Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 13, 1838, Image 3

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leading federalists, who new control that party,'
not openly and aboveitoaid o lut secretly, and oy
•:tradujeut . ":pcips t ki.asgest fraud of • that I
party is to caltitself 'democratic,' mid' to.attetujitr
to doirr thsa naifie of democracy that Nviiicjj,miaf
destroy democracy 'ltielf. • . „ .
' Lositid - 11. Porter, is a - ,roYal 'ate.ii;•inascitiL—and;
although . t.ire'Uot i;4llllc4; . 4'44i:n:LOti;*lil
were surprised that !itt, Aae,eut,tekard.for
miens . of matticiollVishOuld, not itave ar.o.mteittim.
7 -nonainitiotl Of tilOyat itch tortlie „office ,
of`,many ; aetii.leine:n
welt qualirte.(l,ae,Mkpckrfar;' candi
dates, and. se
, party 'men:named to the .
, con Went ion.. But , it' ideas see iwthat , the secret i
ifitestions';'. , Wheng can be;made
st — •
o . je litereos q n e.
tfill again recur to, this aultject; , otir items
• .
.ltiderpurposli".neas 'to• say, nisi-we shall, with l
. •inlipbyl — or"re- elec. n ;ioleplllll ther:;ll-
resriCs o s .ar:4 patriotiO'oe‘ver
mor CoUPUntisyivenis.. • • ` •
CorivontiOn• 7 .
• The 'Anti-.lll4.siiiiie-COnl,Ce'iiticiir . a . t its late lea
sion•repbmeoded (lie - Meeting of two Anti-Ma
•., . •
sonic :Young. Men's State Conventions, to be
held 7 .previotni : elect ions, _ one at Itea 7.
mid Once! Pittsburg; iti September.
' llll7l - C - , -- 0101 - Iro t alatl - 10 -I )o7 o ble'd
• 10 mnotioce' that the pa , riot youne,Men• of. this
county second the motion, ilia have la en early
• . - •
measure •be fully = T-represeiteit
It will he semilliatre - Call for a -Young Men's
countii.` 'ilebting, in in:4er to cOtWider this mat
ter; hai .for the first; imning'of the
._Let . there•beA Intl attendance from
lever3r partml flimceunty, • and , let .measures be.
adopted, such as will cotiOnce our opponents
.thaNthe Young:Alen of ' -Old ilotberiCitniberiand
• Willmot be hindmost in alist'aininione, of Penn-
Sylvaida'a - niost distinguished'sons.
We have tiobliOted, .on our Outer form, the
Jprocec4ings - of tho - AlifOicasohic'Stateponvention .
Amongst—tha-scsolotions,:lonr rpaqers_voll_f i nd_
'onein farar oP.the '11cro:of TippecinOe which
'warning to the,toeofocs that they will-I:ave-.:to
7 -- 'Nvithia - tw . oltilhousatut.oloor---"!,pairiotic Coyer
a:2.43:jtitttAktitlS_Oaamil .ItlThEtt. tve fear
..Tho . :Orii6n, and nonixifciriir
'We could' not refra'nv: from spilling 'when, in
lookiei_d'reithe hikt Tolunteer, -- we - satv4 - there. ,
- .'istated . ' telt' . the • gt•eStest unanimity ood IthrimMY
'pe ryslyd Ih?11j deliberations of the-loco: Wen
iJoys in their` 1 Wow that; instead.
of acthor latlittOM6llSly,4e'Verill - desegittesie ft the
eont:..etitjentifter`the . Ooriitriation'tvb,'rnsilo,'heap..
hig the I:Vikti Stetif C hronicle
:.'dentittihitidOS,:bttCked by hewer
- ,!olpredutiints iiPosOitr t ilOttisn, statlng,'lh effect,.
rEceived•tbetiambiation li'y'meutts be dig, -
tartekerritid Thattagemeitt. - Marty of'the
trcia Gerrtiancoltrities tritiblifested their
!" - tmeasita ss disappOlOttnent by si .. .gdficalit
'!sts t(Pftivr-,tite CtcaJ, wlien ibey 'were interrogited,
• - 43 . mpoO*,.'which conk t' ' • • ••• 1 " . t 1 "" . '
'but we . .tt Ave; _ •
own ' enoitglt to prove
i ibut fitly ' prevshett!=
ft -NC '48111661i as'
• • The parly'il
hid e iii ebe , autliareikines of di&sitisfiction; -hut
'they warren a iiiiiry — titilieileillll:llleCtiCid;ifia ..
6ite a difFet Cut • aspect 'to theiritalelif
- rifkair'isiote and Rain+,
The nomiiiati4n iii". Governor• 'Miner fin' a re-
'election to the post Odell lie bas . so ably filled
ceknent df his term cif aide,
MA with a . general response 'frail the Tree
and indepetsiet‘t.:Yedinanry'df this 'Coinmon
'wealth.---'From one end of th?s county -t.0 2 -4.1 t0
`other, joy is depiCteil on'the cdut4dnatices of ou
at'the auspicirMs "commencement df.the
'Neumpide,ti. _ tell 'And
-Outi;cotinty—wtitit'no 'better - itttfritiiin
, 'trio old Euiluer bat' Out 'the destruCtives*ith
nian 't!'ortee:
ii'to !nth with wlioin
'coiiveried oh tli,e subject, during the past '.iveck,
.1' ' "I'o •- I t'' • f'of 01:
'ltroji.eittetl u io reso u ions favor I)
• .IfIitI 4 ECAIE . : Al4lllol'.
'iNEß'as•ilieii'Hwatcliword, they are `coitfitlent of
, "stleCes% ,
• ',"J'Elth.7ll7--Josistit i f ethibier'orthe
.ftt)•ette Itank of 'Boston; was indibtetron 'the
24th oil. for wilful,•perjury In ratikiitg. oath to 'a
"'false rt.titrit 'of die 'Edge of Said'iiankipn the 18th
'dar•tif 'October 1.4,16! 'Thomas 1V tears, Isaac
• - Barnes, SerialOStePhitis,;AquiSa'G'Smith,"ptis
./ - Wit Mid steorge'Page,•lli.
'rectors'cif tfiesaid bank, were indicted for an of
" • t ficiWbilstlettietitibr inqinlking Oath rto h false re.
',' turn-of liter'llffairs'bf said batik!. VlieSe.dke 'the
'kind •tifipditens ivfich_dccordbigati "federal
' • '.ought ti, be tintrtisted'tvith t tlie public•tocittles in
IprefetetiCe'intWe dfricerityroposed to becreited
the.i!..lndeptindent-Treasury•Billi°--"7 1 ----4-----,---
'last. •If th . e..editoe.bad, Loki 'Wl:readers, that'
'theselilpetTurea'ii,illaine were alf . gbod 'van
'ren men,•and .Lafayette'. Batik- 7 .44e in.
-"" atitution Wereci ,
ffieers—Was dee'ef
the pet depuslte balks, selected . by . )Gettet#l
• 'Jackson, he tvotild have, told iternetking that hai
beep a Other rare.. article for tibtile 'back in
• ~ the coluenos•ortbaf print.-namely Jim
• • The editor seems to think that' th6e y arc the
to tB`iif _ tlre : presses op
• ;:.•Aittr,sitio-lir.tlie bbuse , go Ott :tit be entrusted With
. .'fife keeping of ptllionionies t • - NO, lilri*Vo.
`• 'lititteer,,:,'tkei
,ttiit',the"icirtd of Mn enitif whise
itanda.we:Wisb to place tltc,puhlic funds., .
Veit fotbid t h at ye sliould' 80' de aire ! .. „•' . •••°
'WO! ll 4 . 'e been o:4l4o4lllk.'‘VOP'.Bll.te•thiettge:
• 'ofexperimerAtti,counperited,.that - thpinit ? g e „t4Wai
~w er'ev 6 safe in theltands'.lcif suchFsmett'as tbete
• itiiiifiriblierjiirett
111 r attcOplentlingi,,
and why willytot,' in *the' face of all these facts,
• prat* 'ate' in'fayor;of
'these tbings?,
.• • Our ackiatiwleagemen'ta , sib like the - I on
C!.lii t ' V.: 'Selitao and C. If.
tif clie 'State
• ..4 :Legiplature,•: Sot vario9p public ; . dti4unieitta for- .
avardc4 to • ' • .
- -
y the Pensacola Gaiette of ti.late dates ro
ceived i at this office, vSe.hive`the followigg
tereati;ig . news of anothei battle with the
Indians? • '' •
UTPitsenier. In the Newcastle, from St,
I+l . ar4s,
Ofihe NaVyi who 'COtruManded the expedition 'of
ssilora - which sailed from
, Charleston,'earirio
with tome autell lost . The' perticularw , ae tar, -q
vie - have4een - ahlOto.gather;thein; are na follows:
49cik a. ailuatv, - who. volunteered to, shew them
conduCting tho detachment ecnne distance; she
declined going neare i r to 'the Camp, but gave di.
rectionswitere- to find Ifie Indians. Proceeding
according ,to directions, the , detachment camo
upon, the camp' and look the Indians by surprise,
but, ritler_ a abort struggle , the, sailors under Lt.
Powell fled, and, brit fur,p small body of artillery,
%Odell formed apart the corimany, the.-whole.
detachment; It. is tlMUght, would have been cut
o-pieeeiT-hi-artillery—men T had-to_- , Co' v/r-the
retreat. -- ,Lieutenant - Powell, during, the engage:
ment,_waa, himself-Wounded. This istheretior
borts?" - e - dtT;not;vnuchts vcorrectimak"
The Richmond Whig says—At was. rainoured
here . that the appointment of - Secretary -of the
Navy is about to be Conferred upon
Dow sq.-at present a delegate-in.the
laturo of Virginia from the county of ItOckbritlgM
Tliii t ifirne, indicates' the" purpose of-keeping-up
the influence nf the BentOnian branch of the
parcy, bucin, point of- talents and-acquirements,
Mr MCDowell is far above the horde who aspire
ti? dcwirtments. - . • • .
(113-The - following communication, wliichwiis
nolliubt ihtende(tfOr:lat-ireeks'-fiaper . ; , -was-re,..
,-ceivekl-too-late-fOrinsertion-thro.• tr is from 'ln.
-We now give
ttnwavering democrat; One nrltn, l at the last Cu
bertintOrial election, supported' warmly Gionok
; -* We -- commend'it:M---the-trne:-democrats
of the comity and state.—Eo: H. &11.
—that is; Lain not bound to party so muclvas to
'let any body think for me. intst c,infess,.how
'eVeblitid was not_a/ulaysthe.ease-4ut like - ,some
ol`illy.ncighbors,l was eatisfied:to take
niona of,some Oren 'at the head of 'the party, as
authority; and took. no more trouble to • inform,
Imyself "•witat-w assight orivrorig„than ifk_ was_
not a 'free 'Citizen - Orthe - C'cimilnittiwealtb, The
not always pleasolne; and-in-order .to
preVen (future disappointment, f resblve - read
'to think, and to act for myrielland now, l'ctin 7 .
:lend, that 'iliemanin. OW' cohirtry,..or under bin.
Government, who acts otherwise,ls not a free
'man, but a slave, '.(mentally, tit lenst,)_lia him
'Whose Opinions adopts as •ilfi'Own. In the
'short couese ofiriy liofitical life, one,
ingrt,''it the elections, have upon his shoulders at
least 'fieertiy heads, and 71itgiCell otherinen with
out any brads, 1 spez.k frsitirritively—the 'nine
atliefr'bodlestAtt iliesy were
iso-eSsny pelt* nurrtgiits t 6 any ‘tnan,lnd
himself free? If could, His ideas ''an'd 'Mine
* dtin'Oally. According: tb thy way of thinkinti,.
ersrlffeman haciii — irglit tot hen tor himself
nd:ll_ he. - AbLnot_dos6,_
he ought nut foliave"'e 'vote. 'fateltici iris n teld dl
properly,' ought to' be the qualification of a voter.
'Do you recollect the 'anecdote of Dr. Franklin
'encritis jaCicasi? The property'qualificaildn 'was
'then, as now, in v 4 ogue —and the Diet* Wanted
to , ktietv,if the ass died 'that 'night, if he could
'vote to-morrow. S'o'me contended he could not.
then, said the Doctor, can .yoU 'tell me, if the ,
ass had lived,`V:the . :her my 'ass'Woit!d have
'Voted the next day ? But I believe l'nt writing
it eanclom;:l'inst wanted to tell you that ohr par
'ty, for I am a 'democrat, is "liarll run to find it
Irian tohtift !heel for Governor. It wants a new
'man,'but gotne Of'the teditersdon'tllite lb trust
y - oulifirfia - veeen by their
'recomitienclatied offree- c .hoiders. There is Blythe
'end Sheafer, both tif them Yudgia--Perter and
'lCliegensdiih, tine's Senbtdr, theother a member
'of Congress. They-ire not w llirig to take a 'than
trim the `body Orilla people, each as Joseph. RH
'ner--itut my olitnibn is, that, the party 'Will • re-'
main divided. and the'"Washington county 'Fee
'ine;"will agein'be elected. _ ethphatically,
'one of the people, and ten to,one, the'peeple
stick lblllth . Then`Cbitieslhelug_for Presidet4
'c;i'the 'United 'State - s
on that question, the party
jite - 60 dithdecl. Our party, you know; voted for
-. .faeicsiin i , on account of4theriiilitttrY sertbices, and
if they would preserve their character for'con - -.
"iistency, they, would,,. at the next presidential
1-ecticin;lo4 or Harrison—for he is as worthylis
`everGenet:al Tdcksdn 'was—he naked his life as
*an; 'aUffereAps4natiy, and ihcire'llerdships, and
'bras .'grotl i< aoldiaranil as. for 'thyself; Fihrittld
Cetisider myself both'fficonsittentAndungrateful,
'iceito'ciiiliercfay. Webaier,Calhouii;'or White
iitiaCksepiva'a Ji , orthy bit betfeunibf
services, 'Harrison Jess • worihy--bnal do
hope•that'my'fdlloiv ei s triens will think,wath me,
`that 'Cinlettaatie offers'Whola intie j eltvorthy, 'de the
'score of i'enios, Mat his ' claim is, a4d ought
i'oeemoat on ilk, 4 fite . -a-hnifthat'ite bright to be
every 'patricide. Ame4icnn-= l -17•0'stielt
lie liaslYtoied hithagt to •
Mr:- Van Buree'ls t A;pooilaiNre to 'be torn. '
Ityinder , le 7 eli!ef of the flinty . and Navy of the .
tnitedfitatfs. :tett 'tb 'otte;if 'lto khow
how to, mount a" corporal's guard, or relieve.ii
sentittelz—lithb &at !tee depetitied - upou
liarriaon•is and, his :election to
the alike of Presidekt, of . the 'United' tales, of
Cefitittander-in-chief, would hoot only be, an hill.
'nbl; 'to the United States, but It would tfariittanil
`ereOfitiave the , manner, fit
' . l, ,viliek .. lkFr - - - ;;Van• Buren -Waa beettgV'forwarci, *
iiiigiti'rieviir to 'retelv'F:the
free men -4 ! IP9ke. too much like hereditary
L-iind'that act of tell predec ` lower_ ,
'9nt' lb,
`Heart, vbilti
and exereisal47 ilAwe autfeketWaighte
totie thus f ittered away, W i h ll i y h e el t o
the'vasiali -41 / 4 .,willifl Ida viPltra . tkug des
• Secretar* of the -Iffa
irennsytrania - .LegiNtiftiere.
CorrexpioitilonoO of the Herald dr; Expositor&
' • atrial:tug, March'lo,•lB3ll. 4
the4iiteeit the two great inligoniii ptir
ties in this State, The Democratic Anti-Masonic:
Conventien'was'Very, numerously 'attended, - 'nnd
-satin the-upper ; rootn ; of the Court:4l66Be, :itf :
olden_time g s_the- SenatelCharnber:: : ---Thidstauncif2
republican,' •:Ner •'Middlesvirarth,' df - Union, Pre
• sided', assisted
_hy the usual numberof Vice Presi:
dents;!_arriong_w_h_emLLsavOlie:zgand t ly±propor=
tions of that enterprizing t idWeeeti;
_kneed sciircely: Ike observed that .. .!'Union and
4feriiieny"preialled whole : s44s
proceedings.' The Washington County Farmer,
upon the ballot received the unanimous Vote ,
-of the Cifitventionl after width conimitteesthee
appointed to digesfand prepare business-peeper:
for theactionrof the, Convention, when they ad.
jaunted to rn6etLagitio--to-merrow;• 'tidier! I fer,- .
Vently • hope - -nomination, or seirieffThii
ecrultjaltd to n nomination, of GEN. NVnr.tanit .
-11-ilt may-be-proposed-ind-receive-the_un,
divided support' of the convention. Thii I feel
ItssiiiiitWeliTdlifspire - confidence; -- reanimate the
cot Wage arid le apt Mettle Irifimpharit suceess - of ---
. Party, over -the -combined factions of- Loco
Fucoiam.. The "no church, no charter, no bank
- Party" nominated; On ,the second ballot, David
It:Pewter, a Ngll`.'e:nd adhering mason, ands pure '
Fanny _iVrglit loco foci). With such, a man' iii
the-field, the event of the content can be pre
dicted Willi certainty. • -
~:Neither,b- r anelt of The Legislature -did much
business ter-day.
.The attractions held out by-the
Conventions were.strong.enough to tempt mem ; •
bees from their duties on Vie Hill," so that an
early-adjetientnent was readily agreed upon. lit
the Clouse u tesultttirnrtor~final adjournment on ---
11m:22d.-itistant. was:taken up,_bittafter Seine lit
tle discesssibic was postponed: - for the present.
Were is no probability that an adjournment' will
take 'place ..before -s ilic Ist of Aprit---_possibly it
maybe some - tinge ,after:that date;
611:• 7 L1n Senate the•bill'fer etec: - -
4ionAif_a_new_culinty_ouLof. parq of Wishington,_
'Westio - erelatid, - /Ciyette • and Allegheny -
swamped,"—it received 4d •two-..votes. -Freer
this it would opticar that the Senate is decidedly
:anti-new ._comity. :The . _ biiLgranting aid telLthe.
Chester County Acadeiny - of Natnial Sciences
passed on finarreading. The'bill supplementary,
ter the-acts regul,ding weights and measures pass-
Through:tommittee. - ' - Nothing else worth n
tieing.. The Selint.e; ;.owing to the conventions
heinglic'si!ssicin,-gas thin. 1 oliscuveci that Mr.
''Pnicruit's seat was vacant._ The :probability is
that lie mild resign.' po . you think that he calf
- sticceed over - Joseph - Haney?' ;Wind areltis stroiig
poitits? ;llas he ever signalized. ' l ti niselfl Who ..
ever heard' of hini till within the last six MontliO
Theseinquiries will no doubt be inadc among the
people,' Who can anglver'iliem. Echo 21(.4%Vt1'5,
Who? I.
The Manse, like theSenale, was tliin, and but
little disposed for serious bUsiness.' Lhe resole
29th instant, passed on second -reading, and was
sent to the Senate, where it 'Was Rostppned 'for
'TVedize,yday Sinaile a report
TroMilltelcomm ittee_ap poi.o4:4 l , 4;l,ittleputvlic-
Schools' of 'Philadelphia. states that
the Schotils ire in a good . condition t so far as the
committee *could Judge, having been so unfortu
nate as to visit them in a time of vacation.
The resoltitiOnlrom the House to adjotirn On
I the 29th adds month was taken up and support
ed, by. Mr. Leet. Mr. Penrose cautioned the
Senate fivm..being caught in'thia trap that had
been set for them by the other House. `lt was
plainly the object of that bOdyto embarrass the
State -Administration 'by an early adjournment,
and Jeaving 'the public works, impror t ided 'for.
It is,.said he, but a. shallow political
the iffdstrailierfi - eitif reflection will letq.t. Mr.
Carpenter wild 'tliat he had enough ~of politics
fur this session; lie*Conlil see no propriety in giv
jug. this question a political complexion. Mr . , C.
had been, one of the •unsuccessfur candidates be.
fore the Loco Foco Convention.' :Mr.-. Penrose
in 'replying said he did not doubt b(it that the :
Senator from Westmoreland hail now enough of
politics- 7 the grape's could notbe reached and at
once they were sour. Mr. P..movedittpostPone-
Ment of the resolution, until the 19th instant,
which was agreed to.
1n the House the Iniprovetrient bill Was taken
up in aommittee,.and after 'progressing through
the second section; and _adopting an amendment
for the construction of an - out-lit lock at Black's
Eddy, oh the Delaware Vision, the committee
-rose. •' The bill for the establishment of a S'clibol
of Arts was on third yeaclitC. but berore . it
Wa's gone through, on Motion, it was' postponed .
fora few
,days •
i ntirsclad 8114,—in 'Boakr. to-day.-Mr.- -.Praley
tff the city:reported on the Bank Bill from the
Mute. The report goes atfeligth into Mt sub.
: jeet;'exiiiishig 'in a masterly manner the abatillli.
ties - of that bill. the report Was accempanied .
with..proper amendments to the.bill, which' I 'need
not say,;elianges•tOtirefy,iti character, and'ren
ders it.fromi mass of unconstitutionality a !en :
Wry bill. A partititlar,compliment is paid in the
, report p the Governor for- re rusjog- to convene„
the k.egislicturein AaytaSt. eft. feet, from the
minojity, - dispeoted • from the poiitionic taken in
the report., Both .reports Were, ordereCto: -
Minted. , Tile 11iH td-incorporate- the 'Pittsburg:
'and' NPalley . Bail., Road:and Turn-
pikeDomiiiny fiassed on:second reading, as also
tht,ll,ol to; hicorpo,Elattllce York ancf.uscitielcsions
7 iol Nod Company. "
'flie'House had" the; Improveyterit , ,bill_ up in
Committee or the Whole, and. a Iter:nodrgbing
,a4drx.,Onilliportlintsmendme,nts, sod giving rise .
.(c't salm)g . bilt . it oi istelesiingclel;icte,i ivaii!'ass ed
slid; jd ed hi b&1 rioted:`' If this bill, ;a;tauld—
itgiin4 and Third readiq in Careiiniiinable
tiMe,,woloo,:look for an scljournniem about the.
close of the month: :At; SOO on 430.,
einidit On aiNvb*o*; 3 o* ( 4 : , fFyl ,v,,v
ita g -- rise will lie opposed ;inch
Dertysbuctillail Boad,:will bg . .a tome for some
X l l.94o_ o llCntioti; h tit the aiiiiiiopitigilp 4 .47:!l,l
• • •
VOlF::c#vltofii . ..-,liVf s altp..,___4*o,i..lgoia)o - rtitiiole:4
dotibtless - be carried.' Mr: 'Pell Submittetta reso:
lutiofl, requiring - the committee otv I 3 nke to
:Vrhom the Charges again - It the.Baok of Wil liams;
pint had- , been referredi to ripen forthstilth.',This
investigatintrhas been.. silenced
~ terious -mstnner. - • ' • '
• •• derkfitenate-bi.litiy;tvsis: - enfivettetl
by a debake4'home tipirit'on the question of the;
Omission of Texas intolhe Union. Mr. Cana
of Adams called.up a resolution - offered by him
- some: time since,,rernorultratiog againat-this-mess .
.ure;---he ,accorhpanied_hist,lnotion,Aith—tiome
rdasonable and plain.rtisinittV, speaking st"ti :
alWays does to, ihe point. • Mr. Bitrcleiy;iiolentlyN
opposectihe ; -defended ihe • character
of the Texian population ; denounbed the Aboli•
tioltists and went the entire figure in oppositicin
to the resolution; Mr lain 4 Wok the. floor ill.
support of the m. 301611011, and a good - deal of
bate ensued between him and Mr.Burdeh. The
latter Was verrdetermined in hit hostility to the
-resolutiorrana - enhirged npon'the aflvantiges of
_Texasas a sugar and cotton tonntry. The rev
lution-pitried-the-COTritrlitttC, an ' d then the first
"aitrid - ieeend reading by fife following vote:
YEAS,— , -Messrs. Barclay; Case, Casiat, Bar
agh, Fraileyof_Sckyi !kill: Fraley bt - the city,'
Fullerton,Harper, James, flingsburyi
M'Conkey, Miller of the city,- l!earson,Benrose,-
-Porter---Purviance,--Ito — gers, Slcuker, Snyder,'
Sterrett, and Strohm.--22. • •
'NAY S,-Messrs. Mil
let. of IRAs; Sangstoo, - and Iliirden - ;Speaker:=6.
• So it was determined in the affirmatiie. •
prealribie then came Up. - A slight Inland-.
vomit was agreed to oit motion 'Of- Wit' Pearson.
Mr Darragh Uteri moved . to amend further, Ibt
striking out "With - a population not the most de- .
.Sirable. This motion•was negatived, and the:pre
amble; adimted
In the llouse the Vretitet• part-Of was
consumed 'in diacteasing the billi-establishing:a
iZol of Arts, ultivirivas = up - o - n - third - reinlin -
Belbre.::it„was disposettoUtlte:Hottse..l4l l oWlled
Suitirda . ylOth.—Atine,briglttispring Morning;
a clear, exit' lemting stin,—a.fux chime in front of
rthY•Capitol--4ott w ill admit would be a-powerful
argument for breaking • fromaille trammels of
leaving the Wheels, ok
drag-along-as 7 -well as-41tey7-cooltl7-so-at-least
thought Senators and llerrientatives. Little
.:wus'done, - atrd both' iouses•adjOurned at an early
• • • •
- Citnifiefiland Zycemis.
• - ,
rneeting'of the Cumberland County Lyceum
was held in the horongh of Shippensburg_ on
IVednesdai last. .We hactiii desire tO be
at the meeting, betas last week, was
-the time ap
pointed lilt thetiolqing - of:he - State' Convention
at. Harrisburg, we were .obliged to be at that
place: We are gladnowever„to Jearn, bx_those
who were present, as ulso from that well condOct
ed print, the Ship peusburg . Iletald, that. the
meetiug was well attended, and that much inter
est was exhibited by all present. ' This we ex
, petted;--we knew that the_ citizens of Shippens
'burg wobl i d give a good aceonnt of themselves:—
they.are a' of people of which, we asciti.
"Trte'vdt•Wivelelor'4llneifiry l
President of thtLyceum, in • an address of some
length, in which he • are akaccounrof thejarig'
of Lyceums in this country, together With several
, otherAlicts—connected- with- the:.sulkire4" a ter
nature was gone into.
Igo the evening , a : hirge ilnd respectable audiende
assembled to, hear a lecttire 'on Education from
Professor Ceinwst.L: We give below the pro
*ceedingr, which 'spetdc for theinsejves.
Skippenstturg, March 7. 16313.
The Ce:tinEnLA ND COUNTY LieEirSt met, *-
cording to notice, and was called to order by the
President at 1 o'clock, P.M. when the following
proceedings were had :
Resolved, .that ' the menibers of the ghippens
tittrgLycetim, and the delegates:who inny_report
themselves from any local Lyceums In the coun
ty; be respectfully invited to take a part in any
'butineis that may'lids . a r y cPMe...heforejlie-Cuin
•berianct4CorifirSityeeliiii now convened. •
• The attention of the Lyceum Was then called
to a Very interesting I.ectnte - by President Dna
title, On the "general aduanlagesvf well conducted
Aileeisms:" lifter which the meeting engaged irk
an animated discussion of the question, " Would
our Camino& &hods succeed better, if' suppinled
nthinlyb.ipllte bounty of the &ale, or hi/ direr! lax
-11.4.0n?" in which Messrs. E. Bradburry. C W.
Clippinger, J. C. Moody, Dr.• IT. Sturgis, 'Pro-
Tessob.Caldwell, President berhin •alid others,
participated. -Before, the question was ta n icelti
Lyeentn atijoetrded to meet at 7.o'clock, Ave.
Lyceum met according to adjourfutient. and on
Motion, Rev. President Dubbin, Ebenezer Brad
liurrk, and - Prol'isso - r - Emory, were appointed de:
legates to the next meeting of the State Lyceum;
- —and James liaini'ton, Esti 'delegate to the Na..
florist Lycelitn at the meeting of filet. tinily.
divination, Resolved, That the delegates4o the
Natilmstand State Lyceums, he requested to . re
port to this Lycenni,_td the next meeting alter
their return, the - rehtlt of their diaterVaffetis at
the meetings which they may severally attend.
On Motion of Mr. Moody. it was Resolved,—
•That,. whereas the object of Lycetuns, and ail
associations, of a - similar character Within this
county, - 1a; the
. diffusloh of useful kitowledgei—:'
uffaitherealL . Rile' ithteat_citnltitt_hi...extenaltely:,
elreeted .withouttheald, of useful feeding, there-.
tore Resolved, That we earnestly .recominend to
each AssoCiationpf this nature throughout ofe
nountiolie establishment - et a •Lihirary for the Ilse
'or t Members, of, such, a , kind,:ind to lib kept
'undel., such, iegulationa' as May hest suit theta
particular circumstances. , . . , - • 1
On motion of Mr..Clinpinger, Resolved, That
we have .full confidence in the efficsey' of the
Lyceum system as a Means or disieml wiling prac
~ana , useful ~u l
knowledge among the people.
,•• •
On motion of PrOlesioi. Caldwell, Resolved,
That theffeeibterles of the setieral local Lyceums
he, and they are hereby,requestediasioon as may
be, to .. serid •to Professor Einar)... Corresponding
,Sectetary, of. the Cumberland County. I..Keum - ,
lists of their odieeri.... ~, .. ~ ~. . • • • -• . -
- •
The atteiitlon of the'. LjrceuM • wed then called
le ti-Lecture on the'"Objecp'ef,E,iluealinti," by
Professor . CililWeltafter which 'the 'lcilloving
resolutions were passed :-•, ' • • . • • • ..... .
' ResolVedi That the thanks*, the , Lyceum be
piesented,tcr.-President Durbin and to Professor:
:Caldwell, for their apprnpriatcaddreases, id - this
Resolved, Thatthojhatilte of the'.Comberland
County Lyceum he preeented to the Shippenshtwg•
.Lyceum for the `ample arreitgentents 'made for
theliresent:bneefing. -
:: .... • .1. , •• .. ".--
1 7 11esitilVed, That copies .of tho.fproceeilingi Of:
this :meeting be , fornisliell-toMie different news..
papers of the copply, fol; Juiblication r ,„ --. , • '
W.h:eteupolt-.llle'Lyterkiittailjotteq4 ----,-.
• '. - '.}-' 'ROBERT 'CA MERON, ..„
C./ 914.111•1 ..:ON tilL C ONS:ITEU TPON
Auk recq v ived acid for:sqle.l.f.the Hook
tore of • - •
February 19: • • • • • '4--
.~ -~ : ;
. •
kibitz Market.
• FLOUR ANb MEALZ-The Flout market has
lieeneniarkably steady,in price for several weeks
pasta. Sites of-fair to brands, tor export and
luirne Upa at 0;50 per bbl. Demand only mode=
rate-and theatock deereaiing. 'in l 2 'e Flour we
- haveititraltlesib'rellort. •"Weiio C - *:Y• a
.$5 per tabl. Cbrti Meal in isblvisiteadynt $3;50.
12A large sale ih Wads of,l3randywine, at $17,25
eanb.- BuCkwheat Flour is steady at $2,62} per
ewti ' ' " • . .
GRAIN-.-The market
_is still fluiet,_no sUpplies
by Water having been received tor a considerable
tithe intst -- WlitTat, a stinallialor - Ood - Western
sold at $1,65 per bushel.: There is some inapairy
for it to-day. Itye—salei of good quality at 95 a
97 cehts in mbderate lots. 'Corn-z-demaradJimit
ed, with sales at'66 to 68 cents per bushel from
store and wagons. , ---,Small-sales of oats at 2,5 cents .
per !match ,- '
. .
aitiOlote arketsb
For the week ending Marthlo..'
t'Lf:itift,-_ Priced remain steady,-,•it $B, from
sto'res i -raild at
~ .$7,75" from wagontt Sala are
moderate-. • . , 614 ._--4)7 • • -
,iere is an import of 17„000
bushels very iiiim•e red *ern =Prussia._ but, hat;
,not yet-been brought into :market: Vire have no..
transactions to report in foreign wheatikr Two or
three parcels or dmnestib have appeared, but
have been soil' The -- Uncertainty - hangirig
.ver - th - ettiwitcial - cfmterrivortlre - countryi - Ass - a•
visible effect in limiting operations in -Grain and,
and 1 laur~ as well as other articles.. •-- • •
has: becoirte;exdeedingly.
. The. last saki; of which •we have heard
- were at 63 Cer(ts Tor yelloW and , N cents for
. white.
The market without demand or
buyers, and_is itn Wmore_stagnant _state_than we
have:seep it tor a !wig time past.
• Rye . r w e hear of no . recent' A yr. c tpris by
which -to.establish air actuate quotation.
Onfs=Are drill at 356 36 cts. -• •
CloverseedThe li g weiss - or the receipts] to.
getli - er - with the demand for the article, has caused
a further advance "in prices. 'We now Oche
frdm wagons at $6 a $6, - 50, and from stores at
$6.50, a•-.s7,.according-Ao quality; •
-Ftaxsed--W e hear of no transactions. 'We
-1 quote as before from' wagons. at $l, and from'
atores at $412,i, per bushel.. .
WillSlitY.Pricesliave undergone no Omn
i ge 'during the continue to qi . •
-Mids. at-32 eta; and-- f rom- -storesfatm33a3lsts-
The :wagowprice ofbbls: - is 28cts. arid - exclusive
of the barrel. The insPections.Of the - week com
prise 44, lilrds aril'_ 942 bbls all received by
wagons., -•
lvz A. itia
Ittisennilier,* on the -22t1_
last, Mr, Benjamin Ileverling, .Innn
King, both of • this couloy. • .
By. the same otillic 2 6 /th Fiih
,urn, to ItVivi I,ritliu Kin* of frckinson township.,
. On the .341 hist: at Mrnunt !lolly Iron' Worki
plies Pritiediu alt_ of that place.
On -the 16th - tilt:by the the same place
Mr. John McKiiinpy to Miss Sarah- liathr,ond.-
Go the Bth inst., In Hannibal. Alissouti by the
Rev. BeWDevis•of thig place;
. ./. --- QtiititiT2'hor-:
:ton, Esq.. late of - Staunton • Virginia,_Mrs.
Noney .111. relict of the late Mr. Geo.• Logue of
'Cartisie - Peunsyl iiani:-
_routik - Meies
C 0 ILY NT Di Zi 11( NO.
The Vnung men ofCumberlatal County, friend - -
1y to the — re-election •of JOSEPH lIITNER as.
'Governor of Pennsyvania, and the election of
next Presidency, are requested to meet in the
Court House in the borough of Carlisle, on MON
NEXT, at early
. candle light, in' rder to _ appoin t
to beheld at RE.AHING and PI"I"ESAMO,
agreeably to the recommendations of the Demo.
c'raticAnti.masonic Convention.
March 13, 18:18
- • 41:117
11.kg_cf, 1 Broad Wficielk
-1041-77-;: cd WagOn,
and I Narrow Wheeled
Wagon. (second handed) for sale law. A
reasonable credit will be given. Inquire at
March.l2, 1838-4t*
A CARA). - •
VHE Committee of Arrangement, on be
half of.the Bellesj.ettres Society, re
spectfully 'tender their thanks to those indi ,
viduals Who so kindly afforded the-useoftheir
'filitliture on the Evening or the .2 1 24 ultimo;
also to the Trustees•of the Methodist Epis
copatChurch, aturthe Choir which took part
in the petforrnan'ces of the evening
Carlisle, March I, 48311.
riptiAT tar &And coinmoclious TAVEl
occupancy OT,
4 '7 STAND. formerly in,the occupancy (>1
C, E.: K. Davis, situated on the corner of
Main - and Bedford streets, opposite the jail.
Said .house has been long oteupitd as a Ta
vern, and is . well woethy the attention of a
person 'competent to keep a - good hnuse b the
buildings being extensive arid calculated to
give comfortable aCcammodatiett .sejour,
BFc; very extensive stabling, - and a M`st.
ratt will of water in the yard. .Thls-proper
ty will 'be let on advantageous terms tb a
person - desirous Of 'engaging 'in the. tavern
keeping business. - Also a frame building
adjoining the tavern suitable far offices-or
shops Tor Mechanics. -
R08P.12,T - M'CLA'N, Agent,
, For Commodore Jesse . b. Elliott.
Match 12, 1838.
• 1E: -
We haveapplied to the Court of Common .
Pleas of, Cumberland county; for the ben
efit of the, Insolvent, Laws, and, the Court
has appointed the second Monday of April,
(being the 9th) next, for the hearing of us
and•our creditors. -' . •
Carlisle, March:l2, 1838.
The Forester will insert the atoOve 3 ti inea,
and _charge_thia office.
For Rent.
large`and cominedioui stable, situ
ate near the camera; North Hanover
street, formerly ocetipied as ti'LIVF.IIY
STABLE, together-with an , excellent
HOOSE• Possession , can he had from
the Ast of April next., .
*Nlitrelt_l2 .18`.8
Not ce;:
j • lii have_applied . to the Erfuirt of Common
" Pleas of Cuin i tierrancl County, for the
I)enefit (4 . the Insolvent Lams, and the Court
haS appointed the second. Monday,} of Ain
- (heing-0 6 -90)-.11eXt-for-Ahe,heittitt4 of us and
Our Ci•editoc*. •
_...I(ISEP.f - f- A,
1 1 / 4 4.tvnit i 2,
Otiti_ft.NVfek.-f,"7titree sttccessive ioie4ks,;(in . •
wat "uAt irATIC-4:4;
-- MANV7tatUNG - 11,1gN::
For trial at April Tenn. 183E4
brat Week commencing Mondaylapeil9lh, 1838
-`Keller` Es S Piper,
Kelly ve .'Crowell, (use, &c
Phrenister!s—Alpr4 o
Showalter's Adm'or :• vs Sharp
Muir for use vs ' Zug's adm'r
Gray' , .vs Wilson
Chureii & christ • , vs Cart
Dawson ,', 7 , vs: tireclin
qonamonsvesUh - Todd -
.Harrisburg Dank Duke_
Yottpt - • vs Sanno •
• Harrisburg Bank vs: Lane's Adin'pe
Same • - • vs - Line
Commonwealth use
,ve Neal- r •
Lease, for use . vs Craighead .
- Swi g ert. • • . vs Picking - .
It oters • • - Rodgers, EX'
Penrose & WAIN . vs • G. Ege el al
Vs 'Moore • •
vs —Patton
•• vs Laverty '
• vs Same •
*s Same
, Vi Rail Road
••• - .vs—Sona .
^ . vs Sheeler et al
vs - Rail Road. •
Mahon, with notice
same .•
Bredie -
Smith's gx.
Harrisburg MA In
' Ilec,Wc.•
ClauW) for\ use
'Male & 13ilakher
'WooAura •
Bullock •
vs :Ege,&•Ege •
vi Noble'
--vs --Martin, &e - . •
'.. vs Moore, Moho' k
- 71Taldeman: •
. ,
Pierce • • 'vs Wspleer •
'Rickabaugh •' .vs Metzler, Sr. Mali'
Kennedy , Vs . - •McDermond
Rail Road' . -ye Miley
Brandt et al; vs„ Brandt
Lightner - ; :vs - • .
Vs Craighead, - .
bysert. •• vs Dysert's Adm'or
Hursh . • . Smith "
Carothers' Adm'or • vs -.Adams • -
Same vs 'Carothers' Adni'or
Lane's Adm'or - vs Harper St.-Moore
Commonwealth_ for use vs Harper et dl
Ott's Adm'or vs Cromer --
Monroe vs Noble
Handllcin_B4._ Great
itedett's Adm'or, use • Ais
HAVE justreceivet
adelphia. a large and ye
144 •
.Long_fed or blood.
Early twitip rooted,
Reaps, away's.
I Red speoklett valentine
ItroWn - do stir)
China, white with red
e y .
•W hite kidney, , ,. • .
Cr.ol6'itry (buSi;)- I
-Early yellow, •
lileans. Puilncts,
Lima, •
Cramberry,' (p(4)
itoireCOle l
'Scotch kale, .
German kale or grecas,
kurly York; earliest.
Earty sugarlour i
Greet) curled Savoy,
lied Outell,forpichhog
. ;Carrot,
Long orange,
Early horn, -
Celt ry
White solid,. Rod solid
Crests )
Long. greeti
Early frame, • _
Large purple,
Endiye l
Leek s
urge Hag•leaved,
Lel Wee )
Royal cabbage,
Sia CU§ts Kciiirard.
RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 4th
inst. an indented servant girl, named HA.N
NM-I-GRAY. 'l'lW above reikard will be.
paid to any person who Will-bring back said
but no
. WM. M. littiDtßSON:
March 12, 1838.-3 w
all . Militant* anti.Pergona
1-. •- • lateeestod:
- Notice is - hereby given, that a writ of Seim
Facia', to April term, 1838, to me directed;-
has been issued out of . the Court of Com:k
mon Pleas; of Cumberland
following "Mechanic's Lien:" entered and
recorded - in—thw-Court--of--Comtnon—Piciisi
afoi esaid, Aria:
' Fiederibk Wise, • _ • -
c • ~ .. , ,
• v s . - ..- •
.Sci. Pa. •sur. Me-
Henry ' Myers, 'Con. harden Lien. No. - is.
tractor,-and TruOties April. Term, 1.g58.
. - itkinson C olle ge.l t
James W. Kelley,
1 ; :.s 'lSciFa
stir. ,
;Henri M yers, bun- Cha:ic'pLi ni l 4o i o
tractor, andtrustees A et.i.ermilB3:
ofDickinsimCollege.- - . -
Kinsey, ,I_, r I . •- •. • ; , , .
VII. . gti...Vii.',,itr e Mea.
TheTritstee.'.; of Dick. ' .ciianic's' Lien " - No.
-, COtt
inson College owners,
'and ifenry • Myers, -,i
• ---- ' --. Contrattcir. ', i .r. .
I 'J,ohn I, I VII itmore, - . .
a s.
- Sci. Pa. sur.-Me-
Henry Myers, Aeche- D-chanics Lien, No..
tect and trustee of,DickC 31, April Tenn,
inson College.. . : ___ , -18S8,
William_ _Harkness for •• '
the use.of H. Harkness, ScJ. i'st. sur. Ue'..,
. .. • ie.% e. hanjcs- 1,it.,- n . 141 0 .
Henry Myera, COntrac- 1 31, Aprit T ekm ,
'tor and Trustees of 1 1,338, 4
Dickinson College. ~..)
- , John ,Sheffer. 1 • ,
vs•. : i ,Sci. Fa.litir. M.
v H enry n iviYe,F s l Cow+ ':_chanics..tien, Nu..
tra4.te i r and the Trus- [ 50, April Term ~
1 1 -1
Civics of.•DickhAsou Col- I 1838.' •,, ' !
• . lev. uwners.
.1 - _ , • - •:vv"
. -•-- v JOHN •MVE , , erl ..
. • . Sherlff's O ffi ce, '1 i. '' ~, -,
'at - lisleFtb. - 1 - 7 - 141 - 38-. - Tom_-__ iii. - -__,p,...... - •
The following are among , :the•Jetisoris why .
Drawing is ''A appropriateltninclOX•COMM9ll
education, and of - course, deserving of genera! :
attention, both in iclicioli and Timilies. .
1. It is - extensively applicable to the common
phrsuitkollife,,especially the mechanical-arts, • .
and civil engineering; as it is to nea rly every de.
partment of 'science. . .
2 ,......„.• EV,Vrietlet,..liattlully4irved4hat-Drewing
anti Writingarelearned in connexion sooner and .!
- than Writing is or can be sepirately. . -
3., A daily exercise in writing descriptions of
various objects, both of nature tuid'art, in addition •
to draeing them, furnishes practical and •hig4l9y _
•useful lessons in Spelling, Grammar, and Corn. , •
_positton, which rehtler_pepits_more:thortinghlik
those iiimertant • bran e hes of education, than they
can'ver becoffle,, brmerely . ciiminitting to mem-.
cry' spelling hook columns, and the abistractdefi- ti
nitions and rules of; grammar. -..-. • f• • - .
4. If a large partitin of the:exerclies, both or
drawing and' .describing Obj ecte, , is performed on
slates, which. are decidedly preferable to piper, •
especially for hegniners, they .prevent a great der ..,:-_
struction of books and stationary. now so expo?. .
siye 'andlio ineffectual - in achoolinstructions..•
- 5. The - combined exercise of-drawing and den.
_scribing objects, reads children to think—to
,ob- . • ,
serve; exxinine and understand various depart. .
ments of nature and art; ;and thus constantly
stores their minds - with- osefurliiiirentertaining.
knowledge, and protectithem from the numerous , •
Misfortunes of ignorance7and viee. . \
f'FinSi Lessoss IN DRAWING°' one sheet,-and
the same figures in a boxef '"Daawitta Caws,
by Josiah Holbrook, furnish. appropriate lessons -'
iii - tlife eirt — tentary- and useful depsirtmentof in r •
struction, and introduce . pupils to a great variety
of exercises in Sinning, Penmansldp,,Grammar,
and composition, which-are alike interesting and . -
instructive to - childre . t,, whether in school or at'
home. - .Theyare well calculated toreitt parents
in. he great anciresponsiblk, but much neglected
diniets of domestic education. •
' . Pot-wing' t hu - streetifitiNitird ein -- scheoltrimany ---- -,--,
teachers have adopted the plan of substituting: .
them for one-lialf• the exercises - .in cony writing,- .
usually imiisued by their:pupils: - others use them
instead of lesions' in grammar or composition, for. '-
which the descriptive exercises answer, as much •
more -than a-substitute. ... • -
In families they are readily used _by children
without any - instruction from, parents, though
suehAnstrintion is, of cotirse -an aid and encour--- - •
agementto the -juvenile efr4ts of the ever. - in.
qoiring and ever active mindS ansi hands of these
ardent lovers, and untiring seekers after - Oseful -- :
and entertaining knowledge.' . • . . ,
li --- 1 'tostitinftilinill the in - Ctst.fnterethira - pp!ffT - , -
'cation made_of tbese:draiiinga_sind_descriptions._
when completed, is sending them, by way of ex; -
change, to other schools and other states and •
countries, They . have Already been gent,. in -
great Mt .- fibers, to the flier quarters of the globe. -•
_ Crrublished and sold by 19.0 Marshall 4t f ;Co.
•corncr-of Market hand SF/lea/VR*li; ThitaiPii. - ,
- A - mong'the - friends - of - eilu - cation - Wh - ci"liitVeithiiii - . 7
Tested. a special -interest on -the subject and
mocle,:of 'teaching here presented,-,.are- those
-whose names are annexed. . • .
tdr. Josiah HolbruLikT•:the well known founder
of the LyceUM system, --- mrd --- tlre - untiring inlet)._ -
cate - and'• friend of pop ii far education; has' lately_
prep . ared a very-desirable - .series of Drawing- •
tards: --- Thesecontf4n -- thirty- - ix ._
ravings in o u tlin e, consisting' of geometrical_
Bites end- figures,- the : more-common,...implements
of the trades, household utensils, animals, &c En.
These cards are neatly put up in boxes, with it
,descrintion•in few words tuf their °blest and utili
ty,, it.'lly permitting chilchleti, both at schen!. and
atitetife,"Mr..licurook,very justly observes,,,oto -
make drawings ancl-written descriptions 'cif these-
and : numeroimAither objects - iii nature and art,
their . feelings ,- ate: interested;--their hands`, eyes,
and intellects improved, and their Minds constant
ly stored, with new ideas. :They are thus - pPe.
tected . fromignorance and vice, and prepared for .
respectability and usefulness."
-These cards are peculiarly adapted to ail our
elementary schools; and the opinion is unhesita.
.tingly , ' expressed et
xpressed as true, that no intelligent m-
Ihsw.''.• • 1 1mdetinIttlfroin three to nine years %r
-age can place these cards - in their hinds, without
great benefit to their improvement in knowledge, -
taste, and happiness, C. -H ALDEN,
. -...firincipaLuf_the....Young_Ladiee-Digh--Schoot.,--
The drawing cardi prepared by Mr. J. Hol. ,
brook appeared to me well calculatedlointerest•
t.'riltrlict - cliildreii in the primary. elements of
drawing, more especially as they are the com
mencement of a series which is designed to illus. ..
trate many important principles, both in science
and art° . S. G. MORTON ; M.D.
Feb. S. 1838.'
In the above views and ()Pinions Wo fully mild
Cheerfully concur. •
Jonv Imntow, It: I). '
Provost of the - University of Penh •
3., P. ESP'S, Philadelphia.' • .
Tuns: NUTTALL do.
STsrfissr 11. Tiara, D. D. '
Rector of the church ofthe Epiphany. Pb ii.
J. M. POATER, il aston b PSI 2 -' -
. ISAAC Hors, M. li.,...Philadelphia.- -- -- • ----
- - Editor of' the Journal of Medical Science. •
• Geo. %V. Woolf want), %Vilkesbarre, Pa. " •
Csti. M. Emit, neading,.Pa. - -
J. C. BIDDLE i Philadelphia:
T. R. PSALi. do.•
Ilicaxan 11/itLAlf, M: D , of Philadelphia - .
Author of Medical & Pits-sibs! Researches,- '
• Paiute Americana, &o. •. ' . .
itonswe HARE 111.. U. , -
.• .
Professor of . Chemistry in the Univehity
of Pennsylvania.
MS. JOfilf TObb,' -
. .
. . 'Author of ..."Le.cttil•es to Childien,"'"-Stm.
• • . dent's Mannio "Sabbath School Teach., ' •
, er," &O. i _
• . ..
• .
SamusxJoakii- - '' • ' . • - •
-,--- ---Principat--ortlaniMil-l. Mathematical ..
• . Institute ; Phila. •,
• •
• Writ:it/3i MANS, • '
SE - eiba
I from tbatiOstly
ry general:Asqort c7f
Green*Con, White tog )
Early eurleil b •
_ . , .
..Oniota )
woliersfierd ma. (Rno
Strawsburg; large ON
Pine Lugar, extra find
Landreth's extra early
Early frame. .
Early Charhurl,
Large marrowfat
Blue imperial, •
.I . gplicrs
Ltirge sweet, bell Ai:*
- Radish, .
Long salmon,
Long scarlet, short top,
White turnip ' , •
fled turnip,
Yellow turnip,
Stt Isaitie)
SpinaCill y
mind savoy leaved,
rickley seeded,
1ir5n;17, -
Long. green.
". - Turnip,
Early flat Dutch,
Red topped.
Yellow Swedish,.or.Hu . -
_billim . t,
Pot ap e ( Sweet Herbs,
ass rt . • .
• - -
. • .-, For Sked, :
g tiNTtiVIPITATING, a changeof resi•
`-'• dente, I offer for sale the folloiing pro.
I i
• HE FARM oh tv,hith 1-residei (ftiaCkland)
• - ontaining
~ 24 . 0 acres Of Land.
Tl r. FAWN adjoining RoCkland-ithi,appo
- site,;containing
„Sib' DO,
,- A, Do.
en Whith . Paltrier; resides; '
containing - ' ' ; _ ;300 ' Dts ,'' ,' - 'Do.
THE' LOVVER . Ct t%fr. ). on the Sharpsburg
Slid Hagerktoimi r roa -f3O- Do: -.: , -
,Do. • ,
ONE - HUNDII t, Et ,ahres - Of 'Wood f and ad
w• Joining thei,bov,e,., ,_ ibi DO: - .Dd. '.
Also. tic NE 4 w nwELLifiG HOOSE in
, Haar:T.4omi. erettid on Protipect Street.
, Tte.above lartiii hive gOod_BOildings, a-_ _
- . 11- : - .V4iortipli a Wood Lani attached to each,..
'hit/Atli In itigoOl . siate,of cultivation. Moro _
r iraithible,prOperly. lisle skill, rifoductiveliess . .
and'situatioo cannot' be offered In Washing..
doh colintWll4,arylani.. , A further'discrip. . •
ton is consikted,unnecessary, as those per •
so b s desirou s *. phrchase, will of course,
visit the j:iMperty . ana jinke for thekieivek
"The faems will , be sold, separateff.or togeth. ••
erand It'liberal,F4Cdit glyent'foi„rrolt,-701th e
pucchash money, , The"titioO;kpArty is
equidishOt-from clagerstOwnititi - tWilljamt__ .
port— C. t il ik's' , fr ellt7eachtlind" - ifithlikltm. --- 7
one to six miles, 4121 n D Mile. •-• ' ' • . ;
21,•April -Tent),
For Schools) Lyceunts;ii *treitAilits.
-- PrhitiOTtrin
Jotin it'llowsca4.o , D., ,
JOHN Pamir. • • • 4 .
• Author of a Histzumf the H. stoes s l &o.
s. W. BLACK.
Principal of a se l ec t serhina r y, plot a .
A. Bsancs,
- Author of Notes en the.-Gosimb s Acts,
Tii.t.4VSSTIL*UNS, tlettyllt?Urgli Pa
One inf the Secretaries of the American
. • Central F,ducatOn Society. - -
March 12,1838. .
C Lyceum of, Unguakei,