Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 15, 1838, Image 3

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    A `-. .Fii thq . ,A rer - p Tork'Courier. of Saturday. ,
. ' .11z1tirture of the . Greirt ices-
. , gent foi• _Bristol.. ' .
._ Yeiterday,_was a . gala'day for New York:
and celebrated in, a manner rarely:equalled
for splendor and effect. The weather,
which for several. days - previoos . had been
- cloudy and -disagreeable,' was genial and
• serene--=and *a- bright sunshine looked.down
• ,auspiciotisly iipen the busy movements of
the populace..' A littlepast one, the . . current
.-. set 'down.Broadway toward. the Vattery, •
• . and before 'two:o'clock the .whole of 'that
. beautiful area _ was covered With a dense
mass' 'of •-human ; *beings, extending . from
• Whitehall toyer No. 1. North River.-:- .
"Castle- Garden was thronged, and the varies
gat'ed dieSsess ..of the ladies • gave to the
'1 pi9ture aria and 4ivelYeffect. ° '
• The avenue leading to the Great Western'
• WaSSQ.Crowded with carriages and spectators,
• that it Was with some difficulty the passen
_: gers could make their way, on board. ' They
finallysuecceded, hOivover and 'at the hour'
appointetr, - Irwo o clock,) Ca l it.4l - crikerr
-. made his•appearanee„ arid the / preparations
L. for-departure : were made. - •••,' . _ ' •
- '•-.7-iThe -- bell - WasTlirinigi7thelband -struck up-'
"ellehold'holibrightly.breaks theinorriing,"
:anti the .visitors on board, who , were . .not
disposed togo'clewn'to. the NarrowS, hastily
shook - haidi s with their friends and quitted
• :the boat. .- Many, ho %Over, -remained,-to be .
.- taken off •by some of the numerous steam
ers, which followed in her train. .. ;.• ..
• • .As the boats*ung off from the piei d , the
- scene was -animated
_and pietti'resque in the
extreme. Around were some ten or fifteen
• .steam - boats, , with. ilags•_ .. ilying 7 zind.,,,d(wkp,„,
. •
completely etivded_With spectators. . The
• pier in-front was piled a dense multi
. •• 'tulle.. lrEe roofs andWiiiilowsof the - houses•
along theiiver seemed hung 'with curious
gazers--•add te•WhieThinirriense=efoiirffs',' . '
which : filled CaSile Garden- and the liattery
.- ----and i does not seem unreasonable
. to
-. . • &EP - , thatflie - iiiiiiibeTiff :lieTifte - taken - ert •
• 'by le coup 'ewe( on - the - upper deck - of'
the reat Western, was between seventy
and •one hundred thousand? ' , . • - -
.•• _ :
, L--The ,, different Boat_Clubs _f, the. city
--seemetfto be On the alert; and' - They.. added'.
' - Tritucli to Ilid• - heauty Of the "Scene as• they
----- glided. pas - t-MC•theieat _and delicate crafts:
As - the: Great ...T,•• r:ri Aterri--unloOsed-leer moor-.
' - iiigstliehaiidlife li9aiWitTiltik - iif." Hail CO.
- --- liiitibia,'tirli kb was responded some of •
. the-bands on the adjoining•steam boats:With,
'C'ol save the Queen."- The _meteor flag
••• of England-4nd the stars: and stripes of the
: - . United - States Were -di'spliiYed- in friendly
' • eontignity„ :Three hearty cheers were
.• . given. by the vast meltitiule of spectators .
onshore--atid as - many -- )rnite ---- were• sent
back' from the 'cl-reat7•c,:stern till - the Welkin.
rang again, The 'scene: was - -- indeed7a -- ;
meitiorable_and : It was•as
.. •if the old - world and-:the-- - -new had shaken
„hands _aeross_the broad; A iEtuie„ uod a "na- •
tion's yoice'had,goirenp!:th hail the 'glortoni
compact. • . -. .
, . ,
:The Great Western 'went up _the river
. some distance in style, and then rounded
.to and pro - ceeded on'ber way towUrd the
• Hook., A discharge of cannon proclaimed
• her, departure. She had not' proceeded
. -' litany miles before the gentlemen and ladies'
on board were invited to 10iandsome colla- 1
tion iii - the' r cabin, where The health of Capt.
Hosken and success` to Ilie. Great“Westerit .
- . were drunk with three times three cheers.
There was not the slightest perceptible mo
tion to the boat notwithstanding the wind
was high. The. interior,. arrangements of
- ---- - - this - superb --- vessel have-beett -so--•m inutely •
described that it may be useless for us to
• . allude to them. •We will only that the
beautiful paintings of Parris, • with which
the. pannels of the state rooms areladerned,
commanded universal admiration, and were
"regarded as adding much, to he attractions'
of the boat., •
As the fleet of-steam boats wept &Wm .
' - our noble'harboil-‘4lth dieir'fiannersAYing
i , --inusic playing , --•and their trowds of bits'
7 -- - -- -thusiastic- -passengers—the-Bur-flashing
' and sparkling from the serene waters--=
while the gallant stranger,, whose massive
dimensions iiiid - ••ilarli•s•rdes beautifully con
- trasted with their lighten , proportions and
gayer colors,. floated' proudly in advance of
• • her attendantS. , --Vve could not but exult inl
• .
the. reflection. that no other city cir(the face I
• of the earth could exhibit a parallel pagearitd
- No Where was ever suleh a spectable.esthibi
, ted—and no where'but on the waters of our
.__oWn : gloriousaludsan..T.atilit sitch a iiiagni : ,
•-•• ' &ea:display have been Witriessedebin -- 1,
bluing as it did, anhat is grand and beauti,l
..ful in Nature, with - all4hat is - skillful in Art - ;
• and 'Cuiniing in • handy. work—all , that-is- rio• - i
, .
ble in man'slniTntion, and affluent in man's i
•.• resources.'
At half past four, the-GreatiVestern had
passed the . Narrows, and the steam boat'
Providence came alongside to receive' her
visitors. The transference idas effected'
• - '
with butlittlel - delay t W and - ther;•Great West
- eir? finally departed on her course-over the
- ---broad - Atlantic i - followeff by - the-cheers- and
,: good wishes of the multitudes who thronged
the different, boats Nyhich surounded hen--;
When last seen, She was gliding iajosiically
--7---over:the'waVes--,-whire--a-tlark-column-o• f-va-,-
~ poniniarked her towards the horizon.-'.-•,
Suceess 'attend • her.' A nobler and more
. gratifying pageant than that, of yeaterday
• Was never witneSSed in New York. The,
with tlie. old world, prodn6l by the steam
navigation .of Atlantic, appeais to have p6en
duly approciateil bythe people of this eity,
' has been,Auly' commemorated.
Col. Winn, the senieE editor of this
paper, was a passengerdin
.the Great *Wes
tern; which left this pßti yesterday fot
remanvnJew weeks in Eng
land and on the eociinent; with it view Co
arrangements Pr the,paper, made necessary
, by the 'new relatioas opened between' this
*g. ountry and Europe, by the successful issue
of the - experAent of Atlantic steam naviga
gPlit' t
'Great .Robbery—the Whip Factory of
J. R. Randft Westfield Mass. was
broken opOplast Saturday night, and Whips
'and I l asheo Wilts amotint744 :2000 stolen.
• ~,.,
- ' • Cctrrying ilie tieing MO' fta.---A,..*At ,, ler."
-plan, at Natchez, a few days 4gp requested
..,',, , V,...a/quaintstic‘c,l9..carry, 4...sprn of Toollokto
• - New . Drleani. • • ..I.le carried. it to" Texas..--
',l Trenfice. r • • . _ ', . ::
Onr - repiesentalive -- ht OongresS-received
from the Patent'Office, some time since, a.
parcel of Dutton Corn ; whicithe has distri
buted through the county and district. Ac
companying it he received the folldWifie,
circular, which we have• thought proper to I
publish for general infOrmation, From the
slatemmitibelow, we aro induced to believe
this corn is peculiarly - adapted to our soil
and climate; and is worthy
_the . attintion of
Our agriculturists.=—Beaverdrgus, ,
• • . Patent - Offlae4fare.lllg, 1838.
-11. On. Tuoits I lave '.thp
honor to-transmit a *all pSreel Of Dutton
Corn, which;iP admirably adapted to all
sections of the United States, where-the crop
,exposed - to early, .frost. -
1.4 - iis corn is productive, ant will yield
from fifty to seventy-fiv&bushels per acre,
iwell-managed-r—EXtr-iiois-fporn-se-yerall• •
tors received by Judge Bite], of Albany, to
gether With his own opinion, are subjoined..
.'" Tour obedient servant, , •
' • W. L. ELLWORTH...I
. .
Ohio,' Sep. 10:,
Esq.-=The Dutton Corn you'
sent me bfordet last spring to Philadelphia,
came to-handmbont the 20th - of May.--Some
of the corn was planted as late as the Ist ,of
June, and is now . Sulliciently ripe to cut,
while - the..corn lire have been in - the habit of
planting from the . 10th to the 15th of May,
remains. sat, - .owin,g-to ihe,w6t ;Ind apldpess
of the season: From •the - appeaiance of
•the Thitton_ . corn it_wilLsiticontelimate bet-'
ter than any other variety we . hav - erlrad - ,•Or
ibeen - itv the habit. of planting,. w& have
_:• •
- :
-Yours z
. ' •• • 'E. MENDENHAII..
-,• • • • ... Sept. 23, 11337 . .
Dear ir•-=.'Early last spiing you shippedl
16m.e, at my request, a: hpx of Dutton corns::
I Was indneed to. give it a trial, by the va.•: l
1 - viotts=firvOrable-acecaints=o - fit-in•lhel- -- -“Qulti
yator," and the reputation it - hadAtitheiivise
-obtained. The resulrof the trial is -aceu
rately.,.stated inthe annexed note, and may
-be relied on. - The. oppearaned_of the - eropi l
in July, so early and, prolific:, was gratify
ing to •all - who„ saw it, .The applications
. for seed are so numerous that I shall dispose:
of the :Whole crop for': that - purpose.
.respeetfully. •
W. L. , HIRST.
. ,
Don: J. Duet •
"Blockley grove yißitr'Philadilphia.t.
, 10 1 1837.
"I-planted the Dutton corn in a thin '
of'2l acres, .preparing.- the ground by
ploughing in the'grcen sward and lizirrotiring;
.no• manure was seed was
_and= rolled- in= tar and ashes; -and
.planted, about feerenclovny, the . first
•Nveek, in May: I used the cultivator twice; .
- on-the - 4011ofJuly,,the corn was in silk, and
fit for cooking in the first and second weeks
in AuguSt,.bnt it- was suffered to 'ripen onl
the stalks, and cut cl6se to the gronnd early !
this, month. The fodder is very tender;
and excellent, The yield is about 70 bush.,
els to the acre, The Wain crop on the .:
farm is the yellow gourd, but the Dutton . ,
'corn is far superior; one hill of the Dutton
yields more than three or four of the gourd, •
although the gourd seed was' the, best that':
could be procured : The. two.kinds of corn
interruixt__the__fieldS- were_rpmpte,. l
and the Dutton too early. . . .
. "P.; R.—l • trust You will not cease to
press on the public the, expediency of gen
erally raising this species of coma the crop
is admirable and.even astonishing; the field
when the corn was nearly ripe,,looked
if it Was ail cm's/ •
•N•632E.—We plant-3. by_:2l7:teet;-!rand-get•
5,808 hills on the acre, Oui correspondent
p_lanted about 0, each way . , and had but 3,,,• •
151 hills: thus we, obtain 3,057 or
more.:tban to Ilia- one' on an acre, and
yet he obtained 70 bushels, withonlmanures
~ W e ',introduce this CoMparisoivtoAxplain to
incredulous readers the•cauSe of cur northern
corn crops being goinetimes dedMediticredi;.
blY'ltirge: • It is, however, ,to be borne in
mind, that our corn is comparatively Of
dwarf growth, arid •will bear crowding more
-than-tbe-sotithern-Varieties. •
We.bdg, here to reniark, Mat titeie is
titicity - olit . e . Frowerd - t.eoitic, — _,Whitirth4s—been
mistaken and. sold :for, the Dutton ; paitieu-.
la‘riji . in Beritshirecoun - ty;lVlasS4lnisetts..l . —;
It groWs o stoutei 'and taller than the Dutton ;
and ripens two or three weeks earlier,—Ed;
. .
. .
. ~ . . .
- The - seeon( s i -- En - gime - o.e the Gronokoi•
killed in the explosion o f that. Vessel,- was
I.mither to the Giant Portek, now performing
in Baltimore, • ' , .
After July next, all that partOf Wiseon.-
sin territory west of the, Mississippi is to
constitute allistinet territory under the name
Shottly,-therefore, -we shall-have
tvo more new.stamWisconsin and loWa i
• wiTl7-7-77-7!"--
which. will possess one 1e5%, ,, -Mhat
of e4phonious'aboriginal inimes, - i nstead,
stale iepettioris .ohl 'English :origin/
The Great Western takes out tho_lSTew
- orTaPotilliOir - Eland - Of — Allen — Dodsworth.
They will also -return in her. Upwards.of
passengerssisfy have:already taken berths.
leanS slips of 29th\,April tnettiiOn the return
'-to that "port of , theahootter -- . - Sarah Ann.
'from Tampico, having •. beeri ,prevented on
the 22d April:from mitering Tampico by the
French brig of war La Porous, which-Was . .
blockading it.
we learn that a driver of a hack Was thrown
from his seat, between this city 'end yort.;.
land. He was considerably. stoneik : When, - .
to produce a restoration - he was bledin 'the
aim with a pen-knife bY,a gentleman,;
. cut the main"very, ' , and the. mad
.Zo4Bville (ley' . ;
li,,The. Fire 'tit Chgrleeten.—'rhe Charkes ion -
Conrier,-xtra„; .of May Ist,
_contains 'a
list of ovety'hotise, - &c. destroyed byl the
410,11 re hulloct eity?...iihich4ccupies-abOut•
six' Columns. :,The total.Jois',by fire: is -- es
tininteclit $3,p00,000i
X,,ti . A.l:Jr,.'`AltrtslO :it.n . p--.T7AIc-a) 00 it:o4*'..
: - - - :HERALV . -&.EXPOSITOit;
WM L am - Mii1214153(611.a
oal=apa atalatwitc;
1 The Pritshington county Farmer.
We issue our paper this week taimewhat earlietz
than usual; to give our' hands-an-Opportunity of join
ing Military spOrtaivhick'Will - be - enacted tcli-thry;-
Conseqlrently . our weelOy-repOrt of the Philadelphia
and Baltitnore - markets - is omitted; - as they have not
been.reeeived at the time of :our puttingto press.
411 M prospects' of the re-election:of our present
worthy GoVernor are really cheering. Pyom - every
section of the' State We receive accounts .of large,
siiiZ the eounfr - Tiriend'
IYAOthe good cause. ', throughout a spirit of
enthusiasm, on the occasion, Worthy tine object of,
those numerous assemblages. •
Itis a 'truth whichcthmot be detiied,rthat Governor
ftitner has done more to advance theinte - rests of Penn=
sylvania than any other Governor she ever Jsad. lle
is a true Ilepubllean 7 ,plain iii his manners—honest—
'possessing business
. Itebits7-of;anti
strong intellect, 'Mi
I - devoted to - the intereits the' PkOpLr. lle is Just
shell antan as thdlyeonuon of Pennsylvania delight
to honor:: •
- Thd-clection or Gov.--ftitner - --will -be-the 71owilful!
ofloco_focoliin,..not only in this State, but throughout
the Union. besperate efforts by; his opponents may
thereforebe expected - to defeat WM. It then becomes
_ .
the duty of our - friends in this county , to buckle on
thein,azonour_ for _the_ upproaching-contest;_and,Alse
tileir_raiglitiest strength, to rescue the country 'from
its rafters. We hope good things from OLD oCAI
- ,
At the election-for Governor in
,1835, in this Sena
torial District, composed of :A danis, Franklin; and
Cumberland, there was a mojority of 1233 againstthe
Old Farmer.' At the election last fall the .Ritncr
Senators received a majority of about SOO in the dis=
showing a gain of upwards of FIFTEEN DUN..
DRED votes. ..As the election in Adams and Pranklin
was thinly attended, we may reasonably expect the
morities in those counties to be so increased tit the
next election as to show a GAIN of upwards 0f_2900-
If the rest of the , state should do as well, he far
mer Governor will have overwhelming majority.
Mr• Clays Currency riosoliitiozi.
_ We regret to perceive that Mr. Clay's Cuatomeir
ilesournott •Iwts been oppokd hi the Senate by the
whole Vail Bui•en Party Its object was to prohibit
itriy di leri minatiOU - the:tiirreneitir juin of
paYinent in the several branches of the public revenue
-or in debts and-dties to the-Governmentiand-requiring
that the ti ote of any speCie,paying Mink should; Under
Salutary fegulationS be received in paxiiient of the
debts and dues to the GoVernment, emetic disbursed
to•all public creditors who niay be willing to receive
This resolution, as referred by a party'vote—eii to
'l9—to the linencc Committee; a majority of whoin
. are opposed to it, and thus. its fate is. sealed. The
adoption of this resolutiod by CUngreis 'Would do
More to restore confidence in the community, to revive .
cOmmerce and enable the Flanks to resume specie
payments, than allilte
tration can - devise. - - It is thus evident that "the party's . l
at •Washington intend to- persist in their destructive
; wilt Upon credit, business and the- best interests of .
the country. •
. . .
• We hadloped the recent expressions of disappro
bation at •the course of the govorriMent,_which. the
elections flare shewn, Would mice the-President and
his advisers - to pause in , tbeir niad career—but the
hope is vain; - Thepee& -must not looit for aid.:
4 .
from their present
_raters, batmust 'hike the correc
tion of abuse's into their Oxon hands The ballot box
-ii their - only hope. -- -The political- reVoluticih - is
progressing gloriously, and ere long - expect to,
see the pewer offt_:.-present corrupt Nrational Atlmka
istradon paralized and the will of the pEOPLE PAEVAIL:
' In 'Pennsylvania. we Inrre an act of Assenibly for
the relief.of'insolvent Debtors. This set is founded
in humanity to those who, in the course of business
or ,OtherwieTate-utiabldischarizakeirzhtwful
debts.. Its operation is in.many easekattended with
the beneficial.effects Which the-benevolent legistators The poet's Death Bong:. •::. • • .
who &Dined it 'intended: Like all other laws it is . - Lines'odthe Death of an Ina
occasionally taken advantage of by 'the .Corn.ipt and . .My first Canvass: .
dishonest. Men With their pockets filled, find in the . female Friendship: 1 ' , . • '
ei‘joyMeneoreverictimfort - Of.iite - -iiiiiietiiiice finint • Linea gn Happinoss: -. : . .' :,., • .
convenient and pi:ofiob/e, asa mere matter Of , ' Manners ; and Custbins of the • Ancieui
wertort to become lam/bent—take the benefit of the EgyptiallB; - r' - ' ' •- ' , • •
Insolvent laws*, and thus defraud • their creditors.—
Such men freipiently aftet4ardebenme wealthy, but • Arbonad. ‘• , I
.' : . ~ - .
byhotdiyy property in the names of other poraone, A Tale of the - French:,Chroniclea: =
contrive to bailie their *creditors, ' Such : individuals . Mrs.'Trollope's Vicar - Of WrOchill. • •'.
may be called Solvent Debtors.- } V.e'''r - 6r' et to state. . One :of Many - TaleS. •
that DA' ID-R. the Loco Foco candidate Private Account of the ~Burning of 'the
(*Or 6overno F , is 'a Solventllebtor;in the fullest settee Royal Exchange .... -:' ' • -.
of the terni. l , Although he has beenin oilice for TVI ~• Memoirs el flip Life of Sii Nirgier.Scott, lEN
- ilt years, andthadefi:cim the Publie p uree his tens of . .
. - A
VidOutrimbrEvalf:Prgioni 7 '' — ' 7 ' 777-7--
thgllWlds,fii;il is now ri rich man—and although he ' l'hiliOpliy of Consciousness, '.:,.,;
can sport with hiabhitled horses, and: Let hii bun- 'The Three Florists. ''' •' . '.•„,. 1•• , .
\ tire& and thousands. 4 on - a:horserace - oietlie cannot " Le'ReyetitipiTt
ti•ourtgedt Clerk; :-: •
be Compelled to pay a ,trifling claim to the 'honest . ' A copy of thet:. , work can .be seen at
. .
mechanic, labourer or . sotore keeper, who }vas so.un. .
• . aii . the
:office, and as.'weliv 4 o been rcqueste y.
fortunate as to trust hint . „.Aghi.s may be according to .•, , .„ •
pmbitancr;to.? .. p,-Ata•Agettt., we_w_tit-send : xt;
la , v i -but r it-is , .-not4ttecording‘--tojustire.-----It , may",-be-+
the names of any - Of our frignds who pay
p•64 . 4b1e, , but is it HONEST?% We say ,in this case, I / .
iirbieet us from D""avid R: POtter, the'soLvEtrr nr,nvou.. tlenire .to '_Sub . soil,3?'.: . - •
' -I
7116-People's Candidate.f.
Coirernor 'ltitnor•
A Calcurattioro
Collrent Debtors.
It is really" quite' - amtishig- to twiiness • fhe
efforts of the loco foco presses, to - indUce the
.people to believe . that their candidate. for
Governor is a prat)? considerable character.:
'At one-time he •is pictured. forth as a mar- .
tial hero, in a cocked hat with:huge sword
and long spurs; ',there he: is called GENER
AL Porter. sounds well, and doei
_well 'to catch the, people'4 admiration for he..
roes'. So much for the Commander in chief
'of the. bloody Huntingdon Militia. Then
again it becomes necessary for him to appear
in the character of an agriculturalist, and
then . fie - is sp - &en
.of es liaXid Rittenhouse
Vorter, the farTer, and occasionally in a
good honest Dutc ' c nfy,_as_the . _Germart
J - farmer., thiS is god again, and may be
I :considered' as a mast 'lt Stroke . Of 'poliey;—
_li avid isilo_ub_fles_s_acgood alarm er As_he,
a Soldier. He has been farming the public
,offices for the last: twenty years which
would •* . certainly qualify him for the: title...
llaving-descended.from 'or _SCoteh.
rentage; we scarcely know how,- .upon fair.
principles,.he can'be allowe'd the appellation
-of-German farrner i Unless as has, been Flee-
Nyhere suggested that his wife's mother was
a Dutcivindn; or else, 'what we• conceive to
be an equally cogent -reason, that hiS broth
er_ 'James of Northampton.cOunty„plays_up
on the Gernian flute. . •
• THE ItNICKERDO I CHER.—We did -not-re-
- .
ill - number
periodical until .within a few dayS,- 7 aiid-conr.
sequently could .not noticeltssontents be 7..
fore-the present tline. But " it,-is' better
as . _it is alw,ays a welcome
• vieiter to our table; .for it never Tails to be
! weli stored with useful, interesting, and in.
l i stiuctive articles, both in prose and poetry.
The riurnber, before us contains-some excel.;
!lent and entertaining productions in . .prose,
I among which, are.." The Power of Mind,"
by R,..,.Babeock, '•of
College--- - "Efects.q/Pamilhir
• t,
T. " shrdeve, Esq; of Itentueli-y
-'•b--P'Shakspeal'e'sThird .dge; the Lover"—
;• penes and -44 ventures in the East,'?: ,by
! S. S. Buckingham, Eqq..;—" Our :Wedding
Days;"- by Chief Juatice •Mellon, of Maine
"Letters frOm;Romee'd diafiter
the eveniful history of the latan
Chief, captain Brant," by Colonel Win..
L. Stone, of New York.. Among the . par
etical effusions, are "The . OnthiPotence of
God,'' by Park Benjamin,. Esq.--,-"lines.
to my !fife," by the Rev. G. W. Bethune, I
of Philadelphia—" The. Escape, of Mary,
i "The Baron's last 'Banquet," by Albeit
G. Greene, Esq. of
. Rhode Island--" I
would not live .aluay," by Wm. Coulter;
_E and ..!_`__Complaint_
The : "Literary 'Notices;" and the. "Bin.
tors' Table," arc; as'usual, quite intefest ,
ing;fbut • the whole work will recommend
itself to every intelligent readei; as it is con
ceded on all.sides'tO be of the best .- pe - ;
fitidicals of _the plibiinba either in
Europe or America. it is issued monthly
. .. •
in.NeW York, at $5 per.aimuiia iii advance;
making two volumes within the year;, each
embrabing more than 600 largo betaVo .
pages, upon fine paper and new type: The
editor of this paper is agent for . The iinick
'_prilocker iti this place, and .he will alWays
be happy to send on the nam of those
who may feadesirous of patronizing a . work
of sterling merit, such as this unqueltiona
bty isi• • • •
U OF. tuitai•EAir_
POLlTE:LizEmitiME—isthe — title of a new
work edinmeheoil on the first of.last month
in New - Y0r15. ; edited by LUOLII4I - I. BISBEE,
and published'by F. W BRADLEY &
It is filled with a: variety of most excellent'
-matter, and promises to be an accession to
the, many valuable pe,riOdicais alreadfimb
.l,ished in that'ciiy, The conditions
atintirri in ail vatid.qm4l.l7s l foihirhontlig
= - 411 - ti - Srfqi - rtlW6 . 6 7 lhohths.—Thz pubtica.;
tioh offiCdAs No. 8 Astor House, Broadivay
N.Y- - *,e.append - theTcontents' of.tha-k,-
Ne , Apaper Press of Paris,
The American Indian.-.:_,
Hoskin's .Visit,to the Great Oasis'.
Love and Hope.
SALE OE:1514 - SEATED LANDS:--We observe
by the Pei:l•3r 'eounty Democrat, that the
Treasurer of Perry county has, advertiied
for sale seVeral hundred tracts or parcels of
unseated lancler in that county, for the taxes .
and costs due upon them: The ,sale
commence on the 11th of June - next r at the
Court House in the borough of Bloomfield,
and will be-eontinued front day today; urt
rtil all is sold; or redeemed by the, ON . VllerSor
their agents. Asa number of the tracts are
Owned by citizens of this borough and coun
ty; we have thought duty to apprize
them of the '6
- ale, so that they may take im-
Mediate steps to redeem their prOpertY
time, and thereby save lhemselverl much
~• • - •
- .MARRIEW: - -
On yesterday_lmoining . by the Rdv. 11. Wiison
the Rev: IL W. DurmOxi, of St. Augustine, Florida 'to
Miss M.ParrnA,. daughter of bnvid Mahun Esq., tf
_ln this, borough, on-Sat,urday,inorning last, Marts',
clau&hter of George' A. Lyon, in the 14th-year of her.
Extradt from the.Minute§ of the Societ,
• It is_with feelings'of thedeeiest and most unfeigned
regret; that Ave have received intelligence of the death
of a member-of the' society,' Mr: Joseph Hoffer,-
intelligence. that milli . fot an expression of rernem
bronco and respectfrom this society of no ordinary
character; not only as regards the estimable_private
character-of the deceased, but on account of 'his ten - -
nexiortwith this society,-as-one- Of-its founders, -and
firm sworters, in the. fnfauey of its organizatiOm-,
Theretore, .
Resolved, That we do deeply syrhpathize
bereaved parents-for•the-loss nf_nn;affeetionate- 891):•-•
and sinererelY lament :with-the sorrowing wife and
friends of the deedased their and our untimely be,
reavement, knowing, that iithim we deplore thaloss
,Of most worthy_ friead, nad eStinsahle ,member of
our society. _ •
:Iriiii - voisery of .:" - E.liini. -
-Ribirrs - Socti,Tx.,!_'_:Air.ill be:held in the So,
160n.0f oil
dress will be deliveretl by Huoir - GAuLLA,
oncn, Esd., The. public - are respectfully
~ _
invited to -attend.
- May 15, 1838. - • -
. . ' - '11. :7 001113.1:11 • •
okt. _ K NAPP-exceedingly regrets that un
avolda le on•cumstances have delayed - Tiiirvisit thus
long to_Carlisle, but has the pleasure to inform. the
public that he hits now arrived, and may be BZ'o7l . at
the Mansion Horse, POR THREE 1 1 / I MO,7V*LE
- feels-gratifjed for the liberal and distinguished
patronage with which he has been hodored, and will
endeavor to merit a continuance of.the.same. '
Should any hf twiner operatioifs heed repairs,
they hill be attended to . free of charge. .
- It is unnecessary for him- to enumerate what opera.
'out_he_Performs,muLannexmn ireds_of_te.stimoni„,
Os, which it 'lain his power to do, but will only say
that he performs all the various operations in Dental
S'artzery, according to the late felent?fit improvements
id the nil, and warrants all his operatiolp to give sat
isfitetion. • . •
. May 14,108. ' • .
- rortlEimwr,
• • • •• That large and commodious two story
:1( m . !i?, fatunte on Abe Southwest Corner of
Pomfret and Pitt streets.
Possession can be had immediately. For furtiier
particulars, enquiie of the — OisCriber adjoining the
premises. •
. • • JACOB CART`:
• • Carlisle, Niay. 14, t838 . .-3w, • 24
31NT ItECEiVED. — A Fresh vpply
Goods, athong Nvbich arc,
• - Syrdifand 11:0J:kans - MOLASSESi •
• 'Java; Rio, and LaOra COFFEE, •
IBrazil,N. Orleans and Loaf SUGAR, ' •
Black, O. PowOr:lmperial, & Y..llYsija TEAS;
. Sperm and TalloW CANDLES,
Brown, and Yellow SOO ~
And for sale by • CHAS. BARNITZ.
"May 14. • • _24 •
Jnet returned from the city cif Philadelphia with a
general assortment of V LIQUORS,
-purchased from-the first-liandiirin'-woSid -glass •to
VhiehlinYite - thb - nttentiotruf Innkeepers general
Teneriffe, Pink, Old Madeira, Pale Sher...
champaigne, Claret, 'lllustat i
myl rock WINES. : : .
Brandy; Holland Gin, hula Old Whiskey,
Which have been purchased ht.'the' shortest- prices
and will be disppsed of on accommodating terms.
May - 14: 24
. .
-L -JUST supply of
- 31W1147 --- :
._ tram • '
. wastauttztra'
The subscribers continue to ttlansilet a general Coni
mission the sale of all kinds of 'country
produce. 'they also continue to receive and forward
with despatch, goods ordered for any or the towns
on the Cumberland Road „,
rodace-orderetita-01-eaver , &-MilleriFlatiritharg,
for us,will be forwarded wohonfiletay. •
011itIels". 8c ,FQX,
Refer io• broad . street, above Huts, Phil
CH liL5 s oGILDY, Esq.
Mr. liErmv,Rito.t,ris,' C a rlisip,
• May 14,183,5.—nm.
. . „.,
Notice is hereby given; that,the necount.of
Line and Merchtiir Brennerhan,Assignee of Samuel
Neidig, has been presented to the Court of Common
Pleas, of Cumberland bounty, f o r confirmation and
allowance, and • said Court" have Appointed the first
day, of 'August Court, (being
,the 13th . day of said
nrinth;) far its consideration,
and Rule on all con
cerned to Alen , cause, why it shall oat be confirmed
and allowed. . , GEO. PLEMING,
Prothonotary'a.Office,? ,S .Prothonotitry.
CarliSle, May 0,18;38.,'
LEMONS -& OR-ANG 4 ES,-"r sale ut
the Storer of CHAS. BANIT?..
: May 14. r . • .1.1
qttotou A.LmoNDsoina
Pif erts for s. y
May 14
__,,JUST R . UC: I I;= GrQui)iiCitmabir,
nd for
CH*S 4 -13-AhNITZ,
May. 1-k;
To Lapeaster;kiarrisburg, Carlisiei-autt.Cliandiers
burg. Rail Road distance, 150 miles. Leave corner.
of Broad and Arch streets, daily, at Rix. o'clock, A.
NI., by superior Coaches from Cbanibersburg to. Bed.:
ford, Stoughstown, and GreensbUrg, to' P.ttsburgh. -
. ,
. Through to .Pittsburg in 48. Hours. .
. • . .
. •
—, (Z . ‘ :?,, -
. . 2—' ,Z ., ,` %- 2 47 4--. .--v-- 4, 01 ,-,w ~ .'j v ia ": •
4 2 4 .4 ..._....0 - N we _. l. ,„_ ....t r ., ~• ~.--/!.. •
. 9 1011111114Vir Mi AI li ell t _
_ _ ~ ..- - 1.-!-7,- , -• Tr - _ , e-- --, '"-' . -:- . :--- -. ..-f:2-;..:74,1-7.,t1i;;;,.. - ..-,. „ L.
United 'States' Rail Road and Mail Stage' Lines to
Chambersßurg, Bedford, Some.eastt, 'Washington and
.Wheeling, the „only lines direct to Wheeling from
Of Rail Road Cara to Lakaster and Columbia; at
- •'• 8 o'clock, A. M. -
The public are most respecifully informed,that the
Proprietors of these Lines,-have spared no expense,
to make them equal; if-not in many points - superior
to any ever placed on the Western Road; and every
ether necessary accommodation to rendei•the'Travel ,
len : perfectly safe and comfortaltle;"and therefore hOpe
to receive a share of Ooci \ will,nbil,the patronage ci
a liberal public. • • -"P
Olice,:.N.b. 89 Chesnut Street. one door belov 3d . .st.
' For scats apply as above ; at P. Osborne'S' Hotel;
No. 218 Market Street; Western Hatt No. 288
Market Street; 'and at T. G: Kerns' Dipot
llonse i corner of -117;I and I.reh Streets.
' • . • 'Rail Road Car'Proprietors:
Krrraut, As - cap-- • •
---: ay' 14; 1838. - • 24.
11.A.ItlaW A.RIE4i)
---- , -- 4 —. P . `itri,‘ ,
1 114 ii ill I
1,. \\‘'"''-';°.-'.
2 . 4 1.J,r.- ii //:".
t,..„,"'" 'l4
T... IC-44_tre",)" . " t. '' ' ' - '7..5. '" '".k.'4e..........
nr- , " W4"•••11,"- 1 , " : "''' . ._„,,, 4 4 , • ,- '"e".t.""' - ' -".=..
aamaza oillfuoW9
-,--Tre titins his.sinoQQicahankvto.thccitizeiiiOf Cailisle
and adjoining coiliitry4 for the tonsi.lißeral .patronar•
which hasleen,beston•ed upon. hint, and_wishes_to_in,_
form the public generally that lie. has replenished' his
snick of-CiutidsiddiatTerS:liiniself that he will be
able to give entire,mtisfirp :44,:wh0 will call at'
His Store, hotly in quality and•price of goods ; is.
resolved to sell low for cash • •.
Call at-the old•well known Stand.of 'D. Ifaidnn ' ,in-
North I lannveo Street, and exantint his. stock.
Goods; as lie a,general and complete
of Hardware, - •' " • •
:Aiwa large asßortment-of-13i.illin!s7.Double - Refilied
Steel Pasnnore and ;Newton thylington's
Cora_and Grass Scythes.
He has also the New Cnniberiarat ' ails -liuf call"
and examine, each one for himself.
.Crorlisle, May 14,1838.-3 m. . - eel •
• -1:1A IR CLOTH,. :
Broad Cloth, and .
Summer Caps,' •'
• For sale by ' •
i T k r r s ! . ITAT s 11; -i
Itecved a fie arr tsclety
of I•a - sitionableltuscia, Broil', and Silk l lats. ..)
For bale by ' . . . CHAS. BAHNITZ.
May !4. . .
' •
the box., fey sale by
_ 04.
A variety of Travelling And Vainitv llagketa, at the
Store of ' CHAS . . liAlliSaTZ.
May 14. • a 21
Setic . I
•••auttivat nutusAt 1C ago Sato tjapi,„tl
joipa ‘,Suyityr paanBkf Jo aranau Jpia3dits .Saar u
060 LSUrnUItZ puu Jo Matins delyouv
o H arlOl4llV ,
/07;4 71-4 -7-71--pa-a-pa - g
'AY - 1(1E111S. IIaILLON.Ir
1.5 'II S l lll
v .
'a.m .- Toasp 34 Inn limp .ii
-rlvay.) gjpappap paa..tio aail yaftpa 4 33pluit paplupqa3
:Gana puu saamtvi !eupinq ja • - outzu(puoff tiauaJ z t
:mum' jinn puu „lama aupadiis bat atuoS atoll
• ' "oa Is? Crlatinir . ° • "
111 111
• ' A-ups Jo e l'
2q arlo,ti4lLYn.v-7 finotio pun sozpipl3' •
D 191". ,IsutittrAuT.9 0)31413x:I
•aa utismiuminoili . ittAn vual
• ---- ‘satgrivna - aricriercirirds •
. aol Aso! .Cpioui
-ttmoun pD.talio ;mu tiotrO. ‘s.rariviri pub ',91.)0rt) ..Tun
-mite tuaa.toit pomaoo.t is . nl OAUf I
, "00 V arlololl' •
*SCILOO'3 clVall3 'clVl'H3
• encoiniataity CI Cloths,
CassitherS,S3ltinetts,Vedin g B i &c. ke. for sale at
the Store of , I•ARNOLVICCO;
May 14. • • • 24
TIIE Board of Directors of the Common School
of the trirciugh of- Shippenshurg, wish to' employ one
teneher for a f ligh School, two by Seacondary.Schools,
and tit° for Prary im Sch'ools: Application iihould
he madc_aa OROKAlS.:theselkclobi__NyilLgg
iiitooperailima anti. 171iirst of June - •
By order of thollOard;
• • , tV.AL Pr2NEIN,
May - • e 3..
- - - -
4,1C - ir-side-st the-CaVlisle-TrOn- 1
Wprks., and at C. Wrarlane's hotel, a few btishels of
very superior:Dutton - Seed Corn. :The Dutton Coen
is deeidedly superior to any other, Corn growh
section of country, no it yields from 50 to 100 bushels
per acre, weighs about 541bs to the hustle], and ma
tures in 90 days.
• • ,-•• 1 7, % .MICIMPL L e GE.
May 7,1938. - 23.
. -- . . , CARLISLE DIIN T E.4 ~
Afay 1;1838. - 5
TlMlloard of Directors of this institution, here to
day deClared dividend , of 3i per mot, for the last six
months on the Capital Stock paid in. The same will
he payable:to the vtockholars; or their legal repreven.
tatives on or after the 11th inst.
, .. -
V. S. COREAI4, Cashier, •
-JUST opening.at_the. Ney,Store of ARNOLD &
;50 dozen ladles white cotton hose, • .
SO dt , FErioy « «
, • VA) - 'English And iiinn silk hale, ' 1
• 1000' pieees muslinsi • •
.50 " ' . ; - • ,
50 check% % , ; .; • • - I
Together with a large' iriantiry orb e ,,l, IP
teens, Anlo , Cassititares o : G-- 0 & s
unustiall* I
• • • C " 1P; witcactale or retail
• - 111ay 1,1399:
~ ; s~; ., tt
'IArffERE - AS fdcoia Wet.ccf,didionlhe 26th day . of
last March, eicecute to the subscriber a deed ofassign
ment of all his effects, including tAisliooksandneedunts °
for the, benefit of his creditors, Notice is hereby gi
ven to all 'those„indebted lo_the_ said Jacbb_Wetzel, on
bond, note,:or book account, who' may have unset
tled accounts with hiniiihat. I will retain his books
and papers in my hands forsettlentent, tintil:the 15th ••
day of May next, after which they will be put into the •
.hands of a Magistrate for the purpose of collecting all
unsatisfied claims. . •
WM. M. PORTER, ./1882,612ee.
• Carlisle, April 23; 1838..-3 w. 21. . •
. .
•. • LOOK , HERE • _
THE Subscriber; residing- at Cumberland 111111 a;
has on hand a-large quantity of '
Bran, - Shoils Ship Sluff,
which he Will bell IoW foi. cash.
. .
New Curaherlat4
- May 1, 11838.—0w.5
For _Sale. •
:an excellent and 4pinmodOu . 7.10 Story
with the lot - of grifien 'which- it stands_of itboui
1 4 11.1tE4 A CEES--bnritig thereon a number -
choice iCcuit 'frees : a Well of never-failing Water!
at the door; stabling,ltc. The property is 'pleasant
ly sitnated-in-Silver Spring township, "Cumberland • .
couiliyi-Pa:;- one ; quarter of - a - mile' west- of-Brieker'w
-Mill, on the turnpike road lending roni Harrisburg
to Carlisle. Terms reasonable ; enquire -Of S. Hep
burn, Esq., Carlisle, or of the subscriber on the prem
April 23,•1838, • . . ' • _ • ;
ittPartiieCidhlieretaOre - existing between the.
subscribers, trading under the firm of Ogilby & Hit—
her W(1,13 this day dissolved by- mutual consent. All
Persons' indelitecr fo the Jatelirin, are - rimuested °to.'
makepayment, and those having demands to preseut . •
them for settlement,' to either of thesubsctibers. •
• , 441
AVM 10, 1838.-3 w
-- DR; - S.
HAS removed his Office to the rug Store in N.
Hanover street, n fe,y; doors nortltot the corner, and
idireetly_Lopposite George - W: - Sheiifer's -- Dry - G and. —
'Carlisle, May 1, 1
HAVE large aSSa l i•lnient of.friSh, Tabie,Towlinr.;;
Russia nail Burlap LINES: and 84 Ta
ble Diaprr. A very, iitnierior dfticle of 13.-4---104 8e •
. cier.olart-aud-iriAL_Slicoting,_all:_ot.which_ther.- - •
ifftv - Ivlrolmile - 6Fmtial - utemmonlylow - foy-cash.---
-.A;ay - .
. NOTICE TO CreEDITORS. : '-, - - -
Letters of Administration, pendente lite, upon theis s _
estate of Jiiiiiel Beatty,-late of NetilOn township,' (le
-ceased, have been granted in due form, by theltegis-
ter, of „Cumberland county, M John Beatty. and John.
Shannon,-of-said county.- - 411•-petsona- having-el:limn'
-or-demands against-the -estate -of siiid . &cadent are. -
requdsted to make kiioii ti;lhe siinielo us vritliotit:de-: - -
lay—and those- indebted are. requested-to-settle and --,
discharge their accounts. .:.- -: • . . .
. . - -- 'Adrn r. 2
April 2; 113:3:S„--6w.
~. . .-• , - - - .
. •
`..- - - -.'- ' . - N 0 - T
-I C -- ti' ' . ... .
• .__
_ • • . . .
IS hereby given, that Letters of. Administration rini,
'the -estate (•;clowiani-care, lilte'of earlisleCttraier,_ -
land comity, ilecei:ied, have this day <lssued in dimg.
.forim pilaw- tO, the. subscriberi-whoTesides in Carlisle,- - -
All - personsdnii iii,g' :claims or dein - MI(1s against dm, ~
} All
of dia . ,. said. deceased, are requested to mak*
known the same without ilelay.,--aild tliose indebted to
said e:t.iit - tb finV their said ilelits to
GEORGE CART; .I,thier.
April 0,-183E. ~
Letters of'Adtninistration on the estate of Williaf .1;
Lindsey, late of Pennslyalh tciwnshipOlf_.'
forth of law, ri...iding in said township, all pergims
debted to the t,;: to will make immediate Ahlym 3 it,
and those having claims against the estate will prose'
them duly authenticated for settlement. • _
m I.I`:DS EY, Administrator. •
April 12,:1838.-3w. • 20
, IS herehy given, that littera' testamentary,on rthat
estate of Adam llecee, late of/Southanipton townsh,tn,,,
Cumberland county, di:e'ea4ed, have issued in di lo
form of lity,to' subscriber, who resides in aho :
aforesaid township: Ail' persons,baving . 'claims or -•
demands against the estate of said deceased, are r
guested tomake.knosra the same without delay ; ,at et
those indebted tossaiii estate to pay their said debta
Cqi)RAD CI 4 EVER, Ex'r.
--LAMES will - find - a sidNulidassortment - ofPainterr
tams,: Jttconets, Cmabrics, Chintzes slid mouslims
fantasy nmusline de Laines, untlltiso a complete as
sortm nt of French,German and Swiss Goods, which
are altered cheaper than they can be purchased e15e
,,,,. ' • ARNOLD & CO.
wh4re, by
(May I, 1838. .
7122 - 20%11331111
SILZ Etrltn, EAT.
e -,_
maz - kizrzPAvaluatc,
RETURNShis sincere thanks to the citizens of
Carlisle and its vicinityilor the liberal 'luttronagtt
wllich has been ;bestowed - upon him, and • solicits a
continuance of the sank.. ;His shop is now situated in
Easy llfbk- treet,
adjoining. Dm , ' Stem of Samuel , Iplliolt on t. 11:,
east, and John 1 - LiVetiverl&te'S.:stnie on,•:!. •
where he'r , ill constantly keep on hand a hate assort-
-..--- • - " --------I
"nca of Fashionable
•- i /
rur arid . a - Silk Hats,
-Beaver - , Otter, Seal,-.Natria,--211ask-•
rat,,__Pluin Russia trail:l37 ush,
57 „A 51
0 V 'AILIA-a'o-li ' llU II
li All of his (Are manlActerint, which_b will dispose.
_otitt_l*-pgicas. '
ness and a disposition to please, lo rr ter i t an d rem +,
a share of pliblit patrimage. _
N. 11. itillitayy caps will be tair .mfactured to
on.reasolinnie terms.
April - 9, • 19.
dpri -4 "14
ata:Xl - V4 1 ,0. C 9 r e
The Subscriber remPecifully Informs the 15412...'.
Of Outlaw:o4nd county that he still continues to
on, the above business., at' his shop In "West '
Street, the oeCarliste,vul forsmany . Yo'. '
occupied by Air.WDLiant Alexander, where,
nor on 1• ,tadtws o k til p,Tie4ent . rOvoktmorie of .
&o. wittoh he will . sell on* the smost
dating terms .
-- I'll4Wfill for nt7,' t rimers,: he respectfully:. t r s'^ cu t uance ..t.
,r the public paktronago,.-
Carlisle, Mny7, ts3B .-- 3n„ s s ...44 •
'' --11 ° 43 .t 4 51
of. ever.y7arictv, p:Otivettand for tale .
' . fay 14: