Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 20, 1838, Image 1

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-EP 0 E;i77.,:irX ;
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W. 14 e.•* L o
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. .
' ' ' 'TIT)... "CA It 1141.1: n '111:!! Awo "i s. 11 F. ~( rogyron, f
Neill tie i4,13e , 1 at TAY() f7.1)1,1-1 1N per allIIIIITI;
t r,'" l ,••. p ij.L I, or %.,....0.1„, i" ~i,..H „ ,..,.., ..:.....-- . ..t... , . :7
t.-tv .? 17 - it; /:.'c r. .,"-,' , 1 , 0 0 ..,:•_• , ...,lingvt square
. f, (i.brce iii - 4,-i t - ;" . »1%, A . ).'•.: V. lin i.-i• A 11, and every
ii Voi...' ,, lty•nt tn4,...,•t inn, "1 . .,ven1. liN.e * Coils, longe ,
_ , , . . .. .
om-ji in proiffirtio». • ,
Iro•ti , v 4 4..i.1.1 . , ,, ,(1 to'..l.Ve '7''•• • - •1 - ''
pH.a 5,,..1(19 on nisi-
II .• 4% 111 IS 'l' •
II F. I'OSI - I , ` A 1 I),'otholwise ,they
:. ;yid not be_ '„
IJ. •.JAI ~S
• The.'folloonrut prrons nopoinfrd
• A - I. , ,eiifi473T - )F7 ?,c• oisit or
. iiiyineot tor stil;+e - ri;ipoo and qdvortise
- inanis oon:h.? nFidb.• • ' •
. 14 Siiirelllln.loWfl,'Clllll`l. Co.
oTT I. N NV VII/ • .. do. -
P. 1.C. -. .E3.serz, .•, d o .
t !_: 4 ; o•o.t
011.: ;411rpllicrgs„
o •Wose s tt.tcti,U.' , 4l • .10. -
J. 1.145., tOltleit OV'
R.WI 1. , 40 E , rl. M
st „Ro..xs it A ; tr,ife'll'e 11, do.
R. S l • r en' tl 4 ) E. 1 . 001,100 W 11,
T_llol 111, Af! ,o91:iel+1, Perry coon y
-.A, , I. odi- , too• A r.. do: •
- r ,.
I: or
- 2 ON I TANI PI; I_t ; A change f
dc.lice, I
.t .fkr Ah fofluwing .).„
- pet t) :. • •
THE FARM .n which I , ”.sitle,„(llncklantil
rno•da•na , •- • 260 res tr
1-11;:: F,11; ,
itijr)g.l;t,c ppo
sit r; r,knr.tiltill e : .300_1)0: • ]) o,
-`,• 1 1 . 11.1 ? .. EAR NI to )vhich P. Pat Iticr
P.ll- -.F-11-1-INi—on..t..fAuTtcliar- •
Ittnl I • ISO
ONE-1 I ) laptl
16 - 0 7 :17 - 71)0.: -
A Iso,.:1 he NEV DV1T.1.1,1 NG HOUSE 'in
Hap;o•l4. -- ,%t'n, erected on . Prosp'ect
The',;;lbove f.trins have. good. Buildit.g:;, a
due pot Oka% (X.-11:met attached to each,
gr‘ . and irr..a -- I‘.
taihtllrtclii`itliritl'•as • as to soil, product ivenes.s
and-situ:mon - cannot he offered-in \Vaslting:. -
__ tioticounty,. ic.lart land. A further'4l6sCri'p
ed. unnoress:Ary, as these per,
- sons desirous-
_to . ' i.r ill of course ;
propr.rty and juclite.49.r.ll,lktinsetVes
'l'll6 f r :'irtns separately ortirgerh..
Cr and sa liberal credit git , en- for roost...of - the.
cquidti,tant - froin riagerstown ‘Vllliatris
pot 6 miles from each, and - within front
one to
-six milrq, "1112 to 15 Mills.
--- • TlLGllMAN,:l(ockland. .
March 12, 1833.
GAR?, 1> ailz ,
11 .Yl'l;,jutit rfet . l%
(CO SC . I. MV,
atlelphia. a furgo iu Ice
Secils;'.wityrated of the
MC:11111S, dwarfs.
Loug pod,
Red speckled valentine
)frown • do . do
Chitin, 'white with red
eye, -
White kidney, ,
Early yellow,
scans. rum! a's,
Crnti6ill•T; -- -(1)(11.) . •
Germturkkle - or-gretnsi
Yut k,_att Eat,
• - tarly gailotir,
Green curled Sayny.
Red Mitcly firrpiddiag
ping orange.,
Early horn;
Cti •
Long green-prickley,
Early _
Ltfrge purple,. . •
, Endive y
__Curkt),_ / •
Lose , flag- lea% ea ) .
/ cttx:.ce,...'_
Nit !_lentoillieward•
, --- IiANAWAY from the subsCriber on theAb
inst. nn indented '
servant girl, named HAN;
NAH•GRAY. The 'Above reward will be
paid to am - tie - 1. - sem who will bring back said
_ girl; but noekiienses - paid.- •
Marph 12,1838;-3w • -
K.• FOR RENlrei•'
rirlii;vrlarge and'OurniiindiouiTAvEta,
STAN Di formerly hi the occupancy of
C;_ VI. lit. Davi s ; situated on, the oni l i er o r
• Main and Bedford streets, opposite. the jail.
),Aid house has been long occupied•its a In
vOrn, mid is well worthy the attention of
competent: tOiscep a gond house, the
oildings being 'extensive and. nalctilOed to
give,pmfoirtay,o, , ,epooinnifiditirOn- to
pfa„ verreixteniiiro stabling, rind first
Ja(d•woll of water ip the yard. propgr
tY:Vill be let on ade,an,tpgenita.term's to a
S-Pc l o, "kaienutt engaging •rtatleyn
ceiling' .Also ti.frar9o
adjoining the tnyein suitable., for roffineslir
for Mechanics,. •_ _ '
• AOBER T -IWVN-, LA Agent--
• F f ir tcyronoclorc Also 4 Elliott.
match ;208.38
- •
. - . . • • • ' ..
.. . .
. • .
r •
. •
. ~
. ,
i . .• . . • , . .
. ' •
. - 1. , - •
•.. „. •_ _ ' .
~ . .
•. .
' . ~, .. • 1.... $.- '. . 41/ .
$4 , •• • • 4 ; t
' ~,,, , •
V , '
' •
.‘ khl 1 r e.,. ~.••,,, ~ L.. . . 1 : : :.• „.. .. ~.:._ • • ... tilt 11 . t
.." :,..........„,..•....., •,,:: f 1 . _0" .. ..A. .:. -1 ,. ', -
.- , • '
• v,,.. •.: ,
r " • - ' ~: P , . / Sikill. 4 . '-'
~ , - vi ..? '. - , ~' : ' . . ••. . . . • •
t .
.. . • • 4 ,
- c. ' ' • 1 , , • • •
~ -,.. , 4- 4 .. ve- / ~ ' 3 / 4 ., .
- -.'....; ". - IN. , -.- / 4 4 1. , 4' T.? '4 " ' • . . ,
c itv *te • t• -..., 4 '4. ' . . . ,
. . - .
~. . . .
. .
.. . . ' . .
' . • .. .
.. . .
....' p . . •
. .
Pe . PA., • • v.. .•• '. m.r.prarpwropirwmt•m•oreomprolmnfopp..............wo rwmorman ~.m .....2. 4 *.momftws:wovon,rponff......,....wen• omer...wit ,
.. .
EA_.l E DS.
I from that jtvllv
N DI? ol
general osvoilinent of
• gvowth ref• I
.11rwii Mitch
Grpen Cu,4 White Cos,
Early curled,
, Silver skin,
WetheNfield red, (;0R,.)
SAryisburg,, large y!l'iv
Pai ri4 p,
Fine sugar, &Mit fine
Lamtretles extra earls'
Farb/ frame,
Large inurrowtit,
Dwarf marrow fat,
Blue imperial,
TEiT t •6—sweet,-5-e-nvi---
p ed,
Long salmon,
Long scarlet, short top;
White turnip,
Red turnip,
t , •
Round savvr leaved,
Bally •
Loig green,
-• -Turnip,
Early flat, Dutch,
Jted topped: -
to Bags,
Pot and'Sareet Herby.,
assorted. •
•:• • •
IntIY_IXEIVSI7 4 I, I 2 7. E I2 - D.E . °P TAP TO E.EVS: I ,POiriirT4 C I S I. 11ITIERaTUIglE; ' .114 T. S .91,71 - .19‘ .11.1E.TiveCES; . a.e.II.ICUIGTURIE,..I2PIUWB.II - .E. 7 .3 T, AV;
ran, gffiMi"l;tl9
- 17 he following are the reagonc: wli3
I) : p iing is an appropriale comoun
an a l of;coors.. , , de.erving - of genera
attentib.t, both in,l
1. It is ixtensivqfy. applicable.te the 6.qm - rpor
parsrli“ret . life , especially. the mechanical-arts .
arirl cvil eng . iiieeisin'g;'n it nea rly e'vcvy - qe.
p tyttit :out 6r,se.ielict.l. •
.2.• Experience' has folly prayed that Drawing
and connexion sooner and
hettf.:r._tWi Writing is 2iPZJ7i be Separ.rtely:,
3.A, daily, in writing . des , ;eintions of
Until witiiro and art, in addilibil
to drawing brim, furbishes j)nctidal
usehil lessons in Spilling, Grammar, and : Calm
position, which render pi:pils inure thernirglyill
those important bralicheof (Nine:llion, than they
_canszyer beconr,: by 'merely cominitting to mem.
pry spelt utrlu urk cufrimni , and thei4stPact - defi..
nit ion; and rides or graipmnr., •
4. if a large psortiim of the exerclsics; bah On
drawing and' describing. o'd-icis, iv peifinmed of
shites; which are ile , bideilly pr, paper, •
e4prci:dly liyeveot a great de,
triteli-im-14-:-,l)nrr•%4 1111.1
SiVe and so ineinctital in HCIIII,OIII.aIIICCIOII3.
5. IR. coni!nnetl ,rt drawing 'awl (le
spribing--01,Qtg, 17;v1-6141.!.ren
examine and • unLi.-r,tan,l Jlop9rt
in !ins. or _nature 4w3 ennst.intly
st..n7e.; tlicir - ni;ndi.; u I i u c li l anti en ertainm
kit edge, :!n•I pros t. 4 from the - nuniquns
no•l'ortnnr.:; or igni::nnco.amt -
" Fl 14 , 1' i 4 . 1:8 4 K1NS 1 ' 24 I) ItA - W1 c•i " -On a 01,1, •:44441
the ..4 :44t: fi4V111":1 in :4 blviiT , 'll3 i,v) X l'i ;.I.:i n , ,'
I: y Josiah I lollirckrik, flirill , o.l - 3!) l . .h) l irilito it ,,,, uni
-iu_lliis - eloin , ..rit;ity• and It,,•1 . 01 ,1- 1 1,..,1•:111,-i , t ..f . -111-
siruiltion, RIO introduce plp Is 0.1 a groat -1 , ...:c.•
' of exercisys ill Spellit4;, l', mill.l,l,ip, Gramtii:4l,
- 44 4 141 - CTillTlVßitialli — lCif - ei 44 i x .d f., in:, r..'ling-t+-04
iiii:llWATvre 0) 'cliildre I, wh, : ti n . r i n s c hool nr at
librne. Tfmy arc. %veil c•dcfnlaieci 0) aid inifents
14 5-11 11FrITIITTATfil - TespvillT;:lirTriCirTiri . c i. rit:grElztE , il
1 clinics (If, domestic ed - nelqiiar. - - ...
:to: I 4. In
teaclicri have adopted the pl'occl sutisl . :olotpg
I -them formie-httlf the ,;.ce.e At'4 In copy willng,
I . s(4ly , pkt_riitiedky,...tktgr them
instead .of 1!;.4,M4 ' corcoosit Mc, for
. .M
.ita tlescriptive exeleises answ,!l . ,:ts mcch
pore than a. 8u liet ltllt e.
. .
Alley:are use() by ..children.
icithont ritt3,.iti,t enc . :ion from parents, 4.110110,
agitment rifity,•: e 've r _ in.
(riling. and evey active iniii I, and of these
,"zircletit and sakers aiLcr nSLful
rian - rm iniTittT - tcriwirgt-
.The most isefitl and tilt. idttst ,al,t)ti-
Cation minke of - thc4e drawings _and:Jlesc:iritions,
when completed, is . setiding them, hy,ll.?iy rf ex-'
rlffingo, to other 'schools and °thin. states - nod I
conntries. They hie already 1).,..en sent, in
great milidier., to the fl.lll. (rim teis of !hp
I I imil 11% ,Var.:/11111-ij (A). I
corner rf 211arl,•tf &Tenth di,•erts,
.moog. t:,, n.i.•mt,or oduc.,Goo who Lave man,
re.o., a a special interest no Ake stilijoct and
r".( l ;'' of tetlebing . _be_rtt_p.Lesented, are t. 11065:,
Whilit' 11 , 1 , 11 vs :11.1! nitili•X , :ii. . ' . 1
Mr. Josiah lirdbemik, the well-known _founder
of Pic Lyceum system, and the tintifing :vivo.
eate and fiiend or popular education ' has . , latc:ly 1
..prepsred a very desirable. series or j)r.iwin , .;
Ci:iiiTAT -- TE-Tif - e - tiiiliiTiiiTil'i'i .. i -, 7 - sf.x — filiTly e xect 'tett
i ..
-- rlnrivingq — ip — urrilint7 — cmislst iirg - or - viiviii-nTeri
Imes and figures, the 'more cowmen iy . , l2pleinr ohs
all, t ,„ . i es , household otensils, aitinialc. &c•
These cards are neatly put up .iii boxet, with a
description in lew words of their ohject and iiidi•
ty. ' , By perm ;/in chi'dren, both at school ad'
at home," Mr. Holbrook very justly observes, t'to
make drawings and written , leicriptitins- oftliese
and numerous. other objects in nature and :Art,
•thelr feelings ale interestvti; their lomils, t!, t7s,
and intellects improved, t.iirl their minds constant
ly, stored with new ideas. They :ire thus, pro.
tested from ignorance and vice, and prepyrecl fu-"
respectability and Ust•fullyess."
These cards are pecidiaidy adapted to a. l our':iiiTiiriiry . selipolq tiorl - thc-opniinn Is- )/ , flie , lita;.,
tingly expressed .L true, that no inte r jligent inn. 1
titer-orzv-liilthreit-or from thr
retuTk neeriv - 4 -- o
l'r - 1
ag , . s.:,
~ n ,ptaco_ll,e, i t--eara4 in their,lgituts,
great ben, fit to their itnprovetnefit in kunkjntge - , I
taste, and liappines.:, 'C. rI. A 1.0 EN, '
Principal of the Voting,Laclica' High; School.
.The drawing cards 19 , 6 pare d. by- - Mr. J. Hot,
brook opiwtol..l tomewt:ll oalcol•ltt..4l to _interest
' - iiiiil 7 sistritet chTl7lr9,it'iitthe prinnaTaeCilents--or
drawing; - Irk lle
/ c,
mencepient of series series which is titisigned to illus..'
trate many:9ll - purtant - printiph4t; both in science
and nit / . : S. G. M.OHTGINI, M. I).
. Pe b. / 6". 1838.
,--. , . ,
19 / Ifie above views.ond opinio,ns tie fully null
.c . he . erfully cmicur. 4
..-- . .
' . - j+HIN -1,17.1 1 , ..wr-1 ) -m------,------ ----
Provost Of tlie Univervity of Penn.
J.P..Eqrr, Philadelphia. •
•' Tans. NrTTA LT, do. •
.S•rvertEN 11. Trso, D. D.
Hector ofthe chMch of the Epiphany, Phil.
J: fit. Pourstt, Easton, Pa. •. •
• Isa Plidadelphia•
Editor of ifiC,lmirfiat..Of Nledical Science.
Gito. W. SVOi)7IWA at), 11 ilkesbarrc,. l'a.
• J. C, Philadelphia.
IttCit RD II WAN, M. I) or Philadelphia.
• or NlediC:ll & Physical t fesc4ircliest,
Palma Americana, . ,
of Chemistry. in the University
(L.Pennsylvania. • •
I .
Ifev.3CiffN eo n , , - " "
Author of "Lectures tp Chiltlrett,'"f Stu
dent's Manual," "Sahliatii School Teach-
Cr," Sf.e.
Principal of ClaSsical,anil...Mathematical
• ' • Institute, Phila._
of.the Lyc,eum of Languages,
Philadelphia. .
oily NPHowEr.t, D. b , .
Join Enasr, .• 0
Author of a History of the U. :States, hc.
• S: flmteir,
Principal of n select Seminary, Philn. .
• A.;BAnyr.s, Phila.. _ .
.• _
ilAuthor of Notes en the.'Gnspel,.• Ac!s,
Romans; &c.• . • • -
STEYMNF,' GClMySblilt, Pa. •
• •, 'PIMA
-One of: the: the: Americatil,
Central Educatipit Spci.oy. ,
DI +r011.12,:183t3:
FlE,COrnioittee'nf Arritl i ge;rrierit . an lie
half •of the:ilelles.l.•,Ottre r s" -- *iciety, 're - - •
, giyectfully tender .their tbitrts'-xo:tho,K•indi
vidhals who&ihindly affdrde",d•thr ugelif thcir.
fait - on the lt,vehingof ZhVilltiroOl;
alsalo , the Thislees•of the•'Kethoill"?.t. lapis
cntini Clitirch, and the Citi'r'‘olliaf.j.(44inlrf
in the peijohrnnees of ;
.Piinied_aud _Published!, Week4.9. l by___Ge ' ("awe OZ. Tphillips_,
_in jtkiltqle-i---eumbirland—County_.,_
The Editor of the United - States 04- 1
zette;in his editorial
,Colujnns, tell-the
7!lritiex,nill:fouchitig Story •
- CATHARINE - gc,INNE§.. --
riR *1 . 11T." - Nvltt)No- F, TT F, nox..-r
•L.,Amosingiiireidents Ole - km:cur by per-i'
sons Mistaking the letter_ box, of stores
and ofliee;, - in this vicinity, for that of
e "Post eti .
its—. tilt!
three 'or letters . in our,ti
•box-,--i-ntended for the Mails; •' These we;
of con rse, (tut
Standine., - once - at---:our :front :tvituroW,.
we observed a-young .woman, whose fate
was wit , Tisible to usotrova letter into,•:aml oft taking it out we foujid
that she had miStalien our-e-stabliisliment
for that- of the Post 0 - flicC . . - TC'waS7ar- - '
re et e'd 'to ti Ireland,
and the-inland- posta l te iweoinvioje4 jt,—..
The Itter was caused - 10 be•iient tvitli
some others to the Post.ollice,and ive gave
the eirctitno.aoce•.no. further 1.11141;0i.. •
.flusiell a -teAv • 4ts afterwarils iii ex . -
t . t.rnijkinW.he• .ntepts 6rimr,exchaul3 pa
pers, and ingliting‘ such paragraphs ,as
tWy suggested:lu
.. yve:tli4lpot• pay
u..l..ich•atteurion to.a - gclitle tap at the (Jour .
.oUJ' I 1314 e—r-ctutu—,
ed. •We'then,•too'anxious to . conclude
t lmint a b rs - i - trcrim n i adz-
I the one that knocked - "eonte.
con that ed.ou r r dyitliout. rti og
eye to the door, .ignich wag opened quietly,
land PS goietly closed. We here startled
'at I eng . t h With , a gweetly.nodOlat
intOiring - ';'is there a letter hel'e. fur Inei',
)1 7 e . al once rhised nife eyes, acid saw a.
'about 'eighteen years of off:P—=or,
as .W.O hove. of l elogtA.he art 'of iae,log -
I closely . id these rna(ters, perlup , twenty.
It did out make a dini de's dilrtiredce
_ker . ce,_a n woulil notifitve more
. Vcars
k il d been laded to them—There was ail.
oval fice,_with nature's own blush; and
slight projection of the mouth that told
!of. even without: the softened
modulation - of voice that belongs to. the
women of that island. Neatness was all
that could be ascribed to 116 dress—it d •
served, that.
--- fLi2trei•KaTe — fre - tren - tly asked flyin a
newspaperoflice. iti
.reply to yfvertise
ments=so we batte, the yong•wornan to
go to the front office and jAtttre of the
c 'at cent ierc• ant t sere was no
one but a boy, who ould not give her the
So we in ••ecl -the name. .
• "kitty/ /),Ifinnrs;,,bpt perhaps it:will . he
-Cathuwi76.on _the_ !Lau," salt_ she, "as
that iymy name."
>Ye looked on the letter. rack in • the
yint office, among the B's"
IV's," the "P. Q's," &c. but saw none
for Catharine.
inquireti_to_whaf adver,_.
tisement the e t ! n• viiiii - ta - be - "an-i 4
i t sen) eti t
would-66-in-answer to illy -letteit."___
"And from .whom did yeti expect a let
' ter?"
Theyoung wornan.lookeil winch ulit].
Init - itirpriren i.ltsu.pprisit u e
tiou pertinent, she ,said, "fruin Thinnits.
We saw at once t,llll site, had, as huh
*eds before had 110.11 c, wilstakCli our-of
fice for the Post'-011ice;—and tlie' name
liiven was thatupou the lett - ef. Which-we'
had stime morithsTrefTieseht front our
letter , box to that of the. -Post - 0; flee.
• "Ile Itas not ivritterf, thets , ;”•said Cath-
Atte, in a low
. voice, evidently not •in
tended' for our en r: - • '
'"Bul he may have writtep."
"Then wiii!re's the letter?'' ,gaid — she,
look 'lira pr' '
"At the Post Office, perhaps." -- -
And - we took. Catharine by -the hand
and Ag.. d Iter totLt,e,:stoor,,worP peiufet out.
the way to liftt-Tost -
— "ITV; w ,"11111
we; "blit:as the clerks are y'oununetr, you
need not'tell them- from. whom yon ex
pect the letter,". - •
. . ..._
"':Not. for - the _work ,-. said she, looking.
into our leee; with glance:7llldt' seemed
to Say' there was '-i o. harm in telling...of.j7-
We must Imye useilliesS than ride usual::
precision .. in directineiCatharine to the
P ist.Office, Rs write:half an hour Mier'.
%yards, when, visiting the-place,' we saw
lierat the:winilliw.; receiving' her -- eli4oge
and a letter from. One of .tlie. clerks;,' arid - .
the-impatiettee,' shall welay of .woina'n.or:
Of love, i nil u cert . , Oiitharihe .re'lrreak - the;
searlittlie-rloor., A 'glow bf , pleasit re" was'
onl.llo , •cheek' (if the 'lllllll7r, girli .• We.:,
: Would - not. trove given'
.a ;pen iy..tii'liein-''
formed : beat s.fliemas .was` well; :Ind was
'corninioin'the.npa,packet.'-' We felt anx-• ,
iOtis•tivlcriew whether 1 homes Would come, !
but. t ".1) antes•of..stid
n- 1
I p . e dc-o'iooni. : Ole. pesSinge'rs'ef - the litiier . '.
p•iiiil' paCket, being common tirtleit An i
th'aCetniiiirelterisive ti4ekirand '1 wo . lithr.,
Aired. in Jbe .steerrige;.7i.;•;:. ... :,
~. ,
. f
~ . .."--.;i., g o.lwe:taye'. ' u. ' p all •hopes of knowinn..
when Tlionias would arrive; but. con el tie
' cd tbative would 5ee.1.116 name-with that
UESD , CFI 20, 1 g a s.
of Catharine in the marriage list; to - Mite
• ‘ve had determined to kiefi.a steady.:look..'
‘vas.b . c...a short.time aherwards that
we did indeed:see the name of Thomas in .
papers. ty.Was one of 'the liassetiL•
gers-in theShi p east away below N,
of -ghoul. nearly ever:) , silo! iierisheA and
:Thomas a mong'the rest.
. .
_ • .X.V.t.hattneyer seen Illornas,,but i bad
soinehow cherished such,. An '-tiltet'est in
his fate, - that we-felt a severe shock •at-its
latintfociation•—and what- must have been
the 1:eel in„s ttf . Ca I harin e,,W ith : her ardent,
c saliguine,--trigh,„ tempera inert ti T `• _Loving she must have loved, 'and hop;
ing ardently as she must have. Icoped, what
Must have been her feelitigs? . ' '
We_pausid_a_feW svt.teks afterivards;
to mark the young .gras: , l slitifiting;* - green .
-and thick; iiLlinnal dson'.s grave yard; and
to-see tile buds swelling on. The branchei
..ref:th-ez-trees. that .tlet:6.,Lte thit limpu lima - .
city or the dead,: when a lip eral numer
'ously.atterided, wound slowly around the
corner of the-street, and ,passed into the
_- .
encloure, It Was the tu - nei'al -of an I
rish person—wellnti , by the numbers
that at tenfled- 7 mq as. the sexton-lower
ed the coffin down
.into the narroiv'bonse,
the place appointed for all living, wesmi , :
engraved upon_ a. simple. plate,. , -- 7 -',: .
n •
'• • vATITA WINE AL:ENNEs. ' ..
- The sn;ry told. • The small sinn tff
tnoti (7 •wi e-h a d-t L.-psi-1;44n
(he savings cuint to gIVC a liftie COOSC
,i)I(OI,,te to 11. r tu'in'iLnzeltrsti - rkl - naiieeti
.‘vitl . !cleasyn to_give lie "decent burial."
. _Hones/
,y 7 tt 121sci - ytio - n.z.-A
I far, act of L•hooesty . ',..ay.s,ihe T.New / York
Star, oecured in thareity,On Fr:yr:ly last..
nierelliLatin Broadwayrihal/ing art - tote .-
of . Sevei:al hiLytred . tlellars/o pay , at one
-of uiir pieptir(Vie - amOunt-a ad
placed Wit holt, notice, -and :
givi,ng it to on - e - oclais elerkS - , clit'eeted
liroceed2to , :the -- Birnic - antrate-.
tip the note., /The cleric, while' - on his,
Wray, acciilntally. lost tlie'pared-from
liis poc)t,, which fact,, he did •- not
discover until he had arrived at the .
.Byfk. Meanwhile_ a gmtlerTiTin pass. ;
fig . , down Broadway, dii4coverii - 11 the
parcel- lying on the pavement in the
vicinity of, St. Paul's Church, and un
rolling-it arid hav,ing, read the—notice,
proceeded immediately - to the Bank
paying the "tote, and causing kJ() be
siamped - by the teller. 'The gentleman 34garikil l iaii
ant mat "eluni ac.:quain ed . s.ift=cir
cuinstatice; ‘vho eras Much pleased to-1
find that he esca - Fed the loss, and -no I .
less gratified at .the SingulA discretiOn
of the'finder in paying .the note,. as it
being past two o'clock, a little delay
‘veolfl have caused it, to•be protested,
there ant being sufficient , time- to. send
other. funds I the `B. - ink fOr its pay
ment. • •
- - ,c),0 wl
equal to %chat bas .falle.ii.llloT , at any
.one Time ,9113 -At -Wo ' l . -
N . .ster. it fell to the depth 0l a Ilt ittehes.
The -snow
travelling; be . the ri).l.(l.o!t7ek
ti l irs , -}y o t t i.-..\4'.. ol 2.l : _csi ALL a tt jv v d • at 13 osto
tvithiu a fc v tnilioteA of then wait
. . .
- 1 17elanchoIN OcTttrreoce.. 7 Mr. Le v.:-
ig l'agro?lc;hathato,(44timbwi emint
\T~tr art v - stv.t ly:141.1 - ao-iii_
hiszri!ittitill on the .27th ult. That
morning Ite : reliaired to the mill -with ,
an axe,. with the .entting
the ice,whielt had , formed-about
the water wllO6l
so-as to
. enable hi oi" to coin trieney (Ter- .
_a_tiAts . for h 2 day , . Aliout an lioutvaf-
terward, a.tierson enieringthe-milldis
coverecl the body or We unfortimate
map kingAit•the wheel (which r;as bf
t'hc 1604—denominated . tub whoct)
dreadfoll:y....manglgtionTti life 'e x tine r.. IC
would seem that the -;'heerrict
nnex'vetedly - get in motion-- vvh - ige-..heil
was in the act of removing . thr-ic%lifffir
that he-hrut.hpen-clilivriiiv.anWinstantly - -
deßrived .of ---The,
formed.b..V- .Ins body had stopped
;Tiptiob of- ; the ,
t 7 Terrible iol:LOpp'o‘;,- - -..T-li . e_s':(l,4ll:;:z
NeWs,;of-Cineitinatti,, telly cis a <Eoiy
which caj~iJ'the'clitnax of — any-00dg we
- have - =lately seen". It siys thatithiring
the ,pleasant weather ,Whielt, Ue h a ft
previtjos - tp-the last -few- clays.ctl.
the , frOgs in a pond in that vicinity
were lured troei their,
, qoarters, and'
hiili it their 14eatl's4hoee, water to enjoy
That tlie
suceeetted . se.......:sirdiletily'th'at: the pofiCl,
was Crozet - v.6:er with ice, .cortniting,,
(heekhy.the, neck Inshcixiov•kl‘,..Bl.(l no,
yitigl • tr• 110 r ck, S'"l
remarkable affair isthat.the
Chid' v — otiti:fel (to;
liedits 'of the f riii,i•oerfoY
, orenietty'on: . l•lse`jort lif 'the
boy s- muEt be„ti,?itih , to t he
1-'hiladerplzia Ledger.
ostati -on
n 0 x i y ,
-. 'Vie Late , orea—ial@ietygk
The foreign , liews-which , -we4-give
this. mpreing.:is i,niportant Loril Dur
ham is sent out,as the Gocvernor•Gener
41.;oftbe CanadaS, 'pulvers,.he
being in (leed 'a dictator - accordin - g to
the sense of that term. .
,Iris the-pacific
intentions.,.otithe liarent - Goyernment 7
as he•is. g 't (Ist lib : erg of the .
show that, the intentions of the govern.:
meat, are to puOlowiLthesebellion, pea
peably:if they can, .fot'cihly,>if they
.Aloney.Lis so very plentiful in
don, •ilult Mr...iAudiln—the Agent of-the.
Tini.te'd States 13anli.1,1cI discoufitpd.
With.referretiee , to tliejleittrality of
The _United StateS" on ihe_Canklian.
trdulileS, the Lrcerpoo .e egrap
', •• .. • •
‘'‘The. : :Ain,erican - -government 'eems
deigrrnined to. presetvetieutrali
is,,-if,proelaination's ea ri Tire
President; Mr. - Van Burs ,4 :,r)(1 Genet.-
hiare'y,,•the Govermy of.the-,, : s,tate of.
r,egpectiv jrz- is . Aued -
proclatnationsi-enlidning-the.citizeos to
observe faith %v z ith Great' Britain in its
contest with / the Canadians. There is
fro necessity' for this - cautio - n 22610. Jona
-than--is_,Alhe in his geoeratio-n,
gameXt prefient is alosingl'one,,and to
ez -- 01 - 5r lc in it --
Tra - d - folilurie•smilcd; iitStead'of frowned
- oh the -- eatindisMr. '-.Ten.athnia---:Would
ha-v.e rushed :into thedonftiet, like rats
into a-c or i 4111.- At_ howev
er, "help . ..voorselland Clod will help,
you,' r is his %vise and prudent : MottC"
The delmie in the British,Parliament
on ibis-q.uc splrited" Anil inter-_
resting, : -,and We_notice that Mr. E.. L.
1391wer, Who is re-Anted among
a c:kedL-t-lies-padi-eals:-.....W.444-ktifiggri
and-cfre-c LT 1 ----'
• The following are-the-appointments'
of the Canadian officers:.
Fr'daz' theLgizdoii Gazette, 'Jan: 16
DOIffING.'STREET, Jan.. 16:
The Queen has alsO been pleased .to
appoint the Iti'ght• Hon. - John George
Earl of Durham . , G. C. 8., to be Gov
ernor. Gen'eral, - Vice -- - -- Admiral, - and -dap
lain General of all Iler Majesty's
inns within, and adjacent to the Con
tinent of North America. - ' •
- 1 - TiWQTreelrhirs — nts . o beenrii-leased:-to
appoint the 11.10 t 15 . n. John_Geor - ge
aid of Durham,, G. C. 8.. to he Her
'Majesiy!s High Ciimmissioner for the
adjustment of certa . in important' affairs >
affecting the .iijwioces of
_Lower. and
Upper . Canada ; .
Downing-slreet, . Jam ,09.--The
has beeU gra'eiously . pleased . .to
nominate.and.appoint Lieiilenant,. Gen
ej-al Sir. John Colburne,--Kiiight Com
mander of the mosl,,,Honorable Military
r (re o f-the- - Bath; _bo —.Knight
..,r -6,1-.
I Ile t!,; ri :Orl - Nrrtit - ii --- --% ir6ro, .AtrOf
c a nada wilt_e oni prise 'Lower and Up
per Cana'd'a, - Nova Scotia, NeW 1 - irons , '
wick, Cape Breton. - and
ward's Island.
.111,aj - or:Geporal, Sir Co ;
11in Cainpc.ll will command the Que:en's , -
Iforkre - g - i - o--Noi=a---S6-41 i:i, __Maj 0i• General
Sir John Ilarvy in New BrunsWiel: -- , -
and Sir:lolin Colborne, will coinin'atlil
in Ca nail a. Tile • Earl of Gosfni:d and
Sir Fraocis Bond flipul 'return. httnie
forthwiih-fron-the.colOhy. ' _ ~- - .
The - t - I is n :-- , Entitrettitoirlfri - r -- , - rstirrof -
Lord Etadttor, is to company - t ho .Earl
of - llorltam to Canada. - Captain the
Hon . . Harvy'llrey. ,-of fle , 52d Rig
i nren t, .son of .Earr_Ceps;'.'Llentenant,
the Ilon: Fredrick • Villiers; of the,
Co N . -;itrea in 6 tui rd q,. son
: of 141:0 jer
-Ser;aii-e-r-Ciipt a ip-Conr4 ,- are spok(iii
cif as haviilg•ba6n opp.linted Aides-de
, Captp to the Etiti-of . -Durhant.,— Obsei-.:
'bet.. • . :
1 We -s live nitiove,mentioned ' tbat Mr.
t .,fautittu_is.,...lltlity.dit lite t
.1...it4i1l ins: - sp-pn :by, the suLjoinell.triallie
4031it`tivirrielids %VI/11 . 411e bpsiile's . s.ipeti. '
'''A:Mti‘lit.c.aßit.t.s.HDOrint; the:, last
few ila•ys:Altetfl'itas been liTii . G4 661i'Versi
AtOo.,:tp4pftp o ptaily. eirelesiupon. an -tie n.o.yi,t, :. 'iy.ltigly,_is: • r - eee nay. .ta k On
itttie.6 . r ill: the'. arab:a . of the,suspentted
.1 ; on - 5. - 6s; in.-,41 - i - e_kiii - Oleit -- t. - id?tP, - ,,:it..:111-„
-Pt,a . qtt ha t - ,lik_t It e. I. as t ,pite li6trfropt,..6W;
Yorttyt liire - ..was - reeei;ed ..in4;OPlThtt-a ,
liiti-for,the tri , 46,'suniOf . ..tB2o.oo`„ "itt - ,
fa v ori - or - 'l\l6isrs.. - iTlltObta6 :WitSoit'&'o6.- - '
Messrii . .. - :Georgt. , :.j , Vp*"Co'. - In deter
in i Petk,shaims, .6‘. , ;;rnole:',..stf 'EPortiltanee
tyhieh,i6puell 'in .use in, - the A ier!n
1. 1 •ade,,, I s . eOpsjder,a,ltly.dirninislting.llte s
expense,ofseridtniApver a ttiottifiltaiCy'
•of - pa per. ' 'Tlie'..bil I in question • flit ,-
1'82;996, - tras ,pa:6eti iritliAlie 13aijkof
..I....lnglaild on.' tieeoptit - o1 the Inoney'ad-,
i;:aticed . by tbaLinstit.utipn"lottkr,altove
Pt eti. tio n 01 firms,. tte I pg: offqrq . j.q_ppy - -,
'o . 011!, .1Q(41 , Ow. (1i!..pp,0,pt..t.,: ;.1.',11e . ,110;c5 . -
tors of the 0 itl7-'.(l-Ifus,"riv,-etiqrn':
pd fide per tent, 11 ;;Oil ' Tq.:"!.iV 4 ealOC'tlri ' q
rillir€ fir noW' .- 'di i i al,l't: Atilil 61 . 1 1 / 4 t Oil . ya be
r• ill r: 0C1 . ..e.el it 4 1:11S :0 4 61161)11.ed in* - Pitov,taril;
ber ; lasi, and `at which so great an aliviittnt.
or Money wss strpposetito 'ha ye beetilent
~ .,.,F. R - E - s''s - j"'
. - F - 11,d 1 A - .i 1.14.-E- RANKS :di-0
at tliat period to.t he friends:of the dit ec. - - • ''
I• • . ' , -7 . tit.-,pEcipLE,•, , c!•_; . .„ : 2 ; „„,„„„ ~, "• "
--....—.....- •
tors in the'&.st ,India' trado; '' -- The bill - r -- _- ...:: t. i ' Ti? rn •
being in this .
i• - ia . iirier . refused by , - i t he,.{ l ( ' .' " -` ' ; • ,``' "s'all -I F allmil P - 'Cl'''
- .l' 'edi'ederal gas .nlc. Locp-Fpco ,
Bank unlesS'"qt a,•rat,e'of idterest go - far „
..C,r•garil are •• holding *rip their c andidate'. -.
above the mitike(•priee, antqWhich--the, 1 . . ..
:tiottse. i ,ditj,hot , hinkit
right 4, in s usti & t ,,,:lnr -. Governor aii , a mart-' 4 lre - sh frOn;
howlarge a 'eaSig of - 11 - iig;aiierelon.
to their,areditors and their - ()Wm, , f • i L,
-the ranks of the pfOpie.",:tiet.llS;Seo
i f
to stand, iipun. ;...,.....:. : • • -: •:: :
lies, to pay, without, Making f 'ther
efforts -- to;_obtatn-Ahel -- rOnney";vo libnib -I : 1 0
other quarter; o appi iPd' to 11 , 'Lre." • Jaudon, The Porter a, ,Ipis•known•thr4ugh-,
agent of Bank Of the iliteil Btates;'
- mit -the-
,Cnni mon wealth ras,:the--/?0y14/ - ---l--•
• . JJ'
by whamthe bill . wss,i4niediately dig .
- .-raPiii,:".frthil having always been in • •
counted"- atone per6nt. - - ; • •,: ~...• offied—arid:l3,tyid R. "Porter is..oneot
-members ,of that -family. who ° his ' •
Tohn-Iteeve-I.lVcomedian_is dead, the
tie - died on thr24th o r j an • tiary. - •:__, . ...been'. poh:soyllifi it Ille - mosl lucrative .
• The Dilej)&3.of - - - Kent's.,annuity• bill oAces.lOr the last fifieon.'yeqii,'ai: we •
had pass d', - and recely (1'• - titc.._ royal as- hill . 811 . 41 AV by taking . .a peep :at, - "ift
SOO: /I, •',. , , - Royal. Tamil R " ' -.T . . . ..
. --- A-Nnar,wßouTEtt;,the father of Dei;;.-: :••
(---- I>dri Brough - a_tit Made, 'a trem - endUiCs .
speech on the slave trade;__
in thellOnse 'v
id-R-Pnrier--w.s- " ' • ' •"- -."'
,- a ;
,appoll.tedSuitteyor: , •
- hit s Geileraion th 14th of April 1809, and.:
4)f-bord4 : an;the_29ib ofJaituaili.
bald th,e'• - 6 - Wi - Pc-tinti-l-his-(1-e--at-h.------;- . ;
Lordship - admitted 'that:the:. emancipa
tion act was a failure; ••• • . , : . 11-ii; son Robert Porter was,appointed. .
Terrible distress was prevailing . ~. .
Oresident,. ..lodgeDf Ahe'.3d'.Judicial
among.the-Spittalfield silk weayers. , -
,Bistl•i'et .on : the Gilt ofJoly . 1809;. :
The steamer Killarney had been !,which . office he' held until 1830, whets ,
%if - reeked near the eoye•olCort;•; and r 29 :the people of= erks enunty•rose and by. -,
'of the passenzeracand,crew had Terish, threatening ds:. - iMpeachment.:_forcett : .
. • , . • ,
ecl,beingrevet•y- soul - on hoard. 'Flier°. i
ii'm to..vesign•• -
were 900 hogs 6,11-boatd;':incl-nrost•them , HIS son,
,Ocore . B. Porter,- was".:ap..„. •
tret;c ‘yasheil - i?shore. -The Killarney •Potnied", 7 Proitio.notary of - L,fncaster.
Was on
. her-way from Cork Tor Bristol, county April•Gth, 1818, !.'.llidll oftce,liti -
and in consequence of the Severity of-I held during Find,ley' s s• aitiainistration: - , -
the-wea-ther--W:as driven on .the rocks. .1 - Ie was . appointed Adjptant-.-General
'The passengers - and ; crew_ clung
. to the the :iiltii - 2tii.s, irs : H - 8 - 27- - ; 'and t oade-A-1-a
rocks,as long,as, they,eould hold 011 y jor Gbnerarin 1 . 8 - 30, holdingliath - offi- - 1
- mid. were,seen-droPping - oil:, one , after ces at the same time. 'And in. 15:301 he p
--- i't*.iir.ilipo i Tit eil oov el ilar - ef-Michi-gairk- 7 ----
- viliilroflicelle hpld:iiittil his deaTli.
• :11 is' so n..D A Via R-PORTZR.,- -vati - •
appointed . - Prothoriutt4 taflT ntingt. .
don county the - . 1•911rof Deem er 1829,, •
- ,which 'office he Ip'Wniii .th e - '• Irlr.of
Rebrnary 18'27 whve he - inns•aPpoilited. ':
ant - Alter, ho'ut : the p9ssi bi I ity_ol -send
ing therii_orty aid. —U.S. Gazette.
• Beclailith's: Pi Is--Thek , . pills 'ire
said to. be a- judicious combi,riatimi, of
imples,•enclowed with all those ton_hr ,
„amr - catharticliropertics -s - tylong =in-res
- among medical practitioners;
Whileilfey - are divested of any pre
, ,
they-are perfectly adapted to remedy
all the ilisearre's for which theylatie pre ,
scribed. A marked-diritinrtion is per•
ceivable in their use, from-the pleasant
nesslif their taste when swallowq:l, hav
ing nothing of that revolting and disa
greeable leaihing commoril v exPerienced:
by those who arein'the . babit Of employ
ing other medicates.; They mar - be
safety taken at any time by persons of
all ••,sges and conditions without any
particular attention to cliet'or drinks.
n itho ut—any---inte rupti o f—thet
c o 111 0 ITM V tinitClllS - 0
eases they arefollowed immediately. by
an improvement of appetite;
. and by.
gradual trengthening : of -the syStem.---=
They are as salutary in :their anti bit- .
ions, :is their "anti-dyspeptic," proper
ties: hence they become one of the sa
feSt„ and most beneficial family .medi
eines ever offered to the public. '
Bit') Ives Dr. I wts,Go Jredell,
Hon. I. Potter, Hon. E. Stanley, Rev,
- Writ7 - 111 - ePheeters, — .o.--I*T-and-many-of
• .r•mt-ry,
• .. •
11 - th - 0tt0 , 4491.4414 , 10-4i41-Ve444414:5ta41:4444-644
iit testimony (Tf • flre 7
resulting from the utie - pttliese
[N: Y. Whig. •
the following extract . from •the New,
man Printer, in thevarious capacities
in %id:lief - file is there °stated to have fig;
nretl', with a belief that it will be asir . o..
teresting to thuse Who . nee__net of. the
'' es,
printers genz t„ lrally: - •
We- know one of the eraft:,who..WaX,
we believe, lirought up in
.our_frienil_POtils_o_n of .Philadelphia._-,--
The narotv field in which he fotind - •
hiniselfon.rgainfitg-'his liberty,. Proved
altugather nsign ifieient for:the ex.,-
e.rcise of hisgenius.. 11e turned to singe
r-Iriter, coil afte.i.wards pedlar, We -
.next knew hise as a seiiatil
J.: and subseque . ntly as the . river,sloop.. This-1: 7. --
'ter oceifiiiiiiiiisociiiiiiAr,TlS:o7elva Tiff
novelty, and. he.., regu acC
he press: tiere wii, lost, „5i.0 7 1 , •,11 Of. hini
for a.tiinc, bot,onr.aequain 9cO was
ne wed in the imp merTo ..).5:34 at .I..etv:
tsburglf, Va. where . t found his r lyfiti 7
•;: h e tf) o is t ister.:
Of inediclne at grOeriti . o . ;:,•,.l - )li1o r ,- r eclitc0'
_sett" i nary
tially settled down.x.vvesterit. - fartrv;
the ..'S'all 7 RiVer diStricr.'"' • Thellifit;'We
hegrd of typo' was - in( tho „ IFgislature
TFeneseee, ' - where he e]mplgyed in .
tlisseethie the' - Actiilinistrneliin..l'
eil ;Vile in,to pi, %Vas tysin 'to
Orodiet.' ' • ,
e r e' - The Cleny'e) a tkl;
the ifl'eeteF-beats alreadybaiitlaville Lake'
trial fatfr t e :n e t ea'alb aa t
'menet 'opel'atjotis.iqoil
.1 4 .0 . 3114 , /ritlMs, Petir,yl—oro. 16.
• . z
PrOthippotaVy - r.llegiSter, Rec Order, and
. of the HuntingdOn
Was turned out by Govenor Ritner
183 ff: In 1335 lie was made -Major'
G, office he'lleilds n6v;
in:d in 1836 he was elected to the Sen:
ate': - f
Shch is the 'candidate now put
•nomirlation by th.e Lodge; and held up .
Loot at. the; piethre, and behold • ti
member of a' family pampered 'With _
office upon office, held•tili by the Loco.- •
-NOM biit_a_RlL,v-c l 4 Velipt'
could face the world" with such truths,. '
From Ihe AEU" Iforthil•nberT and Cj. Stales 4J
• .
vacate of MOM B.*
. leard4rorn Harrisburg that our
riepds in the. Cgnvention hat;e, as WAS
nticipated, re-;nominated, as their can
!blot° for - . Governor.. the ex-wincect
nd cvell-tried . Fat'mer of Wa . shingiOn
'otnitY,-JOSE;P.H RiTN.P.R., who has
lone-more: fOr—the
tin )le-oud ti e hon. ' • , , •
lait - 7 --- .
Alan any_ f ft.o.rernOr since the metnotaz , '
,hte days of Si Simon Si:yilei - Wirtitel - • -- •" -
scareely aild that• the-nomination meets .
our most grateful approbation, when
We can, Most sincerely declare, that we
do", at. this. time. prefer Joseph Ritntr •.'
-fdr another term, to any mattin Penn- 1
- sii - SqVii - ritti: --- 7 -- gb - hits---Proyed-,ltimst3l-f- ----z.
able, officei. scrupulously..'hones, ns• . ~
the hilts, ' santi ee.yer, ready'snd. thing •
to devote aft his power and sl . to pro- •',.
zi e
- - - -iii6te-the---interestS - or---the, -- g ePt4iOdror ---
the people.. Stich aMa s above price . -- .
in times :like the , prep . t when the de- .
isignik and the pr. ignte strike bands .
f //1
1 to teat' , down. ev ry • sfittein'of policy
that our fore tilers ha,ve. reared, and - - -
under- wine we 'have risen to honor,
weatt.h. a ,prosberitV.. Atyl 0v,i1.1 he
,•be,re-e eeted? Yea!—and 6-,majority of •
20,9 o will grace: hts•trittibphover Le- i , •
Foctiisni;i :We O t
re riot 'strata,.
°g iiiiOrit,..-§iiolirs:tesairt . o - to defeatitim- - ."-
-'HY.ketliersla'nderi calumny, or hypo-
;et; c 1-V-,74cri-broirezritire - sr:tritlikTifitritarT
"-reed' ..'ro• Our!..fideMiS. - „than
.‘ve say
int Ckle bri..yotir niircottir, tbeei .-- the,pro ,,
11 i ir::i ie - -ifittalY - li li ..iea I ' and
. confidence,
and a brilliant Vietoey-witl crown-your
effo rts in Oe te.kt'ffStie.:4,,,...
. .
nclinkt of
a 40- than per
fa i arc awa ro.:.—
clivertlifieti, arp (Ton'eiti •
Sani, xx. 4- 14 ;:y3:l o iliction,:.,:gifiti_-
i. 9; --.'lter:on
Pfiatn . i . Approbation.
ii, 12: -4:(lOrp;tion;Luttn 0;
Mat,'2()Fv . .4p;, 4fiOctioi),
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gPoted it to tho, ry t ,
:911PqPrce'l$ aPk4d Whct,t.X9Y,9
~.`llq-PnPbe„,d =MO! # 4 0 4
lit, le innocent, 111 Q h ole
~ convulm:cl withlag,hter. , •