Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 24, 1838, Image 8

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- „ .111 . KOESTER'S NOTICE.
. .
• , ~ . _ '. RaGivries OFFICE,
parliiie March 31, - 1808.1•, -
-• • .. Notice is hereby giyen, -to all Legate e^ .oredi
--- . - -N - tors, and all' other persons concerliCd,bthat the
- folloW,lng accounts have been filed in this office'
•• .. , fur' examination, •by the - nepountnnts therein
named,. and will be presented •to the Orphan's
. Court 'of
,Cumberland county,- fur COldlrillatin - '
• and allowance. on. Tuesday. the c — lst day . 8.6'..-43Y,
•1$38: ' - ..
' • ;.... Alexander M.
'l. the administration accon.-nipbelt deCeasedi
, •• lierr, Administrator 'ofJol.
, ccount of John LeoP•
ard -and Sam ld..
1.. The adminis.% 6
parcl, • ExeCutors of . John
• . i.
~ a,„ , ..„, : . •• . ~
' •., Leopard.AMinistration ireetninfor William•Kel
. • . 3 1.ditinistrator of Henry Brow n, deceased:_ .
'-'• . I `4 n
. The administration of David Glenn,
Executor of Martha Cowan, deceased."'
8: the adininistration account of John Hutch.
. .... ~ - •
indon, surviving Administrator of , Dr. David S.
•ijaYst . deceased. .• •;- .. . • '• ,
- ,
- • 6.,the administration account of Jane Shoe.
• • makei*, Adminis tilx-oi l lohn-Slioemaker; -de
' :. cased. , .-• , . .
- •- • 7. The atiminst film • accolint of Benjaman
Eberag(t.' .administ ator of David Martin, deed.
8; Me - ailiniiiisti ition account of Jacob Earns.
• bdrger, EXectiter . o Jachb .Martin,•,' dee:eased: -
9. 1 - he - administrattoiri - Tcoblitof George 'Brim
die and Peter Baker, Executors of Daniel Baker,
--- - -deceased: ' ' ' •,, •
- . ' 'lO. Ihe administration account of John Hon
. ser and John Myers,' Administrator of Abraham
---- Iliilliniel. -- de - c - eised: ' - • . .
- . H. The aupPleittentatand•final administration
dccoimrnf -Martin Renninger,.one of the Eieeu
,- tors of Jonas Rupp, deceased.- . -_.
12. The - adminiatration. account ., of Benjarnin
Myers ' Administrator of John lityers,• deceased:
• :-.--- - -1Z: The supplemental and final adminktration
~,account of Martin Rupp, one of. the Executors
of Jonas-au deciiisA . . - -- •:'
---- 4 -- 1 - 4: -7- t e Administration account of Samuel
' • ;Roads. - Adminiattatoi of Jacobßoads; cit.-eased.
15. The administration account • of Abraham
. • Dray and loluildiller, Administrators of Freder 7
-__ick.-May r rieceased.- -
,_••• 16. The administration account of John
• -
.• Maltz, Administrator of Jacob. Rife, deceased. -
17. The adMinistration of;Benjatiiin dibble,
. Administrator•of Samuel .Bteigleinan,* , deceased,
18. - The administration account of JOhn Rim;
. Merman administrator of John Hopple, deceased.
- • • 119. The administration, account of- Robert_
4 -
- IdcElwaine„ Administratpof iJamealV..-ThintiP
. eon. deceased. . ' • ••••
• 20. The.adminiStration account of Robert Mil.
c.., ,
- • ler. Administrator of Williamil. Miller, deceased
.: •
.• • 21. .The administration accmint.ofJolin shim- -
non, - administrator de bniiia non, with the will
.... annexed of Elizabeth Shannon, deceased.. • -
__ 22. The.administration account of James W.
, - Allen, one:of the Executors 'of Joseph Miner,
- • - • 23. The 'administration account bf George
• _ - :__:—Brindle.Administrator_of_David_Wolt,--cle-cease(l-1
_ . 24.-The -adridnistration acEptint-of ..lolin- - Mc.H
'- Reeliaii,one Of the
.Executors•ofJo•gepb Winter, - 1
clideased. -..- _
-. . _ .
• 3.,the-administration-accotint-f-John-McH
--- Xeehan,Eitecutor ofJoseph Mc Ribbon, dece,ssed.
' . • 26. The administration account of pavid Ern
. tningeri- AdMinistrator of Nieliblas - Scharardl o
27, The.siipidemental-anci-finaradministration
, account of_l.-11 : . Parker,—otie of the Admi nistra- -
tors of Michael GO, 'senior, deceased.
`2B; The adminisiration account - of William
Line, one Of.the Administrators of Jacob Uhler,
deceased.. • .
.29. The administration accotint of . William
Alexander and SamureL,Vlexander, Executo'rs-of
Jane - Alexander,;dectased,
30. - The Administration account of Robt. filedn_
and Geo. flatkett,Exectitors of Ric' hard Parlcer,
deceased, filed by Surimel Alexander,. one of the
Executors of Robert Glean. _ :.
I.. The. Guardianship account of James Given,
Guardian of John Beatty. • _
2.. The Guardianship account
. of John %forret,
• Guardian of George W: Bricker; filed by Geo.
Brindle and Michael Monett, -Executori of said
John Morrett, deceased.
3. The Guardianship..account_a_tioses_Ehy,
-- Gnadian of JohnMcNeal.•mlnor son of Daniel
McNeal, junior, deceased.
X 1 2, 1838. —lB, •
• jN pursuance of an order of the•Orphans' Conti
•ot Cumberland county, will be sold . at public
sale—on the premises, on Tuesday the first day of
May next, at 12 o'clock, M. of said day, the fol._
lowing described real estate, late stile estate of
Archibald Ramsey. deceased, to whip
-The olio half of Lot No-107,-situate-firthe-brit=.
ough of Carlisle, In sald'eounly; bounded on OR
north by Church - Alley, on the - emit by a. l lut of
James Crever, or. the south by street,
arid on the west by part of the same lot, the pro
per! of Samuel Gould, having thereon erected a
• • G HOUSE;
and frame Kitchen, a one and a half story frame
house; and •franie - stable, all in good order, with a
well of never-failing water. anci a pump therein,
on the line dividing said lot. The property • is
well cakulated for two smell families, and will
be sold together, or in parts, as:may-best-suit pur
chasers. The termeof sale, are—One third of the
. •,; purchase money to be pa i d on the confirms o
of the sale, add the residuals' taro eqtial,payments,
to be made respectively_on.lhe first : AA-October,
end'first ofJanuary next following, with interest
fiern_the said confirmation,-and to be secured-by
boodewith approved security.
-------JOHIV-H.BYS, administrator ......
.llpril9. 1838 • "of said deceased.
eam i -
. -
• THE subscriber waliell al private sale. - or
will, lease fora term of years; that valuable - tract
of land, situate in The southern part of .the-bor•
ough of ,Csrlisle, containing about 5 Acres, hay
,log thereon erected a
Large Stone Building,. .
„. - -
.(formerly known as . eray's Distillery,)
NILL---110USR •
and a Brick Dwelling House, with' two. vrqlls
water-on the premises. This property is suitable ,
for nitiny purposes, such as distilling, a foOndery,
or:tan . yani. The buildings will be sold*
ed, wiih'or without the land,and passesslon given
Immediately: For terms apply to
• Carliile, • a
. _
lirihereby given that' letters of tulministrsdion
ja fokthe *slat e of . Jacob Neid ig, late of Ne id igs•
town, EttafPentishorough township. Cumbertpul
county, deceased, have been issued hy the 14-00
' ter in sod - for the said county,, to the subscriber
Whiiiesides near Shiremanstown, in the township
rtid count i *foretold.' - All persons having claims
dennWltapinst said deceased, are requeSted
to tilikekitown the Same to him without.delay—
end those 'indebted . to '1;241 estate to make pay.
' ' mot of their said debts, 'to ,
March 19. 1838.-6 w. • "•• l6•
AMUR . creditors will take notice that we - have
• ILIF applied tcr ihe court of Corninon Pleas of
Cumberland coupty, fors the benefit of the inacil
vent lawat•of Penneylvania, and the said court
• horyeappOinted Tuesday the let day orMay, 1838.
• hearing' and our creditors. at the
court Imola in the boiough orearlisle, when and
where yo? may attend if yow think proper., •
R •BAESEMC/081 4 . ' •
.1 - BAM'L HEtiIiAMAN4
• Apii! 9" , 1989.
. . t
WE, The Pociple of the ConimOnsirealth of Penn
sylvania; ordain and .establish this Constitution for
Eta Government. . - . • - . •
. 'Section 1. The legislative power of this Common
wealth shall - be vested •in a General. Assembly,
which - shall consist of a Senate and Ilouse of Repre.
'sentatiVes. ' . "
" _ Section IL The representatives' shall be chosen
annually by the eitizens"of the city of Philadelphia
and of each county respectively on the second Tues
day of October. '
Section 111. No person shalElie a representative
who shall not have attained the .age of twenty-One
yearsf and haVe'been a citizen and inhabitant of the
_State thrgayears nett preceding,hiselection, and the
.last year Thereof an inhabitant of the district in and
for which he shall be chosen a representative, unless
he shall have been absent on , the public business of
the United States or of this State.'
Meeting of the GenerarKasetnbly, and within every
subsequent .term of seven years - ' an.enumeration of
the - taxable inhabitants shall be made in, such man
ner as shall be directed by law. Th‘ nuMber of•
representatives shall, at the severalicriods of mak
ing such enumeration, be fixetrby the' Legislature,'
and - apportioned among the ° city o 1 Philadelphia and
the several counties; according to the number of
taxable'inhabitants in each: and shall never be less
- than — sixty - not greatet - than". one_hundred. ~ Each
county shall have at least one representative, but no
late representation - until a sufficient number of tax
inhabitants shall be eontained within. it,. to
entitle them to oneAepresentative agreeably to the
ratio which shall then be established. -
Section V. The senators shall be chosen for three
-years by the citizens of Philadelphia andof .the
several counties at the same time, in .the nine mass
~, ner, and at the same Vaces where' they Shall vote
Tor representatives. •
. Section VI. The number of Senators shall; at the
. several periods of making. thd • enumeration before
- mentioned, be lured -by the. Legislature-and -armor.-
tioned•-among the -districts formed as hiresnafter
directed, according to the-number of taxable inhabi-.
tants in each ; and shall never be less than one':
foerth; nor 'greater than one-third, of the nuinber
Section VII. The 'senators shall be chosen in dig- .
triets, to be formed by the legislature; but no die- '
. Grid shalthe so formed as to entitte it to elect more
Mats two senators, unless tee numoer taxame sn---:
habitants in any city or • county shall, at: any tithe.
be such a entitle it to,eleet more than two, but no
eityror - county - shalrbe - enlitled - to - elect snore than
four= senators - Tanen :a district. shall he-cortiptised
of two or more counties,-they Shall be adjoining,_
neither the city of Philadelphi.i nor any county shall
Section VIII. 'No person shall be a•senator, who
shall notrhave attained the age of twenty-five years, -
- and.have been a-citizen and inhabitant of. the. State _
four_yearsitextnefore_his_election, and_thelast year_
thereof •aOsinhabitant of the district for Which, ho.
- shall - be:chosen, - unless .11e - sha II hake been'abs en ton
the public business of - the - United States - or of this
State ; and no person elected as aforesaid, shall hold
,said office after he shalt have removed front such dis:.
trict. '' • .
' Section IX. The'senators who may be sleeted at
the first general election after' the adoption of-the
amendments to the. constitution, shalLbe divided hy
tot into - threrelasses - The - 51C7.13 - qtlite7senatorS - af - 7
the first b vacated , dt -the expiration of
.:11,e.Md-Year Cal the second doss at 'the expiration
of (he second year . ; and of the third class at the ex
piration ly
: the thirtyear 'so that thereafter one. -
' - third of the whole number of senators may - he chosen
every year. „The senators elected before the ainend... -
'etents talhe adopted, shall hold
their offices during/the terms for which,,they
respectively have been elided.
Section X. The General AsseMbly shall meet on
the first Tuesday of / January, in- every year, unless
sooner convene‘thyithe Governor.
Section XI,EaCh - house shall choose its Speaker
and other _officers ; and the Senate shall also choose__
a - Speaker pro tempore, - Wiiii - i tile Speaker shall ex
ercise 'the office of Governer. ' .'"" •
Section XII. Each house shall judge of thOguali
fications of itiinernbers. Contested election's shall
be determined by a committee to be selected, formed
and regulated in such manner as shall be directed by
law. A majority of each house shall constitute a
quortinilb - do - brishaessrbuta - smal ternuntber-may
adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by
law to compel the attendance of absent members, in
such manner and under such venalties as may be
• Section XIII. Each house 'may determine the
rules of its proceedings, punish its members for
disorderly-behaviour, and -with- tlie- concurrence-of
twathirds, expel a member, but not , a second time
for tldsame cause; and shall have all other powers
necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free
Section XIV.. The legislature shall not have power
to enact laws annulling the contract of marriage in
any case where, by law, the courts of this Common
wealth are or may heregfter be empowered to decree
a &vote,
' Section XV.. Lach house shall keep a Journal of
its proceedin gs, and , publish them weekly, except
such parts as may require secrecy: and the yeas
and nays of the members on any question shall, at
the desire of any two of them, be entered on the
journals. •
Section XVI. The doors of each house and of
committees of the whole shall be opeb, unless,
when the business shall be such as, ought to be kept
_secret. -' .
Section XVII. Neither house shall, Without the
consent - of. they other,. suljoum for more than three
TdaysTnor to any Otherphree - thk - n - thifin - Widdithe
two houses shall be sitting..
-• Section - XVIII. The - Senators and-representativew
shall receiveat compensation for their services to be
--sul - aftttined,bylaw,and_paid.out_ef_the treasury of
the Commonwealth. They shall In all cases, ex•
cept treason, felony and breach or surety of the
peace, .be privileged from arrest during their at
tendance at the session of their. respective houses,
.nd in going to and retu rn ing from the same.- And
far :My speech or 'debate in either , house, they shall
. not be questionid in any other plac e. ,
Section,XlX. No Senator or representative shall,
during She time for 'which he Shall have been elect.'
ed, be appointed to any civil office under this Com.
monwealth which shall have been. created, or the
emoluments of which shall have been increased'
during such time : and no member of Congress or
other person holding any office (except of attorney,
at law and• in the militia) under. the United' States
br thirCommonwealth, shall be a member of either,
botise_during_his_continuenee_in_Congrese or -in
Section XX. When vacancies fiarp - ifi
use, the Speaker shall' issue writs of election to
1911 such vacancies.
. . .
Section XXI. All bills for raising revenue than
originate in the house of representatives, but the
Senate may propose amendments as in other bills.
Section XXII, No money shall be draWn' front
the treasury but In consequence of appropriatihne
" •
made by law.
• Section XXIII. - Vvery 'bill' which' shall. hive'
passed both bototes'shall .be presented 'to the Co.
vernor.. If . be approve he. shall, sign it, but if be
shall not' approve he shall return it with his objeco
lions to the house le which it shall have originated,
whkshatt - enter - thepbjections at large upon, their
journals: and proehed to reconsider it. If, after'
such re , considemtioe, two-tkirds of.that house shall
'agree to pass the bill, it shall .be sent with the ob.
jections to the other house, by which- likewise it
'shall be re-constdered, and If approves by two.
- thirdskof that house,.it shall be.a law. Butin such
cases the 'votes of both bongo shall be determined
by yeas and nays, and the names orperions vdting
for or against the bill sh bp entered on the jour- .
nals of each houie 'res tively. If any bill, shall
not be returned by the Goiernor within ten. days,
:(Sundays• excepted)' after it shall have been pre
sented to him, it, shall be a law in like•manfier as if'.
he had signed it, unless . the General,Assembly, by
their adjournment, prevent its return, fn which case
it shall , be a. law, unlees "sent back within three
days after their next meeting.-
.Sectlon XXIV. Every order, resolution or vette
,to which the concurrence of both helms may' be
necessary (except. on a (mitten of adjournment)
aball be - presented to, the Governor, and before .it
shall'take effect, be Approve(' by him, er,being
approfe4ijball be repasleil by two-ebb-of both
h - a - ,%irrettifed -- 8 - trilyTtied - 30 - fiEu - T•11 - 0W*1
A 'York CLOCKS, which. I wai.rant to
keep gord time; and offer them, at , reduced
Peices, at mratore. eHAL E S BARNXTZ,
Section I. The judicial - power of this Common
wealth shall - be vested in a Supreme Court, in
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General• Jail De-,
livery, in a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court,
Itegistiir'e,Court, and a Court of Quarter Sessions
of theleiee, - for - each county t in Justices of the
Peace ) and in such other Courts as the legislatire
may from time to time,eistablish, _ •
• Section 11. The, udgcs if ,the-Stipreme Court, of ,
the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such
other. Courts of Recorctat are or shall be established
',by law ) shalt be nominated by the,Garernori - and - by
" and with the consent, if the Senate appointed and
'commissioned by him.. The judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen
years if they shall so long behave themselves well.
The president fudges of the several Courts 'of Common"
Pleas and of such other Courts of- Record as are or
- shall be established by ldw, and all, other judg s rea,
quired to the law, Shall hold their ffices
for the terin af ten. years if they. pall so lontbehave
themselves well. ' The Ass relate judges of the, Courts
• of Com Mon Pleas shall, hold their offices for,the term
of jive years if they shall so t ong beiave themselves
well. . Rut far any 'reastenahle cause which shall not,
•be sufficient ground of .impeachment, the Governor
•-rnay remove•any of them on the address of two-thirds
of each branch of the legislature.' Thejudges of the
Supreme Court and the presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas's/hall at stated times receive
for their Services an adequate compensation to be
• . fixed by law, which shalt not be diminished during
their continuance in dice, but they Shall receive no
• - fees or perquisites of elice,Mor hold any other office
" qfprOlit . under this Commonwealth. , • , •
• Section DI. Until otherwise directed by lato;the
C our ts of amnion Pleas shall continue as at present
•-•-• •
FFOR'Sale " one - new a nd - faililonsbteaKtm
ROUCIFIE: Also. one second hand
TibLBURIC, with one sa_of harnessiti
each vehicle. CHAS. #ARNIT , •
_ ~
3.lo..VaViriplit TL)) tre*RIMITO- . •33X7- 0 -01.-.01491".*
• ouses according , te this , rules.'sirid limitations 'pre
scribed in case of a bill.. ~
-- Section XXV. No corporate body'shall be hereafter
treated, renewed or extended,With-banking or dis
eninting privileges; without six months previous
' public notice of the. intended application for the
sante in such manner as shall. be prescribed byjaw.-.
.Nor - shall.any charter for Me purposes aforesaid, be
granted for a longer period than twenty years, and
• 'very such charter shall contain d clause reserving
to the legislature the power to alter, revoke or annul
the. same'Whenever in•their opinion it may be infu•
rious to the citizens of thet.commOnwealth, in such
manner however that no inisiistio'shall bedone to the.
corporators. No law hereafter enacted, Shalt create,
renew or extend the charter ormors than one , corpo:
• •
ARTICLE II.• -, '1
Section 1.. The Supreme 'xectitive power'of this
'Conimonviealth shall be ye to AR Governor. „ '
o L w.
• • Seeljon 11. The Govern elf be chosen on the
.'sefatoti Tuesday. of .october, by the Citizens of the
Comrrienweilth, at the places where they shall re
spectiyely rote for repreientatives. The returns .
of every election for Governor shall ,be Sealed up
and transmitted twthe seat of 'groirernment, directed.
to the Speaker of the Seiate, who shall_ open and
'publish them inn the presence of the , 'Members of
both houses of the legislature. The pe_rson . having'
the - hizhest - number - of - votesAall - tter - GOvernorr ---
But if.two or more shall' be equal and highest in•
votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by' the*
- joint vote of the Members of both houses. .
ested elections shall be determined by a Committee .
to-be selected-from-both -honserof-th'elegislaturer'-
and formed and regulated in such mariner as shall - ,
be directed by law. -.- '' ' . . . • '
Section 111. The Governor shall hold his. office
during three years from the third - Tuesday of Janu
ary next ensuing hi's election; and. shall not - be
capable,of,holding it longer than six in any. terra.-
of nine years. . . .
• Section IV. lie shall be at least thirty years of -
age, apd have been - a - citizen and an inhabitant of
.this-State seven years next before his eleCtion r ,
unless 'he shall have been Absent on the . public
rg - uness'of th - elTriftaStates.or.ot
.tins - Shi c. I
Section V. No member ;of •tongress or person
holding any office under , the United States or this
State shall - exereiwthe office of Go - veriiT4: - 7,
". Section VI. The Governor shall at ( stated -times
receive for his services a compensation, which shall
-be neither. iiiereased - nor diminished during the_
period for which he shall have been elected: -
Section VII. Ile shall be 'commander-in-chief -of -
the army and navy of this Commonwealth, and of .
the militia, except when they shall. be called' into
the actuarservite of-.the United States .- . .
- He - Shall a - Pp - 016rd Sichtaitt7hrthe.
C'ommonwealth daring pleasure,and he shall nomi
nate and with the advice and consent 0 - the
Senate appoint all judicial officers' of .courts of.
record; unless otherwise providedfor in this Cpnsti,
lotion. • Ile-Shall have.:power to fill all vacancies
'that-may happen in such judicial offices during the.-
recess of the Semite, bli granting commissions which
skill expire at the end of their next session: Pro
vided, that in acting ad execollve no:hind/ions. the
Senate shall sit with open doors, and in confirming
or rejecting the nominations , of the Governor, the
vote shall belaken by - yeas and nays. _
Seetion lX lic shall have - power to - remit (Mes
on& forfeitures, and grant reprieves and pardons,
except in cases of impeachment. .
Section X. lie may require information 1n writing, —
from the officers in tho • executive 'department, upon'
any subject relating to the duties of their respe4-..
• -
- Section XI. He shall,-from-time-to-timergive-to
_ if) n. General Assembly information of the state' of
" the Commonwealth, and recommend- to their con-_
sideratkfirsuch measures as he shall judge expedient.
'Section XI!. He may, on extraordinary occasions,
convene "tile General Assembly .and in case of ? -
,dbiagreement between the two houses, with respect
to - Ahe time of aajournMent, adjourn them to such
as he shall : think proper, not- exceeding_ four
"Months . ...
Section XIII. He shalk take care that the - laws
be faithfully eXecuted. ° . •
. Section XIV. In case of the death or 'resignation
of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the
- Speaker of the - Senate shall exercise the office ef -
GoVerner,• until another Governor shall he duly'
qualified; but in such crise - another: Povernor shall
be chosen at the next annual election of representa
tives, unless such death, - resignation or' removal;
shall occur within three calendar months immedi
ately preceding such next annual election; in which'
case a Gobernor shall be choien at the ..second suc
ceeding..annual election of.representatives. And'
if the trial - Of - a contested election shall continue
longer-than-tintil-the-third7Monday - of —January—
next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor
of the last year or the Speaker of the Senate who
May be in the exercise of the executive authority,
shall continue therein until the determination - of
such contested election, and until a Governor shall
be Ally qualified as aforesaid.
Section . XV. Secretary of the Commonwealth '
- kie - p - ii:fairliglififef rairthe—cliciaracts-and—
proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when re- '
quireklay the ,same and all papers, minutes And'
vouchers relative thereto; before either bran& of
the legislature, and shall perform such 'other duties
as shall be enjoined him by lavi. '
_section 1. ln elections bytheeitizens every White
freeman of the age of tiventy-one years, hiding re
sided in this state one year, and in the election dis
trict, where ,he offers to vote, ten - days immediately
pieeeding such election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, - which - shall :have been as.
sessed at feast ten days before the election, shalt enjoy
the rights qf an elector. - lint a citizen of the United
- States who had preciously been a qualified voter qf --
this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election district, and
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote,after
residing in the state sir months. Provided, that white
freemen, citizens qf the United Stales, between the
ages of t wenty,-one and twenty-two year*, and hav
ing resided in the State sue year, and in the election
district ten days '2B aforesaid, shall be eh - titled to
vote, although they shall not hare paid taxes. •
Section 11. All elections shall be by ballot, ex
eept,those-by-persens-in-their-representative. capa- -
Section 111. Elebtors- shall in all easel, except_
treason, felony;-and - breach or surety ortife — fiate;
- be - privileged from iirrest„.duriag glair attendance
on elections, and In going to and returning from—
them. • __._
. Section I. The House. of Representatives shall
have the sole power of impeaching. : .. .
Section 11. All impeachments shall be tried by _
the . Senate $ - when* sitting' for that purpose, the
Senators, shall be upon oath or affirmation. No per
son shall be convicted taithout the concurrence of
two-thirds of the members present. - - °.
. Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil
officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
Impeachment for any misdemeanour ,in office;• but
judgment, in such cases, shall not extend ,further
'than to removal from' office, and disqualification to ,
hold any office of honour, trust or - AGM, under this
.4 1
Commonwealth t 'The • party, whethe convicted or
acquitted, shall nevertheless be liabl to indictment,
trialTjudgment, and punishment ace rdit - iit to law.
established. '
Nat inorelhan fire counties shalt at any
time be included in one judicial tistrict organized
for said Courti. , .
Section 14. V.• The furisdictiOn of the Supreme
Court shall extend over the State; -and- the judges
thereof, shall by 4itue of their offices, be justices
- of Oyer and Tentilner - and•General JairDelivery, - 111 ---
the several counties.
Section V. The judges of the Court of Common
—Pleas, in each county,. shall by virtue of their
offices, be justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital - .and other
offenders therein.; any tivo.of<the said •judges, the
president 'being - One, shall be a quorum.. but they
- not hold,a court of oyer and terridner, or jail'
delivery, in any county, when the judges of the
Court; or any of them, shall be sitting itr
the, same county. • The party accused, as well as
the Commonwealth, may, under such regulations as .
shall be prescribed by law, remove the indictment
and. proceedings, pr -a,-,transcript thereof, into the
Supreme Court. •
Section VI. The StipreMe Cella, - and the several
courts of common. pleas, shall, beside' the powers
heretofore usually exercised by them, have the
power of a court of Chancery, so far as relates to •
the perpetuating , of testimony, the obtaining of.
evident.° from places not' within the State, and the
care of the persons and estates of those who are
non compotes mantis. And the legisiattire -
vest in .the said courts salt. other powers to grant .
relief inequity, as shall be found necessary: and
May, front time to time, enlarge or diminish timid -
powers or vest them in such other courts as they shalljudge prop i fort O"due asministratson of justice ..
Section VII. The judges of the court of -common . •
pleas of each county, any two of whom shall be a
quorum, shall compose the court .of Quarter Ses
.sions of peace, and orphans' court thereof ; and
the register of wills, together with the said- judges;
or any two of them, shall compose •the - register's ,
court of each-county. .
..Section VIII. -The judges of - the courts of common -
pleas shall, within their respective counties, have
the like 'powers with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to Wile writs of certiorari to the justices ul _
the peace, and to cause. their proceedings - to • be
'brought' before them, and the like right and justice
Section IX. The president. of the court in each
"circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
court dr common pleas within their respective 7
cduntiea r
shall be justices-of the peace,- so- far-as -
.relates to Criminal matters. •
Section X. A register's 'office.,-for the probate of • -
wills and_granting letters of administration, and an
office for the recording of deedsohall be Jtept -in
- -' • • - - . _
--- , Section-XL -.Thar:style-of- all - process-shall-be--
" The Commonwealth or Pennsylvania." All prose-- .
cutionrshall be , carried on in the name and by the
-authority of , the COmmonwealth or Pennsylvania, '
and conclude " against the peace and dignity - of the—
olirm° •
ARTICLE V1,;.- ,
= Section- L Sheriffs and coMiters shill, at the
times and places of election of representatives, be
- -chosen by the citizens ot each county. One petson '
shall be chosen for each office, who Shall be commis-
Isioned by the Governor. They shall hold - their
offices for three years,•if they, shell so long
• themselves well, - and untiFis"-seccesSor lit - duly -
qualified but no perm*. shall be twice choice or:
appointed, sheriff, in.any term of-six-years.—Vacan---
cies in either of the , said offices shall be filled by
an. appointment, to be made - by the- Governor, to
continue until the_next .general election`, and until .
• a - successor shall be.chosen.-and qualified-as a.fortoo-il
• Section-IL—The-freemen of this commonwealth - , -
shall - beTarmedorganrzYd - and AUCiplined for Ifs
,_ defence, when mid in such manner as may be directed -
by tau.. --Tpose 4 who conscientiously scruple , to bear
arms, shall be compelled to do so, shall gay
:an equivalent for personal service. ..
Prothonotaries of the Suireme
Court shall -be appointed by the gad Court for
the - term of three years if they-eo" long - behave : :
thentiekes well. Prothonotaries and clerks of the
several other courts,Recorders of deeds, atid:.Re
gisteri qf wills, sh all at the times and pkwes ty•
election of representatives, be elected by the (adj."
_;fed electors of each county, or the . districts over
which the luruutidion of said courts extends, and
shall be commissioned by the. Governor. • They
shall hold 'their offices for three years if they shall
so long behave themselves well, and until their
successors shall be duly qualified. The legisla
lure shall provide by law, the number of persons
in_eath _county who. shall hold said-offwes,and--
how many and which of said offices shall be held
•by one person. . Vacancies in any of the said of.
fees shalt be filled by appointments to be made
by the Governor, to eontume until the nextgene- .
rat election, and until succellora sha ll be etedeik
and qualified as aforesaid.
Section IV. ,Prothonotaries, clerks of the peace
at — i - CoTpalfie - ceettclecordexa - of - deedsrregiaters of—
and sheriffs, shall keep their Offices in the
county town of the county in which they, respec
tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor
shall, for- special reasons, dispense _therewith, for
any term pot exceeding five years after the county
shall have been erected.
-_Section V. All commissions shall be in the name
-and by . tim authority of the mmonwealth of Penn-- .
sylvania,und be sealed wi e State seal, and sign
ed by the Governor.
Section VI. A State Treasure shall be elected
annually, by joint vote of both bra sof
: Section VII. Justices of the peace or' aldermen ,
shall be ekded in the emend -wards,- boroughs, _
and townehips at the time of the election o f con
stablei by . the qualified voters thereof, in such
.number as shall be'directed by law, and shall be
commissioned by the. Governor for a term of five
years; but no township, ward or borough shall
ekd more than IWO : PM:all of the peace or alder
men without the, consent of a majorityOf the qua
Med electors within euch township, ward or la.
__SectionitillA/Loffleta's,tuhate_declion or_ ap.
pointment is.not provided for in this co;•stittition
sbaiLbe_dected_or appointoT as sheiltbrdirecteci:-7-
,fiby 1aw..,. No person shall be.aointed to any of-
ca within any county who Mall not have been a
citizen and an who/dant oreye - i - er next
before - his appointment;
so long erected ; but if it shall not have been
so long erected, then within the limits' of the
county or counties out of which it shall have been
taken. No member of Congress from this stale,
or an,/ person holding or exercising any office or
appointment of trust or profit. un d er The United
Stales, shall at the same time holder exercise any
office in this dote, to which a salary is, or fees or
perquisites arc by law,
annexed; dnd the kgisla.
tare may by law decla re what Slate dices are in, .
compatible.: No member of the. Senate or of the •'
house of representativea'shall be appointed by the
Governor to any office - during the tar for which
Section IX. All officers fora term of years
.. .hall-hold-their-offices-for.....kbe_terpt• iespeelivd.fl
pled, only on - the condition that they seilong
themselves well and shall beremoved on
ixmoietion' of misbehaviour in office or of any in
famous crime. .
Section X. Any person who' .ahall, after the.
adoption: of the amendments propated by this
Convention,ta the. Constitution, - fight a duel or_
send a- challengwfor that. purpose, or be
• abettor inAhling a duel, shall be deprived of the
right of holdignmece of honour orprojilfii -- .
7,lhutate, and sha ll be pp - Tithed otk — erele - in - sueh ----
• manner as is, or may be prescribed by law ;•but
. the -executive may remit the said offence and all
Section T. The legislature shall, as soon es con
veniently may be, provide by law, for the establish
ment .of schools throughout the State, in such
manner that the poor may be, taught gratis— .
Section 11. The arts and sciences shall be
moted in one or more seminaries of learning..
Section 111. The rights, • privileges, immunities
and estates of religious societies and corporate bo-,
dies, shall remain as if the constitution of this State
had not been altered'or amended, • • • ' •
. . _
'Section IV. The legislature shall not invest any
corporate body or • sndividuat with, the privilege
of taking private property for public use, without
requiring such corporation or individual to make
coppensatedn• to , the owners of said property, or
give. adequate security therefor, before such pro
perty shall be taken.
Members of the General AsiemPly; and all offi
cers, executive and judicial, aballthe bound by oath
-- 4[y - B 11. RE 'S - iiiidlitiliblittes;
111qcerel for sale by
Apr l 2,, lf 33..
affirmation, to support the constitlition of this
Commonwealth, and to perform_ the ifaties, or their
.respective offices withl_l)ti - -
_That the general, great and essential principles.of
liberty and free government may be recognised and
unaltemblrhatablished,-WE DECLARF,,,THAT
Section I. All men are born equally:Tree and'in
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
righ6, 4mong„whieli are thasq of enjoying and de;
'fending life and. liberty, of acquiring, possessing
and protecting property and reputation; and of pur
suing their:own happineis.
fiectiou'll. All wilier is inherent -in,the-people, - -
and all' fi'ee governments are' founded on their au..
thority, and histituted , for theier peace,,, safety and
happiness; For the advancement of these ends; they ,
have, at all times, an Unalienable and' indefeasible
• right to alter, reforin-orabolish their goiternment r in
such manner' as they rimy' think proper. , •
Section 111. All men have a natu r al and indefea,
sible right to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their own consciences; no man can;
of right, be compelled to attendierect, or support
'any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry_
against his consent; human authority can, in any
case.whatever,vontrol Or interfere with .the rights
of._conscience.; 7iiiiTerence.-shallever-be
glven,_by law, to any religious establishments or
- Modes of Worship. • • '
Section IV. No person who acknowledges. the be-'
- Mg of a God and a future •state 'of rewards and pu
nishments 4 -shall -on .account-of , his- religious -seri ti
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this .Commonwealth.
• Section V. Elections-shall be free and equal. . •
--Section VI. Trial by jury shall be is heretotore,
and the.right, thereof' remain 'inviolate.
_ Section VlL•Thepriiiting pressds shall be free to
every_person who undertakes to examine the pro
,eeedings. of the_ legislature,• or-any -branch-of go
vernment Arid no law shall ever be made to re
strain the right •thereoc. The free communication
of thoughts ,and opinions is one of the•invaluable
-rights-of-mairt and-every-citizen-may-freely- speak
write and print 'on any subject, being responsible_
-forlthe ahuse of that - liberty. hi:prosecutions 'for
- ,lffi r rpublication of
,papers investigating the official
conduct of officers, or- men in a public capacity, or
where the matter-published is proper for public in.t.
formation, the truth thereof may be given in ev_i:
- donee And in all indictments for libels the jury
`Shall have a right to determine-the law and the facts, .
under the direction of the court, isln other cases.
Spetion VIII, The people shall be secure in their
,persons,_houses; papers and . possessions, from tinrea.
sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant_ to
sear anyTilice, or - to - seize any person or . things,
shall issue, without describing them- as nearly as
may be, nor without probable cause supported by
oath or.affnmation. - -
Section IX.. In all criminal prosecutions, the ac
cused hath a :right to be heard by himself and his
counsel, to dethand the nature and cause. of the ac
cusation against-him, tOneet the - witnesses face - to
face, to have 'compusory process for obtaining wit.
-nesses in his favour, and, in tdosecutions_by_itidict._
ment or information, a speedy public trial4by an
impartial Pry. of the-vicinage ;' he cannot. be -com
pelled logive_evidejamagainst himself, nor can _he
be deprived of,,hlDife,.liberty, or property, unless ,
by • • ""f bilPccre_LON--tilejaYLOLthe.
„ty n .Ahe judgment °of his
1 .• • .
Section X. No person shall, for 'any 'indictable,
olTence, tie proceeded against criminally.by_inforrna- •
tion, except in cases arising - inthe . :land or naval
- forces,•or in the militia - when in actual-serviceiti
_time of *sr or puilic,dangeri leave of the
'court, for oppression and misdemeanour in office.- No
- person- shid.l;c.fOr the same
.ofiCrice be.4wiCe put in
Jeopardy-of' nor "shah any man's 'pm. • taken or applied to public use, without the
Consent of his. representatives, and without -just
'compensation being made. , - •
Section XI. All courts shall be opim, and every
Man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, per
son or reputation, shall' hi - ve 'remedy by the duo
course of law, and right and. justice - administered,
- without sale, denial or delay. .Suits may be . brought
against the Commonwealth In such manner, in such
courts`,..and-in such cases as the legislature may by
law direct. . -
Seetion XII. No power or - suspending lowa shall
be exercised, unless, by the legislature, or'its•au
• thority. . • •”.. • • • .
Section XIII: Excessivirbail shall not be re
quired, nor- excessiVe fines imposed, nor 'cruel pu-.
nishMents inflicted..
'Section XIV. All, prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficieht sureties, unless for capital olfences,--when
— th - e - proof is evident or presumption great ; and the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or WI
vasion, the public safety may require It. -
Section XV..No commission ()Myer and Terminer
or jail delivery shall he issusd. ;
Section . XVI.. The person of a 'debtor, where
there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not
besontinued . in prison after delivering up his estate
for the benefit of his creditors, manner 'as`
shall be prescribed by law:
Section XVII. No er post facto law, nor any law
Impairing' Contracts shall be made.:
Section XVIII. No • person -- shall be attaix;ted - of -
treason or felony by the legislature.
'Section .XIX. No attainder shall work corruption
of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender;
- forfeiture of estate 'to the commonwealth;_the.
kites of such persons as shall destroy their, own
lived, shall descend or vest' as incase of natural
death; and if any person shall be killed by
' casualty ; - there shall-- be -no forfeiture , by reason
thereof. -
— Section XX. The citizens have a right, in a peace
able manner, to assemble together, for their common
kood, and to apply to those invested with the powers
of government for redress of grievances, or other
proper purposes, by petition, address or remon
Seetion s XXl. The tight of citizens to bear arms,
in defence of themselves and-the State, shall not be ,
questioned. - '
Section XXII.- No standing army shall, in timo
of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le
gislature • and the military shall,in all cases, and
rit_all_tides, be in striet subordination 'to tha civil
power. .
.Section.XXllL-No_soldler shall, in-time-of peace,-
e be quaftered in any house with - cat thiaiiiienrof the—
, otilikr;mor in time of war, but in a manner to be
prescribed -by- law,- •
Session XXIV. The legislature shall not._ grant
create any office the appointment to which shall be
for a longer term than during good behaviour. .
Section XXV. Emigration from, the State 'shall .
not be prohibited; ' -
Section XXVI. To '‘guard against transgressions
of the high powers witch we - have - delegated ? WE
DECLARE, that- every thing in this article - is ex
cepted out of the general powers-of government, and
shall for ever remain inviolate.
• • ARTICLE X. .
Any' mendment • or'ainendments to this coat:tn.
Lion may be proposed in the Senate or House of Re..
presentatives, and if the• same shall be agreed to by
a'mojdritk of the members elected to eath-Ilouse, such
proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered
-- on-their Jourrusts; witle:the- yeas - and nays taken
thereon, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
h three months before the •
nest election, in at least one newspaper in every—
' county inichtrh a newspaper shall be published; and
. if in the legislature 'nest afterwards chosen such - pro
pixie-of amendment or- amendments shall be agreed to -
by a Majority - af the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the Commonwealth .shall cause the
same, gain to be published in Manner aforesaid, and
such proposed amendoient amendments._Shegt-be=
submitted to the people (it 'such manner and at such
• time, at least three months, after being so agreo to .
by the two houses as the legislature ShalLprescribe ;
- rand - VAr. - peoptrshall - approte7 and . - ridifg7,stichi
amendment tn . ' amendments by . a majority of the qua
lified voters of this State voting thereon, such amend
' ment or amendments shall become a part of the con.
;stitution; but 'no amendment or amendments shall.
be submitted to Ile people .oftener than once in flee •
years ; Provided, that V ,morelhon one amendment
be submitted, they shall be dubmitted in such manner
'.and form, that the people may-vote for or against
--Each amendment
,separately and distinctly. - ' •
" That no incon v enience may arise from.the altera
tions and\amendments in the:Constitution of this
Commonwtalth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That,
Section 1. All laws of this Commonwealth in force -
at the time when the said alterations and amend
ments in the said Constitution. shall take effect, and
not inconsistent :therewith; odd all rights, actions,.
profecutions ' claims, and contracts as well of.indiz .
videals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as
the laid alterations and amendments .h g not. been
made. • • 4
Section 11. The alterationd and arnenument,s in the
150gACKS-F—F4l4.i E-S • 1.41 1 , - for-salt ,
Harrisburg, , "
• .
said ConStitution shall take effect hem tits first day '
-of January, eighteen - hundred-and thirty-nine. •
Section. 111. The clauses, sections, and artielei of
the Said-Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
continue to be construed and have effect as if the
said Constitution had not lfeen amended.. .
Section! IV; The -, General - Astembly _which shall
convetwin-December, eighteen hunred and thirty
eight, shall continue its session
withstanding the provision in th as e r etofore, not ,
e leventh section
, / i
of the first article, and shallat all times be regarded'
as the first. General Assembly undo the amended'
..Constitutten. -• . . .
Section V. The Governor who Shall be elected in.
--October, eighteen-hupdred and thirty-eight, shall_ be_
inaugurated on the third. Tuesday in January, -
eighteen hundred and tiiirtygnine, to which` time
the present executive tetin is hereby extended. .•
Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the
Sitpreme Court, who maybe in office on the litst day.
of January next, shall expireifi - the folloviing man
ner: The commission which bears the earlieit date .
' shall expireon the first day of January, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the.
commission•next datedshill -expire- on - the first day
()U.:January., Anne- Doinini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall
'expire on the first darof.Vanuary, Anno Dpmini
commission next dated shalt expire on the first-day
Of - January, Anna Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-one; and the commission _last dated
Shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Do eight-hundred-and- fifty-four---__
_. Section VII.. The commissions of -the President
judges - of the several judicial districts and of the
associate law judges of the first judicial districeshall
expire, as follows : The commissions of, one-half of '
those who shall have held their offices ten years -Or
. more at the adoption , of the amendments to the t onsti
ttition,shiltexpireon the twenty-seventh day of Fe; i
..binary, one theusaell eight hundred and-thirty.;niner
the commissions 01th - troth& half of those who shall
have'held their offieesten - yeati or more at the adop
'lion of • the amendments.to_the constitution, shall,
-expire_on_the_twenty-seventh day of _February'', one'
••thousand eight hundred and forty; the firsticrtf - ,
to embrace those whose commissions shall hear the 1
oldest date. The commissions of all the remaining
judges who shall not have held their offices for ten
- years at the.,adoption of the amendirients to the con
' stitution shall expire. on the twenty=seventh_day of
_February next after the end of ten years firorf,llre
date of their commissions.. . ~
- Section VIII. The Recorders Of the , several play: .
ca's' Courts ; and other criminal •courts in this Com- - 1
_ inenweilthirilialrbe appointed for-the same time,
and in the same manner, -as the president judges
-e V -th - several judicial r districts; of - those now fa,'
office, the commission oldest in date shall expire one
the twepty-seventh day.iif February, one thousand
:,_ eiglit tuddred, and forty-one, and the others every*
two years • thereafter according to Weir resp - Entrie
dates. Those oldest in date expiring first:., .
- Section IX.. The legislature at its first session un
der the amended constitution; shall divide' the other
associate judges of the State into four classes. Thd
commissions of _thcise,of_the_first-elassishall -expire_
on the twsnty-seventh day Of February, eighteen
-- hundred and forty; of those of the second - clad on
the twenty seventh day of February, eighteentun,
dred and •forty-one ;of 'those - of the - third class - ow,
the_tweetY,seventh_day_of-February,„eighteen_hun,__ , _
died and fortyttwif; and 'Orthese of the fourth class
. on the twenty-seventh Ails , - of 'February, eighteen
hundred and_forty-three. the said classes from the
first 4 to the fourth shall be arranged according Ye the I
seniority of the-commissions of-the -- seieraljudges.
• Sectiiin_X: Prothonotaries,Lelerks_of_the several_
- -courts (except of the Senreme"Court) recorders - of - I
_deeds and registersof wills, shall be firitelected under
the. amended - CiniStinitiiiii;Tirthe — ellection of tepre
sentatives in the year eighteen hundred andthirty
nine, in such manner as may be prescribed ky, law.'
Section XT. The appointing power shall remdfn as
' 'heretofore, and all officers in ttie - aptiointment of the ,
.. - ; , , executive department - shaltcontinue in theexercise I .
I - of .the duties' of their respective - offices Until 'fife ,
legislature shall pass such laws as may be required 1
by the eighth section of the sixth -article- of,the_
amended constitution, slid until appointments shall
-be-made under-such-laivs ; -unless their commissions ;-
shall be superseded by new appointments; or shall I
sooner expire by their - own limitations ; or- the said ;
, offites shall become-vacant by death or resignation, 1
and such laws shall be enacted by the first legisla
under the amended constitution..
• Section XII. The first election for aldenneh and
justices of the peace shall be held in the year eight.
cell _hundred and forty, at the time fixed for the
-election-of - constables. The - lle — gisTatifferst
session under the amended constitution shall pros
vide for the said election and fouubsequent similar
elections. The aldermen and justices of the peace
now in commission , or who may in the Interim be
appointed, shall continue to discharge_the duties of
their respective offices, until fifteen days after the
day which shall be fixed by law for the issuing of
new commissions, at- the expiration of which time ;
their commissions shall expire.
Tii - t.egthworirthat - the - Totegoing islb - a - amended
. - . constitution' of Pennsyltania, as agreed to in
convention, We the officeni and members of the
convention have hereunto--signed our mines- at
- Philadelphia, the twentr-second day of Febru
ary, Anne) Dotnini one thousand eight hundred
• - and thirty-eight, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the sixty-second.
Daniel Agnew, , Ezra S. Hayhurst,
Wm. Ayres, ' Wm. Hays,
M. W. Baldwin, Abm. "Hellfensteln,
KpbrainOanks, - M. Henderson, ~,,
John Y: Barclay, . _ Wm. Henderson,
Jacob Barndolar, - Wm. Hiester, • -
• Chas. A. Barnitt, William High, .
Andrew Bedford, . Jos. Hopkinson,
Thos. S. Bell, - John Houpt,-
James Cornell Biddle, Jabez Hyde,-
Lebbeus L. Bigelow,- Charles Jared Ingersoll,
' Sarni. C. Bonhanl, Phs. Jenks, P-•
,Chas, Brown, • George M. Keim,
Jeremiah Brown, James' Kennedy, - -
William Brown, - Aaron Kerr, .
Pierce-Staler, . . Jos. Konigmacher, -
~,_Samuel Carey.,• Jacob Krebs, '
John,Cummin, H. G. Long, --'•• --7-
-- .Thomarg. - ;CUnnizighanr,'David - LyOnsT '--------
- .William Curll; -Alex.-Magee,__
....,Wm. , Darlingtou t _, .•___. Joel.K,Matin4,..__
George Chambers,- ,
.' .W. M. Meredith,
._Jokn Chandler,,, l ____.._ - James Merrill,
-Jos. It. Chandler,„ Levi Merkel; "
Ch. Chauncey, Wm. L. Miller;
Nathaniel Clapp, - - -James Montgomery,
`James Clarke, . - Christian MeyerS,
JAI; Clarke, • 17: Nevin,
William Clark, Wm. Deerfield,
A. J. Cline, - Hiram Payne, _ -
Lindley Coates, ~ Matthias Pennypacker,
R. .N. Cochran, James Porter,
Thos. P. Cope, ~ . James,Tiadison Porter,'
Joshua F. Cox, , t Saml. A. Pinviance,
Walter Craig, - P.'t LReigart„'
Richd. M. Crain, . iA. H. Read,
Geo. 'l'. Crawford, - Geo. W. titer,
..., Cornelius Crum, ~ -• Jno: Ritter,- • •
Benjn. Martin,_ H. Goldtßogers,_____
- .Tolilt - L . - M , CallenT — Samuel Royer,
E. T. M'Dowell; - James M. Russell,
James M.Sherry, 1 Daniel Saeger,
Fa - fleDitffh, JolnrMorirrBeottr
Harmar Denny, Tobias,Sellera, •
John Dickey, G. Seltzer, -
'Joshua Dickerson,...... ' Geo. Sgrrill,', •
Jacob Dillinger, flenry Scheetz,.
Jas.- Donegan, , '. G eorge thißeto,
J. It. Donnell, , • Thomas If. Sill,
__Joseph M.:Wrap, _ Geo. Smith, . •
Jaines - Dunlop, Wm. Smyth, - -
. Thomas Earle,., -- Joseph Snively,
.D. M.Ferzelly, - .Jno. B. Sterigere,
Robt. - .Flerning, __:_.__.-JanOb Stickel. - ---
•Walter Forward, - • Ebenezer W. StOrdevapt,
JOhn.Foulkrod, Thomas Taggart,' .
Joseph Fry, Jr. - _ Morgan J. Thomas, . . •
John Fuller; ' James Todd,
John A. Gamble, ' Thomas Weaver,
'William7Gearliart, Jacob B. Weidman,. , •';
David Gilmore, -r - R. G. White, ..
Virgil Grenell,.
Geo. W. Woodward,
William L. IlaYris, ' 'R. Young. . ,
Thomas Hastings, . • - .
teat;) S. Snoen, Secretary. - .
.. . ,
G. L_, „ .
Fus , ' Assistant Secretaries.
.. . A
,I. Wicr.raras,.s ,
• --. SECRETARYIg _ OFFICE, ' s , '2 ,
• . •liiitrussurto FEBRUARY 28, 1838.5
r I certify; that the foregoing is an exact and-literal
copy of .• the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania as amended by the Convention of one'
thousand eight hundred and thirty,seven;thitty
eight," deposited' in this office on the 26th day of
February, 1838; the arnpulnients, being in italic,
and the retained pertions.of• the, present. Constitu
tion in roman letter. • ' '. ,--
• • ' THO. IL BURROWES, I:-' • -
: . . . Sec'y of the. Commonwealth,
n w - RN — Are4 _ l3E .,contincies,to_re,
eive and forward' goods and produde by
rail road to Philadelphia.
there° —or show cause why the same should.not
be sold, • ' I' HE .EOURT.
• Ido certify the above, la be a true extract taken -
=from-the-records of_ the 'Orphans 'Court 'of' said- a
county— •
L___ll'etive-r-and-Olter Drabs, -
Caster, Rorant; and Boy's Hats, of every descrip
, As he has just receiled.the New York Spring
fashions,• - and employs the most experienced
work Men, he flatters himself that he shall be able
1.10 render ample satisfaction lb all.who.may fever
• him with a call. His shop. is on front street,
::next.door_fo . lllr _.Hetflein.atee The_publio
are invited to call and examine for themselves.
• .
I Neviville,•March 21, 1833.-If, 17
. Attention Art i leky.
YOU are ordered to parade• on ,your usual
ground on .Monday the 7thllay of May;
.at 10 o'clock, A. M., in summer Uniform, an d
-also on TueirdaY- the-161h, at. the same-time-an d
,place, arms and accoutrements in good order
—By order of E. M.._ 'ladle, Captain.
• R. A. NOBLE, O. B.
April 16, 1838:
. ORDERS. . • •
IWIIE enrolled inhabitants subject to militia ,
dri duty,'res!ding within the bounds of the let
Brigade; Eleventh Division, Pennsylvania Mili- ,
tilt, (being Cumberland and Perry counties) will
parade in-companieS under their respective coin- "
tnanding officers, on the firs( ..4tunday 410 - y
next, (being the 7th day of May o 1838,) and the o
Regim enta and Battalions w)11 parade for i-eview
and inspection , training eg fol;ow's,
The - Ist DatilPion 86th - Regiment Militia, aini - •
etritteliday ---
-th e-14t 11A ay. of May_...‘ ,
--.The'2d--Battalion - 486th Regiment' Militia. and
Ist natidlion" Cumberland Volunteers on Tuesday
-the-15tILef_May,_ .•
. •
The Ist Battalion 23d Regiment Militia on
Wednesday the 16th of May. • . • • •
The „2'd Battalion 23d Regiment Militia on
Thursday the 17th of May.
The. Ist 'Regiment Cumberland volunteers on'
Friday ;the 18th of May. • . . . •
The lst !dictation 89th Regiment Ilitlitia, on
Monday the 21st of May.. •' • • • .
The. 2d. Battalion * 39th Regiment Militia on
Tuesday-22d of May.
- The )battalion 113 Regiment Militia on •
Thursday the 24th of May.. '
The lst illatialion Perry Volunteers on Friday . ,
the 25th of May.
The 1 . 13 - Rbgitn — eift Militia on Sat- •
ut:day the 26th, of May. I •
"Conute nding officers of Regiments Or indeperi
deni-Bat 1 al lone,.will--desiglnate-them-reao eellv e—___
places of parade and will give at least fifteen days
public notice thereof. ...Volunteer, companies or .
troops not attached to anl Regiment or Battalion.
Volunteers, will paratle with the -Militia Bat-
talion • in the.houn de of 'which ffieY'rettide.
Adjutants and . commanding offiders of Ifoope,
_Will_Makeotheir eetuens. to •th,e undersigned, on„
the day of their respective - Re giment ---
parades. , - • , '
W. FOULK,_I_ .
lnspectiir st prig. 111h_ Div. -
Brigade Inspector' co, - •I • o - •
Near Carlisle, NI 1.29,-1838. • •
a _.._.
issued every Tuesday afternoon, ,at-Twd:Dota.Ans:
per annum, payable in adyanee.
Advertisements inserted at the Air:nal:rates. • ' -
(o"tietters addressed to the editor , - nn business-
MUST BE POST. PAID, otherwiscetbey
ceit•e no attiiitioa - whatever. - ' •
. .
, .
••• . AGENTS. • • •
• •
The following named persons hate been appointed
Agents for the ' , CarHide Herald & Expositor,''. to
whom payment - for, subscription and advertisements
' can be made. - • • 1
D. Si tE LLy,tsq..ShiremanklOwn; Cumboco.
Seorr CovLE, Esq. Newville, • , .•
• l'. Eoorrrz, Esq . Newburgh, do.:
T n os.l,l7;HrbiesTEsq: . , 'Shippetisbitrg, - dO.
Jelin WbrmEnt.tett, Esti. • do. • do.. ,
1. MAITER, Esq. Itognestown, do.
R. IVmson, Esq. Mechanicsburg. , do. -
• WILLIAM ltossuA, Esq. 'Hopewell,. do.
71t:S'rortor.oN,--lisqvattrehtown,------;,ja,..-7..._. , !:..!_......__
WIIiTC, New Untnberland, do_ '
Tltes. BLACI4, Esq.Blciomfield,:l'erry!count,r.
41,-11L-A06.-EtqL.Landisinrg, d o .. -
yam ... nits Dr . :Administration ' pentienitelite; e"-;`
_upon the awls of James Deafly, lale or,
Newton lovidship, deceased, have been grained' -
In due Corm, by the Register of Cumberland Cowl.
ty, to John - -Bektty- and Aohn . Shannon, 'of said
county‘ All persops having claims or denzands
against the estate' of said decedent are requested •
to make . known the seine to •us without delay— • •
-and those indebted are requested to settle and dis•
chargefileir acctitints, •
7 - !JOHN BEATTY, - Adm , r
•-• • • - JOIN•SHANNON,
4cl,r/ 1at.C.0741-1
Unite d - S - ta - teS.Mall•
Has been'eored to—
tm the Fratite . puilillOg•Oppo:.
Site the Mansion House Hotel. ' • •
, I A'M lifg ALLEN, ;deed.
Eslalelof _~Ym.-.5.:-Ficlwiler,-~,dec'd:=~=--
Notice iiihereb3giv - en that letters of Adminis
tration/on the estate orWilliani B: Futwiler , late _-
of Ilie.ti;truligh of Carkiitle. qumberland• . county,
deceased; have issued in due lotto of law to the '-
subscriber,-who-resides. in Shippensburg, - county - . - .
aforesaid. • All persons Ifiving clams or demands
against the estate of said deceased, Are-requested
to make known the same' withotit delay—and
thoseindebted to said estate* to pay their said
e bTTo
April 2„ 1838.--: 6w.
. g L aw, •
• • 1_
IFF West AS . reinov ed offiee_io-the:roorn;rectntly .
occupied by Joseph Knox,'Esq. ; in West
High street, a few doors Weit Of the Post Office: -
_and directly opposite_ ItimesL,Loudon's
April Store
9.1839. •
30 January, 1838. In the case of the writ 'of.
Partition and , valitatfon on - the real estate ef
Jacob Rhodes', late 01-Newtoi township, deeeii
ed, .being this, day confirmed.
.i.On_motton :of
Fredrlck Weirs= Esq. • Rule.on all, the heirs and ,
parties, in interest, .to appear at the next hate .
Orphans Court, to be held
,at Carlisle in awl! .
Cumberland county, _on_ Tueiday,the , first day o
May next, and except or refuse i_ iLOld.L___
nte•nt the valiintion2-an
THOS. eitAlcr - fitAD,.C, 0.•• C
ebiliary 20. T 838..
FAME subscriber thankful hir • past laara - re.
speolully.)iiforms his friends abfrand the
public generally. ihat_he stI)I eonlinuesto_manu-..
facture, and has constantly on hand, a large end
. general assot !inept of Hats—consisting of
Intle :Blari-, and Drab _
- Mannfacturid in ihefidest style .
Of city fashions.- • Black and white
, T .