Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 06, 1838, Image 4

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T:P ESPE.(:TFULLIT in corms his friends a id
Jiva , tlic in&biic,:thatlie has taken the - Public
,Vlr.• Johil Sinai!. at
do nut' , of Stai kef Square,- fiarrhilurg
known as the".. . • t; -
w s G TON 1107EZEL,
NVhich has, lured pp in—handsome Style,
" fAr the ..accolonsttition• Of the
table is well supplittE With ibe best the mar..
with the r,hiiieei:t of 1:1-,„
.9 news ;tad - Whieg;;:antr:Rrisstipt •and obliging •
servants are •it - ept alsvaYs t•.:a.cly to attentitoi
Wants of cugtorprs._;__. .
taken' the stand wall a determitifir
ion tri spare -no pains or expeinie tom:Ake:WS]
c-qpill:td any:in the century, by keeping. i.
Every, department under the'sisperintt 'Wok: s e
Of the motit.ciutilietent and f.litl,ful; and,:by
' tiersonal .attention Too give every' satisfactign
•td-his.euitctners,.' therefore,i,e‘spiTtfully
PeqUeSts - tirose,Wit . o paY•llarri.dimg.a to
call and test the trtith of his Frown eons.•.
, EC) - 0 I - I Isi,SX',o4)j.
. January 8 -- ,7J658.•• •• • •
. - -
En co urage rygip•
6.7.01 - 4 X
ea - -egi4
IDE LE, ER - - 80.111
'IrriIIANKVUL for past favoi* inform their
L friend:h . :lntl - the public - ge tierclly that one
of- the lately returned froth the
- a large. aii. assortment. of -Furs_untlush; .tney,
; -are_Znow_pre_pared., to. manufactitre.Gentle L
-men's • Hats.. adLacfa r ßonnets - n the lat=
est - and most approved fashiOn.. Tile gitiali T , -
ty of the Plush is far superior to any
-former- - '
. ly had on hand.- They have at ;present an
excellent assortment of
Plain,: litiesias, white-and L ack;
rushy Beavel•, Cailkir; and
Silk-Hats • •
-----of •
• Alib - . - a - general assorthienifif -Ladies' Bon
_ .nets.of.all,coldurs_and_desertp_tions;_such• as
Pure:White, Fawn. Black and Grey, which"
• they•wlll sell at the most reduced pride's.
'Gentlemen and Ladies who, ate-in want tir l
these articles, 'will do well ro - give awe:ally
. • , • . •
'They...have-on hand a few of the best
.qUality of FUR CAPS which — they offer to. i
i' low:prices.
•.- NAKCS: ,
The subscriber.-nn behalf ' or himself and
Morgan, - ciffera fOr'Sle The -- DUN4
CANON NAILS._ Therare made nf ,re
fined iRM, - "and- "are believed; eqnal •in
. - -
quality to-the best cut pails that were .ever
Unipd States. "Ue
following certificates are subroined.• *.
New Curnberland, - .Linnaiy 7, 1838,
We have been well acquaintee with the
general 'quality 'of - Those Made:
from - the :DOncannon - refined iren - ,.we con ,
sideriuperiorlo.-those made from the • b e st
imported rani, ",
• • - Shubrie.l;Wilder
• . ItpsWpl.l NN'occl% . vgrd.:
riuncannon tiori Works; Jan. 8, 1838
We certify that we have' carefully eXam
irred . the mairtifactured by Messrs .
Wobdward and Wilder,nt New Curnherland,
but Of Duneannon Iron, and do . beliete them
to be superior to any we have ever seen used,
Yolin French, Roller, -
Eife - ch - L - thvis -- , - earpentt r-&-Patern-Maker,
The above nails Will be deliveresl on the
eun - rberl and-Valley--kaikoaA - -- or- on -theXa
nal, at...Thirt•ishurg or Duncan's Island; and
forwarded as- may, be directed, to 'any town
in the state, on suitable references: or a li=
beral discount will be made for cash.
• hand, Hammered Mir Iron,
it is expected constantly to have fnr sale - at
the works,- rolled Iron. Nail &c. of the
. •
various sizes.
'lrrOrders by. mail, directed-to--Clark's"
Ferry, Perry county, will iv punctually at
tended to by the Manager on the sprit.
. - W-14,115.1.1 E.R -;
_ . ,
litT Orin
JL kJ Li •
-LETTERS of Advahlistratipn on the estate .of
' Illarii;rl3renneinan, late of East Pennshorough
' .. township. deceased, having betted to tlie subscri
' her, residing in Said township; all persons :odebt
eil to the; estate will tnnim.initnediate payment,
and those having .cla*;:against, :the estate, will
----pre.sont them preperly Imthertiiented 'to the sub
scriber. ---- 'li - E . NR-Y-BRENNES.I.t.N.—....'
January 15, 163'8. Adner,,.
gat& Stock Ow Salo.
pnbifci to 50 shares of Carlisle litink Stock
for'sale,'nn which — iftes Oltaslierstaie
. Tald..,Enguire at this office.. .
' '
• • N.orricE,
30th' \ Yiinuaiy. 1838. An'-th --case 'of 'the
-.writ' ofra rti Han
_and -Vnination -,on • the' real
,r.state o Frederick May, late of East Penns:
— borougthOurriiihifijAeoeaseGberingwthisAtiy.
,confitlneel;-' On niiiffon of W.IF.. Line, Esq.
' Rule 'granted on ull.the heirs and parties in
. -interested, to' appear at the next stated .or
.. Oars Court, on Tuesday the Ist clay' , of May
-next,-to accept or refuseloifccePt said estate
at the valuation. . . „ •
O. C.
Carlisle; "Feb. 12, 4838.-3 w
. .
have I:ecOv cd_ 8. day, And .30 „bou.r...
CLOCK:S.L.w,bich wa rrant' to
keep. goOd'tinte, and offer 'them' - atTiZicce
prices, at oirstore, - •
- .
Nco'VEL,S t o4comp!cte in one
"!%91 for,ssile at the
I.oloK,Siore-lif,• • . • :Fig I'lllletB.,
FehrtiaiS7 19 •-••••' • " ' • ' • •••,•••••••
t)F SC6+l 4 jO , . ust:re
:. aiveit'ahtlto sale'atihe'BoOk• Store of s _f__
• Feb 19. • J. J. MYERS.'
AlitY ,
'lll l "*."I2IIA I S ClllURCTl;"..jts(feet;hlo for
sateiitthe Book storp of ••• mTERs...
IlSity ,
i tt,4l',S OigoVEL tn*E4 co ipr,rnr
ditinir- jtii3t t•ceived litid, fq iitic.: nt tire'
:Book; Store 0f . .1
• ' . ..' S XrC:1124, - .7
- "Petifuuty - 19*:u ;... • ~ , ~ ' . ,
.. ~. ., . ..4c, ,',..:.., :,,.. I: i',.,, ~.-. 1 3 i,- 4 _ ' •
...;, ,„ . .
eseeinlinseriber. mere, for, rent-a , smtiil vnd
.eonvepient >HOUSE, „. •
the ; West end ufl..ontheir • i I
1 1 ireet, , near ,the • 1 1, 1 l e it..
}incise is" well calculatetl,for.a Emig .
,roasessien w4l he given wane twat ay
of dtpril ; next. ; - r
Carib/lei February 1 . 3, 3.£1384 1 -3t. , , „
110 TEL •
I:arm s tir
• •• • it.. VENNER, •
.....neral :worn fur Penuiyleaain, atatilanil, Delaware, Ike.
S 0 mut ta 7th st. - Meer doors belutv - Market it; Philndel.
and No; /0 North at., Baltimore,. near the rust or,
II a Aura up) .111 r Utik , OP' Tile IFITONIAN .
• Ur!ivana,4l6 lipiottlista or.
TheCoL:LiI36 or , .
• • HEALTu; LerritiOY, '•
' • Wile I fliave obtained' the - Approbation- and
it r.,;oirrieOdation. of Thotisandsir who have been,
owed iit•Cousimption, Oolertt!Morbos„-joparfia...:
boas' internallyop externally; and 'all - tlisttsts of
' Listl., Yellow- Fever' Gout , Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Tic Doloteux: Dropsy, St,. Vistus's
Dance, Epilepsy, Appoplexy; Palp ,'UreenSick
neSs,..and obstructions.tomluch the F emale
loam is
-so distressingly liable, and which send ad
'ninny ocitjte faircatportion of the , crention to their_
itintimelyiraves; Small Kix;
Cough, Scarlet Fever. , Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel,
rSii»ii;", and .41 Urinary Obstructioris,.Fistpla,llliles
• Stricuires, Rtiptizres, and Syphilis in allits stages,
Ccin-tipated Bowels, Worms: Scurvy, Itching oldie
•Skin' Biles Evil, and ail Cutaneous 'Disorders
--abort,—e_vety_fOomplalita_ „which ,the humati '
Mime is so-direfully-subjecti6nder-all
liirms.and names; as the Ifygeiin 'Conviction is, . I
lua(munfs suyeet 6 - m4l6m-real:disease that is
' to the iiripurily, of 411 . 4 filoOd i from, whence springs_,
.evevy coMplalnt that can possibly, assail his corn
pripted frame, and that it ut.the'perpetlial
gin oflllis vital ; pure' streams of life, (the 'gift of
Almighty power)'to disencumber itself oVits
- con s -- acriilT-humprs,—With—whiclr- it—has- become_
_ his-valuable medicjne, being s ' compoied only,
of vegetable matter, or medicinal 'herbs, and war;
‘ranted on oath, as containing not one particle of
mercurlal,' Mineral, - or chemical- imbalances, (alf
of which are uncongenial tonature of man,
and therefore . destructive to•the human ,frame),
is - fottudi . t6 be perfectly harmless to the most ten=
der- sge - ;or weakeat frame,.under,,,every gage of
turn he-most-pleasant_and_beni_ ;•
its/operation ' anditt the same time the mosucer
-t ai n - in - se arclt i n g-ont- the- mot orevery:complaint;:.
however deep; and of performing kcitreAltat was
ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect,
'too is produced by the least troubli to the pa.
oents, by merely swallowing a certain 'lumber of
pillr„ and. behg_ealletra. few extra thneti - to the
purpose of t . evacuation, with tiro ,least possible
sensation-of pain, exhaustion of bciciily-strenoh,
and without the fear of catching cold, or tittem
tion to dresS,tif - dietiln any y - wdy different, from
- Cases, - and:cannot he taken to excess..
ence, which isthe Mitchlone of all human know)-,
- cilge,liaslohg - horne - tcstimony to-the-faetrand
extensive use of them has ..already verified - Ha
truth in this country. • . • •
These medicines cure by purging,-and-yeethe
delicate -- are - nutifewilays • strengthened -by-their
operation, because they clear the body of, its bad
humors; anil .invariably -produce sound-sleep.
They are' the safest-and most efficacious Medieine
to take to sea; preventing scurvy. cosdareness. - tr.e
The operation
. of •this mild Medicine;which
conveys immediate conviction Of its utility, 'from
the fist dose is as 'beneficial to the mind as tlie_
lintly i - liri;r'ealming, their curing 'all. Mentaldm'
raugementsi .'Eceentrjeities,•Nervous-AfFectioni,
I ijitabilit "freStli:sgness, from whatever
sum ee; cmiml.ints-whicliPhave Mtherto not been
woperlv und,r4ood, as the l'lv „ eists• have -found
them all to.proreed frtim acrinTOTUollllliffinours in , "
the blood, and, happily for the ; present amt foture
race of 'mankind, ili.coVereil a.clieap and univer
sal 'mode' of purifying, curing, and preventiug.' .
."1'lli . • being coreirof any .disease, infirmity, or
sore, is now no more a dubious or iiimertain pro: -
eedure—pers,:veriuce in the Vegetable Universal
Medie:ii•-s will si-va , 9 restore nature to' her, due,
coin:se. The literary mud sedentary, of both
sexes, whose pursuits so Much iinpsir the'flietil
ties will find a sure remedy in the Universal
Nleilicines for preserving the'energy and spright.
!Mess of the imagiiiatidn, and ...improving theft;
health; old age will - be attained by the use of
theni, and passed free from 'pain and infirmities.
1 They are not `enveloped-with the mysteries of
other medicines: they only requ're to be perse
vered in With sufficiently large doses, and the pa.
tient is ill .c.ione oil well;-__ when a disease irob
stinat e. patients frequently , do nortiil ) EFacW:ilarge7
The inediciiiis,,-reiirom#iseil ifftiiretlititetrent ,
~riled; 9 only, VIZ; in two kinds of pills, Of differ
ent sire in t lii-or.,,power, designated by No 1 and
21111 - 'first is a imeill'illybut most Mild and gen
tle :Ter ;i-0t,, , r cperiing medicine; detaching and
1 F ait , ally ..,,nilll lug, the!lhillitzunt ropy humours,
nlt I A the Nn. l:'. Pilik Larry off thace and the
,c-rons ,iet,i•nt'sf; rlt.trai immilbro, incidental to the .
body; and act tegolter *a a ferict in a warren,
never _resting until. every - avenue of the hums
frame is t horoughly se...relred, and eclianbed of
. .ini i•i .
its 'mtieg. , .
---,Tite- - Vegeblile Cieloaing roiwities - ore of - greut
- 5 - s -- simli - o - ci - t - rcijitt - ttentx - iimUfacilitate - the - cvactiation -
Of bad. II tt inours ; they sciftimreleanse, and - detach:
the acrinroitintni plulegan c aze• cooling. and' allay
the thiist. - One, -- twoi-ccr-three powders may be , .
taken` itil.tighout ,the day; mixed in half a tum
bler of iv,t,• l -, . . .
.. . .
Tbe pills are so:ti in ptielrets or $l, $2,• and
s3,•and 2.5-:.oil 50 cent boxes., the two liirmei-•
consist-id three' boxes e,aCti,..viz... one- bos: of.No"
1, and TWO 110Nt's of No. 2—the latter, one larger'
box with a diVisiiiiii, the:powders" are in sepai-49
:Mix at es 37i•cents each., ' . • •!.---' • .. ,
• aj•fi r i . co tii:i.flpiiiiike - iift II e . tep,eat eft-solicit:it ions
of 'the agqiits,. andjor -The , Isunycniente of the
Public in gflicial, c lidiekof . 50 b'euts, and 25 Cents
e5i41 . 1409•0 - ow,g,q„ltatl of all•tlie• A fent&
. . t° 11l ISONINN 4 tl ---
, et ily',A4viser
-oft Isitti4h- f: -of-lfektlQ- ' Mitt/lb-00e,
s27si . tit.ill-PItACTICAL: twmpi `Aliiillige!-;•
•ian-syrirt:npirlyhy;ii.iliWinclb in •:1011gi •
pf•Li re: . ..71'reRtise . cm,AtoArro&, 4 4 • Ectter .
I.; D titleia• Mot;lnts,"-anctmtinrattettll reseff '
eti in this country. ittwell as in Gr titain, 6th
ilditinfi, - pria" 37i cents` --- ' - .. , 7 . ,-' ..---... '•-
-i'M-4,4tßiMi, AlrAili,cl*.iie4,l '4reed into.
this ecntineY et a 40-664X•ii-erisirtiotelhatancling
which. they are sold - at. thetsam ce PriiieLits in Eng
•lantl. They have be - e - ri6 years bereft the Amer
ican public; their prceininetitisucceis 'lathe relief
of the mffi ict ed. - t Ito usaMW•erin t stify • r , -'
t --I,'
-W'' , ,Nll.l:it„)N--4M
„.r.ons ce_ol; the high .
c can
estinnitiint in' which•ldOrfpti , . a nee held-by
tbe - Mtillic,,,ii - littS induce& p i ',utterable host of
Tifitillitel.pled - counteefeiiers.M..attetnptimitidbs
'under deceptive teiMillimigiodelitcle the unwar ~
and fnist their nostrums-fauptfielGentlinelfyget4 .
MediCisie,. in
.conxequeneenf Ayllicb. the,•Agentn
hattoak.:eiLlie.pme...catitioitafy measure of having an
141 - 1 , -,L,yetlow Label fixed omptch Yie-k-et,Taigneil
br the Agent of each State, and.-District; ancl,by •
their 0111-Agepts,in every. County; the imitation
of which 'will subject the forger to the-Severest
punishment the Law can' inflia : and .it •ialurther
torfie'froticect - that Mute Or the abOye Medicines
ciiti-hel obtgined •• in' anY , Dru'g.,-Stine - threntglront
-the ;Union f therlillrtig Stores being-411e principal
source` through-which the toSititer4iters..Vend
their spurious article& • ' • - • .. •
. ,
...f (171teapeefable. parties.niSi . .:he appointed... A.-,
[gents on liberal tering, bY2.llil9s4,P4tlstPeßenerai
Depot, .No . '34 Sorbs Stv'srr.mtnater; three
' doorti•bekiw Mailc'ef Streeo fill ic ailehihia—and at
Mi. 10 North street Elaltimorei - nearly opposite the
Post 'Office; where the - Genuine Medic' ' ay
ulwa.vs We - obtained. , . „ • • .. • ' - •'. ,
• Fi' . ' Sale'ilSitailisle, at the : store•o ILI
uric , •llyr,t4tn;•• I ' - - , _.' ',:,--....' —.;
• NI Ait +l'N %{. 7' ' S.' MEI LEit, Me&4l2lCibrit*, 1 ,,
A iii.-W-li:'ju " iTE n.,_z M . ilt
,lisp'[.?.,' 0 '
~ `P erry
(.7.".W4IYC•fit-•••:itn.„t : ~ ,
Sept. 403: , t: ;''
in .: ':. Pomade Divine. , ~ • .
~' 'Phis'-ti': tenz,itea ernollient, Scr,:rll kno*n in
flicriife• _lt as iwver , befOre be:etkinif4e in' this count.:,
lttiy, , ti , •4 l . l Who•tilive ever•iipplitintoo ecemium
limit , et t4sstryi: to those . .wks i ltre..lepinaerptainted
.with. its • virtues it trial . wi ll.:tic n its beststzeom.
It , ntletts the, -,skin, cures and kit int/ all ntinp-,
pingti nr totigluteds of the hands or lips from the
--.---10:*.i1T . tratil.0 1 1*.110).*: . X.°;' -I ...ilitc*OlejtitiOigitor; .
vierciog effects of cold - weather, cures-chl . o am
swellings.and bruises occasioned.hy fells 'oil oilier=
and - will prevent the ntattY bad conie
olitences of such ,acciden b e well
rubbed in foralctv minutes on ti brnise or' ineh,
it•wilf,preveitt all bhickness.• : 111tep . lied difectly,
.will.mire •burns and, sealds, paimaml•
pretenting blisters. It is useful fer.a.cancerbe.
fore it is'broko, for f\ore' breasts; 1)4001101y in
lying- - in, for h stiff-. - neck and • swelling. of , the
glands,. for the piles •Mid - will -prevents} fistula,'
for a gangrene, melting a little' into the wound,
fur pain in the stomach, rubbed Witte "the
,firF,litid will greatly.relieverheumatie and gouty,
pants fixed in any part, ' .• •
Prepared''an4 SOld - by
•R. renner,,li, South SevFnt•Street, Philadelphia;
Whose.naine and addresi on each gla_skof
the' Pomade.
' And 'alto, fir safe by ()Glint trAIITN'ER;
.••.• • • :
_; . • PRICE. 50 CEN*S ,•
Fehrnary 19,18.38.
011131130317*' , _
PEOlithiniliwks;bi_thaid; aQPeuspaper., Postage'
has now been in existence twelvemonths,
and has enjoyed,- during' that period; a: very
extensiVe.share. of publicjayor., It has fur
iiiglie4; for two 461Iars and,a half, reprints of
London book's" which cqst there over, fifty
seven dollars in:addition to alarge amount of
-literary- matte r..--re v ieW s-4of-rieNv-books,_tales
and-dornestieLand- ,
Tho'3riginal .proprietor,, intending • to de
vote hi,slime and'attention to his other,Reri
odical'works, has disposed
.of •kts interest in
the Omnibus the Prernt publisher, who
will make no. farther thange__iii-.-its. general
Character than issuing irfroikanother office;
and changingNhe name.. from
to 'Brown's." • . • ' •
.13town's 'Literary Omnibus will be ESTu r ia
evey.Friday_mornios, printed on excellent
paper of a large ,size; It. Will tontainT — --
1. Books; the newest and best that can lie
procured, 'equal every week to' a- London
duodecimo volume; embracing'Novels,
vels,_ Memoirs, efc, and only chargeable
witlitme‘iipaper postage!. • ,
2. Literary' Reviews; Tares,lsketches;
Notices of Books, and information , fmn 'the
world of I tiers - olever descri tion.
•3. The ne*s of the week. oreign and o
mestic. - • -
he_price will_ be two_dollampo .annum
each to clubs of five individuals. To clubs of
two indiyjduals,,two dollafs and a half, or five
diaWf•ar the two. - Single mail sutfscribere
ihree_dollars.__MaiLremittanees_ to be oat
•As the arrangements for this undertaking
are all completed. the pimprietorfaski.from
a generous public that consideration to which
so-diffusiVe a scbernc of circulatingitnqw- -
ledge and amusement is,entitled.
The first number of New Series Coal •
menced on the filth of January, 1838, from
which--period or. from_ any future date, new
sub'scrib'ers may.commence,.
llCPPostmasters and agents for periodicals
throughout the Uuion and Canada, are:re
-quested-to'act as - agents-for_the Omnibus r and
Communicate with the proprietor. -
_post. aid", .
' • - . WILLI BILIWN,.
.... 50 North Fourth st. P
............ 16, 1838. • • •
y g els,..
~, ~~~ ~r
NOTICE is hereby giverfahatthe Commission,
ers4Comberland county, will hold the Appeals
for the year 1838, in the different townships in
! mid county, at the time :yid places as stated 'be
low, for the purpose of hearing "all persons who
may upp!y for redirs..and to .grant such rend . ;
as to them shall appear just and reasonable, to
wit . • " •
"tor 'lli6kinson"ami Wesqienoshormtp,ll town.
shifts, at the public house of John Paul, in West ,
- VennsbrotoughloWnshiprottFriday-tio-16th-4141
Fi:broaiy oat.
acob.Engle, in .said borough, on Saturdsry - the
17th (lay of February next.
For Southampton and Shippensburg townships
at the same place, on Monday the 19th day of
February next.
Foe s llepewell - township, attlti public house.of
James Sponsler, in- Newbtrgh, on fl'utaday the
20th day of February next. -
For-NeWsille. and Ncwton townships, at the
pubtic - house - of - M ichu el- Heffleman, in Nen vine,
on Wednesday, 'the 21st day of February next. -- .townsltips,,ar tim
-same-place r on-77suivday-liiiii_22‘l7<layAirre.brty ,
ary-next. .
For North and South Miildletim townships, at
the Commissioner's cam - in-Carlisle, on Priday
the 23d day of Ft , bruliy next.
For Silver,,Spring and East Pennsborougli 1
townships, - publie house of Joseph Grier,
in llogneatown, •on Satunloy the 24th day of
.-For l the_ bormigh__.:ol:ikiechanlcsburg. at.'the
public house pf John Hoover; in aaid'borough,on
.11.fanday the 26th ear' of Febrhary next. -
' at the public house of
t)avhl ShafeiViTili - Itiaritato - Wtr„ on llueado y. the
!2.7,11 day Of nest,
For .Thinrne tow iiallip. at the public house of
mvia Martin. in ChttreldOwn, tut Wednesday the
. .!tith (Tial6ll7Huary TfiXT: .
•sioner's - Ofiree.lirdirll ~ str, on Thursday the Ist.'
day of Ntinfcis ni st. - . , ."
Ptimipq. - I. , ?pssors of. eath 'township,
are also notified ..m1 required to 'ittencf at the.
flute pl.4ce,fixeit, for the'appeal of their re: • . ": : .
. - -- --
By'Order of the Commissioners.
- CommiSsjorier's - Office," 1 . 6 ' '
Carlisle, Jan,, 1:9; .183§.
THti,tarinersfiip lieretoffire existing between
the sitbsEribers,:iincler the firm or HALL AND
POUTER, is thiii daY'diisolred by mutual min=
Vnt:111 - 6 -- hnnkTsre — in 4 the-bencle-or—HZi/tiani
M. Fortis', ivhcils sitithoi:lzetb to settle the same.
• JOHN L. N. HALL; .•
Carlielg;-9ct39; I
To -au, agini: ntonnet Persons
'' iinterest ed. •.. ~...''
.. •
. ,
__Noticeis h eirebyfiv en, that a writ of . &ire
'Facial; to- Apritterm, 1838, to me directed;
has been Issued oiror the Court orCtirif; -
..mon . Pleas, of Cumberland County,, on the
following "Mech'anic's Lien," entered 'and .
recorded, in ,the. , Court Of CoMmon Pleas,
aforesaid, vitt • •
•Fi eciciick Wise, ••• - ' - - •
; .-• • -oa. Sci. Fa. , sue.. Me
fietirs ,Myer.4,-Con. Icloinip's Lien, No. if,
trrir:igr. :mil i'rustres. A prif' Term, 1851
~..i c4imt : V e llge. .
11. ..;, 4
IF • „ . '.:VP* ' , '. ,. , I ,SC ; • -Fa . sur. • Me
tisn . , ,IVI rev', ' 6 ,ti 7 S.r, b ;Tic's Lien, No 10.
~ (
,t Offir„ ..- n Flu trey f . :l Term; 1838.
.of•Dickinsnn J,, . • .;
isaat : Kinsey, -. • •;.• ' •
• ••,_, Vs.!' • Sc..': Fa.. Sur, ..Me.
Ttie`rrnate e esofDick- .thnitio's.' Lien, • No:
insoltolleie owners,
andenry Myers, .A
Contractor.. •. " ,
. • ', "14OHN MYEitSp c .Sherte.
• Sheriff's OiTice',.l .
`,‘ 170838; 5.,
Triennial Assessment.
•• - .:,"---. - :: - . - . -. : ,..7 ..i - -.:%2.':i..f.- , . :.•,..',' - :...:....?Pi tf.. •.4 :, „ ... .... ...
. ,
'Should in - 604s and years be. thlwwn away,. _
. ~.
.In ~ learning- t hal ' ichieh. scarce .r eq-air es-a daltY,
iltiotttl.:t; - .0.aY..p..a.a..-.4-pa.z)pl.Ll7.o,'
-RESPECTFULLY intioiltice to the,citizens-11) — Ciilialel that intend giving a
course ot lesiions in the,_ b . I -7" '
ecitbratetr eantariart S:ggit'illt of 2aritinli.. o „, _
this new and impr)ved system of Writing ? . pupils ire taught to sit in an, easy
and gracqfiti- pogition, and write a ' ' - • -
. ~:., •• • .
• . • •••
• ' • • ' 1 2
4 Lar ki 'I X
VMS -. ...511 : a ; - WWI* . '' - .. _
(.lalited.,:iiiStlie _practical -and life.. This achuirable_syStein_l B
founded on . simple.and.rational principles,.. and-is capable of‘clianging: the most
sarawling , waling, and substituting in its . 'plaF.p a, neat,_ elegant, ;
and7rSpldruse - Of - the - pen,_.. _ ..". ~ .. ~.-_... ... ' • .-. •'• . ' • .
. .
_ kis:equaihr <aleplatedfor both' sexes. ". ' -. 4 . '. -.
andLADIES - it is th . e . .innstelft' lint; - and_in fact. heanly_proper . hand:for visiting
d-pwripllmentary cardS"billets, etc.. "• • .
' tror'GENTLEMENifis"are'oUlar, bola; tlowiim, busineSS'hind-W_riti ri n•
, ~ . .
~..Instruction will - al§o be..given.iffiferinan "teit, ltalian ,•Pi•iriting, aud in sliOrt "any
and :every•thing in which the tiseifif the pen is concerned. ~. . • ... - .
Specimens oriiiiThan - d of - natnenWil lien-manship-miry-beseen-by,calling_at_AlL . ,
Satisfactory-iniprni:ement'tO"the scholar _warranted,
•'1 • .
- . . .., .IECO4ffe7IE-0rD.67 1 010.1:5i-- -
• - ,• ..-. 4• •
• messfs. Finch, - ,and Beardsley ' litive reechtly been- gtvitig ingtrticiiim in Williainspor
Milton and other vill_agps on, theTtittscittelianna,tb‘i ~ . -4.
.prKof-the -- editorit-of this- pa p er-w a s-at_Williti)ms_pn 7.e, 'lnc
titkes.pleasttge in stating that they.ceeeLy'ed-a•yery, ti-satin
faction. , ----FraM-specimens whieli..:We love 'seen of !..result
:of their instructions which fell under nur own obsc' I them
to the lovers Of fine writing as-anist:Conipetent'teachers anti highly neserytng ot public
ronage.--Keystonei. Harrisburg; ''.D - er. .25", 1837. _' - - •
I believe the system of : writing taught by Finch to be superior to any other,- and
• ould-adVise every. person,- w ho- w ishes_tet_w_tite. a good band._ to erobt•ace't h e sy_stern.whicb
is taught by the above .gentletneg .• • -- BENJ. , J Olt DON, Preol. Ailidilleiorivii`Balik:
•IVIrDDLY,Towst,' jVIAY 20, 1836. '. .
• -From the explanation given to me by Mr Finch. of hiS mode• of instruction in Penman
siONTE -- 141171 .__ Pie - brw . _ .. 141 - clri4i sSctto l-ars-m-ttLIT-iigv- r.
.21",„Pi(Et-i-41-I„,:ilveeci.uut-Dig-ate c d - n a
I rturg i I t " . 7
sTA ~ OF pENNSVLVANIA, - / . • :-•-:-.:-•':-• .'- • - - ------ --- -::• - - .
. _ . .... ... .
• •
Susquehanna County. ' - • •
. e " I, Geti.. Walker, Prothonotary of the Court of Common-Pleas of. said cou' aty,
~,, _
9' •do certify that the above signatures 'are genuine-and - further that I fully-con•
r.t •
. ~
..,•••• , -4 citi-in - the - tilinve, - and hcliev'e Mr:,-Finch''-ntode of instruCtion'superior to any.l
- '. •- I •, --ever-ever-witnesueti-,—Witness-my-:-handLandsett.Lof office at Montrose. lily
--- .: • - ,---- --_ . _ .• •
• r eki, . sisi., - A". -- D: '18'37. _,
._ . -GEC?.-WA t..X.Ell:.__Tiiitte_y - :
.--;-. --Terms,. 5, Dollars: tor •Thirteen. Lessons. .- ', - , • .
• The Subscriber returns his sincere thainks
tritis-formechstomerS, for the liberafshare
of patronage, which has been given him and.
solicits.a continuance of the same; as also 'be
invites - those who — may . nrit,—ns yet,, have
given him a call; to'flo.ser at his North .
Hanover' street, one door .nortinof. Mrs. E•
Weise's stor e.
Having lately returned 'from the the city
of Philatle,lpnia, bringing with him the. latest
and !nog approved" faMiions, the wbsc;iiber
has on hand, d large assortmeni of '
GEN*LCIVIEN'S, nAirsvo:.
- wvavyrat - iloc.
.4 •
&c. finished in a• st) le.
Also, FUR-AND ZEAL CAPS, of the
latest fashions, all of ivhich will be !vie:flow
or. cas ;ol•7eccltan geirliii• ctanit trproilitc - e.
Call and see. .
Nnv..20;1857,— , .f • -, 31 •
New BoOL glationary:
THE stibkoriber-hirs' just, receiyt_q at his
Book and Ding -st - orecin the borough of Car:,
a Large and Genera) A sscirt 'nem of the
:Latest Publications..
He has also added a largt ntfmberolDll UGS
AND MEDICINIF, r O to his• Winer assoil
est-prices._ ....... • • f.• -
. • JOHN 'A:4I TER.
hrmary 9. 1838.. .
THE Brick Dwt Bing House, Suite and i
Ware Itou attar situate in North Han<
oyer street Cal lisle, now in the occupancy tf
Jacoli . .Wetzel, 'alSO the - 7Stont 1/Welting
House adjoining otctipiedby Ilob't D. &nth
fie; Esri. also,.th . e , --frontlitore Room.. and
cellar adjoining the Bt ick dwelling House.'
now occupied by John Early. Possession of
either of_the above properties 'nay he had
• a_the....fmstAity oLApril nex t ' o Good
-TetranUitaAleas - e - for N, , e - Ors• !oak , lie
Apply to ISAAC KJUR falf,7".
PUBLIC . 1-11 , USE•
•- GE O. P N C , ' •
Sitnbery, Noribuabirland
Count!), , .
Begtelea4 respectfully to ;inform theptilihc,-
that be - haw removed to Ilarrishurg.:Where lie has
1 taken that large and spacious three '.story brick
merry occurnett _!by.:Nlat hew -- Wilson,
corner. of Walnucaini Third streets, -
, - • HARRISBURG, „. •
In view -oT tlie:SlßTeCtittitolovhictrirelltrenell - orr
the first day of May !nit, and wherehe hopes tit
continue to receive that patrtivinge.a6 . liberally
bestowed on 'hid heretofore."
-Will at alt - tim~rrbe -- prn~idrrl~vitlr - ever-}•-thing:
necessary to 'make his guests'cornfortable.':
' -6 • PRINCE •''
• Harrisburg. June . • • • ; • i
. . .
A6Further euppty.of Biendethe Pille r in 50
cent boxes, just r i eceivedr,,and for sale;nt -
More • • • • ,11.... '
Nov.' btatiirlt,-.l•llT.tytti.
N 27;1537. . '.7 - „:. - - ,-_
- „
CAPITAL $600,000. - '
+.' THIS Company stilt continues to make
Tiisurance on all kinds of property through
'their iigeficy in glarlisle.' The premium , is
regulated.accorditig to the risk. Averaging
from S 5 to 40 cents, irr thes•handred - dollars.
Descriptions will be received, ar.d .policies.
dated from the day
J f N J. savey. ' •
• •-• ' OH 'MI RS,
4 .agent.
. January.% 1888.—Stn. - -, • •
•, • _
_VosfRECEIVED, au ilia** and , Sila.
grad Bed i Nborasses,juid -forsale by
C HAS: - :II.ARN rrz.
. .
I.lairaver , and Carliili7-I.'urnpOe
ROAZ • -o . oMlValt7. -
Exhibicorrokrebehied, Repairs and
expences - in. the llipniierc ind. Carlisle
"Iru -Roat4CoMpany, from- the -13th
December, 1856; to the I'ltLyllec. - 1837;
_Tn_arpottntA'_llll4_rec'ed No„ 1,
' JacOh Bear,. gatekeeper .• . - 630:07
TO amcmnt arGate No. 2,. ,
John lleagy; gatekeekr 612 3.14
To amount Tolls ree!eil at Gate No. 3,
c t obarine Jones, gatekeeper . 502 27i
To amount Tolls req'&l at Gate No. . .
Thompson. gatekeeper 465 5P—:
To amount Tolls ree'etl at Gate No. 5,
Andrew Dixon. gatekeeper, 573 66
To amount Tolls - from Stockton pd --
stokes ; 100'09
-,--rcr-rent-reetl,l4,-otri-gratc..kot& b: 25 00
. CR.
By Cash paid for Itopairs'on Road $2213 80
0 5 tairkeepers S:klarics 500 00
Probates of 6;4l,k'rs ro'ly reins . 7 50
and sialitipary 9 - 50=
Printers bills for advertising •&c, 600
• • " neof of Gatelmosrs No. 2& 3, 48 00
Builtlini; new Gatehouse No. 4, 438 00
Y 0 ' Secretary's saLry, • 30 00
• .d Treasurer's salary. .SU 00
$3356 80
. •
-”alance exp •fided over and above the amount
received of $3O--,961 - • . • • •
I do certify that the above exhibit' is
co - rre - c ra s - itness - rn y —hand this 4th, d 4
• • , Treasurer.
1 - ._ • .
. - FOR .RENT.:- ,-
• TUE Ciirner house' aturstab p•onm, newly.
finished in the best sfyle,lsituate on the 'south
easi*.of Market - Square; now in the possession
of Mr. 7- Brecht' :=Also the 'entire buildink
down in Liberty Alley; . • " • • .
- ~•••••-•,: • • - - A LARGE.
1 lftf
g_Op .: . - T 1ir..,0 s T tvluir
-7 4 ,° ,, ,..: 's . ' 7 .
,Irl-4-6'll. STONE HOUSE,-
. ,
kountl,..ind a double Stable: Possession will be
given-on. the first day of A'pril• next ;fa terms
apply to•Thoinds Carothers, Esq.., or to the sub.
Dec. 19, 1837.-3 W
F. OR RE .
va- sii6criber Will rent tht4 Well lcnown
large anti convenient house, for.inanY years
oCcapied by Christian llumrich, and..inore re
cefilly - by others,, as a. TAW:IM
;%gst. !MUSE. 'The - house - is
0 : 1; tify well c.dlculated for entertaining
110A111)1itS'i there being - three
at a w ayS, - the - roorns:,
situation is'very plea.ant and desirable, being
on the north west corner Of Hanover and Loather
streets.; while, for'convenienees, -- . it - ekcels any
Ot her.' botise-Liw-the-honottgkor
susses thenUtismil advsntages of 12-Vcans on the
firSt . 1-10or.12'rnorri.4 the,Sd rooms
the 3d froor—G. Cellars in house. Twowellsof
Nat e,f ; '4( o 0 tit the-frOtit door on Louther street,
with ti - putriti - thereint We - Other - in The yard atthe
kitcheirdocnl)' a Cistern 'nualelo contain elghly
five Hogsheads; large and convenient stabling,_
WitlfearriagehOuse and sheds;
, large 'and' rice
lent• gardens attric4 - 11 , to•the - • buildings besides.
!arty.' conveniences not specified.,
q. Also, One, Ozone IVesthet•boardeil
'two Story House, situated in ..Eist Loather at.,
with two Cellars, teGarden - and „Stabling attached
theeretd.• ' • • • • ,tr:
Also, one othe'r . Weather-boarded
House In West Louther street, adjoining . the Ger.
man Helaine& phurch, with a Gallen attached
CY It.• For Terms apply to •
. • •.".
Nov. 20. . CHRISTIAN 11111011101: 14
SIX CelltS-retVa,rd
^ 'RM.:AWAY fromAe7stibsoiibt - r.
inst. an ikaleilteViervant
named NIARGAREI -1- MAR-.
TIN. • l'hc, above rewatd will he
.I.\ , given ,to avy persait wpp will Eirilig
bask skid girl,tiut no eoeneek paid.
ELIZA §"rv - m . AN.
unky 1838, " 4 , -
• . .
'Vida Medicine: baiting met with the unaninu m
approbation of.those Who'huve fairlf , einPloyed it,
according to the directions, i t irecorhinended.iitli
increased confkdence to..the public;•inulmost
every variety of fUlidttoicat :disorder'nf. the, Sto
'mach, bowel, liver :ind Spleen; lue.hysi- . 4relft7
burn, ;mei& eruptions, nails's, headache,_ pain,
and diateution ot - the stnniach and bowels; inei
pient. diaiThira, 'colic:,
,faitudice, flattilence, ltabi
'tuil-Colitivenesi, Nisi of aPpetite; sick head-ache,
sea sickness;-&c. 'fbese Pills being enliiely
vizelabte r May be taken- iv it pet feet safety:um,
der any e:;:tiosure to heather; and it may be,
-further-remarked,".thut they seldom, if ever, pro.`
duce sickness at.,the stomaoh . .iir griping: The
_milnerotis Certificates; from gentlemen. of the
highest respectibility, give •ample ev . itlenee of
The value in which.these Pills arc held., and there
are few who ilirnotily they linve adopted them
as their common family Medicine. $-*
From the Itt. •Rev.
- :_of.Vorth Caro _
F 4 lOl, M
ilating• for the last three years, been intimate
ly acquainted with, Dr. John Beckwith 'of this
city, and, enjnyed Ilia professional servides,. I take
pleasure in stating 'that his character as a_chris.
Clan gentleniamand,, experiended.PhysiCiam en,
titles his testimony, in regard to the use of his
Anti Dyspeptic Pills,. to th e
. entire.confidence. of
the public. experieoce, oflhe gond. effects
of these 'Pills, 't,wirye'ars past, satisfies me of
their eminent.>Yafiie, particularly hi aiding
impaired..digeation• and warding off bilious - at- ,
tae:l;s r _l__Was_in the habit of resorting for security
agaiin4 thelitt, and with - very partiiil6 - 14.- 'as; -
liberal use' of Palomel, or Mite Tit. 'But, A - rice --
my acquaintance with the Anti-Dyspeptie. PAL; of
Beckwith which he prescribed—il the first.
instance himself,: I, have not :been tinder the ne
cessity, of. tiSing l‘lerc_iiry in any form, besides
being wholly exempt from bilious attiiekr
yeral .7n - embers of my family are experiencing
the same beneficial results.
• _
• L S. - IN - F:3.
From the Rev. F: r. D, 1) Sr=l•bom4s
• , Tons, 183.6.
I hate no knowledge derived from exile rience ,
`orthe efficacy of On Beekwith's PiBST but 1
know that several of my personal friends in North
Ithirolina . , - whom I left . some 3 ears ago suffering
severely_ tinder dyspepsia, were' in gimul health
when I saw them On a-visit Made a few months
since, and all asdribed their recovery to the use .
- 13f - Becirwilleil e i•Hs:
,_._. . .
- .l.know tbat , :tbe certificates ,ribtained by the
Doctor in North Carolina, are from gentlemen of
the higfiesiTreSpectibility, anti seVet al of theM
stated to nie verbally that which' is contained. in
their • published certificates, A haVe'llie, most.
entie&coliNience id - them. . 3-54 - - .
1 also know Dr - Beckwith;• and have known
-bini4rom-myLboyhoodandALcheerfully state
Witlillishop hres - , - .`that - his - character-us a ofWis.
thou. gentleman and experienced Physician, , enti:
ties his testimony, in regaad to the use aids Anti
Dyspeptic Pills, to the entire confidence of the'
publie,P -- - -i , • :
' -'-' •
I. rom_Dr. E. -G MYgatt.
• - .
• :I I s . i . i„xlit.ti., eirk, A ug. , 11137.
"Mr. 11. D. Turner;
Sir—, SeVerai . of my - friends in thWtritvri. have
used Dr. BeckWith'S Anti-DySpeptic. - .Pi115:•,3%-itli
- decided benefit: j V .. , '.• _ .. ).-"
Among the mundier is a Mrs.--,-, a nernbei -
Thr mic'of our •liZ•st famik who - S
s, whos bet c afflict :
ed With dyspepsia of the worst -grade .for. Gur
„years. I haye urged theitsemf Beckwith's Pills,
as alluding her theliest chance , of relueT.' --- FACe
Auld already . ..tried various remedies, %%611r-hale.
benefit . orpusitiveinjuiry, And Was thet;efou 6. I e.•
Mown to commence with this. tier symptoms,
-being much alletiated by the
use or Ahe ffistlibx
she came to my house for a farther supply; butt
finding that my stock of tie article wits.exhaust•
ed, she expressed - rithelt-aoxiety to have more
obtained as soon as pmsihle, and wished that one
box might he sent by_maiLif they •conlit• mit be
had in a short tinlchy other rtWatts: - - - " -
"I am not in the habit of employing nostrums
and quack medicines in thy practice, but the Pulls
which vou vend should not be so ellSsed. The
recipe frout-which they are inquired is utidoubt
ly,a_scientific ooe„ . ____: . _._
"I.laVing spent two winters in iTorth Carolina,
I am not ignorant of tli'' reputation •of some of
tifrii -- gfily respectable - g - entleinen-titere-wlio_bail
rendered their public testimont in favor of thr
Medicine. ' . . .
' "Uwill only add that the trial ot these Pills has
been satisfactory in this
,place. • VOll may semi
me, by the first opportunity, one quarter gross.
Truly and respectfully yours, •
E G. futVGA TT."
From the lion 0 •inal6s Fisher, late member of
V 2958 831
. ,
_ Several 3_ L ars_agoll-was-very---mnelOdilietert- 1
..with.a..diseased and bowels; nothing - I
could eat repßeared to agree wifiiMe, and W:l5
obliged to bevery - Careful - ininydiet , -A-jomotry.
to the south west afforded me considerable 1 chef,
and-,--a4 - 1 - ammitsed; had cured use; bid when- I
-left off ttivelling, the, disease remelted agaiirathl
I was obliged to take medicine constantly, among
other things very often calomel; thisemitinurd to
be my state until about twelve months ago, ahem
on the recommendation of Major John Heard, 1
bentr. to try- iteelt-With's Anti• Dyspeptic Pali;
I sodn founaielief froM theM, and have sines
taken nn other medicine whatever. " WI - lent:et r
I find, iny stomach, and bowels are becntning
ranged, I resort to these Pills and invariably' find
relief. I have heard a number of persous_speak_
of the benefits they have received front these.
-quainted—witY.lNieTir tqa - iiith — ; he far n time
resided in this plane; and was my fardily
cian. His own testimony with regard-to the use
"of his Anti.llyshieptie may be FURY relied
.iVew York,Gen. Theca. Sem. May, 11, 1 fSy.: '
.Mr. H. D. Turner—Dear Sirr-,-.To those sub.
ject to Bilitatii attacks •tnti eitretialy4o4e
peptic, Dr. IleckWith's:Pills, unquestiOnaffy
-afford-reliec-ALspeak,vith.more_contidence. after
having received material benefit from--them;-tor-
which Iliad used almost everything else ht vain.
.They, need. but a.fair 'trial to, fintlittiliMe in the
Medicine Cheat. of every family; and to gain
.reptitation ak_the_North,.ns_resp_e_clahle_and
tensive as they have melded, whektltey havi
bcen long known at tile South, • . ' _
. •
-.Other .testimonials in favor of these Vino !Con,
the most respectuble - :§,ources, are given with tbr
actumpanying airectiiins. • , • •
--- lielee.,f9ton tit,
agents and those who' buy to sellaini:; ;Tee tie
liad'of il.. Ik,TpLI,NEit, Principal Aont,!.ito..
Itroadwy. 'New Pititi and by-•.-"' •
, . .
SA~'IL. EL ACr . l7; Ca'rl isle.
•. - r"• ,• - .• - I
• R. b.,‘ . CUTHilltiE -az .•,*.ONip.z , c
RESPg6TetrirM informi theltlliet 9 ,,,,04
.51 •' - s -u• the , public. in genninS4inal
' t , .!' 6 - ---". 4 - '' ' - - •i' •
t . p _ . . they etillvoncintiot' 0 'Car-.
/ . - z.,. ~.0 rry g i ta t th
asta i i k a
'' '.... ''' • -%,7 •t• • • - I' ,- :
. , ------. -- " . ,In.all its various brantilles,
at`thetr;Vldatitorid, m, forth ,HanoVer; street, in,
•the borroughfo(p,gliste, 'Where:they arCtiady to.
attindle,alicills in therr, : line of businese.: ; ,..o.
N. 13.-..4ll.persoOatitowing thonselvekto be,
indebLekte - the.subsulliker_are, reqiiegted tO,-,voll
add disetratit bele " r dueifoti-Ur.belcire the, lit 0, - v_
-of March-next:. ,alter: . ;which 'time suits.Wlll7:llo7
brought against all Wick neglect attending to`111:1 • :
notice, jWithout resPeet of persona.: ~:,'.''' - '.;f:
~ ,51'.... , , , : - .- : i,„ . .-.• ; R. D.
?rchiliSle January 30 1838 --3w' -,,, •
SlLE:Plusillibbn,!4t I gacCal4
fancy c( Jou r.F;
C for' sle by ,
• IPI.VgARNI 1 •
Uinigress,' • .
Sairs - titrrur; Feb. 24. IZ7
I x.
tecrui n.g Service.-
t vyA4Ntrzb for the UNixE',l7 STAI ; F:s^AIt- •
rikty, a few al4e - bodied . c:itizens, between'the
ageS of 18 and 35 years, being abOut 5, feet 6 •
incites high, ' - good c64racter, and 'of
speetable standing' among' th's . lr.fellow
zehs. "Ditioebeed apply to entertheoseiviee; •
I),ut those , wito, are determined to Tye the
'period 'of their • eolis'tinent---wliieli . , Is pi l l,.
three years,—lione A tiy falthfully. '
' -c., olDragoots
soldiers, when
- This tante snows the amount , c
of naY which enlisted soldier:id
according. to theit , : . rei3pectivf y, h;
grades, are entitled tu'reeeita.,l
for their . -7servi.ces; - I 1- 1 4
• ."
• •
. . . .
To the Sergeant Major, Qiutt.
termaster Set Sergeant,
giciam & Uhl — Bogle' —each 16 192 640
To the, lst . S . eK't of a Company.
.15 ;86 575
Ordnance Se; gOnts ' . •
All other Sdrgeeants , - 7 each 12 . 144 432'
miens :And
Privates' : ' • .. 8 96 288 -
Besides the monthly pay,"as above Stated..
one ration per day is allowed every soldier, .
which is amply sufticientfor bis-subsistenee
"skip,. a 141:ge Comfdrtable.and
genteel .:citithing. : . • Gpict quarters, and fuel
aie at 411 1 tiMes furnished; and every t til 7
. tintiwill•be paid. to• inakitiethuse men•who
May enlisi, and are•cleterntinedlO serve . their. .
carroty i(i.gnnd-faith, coliffoi ritblemtt-cen_
tented with their situatinm. The best mediz" , _ •
cal attendance_ is always • prniided 'for the __
sick ; and no deduction of-pay is made .
during the pet hid__lle-is:-tinable: - to -- peiform
his duty. • Sh6uld, the soldier be disabled in
the line ofhis duty, the laws, provide a pen-:
sion for - ••
By the , above it is seen' that the pay and
-- • •••. res pect a lii-e-,—WtfiLth
allowances. - are respectable - , anditha"t with
prudtince and econiany, the monthly- pay of ,
the - soldier may be laid up--as.-eyery thing- -
requisite for his 9omfort and eonvenience - iS ,
fmnishetf by the iC:ovethment,.hieludilig his..:
sugar and toffeel:. The prudent soldier,
"therefore, 111;4' readily 'save from $3OO ,ttr
s.soo (lurk:his short enlistment of ,74. ears;.
attilltCilie expiration "iif't term fie - c.ati - s Tif
he chooses, purchase a small _Wm in any of
weste. n States, and there settle himself. emit"-
fortably, on his omP land, for the rest of his
-• • -
• Ft F.C:III.IiTInOS - 0,4V S,. its
the,fratti,i-h - tiqd big in East Alain street, jot:-
prerly fixed as the Volunteer.pi-intink 6fficf.'
..I)t.l.A.ll)im;•]. 4, -18-37.—:•-tf
..d7') . lle . stinca TWO DOLLARS, -
- will be icgn tt any tilfzen,.
sinned Officer, or Soldipr, who shall br,ink
this ft etidezvons an . able=bodied reel uir, well
formed, sound; turd otherwise duly qualified,
(as above desct ibed;) for ale dillies of a'
dier,. /Ina w.ho shall be regalarly.eullstval._
11101 1 1ENSOVN .. OVA
'BO Bull: st., 4 doors Mow the Franklin &cab.)
Persons at a cnstatiee posen to t rt . their
hick in either 'of thr iollow'ito: grand Lime
ries—one of which draws afteroittely every
week—are respect Italy tec,,isted io forward
their orders to the soll.e,ttber, enclosihg the
cash or pi izt-tickets, ate igm.ting the Lottei
will receive immediate attention, by - rcilitn
litlitran444l4:4lr . -,,rwingsforwitrtled_wiren_rwer
(if re(riested.)
P.. - W. •
_ _ _
1 - 17iffiiiiWeTM11. ---
1)114.‘y NG br I.lri ok Ir, :r,--Order ins which '
the Several Suite Lotteries will be,di . rtrvn.
: Maryland State J.oi,terier; • :
more e vet y •other Nfirnday. capit als range:,
from 10,000, 20,000 in tr,SO,l:OO ; Delaware •
St.ite Lotteries &Avis .tvice every week,
capitals vary from S to ,i,10,000 ; Grand
: Com m :
solidatad Lottery draws. once every week,'
capitals 20;000, 23,000 t0',y,',30.000 ; Alexirir—
ani-J,otteryaws utter.r - evrv — roirer.,nreele,
;Boole State Lioter draws ct el y SAtutdaY-itt
.eachweek, eapitil - prizeslingelr'ont_l3l.oo9l._....:l
90.000, 23,000, 'SO; ppo in $42000., *Tick et4,_
in the above Lotter:it s vary. frrart „S 2, 3,4, 3
and 10. c ado; alia'i i sin liroli4Wtinn. .r
All letters add re'ssecl to the subs . er go
pet fectly stile. Np misters lage his ever
cot 1111. • . •
_• • •
Feb. 14; •
-:.“ ev. • Dr. ItartholivillelV , A ~ -
... .
_r_An_a. 4 •Lesable_cortliit I, and - t it ctive renie.s6 o for
Cctitgint, I Icioliitenetyi, C;olcbs,J. , ,,aliir, iiFt.lie7Pirtiti --
Hurd ,Itrenthing• Al nntfi'l,!lfirttleat...xpitgriktinttt,...l
pi, - F - .4iNnizircleg#s4 --- i,iireatililtuiefieraytrii; m :is - . •
The profiiiett{rti l'ije . nwttre i lint. tliere.itie - niiiii'y
remedied* far Cenglks niitlAlihen§e's of the-'.hogs i :
some no'dtkutti are Komi, but it:1.11+10T mai)ie'il•Airi:* . •
"late day to:rlittevcrnn•artitle'scintlmirnbly:fittetl • \,....
to ilte•nc . ;"iplitititti:i 'sn• R ow t:'' I anlarcitatth ;-
ttild i , t.:i so' pc ft. etli,)nnocCilininl • nVia.' )c , '•
--. I.ct pot the frio chi s . .ti.te•se:eittifi-relltfit• a •
n learileil i'lb):•sitli I And I)iviilt: Wil 11 11111110SikillitS
61 the ti:iy: -. I ' i lem'Enaiii'a curt NJ, vertisOd :
~ . er.^_tillijidlisk,:tliKe.;tivii6lef-tlikir-soa. , _—___
spF • ), Ley, and life 0904{1 ttatuticr ill cOtich
1 4(1 ' , VA. .8.11(1 I it,t.T, cniitfut ixill!kwlil.rlteir.,be:.
fief id•-niirne .pc its,virttten x ;. :I;c.t tin/nnniti. : e t•tireiii -
1111ti'n.iiiitteAtial - i)(lPWilt do. mitre.. th,levii.iinie ..,.,
all'itrits.ttletits ticitll. 7 #ll.•• ttiry . can - rtee , orteni• l :on '
4 Ile , 411111ict( , It ittptitr?.. s eertain that. np oVuty.
..4a.....rt:.i.e,r..4.21;13 kim,,,,, A Aomq:rpm - I - its free - luse, ,_. :. 4.
' . .7ea itliebitinzoik—riat".7474tatql4,-reaTily 15..,11.,_ ',
` . , ll•ll l ; , lii . i'pillipilijyt A likl,-pleasant to - . tile. taste 'as
.. r
l i i se •ltit'At p o p u tirk:trit;t'lels ,• cordials ; anti. children _.,...
Aul t,is t rv,"rays..kv,itli tltt. i ttreatst rea '( ltitest, ~..!....
1/i .c. prookletplet , sii• tutu: rroklig; rapid ariVaniel
vi i e einitti'hatie''thisiti i iitle il'i s tiii.Zlisinls. of every
,mtiiklitkizottl :itt,p,tttetrarfilttilits:efinntry. ,;/1 !Par
-I,4lo°o'•lii tOkiftoP.DYibe.HlPVirgl'pigngv t
Iture,iis4tOlifOlpf , llte'lt*.. fi'entli•mtni' and; PhY..
'sit.lso Who tithe 'anther, of it. '- ' - '.4 ' ...4•" •z 4 .., ..1
1 ~7 teii4loi great', pleasure • that' liOfirePiretori :
are 0 ,0010 4 1„,itios toAripg, forway4,int . etticle, so ,
:,troly, , ~totsjtoyl'ops•ai tins, tyritp, and fk•Oni stiCh a -
:iciuree,'aitit:tliey trust the community' vi m ), t i iii•e., .
'aitigioti'fttio its otilmayillwitys fintlit within their
, reae.h, both as tt? plikpes Ai , V )41!,,I! yilpy !) r found. .
and t he lety . priee at,whic 1t., , ,if!i9t4.,, 1 '
A,great number of "tile` must 'i‘ntlerful'entes
oly;be teen by 'calling on Mr; Behind:oy Carlisle. '.
st• whose Atire itis f for yote.::!See:Aß•tillulantler's •
• PaPectr , •• ••:',•,-: „):, ~'•,, . , 1p•••• , 1 " . • i ,,, ,
':„. Also.'tor.spie Ai:S4...t 1.-Lltii*T, '
T ,'':!) : II4I.49IIIICIELf
= IliviitsoVes ,to,l)intlat
.B)ti - 71 - jqoairfp•it! - yr:art 7
Aliktilli tr yOn ,1% . - ,lry Itniy 00.
S. Cr 11.0L . ANpeit
161 e.,; Jan.
- ,
8 A 1.i5:114 kr;ilds, for Gip, Ilitg•gys,'lla
iTillberries:-&-c.-Etc. of latest
- pattct Hi; -attd for.. Salt by. °. • .
. ' '•-• 'Charles Baruttz,
id 120 360
9 108 324
10 120'360