Pennsslvairio, Union and„Schoylkil - Transportation Line. THE subdoribew will tiontinue at the .6,)ellitis of, the .• . :•- • ..y9,igatiarrip s yanixig • . OF .111104 TS, . All=kriuu.ut • Between Philadelphia and Harrishurg-rproduce fcr the,ci ty inaeket, reed veclict the - Wardle nse of Ileely mionds; Alain Street ; Ca brat any- other Ware house on the Ouiriber!and - Wlley ilitiF.Thad 3 t, -. ‘ .Iw.. ronvarcledto eorge. W. Layug, Who a ill . forivard immediately to the persons enasigned to 1 . 8 ,- phis. .Also,in return, bring all !putts of Merehandize nt the customary rates: March 19, 1839,-73m UNITED STATES' ARMY. RECRUITING ST•aIVV , E. ' • • , . ' • \VAN TgD for the. UNITED STATE:4 All ITV, able-bodied citizens, ,betAteen the ages of nod' 55 7 - 777arsTheing-r,thotiFfritd-feetsii-ideliesliigli,_of.,4 l llut liaractori -of-respectable shriiiing analog their . N . ce, but those Who are determined to s'errc , he per:ril of their eillistnit;iitwhieli. is only. three years—ho-. neatly. ; • '• , • This table Shows the pooled of pay...whichenlisted' 'soldiers, ay- . , eording to their resbeetive grwies, • . ..% are entitled to receive tVe:tlaeir F . services. •....' '-- •e, . _. • ... "--. 7.: , To the Sergeant-M:ller, Qnnrier-Mas ---'-ter-Sergnant.;-(lnef-AtitsicianTand - Chief. 13 nglet , --elteh "Co the tst Kergeant of etypinkby • Ordnithee Sergvants .- --And dl oth6.r Sergeantsz--ench _ —Farriers-alld=Blacksniitl - 3Gt/- Artilicer.l . .' •- t • • : - Privates - • 8 06 '2BB 13Lsides_the_mmtfilye_pri,K,1531,0ve , shite! . , one in tibt) per day is-allowohnti.)-stildiero 01kkis 0141T far-his subsisten _.larpr'. supply,es - eiinifortableand I.rcuteel"clOthi 11A011 quarters and cnel are at all limes futadslnsl.; VN eql!litellji011 * be paid tai making those teen who may (;nlist„, Stith, corrifOrtable - andtcnidented - Ath - theh simatieif - l'hc best inCilical attthafance is always provided For - th3 sick soldier ;.t-old 'no deduction -of par-is Digile (luring the period he is unable to porforin his duty, Should the soldier he disabled in the line of his duty.' the laws provide a•pension far him, _ . -- By the above it is seen that the pa)• and allowances arc respectably, and that, with !Cadence and economy, :the monthly pay,.of- the soldier may be aid' up—as every thing requiStte for his conalbrt cotivenienee is furnished by the GO'yeilittnent, including leis sugar and : . coffile: - npiyi keadily.savti front 's3oo to $5Ol during his short 1 , -,,lisimettfrtf-3-yeltr4A,Amtat_thmexplitatiumafthe_tectm he can, if die chooses, purclntse a small_frmiip,ittlytof Western States anti IlTe. 5140 lulutirlfttinnfolitii= . . . blr-; on - Ms-if - Wu - land; ffir diefeSktllllB li le. • Cid, IT N G The-Prizniel EaSt Street; - formerly used As •ilinl -Volunteer printingeSiee. - - .• De - comber 4, 41337.—tf. - (0"-The aunt, of:TWO11001 - LIGARS will - gtvelitwan , y citizen, ,Vint = com!uissao le( I Officer, cir. Sotilker, who -shall bring to this-Rendezvous an able bodied recruit, well foruced, SOIIIIII, and otherwise x.= daily qualified, (as above decribed) for die duties of a soldier, and who shall be regularly enlisted, - New Arrange na ti Philadelphia, Harrisbul g and.Seit:si uehan )l(t Tiansporialloit Line. THE Sohn] espeet fulls litho M 9 the public in gtptral (list 1111 1.111 0111.111111 10 01(11111 I.llli. I;11 11111 611ThrlintIOUS — WIrl 11T/11`)t, tormettv — kept br lit lac IValtu 9, 1.a4f1 111111 receilt he M. Burke, wherehe is Klllll to.met:tit mid tot m utf in mho t ifs ssi 'ti tans ti oils II ti reshot g to Maittli t, at llc is 11011 running a stair, line of liniol;Ctulal decked boats, of tlo. fast el tss e 1111 I/1 Kr toil (It Irv( s g totl Ihiee mil a half 9 on) the tone of Nino tin (100114 kill be 11111 N( II at th( Mlions( Ch Its S 11111 Co A\ dant sti tit u hat 1, St lots Philadelphia, 11111111(111on's fs Co I to mount N. —Goods It ill also be received at tht abose plat Ls and Ito•IA ataltal bs s:oue'liue in t. %WI) with time S11%1111(11 11111 (aural lneket and li eight boat coinii s uil to Noi thou - the' AN alb tinspoi t, Dan sille, and ilkt. shall( , and all nllmr nat mt ite One( s along the Sosqta tons Ictchoot lie .399111(11 Of 111% tug their gooaq tort; (led mom dual Is The-subscriber still t nth ism Its• strict attention to rat t sham ol Intl•on igt , vlmhli 14 111 / 411111111IIN soli( Mal OW NtiCAlll 11 4,A . pril 3,1328 19. FOR N 17. _ . • THAT large and commodious TAviDRN ST ND Ibrinerly in the occupancy of C. Dave, stunted on the corner of Main Mid Ilcdtbrd' 'streets, opposite the" jail. Said. house has long been occupied as a TAVERN, and is Well worthy the atten tion of a person competent to keep a good Vine, the sgdiOng• extensive and calculared to give com fortable accommodation to sqonicers; Sze. very ester + sive stabling, awl a first rate well of water in the yard. This property will be let on advantagemW terms to a person desirous 'of eng-agipg in the tavern-keeping business. Also, a frame, '.Bui/ding adjoining. the tavern suitable for Officesor' shops thr mechanics. ^• • , • • RoBLIIT MrCLAN, -- - - dgent for Vom'modore-Jesse - ,D. - Elliote. March 12, 1.10. • , • Fortuardiate 1(11(1 Contatiskiotf - Mouse, • .41- 1 (VI- 4; • ":;elO Rl~~~'~~3 ~ jll~.~Zal~a~~ ~ HAVE taken that large:and ethntnodiotts WARE HOUSE, lately erected on the Canal and Hail Road - below' T oot of-Chestnut street, Harrishtirgrwher6 their art ngementA,nre - such that' they ean at all timesihrward traduce and merelinudize with. -prompt:o4i' and des teh, to the following places, viz: , -' ' ' 1 - -', - - - - - Philade,lpbia, „Pittsburg, 1C - , ohem , bia, Ba ltimore, Carlisle, Chambersburm, , .and 01l intermediate places. Theylm , slute,ly_cuteresLinto arrangements.sons-tn enible them to send any produce or goods by way, of u. i, the Pennsylvnnia (;a• I nod Columbht Ilnilroad, to Pliiladelphia,-; lia t s e prices *charged' by fitlilm° companiekrunning . on Ilttl`Vnion ennui, thus gaining' • three 'dnys in time, and delirerim.,:: goods in Broad street, avoiding the' i until expense of hauling the Schuylkill. . • . • THEY :WILL' PURCHASE Grain, Flour, _nod. country produce .of . .eieryflescription; and keep_cen stainly on hand - ccinl;ptistel, fish and salt for Sale., • Apr11 . 2;1838.7-0,- ~, ~.-... : - • • : : . • 18. i, _ ...., ... For Sale. COntemplating a change of residencerl'offer for ' sale the, following propertri .i . . ' . . THE .41•01 I','' on which I resitle,-(Rockland).cOn . Joining . ;.. ,-. , ....... ~ 260 Ae,res of Lend. . ' • • TlO.l , ..FARM.Joining.Roekland .and. opposite, containing ••',3011' do.. i do. - . TIM FAR on...which P. Palmer resides,eoh -iaining, - . 300., do. ,:, d 0.7.: -4 , - , TIIE LOWER FARM on: the Sharpsburg and - Ht4eritown.road, ' 159. do. . do. ......AWIE HUN-DR-ED ACRES of WoodlandoljOin . ingthe above, -. • • _ _, - .100 -do. 'AO. . - - AIsO,theIsIEW . LiWELLEVQ,II.OUSE in Hagers- • . town,..erected &a Frospee4, str*t.r ,- ~, , ~.,,..-. f,, ' • 1 ‘ • The above 'farms have good buildings, aa due por '. . , tion.Lof.iVeodjand *attached to etieliond ill in a good .State" Of, e,ill.4ation. More V£llllolq , property as 'to 7 'tioilprialuCtiveness and idnuitimi cannot.lie offered In . Washington. counts, Maryland. ' A lurtlier descrip. /• tion is ponsiderred unneeessary;lis these, persOna,sle sirous Millirchase - willoCeimMe Visit:die. property ' r and juoige ,Or Aikniselypii. The Farms kvill i 'bc • Sold .separately-or together, and a, liberalpredit giVeii for, - most ofthelpurehase money: ..The above property' is - equi-di , t from frarrgtown-and Wiklinpai)ort—d f ..:. • , oillek - each; and liitllihiji)iinlink i'lnAt pules of ' - ----2 9rrl. p 10 4 14- - : , - , , - ,.... 7 ... , .., Rockland:„..,:t.”. . '-';''''''' '- ' . '• • F."TILGHMAS" i - , • : • *deli AW - 18313; -- " ---- • ---- . • 77 r . .. T - 1, -'!...: ..-.. . . 1 71 4 0 ;1.4 WILLIAM 110STWK, Harriqbug. 10: Tai/ of Orirgood mottotert. MBE MC 16'10'2 (14 . 0 15 180 57 12 141 412 . _10_120..i3G0 • .9-'lOB •3`21 Ea 60NSTrr6ICIQN EiZiMi COMMONWEAVriI OF PE,NNSYLVANTA, AS AMENDED DV 711E' CONVENTION. OF ONF THOUSAND EIGHT IM/NDRED AND TlithiT-SEVEN-• WE; The People of the Commonwealth of Penn- • sylvania, ordain and establish this Constittition for . its Qom/moment. . • . • . I. - Section T. The legislative power of *is - Common- ' Wealth . ' shall be - yested An a General Assembly, which shall consist of it Senate.and House of Itepre sentatives. . • ....... _ Section 11. The terirestmtatives, shall be. , chosen annually by the citizens of the city of Philadelphia and'of each county respectively on the second Thes7 day-of October: . • Scctiorr.lll. No person shall he a representalivel --illro-shall‘not-have-attained_the ageMf twenty-one - :yearsiand haveheeda citizen and, inhabitant of the - ; - 3taiTthlWryrmlirs ext cceding-hiS-electionvinil-ther-- last year thereof aminhabitarit °Mlle districerii*ll for which - he shall be chosen . T . ps asentalio, unless - he-shall have been absent on lhe public business of the United States or of this State: • ' Section IV. • Within three yetirS after. the first meeting of the General Ais --- erTilllY;tri7d - TVilliiii every - .subsequent term of seven years, an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants shall he made in sueli r - ner as shall be direLted - by law. The trutnber of , . representatives shall, of the several Periods of nialo, ing such7enutperationi - be.fixed by-,the -fmgislature,,_ -and °apportioned amang the city.of. Philadelphia amid lli - e — several counties, according. to the _number of:.. taxable inhabitants in each-rarl shallhever-be - less than sixty nor greater than pee hundred. l ach coouty_sliall have at least one representative,•tliit no -cdonly-liereafter-erectemt-shall-he-eattilled-tara,sepa rate representation until a - Sufficient. nutfiber of tax able inhabitants shall be contained' within it, to _entitle them-tomie repreientative-egrceably to the ratio which shall then be established. - - Section V - . - The senators shall be'ehosen 'Avec - years. by — the - citizens of - Philadelphia and of the several .countieiat the swim tirale, in the snide than ner,.andat the same -paces where they shall vote_ for representatives. • - • Section V.I. The number or Senaters shill, at the sevral periods of making the enumeration before 'mentioned,-Im 7 fixed:hy_the.„Legistature, anthappo _ tionetVamong - the7districts-formcd-fis hereinafter_ -directed; accorditigto - the number of taxable inhabi tants in _click; •and. shall .never be less than one fOurth, nor greater thaii,one-third, of the;numberof • "_SeCtron - T 11. The senators shall be . chosen dis tricTs, to be To - nned li.V;islatu re r/iiir iio 775-y: trirt shall ficso• formed ad to entitle it to than two Senators, fintess;ine nunwer or taxaoie in habitants-in any city ,or county shall, at any lime, brsuch as to entitle it to elect more than two, but no . city or'county sluill•bc entitled to-elect more than .• four senators; when a district shah be composed ot_two_ermstre.„eoluitits,_illeY shall be adi , neither . the city of Philadelphia nor Any County shall be divided its forming a district. ' . . Section yrrr. No person shall be- a senator, Who -414111 not- hav,e'attaineirthe age,of IWenty-firoyears, - ., .and. have been a citizen and inhabitant of the State Tonr-years-next -before.his_election, and_thelast.year_, - thereof an' inhabitant of-the district for which he - -- shall-be chosen; iniesa he-shall liove r hemoilisent on - the public business of the United -States ot.'ef this - State Cadd'*o person elected as dforesail,shan haild-- ,said office after he shalLhave_renwred from such dis 7 ' Section IX. The senators OW Ina!' be elected at _ . the first general election after Me ailoptimt_of the_ . amendments to the Constilutiiiii, shall be di;vided .by.. lot into three classes. The seats of the seas/ors of - the 'first class, shall be vacated ;it the expiration of the first year; of the second elm s at the expiration' of the second year; and of 'the third -- elass at the ex pircition of thb third year ; so. that thereafter one third of the whole number of senators may he chosen . every year. The sedators eleeted before the,...amenet: ments to the constitution shall be adopted; shall hold their offices. during the terms for which they shall respectively have been elected: _ _ Section X. The General ASsembly shall meet on the first Tuesday of January-in every year, unless, miner convened by the Governor. Section XI. Each house shall choose its Speaker' L . and other officers; and the Senate shall else choose a - Speaker-pro tempore, - When the Speeker - Sliaite excise the office of Governor. - - Section XII: Each house shalPjudge of.the quail-- - fications of its members. Contested, elections shall be determined by a committee to be selected, formed . a nd suchinanner-as-slitill-be-direeted-by - law - . A malorttp6l—eaCli-house---shall-constituto-a— -qudrum to do business-; but a smaller number may adjourn from day - to day,. and May be authorized by law to compel the attendance of absent members, in -such manner and under such penalties as may be provided. , Section XIII. Each house_may determine the rules, of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and with the toncurrence of txpel4a member, but not a second time fo,r the same cause; add shall Wive all other powers . necessary for a branch of the 'legislature. of a free- State. • Section :UV. The legislature said not have power to enact laws (initialing the Con &ad - Of Marriage in case where, by law; the courts of this Common wealth orb or may heregfter be empowered to decree - a - divorce. Section XV. Each house shall keep a 'journal of its proceedings, and publish them weekly, except such parts as - I - nay require secrecy: ned the yeas and nays of the members •on any question shall; at the desire of any two of them, be entered on the . journals. . Section XVI. The doors of each house and of committees of .the whole shall be open, unless, when the business shall-be such as Ought to be kept - soctet. . . Section XVII. Neither house shall, without the • consent of the other, adjourn for more than three• days, nor to any other , place than that in Which the two houses shall be sitting. • - • Section-XVIII.,The Senators - and - representatiVes shall receive a compensation for_their services to be ascertained by laW, and paid out of. the treasury of the Commonwealth.. They shall in all-cases, ex-, • ceps treason,- felony and breach or surety of the pe_aee,,_hez.privileged ,*..arrest_during_their - tendance at the session-of their respective-houses,' and in going to and retur - ning . from, the same. And for any .speech or debate in either 'house, they shall mot be questioned in any other place, • Section.4lX. -No Senator or representative shall ; during the'timo for which he shall have been elect - ed; - be appointed to any civil office under this Cora !lmentieelth which shall have been created, or the eiportiments of which, shall have been increased I during such lime 1. and no - member of Congress, or ;Other person holding any office (except of attorney at law and is the militia) tinder the United States - ,orthis Commonwealth r shall_be_a_membersiLeither_i . honed during his, continuance in, Congress or in office. ' • • • Section XX. ; When vacanciesliappen in either fill-such vacancies. • -- '• ' • Section XXI. All bills .for raising; revenue shall' originate in the' house oft . kepresentativei, but the Senate may propose ameridinents as in othLtr bills. - Section XXII. . money shall be drawn from the treasurybut,id consequence pf-appropriations made by law. "" • ." . •. Section XXIII: EVery bill-Which shall have passed both houses shall be-presented ,to the.Go veindr.: approvi hi- shall sign it, but if hei.' Shall not approye he shah:return it with-his objec- - tions to the house in Which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at , large upon their. journals and, proceed, to. re-consider it. If, after such re-cenSideratien, t*O.,thirds of that house-shall agree to :psi the bill; it shallle,sent with the ob jections-to the other house, by-which likewi se it . shill be re-considered, and if' approved by two thirds of, that house; it shall be a law. - But in' such cases the, votes of both houses - shall be determined by yeas and naps; and the names of perms voting, for or..against the bill shall he -entefd on the jour nals.of each -house respectively. ; .1f any bill shall not ,be returned by the Governor within. tenc.'days (Suitcdaye 'excepted) . after •it shall . have been, pro r sented to him, t'Shall be like'manner as if. he h'a'd signed it; unless , the 'General Assembly; by. theiOuljournn.aefit, preventits return, in which case it shall ,be; a law, sunless (sent backlrithin three days, after their nextineeting..- , SdetiOn`XXlW: Every iattlor; resoliihen or 'Vote -to - which the' Concurrence - of hopses May lid necesstfry ( . except:- L on.,, a:linestion'Of. adjournment): shall be , presented - ;td , Bie GOverfior, ands before it Sh.alt.tako!effect i Ae.upproired by Mm,. Or being , ditt-; aPPNVed, iliall , ; Pio.-Xemsed.:brttio-tfdrds of-both EMS latOtt Saleine AM- fashionable BA'• A: _—HOIJC HE r - , -, 4:113,9,;0tte -- seconcrhand TlLLBlliftr,Atblbtteae,of,barnqss to eticif vehicle. . CHAS'. 'III4ANITZ. 4 . it 7 .4iuses the , rules - and -firntatiens pre scribed- in ease of ' • ' . • • Section XXV: No, corporate Lady shall be hereafter . . created, renewed tw - ex tended ovith banking: or dis-1_, without six months. previous plait notice of theintended application for the Same-in-'such,vianner as:„shall be prescribe& by law. Nor shall,any, charter for, the purposes aforesaid, be . granted far a longer period than ticenty pears, and craw sash charter - shall . eontain - a clause reserving to the legislaturethellother . .to alter,.revelee ormnnul the same whenever in - their opinion it maybe inju.. 4ious-to the , e it izensiof.the - ':Mith-r- • ~ ..mannpr boivever . that no injustice shall be done to the , corporators. No low hereafter enacted, shall ,create, . - renemor.extend' the charter. ,of snore than one corpo ration. - . _ , - ARTICLE IT. Section T. The Supreme44ectitive power of this - Commonwealth shall be:vesled in a Governor. . • Section IL The ° Governor . MIMI' be chosen on the seeond`Ttiesday of. (MOW; bithe citizens of the CotrimiThwealth,.at the places where they shall re , . apeetively vote for representative 4 - - ;The returns - .of every election fur Governor shall be scaled up and Iransmitted to the Seat, of government, directed - to the Speaker of the Senate, who, shall open and' _publishAthetrf.iddlie presence of the mernbCrS of . benses Or the l grsluture.. •Thepason---liaving -lhe—hflrirest,m,ftlifii.r-ofrvotes—shalb-bo-Governor— if-awo -or more Shall _ be . equal - and hig,hest - In -1 votes,O ne.of them shall be chosen. Governor' by the': joint vote, of the members .of both 'houses. Con- festeil elections shall he ,detertnitied by a Committe . e to be selected fybm both houses of the legislatutt, . manner and forme anc regu atot be directed by law. • , Secticity 111. The Governor shall hold ills_ office . during three years' from the thitd•Ttiesdny of •Jaim (try next ensuing, his election, • and shrill not. be i capable Of holding t - longer:than .six _in ,nRy term of nine yearS. -Section IV. He shall be at least thirty years of. age, arid have been- a citizen ati nn, inhabitant of this• State seven years next before 'his election ; unlnsS have-been absent- on- the-public tiosinebs-aHh - e - tirritediStates - or : of. - this - S.tate... --- - . • Section V. No member of Congress or person .holding:any office 'under the . United States-or--this Slim shall exercise the office orGovernor., - • Scction'Vl. The Governor shall at..sta . ted limes receive for his services a compensation, which shall be neither. increased nor diminished (luting the period . for - which - he-shall ha:Ve linen elected. Section_Vll. lle shall be commander-in-chief- of. - - _ - the aimy and natty of this CommoniveDith, and of the militia, except when they shall _be called into the actual service of the United States. ' - --.Seeljon.-V-.lll.2.l.le_shalLappoint,a_SecKetary of.the _ Commonwealth during pleasure, and he shall ' nate aratby and with the advice and consent of / the - Senate appoint .0i- judicial officers of courts. If, • tution. lie shall, hare 'power to fill all vacancies th_dl. 711 fl y_hap . p . o:,in.ketz judicial offices during.the,; recess of the Senate, by granting eonmlisslons e shall expire at the end*: their next session : Pro- - that in•aeting. on executzce nollitilattOnS-llie -- Senate shall sit with open doors, and in.Conjirraing _ or. rejecting the nominations of the Governor, the rote,shall befaken by yeas atublays. • : • Section jti. He shall have phWer to remit fines 'fipfelacts s ,,,mpjAcmit rsyrieves . and. pardmis . , except in cases of impeachment.. .7 Scction X. , lie marrequjrc information in writing,. from the ofljcers in tho executive .department upon , - - any subject. relating:Jo - :the .. dutiessof: their rezyce . , • live offices.. to:time, give to ' th.;Gentral AsSembly; information of the state of -" -the Commonwealth, and - - recommend to. their con- videration such measures as he shall judge expedient. 'l3ecti6n XII.. Ile may, en extfferdinavy-occasions convene the General Asserably.;„aUd_in_case ..d? • --disagreement betwe'en-thctwo houses, willi,:respect to the iii le of adjournment, adjourn them to such time-as-he-shall: , think-pr 4 oper, not-exvUeding , -four - _ . months. Section XIII. Ile shall take care .that he lawsT, be faithfully executed.. - . • • Svction In case rif the death - orr ignatiori . of the 'Governor,. or of his removal from o lice, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the ollice - of Goveinor, 'until another Governor., shall be duly qualified :tut in such case another : * Governml shall be chosen at the neXt annual election' of representa tives, unless such death, resignation or roam!, shall occur within 11Wee calendar months immedi ately preceding such next annual election, in which case'a Governor shall be chosen. at' the second suc ceeding annual election of representatives. And if the trial of a contested election shall continue . • lon Cr - than until the third Monday of January next ensuing he ciectimiutGavernorTthelirrverrro of •the last year or,,the Speaker of the,Senate who, - rimy be in - the exercise of the executive authority; shall continue therein until the determination of such- contested-clection r and-until-a-Governor shall • be du/gAnalified - us - hforesabh — • - ----- Section7XV-. -- - - The-Secretary.ef-thefornmonttedth: shill keep a fair register of allthe official acts and proceedings of -the Governor, 'and shall, when re quired, lay the same •and al papers, minutes -and vouchers relative thereto, before' either branch of . the legislature, and shall perfiym such other duties as shall be 'enjoined hint by law. ARTICLE 111. - Section 1. In elections by the citizens every white freeMan of the age of twenty-one years, haring re sided in this state-one year, and in the election dis trict where he offers to hole, ten days' immediately preceding such election, andleithinitoo years paid a State Or -count if tax, which shalt have - been as seiSed at leaft.:kivilays before the election,sholl enjoy the rights of int cPctor. Ad a citizen of the United . -States-who-haitTprr,viously.been-a-qualified-voter,of— this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall luive resided in the election district, and' paid taxes as aforesa&, shall be entitled to vote, after residing in the state six months. Provided, that white • freemen, citizens of the United States, between the ages of twenty-one and . twenty-two years, and har ing. resided in the State ode year, and in the election district ten days is aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paiApiATs. .Section 11. All, elections shall. be fiy . ballot, ex- cept those by,;persons-in their reFreseatative capa cities, who shall vote viva voce. , SeCtion .Electors,§hall in, all cases,. except treason; felony, and breach or surety of the peace, lie - privileged •frmn arrest; during their attendance on elections,.and in going to and returning from them. • • _ WILTICLE IV Section I. The House .of Representatives shall have - the.sole - power of -impeaching. • ' Section-11.-?A11-Impeachments shall be' tried by_ _ the Senate; when sitting for that, purpose, the Senators shall be ppon oath' or affirmation. No per-' son shall .be convicted without .the concurrence of - ' two-thirds of the members present. ' • Section 111.. The 'Governor, and all *other civil officers under this Commonwealth, shall be .liable to inipea - a - Fent 'for any misdemeanour in office; but judgment, in' such cases, shall not extend further than to_ removal from office, and disqualification to. bold any office of honour, trust or profit, under this Commonwealth:. The party, whether convicted or acquittedisball nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and •punishrpent.acclirding totaw. • ARTICLE .V.' - „ • :Section T. Thilidicial . power of this uonifrfolt wealth shall:,:tie vested in a Supreme Court, .in Courts of, oivx and' Terreiner and General. Jail•lle livery, Ma Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Register's Court, and, a, Court ,of Quarter Sessions.. of • the Pence, for each .county; :in Justices of the '•Peace, and in such other-Courts , as. the legislature may from time to time establish.' .:. • • Section 11. The. judges of,thetStiPreme Court, of the ; several. Courts of -.Common Pleas; and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall be nominataby . the Governor, and by • . and with the consent of .the Senate - appointed and conamissiiiiia by hini. The judges of •the. Supreme Court shall hold their ,offices for the terns of fifteen 'Years if. they Shall so 'long behave themselves well.• Tile.president'jmiges of the several Counts of Common 1 Pleas,and of such other Courts ofßecord as are' or shakbFeitablished by law, and all other, judges re tpiired be lecirned in the law,' shall hold their offices ; for the term of ten years if they shall so long behave • themselves well. The .Ass.7ciate judges of the Courts Of Common Pleas' shall liold their Offices for the term of five years if - they shall so .long behave'themselyes Well. - 'Put for any reasohable'cause which shall not, be sufficient , ground of 'impeachment, the Governor May remove any of them, on the address of two-thirds , -!* breach branch. of the legillatitre. • The judges of the • Supreme Court and. the 'presidetate 'of 'the' seterol Courts of Commbit Pleas shall at'stated time's receive for , their serUices, an odequate compensationito be - fixed by latiqichich Shalt not 'be dimlnished , 3duritig theirtontintlanCe,lit qffics,but they shall receive no' !,;• feet et' pergitisiles of office, nor hold a ny other ; office ,ie t profitiatder this Commonwealth.: • • . Section-111.- Until athematic 41Ire'eted by --Cetyl.llCtOkinots,Pleas - sholl - conttn — tie dS•ttt ?resent n WEN MICABe, continues to re- I ceive and - forward goods and , produce by April 2, 1838'; _ 2 - • - . .. . ' •ostablislied. :lsTotmore. than jive eounties,stiatt at any :‘ tithe be incladed in'one judicial district organized • - .. for 'said.,Courts, , :,. . - . ... j, • __. ~r i • ,- Se s ctiOn-iy. ,The_ juriiilictio,n.,of_ _the _Supreme , Court Shallextend over the' State and the Judg'66. thereof, shall brvirtue of 'their elliCes, be justices. of pyer and Terininer and-General Joil Delivery, in_ the seVeral counties. , - ' -.' ) • • .. , 2' " ! ' e Section V. The judges, of, the court of.Ctunmon •-. Pleas, • in enek 'county,_ shall ' bY- virtue of their . pifices,-hejustices-of--oyer and Terminer and Gene rat Jail' Delivery, for the trial of capital and oilier -- - - offenders. therein ;, -Any two of •the - STilif judges, the: -president - being one, Shall be. a quoruM : but they. shall- notAitild.a.courtni-pyer_and_terniinor„ : or_ jail. ~. delivery, in any .couoty, when'. tlie . judgesof -the ' Supreme Court, or any of. them, shall be sitting in the sdrhe aunty. The party accused,' as well as' the Commonwealth, may, under such 'regulations as . •shall be prescribed - by law, remove the Volictment - and proceedingsi„or., a'-transcript thereof,' into - the Supreme Court." • - .. ',. - - , . ' ' Section VI. The §upreme'Court, and the several • courts of common pleas, 'Shall, beside' the powers heretofere usually exercised 'by there, have the power of a court of Chancery, so far as relates to' • the 'perpetuating of ; testimony, the• obtaining of evidence from'placeS not within 'the State, and the -- earecif-the-persons-and-estate,spf-these-who-,are -Tmon-conipotes-mentis,---And-the-legistaturo,shall _ vest in the, said courts_sueli other_ powers. to grant, _ relief in equity, as,. - Shall be .found, necessary : and ' ' may, fine time to lime, enlarge or diminish tlioim, , powers or vest them in such other courts as they shall .: judgeproper, for the'due'administration of justice.. _ 'Section V - 11 - Tlreluiltif iliccourt-ef-pummcirr pleas of; each county, any two.ef whoiri shall he a -, ._ 'quorunr, shall , con:Pose the court , of - quarter. Ses- sides of the peace, and orphans' court thereof ; and the registerof wills, together with the said judges, or any two, of them, shall compose ,th - C, - register's court of each-county, , , - ' '.7" , ':' Section .VIII. The-judges orthe`equrts.of-coninen pleae shall, within their respective' counties;'have. the like poriers with the judges ofi the. Supreme-, Cunrt, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of '--the-peace:-antl-to , cause , their proccedini,4 to be . ,brought before thein f andthefike• right and justice to be done. . . _ . . Section 1X..-The president of the 'court in each circuit 'within such circuit, and - the judges of the , court of .coMmon pleas within, their .rospective, counties, Shall be justices of--the peace, so far as dr. l relates to criminal matters, - , - ''''-- _Section X.:A__.rOgister's office 'for the.probate , sills and-granting of admiiii - giiiticif;iiliTsn ~ Office for the recording_of:de.eils, shall be kept' in_ o each county. --Section_j(l.___TheLstyle of all process Shall - be “ The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Allproso-... cntions-Shall be. carrieiron in the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? ,•-aud-toirelinle,"-against,,thepeaCennd- dignity-cf-tlie.;•l , same." ~ ' , , - • 1 EMS ARTICLE yr • Section 7d• coroners shall, at'tlM— limes..and places. of election of. epresentatives, ha chnsen, by the citizens of each county. One perS7 . s n' shall be chosen foi , ench office,who shall be r'ohinifs sioned by the thivernor.. They shall hold their — offices fur,three yetirs,jf they shall so hing behave themselves well, and until - . a successor be duly. WO ',hut -no_jpefson shall be twice chosen or appointed sherill; in any term of six yetiii - .7 — CriieW - - - - -tics in either of the said offices shillt be filled. by' nn appointment, to be fplide by . thm Governor, to _continue' untirthe next, general elcctinti r ond - until - a 'Auccessor - Shall be chosen - mid*- - qualitied - as -afore- • • said . • Sec - tion 11. The 'freemen" of this commonwealth ." slrr~. it be • arnieil, organized - thcl Pit._ its dEfence; when:and in soch.inanner as may-be directed -14 law: • TheSe who echiS - Cientioglk "sere ple. to hear __ -_ rms;, diall not be compelled to. do* so, but shall pay I -an- equivalent for personal Arxice.:, I . Section 111. Prothonotaries Of the - Supreme L . Couil shall beuppointed by the said Court for„ • the term of three , yeal:s if they-so long , behave- _ then,scices well. Prothonotaries and cleirks of the" several-other- -courts,-Recorders of deeds, and gisters ,of wills, shall at the liMes and' places of election of representatives, be egcted by the quali fied electors - of eaclrrlntnly,.or the districts over • which the jurisdiction of said courts extends:, and' shall be commissioned by the :Governor. They •• shall hold their dices for three years if they shall so long- behave themselves well,-.and until - their successors shrill be' duly qualified. The legisla lure shall provide bylaw, the number of personS in each county who shall hold said -offices, hod: how many and whickof said - offices skill be held -by one person. Viteanciesin any of The smut Shull be filled by appOintments to be "made by the Governor,- to continue until the nextgene -ral elcctioni - and -until successors shall be eke:leer. . and qualified as aforesaid. • :.....Section_lY....lrotlionotaries, clerks of the peace and orphans' Courts, recorders of deeds,Tegisteri of wills, and sheriffs, shall keep. their offices in the county town Of die county in, which they, respec tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor shall, for .speciall reasons, dispende therewith, for • any term not exceeding five years after the county shalt have been erected. • Section V. All commissions shall be in the - name ' and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn ' sYlvania, and be sealed with the State seal, and sign ed by the. Governor. ' Section VI. A State Treasurer shall be elected annually, try joint vote,of both brandies of the legis latiir& , ; - Section VII. Justices of the peace or aldermen shell be -elected in the several wards, boroughs, --- iiiiit - tot6niSliipiettilitlime - ofthe - e4dion'of con— -"stables "by' the' qualified voters thereof, -such. _ number as shall be directed by law, and shall be commissioned by the• Governor for a.term bffive years; b ut' no township, ward or borough shall - elect more than. twodustices of the peace or alder men without the consent of a majority of the qua lifted electors 'within such township, ward or bo-• Tough. - • • - Section VIII. - All officers whose election or ap pointment is not prov.ided for in.this.constitution, . shall be elected or appointed•:as Shall be directed' '__by. No person shall be appointed to anyok fice within any county 'Who shall not have. been a_, --citizen and an-inhabitant 'therein one .year next --before-his-appoiniment, if the county shall have been so long erected ; but if not have been s so long ,erected, tlisn within the-limits -of the county or counties but of whiell'irslictll - have - been -- ' L laken.- Ard. 'member of Congress from this talc, 'or any person holding orexercising any office or appointment of trust or profit under the United. Stdlei,Shallat - the same time hold or exercise any. . dice in this state, to which a salary. is, or fees or perquisites arc by law, annexed ;-ancithe legisla ture may by law declare what State qffices are in compatible. No member of the Senate or of the 'house of representatives shall be appointed by the Governor to any office duringthe term for which , shallhave_beenelected:_f- _ • Section IX. All officers fora - ter:MTV - years - • . shall hold their offices for the terms, respectively -- eeefiledronlron - the - eondition - tliat_the behave themselves well;. and shall be *removed on • conviction of misbehaviour in office or of any in- • famous crime., • •"." ' • Seetion --- X - Any -Tperstin'tbho'shallF - after -- the -- adoption of -the amendments„proposed by- thic Convention to the' Conetitilliono fight a: duel or • senda challengeforthat 'purpose, or be aider or " -abettor-in, fighting allueti shall:be deprived elf -_ right:of:biding any dice of .hanoier-orpr . ofit tlus Stegle,'ad shall be punished otheiivise yti such' .mltnner as ts,,cr pia!4h . e'PresCribed ; the executive may remit „the said: offence and itp disrialationi. - • - • . , Alt'rICLE VII. • • ; Sectide I',, The legislature sitall,ms soon as con- •', ceniently may be, provideAy law,•forthweetablish-' meet of schools throughottt the State, ie ,such ,rnanner.that the poor mad betaught gratis. .:•• Section 11. , The arts and sciences shall be pro— moted in one or moreserninaries Of. learning.'" ' Section lIL The rights, 'privileges, immunities. and estates of religious societies and'corporato be-` . _dies, shill remain as if theconititution.of this State , • : •had not been alterld or amended. • ' ' • SectiOn IV. ,The legialatuie shall not invest any.. corporate body or individual with the .privilegel - "of taking private property forpublic use, without, requirtng luelkeorpOration or' tvdividdal to mace; compensation to the • owners, of property; or give ode :pale 'security therefOr, before midi pro-; poly shalllttaken. . ° • - ARTICLE VIII. •' Members, of the General Assembly; and - ell otil .`eers, exectitivecmd judicial', shall be bound by oath • . . . .. IT, „ , I have r , eeelved , flay,: and .30,boUr. New.;-'whieh- - I - warrant - 0i keel') TRW - time, an - troffer •tbem afrrdii - Ce.i . l prices,; at my store. C HALES BATTNITZ; Or, affirmation, M. support , the , ponstitution of • tins 'Commonwealth, arid to perform the- duties of their respective offices , with- fidelity. ', - • • = Thathe general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognised and unalterably established; wE'DECLARE, THAT Section are .born equally free and in 'dependent; find hfiv.e.certaln inherent and 'indefeasible ..,rightS,'ainong which - pre Ali* of enjoying and de • fending life and -liberty, of .acquiring„ possessing arid reputatiourellitof per suing their own happiness. .• -- -.Section IL-All -poWer43-inherent-in.-the-peopler and all free governments -are founded on, their ad - thorify, and instituted Air :their peace, safety and happiness ; Vorthe advancement of these -ends, they_ have, pt. all times, an unalienable. and. indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in • such manner as they. may think proper, - •Section'lll.. All' men hayed natural and indefea ' Bible- right -to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences ; no man can, _of right; 'b'e compelled to • attend, erect,_ or support • ally place of worship, or to maintain 'any ministry against.his consent; no human authority, earl; in any, 'case whatever, control or interfere with. tiro rights f-- —ef-eonseienee- and-no -preference shill''eier -be —given,-by-taw,-to-any-religibus-nStablisliments-qr _._modes.of, worship. _ _ _ • ". • 'Section IV. 'No person who acknowledges the be- , ing 9f a God and a future -state of rewards.and pu nishmenti, shall 'on .account of his religious._ senti . melds be disqualified ta•-hold'any office: or place of . — trtisreelfrOlinfilfferthis " 'Section 'V. Elections shall be free and equal:; Section yr. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate. •• Section VII. The-printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to'.'examine the pro , ' ceedings of the legislature, or. any branch of go vernment:-And' no law shall ever be made tore-strain the right thereof. ' The free communication :-.-•of-thoughts" and -opinions-is-One-of-the-invaluable - 1 rights of man ; and every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being. responsible - for the abuse - of - that - liberty. In 'prosecutions for the puldfcation of:pmers - investigating the ,officjal, conduct_ of Officers, or men in a 'public capacity, or 'where the mattepr trblished is proper for public in formation, the truth , thereof may: be given ih evi dence: And 'in - -- all indictments for-libel-s--the-jury --thalihrive a righno determine the law - find the facts, - ;_ under the direction of the court, as ih other eases. _ ffeifeanieln their persons, houses, pap - erg - and possessions, from ppm., s.parches and seizures: `And no warrant- to - __search_e.wit anyplacei.or to seize any person_ or -things,_ issue describing - Them as nearly Cs _may- be, nor without probable. cause supported by • : Oath or affirmation. . • . cooed bath a right to,:be heard by himself and his counsel,-to - demand,the nature \ td cause of ,the ac cusation ' - cuiatian - s -- F liiniTtO meet th WitneSSes-farta face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit nesses- in his- favour r and, in ' osecutions by indict ment, 9r information, a speedy :public trial, by •an impartial jury of the' vicinage; he cannot be-com pelled to give evidence against .himself, nor can- he be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless- 'by the judgment 'of. his - peers or the, law of the - • - . . - Section X. No person' Mall, for- any indictable offence, be proceeded against criminally by. inforina lion, except - in cases arising, in the land -or- naval.i ferces, qr - in - the. militia. when - in actual service in- - time - OE war. ,or,public danger, or by leave of the . court,for oppression and misdemeanour in person shall, ffirllte. same offence, be. twice put in • jeopardy of life or limb ; nor- shall any, man's pro-- perty be taken 'or applied to public use,-withOut the-- consent-of • his representatives and without just compensation being made,. .tiection_XL__All_c.o_urts man for an injury doneliim• in his lands, goods, per- -- son.or reputation, shall have remedy. - by the due course of law, and right and justice administered, . 'Without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought against. the CoMnionwealth in such manner, in such • courts, and in, S.uclicases as the legislature may by law direct: • Section XII, No :power,of suspending laWs shall be exercised, unless by the legislature, of its au thority. ; • Section XIII. .Excessive bail 'shall not tie re quired, nor excessive 'fines imposed, nor cruel pu ' nishments 'inflicted. Section XIV. All, prisoners shall be bailable by ' sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, when the proof is evident' or presumption great ; and the • privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be Sifspeniled; Unless when, in cases of rebellion or in , vasion, the.public safety may require it. SectionA.V. No commission of Oyer and Terminer' Or jail delivery shall, be issued. Section XVL• The person of a _debtor, where there is net 'strong F‘sumption of - fraud, shall not _ be_continued.in_prison, after_deliverin up his estate for the benefit. of his creditors, in si h manner as shall be prescribed• by law. Section XVII.' No ex post facto 1. v nor any law , impairing contracts shall be made. . Section XVIII.'No person shall c attainted of treason or felony by thelegiSlatur , ' Sectiop 344-Xt No, attainder shall work corruption of blood, nor, exceptUffring the life of the offender, forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the es tates of such p . ersons as shall destroy their own lives; shall. descend or vest . as in case of natural death ; and if any person shall be killed by .:essualty, there 'shall • be no forfeiture by reason thereof. , • ,• ' Section XX,'The citizens have a right, in a peace ° able manner, to assemble together, for their common • -good;;and-tbrapply- to : ltiose-invested-with.thepewera._ of government' for redress of grievances; or other proper-purposes, by' petition, address or remon . stroke.. ' oSection XXI. The right of citizens 'te bear arms, in defence of theniSelves and the State, shall'not be questioned: - Section XXII. No standing artriV'sliall;- in time. of peace; be kept up without the consent of the Le. gislature;-and-the-militir-y shall, in hll rases,-and at all times, be in. strict subordination to the civil power. Section XXIII. No soldier shall, in time - of peace, be, quartered in any housewithoutthe consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but iu a manner to be .reicribed by law. _ Section-XXIV. 'The legislature shall not: grant any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor create any office the appointment to which - shall be for a longer term thawduring good behaviour. Section W. Emigration from' the State' shall _ not be prohibited.. . Sectibn XXVI. To guard against transgressions. of the high powers which we have delegated, WE DECLARE, that every thing in this 1 article is ex cepted' out of the general powers of goyernment, and shall for ever remain inviolate.. S • • - • ARTICLE' X. • "•' .Arly amendment or. amendments 'to this constitu tion may be proposed in the Senate or house of Re nresentattees, and if •the- , sarne shall be a by ' A majority of the yachthers elected to each House, such' pi'oposed amendment .or amendments shall be entered on their -jonrnars,. Leith the_yeas_and nays. taken_ :thereon, andthe - Secretary of;tie CoiMnwealth shall cause the' sone tOde published three months before the :_next ..election, in at least one neWspaper. fn.,epery count newspaper sTiiill be pEbTishea ; awe - if - .if inthe tegiblature next after. wards chosen such pro. . poled amendment or amendments shall be agreed to 'ln, a majority of the members 'elided to,each house, the.Seerelary'of, the Commonwealth! shall cause, the • seine again tobe published in inanner4fciresaid, and • Such proposed amendment,'Or . amendments shall he, submitted to' the .people in: Such manner and at such . „time, 'at least-three-months, after-bang! so' agreed! to-- hy the two houses as the legislature shalt presciibe and if the people shall approve and ratify 'such... amendment or,amendments bye majprity,of the Qua ! tidied voters of this slate voting thereon, such amend- ' runt 'or amendments shall become a part of the con ! stitution ; but no. amendment. or amendMents shall be submitted to , the • pdple oftener than. once in tier years' . l :Provided, that .if more:M(64,one atnehdvient be submitted, they shall be.subniiited iri•skh Manner ! and form, that! the,people foror against each amendment 'separatend distinctly: • • SCHEDULEdi • That no inconvenience may,arise from the altera tions and amendments in the Constitution of this Commonwealth,and in order to earrithe same into complete operation, it is' hereby declared, anderdain ed, That, • • Section T. All laivi of this Commonwealth in force • • •tit the time'WEen air said:'alferations' and amend ;Meats in, the said shalt take effect, and • riot inconsistent therewith, arid 'all rights, actions. prosetutions, claims, tand'contcaCts ,, as•well.of indi- • viduals as of bodies corporate, shall continue US it the said alterations 'and 'amendmenta :Mid not been L Section TY. Trurniterations and ameridments in the 50 s'AcKs ,OF FINE SALT for sale ,• OVVENOCCABE. •'llrwrisbuy6-April 2; ( 1838 : .t , • . said Constttetion shall take effect' frben the flit day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. . ' Seetion.llli The Clauses, 'sections, and articles of 'the sai&Conetitution,,Which remaitr_unnitered, shall continue to bedonfitrued 'and have effect as if the said Constitution had notlfeen amended. • • Section IV. The General .Assembly, which shall convene in - December, eighteen hundred and thirtya . eight, shall eentinueLits session, as -heretofote„ hot _withstanding the provision hi the eleventh ..of the , first article, and shall-stall times be regarded as the firfit General Assembly under the amended Section V. • The.bovernor.*lur shall be elected in -Oetober i eighteen-hUndred and thirty-eight, shall be inaugurated on the third: Tuesday in January, eighteen. hundred..and- thirty-nine; to Which time the present executive term i 3 lierebyeitended: , • ' Sbetion VI. The: ebinniiSiionn of the jedges'of the ' Supreme Court, who may be, in-office on the first day of - January next; shall expirelp the following ner :1-The commission Which bearl the earliest date shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Do mini one, tlionsand eight hundred and forty , two; the commission next dated shall expire on the first-day of January, Anne' Domini one thousand eight lam -fired and forty-five; -the commission next dated-shall -expire :bit the , first day of January, Anno Domini - one .-thousand-eight-:hundred antrfortYmeightl the :,-cruntitisSion-next_dated_sliall expire on the first day of January, Anne. Homini,one thousandTeightium-' *tired and fifty-one; and-the commission- last dated shall.expire elt the first day of January, Anno Do- - mini one_ thousand hundred and fifty-four. Section.Vll. - The,., commissions bf the President ju ges ortlie-havuralluditiat-districtsand-ofthe associate law judges of the firstjudiefardistiret shall expire- as follows,: The commission's of 'one-half of ° ' - diode - who shall have held their offices ten year 4 or , more at- thvadoption of the ainendments to the conBti , tutioniShallexpircron the twenty-seventh day of Pe-!, bruary, onelhousand eight hundred and thirty-nine; the commissions of the other half of those who Shall haVe held their.offices ten years or more at the ddop - lion of the amendments to the constitution, shall' expire on thd twenty-seventh-day-of- February,-one thousand eight hundred find forty-two ; the first half to embrace-those whose, commissions shall - bear the :,..eldest,date.,.. The. commissions of all the' remaining, judges who shallliofhave Weld - their vomees-far tem years :at the adoption of the amendnients , to. the con stitution shall expire on the twenty-seventh slay of ',February-next-after_ the _end of: ten years from the ' date of -their conimissions. Section VIII. The Recorders 4- the Several May ors' Courts, and-tither et:mil - tat 'Tonal in--tlii-s-tbm inomitealth,shalf be .appoinied for the nine time, - anti: in -the-same - manner,-as the -president judges, of 'the several judicial districts"; Of .those now in office, th - e - EMMitission -- oldeSt'inalate'shall - expire - on .the twenty-seventh day "of February; one-lhousand theresigh I„,litliitke 0110. two years ttfier .according to respective Those, oldest in 'date expiring first. 'Section IX. The legislature, at its firsrsessionmn die-samentiell'etitictitutiffi6lialtalivides-therother: associate judges of- thin State into four elasse - S.. The commissions of those of. the first class shall expire -.on twenta - ,S - evenill. clay of February, eighteen hundred -and forty; of -those of the second class on the twenty-seventh doy of February, eighteen hum dyed and forty-one; of those Of :the third class.' on . the .twenty-seventh day of Fetirtiary;pi g liteen buti ,-- died mid fit, 1.1 be-fou sal-Masa on the twenty-seventh day of February, -eighteen hundred and forty-three. The said-classes from the first - to -the fourth - shail -he arranged-oceorfling-to the sestiority of the conintissions , of -the-several judges, Section .X. Prothopotaries, clerks ..of the several cotqls.„(-coZcept of ,ilMLStipreine .Court)- - recorders - of ' decds'and registers df wills, shall be first elected unite;, t-he amended •Cobilritution, At - the repre sentatives in-the_yeatLeighteett-hundred- and- thirty 'nine; in such-manner as may b 6 prescribed by law. Section .\f. The appointing power sitalbremain --heretofore,-and all olliems-iti-the-appointment-of the - ex-Ccutiverileparfment. -- slialfcontinue in the exercise ' of the ditties - of their respective 'Offices mbtil the legislature shall pass, such laWs as May be required by (Weight]) ,section" of the sixth -article. 'of lle amended constitution, and until...appointments. shall be made'under such laws" unless. their commissions shall, 1M superseded by new-appointments, or Shall sooner el pin e by -their imm"limilatiolls, or the said offitles'Slialebecome-vneant by - death 'or resignation, find such lams. shall 1 e enacted by the first legisla 'ture-llnder theamptuldd constitution. Section XII: first election for aldermen and justices of the peace shall, be held in the year eight een hundred and forty, the time fixed for the election of constables. The legislature at its first session under the amended constitution' sisal! pro vide for the said election and. for subsequent similar elections: The aldermen .and . justices of the peace now in commission, or who may id the interim be appointed, shall continue to di , charge the duties of their respective offices, until fifteen days after the day which shall be fixed by law for. the issuing of new commissions, at the - expiration of which time, theiLemptiffssions shall expire. In testimony that 7ffte - fdieoiii - gTs' tile - amended constitution of :Pennsylvania, as agreed to in convention, We the officers nod members of the convention have - hereunto signed our names at Philadelphia, the twenty-second day of.-Febru ary, Anne Domini one thousand eight blanked and thirty-eight, and of the Independence 'of the United States of America the sixty-second. JOHN SERGEANT, President. Daniel Agnew, • Ezra S. Hayhurst, Wm. Ayres, ' : Wm. Ilays,, .M. IV. Baldwin.' ' Abth. Ileffenstein, Ephraim Banks, M. llenderson, - - John Y. Barclay, Wm. Henderson, Jacob Barbdolar, Wm. Mester, • Andreiv Bedford, • - jos: Hopkinson, Thos. S. Bell, V- John hioupt, James Cornell Biddle; Jabez Hyde, Lebbous L. Bigelow, Charles Jared IngersolV Saml. C,-Bonham, Phs. Jenks, . - Chas. Brown, • . George M. Keiin, . Jeremiah Brown. James Kennedy, •William Brown, Aaron Kerr, Pierce BittlerT ---- —Jos,---Konigmacher,- ---- - Samuel Carey, Jacob Krebs, . • John Cummin, . . H. G. - Long, Tbomad - S. Cunningham, DaVid Lyons, •. William Curti, - Alex. Magee, Wm. Darlington, • s Joel K. Mann • • George Chambers, W. M.Meredith,• ' !.John Chandler, James "%tenni, , Joe. R. Chandler, Levi Merkel, Ch. Chauncey, . Wm-. L. Miller, - - - Nathaniel Clapp, James .- Montk,mmery, James Clarke, - Christian Meyers, Joann Clarke;* William Clark, Win. Overfield, • • A. J, Cline, . , •.. • Hiram -Payne, Lindley Coates, ,Matthias Pennypacker, R. E. Cochran, James Porter, ' Thos. P. Cope, . James Madison Porter, Joshua F.. Cox, Saml. A. 'Purviance, • Walter Craig, E. C. Reigart, Richd. M. • A. 11. Read, Geo. T. Crawford, 'Geo. W. niter, Cornelius Crum, „Jno. Ritter, • - 0 Benjn. Martin, • • H. Gold Rogers, John ' Samuel Royer, .• James - MAtussel , James M'Sherry, Daniel Saeger, . Mark Darrah, John )florin Scott, • , , Has nerDenny,-.- Tehas...Srllers, ' • John Dickey,., G. Seltzer,• - . • • , Joshua Dickerson, Geo. Serrill, - . • Henry. Silted.; Jas.- Donegan ' . ' L Donnell; Tho m as IL Sill, • . Joseph M. Doran, Gee. Smith,.. James Dunlop, - ' • 'Wm. • • • • Thornas_Earle,_;__ Joseph Snyely;. D. 'VI Flrreily Trio: Sferigere, - Robt. Fleming, - !Jacob _ -; • „ Walter Forward, Ebenezer W. Sturdevant, John FOulkrod, • , Thotims Taggart, • Joseph Pry, Jr. • • ; „Morgan J.lThemasj, , :' - John Fuller; James Todd, ' • . Johri, A; Gamble, • Themas.Weeirer, William Gearhart, Jacob B. Weidman, . David Gilmore, • 11. G. White, Iyoodiyardi. : • William Li Morris, R. Young.. . Thomas Hastings, (Attest,) S. Suomi, Secretary. •. 'G. L . F.' s ' • .? Assistant Seeretaires. . • J.' lArictrAsss, . • .. • :.SECRETARY'S OFFICE, : '• linnirsnufto;JFEnnumii 25,;f838.k , teertify, that the foregoing is an exact and literal copy 'of the 'Constitution ef the commonwealth of • Pennsylvania as 'unleaded by the Convention of one thou Sand eight hundred , and thirty-seven-thirty eight," deposited in this office, on , the 26th day of February, 1838 ; thc - inticiulments bCing in italic, and .the • retained , portions of the .present COnifitu __tionln_rontanietter- ' • ' Tito: ILAIURROWES, ' = . , . • •'y of the Commonwealth., ___. 2tIVAIRREES and halt - OWEN NITABE. ' 18 April 2.,.18313! bf the Board of Directors of the C.ommon, Schools ef. the .School - District of Car-- . lisle : ' • -- . • .. • The public schools oftliki•borough went into ope: • ratiomon the Idth of Angusty.:lB36. The number of . schools was fifteen - and-they , were limited to' sixty • lieholnis each: Tlierivei‘e graded so as to reduce the expense of instructionnlthe younger children, • and give the undivided attention-of some'of the teabh , ers to the higher branches. The plan „lias•fully an swered die expectation; entertained of it by its -and it is no* no longer an' experithent but a system • well.adapted to the wants of the community difficulties have been - encountered - by thei.-Board in carrying . out. R new plan, and we attribute its success • • ko. the generous 'Support of our citizens, and • Idieial'manner in• which , a heavy taxation has been\-, Toted, and paid by the inhabitants_of duo borough.--. During the first winter, the schbols bad nearly the designated 'number, and in some initances eie,eeded their quata.• We are ••warranted in saying there were-from 700 to B.sllehildren,on the rolla. During the lastyear it was'found• practicable to discontinue •• one of the primary'schoolS, Substituting a temporary school-for a few months, when._the_pressure was the gyeatefit. We believe that fourteen-schools arc suffi cient:lin-the education of all whci;Will apply ;; except• during three months in the winter ..seasom whentliere• are the greatest number of young persons disengaged, f:onijli usualett _employments, and anxious to tarn I= their leisure time-tdthe hest account. • ' .• if - is the earnest , wfsli'OfilialiTafilW-lirillt - lhe of the schoA as far as is consistent with a fair remuneration to wcyny and deserving, teachers, and . • the successful opera mn of tbe.system. To reduce 'the expenSes cf room rent for die • dif feretitkelsoplythought-expeslietd-tsrenwilittli/s extra appropriation of-$1264.•00 by jhe state-in the - • purchasepf the Old College; which - has beets 111 part rebuilt - . and will be neatly' fitted up to..aecpmmodatit, four schdols: of cost was 85ff - dollars, anif the eXpenses;f rebuilding - and refitting-it will proba. • • Idyls'; 650 . dollars, moreonaking - fifteenimpdred dol-. • - . lars perniatiently invested during th a past year for.the advantage of the inhabitants, and reducing the - item of . , room rent from - 068 in 1837, to $340 for 1838.--9. AVe - do not :believe Anne school system don be off ciently carried on at a much less e. tensethan during the Past ymw.. Whether any f u rther reduction can • be made in the_ expenses it will hisfor futuiT Boards' uf Directors to determine ; but we cheerfully submit • , ~the whole Matter to the qualified rotors of the borough of Carlisle, willing to do any thing in our power to • - promoWtuuradvanee - snzat - atfobject - ns - the - educa.. tion of theCg t body of cluldren,in our town, on the. -hest2possiblel;hul,f3o .tit;-2—it—i'ressositiallyzeonnected with the well being and prosperity of thdcommupity„, and that It is duly appreciated by our fellow-citizens. • The ConollittiT of the BoUrdappoiiited - foiffeporg, • - TM exhibit'ofThe school fund of the District up to the •. expolo' Qjl 0 'erpresetl TTliffdk year, whieli - terniiz - r - nateS agi•e6tbly to litw oiNhe first of June next, res wettitlirsuliiiritthc lialowiNfirtireff"thliylnainFt&ex'"' fully mdlected froth the books': nd •other• evidences before them. - _LOnilte_firstor June 'ne s st, _ been inopet.'illiiii - abo;;C,tiVentf•WililMitlisistiotthe unnexed exhibit enilwacu , s as well the receipts-as the pay or trAelicrs, rents,txc. up to that time. • - The statement of the 'Tem ptsfron" all sources ib as follows, six :,,, • State and comity-apiwOpiiations of 1834-5, . s•- • 1835-6768 50 . • . do 1916-7 . 1801 77 tOtfo 00 llovotig)-1;tx, 1-vie( ) .. )-ei mem, - A pproprigt loft from statT• and 'United:Slates 'Bank fir,1837-8 •• _ fir' School I)irectors . by - ilie Fc - enLother sources • - - TOfal. The, g; .- pc.o3littn:cs :351 . 6n0W Tiicit(TS Or 5 schools,-Ist.grailo pri mry deppri men! , 1172 80 1)0• - - .3 1)0 . • pi• high school 110 ofal . salaries Tents Fornitore,,(lesks,benelles, Sze Wood exiwnses Incidental expenses l'oreba se of old college lot Iti building, teneilq,..V.e. Whole expenses - $81)93.94 IVhich deducted from the aninunt ,of school finals as aforesaid, leaves a' balance niwx expended of 405 19 . . P 399 13 • . Which hid:tore the committee rero'mmentlio he added to the sehnot fond of the next year. .. The follmviig tlw estimated expetres of carry the schools f etlet present yeatv iz: ' - Saluries of towhees of 14 schools 32.50,00 'Rent of school rooms • IViniitiffill . oilier' expel) sps Additional furniture Mid repairs To meet which the following sums are appropriated,: lialance pngxpended as above A:untal state apprOpriation.,: - Amonlit levied by Directors • • . lialanee wanting • • . 150'2 13 ' 'YIN cunt or balance (lf - $1.502, 13 the committee recommend as necessary to he !wised by a vote of the ~. people, as an additiOnal'taK to cable:the rote to carry mi the schools with:efficiency : for the coming ' -year. •• RespMfully submitted, '—'77-7-LEWISIIAMFIANI - Co- ---,--7-,:--------- zmittee. JASON .111..E8Y, Carlisle ~ A pril 4, 1838. - . - - • •• PIUMBIER ATIM Vak ZAMIP4 TllL•' subscriber respee‘fullv inform's his - evict*, and the piddle generally, that. he has for sale, at his Coal :did I mintier Yard, on the bank of thtSAsatte 'banns river, in the town of Worntleyshurg, • - - 2000' Bushels superior -Smith - - . , coa if, Panna and Common Boards. - -, ' . Poplar' Plank and Scantling; 4.c. 4.c. . All of which IM • will .dispose of at IoW rates, and on the_mostaccommoilating terms.' Persons wishing to purchase rwoulA do will by - ailling-witlAbe - mbseri , ' her, and,exnmine his stock beforC they purchase else where. . . _ _ April' 9, 1.8.39:=3m VALUABLE 'PROPERTY. MOIR CAM ii,:).4 . . izaikiAlisell at prifate sou e - , -- cirrill ni.o .le se for a ter yeah s, valuable tract of situate in the sotlihern part of the borough of Criiiisle, containing about 5 Acres, having thereon THE subscrib .~arge•Stone. Su ding ff'ormerly known as " Gray's DiStillery,") • • - MILL ' HOUSE and a trick House, two wells of water • on the premises. : I ‘.lFids property A sailaide for iminy plaposcs, such as' distilling, a (mimicry, or tan yard. The building* - villhefold , orTeaMl; With •cir *itkoikt , .toe land,_ and_ possession. givendmmmtiotely....• ' 'terms apply' to • • ":'• JAMES•ARMSTRONG; - ,6arlislic, April 9,1838. . • •• • . : The " CAntAsLiTTiiniur & Exri3srion" will be issued every Tuesday afternoon, at. Two DOLLARS pee .annum, payable-in advappe. Advertisements inserted at the useanlited. - • n - Letters addressed -to We editor on buxiness MtrS'lrllll 'pow -PAM; other Wise they, will rL eeive . no attention: , • . . , .GENTS: " • ". „ • 'the following namedliqsono have been appointed Agents for the "Carlisle. Herald & Expositor," to whom payment for 'subscription. and advertisements ean•be ; ' '.; . D. SueLilr, Es 4. ShiienianstOwn, Cumb. 1 '; Seorr:Con,r(Esdri Newville; • do. Ttto9 :fir. IlxitEs;V44-I : Shippenilinrg JOIMIVI:MDERLICII, 410„ ..T.'SlATEEll,ESq.lloguestown; dO. 'L , • g..Nirusori,Esq.-.llfeehaniesburg, do. . , Siiyitlitor4-Esq.Churclitowne do. . -) f r '.'4 B A:WXlrit;liere - Av Tuos. 13tAex,EsO. ploondield, Perry county-.° A. J3LAcxr Esq. Landisbnrg, , 2d do 3d 110 do fin• col'il children $405.19 • _5OB 92 1520 711,2432 87 GEORGE RUPLEY TIVAMIII%. 1771 sr —ll2O 76 1500 - 00 . 36 65 $0399 13. :;t3 75 ss‘7o 30 8335 118 84 406 . 189 83 830,00 '650 00 . 340 00 • . 120 00 • $3035 00
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