. . fa 7. Mons . , Tits g , Csn'usss 1-11:nkt.n,Ann P.lirparron,' tvih he' issued at -pwq, DOLLARS, pei . annum; to be OM -hair yeaVlv .adv.ance t ' .. • .w• • 311VE R7'l, I ELVTS nat exceeding asqua re f three insertions; ONE . OPLLAR,.• and every Aubicquent insertion, TwentYllive Cents, longer ' — ones. m Proportion. • • - • • . Letters addressed to the 'publishers on -busi ness, MUST' BE POST PAW, otherwise they , ivill ' - • 4 AGENTS, • .• • . 'rife following persons have - been appointed Agents, -for the. Carlisle -Herald and-Expositor .to whom paytnent for subscription and-ady,. • ,- • Intots oin be made. • •, - b. SUELLY", F,s,q, Shlrentansfomn, Comb. t 0.• SCOTT'C'OYLE, Esq. Newville, - do. • %- P. Kooarrz, Esq. Newburg, , , do. • ___Tifos_OV.4llasEs, Esql,Shippensburg, - -• Jolly Wl3l4pEuLicii, do." J.• StATEER, ESq..,-Hoguestow.n - , - -do. tf.so N, Esq. - Xechanieshurg, .do. Wratire-RulyofTA, Esq 'Hopewell, - • dO. Chusehtomo,_ - . do. - • A Wurre,.Ne Cunriberlan(l7 — .lb7 — if Thos- fiLactc, Esq.cl3loothfield, - Perry. county- . A.. 13t.kolf,'Esq, Lendisbint; - :do: • • . -$.4 : 0,;000 : ! . .0 • • • Nearty_asinany,pri4es as bipiili F . sTATF . , :LoTLERY • , ..rq. the be - refit of.the Petersboyslicnevulent - • - 111eciranic Association. • • • -- NO.Afor 183.§. To .be drawn at Aleicafalla, Va. on 21st 1836. 75 Islun.ter Lottery-14 drawn ballots. Capital Prize OT-771t0, - CFO7 - 7 . 1 Prize of 5,(.00 . 4,000: clo' -3,000., do._ - • 2,000 - -- di)" • • . 1 7 615 'lO • Prizes of , •• • • 'l,OOO . -do, . .. 75.1 12 -do'. • .25 • do r 300. 75 . clo • 125 . do - 125 &c. 'Pickets - oulrslo.-shares in proportion. --- ter of packagesM 25 -Whole tickets 5130 00• - do 25 Half do 65 00 do 'do . 25 Q, , nirter do 32• 5U 1436:0:00 111 STATE; OVVIRCINIA. ICAMON'D ACADEMY LOTTERY ~ :. '.Class No 2 . for .1833. . - • 'To be drawn at Alekandlia, 1 a, .S.iturday, April ' • I 4. - , .1833. ' . . . Splendid S elieme-30,0u0 —lOOO6-6,000-- 5,140- 7 3,000-2,500-:-2,000--50 of 1 , 000--20 . • 01500! . . .. • . • Ticket $lO, shuns in proportion. Xer_of.p.mkpgea..u.f...2s_..W.l4ole_tieketa.:-...41.30-00 do do , 25 llalf • (1d65 00 • do do 25 Quarter do • ' . 152 50 • . • $30,009 Capital. VIRGINIA STATE LoTTEIty, endowing the Leesburg Academy and foi other. purposes To be drawn dt Vu, .ojt Saturday . Apr4l 28, 183t1 • Capital Urizes-50,000'd611;;18'000'cia11'sl'9000" 3,000! 2,500! 1,017 h! 100 pries of 1000; &c, ... Ticket:to;dy_.slo-7-ahares hi proportion. _ Ccr of packages of 25 ,11•11.ile tickets, $l3OOO do .do • 25 Balt' _ do • 65 00' do - -do -- : 23 quaAer do it:J (4 'Orders for tickets and iihares of,Certificates ' of fnaages in the above Magnificent SchlMles, UM receive the most ,prompt attention, and an official account of each dr.twing sent immediately -after,it-is-ove-I , lmalLulto„maler—fronuts—Adate-is... '• D. S. puEoonv & Co. Managers. Washington City, D. C. 17 March 26, 1838—tit! • • NOTICiL • - We have appliectfo the Court of Common. _ -PlcasT-11--Ctitriberland-Cininty,fin-the-ben efit of the Insolvent Laws, and the 'Court has appointed the second Monday of April ~ (being the 9th) next, for. the ..hearing of us and our creditors. ".• -BARN,ABAS MURPHY. .. •, JO I SEPH LONG. - • • MICHAEL BOYLE, HENRY:MYERS. •• - Carlisle, March 12, 1838. • , A Ohiladelphia.Weel - lv News:. .110 . I ja tt I - 47 lIE 'proprietors iargeSt F Emily I~eu s: •,_ -- ,_paper published in rhihidelphin, being,en `' gaged in othetb7tTis mense list upon moderate terms, to ally one wil • ling to embark in the business. The paper would be a source or great plotit _to purchasers who" Could give their undivided attention to hilt. . APPLY Al"1111S OFFICE. Carlisle, March 26, 16.38.;.'-43w ' • • Notice. WE have atiplicil to the Court of eointnon P 1 e - W - o f CurtiberlandCynX fOrilie beotfit, of the Insolvent Laws, and . the . Coact Das appointed the second Monday of April, (being the 9th) nexl for the hearing 6 - r us o nd our crtditors. • . . _ MICHAEL P. E(E. • • • ' 7. - .. 3OSEPIi A. EGE. • Carlisle, March 12, 1838, . " The Baltimore Patriot will insert the above once a ; week for three' successive weeks, for-. ward papeis, and charge this office, ••• Notice. ..Letters of. Aartnnidtrution .on the estate. of JACOB CREVEI2, late of the borough id . Car. deceased,, having issued to the stibscrihrr iesiding•in earliste, all; persons indebted to the estate are requested to discharge theierespective accounts; and_ all those having'.ctaimsavilhpre. sent t hem . prOperly, authenticated tor' ettlement; .411C/lAEL .1 OLCOMI3, • lkiarch.2o; 1838:;.;;6i-v-18.----H7SdniirtiNtator-. • . s* , have received 8 day, and 20' hour *ni/ I Yovk. CLoCiks, which I warrant to .kecp,good Owe, and Gffer educed prices, at - i»y storW".".. • . „ - -...-.....-...,..-7,..-,....-..-- • . . . • . n . . 1.. - • - . .." . a .. . . . . . . . • • . r . . . . . . .• .. . • . , .. • .. . . . ...,, . . • . . . . . • . . .. .. . . . . . . -. . • . .... .• ..., . . . _ . . ie 1 . f '' .. ' . .. , .' . 1' ' ' : ---- . --- to - -------.. -. .__• .. . . __. ______,. ...__.,......._.,,_„. ... .......„ ... . ...... ..._- -- 0 _::_-L- A -- f t ti „.:.;:....... i -, _ . ~ . . .__. ______:_•... . ~:..:. • ......_ • • . ... . .. ...... . . •. . . ..... ~......__. . .. , . • . , . . , . _ . • .7tEllirSiMill,PEß::—DEroTED TO i;I_EIV,S, A l, o36Arrics, i L irTER.ITURE, THE aliTs MO , SCIEXCES,,IGMICEETIME, eII,TEUSE.I I I.IBeI 7P; AV. . y'., 'I. ,a 1t 0 ? .. ) ,1 Clms N' 3 for iBA BEM PEI v. at 'a a.; ta lgo 'FRE OFFICE OF "I'ffE CITIWEN 9 S LINT ",of Rail Rocca Cars,. ' - 3 still.edritinued of the CORNER Site to the Mansion House Hotel. • The Tare in this Line has been reduced. • " . - . • , . • 'WILLIAM: A Li.EN; _Argent Cartisle, ZATMST 2 1 1/.OI3ICITS. VIVRE inbsCriber thankful for psst favors 1 .spectfullE informs his friends and the public generally,. that he.still coniiiiues and has constkintly .. on hand, laite and.general as;ortnient of fiats--- r conSistiug . of .71Vhite;73(ach,-ap—dab -- SILI ; iiithz„ f achire;i in the lateilstyk (;,.- • Of cif - II ,131ade,ti)id wh to ~ -. ~ . • Beaver and . (Hurt Drabs CRAW', it.)111111; and 13 uy'a Rats, .of evyry desctip , " • ~ _ _ As le ins Just received the Now York Spring fashions,...a.ul• employs the most experienced workmen, he'llatft ts himself that he shalt he able to - ...sTitT;Th (2. tipn.tif:iorcouriffrtarriL is-shop-is:on-frOnt-stroo.,-m. , xt door to' Mr. Ilalerium's Inn. The public are invited to call nod examine for. thomsel% es: . • JOHN CASEY. Newville, March 21, 1 • ALlit CA-MINS% SV4 ' the - Bj - ewe-Timm ofi)i. Stttyk*t i - jornwrly occupied by Tiicitoas I.limes;) directly opposite' Itit,'„ Stobart Caciron'altotek-intile-hdrOtlich of Silippsosburg, a ItiVO asaoftmclit of . - " mp.w.i4rappwg Among which DM stipcyfipc wid common London . ttottjo anDVatuitincre#, - Vine amid Common Sail Melts, a handsome assort- 3nent or . . • ' • IE - iIii.MILI: COD% . . 9 _ G6itlerrien's - Wear, painteit.T.a - nrns Mid Mus -1 ins, Ginghams, -I;nndon and American prints, Black. and Fancy coloured'ltalianiute strings and gro•demhp llinmaniShavls-and Ilatid kaclii4o34-Damask Miens, English straw, Flo- TVijcan lonntHs, St.c: Ladies' Airorocco, Kid , (rind Lasting Shoes.- . . Misses''. anti Children's La'sting shoes.' Voting and Ohl Ilyson, Imperial sod Black (fresh,) together with a general assortment of Grocerich, China, Glass and Queenswere; all of Which they will sell,itt'4)riCes.to suit the times. They most respedtfully solicit'the publie to' . - ° & 1): K. )1' iNiii'.lllA'Clit t k tr±j , Country produce :taken in 'exchange for Goods.- • - Shippc burg , March 22, 183 e. —if 17 • • . ror gale. . . tiONTEMPLATING a change of resi ‘-.1. &nu., J.offey for sale the following In.o- petty: T4 - 4-E.-F-Mtnon_whiclareside,. (Bs cukland l i containing 260 - 6 - efe - § of Land. I THE FAR VI adjoining Rockland and appo site; containing • 3001-Do,. Do: THE FARM on which P. Palmer resides, containing 3 00 Do. Do. - THE:L.OWF.R FARM oirtlie-Sliaipsbuyg _and IlageistoWn_rnad-15G-Do.----='Dm -- 7: -- ONE HUNDRED acres of Wood land ad jottung.the above 100 Do.o. Also, die NEW DWELLING HOUSE D in Hagerstown, erected on Prospect Street: The above farms have good Buildings, a due pm ton of Wood Land attached to each, and all in a good state of cultivation. More valuable property as to soil, - productiveness and situation cannot- be offered in Washing ton county, Maryland. A further deScrip_-_. tibn considered unnecessary, as thoseper• sons - desirous to - vrifafasevill--of s -course,-: visit the prnpea and judge th selVes The farms will be sold, separat I et - . and a liberal credit-givyn for most of the purchase- money, The above property is, .equidistautzftonrzrlagerstimn-aiii4William s port- 6 miles from each, and iVithilifrom one to six miles, of 12 to 15 MAU. s • F. TILGIIMANApckIandi March 12; 18.18. • • co 'eontrattorm FRAIVOSA Lgwill be received until Sat • urday the I , liftwday of ,April next, by any of ttie subscribers, residing in Iluntingdon l'ennsyl 7. - vahiaTfor the - building Of an Episcopal Church; ih said borough of the following. ditnemk)ns:— `M'ain building, brick with Stone foundation,length 50 feet, breadth . 40 feet,: Steeple with stone fohndation; 12 feet square, upon:which brick and wooden superstrtketure- 7 -lieighth of brick 'work 2:3 reet and of the wooden 33 feet. The whole to be floored; plastcredandcciled ; with pews and pulpit complete: • Thedrawings and specifications,4l y be seen at any time at the office• of ' Per sons-proposing. are' desired to make distinct offers for the whole structure; and also; for the whole excepting plastering, ceiling, and pews. . • A. I'. WILSON, Jos; sunvAler, ntithiing 1110 MAS READ, -' Iluntingdon, March 42, 1838 16 LOST M .., . . , , A pair:of Silver,l4l;octacie,.wi . th Cr'c'ell 'Glas ses. • Thefittqr _mill .be libFi.3l!y. , rcrouri)ed by leaving them at.. ,.- . . . 7 , , . ... , TiIIkOFFICK. aiw1i51e,.31...rc,1119;1534.- 7 . tf `.--..., 1:I Sr 111 en H Alid IVoinein, I.:mi!' Nos, ti et) I C 11 'Printed .Ire ekl#, liy George, . iii. PhOlipSi in Carlisle,. :Ciatiberianit •cOutify, iffil e - - ,QF . FIC 0 - 0 - United States Mail Ca - 4(4line., Hris been removetito • the Frairie Building opPo• site the Marston House - Hotel. 'For Passage, apply to March 19; 1838:— . 4f. - - 16 1 T r • FICE. •• , • _ Ts hereby given (bat rttcis of administration on the estate oraaeOli town, F.ast Pennsboyough township,-Cumberland county, deceased, hai , e been issued by the Regis. ter iti_aml for the- said-county, -to:-the subscriber- who resides' near Shiremanstown, in township -and county aforesaid. A ll'peroft4 havingelaims or-demands-against said deceasedi arc requested tmina-ke known the same ft - Alin - I With Out delay— and those indebted to- 'said estate; A_p mcas 7 mentlif their said debts, to - JOUN'.SII.OPP; Adiia'r. March 19, 1838.-6w.,_ - .16. WO"' THETHIEE. 711 - VTI S - Illtfie 11 from - the-stable-of the suliscri, bet residing in Fisher - Creek Vailey, Fairview to york county, on Wednesdity evening._ lb -- ' -- A -- GIC - F 4 V - - 115 .SIZE .1 ‘__::. :a..4. 4 „ mina in thc.ri'ght eYe - rtind,conslde rainy marked on the neck from. the Pollevil, - whie:l6A not-vet COn'red . . with hair::: liheraVre will be paid for life detec of-t tion he'thief, • or eof the delivery 'or the rnare,"""' - - - DANIEL "MOPES , Mittehl9) • lB3 B lo , ' - '3W * . r 16 G-1 It llNti"c receive led Seedrnati,Mr 2 - adelphia. a lat;ge and vs Seeds, warranted 4,310 Asparngus, - • - eet, L• • or blood:. F,afiy turnip rooted, • illeaskstlwarfs. Loug pod, • • Red speckled valentine Brown do do China, 'white willCred eye, . • .- .W..biteiiialleY4--‘--- 7 drambury . Early, yellow,: lacrins. runners, Litha Craierry.,(poie) horecole, Sc otch kale, : ' ICale iirgretils Cabbage, Early York, earliest, Early,suiarloaf, Drumhead savvy, Greef.eUrled Shroy, Red Dutch, ibr • Ca eirot, Long orange, Early,hoi n, Ceti ry, White solid„ Ited solid Cress l • Long green p . rickley, Early ti•ume, -Egg Plant, E,!lrge-purple, • Endivei• curled, . . Large 11-a-g-15arce.d; Leittice , - Ctbbage, r • tt ,„ 7 11Broad Wheel= :47-s:% , • •ed Wagon; got tiro at • and .1 - IsTarrow Wheeled Wagon, (second .. ltaniled)fOr sale low.. reasonable - eredityill be given. Enquire at this office. . _ • ' For Rent.. • - • • • rria AT large and commodious stable, situ ate- 8 - near the corner of North 'Hanover street, formerly occupied as a, LIVERY STABLIE, together with an excellent CARP, ninon HousE. •Posse'ssion can he had from the Ist of April next. 7. • '' CH RISTIA HUMRICH. , • „Carlisle, March 12, 1838. NOTICE." • • All petsmis whnkno . w themselves to be indebt• cd to the Subscriber' ayeyeeptested to call imme-, Iliately on Wm. .eq., and ,pay up; in whose hands the kooks have been placed for collection. : S. C. 110LANIAIR.. . 'Car/isle, Jan. .10, . . • WANTED.- • • - •• • _ A,girl from 12 .to 14 3 , 64r:5*.0f-age, to do light wot kin a small family. , • API)I3' to W. • Atka-North Panover. Street. 4 , ' • . , ,` Feb. . • UST ,rceeivcilplal6Vlloolo. Eyeg, and rucpAc - hy C, nmiNaz.: la at aurovs,a,)b;;" SEEDS. throm that justly celebra LANIII{ETU; of Phil. ry asottruent - of growth of 1837 S. ELLIOTT. Brown Dutch. Croon Cos, IVllitd Cos, Early. cutledi neioll,, Water, Nutmeg, CirOD, Nasturtium, Okra. Onion / saver skin ,--Wetliersflld.red,(anO Strawsburg, large yel!iv • Parsitip . ; — FiliC sugar, extra film Peas, Candreth's extra early Party frame, }: .ar ly Citariton, Largeinarroiv fat, Dwarf marrQwfat, Blue iinperial, 'Pepper. Large . sweet; bell ,sha ped, Radish, Lone sftlmotr,. Long scarlel, short top, tied turnip, tellow turnip, Salsafic ) Round savoy leaved, Ptickley Setidecl; Squash. • Raily bush • I- 0 % green • Emir flat Jhuch, - Itedto•Oped, • - Yellow Swedish, or Ru . ta Raga. Pot and Sweet •Ilerbe, assorted. . •!. Tr R .AY, 1051838: .• . , Pennsyivania; Union andSchaytki , . Transpottation ,TnE sub.s'eriher twill continue at the opening of •the navigation to run his . ifINE ;00 • , _ Between Philadelphia and Harrisburg—produce' , for the city market, received at the Ware.bonse of henry Rhoads" ; Main street, Carlisle, or at any - other Warediouse on"the Comb - erland Valley Rail Road; to be forwarded to:fteorge W;tayng, Who : iv ill'forward it immediateV,to'llie persons eon signed to in Philadelphia. A tso, in return, bring all kinds of Merchandise at the ctistomar rates. Marc 19~ t838.-3m. au - a. . - 111ANTIFAUT - 1 HY. .The Subscriber returns his'sincere thanks to his former .customers, for the liberal.share of patronage, 'which-has - -b - etit given. hint and olicitS a contintnine,e• of the same) as also - he invites those who may not,' as yet,: ha , i'e given him a Call,.to do so athis.sltop in North Hanover. Street, 'on eTditi - ki• north of Mrs.. E Weise,'S 'store. . , . • • fl avi nk lately retUrnefr from' the the -thy of 1 5 hitadelpnia r bringliv:with him the latest an'clmost,approved fashions, the subscriber assortment _of . --- 11 :GENTALCILEVS—IiMr-S- . • I.I2AZDIVa finished irra'superior style.. . • • ,:•—• • • - - FLTR..AND ZY.AL-CAPSi• of the latest fash:ions, - :all_of .which will be - soldloq For' cash, or country produce.. , ctilLantLsee,.• • ' 7 N0v..'20,' 11;337. tf , .--'5l. :11' 0 7ri All persons indebted to the.eState of John P..Geddes„late of -14evvville deceased, by book account igr . by - note - of a less amount than -$lOO are requested to make payment.to the executors-on or before the 14th. of April uext.. persons indebted to the late firm of I. & J. P. Geddes, either by note or book ac count, are hereby notified td make paymeht to Dr. JOHN GEDDES, - the surviving part ner, on or before the 14th of April next—ln compliance with the above notiu:is'request ed to enable •the executor; aid deceased to make a settlement ethe estate. All notes ana unsettled accounts of the firm of J. & J. edde,s,...on-the fielt—of-M ay --- nex Vivi! I l ie; placed 'in an officers hands-tor collection ' CATHARINE J; GEDDES, Ex'rlx. • ROBERT-LAIRD • of J. P. Geddes deceased. Newville 4. March 5,.1838. Orfielo3. • 30 January„•lB3B. In the case of the writ Of Partition Mid, valuation on the real.estate oflacob Rhodes, late of Newton township, deceased; being this diffeonfirmetl: ---- Otrmo= tion Of Frederick Watts, Esq. Rule on all the heirs - and 'parties in interest, • to-appear• at the next stated Orphans Court,- to be held , at Carlisle in and.for Cuniberiancl,county, - on Tuesday the first day of, May next, and ex.,. (Sept or refuse to'accept of saideg - iitite — at the valuatioh and appointment thereof, or show cause why the_saThe should-not be sold BY THE COURT. 7'l — dirCtirtiry — the above to bsirittrtre — extract: taken from the records of the Orphans.Couct of said county. . THOS. CR . AIGHEAD ; C. O. C. F.cbruary 26, 1858. • - . • Estate of Michael Long, deceased. NOTICt." LETTERS of Administration oh the es •tate of Michael Long, dec'd, late of. Al. len township, Cumberland county; have IS- -. sued to.the subscriber, residing in said town, .ship in due form of law. Alt persons, there fore, indebted to the estate, will make . pay.c, ment.iramediafelY, and those having claims will present •them, properly authenticated, for settlement. - - - LEVI MERKEL, Adnei - ,. February 26, 1838: NOTICE. On- the_Sth_da f-bnuar ion wassTri --- esented to'the Court of- Common Pleas., of . Cumberland County by Samuel Beetem, Esq., setting forth the facts that on the ,tBth November, 1820, Jacob Weise ex ecuteea mortgage to I,ohn Sheaffer on it tract orland in Dickinson ToWrishit, bound; edrliSr_Wm:' Woods,: James Woods, John., Hettria, and others, 'containing 11/3 acres, 42 perthes; to -- sectik the pa . fmeiat. - Of ten bonds-of - s2so' each - , - from - the - Ist - of - April,- 1822, till the' .Ist of April, ,;1831, inclusivei and that the said Samuel , Beetem:Estpipur chased the said land from JacohWeisea and, executed - a - mortgage of it to the said,Jaceb• Weise, to secure the pnrcbase s money:S2ooo, T in annual paymeritsors4 . oo eath,_ from the Ist of Apri1,.1830,10 the Ist of April; 1834, inclusive, 'which said mirchase money has• all becn.paid in discharge of the mortgage of Jacob Weise to John Sheaffer by an agree-- merit of the parties. And the •said &TW' Beetem, Esq prayed' Caert fora ru l e upon all persons intereseed-toSheVi cause why the said mortgages slfpuld not be retie , ' fied.. Noticals therefore, hereby. given . to the said Jacob Weise and. to the lieits or legal representatiVes of the said John-Shetif fee orAnyptit6. person interested, to.appear at thesext Wart Cimunort Pleas, (ileum-. bet land:sootily, to be held on the.9th day of slie_trietitte if any they liafe; why tie said Court shou ld not enter satis fattier' on.the' said' mortgagd' according to R 4 order'of the Ciitift. lUll_N lAITIIS, . • . CarlisleiFeL. 17.,A637. 5 • • • -' FOR. RENT. /MATlarge and -AL commodious TAVERN . STA N formerly. in the occupancy of c, E. R. Davjs, situated on the corner of Maid and Bedford streets, opposite the jail.' Said house has heed, long occupied as a .Ta vern, and is well worthy the attention. of a potson competedt to keep a good house, .the bbilAings 'being extensive and.:.calculated to give comfortable4ccomModation to sojour ners.-&c, very-e.iteusive stabling,-and rate well of water in the yard. This proper ty will he let on advantageous terms to a; per - ion — desirous - of engagingt:in the tavern keeping business. Also a frame building adjoining the tavern suitable for olimevor shops for Mechanics. ROBERT M'CLA.IsT, Agent, „ For Commodore Jesse D Elliott . Ma ch 1 if-48M OS:LI p I(arrisOurg Si - rCents' l nt sia.ed; -•-:RAivitWAy from the subscriber on the 4th inSt: an indented gervatit nalifed 'HAN NAH GRAY,- The-above -reiraid will.be paid to nny.4).eisOn whO will bring back said but no expenses.paid. •:.- wm. HEND'ERS_ON:_ _ Mareh'l2;l(B3B.-3'it--‘- . :SIX CENTSACIEW.AnD.... ino ANA WAY from the subscriber, •on•Tues= - KIL day the 14th inst, AIOS I:CAIINS, an in- - , - 4 .1 _dented .iipprentice to.the farming bu • k t •,. , :"-:siness. The above reward willbe . paid • - to tinY;persoti returning. said .boy,, but no expenses paid. Ali persons are , forbid harboring!hlrn, .or trtiStingliiro, 1' - on nirSccoulit, asl will pay_no_debts_, contracted by him; - • : • JAMES WILSON. • I PUBLIC HOUSE: - GEp. PRINCE, - of Sunbury, Northuntherland County; • - • • teae - res . peetftilly InfOrtin the public - , that he has relboved - to-Harrisburg, where helms taken thatlaik - e - ailirapacienfs — lbree atory'briek linuSe "formerly 4ccupicd by Mathew corner of Walnut and Third streets, . ..• hyview' of the State Capitol, nihicii-be r ropened-on the first day of May last,. d wh re he.hopen:to continue to receive that fintro - nage so. liberally bestowed on his establishment heretofore. lie 'Will at all times, be .'frovided, with - everything necessary to make his guests comfortable. ••' • G. - THINGE. Harrisburg. June' , 1837. - •' . BRAJCDRETIVS. -PILLS. *Further supply Brandrethe Pills; 1n; 50 • cent 'boxes, just- received, and tor; sale, At the store' • •~ ripe. 27, 1837. 90th January; 1838. In the case of the writ of - partitiOn-and- valuation on the real estate of Fredericls. May, late of East Penns borough township, deceased, being this day confi - rniear — Oninotion-of-W—F.-Line, Esq, Rule, granted on all the heirs and parties In interested, to appear at the next stated Or phans Court, oh Tdesday the Ist day of May next, to accept or refuse to accept said estate at the valuation. • , • Thos. CraigAead; Cl'k 0 - C. Carlisle, Feb, 12, ]838.--3w INOIIII - AlrlEitlCA ' INSURANCE COMPANY, APITA - TA6a6 , 000.. • THIS Company still • - continues to make Insurance on all kinds of property - through their agency in Carlisle: The premium is, regulated according to - the risk. Averaging from.3s to 40 cents, in the hundred dollars. Descriptions will be received, ai,d policies dated froth the gay of survey. MYERS lanuary 9, 1838.-3 . FOR Sale. one new and fashionable 13A.... TIOTICIFIt.; Also one second hand TILLBILTRY, with one set of harness to .each vehicle. • CHAS. BARNITZ. SILK ' 1:0 1 rE /We ; *IAD S C OURI NG. . • I-rE subscriber grateful, far past favors . informs the public . that. lie sutendi re, moving his Dyeing Establishment from Car lisle to Mechanicsburg, on Pie Ist of April,. where he intends,carrying on as heretofore the_aboy-e-business:,--Persons_wishing_work dbturart—inform'Orthat-if-left„aple-store..gf John 1-1. Weaver & Co., Carlisle; arrange, merits having been made to have them for warded to him at that place.lwho will -take care to have them returned to his .store - as soon as possible,. W here : the_ ow ners can get them o)lthe same terms as if left et his shop. • • WM. PEEBLEW: • • Api11',.,1838.7-3t„ 18 Ha;visyciu a cOugh? • DO not neglect it! thousands:have met a pre mature death for the want of a little attention to • a common cold! ' • HAVE YOUA-COUOIt-?r-Dr.-7,liyncesLEx.,: ,Pectorant f a• safe lkteditakErescription, Contain:. Ing no poisonous ilrugs,. and-tiled - in an extensiVe practice, or several yOarsr - Will tridil positively pf ,Ard relief, noel save you from.thartfiwful disease, PIILMOINT.RRY CONSIIIIIPTIOIV, which an nually tiweeps \ into. the grave , hundreds . ..of Young, the the fiiir, the lovely and the gay! P4__YO,U.d COUG.TIPI3e persuaded to ptirchas'o, a bottle, of this Expectorant! ! to-marrow may be too • `l4,v_a - icou•4 COvott!—Jayne's Expectorant is the','Only meetly you should take to cure-yon! - For this jAin„ . lleason that •in no one orAije thotisandlCases, wherelt Used, has it failed to relieve. : • : ' • lit may be , liad Is. the Proprietor, No', South 'flail Street, Philiitlutplua, and of Samuel 'Elliott, Carlisle: Price $l,OO, • • Yetirlialy 6,18380:-.31110, • • 9_,0 BXIRIOE LS aim half ,biterelslsla for side by • ---7- 0 W EN - WC April 2, 18 ; 18. r: • , ' 18 OGILBY lc tIITNER •,. . . See the- Providence Gott determining' the bouirda.oryouehObitation4 the age in which you were to live; the stations . ..you were tothe comforts ion were to enjoy; and•rthe trials you were to endure. Anil if you lowe Ulu niiii..ll-of the'4rotti-;ask—wlience. is it? is it tn. cause my.. ileavenlN , lttlier is not-able to give. me morel-- , No., "The , silver and the ; gold are 46. 4 ' Is it because he has tiu, inclination to indulge, mei—, takCs,pleasure itr the prosperity of 1116 ' seryants,....4 . iii therefore to be resolved into the wisdom and kindness or his sihninistrixtiod.: Ilia wisdom te!lSitiory ItOw,iimpitecan::liear; and his kindness-Will not stiffer him to give me liibrei! his aim , , is my . - yettare,- : seine disposition hturt, to dettY 2 •Ite correct's and croWlis wide the Saint:lore, A -, : EEC *rum r.alurzs" Olltomm• ... . From the New orh Mirror'. • ' To T mutt= oP A DEPAirilli. EMEND • BleSi spirit of dy sainted friend, , _ WhiOl4 - in this vale of misery, So oft with mine avas' wani to blend, With, all an angel's sYmpathy.i - Bending from-heaven's- exalted- sphere,— ' Alt! deign again _ thy voice to hear. • • Wren gloomysorrOw gives her tear, - Peep iny clarken'cl eye irrroll, • .• ' 0 then, astlum didst aft. appear - . • • .. • • . 44 T0 tranquilize my troubled soul; For :ioon as I perceive thee nigh, l'know-the-shades of grief Will ‘ilmit, as caliii'eirening o'er the bowers; _From golden_ clouds' her de‘irs loth Shed; I cull the loveliest, sweetest. flowers, , And vr,eepini-,wrniitlie thencround thylimi; ,-. , . , 0 tijon, light hovering o'er ihn.'soil,,, Wiih.smiles allove reward my, toll, .. And when my voice and, lyre combine To swell the vesper-liyinit of praise, Olet me hear tlVharptlivine, >..' ,That sounds on- high '• And throughtthe Eii;crit air, my song: In strains-asweeter tone prolong... • . .• • Whenbnpy monifmental sto n e lean and mourn,in•accenta lain,• • Whilst o'er the churchyard still - and-lona :Cr - then - on-Pity's - wing. despend i r--' ) .--- , -- 7 - 7 -7 'frwhiap-ereiom-fort•tcr' and let me•hear thee sofilyTiay, " 11 dp r ess those "arrive the happrd.iy; • When here by mine thy dwitsliall lie; "- When in the beams 6f:endlesslight • ekui blissful spifits . Tilt 111111. i • ••••Love alicl study the Scripttirei.- Ile that•av - olds reading a 2portion. of, tliem every Itlay; forsakes, his own merey;iind ia - sOftir regardless of his Safe ey, welfare and comfort. Precious,-Bibb! Fke thyblessed Author,, our'Son and, our Shield, thou giver of grace and glory, thou guide.through alt this gloomy vale to our everlasting home, ItoW iiiatty.adrantages have we derived from thee. l —;.• Thou hast often solved our doubts and. wiped away our tears; Thou hast been sweeter to lt hast been taste than hone}, and the'honeycomb; :Than hast been better to us in our 'distresses, than thou. sands of gold and silver. Unless thou hadit been, rout-delight; we Amid-hare-perished-hi our of tic tion., No wonder Job "esteemed thee more than his necessary food." No wonder David "chose thee as his ;heritage fOreyer." No 'wonder - the noble arnl 9 y of martyrs parted with their estates antl_tvitlLtheithlood, rather than with thee. stay we value thee rei:iur richest jewel, may' we love thee as our dearest good, may we consult iliee as atm sweet counsellor, may we follow the as our Safest guide. ' IMMO Woman, dear Woman, in whOse name • Wife, sister, mother, meet ; - ' Thine is the-heart by earliest claim, - And thine its latest beat. In thee the angel-virtues shine; An angel's fur to ; Then be an angelcrace thine, And lead the soul to heav'n. Promthee e draw citir infant strength, w • Thou art our childhood's:Ml*ldr -; the:man - unfoldstit On thee his hopes depend: Por round thy heart - thy power has spun „A' thousand dear, ° mYaterious i Then take the heart thy charms have won, And nurse it for the skies. • • =l3 • Alwayi regard your . present condition as a state of pilgrimage ;,rfever _view it' is any_ thing _more.. This will ..regulate your desires, and moderate your wished for earthly things. :•This will !reef) .- you from heingjoo much elated when you.meet 1 with prosperous scenes. Not that you -parage-the-bounties-of—Providents,-.-Totr-will 'even-he-thankfulfor--themires-conveniences-bi- the way- 7 but you will consider them- only as ac- Medationsrantl not mistake them for the &Ivan- tages enidglories of home. You will not, there fore, sit-ciciwn,-butatill press forward.-:_-'his Will: enable you to endure, why' fortitude and lesig: nation; the hardship you may encounter. Yb will say, !'as a • tiiveller,l expect, such things; they are only the inconveniences of a journey; it will soon be river'!--and "I reckon I.the 'spil'ef; - ings of this 'preient time as not worthy to be co - pared with theiglOry which,will be revealeß4 OM 63NI : ENTMiliT WITII uTrior. ~ ..~. SERI,i'S .2 . o. 19,, THE D'UIPGET. „The last ,S'szake St 9771.: 7 --q reckon this . 'ere. country of yours is pretty ,copsidera-. ble productive, • stranger, downeaster, who. had just, arrived in ,one ' of the new Mississippi settlements, 19 person whom he met, one of the regular meat-axe bre d.•. . - ahere's not,,such another country.-..be tween tbit — and - tlfe State of D.uncombe, • -in•-lgorth Comfit - la,' replied the Misaisalft• pi settler. 'Raise a good.deal of editing, eh?` • 'Lots of it ' • • 'All-fired quantities- of 'tame hi' this ' section, I s'pose.' - 'Considerable of a'sprinkling, 'special- MEE ysna • - What sort of- snakes?' • . • 'Rattle-snakes and copper-beads.l • 'Oh! go n..ut !du tell, I want to: they're so almighty—alit:M ° • • ' ather. Dad andl_went outthismorn ing snake-hunting—killed . only a cord and a> quarter—but then ,it was a bad ,snake morning, and you must makesome , allowances.' - • ° 'Oh !- I 'ILm ak e any hill° wanc — e' & make .. . track out of the .settlenient at_t . he. same • - time. - Btit - say, j'est- , tween ourselves, - If • it had raly been:a—good—mctrning,.—llow---- many'cords du y,ou 'magin youd'd a --Ml led.' • - 'Five is about an average.' _LELueI;,-YKT.,,tinu!t...say_so!". . . '.Yes .1 though,' - 'Which is—turYshortest way. : out of th l eer e -- settletnent ---- 1 2 ve - Arcmgvidetta-of-- _etc, og -fot-t It • 'keep right §tt• i pight alfead.' - • ; 'Well, - I wish you a good day. Give Joyliest.'sp . ects,to - -you - r-dul,-land- tell him 1. hope - hell have. better- - snake,- weat hen_ neza.sitne he goes. - - Picayune-. '. •'• - . Efi Netesj)aper Pairoit.-- A fellow who: subscribes for a paper,_ and stops-it :in a Few months without paying up.. .• Nonsense..—Twa, N oung ladies kis ing -each other. • •- • ^ • Vinbrellci. —An article' you iday , bor row or steal, as you see flu. . _ a l.flffection. --To sing , under e i lady's window three hours by moonlight. Flattery.—Physic that makes every body sick but those who swallow it. The porter of .a Dublin grocer' 'was brought by his master before a magis. trate, OA a - Charge or stealing - chocolate, which 'he could not deny.- Upon ; being asked .to whom he Enid it, the pride of Patrick- was!greatly - wounded. +To whom did I sell it?' said he,' , Why, does he • thank I took.it to sell?' i , Then, sir,' said the - magistrute, - A% hat - did -- you - do - with --- it?" ---- : Said be,' •Since • you must know, ''We' ° matte tar of IL' VALVE or. True.—Sir--Watter'Seott says-"Oar= Utile is like our_ nion When . Change a- pines, the shillings 'escape as things of small a,ceount; when' we break a day by idleness in' 'the morning, . the rest of the tours lose theiritn.portance in our eye." . Ploodywor4_7&4frica:- , --Ain insurreg- - : - ; tion. among the blacks at Elmira, a Dutch settlement on the Cape coast and the Governor and 00.9 f kis . men werekilled or taken prisoners. . . Poland.---AlmoW th e . ...whole of tho property belonging to - the Polish emigrants is definitely confiscated. - Only the prop = arty of those is •proyisionally'seque.stered who did not forma part *either 'of the ar, my or . of the diet at Warsaw, and ;whose only 'crime is that they•Fhave left the country. Eveo one to his taste:- . --The principle . tood °Utile inhabitants'...tif Mangain„, one - of the Hervey. Islands, Williams, the.Missi'onaislate-fat-raise--'--- l'hey are pronounced 'sweet and •gooni, iidet - i - d; ves.wheniiieaking of any - thing;deli: dells, is, 'lt iS sweet as a rat.' , ' Mat'Should never allow despaidotakti the place•ofhope under any circumstances.‘,, Had the.poor suicide, ksho flungaway:hia life with his confidence,-but waited a day• loriger, relief might' have collie to his -bur--; dened heart,-and tr bright sun-might have shone through the dark clOudelhart had lou . :_hun;_over his life's horizon. — • - In the Tee of Man, a woman ;is collet& ered temperate, ti,ho does not drink more than sixteen glas.ses of t•nm in a day. • A 'Minn , praising tlie - skilluith which; it - • e Sister played on the pialioforte; . • said . he, 'she once iptitated 'thiinder' ' naturally, that 'anthe milk and beer in theV: house turned sour.'. •-. . Obliging,:. -The editor of the - Wilkes. barre Advocate Bays:that if any 'Woman_ slikild'be so . _ fortloate as•to be left by a worthless' husband, ajut 'wishes to itiotei the sc.imp'advekiied, he wilt publish - hiiti couspieloitsly, atyl gratuitously. • . . Interresting„—A ltorrilile murder or an execution. El DIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers