Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 20, 1838, Image 4

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~... ,„... ~
7 7 tvek,. ,st „
-' A....- , Y.,i,, , ,, -1,„ • _
Ny. for.titc U.NvyKD
ir• citizt n 5 ,. beAm,•een t be.
• tig4`'fir4,•itacl fe - et.6
'good charnetc:i., •aad nl - re:
spect,a' lile..•i'statii.libg'aiiiimk• their . fdlow citi
ilie.l9etl apply enter the service,'
AVllo:ate 'to - serve the'
is only
t bieey,earK., - T anit,tll, and fait fatly,
...Pab• of Dragoo)i
r:Afiligrs; wizen
-- , ounted. •
~,i..4.i .' ~ , ,..., . I • I k; `1 , ' ; , .. t 1
•LI i. 7 a arle bi s fu 11 1114.6".iith.ito t '-',.: <, '.....
of fiy"%iiiicli 'enlisted soirl;e3 0.1 ';:l -..-%.
acchildi!ig Ati their respectiffe,„„ El .co
'grade's; ire' kitititled to receive ",i." -. • t , !'
for their. services. -
• • .
' I I 4 I
$ $
' To ,the P . rgeaTit ,M-ajrrr,.Quar.
, . trrnastet: Sergeaut i Chq . Mu- . •- • - --..
siciaii; 6i• Ch'f Pugler---oach 16 19r2, 4W
To the 1..4 .Se:i•'t of a Company 15 •16'0 573
. - •
() ritria‘nce•Sergeatitr
. • A 11 , 0thentiergee . atits ---'• eSeh — , 2 -144. 4r
- -C 'orporal3 • ' 0 :- -._:.-_,....' 10_120 .r
. Buglers' , f ' .' - • ,.-. 9_,, 108
.?Musicians , . .- . .
, Farrier,' atrrraladksmidis 10 .120 1.1'60
riVatia, • . , 9.6' 288 „
. Besides the monthly pay, as above stated.'
one ration per day is allowed eVery !Adler,
which is amply sofficient for his - siibsistenee .
—also, :a large supply of comfoytable and
genteel,.clething. Good quarters. and „fuel' ..
are at all times furnished; and every atten-
R . T • •
tion. . to-Making those men who : 0R • - 1 - ,
may . enligt, and are cleterroined,to servetheir Brick - Dwelling HonSe, Store' and
- country - in'goodjaith; c."6iinfortahle and can , - Ware House-attached, situate in North Han
• tented Withtlieir situation'. The beSt medi- over street Ca li.sle, now to the occupatiCy of
cal - attendance - is. always 'provided :for- the Jacob I•V „ t'-qtel, also. the Stone Dwelling:
sick-soldier; arid no deduction, of pay is 'made House adjoining occupiedßob% D. Guth
• during the period : he is - unable to - pe - rforin -- -Fie;
. I Stiould the soldier, he , diSabled . in cellar.adjoining the Brick dwelling
the line of his duty, the lavis phivide a pen- John Early.. Possession of
sion. for hint. - • . • ... either-of
,the,above proPerties reaV...he had
By . the above it. is seen that the pay• and on the . first day ...of April next—To Good
—al Itiwaaces-are-respeati thle i --a nil- that Ternants. a Leaselfill_LN cars may
prddence and economy;_the.monthly pay of Apply to_: .le. B. P.AItKER.
the , soldier may be laid up--is every thing Carlisle, an 28, 1838. —tf
'requisite for his conafort and convenience is
• furnished, by'the Gov'ernment,'including - Ws
sugar __, The prudent
111e,refo - re, - may readily. save :from •V;300 to
: : ss6o..duringltis_short enlistment of 3 .years;
and at the e7cplration Of the term he.can;_if
:• lie chenses,_purelaiseTa small farm . in any of
western States, mid there settle 1 1 ;roself corn.
•fortably, on his . olVll- lattd; ler the rest of his
• lifeg.:
- the franteliaildipg in Ease eblainslreef; for
t4e=i i iilunte'er_printing_oPre..
. pecember 4, 1837.-,..ti •..
4:7"Tbe so IT ( of TWO DO lAA - A IRS
will .be giyeii to any citizen, Non-commis
sioned-Offiter, or Soldiar, who shall bring to.
his itendezyims an=iible=boili - ed - recruit; - well
'formetl i , sound; and-otherwise duly qualified,
(as above described,) for the dirties of a sol
xlier, -and who shall be regulailY enlisted.
1101111.N I VOWS •.
80 Bilk; si.; 4 Doom ; 6elow - th'e Frankibi liank l
. .
. . . - • . ", le ft pil 01 . •
. . ..
509000 A R
•• PersOns.atar.digranceiliposed to try their
-- Ititk-in-either-of-thelollOwing_grandLatc : :
•ties—one of which draws alternately every
• .
week—ate respectfully requested to forward
' ----- ttreir=orclers-_tolhe , .:.suhscribelosing Are_
cash or prize ticketsitleSignuiing I iiirro - tt - e - ry- -
will receive inuitediatp attention by ?awn
mail, and the drawings forwarded when uver
(if i Wed.)._ _ . ' ..
V. L. \ '.., Is i NSO 5.
- - Baltimore. Md. ,
oil t...croV.ltii.s.--Order in which
''"' ''.the • SeveyalState . Lotteries will be dra - om. •
Maryland State Lotteries draws in.Blilti•
more \ every — otirer7l - Mlatidavcapitals-range-1
froth tO,D00,"?.0,000 .to $3 . 0.01)0 ; Delaware
State Lotteries grans twice every week,
pital s - varydriim-5-ttrslo i ovo-A-G ra nd_Con_
sol,idatacl Lottery
.draws once every week,
capitals 20,000, 2.5;000 to $30,000 ; Alexan
dria Lottery draws once every other. week,
capitals-10,000, 2 . 0,000, 30,000,50,000 ;Vie
giniciState.Lottery clraNvs eVery . Saturday in
.1 each week,icaßital prices range from 10,000,
• 20,000, 25,000,..10,909 to $40,Q00; 4 ,. Tickets
in the above Lotteries vary from. 82, .3, 4, 5
' • and 10 each, Shirei in proportion.
- All letters addre.ssed to the subscrihei:to
perfectly •safe: No miscarriage has ever at
' 1837. 7 ."
Bahk . Stook for Sale... ,
c .,
'PROM 2 . 0 , t0 so shares of; Cai•lisle !tank Stock
_.:lo.r,salc,...o.R.lN.Kekatter_ . lit 30' dollars per Share'
. paid. Enquire st this office
February 6; 1838'....4t1
.10t11.: January, <lo_B, - In the case - of - the
• ;writ' of partition ail(' ,valuakiori on' the real
( state of Frederick May, latetof East Penns-,
borough toiiithhip;:4ceased, being this day
evrfirmee. On motion of WI F. Lin'e,"Esq.:
Rule granted on alithe.heirs' and parties In
- interested, to the'pext stated Or
phaiiiCourt, on Fitesd4 the Ist, day of May
mkt, to aceept*refuse toaccept said estate
at the valitatinii.". • • .
. -
'' Ctitigheid, Cl'k
Carlisle, Feb. 4 1 2, 1838.;=13w •
liave riceiveil 8 .dayi'aild 30 hour New.
York.,_CbaCKS, which I warrant to
keep good time, and °irec them' at reduced
prices, at imy stare
. .
AIA ittlyAtrii-iN'O'YLL.s, compitte in one
volnink;''jlisti•eteiied and for acre n t ihe
Book Store of , JOHN J. AlVitlts.
February )9.,,,• F
PICIIMWS.,I,3I.:Pr l/1f- SCOTT, just rt
jeeivp4,*nd tofbale 01.-thel.look Store of :
ycb 19. • :/' 3 11 1. Isl V
MAN CHURCH, juarreeeivod , atitt :for
the Book Store of J J MYERS..
SRA E LI'S NOVELS, .doinpreieClA
itifiroltime;iftiil‘:reckiVid lend ; re, liiq t t th e
• - •
: ,t wipik c ik; ; ; • •
- - • 4 / I pettsottawho k Of* thetil, : e tfi n'irefit•
pal urtlie„§sillscri!)cr
..,pre,Tetviestr 71(1-
(Irately' ptt i . rip: in
tviitllie: l lillitls the ''bi?oks hilvd fol!
, I.
HE licil.lllll' OF jusr 'received 11,1u1,
fatilleal,the BizoicliOre" .
- : : J. MYER'S. \I•
12-144 432
'lO 120.380
108 324
- (611A . H. subscriber - Wilrient - that - well-knnwn 7
large and contenicnt lion.e, for 'many years.
Occupied by Christian Altimrieb, and more \ re
ntn cent . as .a..T.A.,ViliftN,
„C HOUSt. 'I he •hcittse is rtfrriarlia..
1.11; bly well cAletilated fur entertaining
ROARDESIS -; there being'. three
Ittair-ways, and .Fire places in trar,t of the rooms. :
The ,situation is very plea , "a it( :6d:desirable, being
on the north west corner, of I lanover and Loather'
Streets. whiye,\for convenieticeS, it excels any
tither:'itons'e he borough or. colintty. It pus
sesses the unusual ,ailvaitagi; of 12 rorris,on the
first floor-12 roonis.on the 2difloOr-1 rooms on
floor-6 'Cellrs in of'
"Wate'r (one' at ;the font 'ilror Li - ailer street,
'with a pitnip . therein;; the:Other' in the yariltit
.kitchen, door.) a Cistein diode to - contain elghtm
five llogsheads; • larget and convenient stabling.,
with.earringe house and sheds; ;Lirge. exec
lent gairde'ns attached to the tuillitingA besides"
'many; ecinvenienees not speciflea....
. „ Also,.•one,-Game -' , \ Yeather bottrAed.
Twn.Stiiry llouse, situated lic.: l l'.ast Lbuther at.;
'with.tw6-Cgiu.s r aGartleuand Stabling attached th e ereto. 7
3. •
ATso,,vne.! \ eat )er., 0ar,40 ,
! House 16 streei, adjoiriii4 the Ger:
'Clinrch, with a 'Carden. attaahect
it. k.O Terttis aPply to •., • . •
. .
. I
.. • •
Fa A KU .1' it
The.'Fil?scl:ibur Ft:tt n''. his sincere th:ii . d;:s:
tntris 19rmyr.cus'toto6.s, lot the liberal idowe
of 1):1,tl ' otoal; : e, 11 'II Vs ' khi cil 1.1111, ;Old
solicits a Colltintiarice. of the same;. as alSo..he
•rrri.iteY , thll4o--W
c,3611, to do so his'shop North
Hanover sttiNt , , one du or obrth of Mrs,.P2
WeiSe'S SI ( . .1 ' •
. . .
• Having Lady re; arnril frnm the the city •
or I , liilmid p o ia ; brino,io g - with. higl titell-itetq•
p.Rtmo'st.;:pprovcci the: sub:scriber
htts oil hanti,• a I.lrge-.115u).1 ttTt
. Cht of
G re.n.evN ,
A Ish, ' Ult ; Pti; 1f the
latest ras%jl)ll:;'' MI of which will be sold low
for cash, or Cm:hanged for,ciuntFy produce.
Call and see.
Nov. '2O, 18.17.-1 - .- 5
.1360110 S i t Z
. . .
THE subu - ekiber -has jase- receivi'd- at- his
Book og-storey in-fheliOrqugh of Car-.
lisle, a Large.atl G.en ,- :riii:Assortinent of the
Lalest PUblications,
sulded a
Lrn•e•number of DRUGS .
MEDICINES to his former- assort
ment: - All of which,.wiil be sold at the law
est prices., . ' . • _
lai! . trary 9, 1833..,.- • •
11.74 - A
. .
4 girl r ! on?
. 12..trr-114. yettr of
, age • • to do
light woi Et in - 'a small fimily. , . • ,
Apply to - W: 4 111 - A. 1104 North Hanover
Street, . • , .. -- .. .
Carlisle, reb..„l9, 1830. :. ' --- -
O. C •
Fornierly of . .S.'unbuivi-- lrortlithitberland
• - -• _Couqty,., •
negslerite?resfeetfullyto irtform 'the fmblic,
-Rh/Wire hai - rema - ed to llaiTi-shtirg r where he has
taken that large and spachins three story brick
house forMerly occupied' by M,:ithew
corner-o andl-hlild - strects,
• • HARRISBURG, `• -
In view of the 'State CWpitol, which he opened on
the first clay of '?clay last., and where he hopes to
continue to receive ttertniatromge so liberally
lietoWed on his esiaiJishment heroofore. 'lle
will at all' times, be provided with every thing .
necessavy to, Make his guests comfortable.
llarrisbOrg, June . , 1837. - tf:
A' .Further
cent -boxes, j'Tt_ receiv e d, and lei
stole . •
\ et; LBY tr. lIITNER.
Nov. 27, 1837. I.
• . ,ritiorurtu 311 Et:ICA
1:1".SITIl./11V7-'E C0.1119. , 01,
'CAP ITA 1,13600.11 . 00.
C:om pqtny.•
Tfisurance -on all o' f operty
Alitir.agcney-in Cat lisle. The—premittin-is
-regOluted according to the risk. Averaging
front 35 to 40 cents, in the. hundred dollars,
nescriprions will •,0e received,' ar.d policies
WCEd, from=ile
3911N - .1. Wirt? RS,
Jstvivlry 9, 1838. -3
"(UST led hair and Sca . -
grass Bed, ancl.for sale. 1w _
FOR, g . .' i Nri%
THE rorricy house and stot•e •rooin, ne'xyly
Bniillugl in the best style, situate on the south
east of ,Market Square, now in the possession
Pirt:din Ito the crake building
down in Liberty Alley;
•• • A LARGE . " • •
• • •
'II.A 41. •
calculated for two or more families ivith a lot of
ground, and a *double Shible. • Possession will he'
given of April. nest ; for terms
apply' 'to-Tlioniaa (. - 7arothers,'ES - qor - to , the sub ,
scriber. •
.• • , • T.
. Dec. 19, 183'r.-:-31v. •
volt RENT.
fax celits:rewardi .-',
.. ,
N .,
~ •,.,,:tI2,ANA'WAV horn tliestiliScilberiJ
'',•- 4 4 ...- 4 -' nth Ihe 1 hi) inst, cm ikclentstl servant
' ' .•
' - Kii , 4 naincctMA.RGARET MAR
'-- 4 , . 1i IS. Ili°. a bi,in reward will be ,6,, ) given-tn 11 , ,,y tierrt) ,wito wilt biing.
- aback said git-I,lmit miixpeneeipaict,
- Yebtuary 12;
.1838, .. •
• .
~ .
TOr3 Ja.
i GENER A I:1;,E11i AT{I{S - RET,AII E () 10.0 F
1" & X-' 1311"IEli
linv,ilong liven tenon nand op pi veint,
for IN: l';',ll'il , /1 . (1111nry and nnone . diate puw,ers irt 0, st.,,ning
pet Mith,to persons sit frarink tinder Iltltriy ere u mod
wilivirthomono 1 . 011811: 13
At ma. It • lo , lidt•1. or certilicana ittstare , .s, they hart
even reserved sit tents fColll.the VrfY_Ml 1411' 4.11 . V.11 1111(11120Y
I Uplyej rift, r 01 the deceptive nostrOuts of the elay had ut.
terly railed; mid to thamy thousands they In, vein:main idly
seeured that nail:inn enjoyment of head.b„. :Uinta thick
life itsmf is hut it partial blessing... So pr, at, inetr:e'd fins
their. eftletuty invariably and infallibly prtivi thiltat it tins
ppenreil seavrely h ss thaiiimiatro (J , i4l , -‘,ll
upon which they• are coaipatinelejl, 51. - d - npoire hiest,ttier
'enienlmently itet. It 5) tiA to their nonnif, st osible
nation in pttrif}ing.,the'esprinia and clinittiels,c,f; life, .and'
enduing th"mit with renew, 'toile and %igen., thdethey , mery
indebted for flair nnnie, which ram be stow, d it pan llhirrn al
t spontaneous-request of sessra I individuals w lifts
they lad obviously saved.
*rhe jirol/rtetor . rejoices in the , eipportitzlity!Pfrorded by
the tinteersal of the daily pr. ss, li,r p nriun ht;
FA It 1.121. Ptt.h.S witlnl the hnowlecge mod
reach of t iodiridnal in the coniaitinit. theike the
bust of Pernicious quackeries, whisk bov.l of Yegeintli
grydients, the Lire , Pith, - ore• eddy regetoblei !fled conniiii
neither Mercury, Antinomy, A rgetsic. uorany other loin
• eral,in any form wind - ever. Thee tire compti.d
eistraCts fioin tare eittl•lioWerl`tel plidett
e.he eh till s bf
which. though' long known to several Indian trimm; nod
rcecintly eminentpharioneetifical alto
g.f.t.ber unknown tq the ignorant pretenders' to wcdicnl
'deuce; and wile tin tieliire , aduuoisfind 11l -11 l hnppil):
effirliciotis fl
first operation iy to loosen the coats of the'stoinach
end bowels, the various impurities and crudities constantly
"Sailing around till nib -and and to retnove• the hitt:dent d faces
yehich_colket_jnih t e peinerimtions of the small intectint s.
Other medicines pstimally
1111.5..1 halinit, as to -pintiore , ,linhittialLeiddireness..
with :41 its fillip of,,rvits. or sodden dinrrlicen; v.itll its int.
imiurut. I Lis fact is well hnom n allm y
uhatomisit, examilit the human linnets lifter Aka *:
nod hence the prejudice or .
woi aigioost .
'tier goad: 111..1611t$ of the ag... The ei.coml ...freed of the
i r i! -
.ILLD is to cleirnllrtio.• t
the bladde r. mul this 1111 . :1115, the lieer mid the lungs.
the In althful fiction of which entirely &Tends- upon the
regularity of the.irfiriiiryMrgatis. .1 he blood, w bleb- take
its red color
. froin the ngeopy of the liver nod the I.mgv by
.fore. it passesinto thehcnrt, by them .
! coursei freely through the veins, reileiiF Vvr)_”1111. of th,
,y,t,m, an d n.i ii .,ipi“me;y mounts the banner or hi•iittii it
tier blonminft cheek.' ,
THE - rdTTErI 2, tare so ralittil, Jo cause the
iptitscis thilptiait c of restoring theiexpnii.gitmoliers if In altli
ton g'iowattgi_vigur throughout the•moittatottion,a vibe
nix is said lot Ins restoriNti lint - from tin retro tor mts iiys n
dissolution. The Phtirnix Ritter, arc rnii c e ,x si t:. t a m e ,
stiorunnsettrif emits itiCrrthe w, Sicrn
eountryothich will infallibly curt-If Iti ItS AN II A.G UEs
of all Brads; it illlowor fit ht Vrafligmto vl)tirelj aul.tinr
root: of lo,reloy, illfiloittly.stlolll.r t hall till' 11100 1110,, 4.1'1 . 0 I
prCparatiollt Of SI11.5:1 1111HW - I,lllld M ill iiiillll tinm(P:) rinr !fir
detertuttintion itf ft 1.0011-1.0.:111F, 111 . :,A II; tin r fit ip
the sickness ifirlitrni to (lining females; and Sill found tri,
-certain 'remedy ittittl ion, of nerentis I:chi(0 and, ro kyles r
of the most imPaired emistitutionSsi As a remit!) int. chi...
nit: and Inf(nnunieory "Rhennanistn, the t of the.
Phoenix Bitters writ Ise demonstrated by . the use olla tingle
brittle, The usual dose of these hitters - 1s Mall' ain ititt-igo tt ss
11,11, in winter or tibia, and tlosiquantity in mitt it Gnu
or three tinief a day, thout hnif an hoar in fore nit air s or
Aro- . tprottOr-noty-be-taken_aLsOhjibt-r, Om,. s% Ito are
nfilleted stion.itifter.meals, these ~hairs
prOre inVahlable, a, Ill') very greatly it:titivate fir nt tion of
the principal ViSCI rim. 1101, thusrio perform tint it illlll.llOll.
anti enable the stomach so ,tlischarge -Ow v
wha term. is offensive. Thus incliglistion in cash-road Tpc(-dy
ly removed, appetite r.stoci.d; and the /MAI 11. S of time clii
l sorbent tit mils being cittims«l, mityition is fiteilinattl, nod
i .strenetim of body and esitirgsy-ofTninilince the. happy_ rt suit
(nether pacticutarS of MO VVA Tfilti LS, an t i
PIICEN I 1 IT l'EltS. apply at Mn', Xlior t ,t's office; Net
16 Broadway. New York . , witetin C.lll tic d
for 25 acids, xn cents. or t ill per inn%; 'mad pie Bit tris fur S; l
nr s'2 per Witte. tinirroul etirtilica yes of•tim notith ti
ro! 1411c:icy of both, may br till r 0 raspt ctrl.
In 50111 e ointifiiiiiis - aiirrentirparateti-icascs of chronic and
inflammatory RM. emnp - ,1i1 1 ,6, F, err mod
ARne, Etspepsio, Polsy, injuries.frt Me - use-of no r.
ruruppritaireinni - ottror - disoafeo-orlonN-s.tn_nil‘
•finind met story to tahb both the Lol. Ilit
terl, in the dusts before et-commit tith
- - - f.';'ll - .: - .1 - lirse-Pil!rnnel the Hit t st - t - all tot vote,• nit
of tlilt system infinitely niStVr titan tine ii pri parallistits of
Satsaporilln -mol,nre-n-c.toin-r..4nocly_t..e_Alm_rim., t'
?Moil Co "the krocl, or all violent konclari4er.iir ikoarnrua.
Fcc.—all °mails Who fire pre dispesed to njoilireti v. palsy,
should newer he without the Lir, e 11.... tilt RI (ter..
for ona docent cline twit I sate tile: They I fiii. l .l2 l IS, d ry ,.
1116011 Of the 1,:0011 i rat Ipiressore felon head: r, 'into
perspiration., and t is off every impurity by the ports o
time stint
For sale nt the slore of S. IlLlA(Yr t i'.
September IS, 1837. Iy. -
All persons indebted .to the estate of .1)r:
John" ) . Geddes, — llite of Newrille deccasc.d,
-t?v-bookraccount_or_by_nate_ol:ll less atuotott
than $lOO, arc requested to make paymeot tri
the executors on or before the-14th of. Apt it
--- Also, all-parsons indebtetao the late fil m (-f
L, gr. j,.13, Geddes, either 1) . 1;• note or hook nc.•
'count, are hereby notified to •ni'n k e papist - mt.
GIn)DES, - .the surviving part ,
' ncr, on or Info' e the 14111 of April next —lit
Icompliance with the above notice - is I cciest
ect to.ennble the execntors di ceased'
to rnake.a settlement of the es ate. All time,
non unsettled accounts • of the J. <t j,
P. Geddes,. on the 'first of May next will be
placed in atr oilicers hands for collection
1 P. Geddes deceased:
, -- 7'l,evivil,lG'Alitretrs;7l - 81 S. • .„
Tottell,;'C;aintflpie a niLrersaiii
. . .
. - • .'' • ..pttereSicif.. -..,.
- Notice is bei(eby given; that 'a writ of Seirc•
Paciav, to April term, 1838,-to roe-dii t cud,
has . bten, issuzd out of the Conrt of Com
mon Pleas, -of Cumberland. county,. on the:
following "Mechanic's Lien," entered an
recorded- - in thes Court of COmnion Pleas,
.aftttesaitl.LYiz:,;,,,...: ....t- '• •
Ft ederick Wise, - -•
1 -- 7'''''' - "----
'"•" --- v"'.'
4 T. 7 18.• ' . :S 7 Ci. • Fa. sur., 'Mc-
Henry ' Myers, ,COn- chanie's Lien, No. 6,
tractor, and Trustees ; April Term, •1858.
of Dickinson College- • , - - -
' James W.. - Kelley, 1.. , • •,, . .-- .•
lis . - 1 S c.tsi . Fa. sul ly Me:-
flen y 'lVlyers,, Can= ychatiic's-Lit'n;-No-10,_:
tractor . ,iiiitl Trustees I Apfil 'Tern:; 43: 3 8,
of Dickitisthi:College. J . ' -•-• ..:- L .
Isaac .Kinsey, .- _1 ~. • •
• ~,,,, -• v s , --i Sci.. Fa. Sur, ,Mr-
TlibTrusteesof Dick 7 .t.chanies, Lieti., 'No.
inson College owners, f •121.A-pril TerM,
and Henry , Myers, ,I ; • 1838.
. 'Contractor.: '. 7 J ' • •-. , .••,,,
John Whitmore,. •:: I . •: • -
1 • -, - vs.' . . :„. . ...Sei. 7a. sur. Me-
Henry, Myers, Arche- clionics Lien, No,:_
tFct andArusteie of pick,' I '3l, April Term,
',•• :. Anson College: . j . • 1838.
William, Harkness.for 1'
.. .
' l 4 -I se9f l: l•:ltarkncss; Sci. • Fa. sur. Mc..
__„. , *•-•,,. vs. - , '•• ,. ebonies .I_Acti, No
Henry Myer's,' Certrnc; i - 34 April Term; •
' tor''atiil,Ti:nstees .Ofl .: 1838 ; '
.• - Dickinson' College:'",) - ' - •
• ~:', John 0 8helTer, • - 1 ....
. .
-..••• vs•''.. -• . . 2 'l, Sci. Fa. sur. Me.:
„Wiry Myers,Com , Lchanics Lien,
t.•r:.•,'a.l, ctorand, Oie 'Th . ia-T ' ~•0, A pril-T •
er .
. . ). tecs.of.Pickpistin COl= j •1838.
.lege Owne§. ,, i= , . ,
, 4O:N
MYERS, sherir, •
,Slitriff s Office,,l . ,- •
.__•_.Carlisle,,F.ell,_l7,..lpg, • . " l_ _ ,,
tEOLpGr, for
sale at the Hook Stcite2 . tif — , • -
.witt,eol7 - .4lFA , TlF , '7,lw.cani 14141
3.1 - cdrot‘4 l'egrtable':liife rills, and
r. C 743 iv.; Vi 1 111
A coNTßA's'i% " •
• Ait nn Grans ; I tqiTft do. nfillti^it'i..*t . 1, 11 JZ7 7 / 1 , 51.,4•1
.0011IIILMS 400: lbilitd Pit OW trim to fee. the
n race et ii. f,sn ot...B . lutitish on I ha
.hieti Jo the 5h0,1.4.. Si) • wal l Iji s 'L i n ?
)lt (Ise loss. Il is, lutt,two.,yeorf, mime iirst, e,e.heit et d ppee
,1111 - hhir.llll,..h cram , and -tliuciivereil- the •IiI" to lit
ithje,t j IVJIS ip .senreh of, llii,t tab Wu inks intim d lissu es u Mit' '1 .i.mtiolienceit
:Mir use 'wits I IC tise ohoy
tictii•W num of husimi.s.lmt:imnipierativihy kii.g, I have
my youth...l vim lituf,with etiuriiirote my ultra
expet knee; retirefittie,.iiii.triewff 1 ., adr ,
%void:proof !hi l t the V P'.4 LIVE --5110/1 C 1 N•ES
wee iteonuie to bii 611.1 Ili:Ive nit
Wad•ott. some of the most
rcYpl cialue citizens of this my noel, ir soft/mail' Wirer
ell in fist' hi ony, /if the virtnci of-A' 0000,.401vGE.
;If KIM tS .
, .
• •I'Lroilorwbose nonsti,intiovielmVe liorn,ore•s - rni - nril - br
;lie ftli-intallxt,:e". iolacrni. prepnrullUial of illy day,. sk ilk
, Drll.• it ito:si,111111, thi.l.,,i4V 7.l.(liAitia•s.,piid i,ii.,11 olityi air
0.1.- Iris.: eol.l4 . p.',l.over.ipin/t/a. loud )..+lO/:: • . • '
. . .
lt, IN
P,QQ . gi'UOUSVI STAT.E.TOEN'T:I4'QR-1.8.37:.
. - 17.' Ale CUNE, D. EfililllA7o,l.:l4a a d ...1.. ir',/7 e; GO ..I.Vk I?, Esq 7 rs, 6irec . lan*
, - 4.4.4 e •• • . I l6H,c e .or .. , .:21,,,, , , z re0l of ei. , ?imborio,..ed (...;',9iilll.l j ,
.. .„ , .
-,.- ~.•
Hz ,accoaht ivith ',chid'
.Counly, , f , oin - . 1 he
. 14 ((my ql...Tan.uary - lo the
. -• . - 314 day of 0eee011,6•,. 1.83 .lu ~-
7,laesivc,,z4z: . .
;- • • • • .-:
• •
• . ~ ' r.
'''T'ii‘ amt di'awn frcM-'cti. t re:ism ;t:r,67060 0 •Ty.nn!Gunt eticl.lA.:Loucli•4l,,Es.q. I:rensti
-•"- tre,-'d-f1i.44tri ; .1. , Hannoti,;l.A . og,_ • _,...-• ' rtr*:._,t lasi e.ttl.cmc-tit . . •p 244-. 41
• :- ' ney, I', Ander'Stut *tc Shire- • ' ' ..Ftivial . ex 01i lilt i t.t. door.
man,, for support iif , M`Kurtz, ..• -' . • - juin pr rs . • ~, •. ' • •
l',4l4iiiiitoti, M. Kidnit:n and-- - --• I'l:M.ler-told grinding*.
I). Urban'; - .:•*- - : * *:36 39 Illarksipili kvio - k
• ''"fipot Bet•k-s enmity ftir support • - ' Medical at telidance for - Out door- -----
. . of.; paupers , . • - 52 90 • - paiipet-s'., . -., ...- 17 .626
--7- '' - ' 7 l - rbin 1 / 3 - aphinueminty fer do • -
.1.2 17_ Sliin-mitking and batting 109 994
*" Cmhides and 'Skins - 125 134 i Support i,f oi l. d oor p aut ,6 s ' 195 80i
- " rov.h. hoi se - Jostireo' and ci.listables' fees,, * ' . 106 301.
• '"for.6.slifit , 6, fringes. & baskets - 22 37i. '
--- 4,••fi-and pm k: ,- . ' . . •66 6'4
.'.for.flikuceed and tallt.w ... ~ 35 33 Printing and stationary .1. -
"-for cider presic . hil c; Siberian * : - Mee rirmiliF,e, ',groceries, - &c:-. • • , ...•
• apples and wood ' - -51-29;
.. (clothing, bedding, 4ml- part
fur olthstoves; old iroti and rags 33 49 iroprovement inclusive) •.- 1730 50i•
" horn paiipersltt money receic- - • --- Talloring,,weaving and - carding -96 71i
ell for goods sold and pension •22 93i • Saddling, wagotinaking," , - 31 09+ ,
-," ft•ottritisticesin binding childrtn• 25 73 . Leather .:-. * • 111 28/
• . - - -c.
" for stuicirits • - . 16 771 Farming. utensils ' . • 16.343
' __ Stindries for house., kitchen; tilts --- .
. veiling expenses, postage, was . ;
' It'orli9g expenses, and expenses •
:•--- for- -- st - itling----with_ntlighboting ~ •
- counties .. ' •"" -; -158'76
M. Fisliburn,•fir - steward7s a: ma- - -
tron's saint y, hireling;S,.nursei
'mtch.e4s,fdrining,clet klng,..Btei
sehedule showing the proceed.
• cif the For7n:in:
. . . .„
505 busbelS 'rf wheat, XI of rye . •
05 of ecru; 1215 of oats, - 650 of pa-,
tattles, 4. of 015"veueeti, 2 1 1 of Aim°-
, s cd I ) of Alax seed,. 05- of tur
-20: of ri - d- tteet,s,. oritrinter:
a ppit's', 25 (donjon's, 10of parnips , ,
9 , of soup beans, - 9 of peas for sauce,
9 (•f - driedapples; 7.0 gallctis Pliple -- " -
,butto.; 51 loads of 11:ay, 10 of corn
fodder, 4 of pumpkins; 2050. heads .
:of cabbage; 217.5 cuctintber Itict.; els; ••
JO ltarrelsTni good and _watered
der; 102 I bc'van, hemp, 104 of. hitch- • -
ied:flax;.l2 bsclons.
Stock on : Farm,lst 1835,
--Sixbend_of_.l)orse's.2o - (1 - lihrocd
cattle. - 4 breading sovis,-.2'fitt;ll9gs_ . _
6G shoats, -45 bend of
To balance due county.
--' ..ti,e 7 rf 1
..1.211:1138 1:OUDOAT,138:I ensur e r7'rqf the 'Poor Ilanse and cruse
of I;in
.. plOfi ment, of sa_ideounty, cu lit wilh the - DirtTlyzy-of-tire - ---t-1
•.. sald'lnstitu 1 ion,fronr the Ici doy qf January to the - . : - --- . •- I
• ....r. - ' • • • - . •
• SINI rieiy of Pecenzber,-12837,..incluNirc,.vic: - -••-- •
. 1
.. .•_.
. _ . ~
To ti7intitit recci.vo from the coml. - A_:1.3% , mlviitt (Inc at •I:k•A s ettlement ' l l , l 4.i.—.1
7 - -ty ".I . l(2isiirer '''•• --,' - • - ---- 70 . 00 00 '. t.s;:tsl.t._Paiti op Tiiie,t..l - tir s — ottlet - s - tts --- _ - -. - ----,--1
A illotint receive' il__.finin different I . I- - - 'btaWd Onye ..; -----1--- --7-------.- - --- - 52-.7•3=-SCI/.1
sources as exhibited in the itir - ti=
.' ggittg.statement
To balance due Institution by Trea'r 17 793
. •
...tic-Pkrorio - , Illation and real;
,fatifned and killed.° 72_3 ; arminlSc)7.'.
• 31 average scci • glit%l9oTs; of which-(29-w e t-c-fattciird_on_latiuu av( rage
weight . l6s,•of which :38. were riAttened And_rdked on farm; 20 . shttp, 4Verage iviTed 42,
all, fattened and 10 . 1aised on :farm; 12 calves, avmtge weljit 62, all raised and . fattened
on fay 11). - - -
57 yard~ tow and flax linen, 67 yards - bar_ging-,. 816 yatds flannel, 46 yards rtigs,'._ . ls9
shirts and .chainoise, 122.talico tracks,. 67 pail sumliter pantaloons, Ti pairs knitted stock:
ing . s, 66 pail S: (octet! stockings; trade 29 flahnel frocks and petticoats, SS sheets, 34 apritn's,
10 chaff beds, 23 cap . s,-7.8. feather pillovs,-iill9w slips and bolsters; mou ld e d and dipped
3592 tallow "candles; ..•, • . .
• • , .
._HL,c_ ... Lo_o7: l ic,_ of s_aid (butyl/ annex the followino• exhibit
~ , r 6 , ": pciArniFirb - irtliVSttwardr — Matraa._and4_E_o_ztpcM__
, . , ,
from thilrt-Ilo.;J__Of January,. sIS37, as . Allows, in . :: . . .
A-canal_m_dach_m_i:ilugh_the swatiq, no rods long, 6i feet wide, 3 feet deep; . nartele a path
tut npiket onnetthe house; a new cider trough; and repairetterder - mittrthe-enupenteat_weak,_
of 'a di y-liouse ; 9 coffins; a gi le 4 windows in pool house doors; I woad chest; 4 bedsteadt;
1 wheel barrow and one wheel - narrow wheel ; ,' dining tables And 3 stpall tables in poor
hotwc; 625rriils; cut 37 IpadS'Of wood; 'made 43 hickory and coto_broono; 32 bushel bas.:
Lets; 22 : hand baskets; rernoved'and altered the grainery; glaized_tb.e poor -and dwelling
hialses and hang
- the
_weights of the dwelling horse windows; made anew wagon bolstet
and coupling pole; made doors to place of duelling kitchen;•altered the hog stable
and made 17 feet more trtalgh; and a variety of other articles made and repaired . ; •roade 60
Paitsslrac-IYailtaionn4i-r9nnddiuml.s-11nd-veSts_.; 20 summer vests; . boiled 3i barrels i , of
-soap; 140 lbs; haiA soap; chloved- all tlmwool and yarn,. &c. &c. I
-7!ht___,Dixeclo'r;s' 0
of extra la
_Etrviiiqg -Utensils a mil. Tools On Fternz, I,st Jant - teri-1/, 1638.
-•.;"'. narrow wheeled - wagons, j wagon 1 - pair
deaf borne with harness, 1 cirrt . .vith gears, 3 ploughs, 3 hiirrows, Troller to fields, 7
'wheel b ierows, I winnowing.rnifl,.l scoop, 3 log chaiiis; 6 set of wagon gem's, 4 sett of
slough-nears, 2 shovel narrows, 2 flax brehlth, 2 setrof .carpenters toolso sett•of butcher
ing tilol t , 8 axes,•aritl.a variety of liiiks i =sh4vels, - .loyleiti:scythes, cradles; grubbing_lioeS.
'tlir,ging irons, koesSingletrces, cloubletrees, shaking forms, rakes, Etc.4c.
. . . ,
The not hello rimperS in the institution, lsrilrm:lBSl7--;.(alf.wi,ibli 22 weye color=ed) - iO5
Whole umber admitted op to the 31st Dec. '1837 inclusive, (of which 19 were col.) 184
.• - •
.. .. _ .
Afaking the w . hole,n‘inTher t . lirottg.ll the year
Of w.hich.9 died, 12 - children .ittutid out; 158 discharg,eAl and runttiv.ay,
. .
Leaving th
e nuuther of pauperOn kouse'lst Jan..18:38
Out door liaupers.wpp'ortaLat public expense
. 1- •' • • ,
. . ,
WE the Directors of the•Poor . and of the House of Employment 'Of Cumberland county,
cot tify. the ;dyne and foregoing statement to Contain a just and true exhibit. of the affairs of
the Institution, during the period above stated, according to the best of our knowledge.—
Giveti•under our hands this Ist day oflanu .try,
_1 . 8:38. .
' • ROBERT •:I ( 4.eC UNE; . . .
- - .1 . • . • .
' c' ' ' DAVID
. •
..S.VE the Auditors of COmbet hind county do certify, that having examined the accounts
and vouches of the Directors of
. the Poor and House of. Employment of said county, 'from
- the ;-1,4 ,t 41 4- 1 -dlalanY—tl) the 31st day of December,' 1837, inclusive, do find a:balance due
s:lisi. county b the DireCtors OriViiiiriiiVituriatt—of-seventemdullar.s a nd seventy-two-And.
t.lirce-fouith- cents; and' we also eertifY that we'fin/I a balance due by Janiiirr"miliiiirPrea—
sure!. of said institution, during sti'iiT term, to 'the Directors-thereof, amounting to seventeen
dollars and seventy-twO and thrce4outtlis centsvall'of which is particularly set fOrth in the
-iibove stated atcounts, Given under our toads this
,Ilth day oflanuary, '1238, .
. .
o,Jantlary, ISSB. I n the case of the-writ
of Partition and vtiltiarittivOn't he - real estat
of,Jacnb Rhodes, lrite:i:oft Newton township.
deceliseti..being• this day.colifirtned.. On ma
' tion of Predet•icic Watts, Es 4.. • Rule, on a 1)
the heirS cited parties in -interest, to appear
at the It!.‘,xt Stated Orphans Court, to be held •
at Carlisle in and for Curnbeilatultountli. on
Titcsday the first day of May .next,, and qt•
cept - iir-refulie to accept of said real estate at
the valuation and appointr•nent 'thereofi. or
shoe t.guise why the sane khnultl not be sold.
I do certify the 'aboveto be .a true extract
takeri froiti the records of the Oil)lians Court
of • said
: . 'Ee,bruary: 26,11858. . , - `
'WOIIIE ,DIVORCEti, Lfidy Bury, just re•
erivvl and for•stile-,.0 the ]took Stote of
.1 .1 MYERS.
.210)T \ V MAWS T. 16111% AND. S ADO WS
f Abe Christi:in Life, just received and for
'stie.ot tliejlook Storc . of J J 11Y,EltS.._ • ,
February , . •
Mere zeta also made and 7nantrletchereel in ilhe
for .one yemirrir,
• Treai,urees salary for IT S year
• Directors, M. Brenneman.; It, M'.
Cone and "D, —Ern roinger, for
extra services, ,ei(ch 27 00. ' •
-Dr. 141yels and DrS'ltaugliroanr
half peat• each
Attorney's fees aed - 5htarY,........;_-:
Stock •
Materials, lmproven•eot ;and far ,
• post and rail koces.
Grain, flour- and-pot:does
_ $75-17.714
Litunce , due county Ist Jan,
,1838, 17 721
STS 35 44
lz; 72~
-7517 714-
By . balante due Institution by tre';.zer 17 727
• • ' --7.5-35-44t1
JO:, • 44
number. supported
, . .
. . ..
r ., :ute of Illichael.:Lang,'deceased.-: .
. , ..
-!, , •
NOTICE. •, : .'.- .- .
.:..! .
.- . E-r T 1 7 .11.5r - cif - (lin in ist rittimi? o,Ohe es,
-IC-A - cite of Miolinel . Long..dee'd.;Tkite Pf It 1-
.leii-townShip, Ctimbefland coMity. )give is
-Ist] ed to - the stibscriber,. rad ing in. said tow ti.
!ship . in due form of law. All persons, there.'fOie, indebeed,to the est4e, - will make pay
mentiMinedkatelr, and those. having claims.
will present_ them; •properly nutlientic(4_l4l
1 for .set LI elp ebt;
1 , . . ... LEVI.II , IT.TKEL,-Aditt'i. ,
..February 26, 1838. . , '" • . • -
„ .
. .
1 . • FOR' REdit T. .• • •
Sithstriber - oilers for rent. ti small and
convenient DWELLING' IILIUSE; , -
situate in the West - entl,of
street,. near
..the- e • ; •
house is well calculated fora'snia
family. Possession will be giv.efi on tite.iirst atty.
Of Apill
- • -
• ,
. .
UR , . .
and SlLK.Plusli - lippne:, black and.
Eincy :colours, . -•-•
.' • Y.,:' .. :..1..,.. ', Vll/k5. DARNrr'.l.. • ...
agreeable, cordial, ainl. cif ectiy.e i•emiql), for
.11narsenes, Colds; PainsM,the Breast ;
'Hard Breatiiiint; and
-:,4111414...11?oct „
climates and U11t771.
The proprietors a te_a ware Tfirtifiefrifreihriny
remedies. for coughs- mid-iliseasestif the lungs
some no doubt are, gond; has remained
late day.Jo - discover an artiele . so admirably fitted
to. these complaints ; so powerful and efectual,
and,yet st.) perfectly innocent and- mild,
Letnotihe._publieciassthe SC',rirtitic rett a
61earned - Pll3.sieiWand Divine witiale nnostrums
or the day:- -Let.them.Make . a careful perusal of
the evidences attending this-article; their - re;
Apectnbilify, and; the-deckled,' trianner:iti.-whir
they speak, and they' cannot withhold theiK
:ref to some of Let 'us. assure `; then)
that a single trial.of it will do more to comi . nce ,
all of its merits than 41 they can.see or hear 00 . !
theTitthject. ;di is 4itite 'certain that no_ injury
has ever been known to arise from its free use.
.an :uncommon- fact ia,.• that this remedy is
syrup,.a.spalutably and -pleasant, to the taste as
the most popular French . cordials' and children
take' it always with the greatesl readiness. •
The proprietors are now making rapid arrange
ments to have , Wm arliele. in the bands of every
druggist and apothecary in the conntry. It may
be known to be genuine by the following signa
ture aabelowbf the Vey. , Gentleman and Phy.
sie:inn who is the antliorof-
39 21
57 59i,
It is with great -pleasure that the proprietors
are..enabled thus txr hying foirward . en article sn
truly syrup,• and . from such a
w h o ,,,h ave '
occasion 4 ,1;41;,its al n'aysfuld it'witliiii their
reach, both as to places at which it niaS•Ttfound,
and the lute price at It hicolt . :.t ta'aolct. •
A great number of the most won,lerfal cures
may iie SVPII by on Mr. IlTfatider,
at whos - tore: it is for sake. See Mr. Ito!anclee's
_• ' •-•
COO 00
60 00
A 14i r;), sale by $. ELLIOTT
81 GO
A- 130:ivlifaistil CEL' cad 1:11 tlffnit...
is tit- gr, Ortiatli,..ll -ii( 1.01.,_;•11iC W'lTig , rut
man frame . . ithw writii_;.• yglie.lossol it eto)iges
.th'e contestant:v. owl . :rt oitithrel) K li n g, VP' the
rince•of old 11 - ,fe,• which cutt , ei to tn'y to te
-111/-:•‘lllem.' r': (1 . -8 !" 1 s'irn (-111 "s . even 1()
-.lety to tivnitl Ilk—jests t oot stmt.!, or th e .„ :
,:inreN; I lie• 'reithotiticr or (licit. 1‘ . ...- , .' :Ve.
:C0t,.5 . 0(pie1.93."..,pci1l hit etirt•w....nt. : 111.shol f, not
e t ., n the loss ofltroitertylills the gerrooS
, - 104
ing with-With thatlieuvy sit 3:.!ri i .; t t
lootp ; i10t..-
iiie lotit, of his Liiitt•. --- litt tti:o'rt it I I ite s - Z—tOtph.tis.
1 'Cr._t_cireuthottnee... 01.1)1111)(:1-?•-t - 1',11,N1 ill''
C 01,1131 11 1.l 5t...p••,... the littir froiw fittiotg.. „ii' 01.
the fii•st application, no,l u 1.-w hottlys 1 .,;,,t 0t ., - -it:l
again. It Itkeivitte Orodtiees eyebrows sod iilits.
kers; iire%•ents the lateiroirrtitritilik - grey; tritikes ;
it curl beateifoll . „'sou f,eeti it frhot z..eitt r. .Nu-4
..-m6rons-- cut Ales; 4, 0F . 4 1 M: 41r tir-rl7-41LCLIbilji-Y_lin '.
Fo;rp'ort'eif the. vii4oc4. of Olciriclg,'.3.3lalio, lire i
.. ...
: 11:41s Ito by..the prOprietors.
. ..... - • c•:)•lt.•:ii.1 the follow-1hp:: •
:_..11011.1111.T I'liAltT.t.): , :, l'.-(1.., late )I3vor.of 1
-111tilattelph:;=,...Jue.M1111", , i1 - 7,74 -- se - ei-iirri:ri;, tun L. 1.
ISO 00
80 00
265 25.
„cle,raeteß 61 the 'rue - lowing, geetli
ncn. . • .„ . , ,
- . . .
......N . ,crAinns„ . lfiseaties,.l„irer Complaint, Eletirisy
Idr.t.tayil iierli-ricss, OepiesTiit'M lir - rh,, Spirits,
Hol,ti7i•,-i2, nfiatinration; - :- Sorc -.Eyes; Fit c'-Palsy,
Dropsy,: $ fioin 'Pgi,ti:, . l‘taile.s - ,Ci ottp.;_:Conglis, ' .
At'llooping' t:otign, gurney, - .Colie,clolersi mo t s-
Mitt, Gri t ) t•l Wiiruis, Dy sctircry, - Ifeatiless. !hug. i - 7
lug-Noiscs_in the !lead, :King's Evil, Scriffula. .
t•ttysipelas, or St. Antliony!s" Vire, 8.)It Rheum,
01,•;,.. sw, : iii i igs; rlciu•S some or .... - w years stand- .
•big, Daitiatr , ,- rumors, ...B)erlled 'Feet am111;e7,4;
Pilt•a; - Oidi‘fUleiisii, all Eruptions -cif thelikin,..„
rriglitild...Dreams, Female complaints of every
kind i spocedl3 ttbstructibit.i, relaxation, Fix.. • ,
Aniurtigh I)ttetur 'lt. has enumerated by name
theithove - ilisea,eq, lie it,nerertlielees of opinion . •
truth his gyandlatlier,,the late c,-lebrafeirbr. tVin.
Brandrelli, Etat there is (tidy °sr. Disease, an
iiii-pihtity•Of the, blood, which by impeding. the •
circulation, bringit on inflammation, and, conse•
fluent derattgement in the - neon orti - nirt where . ,-
such impurity- of the blood settles; and that It is -
the diii..-rent - a
ppearanciis which Ong inflamathiq ---
or deriotgainitatt puts on, that lutve cansed medi
cal men to designate stielia-ppc-nrance , ) by various'
mantes, but which art- in fact, only the same dis-: .
- ieti , e --- .y - itit- 3 inii - z• - _Lolt._._l;..s.iL•s: s _ ll, li.l"('• 1)r, wm•
Brandi% th was sit folly convinced of..ifietriiitli - iii• — •
I the above simple theory, that -lie Spent thirty •
.y.ears in extierim.-iits and laborions research into
the nit,licil p; 'per tle9 oirAlle
.11T11TITTnie. viaoS - ---- . ---
entriptisiiig the Vegetable Kingahitti t - his object
being to ci.mpose .t itied-citie which should at .
- 1,117 C e. j/tne . y, and pl Pi }get. by specific action, s
reiboral of all bail humor , : from the filobd: bjcthe
stomach and bowels, as by the contimi dam of.
the 'use 'efstielt. a mete in ~ slid% humors Are
give tube Galli; 41 ofl, and the blood asSitnie•a -
stale of purity; and • ivi,oever tit Les, those Pills,
arid - p - er --- nts - rereS---wallt-tiver's -. L....aillhtislied that
Dr. Win. Branilreth fully attained'his pliTiiilliffi
•pie.. object.. it is now an absolute and known •
fa c t,. that every disease, whether it he in. the head
or fectc - in the - limp or intfatiest tn -- emlitMcwhetlier .;.-
it,be ap outward ulcer, or an inwiiird aln-eetis - c-are • '
Af t , though tiring from many
• Caleu-s, reducibleto this one grandsffect, namely impuritv•of the
'Mood. •' ' ----. ' '
In all,tltey will be found aitite arid sim
, p`e remedy yeit ail powerful for the vont - iv:4l ,0af......_.. i
the disease, whether cm•onic - ocrecent; infectiots•
or othet•wise; awl what makes them particularly ,
aiLipted kr this conatry, is that tht:re is not the .•
slightestdial t ility . to-cold- when taking liken), in-
r i u led the ity•stent is absolutely less susceptible of • •
cold wlii , M touter' their" influence, thaw at any - : -
time; 'therefore in this climate they'are in
valuable. Neilliitr do they require chang e o
diet or care of 'any kind. .In England these ('ills
have been `the only• medicine of many fainilies
. p v ellirthrvarying - froMfdrty - to - sixtty•ears:anit'
have always pt•oved
, restoring health •
wherever 'an abet•ationli•om It occurred. • . t
NOLITE,E.-In consequence of the atuncinus
cnunterrei;ts for sale in the ' Drug Drug anti Chemical
Stores., the pudic are cautioned against purchas- : -
' ing or any person except the accredited .agents.
sccocur Ah - tullitd. Cotanterfetto. " ' 1
7 - 1)a. Da.tx - rinspwAtits - aclopted--the-following___-..
Plan- to secure the GEN Ullsl . kl flcandretli ['ills to. i
the public.. Every authorized Agent 'must have
Certificate of Agency, anti it w il l ihe ' seen that
. •- - 'OTI
, CE. •- '' a.dovyk... forgery Mus rbe Committed, before' -
_ - 0 - ii•the Sth clay of J,,owii y i ,1853,' a •anti
poi- t : 61 "3"..0ne caTi . tiftirged Certificate. the
to vwn . )
.linot n: ha y i ng 't inhis possession is equally liable'
ion was• PTheiti - ellterl - ro-tliet-Ccutr.t...of
Pleas of Cumberland County bv. grinfirer -w ' tu t•VlV.--rs:-.---- . . - . - • .
- : The following nre - ffie - Tri =pointed agents-4hr--
Beetem, Esq., setting forth the . facts that on this vicinitv, - viz Wm. (..;ilitun'e, Cliambershorg . ; '
the 181-11. November, 1820, laud) Weise ex- tiatol) A. iVinrott,•Dettyshtirgt;. OGDiIIY &All 1•... •
ecuted a t - nortgag, to John - Shi'alThr -Pt , 4. lT'ltll2,.Ctirlisle4:iiitl-Win..llell,-,-Ilarriiiburg.
tract of land iMllickinson Township, bounds
ed by Win. •Woods, Jaines Wo 6 ass 'Sohnl • •
' - ' IjR. 11C113 .IEL HEAVV,S''..
- ' -
Hettrick„ and Others.. containing
,10.3dIcres; , ---, •- -
42 ,perches, to7secure the payrnebt of ten lkd
'Cliebi7:oC,4l,l:lagivoilatie, Nerve, -
, .
4)06(N0f .$250 each, from the Ist of April, -• ' r ..a.104 , V..qm
'1,822, till the. Ist of April, 1831,. inclusive; ~ , L . - - ..i LN T
• N•I'M
- - , . ~... • .
and that the said Samuel Bectem, Esq.', puff
•AiiPlicii morning
.and night, has cured hilMi
chased thesaid land from Jacob ~Yeise, Mitt i.b.,.(1,,. It' gives reii`tit : to the swelling or- the •
executed'a mortgage of UK!' it to U 'Paid J•icorl glii • nds•of the thrnat..tiindiAllevea the pUmbness -
Wei - se, to setttre tile' e . purchase imoney 52000, -,and eontraciion of the limbs and will take myel
in. annual paymentsll $4OO eae.h,-_ from the , iipONlown,:aml. inthotations'oitt 9 r the-flesh,
ft of April, I 530; to the Ist of April, 1834;,. theummism, l britises and
.sprahist•4lt gistes lining.-
' inclusive, which ... sal - 4 put•chase'muney has" iliate'i•t•lief ; ,it strengthens 'weak 'limbs, and eit:
'all been•pitid'in discharge of 'the - in bet gage - of - vends- the cordiitlien , reentracted.ts-t-)A.G.uv:deopi.•
Jacob Weise to Jblut Shenifer by an agree- , un.sheep's weal; applied to the •ear,nf ,cleac•Dcrr.
meat Qf the parties... And the. t,said•Samtiel s ons,-will by gua,stiMl application cAu s .9t9f i ll'. t( 7
Beetefn, Lsq . prayed the Chivt fur a rid e . hear in twe•rno(o,ll•2.•time. .-,,' ' •- -
~ „., - •
upon .all,
.persons,,..inte,rested l'o'Sltlaw. cause I A: - gr e at • tnirriber - • of • certificates :iir the-tack!
I respeetable and dectml...-ell ,l. c. liol noise
the ' saiitmortEoges.'shntilci 'Ma bet 'rati-" macter.may 'be exam.
t . ined where it,isseld..,
: Please call ‘),!:' ' • '. i •-• : 1 , ge ,,,,-
fled,: Notice is -therefore hereby giv'en 'to
the said Jacob Wei.Ae,and to - ,the Heit's or Carligle; whop s . :,ill . g.•ve fdrthet:.iutormattnn-
...,, „,
-• • I iNIK BoltiattePa.piptersit.• ••-•' -'- ' "'".•, ' . .
legal representatives-of
,Ote said ,John Sheaf.; i .. • l'• • - 50t.1,8,3* . tu-..1V-enW.t.tit..:4l4'
ler or any - other D •it .i• r • • 1 -"I • L'llithlli-qicto ' tr 4 .- '- , ' ....- •
• Cf.
- 1 "F stel k tcli T-Pcar .. Also' for<sale by a. - . F.1,1,19.1A is ~
at the next Court of trim Mon Yee of Cum- ~.- ~,
berfand - County ,• , :t Wbe- heldtin th l ii-Riii 'ilii: of
:April- next: tn.shew cutise,lf any thevliav'e.,t
'why the said,ropitt *mild not stater suttia
faction', en the" saiil martenges according to
.law. - •.7 7• -
. -
: )3rortier -
rif -Om T,' l nitrt... • - -; -- i •'• ..t t •••
.... „ . . ' - ',l-01-Psit NI,V • 6.. • ;err .•
- - -.
''. ris.. - -..r ---- ;, -- - -
1 - . slicrirrN oniu;, - .1 . • . -', ~
t Carlisle, Feb. 17 - J8 37 . - .) '
The -tinders4i7lied
J. Oldridge, Tumid it highly serf
hi. piit (oily tut ft preveillative
tllr, o . l .h!tir.'btlt B lso cirtairi
'lll:ATXlf_Vii, stniort
iteister in St
- No. Sti North riftit-strejt.
,forfx I>: 3.11 Arch street-
Timm ts, M. 1).
jous S. ruicv;! . .v,•ll):l "'
• flUtill 2i3-Sontit-7th
.1011N.G.11t1),1r: 1:3 Arch st.
.11te aged, and
,those -who persist in
itti'y dot tilways exilerience its- rests ratixe
qualities, yet it it its virtues in
tile 't"stitnation of the por - irx, ,"i t reo it is known
.71'ntr three of the abin- signers are more 50 years
of ege, mitt the others not fe,s - fliii - n .
[Prom the 'Matoir.]
c.7.lnoxvic.kurit or I i ENNSTINANIA, } •
• , City of . _
Vitiradelphia, do hereby certify that 1 ant-well
itcgitaiiited with illes'n-s .1 1.10•s,lohn S.
- names are
'Ague() to the almn-e evitTicate, that,t gen
tlemen of character :toil respectability, awl 84
such full credit should be given to the .said e,er;
,tificate. - . • ,
In witness whetieof, I have b e rt , flato fet nit
hand, Intl the sesi city to he
S.l affixed tins sixth doe of 1)-c(•,n1),•1., Sc,
Cenuitte Italm
Auls 'splendid cm.i.meel wrapper, un which is
represety , eil the Valli of Niagara. &c.• es.c. - •
For saiti-at wholes:lie by CoxlsToen. & Co. Vle!.
-A kent -for- , A Ywig, by mu s t
druggists thiamigiumr ! AiDerica. . '
- For Sdie by S. C. Carlisle.
Also for sale S ELLIOTT. . •
ay.evou - a - I, l otig
_--1111-not neglect it! thousands - have tmt
mature death for the want cif tr little attelitinn
a common cold!, . .
HAVE, YOU Jaynes's,Ex 7
pktorant f a safe Mi•dida) Vrescription; Contain•
ing-no_tio isonous drugs, tuhl used in an extensive
practiee or several yt ars, will ineWpositivety4:
ford relief and save vine from th:/nwful disease,'
im ay co NiS'UtIIPTIOX . - which an
nually sweeps into, the grave • htuldreds• or the
young, the fair, the lovely and. the gay!
----03-PE-414134-7t 2 •017-9 4 / 4 -11-trpers. nailed-to
purchase a bottre-•of this Expectorant! - •
T4J-D to - morrow May lie too late. . •
Myst. Fobs C01.7611?-4;11W . S. EareCtOrant, is
the only remedy you !diotild take to cure you! •
Poe- this plain /lemon that -in -no. mic of 2 the
thimsand cases,. where it has been used, has it
failed to. relieve. • • . ' .
It may he hitd of the Proprietor,nt-N0..20_1
South'e r hird stij.eet, Philadelphia, and of, Samuel
Elliott, - Carlisle.! Price $l,OO.
.Fehrtisry 1238 '
• 289
- ' 14)
.v4ist , ''
E: CT. pr.-u-aottto,togr,tevos.
I ' tt.0110:tiO, -
• FalltoTas Clare Ellr the ft
EDliatis9l 1,411,1106.
Moeh need sad in 1 -° e`i'a•flo.i to thil
Cif ititletfol remedy, as the, proprietor feels
coulident th,tt when ttp;died, It wilt; as
beep' rivi:d . by the '41111)er : of respec.t tbls
sang,. ;1 . 9 entire .cti re of, the Rtith
tind other p%inq. lio,d not.until lately beent •
-11 , is 4 ;tneni,-it-tn...-ttv...m.a.k.e it pithlit7; Il to
f rtltitint appli7ations of ltii tieighlyiurs, 'and
•t , he. w.oiulto rui es it litts . eltected; h --- f - t - . 41 4. •
ita.tinty be _owes tn. socieiy a, well as'him
self; tosnalte it more generally-known and at
the. stitite.ti urei, luive it put aS neitvits - he
within•the reach of all who.may be afille.ted .
with that painitirdisease. -- - •
- Hundreds of names &il:dbl.. pnblished • nff,
.persrins have been cured by this icele
bi'ated medicine; tiny siSlet.:•.„
iitr from the initss;-,:aS - beildrilrypty.sufficient -
-to attest its power: : • . • •
, •
John Srove, i‘; '• Ref
Peter .Lintlenid,th,,Rober'Gßiehaidson,
'Ccir„nciius• Stencr, Jaeob. DifTes;batlgh i ,
.ilender,• • '• Jacob
fruhert DyFeirt • Jacob L. -Nag:le, 7 •
He.nry AlAatrgb4- 4 ,iolin A Isbapgh, , •
. .
Christian Organ, Samuel•renely;•‘•
13e'ndcr, Samuel Young, .
TC'c'orp,e - Fisher,••. • Jacob '
John .Cofer, _ Jacob Miers.•, • •*.• ' •
Mount Jpy, , •A og. 25,4•1•53fL-r-,.. ' •
All milers filial 'a distance addi:essetl to the •
subset 'bee, •Mount. J iv, Lancaster county.
will be: promptly-tind- attnded ! to..
Mount Jby, Feb ; - 7di, 1637:
The - above - metlicine is a Is - 4
'for sale by '
Carlisle, Feb. 12,.1838 1 - °
• .
~.6).7Z. aiIit.NDRIETErg • -
I‘ , `°i.k,f,rer.ablt 1171riversal -Pids. - -
. B,7ecnce should. contribute !vibe - Cinitfild,ktlr,
.. . - end Ilesiribm, of Ilitinhinft,t' .. •
On the vighleentli bf Mn:e, - 7 18.1.5, these :now
tynly celeliraleil , l'illh worn tiebt made . kii - u - iiti:in
tile Unwed ..tate4, n?Ci nigh in 'l.:nripe they.lnid
Neon prccini tih the fitiblic?heally a Cc:11.
Ility, 'Cilf. trlttcl'iC.46 . p121.11,C 'ilariv, o lly VieWeli
them , At'l2ll -
. t. 21.11116,111, 111,1( IN 011'21'11:1 they were.
; l'onmk t i Ilia
tityy in.nre.... ; ;;eo, it . 1 / 4 1';e: 4r:i l Clispiated
, ~ up:
Le 12;7 •,• : ,t,,,41, k11111 , 4:21ce.. rfl. ( . ..Ct the plally.
/ iiin•sons idly l!tare commenced with tlin under
ItliU" - (l:lP`it-1 7 1 - S - ift—c%.1:11111 , 3•13r.,t ... 1..1 . 1),,,1i1y-- - al ..
. •
tion, •,l lien other medicine bad
proved altogLtlim• h:t.e.betn restored
o -health andhappinessa From their use; totd the
emmt•cioence, ia; . they Me now' riTaiiiniterattA by .
• - tinan••iints - nriii. , l , 4nita - whom tree y Itne c t it NI or
f ie p4n, I t P4itlii, : _stui a armn. 1,1 fathii-s4
i t , p., t t
revm• and
11 ; 11,6 1 ,
. 4 ,:carler,
_Vnllow, and cotionnit
Attieldiorth's Ailegidua 6 I.S.V - slep qrthe
NUjostrecciiedlatiirlCir inle. tit Wel 0004••
• • • • • -SIT.
I:ebrtlary '
- - ~• .
f•ifil'Oß Sala -.nne: nut-o.nii• OM &
-u; ----- A 146 one. sgeblid'iland
4 , ,lLLBUgy,,Avith Ert:d'harnesst,st
' PAR/511',4-,