Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 08, 1838, Image 3
HERALD & EXPOSITOR. BY GE MGM- PHILLIPS. ---C 7 A-R:LtS-.k.E.., rTERSOONTMAY TUESDAY Phe People's. Candidates; • FOR. PRESIDENT, 17-M4 laAllittlLHYDna FOR GOVERNOIt,- aaamya - .-.77ze Washington count?'l Farmer. the !Late .7Elcition6; :• • The reSult.of the recent: elections in t.inwie ahil-in Virgi~~ia, -are. the sure _press 7mAges - of the total overthrow of the dark spirit of iocorpeistul It was the cherished hope -;: of the .4xpaiimeniers, that, though beaten, . routed, annihilated during the .past twelve:. --months in,seiteral_ of .th'ekstrong lioldS, the _tidoOf reformation woad he stayedWlieff .it ailproacitetrthe city of - Baltinfoye., — B.ut :she, too,' pprgod - herself of their abominable corruptions, :and,. declared in a. Voice that , dolefullilteverberatedl i timingji—tbe - lialis - 9 . f - • the 'T'Fbite house, !The reign of Experi • inent.ghall cease." = •'.ATIRCIficIA: has followed in the wake. of • dhe MOnumentateitv.:,_Long_has_the been A suliket - to the trarnmelS of a corrupt-power - she beewbound by-the shackles. _ of - bonlage, hilt at last she -has-redeemed liptAself, and no tonger can be-claimed as • _ • willing-slave of an elkperintentingnml rotten administration. '•The land of the Father of, -, - _ his:country - haS -shown- hersblf-worthp: of his name. - ° • TIM peOple will lie free 7 —tbolig,h: for a time they may suhinit to the dictation. and tyranny 'oflthe governing .powers, they will - not alWays forbefirwdefend their -constitu tion and laws. A redemning spirit is with in'thcm, which, when roused to action, will lturl.from their high places_ those ~ .vlioltave proved themselves unworthy of the s honOrs which-have been bestowed upon them. This redeeming spirit IMs already Manifest; ed itself in various parts of the Union. The • city of Albany Itas, - responded to• the huzzas of---the-Baltimore and-Virginia-VietorS In the 4th Ward of the city, Vhere, says the Albany Jdernal, we have for eight years stood contending against - a stolid majority" . the Regency have been signallyeklefeated, anti -the Whigs are enabled ' proclaim aloud the glorious prediction, wAs GOES THE 4'l'll - WARD, SO 'OOTIS THE . STATE." Locofocism will soon be_ left without tan abiding glace, arnt - theTeople will resume the_pfililege 'which is theirs, of governing 'themselves. We have now the assurance that prOsperity will ere_ long again visit our country—that those whose rule has .Well nigh been the peOple's ruin, shall have to _surrender the poN: .with which they have - been gifted, ayi -which' they have used, hot fot the people's benefit, hitt for their own • aggrandizement r :and, their own selfish purr -- poses: - EDITORIAL - CHANGES, (Thorp W. Hamersley, Esq., having. disposed of his _Share •of the Lancaster Examiner ,&-Herald to george,Ford;:Esq.; that .establishmentwill - ifereafter - he.,con duaed-by Messrs. - Ford & Richards: Mrs. Ford has represented Lancaster county in the . State Legislature forthelait tiro years . . His — well —known—attainments—are-Lalmill cient warranty that the Examiner & Herald will continue. td be. conducted, as it has heretofore been, with that ability and inde- pendence which ought to characterize a free press.,,, v The Harrisburg o Pnelligencer has been ' transferred_by S. lif.,Clark, - gsci:,_to Messrs. R. S.'Elliott#, C. McCurdy. . We rg i gret —the-loss-of- MrTGlark—as-a-inember-ofTthi 3 corps editorial,—we know however that the gentleman to whom he has resigned 'his trust. will sustain the : character which the Intelligencer has obtained as an influ ' ential i -and well-conducted pa!per. I= Already are , the benefits resulting from the suspension beginning to be Vet . unteei. . , • George, 'aint this heresy? You will be kicked out of-your party. . • • SPECIE AFLOAT! • We learn that beveral of the PhilSdel phiaTardis, oe yesterday,: paid specie for all.demands . loader end defter:: . . • ITNER SIDE i, to' quarter; - quarter , - has R 1"*""th l " . • - • - • •• alrut 200 per cent. within'the Jast *Oh:. MEM ISM Repot of the auperinieitdciut of, Common Schools. • \Ye proceed•this week - to o :notice this able and important document, and regret.. that webave not leisUre,to do' the'exient that its merits _deserve. • It is a long , and highly interesting paper, embodying a vast amount of valuable informatiOn: • _ 7- Under the. 