t illti-Dyspeplic :-Thi's Medicine having met With the unrininiou approbation of those who have fairly. employ ed it, a..-coming to the directions, is recommendedwith ti 4 creased -confidence to the p"ohlic; in alittost every variety of functional -disorder Of .the sto • bowels,. liveCtiod sPleerir •stic)i- as heart burn-, • ascid eruptions, natisia, , headache, pain - and diatenlion of the ,4ornadli and bowels, ibei. pient jaundice, flaulence, liabi- Ina! c t istive l les,, hisstil appetite, sick 6c ad-uchc, iea_sicicness, &c: &c. Toese l Its being calla% • vegitii4le, may be taken with pet feet . salety,..usi. , der any exposure to Weather"; and it may be furtheitri.inarked, -that they'seirlimi, if,ever, pro• duce '"sickness at the sfoneicli or gritng . ." autMeroug-Certificates, from gentlemen - tif,:the highest gi ve inutile -evidence of the value in which these ri,ll.Tare lield;and alert; ore few' Whiv do not.say -tlcy- have adopted thein as !Itch: common family' medicine. 'TES'II NIONJALS. • . , ME From the tit. Rev. Leiri's S. Ives;-1).1) - . Bishop of North Carolia l • . . . . . - " 11A -EIGII, tt'arelt 2; 18:15 .. Ilaving for the last three.years; been intimate - .. ' . ly aequamted with Dr. Jelin • Beckwith, ortln.s - City, .and ,c l l joyed his professional seniceso take ..: - -- Jileastarelfftiating 4 lilit7lits,efru, raiTer.frro7a . "lllT . ' l.- -.liitii gentleman and experiended Physician, en . titles his, testiinnny, in regard tii`t'.ie use - Of his . ' Anti Dyspeptic Pills, to the entire confidence of the Iblje. kV experience of the - good 'effects - of th .c Pills, Ibr two ycarspast, satisfies me of their .eM(itent .value, piulictilarly in-aiding in ---inapairety-tl.Verstion--111 lit -W0 14i lig-off-bilious. at.. 'taekti,-1-Was-in-the,habit of -resorting fur securit)_ i ogiiiiist tliern *aokl - wittc virry - .Rartiarsucc? - p -411 a- . • liberal•use.of Calomel; or ' Mile Pill. 'But since - my accoaintithoe with tie A nti-by;pep t ic Pills of 'Dr. Beck witlf-yhich -Ife-prescribeeLiii_theiii st instance himself, I have not.been finder the fie _, cesSity. _of using Itteretir3 in .aity form, besides . . bOng•viholly, exempt from . bi . fions attacks. Se -._ ...vertit_qfiembers .of inyrfainili are- experiencing ..-- the same - beneficial results. ' . - ' IVES: From Ole Rex. r: ll.o%k's, I). 1.) St.. Thoma , • . (Morel' - . • . N;w Vonk, Fcb. 3; 1836 I liavc no knowledge derived 'from ex, of the efficacy, ol• Dr Deck - iirit4's 1'113 . .1 lint ••I _ knOw Ihat.severat of niS , perz;onal frierlitla in North .. Wliinn . 1 left .koniq 'yeara ago. ulrl'ering severely underclyipepsia, were in gontl.licalth when 1 SRW . ;thelil on a Visit: wade a fAv mnnths an sinee, , tl ti ribed .retuVeiY tIie.USC of Beekwlih's fills. • knotviltat the cerOcates obtalnecl, by flie Ducier in North Civollita,,arefrom - gentleinen of . • the highest respectability, and several .of them Mated to me verbally that Is contained in L---their.Pptiblished certificates. 1 have the _ritet tntire confidence ijvthem. , mil ,_ - and bavc known' .with Bishop Ives, "that' Itis.,charactcr asa 016.- _ lian_gentleniiitlaMt9petienced - Physicialent Iles his testimony, irrregmnl-to the itse of his Anti :031Meptic . the entire eMilidente of the • - - li.: AIMS. " • - •., . _ • Front Dr. 1 7 ...-G" My - witt; , 1101:v111AL, Aug. 1837. • "Mr:11: I). Turner, -- • Several of my friends in this town have tused - . - 1) - r: 4 11 - 6 - CIWittmti -Dyspeptic Us . h Aeciled benefit: , •• - - Arponwthe_number of one of our b..,st families, who has been :lac t. ed *Witfi_dyspeps'a of the worst rate for - - years. • 1 have urged the Use of lleckwith's as - her !be best chance of rely: • She Lad "already tried various remedies, witli little benefit or positive injury, And was theril , fokl - e• - )octant to ponitnente.with this. Her symptoms, • being,much alleviate)] by the - use-of the fist box she came ,to my house for—a farther supply; but finding that my stOaof thearticle was exhaust: ed; she expressed much anxiety.to,havc more Obtained as soon as possible - , 'and wished that one box might be sent by Iliad, if they could not be bad in a shortlime by other means. "1 am, not in the habit of employing nostruMa mull:pack medicines in my practice, bitt the VIPs :which you vend nin be 4, Ll.tssed,. The recipeL. , from which 'they are prepared is undoubt. 1, a scientific one. “,HVing spent two Winters'in North Carolina. __.:_la,M_olignorant of the reputatibn ofsome of the highly respectable gentlemen )bet e'itliiiiiiiVe kentlered-lildh' public .testimonyrin_ flvor t f - thet Medicine. will only add that-the trial of .hose. Pill; has been satisfactury io this fun may scud me,.by the first opportunity, one .quarter gross.' ,Truly and respectfully yours, = . ' . E G. 11113A1T." From the Linn Cti.dies Fis . her, into member t.,1 • Congress.. Fcb. 21, 1837 Several years agti r l was very much afflick s d with it dis'eased stum..ch and bowels; nothing I could colt appeared to agreeith me, and 1 was obliged to be %erj cat, fill in my diet. A journey trithe southwest afforded me consi.h.rable rejief,, • aq 4 SU p pOSH, Ind cured me; bia,;when left off travelling, the diccase relurned again acid I -was , -obliged-to_tak e-med mine_ donstantly,_among other things :very often calomel; this continued to be my state 'until about twelve motitlisago, when - on the recommendation of Major John Heard, - _ began to try Beckwith's Anti-Dy'spepti'c I sown found relief ti om them, and Cm since taken no other medicine' wledevt.i% Whenever I find My stomach and bolv( Is are becoming d . e. ranked, I resort to these Pills and invariably finil -relief_ 1 have-heard-IL intinber of persons speak of the benefits they have received from these l'ills,in the most decided terms. I am well ac quainted with Doctor IL.ckwith; he fur a time resided in this place and was my family l'hyai elan. His own testimony with regard to the use of his Audi-iblieptie fills may he fully relied on. "CHARLES FISHER." Neto• }ark gen. Then. Seas: May,ll, 1537. • ,111r..1i. D. Turner—Dear Sir,—To those sub. ject to bilious attacks' and especialy,to the Des ' peptic, Dr. Beckwith's Pills, will ummestionahly afford relief, I 'apealt"wilb more co n fidence 'atter having received material benefit from them, for which•flid,used almost every thing else in vain -- . - Tlyey need but h-faiv trial to find a place in the. Medicine ChestlUf every family; and to -gain • reputation -at the North, aOrespeetable and ex etertai'Ve'aS tho biwe secureo;..,where they have been iong known at the Sonth.• . Vcry.,uspectfully yours, , • • IN S ittE- 1 4-A-RDSti - Nr -1 . , '''• Other tcstinioniala in favor of tfiese Pills from: the twig respectable . sottreee,,areziven With the ) the direettiths. Price fur a single box, 50. "Terms liberal to agents and those who buy to sell again. To be ' • had of 11.. D. TURNER, Principal Agent, leo Broadway, New York, and by • SAML: ELLIOTT, Carlisle. Dec. 4,11137-1 y; ' ' ' - DR SIILJRAEL HEWES' Clebratcd Itheumagic l , alervc, and Iroise Applied:morning and night; has - ciired.lit4i / • &eds.. ' ; . t' gives relief in the- sw.tlling n .e 4 • glands of the throat, and relieves the numb iess • and contractions of the limb's and will take s • •el •. hinge down, and inflamations put' of the •Ilesh, •'. rheumatism, bruises and sprains, —ltgiveslinine4 l diate-relief ;At -strengthens weak iiiiihs, and ex • tends the cords when eantraeted.7 7 A ft;w drips on sheen's wool applied to the - ear of- deaf .per..l sons, will - • sons, will by cOnstant•aistlicatien, cause them to : • hear in two months' time. • .. . . ~ ...-2 , __..4foiest_.nurnoer_o.ieLtifleat.ea_Of the most i • respectable anirilecen " - character inaii.7b - E 7 eXiiiii7. 'bled Where it is BUM,. lease canon S. C.-Holander :.0 arliile who will give further. in iformaton. or see Illr..Boiander's papers:: .- ~ .- - - Carlisle. Optober....lo,lB37.—ly:eow, - -- 48. ! • -Also for sale.by S. ,EL' i l01"1". - ' 4 . 4174413-4-7-lorge-numberi. , just re c and ibt sale at.the Book . Store of ~. Al• .feb J ASTERS. ,• • CONSTITtYIION • COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1, As pIENIIEO By TIIF: 6ONVONTION OF ONE THOUSAND EIGHT lILINI,RF.D ANU • -THIftTY-i-AGur. • • • -•. • . - Wil, The Peilnk of th e Ci7teunneweelth of Teen sylvonia, ordain and esiablisk:this•Constaution fur itsliot•ertiment. • . .'-.- • ' . .'• - , . power otthis Common- I. , Seid ion . -T. The lgg A i ß sh r ili C y L e l.: sli II be vested in a (Winer:it Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and 110115 e of Item _ -j . • • - • swindlers. . The representatives shall be chosen 'annually by the eiizens'of the city of ffhiladelphia and of each county revectively oil the second Tue.'s-- die of Detoner. - - • 'sem Min III.• I\6 person shall be a representative who shall not,hive attained the p , -%e of tweuly-one ___rears,Juid_have burnt it citizen an ff inhabitant of the-- - ittatudlnrcr years next prccedirVitis election,-mit) the - list yearthercof an inhabitant of the district in and, far.whiciale unlesS l ,he shall have been' absent oh' the public luisitiess of the ,United States or of'this State, • -• Section IV. Within three.: years -after tile lint meeting of the General Assembly, and withimevery subieuent term of seven yOfIrS, an enumeration of the taxable inhabitantssuell Man= 'Mr in Shall be directed - IV.). I:1w: The nuniber of representafiVes shall, at the several periods of mak.; ing such enumeration, be fixed by the-Legislature, and apportioned'amcng; the city of Philadelphia and - the _several- counties, according to the number of . taxable inhabitants its each: and shall never be-less than sixty nor greater than one, hundred. , Each •• county shall have at least one reproientative, but no ~ county hereafter erected shall be entltled•to a sepa --ratmrepresentatithr Until a sufficient number of tax able 4ohabitints , shall be contained' within it, to entitle them to one,representative agreeably to, the ratio which shall then-be established. • : Section V. The senators.shallbe ebosen for t/Mee=. years - by the - citizens of. Philadelphia' and of - the s'eVeral counties.at•the-same time, in the sanie•masi mer,,ankatilic_same_places ivliere they shalLvole__ for representatives. Section:V.l. The number of Senators 'shall, al the several. periads Of making 'the courtier:llion before 'mentioned; be.fixed by the Legislature and-appitr, • tioned amolig the districts formed -as hereinafter directed, according to the number of taxable inhabi:, tints -in each; and Shall never beTleSs thin 011 e• -fourth, nor greaterthan one-third, of thd - nuntber of „ representatives. • Section VII. The senators shall he chosen - MA, , to be-formed by the legislature • '• but no dis , . trict shall be so formed as to enlitle itto-ileet-more - ,than_two sonatorsointeSs roc, numoer op:•iaxaole in habikunls in any city, or rounTipsliiillat any be such'aS'io entitle it to elert.ntore than two; but no eity„or county shall 40. t to elect more than seanter.rf Wh'ole's district 'shall'beLeomPosetl- - of twb or more counties, they slitilitie adjoining; ' __neither tlfe citv of Piliadelphia.nor any countYlliall - : - ' - be divided in forming a district. Seetion nerson shall be' a senator,,who shall - not have.attained the•oge.of tWenty-fieeyears,- - and have been ntieltiien - and , inhalli lane of-71.1M-tittite four yeannext before his electionond thelasiyear,: tbgretif all :inhabitant of the district- for which be - .shall,be chosen, unless he shallhave"beenabsent on the'pltblic business of tine-tinted States.or of this • Stage; and no-person elected asUforesaid,' shall'hold said op 'e after he shall laical refiviveilfroncsucifdis:' • frirt. • _ Sectioni ,The senators Who May r bn pi ectect,at; !hr.:first generTit election after the...adopt ton fir the noicatimeolk to' the cousl itution, shalt be clivided• by .lot into three dasies; The seams of-the Senators !it' the licit elT:s;shall be vacated at. the ,expiration of. the jiyst )icar ; of - the Second class aVthe expiration se.:_on'tl year ; and Of the tliitd class arthe er piralion of the third year • so' Oat thereafteronc-' third.of the whole nAmberifr senators may be Chosen every year. senators- circled before, the amend- Mentslu the constitution shall be adopted, shall hold - their offices during 'the terms for which they shall 'respizetively have been elected.. - Section-X. The General Assembly,shall meet on • the first l'ilestlay,of January, itt• every year, unless sooner convened by the Governor;"" Section XI. Each house shall choose its Spesiker - end other officers; and the - Senate shall also choose a Speaker pro temper; •tfiell (lie Speaker shall ex ercise the office of Gave:nor. Section XII. Each house shall judge of the quali fications of its ineinbers. Contested elections shall . be deterniined. by a - committee to be selected, formed • and regulated in such manner ris'shalibe directed by ...:•laW;.-__-_AmiajOritylof--,elich• house shall constitinte a . quoruin .do business; but a stnalleTnninber - inaf - adjourn from day-to-day,-andmitty-be_authorized by ~ law to compel.the attendance ofitbsent members, in such manner and under such peOlties as may be " provided. Section XIII. Each house-may determine the . rules of its proceedings, punish ..its members -foe- - disorderly 'behaviour, and with the concurrence of twe-tiiirds, expel a member, but net a second time for the same cause ; and shall have all other powers necessary for a branch of the legislature.of a fret ' ..State. • Section XI V. The legislature shall not have power, to enact laws,annulling, the contract of marriage in any case where, by taw, the courts of this Common- , wealth are or may hereitflhi: be empowered to decree o divorce. • . 'Section XV. Each house Shall keeps journal of its proceedings; and publish them. weekly, except :inch parts as may .require secrecy: and, the yeas and nays of the members on anyquolimySktil,_at___ the desire of any two of them, be eutbied on the 1,10111111a1.5. . . Section XVI. The doors of each !Muse and of, committers of the whole shall be open, unless, when the business shall be such as ought lobe kept secret. -Section XVII. Neither house shall, without The consent of the other, adjourn for more than three' days, 'omit) any other place than that in.which the , .two houses shall lie sitting.. ' ' Section XVIII. The Senators and representatives shall feceive a compensation for their services to be , ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury ,of the Vonimonwealth. They shall in all • cases, cx- . cent treason ; felony and breach or surety of the' • peace, be .privileged from arrest during • their at •tendance at the session of their respective houses, - and in going . to and n-chirping from the some. And for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any oher place. ' Section XIX. No Senatoi- or representative shall, during the time for which he shall- have been elect -,t ed, be appointed to any civil office tinder this - Cam= monweilth which' 'shall have been created, or the ernoltiments of -which shall haVe- been increased during such time . : .and vin member of _Congress or . other person holding any office (except of attorney at law Mid - 11 - I;the or this Commonwealth, shall be a mender of either . house during Isis continuance tangtess or 'in office.' Section XX. When vacancies - happen in either • house the Speaker shall issue writs:of eltidiAl to . fill such vacancies. Section XXI. All Lilts for raising revenue 'shall Originate - in the Innise . of representatives, but the Senate tnay propose amendments as in other bills. Section XXII. NO money, shall be drawn froth' the treasury but - iii consequence of appropriations • made by law. • Section 'XXIII. Every bill which shall hatte passed both houses shall be presented .to the-Go vernor. If lie approite ho shall sign•it, but if he shall'not approve he shall. return it with hit ,objec- lions to the house in which it shall have Originated - , whOshall enter the objections aLlarge-imon their journali and proceed- to re-consider it. • if, after 'such re-consideration; two-thirds octliitt house shall agree to p ss the bill, it shall- be sent - With the ob jections to he other • house,-by which- liketinise'it • sideredr-anit-if-npprtiVekby--two. thirds of, that house it shall be a law. But in such • uses the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, bud tire names of persons voting, - . for - or against tho,bill shall be entered On the jpur- - nals of each house respectively. • If any bill ghat'. not be returned by the Governor within ten days (Sundays excepted) after It shall haie been pre, Bellied to him, it shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless thellenerallAssembly, by • their adjournment s prevent its return, in which case it ovi - ira nn law, unless • sent back'wlthin three toys aft4-their next meeting. • - • Sectioti,XX IV. Every order, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of-both houses may be -necessaryiexeent -on-a.-questienrof' adjournment) shall be presrnted to . theGoVeinot, and before it . .. shall, take 'elfinet,.be itAiroved byliim, or bete-7 apprpVedOltali: be , rctu!s?eeby two-thirds.of both . • 73anir_. Eittod .r .Eale. • • F11.1)1120 to 50 altarv, of caolisle Bank Stock 'for sale, on ,OltielLtlterd:is -30- dollars-per share patif l'lquire at, this °Ripe, Febluary 6t-1838--h'- • • • EM3 IMMEM War_ eAT - 10 , 0, 1 4. Xii 047 , 14 - ci #V. -12:14noitiov4 ouses iwitdriling:Wthe rules' sand limitations pre scribed in 'case of a bill. • .' Sectioni XXV. No corporate body shall be hereafter created, reneWed or ecte»ded, bailkidg.or;dis _colvdinir privibvs,. without six 'months previous piedir :notice of -the intended application for the' same in sad: Manner as. shall be prescribed by lhw. Nttr . shall.any charter for the purposes aforesaid, be granted for Olinger period than twenty 'Years, and every such charter shall contnin Jc clause .reserving tit t.l4f legislature the . power to alter, revoke or aunt/4 'the saves whenever in Their opinion it may boairijzi rim?' to the ,citizens bf the cbounonweallk fn such manner however that no injustice shall be done to the ,earporatars. No law Jaivifter enacted, shall ereate, screw or extend the charterV iitore lhan.onc corpo raltoit.• . . • ' • • , ARTICLE IT. • • Section 1. The Supreme-Executive power °LOIS' CommobWealtli shill be vested inm Governor. - 'Section 11. The: , GuyChior. shall bi chosen"on the mil ;d Tuesday of October, by the citizens of—the Comitionwealth,ht the .pliceS where they shall re- - spectively. Vote - for representatives: The returns of every election .for Governor shall be seared lip. to theseat of government, directed to the Speaker of 'the', Senate, who shall open, and publish them in .the • presence_ of tliemembers of. too hintuse4t_theleglilatiere.__lTlie_p'erien having = the_hiehesi numb= of. votes shall be . Governer. But it_twO2or. more shall be eglial , .and highest votes, one' 'or them shall he chosen Governor. p , joint vote of the members of both Wilkes. .Con . tested elections shall-be determined by a Committee' ' to-be selected from both ho'uses of the legiSlature, , and formed and regulated in such manner, as shall • • be 'directed by law. ~ . . ' Sectionlit The• Governor shall hold 'his office , during. thiree years from the tbhd Tuesday of .7enti ary next ensuing his election, and shall not be clipable -of holding it longer than six in any -term of nine ~years. ,',-• • ... . .----Section-I :Ale--shall-heMtleastAhirty=years-ot -age, and hav -been a citizen and an.. .inhabitant of this Stale se Tit years • next before' his election ; : unless -he shall have been absent' on' the - public business Of the United States or of 'this State, - ' - .Section V. No" member of Congress or-:person '- . boldht•any office under the United: Slates :or this Slate shall exercise the office of GoVernor, -, • ' Section,Vl. The Governor shall at stated times receive for his serviWs a coinpensation, which' shall - • - be • neither increased" nor 'diminished during • the periti,d for which he shall have been elected. • , - • , -Section Vit. He tall lic...conimander-in-chief Of - the army. apffmaVy cif this Commonwealth' anti of , the Militia, except when- they shall be .caked 'into, the-actual seevice_rif. thellnited.States, . _ _ Section VIII. Ile shall appoint a , Serretary of / the _Commonweeh during pleastut and . ' he shall nomi-* ;sate ,and-by and with .the advice and consent pf the Senate / appoint .all judicial galena .of. rowaS record, unless O!herwise providrdfor.in this Consti-. tution. lie. .shall have power to fill all vaiiencies -that--may happen-in such judicial' offices during / the ef Sof the Seattle, bygranting commissions which e t rpire at the, end of their s nest session Pro videdillfat in fisting on / elerutivenoininations the ' Senate shall.sit withoPeit dilarS; and - in confirming or rejecting the.noMinations of the -Governor, the - vate shall be taken by - keits and nags.- ' • • 77 . i . gection IX. lie shall have power to remit fines forleitre_s,_a_nd_gran t reprieves And' phrdons, except iii eases of iinpeadliment.-. _ - Section X. Ile may require information in writing; from.tlie officers in the executive department 'Upon' — hily - Siffijeet - telatifit 'lllO `dudes of ,their respec-__ • . Section' X L'Fle shall; froth time,to `thrie; •- giVpte -- tlipieniral - Assembly -lamination -of-the:•-state- of-- the Commonwealth, and reeoinfriend to . their 'con sideration such measures as lie shall judge expedient. . Section- XII; Ile,mh - y, on ektrabrffinaryoccasionso.. soOvene the General . Assernbly ; and' in case of ,df-oigreeffiehtifietwecn the' two-houses, with respect' adjoiirninent, adjourn: them 7. to such_ time as he 'shall thinkliroper, 'not exceeilinfffilw 1 months. 7 - • Seetion 'He 'shall take care that the laws • be-faithfully' executed. '?•-• .„ •- - • A • Section ,XIV. In case of the lieath or resignation • thellovernor,_or_othis removal from pflice • the Speaker--of the Senate shall - Governor; until another .Goverhor shall lie duly qualified ; AO in such rase anothcr•Governor shall be chosen dl,:thc next annual election of representa tives, unle4s midi death, resignation or-removal, :shall accur;within - three calendar 'months atel p-preccding such next, annual election, in which case a -Gotternor shall be _chosen at the second suc ceeding annual. elgction of representatives. And • if. the trial of a contested election shall 'continue • longer th7in until the third Monday. of . January next ensuing the election-of Governor, the Governor of the last year orthe Speaker oCthp Senate Who may be in the exercise of the 'executive authority, shall continue therein until the determination of - such cmitested election, and unlit a Governor shall ----- be --- dfiripprilified - as aforesaid.. shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings- of- the-tiovOrnor, and. shall, when rep (mired, lay the same and' all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of the legislature, and shall perform such oilier duties as shall be enjoined-hitnby ARTICLE 111 Section I. Ia elcetiOns by the citizens eveiy while freeman of the age of twenty Jone years, haring re sided in this stare one year, and in the election dis- - trict where he offers to vote, ten days iinalediately .rereding such election, and withid twa.Nouva paid, a State or County tax, which shall hare. bola as-` at leash ten days before the election,shalajo ._the.rights _of an elector: lint -a citizen of the thiited,,i States who had previously been -a Oualificd •voter of this State, and. rentored.therefroin and returned, and'. who shall have resided in the ‘ election .district, and ''paid taxes as aforesaid, shall beentitledluyote,ofter residing in the•stale sizmonths.,ProVided, that chile freemen, citizens of the United States; between the ' •ages, of twentpone and .tivertly,two years, and hay ing resided: in the State one !ear, and iii the election disfrict ten days IS aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although , they shall not gave paid taxes. Section II; * All- electiOns, shall be by ballot, ex cept those by:persons in their tepresentatirc capa cities, who shall vote. yit'a yore. ' , • Section-lII.' Electors.. shall in nil (isei, except treasomfelony, and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest, during their attendance I on. elections, and in going to and 'returning froth, them. ~ . . - - ARTICLE IV.' ' Section .I. The Ifouse 'of , Representatives shall have the Ole power of impeaching. , , •.. ': Section 11. "Ail impeachments shall be tried by the Senate;when sitting 4 for that o purpose, :the • Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation. No per...,4 bOll shall be convicted n ithotit ,the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Section 11.% The Governor,' and. all other civil Officers ti der this Common Wealth, shall be.liable to impeach mit fOr any misdemeanour in office; but '. judgme t, In such cases, shall not extend • further , I than to removal from office; and. disqualification to': —hold_any•office_oLhoneur,,trustor_profttotmler this ' Commonwealth: The party,..whetber convicted 'or acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indiotinent, .trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. , ARTICLE V. • Seetion-L—The—judicial_power of this Com on- wealth shall be vested in a Supreme Court, in Courta nf Oyer and Terminer and Sleneral Jail • 0- -livery;in a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Register's Court, and a Court ,of Quarter Sessions of the Peace,.for each, county; in Justices or the Peace, and'in such otherTourts as the legislature may. fromlime to time establish. ' 'Section 11._:The judges.gr- the Supreme Court,l the several Courts - of - Gbinmon:Pfeas; and of such other Courts of Record - 0 error shall be established • by law, shall be nominated by the Governor,.and by and With the consent of the Senate appointed an d. coMmigsioned by ?dim' The judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their o ffi ces fo r the term of fifteen ,years if they.stall so long behave thethselves well. The president judges of the several Courts of Commons_ Pleas aqd - of such-other Courts of Record as.are...or --- shall be established by law ' and all otherjudges re quired toile:learned in the law, shall hold their offices fdr the term of ten years if Shall ..so long behave theniselves well. ~The Amu:late judges of the Courts. of Common, Pleas shall hold their offices for the term office years if they shall so long behave themielves welt. ]All for, any reasonable cause which shall not • be sufficient ground qf impeachment, the_Popernor may eenuiva any of them on the address of taco-thirds of each branch, °Atha legislature. The judges of the `Supreme Court and the - presidents of the several. Courts of Coinnion Pleas shall at stated limes reeciim". for their ,services an, adequate compensation to be 'fixed by laza, yhttle shall not be 'diminished during their continuance in pffice,but.they shall l'eceive no fees or perquisites of egice,_nqr hold, attv :other office of prqhit under this Commonwealth. ' • - Section Ht.-Until dfreeted,hy lauPi-tht Courts of Common Pleas shall cantique as at present , E, wanowNLE's ticurs ANT) SITAITOWS 1110,if, tlii elit.istiair Life, just_ received end for, iiiile'utltie o{": Book Store . ;,i i. l J ItIYEITS,•' rebruary 19. - - -.'-; • '-', . . . established. 'Not more ihanfine counties shalt at any time be included in one judicial' district organized for said Courts. • Section iy. The , jurisdiction of the Supreme Court,shali extend over' the State; and the judges thereof, shall by virtue ..of their offices, be justices of Oyer and Termider and General Delivery, in, the several counties. • Section V. T.he judgeS of. the Court of - Cordlnon .. • 'Nees, in each county; shall by virtue ' of their .offices,be , justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene ral Jai- Delivery,.for the trial of capital judges, other , offenders, therein ; any two of tire - :Said ;judges, the presitlen 1)64 . ; one, Shall be a - quorum: but they shall not huld-a court of oyerand.tertniner, or jail delivery,' in- any, county; when the. judges .of the Supreme - Cotirtior ally of tikein,-slinli lie sitting in . , the same county: The party accused,.as.yvell'as,. thel,Commonwealthi may, udder suCh Tegulatitms. as shall bejnescribed by law, retnove" the.•indictment and proctieffingii - or a' transcr i pt. thereof, into . . the Supreme Court. - T ' Section Vi: The S . .,npreme court, and the- several - • .courts of commix ;ideas, shall, beside the 'powers heretofore . 0 ally exercised by" , them, have the power• . o court of Chancery, so far' as . reltites_lo: the rpetuating.of testimony, - the Obtaining of : evidence from places not Avithin . the State, and the -: care of .the persons and estates. of .ffiese who are. . non Compotes . mantis. ~A nd the • legislature shall— •vest in the Said courts Such other powers to grant raffif shall . be - fffilitd7neteSsary I- and may, from. tinie to time, enlarge or dimirtishlhose powers or vest them in suelvother courts as they shall. judge-proper, for the due administration of justice. Section VII. The . judges of the court of common pleas of each • county', any two of whom shall be a quorum; , - the - court- of ;quarter- Ses-- vimis of peace; nd orphans' count - thereof vrand - - the iegictcr ;Willi, - together with 'the • said judges; •or any two of them, shall 'compose the register's court of each county. • ,-_-_-=Section-3411I..,Therjudges-of_theLccunts-of. - ciammori; ~pleas shall, within' their respective counties, ha%e the like powers with the judges of the Supreme '. Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of • the-peace -and to cause their- proceeding S.. to be -brought before them, and the, like riglft-and justice tube dime. . Section IX. The president of the court in each • circuit - within such circuit,'and. the judges of the - court of . comment - pleas within their respective •countics, shall be justices of the peace, so far as -relates to criminal matters. . • • . Section X. it 'register's office, for the probate of wills, and g. sting letters of 'administration ' and an -- office for. t recording of deeds,.shall be Hekept. in' _each county. - - • Section XI. The style - of all shall be • "-The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose-, cations shall be carried on'in the name and by the authority • of, the COmlnonwealth of Pendsylvania; • and conclude " against the peace and dignity - J.lf the _ same." . • . .. _ ARTICLE' VT.. Seetion - I. .Siterilfs and coroners• shall, at the . times and places of election of representatiyes, bo' chosen - by the Citizens of each county: ;One person . 'shall betchosen for-each-office-0 oho-shall-be-tommis--signed •by the Governor. - They -shalt tulld their offices for three years, if they, shall so long behave themselves well, and , untila successor be duly Q ualified ;*but . no_person . shall 'be'twice - chosen - or - appointed sheriff, - in any term ofiiic - Taff: - -371tealt ,- ,- cies in either of the -said offices Sliall o We filled by an appointment,' to be made by the Governor, to 2 continue until-the next general election; and until - --- 4 - isti - c - C - e - SWr - StaltWeliiiSerrabil qualiffell - tiS7 - tfo - r - e• -,-- said. . . - • , ''-'- -Section -IL-The freemen: of this commonwealth . shall be ' armed, organized and disciplined for -its ;tlefcnce," - tchen.anii in such manner as may be directed - -by law. Those who conscientiously scruple to bear . arms, Shall not be cotnpellEd - to do so; but-shall pay - an Conivalent for personalservice.,'. - -- '-.;" - Scction.lllL: .Prothoitolaries - of :the --S!uprem-c -: .Court shall be appointid. by the . said Court for the term of three years if they se. !ono' b behove theme-elves Well. .Prollionotaries and clerks of the severhl other. courts; Recorders of deeds, and .lITe- gisters- of wills, shall - at the times and places.pf , „ election of representatives, be elected by Me quail- , flee! electors of each county, or: the districts over _which the jurisdiction of _said courts es/ends, and shall be_tommissioned by. the 'Governor. They shall hold their offices fur three years if 1114 shall , so long behave themselves weld. and .tentil their Successors shall - be duly 'qualified. The kgisla4 Itire'shall provide by law, the number of person ' -in each county who Mall hold said offices, and --how-many-wid_whick_ofsaid_offives shall be kid by one person. Vacanciis in 'any of the said of - fees shall be filled by appointments - to be made . by the Governor, to continue until the next gene- rat election, and until successors shall be electetk -and-gualVed-as-aforesaid. . . Seetion,l_V„Prothonotaries_clerks of the _peace • and orphans' courts,secorders'of deeds, Fe - Osiers of wills, and sheriffs,shall' keep their offices in the . county town of ie county in which they, respec tively, shall be officers, 'unleas - When the Governor shall, for special reasons, dispense therewith,. for any term not exceeding five years after the county - shall have been erected. --_________ _ • . Section V. 'All commissions shall be in 'The name 'and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn ' sylvania, and be - sealed with the State seal, and sign- . ed by the Governor. Section VI. A -State Treasurer shall be elected annually„.by joint vote of both breinches of the legis ' :at • • • • _ ' Section VII. Justices of the peace or aldermen ' shall be elected in the several, wards, boroughs, find toionships'at the time of life election of con; • "-staleks by the qualified voters thereof, in such number as shall be directed by law, and shall be -commissioned by the Mai:6r for-a term of five years; but no township, - ward - or'bormfgh - shall _ ekct. more than t a w : justices:of the peace or alder-- men without the consent eta niajority of Ike qua -, lified electors within such totwitypyward or bo rough. A' s . . . Section VIII. All plieers, whose election Or ap pointment is not. provided for in•this constitution, • shall be elected or appointed as Mall be directed by law. ~ No person shall be appointed to any-of fice-within any county who shall not have been a citizen and an inhabitant therein-one . year next before his. appqintriant, if the,county shall been so long erected ; but if it shall not have been so long erected, then' within the. limits ,of ,the_ county or counties out of which it Mall have been . taken. No member of Congress Iron; this state; or any person holding or. etercinng any office or appointment of trust ; or profit, under an, Nates,thall at the same time hold or exercise any in this state, to-which a salary is, or-fees or. perquisites arc by law; annexed; and the legisla ture may by law declare what State offices are in -compatible. No member of .the Senate or of the - house of representatives shall be appointed by the -- Gaeintigo any• - offitediiring Me termfor - whic he.shall have been elected. : • - _ - Section IX. All officers for a term of years shedl hold their offices for (he ,ternis respectively ' specified,' only on the 'Condition that they so long - behaorthenisckes4veih-anctshalt. be reinavcd ibs • " tonvictiOn of misbehaviour in, office or of any in- . famous erinte.; -, • , ‘• ,"': - Section .X..:dny person who shall, after the adoption' of the. amendments proposed by this Convention to the ,Gonstitution, fight a dud or . send a challenge Xi' that purpose, or be aider or 'abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the • . right of holding any office of honalir'or profit its • this Stale, and shall be punished otherwise in such "manner as is, or may be prescribed by law ; b t the._executiee may: ,reinit, the said offence an all its disqualifications. - - ' ,- • - • • _ ARTICLE VII. - . ' i -- -- : - echo I:The legislature-shall, as soon as con venient may be, provide by law, for the establish- . ment f schools . .througliont ' the; State, in, such mann r that the poor may be taught gratis. ' Se tion IL. The arts ..and sciences Shall b pro mo_lt d in One prjnore seminaries of learning. • Section 111. The rights, privileges, imro ratios • and estates -of roliglous societies 'and corporoa bo- . dies, shall remain Reif the , colistitution of thia§tate had notibeen alteied or amended. •2 . . .. Section IV. .The legislature Atilt not invest any - torpoiate bodror, individual .with, the privilege of taking private property for Rublie use, without . requiring such corporation or individual to:make compensation to the ownetS of said property; or, • give adequate seturitylherefor, before such pro perly shall be taken. - . ,: T' • ARTIbLE,VIIIL ^." • • 1 Members .of, the General A:'sembly, and all of 11;.: . cers, executive and judiciali el all be bound by, oath il. . . Ull and SILKPlusb , Bonnets,black and fancy_ colonre,.for .salc by • . . --, - • 0 r • ' 4 . ' . . e11.,A ";,13A1INITZ; •:e • Fvtanary 19, .' • • . ' . ' ' • ,31* atliirmation,,,te•'support the. constitution, of 'this - Vom:nonweallh,.and to Orforin the duties of their •respective offices with fidelity. - . . - - . . • . ARTICLE IX. - . . - • That 'the he general, great and essential principles 'of idled . ) , and free'pvernment may be recognised and ' unalterably established, WE DECLARE, THAT Section I. 'All men are born equally free and in:. • dependent,and have certain inherent and indefeasible . rights, among which..are those of enjoying and &- Tending' life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing and, protecting and reputation, and of pur suing their own, happiness., , - ' --.: • . .. . Section 11. All power - is inherent in tho people, and all free governments are - founded on. their au thority, aid inStituted for .their peace, safety•and . 'happiness; For the advancement, of these ends, they. - - liave at al 1 - time4 - ari- unalienable and. indefeasible • • • 'right to alter;reform or abolish their government, In lstich trianneras they may think propel:,-- • • Section 111. All men have a natira and indefea- • .sible right. to worship Almighty. ,od according to., . the dictates of they own conscien . s. , no man can; of right, .be .compelled to attend, ereet,.or suppert ._ anyplace of worship, or to maintain {'any ministry 'against his consent'; no human authority can, in any . case 'whatever, control' or interfere with-the rights . of conscience .% and no preference shall ever 'be • .iech; -- hylaw: - to - niiy - rcligious — estahlishments - Or . ' modes of worship. - ' V' . • ^ ,: --r , SectionlV-.- - - , No person Wtlo acknoWledges the-be-- ing of a Hod and a future state of rewards and pu nishments, shall on account of his religious senti;- ~ 'inents be dilqualifiedlohold any office. or place of trust or profit under.this Commonwealth: • Section V. - Elections Shall be free and equal. • ~SectiOn VL.Trial by jury shall be 'ils_heretot_ore i L ' - and - the-right thereof - remain - inviolate.; -- -.:- -- Section. VII. The printing presses shill be free to every person who undertakes to examine the pro ceedings of, the. legislature,. or any, Branch of go* vernment-And-no-laW*--shall- , ever'bemade to ..-' ' strain the right-thereof. The; free cqmmunication of thoughts and opinions is brie of illeAnvaluable rights of man ; and every citizen mayfreely speak) __write and print on any subject, Using, responsible fot ThFabilse of that liberty. .1n pr ecutions for, the publication bf papers iiwestigatin the official • conduct of officers, or men in a publi - capacityor Where the matter. published is proper or public in- ',formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi-_ 'dence : And in all indictments for lihels the jury - shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, • Under the direction of the coprt, as in other cases. Section_V.lll...The_pcople shall be 4 . cure in 'their :persons, houses; pripers andpossessieno, froineinrea-' Boilable searches and -seizures: And - no warrant to ' search anyplace ' or to seize anyporson _or things,. - shall. issue, without describing' themi-e.s nearly as may be, nbr without probable cause supported by' oath or affirmation. . Section IX. An all criminal prosemitions; the ac.: eused bath a right to be hard by hithself and, - his "counsel, to demand the-nture and - calls° Of thC-ae . cusation against him, to meet the witnesses face.to facO, to have. comptilsory process for Obtaining wit neSses favour,,and, in piosecutions by indict :men.V-or-- information, a. speedy public. triakby_ impartial jury-of the vicinage; he cannbt be TOM - pent& to . give -evidence against Aiiinscilf; nor'caii he . deprived of his life, liberty, or. property; unless ' by the 'jugment - ' - of hii'peers -or le: law of the Section X. No persori Aalli for anY indictable . . . offence, tie proceeded against &Milo:111E1)y informa tion, except in--cases wising in .the - land or naval -- forcts,,oi in — thesf Wen. inactital — seiviceiff: One of war or public danger, or by-. leave of the .-conit, for oppression and misdemeanour hi office:. No .person shall, forthe same offence, tic twice put PM—. jeopardy of life or any,m periybj . tnicen or , applied7tuyublic the— .consent _of his representatives, „ and _without just compensation 'being made. ---SectiomN.ll-4-11-couitstshall-be-open,•:ankevely-- man fit an infiwy dime - Min in his lands; goods, per. - . son or teputatiun ' shall have rtrrne,dy by the due -course of :law; and right and-justic4 administered,__ tvithobt safe, denial or delay. Suits my be brought against the CCminonwcalth imsuch, manner, in such. courts; and - in such cases as the legislattio May by law direct. ' Sect* XII. No power of .suspendinz laws Sliall be - exereised v unless by the legisla(pre, or its au . thority.,• Sectien XIII. ExCessive bail slAll not be re quired, nor ,excessive fines imposedenor cruel pm , hishments inflicted. . 7.% - Section my. All 'prisoners 'shall:be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, When the proof - is evident or presumptions great ; and the • _privilege-of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be vasion, the public safety may requise it. Section XV. Fig commission of Oyer and Terminer or jaitdelivery shall be issued. , • Section XVI. The person of a debtor, where - there is not strong ' , presumption orrraod, shaltnni: in:prisoninfter_deliierillg_up•his estate__ for the benefit of his creditors,.in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Section XVII. Nil cx post farliflaw, nor any law impeiiring contracts shall-.be made. NO person shall be attalnted of treason'a felony by tlie legislature. Section XIX. No attainder shall'rvork corruption of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender, forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the es tates of such per Sons as shaft destroy, their own lives, shall descend or vest as in case of natural death ; .and if any person shall be killed by • casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reason 'thereof. . Section XX. fl'he citizens haven right, in a pence .able manner, to assemble together, for their common good, - aod to apply to those invested with the ppyers of government for redress of grievances; or Vier proper purposes, by petition, address or iteMon- strance. • Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear aim . ili - derertlreliffeTra - and - 1 - StUttl - Sha 11 - inittre47 questioned. Sectio&XXll. No Standing army shall, in tine of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Ls- - ,• giglature ; and the military shall, in all cases, and at all times, be in strict subordination--to-the civil • power. . . • Section XXIII. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owne nor in.liine.A..wor, but ,in a manner to be prescribed by law. Section XXIV. The legislature shall not grant I — any - title of nobility or hereditary .distinction, nos l' create any office the appointment to }Ojai' sliall , be for a longer term than during good behaviour. I Section XXV. Emigration from Ifie State shall_ not be prohibited.. Section XXYL To guard • against transgressioni of the high powers which we have delegated, WE DECLARE, that every thing in this article. is, ex 1--cepted 'ontof the general powers of government, and • shall for over remain inviolate. ARTICLE -X. • - . Any amendment 'or amendments to This canasta- . . lion may be proposed in the Senate or Haase of Re presentatives, and if the same shall be agreed to by .La majority_of the numbers elected to each House, such . proposed amendment ancndmen7s shot' ,b - e be entered their journals,- with- the yeas-and-nays taken •. thereon, and the Secretary If the Commonwealth shall cause the same lobe published three months before the next election, in at (cast one newspaper in iwerye. counts/ in which a newspaper shall be published; and_ , -if in thaegiaature nextWletwards chosen such pro posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each house, - the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall came the . same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and such proposed amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people in such manner and at such - time, at least three months, after being. so _agreed to • by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe; and if , the people shall. approve and ratify laid amendment,,or amendments by majority of the qua lified" Voters of this State voting thereon, such amend :ent.or.- amendments shall became a part of the ran stifutiohl but' no.amendinent or amendments shall • -be submitted to- the .peopte, oftener than Once in flee . years Provided 3 that if more than one 'amendment • be submitted, they shall he submittAl in such manner: andlorm7that - the - peopieMay'Voß for,-orlagainst each° amendnient separately and distinctly:" . . - • SCHEDULE. ~" • . . : , • --'-, . • ' That no.inconvenienee may ariie.from the diem- . tions and' amendments in. the.. Constitution 'tit 'this';'' Cornonwealth, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, itis hereby declared / 6nd ordain ed,That, Section L Ail lam§ of HAS Commonweafth'in force atilie time when the said alterations .and -amend ments in the said Constitution shill take. effect, and not ,inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of Admits as of bodies . corpotate, shall continuo :8S if the• said alteratiens arid'. amendments had not been . Section-n. The aiteratiorifaind amendments in the . HATS: II JILTS!! .IDFO Evn vED.frorn Philadelphia , C;cscoCSu BA, 1 ;c - 1:4011k roi..sateiby" • • 'CL(30,..E. , 5 . /PLUM Z. -• said COnstitution shallinke:Offeet fronithe first day of January;eighteeMhundred and thirty-nine. -, .. - Section 111. The clauses; sectionsond articles of thesaid.Constitution; which remain unaltered, shall • temitinue to be construed and have' . 'etrect - as if the. said Constitution had not lfeen amended. , . • ' Section, IV. The• General Assembly which shall Con(mac in. December, eighteen hundredmmt. thirty eigh t„sliall continue its, session, as, heretofore, not-, withstanding the provision. hi the efevelithsectiou - Of the first article, and shall - atoll limes•heregarded as the first General AsseinblY under the 'amended Constitution. ' -. . . . . - Section V. - Thg Governor who shall be elected in Detobe4eighteemhundred and thirty-eight, shall be ; inaugurated on the third Tuesday lid ;JanuayY, eighteenhundred.land • thirty.