• • . . tiroMess. In this be was right. A shoe'{, en, has been created; yet there lie is. Th:s .4 dministration, sir,, is represented as s ueceeaing' tti the last, .1)v an inheritance of principle. It profeacs to tread in the footsteps of its i!lithlrions factleces.,M . . .* it adopts, gene .1..i11y the sentiments, principles, and opinions. of General Sackson , )- Prociainatiqrs and all: and . yeti though he he the very pfince - of Nullifiers, and.bilt lately fegi;rili.:d as the chieflist' Of • iti lters, it receives the 'honorable gentlempn With. . • the utmost c_omplaconc.y: to :ill appearance the delight is tuatial,,they find him an able leatkr,, lie:finds them complying followers. Butrsir, in , all.this movement; lie understands, himself, . ii . ... means to.go ahead, and to take th9p1:4 , 400,11tp: is itt'the e l lg ine.ear;,lle.cootrols"th9doo,Ootikei: ,Ills Train' regulates the steam, ;tog ineitelia_O"'7`4l.:4e: hull speed, rit 14 owiy...fs'Ot.:el inn: increase' the occupants of the, paSs;etgeP:.ool'siii. ; ,:tl,l o, 4 l /kii - happy a set of gelitiertfeftsAibrip ritightiitesie:e.'Ail sec, of ti suyinifer.i . s ' , ari'V.`4" - Iniev;feeelhfitiol,4s , ~ - " ilgicSS ~....;.,tire nor, , 1 ,4 1 141,rtin • ;-.-_'-‘'inf - the. trifolc;'m 't.i,ii..,:eit - dipf -.-, t Jcir-lbutheb,.. tk1u1;11'4,,..)'- '4,..' - .i :; - The, arduenis f,,:otter.!.:' , lts _-..iticheilt,;_ftilitii2i6 feationt m :braces the SnliAireastmel,- - a.no..yistiit.rtori.:ftri *-----ttluriiiiiitri'AVilllie -, -_lfei‘rdi'offilicin'orC - : F. - *-j-- .. qu.,thehroafii so ace ct, ,t . e..co. ty„, tut; . :litere.ig 4:304 . t'.511 .- eit pir:f,.ll4 , fi)it4&,v! - ?-11,i1 , 6t ',l:•'44l,Oitc:O,lscatiliAntiTigiVi4ry'll.liit.OStM - , 4 ;00 ~.,, ,, Ifot,irYll.,,feli:reiptiilable both . 41i iiiiiaifitiiiiVeli - a, ,- ..,&e.ter&.'' ,- .,lSni))):rise';'iictti:6 6 o.iiailt‘ ofrtifkiliq' ~, I ;, . riiif,- ; -&1,1%, : 0i'd. liei*:. tO.Olifiri that ftliipr;•.-enter:;lo - Witlk:forlyaffii'Airil,Jotkist-er-,the Ottan: `.:,"i ,lier'' 'to - the;,;,seata , '.cin:',tilF.otli - er'isitte%'.'. - .. ,110iiit .i. ; ',.l.firghfched; gEntleiricit,:3t ; ia;l:n4',, faiiey'sjsketeli. - yr.;'.-gupOpsC , s-he - shoUld-Afititi 7 entite'-in . .einciirett - a;' ,. .ii o ;. -4.141:5e&-:iito..,tv_li-os'e. hanal!tjui:flitiOtii-t=.ok4 •,..,4 ~;ss a pp- r il t . 9 r . .t ha t , : acifiiiiii . K.traiton Naiawwas,...t..4., :; f ..,ao:g-tc.f.- a; iielt:ee, • • appoi6ied 'i,3l Itypie!tatiiti - ;;,Which.,lieToiidly felled on to . ,:ritaintaiti,thePrint .. y . ofiileliof,his - Own: - ,':ir feittletnen".were:ilow to . ., - , - . , ..5e - e. - lus.steady:militart, step, -;liis .eroict posture, -' is colnpre,ssedlip.,,bisi.firmlyli,nitted laroWitnil. ~..:., his' e , ,fult Of , fire; IcfmnOt \ liel . ri . ;tingling; sir, i ii.flitysWenllsr.;dll - ..feel L iorriewlitt."2lo - Cer. -, Tliere , ... , Wbuld•be , I imagine-, na7ittlic aiitWard - iirail ~:ing and slliffin - g'in their petits... They ;y,iitild:'eX ; - . `,, .p! - ..et," sorin to heat' the roar :of the lionievenif , tire} ;did not feel his pair. ." 4 . - _,." - • - ..:':"'l .'""-'' - - , 1- proceed;sir,lto,the.s,peech_of_thellOnorablt •;......member, delivered on the; istlyof Febi•nary lait, "....;'ill which lie :rintletilitga„pidiiSiions'iespeCtins ._,-,u,e e.onstitutional p i cifver, of- t,;ongress, - which, if ....they can be.Nint.pited,:mitst necessan y . give a ; 2 -':,:siew-direction o our . -legislation..anewould_go I l - rir towards shewing the necessity-of the present ' .:bill. ~..- . -; , - ,- ... .. . ~ _ ~ . . - _ - ; ...---..- - The lionorahle.MeMber -' sir, insistithat.COn gTeSS hos. no rig h t- to : make ,general . ...deposites Of ..„; . - the -public' revenue in banks; and he denies;' too; ..'..lthat it . can atitlforiz.e.gic...reception of any thing ~ -. but gold andsiliel' in' die' payment of debts and ~ ...dues to tliC6overninentY." . ' - _ - . ''...-' l-- ~--,....•••••,- I . Tfies,e - questions,,slr7itre, questions of: - Magni '::tittle,; :_certilinly;, aria;"sinCe they have".; been 2:: rOiSedr . ' might to be, anSwereil, . They ;tray .be' • - .' - ionsidered. - together; ---ii.lliiw . -:-.ri - t--,in -the -first '..., , pti l ie, hoWeier, fECclearlhem from some - , - extra: , neeitii matter. The honotable - member puts the ':fillst question thus; Have we, the rig ht to Matte - . -- /‘ - ‘tieposttes - in - f.hc-.kanlis,-in order_Tto estow, con- Hence: in therri; with a_view to. enable them to • - m reiue .;apecje_ liayrn ents r ..Arid, by way: of il - -„-Instration; asles.Ate_ further quistion", Whether --,.Goverrittient-_could'; cOnsfitutiotially .bestow on individnids,,,or a private-association,.' - the - Same advantages; in order tO;enable '.lfietit-to' pay - their debts?" But' this J take not fci be_ t 11,67, questiOn. :The true inquiry is,:inai not Cong ress atithorize n. the ....publie-roycnue;: - in the lriterieningJinie between' its ,receipt antl;its expenditure; to be • , : :Ile posited in Gables; for tkeFeneral:purp,ose. of i .sale.keeping in =the same - way, ad individulOde. ,posite, their ciwn - money? , And if this Mode 'of .:safe-keeping be.attentled,witli incidental ativin. ~ `(ages,' of considerable,.impOrtande r tO Aliepiim' ;.' munity,-is not that a reason, which mayproperly ':- govern - the discretion of Congress in the-.case? .... -. - To - benefit thelianks; nrita benefit the eiiininw: . . ~ .. , -nity; is, in this: case, )lot the' inapt ohjecti, it is only • the incident; -and as,.to'.tliEm Case • pa Tor '`-'..: illustration, 'it wiStdd'hot be . .eXpeeterr Of , ticin ...' .gress,certeinly,. to-make deppaites with indiVi.., -.- . 1-duals-.with a „viewiLprincipally,.riferiatilitigittch , ' individuals to pay _ their debts: * . jt might,; never: ...*theless . be very competent COrigress,:in some '"; eases, end - a'. very proper'exereise,ol,lts pOwer _.-.,%:q' deposite, money, even with , indiviilirals; in r.as..that it ; night ,be"alVilintake ogs :.. siiici t ti l l e 7.. 4 ti n e i ; -4itary. .- This incidental,,,M , conse. ' I '3l advantage 'estilts; often,''row c no. .. , , ,quen.l • i ; ' • e kcie ." :..: .ture' of the transactioneAPu" , '," l3 P.a...r.. 2 .... flour ! , - - it, „It, iniy;eicqtyib43,:,olljgedi!nq2:Pre,'! by '4 11 ., r, : c i - ne - i w 1 1 0 , 11,01.e1s public . money tor.'nusourse . ment.' in". order to . the. -,,necessary- oXererse of Alny t otiiii po_Wers_ j Flovirherielit. doubil 6 Tv,fli? ' Y ~. .nid,-;e contractaWifft-bOlkisTor,.othes7corpora '.' ii on s a p, well as with' individuals: If itlifis occli if," - `,.'il o - ii -- td buy -I.llli ‘ Of e xth in';,, it Amity_ buy, theln :•.r . banks . .. .flfju. hi.Z 4 :..sfo Os, o re ' rea.shr,r '110t.4,..td -..--. sell; it, inity-sell AO ba4:." 3 ;• ali the Sceretary;Of "'the Tiensury - has; lateir- voi 3.9sed. .:..It,puik,ent, iitoy.:bitiiks ',therefore, •.sitiita di5et!.. 1 . 46 0 , for't.. l ? e '... keep_ing - oldie' public inorieSra, as'those iil9? - teY.! • -mast be kept pomewhere. , tycio..no more need a'specificvont of pOwer in the cosotutroii iiir .., • . such purpose; , than one_': theret:lfni : becoming `, :'agent fbr . another,to recervO•artdpay.nut money, wouldmeed wpartieular.elauser in - his outhority,, ..:. enabling - him - to tilelA - Oki-for - these puipiseslts ...:/_other person.'h's - e; tbemt- - ;Niliquestion has ever 'been'raisedin -dna, doverniucrit,aboUt tlie'power "___of Congres to-,,alitbOtize - irichi'depOsit:es,....lk l r. ..' ll,faclison, in'cipinisifig7 . thefiratbank. -- -cliar,t - efr , in ::, 1.7.91,,'"arg•tic", - stsenuouelY,ihat", - al. -13 sinleoT - the ,•. : -..l.,inited - fi . tateS i.Yri,i,ribtlierieSgaritia;iiyeintitent .. '' ' aS a 4, , emoiltary - Ilf. the : : -.o,ublielneineyi.;; fieetinse, niri ::7--- liO:iatcd,':ita,taCieOuln.l?e'itieftliCd:l4.-014' `, batilcs.'; This. .auflipiehtly.;fsbow.s hisopinioir. -7`-±Atid.'n'illOkiilttingi-esti!mitfle; itittie-(ltity - mt 'Ake '' ' ll 1 ' le I fit 'II ." ''t ' li 'tl -f "'dn.' ...;.. do eq sirs.° ttaorp . 0. Reks,l c.. ori p.- ~Or., ~-,..:_ tlvkik‘li,:.ib.PllF and Os idp eMsloy‘ F44‘9.ptltm;;; L. : . :,, ,-,)5,-lioi j.h,-4:46ite:.i...a' the:fitie. tipliii - pired., ••:.In. - 191.24 4 ,41mitstdicif".gWitileinalii4i 6 :blilioi*t 1 ~' :44 : renewal, 'Conientied-that 'lt.!viciiknotlieces' Stir} , ,". ,-- ( 6 r ... k b.: ) ,,),...0, 4 4 7 ,5,fh01diiii ; 40,0.4itek01iiVenu1, 1-:-- , --- - jCgaiftie,..gtaniii - ACtiillet_.'ansiver_4 ll . l incli,,Tihr: , ......;':-. finso.4 ~ esnalli.Y.4kell.",':- . .A. . - etiong - , l ffd - fiVeP4l,lVill • ..: -tope of argument ;riins - .through altiffe . .iliee'chea , ''oit tbat t'xcasion;teritling tri,thiiirrioficluist*i4t ,'.; -thatr:GoverMticitt.,inay,deriye.:froriifittil:telbal*it 41411e..,344.tefit•Lolltitill a - .llank- -- .ofticie'ii . ..o6o - a ~.. ~ States obule - V4m104 - .llli, ll 4 l6 iYiheß-itik,cjitti l : '4..:!fer.'orllte'lits(lifinic Wific,gr o it,ifteili;.it.epnialleN _•;;, ii. 00 , 1PagY:1 5 1;Fsetit: 4 4 -, no .1,0,400'14r making ..,.,- . the fotth.lie deppaitea,'lre,oce.boilF4l4j4btt:A'Jis , ~.. pfifbahly.tdrileki4: . .lii',..tliii -- .liiirtiefilifiC: tl n :„model- 9f. the• - firaitlreharferj'in - , 7 whiliti'Aß'-lail6h. ' :eleop4:*tiir eitiiteineibi'..withs4, - . l4 od 4 rrik*.illi'. .: le,* 'lit iB4O, I ;b4. l ;•Ar.cctiti ' D:# 4 . s ilifrAd (l o °Wfi n, -- ,i,' : my inotiiisi; 'Making; it 'itif.4',Qt..!ty,‘.ieffsOileCtoo.o:t ~.: - :: - )tfeliciiife -.. tlie'F'oft li o_olo l leyi 9 ft . thg,ilifilli'aqdlia '„-brantilie4, ; ..'lCit'ab.".tbis ssCliP,,frot:tileltir wlii.eti ''....i4:64 Of osititiotlif - Wee..1:0444 - *tlie#4oo 4l of lie Zipcisitis(lAThe.:Oirkini•bl,;iePkAgrltliolig ,...;7,.lyi3it9'bik.Pf-i536,..-*44i•klis.9*j.W4o:ret,;iii)stiC i ."ficsifisite4„;.brth*--0 - uh.lio".•MblO,Y: With-. therifii:tV 6i#;s, * •,.,A,0..;•.f nm . :i :llie 46 '..:0,- n ci - t4e Rt j .i.•fi li e Pole9lifflll : lotkilreOklff..firii4rniihpfli'lit i - !?99S14. 4 '! , 1 1 Atiig - t+ ll Y - V l 4O OO-o fl l o'oo 3 titi 4 '. - !P' l3l -i?, ). Cs4!c°9 , oo4.! o '.?l4stcliailang* ~, rile lt9; . ••/4.P . ' T , - ,•l::1 '. -:-.!, t" 7 `'' 'i',","-:•' ; :1, .:,% The , ? i • , ot ii6 o 6 i t ii l 6llolli4 ~ Cr . , ; le7 Jaya .d v ro. , syiollstitl.7 - roie',6oxoeneo Aid enll44PYAO.thilt';o 6 loisi - 'iialf4eofsitii tii c nalkii ' '•ffaqicirik . 4 llo ol 4 Ceilf. 4 ( l e.;fiOft: `;,',ti , ortkl: o4 Y.?P 4 9ei l3- or - Apycif.p#Anitl y kil l i: ~4iii-oßpit,ot of : debts tiirioleripiieAtjpiikiii -..,"..V1ii'fi1:,t).9;-.ilitit;' Weadd.-filislie.the*.itoneys..-„iiet u-K Isv.'inakf:lhort:; : pilkiiey,:tlielf.:ii.ief'ei,e;•bOviiktrfi, '.. , ,:'eisati 3 OF afaietelicte itliAtitirkiley. - tht,ciAi,eoitaiii: .--fyiilisir::.fggfed,*i.thAli. l7 9Tior.Able merillielViliA • - , , ,1;i: - *lfeliAiink:et'o4,beeopie - xinoney'ciye nr&lioilmt .:.:.:' Ad pkilitra,l w a d -44.01atp” tilfo, l-7 f I thank , - iiiniVei s - ~,,: , • , ~ ..:. - ...a , --:::, .-, ,--, -''- - ' :-. :, 1 - '', - '';',.. - i.:- - ; , ~ - .•_,-, .: , ,1.,i ,-- ,• •:':-.3 .".:':',.:'''.„ ':-. 'l'' . *,-'. ''''''',--- ": "4',' :4.. 'this admismion; since it goes a great way to sup• port that proposition, for which I have been contending. . 'Flirt bank notes have become money in fact,. that they answer, the uses of in°• n.,y, that, in many respects, the law treats them as money, ix certithi. 14lly then, are we not al reacly, hound to control and regulate them? ,The gentleman will say, because tee have not, our selves, made them money. But is that any answer? If they have become money in fact, they re:qiiire the same regulation, and we have the same au- thority to bestow` it, as if they had -acquired that character by . any acts of gin:ownt'because, ?A 1 11 16 1 . 1 1 e1. ix"g r ' erX l ,l'„il 'l4 3•0,,14q,,.. eare. - 0',..3te ionY,othP`eoo4ryi ajA;lo4ekilitoll:th? gee4 l . 6 o l cern( - 9 1 Ofoetqi' ,l 2 :' ''"''7'' ,• *)ip)fi'lee.us tee - .lipt,thij'OtilnioirMr,ite h , noyasl6,,niiit64itindS4Blll l 3e - j ll l l ll o lillex ' ;:bivif-liiito:ri.-, 4 -1-7:;'--... .::'.lVll,Oi :•th,,,p,l.A . :Vi_ :fiZiGi,. 7 6iii,. -- kiiiisfrq3l, - 79it lighe'of,:ponirtsa:tii ,e'reltt?'sucili 4.t ebr l poriition s it'.a . .. l4 - . ! AO 4 1- .19 16 - o ;,•kc't;",3 l Oib ({ 1 411 1 , 1 lZ4: 1 ,Al i ll 4 ,I,ll4loi'Kexi•'llowe.YO'r,;;:ili:,'.llb,llYl,l43l4e4, 'Wei . -e of, oluilb;l3ll4Alie.riklit'exiilledl'anuttlieli there, foreir4ittektli"ec.:eharter;Viind-7-iii;thia 6hUtter ' i 'elle J;l.'4oll:.6.4liefilytkisiikrllllo.: the :- bills fof ' he sl*4ll64lsA.fkocty,M4o. in mill vayoliiits 16 - . 7o; , ifernitifeiit . :7l l rip"* . %fbo - mpti,4 o ,fire -,-tiMlk . t-liAtiit'Atiject,t6:7criiii's on- the-Medial, lbek-*4ll(fte'liirrnueliTattti'ell:untl,- ttit,;---Mitclison 'eitifire.'slY - iiikisfed that-Ctinifess mighegient - ..pr ratite; to sl,:ife'i banks; .the -ptivilege eif! having ilieir:noteft,recertied:inreyeritte.'.An479l; theret tote, medof all parties smipOsed that Congress, in - its dlseretibn ; niiglitAuthorizd the'receipt o titifik , notee:., The. same .priticiple 'was -iitcorpo. rated into-the' bank charter of 1816:, indeed, a t wl4-..lllitb);' billa4hiclt.the gentleman himself 're: Ortedi.andrjt. Passed,,without-ohjectionfrmn ank,litiarter;. Bid-this is not nil. Mr. President, let 'AS Jade info the procaditigs of the session of . .I§ls-19, a little more clostfy. At the corn rnericermenf OE' that. session, Mi.. Niadigonslrew nor attention' to the Mate • of. the currency; by which. he in - Cant:the p'aper cuirency of the. catintrY,..whichwas_then.very,much disordered _ Its the bunks;Batt auspended specie payment duflmtle . . War, anir 1:460t - resumed. — Early in„ t ie. progiqiirarllle""M'gitnl7 .- the -- lurirorahl tileinbey,frorn„Smith Carolina• moved that this part of the - message' shotdd be-referred to a se leq,committee. -it was so ordered. The vim• mitepe was raised, and the honorable g entleman pladed at its head. As chairman of tine rum= mater;: he introduced the Bank bill, 'explained it, •'defended it, and carried it triumphantly tlrroogh„ the House, having- in it the provision whiefi_lave before mentioned.' - But there is•sometbing more. At the same session 'the gentleman" introduced the bill for the• further collection of the revenue, to which lintve _already referred, and .in which bill lie carried the receivability of ,liaink" notes =much further, and pro. ided that notes of any hank or bum( ere which vjere pdynble and punt,. wt demand. !It *Prete, nneit - tre - olliscel - itnrt - crccepteri - in --111, pop nents to the' United States. So that the lion orable. gentleman himself drew,-with his own pen, the very first legal enactment iii the - his tory-of-this-Government„.byLwhichit ,was_pro, vided that , the -notes of State banks-should be considered and treated as money at the Trea miry. .- Still:- further, sir, The bill containing this provision did not pass the House; and as I deemed Some provision - necessary, indisiztinsa• bly necesSary, for the; state of things • then exist ing, I introduced, I think-the very next day ar ter - thet failiire of the- honorable' gentleman Ps bill,' three „reiolutions. i'lire — ttive - r - iirst -- were merely deelaratory, asserting' that...all. duties, taxes, and imposts ought to be i (iniforrrf, and that the revenues of the United States ought to .e collected and ieceived inihe' legal cerrene,y, or in Treasitry notes, or the notes of. the 13ank of the Unite(' Stateg, as.by law provided: These tirm.resoltnions I agrsed to waive. _as it was thought they were-net 'essential, and that they might imply some degree of censure upon frost tiansactiona. l'he•third resolutain was in these words : ' , • „ “.11nit'refoloed, fisrther, • That the Secretary of, the Treasury be, and he'hereby isi!recmired and direpted to:adopt . sueh,meautres as he may e„ ,..i\ deem necessary to cause; as soon us by be, all duties,tuxes; debts, or'surns of mone y 'accruing br becoming payable to the United Stitt s, to be eollected and_A s ild in the legal currency of the United. States, or Treasury .notes,or notes of the Bank of' the. United Stites, as aforesaid; and thatfrormanditfter the liitelay of February next, nci.such duties,...tixes, debts, or sums of money, accruing ,or. becoming payable to the United States us aforCsaid, ought to be collected or re• ceived'...otherWise than in the, legal currency. mf the United States, or Treasttry potes`nr in tcs of the Bank.of the.)United Stales, as aforesaid.” ' :The Senate - will perecixe_thati--imthiu -- ffatilif.: tion -of:.mi n ne, there Was no prevision whatever for receiving bank notes, except of the bank of tile - :Vititetl - States, according-to -its -charter Well. What: happened' thereon? -Ayhy, sir, if you lo9k i 0.9 this National Intelligent rOf a sue-, ceedinth day, you will find it ittkte.(l,;tha.., Mr, Calhoun moved, to:Umend .Mr •Webste: a reso lotion hy,. , l4xendioa its pr6virisirs lathe ?lOW of alr6.4* Which Nhould,•at the epecifielithtre, (Pi' pily their vale! in specie On demaioV '.. 4::_ Phi s , a ine c yalmipt teas oppose 4,' an for a time lid e at'oll but it.,was ‘renewscl, and finally pre_ F aired..., It was incorporated, into the resolution, became:, part tif the law of thelande and so re • mains, at " this very momento §ir, may I not now siy tci ilte„ honorable member, that if the 4,:niv ‘ atitation of the c o untry has , been I violated by treating . bank`ifotes its, moile.r . "l`lioll areithe --,' Iliitv - lativm?shle;'sir, - flie-entleman. - , , Could So far fiirgei - lits own, agency in thiaa•ow. jua pottitiat. jranflactiOns, as to, stand , lip here,' the. other.,otiy, ~ 4 0 with _ an itit watonly of c6ntidtmice nilt.,,6„fkaoe,' sixt • - "llt,it, 1 Inke a atilt liiicher g'illt.Tatv,'stfilte '43't.lle;rbotof tlie : n4hief. , I deuX - 1. lte„„rir,ht - !if;tlits Go`vi:ratitent- to;troaCtutiiii. tiotea'atfM9ltOinjtsticid.tranlaefioni. - ''On'this qtreatiOn4±ever liatie.liefOre co mmitted_ myself tittiuglilotiOnerally , ;;;d:iiplsed•tO.,alistaili friiin fdrintlAr4CAlitegii'3lr,4l>lnkt)i*"-:. '' ~:.I,' ' ' . :,,...or,i . , - ,0b1y,M1(1, 1 !lir; th4..tbrii'ee'epTiOn'and NtYttiont'''Of'l , :ilik - 0010..4 V itS,e-lpreaSly'reenir upot krilie'act:.iSf i th444,th' 'April, 1836 i ,by: pie d'ihoivelcit.,iii - liine'liriiiiit.:.yfiii, iiifd lik - flie bi)P,,.41:1)30 ,1 41454d1ibt1i ilueßns ilf 11W; • Vft (010, ,, ,ois,„f!risi11,6it 'aid .neither aojoirovenor eeivrof;;:lk_attiiiesea:26:iia fiir`aS I ltno\v,-the 116 9 1 0b i lliq 0b*e. r ~'.. froth-S6MKarolll4'hialeif iiOnettred:l,ci••- ."..'l,' s 1 .- ,',; ; i ,,:, tSomnioh_fpratikkoi .- :,-:, ~Ij*.;rrs, , i3O'-, ,1 4 4 *;;P1e 3.0 ) - at':i fr , iti,it:P #l , 4ll 4 - . 4' o' Oil nor. ilriPtipompoirnwlijoi{.oll;,-kasitlCtnati • Teliqlr, to suin , b b i. .d°Ptrife ) ?' 4 /}7he.,siitibti iii e orfr Lon 43#4„11>kr lie, fixY ll ;',.!'":lit c;pposettliifAlle'cias3tElit.. 1 1 1 !Pr0°!ver.";'. - T l l l i 4t `NOOP )f . ol ;ti;t i . 3llj r ,. . :ll O one.. 0n',,11 . e1iy;,,i,e,, 4,0,0 1 ; lie`:;,.nxidet 4 t*hliiier Viiwir;ji - giVeS, Is.(s#' ol 's.lili,' . 4.!dM2 7 ' , •:` ,..rs ' ,"; :f , i : ' ,!.. , :o"tit-C9,4o . lsi,'Sir;Al,!il'liy , u9 meatiSftVilviTCOiii thp , jiyiit priap,paitiat,aiiii: clinlipt li . thn,Mtailig qiilou ~ ' . 411 4g,that - M - PISX0 1:1 ! 1 10 ' .. 0 4 11 * o rti . ed;:11.0 fie, it 'erd,lll'AX.fib - ,illffief'.(oil:4K-POr:'. ~xiobr,, , imiilte 1 ti,,,not.7a:ilne s ti n tV'Of4At9 l l.lt 1,101 1 , 1 iJOOS:e . .0 1 "t1 14 41.140t / 16 4 ie, itio,na e infereneel'4- 1 1 0 R,Iltat", 1 01,4 3 P‘Verlib i r4teit and no mettfig•O utirlie4t. Vitt:VS Alb li,reiiine 04104010ri04:11, , ,,pt5i4,1=0WW4 3 ,41c1het0 ea_titl!sit4i(iletlillo ) lltiwiAlid:Pti:A'Oifil,i 9 .l l A e opygirept. ji, cpo4l.olitla§f • .911Viti:ie,t 1 jtrigke d's.too - of' - doneeps: , ., tf: ,g 0), " ,, vPi ,i9 1 0:`, 1 13!) Oityailed ,in iliqfiegifining, ,, it•cgtiltfliayefliare % been pitt . ,P) Motion antl',Wnitlilitotliivi , :draWii q 's .'frotlNW at h• ''' 4 3'. 4. l l ol 4 ; ll o. o '.! nd ;fr bni ' liela- . .t,yare,; has gorie`..4m, luny , tout lioopitl,tl,i.hiiit till . 11 14 i l t °J . the' atittjpe 4, , tl mi hiss beemneAuit'e Allier geOgrAiy,pir ipp.fo-pursuelk:7 'lll , 4o4.,the;con. 4itti,lhluf- F9SfertkAn ,l 4(.in'gress:'-*4 6 .neillir_W-er; tir intßtsc i a general; duty , all, othpr,b9wArl !to' "delisaryforlh !e , ..ereilkoCtlia(ge:neral„ - power, andfor AilptliiirthafVut,ic arc implied , :tilt) fur ass th !7:1 11,: k ,r . 4*, , .1 01 4.. r - : - -'' , W f, ' 40 iifixiili f i 40 ' ,_:, .'" f :, - ,-1" ~....._,_•. `' ,s. - .:1% • :,“ rl!,:.1:. ;" ' thiS•ttrinuiple - and:4o:dd 'nut ... carry On the:Go , vernMent withitut.its. aid:: ..Littler the power ,to coin inoney, we build expensive mints-fill them with officers — punish such officers for e.mbez zlement..--ltuy,„ bullion --and exercise *various' other wt..; of powe r. The Constitution says that the. judicial power 0f,.. the United - States shall be vested in certain courts. Under this general authority We•.not only establish • such' coutfs,.btit..protg . eVithe4i4;C: cords by . ,Vetudticseagaln4 , .flitptMo44,c,l.4:4: riy.'.9l-,tpeir:adatinistrationW•iiutitsliffitpeklu; , Al'efie•••,DeparAm p rit of tile; :Post, O is ;iti:aijgr s •to •).the'.4 e d , oitOieitabirtillnaitlitfiCOs 7 miciSikte4dio s , ),, ury‘ . g'4•4o,iiiiyty#Ay;64,!_eiyloo.::toi 7 gfetttivltii.4 7 "eif. ve l'eUgeif Ste2fifere the:geti erg'. it I. l'here arc one 'Oilfilored - ,;(:-r Ott.tWdother gelitteman's •speectiv.Which.l , must riOf.:::entire)y omit Co • . • In speaking :of . .the.beneficial effects . of •titiS measuree.one;t,lte , "'says, ;Would be, that-- 'ltho weight of thC.banks would be . taken from.' the side of the. trix:cOneyiners,.whire.i.t_htts been - from the commencement of. the Government; - and placed oh. the• side-; of the tco-paye6r,.7, - : This great divlsion - :- Of. the .corninunitj. neces s arily grows out of. the fiscal act i on of the .Govern .. ment." Sir, I uttedy deny tha' there is t le . eas faun clatiOn. in fact, for this distinction: • It' is'an odions distinction,calOidated.fo inspfre envy and h!tt - ied; and-being; as I .think, wholly ground. less -- its - su - ggesticm; -- nnd - Ihe entleaVior to niaititiin ' ...ght bei-reststetl:•and7repelfek -,-- We• :- arc. - ail tax-payers in the United. States, who use ar tiele-s on which, imposts are there that is excused frog this tax, or does ..not pay his.firoper part,of it, according to his con,. sumptilW? - Certamly no Ode. • - -. Ott theother. hand; who are the tax-consumers? . Uldarly,..the Army, the Navy, the.laborers..on public'works, and other persons in GOVernment employment. - But eve se are• not idle con snmers;they ore agents __t Government and ofthe -. people.. Tension •S ni lie - Considered :IS - per:m - 11s who - enjoy - benefit t °in the' ptitilie tsxesof.the - country, witfiout rendering present iervire inrretiTynt but the - legal ltrovision , for t hem stands on the ground of_ iirevions, merits,. which none.deny. It . ..We" had a vast pationall.deht,. the innual-interestof-Which-was-a•-,chaige_upcatlllte_ couotry,. the holders of , this debt, might'be con sidered-as tax -•cons mere_B.it we have...no. such debt; = If-the-distinction, therefore; - which the jr7g - ifireiTiasi states, e"iists:aby where, most eer- tAiiily_it:cloes_not era-St:lmre exCeedingly reeet that sentiments and o,litions. should be-expressed here, having so little foun dation,- and yet so "Nycll calctilated to spread. pre judiceiand clistike t _far and wide, against the Go. verninent and institutions of the country.. "' '• - But; sir, have - .ektetuled these remarks al-_, ready .to-a:length for which I find - ti' justifica-' don but,in my profetnul-conviction'of the im portance of this crisis in ournational affairs. We are;-as it seems to me; about to rush madly.frotri 'our-proper- spheres.- We are to relititiuiSh the performance,of our own inciimhent duties; td abandon the exercise of essential - powerg, - con fided blithe Constitution to our hands, for the gond,of . the country. -This . nuta'rtiy.opinion . lii Septemberit is my. opinion now. What we Propose to do, and what we . omit to do; tire,;iit my,..iticktrient, likely to - make a fearful - , - per• haps a fatal, inroad upon the, tinitybf commerce between -these States, as well as to embarriasS and harass the-employments oF:dte. people; and to prolong existing-evilst-..:, • Sir, whatever we may. think of it, not', the Constitution ,had, its immediate origin in the con• viedon of, the nece pity for this uniformity or identity,. ikebririercial. regulations. • • The hiafory orthe coowitry, brevefy year and every. month, from the close Of the war-or the _Revolutiiin to 1789, proves this Over whatever other interests it was made to extend, and whatever ..other blessings it,bon; does or hereafter may, Confer on the millions of free citizens who do or shall live Under its pro • tection; even though in time to come, it should raise a pyramid_b_f_power and grandem;whese apex . should loOk. down on the, loftiatTpolitical structures . of other nations and _other ages, "it will be true that it was itself 'the child of prosi g g_eommeezial nceeisity: • :pit ty and idea• titsof commerce among all , tfte States wasits seminal - principle. It had been found absolute ly-impossible to -e xeite 7 or- foiter- enterprize in trade, under•.the influence ordlaeOrdant and jar rini;Statet egulations:---ThebOuntry was losing all, the .advantageA". of its Tosition,, The Itevo liitiOn' itself- Was , be:regarded as . a doubtful The-ocean tigfore us . was a barren: No. canvass whitened its bosom- 7 -nalteels .of "ours ploUghell its Waters. The journals of -the "Coogress of the ,COnfecteial licit ahow the - mliSt constant, nnbeising, unwea riedi;•bflt'elways unsuccessful" appeals- to the tates.:onil: the MeoPle, to renovate the Systetii,' to infuse into ; that,. VonNeratiOn at once 4.s t -A rit of .union And e Siiirkbf activity, by confer ,_. , . .. ri ng,,,,?J.C.C,ltogres.a,,,q,ig..p.oN,er...,over. trade._ By ivOthing:butsitla,Perception - or itsindisciisi.bkp tiot-4Ssitby, consciousness of_ sotilering - - (roily it want,:WereAlie Stated and the Peopte.hrought,: and: brought try -shaw : Ae• peas , to, invest'- a .permanettttnid 0911)130011t,M9Yey0).7 1 1t:, tti t - ' bt.ven • turage - o 3 le old Congress, in a .letter .ed .4.essed4o,;the "Stalet,;' -- prepfa..by ;mr..llloti : . My; :atti..,Other;- great nomethi(niitv_ tra4fe liviniinen:Ali•the retauiels..,:yhich l .olirrY - dit*iy,t4e:f,9 l o titigOOleicif4o4 , ."ThO 'lollpq§itl*tififqr:P qlO'n1; tilts great-object-to whichthey,=so-solicitously endeavored: to draw the:att r ention; • of th States, iilia'illii;•i4;( 11 4 0)11 &; , t/nited; teteS, l 4,..okr 6 ii.eit,',lfsSe*ltlell',..shnii lire;'l3!4eit*T!g!it'.:PCP'l*44lll;off- ',tredo,l.9f;tl4' . urged "noon Pte. 6,l4iiafi'lf *Y. cir.i . ,,eOnsuleyatitift , A:ltig. sv theifii IY•4o . e:toilteit4theY , ;wri9 6 :*Po* kii*;#olo_l',ol.oo.;zi**g il?e -. 4o4ogeiVAioi;;4;, , iiitor,"o4:lo,ol ,affection: T] :;t `same:gpirits , and fit thersame'nd, *as thlit:=. l :lnostlititiortiptt::lool ae A tiont. ;• *hi 6 fk-,*itil iia ntliai;,l.4t:::Of : Alte''AilloWlog:lanonty.;SK I read: il*!reSoliithin,' - -enli 11'4;liPsOiliMitti-Prio4o4ll4§e:Wiya; J. or ers;ns'ilia'y'be:urpointed y:.th'e surer States WilY . p.iinii,iof.Attilg'#4';olo4l 3 - 6 ,0 . 000 4i . to isles`` into: conaidcratipii;tite trad of t'he', trui.; TaStatia(iiii.:42o,l4*Alie, , ,relatiV,e,!,artitatton; 14,!*0.0444k; , ,ii4i4t;;StiOiei. (0, , consider 10*, fsr 'ol.lattOku.l rztoor(to:l4, - . 4o,erAS . ta'tesinfeli, , : - an'iitet,',2relak qir,e`iy: 2 thit;gi,g4COhjaCi;: , ac when ttnanirrOtisli qtatiais I:ii9siogriok . ;*PitiAble4' ,. o l Tec;ii4J l l:kiituvYk ihe,Ottei:thac*ol.Viii)Aimis4fosioti shat'l ii iut trafunnit e.',ae ire S fait 'ao; pies thi tt preFidkne-reiolfition;-Witl,Ca:-:airCu , tctOifro s ilia..ll9Ft.h* po,ns4kre t4roixi, ES Ewa ..,..,. . . . , ._ im.l'proposing tilitnit and place fur the. meet.' ! --- fug aforesitit" . -- '' - ' , : -----7----„, -------- • ,- . ~ Here, - sir , let us - pause., Let us linger at the Water; of -tliis'briginal•fountain:. Let us con enriplate-'iltis, the 'first step, in that series „of .narceetlings, so - foll.nf great evento,to tiri . .and to the world. ' -NriAwAthistmding , the_embarratri i t . neat. anti distre:4-rg : :,the 'coun'tlf,:`,.flre: - riri.intir., iii ,p4,434', ! aZtif.Atier-.!ird",'Ciiiiir,iiii , ..had - not he'r:li.' Pair.ifili44.-tASttig.':-;;;.1",1.v?"#.1,-attatitiit-',.(y tielog,:tir.e: .-It44.o,l4l,6i.is,j4,? . ',ipjfr:lriariyipt,i' L 'OVFOriji)p-i, 4 - o:iiltvq)*9lc;,o,o -I .'"Poin*in iaki.OVl l 4il.Tkiiiii,JtV . 1 . 9;--ikti* - 40 - astrottklyfr, - falledi'.!;:thc'.f.eig.e . nci'ouf tli - 0/00,C,.11,0dftit,its,ne*„ - iiinkethiritiifitrii 004' i l ,loCitii. l l! - Pfikki f- tf!!.'i i .t- i P.nif ) t, -- qi;-kktinlg'-'1 163 -gdj# 4#olt'ff,'.t-114(.00.1ilfni'14.111:00PP4ik)ltla- 'cl.i(ill 40,01fi1it, ,- o.lln3,.,;*,splOplit , :fi . .i4ntilf:#4, ,7- therCk: f:or - o.,Fki;F'4q4 t - .4-'''- 6'41'095; cOnve.itgur;'Af....,!defi.;,i, sCalff„frilftitkft,ltllte-:-!tittea.':.',-,..'...,tiiil '):l 9 :i::,fr - ,1,4.14 , -%"t. (Ia ..y . m..olo, , a)(igoos . .T: , ..iviiitC:sv,46:7o.ritifilil:li.i. 6 9k , - .4i11 9 .4. - i - Aiillllo ,- ,itOtt- - .4li.i.dThi:iit..,t-tii -,i44ioj:•! - t,,' , lj b mt-Ltt:file.' , ;:o6mbrier:E:e!',"6".Piiiii)i.i!pil4Ott?.:, - , 1 ) . &; iftiitilltin'ir - 'onit,Oril,:gi,l;lie 's'ulfj epo d ',he l'-,i - ittii, ;_qtle:i'g. Vitt,eki . Pifiterl-',,WoO,l.`",tbe;trelittlYe?iititlii yrdir , ,4..cliesAilidO„ofilk,Staiegi!',.iip - d:th&0!?ji( ....-6.4'_i;tbt4tlol,ll4.l.J.l.lo:S:iiitititiO4.4t'iti.t. of I 4 - 'l l _._ fortn7,4,Y*Atell(l,.;:)tri,,i:iltAi.cifilkit.o:teliil -Iffikrioilifis , is4le e4ssiti'i-m-*:;cltOtiiiii.:_iiii‘o_iktt44l.littitliv ir persnageAt>ltaiiaiiify2,!:* - '. T I iis'tik!all: '. A. i4l;sair; by tlle adiikii 3 On‘irC;tliiii:4J*:„ll!'ooihiabit rewin, ixofi - Tili:e r ;.Htfyaeitr4. ) Pfttfule'X'. - 2 0 .(. - r - V -- , : jre11j..,a,,: - -"Afi i riii . '2l,* -- ..fjpyiArlannary,,,:i .. .ft . g6,T.,tirerfurfp4l:'lie, 1 arst - . act:, i n'., t he,A ra i tin f.;) -- ne rtS4is,Wil i of i, I . oif_titt I iii..-- that-- : Cotistitttciori;:ifficl'4, : :-.:_ille‘;'aithiSt":4k.. , . , ol iltielt you, now” eit',.. : lntliriCe, : haii.'ynjit 1 hitie',:nove 'he -; honor of Crldress,ing„;the - .trkeintierOf. : ::(l#' l liody.' -1 - '- '-,': ..!.- .: . . ---,-.; t''. - -"' ; '' . % . ' - :-‘'‘" ...,,:,--': ,',...bie..Presideni,:;, - ,iiiiii , :a , Adriltellimiant"-‘,''i.in'T 'attached . to One.-01. 1he,.§. 11 4c1 3 ii,f - '.! ' .oi- - N1 i0.16 .4 ) ..}: - thclieS or birtii 7 jo4l)tofdli,ti*F;eatiatioli;:ner the associations _Of - ,early:: : lifei ainl7l4 --- ; sinbore g-,rmitncle fOr -- iir,ocrfs* pitbli - a-e.en,fidenCe. - -earlyr bestowed ,--I--um . .;borind,to. - ,,,orith - Or Northern. ,3 , ate I).y aduptioft, by_long resufence, frY-ill the cords of social and cloineatie:life;lind by :in at` tachment and ;reg- . .irtl, - sprtnging, frotri . her !nit , n rint ifeetation of- appinhatio4-,lAlivor, -- _ - Whie'li .:trapple Me. to-her Wit fijiticats'of steel Atid.yer - - 1. - ,;1011111renioitreiltretwiriy . - 10rr01*0i t)te - 7 , . ' deep gral_itode,„tfie sa u te „reVerence; undlie_rif," ty miod•will; iyith"loiich !.-wookr.4py a similin. tribute to either-sif these . ' S.tate.r.clo f -here ac - knowledge -- the,;(JOinitronwealtli of_.!-Virginia, to tre - trititle - d - toTilic - ,lionor' - ' - of - conidteneing :: tlic ,ynrk - of - establishing'. • thii. Consrintdoit...-- The non& is : hers';" let her enjoy it; lei' her foi , ever 'wear It proudly , there is not - II -11rigliter 'jewel , in-the tiaralliot adorns her brow.', 7Letthisre sOlution .. stand ~.- ilium rating_ r lter - .tyscords, - -. and rilazoninglher.rarrie'throu - gh.all time! t -. _ ..-...._- The. meeting, ri r,llrcipitsed • by the "resoltdian .vas holden. It tonk - 'place;rti ail.krmw, in.:An itaptilis;-in-ldity'of-lti-e—sititte' year; but it-was 'thinly attended, and: its nteniberS, very , .nisly, tdopted mei l iirei - t6 - bring:tiliont - a fuller and mort..----getieral-einvention , --Their- lettemrti_the, Slates on thii occasion is till i,t• jiss'tniction. It sliows their sense of the- - tinfortlinate coriditimt or' the . country. In their med,itatiOnS .on" . tin set3jer - :.t, jhey saw the extent to which time corm mercial-power:nistLriecesarttend,attre. ;agaeity-of. New Jersey had- led her, -in agree; . lig to the original propositititi - rif,Y.ilitinilc--Ia entaxe.o6, objqct •of the " app tiititment of- Oro. misnotters;yiu as to - embrace tint Hilly Comptes,. vial ir regidaticitTr, bi - sfr -- 1 - dliFr -- .. -- ,ippi.'iqirt: - m - alter - ... ('lris, - the -- cinfunissioners - , .attOpted.; Because they , thought, at thiy.infolin its, , '- that the, pirwer of regulating trade. is-- of - stich toin - pre h e nsiveekt e nt, - -and will 'enter an fir - . tide the ;general systein of--41i - e- Pet elail'-.Goverk trisnt, that .to give .it.'.efic.rey; and•Tifolitiat - e -- - questions - . and -doubts - correeriting-Tits i -- rr, cise nattire and limits, might ,reqUire 4, -- corres, Inintletit adjustment of oilier parts of the FetlU . rid sy s tem:" e m:•1 .ile re you se'e, sir;'t hitt Other.pow ors,. such' as' are' noW in the - Constitution, were , expected': to bronch - litit,or_the trecessary-com tnercial .poWer; and, therefore, the letter of the , conrintissioners concludes with recommend• ing a general Conventitut, " tu - take into con sideration the: whole= sills {lion', of , !he United tu - t sfaies r af-to-tlevise, ( sttch.litrilter...proyisita a., shunt() appear necessary-to render, thee (Joust'' , tuition of the Federal Govertini.;.tt' rid'equate to the, exigencies of the Union." - ~ - -. ' . ---The-result—of-stliat-con'entiun-Writi-Ithepre sent ConstitutiPn., And yet,ln.ilielnittst thisLflulsd of..light, respecting its original - oli jects And Pitrpisitesith all the adequate powerti whiob it cOnfW3,4ve - tibandtin the ctitrf merce - of the country, we ;betray its interests, We turn Ourselves qatay:fr96i its Inuit trying necessities. §ir, it will' be a• flict, - staittpe - d- in . . ileop-and.dark-lines-upon- Otir-annals;-it-w-11-br a truth, which iri- all- time can never be denied or evaded, 0141 if this , Constilidion' shall not, liC4 and hereafter, be :so administered as to maintain a uniform sysie - m in all matters 'of trade; Wit shall, not ,piistect - and - tegulai.C . 'ilie commercee of the countrY,ln all its great iii-, terests,_iii_ita_foreign interc.oursc, in its dcimes. tic intercourse, -, )nits ,navigation,, in. its ettrEen cy, in _eve ry_t hi ngliieli lairiitte I ongs ''' to' the whole idea of eianTinerce, ehherits,ani , otl Mt 'agent, .or nn instrument, then that, Constitotinn will have 'failed, ttitterly" failed ,to accomplish precise, distinct, .driglital: 'object:in 'Which it kad•its being, •,, , , , , •.• '' 1, -. '1!: '.:-. In matters of tratle, we were . no longer ,tii be deorgians, Virginiani, Penits:xlvaniaks, tir , :,iits• sachusetts melt.. ,W,,c ; .ivere to !lave but' one c.ommerce, and that the,coMinerce" Of theUpi' ted Sillies. Theic .Were' ' hot ..to be ,se paYatE" Raga; waving 'over se iiarafe etniiindrci4l..vateina' .T.liere,wasto-beline-flagi.. - tite - s4rxiiititikg.'u.ScilT and - toward that , was! to, be that'fally iir iiiiitcd interests aliil.afrtetinni which our fritters had so eitztiestliinvole - cl: ... ' - .. " t • "—.•-• "., ';,'.Mr. riesideitti !Ilia -unityof,,cbtrunercial . ret. gitliiqon ii;iii - ,n - iyfiiiiiiiipn - , , ipaispebsAbje - ti?'tjte safety ot thkunkon ,of the S La's es tltet nti av ea. 1 ) i i peace it is-its-at rongeat-,t. , .-il, care -not,: ; l3ir-4.ni witat,sitte, 01 in.whiely,6 . tiio britneilica; ,' tifinay; tie , attacici;ll:- ',... f. , teri,sii , otistli!,iitta:c.k-14)., 11 , 11 i!;, made anywhere, weakena-,t.lip.whiile;:intt'iiiil ifera t)ie. iteki , :taszkult*liiei!.. , inla*'r4'ol. l go. iiiit.A , o 4, fdeuhilatift jOtiiiiiei;i4iit4ttaeW iiiii ' it;:We ittaikitottiiit,lleicaf,ittilck:it; tiheße:ei-We - sar We , Will iotA-seritsiiitl PAni-will7it ,efoiill'ilrltiT,lpitrilifat yi4l4e.d.' tiftlia.iteetetisionit'ef I:ellieo4ije.PitAtO 1.1 Ain,: tlie-jiu bl e et, of ...at eaUf'„iii;Viglitibli';:ttifilf-Iti A Irtiragiicii4to 6 ,4 l t,ediiitt , 'Pflit • Wr' 434( . i.esoo , . , ii.