'head of "Capabilities and . prospects - of our Educational pystein," PURiONVES places in a strong light the in-. creasing 'of the community of this great state for knowledge, which only will be satisfied by its attainment; and as *a na tural .coneequenCe. shpws7, that the. system' Will-init'ettly be ,continued, but will,Wen 7 -I-argedr:and-witli-this-enlargentent-v-SeCoL; dory Common Sc,to - O 13,1011 rise up in every part of the State" to meet this increased desire; after which " Practical Institutes" Will - follow ; iii which - teacher S -will be edu cated-and - prepared to - "Ni'lirOut - this great systethoTerfection. • These Practiced In stitutes to be supported in'stich way as to be free of. cost to . the SiiidA4 While.,at 'the same time they would fie op - A:only to the i more meritorious who may vhave in the Primary. Secondary Schools shown them - - selves to have talents and applicaton. — The course of study- in them to be - that-of-n-most-' thorough' nOsh. Education." _ _To accomplish the establishment of Se , condarj Selti'iok, if will require an -onal-appropriatioii-oflear-I;10,000-dollars..- ,To..establish fowl. Practical, Institutes,±the. 'snm - of 40,0Q0 dorlars:annually will be,ne-_ ccssary, allowing six piofe§sors to eaeli fitl.tutgi I:l'.he_primaryaild secondary Schools and ltractical_inglitutes would einlgace "4. complete.and.thorongh English • education, andas'many Willjnlitubc.satistie c kwith'Pis, county_ academies, embracing a claSsieal, -course, w ilLbe ,. necesSa . ry to .preplire them for entering college: - Under the . head. of " Great wants of th-e system," is strongly . set forth the liecessity. .for. an increase of apProiatimr; and this he recommends to be raised: frond" - fittultVas,t ; he - Sys:tem lias.not-yetin'allipart4.3- of the state - become sufficiently popular to . justify i - resort-to an increase in the sc=hool :tax I-owl : assessed, ' Mr. Buirowes .e'sfirmitcs that 009,000 d - ollws will lie necessary annriallYTO teach the children of this commei4dalth for six month's in each year, one half of which he thinkvought;to . be paid by "the state. The price of tuition, hecoiding to this calculation, .will be:oneLdellaria .qUarter_ for each scholar —a very IoW price certainly,. and which shows the superiority' of the present system' over the old ones He estimates the nuMber of children who will attendlhe equal to the taxable inhabitants-df the 'state, which'in 1835 was 308,919. Our limits 11not allow us to follow Mr, •Btirrowes through the *hole of his able report;. we shall therefore briefly notice sonic of the- most irnporta,:tt facts- we-- have observed in ourliasty perusal. The num ber'Of children - since-tliadoption_ofithe. system lias doubled, while the ,cost, of' in --StAie tip if -- decreased — one — h - al he. number of school districts is-over 1000,_ of which 765 have accepted dig, system: .The arrangement- of the Free Schools in our borough, Mr. Burrowes says is " most Mirable.7. -The number o - schookhouSes erected is 2,078-609 in progress and 880 more required. The averagekemnponsation __to_tenCbcrs_has ...Ifif.reased - .Nin - $l4 tit_ $18•891 - - ; -- from whiC,ll We Would - infer -that the 'standard-of qualification on- the part of the teachers has beenzaiSed. •. As soon as the state. of the funds will admit the salaries of teachers should be raised; . as theie well i fie - d" for' th - e 'buitineSs *ill Snot sdlim'ix;_to' spending their time and exercising their ta lents for the " . paltry_ sun' which is too fre quently given to teachers. The number of teachers reported. are 3351 male, and 1490 ~0 refq.!__ female, making in'all 4841. r r,he primary schoels reported amount to 4089, 'of which Ware German, 22 endowed schools, and 17 — cito1V(17 — The )scholair-average each school, antt the period of 'instruction nearly 6 months of the past year.. Whole number taught durilig the year as reported, are 182,356, - of-whOm 31112 were exclusiye ly qermatt and 714 Colored. The number of children taught before the adoption of The present system as far as can be aseer ' tained, was 80,000, at a cost of about $2,25 per quarter, so that the gain in number of scholars has been over lomoo, while the• cost of instruction ha.s been fowered nearly • • to one dollar. Mr. Burrowes, carrying out his,exilarged views, .recommends I to the Legislature. to supply 'the• sehOols with a.lllrAry• and ap : paraius, a matter in . our . view . ot immense importanee, and which can be accomplished 'at a . ecimparatively siYiall expense. ". But we must stop. • We feel that in our hasty, notice we have not done justice to •this report.. We 'recommend to our readers • thatjhey procure the report .and read it for themselves.