-nine, to which. time, the present eXteutive Mimi' is hereby extended. Section _V.I.-The:commissions' of the - judges:of the ',Supreme Court, who maybe in -office on the first day - .of January next, shall expire inAhe following man-' ner : The commission' hich bear's them:n-110st, date shall expire on the first day of January, .AIIIIO,Do-: : mini one thousand eight inindied'and 'forty-two ' .. the •commission next datedshall expire on the first day of January,-Arno' Domini one thousand eight him - died and forty;fiife; the Commission next dated - Shall expire' on • the first day of January; Anno Durriiiii• one thousand - eight hundred and forty-eight ; ' the commission-next Oat - m:I_SIKM expire on the first day. of January, Atino 'Domni one, thousand:eight lii -- C..: I :sdred_aard. fifity:ouer and--the commission'-last ated shal t )) expire O 0 the -first .day.of January, Anno'DO- Mini one. thousand eight hundred ant)fifty-four. Seetion.V,ll. ' The commissions of .the President 'judge( .of .the several judicial Mistilets and of the associatelaw judges of .the first judicial district shall expire as follows an The commissions of one-half of ''those - who shall-have heldtheir,olliceS. ten Yeats or, more at the adoption of the amendments Mille consti tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe= bruary; one.thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine 1 -•the-commissions of the other_half_oLthose4Yho-shall - )nave held - theiroffices - ten-yens or-moreattlie-adop-. Lion of the amendments to the constitution, sliall' expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundredttand forty-two ; the first half 'to ernbrace those whose coMmissions ,shalrbear the oldeSt date. The •commissions of all the remaining ' judges who Shall not have held their offices for ten - years at 'the adoption of the fifnendments tn. the eon-' -stitution-shall-expire on . the twenty-seventh day- of ":-February next,after the end or led years frOm the 1 - date of -their, commissions.'• .. - - Section. VIII. The Rechrders of • the several May . ors! Courts; Ind _other- triminal•etinnts :in thii Com monwealth, shall be.appointed fur the same time, and in the same manner, ns the president - Judges - of the several' judicial districts; of those now in office, the commission oldest in date 'a nal %pile oft the itkenty-seventird,* of. February, ne thonsand eight hundred:and forty-one, and`the others''eyery two y .. ears, thereafter according to their rdSpectiVe dates.. Those oldest in date expiring first. ' • , _ Section IX.- 7.l'lia legislatureat its lust sessionUm : der themtended:constitutioni OMB divide the_dther assoeisfe judges of the State into foueclasses. The commissions of these 'of' the first . .closs - shall ekplie I - on - the lwenty-seventh'day of Tehrtiaryreighteen 7 libridiedlandlorty - rofthose - nEthe , setainLeinstr; _the twenty-seventh day. of %February, eighteen hun- -I -died and--forty-one • of those' of tile third - elasSlm.' .the tyimnly,seventh ' daYof February, .eightebn him- . 1 41red-and-forty-tw-4-'autd-of-thuse of -LIM four.thelass_j .on_tlie twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen,' hundred and forty-three. The snid - Classes from the first to theleurth,shall_he arranged according to the ' " ---- seniorityrff-the-conarniSsiens-uf-the-severiljudges.-! , - Section N; . -Prethomitaries, clerks'of the -severaj! --courts (extent of the Sureme COMO recorders of__l . deeds and registers of wills, shalllielirWeletted under 'I the ainended•Conmitulion,.at the election of -retire, i•-/sentativ,es in the year eighteen bundled and„ thirty ! nine; In such manner :fis.inay7be prescribed by-law. -'Section XI. The.appointing-power shall-remain as _LlM'aditl(Ore, and- alt caters in the appointment of tlte' , - -executive-deparjment-Shal)-eontintrein theexercine- of the -duties of their respective ,ethers until the lygislature shall pasS such laws...as maybe requited ' - drY7llte - eightli section of he sixth article of t h e ordentled constitution, and tihtil - appointments shall_ be Made - under such laws ;, unless-t heir commissions Shall be superseded by newapPeintinents, or shall sooner expire by their own limitations, Or the Said Offices shall become yaeantby_death or - resignation, and such laws shall he enacted by the 'first legisla tureunder the amended constitution: - - Section XII. The first election for -aldermen and justices of the peace shall he held in the year eight een hundred and forty, at the time .fixed for the election of constables, The legislature at its first session under the amended constitution shall pro- • ' vide for the said election and for subsequent similar -eleetions,----ThE , oldermon-and--jus:tioes.of-dhe-peace_ now in commission, dr whit may in the interim be appditited, shall continue to discharge the ditties of their respective offices, until fifteen - days after the day which shalt be fixed-by law for the issuing of ~ new _commissions, at the expiration of which time, theircommissions shall expire. '. ~- • . ' . . In teSiii iialfdliiff:riliFTelegdiditricihr-ornended - constitution' of Pennsylvania, as agreed to in convention, We the officers and members of the , convention have hereunto signed our names at Philadelphia, the twenty-second day of Febru ary, Ann& Domini one thousand fight hundred ' and • thirty-eight; and of the Independence. of the United States of. America the sixty-second. . .. - . JOHN'S ERG EANTPresident. . . . • Daniel Agnew, -- Ezra SAlayhurst, ' Win. Ayres,_ -' Win. Hays, '' - M. W. Baldwin, Ahm: Helneustein, , _Ephraim Banks, M. Henderson, , -. :lohn V. Barclay, .' Wm.-Henderson, . , Jacob liarndelar, • Wm. flie,ter, . c"..A..Batllit?., . 'Willi:4n IDA Andrew fledfot d, _ .T.Ls. Hopk inson . ,' , ' - Thos. S. Bell, - ' : John Houpt,• James Cornell Biddle, ' Jabez Ilytle,• • - ,Lehheus L. - Bigelow, : thanitts‘Jared Ingersoll, --Saml-C-Bonham, ' ' -Phs,lenks„ . ' ChasAirown, . ' Geeege Ma Keim, Jeremiah Brown, ' Jaines_Kennedy, William Brown, • 0 - t . .. l ;ACiiiiiii Kerr, .. Pierce Baler, , Jos. Konigmacher, Samuel Carey,,- . T a co( , Krebs, John Cummin, 11. G. Long, . Thomas S.'Cunitingham, David Lyons, _ • William Curti, ' . Alex. I\l:.,„tose, . Wm. Darlington, Joel-E. Mann; .George Chambers, W. M. Meredith, John Chandler, - . . Junes Merlin, . -. Jos. It. Chandler, ...Levi Merkel, , • Nathaniel Chatiney, • ` Wm. .L. Miller, Nathaniel Clapp, . - .I..mes Montgomery, Jaines Clarke, Christian Meyers, • John Clmke; . - D. Nevin, - . - •Witlii,m Clank, - -' . W ni-Dyethelj, • • A...Lt.:line, .' - Hiram Payer , _ . .....H . ' Lindley Coates,. . IVlliillinsacker, - It. E. Cochran,- • - - . James' Ptider,_ _ , Thos. R. Cope,. James Madison Porter; - - Joshua F. Cox,- -Baud. A. Purviance,' . Walter Craig; .• . ' . E. C. 11 eigart, , Riad. M. Crain, - A. IT. Read, Geo. T. Crawford; ' - ' Geo. W. litter, ." Cornelius Crum, . Jinn Ilittei, , Ilenin-lltlartin, . • 11. Gold Rogers, . • • ..Jelin L. M‘Calwith . Samuel - Royer, - E.. T. I‘l'Dowell,„...-?, • Jainelt M. Russell, . James 111 , Sherry, ' -Daniel Saeger, Mark parrah, SChn Merin Scott, - . . I Hamar Denny, Tablas Sellers, ,•, Johnlinelci , y; • . ---- (17 - SOITY4l1T -7--7-.-- Jostitta 'Dickerson, Geo. Serrill, ' Jacob Dillitiger, llenvy Seherlz, Jas: - DOnagan, ' 'George SWIM°, • . '3. IL Donnell, ' Thomas 11. Sill, - _Joseph M. Doran, Geo. Smith, James Dunlop, • Wm. Smyth, Thomas Earle; - • -Joseph, Spivelyt, -., ... . D.. 41. Fancily, Jno. 13, Sterigere„: - Rolft. Fleming, ..... • Jacob Stickel, • ' ~ . Waller Purward; -,... „ ".•.