Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 29, 1838, Image 2

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liIOUS tintiv Itir • the Rhea
.- .and , other.
AtUll need not be said in relation to this winider
ful remedy, as the Proprietor feels confident - that
. wheat.applied,iit will, as can be proven by the number
otrespectab so
le perns, effiltriuimiitire cure of the ,
Rheumaticand- other pains. -It hail-not,untiLlately_d
been, his intention'to make it public t but by the, rP
.- fluent applications of his neighbors, and the wonderful
cures iyhas effected, hp tbels it a.dutvlie owes to
-- society-us-well:as Va. himself; to make ;e more gene-.
. rally Anisinm; mid at the - same - time
us lie can within the reach of all, who may be afflicted
. with that lihinliil disease. • • •
HttndredS of names could be published of Persons
. , ivho have been , this celebrated - medicine,
but the following are selected from dill mass, as be
ing arnply sufficient to attest its pewees. ,
John•Srovp, David Header, Jacob L. Nagle,
P. Lindgmuth, George - Fisher,, Joi n t Alsbaugh,
. C. Stoner, John Coever„ . • • Samuel - Fenely,
~ Aaron Mender,' 1' Lituleirtuthir. Samuel Young,
Hobert Dysart, R. Richardson, Jacob Worlieb,
.11,enry-41sbaugh J. Diffenbaugh, Jacob _fliers.
ChristiairOrgan,— Upstand, . • ,
Motint Joy, August 25, 1836.. •
All orders front a distance addressed to the Sub , :
Scriber, Wind Uoy,Lancaster county, 011 be prcdnpt
•"ly and fiiithfully attended to. -; • • . •• •
MOunt Jay, Feb. 7, 1837. . ,
Tbe. above medicine is also far sale by
.101 1.1,1,11.43ELD
Cariicta, Febrpury 12, 183 S
ViViMani 'Evans'
_ .
Camomile .''Ponic and Paniily - Sjipeiieni
• f ' - Pills. • • .
- AsTrtmA, 3 itARSSTANDiNer.
'Afr.Robert Mouroe-Schn)ll;lllolfilieted-withAr
- - hbove distresak gfitaladv. S 3 niptoms.—great langor„
flatulency ; disturbed rest, nervous headache, difilettfly
of breathing, tightness nail •strieture across the breast,
dizziness, nervous irritability mat restlessness, could
not lie in a horizontial position; a ithout the sensation
of bnpending . sidtbeatiompalpitation of-the heartEdis
tressing,Ough, costlieness, rof the stomach, ttrotii
siness, great - debility and deficiency ef the. nervous
energy. -Mr. R. Monroe gave op every thonght•of
kcaVery, and dire ileSpair sat on 'the countenance of
--- t - everv-person-inierested f)l' happilleSS 7
7011,11iy accident he noticed in- us public Some
cures o:fermi] lir Dr. William
his complaint, which induced him to purchase
age of the Pills, which resulted iii completely remov
ing every symptdru of his disease. lle wishes. to stty
his motive for this declaration is. that those afflicted
with the same or troy nipioins riot Itir to liinse from
the-same inestimable _benefit.' „ • '
ll'ai'a64'tic Itilevaitnatisen.
• A perfect cure effected by ilw trel:tt
Mm'. John Gibson, or .N . :llJi sheet; NI . 111111 insliiirgh,
rifllicteil with the above er ir three yi.L.iirs and
. . .
months,ilturing which tilll • he bail &nisi- erniches.
Ills chief symptems wt•re excrtitiatiag• pain in all his
joints, and especially hi the hips, shoulders, kiwis and
nodes, nn - agg-rivatioir of the paint; towards night;_
and' or the most part all.thw.sAfrom . e;i:trrne'llie:it - 061,'
Obvious tirkeillig of the Easel:l ain! ligailtent s, with a.
epippletti hiss or musciillu• power: For the benefit n
triosc.; aillketol 111 a similar manner, Mr.
• conceives -it meet silt'—ilati the- pains hare:e2;_lin f ly .
Ceasedi and thatliis-joints hirve coniplettdv-retr:
their fiatural tone, and lie b.iels able to r - es - titia- his
itlinary busittess..- ' Js • - •• •
fnii.sade atalie,-61TicTtdf:
Mrs. Sarah Brenhiser, NV ifo• of Awls : Breithiser,
-• - poim•r; of second street and 1:m1U:tot On it read, Phil
adelphia, affected for the last six yearit with dm Liver
CoMplaint, ored
: to health by Dr.
Evans ) - Cum6Mile 'rdnie and Family
Aperient Pills.. Her symptims- were habiinal cos.
ti%'eness,'excrutiating pains in the st tanaelt, depression
of spirits, 'womb
,extreme debility, disturbed sleep,
great pain infMr• side, could nor lie 011 her left. side
without attag ravatitat of pd.; dizziness in tlie-hend,
. dimness of • sight, with other •symnl.mns indicatinfi
great derangement in lite ftmetious of Ute I Aver. Mrs.
. Ilrenhiser has made trial of various medicines now
before the piddle, but received no relief until she was
is happy to state that-they efrectualiy relieved her of'
• the above distressing symptoms, with others, which
. nee not essential to intimate. - •
211 . r. Brenhiser (IntslAand of the above Mrs. Tlrert
hiser,) had been two yeses :Aided With a distressed
state of. . Pilosand-Ctigti venessi of - which he was'efrec,= -
tually 4 eured.
• We do hereby subscribe our signature . to the truth
-- of the above cures, that the statement. is in every res
pect true. SARAH - 1111KNIUSE11, - 7 -
J.01.13g STKI 11aker:
.. No. 17, North Eighth street, Philadelphia. .
Dyspepsia, and IllypoOon
Interesling. Cur e !
Salnyin,kireen street, above Third
street, Philadelpffla,afflicted for several years with
the folloWing distressing symptoms: - Sicknesii - at the
stomacb, bead-ache, dizziness, palpitations of the
_lkeart,:impairedappttle, sometimes acid and putres
cent eructations, coldness. and weakness of the Jic;
Iremities-, emaciation and general tlebility, disturbed
rest, a hdase of pressure, and *eight .at the Stomach
nightmare,--great-mental ileSpondency ;
severe flying pains hi the chest, hack, and sides, cos
tiveness, a dislike-thy • sOcicty,- or -conversation, invol
untary sighing and weeping, langor and lassitnde uliou
the least exercise.
Mr. Salmon had applied to the most eminent Ow
`sicians, who considered it beyond the power of inetri
. rine to restore him to health ; however, as- his afflict-
Cons bad reduced him to a very deplorable condition,
and having been recommended by . a relative of his. to
- Make triatoalr. Williank.Elvans_Mcdicine, he with
difficulty_ repaired to the office and. prOcured a pack
_ age, to which, he Says, he-is indebted for his restora
tion to life,, health and friends.. Ile is i ow . enjoying
all the blessings-of perfect health. Persons desirous
of further inforwation, will be. satisfied with .every
particular of his astonishing cure 'at l)r. Evans' Me
dical office,No. 19, North Bth street, Philadelphia.
" — The above medicine is for side at the office 'of the
Herald & •rp-ositor,
. . - .EARME WS . LIOTEL.„
High 'Simi, a few 'doors - . east of the
.•. - Court House, • •
A.RLISL_E, ..._
The - subscriber having leased the above named
establishment from Alir._Sinon. Mutt/Mich, fold hav,.
in provided himself with every thing necessary, is
— now - enatiletttivaccomnriodate travellers amlytthers - in
a style that - wißnotfaillci - pleadllio e who relayCAW
i•eceive his sp9eial attention. 'These N4lll be
kept constantly. proyttled with, thb bast of LIQIJOII..
. . .
• i
will at all times be 'abundantly suppl ied wtth allvihe
.delicacies which the season and market can afford,
and no exertions Will lie wanting to , please the palate .
of. the most faOtliona; -
, , . • •
, are commodious and secure, and a careful and atten
tive hostler 'will be always in attendance. • •
BOARDEUS will be taken by the week, month_ or
On'tlie most - ,reasenable terms,' • '-
Astriat'attentioreto business and an anxious desire
to. please, will, he trusts,. ensure Idni- a- reasonable
share of public piitrtmage.
a Carlisle, 1838.=tr. . .
• The cars run past the, above establbliment,
.6 and 11 o'clock, A, M. and at,ti and 7 o'clock, I'.
. J. It. -
de,ciltaF. GRAND lins just received and open
'• ed a - new Stock of Groceries, at his new Store Illeom,
oppositecafarfarkvWs Hotel, which he (Ours at !ow.
profit:- ' Kellar * 54 . •
• ••Pres e rv es;Pickle4 S'iticceB s• -
1 1 0-0..„1 Barley, Vro4otio., ; superior Wines and
X.Q.1110 lt, S
A gduersl itt4torix4l49lChilia, Ghts,, fitQueensware
- 7.17- 'April 113 18SL • • •
- ciaNsTri'lltifiN
.. - •
. .
WrE, The People of• the-Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania., ordain. and establish this. Constitution for
its Government. • • ' . ' 044.
Sectimf. The legislative power Of this-Cemmoh
wealth sit:ill be 'vested in a General Assembly,
which shall consist of a Senate and Houseof Repro
sentatives. •
. .
Section TT. 'The representatives shall be,chosen
annually by the &kens 'of the city of . Philadelphia
and of each'county respectively; on the second Tues
day. of October. ,
Section 111. No _person shall be' a representative
who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one
yearn, and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the
State s three years next preceding his election, and the
last year .thereof air inhabitant of the district in and
for which he shall be chosen a representative, unless
he shall have been absent on the public busidess, of
the United States or of this State.
Section IV.. Witlithree years , after the:first
meeting of the General Assembly, and within every
'subsequent tern of seven years, an enumeration of
the. taxable inhabitants shall be.made in such man,
ner as shall be directed by hill's The Miniber eft
representatiVel Shall, at the several periods of mak
ing such
. enpmeration;:be fixed by the Legislature,
and.apportioned.amongAbe City of Philadelphia and
the several 'counties, according , to .the - number of
taxablynhabitants hi - each and shall never be less
than sixty • nor greater 'than
° one handle - di - Each
county shall have at least one representative, but'nor
county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa
rate representation until d sufficient number of tak.-
able inhabitants shall be • contained within it, to
entitle them to -one representative agreeably to the
ratio'lvhreli shall then be established.
• See:Um) V. The senators shall be chosen for thive
years by- the citizens of Philadelphia arid_of the_
several counties at - tho same time, in the same man
tier, and at the same places where they
for representatives. • • ,
.Section VI.. The number of Senators's tall, at the
several- periods of making 'the enumeration before
mentioned ; be'•fixed by the- Legislature, and appor
tioned among the districts formed as - hereinafter
slirc red, according to the nuMber of taxable inhabi
tants in each ; and shall never. be less. than -one
fourth, nor g,reater than one-third,of the number of
refireSentatiVes'." ' - -
§.e,ctiou VII. The senators
triet.shall be:so formed'as to entitle it to-cleet more
tluin-tWo senators'EvoWss_ine,nuruDer-of—tualcomin
habitants-in any eity-ur -county.shakat any-time,—
be such as to entitle it to elect morcftthan two,but,no '
city or county shalt bC -entitled to elect more than.
four senators; when n district shall be compoied
. .
of two or more counties,
they shaft be . adjoin ' inn-;
nekiker the city of Philadelphia nor any calmly shall
be divided in forming a district. -
Sec:11011S1Cl. Nii_peraim Shall be a senator, who
Shail - tiot hate attained the age of twenty-five-years,
7 hild have: beets a citizen' Mid inhiihitant of the State
four years nod befine_lais election, and the lastyear
— llii - uvof ait inhabitant of the district fdr which he
slialf be chosen, unless be shun hatie..heen abs.nt on
--- tliteitithlie - bitsiness - of - the , -1-InilcilStales or-of this
State ; and no person elected as aforesaid; sh9/1;40/d
mild Vire nper he shall hare remorgif frrn suck dis-
the first general elect Lon after -.the adoption of the
meendments loqhe - cceistilution; Mall be dipliYed-,
lot -into three ceases, .The seals of
.the' senators qf
.first class shall. be varitled.dt
• the,first:_year) ?/'. (ha second class' t flit expire, tom
the: - Bel•ond year and of the third class at the
piration'qf yea). ' • So that tliireafterone
yie whole ember qT enalori may he chosen
evert year. The senators elected * before the emend,
meats to the'conditution shall be adopted, Shall hale
their offices -daring' the ((Tres for which they shall
respectively have been elected.
Section s The qcaeral Assemblyishol meet on
the first Tuesday of January, in every year, sinless •
sooner convened by the Governor..
Section Xi. Each house shall choose its Speaket
sea other officers; and the Sinate : shall also choose
a Sneaker pay temper°, when the Speaker shall ex.•
ercise the office of Governor. . •
•ficatiOns of its members. Conte3tcd elections shall
be determined by a committee to be selected, forined
.and regulated in.stioli manner as shall be directed by
A majority of each house sltail constitute a
. uttorom_to do business-;
_but, tt smaller_number_may.__
adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by !
law 0) compel the attendance of absent members; in
stich manner and under such penalties as may be ,
provided. ' • •
Each ' mo - determine - the
_rules_of ita_proceedings,_punish its,,members for
disorderly behiVou, and iv — iliillie — chiletfrreitce - of ---
- two-thirds, evict a member, but_ a second time
for the same, cause; and shall have all other powers
necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free
State. . .
SectiopalV; 771 e legislature moll not have power -
to enact!laws annulling the contract of marriage: n .
any case where, by law, the courts-of this Common,
weallkare or may_hereofter be empowered to decree
a divorce. • _ • '
Section XV. Each house shut keep a journal of
_its...proceedings, and_ pnblish_ them_3v_enkly, except___
such parts as may reclaim secrecy' and the yeas
and nays of th% 'members on any question shall, at
.the desire of any two of thorn, be entered'on the
Section , Xl7l. The doors of each houseand of
committees of the whole shall be open, unless,
when the business shall be such as oiight . to be kept
Section XVII. Neither house shall, without. the
consent of the other, adjourn for more than' thlree
days, nor to any other place• than that in Which the
two houses shall be sitting.
Section XVIII. The Senators and representatives
shall receive a compensation for their services to be
ascertained bylaw, and paid,out of the treasury Of
the Commonwealth., They shall in all cases, ex
cept treason, felony. and : breath dr surety df the
"peace, be privileged from arrest; dtiring their nt
tendance at the session of theirrespectivo houses,
and iu going to and returning him the same. And
for any speech or debate in either house, theyshdll
not be questioned in any otheeplace.
Section XIX: No Senatoror representative shall,
during the time for whieli he shall havelgeri elect
ed, be appointed to any civil (Ace _under this Com
monwealth which shall hallo been created, or the
emolUments of which shall have been- increased
during such time and no- member of Congress or
other person holding any office (except of- attorney
at law and in the militia) under the United States
or-this Oommonwealth,-shall be a member of either
-house during' his continuance in , Congress or in
. Section XX. .W,hen -vacancies' hi - ppen in either
-lionse,„the Speaker-shall Assup_writs.of4lection -to -
fill such vacancies;-.
, SectionLX.XL-All,bllls_foriaisin...tLeyenue shall
originate in . the house of representatives, but the
propose amendmentsak,in other bilis. .
Section XXII. No money shall'be drawn from
• the treastirfbut - in-consequence of appropriations
made by.
Section XXIII. - Every bill which-.shall have
passed both houses shall be presented to-the Go- '
yernor. If he approve he shall sign it, but if he
shall net shall return it with his objec
. tions to the house in which it shall have originated,
'-who shall enter the objections-at-largerupon-their- -
journals and proceed to re-consider It. If, after
such re-consideration, two-thirds of that house shall
agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent with the ob.'
potions .to --- tlurothorliouse;by whichlikewise -
shall be re -considered, and if, apprOved by two-- -
thirds of that house, it shall be 'a
law. , .But in such •,
cases the votes of both houses Shall - be. determined •
-by yeas and nays, and the it:lmes-of, persons voting
for,.or against the bill shall be , entered on'-the jour
nals of each house resprelively. ". If any bill shall .
not -be returned by tlic Governor within. ten: days
dSundays excepted) after it.shall been pre. .
ented to him, it shall be a , law'in like manner as if
he had signed it, unless the General, Assembly t AY
their adjournment, prevent its 'return, in whit!' case '
'it shall bp a law, unless sent back within three •
days .afterntheir hext meeting., , 7 • • •
SectionXXlV.. Every . order, resolut ion or vote
to which the- concurrence .of both 'houses May be
necessary (except on a question of . adjournment)
shall be presented to th Governor, and before it '
.811011 take effect, bp eppro ekd'byidm or being dis
approved,- shall be,repasttiPby.two 2 thirds of both
Have 'e nae. veri , iuperlor . Black and Blue. Black
Freitelt orubitute;: . of Lupine,. Lulliere - find obtei•
celebrate . nattlcee;vbich are °faired 'decidedly chalk,
thattdan.__ -
May • -
.q, -- _i „Vf:-.,e-.4:v''.4,-...:*".p-.-it::---.-Wf.T-.o4.'iNi.‘:-.:SV--:._:,74:-lr:lei,l%.(4it('-::9u-r4-'-,
ouses according to the rules abdlinattations pre-,
scribed in case of a bill.
_ -
Srelioii'XXV. No corporate bodli shall be hereafter
• created, renewed or 'extended, - With banking' or .dis=
conwing,pricileges,_witheut six Months previous
- piddie__notice of the intended application- for the
same stia.manniF irs — g• prescribid -
Nor shall „any charter for the purposes (Arcs*, be
granted fora longer 'period than-twentylvears, and
every such charter-shall-contain axlaitse- reserving
todhelegislature the Power tp-alter,revOke or annul
the snow whenever in -their opinion it may be inju
riouslo The citizens of-4 , he.continonwealth, in such
:manner however that no ?-njustitii shalt be done to the
corporators. , No MAP hereafter enacted, shall create,
renew or-extend the, charter of more than one carpi).
• Section I. The Supreme Executive Power of this
Commonwealth ahall be vested in . a.Governeir: - .:...:
SectionW. The Governor ,shall bemhosen,on .the
second Tuesday of October, by the citizens of the•
.Commonwealth, at the plateswhere they shall-re
spectively voto for representatives. The returns:
of every, election' for Governor shall e be sealed up'
andlransmitted to the seat of goVernment,.directed
to the Speaker of the Senate,-who shall open and
publish them in the presence of. the members of
both houses of the legislature. "Flie - person 'having
the highest number of .votes, shall be Governor.
Belt if 'two ormoro shall be equalnand highest in
votes, ono of them shall be chosen Governor by the
joint vote of the members 'of both houses. Con
tested elections shall be determined by aComMittee
to - be — lCleEta — fn - T.FCbelli houses onhelegtslalttre, •
and formed and regulated in such manner as shall
`be directed by
Section The Governor shall hold his office
'during three years from - the-third Tuciday of Vann- -
an/ next 'ensuing his. election, and shall -not -be
capable of holding it longer than - . six in any term
oAnhte years.-
Section 'IV • lle-iltalllM atleatt tliiity years - Of 7
_age, and have been a citizen and: an inhabitant of
this - State -seven-- yearss- next-before -his election;-
iinlesS ho shall have_bcen_absent -en -the :public
business of the United States prof, this State,
Section V. No member oft... Congress, or person -
holding any office under - the United States or this
State shall exercise the office of Governor.'
• Section VI. The Governor shall at stated tines
receive for his services a compensation, which shall
bo . neither increased nor diminished during the
period for which lie shall have been eleeted. -
Sectipn VII. He shall be commander-in-chief of
the army and navy of thisand: - of
the militia, except when they shall be Called into
"the actual 'service pf the 'United Statbs.-
section VIII. ..fle shall appoint a Secretary,of the
CoMmonwealth-during pleasure, and.- ha shall nand, _
nate dad by and Leith MO - advice and consent of the
Senate appoint all judicial Officers of courts of
record, unless otherwise,providedfo9 in this Consti
--He=shall-have_power vacancies 4
that May happen in such judicial offices durink the
-recess'etthe•Sennte-by gra - nting.commissions
.shaltexpire at • the cad - of !hair nex_l_session r ,Pray
in-actin on executive noininations tne
-Senate shallsit with open doors, and
. in confirming-
or/rejecting 'the - nominations of the .G:overnor, the'
vote shall be taken by yeas and nays. ''
- Section IX: lie-shall have power to i'ethit fines.
and forfeitures, and grant reprieves and 'pardons,
.except in eases Of-impeachment.
Section X. lie may require inforthation In writing,
from the .ofticerd in the etreeutivestlepartment upon
any subjeet -r:eltiting to — the -dtitics - of — Jiteirrespec---
. . _
live offices.' , . .
Section XI. Ile shall,-from time to time, give to
tho - General AsTembly information of the state of
the Conainertwealth; and 'reeinninbrid - to their eon
sideration such measures as.ho shall judge eXpedient.
- Section XII.. lie may,-on extraordinary oecasiutel; -
conVene the General Assembly ;" and in-, case of
4isegregmerilliiiiween the two Louses, wit h respect -
to the time;of "adjournmentindjott Meth, to such
time as he shall ,think.' proper, 'not "eXeceding four .
`Section shalFtatte - d r ire _that. the laW . s -
Section XIV. le case of the death or resignation
;of the-Governor, er, of-his removal from oilice,, the
Spealcer - Of the Senate shall_ exercise the office of
'Governor, until -another Governor shall be -duly
qualified ; hut in such case -another Governor shall
be Chosen at the next annual election of repky;Senta
tires, unless such death,_resignat ion or'-removal,
shall occur within. Giro calendar months irnmedi
ately preceding such nest annual election, iirwhich
case a Governor shall be chosen at the second
.sue- •
ceeding annual election of' reprOentatives. And
if the trial of a contested election .shall -continue
longer than until the third Monday of Januilip
next ensuing the leetio'n of Governor; the Governor
of_the last year or the Speaker of the Senate who
mmiat& - in - Atic.... , excreisailLthq..cxeMYY qP!holit v , '
shall continue, therein 'until the 'de termiliatiiin of
such contested election, and until a Governor shall
be duly qualified as aforesaid.
Section XV. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
shall keep-a- fair fegister of-all-lhe- official-acts and -
proceedings of the Governor, and shall; when re
quired, lay the same and all papers, minutes and'
vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of
the legislature, and shall perfoim . such• other duties
as shall be enjoined hint by law.
:__,.. —ARTICLE 111.
Section-I. //elections by the citizens every white
freeman of the ace of twenty-one years, having re
sided in' this state one year, nd in the election dis,-
triet where he offers to vote,
ten" days immediately
preceding such; election, and within two years paid
a State or Cotinty tax, which shall have been as
sessed at least ten,daYsbefore the election,shallenjoy
the rights of an 'eleetor.. But of the United
States Who had precious/• eft - a-quatified-eoter,of---
thls'Stateandsan ove therefrom and returned,and
-who shallhave resided in the election district, and
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be - entitled to voteofter
"'ceding in the state six months. Provided, that white
freemen, citizens of the United States, between the
ages of -twenty-one lead tuienty,two . years, and har
ing' resided in the State one year, and in the election.
district ten days -iscaforesitid, shall - :be enttlled_to:
vote, although they shall not hare paid taxes, -
Section 11. All elections shill be by ballot, ex
cept those by persons in their rerresentallve capa
eitiee-who shall vote viva yore. ••
Section 111. • Electors• shall in all cases, except
treason, felony, and - b - reach-,or surety of" the peace,
be privileged from arrest, during -tifeiratteinlanee—
on' elections, and in going to and returning from
them. •
• •
r. Section-I. The !louse of Representatives shall
have the' sole power of. impeaching,,
Section IL All inapeachmenta shall be tried by
the Senate when sitting for that purpose, 'the
Seriators.sball be up,ori l oath or affirmation. No per
son shall be convicted mahout the concurrence of
two-thirds of the members present.
Section 111. The - Governor, and all other civil
officers tinder this Commonwealth, shallbe liable to
impeachment for any misdemeanour in office; but
judgintilt;in - such• cases, shall not extend further.
than 'to ' removal from office, and disqualification. to
hold any office of honour, trust or - profit, under this
Commonwealth: The party, whether convicted or
acquitted; shall nevertheless be liable toindictment-, -
trial, judgment, and punishment according to law.
Section L , The-judicial-power of - ,this-Common---
-- =, wealth - shrill— bo--vested Supreme Point,- in -
Sorts of
- Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De
li Very, in a CoUrtif ColtinifinPleas, - Orphans'
Register's Court,..aud a Court of Quarter • Sesslons
of Abe Peace, for each county in Justices of the
'Peace, and in such other Courts -- as the legislature
may from time to time establish.
-Sectionll. 'The judges if the Supreme Court, of
the several Courts
,of Common Pleas, and of such
other Courts of Record as are or shalt be, established
by law, shall be nominated, by the Governor, and by'
and with the consent qf the :Senate appointed kind
-.-commissionedby=hir,s. The.judgesif—the-ISuprime-
Court shall - hold.their diem. for the term of Aileen..
years - if they shall so long behave theniaelves well.
'The president judges of the several Courts of Common
- .Pleas and ilf-stith other .Courts - erllert - fd as are`or
shall ;be established 'by law, and all other. .judies re-"
quired to be learned in the law, shall hold their o f fices
I ,- for the term of ten years if they shall so long behave
themselves well.'. The Ass - kciatejudgeS of the Courts
.of Common Pleas shall, hold their offices for the term
„flee years tf they - shall So long behave' themselves
well But. for any reasonable cause ,which shall not
be Mifficient ground of impeachment,. the Governor ,
may' remove :any of them on the address of two-thirds
. of each branch of the legislature..' The judges of the
.Supreme Court and /he presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall at stated times receive'
for their services 'an adequate compensation to be
fired by law, which shall not be diminished during
'their continuance in Lffice; but they shall receive no.
fees - or perquisites of lice, nor hold,. any other office
of Profit under this, Common Wealth. • ,
. Section 111.. Until otherwise',directed i .by law, the
. Courts of Common Pleas shall continue as at present,
• - -
. , Lead and LiOntround MT-Win De: L an e s,
I.xtraeted.Ginghams, • . . ' - • ...•'
Chintzes and, Chilly-Lams, (a new article,)
f_nr sale by .. _ :. •
_ . l . __ - AU,NOLD & CO. •
',.filiiy it • . .. s .- , ,----- 7 ---- 7 -- 2:1 - .
. •
,- • - • %i *-:
, .
i'staliMlyd.. ,, Nut mote M
anjtv'e Counttes Mall at any
time be lhcluiled it one district , organized
for said Courts. • ' •
Section' IV. The, ‘jurisdiction Of the Supreme
Celia shall 'eXtend over :the , State+ and the judos
thereof, shall by Virtue •of their offices, be justices
of lerferiiiatTermitrer and
the several bounties. "
Section V. The' judges' of the Court,-of, Cominop -
Pleas, in -each county, :shalt by virtue of their
offices, be justices of Oyer and - Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of, capital, and other
offenders therein; soy two of the said • judges; the
president being one,. sfialrbe-a.,quorum :, but they
shall fickt hold it . eourt Of oyer.rind terminer, or jail ,
delivery, in any Citunty When . the - judges of the
Supreme Court, or any of them, shall be sitting in
.4lie same county. - The party accused, as well 'as ,•
the Commonwealth, thay,, under such regulations as :
~sliall.be_prescribed by law, remove theindictment
.and proceedings, .or :a transcript thereof, into :the
Supreme Court.' • . •
Section VI. The Supreme Court, and the several,
courts of. Common pleas,'sball, beside the ,powers
heretofore usually exercised-by . them, have .the
. power of a court of Chancery, so far as. relates to
'the perpetuating of. testimony, the' obtaining of
evidence from places not within the State, snd,the
• care of the persons aud estates of these who are
- non compotes mentis.l And the legislature shall
4st in the said courts - such other powers to grant
relief in equity, as shall be' found necessary: and
frern time - to 'time, enlarge or diminiSh'those
powers or vest them' in such other colitis as they shall:.
jadge - proper, -- forthe - ducredministratton-of-justice,
Section VII. The judges of, the court Of . common -
pleas of.each county, any two ofwhom shall be a
qubrum - shall compose tile ' court of Quarter .Set ,
sions of the peace, and orphans'-court-thereof ; and:-
the register of wills, together with -the said judges,.
or any two of them, shall •eoinpose the register's
court of each county. - •
7SectionrVlll:=The judges of the courts-of-common--
pleas shallilvithin their respectiv,e counties, have
poweri with ;lIQ judges the Supreme . .
Court., to issue, writs of. certiorari to the justices o
•the peace; and to cause_ their proceedings - to be
brought before them, and the 'like right and justice
to be .done. '
Section IX. Tlie president of the' court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the. judges 'of tho
cOurt of 'common pleas within - their respective
Counties, shall he justices of the peace, so far as
relates to criminal matters. - • a •
Serktion X. A' register's office, for the•prObate'ef •
- wills' and - granting letters -of administration„and
bffice for the recording of deeds, shall 'he kept in
each county,. - - • ,
-Section XL The i . style ; of all process shall lie
" The Commonweal tliTof_Pennsyl van ia.'? prose . -
cutiona shall be carried on in the name and by Ift . e
authority of Ige Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " againSt the peace and dignity of the
satne.”. . • - - • '
_ .
- ARTICLE' 5" • •
4 , Etection-4. , ..glieritTs and -coronero-ohally,at-the..
times and nlaces of' election of representatives, ba
chosendiythe ettizetireitelt count - Y:7 - oit - e - prroon
shall fie chosenfor each office, who shall bo-conuiiis.t
sioncd by- the Governor. They shall hold their
(dikes . for three years, if. they'shall so long behave
themselves well, and ,until a successor be duly •
qualified • but no
_person shalt be twice chosen or
anteintiii - iilieiill;nt any termOrsix years. • Vaeari: -
eiwiu,sither of the said offices shall be - filled by
an appoinhnent,:to be made by the Governor, to
continueimliV the -te.ot : general eleetlon, and-until
a successor shall be 'chosen and' 4611110'as -afore-.
Section II: The freetnen: of this commonwealth
• shall -be mined, organized and disciplined for: its .
defence, when and in such manner as may be directedf
by ',;(au.. Those ..w ho -conscientliiirsly - scrtmle - br bear .
arms, shallnot be coMpelled to„ do, so - , I tt-sliall pay . - ari. equivalent for personal service. - ' . , ~ - *, .. -
- Section III.: - Prolhonotailes of the - Stip•enie
, 'Court shall be' appointed by the - said - Court:ft
-- the term -• of -Mice,. years -,if . they_so _long - behave ,
themselves, well., _ Prothonolaricomid.elo:lo of the_
several other courts, llecordei-s.of deeds, and Ile,
'gisters of Willi, shall in the times and plat:6,94f
• . 'ekction of representatives,' be elected by the quali
fied elector's of each cbunty, or the - diiti•icts once
which thejarisdiction - of Said courts extends, and
.'shall be commissioned by' the Governor. They
shall hold their offices for three. years if they shall
• so long behave themselves well, and until. their
saccessors shall be duty. qualified. The -kg-islet
. lure shall provide by law, the number - of persons
in each -county who shall hold said o ffi ces, and
how many and which of said offices Sluill - be -- liehl
by- one person: - Vacancies in any pf the said of.
fices shall be filled by appointments 'to be made •
1 by-flee-Governpr,-to--continue-until_the_next. gel
1 rat clectild until
.successors shall' be" elected.' •
and qualified as *aforesaid.
Section IV. Prothonotaries,. clerks of t6o',llpCo
— and orphans' -- c otitts;•ree - eidersof deeds, registers of "
wills, and sheriffs, shall keep their offices in the
county town of the county in which they, respec-•
tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor
shall, for speCial• reaions;:dispense therewith, for
any_term not. exceeding five years after the county
than have been erected.
.._., Section V. All commissions shall bo in Jim .narne_
and by the authority of the Commonsiti T:if'Penn
sylvania, and be sealed-With the State seal, and sign-.
ed'by the Governor.. , •
Section VI. A State Treasurer' shall be elided . '
annually, by joint vote of both branches of the legis
, latOe. . _ , . . , .
'Section VII. Justices of the peace, or aldermen
; shall be . .elected in the several wards, boroughs,
• and - townships at the tips - elf the election of-con-'-
atabiee by the qualified „voters thereof, in such
- -number as shalbbe_directed_by_la io, and shall be
commissioned bythe Governor,far a term of five ,
years; but no township, ward or borough shall
• elect more than two justices of the peace or alder
men without the consent of a majority of the qua
lVed electors within such townshipovard or bo
rough. • • . . ~
Section VIII. All officers whose election or ap
pointment is not- provided for in this constitution,
shall _be elected-or -appointed - as shall -be directed
- by law.-,. No personidiall be appoititedto any of:LI
flee within any county who shall not have been a
- citizen and un inhabitant thereiirone year: next,
.before his appointment, 'like county shall have
been so long erected ; ' but if it g:all not have been
'so long erected, then -within the ' limits. of the
county or counties out of which it shall have been '-
taken. No .member of Congress from this state, •
or any person holding:or exercising any office or ,
appointment of trust or profit under the United .
States; shall at the same time hold or exercise any
office in this state, to which-a salary is-, or fees or
pergniaites arc by law, annexed and the legisla
'tare may by law 'declare what Stateofflies are in,.
compatible. :No member of the Senate or pf. the ,
_house-of representativei shall be appointed by the
Governor to any officedtiringthe term for 'which
lid shall have been elected.•
Section IX.:All Officers for ct term of years
shall hold their offices for the terms respectively
specified, --- only - owthe - condition that they.scklong _
I behave themselves well ; - and shall be removed on -'
. • conviction of ,misbehaviour in ofce or of any in
--farnOus-cri '
Section X. , Any person itticilhall,---'ter-the
• adoption of the amendments proposed by this
COnvention to the Constitution, fight a duel or ,
send a' challenge jbr that purpose, or be alder or. .
abettor in fighting a dudoliall be deprived of the _
`Wet of holding any Office - of honour,or profit in
tho Stale, and shall be punished otherwise in such
, 'datum., as is, or may be prescribed by, lato ; but
- the- executive iaaxrcniit the said' offenceln4 all
:its disqiiakfteattons. - ' .' - •
• . ~ .
, ' •• • : • ARTICLE' IL , -
' . Station-L_TheLlegisiature sliallias soon as con.
imniehtly,may be, provide bylaw, foll (11" i -ek e -REY -
- of Wheels- -throughbut . the Stale, In such.,
Manner that the poor may be taught 'grails. ' " '
Section IL The arttrandt• sciences shall be pro.'
rooted itvonevr more seminaries of learning. - .. -
Section 111. The righti, priVileges,, immunities
• and estates of religious , societies and corporate bo
. dies, shall remain as if the - constitution of this State
had not been altered or amended. .• ' I
' "Section IV, The legislature-,shall not invest any.
- worry! • body or ..intlibidital with' the privilege ,
:oftalang•pdvatepropertyfor public use, without
requiring such Corporation or inllividual to' make
compensation to the owners Of said property, or
give ,adequate, ,seciirity therefor,, before. such, pro
perty shall b e taken,. • - - • ' • • • • - • ,
._ ARTICLE VIII. • '. • •
Members of the General Assembly', and — all 0111;; ---
cers,•eitectitive,andjUdicial, shalibe.bound by oath
. .
A OLD & CO.,
Hivoluotrcesired 8 ve,ral Bales or. Titich T B, 3ruc
-line; theeks, and Diapers, which nee offered uneom
mnty: lowfor , ea§h,_
-- May ty, • 7 -
• I
ar .affirrnation, to the constitution of tine s '
3ommonwealth, and to
_perform the duties of, their
respective offices with fidelity.
, •
.• • - ARTICLE IX.:.': • ••:
That the general, great and essential principles of
— libertraridlree-government , may-be-reeognised-and
unaltembly esfallished,,WE DECLARE, THAT.
Section I. All men are born equally free and in
. dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
tighisomong which are those Of 'enjoying and de
fending life,,and liberty,. of. acquiring, possessing
And protecting property and reputation, and'of pur
suing their - own happiness., • •• .1 ,
.Section 11. All 'power is, inherent in the people,
• -and all free governMents are founded on their au
thoritY, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ; For the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all thries; an Unalienable find
right'to alter, reformer abolish their goiernment,'in
such manner as theymay think proper.
Section-111. All men have a natural and indefea
, tible right to worship 'Almighty God,
the dictates of their own consciences ; 'no man can;
• ' of .fight, be convened to • attend, erect, or support
" any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
case whatever, control or interfere with the rights
of conscience; and no preference shall' ever be.
given; -by law, to any religious establishments
:modes of worship. •
Section IV. No persim who acknowledges The be
ing of 'a God and a future state, of rewards and Pu-•
nisliments, shall on ticcount.of his religious senti
trust or profit under this Comnhomkealth. • -
-Section V.• Electio4,shall be free and equal.'
Section VI-Trial 1, jury Shitil - lies as 'heretotore,
- and the right-thereof remain inviolate.
, Section VII. - The printilig presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes to examine the pro- .
. ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go
vernmentr-And no- law shall - ever_ be-Made-to re- -
strain the right thereof. The free .communication.
• of, thoughts and opinions is one of • the invaluable
7 rights of 7 man ; and everyitiZen - May.freely speaki.
write and print on any subject, being . responsible
for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions for
'the publication of papers' investigating the official
.conduct of . officers, or men in a public capacity, or
Where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in: evi
, .dence : And in indictments for-libels the jury.
shall have a right to deterinine the law and 'the fapts,
• tinder the direction:of the court, at in other eases.
Section Vlll._Thc people shall be secure hi their_
persons, houses, papers and,POssessions;from Unrba
.. tenable searches and seizures: And no. warrant to
search any place, or tc , seize any person or things,
shall issueovithout describing them as nearly as
may lie,',nor Without probable cause supported by
oath or affirmaton.
Section IX. In all criminal• prosecutions, the ac
cused bath _a. right. himself _ and_hisL
counsel,.te - demand theliature arid cause of the . ao
-cusation , against-iiimpte.meettlre,witnesses.face. to
face, to 'have compulsory process for obtaining wil
-7-deISCS-Ity his favour; ands in ptosecutions
--- ment -- or -- reformationia'speetly-publie-trial,hy , -an.
impartial jury of the vicinage; lie cannot be-con=
pelted to give evidence pgainst himself, not can , he
' be - deprived .of his lifeTlibertk, of property, unless
'4..the judgment of his 'peers - sof the law .of the
Section X. No •peison. shall, for any indictable
otrence, - bO proceeded agaiu,st criminally by inforina
'tianTexcept-in:- eases -arising, in..t he-land-or- -naval
forces, or in the militia Whe' in - actual service in
.time of war or public. danger, or by leafe of the
court, for oppression and misdemeatiourin (Mice. No
• person- shall, for the same olfence,•be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb ;,,nor shall any man's. pro-.
7 - perty be - talt - Mr or applied-to publ use, without _the
• consent - of his representatives, -and without just
conmensatiodbeing made.' - • • - • • -
S'eetion Alt.cournr Shall be open; encl . :6*y
- ratan for - infijitry done ilitwin iglai.nts; - goods; - :per. -
son or - reputation, shalt - have remedy by the . due
• conMe - cirlifiv,•.7mrd - riglitand -justice -administered,
without -Snits:may be-brought
'against the CornmonweOth in sielimanner,,in such
courts, and in .such cases as- the. legislature May by
. law-direct. _ :
'Section XII.. No poVref;Of stispending - laws shall
b .exercised, sinless by the legislattire,• or its au
thority. , • '
Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be re-'
quired,mor excessive 'fines imposed, nor- cruel •pnr.
nisliments inflicted. - •
• Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficient sureties, unlesS for capital °Helices, when
the Proof is evident or presumption great.; and the
privilege of the writ of habeas'curims net-be—
suspended, unless when, incases of rebellion or in-'
vasion, the public safety may require it.-
Section 'XV, No commission of Dyer and.Terminer
The ',person of s debtor, where
there . .is 'not strong- prrestimption of fraud, shall not_
-fie continued-in:prison; after deliVering upliis estate
for•the benefit of his creditors; in such manner as
shall be prescribed -by law. • ,
Section XVII. No ex poet feel° law;nor any law
impairing contracts shall - be made. •
Section %XVIII. No' person shall be ettainted of
treason or felony by tll legislature.
Section XIX. No ' ttaintreriliall work corruption
forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the CR..
• tates-of such .persons as. shall_ destroy—their own_
lives, shall descend ;or vest as in case of natural
death ;• and if any person shall "tie killed by
casualty, thero shall be no, forfeiture
. by reason
fbi Hof
' Section XX. The citizens have a right, hi a peace.
able manner, to assemble together, for their common
--good, and-to-apply,to those invested with the powers
•, of government for redress of grievances, - or other
proper purposes, by petition, :address or remelt":
Section XXI. The right of cititens to bear arms,
in defence of them Selves and the State, shall not be'
questioned. .
Section XXII. No, standing array shall,' in time.
of . peace, be kept up Without the comnrarthulo
gislature ;and the Military shall; in all' vises, and
at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil
power. ,
Section XXIII. No soldier shall, In time of peace,
be quartered in any house without the consent of the
-owner, nor-in:time of-wat;but -in a. manner-to-be
-preictibed by law. • .
Section XXIV. The legislature shall mot giant
any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, not
create any office the appointthenf tii-which shall be
- Tor a longer term than during good behaviour. •
Bettion.XXV; Emigration from - . the Stote - shalt
not be prohibited... •
Section XXVI; - To. guar( - 1 against transgressions
Of the high powers which we have W.ii a
DECLARE, that every thing in this article is ex-_
cepted out of the general powers of government, and
shall' for ever remain inviolate. . _ •
. • ARTICLE Xi . • _ '
. Any amendinent or amendments to. this constitu
tion may be proposed in the Senate or house of
presentatives, and if the same shall be agreed to by
a - majority of the members elected to each house, such .
Proposed anwndnient or amendments shall be entered
-on -their-journals;-with--the yeas • and --nays token -
thereon, - atlthe'Secretaryof the Commonwealth shall
cause the same to be published three months before the
next election, in at- least one ,newspaper, in every
county in - which alieutpapti• shall be published - rand- -
- if in - the -legislature next afterwards chosen sueWpro---
posed amendment Or amendments s hall be agreed to
- tura majorit yof themembCrs7elected to - _,
• the Secretary ofil - i - Commonwealth shall cause the ,
same again to be published in manner qforesaid, and
such proposed amendment or amendments shall be ,
submitted to the. people in such 4 mariner and at such
time, at' least three months, after -being so agreed to
by the two houses. as the legislature shall prescriber
and if the people shall • approve and ratify such
amendment or amendments by a Majority of the qua
lied voters of this Stale wiling thereon, such amend 7 ".
trient . on amendments'Shall become a part of the con- -
..stitution i• but no amendment or ; amendments Shall
be submitted to the people • oftener than once in five
years ; Provided, that of people:
thah one amendment -
- "be submitted, they stialtbc - siibmitted - in - such-memni, -
and* forms, that the people may vote for or against,'
each amendment separately and distinctly. , .
.4 , SCHEDULE...; '
That no incontmntenee may arise from the altem;
lion's and amendmehts. in the Constitution of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry tile same into'
complete operation, it, is hereby declared and Ordain.;
cd, That,
Section I. All laws °aids Commonwealth in force
at the time when the said alteration and ainend
manta in the said shall take effect, and
not inconsistent therewith; and , all rights, Infields, -
prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of hull
viduali as of bedics.corporate, shall continue as
the said alteration; and- amendments' had not been'
made. • - '"
Section TlioaltCritions.and itinendments in fo
11AS rep to'retl - his :Oillea-to_thtL,l)rm Store in,N.
. street,ll few doors north o,flite'eortter;totil
tlireetl-, opposite George NV, Shenfer's -.Dry Good
, _
-- Zi -
said Constitution shall take effect frinn'the first daY,
bf JanualY, eighteen hundred and - iliirtytnine.• .
Section 111. The clauses, sections,:and articles of
'the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
Continue to be•construed-and have effect as :if the . .
said•Constitiition hag not been amended.
_Sector IV. 'The General Assembly which shall
convene iirDecemb - eiffdlaii - liiiiiiireiliandlliiiff- -
. tight, shall continue its session, as heretofore, not
wiiEstandirig the provision in' the eleventh section
— of - the-first-article, and shall at all times Im regarded
.as the first General Assembly under the amended
Constitution. • .
. Section V. 'The Governor who shall be electedin .
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eighty-shall be
inaugUrated on the " third Tuesday in January,
.eighteen Hundred• and thirty-nine, •to which time
,the present executive term is hereby extended.
Section VI. The commissions of the juilges of the
Supreme Court, who may be , in'offieci"on the first day.
of January next, shall expire in the following.-man--
ner .The commission Which bear& the earliest datb
shall expire on the first day of ,January, Anno
bne thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the
• commission'next dated shall expire on the first day,
of January, Anno , Domini one thousand eight hunk
' dred and forty-five; the commission next dated Shall
expire on the first day of January, Anne Domini
. one thousand eight hundred and -forty-eight; the
commission next - dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun.
dred and fifty-one; and the commission last datd
shall expire on the first day of January, AnnoDo•
mini one thousand eight. hundred ands fifty-four.
VII. The commissions of the President
judges of the several - judicial districts ariii - orthi
associate law judges of the first judicial district shall
expire as follows The commissions of, one-half..of
those who shall have held their offices ten years of
more at theadoption Of the ainendinentito the consti
tution, shall expire on the twenty.seyentli daY of Fe
bruary, one, thousand eiiiithundred and thirty-nine;
_the commissions of the other half of those who shall
held tlieir offices ten years or mereattliendom
lion of the' amendments to the constitution, shall
expire_on_the twenty-seventh day pf February, one
thoUsamf eight hundred mid forty-twe F.the linthalf
to embrace those.whose commissions shall bear the
oldest date. The commissions of all the remaining
judges who shall not have held their offices for ten
years at the adoption of the amendments to - the con
stitution shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of
February next after the end of ten'years from the
dale of their -commissions.
Section VIIT. - The Recorders of the several May
ore' Courts,
and other crithinal•courts in this Com
monwealth, shill- be -appointed-for- the same time,-
and in the same manner, as -the president judges
of the several- judicial districts 1.. of those-now in
office, the commiSsione_oldat, in date shali . expire on
the--t wen ty-se ventli_day_ef _February, one,thousund
eight hundred and fortpone; and:the allied every
two years thereafter according to their respectiyo
dates. Those oldest in date expiring first.
-7 Section-IX. - The - legislature:ld its-first session'im
;der.the„nrnentjettconstittitisnz .:11a11 divide the . ollter,
- ossorinte-judges ot-the2Stato.uttii_four_claises,.—Thp
commissions_of_those thq first class AO exPire
orj_the' twenty-seventh day of . F_pkruary, 'eighteen
`hundred and TortY ;of Ahose of -the"second class - on
- The twentY t .seventh day of February, eighteen bun- ,
"dred and, forty-one; of, those- of - the third 'class on
the twenty-seventh day - f February, eighteen hun
dred and.fiirty-tWol. and of those of the fourth class
on'the twenty-seventh day"of 'February, eighteen
hundred and forty-three.' l- The- said classes from Ahe
_first'to.the fourth shall be arranged according to the,
seniority. of the own - Missions the SevOraljudges: --
- -Section X. --Plothonotariek, clerks of • the several
courts - (except of ,the Supreme Court) recorders -of
• deeds and registers of wills, shalklie first elected under
the amended Conslithtion, at the election of-repre
sentatives in the year eighteen hundred and thirty
nine, -in such manner as stay - tic" prescribed
Section XI. The appointing power shall remain as-
, .
heretofore, and all- ollicers , iwthe apPointeictit of the
-executive-department sita,ll.coetinue in the exercise
of the duties 'cif' their . respective offices_until the_
legislatnre shall •pass.'sticit tae's as may be required
by the eighth_seetion Of.thc. SiXtb article_ of-the
amended constitution; and until-appointments shall
be made under 611C11 LiWS ; unless their commissions '
shall be superseded, by. new appointments; or shall
sooner expire bYpheit own linnitatiOnscot the said
iotlkes shall. become vacant by deith or resignation,
and such laws shall,be enacted by-the first legisla- .
titre muler•the atnended constitution. - , '
-Section Xll. The first election for aldermen and
justices of the peace,shall be held in the year eitalt;.
eon hundred and forty, at the, time Axed for the
election - of constables. The legislature at its fn]st .
session under the-atneniled . constitution .shall pro
vide for-the_said deacon and for subsequent similar
elections. The aldermen and.justices of the - peace
now in commission, or who may in the Interim be
appointed, shall continue to discharge the thdlett'of
their-respectiVe-ollices,until_fifteen_ dayn_of ter lin_
day which bylaw for-the issuing, of
new, commissions, at the expiration of which time; '
their caniSsions -shall ex tire. - . ' k
-hultestim ty that the fOregoing is the amended
- constitu tion of -Pennsylvania, as- agreed to in
convention ; We the officers and members of the
• convention have beyetnito signed our names at
Philadelphia, the twenty-second day of Febru
ary, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
--- and-thirty-eight, and .of the Independence of
the United States of America the sixty-second.
• JOHN SERGEANT, Presidait.
Daniel AgneW "Ezm'S: Ihiyh'urst ,-
1 Wm. Ayres,' . • Wm. Hays,
• M. W. Baldwin, Abm. fielffensteiri, - .
I .".
Ephraim - Banks, _M. Headers* . _
John Y. ilarelay e Win. Henderson,
Jaeob Barndolar, ' Wm. Hiestcr,
Chas. A. Barnitz, William High, . -
- Andrew. Bedford, . Jos. Hopkinson, .
Thos. S. Bell,. - John Haunt, '
JamesSernell Biddle . ,_ Jabez Hyde,
Lebbeus L. Bigelow, — Charici:Jar - edliigersoll, -
.-- gaml. C. Bonham, . Phs. Jenks, -
' l Chas. BroWn, . -George M. Kelm, .
.teremiali Brown, 1 James Kennedy, . - .
'William Brawn; ' - \ l '. , ` . Aaron Kerr, •
Pierce Butler,, -.‘ Jos., Konigmacber, -
.Sumuel Carey, •- Jacob Krebs, •
John Cummin, - , It G. Long, . • ' ,
Thomas S. Cunningham, David Lyons, .
William Curl], • Alex. Magee,. -
—Wm,-Darlington,—Jbel.K._Mann,__ "
George Chambers, W. M. Meredith, .
John Chandler, ' James Merrill, • -
Jos.-R. Chandler, Levi Merkel, . • - .
- Cli..Chauacey, • Wm. L. Miller, ... ''
, Nathaniel Clapp, • " James Montgomery; . •
James Clarke,.----- ---.- .. Christian Meyers, . _-,
John Clarke, • . -„ D. Nevin, ' • -
- William Clark, • Wm. Overfteld,; .
A. J, Cline, • - - Hiram Payne, • .
Lindley Coates,. Matthias Pennypacker
R. E. Cochran, . • - James Porter, .'
Thos. P. Cope, . , _ James Madison. Pqtter,
Joshua' F.. Cox, Sara A. Purvianee '
Walter Craig, ', :.... - _o ', , E. C. Rcigart, • .
Richd. M. Crain, - • - •'. l '.' A. H..-Read, - -., • •
Geo, T. Crawford, ) ' Geo. W. Alter, •
Cornelius Crum, Jno. Ritter,
Denjn. Martin,:, , 11. Gold-Rogers," • • .
John Li MT:then, Samuel Royer.
- F.....T."M.D0we11, . James M: Russell, --~-
James Al. Sherry; • 'Millet:Saeger, ;
Mark Harrah, • John Morin Scett,
' Harmer Denny, --;-
- Tobias- Sellers, -
" jolter Diekey, . G. Seitzei, .
joshua Dickerson, - -..- Geo.:Serrill, - -
Jacoh Dillinoor,_ ; ....._lienry Sclicilz, --=, -.---
7. - Jaii;"DrTniigtin, • 'Georgeibilleto. - - •• -
.J. ILlDonnell, .Thomas H. Sill, rt` -
Joseph M. Doran, Geo. Smith,
James Dunlop, ..: ' • Wm. Smith, • .
Thomas Earle, • ' Joseph Snlvely,
D. Maarrelly, - . . . ' Jno. 11, Sterigere, .
Robt. Fleming, ' ' Jacob Stickel, - , •
' Walter Forward, • Ebenezer W. Sturdevant,
John Iroullcrod,.„. ' Thomas s Taggarl, •'. ~
- Joseph-Fry, Jr. ' • Alorgan:J.Thoinas, , I ' • •
..John Feller, • • .• ' James Tridd, if -
John A.Grimble,-- • ... -;ThoinasA,Veavor....
, illiam.Gearliart, • . J..tob 13, Weidman, '-.
g Oil:Gilmore,. K, G.`Whit,
Virgil' Grenell, •-•- - Geo.. W. Wo - rfaiiTard;7 — ' --
William L. Harris„ . -R. Young. : ' .. i
Thomas Hastings, - -.:. ' ••
. .
(Attest,) S. 81101;11, Secretary. - ' , • , -
6 ...., L ., : F A ".. • i.ASsistatit Secretaries.
. • ..i.- bY ILIA/01V, ,••• • v • •
' '' • - SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ' . ~ "z
- . IlAntoisutind,Finitumtv .2B , -- 15 3 5..5 •
, r
,e r tiry, that tho.forigoing is an.exact ill.o literal
copy, of" the Con" l_sittilion.of-the:-Coutmon•Wealth - Of'
.PennsylNiatila as amended-by the Convention of one
`thousand. eight . hundred and thirty-seven-thirty
" eight,".depositeit in this :office on , the., 28th dayol .
, - February, 1838 ; - .the aviendments being in - italic,
• and the retained. pertiartkel:rlie:preseql Constittl
fibq roman:in- letter.'" - ., . •
' ' ' " . ..TIM,' IL BtinnOwEs, ' •
- ; 7 ----- : - .7 . -• ' •--,----i-SCOLog-,the Commonwealth.. _-_
, , TED:`
..rim - Kaneohe, : will giv6 congthot employment awl
libefal-Wites-thalkit_rate lvhiskl' barrel rooper,, ~o f
solier lind nlustrl(A9 liabitCP ~ limOilitite, a pplteation
ilium. be made to ' :'-' TILO.MAS '1 , 12 Et •V , Y.'
7- 77'
The Subscriber respectfully. -informs the citbiens
of Cumberland county that he still continuos tc
.the abov&-busineasi at • his shop i~YesE
• Street, in the borcaigh of Carlisle, and for mapY y
occupied by .11M1r.WilliainAlexantler i where' i
now on luind a large and excellent assortment of .
Sagdleslariilles,eltlartfit gate . s,
&e. &e: Which he -will sell xin . the most aCcoinmo
datim, terms. . • . . • • •
Thankful for past favors, he respectfully asks a
continuance of the public patronage. ' . • • "•••
Carlisle; May 7; 1838 Bw,' Qg
. .
. •,
'II3T.RAIL - ROAD; - •
To L.:waster, Illarrisburg, Carlisle,- avid Clair4bera
burg.. 'Rail Road':lista:tee, 150 miles. Leave_twiler.
of _llAuail and AM/ stcsets, at.sik.' o'clock; A:
M., by superior (.;orlies from Cliatriberslitirg to lled
foedZStouglistown,onil Greenslirg,toTt.ttsborglL
Through to Pittsburg iii 41.9.H0zir5.,:
trolled, StrittOe fl iil Road-and Mail •Fitige Lines to:
Chambersburg, Illetlrotol, - 86mersett,
.:Wheelittg, the only lives _direct to riveting
Plrilude%h: a.
- .
_of,naii-ito:0- cars to .laneasttir-towl-C . olurabla, itt
8 ciclock A. Al—
pithjieteerroost.reopectfullyjefo,rmeddhat the_
Proprietous of these Lines, have • sptirsol no.expense,
to make them equal, if not in ninny poitits superior
to ;tnj^ever placed - 9n the Westerti 40811Tlitel
other necessary orcont etiolation to reittlei:tiot Travel
ler 'perfectly safe and c ron rorthltlei - nod therefore hope
to receive a share - of good will, mot the 'citron:ll;e Cl' -
a liberal politic. r , •
• ,
Offire,..Nb. 8 Chesnut ,ctrect. one do . or th Thy :3el sr.
PorlttS applyoin above; at P: (4bortie' I tote!,
Nir: 7 '2l l 3 - I:llrekrr - Siqkit -- ,MV,tolt: I tol0;711DT -, 281.1 -
111arket Street; mat Jit ,I.': - kerttB' hotel, DepOt
llons6,eorner-of Broad notrAreh fitrrets. •
`11:a1 Road Car Proprietors
.- 1‘ 14;-t8a8;T------
7 . .
7 17;i1644 . raid. &S i di
.Transpertation - Lines
-sillistrip e r - Avill - roiltimte at.titi::•opcnlilig.of
• -
Between - Philadelphia and Harristirg—produrefir
the city market, received at the Warehouse' of I Imo ,
Rhoads, lfain t street, Carlisle, or at any other Ware
house on. ilie-Ciiiitberland-Nalley linil Road.; to be
forwarded to Ceorge W., Layrig, who will forminU it
immediately to the perions consigned to in Philadel
phia. Also; in return, bring all kinds of Merchandizo
Ata'rcli 111, 1838.-4 m
, _
- VJ~~iSliT.i-~~~~ ~=
. The Subscribers continue to transact a general Com.
mission Business for. the sale of all kinds of country
Produce. They• also continue to relleive and Omani
with flevateligoods- ordet:ed for- any - of the-tow ns ()lithe Cuinlierland Valley Bail Road. =--
Produce ordered to Weaver- & ler, 1 larrisbiirg,
for-us, will be forwarded without delay.
tefer to Rrolul Street, above Race, Phila.
CHARLES Oaitnv, Esq.
, Curlisk,
May 1,1,1838.-6 m. -
. r LUMBER• AND • .
7A4.7LV •
• TIM subseriber respectfully informs his friends . ; :
Mal the public generally, that be has tlir sale; at his
Coal and
_Lumber_A'ard, onAlle_bank_of. the_Sustple
haulm river, in tholown of WorinleysbUrg;
2000 Rupihelg- superioi Smith
. • coal, . .
Pannel ond Common .Boar ds. •-• •
Poplar Flank and. Stcanthiw,' . .
All of which lie will.dispdse of at low rates, and on
Ihe - mostoccommodating terms. Persons ws . Siting tkr
urchasto?vould do .well_by - yallings with theAtitbscri?
? er, and exidnihe sttiCkbefore:•they-pueoltalle else-. •
where. • '
: • • ...GEORGE RUPLEY..
Aiwa 9,4838.r-sm.. ' 19. •
ce •
• TILE subscriberxill.sell at pritate,,sale; or will.
le, Sc for n term of , „ years; that voluable'trart of land,
situate, in the southern part of the borough of Carlisle,contandor, about 5 Aerei;li4ving the ereete - d
Marge SU:die BBuil
- 4Formerljr kpown:as
. '1$111;14 . HOUSE,
and ti - 11riekwelis f eiwater ' •
on the preambles.: This property is sultithle , for,niittrio
pt ii p p ses , swat-a:0 distill i ng, a bunllery, or :tauk.yar4, •
'rho buildings will be sold or leased; with or without
the lain); and, pOssess.lon..gtsen,litunedintely...Fok..-.-------.
temps upldy io .:
. • - Aiirif9rlB33,:: -
191' Sa
Az. excellent and cainOdaVat -Tivo - ors,
m .
with the lot of. grcatml ‘;on Nvhigh. it:stai,lthi, aboin
TZIREE .RC Rlf,s—havipg. tile eon - ii:upber. .or
choke "Pi;uit a . Well :of g" water
at the door, .1 The property . ra
ly situated in Silver Spring township' Ounherlatut
county, Pa.,.qne quarter of a mile yest.of Briekev'e -
Mill, on thti tormilke ivail Wading frian Harrisburg
to .: Terms reasonable;. enquire. of. S. Hep.
burn,.Esq., Callis;ei or orthe substaiber ontbeinvut- '
ises. °.‘ •
' JAMES W1L4.414.5180X., •
4111 23;183K • • _ • ••'l,
• • • 'r LOOK-_HEREI
Tire, Subse'riWr, residing nt Cumbeiliaa Mills,'
line on !land 111nritgAuninity•or . , ,•• . • -
"- Bran, SiebrisA*,:ip:Stuffi;
Avhieh he . %Oil stlllow.. - foP emit, • .4. • .
• • •
\V Ctonheauo,-, • • • • ...•