YJNIC ANOTHER.. , . - " A VOlet_1110:1 Ito Ili 1S .L • .". Front the Boston dthrs, - ' --- The - annual — election .'of--: - Goiernor.. , _anti officeri took' pliiiic - yeaterday - t.hrmigh , iOnt the ,State of Rhode Island. The, candi dates for Governor ,were William Spragite, (VIT - hig - 4-aild-JOhn Brdivn Francis, (Loco • the State -.for the last live. years: He, con seined. to be' again a candidate in the vain . hopeTof overthiawini Partrould - Dutee: 1. - -Pearee a .seat -- 'in the. Senate of the United' States for the term' of siN-years frOm the 4th of Marellnext,_iii the • • • place of the ,Hon. Robbins. Rut ,thb, Tories have bedh signally disappoin ..- ..Aetlln.tbeir : expeCtafions: is the highest SittiSfattiOn,' that we ail-. - ,nonnce to .friends this morning,_ • that the loco foco suporters the .adtninis _• tratign in.L_Wiee Island have keit.again,d - Aided by an Oveitv helm ing inajorfty. route is :complete;Thod - - hardly a x.estig,e -of . Van Burenism is left in Rhode- Island.-- _ have:gained- . _ . A• Wino Govmrson, • • • •AN EMIity,'Wnic.S.ENATE, WHIG HOUSE OF REPRESENTATII ; ES :the Whigs of:the . gallarirStare'fi4l76 triumphed nobly r over all the obstaeles * lU the . ....way7of their SUceess. They have ral lied-in their strength; and rebuked with • a loud Oleo through the ballot: , boxes the, _ "Rrolutiuns never go •backwaids"—aad ; The Itiipt;tivernetit Bill, uhiell has hdely become Rhode`-••lsland ght tt.Ow proof o f thC:lair; , zipproprifttesiloQx6 to tlku.Cumberland Valley ..truth of the adage. Will Mr. Van-Buren H "q - It 6 a d • • ' • again attempt tp stein the.augmented stream • DICKINSON- C'OLLE(.4I". . . of impilliif - tilifieigition indianatiOn W ,' by 1. -, •We are happy to state_thatbstuoLu 20 and 3Craddi-, - telling'tbe iwople-if the 13. Staiis,.that they Students entered the ahc l ve . llstitut:ioi,, - nt the expect ,i4OO -- iniadHfroni •Governmentr—or commencement. of the_ summer se'sshitywhigli took by •icnewifig his Idaelout4 ttiurit,j . ihat their miwednesclay last. The Institution the. - effortsof - judgments have be erverte=d by the bri- some.funcp to injure Its standing: bery of the banks? I • - „ . ' -- - , ' - '' In cOnseMtence of zabsence.fcom home ant week, Mr. - Sprague's -tttiority •in , --the-in , wil°lc. a we:we -,. re unable - to notice the slemg of t' ..7 " he olunteer State is about 500.• - j1'ite - Senators are elm- of week before last.— It is sufficient at present to .say, se e d by from 800 to 1000 Inajority ; We; that almost every statement made in the column of - received •the returns this morning from the blaekguardisms which adorn 4 that- week's paper, in - ' reference to the Young Men's •Ititner Meeting ,held Proviacnce Journal, by express, at half l on the gth Instant, is, to use' a mild ferm; incorrect. past 3 o'clock. - - _ -• But what better could be expected from such a con- Le.k.guartlsac4.' l-deal4,-blackguardisms._ alte._faio . wittg-..tt,',ctiai;l.-•l7lom—an—article • - Published in the U. .8. Gazette is worthy br a. careful perusal, - The truth of the .____lnatement.cannot_beilisputedondtheacheme_ • thiii . - diy - 's paper. We ask that men gall parties May ••• .. tell ihe . New York banks, to obtain the credit 1 read it divested of party feeling, and See whether it Of restlining, -specie payments without a... - 6 1 does not, With a mister hand ; give a t r ue history of ~. • wally doing so, can only be viewed with the 'state of affairs now.existing amongst 'us: :" It is," contempt by every one, who is anxious for In the language of the editor of the West Chester a.realresumptiott at an early day.. R e. i gister Si. ExaMiner, replete with sound sense,eorrect , reasonin g , and interestin g . faCts. ." The cause for the " The Globe-probably wishes to cotteal kpresent derangement of the. currency ; and which has , the well known fact, that . the New York , caused' the banks 'to refuse specie for their Ilaies, is banks arc not - reallY to resume specie fra ' y. there stated in a clear, forcible mid' comprehensive manner.-- It 'mast be evident -to every- unprejudiced- Illents—tlitit the Whole...plan of operatiaiit is , . I mind; that the grand - object of the great ohtcry and 1 a scheme to hum m' or • -of . tee Loco FCeos for-the immediate resump••• chase back•the vote of that state : to which ' I tion o f specie paymenisy the Bind, it solely for scheme . certain Whigs have Yielded front electioneerin g purposes. Every pehon in the least I acquainted with the present financial state ,of the motives to which- we pretty poiittedly . -al• I country, must know that It is utterly impossible to iti, - dod in our former article, and from that redeem their notes with specie while the government ',state pride and state and city jealousy which, Lis, ()limed to thrill, and doing all. it can to injure had if they were not in the present instance, ! destroy•tliein, and loan out money at the same Bon.. . • public injuries, Might almosti be lauded as i The enemies of banks welLknow-that to resing2un- . • der existing circumsta nc es, the.,lninks..Or, the_ people private virtues. ThetNcw . ‘York city banks ! -- btti, - .e _ n _ .. , -- .. - -.- ,-- punt - inevitablr -be- , aerinusly-i i ji itred - 7•Thq:lyrat o issues t o , pay in specie :. for theeither call in the Money now lorined out and refuseto I . • last few months, they have acted •entittly-' loan more, and thereby bring ' ' a greatei' and. more v . oh theTniiii-committal system. If a Phila- I On neral distress, if not absolute ruin the people, or again atop specie payments. The latter of which is • delphian : went to one of- those;:banks_with • I precisely what - the spoils party want.''- They are not il cheek for three thousand - dollars „instead iess'awnre_of the fact than NICHOLAS. RIDDLE, tliat if of paying it, the iglicer Marked it 'good," 1 the Banks should resume and tigin he compelled to If he-would- !pay one of his own - creditors suspend specie. payments, it will be-o n e of-the most victories - for the mi ll ions . , . two thousand . (tellers, lie- had to pass to. him 1 rrg possibly lop apennibliahed i and the ' ost favora-• that check , and it - it-4'6*am Vie& of the latter I ble -I" ' ' ,to support the wild schemes of ANDREW JACRSON • . for one thousand. . ' If then the .holder, ; and his successor, kit could .pcissibly.be-deyised, and . • .. " itt itrOdN liii s liiis--x • Thicanery; l -shopld impa-; the present Executiv - A ximild, greatly rejoiCe in so : -- .7liently-and-Positively - dentatid would be put of_Lyitliamassrof-trash-from_l P ayrne i l o ic i-i . gnaltm,triuraphlaty_et;re_.tiottii- t t attexteii ins barrassinent, d .cl_ distress ruhris::brinV it: upon the people, if thereby they can succeed in retaining pow'- ', Cr and office. Renee their determination to compel ;the-Banks to resume premature specie l paynients,that they may be again under the necessity of ifu4endin S .- theivi." - ' - • ' . EM !.y...alLtiteLstate, amlipidt-' haps the issues of .Connectieut - ,,Rhode :Is land; and -Massachusetts. This. is a *frt . , - of the Preparations for specie pay»zenti— l the - ruin of the merchants is anotherpart— and now having no issues to redeem, the ,-.- - - • . - - -i State . istupplying the banks with means . and authority_ to-issue-notes fortpt, dollars_and upwards,. payable twelve months. hence - and he ro BEFORE. li,that resuming - specie ,-: payments? .Is that the honesty. which, the 'Globe is lauding? . Is that supplying the • manly, upright mode of 'conducting busi • ness, Which. Promises the pe6ple that it will . . rcSume specie payments, -arid Met - inns up the rehapnel of Public business - with' a cur-.i - rend) , irredeCmable untillhe:termination ;01 ?Is) ' - one from the date of ' is ue? - Bah! t Will the people understand till's in tter aright? I The Philadelphia:banks o.r . willing ,to .. ..... "iiizt coui MB continue their issues in the prserdformi to •1.. . • . , he :paid ir(speCie as soon .as .the eirett ---Theirln'a'sof Whig — Niidinies pour in,ufoori Us fr6m' . ~._ , • stanees:ivierrepijsed the' suspension shall l l all tiiiallers erthe country'i n such iilluhilnoce, that we • • —._.. . have not - space in our columns to nOtme An., It itiiit.t have ceased -to • Operate. The New York • 1 P up •.. ~ - ' • suffice can: rc il . banks have called in theti redeemable - - J t ...2 1 !' , 1kre f ?!.T. , ...t9 1 9. 1 ( 1 W-that , ill''4lic .. • - - -,---.-- -- h - 4 1-4-146 ...R - iiion . s — whi c h hAw. - been - .hail for the last' . je,suesould ara - now - atmut to send:fOxth dotes- c . ighteCii-montlai,tl ie Armad:rms lia4 — tic;e4 routed, , • . . ...-- - 4 !,ti pon-whiell ito detnatid-'can he . ifiad6. .1 "•linrw; foat and dragoons." - .-'• .• •• . .• , CARL! S'L TUESDAY" AFTE RNOOlc,.'Arnu; 2404E338, • The Peopie's , • • • , FO. 17124 - Ul4 ZlA.liilllloa- T acb 'FOY, f-:4- - (0 - oLuzPaLautwarava4.. The Washingion eounly Imve.been recttii!stedto state dint a lietition Congress tifl.llO7CtieFoke es ig - Idt — tirtrie Prothori9tory's office-for-signatures, prOious : to being foiwardod to .Wdshingto'n. c We - pretent our paper to our pairousthis week in aid of ivy ty an entire new dress. good Voss, n good cause, onda. !stioog steel — p - KTilTe lotood to fight innothily for RiTNI:I - , t AND. LlRER TYthroughout the campaign, hoom.hig that WILL: BE OURS. - - - - I In an. extra ,alieet, at some expense, tre present our .1 readers this weeiexiith the entire speech of the lion. :43 , tracc.-IV-taarart r onAlfe-.sifb,,Treasniy_seheme—lV.e_ • ask of all parties 'give it nu attentive perdsal. _ Lgt ' - no- man b_e deterred by its length from. It J. tsst "noble. Wort of n.noble mind... I LETTER OF NICHOLAS BIDDLE: . , We invite the,attention of our readers to the above named letter, which will be ftiund in another art of ne.S.lliftpe;isbrrg Hilvd c —We are'sorry to learn that our friend WEP-54ADT.PE1,,,E951,editpr and F. „ ' Owner of the abovenitmed_sli en obliged to suspend the publication of his interesting paper fora ,week or two; -which susPension - wili - enable - him to go, on a. colleetingstotir for "the ptuposirof strengthening his list. iVe.wish' him sueeess in his travois. Won der if friend Wei•ksha pel could'ut get the Dems-• cratic committee of oorrespondeiwe of •thfi county. • to pass a resolution in his thvor, something simpar to that passed by ilietin in reference to the Voltp6er ? In our - next we will give our readers the bat speech of tlic lion. CHARLES Mect.uni, our liepresentative in the Congress of the United .§tates. As the - speech May. take our readers some hou r rs'io eraWl over, we give this Crnely peace so that the.y may he prepared. Old Mother Cumberland may tilitnk her stars that she has at last one Iteresentative who ran ket up be, fare the united wisdiiin iirlitie — eoValiFa — nd spout away like all fire. ' • , Ides}-and ussistedihrthe-counsel:and-pen-of the senior MA_ Colonel But step, kind reader, don't deSire you, to suppose for, one moment, that this. utsh-head of.a six-footer wrote the ...article ip 9ue.stion: By no rheanir nnirialman never suspected tdealirldi - big-noddle.- We maybe. small in body; but,-tiink _the _stark; we are not so big a jot/coifs as tout - creature.: ' - • Vre hiie7been politely furnished with a catalogue of this Institution, which is snitioned at Mercefsburg, Franklin- county ; catalogue,- ice learn that there arc 108 Students connected with' the Institution,- and • that several more :have'. applied for• entraiiediltAlreiaVirsession - , -- which will commence on the '23d of May. The eiltlenielicOinposing the , .Faculty of- this-Institution-are -highly__spoken_ of,. • -men Of Selenee --;= 1 • • The folloWing is . a list of the members of the Fac ulty and lustructorp in the Vrepar'atory Department; —l-Itev—Dr.Y..A. Rauch, Pr'es@ent.. • 2. Hon. A. Thompson, Professor of Law.. •• • Mr 3. : S. - S. - Bud4;jr.' A. M. .; ) rofe!ssor 'embli co and -.7l.fedignicat-Pkifsins.- . 03213 , Rev. AibertOth, A. Profc . isi• of Lan .E. . . swages and Defies 5. Pivlimaror of Nattfral ;Sciences: 0. Rev. W. Good, Recrorizi Preparatory part!nent. r.- If. Boillbelier, N. 43. 46 , sistant do, .the editor. of the Ilichn i tond Whig, ptiblished tosilass- Illeation of the:kirginiallouse of Delegates; in wldch --one—elass2_was.distinguished_as_frietulhrZtoLthe_Sub; Zfreastuf, anotlie'r rta opposed to it, and a third as being upoirthe fenee. In thi:tiatter claks Mr. Milky -was Oot at all relishing- theikkilieation,: addressed a s letter to-the editor, of which tht; following is a literal copy,iarp,prtin/ et //Meat/au:— • . Mai.Vh the 2.9 th .IS3B Mt...Gallaher editor bf , the whig Dear sit- - _Casting My Eye this Morning across the ivhig I taw yoliThave - plased me — name in 'that class with the fence men wick is the fint.thiliz. I ever .new that 'was ofthatsuenetee. I therefore move to - Strike find place-Mytmme - , with.the Suli-TreasUry - men for I assure you there is a stronger Sulkreasury man in this house than nit' Self. I think therefore men ought-to be Careful how.they Speake of mens politics Especially those who publish the New's _ N B no coony on the . Rail Yours . JOHN RIPLEY. "Help we, Cassius, or isink."—:amongst .the pro -eeedingy-off-V-an-Burert-conitnittee-oi-Garre. dente for Cumberland county, we. find the following • resolutiOn: " Straws show," &c. . " :Resolved, That in yielo of -the greal rttie — approachrne'conicst• and of the necessity of disseminating our prin ciples as extensively as possible 'in this county, we-pledge ourselves - to use all ho norable 'exertions in obtaining subscribers and enlarging the: circulation of the Anieri "can-Volunteer." , --R E . 4 ° We learn by the Globe of Saturday, night, that the report et the nuelling Committee was brought into_ the Ilotise late on Saturday evening. 11,,queittion arose' on the peopositidn Print Itomd 'the Horse_ adjourned withoUt deciding. In relation to Mr Graves,;the recommendation islivtlie folhiwing words: .“The committee, ihordore, viewing the breach of the rights 'and privileges of the House on the part of Mr. Graves, to have been an olrence of - this high character, against the :vital principle of a deliberative assembly aild of represent;ative Government, feel constrained, by a sense of duty, to pre sent-to the-House ac. resolution that.hoeex•. .pelled 'therefrom,7 • • With regard to the secohds, the committee declare they deserVethe censure of the Houk', The Bank Conentionwhich met in the city OtNew 'York Some two .weeks since, to consider the expedi ency. 9E' an early resumption_ of specie; payments, tul journed on Monday of. last week.. The CoMention On that day Axed on the first Monday oflinuairy ne?it as the day for resumption. We learn that the vote o . this question was unanimous, with the'exception of New-Nork and Mississippi; the f6rmer voting-against it asbeing - 11M dittant, and the latteras too early a day:, rife feillowiii - g - irthe - resoltitiinV:iiilojitiiilliTilie- Coliz • • • Whereas, it is found. neeessary, hi order to simultaneous action by the banks in the resumption s ecie payments, so to pro: coed in aesignating cried for thatpurpose, - as to secure the nearest approach to-unani— mity., And, whereas; whilst :in the jud g e 1 mein of this.ConventionAhe return. to specie payments and preitervation of tht currency in a sound condition, diet deAend essentially on the course of the general government.— Yet this Convention regards it as the ditty of the c hanks tofnake the effort-in goOd faith, ex chaqive of any direct reference to the pros pectiVetheasures of the government. • .At the • same time the Convention has. been happy to observe, in•recentletters , pl i be Secretary specific a ss a of. the Treasnry, specssUrandBbf:'Tin intention to. thc; bank's s . O far as ,it may be doge ,througlithe i liacid. operations" Of that deparjrn' ein of I.he,igetterit: goverti-• ment. Thereforc,.„ `6e recommended . 45; '',''... '.;--t -:Resolved; !nat it be recommended to . the banks of "the, several. states to resume .s pccie payments on . the . laktla of jimuary next, withbut'precluding an ettille'r retiturep-• .tion.on,the part OfThecN.banks., as 114 , find it necesSitry , or deem it proper. • yholiittal vote on the.adolition'ef,tlit abOvepreanibla mote resolution was - as., M A s y ows: es-- , littine,' Vermont, 'Massachusetts, Rhode is. ,Aand„Conncietiqut,-Now-Jorsey,.-Delaware i - , District Of Celumbia, Virginia, N 'orth (aro•-: lina,-Inditina, -IllinoiS, and- Misst iiri.. - 18., ...N.ays.NeVi , York, and Mississip )1.- .. • , . - - - - . -. ... • ~, a , --- TlitgAlatiltlE-RIMALII - Aligi-lEXPL);IT010 e are rejoiced to learn, from the Harrisburg In gencer, that TEMPLIN, the drunken blackguard committed an assault 'upon the pei•son of The sr of the Hariisburg Telegraph, sonic time since, sentenced on Wednesday last; by the court qf rhin coVy,ln ton4ned in tfre. jail ot.the Ly4or- three. months*.payillgLosts of prosecu pay a fine of one dollar, and give 'Security inthe lf $6OO tokeep the peace foi•. one year. - OW. itbsence, the 'Volunteer or week betore last; imold trade of scurrility. • We exp6eted: this! new that, like the-thief, the editors of that print' take adAntage of ournbstnee and cast as much jr slime otrtheirFdishtirtliened l'ranteaslP assl- In One of their dpgiidnt , and decent articles they_ ,ularly give it to Geoty',"—ei they call Lich article, by-the bye; is .made up of lidse _ This, , we Presume, is the work. Of the.Li:T. eadedi oVergrowii - Yolitli; yelped the junior edit, a7llOrsheill . College. ScboolOra ter-!!anted..- 76 Soine short time sive, Bank Convention. Election .7rews. _ Under this head, the Volunteer of.last week gives' its readers an account of the result of several tions which.have lately been held iii several parts of the Union; • • For the purpose of snowing our readers how many false statements the editors dttii . ceowd together couple of squareaventatter,and to bet things straight, we.extract the. article in question, with a few coin :nerds. That sheet says:— ' - • . • toed elections- n-ilitate-of ,Maine;:for ,Superviscirs,. were • made a test question, 'have resulted, glori r cutely for , the Dmuderatle party. Vederal . Whiggeiy completely used and thing- indieates=that-ut •the-riext _general election the.demoeMpy will achieve triumphant iictory"'• - • • • This reminds us of t.fin..grF rejoiingiTyliial were Nati by the loco fonns in a eery' village not far from. title, N1,110:1811011 th'e news real e'd tally that in the toOnship of rnicznii, the party which, they Were attached, had Aected:their candidate, for overseer of swine; by theltrentendous'rnajoft of TfIREE votes, iinmediately- inStructed the editer,of,their_prgan, the "j'agpo ter," to raise a ahoutthat would ite heard, Over. the wide e,ctended universe, lie something like" ,tbei'folipWing strain: .".Rtijoice, yirnatiOia of the earth ; Our pally still Victorious !! ' The Republic - safe; A krelit;ii'di,WiticiiiiViethiyhas been achieved in • Tinicum The Rng• barons- have been again routed, hbfie.,_ foot_and_drfigoons ; our_ticket]ns begiayried in that, placely a tremendous majority," to be serious': We Inve - heiti'd - of no elections having been held this spring in:the date of !taine'Jtimipetvisors - Imdfenr-ritinerit --- The uul 'election, we -believe; which has -takeli- place. in that for the rasrleariEuintliai eras the one'ln - tlie Thomastown.district,limwhicit Mr, Robinson (wing) Was elected by a fuernajority lisiran'Buren' opponent; - to - fill the vacancy-occasioned by-he death of fir. Cillcy (i , ii-liuren) - ' in tlicCOngress..of - the - TrOited States, ' But let us have :No. '2 orthei,VoltintecT4 • . ‘!„A.t the Charter election recently held in the city of Si. Louis, heretofOreVonSiderdd . the•strong hold •of Federalism in..the - .Stiite of Missouri, the. Democrats .earried - the -Mayor lind -R-Of the 42- Aldernienhy. a large. majority. -.The . patriotic ,BESTON will, be libundantly'-sustained_in . that: Demo'crat Stnte." Every word of this is talk. The pa4tic Benton notlielsiistaidod - by the - people - okMissodid id lice gcry.._4lte _Whigs_latve 'elected their email . : 'date for ;Mayor and One half of the Board of men in the c.a.). of St; Louis. 'By last ii"eoilits Lreeeived front that city, the lit7neti of Allilermekk had impotted sti , cjit:nine Orris s.yittiont choosing a riv i -Si (lent- eachpartioastitiglive dates vOting _blanks. So ...niuele fur this. statement. )'_Oljudger,stiyS : "The municipal electidif in.. .New Orleans lilts_alito resulted fa - v_ofably to the denwergiu cause:" ° • If the-VolunteerMeaiii - V the " deltic/truth! catise,' the cause of the Van Buren Shin-plaster party, then is he agaitimistaken, as the Whigs, from all accounts - which we hare seen, haveicarried their Mayor by a tremendous majority. • Hear the Volunteer 'once more: "At ,the election ?or- Commissioners iit-- tlre7•sDistricr cif - Sturthwark - ; l ' , Philudelphtly H county, held ,on .Monday . the 9th inst. the democrats carried their candidates in four of the five wards by large majorities. This -4emocratic-Pistrict-will—doiwthtty—rrubly at the October. election." • . , This is'also incorrect ; for proof of which we give the following.cxtract from the Philadelphia Inquirer of the . lithinstant : ".An election for Conimissien ners took place in the District lA, Southwark' on Monday_last, ,Of the Eight candidates elected, five were supported by the whigs, viz :—Messrs. Donald inn,"Rutter, Smith,' Mercier; and 'stayely. Messrs. hand and Sandgrnn, our candidates in the First Ward, received a much higher vote than was ever Polled by d e,whigs at any similar. eleetiO - iiTiind pit siTve the thanks of the whole ,party for their exer tions. Mr. Greases of tlie 'Fourth Ward, also t , e eeived a much larger, vote than 'could, 'Oder the circumstances; have been anticipated, showing 'elusively that he enjoys the confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens iii no ordinary degree. in the Fiilh lkrard, our friends achieved it very decided victory. This, be it 'remembered, has long -heen considCred 'as the most democratic ward in the Dis: triet, and our majority is one hundred- and thirty -Six votes, or nearly double the amount of votes received by either of -the The - result surPrisc'd both friends and foes. In the ThirdW‘l the contest was very animated, one party being the friends of Poynter, the othei , , hj'cludiagtwaely every whig in the 3vard, opposed to him. The latter sue.; .ceeded by a majority Of, sixteen' votes; and thus was the merdliet• of Congress, who deemed, it 'of Sufficient impoetance to leaxe his seat at AVashington, for the ,purpose of regulating" this elation, eignally arid ut -terly-defeated in his own ward. The enthusiasm of oppoitents-waof no, ordinary cluiractee. Th 4 formed a procession and paraded the streets in uniph, taking care, however, to' viOlate• uo lawoind to coMmit no 6 - mess. The result generally ; through... ! but-th e-ultolts-Distrito -highlygratify ing, aggregate Loco Foco majority u t less than fifty. In 1835 ;.at the Gubernatorial 'election, it-was snore than.. fifteen hundred." But there remains yet one more false siafeinent of the - Volnnteer to. notices It seems thui.the editor kept the grentest falsehood back to thelast, to cap-ns iti - rere, the elimitx of his falsehoods. is na . . "__Thc_ New. York Charter election has, Ontrary to , our,Cxpeetation, restdtedfutiora-' Hirt° the democratic Muse. For, although . the .Federalitits have carried - . the ,Mayor by a nominal majority -olabout 280 out of near- i. ly '40,000 Votes poll:A:arid have eleeted 9 ~ , . . of the.ll: Aldermerfvwing,to .a.division of:, ~, th ) democratic partr6.; in the oth ward, the ' is.ixtern MEW the oon, at his residence in Phis bOrough, result show's that iihe federal majority has 11011EitT IifACFARLAN'"E, .E.i.isi. in . . the Attui , or . •been reduced in otib , short year from 3332 ai ds uge . down to the rneattire and „pitiful majority . : „lb, Al vi ho kneit , MM . ,' and has left a large circle above mentioned! One More effort and the. The . deceased was csteoined and respect; of friends.and ri•lations,tosmiurn his slecease. great city of New York will be completely His liiends mid aettnaintlifices arc invited to atteial redeemed •fro`rif, the thraldom of Bank Aris- • his funeral froiii Ifs-late residence on to-Morrow at 1 .. 1. o'clock; A. .M...fijoia whence it mill proceed to the -.._ ". • ; II ."' )I:as ever a greater falsehood - invented than the:. bi„.i ; ;l gvou nd nea l,...N e *y i (~.... - : IlbOte. I‘ 7 liat ! the 'Ness-York clitirter.'rlection re- ' Off Frida.o4,:dtstltlt; - tif,"sinall prix,..ntr2Anrrit, sultell .fatiorahly ,to 61e::4Aviimictlitid [van .. pareal- , .-nk t eit-VbCiut t2.43.Hon.Ntonday the- (filly inst., SAMOEI4 i!altSf.! ''.i . iall4l3, and t.44"editor.Wlin Wonld . intpose ~ aged'aboatglAn Tuesday fl'..l7th ittst„Joorr,aged upon' :lila readers in stiekla,style.ainnittl receive the ..abbot .2., : tillihe ehildren,ofAy..B6lbnicin 1 ightiai, ‘ ,6( exetridjoitit of all isOrmkjo . ii.,: . tai 4ifolf , 91oijkv . tiatt:. , ; , 'North Illithileion towtialiiitaild - ilitt • fourth .•one - is meat of this pink of truth; id-referenee.teilnt gkarion• 'now daiigei•osly. ill of the same disease,` '' - ,- / of Attlermeri t Is Raeove publish:till , tin Ttirstlai the. 17th inst., in Franklin eottidyi.in froni • the Neiv-.Vork'llet•alti f antrai annexeditable . .. 'relates to ~ the . eniaiewienee Of lin iniiririreived from the blowing vote=fri3layiKi t.ticeditottlftheiyotratit,Er-kitowatrs-'sfiriiiiK'Aft;::l,liiiiTa-AC.:.C.f.Pqiii-i,-st:Thii,,lielkir..Fratii.ia . , well as ... we, thi,,thatt the Adee,tkon last, aking, INII.:. MeMlinua of this Once, :tged 'i2..yeata:'. Ikia'reltßi.nr! I (..1,-snirrthe Aihigtilndidatc for tent office, wart ,elected were . tironglimithis .. 'phof,4onTyay4 ! lay mcalklN6 - nari hv a iilipalits 4, offis'ofo the otlici• vantlidateg - unitedly inlet iti•the Catholic il l iteyat'd,.•. • I havintreceived 911 more': votes than he cUd. fly addidi to this 911, the 'majority of votes which Mr: Clark has rodeived biter all others (being 119) at tie Olection held this spring, we haVci qicni en /hundred and Votes of h wllll3 fish]: In the eity.oft New-York. And still the editor of the Volunteer will fill its . . .•, , - readers that the patent democracy have beet )oetorb; ous at that - etty. Out upon such falsifiers: We eon-. dude by giving the table spoken of pbove,hy which it will' be seen that the Ablei'men have handsonie nia tiritieato boast of ior .' - '• " FOR ALDERMEN ANO . ---- • - *WO. _ • LOCOS; Wards'.• . 1 11(1.. • „Air: '7lllNls. Ad. 1 • , 730 • • :720 7• • 77. .60 572 ' - 565 . 9 318 379 592 - 606 10 .. -446-.438 142.. 119 ' 11 700 668 267 258 -- 12 --- 253 - 279 71 -241 .13 188 149 , I'6-- 67 . 69 7 26 .-- 17fr'27 - 130 653 :642 5 8 14 15 • . 3,662 - 3,185 Co's ituijs. 2,176 2,17'2 , 1 -• . - W. tot. maj. Alt!. 886. 1;013 majority in Assistants. Leaving an, iwerage majority iu Common Council between 886 "and-1,013,-of-950.. - _ _ • 17018 . e .Profiliel,ar4en folloAtvijig prQpLccy: . . Ititite'rites will be rutitsd quirSei foot, and dragoons' iii Cuthberland county, on „the second Tuesday' of Qelobei•Talittivey-, arc now sensible of that fact themselves . , ~ neriteiare staisible of being routed hotse; font, and 'dragoons' in this eodnty," says the Veritable editot. Alas, nit - en will this thi?tk gel over his besetting sin - . icily you and your fierier and yotle_ brandy; up " salt 1 .river" next Qctober; just as• easy as some folks - eati 4wailow a drop of the eratnee. • -The= un eer of. week .berbee in giving the - reSult of the Connecticut election; endeavors to Com ,- veTto readees• the idea _that -the vote :1;'919 very , ' srriall,anil that it • was . diving to there being - three' tickets in the fieldohat the Whigs Were victorious.; .To'iiiicit(that the: Whig - vote exceeded .that of both the other parties, and that the number . of Votes iid!ledo was greater than ever before 'cast in -the State, we following extract from the - Nese-Haven (Coon.) yidltriliunt of the:tth inst. Thenuinber.Ol.votes given last sprifig Was greater thani was elcr given at any previous election in Coon -ettith4—but-the--i-otttof—last—Mondereded-thatrof last. spring , by 4;80, as will IM seen. -- Whole number ufvotes - giveu • • -Moofilay, • • \Fhtile-numnber-of totes biten last- ---,- -, Spring, lastSfu•ing, thisOht-of 50,190:the7vvItigs haVe obtaitied a clea'r majority over all others - of-I,3o4_whir_h_added Mike - Nanlluven majority of laSt'year,AowS,a clear whig gall! of 11.A74:1 .. , . 1:1 ke . 1 I ouse of .11epreseatativv , g i's,,emiipcistal of 206. have..heard. 1101 i every.tnwn in .tie restlltTs=the too .Poeos :have chOsea ;30 _members; Cobservatives Whiks''lso; and in six-towns- entitled 16,10 members there.. is no choice. The Locos are thus proportioned; Ilartford county 2; -Xew-llaven 7; 'New-London 6; sex 6; Litchtield'O;'l'ollandl; Windham Of the 21 members-of-the Senate, the whiks have elected '2O. This 0 - ctorr y , If n it, abused, as we trust it will not be, settles tfe'political character orthe state for ten 'years at least.'' . ' _ Will .11w - editors of the Volunteer disabuse .the minds of their readers on this subjeet ? Will they have the political honesty : to do so ? We shall see. . "The . - Post notes of the United States. ;auk, of which. about twti millions were ssued . in April last, are no longer re 4 de . ented tr_the_city_DLN_Qw_Aurk#' nu, above is from the Volunteer of the 12th and is a "knit o' side wipe" at the 'United States Bank. Will the editor be so kind as to inform hisi readers that these post notes are redeemed at the banking , hotfse in Philadelphia, froin which they were issued. Whilst tiiiiou such Mailer's, we would request the editor of the Volutitetir.to iufbrtit us where die Ulaited States Treasury Shim-plasters are redeemed ; ther they are redeemed at all.. Perhaps it will be more tionvenienttor the editor to tell us w here. they are not redeemed. The Lis lnf Octi passed be the ftist Legit Attlee will be found in another fink of to-day's...paper. - • IVe observe; says the Chambersburg Itttpository, by a statement in the last 'torch Light, that the liresb) ., ter of Carlisle, at their / late session in 3tereersbne#, strut*. from the roll of said Presbyterytheitev. nick 'ard ‘Vyniciaii), late Pastar of the Preshyteriarelt of IhigerstovVn, and. tiissoived the 'session of .ehereh, for irtTgnlar, disorderly and unconstitutional Conduct. _ ArCi;• 93p1 - -Nti& fri'" • .:••4 4_43 , (tr 4 'AV -,--- - • s IT•N ' • .( MARRIEA the 10th inst., by flit Rcv, J. Utrich, Mr. OHMS. TOAIEN FOnrNEy, of York county, to Miss CAiIIA. RINE Illt . rtm.e.X,Of Dickinson toWnship, this county. of thi; ylicfnity, id Mks Etiikblifni Dom, pear Shippenihint. On the stli iiist. , by the Itec. S. It. Boyer, Mr. I tV.Nnv Anrdnilof this county, to - sliiiss_CATtuintrir. Itter.,.of Tuscarora vtalcy:luniata county. 1` • v , . . 6 , ". 7 . s ' . . ./..:•:, -4, ~...„7....2 _ , F - - - , =•. k' - 4.1.. - *. .. . 7 ( . -• -- N • - ' ''''7, -, 77:- 7!.. efr • ,-" ‘• ""*";••• 1, --.1 4 - - -.4. .•-"' '....7-4....- - "•••e. - - 4 - --..--;.- 1 ?-' , ..- V64 .- 4 . . . . . . . . . -. . • • .. D R S itilvApp will be unavoidably detained . . . , . ..., In althupre.- longer than he anticipated, and there • • • ALTIMoIc!. . • .-', fore must .delay his visit to Oarliale until the FIFTH. " ARKV.TS. 1 s OFMAY, When he will be happy to render his. pro- For the 'week ending dip.:l 24,'. ; fessional services to his 'friends for three days only. Immediate application after his arrival will. be tteces- FLOUR-Priceivhave been steady throng,- .„; the -saryto secure-his services. __Thankful - for the_tery Week at $7;333 a 0;5 from silires, mid al37Asfroia. liberal and distingaished pittronage' with which he haki. ' in mit i o_nored, he Ittipes titatas his op i erayons are per -Ivtigons; and we quote the same rates to-day. Miirket i n the nincordingte the late . aci_enpitc. improvements firm, but transactions limited. . , ' GRAIN: - .4lTheat.—The sale of n parcel of inferior ' i s a ti j ll ia iS o ll; : p :!, i tt ' lh il s i c i e u e lpl s ic a ll i :l l ; e n i t i .. theY Sh li O a u v ld e a g a l i v y en o'f ' 'fl l i l s i '', eephirs they will be attended foreign red, early in the' week, at $1,59, is the only tofrec. o . l char •e. • .Ilaluntore i . pril 23,183 a: • transaction we • have to report in this .description.— . , .... ~, ' • liolders-of-foreign-wheats 7 is re-lirnktAiglMrriees noes than millers appear Mbe disposed to give; A .parel of good Stispipluinn4 red has been sold. at $t ,a•pareel 'of 1500 hnsliels good Maryland red, frOm store, at $l,O. • A lot of p r ime red Virginia was sold . , • at $1,05, s, • Corn. , --Priees have been steady thrnughoutAV • • week at 72e, for white, and at 7.1 a 75Tor y low, and we qttote_the saute rates to-thy:. Sales of Virgin ia-at-747g and 73 eents.:- note a sale - I - if - Susquehanna Rye ntr9.s . C-.-- We.guote bryland goodlotiale, at 93 a 95 cents._ "Oate.,-Nlarket dull, at, 39 - 31 cents. • • 21 ,7 . 6 -2 ,172 Cloreraced.—This article has become exceedingly . .scarce, and although the demand is not rot; large,l49, it. would command 1,111 pee bushel to-day' from Stores. Soe - small - . iota - haver-been sold at that price. oiunteer market during the week has been steady, and sales - bait beeJimadeto ri considera.:" ble extent, at "cents fonlihda , . and $1 cents tor - bbiS. `,The -to-day; arid sonic _holders of bids: ask rinare than 31 cents. The wagon price of bbls. is . 27ventrsModUsisre - ot—the - barrel: -- Thirinsbectiaris - of Ilie_wee.k:cornprige 477 hhds. and 1818 bbls. Ivhich 441 hitda..atid 915: bids. more reccied froin the Sus- . queltanna. . • . • " Monday, ..t.);112;3,' 1838. FLOUR. AND MEAL-Th'e'reis very littleexport - • demand for superfine, and the sales have been trilling for shipment. .'For city-use the-. demand has been fair for good braailS,viiill salexat $7,75 per big, highery corn limn - hncl - fair - brauclp -are inn! the supplies liberal. We quote $7,7 5, but- lai:ge.salea'aould not be efreetqd at ibis rate: Rye Flour has fallen to $4,621, with sales. Corn Meal is steady at $3,50 in libis, wjt.t! mach: .612XIST—There has been a • hrlak •busincsi going forii - ard in grain, Saks 7 4it near 20,000 bushels of wheat at tg fair, atid . sl;63to : - 1 - ,67 for - good - to prime:dortlestic Fair-foreign 0,50,, a 1,55 . for red and white. Large sales of, Pennsylva nia rye, at 93 n 94 cents, afloat. —born is still actively ; - sought - fot'-. --- A -- saleof-5-,000-bushels-kilii-dried-Penih r price.,mt, ascertained. - Some- round- - yellow 80 and, Sclut4kill,,74-to 78 wits; afloat Southern . 3•ellow 78, ' kifeyrittel A - parcerDrwhit4 bi:45 . - Ught• c tits! Oats-9ertWalili:ouil7busliel3.llaveleen.sold.tt . fl.W,. it-3.4-to 36 cents: per 'bushel l*of • Pennsylvania a7i cents.. I SPIIiITS.--Bratly is - steady in price; , --46 - half pipes «ire sohl suction, at ,$.1,19 to lAo, s 'on time; at.39 - eents,Yhde: 36.. Whis - - key in sells l at-2.3 . 1 titia - hf-bbls:-tit - -30-to 31 cents: •= [Pa: InguireK-1 56,190 45,330, UM! -2 EPIS4OOO ORDINAT.I9.IIT. - THE. Right Rev. Dr. ONDERDONIC.; Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church nf this State, will hold a confirmation in the' St. Johns Church, in this, bor ough, on Friday morning next.- -It- is- eXpeCt(4 thvit Mr: Her! , br Lewistown . , and Mr, J. AV. AI 'Cv t;tou um, late a Alinister of the Presbyie?iatt Church, will then be ordained. • ' • I kirjServices to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. .C.mlisle April 23, 1818 • • • - Pori -.Sale. • Sn excellent and commodious Two Story DWELLING 'HOUSE, Vith-tlarlot-of-groitnit-on-which-it-stands-of-about -74.11REE aCRES r -having thereon a number or choice Prat Treea : a Well of_never-faiting water at the dnor, 'stabling, Ftc. - The property is plea.s.snt ly situated in' Silver Spring ? township, in Cuherland windy; l'a.,.ttne quarter of a unile west of Bricker's Mill, 'on the Winglike road leading , from Harrisburg to Carlisle.. Terms reasonable ;. empire of S. Ilep buric laq., Carlilde - , - or of the suliiiFilber on the prem ises. JA.IIO WILLIAMSON, WA. CUMBERLAND GRAYS. YOU are ordered to parade_atßie_public-house-of JOILV MECO, on the Walnut Bottom Road, on. Monday the fth.dav of May, precisely at 9 o'clock, A. M. --AlsO on -Wednesday the - Milli; - at-the public house of Joht.V.P.VIL, on the turnpike, at 10 o'- clock, A. M. of said day,, completely equipt for drill: BS order of Ccoi* Miller, Captain.' • • I.'WICEEITAN, 0. Sr. April 1838. • • • editrt of Appeal will be held at the public house of John Thgo, on the 7dl day of Muy.. WIIEREAS Jacob Wetzel, did on the Vali day of sstnirtili, execute to Um suliseriber - a deed of assigme ment of all his effects, ineluditig his books awl aticOillits for the bedefit of 'his creditors. • Notice is linreby gi :ViiiilosalLthoseindebtetlimthe sahlJaciphAVetzef, on bond, note, or . book account, or who may. hare unset tled accounts with that I will retain_ his books and papers in,my hands for settlement, until the 15th Clay of stay next, after which they will be put into the loads of aiNltigi strati". for tht:purpose of collecting all tinsalisfind • AVM; -- Osilgnee; April•'23, 18.38.-. • • • • 21. , No..i, and 3 .Mackeiel for File at the Grocery of G. W. CRABB. tC7'The Nb. . are for retad—Nos. and 3 for retail, or by the barrel.,. tritEß 9- 47HOT_Er. hi high . Street; et . few doors east of the -.court Ilotisc, . • • C A124.15,TA, - The subscriber having leased the 'above netted establishment from Mr. Sim'on lrunderlicl!, and hay. ing provided himself witivevery thing s necessary, is now enabled to accomeandate: travellers and others in a style that will not fail to plaisii thine whomay faVor. him with a call.. . •THE'RAR AND CELLAR wilteeielvclits SPecial-Ntitention. These will be kept constantly provided with the best of 1 1 .1.QU01#6. THE•LARDER will at all times be abundantly supplied, I.ltll all the. delicacies which ; the season and,inarknr can afford; and no exertions will be wanting to please, the palate • - of the Most fastidious. • • •'.- STABLF,t4-''' • are comtmulions and secitro; and a eilre.fitl attd at,ten; , Inc hostler willbeadvars in attendaneti. BOARDERS will betaken by the week, month Or year, on the most, reasonable terms. •Al - strict attcriftnnio business - and-an entiotts &Site' to please, trustaretiattrej,lin a reasotlabi6 . aliare22l . lHablitt: ptttfonage. - • JACOB .11E11RA-it: ; Apr/1'I3; 108.-. 7 4f. _ ,„ • „ , NI B. T past ears run . st tne /wove estnunsnment, at ci and 11 o'clock,' A. Al, and' at 2 and 7. o'clock;, Lectern of .Adtitlniitration fin the t.stzi" to'Ortylifl a iji I,iticlee?', late of Weft l'ennAitirmigh' evag.:ti,haying been' issued t 9 the Fuh•jOillker .107thie fsriurcifLlw_trosidittgin ntikllTElirhip,il.l,persuniir,- ,(Ichtetr.to-thepayn , and those aguihst the et•tltte wi Z present ~":• JA LANDSLV,Ontiutsti•Ut , ie, t?rill'2 I Slia,--tio• • ,••• • 1 : • ' • • . . ~~,+s. NoTiev. •11•91 CK L . ! ItE,V. EVIM ' ID/aOV/lOVIBT.Cc, Dissolution of .Partne...t,, Tlip4:Partnersliip heretofore exlining, , between t. Subscribers, trading under thp firth of Ogilby & Hit= nor,`yustbi"s due disSolCed by' mutual consent? All persons.'huh:Moil to the late firm, ai•e requested to make payment; and those having demands td present dienylor gettlemeni,lo either of die subscribers. CII A R LES - OGILIHri • April 19, 18:39.-5w :2l UNITED STATES ARMY. • • , itEeittliTlNb SERVICE; • '—WANTED foe- the-thvir&n-Sztves-4afrtyoklew-- 7 •- ' ablc=hodied citizrns, between the ages of 18 and fis licinpubout five feet six incitexhigh, of character, and of respectable standing attring7their . fellow-citizens.. None need apply to• enter tile ser vice, but those who are determined to serve the period-=---- of their enlistment—which -is only three years—ho nestly and fuithfully. • • Pay of Drajkooti . • , . koNreri,iehen .-• • - .mounted. • . . • . ' • • Ihy . .'"ti • • I 'Ellis table shows aieamount of '.- dig JA - ay . which enlisted soldiers, nc- • ~„."' , v.• . cor in ,----- ittitheirrespective grades _4_ 3.1. ..__. - nre_entitled_toreceire' fo_r tlielc . , • e _4, sertices: • 'ON - n - ... he Sergeacit-Major;Quarter-idana fir Sergeant, Chief Musician, and Chief Bugler--eacli . To the I st-Hergcant of-a company, --- Ordnance Sergeants *. - And all atherSerivantii--en'elt. Corporals Ilugcrn _ • • Atusiclanis. : ^ Varriers and I:nary - Smiths Artificers • " Privates . & .96 atil; . Besides, the montlillipay, as above stated, one ra- - doh per day in allowed every soldier, which is afriply--. `stacient foriiis.subsisterice = alsia, a large supply of comfortable and genteel clothing. Good quarters and . fnel are at all times furbished ; and every attention will be, paid - to mitkiiig • tlige " men: 'whq May. enlist, -and arc ,determined to serve their country. in .gocL.._ faith, comfortable and contented with their Situation. The beat - inedleal ettendance•is always-provided- for I - - the sick soldier ; and no deduction of pay is made ,during the period he is unable perform his , Should the soldier be disabled in the line of his.dutv ---' fly the:OM - re it)s - seeii that the -- tilly and allowancen are respectable, and that; with prudence and economy, _ the_motthly_par_oLthe_snitlier:_inaylie_laid evennthing requisite for his. eomfort and convenience-1_ is_furnishOlhy_ the Gbreihnient-including_his - .:sugatt:L__:_ and' coffee.. 'rite' prudent readily-save from : t 0.5501 during.his short cti - flatulent old: Tears clft ant the expirkinn Qrthe.teimi-- - - he cnn,..it he idioms, turehase a small farm in any . of the Western States; there settle hiniselfcomforta--- his ownland,fir.the rest of his life.„ . -NG Rrrsnrzencs, Carli3le _.in ( the Feame_ - orvin-qtreetiloivnerty • iisedjut intitrz Rficce. c*"The sum of TN . VO ' be given to any citizen, on-entumissioned ottiecr; or.. Soldier, whh .shall bring to thin Rendezvous an able- - bodied recruit, well Puned, sound, and otherwise. duly qualified, (as above described) for the duties of a soldier, and who shall be regularly_ enlisted. Pennsylvania,,Uniejii and Schuylkill Transportation Line. THE subscriber will eel-Abate at the opening of the LINE OF BOATS, . . Between Philadelphid and' Harrisbuirg--produ for the city. market, received at the Warehouse of leap ,. Rhoads, Main Street, Carlisle. or at any otei• Wart fi house. on the Cumberland. Valley Rail q oad ; to be tinny:wiled -to -George- W.- La.y lig, Who- 11-forward-it. c immediately to the persons onsitme to ip Philadel. phia. Alsi?„in return, bring all kii ts of Merthuildkze at-the customary rates. --- --- . . - - -- - Wl[ A.m itosTIOK, . . ' Karr 1n: ,. . March 19, 18:1g.-3m. / ' 1 6. • a,ngemento New A Philadelphia, Harrisbur.. and. Sasquehan no 'Trans 'areal:bithie., • I • Subileriher run) , drolly informs dtd public in grocral that he still contot es to .occtipv.that taro! and . - comModious Warehouse, formed , : kept. by' Henry - Walters, Esq. : ind recently v. Al. ilurke, where he it „ ready 'to rccely(t . and Inm:a produce of all 'descrip _ tions from llacrisharg . to Philadelphia, as 'he is slow line. of Union . Canal 'deckeitboats, of-- the first class from each place, and delivers goods in_ hree — anen- , halfdays- from -11 1 6:_timeZiifideFairtire s --- - : (Meals will be received at the warehouse of Charles Homphrevs and Co. Walnut street wharf, PldladelPhia,and.liniton's & Co. Fairmount &tn. - N. 11.—tioods will also be motive(' at the'obovei places and forwarded by the same line in connelicm • with the•'Susquebanon canal packet and freight boat comp:lay tn Northumberland, 'VI hatttsport, Dan ville, recd Wilkosharre, and all other' intermediate places filling -the Susquehanna.' Merchants 'may be assured f having thor goods'forwartNd immediately. The snlAcriber will endeavor by strict attention to merit a.share of patronage, which is mist respectfully solicited.- , OWEN McCABE. Ilarrishtitt., April 9;1828,- . ; ' 19. . FOR HUNT.. • , • q ,_antL s o t nmodio us :~'~ fat met ls~m the occupancy C. .Daree, situated on thit canner of Alain and Bedford • . - streets, .opposite the jail. • Bald house has long been occupied as a TAvEaN and is well worthy the atten tion ora person' competent to keep a good house; the buildings being . extensive, and.c4ettlated tb give Com- tytnhie accommodation to Sojourners; Bcc.iery,exten ske stabling, and a. first rate well of water in the yard. This propertf will he let on advantagebUe' Urns to a person desirous. of, oligagink In dip tavern-keeping " businesS._ Also, a Pramg _-...73uilifiv:adjoining , the tavern suitable for offices or shot for mechanics: A . . • • - non "RINMeCLANi` .4.nmtAr Commodore. few D. Mfott. March OMB. • • `Oravegriling and Commission . . . . • ,i • ~,,•4%L.t.. ~ ' &,f :& . w.t t ... Ala • . . 0-Ar%; , 22 & g.p - tg • 1.1.. r 7, -~t- - . ... ~,,, • .07 7011211711711 a , 14111111113111:11-'.' : : .. ii:4l7iiiiken dui( large . :ititd commatliblis WARE-; , ' 110iTSE, lately iceided on ,the Cansiluild Rail lload A ''' , • haw the foot of `Chestnut strect, , Harrisburg, where • Fheir arraniements are such that they can at all times orward produce and merchanilize with protriptuehu , lurtittiespatch, to the fullOwini'places,'ldz r ~.. . , ..- .. , - Phileidelphia,:.Ptilsbuig,• Commu- - - Ilia,. BoliiinOte; Ca).lislei - Chambersbyft, y, ' • : a 11,(l'itll ihternedigte p es.,: .•- _...• ,., , ~ They. lave latelYentcreti into'arraugeinenttio'Ss {o" t ^ cash• them .to - sencrlthy,producc-ar gotidieb•i , tvay:ot: ':- I thc - l'i...mylvatuilt Canal atxd ' Coltmbia.llaiiroad,itti ~ • • Philail phia, :+atltte* *time prices charged' by other.:,:e complies running. cit Ihel:lnion . canal, thue gaining", th ... , ,ties in'•time;:miti itelfvcilng goncl in firond -ci,-4. i' bhl i n .g ,-- tbk:.l- I §wil. - oNitensef-liatilingfronr-thif---..- . Schuvikill. s '; . . - ,• + ' • . .., ..... -. •,, ~. , . . JTlTioi' . Wirl.l:, • rtITICHA l'. Gruitlii" ,lo iir,' ancl • • • :emirate,: prodtiee:,of every, dMeription i andlceep4--)U., F,tantly.'whatid en'al. i plater,l4h alai Wt for si•le• - - , .114) LT,lloB,—tf.ts ' •' , - II I a $ - IN '16'192 440 -15-180-575 19: 144 430 10 140 360 JJ:_los_s44 sGo • .719iPirrri -, :1141141111111r7i---
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers