Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 27, 1838, Image 1

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'V Malt% .
issued at TWO DOLLARS per annum;
to he paid 'half— ,• • 1., -
I) 4.74 R. 178 g .11 E NTS oi exCee.dink a square
f), three insertions, pNE.DOLLAR, and every
rtihgegn'ent invention, TVventyftve'Dents,. longer
sues in proportion. ' • :••• 1 --.• •
Letters addressed to thelmb,lishers on busi
aes4,, NIUST _POST . -P-A1.1.?;• otherwise they
- will not be . _ ".. - •
• • AGENTS. ". • •
The following person's have been appointed .
.Agents; - tor the Carlisle tfersll4 and Expositor
Lta-whom -payment tor'subscription anal advertise
ments can be made.: .
13. Siteraor," Esq. Shiremanstown,' emir. Co:
Scour CovLE, Esq.' Newville, , do.
. P. KooNTz, Esq. Newburg,', do.
...Taos. W. 0151 ES, ESq., Shippensbu g, do,
Worni%ittacir, Es.. ' do.
J. M4TEF:II, Esq., ' ogues own
It. WuLsoN, Esq. ,Iklechaniesbmrg
R. ,SY . ir na nom; Lsq. ChWellbiwn,
Dr.:AsA WHITE:. New Cumberland,
- ,
THOS Esvilloonifiek),,Perry county
A. BLACK : -Es.q,Landisbutz, 7 •
Recruiting Service.
few:able-bridied citizens, between the
• _ages l.l and 55 years, being_abont 5 Teet
inches g 117 oCgooa Mara eteFTiiiiirof - FE:'
' • spectable standing among their fellow citi
zens. None need apply to enter the service;
• •but those Who are-determined- to serve the
' •• - 1 is mentwhich -is-
bree years„—hone4tly and .
. . , ._ - - Pah if
. . - , ,au
. _
. h tf
This tail:de:snows-use .
c ‹ .. I e...•
T. of pay Nv Lich - enlisted soldiars,) I.
ticcoriling to their respectiVe ,
grades, are entitled to - receive I ZSI - § -
fortlieir 'services
* • •11 2 1 2.
• To the. Sergeant Majoe, Quar. • .
terrnaster Sergeant,Chq-Mti
- • siciam & Ch'f Buglei—each .16 192 640
• To the lst - Ser't ofa Company 15 180 575
Ordnance Sergeants
-Mother Sergeeants • each, • 12 144 432
CO'rporais . 10 120 360
- Buglers_ 1 9_loB_ 324,
:Farriers and Blacitstniths
Priy4tes . 8 96 288
one ration per day is allowed every soldier,
which is amply sullieient for his subsistence
a — tiffye supply of ccin-atoFrableTitid
_genteel tlothing. Good quarters and fuel
are at 'all-times furnished; and every'atten
tion will be paid to making those men who
_rimy enlist, and are deterinined to serve
viuntry. : in goad faith, Comfortable and con.
tented with their situation. The best incd,i7
- cal - attendance is always provided for the
sick•soldier; and ho deduction of pay is made
'during the period he...is_unable to perform.
---his_duty—Shinild the soldier be disabled in
the line of his dutyi the laws provide a pen
-sionfor hird. .
By the aboveit is seen that the pay and
. allowances are respectable, and' the, 'with
( • prudence and' economy, the monthly pay of
rtne,-soldier - mayhe - laid'up;- -- - - as :eyerrthin - g• -
. relutsite for his comfort and convenience
furnished by thelgoverOtient, hicluding his"
----- sitgar and - coffee. ---- `The - prudent - siddier;
therefore • may readily - save' from $3OO. to
. ssolMuring.hil — shat enlistment •of 3 years;
and at the expiration oLtlie. term lie can," if
--he-choosesrpurchase-a small farm in.any-,of
western States, and the're settle himself cam-'•
fortably, on his oW:n land, for the rest of his
• • :life.
the frame-bqildingii; East Main et . reet,f 77 7 ' .
rnerlTuse'd cra .7thc- Volunteer nrinting - pffic
Dec mber 4, r837,—tf . ..•
ilp7Thttatim 'of •T WO DOLLARS
will •be given:to • anyi citizenion 7 .cpmmis 7L
. shined Officer, or.Sofiliar, who shall.bring to
.this Rendezvous an able-bodied recruit, well
-•'• fOrmid, sound, iitid - ctherwieediiirqualified;.
(as above desci ibed,),,for the duties of a sot=
dier, -- and who - shall be regularly enliited.:'
oirisorws OFFICE,
- "Wirlirii. V 4Voutit'at7itOW th FYanklin Bade.}
• • • ' Cap', I; al
• •
""P'ergOtis at 'a distance'diriosid tO'try• their
'luck in eitlier Of thelpllowing grand Lotto
.. ries—,-one:of which . draws- alternately every
week-are resinctfully-rcquested = to - forward
iliCit-ordits to the ,subscribdr, cnclogiag the
cash oar iirize'tickets, disignatitiKthLottery
will receive itha ediate attention by 'return
mail, and the drawings foryarded When ove
(if requested.)
. • Baltianore
• Dnawltud o iuter.i.zeitts. - ----Order in which
• the several'State Lotteries 'will be drawn.; ••
, Maryland State-Lottoies draljs in Ilaltij
more every -Monday. ; capitals range'
from • 10,000;' 20;000 - to $3:9,909 ; :Delaware
,'"State Lotteries twice every week,
• Capitals vary gom •.5 to $‘10,601/vOrand Con.
•Solidatad Lottery draws once-•:every week,
• , • cap i tals 20.000,..25,000 to, $39,000 ;'Alexan•-
• (lria Lottery-.draws-once every other 'week;•
• t: capitals. 10,000, 20,0_00, 30,6'00,50,900;
ginla State,Lottery draws every Saturday in
each week, capital prizesTange from 10,000,
- 20,000, 2.5,000,c :10;0004o s4o,4lob..Vickets
'in the above Lotteries vary from $2,•13,
:And :10 gach,,Oaro fiblit9l)Ortion. „ • ,
" • , All letters acTitt•e ssed to the subscriber &
-perfectly safe., No mihcarriage'llas:ever oc6
•cUrred.• • - ' •
Feb. 14,1837.-Iy' - ' ' ' ,
. .
"hove received d•tv and ,30,.` hour New
,• • • • K S C.--wtriclij-Wareantita
• . Iraqi and Wei' redUCed
priceii at store.-.' • • • •
~ , ;,,v.,•, — ;elA-••• • - I \p , m - En i / A LES BARNITZ.
, •- ``tt.s,C.V " • • •
" 1 " 1 „.... i .
j i9 •
. .
• n b
.• •
.F.4.1.11.L1 .71rEFF.POI.P.Elt:-14EPOTD TO A A PM ) 1 1 074.14 ACCS za3'm.n.1214 xiitE
,441.11T4 4.31,11 SCIEA"CES4O ItiCULTUItE, thiel)iiISEMEA 4•Cc
'e '
. The Subscriber retUrnshis"-sincere thanks
to his fornrier customers, for the liberal share
of .patronage, ivhicli has !ken given. • him and
Solicits a confinuanee - of the same.; as MO' he
invites those-_whO inay not, as. 'yet, have
given' him a call, to do so at his shop in North
,Ilanover street, one door north of 'Mrs..,E•
Weise'S store.. •,• . .• • • • •
. returned . from the% the City
of - Phila - daptiKlitingingwith - him•the . fatest
- and mostapproWd" faAkins, the* slibstiiber
has on hand, a iatge_assortment of ' =
, 9-a - ate',IMADIetSL--
&e:•fintsbed in a superio - style.
• .
'Also, FUR AND- ZEAL- CA.PS, of the
latest fashions, all - of - Wan will - be sold tole
for cash, or exchanged for country produice.
Call and see. , t•
- ' 'ANDREW G. 14 , .!...CH
Nov '2O 1837 tf •
110WICIPAry, 1 .
30,th. ..Tanuary, 11338 . „ • In - : the case of" the
writ of partition acrd •valuation_on - thCreal
estate of Zrederick May, late of Fasr-Penns=.
17 h
Jorough toqnstfip, OteasCd, being this, day.
confirmed.:: On-rootinn . of tsq.
Rule. granted on all the -heirs -parties in
interested,--to-appear , at tlie-next-Stated
pliatrs touft, on Tuesday the lst_day of May
next; to acceptor refuse to accept said estate
at the valuation.-: - _
- 'Thos. Oraiglietta i Cl ) k O. C
Carlisle, Feb,- 12;-1838.-3w •
New latiok*. ,V..Staqmaary!--:
THE subscriber has_ Just .received at. his
Book and-Drug store, ill the borottglt iifCarz
lisle, a Large andGeueral Ass'ortino4 of . thd.
• Latest Publications; •
He 'has alsrradded alarge nuniber of DRUGS
AND . 'MEDICINES to his former assort
Menti All - oltnich - tvill be sold at tlie loty
est prices.
a, when
THE Brick ,Dwelling House, Store and,
Ware House attached, situate In North Iran
over street Carlisle, now the occupancy of
'Jacob . Wetzel, also the
,Stone Dwelling
House` adjoining occupied by 12.0't D. Guth
rie, tsq. also, the front \ l3tore Room, and
eel(araiijoining-the-Briek dwelling Hr use,
now occupied by Jelin Early. Possession of
either of the above properties may be had
,on the first day of April next—To Good
Tenants,, a Lease for years may be .hAd.—
* - p - ry - t l o ------ ISAACALPARICEIC - 7 .
Carlisle, Jan. 28, 1838; —tf • •
10 120 360
Agirl - frorp - 12-0-14-years - of-agei - twdo
light work in a small family. • „.
Apply to W. H. Allen, North Hanover
Street. " „ •
Carl isle, Feb. 19, 1e.38.,
GE.I3; RI„Nc E, - -
- A - 4 0 E4 of Sunbury, Northumberla - n(
Begs leave respectfully to -inform the public
that he has removed to Harrisburg; where he has
taken that large and iparious_thred story brick•'
lionie% 'formerly occupied
~bY Mathew Wilson,
eOrtier or AValnitt and Third streets,
In viewnf 'the State Capholovhich - he - opened o n
the first. - -day - of MiSrlait, and where' he Ihriffs - UO
eiantinue'to receive that' patronage' so liberally,
bestowed'. On his estahiishmentheretplore t : 'He .
will at allrtimes, be provided with every thing
mecessarY, o mike his guests comfortable.. ; •- . ' •
, • G. 'PIIINCB..
.-4,,Harri4lin grJune-- -- ; 4 18.57 - ; -- -• --- ... - ___ - - •- - --7
• It R , 1 4 1.14L5. •
AFurther atipply of Brandreins' Pills, in. 50
cent boxes, just received, . and for sale,.at
the store
---- -. GI tint HIT NE.I2: - .
`Nov. 27, 1'837. A • • .• • -
o 1N57771.4XCE V03,1P4NY;., -- ,
CAPITA , LIS6OO , OOO'. -. ,
THIS 'CoEPany Still %Continues to make
Insurance Oil all ikinds of. property through
their agency in Carlisle. _The premium is
regulated acr,ording ° to the'risk.
, :Averaging
froni4s - to - ,40 - cerits - irr - ,theThundred-gollars:
Descriptions will be received.
dated'friud'the day of survey: •
.Jmuary'9 1838-3
UST' RECEIVED 'Ciiited 'hair and Sea-.
. _
"Jr : trass'led . MtrasseS, and!fo'r safe by' c'
• '-'. . ' ''.. : -_, -'.' C I - lA.S. IiARNITZ: :-
, •
i finished'in th - e'l:llist
east of WI aitet ' , SqUare,•fioWlti thelioisessidn'
• of`M r..J. .Bresiin I: l 4„lso:the'ent" e•bulltling
n 11.4bertk Alley k
• • .A.,LAR
• •
4i4tuti L---T.NY• 0' ST• RY
••• . 'OMR / US
th a lot' of
gtoilkicl;_and h tioutile Stabiej.ltposse•sspinowill , :he
given on the , fi rst.tlay of April:, next: , for perms,
apply to
,',lolotnes Carothers, I;:sq t , or. to tho Auhi ,
Dec. 19, 1997.-13 w:..
MA!ROYA:l4S'NOV.P.,T,Si'.do'rrfratt elip ogle
just..recgivg(Usoil fpr ; ~ hear tire'
!took Stoie of -•
Fitbruary 19. '
:ft it.-
Cli".llAWrs OF just . re
•Foi' al6 at tlip' ltook`stt n of. •
9, 1838
-T: RlE,'•or!-
Printed and PaM •
• -
....":00he Bth day of january, 1838; a peti
ion was presented to the Court of Common
'Pleas of Cumberland County by - Samuel
Beetem, Esq t ; setting forth the facts that on
-the aßtq Noveniber, JacOb Weise ex--
.ecuted -a- mortgage :to John • Sheaffer on a
tract of-land in Dickinson Township, bound-.
_ed by Wm. 'Woods, - James Woods,: John_
liettrick, - and others, containing.-103 acres,.
42 liel•ches, :to. secure the_ payment . of. tet - i.
bonds of :$.57 each, 'froi - a7the Ist of April,
1822,. till the Ist-of 'April, .1831, inclusive;-
and7thai the said Samuel Beeteiti,Esq., pur-.
ell4,sed the said land fromfaebb Weise, and
- executed a mortgage'of it, to the said Jacob
- 4Veife; tifSecu re the purchase money - $0000;
in annual payments of $4OO. each, from the
'lst of April,, 1830, to. thelst of April, 1834,
inclusive,' which said purchase" menef has.
• I • char L e of the mortgage Of
J'abbto Weise to _John Ada • .r •y an air- • -
me,nt of the parties. .. And the said Samuel
Beetena, Esq._ prayd._ tlie_Court _for a _rule
upon all persons intere s ted to shew-cause
why the said mortgages should not be rati
fied irere,by given to'
the .aid Jacob Weise and to the Heirs or
legal _representatives of the'said johtirSheaf--
1 fey or any, other person. interested, to appear
at the next Court of Common 'Pleas, of Cum
berland county; , toe held on the 9th day of .
April "next, to shew cailpe, if 'any-they have,
,—w-hy-the-- - said - COTirt—should - trot — effre -- Tafigz ,
I faction on , the said morigages according -to
.—-_ . • 1
5 17
By. order• of the Court.. • - •
JOHN MYERS, Stier•ffr
sberiff's Office,
Carlisle;Feb. 17, -1837. 5 , •
.ETTERS-of Administration on the_es-
TA=4"ticle — of Michael Long,..dee'd, late of Al-
len towns lip, er anc county„ iave
stied-to the: subscriber; residi - ng
ship in due form of la*, ' All personS,:there
fore-,-indebte'd to the estate; will mak.e.-pay-,
mentimmediately, and those having claims,-
will present them, properly authenticated
for settlement —• , .
AIER.KEL-; Adrn'r.
- FOruary - 26, 1838..--
FOR RE. - 11 T.
THE Subscriber offers for rent a small and
convenient : DWELLlNG HOUSE, t, • •
situate of the. West end of Loather it
street, near the 'College. The i 0 :1, 1
bootie is well calculated for a small ..):Triftlm.. •
family. • Ftisseision will be given on.the first oay
of April next. •
Carlisle, February 13, 1838.-3 t.
UR and SILT( Plush: Bonnets, black and
111- fancy colours, for sale by •
• • r • CHAS.. BARNITZ.
IF4wrtry - ms - roin'o - i—rinr - rup.surrEr
MAN CHURCH, just received and fur
sale at the IhniiNtore of . J J
Irk 'ISRAELI'S. NOVELS,: t onfplyte- in- one
g ,lust receivi'd and for 4.30,;: at the
Book Store of • - • J J MYERS.
- Pehroary 19-
_ .
.. .
Arindworth's lb!effectual System of' the Universe,
WiLijustreceiveil and for sale •at the - .ltook..Store
of ' . • , J J MYERS.
February .19. • , , , . _ •
T 4 113R Sale one new and fashionable BAS
itorre L lEMl Also-one-second-hand-
TILLIATRY; with one serofrarnias to
each, ..C.l-I.AS.•BARNITZ.
0 Y riert.
30 January, 1838. In the case of the writ
of Partition and valuation on the real estate
of Jacob Rhodes, late. of- Newton-townshi pi--
deceased,..beingthis day-confirmed. ; On moz
- tion of 'Frederick Watts, Esq., _Rule - fon all
the 'heirs and parties, in interest, fo appear
at the next stated 01 - yllanS Couti c to be s held
Cu raiiiiiind,coiriiiy, on
Tuesday the 'Ant day, of May fiat -'and ex•
pt_ot refuse ta_abceptofsaid-reral:4 o ate-at ,
the valuation and appointment there I, or
Show cause why the same should not be sold.
• - . • BY THE COURT.'.
I do certify the above to be a. true. extract
talce.n, from the records of the Orphani'CoUrt.
„0f...4e ill ssighly...
„ • , T.HOf CRAIGHEAD; C..Q., C.
a- FebrUiry '2 1838
RC,, 10ItCED, :by, Lady-limy, • justre.
ee.i.o•anu for sale, at - tho„Uoak More of
__Feb 19.., • J J tiIIERS.I ,
of the Christian Life; just received and for
sale atithe hook Store
„ , • , •
All personayboksiow themselves to be indebf•
ecl'to the Subso,riber are call, home cliatejy, on Wm. • . Irvine,.,,Esq., and payupr•in
artit/se hands tbe bciOks' have_been_ placed for .
collection: `' • •_ B.• D. BC/LANDER.—
Catiiiire; Jam - 29,-1338. ' _ - - f
, ,
MIME COURT OF ROME; - just-receiid and
JlLfoOsple atibeillook 'Store of s
•Feb,ll);‘,-;• . CRS':
All, persons ‘otlebted: to the estate of Dr.
John 'P. Geddes, late "Newvilre„deceised,
bilboolt lactbunt4ir by note' of ;a - less amount
than $lOO areseguested to make paythent , to
the executors• on=or, before , the 14th of April
ne?tt.: , •
• Als - ,Al'perscais liultlbted to 09 late firm of
J., 8r,?: eit tier by note or book ac
•etaint, aee hereby notified to 'niake payment '
'to Dr. "JOHN GEDDES I tlie , stirviirinr, part Per i, on AA , , before the 144-of April next—ln
eoppliance y/ith tlfe.aboy,e notice' is requ4t.
ecl to enabl . e . the exentitorsioNtiid deceased
to tnake a settlement i L if the eitate. - Ail notes
unsettled , ceontits"Of dre , firni of J. & J.
Pi Gilldes, on the, fi rst, id May ~ next will, be
„plac.ed in „Auofficer's hands inr..oollection
ROIMRT LAIRD "tler'' ,
r Inf LT. Geddes
NewvillcvMurch -
oale nt,Xllie hook Store of
- 2 , u,Estraiv l ..lia4ifti , 2t,'l 838.
.r i or Sai r e•
I lONTEMPLATIN,O a change of rest
dence, I offer for sale_the following pro,
party: ' • •
THE FARM on which Lreside,•(Rockland)
containing ' 230 acres of Land.
-THE F'ARNI adjoining Rotklandand appo
site; containing • 300 Do, Do.-3,
THE FARM on which_P. Palmer resides,
—containing 300 Do.
THE LOWER-FARM on the Shaipsburg
and Hagerstown road 150 Ijn. Do.
ONE HUNDRED acres of Wood-land ad-
j the above . 100 D 0... ,Do.
liagerstowni_erected on Prospect Street.__
.above farms have good Buildings; a
due portion of Wood Land attached to each,
and all m a good state of eultiNiation.' More
yaluAlle property: as to soil, productiveneA
and situation cannot be offered in Washing.
tion county, Maryland. -4, farther-descr4P
tien is consnlered.pnneceisary, as:.t.liose per.
sons desirOus-to 'purchase, _cOurse,:
visit.t he property ,and judge for theniselves
The--fdrms - will - be - sold; - sioparately or togeth- -
er and a liberal credit ,given for most of the'
Purchase money, The 'aboVe
,property is
equidistant froin•clagerstown..aud
port— 6 miles.from each, and Wiihin: from.
one_to six milesof 12 to 15 Milts. •• • . - •
" - F. TIL,PIIMAN . , - Rockland . .
_____Mareh-121-1 838 • *
Tr-H AV.P. just received from that justly celebya
-4.1.1 ted Seedman,l4r. I). LAND RETH, of Phil . -
adelphia..a. large and very general ay.ortment 'of
Seeds,. warranted of the .growtte. of 1837.
:Early _turnip Tog
cans, dwarfs,
Lou g pod,
- Red - m)jeckrldd: valentine
13roµ•n' db -, do;
Cldim, White :with red
eye, -
White kidney,
Crambury 0(1511 0
Emly •
Cramberry', (1)610)
Sumo!) kale,
German kale or greens,
Cabba ge l - T
N:ally York, cailiest,
gaily sugarloaf,' .
Drumhead Savoy, 4.
Green curled Savoy,
gleci , llutch r forpi
. Carrot,
While sulid,, lied solid
.4 -Cress) •
Long.-green prickley,
Earlyjrame •
Egg riant,-.
'Large purple, ;
9 ,
Curled, •
. Leek,
Large .flag-leaved,
• 1 i = Rt TI
RAN.AWAY -from the subscriber on the .4411-
inst. an indented servant girl, named HAN
NAH*G3AY.• The. above :reward %411 - lie.
paid to any'person who will bring back said
haeXpenses paid.
: . . . . TvirHEND ERSON
..March •
• .• •
• . ••. FOR,. ItE, N . T. •
THAT:large andcorrimodious TAVERN'
- 1- giTANDi - former!riksti.e-occu
situated on• the-,corner off
Main and,Bedfo;d streets, opposite the jail!
.houke has been long occupied as:a Ta
vern, and is, well' worthy the'attehtioh of a
person.oemp,etent toiceep a good honk., the.
give comfortable at cothtnodation to!solour;'•
, nets, 4i, very extensive stabling,'and,it first
rate-well of water io . the.yfurtl, 'This proper- .
ity!wil, let po. 'advantageous .terms to a
.person,.detirnus' ' : encagiog. in :the' , tavern=
keeping busiri6s,-, a frame building
,the tavern Suitable; for (dikes (Jr •
shopi - foi MeChimicsr• •
• ' ' ItODEICrM i eL7OI; 'Agent; • •
• fr' Cainnadildiehsee.
Mat'cha2, 1838..• • , '
1 - f ;•-r-, -:-..5...1.' ;.' --4....C.4.1.1 Da: ~ ' . .*1 a.: '-,
RE Committee of Arrangementz,on e,.
1 --half-of tl s e .-. l3ell.siiLettres - Suciety - , -- le-- -
.speetfully . tender their judi.
yiduals who so kindly afforded,the use Of their,
fu t niture on the k l yening of.the 22 ( l 'ultimq;
also to the Ti:nstees of the .Methodist EliiS
.copalChurch; and Clioli•vhielt took pail
in the performances of.theiliening.'. • •• . .- • .
Carlisle, March 1; 1838. ' - --, - • _
. . .. ,
11,, \ . .... •, .
L , • 111AIRIO iF.141..... ,-
. , .:. '..'
VF, ,
tig:Officers. of , the Marion Itifleinentliaving
tendered their resiiptations 7 4notite is 'Were.
, ; ky.giseit.diat;ais elyci:itio trill- hvi hell
_1 , ~ _. ."' ,at the', hotel. f the.., , ~_.
ks i ' ',
MOISiill'S:ji:02101:1111110s? .
, Nis . :: ..On . ;3A11:0111.)AY ilq-. - -....,1-,:!4lay of NI :iv cli i '•
AV . 7.7 - : , between the Ittnirs . i-V-2 - soil .4 o'clock„c.
adunh' . ;1'.;1.`,,t0 fill said, slieatteiesill.le)it OK
.._. _.--,tit-THILLIPS-wilkaet-as .s-tilieriwn
..L_./. ~.l y,lLLis: vqtir.i.k, 1114. ,Ipqrl'il ..
• :Maiclf 19; 1838.--i.4 -..'. : ' • - - It
Brown Dutch. • -
Green Cos, Whit; Cos,
Early curled,
- 7 7- MAUI
‘l%iter; Nuirneg,.Cirpn.,
I sfuctium; skin ,
red, (an,)
Blrawsbuit;:large ‘ yet' ui
Yule sugar, extra fine
Landreth's extra early
Early frame, • '
Early Charlton,
Late marrowfar,
14, -
Large sweet, bell aba•
peck . 41.
1 fiBM
Lon.. SAID MI,
ong scar et, s
Red turnip,
.Yellow turnip,
nolina. savoy leaved.
Prif.kley seeded;
quas .
hatii bush, -- ---
Lung greed:
• Turnip,„ .
Early fiat Dutch,
-lied top - 00',
Yellow Swedish,or_ltu
ta Dap,
Pot and Sweet jlerbs,
Cumberland Coniffra.
. .
will b 6 received until Sat ,
Mday the,of ( Npril , next,, by any of
the subscribers, yesicling : hi Huntingdon, Pennsyl
vania, rot. the liaildth&of MI Episcopal (';
'in said bormjgh - of the following
Main building, brick with atone foundation, lOngth
50 feet, breadtk 40Aeet. Steeple with stone,
foundation, 12 feet sqbare; upon which brick and
wooden superstructureheighth of-brick:. work
23 . feet .and or,the wooden 33' feet. ,-,The-whOle
'to be floareill• lilasteVed andiceiled ; , with: pews
and : pulpit ciimplele.. • '
• drawings and'sPecifications ,may seen
at any time at•the office , M N. P. Wilson.- : Per.
tions.proposing are'desired to make distinct offers
for the whole structure,_ and Ailsc; : _for the-whole
excepting.plastering, and
• IOS. STEWAIrr, Buit4ina"COnt,
„ . THOMAS REND, ... •• ••
Huntingdon,,March •• .16'
. .
Swiftsure OppOsition Line Stagrs
To .1 3 1ttsburg r , - -
_ltail lioad-to , Lpicaster; liar
risburg q Carlisle to
k.-.=.- . •
Chamber.Ourg.- .
Passengers immediately.on their arrival at_
Chambersburg, will take the Swiftsure Op
position Line Seages to Bedford, Stoachtowt
and Greensburg; to . Pittsburg... .
Jiro ii.411-71D—Pittitbstiwt-from
- .1 ° hiladelphialit
'Travellers are trinst respectfully fnformed
•thatthe'se New and Splendid Lines have pigs=
Atively commenced running Oti - 5111 - Offilay - ,..the
19thinStpt;,:fOr the first times-and will con-,
Situp to leaVe-,8r0a4 -14reet i ' above .Arch;•
VVeSt,side,.tlaify at 8 o'clock., A. M. ~
Travellers going, Fastward- Will leave
Chambersburg at 3 o'clock in:the-Morning.
11• For seats apply at the Hotel of M.
SIMPSON. • - _ •
The proprietors of these Lines•assure , the
public, that they have spared nothing to
make them equal, if not superior to any other
on the road, and 'therefore hope, that'when
Passengers wish to go 'Westward, they, will
please call at the Old -- Good Intent Office,
89 Chesnut street, the,
Third; or, to either
I3.P.CnToLii, Sanderson's Hotel.
Agents, i, Wr Kurriti.; Broad streets -above
Arch, west side: '
ALIEN, . , .
. prietor. Chambersburg.
M. SIMPSON & CO. Chambersburg.
WIVITIII?.YNOTHS" - & - 00713edford.
M•• DUBBS ti CO. Pittsburg
age Proprietors.
1 2‘COB - FOLT2, ) Agents and Car
W. GRIFFDIIV 5' Conducto'rs
February 26, 1838. '
-®IIIO4I~ ~ c
sort top,
Salsafie j
' Di Unguents. Look Out nn
. k;ALLT_ersons. indebted td• the late - firth- of
ner and Biddle, former proprietors'of the Carhsla
fierald, for ,subsbription;Job Work, or Adverti
b een. placed in the handiofthomaiTtiiiiiliW
collection. ' They make payment
without delay and rays costs._ ' /..
• March 19 1838.:
rip - HAT large-And-comModioui stable, situ
- 111 - • ate,. near,
.the cornr--of NOrtli'llanover
street, formerly / occupied as a' LIVERY
STABLE, together with an excellent CAR
' tali — ftbl3l l
.7pl k osieasion-can...hadirglll:
the-Ist-of-APriElteat. "
Carßile, March:l2, 1838. ' _
j a rOr Salt
-• 1-,Broad it wit -. ' 1 ,
ed - NV,agon . ;
and,l Ntrtow'Wheeled
Wagon;- second - hatfded)- for -sale-Amt._ A
reasonAble,credit :;Enquire at
this Pike.
TitinspOrtation Line.
THE milisc6lDer contiinie nt the opegingof
• thenavigniioil to rtin'his ' ,
LI %. " 4. •
. . , . ,
fo r the eitritharkef,'Tecelitedatiln:Witeihotise
o r lienry.Jfshqasdli ItaitOitreetii Cal hr,pt any
other Ware. house on the CumberlandX,opfy
Road; to be forwarded to George W. flitsyng q
wil) , fyryiaefl4,.immidiatelys ( o, the sinrsons , cq
ip return, bring
4 011 kiitda cilliferehindise'st the customary,.rattih4
s I,l 'l
t _TA .s lictrrAborg.
rarthi 11 1 16-
11)4 . .rom • the au 'seri er, neg.
• ffli t Abe 14th .ii)it,'AAOS-K AIM% art 'in!
; tipprkillihe to the farming. bit
* r .sinesse. The, alipvc.rcWard will be ('aid
to any person returning said boy, but
'N.. iiii.•espenses paid. are
for ti ict" hai
.. I _,•!*. • on my account, debta
. ,
JAMES Will.:SON?:-
1838 •.344; I ,16.".
• • • Litosifm • • .
Irk Sil vPr SPeOuleti, Grec ;Glll3l
; • ; '• • 1 •1 ;111;15
cuslisle„ "i9,:.11 . 838..4'.1:f • /5•:•:;:l.f• lir •
-.For Rent,.
E -have applied to the Court Of Common
, Pleas of-Cm
uherland County, for the
benefit, of the Insolvent Laws, and the Court
has nppOinted the second Monday lor April;
(heing the 9th) next for the hearing of us and
our creditor's. - '
• ..MICHAEi. P. EGE.
sle March 12 1838. - • ."
- The Baltimore Patriot will insert the a . ove
mice-.a week. for_ .Suecesaive wetits, for, -
yard nitpers, niiil. - charge this office, -
. ..... ~. •Carlile' .
~ .. -ARTILLERY.. • •
I.} •'.
. .
„.• I. . A—MKETI-Nti-ofthe-eoinpauy-
Y ; i Will be lid(' . di Ntaefailanes'•
5 4, 1,,,,
at 7 o'illock, MI'S It 1 DAreVeliing
:"Ir.- . nest, on business of importance. •
• - A genehilLtittepthtnee of the them
-,-- t "--:—bers4_tequesiecl, . • .
...., ~ : - - 11._ - ..A.-..BLZ_.
. 11 -, -.- ,•.. - • 0
.. .S •
- - - nirchrl9, 1838 ....-- , 1 w_—'-...__10 _
UST teeeh'ed - Men'sand , Wometes'Gum
•tic - Over Sluies, , aai,l for sale by -
1 111 .IiTS 1.!
IED ECFAVED from. Philadelphia, 1 Case of_Sa
Kt; per silk - Boys and for Bile by
' ' • (.111.1111L118 113111171)Z..-
, We have applied to the„CoUit of Common
Pleas of Cumherland . county, for 'the ben
efit of the Insolvent. Laws, and the Court
has appointed the second Monday of April
lbeing the 9th) next,:for the hearing of us
and our creditors.
JOb r EPH=LONG. ' -.-
. - : .-- 111?. - NRY -- 1V1 3 4 - E - 14S;------
.Carlisie, March 12, Mal.' • •
. . .
roniereby given that letters of tFMinif
the estate of Jacob Neidig, late ofigeidigs ,
4rwitillast Pennsbiirougilltownship, (.)uinberland
county, deceased, - have becli isstied'bY the itegis
ter in and for the - said eottoty, to• the subscriber
who resides near. Shiremanstown,in the township
and county aforesaid. All persons having Cfabins
or demands against,saidActeased, are.:requested
to known the same to him withoUt
and those •irtdebted to 'said estate to make pay
men, -ortimsaittfittivtaA - o- .
• . itOJIN . SHOPP,
March 19, 1838.-6 w. , 16
AS stolen from the stable of the subscri
ber, tesidiit, in. Fisliek Creek--Valley,
Fairview .township; . Yok touniyi - an I~ ' ednesday
evening the-1-sth of-March; . _—__:
• ' faV•qto4 og
. IA itiEt itiAilE j
t-blind in the right_eye,__andcOnside
whicli IS - nbt - yet covered Withhair. ATlATelitTie . 7
I ward will be paid foi; the deteCtiop Of 'the thief;
'or on 'the - tlbli very -of- the-mare. -
• .`• : • . •7: bANIEL
March•lj...lt3,lB.—jw!„'- , ; 1 6
. - ,
4 (74074113g 4 0NvIIIEICONiTITUTIoN .OF
AILZEXAN,ijuiA `reteivd,anti , l9l , liile*t the Book
Stare, - : J. J. my4its.
yetimaiy'l9'. -`' •
Have •
1.;‘,e 1 ,46,.
Mature death' for the want of a litpd , attention to
ir common cold! ! ,
, -- 114.vr, YOU ,A cputlpi. tx
pectorantf,a • *safe Medical' IlreScriptioni contain
mg no po isoitous drugs - and used than e.xterisive
gracfiee; erseveralinara, will tneTl positively op.
foal relief, and:save yoti from that awful disease,
Nmatdruar c9N,W111P770.N; which a n .
niially sweeps the grave:hundreds or' the'
young; the old,' the fair, the lovely i‘ , nallte gay!
•.; YO II VQUall peistiadea tti
pnrchase a bottle of this ExPectoratitl , k.2l
!A..tolnorroiv mliyAn' too -' •. ;
71/iia;;YOu.,/ ;C nog n ? 1 -:-JaYlie!s" tipeAtotatit'
the 9n J. 016 4 13.0, alMultll:die ta,-„eure. you f '
Por Redson. shut' in . 1 Om one of 'the
thousand ; easvi wlicre it been. used, has , it
ralle4to relieve; • :.„ : t t 4;,.
'stiittli Third iitveet; Thi elphia!, Saltiucl
101';CO). , '
'''',l . .'etietifiry G, 038.::-3cao. ; ; ;
Atiett 4 sEihrEs VOL:O.-40. it&
• , Drawing; ;
Schools, Lycetinis',irradßaniilies.
The following . -are among thcc , reaiong 'why
Drawing is in ~ a rpropriate - brancti of common
ediiti and Of-'course; deserving ofgentral •
attention, both in schools and , '•
1. It-is extensively applicable to the udtxlmota,
.parsilita of life,' especially , the- mechanical arts,
andcivil engineering; -as it Di to nearly every de. , •
partment of science: •
2. 'l3l - ieriettee has pi oxed that brawl
- andWritingai e learned - hi . tchinetion stionerand -
better,than Writing is or can be separately.
- 3. - A daily exercise in -- Writing . deadhiptions
sarions . objects, both °filature and hit, in addititin
to drawing - them, furnishes : pra - Flieal and , highly
useful lessons lily Spelling, -Gtainmai; and-Poth. -
- posiitoni-which-rendetpupils-niore..tkorstUgh_in_______
those important branches of eduesiticlit, than they
can ever betonie, by merely 'eI:IMF/VW* to teem.' :
orti spelling book columns; and the stbatraet deft.
nitions and rules of grammai. _
4._-lf a large pohtion otihe exercises, bo s th - tin
- drawing and describingobjects is performed of
slates, -.which ate debidedly_preferable to paper. •
especially.for.beitinners;lliey_prevent a great de.
- strnctien of books and stationary. now expent •
sive and so ineffectual in school inattubtioni, '
.s'. The combined exercise of draVving and de.
scribing objactsoleads children to ihenk—tor ob. •
serve, examine anileinufeittatid various depart. -
ments of, - nature and art; and . thus Inotistantly .
stores their minds 'with useful. and. entertaining
kno‘kledge, and protects them from the numerous •
nisforturies - of igitoimice aid vice;
tliq sante figuresin a_box of_ "Dalvriso Canna,' • -
by Josiah I . lolbrnok, furnish appropriate !coons
lit this'elt:mentary hind Useftil department of in•
strtictkin, and - introduce pupils tell gteit - Nariety
of exercises-in Spelling, Penmanship, dranimar, -
and composition, which are alike interesting and
inattuctivel to - ehildre l ., whether
_in 011 W
tome. They are well• calculated to aid parents
in ifie..great_and_responsible, _hut much neglented '
I duties of domestic etlulcation:
For using the sheet arid, Many .
teachers have . athiiited. the plan of - substittlting
thein foreite - -Intlf the ekerdises hi Copy. writing, -
risuilllypursued-by-their-ptipils:-olltern , Use them
instetuji of lessimS in-grammar orcomposition,-fut
which - the desariPtive eiterbisertanswer, asintlat •
more thanttspbstitut- •
I ilky arc readily ti - sed. by children
cvitlunft tray -instrtirition• from , parents, -thtiugli
such inStruction.i*;or course, an - aid and encour• • .
age - Merit to the . jiti guile efforts. of the ever:
quiring and ever active ittinds_and hands of. these -
ardent I , nd - untiring seekers after -. useful.
and_er6li:truing - knowledge;
/The most useful and the inOst.intCresting'appli.
cation made df thiige .drawings' and deScriptions,
when contriletert is sending them, by Way of 'tx
chanA other, schools-and other states and. •
countries. They have already been sent,'- in
great iliambersoo the four quarters of the globe:
- ty.Tl°lddishril and .old by IV. Mardian & Co.
corer of Alaikel and &walk sTreels , Philad*,
-Among the friends of education wiln, Wye mani._,
fested' a special Interest on the subject and.
mode of teaching° here presented, are those'
whose names are annexed.
tar ; Josiah. Holbrook,. the well-known founder
of the Lyceum system, and the untiring advo‘
gate antLfrienctoLpopular.ealication,:haa
prepared a very. desirable series' of Drawing
-Cards.---These 2 eontain - thirtrxix7flntirekeunted — ' -
drawings in outline, consisting of gedmetrical
lines Mid figures, the more common implements
- of - their:y.le% hotiseholdi l et -•
These cards are. neatly. put up - ht boxes, with a
description inifew word§ Of their Object and utili
ty. "BnPermilling Oltildmii,:both at gOaiol and •
at homei"-Mr. Holbrook very jnstli, obServee. , to
make dtaniings and written destriptions Of these
and nitmerous other objects in' nature" and art,
their feelifigs are biterestedt.
arid intellects improved, and their niiiids constant.
I,ly.stored -with new ideas. They , are thus ,pro.
feet, fronvigmsraitte74, _.-vicerarld-prepared-for---
respeetability and•usefidness:' l ,
These cards are pecttliarti adapted to all oar
elementary school:Tend the unhcsita. •
iingly_eipresseiLas_trut,--that-tite intelligent mo
her or c h ld ren - of-Prom—three-toe-years-o
age can place these cards in their hands, without -
greac henatto.their-improverhent •-•
'taste, and happiness,. , ALDEN,
Voting Ladies' 1110 School. •
The dt•awing XMAS 'prep(tred by. -. 'Str. Hot. - --
brook apPeared . to me well calculated Ao interest
• nclinstrodAcltildrert-in tlteprinlayy . ,elements of
drawipg,, more etebially risilley, are , the, corn.
mentertithig_s - s_erre9 kdesikned; to Mils
trate InSny ,. inlportantritieirilei,liOth itoienco
and Wit.• . .5.G.,M014.111N, M.D. •
Eeb. 183*.
in the, aboye views and opiniotia r'ttielully and
cheerfnllye.oncor.- ;=- - •
• Jodi
Troroit of the'UniVersiiy Of Penn.'
„,.pi' .
- Swernafc, H. "I',Ymti'tlyll. -
Rector 'oftliechtireh ofthe EttiptianY. Phil.'
M.,Ppirrair, - EastoitiVa. -
.• Editor ,of the Journal.tif, Medical Science.
'W. Wilonwann e - Wilkestiarve s Ta.
M. 'Harm Heading, Pa:'
• " • :"
itteit•ro HAitLAN, M: of Philadelphia: -
-- • Patina Ameiicsini; &c.
• Ronan* Haas, al: D. •
PtofeSsOf of.Chemietty:itt the ttniveraity
, .Petinsylifatthi.. f .
_ ,
.11e,v,l_oprr *ON , • ,
;,,ittither.Of '!Lectures to phitoreyinst,p,
dent's Mithi r oSabliath School l'eapli•
erg,., •
- •
• elikle.lo Pf, Mathematical
• • t _
• •
• of •the Lyceum- of -Liriguagei;
Philadelphia. r.: - :;, . •
/tons W.HRAVEI4,,,D, p—
. Joni
,FllOBl, ' • .;•-•
ofStates, &0.,
CW:.I3LACK; ; • • - _ 1 • . •
Principal of a Select SCMingrYl,
A, Il4ils ks, Phila. . - -•- •
Aathor of on the Gciipels,, -Acts,
lionianst . •
.Tnanaus Sirst•arts,Grettyaburg,
.:.I.4tastrrel'itates, •
One of Mkt 'seeretariep•or the American
Ceillyal - Pfdneation."Society.
- mareh'l2, . -
' • 1 • .-,
LetierS L orriiiihaotratio the estate or
Autili CH Eymit,'ltteO•the , bordugh.itit Var. '
deceased; haying; lasue4 'the: 'subscriber
residing'in •Caylisle, , all ilersous . . hu)ehtet to the
estate. are requesteike tlichartOlteir'icspective- ,
.accountsi — and , t hap: having
sect them mu - int-4r iluthenticated'Attettlemeati
• • , :,• SittalAtl: 41 .00041%
• March 40,
• /