnnia-tit. something like 102, ' • . . 'crj=lVe observe by the Philadelphia -Herald and that the gallant Commodore D./iv Pon- TER, our Charge at Constantinopfe, is daily expected on ti visit to his relatives and- Meads in this coun try. -ITe isrepresenta to be in gOod health; MEXICO AND FRANCE.—The National Intelligen cer has received a' file of Mexican papers up to the first of May, from which it appears'that theMegotiii tions.between -dig authorities . of ,ieo „and the re presentatives of France bad .been 'WA - en off. 'The final note of the Mexican Minister, Mterlrdeelining a compliance with the demands of. theTrenchmgents , is dated on the 19th of April, THE FLOUIDA WAlt•Er*n—again!—The Wash ington Globe, niter announcing the arrival .of Gen; Jesup and-suite at the seat of government, says! "We believe the war in Florida may now Tie considered at an end: There are but a small band 'of Mickasukies i , and only a . single chief of note, still absconding in the swamps.cren: Jdstiii bas thken altogether about 1700 orthese banditti, 'o:luiliirdcWitiEnsttreAnnst7inflder - - tial, daring, and misoldevoua chiefs."' • . —SPECIE CzammAn-IttrEALEm 7 -It-Will-be-seen-by . refercuce to the proceedings of COngi•ess which will be foundin this paper, that the far-fanted Specie Cir cular, one of Gen: Jackson's tuitions ‘‘experiments," has at length been - repealed. In the Senate, but nine votes were recorded against its passage—and, in the 'pleas of Representatives, it passed by, a vote of 154 to_29, which stamps 1101 . 0 1 4 unwise and n'ijui lads Measure the intpretaffiSt cerVethat-our representiitive litiSongress;'lnt ratliet the member from Pjill digtrict, voted with the .paltry minority against the repeal of the odioUs specie cirati• lar—thereby evincing his opposition to the speedy re: gumption of specie payments by the banks throtighoui the country, and his disposition •to fasten upon the People the present wretched Shin-plaster currency! Hots. 111 n. BOND'S SPEECIL":WC have commenced on our Qrst - page the publicatien of this gentleman's celebrated.-and masterly speech -on "Retrenelitaent amLlleforni,nr_ccentiy delivcred . in the llonse of Re.; l_prp, ,, %ntStihith United S les, amf'shakeetoe - • it as soon as our limits , will peritle'replete•wit facts and aigtiments, for Ming a "register of broken 'pledges"..on the part of the national adMinistration for the last nine years; and is teit bank where litical corruption can trace a triumphant career.''' It is now circulating widely in allijuariirs, and shoOld be read by every honest and unprejudiced man in the • country, as it Contains facts from various publiC and official documents and ipeeches, which bear tremen dously upon - the late - andpresent -administration, and, which - are "undenied and- undeniable."--- We reconi mend it to the scriouti attention of our numerous read _ ors, as it:will More tlialrompli repay them for the time spent in perusingrif:. DARR illif.—The Pittsburgh-Tintet contains a-letter: from this gentle.; Irian, stating that lie had sent on his resignation as a member of the State Senate to Mr. Spenter Penrose, t who is absent frornlmme on a visit to 'Virginia. As the precept to the Sheriff of Allegheny county for' an election to slimily the. vacaney-lad riot beetireteived, tind_nsihe denacieratio_antl-To Sonic' conventiori-mbets- t o=morrow to fort's' itleunty-tioket, he takeS this me . .. ; thod of infofining that body of the facts& his fesigna tion; so that ' it may take such order in the premises . is it may deem expedient ._ Mr.Darragh was, an in-. and, able representative of the ii i et;. 7 , ple; and his withdrawal from the Senate at-thie time will be gresitly_regr,,etted; not only by his immediate coastituents, butfiehe citizens of the state generally: DETECTION. otSonitrairzyre.