---They—w,illlmamplVrewarded for the i timeAus spent. • ' . .gp. - ZO v:V;4lli TUst4 Ir,__Wr ~ 5 41. .X:' . X:' - 4 it._tr.MTAP:itt'o4:t--ar4. THE, MOSEL,LE-. It is new high time that some provision', •be made by-our National qouneils *for the preseriatign of the lives!' of those who, travel by Steamboat bn the •ii,;atfirs,of the 3 West. - We are sho6led Wine after time by • 1 • relations of Steamboat disasters, Usually the consequene4 of negligeneC on the part of the-captains-and-engineer—Occasionally, it is thie f an accident:is heard - of where - it no blame bait be 'attached to those having, the boat in charge: bu'i in a majori , . ty of••instanceS they'are pulpable. ' l llieTt;rkat nutidter of. Duman lives which Within the last few rtiontliS,haye been sacri -fteed on the western-waters by the Udgligence_ Lezireeklessuess of . steam boat officers, ought surely to :induce the Federal Government to enact,some measures which will in future Oetrent such a criminal destruction' of r life.. is—wdoubr:freirently-to-be—attached- , . to_ the condnet pastiengers; who 4)11: a . rating occasionTbecome -- excited' and T urge Oh their'Captain by clieerS' and aplilaiuje's until their . own ruin is the result Of their folly; • ' bu.t.„ if' 'the • captain' were madO I responsible .in a apereenient for 'every life. lost by reason of accident,' he I would not so. readily give- way to excite kocrit-And_the_feelingsLof those.on board.- _ Who. that reads . the, horrible, actourit.of . _ the massacre 'Of the,- passengers and crew orthe-steamer4llosellean-Aooktipori , .th_ captain as any thing else than a murderer and a'spicide7 recklessness has Sent tOL the, grave the in'angied lin : dies-of - some {tvo: liiiritlied` "persons this own amongsf the 9:urnberandyridoWs and orphans are •loTlTtEcrtibtirtithe fate Itusbands-andfath erit'who-eniruSted-ftheirliOs to a man s 6 regardless . of their . .ssfetYl • published/Inst week an:nen - tint - of this - hitrible - catastrophe - ; -- tckliy - welurnish further _details taken from our exelianite papers. 7 - * •- _will be ,geren - also that ithe.:Prnnoko cently- dolbipsedbh6f her boiler flues, - on hier• upward • passale, •and destroyed the lives nflrnin fifty to a hundred • [co3trtiti.N.xCATED.]- . . Mr: Phillips : , --Ftititik—l—ex - press----the sentilneetS of all Who heard- the lectufe of Professor ALitEN, before the ‘.‘ Society of Equal Righti;" on Tuesday evening last, when-I state that it was highly interesting, instructive and. satisfactory. IlirSubject was thatlwanch of Natural Philosophy, cal led Pneumatics. -The properties and 'uses btlisktmoipketic 7 air,- were. very._. strikingly presented.; ‘iind if w.e • may .judge .from the attention and interest manifested by the ti eroydea-audionee, who listened to him; we preSume Mr:TAx.i.EN has pression as.:. .regards . botli his own abilities aid the utility .and interest of the study of Nat Ural Philosophy. . His introductory-.remarks -on Natural Science were in an excellent style, and-well adapted to the-occasion.. They-were alto gether, practical. 'He .showed the uses .- to :which _the_science..was_applie_dreasons shciuld be made a matter of study; mut-proved-that. scientific-knowledge- was_ necessary in the every day business of life. There is a great mistake in the popular: mind on this score. 'There seemsto be a disposition to regard men of science as pot practical men, as 'of no benefit to mankind in the business of the world—while the truth IS, in the mechanical and' laborious occupations of life, we are dependent on ne" class-of-inon-inote—tritin_men of _soence.— The proposition can be p roved to . a station. And if by lucid, practical lectures: of this: kind, this truth. were ;110re:frequent ly presented, to the public Mimi, a great stumbling , block" in - the way 'OfiilTqiiilni - edil;. 'eatii'in would be removed ; pNjudiee -again9l science and seieiztifie men, on the growtd oftheir inutility.. • • But to • retorn to the, lecture. ~,After.. beautiful and instructive introductioni - . - in which the speaker exhibited the utility of !N . attiral Science in practical life, as well as Timber of novel, interesting and striking . . (experiments were performed- to shoW the Iproperties of air. It' was proved that air was a physical body—that we can see, feel . and - hear it—that it - has weight, - substance . and - colour. - It is a fact; and can be, and was proved that the air in which we live and move; presses with a weight.of 15 pounds on every : squareinch of - surfaee—which by J calculation gives . a pressure of. ahout 36 - • 000 pounds,- on eiery . common tend man. I'he only explanation .or this , apparent ab surdity,As that .an equaLpreasure of the elastic fluids in the bodi,7and of the air in its pores, counterbalance the.external I Sure, _This was-but one of . the many stri -1 king : truths:. piroved during the evening-,-- On the whole, the lecturC was a treat; and we are .assured was well received.;t . • We were glad to see so,large an audience present on the occaSion", and:n.ll%o augUrs well for the future. W 9 understand, the SOCIETY or EQUAL RIGHTS has Obtained the consetit,ioTa Mhos - of_ gentlemen of. ttfe . 'toivivto,cleliver'a'regular . series. of lectures, . . in their Saloon during 'the sunitner: are to be... Continued "every two Weeks, on Ttiesday evening': -As :.their anniversary 'meeting ; Will be held,, and an addreSs erbd before diem on the 3d Mond'ay of May, there. will probably be no regular lecture on the 15th—though the:Society have proxhis . - e . d to givethe.public regular notice .of, these . .ctures4....a I it earnestl to be ho ed thatthey , will'be well attended. MARRIED, . . On Tuesday the Ist inst., by the Rev. Mr. Qiiey, Mr. RlClii:i'CLAnx, of Monroe township, to Miss. ELlzAnwin ZINN, of West Pennstic;i 4 o.ughlownsliip: . On the 3d inst. by the Rev . P. H. Greenleaf, Rector of. St.. John's Chore'', Tin?'As f i3. JACOBS, to ilfitigliterd-COMM4OOITICSSCIIr:EIIiOttraII-Of-thiS • On Tuesday 'last, by the Rev. MI. Nilson; Me, WILLIAM 13 ! , mn , 461 1 : of Air.. Andrew Blair °rads iilace,_tet_Ehr:A•mmt or StiVilletolirnsh)p,. Berry county. , , . . • On. Tuesday evening - r ile 11st:instant; .by _the _Bey, Gln Thorn;WILLIAM Icicp3, of Petersburg, (York , Springs,) Adamieounty, to Miss ATIIATLINE,, young- . est tlnughter of J. Bridges, Esq. of‘the . same * Phle. On the Istint stunt b)qh - e Rev. J,UlriehMr:GEOncr. HAnKAN, of Monroe township, to Miss - JULIAN KER, of York eatinty...- a. ' .On Thuysday last, bytbe Bahl), Mr. WIL LIAM ILlntcr.EY, of Silver-Spring township r -to.Miss ELtz,t, eldest daughter of Mr. Frederick.Wonder lich, of Mechanicsburg. , • Orr the -. 9.7th nit. 'by the new. John Mackey, Mg. GEORGE MEREDITIIi tO - .1111ays . MARGARET MILLER, 1.-botifotAldripensburg:Lf_,..l__LL _ • .On; the sth ult.:, by - the Rev: Henry Aurtuul, 1.-W-littAx—TEnatur,Ao_lH.4l4.n_r_GßEEN, hOth of tlkis-placc -- - DIED, .• • `.- OIL Tuesday last, Mrs. JANE• MOORE, :Consort , of' Mr. 'Milian Moore, of this enunty. On Thursday .last, Dr. RODEIIT C. Moony; eldest son of the 11C;7..101111 Aioody, of Shippenshurg. - ' On die 7th ult. ELDER CALyr, aged 6 years, and JOANNA .1114 E, aged 3 - 3 - ears, eltildrewof Mr. Thomas ib!tett,tif_Solnitanalttintini4lShip.., . MA.RKE TS.; Bal[imorc, ILI ,5;. 1838. FLOUR:—AV'e Murk the generally pre9iiing, store prioe of : the:week nt $7,7.5 much-doing. The is.light, not exteedingf,l9.,9oo bb's. The wagon 'nice rangc:s from $7,25 to $7,50. bushels good foreign red, at $1.,95 141,66pdrbuSliel: has heed - rnadCat $1,82. Rri.—A cargo Of Susquehanna_ IA 'As sold early in the wOOlc. at 98 cents. Lastsalei - of- , good-111(1.-at-93 cents. " . , OATS.—Sales at3o cents, and' occasionally at- 3lets, CORN.—TIIe market has been fluctuating during the_ week. On Monday; sales of-white were Made at 74a 75c; and of yellow 'at 77a78e. On Tuesday prices fill, and sales of wlSit - e' were madc_at 76a714 and of yellow" at Ac: Siam then the supplies have fallen off and prices 11mq - become bertCritgaiii.7ll l- inioliii r i of white yesterday and this morning at 71a73 cents and yellow is quoted at 75a76 cents: . WIIISKEY.,--Safes of hhds throughout the 'week at qo centaFirMrlintfirm t6zility;.and so - me - tisk' higher i for:Mids. Sales of barrels - from stores at 3.2n34 cts; S'optc holders'ask p cents. The wagon price of bbls. :1.'44 cents, exclusive of-the barrel. lions of the week.compriSe 91 hints. and 1011 bids.; of which 79 olds, and 330 bids were received from the Susquehanna. :Pialadelplcia,lirdy FLOUR AND MEAL.—]'here has been an in .ercasedMiami _foC_ Plonr,_and all _the parcels in, market that could be obtained at $7 ; 50 per bbl. have been bought up. Sales of good brands Ohio, at $7- 62i a 7 75, and Superior lwands Penn. at the SRMC prices.. Conomon to good brawls may be quoted at $7, 621 to 7,75. Rye Flour is - steady With_ sales at $4,50. Corn Meal, sales in bbls at s3;so,liltda. $16,- 50 each. GRAIN.—Sales of several parcels of fair to prime quality domestic wheat at $1,69 a 1,69, and a small' lot of very fine white at 1,75. Rye, considerable sales of Pennsylvania at , 94 cents afloat, and a 97. in 'store; Southern 92 cents. Corn is rather drooping; -sales-of—miked=nt-7.0,41.i110w 75_tp_80, and,white 75 .e.ents,—Wejplitte_white.7s,,yellow 75 to 79 cents, as in 'quality. Oats, sales, of Soulliern•at 33 to A emon- SPIIIITS.--LBriindy and Gin fire in limited request at steady rates. - N. C. lluni in bids.,sells at 40 cents. Whiskey has been in better repiest; larke sales in and_some. ..but holders now refuse these rates. • VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS Chßiatv _~ , ALL 'CARDS, Mal - anti h'e' znelobinal / .9,4nieel ,lATTIIF - iIFFIMIR - THE s • HERALD , affxPbsirrpil- . Pa. . .• . 74 FIVE TEACHERS WANTED.. ' THE floard-Of Direct Ors of. the Common , Schools of the borough of zShippensbUrg,.wish to employ one' teacher for a Iligh School, two for Secondary Schools, and two for' Primary Schools: Application Should* be.made'as soon as possible, as the school t will, go into operation about the fiest of .lune next. '7l 7 ~ By ortler of the Bohm! . WM. RANXIN, Sce . y.' ' . . 'May 8, 11338,--w. .23 . . ~ , ' DUTTON SIDED TIII subScriber.hai for sale at the Carlisle Iron Works. and at C.llC.FarbmeN hotel, a few bushels of very superior Dutton Weed Corn.. -The:' Dutton Corn is decidedly superior to any other Corn grown in this section of country, as it yields from 50 to 100. bushels per acre, •weighsabout.sAlbs to the bushel, and ma-. tures in 90 days. i. , . • • MICHSEL. G. ,EGE. May 7,1839; . 23.., •A CARD.. Unavoidable circumstances 11 . ave .4elaziett DR.. KNAPP'S .- visit to Ciudisle, still longer than helad anticipated. tie giyes notice that he wdl poeitively be in Carlisle. -and reidyfoe business, on Friday the 1 1th qtAfily. • MOULD CANDLES. ' • G. TV. 1N1a . y,7; 1838, JUNIIJS. AND SADDLE AND HARNESS atAIItreW4I(OIVIDIWZ6 Subscriber respectfully informs the .citizens .of Cutriberland bounty that he still continues to carry. on the abOve business, at his shop in West, High. Street, in the - borougillorearlisle, and formany-yeatik occupied by . Mr. William Alexander, where he huiti;, now-on hand a large and excellent assortment of • Saddles,llßllogneS ilarr - Wtafgalef t • Sze..ike:-whieh he wi l l seal on the most acconimo-. dating terms. Thankful for past, favors, he respectfully asks ti ,tontinuanee of the priblie patronage.. • , , SAMUEL ENSmiNGEA. • Carlisle, May 7,1838.8 w. . ' 23 MARRION MFLEMEN, Atten.tiob!- , • Ai: V 44. . • " YOU•nre °Niel:Jed to parade at tfie Armory, in the borough of : - _ • Tuesday Ott 15/ii - 0 ay amineo'clock, m. fully equipt speption. 13y oider_of eriptain_Samuei (;i'cip... • .. T. B. THOMPSON, P. S. AfnY 8,1838 krtrivi watatavfilivu:Doi St the New Inolesale and .Retail Store'of ARNOL - D - & - CQ. Messrs. ARNOLD & CO. would yespeetlidiv in form the cititenw of Carlisle - and - its vicinity, that.they haie-just received from the cities of..M. , 'w- York Ee Philadclphia, and are now Opening - a large-and - splpm• - did assortment of .. , • . British, French; and dmerican, IPLapTiginee,E)Og , CONSISTING op an eamintertizi, eo Vesting% 'Summer -- Cloths; -- Ternvian fancies, and other gocklii suitable for gentleman's wear. Also, superior Italian Lutestring, Gros de,.N . aps, Gros de Swiss, and large assortment of • . ..J • •-• satins, &.o. &c. • - ' .:The are respectfully' invited to call and. judge for themselves, as they 1011 find their goods de cidedly CHE3PER than they can be purchased efseWhere.- - Carlisle, May 1; 1833. - • - - DIVIDEND. • _.... . . . CA KAMA'. BANK ,? - • - . " . Slay .1, 1838. . ,_ 75 •:. ~ _ • 'lilt linard of Directors of this institution, have to (14.11c'elareiLilividend of-'3i-pmeent,,for_the,last_six_ months on the the Stock paid in: The same will be payable to stockholders; or their legal represen . - tattves on Dr after the' lltlrinst. ' ..- • . I ;" S:COTlE,kN,7eadii'M Attention-. 'Rangers The 11th company, gilth Regiment,.P. M. will pa rade: at the public - house at'. jI 71iam Strain, in the -borough-of-Carlislk cnv-atatolay the :Ttlf- inat;-at ten o'clock mu the forenoon ; also, on Tuesday the 1.5t4 ins!: at the same time andthlace, _properly equipt for review and inspection. -- ..iv order of the_Capt. HENR BAHNITZ,- O. S. 'ay 1,1838 • LOOK AT .THIS. . 45s±r-:opeltin F , at the New Store of ARNOLD Co.' 50 dozen ladies white cotton hose, : • 20 " • Fancy • " " - 20' " " English and•spun silk hose,. • 1000 pieces inu lins > ' • • • • 50 " Checks.. Together with a larm eputatity of Cords',. &aver teens, Anglo-Citssirnereh, Cross Cloth:, Linen and Clifton Drills, Pittsburgh cords, &c. &c. All of which they 'offer unusually cheap, wholesale or retail _Atty . 1,1938 .• ALMOND KERNELS. • Sweet and bitter Almond Kernels for sale by G. W. erabb SPLENDID LOTTERIES FOR MAY • Virgioe - Stale Lotte r y; For the benefit'of the Town of Wellsburg. Class No. 3, for 1838. To• he drawn at: Alexandria, Va. on Satin day, sth May, 1838. • GRAND SCHEME. . CAPITAL-'—s3o,ooo—slo,ooo—s6,ooo-45,000 $4;0042,500-2,001125 - or - $1 2 000, &c. • Tickets only $lO-11alves ss—Quarters $2 50. Certificates of packages of TY Whole Tickets $l3O • . Do. do.. 25 nalf do. - 63 00 Do. do. 25 Quarter do. 32 50 ~Virginia' State Lott,gy. For the beriefit of the Mechanical Benevolent BOCiety of Norfolk. • , • Class No 3, for 1838. To be diawn,at. Aloxanaria,Na., on gaturilny, May 1248 M. Brilliant 5r&7710 CAPITAL 40,000 dollarsls,ooo ilii.10;000 do. 5;000t - . - -2;500 - -t2;2932 - ,00tY- - - -- 773 - Tif -- 1;000==-7 - 5 - 01` 5,00, Itze..llte,_ • - Thikefs only sloll 7 ll 4 ss—Quarter $2,50. ' Certificates of Paiikageii of 25 Whole tickets,- 130 -- :' Do. ' do. 25 half do. t 65 . Do: - , do. • 25 quarterdo. . 32,50 . ~ • c..--.. . _-- - Firgznza ,State,„l4ollPry.. :. • • — FOr the benefit of the Monoligailia Academy, ' ` - • Class No. 3 for 1838. • . TO be drawn at: Alekatidein;lriegiiiirt, Saturday th 19th of May, 1838. . . . . • Splendid Scheme : ' highest Prize 30,000 Dollars-10,006 d 0.5,000- 3,000-3,327-3,000-2,300-40 - prizes of 2000, &c. ..„. Tickets only $l9--Italves $5,-quarters $2,50 _Certificates ofpackaas of 25 whole tickets 130- • . Do. do. 1 ' -25 half — 7do . "65 . 4 - Do. do. 4 25 quarter do . ..32 50 Tiro-liar/ State Lotteru - LA .t. -----Folghe-benefitrof.the-tnwn.of-N v l, tcelieg—. .. - Chum No. 3, for 1838. To he drawn at -Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday, May 26, 1838. . ..? 14 drawnNtinihers; in each Package. ' Gratid Scheme: , CAPTrids 30,000 Dollars-10,000 do.--6,000-,..5,000 —4,000-3,000-2,500-200-2,001-25 prized, 'of 1;000 25 do. of - 500, Sim - • " ' - Tickets 10 dollars—half 5 dollar*--tinarters 2, 50. Certificates of packages of 25 whole tickets $l2 , Do: 00,__ 25 half, do• 6O Do. • do. 25 quin:ter do .y SO o:7f.)rders for tickets and, shares or certificates of packages in the above magnificent scheme, will re ceive the Most prompt attention, and no official ac count of each • drawing sent immediately after it is over to all who order from us. . • Address D. S. GREGORY di Oci.'Managers, tragingtan. City, D. C. . . E IS hereby given, that Jetters testamentary on the estate of Adam Reeie, late of.SoUthampton townaltif), CutOberland county, deceased, have. tssued , in due form of law, to the subscriber, „rho -resides •in the aforeistid township.: •All persona having claims or. demands'against the estate of said deceased, are re quested to make known the sarne,without delay t and those indebted to said estate to pay their said debts to . • CONRAD• CLEVER, Ex'r. • .April IG, 1838,-6.w. ' • • • . LOOK HERE., ' r LADIES will.iind a splendid a asortment of Painted .Littnu,''Jacoatts, CambriCs, Chintzes and snousline fantasies, mouslinc de Lnings, and also a complete as sortmeoS.9f Freneh,Dernsan and Swiss Goods, which 17de - 6 — offered Cheaper than.they can 74 int - Fe - based' et:6= l where t ,hy • , , 'AIINOLD Ss 40. ' ' For Stile.. fin excellent and comm - tidiotis Two Story • DWELLING HOUSE, • .with the lot of, ground on which it staii6 of about THREE' AcitES--having thereon a nuirniveof choicp Fruit Trees : a Well of never-failing water at the door, stabling, &c: :The - property . tkpleasant ly situated in Silver-Spring township, Cninberland county;Pa., one quarlcs of s mile west of, 13ricker's Mill, on the turnpike road leading from larrisburg to Carlisler—Terms reasonable; enquire of S. Hep-. ,burniEsii., Carlisle; or of the subscriber on the prem ises. ' JAMES WILLIAMSON, - 2 --April 23, 1838. • • • • ~~ ~~. ~ ~ ~~' • YOU are ordered to parade nt the public I'9llo of, JORV . TREGO, on the ;Walnut Bottom Road, on Monday the 7th. day 'of Miy, precisely nt 9 olclock, A. M. Also on Thursday the. 19th in the' borough of JVRIFFILLE, at -10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, completely-n(IMM for:drill. • . By order of.Gcorge Miller, Captain. . J. M'KEEIIA.;:s7, • pril:2;4-1-89 N, 13,--The Court of A. - •. •-• NOTICE. WRF.REAS .Taco(, Trotzel, did on the 2(ith day of last March, execute to the-auhserib_er_asleciLeassi.._- meat of all his effects; inchtd ing his books and nationnth for the benefit of his creditors. Notice is hereby gi yen to-all thoseindebted to the said .liwohWetzel,on bond, note, or .book acconntoir who ntay have onset tied , accounts with him, that I will retain his books and 1)111)&6 in-my hands - for settlement, until the•lsth day of May next, Mice which they will he put into the hands of a Magistratelorthe purpose of collecting all 11'1.411 . 64a ' • • _ WM. M. PORTER, .681 gnpe Carlisle; Aril 1838.---3 w. • " TILE Subscriber, residing at hatin hand ar.tiqualltity Bran, Shorts Shfp which he will sell low for OA. , • tOU'ore of to parnae - on your usual ground, on Monday the 7th day of ollity next, 0..10 o'clock, A. M., in summer uniform, nod alio) on Tuesday the 15th,*at' the:inune 611)6 nod place, arms audaccoutre 7 , iiipßits - itogood - order. By ordcr.of E. jf: Piddle, Captain. ' - . R.-A.• NOBLE, April IC,, 1838. - • ; , THE Partnership beretoloye 7 existing . between the ,subseribers;trading under the firm ot.Ogilby & !M -iler, was this day dissolved, by Mutual..eonSent. Ail persons - indebted to the late firm; are requested to make pitymerit, and those...llmi* demands to,peesent either,or trio. anbseribers.,--- 4 CH A. !ILES GEORGI:I.Ii'. 1 - I.I.TNEXt. April 10,1938.--3 w To ,the Honorable the ;Wges of the Court of: Quarter- "Ses,sions Cumberland county: . ' - . . ._ • . - _ . .. . . . . . • - .The undersigned;alipointed bythe, Court 'of.Quar-, ter Sessionsois Visitors, to the Poor-house and House of Fimploymetjti-if&said county, respectfully beg leave to subinit this their first report : • - --- . Within a few days past; in discharge of the-duty as signed them, the Undersigned proceeded to said esta- Llislunent; and 'were • politely conducted through the the entire building mid inspeeted each apartment,anir also the•farm, and penises attached. .They found; those who arc there, supported by the public- bountyt comfortable and , contented. The apartments were clean and well ventilated, nil.. every thing in order, Every arrangem,entlappeared to be judicious, and the Thole digcipline °Lille establishment excellent. Many of those enjoying its qv/tillages . were cheerfidly en= 'gVqri'ifvaYioitmvtnptovrtrevgsliitable - to - theirnbilitr, - On the whohgwehelieve the Institution fully meets the intentions 'of its establishment, 'the expectations and, wishes of thehenevolent, mitt:tem . & comfort to those who are so unfortunate as to require froth the' community n u asyltun to _protect theitticomAnisery, iiiiriiiiii. . 7.. -""' -- . --- • - ' • All of which is respectfully tftlbniitted. Wm. M... Henderson,• ' George Mc. eely, . Visitors George • Pleming: • Cumberland . county, ss,_ • Ido certify the above to be a true copftaken frrin the s oriintil, as filed. •,* In testimony Ittereof, I have hereto put ••411) . my signature and affixed the seal of the • : 11. Court of General Quarter •Sessions In • find-for said-cotinty i the-37th of April; DR.. WILLIAM S. ROLAND lIAS reihoved his Office to the Drug Store in Ilaniwer street, a few doors north of the corner, mid dieeelly opposite George W. Shenfer's Dry Good Store. Carlisle, May 1, 18:38. 3i. COOPER. - WANTED. 'Ow subscriber 1011 give constant:emplovment 803 liberal warms ton first rate whigkep barrel cooper, of sober aial Igibitarlrontediatonpitheation notstbe male ( 19 - 1, 1838. • • • ARNOLD CO 4 . TIAVE a large assortment Table,Towling, _RustiMantl.hurlap.LlNENSt---4-47.4nta1 - 84 - Ta= ble l)japer. A very superior article of 8-4-10-4 12,1 German and Irish Sheeting, all of which they offer AvlicifeSale or retail uncomminily lovr-for-cash: May . 1, 1.838. . • „ ' NOTICE TO CeEIDITOICS. - . tters or Administration, pendente lite;upon the estate of ,Tainealleatty; late of-Newton township;-de ceased; have-been-grantedin-duelortii r luAte.Regi6- ter -of Cumberland comity, to John'Beaity: and John Shannon,.of Said couty. All persons flaying claims or deutands against the estate cf said decedent are .requested to make known the same to us without de a ......anul—those_indebted are res nested to settle and CUMBERLAND GRAYS. will be field at the ruse off° Trego, on the rth day of SlaTy7- LOOKItEItE :"' New Ciimberhint 111n,y 1,.1A35:6w.5 Attentiolna_ Artillerx. Dissolii n` ~f'ParlH&skip: *THOS. CRAIGHEAD, --Clerk-of-Qtra-rter-Se-ssloirs, • discharge their accounts. JOHN BEATTY, Adm:rs. . JOHN SHANNON, . .• April 2,4838.74 w. IV OT ICE . . • IS herehy given, that Lettes of AdmintstraticiMen the estate of William end, late of Carlisle, Cumber land county, deceased; have this • day issued in due form of law to the subscriber, who resides in Carlisle: AU persons haying claims or tleMands against the estate of the said deceased, arc "requested to make known the same without delav—anti those indebted to said estate to pay their said debts to . • :GEORGE CART,..Rdner: • April 0, 1838. • • 'NOTICE. - •2. 1111 creditor. will take notice that I hare applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland coun ty, for the. benefit of the InsOlvent Laws, and said' court hire appoiod Monday the 13th day of Angust, .1838, for the hearing of the and my creditors, at the Court House; in the borough of.Carlisle. JOHN. ZIMMERNIAN. April 9,1838.-3w.§, • .NOTICE. . . • '. Letters of Aihninhitration on the, estate of William Lindkv,Jatks of West •Pennsboiettigh township, de 'een Bed;baying' been issued te the: subseeibeb in due (brie of laWlyesidiog in.snid teiriphip, all persons in debted to the estate . wiir nuke• immediate paytiOnt,., and those having"elatos against the estate will:present Ih - eta - char authenticated - for - settlement:---1 . ..-..- . • .-_: ;IA.MESIINDSEY Atiministtatom -,--pri a .,1,838,+-31v," .. . • 10' „. Afore' and Betttr. VIRGINIA AND ALBANY !!! The Wliigs Trilcmpliant Jlgain,Se• We have for nearly three - months lias) • Lheen recording Succession of great, •and - ' • .• many of them.unexpeeied Whig _victories, • • • in diffefent parts'orthe .Union ; of stateil • .• distrie*--eittes and towns. liwas•buf last L-week we had the .gratification of . announe-. ing-Itife:unparalleled F il icepqA th e _wi,• g „ ". e_ause In , the'reriemtition - of Baltimore '-and -- - Rhode Island . from •the - thraldoni 'Of Bureriism and-government-tyranny.' •. . ; This.week we have the additional Pleas:. nre - ot - redording - two - more - signal - triuMpbs —, 7 of- the Whiks. One •in the . cdpittl of the empire state, Van- Buren's home, the' head . . quarters Of the Regene3r, 'where The Whigs• for the first time have carried-every-ward,-in the city by handsome . majorities. The other is-the-entire redemptioh-of -- thp '-'!An cient Dominion," - • • which has lieon so Jong.e.stran.g4 from )ath of -Duty, byfollowing false lights,_has • • -.l_,tuty, by .1. ing 1. at length turned in lier JnajesW and might - bh herseducersi and like n migt bears down all before . her. IGHA3tU: -~~ Retunis are received from more thanlifty counties and cities in which has been so: . great ,diready, that should Were . : he he cliano in the remainder..of_the,state r i Whio : have nosir_*.a . decided. majority in .. joint' meeting; sufficient to elect a Whig United States Senator in the place of a, Van -Buren-. one ; anal perhaps. instruct JlM:other - . Slit of his seat, as tiFetto - n7l - tenjarnirr - Wa. - kiii4 Leigh wo. two years since. 0. _ - Its,the *Congressional district-lately_repre sented_by_J„M.M..Batton; reisigned, of the strongest Van- Buren districts' ii;t• Virginia) Mr. Banks, the Van Burencandi date, is said to be elected by-a majority of The. result thus far, contrasted with last year; stands thus c-- ' , 1838 . 1837 Whig V. B._ Whig V. B. In 54 Countics,&c. 51 "14 28 37 Making a-cIear,WHIG, • GAIN of 46 out Of only 65-heard from.. . • • A sum for- the Globe,—:lf 65 give:4o, clear Whig gain, by the rule of three, what . Every county - in John. Rafidolph's Roanoke). district, save one, (and'ithat sends . a __geodVonservativel_has : electe,a Whig:._ delegates. • • • :The Washingtefil..Globe and . Richmon4 • Enquirer both. give up Virginia as lost;_but promise they will beat us next year.. Well, poor souls, let them try it again, they have done so well this time they should have another chance for their lives. ALBANY too, stands•ont in•hold relief-that hot-bed" of "treasons, stratagems and. spoils," lids been regenerated.; notwithstanding • the steamboat and scow loads of voters that were brought up the:riverand landed on her wharfs for The avowed purpose of voting at her . , charter erectioiiit — Yet Albany, the• head quarters of that , regency whick . has , ruled the State of New York for years past, as it were with a rod of iron, and has been rapidly extending the . same direful influ ence' over other--parts -Id- the .Unionyes,, oven in Albany, thelYhigs have carried every, ward by handsome Majorities for'tfut :first thne r -to-theAtine-ofiabout-SIX-lIIIN-1-- -- DRED. The average' majorities in -thp. . wards -are- as follows: • - • Ist ward 216 4th wardB3 , • 2d Al - sthr 60 ' ,3d 196 Total - 590 ___lo7_!_!,ds goes . Ike 4gi • Ward, 'so _goes- She State." • ` Cold Comfort for the Loco Focos.—Mr. VlrgiTl)7l l arEs Wis. probably, sump - 6W y the skin of his teeth, as Loeo Foeo mem ber of 'Congress :in the Oxford district, Naine-6ne of the strongest holds of Van= Burenism in. its - last- desperate . : stOggleS. The Whig gain, , howeyer, from last fall is • '403 votes !!! . The vote, so far as ascertained - stands Parris,.(Loco Foca) , 3536 Long, (Whig), •. 3274 Scattering,.. • •—1 • . •,. . - . • • 1,,4_592• . •- reco.Foco majority The vote for Governor •last T in the same towns-stood•thu"s:-.. Parks' majority - 894 • There are 1,9 small „ towns -1 to be' hear -1 will not vary the 'resat niueli. It, is, howver to be re,rnaiked, tbai 11opia- • jority over all candidates ,iff noW ota?, It will probably reach, 41:4 • OLD ECM Paks, 11.) - 4245 Tent - - 3349 ESE EMI MI 111