Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 15, 1838, Image 4

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. Care - the tither:
tnatisnk and other rafins.,
need. not be said in relation to this wonder
ful, remedy, 119 the proprietor' feels confident tln
-s- when appltell,iit will, (limn be proven by the numbs r
of respectable persons, efrect• an entire cure 'of the
• Rheumatic and other pahie. It bad -not uatil
been his intention to make it public ; but. by the rr 7
;Pleat applications of his neighbors, dhd the wonderful
,cures it has. effected, he reds it a duty lie owes to
%Rico( _as well as:to himsetf,to make 'it more gene
' • rani known, mutat the: ruricl,time have it put a near
as he Can within'the reaelvol all who may he afflicted
'with that painful disease.,
• - 11mdireds of-namescould be 'pubaished,of , peisona
• ivho -have been (ired by. this celebrated medicine,
but the fallowing am , Selected from the mass, as be-.
ing attest its powers. . .•
.John &rive, - David Bender, Jacob Nagle,
P. Lindemutl4 Ceorge 'Fisher,: John Alßbatigh,
C. Stoner, . • John Coover, Samuel Wendy,
Aaron Bentler, • . 1' Lindenmuljr. Salado' Young,
Hobert Dysart', 12.1ticliardsOn, JacohWorlieli,
Henry Alsbaugh •• J. Difrenbaugh, Jacob Miers.
...___CheistianDrg.,an,J—Hiestand, • ''
v.- Mount Joy, August 25, 1896. : •
orders from 'a distance -addressed Co the 'aut
____.'scriher MountjOy,tanciister county, will bo proMpt.
• ly and rid - Wittily attended M.
. - - • - SAMUEL LOUCKS.
Mount Joy - , Feb. 7,.1837'.'
The idi ve meffloinels - also for•iale by- • ~.
&Hide, February-1 1 2, 1838,. • • •
11.14`. William IlEvaiW
Cthno2nile Tonic, ,and Famil Aperient,
• • •Fills.•
S t plylkill, - afilictdd with the
above distressing malady. Sy mptorns---- - -great. langor,
flatulency:, disturbed rest, nervus headaehe, difficulty
----cif breathing; tightness and strictint across the brea,st, -
diaziness, nervousirriiability. and reStlessiMss,
_ not lie in a horiiontial position, without the sensation
of impending suffocation, palpitation . of the heart, di s
costiveness, trap of the - stomitcli r dro - WI
siness, great debility -Mid .deficiency of the nervous
enta•gy. - . Mr. H. Monroe gave up every thought of
-=-reclaveryTand - dirc --- despair - snor - the - countenance - of
Z'c'ery person interested in his existence=or,happiness,.
till by accident he noticed in a - public paper some
. cures effected by ))r. William Evans' medicine, in
:- his colnplaintl•whiehinduced - hint to punk - Ise a pack
. age -of the Pills, Which-resulted in completely rein'ol
ingclTl`V symptom' of his disease.' He wishes to -say
his motive Or this declaration. is, that• those . atfficted
.. - 'with the same or any symptoms similar to those front
which he ishappily, restored, May:likewise receiwe
the scone-inestimable,-Livatefit~ .
aral3l le Rhea in a I
A poiket - ofre - crfectiqr EY Ifievf—rdiatiraftrlle-Wil
liani-EVatts. ' •
Mr. John Gibson, of N. - 4 - th :,41'evi,)Vi 11 inirislnirgl 1;,
Milked with the aboVecomulaint I , r three years anti
• nine.months,during, which lintehe - be ti to nsv crutches.
His cliii•f 'symptoms Were excrinia tiler s pa in in:if h is
-- 7- 7,johit'i;Tutil especially" in tbeltips, shenitlerS,lneett
mteles, sin ay;,, avation (if. the preints - towards night;
• and for the moSt part all times from eitetwl
- obvions ticbeding of the fitscia• "ligaments; With
-complete loss of mtistMlarepeyi• For - the benefit
those - afflicted ina - tanner, Mr. -- tlihson ,
conceives it meet to say that iltd:paitts have entirely.
• ceased, and that Ititi points hail• conipletely recovered
- their natural Mite, an - trite revisit - 111c to resume •Iti s or
•dituney business. - - • ° •
The above Medi - elm: is (or - dale at the ollice of
the - Het-4d Li.Tositor
Mrs. - Sat'ale'Brenbiserovife of - Amos Breidd set.,
11 1 1 1111111 l of second -street and Germantown road, Phil
affeeted for the last six years vs ids the Liter
Complaint, was completely restored to health by Dr.
Will:sin.. Evans' Cantomile .:Tonic and Family
• Aperient Pith:. Iler - symptoms :were .Imhitnal cos
• tiveneis, excrutinting.pams in the stomach, deintession
of spirits, humor,. extreme debility, disturbed sleep,
'great pain in herside, could not lit on her left side
without at_l_ b ao•oinvatiou of pain, dizziness in the head,
4fiiiii - e - tiii - Tif'Sifrfflre - r — Vinprortnr - indicating
' :great derangetnein in the fitnctions of the Liver. 'Mrs.
Preithiscr has, made trial of various medicines now
before the public, hilt received no relief until she was
advised to make trial of Dr. Evans' . Pills, of which she
is happylto state that they toTectually relieved her:of
dm-above distressing symptoms, With others,-which
ontimate, -------------- '
Mr. Brenhiser (husband of the above Mrs. Bren
-hiatir,) had - been two years. afflicted with a distressed
state of Piles and CostiteneBof - iiisieli lie w:ia efth - ez
kually cured.• • •
We do hereby subscribe our signature to the tuuth
Of - the above cures, that the statement is in every. res.i
vet true. - ; SARAH BEENDISER,
3011 N gTEIF, Baker.. •.
NO. 17, North Eighth street, Philadelphia.
DyspepOna and filypochon
. • driaasni.-
. .Intereeting - Cure! •
- Mr: 'William Salmon iffreen- , street, above -Third
street, Pldladelphia, afflicted for seveilal years with
the following distressing symptoms: Sickness at the
.stomach, head-ache, ditzmets, palpitations of the
heart, impaired appetite; sometimes :Acid and. putres
cent eructations, coldness and weakness of the ex
tremities, emaciation and general debility, ditturbed
rest,a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach
after eating, dglitmare, great mental despondency,
severe flying pains in the chest, back, and 'side's, Cos
thenessz a dislike fan'society, or conversation, invol
lantary sigliing:and weeping, langor and laptitude.upon
the least exorcise. - . -. • •
- .
Mr. Salmon hadopplieilto the most • eminent phy
' sieians, who,considel•ed it beyond the power of medi
cine to restore him to health ; hi - me -wrote his Alit:-
tions tirdverydeplorsible condition,
and having been recommended by a relative of his to
make trial of Dr. William &ails' Medicine, Ike with
difficulty repaired to the office and pro6fred n pack
age, to which, he says, he id. iedebtmr , for ):is restore
- tion to life, health and friends. H 044 ow enjoying
all theibleisings of perfect health,.. :Persons desirolts
of further information s will be 'satisfied with every
:_particular of his astonishing care_ at Dr. Evans' •Afe
dicril office, No. 19, North - ifiliiitet . ;
,The above medicine is for sale at the °Mee Of the
Herald fit• Expositor,
FAR-100.1 HOTE 1.. .
few - doors east of 'the
Coart House, - ."
—,The,,sabscriber, having- c leased_the_nbove -named-,
establishment from Mr. Simon Wu, derlich, and bar
inwprovided-hinwel F - with - every - thing' , e snryris ?
now enabled to accommodate travellers and others in
a style thatwill not fail to pleaserthosewho may favor
him• with a call.
. .
will 'receiv.e his :special .attention. . These „will be
iiiiisfintly provided "with - tlie liestrof 11(11,1:ORS:
will at all times be ainuidantly . supplied with all the
delicacies which the season and market-can afford r
and_no exertionflwill be' wai4ing to please the , palate
of the most fastidious. . •
.•. re commodious and severe, and a eitrelid„ata..,ette4:,
ire hoitler will be always in attendance.
BOA - BMUS will betaken by, the week, Month or
year, onßte reasonahleterms. ,
A strict attention to business and aii anxious desire
to please, will, Ise trusts,, ensure:, him a Oasonable
share of public patronage. '
- Carlisle,April '23; 1838.-4 f
N. B. The ears run 'past the above establishment,
at 6 and 11 o'clock, A. M. and ;at 2 and 7 o'clock,,P.
GEORGE W. CRABI3 has just received and open
ed. n.,new Stock of Grocerips, at his new'Store Room,
oppositeV/failartone's hote l , which he offers at a low
profit. He has AISO • ' • •
104 - 11 . qi. *4'4;7 cOnadiol l9 l .
Barley; Fresh Rice ;.superior
• :
'ggherrit Oisoilmei4VlChinni Glass; & Qu4ney. are
) - •
• . A 11.416,1838.
, .
~ . _ . ...
_... • t
TAINi Y- EI G HT . , - -,--1
WE, The People of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, 'ordain and - establiiii this Constitution for
its Government. • • ' :
Section L The legislative - power of this Cpmmon- -
wealth, skill be vested in a General Assembly,
which shall consist of a Senate and Ileum' of Ileprel_.
sentatives. • •
Section. IL The representatives shall be chOsen
annually - by the eitizetis of, the city of Philadelphia
---and-of-each-county-respectivelyon-the-second-Tues --
day otOctober. • .
Section -person shall be a repreiantative -
who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one
. years, andhave been a citizen andinhabitant of the •
State three years knit preceding his election; and the'
last year thereof an inhabitant of the district in and
bdehdien a-representative, unless
- he Shall'have been absent od the publia - business - of --
. the United - Statel or of this State.
• - Section 'IV: Within three years- after the first
meeting of the General Assembly, and within every
subsequent term of seven years, sin enumeration of
the. taxable inhabitants shall be made such man
ner as shall be directed-by-law. The' number Of
-representatives-shall, at the several periods of mak-I
ing such enumeration; be fixed by the Legislature,'
and .apportioned' among the city
_of. Philadelphia , and
tl3e several counties, according to •the • number of•
:taxable inhabitants in each: and shall never be lest
than sixty nor, greater thad-one hundred._ Each
county Shall have at least one representative, but no
'county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa
. rate-representation until a sufficisnt number of tax- -
nble inhabitants shall' be- contained within it, to
entitle them to one representative agreeably to the
ratio which shall then bo established. • - •
""Section - V. -The senators shall - be chosen for three
years by tho citizens of Philadelphia and of the
several counties at'the same time, in the same man
ner, andat the same • places where they - shall' vote—
for representatives. ---- '- - . ,
Section VI: The number of Senators afthe
several periods of making the enumeration before
mentffined, fixed by the Legislature and appor
,tioned among the districts formed as, hereinafter
directed, according tom the numberof taxable inhabi
tants in. each; ati - d — shalVnever 'be lesi_tliad.nne
' fourth, nor greater than one-third, of the number of
representatives— - . • - - . •
--Se'etion_Vll-7.lle_senatois shall lie cllokediddls:7'
-- -
-triets,to be formed by - the legiilliture • '
but 'no dip.
strict shalt be so_formed as to entitle it to elect More
than.two_senators, :unless: me numoer of taxame-tn
habitants in any city Or . county shall, at any time,
, be suCh.cts to entitle it to eard more than two, but no
• city or .etaintirshall he entitled' to - elect , more:than •
' four senators; when 'a district shall be composed:
of two or snore-connties they shall be adjoining ; -
neither the city of Philadelphia nor.any county shall
~ - b c- i livided in -forming •ft-district.' •. • - - __-_ . -..'_
' Sixtion Viii. No person shall be , a senator, wild ;
shall - not-have attained the age_of twenty-live years;_
and Iraye - been a'citizen and inhabitant of the State .
four fears next before his eleetion, and the last.year
.hereof an •inhabitant of. the district for which lie
dealt be CllOSOl;uniess - he shall have been absent on .-
the public business -of tbe United - States orof-this
State; and-no person electrd.asiaforesaid,.shall hold •
said office
_after he shit II have removedfrom:stte.4 dis-
triet. . . •- -
.. ..,
'Section I X . The" senators 'who m 4 be ,eltefeel ht
the first general election after the adofiliaa of 'the
.anwnthaents to the canstitution,shalLke...divided 'by
a - into three elosses. - The - seats orth -- e - senators of
the first class'shall be vacated at the expiration of
thefirstr.year ; of the second class at the expiration
of the second year; and of the third class afthe ex-'.
piratton of the third year; so that thereafter one
. third of ihe whole number of senators scaly be chosen .
every year. , The senators elected before the amend
ments to the constitution shall he adopted, shall hold'
their offices during the terms far which they shall ..
respectively have been elected.
. Section X. The General Assembly shall meet on
the first Tuesday s of January; in every year, unles's
-seoner-eonvened-hy-tbo Gexern0r..........._........_ .._
• Section XI. Each - house shall choose its qeak -
and other officers ;.and the Senate shall also choose
a Speaker pro tempote, when the Speaker shall ex- .
ercise the qtfice of .Governor.
- Section 'il. Each house shall judge of the quali
' fications of its members. Contested elections shall
be determined by a committee to be selected,formed.
•and regulated - in sudh manner - as shalltedirected-by
law. A majority of each house shall constitute a'
-quorum-to do business . ; but _a smaller number may :
adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by
. law to compel the attendance of absent members, in.
such manner, and .under such penalties as may be '
I. provided. .
Seetio 111. Each house
.may determine the'
rules,, it, - proceediegs, punish its members for
dispAd behaviour , . and with the concurrence of
l'' twfialii s, txpcl a member, but not a second time
for the same cause; and shall have all other powers
necessary for a branch of the legislature, of _a free
' State.'
Section XIV. The legalciture snail not have power
to enact lama annulling the contract. of marriage; in %
any tau where, by taw, the - coarts - orthis - Commin. -
wealth ars or may hereafter be gryowered .to decree
a divorce:lc'. . .
Section XV. Each house - shill keep a journal of.
its proceedings, and publish them weekly, except
such parts as may require secrecyt ,and the yeas.,
and nays of the members on any question shall, at
the.desire of any
.tivo of them, be entered on the
• journals. . .
Section .XVI.' The doors of each house and of
cointeltrees el the whole . shall be7open,...unless,
when the hnsiness shall be such as ought to be kept.
secret. - - -- --. ' • . .
(Section XVII. Neither 'house shall, without the
cUrisenrof the other, adjourn for mere than -three
days, nor to any other: place than that in.wiiith_the
two houses shalliie sitting. • . . .
Section XVIII. - The-Senotors and reptesentatiyen - --
.shall receive a compensation for their services to he- .
ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of
the Commonwealth: - They shall - in' all . cases; ex
cept treason . , felony and breach or surety of the
peace, be privileged from arrest durinc their at
tendance at the session of their respective houses,
and-in going to and returning from the same. And .
'for any speech 'or debate - in - either bouse;they shall -- •
nol be questioned in any - other p1ace....,,,-.,, , -
Section XIX. No Senator or repredentative shall,
during the time for which he.shall have been elect
ed,.be appointed to any civil office under this Com
-monwealth which - shall ' hest been -created, or the .
- emoluments - of - which shall - hive - been - increased
during-such-tithe :-and no rnember of Congress or-
other person holding any office (except of attorney .
at law and in the militia) under the United States
or this Commonwealth shall be a member of either
- rouse - durieg - liii continuance in - Congress - or - • in.,
. Section XX. ,When Vacancies .., appen in sit er
house, the Speaker shall issue writs of election- to .
fill such vacancies. •• . •
Section XXI. All bills for raising revenue. shall
- originate in the honSesof representatives, but the
• Senate may propose amendments as in other bills:
Section XXII .. No . money. shall be drawn from
. _ .
the treasury:but -- hr consequence-of ' - appropriationsL•
made bylaw. ' , - •
. Section XXIII. Every bill which "thrill have
passed both houses shall be presented to the Go
--Veit-of.----If lieapprove he sliall--tigirit;but--ifini
-shall not approve he shall return it-with his objec
tions to the house in which It shill have.originated,
who shall enter the,objections at large upon their ,
Journals and proceed to .re-considrr :U. , If, after
' such-re-consideration, two-thirds of that shall '
• agree to pass the bill, it shall_lic,rieninkl - th`t14 , 4114•-•
jections to the
,other houserby - which:slikewisVA,
shall 'be re-considered , and ir 4 lfOry'ved by l ..ft* '
thirds oflhat house, it shrill be a law. But idsech
cases the votes Of both houses shall be' determined
by yeas and nays, and the names of persons voting .
for or against the bill shall be entered on the jour- .
nals of each house respectively.' If any bill shalt
not be -returned bystlin Governor within ten days
(Sundays excepted) after it shall have been pre
sented to him; it shall be, a law in like manner as if
ho had ..signed it, unless , the General Assembly, by
their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case
it shall be a law, unleis sent hack within three
days after their next meeting: .
Section•XylV.. Every hiller, .resolution or vote
`to. which' thb concitrrence ' f ;both' hous4.mitybei :
necessary (except on. a qii stioil of adjournment)i, .
shall he presented. to the overnor, and before it
shall take effect, bdapproved by him;.or being'dis-.
approved, sal be repassed by two-thirds of bent
• ________— .
20-13 li,ELS'acak..lf-inpTels-110--2-
Macerel, for , salelk.. • ). • •
• .. • OWEIsi
_ , .
. • . .
April 2, .1898 • • • •
0, - it vlitolrsWitvalUlcau. o 121:ev044,*av4
. ,
_ . ouses aecoidinglo the rules and limitations pre-,
Scribed incase of whin. .• . . -
Section XXV. No corporate-body shall be hereafter
' created, renewed m..extended; with banking or dis-
' counting privileges, without six months p•Fevious'
.public notice of the intended application for' the
same-in such manner as shall be
_prescribed by law.
Nor shakany charter - for the pufposis aforesaid; be
• granted for a longer period-than twenty years, and '
every such charter shall contain a_clause reserving
to the legiSlatureMe power: to alter, revoke or annul
the- same whenever in their opinitin :it may be inju. "
riousto the citizens of the commonWealth,'in such
manner however that no injustice shall,be done to the
corporators., No kW hereafter enacted, shall create, •
renew or extend-the charter of more than. one corpo 7
. ration.. --i . •,' '.. .
ARTICLE .' • —-- . II. ' , t
Section L_The',Supreme Executive pinver of-this
ComMonwealth shall - be vested in a Governor.
Section-IL. The Governor shall be chosen on the
second Tuesdarof. October, .by the citizens of the .
" Commonwealth, at the 'places where they shall re
spectively vote- or representatives. • The returns
_of_every_ekction _for__GoYernor_sliall_lle tealeirup
and transmitted t of government, directed
' - tir - the - Speakercif - tlid - Senateovhb - shall-open-and --
publish them in the presence of the - members of
both houses of the legislature. The person. having .
the highest :number of votes shall be Governor.
• But if_two or more% shall be equal and highest in
----joint-rVote-of-thei- members-of both houses.
._ Coil, ,
, tested elections shall be determined by a Committee
to be selected from. both houses of the legislature,
and formed and regulated in such manner as shall -
be directed by law... : - .-
•Section.lll. The Governor- shall hold-his office
during three years' froimthe thild Tuesday of Anti- , ;
ary next - ensuing his election, and shall not be
- capable of hOlding itlonger than, six in any term .
of nine years. '
Section IV. He shall be at least thirty years of
-- age, and have been a citizeri: and. an inhabitant-of .
this State • seveia yearsnext' - before his election ; • . •
unless he shall have been 'absent on the.' public
business of the United States or of this State. .
Section V. - No member •of Congress 'lir person -
holding any-office under the United States or this.
State .shall exercieetheeffice,of 'Governor:iv - - '
Section VI.- The Governor shall .nt stated times
receive for his .servieses_ a compensation which shall
be neither increased nor diminished during the
period for whichlie shalt' have been elected. - •
the army.-and na.yyof this Commonwealth, and. of
.the Militia; except when they Shall -bo - ealle&iiito -
the actual . service.of the United States.
. Section Intl.-He shall appoint _a .Secretary .if the _.
- Commonwealth during plea-sure, and he shall noon.- •
nate and by and with, the advice and consent of the .
appoint' all . Pair ial offleciS- of caiirts"of -
--record, unless otherwise provided for in this Const i•
tuiion. lie shall' haiw poiver to jilt all vacancies'
--that , May-happeti,in-sucli-judicial-offires_during_the__
recess of the-Senute,7l4-grantirircommissithis-which
shell expire at - -tire, end of their next session': Pfo
videddhat in acting on executive noiiiinatiOnslne
. Senate shall, sit with open.doors, and in confirming
-or 2-ejecting the nominations of the Governor,-the • -
vole shall be taken -by yeas and pays. . _ ,• , -
Section IX. Ile shall have power to remit lines
and forfeitures; and grant ' reprieves and pardons,
except - in cases of impeachment. '-• • " . •
.. Section X J llemayrequire_information in-writing, -,
-- ftonfthe officers in+the executive. dePiiiinieliciipon. - -
any subject relating to the duties of• their respec-.
. ,
live o ffi ces. - . - - ,- -
Section XL. He shall, from time to titne, give to •
. th. General Assembly information of the `State of .
the Commonwealth,"and recommend to their con.- .
'"•iiileration such measures as he-shall judge expedient. - ,-
_ - Section,Xll. Ho may, on extraordinary occasions,
• convene the General Assembly; and in' case of
disagreement between the two houses, wills- respect
to. the time-of adjeurnment, adjourn thorn. to such".
time as he shall think primer, out exceeding. four -
- months. -- - • •
T - - gection - XIII. He- -shall ; take - -cat's-that--the _laws ...,
be faithfully executed.
Section XIV. In case of the death or resignation
of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the
Speaker of the Senate shall, exercise the office of .
Governor, until another Governor shall be' duly .
qualified; 'but in such • case another Governor shall
be chosen at the next annual eleethin of representa
• tires, unless such' death, resignation or removal,
shall occur within three calendar months immedi
ately preceding such next . annual election, in which
case a GoVernor shall be' chosen at the second suc
ceeding_ annual election of representatives. And
if - the ' triar "Ori-Eiilififeted-elettion-shall---continue
longer than, until the third .Monday of January
next ensuing the election of GoVernor, the Governor
of the last year or the Speaker of the Senate who ..
may be in the exercise of the executive . authority, -
shall continue therein until - the determination of
-- iiielf,"contested - clection, and until a Governor shall
- blycluty - qualified - as aforesaid. .
Section XV. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
__ shall keen.a fair register of all the official acts and
proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when. re- -' quiredillay, the same and all papers, minutes and .
vouchers tautly° thereto, before either branch of .
the . legislature , and shall perform such other duties
as shall be enjoined - I) . in' by laW.. .. '
. _ •- . , ARTICLE 111.
. ,
... -Section I. In elections by the citizens every white
freeman of the age . of twenty-one years, having re- .
sided in this , state one year, and in the election dis
- Wet - where - he - offers - to vote, ten-- days -immediately'' -
preceding such election, and Within two ' ears paid
a "State or County tax, which shall have been as
- - sessed at least ten dals before the eliction,shall enjoy
the rights of an elector., , But a citizen of the United '
States who had pieviously been a qualified, voter of , ,
this State and removed therefrom dnd returned, and
who '
shall have resided in the election district, and
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, after .
residing in the stale six months. PieVided, that white
freemen, citizens of the United States r betweeit the
ages of wenty-one and. twenty-two years, and hav
ing-resided in the State- one year, and in the election
district ten days is aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. • '
. Section 11, All elections shall be `by ballet, ex
' cept those by.persons in their representative capai,.
-cities; who shall vote viva voce.
. Section 111. •Electors shall in all. cages, .except ,
7 - treason - , - felony . , - and - breach - or - surety. of the-peace,
• be_privileged from arrest, during their attendance
on elections, and in going to and returning from
them., . . _. . . .
ARTICLE 1"1/.1 - • - . --
Section L • The:House of Representatives shall
have the sole powerof impeaching. . .
• .Section 11.. All impeachments shall be tried by
the Senate;
,when sitting for that purpose, the
Senators shallpe upon bath or affirmation.: • No per- --
son shall be convicted without the concurrence of
two-thirds of the members present. .
Section 111. The Governor, and -all other civil
officers under this Commonivealth; shall be liable to -
impeachment for imY,misdemeanour in Office; but .
judgmentOri such cases, - shalt-not extend-further -
than IV removal - from - office,'and - disqualification to -
I hold any office of honour, trust or profit, under this
Commonwealths The party, whether convicted or •
- acquitted, shall nevertheless be-liable-to indictment,-
is trial, judgment, and punistment - actording - to laW.
• • • •`••
• . 7--'"-----"-'—A-11-TICL-E--V .- . " . - I^. • .__
- 'Section I. The judicial power. of this Common
wealth shall be vested in a Supreme Court,. in
Courts of .Oyer and Terminer - and - General Jail De
livery, in a Court Of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court,
1 Register's Court, and tr.,Court of Quarter Sessions '
of the Peace, for: each county ; in Justices of the.
-_ - _,Deace,_anslin_such other Courts as the legislature
may from time to time itblih. . .. '
11. The judges of the Supreme Court,-of
the several ; Courts of Common Pleas, arid of such
-by lath', shallAe nominated by the Governor, and by ~
- and with the consent •of the Senate appointed and
commissioned by him. -The judges qt the Supreme
we 11... Court r she
e (( : h i
e ,
ai their. ee l offi en e g es
b f eh or ae l
che term aenisel o v f es Af w t
1a- president judges of the several Couits of comm
leas and of-such -other- Courtuf Record air are. or
shaltibi established by law,
and all other judges re
quirealo belearned, in thelaw,ithall hold their-offices
for tatervi of ten years if they shall so long behave.
themselves Will. - The Associate judges of the Courts
o[Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term
of five years if they shall so long behave themselves
Well. But for any reasonable cause which shall not
• . be sufficient ground of impeachment, thec,Governor
..may remove any of them on the address of tw'o-thirelti
, o f each branch of , the legislature. The judges of the
Supreme Court - and the presidents- of : the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall at stated times receive
for.-their, services an aaequate .compensation to be •
.' fixed by late",*tohichohallnot be diminished, during
• their continuance in o&e,bia they shall receive no
fees or perquisites of qffice, nor hold any other otfice
of profit under 'this Conimmiwealth. '. ' • -
Section 111. Until - otherwise . -directed' by law;the
Courts of Common - Pleas Shall continue as at present '
I:IAVEN-3VVIDA-BE-cniti flues- to-re.
ceive and forward goods and produce by _
rail - read t,i) , Philadelphia. '• • .
Aptil 2,1838.
established.. Not - more than Jive counties shall at any
tinte - beineludeilln - one - judiciardistrictorg anized
for said Courts . • .
Section IV. , The jurisdiction.-of---the Supreme
iCourt shall extend over, the State; and the judges
'thereof, shall by virtue of. their officps,,be justices
of Oyer and 'Terminer and General Jail .Delivery,
the several counties.
Section V. The judges. of the Court of Common .
Pleas, in each county,' shall by virtue of their
' offices, be justices of Oyer and Terminer and.Genc.-
ral Jail. Delivery, for the trial of 'capital and• other
offenders therein ; any two of the said judges;, the
president being one, shall; be a quer:lm: but they.
shannet hold a court of oycr and terminer, or jail
delivery, in any .county, when' the judges:of the
Supreme Court, el: any of them, Shalt be' sitting in
the. same county. 'The 'party accused, as Well .as
the Conamonwehlthonly, under such regulations as.
shall be proscribed by leW, remove the 'indictment
'and proceedings, or a transcrVereof, into the
Supreme Court.
. Section VI. The Supreme Court, and the several
courts of common 'pleas, shall, beside the powers
heretofore_usuallyexercised - by them, _have the
power of a court of' Chancery, so far. as refifes to
- the perpetuating of-testimony,: the: obtaining, of.
evidence from places hot within the State, and, the
Miire °Lille persons and estates of those, who'are
non compotes inentis. Anti; the legislature ,shall
vest in the said courts such other powers to grant- -
;relief in_quity, as,ishalfbe found necessary : and
may, from-time to time,entarge or - dlministrillose7
powers or vest -them in such other courts as - they sltdll
- proper, fortheitlud administrate:l'of justice.
Section VII. The judges of the court of common
• pleas_of
.each. cminty,-any - two of whom shall be a
quorum; shall comnese the court' of .Quarter Ses-
-sons of thy peace, and orphans' court thereof; and
the register of wills, together with the said.judges,
or any two of them, shall compose the register's
court of each county,' • • .
Section The judges of the courts of common
pleas shall,.within their respective counties, have
the like powers..with 'the...judges of the .Supreme
Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the' justices of -
the, peace, and to• cause their .proceedings to be
. brought-before them, and the-like right and. justice.'
to be done: .
Section IX. The president cif the court . in - - each:
circuit _within such circuit, and the judges Of the
•eourt of cornhion - -.Pleas: within ..their 'respective
counties; shall be justices of. the peac4 'far as'
relates, to c rim inal' matte sg. •
- Section-Xiegiater'S -.- Oflice, L fer . 4.llOLProbate. , of_
"wills and granting letters of administration, and an
; - offico - - for-the-recording of--deeds, shall _be_ltepti.
each county: .
___SeetionAl. _The style of all process • shall be
• 4 . The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
cutions' shall be carried .on in the name and by•the"
• authority of the-Commonwealth ,of PennsylVania,
and conclude against thelmacedand dignity.of the
same." • - " •
Section-I-Sheriffs fuid-ccireners
• times and places of election
,of representativei; ho
chosen by the citizens of each county. • One peiton
shall be clioSen for each office, who shall be commis
sioned by the Governor They - shall hold -their
-Toff:cos for three years, they shall so long behave •
-.themselves Well, and until a successor be duly
qualified"; but no person - shall be .twice chosen or
• appOinted 8110611; in any•terin of six-yeari. - . 'Vacan eithcrof - the:aajd officeS shall be• filled by
an nppOintment,:Ao iiiide -- liFilre - Gairdln - dr7ter
continue until the next general election, and until
;a successor bet: chosen and qualified - as -afore--
said. • -. .
Section 11..,The . freemen of this commonwealth
__shall-be_ armed, organized_ and disciplined for its
defence, whin arid in such - manner - ainiay be:directed
. by law. - Those who conscientiously scrupla : te.bear
. arms,-shall not be compelled to dolso,*but shall pay
an equivalent fOr personal service. -
.Seciion 111. Prothenotariet of the Supreme
- COUrt shall be appointed by the Said Voiirt for
the term 4. three years if -behave
themselves well Trothonotaries anctelerlcs of
several ether courts, Recorders of 'dads, and Re
.gisters .of wills, shall at.-the times -and places of
election of representatives, be elected hy the quali
fied electors of 'each county, or the districts over •
which the jurzsdiction of said courts extends, and
shall be commissioned by the Governor. 7'lley
shall hold their offices for three years ifthey shall
so. long behave themselves well, and twill their
successors shall ffe' duly qualified. The legisla
ture shall provide by law, the number of persons
Tlii - elieh — CounlyraiTslialt - huld - satel - officesTand --
how many,and Which of said dices shall be held
by oneperson. ‘• Vacancies in any of
. the said of-'
• flees shall be filled by appointments 'to be made
- by the-Governor, to continue.until the" nextgene!
rat election ' and until succe.ssers'ithall - be'clectetk
- and qualifted.as_aforesaid.
1 '
Section IV. Prothonotaries, clerlp4 the'peace
and orphans ' courts , recorders pl.dee s, registers of
wills, and - Sheriffs; shall keep their offices in
. the
county town of the county in which they, respec
'tive'ly, shall be officers; unless when the Governor
shall, for- special reasons; dispense 'therewith, for
any term notixceeding five -years after -the county.
shall have been-erected. '
' Section V. All commissions shall be in the name:
and by-the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn-,
Sylvania, and be sealed with the State seal, and sign
ed by the Governor. .
Section VI. -A State Treasider .shall 'be elected_ _
annually, by joint vote of both branches of the legis
lature. • •
Section VII. JUstices of the peace or aldermen
shall be elected, in.'' the- several,wards, bordughs,
' and townships at 'the time of the election of con-'
stables. by the qualified voters thereof, in such
number as shall be directed by lend, and shall be
-commissioned 'by the 'Governor for a term of - five
years; but no township, ward .or borough -shall
elect more than tWojustices of the peace, or alder
'men without the consent of a majority of the qua .
lifted electors within •
.such'townshiP,_ward or_bo-._,
rouA. • .
Section VIII. Allofficers 'whase election or ap
pointment is not provided for in this constitution, elected or appointed as shall be directed.
lam,. No person-shaltbe-appointedlo any-of:—
fice.within any shall not have been et'
citizen and an inhabitant therein one year next
before' Ms appointment, if the county shall have
been so long erected ; but if it shall not have been
' so long erected,' then within ' the &tits of the
county or counties-out of which it shall have been •
talon. • No member of Congress from this state,
- or any person holding or. exercising any office or
appointMent of, trust or.profit under, the United
'States, shall at the same time hold or exercise any
, office in this state; to .which a salary is; or fees-or
perquisites arc by late, annexed; anddhe 140dd
-tare whdt State offices are in.
Na member of the Senate or of-the
. hoUse.of representatives shall be appointed by the -
Governor to any office during thy term for which.,_
he shdll. have been elected. , • • -
. .
• . Section IX. Alrofficersfor •a term: of years—
h•-• shall'hold-their-o ffices-for. the:. terms_respectivel,q.....:
.specified, only on the condition that they so long
behave themselves well ; and shall be removed on
conviction of misbehaviour in - qllice or of any •
famous crime.
Section X. Any person -who shall, after the
adOption - of the amendments proposed by this ,
Convention to the. Constitation,_fight a:WO' or
send a challenge for that purpose, or be defer . or*
.abettor infighting a duel, shall be deprived of the .
Iright.ofholding_any 4fceof hoifbar or:pr . ofit
this Stale, and shall be punished otheruasetn such
manner-ai is, or may be prescribed by-late; but •
the' eiecutive , may rjmit the Said offence and all
• its disqualifications. s
1 • - ARTICLE . VII. • '
_Sitction_l. The_ Icgialatiiffaliall; as - soon - arcon- -
vpniently may be, provide by law, for thO establiSir 7 . —
merit of schobls throughout the 'State, in such
manner that the poor may be taught gfatis.
Section 11. • The arts and • sciences shall bO pro
irked in one or more seminaries of, learning.
Section III: The rights, privileges, immunities
:and estates of religious societies and corporate be
dies, shall ipmainas if the constitution of this State
.had not been altered or amended.
• Section IV. The legislature shall not invest any
'corporate .Cody or :'individual with the privilege
ltalcing privateproperty for public use, without
requiring such corporation or individual to make ,
compensation jo the owners of Told property, or
give adequater security therefin,pefore audio pro.
perty.shalne' -
Menbers of the General 'Assembly, and all ofll
- executive and 4utlicial, shall be .bound by o '
- 50 -4 3A - Ciiii — OFf - Y" 1 L -- ? A t• alg
Hurisbuyg, ARril 18$8 •
or affirmation, to Support the constitution of this
Commonwealth, and'to perform the 'duties of their
respeettvii - Offices,with - fidelit . • .
• - That the general, great and essential principles of
liberty and free governnient may be recognised and
unalterably established, WE DECLARE, THAT •
Section L All men are born equally free and in
' dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
rights, among which' are ,those of, enjoying and de
fending life and liberty, of "acquiring, possessing
andcprotecting property and reputation, and of pur
suirig their own happiness. _
Sectionll. /All power is inherent in the people,
and all free governments are founded on their au
.thority, and instituted for their
_peace, safety and
happiness; For the advancement of these ends, they
_,have, at all times, an unalienable and. indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as they. may think proper.
Section lII.' All men have a natural and indefea
sible right' to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates' of their' own consciences; , no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or supped
---- any - placo - of - worshimr - to - maintain - any.ministry --
against his.consent; no human authority can, in any
cage 'Whatever, control or interfere with, - the rights
of -conscience ; and „no• preference' shall 'evert be
given, by law, to any religious . establisliment.4 or
modes -of worship. .
Section IV. , No person who acknowledges the be-
Ling on a God - and a future state of rewards and pu- -
-nishments ' -shall- on- account erffis
month be disqualified to hold any or 'place of
trust or profit under this. Commonwealth.
Section V. Electioneehall be free and equal. .• '
• Section VI. Trial by jury, Shall be as-heretotore,
and the right thereof remain inviolate.
- Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every - person whd undertakes to examine the pro
ceedings of.the legislature, 'or any branch of go- .
vernment: And no law 'shall ever he/madeto re- _
- strain the right thereof: The frec - communidation
-of thoughts and opinions"- is one/of the invaluable
rights of man; and every citizen may freely Speak;
write and print on any subject, being responsible - .
for the abuse Of that liberty. - In prosecutions, for
the publication 'of papers investigating - the official
conduct of officers, or men in a public - capacity ; or.
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof. may. he given in. .
',deuce: And in all indictments' for libels"the jury '
. shall hay° a right to determinethe law and the, facts,' .
__underibiSilirection_of_the_court,mcirt_o_ther cages.,__
- Section VIM The people shall be, their
; persons, houses, Papers and.possessionsTfrom - unrea-.
soithble - searelies and seiiures i - And no - warrant - to
• search any place, or to seize any person' or things,
without describing them ,as -nearly as
may be, nor without, probable cause supported by
oath or affirmation.
Section IX. in all crithinal . prosecutions, thn,ac
toed hatha right to be heard by himself and-his
counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the ac
-gosatioir again st - h im - ; - tirm e et - th e -- witnesses - face-to-'
: face, to-have compulsory process for Ofitaining . "Vvif- -7
noses in his favour; and, in piosecutions by indict
ment or information,• a speedy public - trial;by an
'impartial jury of thesvicinage ; he cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against himself, nor can he'
be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless
by the judgment .of his peers or the . law of the ,
. Section X. No person shall,. for • any indictable
- offencecbc. proceeded against criminally by_inforrna
tion, except in cases arising in the land or naval.
_ forces ; or-in the .militia_when_in_actual.servico in_
time of .war or public danger, or 'by leave-et the
court, for oppression and Misdemeanour in office, No:
person- shall, for the same offence,_be twice put in
--jeopardy_of_ limb nor ,almll any man's
perty bp-taken or applied to without -the:
consent- of , his representatives,..and without ...just_
compensation being - made.: _- - •
• Section XI. All courts s tall be Open, and every .
- man for an - injury done him fit his lands, goods, per
son or reputation, sh avc• remedy by the due
course of law, and rig and;justice administered,
without sale; denial or d y. Suits-may - bebrrght ,
against the Cornmonwealth in 'such manner, in such
--Courts, and in such cases as the legislature may by
law direct. - -
Section XII. No power of. suspending laws shall
- be exercised, unless by the legislature, or its au
Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be re
quired, nor 'excessive fines imposed,. nor met Tu.._
nishments inflicted.
Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable by
. sufficient sureties, unless for 'capital offences, when
--the;hoot-is. evident_or-presnmption_greali_and...the__
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless wheri; -- in cases of rebellion or in
vasion, the public safety marrequire it. '
, Section XV. No commission of Byer and Terminer
Or jail delifery-shall-be.issued..
---- Sectionl l X-VL--T-ho_persen of _a debtor, where
there % is not strong_presumption et frajudobaltiot=
be continued in prison, after delivering op his estate
.for the benefit of his creditors, in such manner. as ,
shall be prescribed by-law.
Section XVII. No ex post facto law, nor any law
. impairing contracts shall be made.
Section XVIII,Ne person shall beattainted of
- treason or felony by.the legislature, . - •
Section XIX. No. attainder shall work corruption
of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender,
forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth; the es.'"
_ totes of such persons as .shall destroy' their own
lives, shall descend or Vest as in ceSe" - of - natural ,
__death;,and if any - person shall be killed by ~
casualty, there shall be no forfeiture - by reason
thereof. ••
Section XX. The citizens have la right, in a peace
manner, to assembletogether;fer their common
good, and to apply to those invested with the powers
of government for redress of grievances, or other
proper purposes, by petition, address or semen-.
litrance. .
Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear arms,
in defence of themselves and the State; shall not be
questioned. .
•.• .Section-XXII. No standing army shall; in time
of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le
gislature ; and the military shall, cases, and--
at all times, bnin strict subordination to tho civil
power. , - •
• Section XXIII. No soldier shall, in tithe of peace,
bo quartered in ally houde without the consent of, the-,.;
_wner, nor in;time Of war; but in - al - thanner to be -
,'prescribed by law.
Section XXIV. The „legislature shall, not grant
any title of nobility or. hereditary distinction, not
create any. office the appointment to which shall be
' for a longer term than during good'behaviour.
Section XXV. .Eniigration from-the-State shill
not be' prohibited.
Section XXVI. To guard against transgressions.
Of the high powers Winch We have delegated, WE •
DECLARE,that every thing in this - article is ex
. cepted out of the general powers of government, and.
shall for ever remain - int:Witte. ' •
.Any amendment or amendments to this constttu
tion may be proposedln the Senate or House'of Re
presentatives, and if-the ,same shall_ be by,_
a Majority Of the members elected to each House, such
_ proposed:amendment or amendments shall be entered
on- their journals, - with the yeas and nays taken •
- thereon; and the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall..
cause the same to lie published three Months before the
ycount y ,its which a newspaper shall be published ; and
if in the legislature next afterwards chosen such pr,o
posed onlendment or amendments shall be agreed to
ItY'a sixpority , of the' members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the Conimonthealth shall cause the
same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and '
such proposed amendment -or nammdments" shall.-be -
submitted-to-the-people in such manner and at such •
time, at least three months, after being, so 'agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shall -prescribe ;
and-if_the _people shall approve and rat(fy_ such
amendment or amendments by a majority qf the
li voters qf this'State voting thereon, such amen
merit or amendments shall become a part of the con
stitution ;'but no amendment or amendments shall
be submitted to the people oftener than once - in five
_years; Pronided; that if snore than one amendment
be submitted, they shall-be sac!! manner '
and form, that the _people may vote, for .or.egoista
each amendment separately and distinctly. .. ,< .
That no inconvenience may arise.from the 11 -Item-
Sons Onthmendments in the Constitution of thl \,
Common*Calth, and in order to Carry the same int
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That, • -
Section I. All laws of this Commohwealth in force
at the time .When "said . alterations and maid
inent6 in the said shall taki.effect, and ,
not inconsistent therewith, and all Tights,-actions,
-prosecutions ' claims, and cohtiacts as well of indi--
vidiinlie3 cif bodies eorpOttite, shall 'continue as it
the said alterntions and amendments had not been
Section 11. Tile' a r lteraiions and amendments in the
Olt_Sal.6._one_ new atictlasiiioriable'BAn.
Roucim: -Also 9ne second hand.
T.II4LBURY, with one set of harness to
-ea9J! v,90 1, g! CHAS. BARNITZ .
. said Constitution shall take effect froni the first day
of January, eighteen Mindred and thirty-rithe.
—Sectibe 111.-The clauses; sections,.and_articles_of.
the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
'continue to be construed and .have effect as. if. the
'said Constitution had . riot ;Teen amended.
Seeticin IV, .The General Assembly, which. shall
convene in December,'eighteen hundred . nd thirty.;
eight, shall continue s session, astherehrfore, net
- withstanding the provision' in the eleventh sectioir:
of the first article; and , shall at all times be regarded
as 'the first 'General Assembly tinder the amended
Constitution. .
• Section V. The'-Governor who shall be elected, in
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall ie
inaugurated on the third Tuesday in January,
eighteen' hundred and thirty-nine, te•whick time
'the presentesecutitth term is hereby extended. ' ' •
Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the
Supreme COurt; who maybe in office on the first day
of January next, shall expire in the following man
ner: The commission which bears the earliest date
shall expire on the first .- day of January, Anne Do
inini' one thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the.
commission neirt dated shall expire on the first day
ofianuary, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-five; the&Ttrirnissien next - dated - shall'
expire on the first day of January, 'Anne "Domini
one thousand eight hundred Mid forty-eight; the
commission next dated shall' expire on the first-day
of January,.Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-one; and the commission last dated
shall expire on the
- first day' of January, Anne Do
-mini-one-thousand-eight-hundred an If fty-fnur.,_
Seetioil VIL - The commissions - of 'the -President.
judges of the several judicial districts and - of the•
associate law judges o the'first judicial district shall
expire as follows : The minissions of one-half-of
those who shall have held heir - offices ten years or
More at the adoption of the cndments to the consti
tution, shall expire on the ti entyrseventh day of Fe
bruary,-one thousand eight . ' ndred - and thirty-nine';
the commission of the litho half-of thosewho shall'
have held their offices, ten years or-thereat the adop
tion of the- amendments to the constitution, shall
- expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hundred and forty-two.; the first half
to embrace'those whose commissions shall bear the
oldest date. ' The' connnissithis of all the remaining.
judges-who shall .not have held their offices, for ten
years at the adoption of the amendments. to.the con-.
,stitution shall expire-on the twenty-seventlf day of
February next after the end of ten years from the
date of, their commissions. .
Section VIII. The Recorders .of the several May
---eit'Courts; and-other,--etiminal,coucts-in.-this_Com
• monwealth, shall be \ appointed fur the same time,
-and._in_the same manner,_ as the-,president judges
of the. several judicial districts; - of 'these now in
office, the commission Oldest in date shall expire on
the twenty-seventh day, of February; onellniusand
'eight 'hundred and forty-one, and the others every
.....tive_years thereafter according to -their respective
dates. 'lThese_oldesf iirdate
Section IX. 'The legislature-at its' first session urf
der_the_ritnesided_censtitution, shall divide Hid other
-- cs . sociate - judges of 7 the-Stateanto_lour_elasseS._ The
,' commissions of those of the first - class shall expire
' on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen
hinulied and forty ; of, these of the sccend.class on
the twenty-sey_erati day of - February; eighteen'hun
- dyed and-forty-one; of these of the-third class- on
the twentyseventh' day of February, eighteen bun
dred and forty-two; andoof those of, the fourth class'
. on the twenty.-seventh ilarof February,.eighteen
lrufplred andl(rty-three. - The said.classes from
first to the fourth shall be arranged..acCordingAO the
stniority of the commissions of the several judges.
Section X. Tiiithernitairies; - clerirs - pf - the - several
• .courts jeiceept of -the Supreme CO . ur,t.) recorders of
deed§ andregisters of wills, shall be first elected unites
the amended Constitution, at , the election, orrepre-,
sentatiVes• in the year eighteen ',hundred Ana thirty
nine, in;Such, manner as malt h'isrescribeil by law:
_Section XI, - .Theappointing power shall remain as
and all officers in the appointinent - of the
executive department shall continue its - the exercise
of -the duties of-their respective' offices initil-the
legislature shall pass such laws• as 'may be required
,by-;the-eighth -.seetion-,'of the , Sixth _firtiele of the
- amended- constitution; ariuitil appointments shall
madebe under such laws';; unless - their commissions
. shall be superseded by new appointirterits, or shall,
sooner expire by their own limitfithins, or the said
' offiics shall become vacant by death or resignation,
and such- laws shall be enacted by the -first legisla
ture under the amended.constitution.
Section XII. The first election for aldermen and
justices - of the peace shall be held in the year eight-,
een hundred and forty, at the time fixed for the
election of Constables.
.The legislature . at its, first
session' under the amended constitutiOn - slall - pro;
'vide for gaidaele-didiraffirforTibseqiientsithilar
• elections. The aldermen and justices of the peace
now incommission, or who may in the interim be
.. appointed, shall continde to discharge the duties-of
their respective- offices; untilfifteen days after the
day which shall' be fixed by= law for - the igsuin~ of
net expi_ration-of-which - time; -
their commissions shall expire. • -
In testimony that the foregoing is the amended
constitution of Pennsylvania, as agreed to hr.
convention, We the , officers and mashers of the
convention - have hereunto signed our names at.
Philadelphia, the twenty-second,day of Febru
ary, Anno Domini ono thelandieight hundred
:and thirty:eiglitiand- of-the Independenceof
-tlieHhited Statcs , of Americ tho sixty-second.
Daniel Agnew, Ezra S. Hayhurst,
_ Wm. Ayres, ' . . _ Wm. - Hays, ,!,
M. W. Baldwin; Abni.-Helffeniteiri,
Ephraim Banks, M. Henderson,
- John Y. Barclay, Wm. Henderson,
- - Jacob Barndolar, • Wm. Hiester,.
Chas. A. Barnitz, - ' -William High, '
'• Andrew Bedford, Jos. Hopkinson,
Thos. 8. Bell, - John Houpt,
James Cornell Biddle, . - Jabez -Hyde,
Lebbeus L. Bigelow, Charles Jared Ingersoll,
Sarni. C. Bonham,". Phs. Jenks,
Chas. Drown, .. , George AL Kam, .
• Jeremiah Brown, ' - James Kennedy,
William Browtr, Aaron Kerr, • . •
,:__.Pierce_l3_utler;._ • - Jos. Konigrnather,
Samuel Carey, • . - Jacob - Krebs,.
John Cummin, , , - ~,,, •H. G. Long, •• ,
.Thomas S. Cunningham, David Lyons, _ • -
William Curil, .. ... ..
,„ Alex..Meglee,
~. _
-Wm. - Darla - 1 - g - OE6';. ' -Joel K. Mann, •''
70corge - Chambers, W. M.Meredith,-.:
1 John Chandler, James Merrill,
1 .. ...
' Jos. R. Chandler, Levi.Merkel,
Ch. Chauncey, Wm. L. Miller, . • •
Nathaniel Clapp, ~ James Montgomery;
James Clarke, .. ' ' Christian Meyers,
1 .John Clarke, • ,D. Nevin, • .
William Clark, . . • Wm. Overfteld,. • '
'A. 'J. Cline, • - Hiram Payne,
Lindley - Coates; • • Matthias-PennyPacker,.
R. E. Cochran, James Porter,
Thos. P. Cope,_ . James-Madison Port
Joshua F. Cot ' ' '",,Saml. A. Purviance, , i
Walter Crab, • • ..E: C. Reigart,.. . •
Rtehd. M. Crain, . A. 11. Read,
Geo - : T: Crawford, Geo. W. Riter,
CorneliusCrum, ' •' - •Jno.. Ritter, ..
Benjii. Martin, H. Gold Rogers, .
John L. Mahon,
Samuel Sam Royer,
E. T. M.Dowell, M Russell,.
James M.Sherry„ - - :.Daniel Saeger,
Mark Darrell', • John.Morin'Bcott,
IlartTcaTD • enny, • DatiieS - SellersV -
John Dickey, Dickey, ' • G. Seltzer,
Joshua Dickerson, Geo. Milli, - , •
Jacob Dillinger,. Henry Schectz, • • .
Jas. Donagan, George Shilleto, -
J:11. Donnell, • Thomas H. Sill,
Joseph M. Dorm?,Geo,. Smith,
' James Dunlop; - " - -.-
••••• - Wm. Smyth, _ - . .
Thomes.Earle, -- - ~ - Joseph •Snively,
D. M. , Fairelly, .. Jno. B. Sterigere, • .
' Robt. Fleming, . . • Jacob Stickel,
--Walter-Forward, . . Ebenezer_W-Sturdevant,
John foulkrod, • - - - Thomas Taggart, . .
Joseph Fry, Jr. • - . Morgan J. Thomas,
John. Fuller, . -' James Todd, • >
John A. Gamble, • . Thomas 'Weaver, .
William Gearhart, '• - J-Sob B. Weidman, .-
David - Gilmore, ••R. G.-White, , .
Virgil Grenell, . . Geo. W. Woodward,
William L.,,Harris; ."•R. young...
Thomas Hastingsv ~- -
(Attest,) S. SUOMI, Secretary.- . '.' .
- G.; L. RAUB, 1 Assistant Secretaries.
J. Wir.t.rmas,
.• ~ , SECRETARY'S OFFICE, - • , Z .
• ISertifY;that the foregoing is an exact and literal
copy of" the Constitution. of the Coinmonwealth of
Pennsylvania' as amended by the Convention of one
.: thousand eigl.t, hundier , iind thirty-sevenithirty-'
' eight,"'' deposited. In Aliii - ,offiWini - llie - 2611 - aikyot
February;lB3B ; -the antenttments being in. italic;
and the retained. portions of the , present Constitu
- ion iu roman Jotter. - • .',.'• • •.' - •
71`110. H. nuundwEs„ 1 ' ' . ziN
. - . . .See'Y of the Comrnonwealtho, , . ?
Ihave'rt Ceixed 8 ,day, and 0 hoar .New
Nntit - CLOCK - S,-aviiich--1----wmeant.--to
keep good time, and offer a theni4atTedneed
pilbes at my stoic .cii,ALgs ,BA#NITz.
Of the Board of,Directors of. the Common,
Schools of The School . District of Car-,..
• •
The public schools of this borough went into Ope-,
ration-on-theisth. August, 1.850. • The 'number. of
'schools was fifteen, and they werelimi sitty , ;
scholars each. They were graded so as to' reduce
the expense of instruction Of the youngef - children,•
and give the undivided attention of some of the teach
ers to the higher branches. Tlie plan has fully'lin
swered.theexpectatlons entertained of it by its friends;
and it is now no longer nn experiment but a Sysfeco"
adaptedio 'the wants of the community. Many
4ffifficulties have' been encountered by . the Board in
carrYing out a new plan,
and we attribute its -stiecess
to the 'generous support of our ciaens, and to the
liberal manner in which a heavy til4cation' has been
voted and 'laid Lytle, inhabitants of the borough.;--•
During thelirst 'winter r ithe schools. had nearly the,
designated nundor, and in soma instances exceeded
their quote. Wd, are warraftted- in sayingi.there
were from 750 to B:kehildren on the rolls. During
the his year it was found practicable to discontinue
one of the primary schools, substituting a temporary
school for a feW months, when the .pressure-was the
greatest. We belleVe'that fourteen schools are suffi
cient for the "education of all wlr swill apply, except
during three months in the winteesseason, when there
Ire i
the greatesmber Of young persons menage
from tbeir.usual employments, and anxious- to turn
their liiiisreu time to the bestftecoutit. • . •
It is the earnest wish of the Board to limit the ex
penses of theischofils as faC ns - is consistent with a fair
remuneration to worthy mai deserving teachers, and
the sUccessfilLoperation of the:System. . .
ferent'schooli,:it was thought .expedient to,expendthe
extra appropriation of $1264 00 ! by the state in tho
Purchase of the Old College, which has been in part. •
rebuilt and will be neatly fitted up to accommodate
four Schools. The original cost was,Bso dollars,and
the expense o - frebuilding and refitting it will proba-
bly be 650 dollars mord, making fifteen 'unlike(' dol
lars permanently investedduring the past' ear for the
advantage of the inhabitants, and reducing the item of - -
room rent from $468 in 1837, to PitYfor 1838-9.
We do not believe the school system .can be.cifi- c
deafly carried on at a much les . s, expense than during
the past year. Whether any !nigher reduction can
be made sin the expenses it will be fur future Boards -
of Directors to ‘ deteernine ;;but we eheerfully submit '
the whole matter to flue qualified voters Attie borough
of Carlisle, willing to . do any think in our. power. to.
+remote and advance
.1 . 6 great an object - as the educa
tion of the great body of children in'our town, on•the
best possible•plan, so that it 'is essentially - connetted';„
_withAlte_weißleingavid prosperity of the community,
and that it is di4 appreciated kyfour
_The Com Mince of the'flohrd appointed to prepare
an- exhibit.athe - school fuitil or the : District up to UM.
•expiratien of the present -school year; which tern& -
- gates agreeably - to law-turfin3-first of June next,-res.
pectrally submit. the following , Which - they 11M-e care
fitllj from the' books ; ud other evidences
4)661re.t1yau,,,;_„; ~, , .• (
On . 110 first:of...Tune' next, the. schoog
-been in operation above .twenty-two months, find' the °
Mffelied - exbibitjqnbraces as'well-the-reccipts - aS - the• - • - =' —
viT of teachers, rents &c. lip to - that trine.
fhe statement of dui receipts from all II lurces is as
follows, : _
State and connty-appropriations of 1834-5, -.
•-and t 835-- - . • - $ .768 59 •
Do 189117 •
do '1836-7 •
Dorotigh ttis: levied by the citizens - •
Appropriation from statelind United States
'Datil: foe 837-8 -- •
Tax levfeil Ity Seintot-Direettnra -
Do .by the citizens -
- `Totl .
Theyicpaulitures asfollows:
I'6acheys - sohieleTi --- f . 5 schools, Ist grade,
. --
.priniiiry• ClepOctinco ''- .. . $- lie 81
1•172 86
'Do ' 2..
do 9.41..d0
do - 3d do:
• 1340 W
do for cord'clatiren .- 268 75
o high school
School anti store'rents _
Furnitnrei cles.ks t henclies, Sze
WOW expenses
I.ltehlopinl expenses
Purchase of old college lot
'fencing, tx.c..
. .
Whole' expenses. . $8993 91
Which deducted from the nmonnt of School
Minis as aforesaid, leaves a balance tiger,
• $9 . 309 IT
' •WhiettAalanee the , cominittee recommend to be
added to theseito.ol fund of the next yeltr.
The following. is the estimated expenses of carry- •
ingstittlul schools fn. the . present yeal r yig4L___----
Salaries-of-tenehersof - 1 - 4 -- sdioTtla $ 32M) (KV
-Rent-ofsehoohroOms _34.0
Wood.and othersspenses
Additional furniture and' repairs
To meet which the' follawitig sums aro
appropriated -
,Bitlance unexpe n ded as above - . 1400 - 19
Annual state appropriation ,506 92
Amount levied Ifirectors 1 .510 7,6-2432 87
Balance wanting : 1502 .13
This- sum orhalanee of' $502, 13 the committee
! reeommend - as necessary_ to. be raised by a vote of the
people, asvam additional tux to enable tile — Board to
carry on the schools with efficiency for thu.comit .
_: • I - Respeetfully•Submitted, •
. ~ •
LEWIS DAMAN, 2 Committee.
Carlisle, April.24,-1838. - •
. . .
TILE subscriber respectfully informs his friends,'
and the publi& generally, that lie hmi -for side, at his'
Coal rind Lumber Yard; on the bank- of the Susque
hanna river; in the toivn of Wormleysburg, -
• -
'2OOO _Bushels' superior Smith. •
Pannenindo - mmOn Bodas.
Poplar Plank and ..yeantling, 4.c; 4.0.
All•of which he .1011 dispose of at low rates, and on
the Most accommodating terms: Persons wishing to
purchase would do well-bv • calling with the subscri
her; and examine his stock before they purclutse else
.April 0,1838.-3 m
70:8:__.0,,AZ li'l l 4 7.'
— THE ItiliSelibet.will -- sell at - private:sale, -or will_ for a term of years, that valuable tract of land,
situate in the southern part of the borough of-Carlisle,
containing about 5 'Acres, having thereon_erected a
Urge Stone Bniilanirs
- (Formerly knomkn as "Gray's Distillery,")
and n Brick Dwelling Douse, with two wells of water
on the premises. Thisprciperty is suitable for tinny
purposes, such : as distilling, a foundery, or tan' yard.
Flie buildings will besold or leased, with Or without
the land, aid possession given - hatmethately: For
terms apply tb
Pinneylva nia, ‘ Unioa and Schuylkill
. 1 1 1 rantpattation Line.
•TLIE subscriber :wiy,confrinue atthe opening oftlur.
navigation to run his
LINE OF .130/11.T04
Between Philadelphia and UorrishOrg--prodhee for•
the city market, received at the,lyarOttou'se of Henry+.
Rhoads, Main Street, Carlisk,initt any. other: Ware- ,
house on the Cumberland' Vaßey'Rail • Roadt he'
forwarded to 'Ocorgii - ,\V;l4ttyngiyho - ,:wiltforWaiftit
immediately - to, the,persons contagned to in Philadel-•
(pltia:' - .Also, in retarn,hringairktnds of Meiclutndizo
.at . the customary rates:— •
. '• . . . Ilarrisburg.
Miceli, 10; I'oB - .3m. • ' • • ' 16.
MOULD .CAND.LES. - g.. ,
---just-receired Anttfor. sale Polished .tioutd,CsiinitcA
Mny 7, 1801.,
1771 36
1520 76• -.-
1600 00
- 36-65-
$5770 . 30P
873 33
' 418 84
240 62
189 83
850 00
650 00
405 19