---Wqeitrn. from I Baldimeire paper,lhai a inaek felloW from the coun try went intii'wel?thing store in that city : on SatUrdil week; and bargained for a suit._ef elothes,in payment' for Which he offered ,some rathet; a Zuspitil. one ,appiartince. He wits arrested' on the 'spot, and there was fotrnd in Lie possession Counterfeit notes, of the denomination of $2,. to the amount of $2O, upon the Washington County Savings Insatiate], lagers town, Mit and upon-tliii borMigh of Cmiuswi, Pa. Ai there fit tiuirdier 'cif these spnriouchills on_thie _borough m eirtmlation at a 'distance, our zens would do well tO be on' Meityguard - against re ceiving them, ati they_wilk-pietably 'soon find their of the communN • , . Hzvegeneg Bays, 'dat de monis mill coskt to bay) dere dein pays ;It Philemetrelphvor de Ovhopense of purning, dat dere dent Hell, will take so much mu- Mott, dai da dietteltury,u , llllm tom,'"' . • cut_the_above,parttgrtinlilie - laßrancai- - ter itnirntd, at whose editorial head stands in glaring capitals the name of "DAVID 0 7 its gu bernatorial candidate. Thitcblaspheirtous saying is , attributed to Governor Ritner, and might do to"tell thetnarinesbut, in Pennsylvania, Where the cha racter of our Chief Magistrate is known, it cannot be received.ns any thing' lse than the silly.prOductioti of the'no fess silly editor of the Journal, The editor is. most egregiously mfstalten,„if he_ supposes _ that the. honest Germans of Pennsylvania can be driven from the support of *it': ouni'eandigate; by putting in his inouthprofanexpressionsdressedup in such a rrtan ner divtO indicate the German:accent. It. is a dtiWn right7-insult-toAlte-Gerriin-Ponulation-Ltints-toLtreat them, with contemptuous merriment, 'by 'a iidiculoimi attempt; to expose their false- pronuitciation of the English language-11nd, through' the ballot ; licrxes• at the next general-election, they : will tell those who look' upon ten wtli so much contempt, that kis an insult they will not brook. 'Hut -what else otnfid be expeet-; . ed from the : Lancaster - Journal, t ,n violent anti uniform old fede . ral paper It is the' same Journal that op- , - ffiled - SimonSaydei.;peeanae hc - Avns - a'r'tin4:htinic— , a stilk-114 tfnitar—'-a man :oho Could not write tzviitt:g lines of correct Zizglish"l And it is-the anme Jour , vial that so much.exulted when Thomas Jefferson was burnt in effigy by the cronies of its editor! Its - oppti, .sition to' aseph Ritner, therefore, because he was 'a warm supporterofJefferson and Snyder,- and because he has a little:of the German accent on hisiengue, is quite consistent and in character. . UouNrrnxtAnottNo.-.-.—The Odious .sPecie..circular, to which mai be attributed, in a great measure, the pecuniary embarrassments of-our-country,:hasheen reyeakxtby congress. It continued in, existence about seventeen monthS; and, during that period, thO Senate of the United States; four 'ditTerenV•tiines, and the llonse of Re resentatives twice; declared their aim probation of a - measure &might - with - tonsetittericos -- 66 thiStrinitiie to the cOiriMunity. Hat, neither tic -probatory voice of Congress, nor the oft-repented 13011- citations otniany of the hestr_frieUds.ofthe.PreSitient; Could induce him to abolish this pernicious offspring ofhis-misguided judgment:__it half riMy k . however, Cifasettto - 6fist;and the Power - of the-HteetiftiO-io'inz filet distress upon tie community rinjurSt restric tions and • partial orders respecting: tie public -reve 7 diteilias terminated with it The followitig isahe re. solution whiCh has 'missed the House of Representa= Lives, and been sanctioned by the Senate: •,. Resolveti i ;Th;ii . it shall not Be lawful fohlte:Secre tary_of the Trensury to make' or, to continue inforce, any genera — mil& whielf - shattereate-any-diffOrence between the different brandies of revenue, as to - the moneyfar *ilium of payment in_ which debts or due's iicert:ont to the lYnited States may be paid: • • • On the passage of this resolution in the HOuse, on .ly "tiventy 7 niiip out - of two hundred an fifotty-tualPeiiri.