__,,,,..,1„ .. .:benezer W. Stmtleyant,, ' John Foulltrod; r_. : - -- 0 - ;;;;-;;Vittennts Taggart,, - •'' 1 Josepli•rre;;;DT: , 7:',..:; -7-7 , 3% 7 fitir,;‘ ii J. 'I (minas,' , Min Fulfyy,". .',,. ,- '''.S- ties :Timid, 3°116 A. 0111....ft,,':c1' ~.-,•!•lle.tria's Weaver,.:.., - . William' Geirlialil-s.l* . :t_„_. J leoh ;B. Ne e ithol:ii;:;•, r, Da v ill_flilnii:j_i• -• -1 .1 •• - 6., :Wit kle, ,11.1gikkillEnell-2--(1:co. W. Woodwidtd, '.•Viliklreri,..Abliiisf- . t f'. - TT-It' iL.••:;',----0..<.7------.7.. ' 0T1ie1113.5 ) I `tin _(~ - ~..,••••••". ,--_--, ~,-" '_'- . ., : r, - • - . . t4l c:414)5% 8110(:11p . 74t? . 7 .. AA\l , . E•Oli* 2 'l4 , li irlr i iil 67-' ' 51 , eLISP'' . . .-.'• .- - '!..„ --, f-. 7 • ..)n . • - . . . Sk i CR.I. iA RI ';., 014 It F., t z . .7 1i.11m15111 , 1111,1 , r PI:PAM' 25, IS:KS -- I certify, that the eirgoing is out mot.•t andlilmal copy of .. the Constitntim of it o Commonwealth, et - Pennsylvania as amended by the Cm:v(4llkm or one thobstind. eight hundred and tidily-seven-Minty eight,"deposited •in ll.i , ellice ito the :',tilt da • of. r c m na ry, u.;;;;; ; the eito•wito-rtis lute s ; in /tone; and the retained eeitimas et itif prUSCIII Constitu tion ill runiro; letter; . -I . - . . • St e'y M n the Cononwe;iTili. - . . 4i. . .. ONIBI.I 4 ..)N TILE W CONSLIION .01' NIA N. 3ust received and forgileat..the honk m um of ‘.., . '• ' ' .4...1 . . 0V1..:1i5:.: .; !Felirutkil 19, • .... • . : ' •.: ' • .. ~ . . . . UNITED STATES' ARMY. Recruiting Service. WANTED for the Lll4 tTEL..givi7rEs . A it my,. a few able-hodied citizens, between the ages of p and 35 years ; tieing about .s.feet - 6. inches , high, of good chartztter,, re spectable standing ,among their Ellow Citi zens. None heed applY to eitter the service, but those who are-determined to serve the period 'of .their Culistnient—which . .is,only bree y.ears,..—liOni,,tiv 'and faithfully. • . Pa, of Dragoon • # , • • • . rafificra, wheq• • '• • This I .5 Stit , ,Wl. .4.f1t..9 . 115t kl of pay which enlisted'uoicticra, I TEle according to their respective.' r It grades, are entitled to'receive %-":- ftir their: services :. - I• TO the Sergeant N , lit . j.ir; Quak- tcrrnaster Sergea - nt,Clef Mu- , sician,• & Ch'f liogler--eadh 16 19_2 'GAIL_ To ther4st. Ser't of a Company - 15 180 575 Ordnance .Sergeants All other Scrgeeants . each--= Corporals, • Buglers Musiciails FmTi kirk smiths; 1 "120 360 Artificers / _ Piivates "Beside j s_theliiimithly pay, as'aliove, stated, one :ration per day is allowed every soldier, which is sufficient for his*sulAistence large supply of comfortable and . genteel-clothing:- Good quarters fuel are at all timeS,fiirnished;' and every 'atten tion will be_ paid to making thOse,men who - - may enlist, and are tletermined•to serve their t canary in good ;faith, cOmfortahle and conk tented-with theirsituatiOn., The best meal.," ral attendance FS* always provided- for ,the *sick_ .Scildier; and no deduction'of pay is Made„_ . . during-the perioa r he is unable'en perform his . duty.-.-Should the soldier be disabled. 'the line ef his duty, the laws -provide, appi- 7 - 7 -- sion for him. . 7 • - - By-tbe• above it- is -seen that-tbe‘-' . .p . a - y and allowandeS_ are respectable, and that, with • -- prudence and economy, 'the monthly pay of - Ole Spldiermay laidimr—as every thing,• regpfsifelliFhii - E - fitiiTiiif and c~ndep~ence is - furbished by the GoVertimenti ineludierg his - • sugar , and. cOffee. The - prtident - soldie - r; ;-t liereforr 1 . ,850 O. ctti'ring WM short enlistrfieht of 3 yearsi -- •and at the expiration of the term he can, if wesiet-n§tates,atid there settle himself corn. : I Jfortably; eights Data laud,:foi'the teat of his ife. RP.CI - 41,1T . 1NG RENDELVOLiS, /entlis/e,. . I"ki • flw uilding in Ealt akin striyt,l6r nzerl# 7 - iv:rt. - Os tile tVinntrer firiniinkoff ice. I .'l)ecenibc , r.4, 18:37.tg-qf -•- . I=l will he given to any citizen, Non,cninmis , ! shined Officer, ifr Soldiar, who. shall bring t) Jltts.'lZendc?.vuus ari formed, - sound, and - otherwise duly qualified, '(as above described;).fOrthedutfes of a sol dier„aild who shall be regularlynlisted. Rev.. De: "Barth . °lent cies PINK •EXPECTORANT 2 SYRUP An agreeable cordial, and effective remedy lot Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pains in the Breast' I lard Breathing, and Difficult expectoration. Al: Malls & C hildren in cad dimaks and wailn.• "liirfirjpri eV - WsTire - 7i Waie tlu~t dicer are iriuny remedies for coughs. and diseases of Abe lungs I some no &MA are good, but it has remained to a late day to discover an-article so admirably fitted • tolhese complaints•; so powerful and effectual, tunl_yet so . perft:ctly innocent and mill. .• Let -not the public •class the se:entitle result o a'dearned Physician and Divine with the nostrums .of 'the day. Let them make a'carefid perusal of the evidenee4 attending this article;. their re= spectability, and •the Alecided Insulter in which they speak, and they cannot withhold their be. lief to some of its virtues. Let us assure Ahem I .that.a single trial of it will do more to convince all oF,its merits than all 'they can see or hear. off .the subject. -It is quite certain:that no injury has ever been known to arise from its flee use. ,qn uncommon Cid . is, 'that this remedy is a .tp..3 . syruv as palatably - and - pleasant to .the. taste as tie most poit]: 'rench cordials and chifdrett t4-P.it..always x vith the greatest readiness. ' The pronrtet ors are now Miallq - Filiritlitthrge —, meats toltave this ariick in the hands of every. thinggist'and apothecary in the country. It May be lismivn to be genuine by the Ibliowing signa-• Uwe as ludow of the Rev. Gentleman and Pulp sician who is the author of it. . . It is with great,. pleagure that - the proprietors are enabled thus to bring forward au article sO truly ineritoridOs'as . this syrup, and from suet) a source, - and they trust-the community who "have occasion - for its use may 'always find it within their reach, both as to places'at which it may be founds wild - low price A great number-of the . most wonderful corem may be-seen by calling on Mr. Rolanderj:arlije,, at Whose tore it is for sale. See Mr: DolanderNl , papers. , Also t'Ot sale by S: ELLIOTT.- CIZE LOUCE . FamOus• Cure -tor :the R hi6u+ • inatism And . other Pains. •,.„ Moch.need iKu be said, in relation to . :thiS. Wonderful remedy, as'Alte" proprietor.feeli 'confident that when applied, it'will, as,eau be provetrq theAuniberciffres:peetable_perr; . sons, effect an entire cure of .th e Rheumatic and other pains.• It had not until lately been • his intention to make it publicebUt by. the fregtient,applications of his neighbours, and The wootTeiltil nitres - A•ltaa'effected;lie , feels it a ditty he owes to soeleiy as well as him.; self, to make it more generally known . and at the samejime,. have- t. put n as near as within the reaCkef all who may lie afflicted ,w!th tbat painful disease. Ifondreds.of names could•be published of persons - WhO have been cured by this -celc-- ,atecl medicine, but the following ateSelectl , .. - ed from‘the mass, as being, amply - suffitient to attest its power. 1- . John•Si•ove, Peter. Litideirtutl! - CortfeNs Stoher; "Jaecityl)iffcßliatigN AA,rcin_l3e.l - oer, Hobert Dysart; - :: . Jacob L. .N-agleT :ilesity- , Alsbatigh, JOhri - Ms_baugh", _ Satittlit } l 6Kilj. "llav e tid er; rri George Fisher, - Jacob Worlich, .John Cover, Jacob.. Miers. Mount Joy, Aug. 25,.1836. • - All of dets from a distauee a . ddiesscd to the - 'subscriber, :Mount Joy, Lancaster ecuinty,, will be prottiptly and faithfully attended to. ----„.-- SANAJALFLQUGKS. -, --- ..MOtintioY Feb rtb' 18:37. - The abOve metlicine is a - isrr for sitle - liy • JOHN '11A1.1:1E1P, ' Carlisle;„Feb: 12, :1838; ' • irlU32:?:ll(l4l)_,fresli-grotincl'AVlteaf-Fliatir..,asiit - - fur sale yv • , .8.. $ $ 12 144 432 .10 : 1-20-360_ 9 108 824,,