- bers of whiCh it is Composed/were found arrayed gainst a aufferiiigr - and - indignant:publicand, - in the' Senate, out of jifty4-tui) memberi, nine only Were*Wil , ling to avow. theniselvelthe adhering ,nienjals of Van) Bliren and "the illuitrious predeeesSor." ITCLti'ar. recorded his "nay" (' twits all he could do) with the faithful feiv•orthe Houiie . .ef Representatives. "Alas! how the mighty prefallen!"•'' . ." The abrogation of the spCcie cSrcular is the first 'Step on the connterniarels by. the , rcigning party. Shouts of-yictoiy Which have arisen from theiriunciph- Witt friends ofitjust.and impartial administration of the laws,--have_ lieen_borne on - thewings of theylnd front everp‘arter of the repnldie to the portals of the 'capitol, and have stricken terrortre hearts of the worshipping serfs of him who Vroe 'rued his de termination to "tread in the footsteps" of the "Great est arid Best." Let ua continue our efforts to restore • • ttotroh . , to its-foriner-prosperity—and-happineas We have already done much—'we 'can ilc;more: Wecan conipel the present ifeembent to viteitte the Piesideit-_ tial chair, and retuAt = tio Xiitderhook: We can Ws . perse the horde of Treasury aapauckeraat' Wa01••; ingtoni and fill their places With men better qualified to manage the ninth; independent pople, and certainly_not less honest. Let us do it. SPECIE PAYMENTS.-4 Will be keen by R• letter in sorted in another column, addressed by Nieltoliii the, Etig. Irresident of the United States Bank oftenn -iylvania, to the IlOn. John: Quincy dame, that the Oin-p/aster Van,l3uren notes, all "tiitter'd and torn," will-donbtlesS soon be banished from circulation, and theirptice be suppliekby the legal currency of the, , country. Now that theit projenitor (the Specie Cir 'calor) is defunct ; they must "follow their illustrious predecessor." -- - - • • ' CM rasa NEW TREASURY CIRCULAR.—We learn froiri the National Intelligences, that the joint resolntiod re-. pealing ,he Specie Circular was' approved of by the' gresidelircirithe - darafter - its - finallitt4age by - Con gress, and dial. a circular was imniediately addreSsed from - treelarTrifelitatifill - Col leetifes - arld - Receivers ofpublio inoney,-instruoting them as to the description of notes which they will-receive in pay .. • meet in all branches of the public revenue, rat ,, 7 None are to be received, but Ba l ch as are "payable and . paid on demand in thp I ef.currency of the' United States." geconci---No. notes to be received of a less denomination_than tWenty_dollars._ notes to be received ofanir denondnatiOn, unless on demand in gold or silver coin, at the place where issued,' and - "egitivalent to specie. where - received:". Fotirth=r-No notes to be received of any haikwhich, since the 4th of July 1896, has issued any note-or bill of a less dettondnittioa_than five dollars.. • • THE PHiLADEf,PRIA. BANJUL 11111COgng of the de legates of the different banks of the city Mid County of Philadelphia; was held dt the Exchange 04 Friday evening last,at - 15ich they avowed "their sincere wish to co-operate Cith the 'governitienr in replaeing ,the monetary system of the country hi a" sound aiut heal thy condition." The rescinding, of the Specie Eircu ar ring "abolished all distinctions in the =lode of payMent hi tip different branches of the . Public rove= nue," the - chief obstacle. in a recto tion of the curren cy is eonsequently removed, and . the banks 14,;,i pointed a committee to ; opt eiittable ineisnreii accomplish an early an aert4 , e3 3 *'! . .9 f ° P eck° . payments.': The ce4Attee are' elsettittiorised Correspohd theS : bahks dthe neighboring std and in the-interior this 'state, iipaktit' ie subject re: - furred to them.. ' • - Aptsturscrunn or lam; IN Exowari?..—lt is said in the Baltimore ChrUnicie, that -the rapid pt ogresk of the mosimannfacture in England may he under stood from the fact, that, 'in 1740, the quantity manu factured Was 17,000 tone—while, in,lBBo, ;it mached 700y006 tons for the single year. __Thu -quantity made in 1820 was 400,000 tons, which shows tut: increase. jn the annual product Of 500,000 tons In a period of la teen yearsr, • Tat 8 ttx *owl The Penn_e}•lvaoian mentions i curious fact, tbat no other inseet 'whateter, bit a le silk s Woi , &Os upon the nil ntberty tree. but they hafe tiller, beep foitnif to r eject Ahem. Death ofo9 . nimodoie Woofs' ey.--Tja ' faithful and gallant officer of the, IL- S. Na , • vy, -died at Utica on the 19th inst. of the. dropsy. Ho was.about sixty years of age, , M • 'and had seen as hch hard service as any officer in ournavy, and always discharged is-duties_witlrequaLhonoLto_himiteltand • his country. — By. his decease - Oho country - and the service have alike reastut todeplore• . the loss of one of its hrightest ornaments. ;• •Stegm Navigatioti of Rock River, .14-r , The St. Lonis•Republican say S, that .the - • steamboakdipsy, Capt. Grey, has ascend- • • ' .ed Ro6k river to =the site of Oregon city at • , the head of. navigation; The Captain ex-. ' 'pressed . himself as highly pleased with The • experiment,mand - believearthati as Soon as the - rapids are improved, all obstructidiks to, the navigation 'rill be removed. ' .. It • More.Capithl Convictiona in;tanada.--.. • The Rochester DeMocrat of Monday. week. ' a .aces;Jl - artwo - b - rlith - ers - tif - Lindley - Murray---'-- More, of that city', had their trials recently • in. the. London' EU. - O. DlstriFt; for high ' treason, were found guilty, ankpentencesl. to - _be hungon the,2sth ult. The':y were-men ' of considerable. , property- and' respectable •• standing in society , . ' :•1 - • . Great .drrhal qt - Louiaville.—They've - - got a fine., fresh living, genuine Sea Tur- ClKTriiMiliel - FlOrida Reefs, it Lduisville, LKy: weighitig•lso pounds:. It : 'i is 'about to be dished .up. at thc.,celebrated house - of Phi- --. ; lip Vacaro, ,tho Sandi Welairof that place. 4 ' • Prentice facetiously remarks; 'that:the no- • i ble dnimal is now lying like. Vin Buren--' Varon his back. - - - dlrrivillof-the Prince de Joiaville.—The - •:- French ships of 3var; - L'Hercule of 100 . guns, Capt . . Casy, 'and Corvette Favorite, • .. • Capt. Rosanal, from the West Indies, and ten-days•froni ,Havana, anchoretlin Hamp- . • ton , Roads on -Mohday,- Week ,- --havip g - on - '----- 1 boa'rd the Prince de Joinville, third am .of f King Louis Philippe, who iq.nowrnahing .. ) - 1 a tour - in the' United States,' • % , t , - ___:.___ _ I. 1.,_ a. -. V joi.-ent.--S. t r Ormi , ..- ,-,7 - . .. On-T. -UeSday-week-,--- - -----,- - .at aboutl . o'clock .in the evelting,' a violent . _ 1 gust passed -fairer' Baltimore - , which carried v '''. i off much of zine front the roofs, nearly : I S tripping that of new-Christ Chil:?ch, -Thei • rain Which. accompanied the the wind; .gene- , - - waled. the, wooden _eovering .. .rid .destroyed _......__:, the c.iling..Sorne•ehininies and iih.le . s.were • v - thrown down, and '4ll6 : natives"' Were no little 'frightened during the scenes ••- ~ . . .• ..- _. ; .• .. ._... ~ ',Liberal Rewaras.—GO; ititner has is- , . _ ~ ,sued--a -proclamation,-offeringa-reward of $5OO for apprehension andeenvietion of - each and every person engaged, in burning the:-Pennsylvaniallall,_or_settirig Are to thd- v Orphans'. Asylum. in Philadelphia, v:during : .. •the - late disgraceful riots, 7 -arid the _Mayor - .. athe-citylias also-oBered-ifireiVard:of,_s2, , ...._. v-_.•_- 000 for the like purpose . :,. ~ - • v ': The'•Denzoeracy of. l tannevcitetet.-=-The ' _popularbraneleof - theiegislature.of Connec- ' ' tictit,' on Wednesday - week, ._ OAT the:elec- 1. tion _of. judges of . Probates : eri4.Juistices of' - : - : . thei,Peace - jo. - the fieolik- 13y.ari-almost vuna= nitilotis`vote:: This boon was denied them - by.' the. Van Buren ,tort' legislature which preceded the present one;, and Will -- ishciw to - ' • the country Which party is =the; - keg; pure democracy .. of Ccinnecticut: ~... . .. .. Specie for family, who are now engaged : ' at Nibl4 . in New • York, have 'realized, 050000 - during, their. •_ late trip - td - the -- sciuth i -- Which. incredible sum"; - .' they have remitted in e,bia . -0 Prance, their native-minty: After their engagement at Niblo's this season; they: Will . t.eturn home 4 1,0 reside permanently in Europe, and enjoy . V• • the "spoils'' - they gathered here; .• .:.,. tBB afflolo44:ot ife kiff 41;:T.,.1ie L jiii4oum e Journal thus Speak this lady and •-, her - performance: - "Miss. - josetiltitie - Clifton • is now perforniing al, the ity ,Theatre: She .-. is..aglorions.hemityi .She treads the. stage with the Stateliness of June; and ahe has an - • ! eye that might `.`quell the lio - ni"...Shels, in. .. all respects, one or the noblest - actresses of thiS or any - other - Country.''- . . , .. 11lack Regzowtts of 'Guardsi--It is re ported that two regirrienfs of negroes„ - eiiinpof3vid -- Ofiefiefiliiiiiilleireach,. are:Ei - be raised in Canada; and stationedon the Nia , gdia.river: We hope the negroes of the, ~ northern states; and, _particularly those of .; j Pennsylvania, 'l,vho - ave little:to do, will . avail thelitselves of this . fine opportunity 0 • - enter the service, , of he Majesty, - - the,yoUng Queen 'Victoria: - ,. ' .- ..dttpmpt to dlssitssinatE.-16; i& O 6 hts front Hayti'to May. si . it seems the town ig i .as in great eiciternept in ccirierequdiiee _ an attetnpt ta assassinate berir Inginac, a eolcired .gentlenian,wim hadbeeri officiating 'as - Premier. to President Boyer.' It was PP thought the wound was mortal. ..A. revolt ad taken . place at Lwow, and the nation al guards were under.arms..t • Mr: Cloy's- U. . Bank - Pioject—Thd Richmond Whig states, that two of the pro visions which Mie.' Clay proposes to engraft in - the - chart eia - tiliv bank, Viz: - requiring - - publicity in the affairs of the bank, and pro hibiting foreigners . from holding ,stock, meet -- two - of the poptilar. - ;objections - urged against the late eMonster.". Wnfear there swill be a famine among thiS demagogues... I _..:I.II:COOLItoWe lentifanil ttie Bat= tindre Patriot, that the Pity Connell- •have measures in train . fOr the - early Withdrawal of all the' corporation certificates of less de. , noinination than one dollar, ; f an& for sup , plying their plaeoWith - This is as it should. be, and there is now every prospect that. the community will:soon: be rid of -all shin-:plasters, c ruits 4. -V Buren's penlicioui measures. ,- "Horse-Shoe Robinson:"}--This Tusca; loosa papers announce the death of James Robinson, familiarly- knotin by the above ,title,' -and the hero of Kennedy's exciting novcl, , ,of thea l autelname. He was 'One of. thO riat'ardent •of the humble heroes fi c . the revolution,.. and' his astonishing y.P,:irery in all sorts of peril, was the unival, theme„of those who knew knew , hiin. .• • ~ An other. Roil Road. . citizens- of.. I District, (S'.e.).•lutvg had:".v j• meet i ng • t e - a j o pt measures for , a • rsil wad-161 'connect with, the Raleigh' 8 0.Y0 0 ..,) -1u nbia (69 - .. -- 0:) - rail road at-Chowarr,theneez... thro Booiesy Darlittgton, arid,Kings-' tree; across the Santee'river. tb\Pharleoton * : or to the head tide'•urate. Cocip'er thirty miles above ..Ctorleston, • -Tr a maiden lady, ry s in what Shakspeare• calls a state of sing blessedness, then is'happy i li • of doubte, blessedness.' • • • • • rag(' ent MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers