Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 06, 1838, Image 3

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    P 2
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••N:5,,,1 • ,
Watniesn'Av Feb. 28, 1838.
'Death of tdie lion.',..3.oniat)lialt.
- • °- Ci 110; .• •
As goon as , the journal was read;L— .- •
Mr. Fairfield rose, and . asked leave.
io offer the foil - owing resolution. •
Resolved, 'Piet a committee
ting of seven-members be appOinted ;to
. the. ~cause of the death
of the - lion. Jonathan. a
member.of this, House, and the eircOm
staoces, connec ted there With, and
,port.therebn to the Tiouae.
: Resolved, - hat said committee have'
pOWer.tosseml for persona and papers,
and have:leaVe to
„sit *duri.n.g.• the. ies
sion cf the 1.1.6u5e. • . " .
• _Mr. Hell rose and. Objeeted.:Mr..B,
said he thought i lhat -whatever . was done
in this'. Matter, - had b6ll:er pmtponed
until the I louse became-more calm, and
was able off act more coolly on-the-stib,
ject-,- • •
• Mr.. Faiilid d.moved a suspension of
the . iule. •
Mr. Parker called fur the yeas and
WlffekAy ere ordered, mid - we
yeas 11-3, nays 31. •
President--Entertaining • the
views and fPelings which I do entertain
in regard to the awful tragedy, tu which
---'--tertaithane.mberk:bf H o use lately
• participate4; , .- I could
. not refrain . •from.
offei•tbg the resolulletn' which'' have .
iiikt been. read. Sit', if l hiCheld back';
. ,Itiod re hi s- .Ceir affair; 'the
Voice. of - iny brother's blood 'would ci•Y
to mefrorn I he . ground.? My late col.
- 'league and, friend has been shot clown
. ___.4.detafirell_ppifejta n man ner•; : and under
.±_cfrcutitst-aiices chat -seem to -me most
imperibusly to ilemanffan inyi ligation.
-It is dueoto t heiturviving fa nu ly—and
:friends . Of the deceased, that Ave shotild
take co izance.of this affairit is due
10-our,se •-
.:ty; -and-•:to - Goa—and .1' trust that no .
•-•n*qiiber .: Avi - 11,shrin, - k tr - oni• 1 he. h
soliciiin responsibility t 'us cast-: upon
•:-- , ties--resutriiiiffrtim- - them, it-appears ; lo
me hat - aii_opportunity•: - .is presenteo, -
...whipli e'very — giat - irinan should bcAuick
to improve, for assailing the barbarous:
4nitl hiliuinan-practice •of
•violeitee. to' the
laws of God, :to:I-he:hest / feelings of
our own nature,: ati„clt - ti-tlie - 7tlietates'o(
re'it'Son-a - pract ice
- •
rhotild unite
-lnrts of Vi•ery
hi. ex terill.i,4 6.l 4;tit,',.
ta r es , of":'.ibis. - .ease, however; 'd ;
`trieu, and env-'ow.if,'
strongly, e.. 5 . ;„
vited.l&l - 5-tliat_there
Trio . ) , in iliir - g,'Peal:'-eoo4lrting from
the usiiaritile, by omitting to place me'
upon the committe: and 1 accordingly,
make that request. . - •
11'4N SUN. (U f---MAryi clj
.oliposed the' resolution., What right'
,have: . ye r
_to enquire into-th"•private re-
Ta - ii - Oro - !i of gen trei — ne - iit `Whatright-lmve
we'-ip institute durselves.into a board of
honor to enquire into a - matter-of.Ahis
hid-, He would tell 'gentlemen:that it
'Ould-be an unpleasant duty to serve
• i t
on acmittee of this kind, and that
it would require more than ordinary
nerve toserve °ult. He would tell them
that if; this committee , I
would he-,the 'occasion of much strife
. and difficiiity'.. He should not like to
serve-op such a committee unless •he
should prOarebimself at once for such
_encounters.. :lie considered-it - entirefr
t imp • roper that the*ou' se s'hould'agitate
thia'questiqh 'fit the present:li
PAik.Elt remarkeil, that his friend
.Mr. Johnson had ysaid 9 tha i t' the refer
- ence of -this- subjett .-to-- a committee -'
would probably lead to further colliatin,,
and a .repltifiOn o'f-/personai
kire,-P..sai&he'coUlcl.riot 'believe it.—
1-1e . 144et to learn that a member of
this ftouae ' coul'il not'on this, : floor, or
• iti,...s:citrhitte'fpai : lpssly
hfa--duty':,• Without.
fear Or aVersAti a I
years .
kihtect, for
Mr. I.lkita..itioved to,:postlione the 're - -
---tsqlutiorG for- a week.=::Yeas_ Ei4„_n
.. ' . • ~....
. . . .
Mr.. G r AtiLkizo, kotv..L6uisiana)
.t ,stalsd
,that, be Was 411040 to,any ioyestiga.
*l.i'On'of_theAlnatterf:,a,tid . he had.titetelui.e
---- ii:iteiliforDAT: - el es4Ro ti o n-IP : p 4t;po it po
. and he 'went on to ~;rove. his :,reasons
'against the. pritu)oSrtion. ', The'.4ivetti-.
.gation, was one , that . ljtigfinld:prifidits.e - the
tnostAlistresiing. results, and could` lead
-to - ne" assible -- goodi>.T.,t;etruld,hOLhi,!'_ ,
dcaigo6d to aspere tiCe;dettd,'''and .. s: dell'
Wits Alit. high . cil . ariete,k.:if .. ..the. liYir4,: ,- in,
MS nwo,Siate ihat . , wtts.impOsthlelcir
liellouse' to fix: a stain',iliion:liity,,,, " IVitit
C..,believegialsoit,»Oijotendedlozivi. h,
1 )olitical: turn, at,
,least; . oul . of doors apasi i t(
' thia'traiSaCtion,' an d ' he' reOroliattid the. '
Agorae of theMiniateils:of the: g,OSifel'ielql
• terday Igt thcir 8 1 1pipp,...ip illitipetfoim,.
- )ng the . ftinerikl , obsequies.. , ~ !..,:',4
~,.. ~.Mr.- F .4ignyiii.n::-. 4 is
,iaid ' by 't h e
• )enslemon from Louisiaoi,.' , (4r...`,Gent,
and,) That this thing..elinnot . , be-. , ,,pros,e;i
'gilled without ,seriozg,s.; consequences:,
' podl . the_ gootieniagi •Ircito, 'Maryland; , .:(Mr. Johnson i ) • Ilea said (het( he tins;
..lilaced'on spen a committee, he, .. shOuld,
feel'a tieccesritippf-going th,rotighlY' ar,
.."wited.:.:.rgig.,.l. 04 nii".,..duelliiit.:',J:'haie
,„.adofe.eti .Orinci pies that fOrbid revenge 4
•• fol . ?r yolic_tiye feelinga, -much more
.11ie lakln. Of ,rellOwerpattireNs iirEi.,-,
14 „t, bir o , . 4 ,.ii i - ki . tie:l!i;i T ectsr r oiyi
''-, -gibing' % , i! t- 1-(!coi--.- tB-: . be.. pay: -dii(i, „by, -
:4174 , 'fillidate trhich: m l ay 1ie.....1.146 . txn -05,111.
Both these'gentlehaen have stood unri-,
..valled as-public speakers-in-Jhe respec- 1
tiv.e bodies , in which they hold seats, ever
since their - entrance • into .rfreni.:l - Aire
dou -w her-lie t
this pari ictilar. the•cbuntry- 7 -we
not eta-the, St Ate, aildbelieve,thacriorhiitg
is W'antiniCiO-give-them-a nOtot
gre a :a s
.tt e o y he 4,3lStOrA ;lo pl
or the day; b 41n;
;341 - X-,:i34iiti*:ol-ic I,:q ti i I
A.500.:.1.1‘0,4 - 4Oti r Te A t:.keluify: . O,OW
v el the ad in t o
their autlitors.,Bolla. : appeai :, :ty-ad-vantage
t.irilefi tltelluor—it is 'difficult to say
Vy Lich-ha . s the - ;Mosflirepossessing ap..
- pearance:'''' Mr. Penrose 's -countenance
is the, picture of intelligence, mildness
and open-heartetiness. Mr.-Stevens has_
an equally intelligent, but a - more stern,
cunning and repulsive look. The style
f - the-formet-is-ex•ribei , ant-argl-41-ifFuSi-v-e.,-,
and that of the latter brief and vigorous.,
"The. forint! , makes the finest, richest and
rresdastiag.,...S.pater.h.;_aul ' he.,_lat t e tide
Must bold, striking and impressive •
1:n originality of thought there: is less
clifliirence than would at lirst.besuPposed:
The : arguments in a queStion - will pre•
sent themselves equally numerous to
both; but Mr. Penrose. will make more
out of in argumen while he
henllnstrateS hts,positiorts, showing thi : lr
force., and the Manner •or their bearin g .
Mr. Stevens meiely points out,as it were,
the germ of his arguments, -leaving it for
the hearer to- analyze. The one; while
cautiously leading you over hill and dale,_
over-nrotrtnaiitand hick, stops .by the
.way, and le'isirrily points, wi t
,conlely sights with _which his_ path is de6l.
r it reed•thtts carrying conviction to, as
well as instructing and 'leading, the. au
ditory., The other, witlLqUick, anclva
- b - olifi - d"-g -- fletil rock to rock, :
from pill to hill, over mountain and dale,
'with a striking baldness . , and_a heedless
impetuosity - that:excites wonder' and a;
mazeme,pt at ,the time,ttiufwhich:i,rter
wards presents the'apPearance of unfin
more-original -and b4tter trained, yet less
fixed-Land-se-tiled; -and-Iris-4m i4.-atiOn
,more' inventive than' Mr. Stevens'--the
mind of tijelatte:ri'a, htiwevet, 14e,strong
set, Most,philoiophical, and less capable•
btiits picture's are ofteniinerfect.
fon -- ; ol b - fitlf is =c leat
Mr, Petirdse' emphasises•
better. than Mr-Stevens, hilt he makes
fito frequent; use of
_parentlie'Sis, often
spoiling : Oettutilg sentence ,lY
obti uSiif4: ; pareallfesis: The Liter. makes
-use of few, Iltit.when
a ppl ies , them with great ~effect and Wea n:
• His. voice' is 'fibl'ter titan tiff. Pen
'rose;!s.;...,:a:_niiiire.. etch. full, and melodiobs
wit We never : heard : and
'incio4,lJoes.•the speaker
. : shOw oil, its ,
richness y skilful modniationitind eflec.
live inflit iron; partieull* • when he. is
.iroOlit'eti - ,it-fsis.vviten its 4 -
-.fect is seen t and felfFon,:sult, OccaSions,
unfreqtiently sends foillt:the i)it
tel 4401
,14(t orifOrry•:iitt the'Swedelit wrain
tliVAimiiii.L,voice is capa4l4' of creating
4 MK,Pen roiei s'„a lack e r a
end , *pay*. applies iovith mine,,mpre , 4.014 C afgA
Ortite' AKM.krt.:ctits
A 7, r "
PrikattruoP4l:4nStrui#ent ,,
'White .1 liat''Ottiie,lattiEkratieSli4e**4ll
r,ellttenAly . resort, to Awn .
ure4for ,•i 11 strati (of, , Mt, ...;*.S try n by
, metaphor, -an 11. MAl',,e . pro s 6 try co en part-,
fordier "6. of tett' the
lititer, is hiiiii3OtOtis t liq'",V,ell7a:#
5,,.NY 7 -,
Oee.,asirents, An, ,Penro a e's 4
niftedlnd reqtect f uCs..N.r.- Steven s : 's Home r . ,
un : ,, r aWr,
lutter•rlitt'Oci;tbe•Jornier con'sidera- -
1:' "•1 • T , •
from a.p . p.tulyter..,. .A.nd. has it come to=
this,'.that a membey.. - orthiS HOUse,is'lO
~...„., . , .
~,, ...
be called Ad4ceount out or it- o for ‘irords.
spoicen,in debate, ,and shot,dOwn; and
that,' when an inquiry into the cirenms-•
stances iS'preposed,e. are-told to.-take
care that such , an.. inquiry - ean`et be
;had •withoutexPosing I I
ourselves p rsonal:
. gir,,,if we have really come, to
This :as it is high time the
kneiv areit-is high ' time; tiik : -..that
some steps Should be'.taken to ; prevent
the evil-and to have a.just'and_fearleis
- represetitatioli - ofthe.people maintained..
The.coarse,now prOposedli ta
'step towards' that object, and I hope :it
,111 - be followed bp 'by streh measures
as' will effectitall y.. Secure the members
of this HoUse, iii.freedom Of debate and •
security of_person. '..'. . - ..' 1
Ma. CALdouN of '• Massachusetts,_
then movedto lay.the '
_whole subject on
. Wh_ •
~the -table; .. '- ' • - ..
- , -
. ~. Ma. •I'LTRIIfEN called for the yeas
and . nays; which ---were• ordered,. and
1 were : 4-3 ,- 6as -1-1, nays 1j.5.... . .
'l'lie House . then
. Sdeoiuled the 'de
maqd-for . the
105,• noes nbt • eqnnted; aid the main
que;stion beifig ordered,. ivaS reje,eted—
ayes 74, noes 105. •
So thC - House rEfused to consider
• Mi. CLowNELy.Then demanded the
previous que - scion on' the resolution as
modified; Which -a,}'eyl
AO, noes not counted. - • -
SIIERROD- WILLiAms Called for
the, yeas and nays
.on theL.question,
"Shall the mein question be Min/ put!"
Which were crdered, and were
- pays _ -
So the Hot w- determined that the_
on the
of the resolutions,. be now ,
Mr. CUF Mit and• Nir.l'AvLon rose
simultaneously, and called ,for- the ;yeas
apd nays, Which were ordered,—and
resoltition Miquiry - %YaS
agreed to.-,
--.llss_si!s—lP'estrose,_eV Steven
c714..20 - * c',•.!--, ( -Tp' V: 'L;(i 414,P ::. 14100 pPtit l 9* - 4 ' : •• ..
..:''' l / 4 '
bly above him . L Dlr. Penrose : Would
make an exCellentaisembly•inan, as well
as a super* Senator.. . - 111r1.' stev.liens
makes arc..4c.ollent assembly:-Man, hut
would not make `so gootlit'SenattitY L -The
former i luts - no other enemies than thoSe
which 'envious
,feelitigs.originate.. 'The
besides:a.goOdly-Ariumber of Ibis
discription . , hits - also'itiany others which
hiS heedless severity makes.
W tis attempted to . point out a
-feti . of the leading characteriStics of two
of the ablest•men in the State,, merely to,
gra,t.ify that t curiosity 'which sb o f
eioVresseti - Isy strangers :commisto our
reputation,. but 'whO have not beard, t
often enough to .he able , to titscet : o the ir
resliective. qualities. Hundreds .of times
have we ' been asked Which is the ablest
nigh. and speaker. The above isr,our :an •
" •
BY'gELOIiGE PI. pim..r.u.s.
—CA R-ra SLla:
Tuesday, l l a icll 6, IS-3S.
The People's C6ididale
„ _
FO - Rl' t
rilazamaz u -ac.
Tll ailidao_sTaxaceinal
Oentockalic Can.
.for Goveraton_,
0 a MLP Yltag
- -
tho -nbs'enee .of the e'di
far 'Ave-11.14re'becii-Ohl tri is4ue our wiper this
its - =usual quantity of NU tdria.
ut:ptirct wall."-
Titell'ashin,.gtort County Farther;
Is again • before
_the. freemen of., this I.7,"on,mon
'wealth as a candidate for the office of Governor,
on the unaniihous recommendation of a full con
vention of the representatives - of the yeomanry
of the state. The proceedings of the Democratic
Antimasonic Conventiou will be laid befole the
-readers_ollthis.paper next 'week.
GFiteral DAVID R. PORTER, of Hunting
ton county ba9 been nominated by triel*Titt
- the forlorn hopeakninst—ffi—
ren party as tl.
The result of the contest' between those two
gentlemen in October next cannot be doubtful:
r:• : . •
-- ,On last Sabbath; about 4 o'clock P. M.,: our
citizens were alarmed by the cry of fire! The
volumes of smoke which were seen rolling up
wards from the South West corner of Aughin-.
bangles Hotel, 'demonstrated that the alarni Was
not a false one. . •
The conflagration was in one of the rooms of
the second story, in - .whiclCfire - was kept
(1'10;4111e day . ,and evidentlyotiginatecLi-zon 7 .
sequence of a spark fromthe fire having alighted
upon one of• the beds-which- stood- opposite and
near to the hearth. A. timelydiscovery and the
vigilant efforts - of - our firemetvand-citizens f. saved
the luilding, front destruction% The furniture of
the roino_e_longling_to Mr. A ugh i nbatigh,---and- a
number of books and a•good deal of wearing , ap 7
parel,lhe property of
. two young gentlemen who
• - '-
occupied the room, were destrOyed. tv o e
loss we estimate at about,soo dollars.
amount of specie in the Middlesex Bank,
6:mn-pi brokeit :pets,):as . 7 rettirnel-byltsa
Beers, is one dollar and ninth ;seven an/s!
A -Land Odic° Transaction.
. We are - informed of the following ,ficts b:YI a
gentleman .who tooki%rt in the . transaction :A
abortlimc_since-..a-gentleman-went- to.„-theAand
office at :,Springfield,' toenter WO acres of land.
lie-hod-bank -notes; but - was : tali:l-that' they would
not do to' enter land o 'and he must get the specie:
Oil inquiring where it could be bad, he was told
by one of the. officers O'r theirclerk,that - iiilbiald
~of the poslniqs4r. oir he went to
tostaster-and , agroed-with.thitn,far...the_sitter,,,at
fotrr per Vent. prefr7,thrn. The postmaster then
meta with him to the , o(fice, and. told Ahe
officers ory Their clerk (one Or both of them be.
lug present.;) to .let the getiAlotrian have the land,
-he:world- , get.Alin silver Lt. / them._ Wherettpon-:
the person wishing to enter, the lmid,, Paid the
io•tinaster eight dollare,ind the clerk in
land 'office two hundred -4111Cfrifililtit'es,
and then, the iftiPlicate 'IOC the 11th - dr-Was 'given to
This i 9 a specimen of .11*Workiel o r the:hard.
'money systiain.oi the - g,overninent.-
.Iy,l4ittnit the,
payment„Of n Angle clolle4',in specie, epee the of a Pciattiniater, in, despite of all the
Trealury, orders *Welt have*kiee,ti issued itit'lVash-,
iigion,' the nie.Cq promise of a, posimaster • is con ! ..
'aidered 'better than the bank :Kites of one of the,
_pep,ple„.l f the
. po.sttnasterat . Springfie_td. really
'doe's' keep agupply of, sii\icer, at_
it come
froth? . I We know also- that' the postmasters. de-
Mtind'apecie for i Atit poslagre. 'An to'vviit - liecolues.
''pf this specie, reports differ. , It may'be used tel
persons wishing to enter Jatulr',:and-the:
'emiSunt paid backin bank notes to mail contrats.
Aors.",l This , may or may,'• the casein tits
instance, but one - thing'is•certain,Anat while:the
,are , sustalping loss and embarrass.'
menthy ttin derangement of the, enrrene,i, ow!
officers of the itiVernment,.wbo handle the little.
'specie:Which:atilt rernainein oirchlationitlind
.0111,4grangenAnt,theshaustiblesqurces of;cofit 4
1t 19 Ili& interealthat the eilikeiley ef the\.ou'n
iotiiikt he to be tfeprielated: 11 hen
'e'ver iris restored' to, alsound, stale, that Ant:intent
they kil.Lebe red9ce4;.to • their ealmies, end„tle-,
,prilied of theselrequent oppolunities which Ow
I .oecur - let Atying - Ad people; , ' . What Wonder is
ttipy 41:e cit:A) f_ - Sub-he ir
r e
surlf ilystent, tinkoppo9e4 a tiY..pfnlii3yll'elovill
eatabilizy 9,u4corut cu3,vettey:°*lllitiolen',
. ,
iretineylvaniii Ai* statiii;e-
Correspondence of tli • • Heriild:& EipOsltor;
' • .Thrrisburi,',March,3 - ,-1 - 888,
Monday 2611i.=-The Senate today - had , under
consideration the,emptyment of mor
al Instructors in the Eastern and Western Peni
tentiaries. Mr. Jones inquired of Mr. Leet,Wlia
had:the bill Mitiacharie: Morkl
stitctiiel, Mr. Leet answered that a ht eal
structorls an officer; whose ditty it is to educate
the prisoners in theiteneril - principlei
ty, and -there.,fit them for - becoiming : respectable
citizens; when they , happen - to be diapilinire,ed;
wentat lenith into thesubject. Ml...totes:express
ed his disapprobation' of. the proposed employ
ment, •, ,
of an instructor on the grotinil that ministers,
would be_employed. 'Mr. l'enrosefexplained: he .
`wacilu - fstVar - eiieriiif infrOdueipereligion inth-the
morals taught: :He held thatthoratity
gain a re. inseperible:.: He had heard that sentiment .
but a_day_ or two ago,. from the pen of -the father
of his e.ount4; he then'ivad an extract from the
feiewell address.
.Mr. James: replied and, said
wigs opposed to having - ministers annfin_
-s—but would-have no objection to them;
would give-their labor Mr. Har t
ipporteci - the -- bill; after - which' theltirther
!ration of the bill was postponed for the
—The bill 'ampropriailng4lo,ooo to the
c Penitentiary, -passe&ian second reacting.
tyder from .the2setectLcommitteei_appoint
isit the roteof the contem - rAlithil, canal
ristoktolthiladelphia, reported against that
ernent. . In the House, much to
the - /earned - obalrman, his, pet ban‘k bill
taken up. Heretofore at his•nod-the faith,
ftil dropped theiFtitensils; andat.'„onee fell _to la
.hor manfully. at laliatever pointed out, but
sonic how they slipped the traces this morning.
About two hours were:Consumed in the presenta
aionofpetAions,..mostly-asking-lor:19cal legisla
tion, which-arc therefore-of-little interest to mar .
readers.. Mr. Johnson offei.e(Layesolution for.&e
discharge-of-the-comMittee-appoi.ttell to en quire of. the allegations against - the char
ticter of Ephraim l'ehtland recordeiCol: the city of
tittSborg.' - 'Tlifesol'ution was agreed to: - 1411;.•
kinney ofTered.a Preamble' and resolution for an
amendment-of the 2d section of tlie 2d article of
- .
the-constitution of •the United •Siates; tinit
...Secretaiy :ol :the' Treasury • may be eJected on
houses of Congress. Mr.
llooklrain the committee appointed to inquire 1
into the expediency of-employing -a inoraVinstiuc-'
tor .in_the EastcruJ'esiltentiary, reported, in•fatior,
of sucli•a.ineaitifeTh . . - - • •
Toe day 27ih:L=M1 7 . Pearson' subniitted reso.
dution:.wit - ich was adopted; instructing the
1 . 44 - Committee, tirenquite.into - the - exPedienc . of
requiring all rail road compauies, and= coal com.
parries, that have the pnWer of constructing rail
roads, - to file in the state office a profile of such
works, as also the report of the Engineer. A re
port from Thaddeus Stevens, - president of the
Yrightsville, Yolk, And . Gettysburg rail road
company was received, it is made under a resolu :
tion of the Senate, calling for certain information
in relat'on to iltichroad.
, . ,
The - House 'was Imdar en
again gaged - in rcousid=
ering that budget of blunders, ; , eclept; The bank
after considerable pullingand tuggimg,•
calling of the ylarand Nays, and voting . dowtu
amendments, submitted- by unwary members,
that- did-not-meet-the-approbation-of-the-karned
ehairman, the bill was passed through'second rea•
ding, and ordered to be transcribed for..a
The q Ue.:tion recurring upon the title,
_Mr. Crabb.
moved to amend it, so us to read, "An act enti
tled a medly of abominations, fur the total. pros
tration of the sev s erid-llanks, Scc." This was cal
ling—things by-their right names, and, of course
would not suit that embodiment of wisdom, the, the county, so it was negatived, '
and the bantling,receiVed the name di . ctitted by
its.worthr-futher, - th - e - clitiiiliiairorthe committee
on banks, the very paternity of the bill, Methinks;
should damn it in good society. -1
-I,Vednesday 28111.—The judiciary committee of.
the Senate to which was refered certain charge
against'the Lumberman 's Bank of Warren, re._
perte l k , that that institution had violated, the law
of its creation, and . had; forfeited its 'charter. A
-committee Consisting of Messrs. Pearson, Penrole;
King,bury, leet, Fraley, of Cite 'city, and Barclay;
'was appointed, further to investigate the matter.
.Mr. Penrose, through the Senate, presented ,to
johostoi, of the_Er_anklin_inclitute.L2elle.
Gill to ilim;rimrate the Sugar Loaft.;ottl ; Compaty,
passed, on third reading. lit t e, resoltiiioni•econi,
mending an Nall's:Mar Armory at the yank: of •Bea
vert also the bill closing . _ the cbticerns`of the 441
baitk of Washington, passed.on final reading. In
. the IflOttite; after leiis "than'the""usual . amount of
preliminary business -hid been gone,throogli, tie
anti batik bill - Was - taken up'on third reading:.:- ..
Th. 'clerk was proceeding - in• the reading of it;
it for one week,' alledgingtnat the bilj hadhee'n
passed hastily and without, allowing "sufliCient time
- e peop thle, saidne; also ask ,time
and opportunity to c moi
theTotal-abtion-of-theiltioUjiilittd upon it. :If
thiSeintrie were ptirsuini,i/e!wituld Probablylittp
,7Mrt the bill;bitt in his keseot OniitlorniCikiiiM of
tniitd; be could not consent to rote ;noon
thatltiusttie of Momentous 'CdtigeritMitc:
• for foi::-036d..-
tiine for:ief4On. Otto secilon" I;ttil -hy n
posted lie thought would have
a most rumouslendenc) ,-it wasilte lin'etApelthig
from 'pli.culation;after the first-day. of , Jaiitiar):;.l
1841, all notes 'Under 'the iienoinination of ten
tttllttrs;.fiVe. dollar bills lie boilsii.l4ed the most
iiilvantagebtia toad aeceptable di nonliatltioil of
notes; .for thescorrinittnity: tins seetiOnitt ;
tlie,1 ? 111, if the vote . ‘i ; ereakeitlinntedlt'itel):','',lle,
would be compelled to Oppose the wink:l,lllcm.;
as, ' if • time were given, )consitler ;up''
the:subjeci; lie might probably see . 9lt , -*itie.'e : iii
another.light„and hi'i'pbjectiona
ved..'ltlr.4,STepheitsan oppetiMd the
itent,'and indulged in some reflections upon the
democracy'Of the.ineMber front Arrnstrolv.- -Ott
the et pimtejal,„ the Yeas- w
it!%was - ,,,n0t agreed to.' Alr..Gartfeison then
moved shut the:ilotisc'eo
Whole, on the bill focthe.purpose.tif. making
tain , verbal amendments to the 18th section. Mr.
1oOk• molted afi'Mitendment to theimniionjent
pbatcring..thc committee
,to -negative.the f2otl).
,of all. Pilch
Saving Institutlatts ns Indieissued - small'notes
1 4t . : , §tc!enillinoyndafOrther,attrondracntfor,t
: fiurpese„ofernpotivering the, committee to amend
the 4 th'ilealon.:.!' Be fore • the q u sti o wn; taken
the iiiiSe'tictionrited;
—Thurstla,y,4le;t7t 1 : -The' -Senate was mostly
engeged :to-day with the bill McOrporating the
'fide' Flock C 141121 COMpitl3irilitll,:liallsed the
coMMittee of the Whole; and' doubt pass
sil,thereivisite i'etttlingein - ,that body. Mr:Por.
ter presented a petitiott.f . rom Huiftingdon coon=
foi - theOliiiiition;i4,.all,traellitti.i.lndlr - ans.-•
portation on the State works
.Stnday.: T j
of croubtfuletTedienty, 4 -torlf the.prayet),of the
.petitionera•werd:Orante4ityou ldhaVefheefrect
of cengregaiing, - On particular p!)jnf.‘op , tlie
bat b. dab- b e - of ; boat-me and-boys a n d-br.
this iniercourse,.'litaking,tliem fit insirttments for
any work of mischielatid of crime:`'Mr: Fraley
of the cityretorted a bill - authorizing the .Gov- .,
eiMot ., 'to nppniht an inspector of MSitle, for the
• port;opi, hiludelphia. The : House was. engaged
.welt the bank bill; and'after considerable debate,
Went - info . committee of the.WlCole, and so Moen:.
ded the. 20th inid'iast section, as to save seedless
the Charters' of. such Savings Institutions and
Loan-CoMpanies as have issued - shin MasterB.
. .
Mr Stevens hoped the Honse Vvauld act upon
this - Oesticin speedily; that it would be imme
diately sent to the Senatel and whatever then
-might belts provisions. he trusted the:Governor
would closely ecriitinize attypropesition-or
gestion-tbat came front the member:froni Adams,
as his "iibject.cleaili was to destroy .the bill.
Mr Stevens replied wifh urtuntal severity to
the remarks - of Mr Hopkins, tvho;ii - seat was
.ever--readier to comment . upOn men - ttutreprinti..
-ciples. He viewed his conduct to. belike that. of
a'petty - politiwian;• who' receives hi;i education in
loon v ot-the-gabWend of - a - counly - .griv - shtip.for
the ?purpose of pitchilig hcirse shoes. ',-M;e:Hop-,-
kins:proliOunced the l a nguage of .the. gentleman
from Adams dastardly an'd ungentlemanly. •Mr
TSpatkpliartnoval an am nits!tient giving Ike com:-L
-nittee power-to - ,a . mend
S, with an ability unsulicaliViirin - reloquence not
' bethyt , litened to .this'session, eiposed the hollow
leartedness of the ad v ocates of 14-bill;
nounced its ruinous 'tendency.' Thia - amendment
was pot agreed" td. , After, wkich, •as I before
;stated - , the House went into committee of the
whc,l6. - 'The. bill: . is' noiv-third
Friday . 2d.—=They did_ not do - melt in: Sinate r
- to-day7- - lquckqtnelvis:consumed in.the (fietts•
'shut of a motion to refer and - print' : the proceed- -
ings 4 adentocratic meeting held in the bOroligh
of Lehanon, remonstrating against the passage
of the . bank bill, then pendii4 in the House.
Mr. Penrose eloquently supported the motion t o
print, and gave a true and interesting description
of the process by which the Present derange
ment in the monetary affairs of the country had
been brought about. The 'motion to print pre
The inonster bill was taken up in.ihe House,
a drirsle - rfoyl
refly,4 Craw - ford, S:11. Reed, Wilson, Coplan
and others. BLit "the party"' becoming tired
of 'the discussion, applied the gag law, called the
previous 'Tiestir,.z hen
,the bill passed by the
following vote \i
TEAS—Messrs,, Bfookri, ar p enter, Chamber
lain, of Canibria, Chamberlain, of . : Crawfoitl,
Clark, Coplan,• Crispin, Cunningham, 'Curtis,
Dimmick, of Pike, Di mock, of Susquehanna;-
Espy, Pegely, Garr4son'i.Geiger, Gilmore, Gold
smith, Gorgas., Hill, of Berks, Hill, of Westmore
land- Hook, Hopkins, iilUgficS,. - ;Tarries ;
Iteim,.K.'l:as,Laverty, Leech, L ongaker, i Loie,
AVClellatid; WElwe'e, Park,. Pray,
IteynnfclS;rof • I.tiierne, Reynolds', of Weiiitinore
-latfd, biller, Hytac i - Sebring, Shearer, Sliort,z,
Sipes, Smith, Siark, Stevenson, Strohecker; Tay
ler, i'llompSon, WalSorn, Wilson, Woodburn,
NAYS—;-Mesars. Beaty, Bowman, • Colhoim,
Cri,bl), :Diller, Edwards, Elirman, Far
reify,, Fell, Tling,',.:,Ford, Funk, Harslie, Hayes,
Herr,, Hinclnan, Jvins, Johnston, Karns, icauff
man, Kendig, kettlewell, Kinney, M'llvain,
riaon, Morton, .Plissmore, Penniman; Heddig;
eon, Sawdey, , Sllarswbod. S.packtiian, Stevens,
Tysoli; Walker, • Watts..-40.:' -
Satiuday 3d.—The
passed on final
_reading in the House"
after encountering the warn olipositithi of
B. Mctiwee.
- lli the Senate- they bac a very animated debate
. • .
Upon certain resolutions submitted .yesterday by
'lion •of specie payrnettis on thii.lfith of ,May
neit k
„the 'second - tnadi;,stocltholdei.s individually
liable for, the debts of lite binlit..itte.y.' were—re ipectivplyeonnected was nekas
yeas'l3;•nays second sluiredi•even
a 3.Vorse fate, yeas,i),.4ltays.2l.. From this vote it
INT be inferred ihal the bank ieft_thc
,•• . -
40UW,,C411 not pass theSenatis,,. = -
'• ~ ,, • 111 1 . 1 1:R8ZEID.;••
,Vain tut of York t ontityi
Kirk, of Juniata county: - .•••••": ,
WE I lite'linto 'day,•l4l the same; -Mr,
•S'hateer; all of
, r •• • -
At Friendship. on the 6tl. ult.'llir'tlie it
W. I re,,,Offi n.-4 1 . 1 G. Deal; Of tlie thltirnore
mitts callerilllce, • formerly of Shippenshitr h ;'-
Phir:ion, of Tkiendiliiii;•Viii
A Vo'dclar ' • • • ` • iv • •
:On s the 13th * infSt. o PtiOrk :philreh; De - .
tro4, ilichigon, the ill. 110. , $- Mc.o4*.kry,l
:Zese,oh ihrrtieriy_ i ut this plaice
ttr •11 iv t Cornell f 4• Matilda, Oa
Tier, F.srpf.nWef Detroit , ,
' •rl "•• -
• •-- • DIEJD.:*•• -• • -
AI Vorli';'l l .i . :.cin.t • ricl,y - iast..iik the 430 - year 0:
Itis•Rkb, the Rev. .I)%v"Eri,'We. Vas
of,ttie glit!rcil
111 4. 1 EAJP1'E:11.
No: rrr.
• •
lovelybest gift to
mon,s,' on whose fair elteetts the flowers ofipring
,jtist beginning to open, who are yet innocent.• .
and.can boastof the:simple youthful 'Henri; and.
'oboe sincere,' lyitli eouls as pure and gndefiled
as nature herielf,— . pn your . gttarcl.*,- . -thtti ye
are .net,too soon mitraned by the - enticing fa'cina
agriyattgiddY;worldovilich.invites and
tlice.--and forget not, that thoti too must
'fear n the many atisofcidiurtry, and-gallaniry, •
flu soon, (perbapS'• id 4 ready,) thou wil l be free
from, the Maternal yoke,' to ;.go unrestrained,
wheresoeverthy inclinations'mayist read:thee,
-the Ticelitreto t i bc dance, .or whst,pot, where
'the noise. thf laugh; etul:the fe i stivitypf
the, place, 0)0u - wilt behold a queer little
ornamented ,with goidntidniliter,r-And whoSe - pnly_
- - cemshd s howy
a in the outwaft4paral----this
beatitiftil little'iiiece-Of decorated furniture; may
-forsvwhile:perhisptoniy please-theiie„,:tmd-tickle
' tbe,t•aney—but it. will eventnslly terminate in thy
admiration-and yinu behold him jump
ing" d danc•mg. , tesn'tes, and tYith eye
glistening, throws ama i r,ruw jnto the heart of ev
ery fair one—now he Presses Amanda's • hand
laitghS with Julia,' talks with Lydia r nextsits
self in tender attitude - bythesidecrAdalided
ting an amorous glance at - Ellett,•mt the oppos i te
or sighing hloe,.inyassing
Such m'oving.auGnitopsaill'thy
l y behold,- wheresoever thou
-themselves before tire?, and. ". declaring th - em=
selvei thy servants; and thy :lovers-hand pouring
" out before thee,, the *effusions of their redicu-
- 'lO - 6ThEartkH'-with -:Fvery - call - eat - Ore that afte
member,. that affir thou haseusecfall thy. - arts and
cunangs, to seciire-such . a prize, and make him
slavofthy-heMity—thou wilt to thy sorrow find
-out,-that-tho9 hastonly caught.a Butterfly, w
watideri-lbout-froar - florier to - flower'; . mutth - eii'ig
off t _aihi so am I. ;But:- •-•- • _
•'"what thiakra (!( . -halrapati of Sciss&s,'!—
_ w o never
-taste-the-Sweets of- niatrimony; and , are.---entirely
ignoraot of hymen's conafolis and 'pleasures, are
of no more utility to socjety—than half a pair of
scissorsto.Bs owner: . Ina speeli sometime slime
dogs - 3.l4s„pel l ?tirced par—where the speak
er 4e 'tis useless to ask. But
as:l a former nomber.,-mYOlAjects were
solely to benefit society; and I nnty remember
tiaving read somewhere ofa:Scheme, which - if tint
into practice, 1 think would-have a- happy ufreet
on - society.. - -
"That A jotte.irbe opened at liead Quar
ters, at half a dOltar -- pet—tieket. for 500 Old
maids,' and as many old baeltelors•;this sum to
' be accounted-their rid! , valuediol worth, both
'to society and theniselies. : •
2d rr igliat the , lottery slie drawn - .t( 3 pOn .
' thelst chi'? of April, yogi - called all fool's
tkl ttt,,,,
' day. •
3d. '!That 1000.tiCkets be struck pff, and at
the top of each ticicet, be engraved the figure
Ora moilsc-trap, with the motto, a husband for
half.a dollar.
g , hverY maiden fo be admitted,: shall be
‘ full 60, , having one tooth, or 0/6 stump's ; and
" every bachelor: two teeth, or four stonim and
-" full 50. False teethy penciled eyebrows, or
" but rowed hair; preclude all share in this lottery.
sth - , --- *Th - eldtretraltidrtie drawn miwo con
" venient bags ; and shall Ire called lock'inille
;it One of which shall Ce tWe'ladiei
."-ticitets; and in the other, 'thoSe of NY beetle- .
" men„ , &c. &c:"
Meinbers of tl'e dreatning association, and all
others' interest 1, What think you' of the above
scheme-will it do? Your altehtion is invited to
it;And - tilow-beforii-l-conclude,le_t_toe be a little
serioui l on the subject dreamink, •n020;47,
iril-visiGll - 9,
• That strange ev:enta Sometime trapper' in soci.
ety, whicli are not to be accounted for, by gene
ral Prinaiplea=nO one will doubt, aiid that many,
remarkable occurrences have taken place Otir:ing
the hours-of slumber, which: have made a , lasting
impression on, the wakeful - state, ii:eiittallY - true.
I am not a believer in omens, nilich — reTWirtliF
doctrines- .of pit dtstinaiion 7 ytt if ae: believe la .
all,. we mits , t and Icon ntenance the
ti kti ngs ofJet--2the iigetnrind v isltins of Pittn:oah:
and the disturbed attrittierilif the Eltaicietinicitin -
arch. ; 'I ani s :Bola prophet; noi'the- son of a Pro
it?ftth!iut a patriarch. to eiplaio, ova
i,.pglietto - 4tiiteihow are we to understand the
Of tittt trce.`aslonal . disturbed lalthithera. 1
aubjcet'illAttkiethet; Cooject oral, which I leave
cithers to4While I take leave _
' .
Itkait Quinn:llA, •
• February-II); • 183 c.
For ihelvivrenclitzg Aftz;TA 3.
FLOUR. —We::,4iitirme to quote at $B,OO
from stores, and s7W,..from-wagon.
GRAIN:—No domestic in mai
have been sold-,Ayfripm $1,60aZ1,65. '
note a sale;ofttlDO bushels'at $l. 63%
CORN sates of white at 70 aq and' , y el
low at 65 ct4er bushel. '
OATS:?-Sales tit 37 cts, per bushel.. -* •
ben ratiler
m r c_de anitior attd4i.e,quott,.- r t I) e
from at 33attc.ts.; Moderate salea of ; kWh at
32cks. • ' •••
rititadeipitift iilrlfark et.
...,. ibr 174i11909erulitrir Marc h 3.- • •-, -
- E* ' O
UR AND' MCA L- Sales in
pa t atl , t, t o , 7 5 '' per• i.,..01 fatr , to
rjl il Chi , .wj th'limited sutiplies,and a de
Crelslnkstook. 'ltYe nour is ti0n.i1154,E71
to s sl)er 's )ii ' ' Corn Meitl-.9aletkin hit& t , at 1
;sl,64otand itt,bttlit t et ~some eXtents:ol.s4..§Q,
each. 13uckyliteat Nftial-7,lgrkie iiile6lit• 02, - -
62h per cwt.'', r ., 4 , • ' IP . -
Gil AIN-Market quiet, and no supplie .
wriving by Avaier: Sakti of "..inferkor - t-K goud_
i?ennvyystnia t at $1,,60„ a 1,,621, some-leery.
liritn•gitiv.SLlP:o;•lo I.liye tin sales of late.-.
soprorr. ate* tropt.vrgims.*at,s7.l 68 cents Or .
••aut.hel. ; Ottts:--40 es at 3.s'cts sn
~ d eand luss
-4,,,,,. ••'71," , ,,.. 4" ;:,..: ',I. • '.., .- ~''. ' ',•, •,:.
-- - SPllll:lli...‘,Vitiskey is 'dull. with-sales ilt
'ha S ' frtirn stot 0 • at' 29 at 2.9 cis. anti €r 11l wag:.
oils at 28; al bi,tis•til‘t , ttfai keti;t9tittuel.l);Art;:,'
.• • GARDA,.
ted Seedmitit;Mr. p.. L
adelphia.,,a large and:rery genes..: •
I'Seeds;.warrainteclof the growth of lc
Aspaisigtul; ,
• ,•
Long red or blood
Eudy turnip ymuted,
Bewai l dwarfs. •
ged ypeckled valentine
Brown do • dO
China; Crhito ilrith red.
eye. •.• .
White kidney.,
Crambury (busty)
Early. yellow,
:Beans. 'runners,
- Bortcole, ; ,
s 6 otetocatt;. ---- .
german ka!eiar greens.
Early York, earliest,
early stigarloaf, -
_Drumhead Savoy, -
Green curled
feed Dutch,forktidding
•.. Csirrolt, .
• • CeielrYs
White solid„ (led solid
. Ctess
Long green 'prickley,
iEgg Plant,
Lake puypre:—
Large flag-leayed;-
- 0 T l C-E
. Atl. P • erionS• indebted to.the estate, of • Dr,
John P. Geddes, late of New.vlfle decelacd._,
by - ifOi - ik. -- a - CCOunfiSIBY . note of/a: mount • .
than •$lO6 are requested to Make payme,ht - to
the executor '
stih or - befOre!itte. 14th of 4111' k
next. _
. -Also, :111Persotts indebted to the ate firm. of,
J..& J. P. Geddes,. either broo*or book:ac
count, are hereby omified to, make payritent
to-Dr, JOHN,G,EDDES, the suiyiving
ner;•im or before-fife ,141,1) . of April next — Tn
- compliance withilie a.l.ove notice, is•; •
ed to enable the . executors of 'Said - deceased
tit make a sittiernent of the estate. ;,All . notes
anti misettiedlaceounts of the firm - of.J: &I. •
- P. , Gedcleon - the - firat—of - Alay — neitt-wilrba• ---- 7
placed'in an filbert's:hands for eollection
• - ' R9IIER - V.LAIRD-
'of J. P. Geddes deceased.
New - ville Mara' 5, 1838. -
• :
36 an nark, 1838. In the case of, the Writ
of Partition and valuation on ,the real ,eitate
of Jacob Rhodes; late of . Newton lownsblp,
deceased, - henrttkis - day.confirmed. Ott mo- ,• '
tion of Frederic k - Watts, Esq. :Rule nn till .
the heiti and, parties, in interest,- tcy appear
at the poost stated Orphans Court, to be held
_Louis)at kin_and_for Cti rub,. ria
Tuesday the fir s t day of May next, rand og•
ecru or' refuse to accept of said real,estate at
the valuatiotrLand- , appointment-ther
show cause why the same shoilld.not be sold..
I doTertify the above to be a,,true.extraci
taken from the records of the Orphans Court
of _
saictcounty.- ,
__ CR AIGIIEAD; C. fa.
. February 26, 1838. - ,
receiyeti antkior sale at the Book S6re.of e
.n.hatiary 19. ' J. J. AItYEAS.
: A TV! 0M B -- 'ON - TEE - CtlNS'lTTE3glalisr
!IL/MAN. Just received and for sal e tit therok.
. .
St•ire of. ' • ' • J. J. MYE S,
Pehrtiarx 19.
L -NEW 11,4114----ROALI-LiNt
Sun sure Opposition-Line. toes
• — Teii - Pittsburg '
_l.4_lla;Lßocul to_Laneaster;Var,
.13 1 ,Carlisle to
- - Chainbersburk.
l'asseng_ers inpnediateliiontitor artival at __
Cliambersburg, : will take theNSwiftstire Op
_position 4.lner-Stage.s-.lii-Bedford;"Stoachtotazi
. and Greensbur e g, to - Pittsburg,..
• • - •
Through to Jeittsburk
. from
Travellers ark most rspeetfullyinformett
that these NeVy and Splendid Lineshave
itivelyrmnneOped running,. MAnday, the , •
19th' instia. - forthe first time, alnEwillson
l ' O ' llin ' Ve:l3l7ond 'street; above .S.rcb ;
lArtiT:wide,,:daliY 'at . 8 o'clock. •• --„••• •
chamheris4tymint-o7clock -in themorning.-
3-?*.kr.o c - aiviT, N ibly. Of
8114ftei°114););rietor; -
1: of these Lines assure (he
tbot nothing tryih'thetn.einlitilf not superiontri MO other .
on th tl,iad.and - thereforg Imne;:that heir ,
l'uSaeogers. wish to go. ein word:, ikeyxvilt. •
please gat at, the Old- Good inittit Office;_
89 c.hestnit'atreet,•lieldieTliirdjaii•to.!ithgr'
H of the'.;fiAtowingi • •i• • '•••-? •
• ~:-I•S..ptAroLo, Sandason's Hotel.
gentsx W.,A.Nirr Broad . stkito above
• ; • r;Arch.7l4estii4e; • • • s
• •
J Attiftr, etirlialo.
• ~ peliton
• ' SIMPS()N'iIr. CO: Ch*ribbersbuk
Zir. CO. 'Bedford:'
„,'11..1)1.111BS 8c co. -piteiciuilk„. ,
• Stage PrOptietorfl,
IFF1)Y; ,•
ti:ctiruary 26,18 S • ' ,
Brown Dutch. •
Green - Cos, ,White Coif,
Burly curled,
• Melorp,_
Watei.-Nutnieg. ‘VVIOD
'Nakturtjuin o
Okrile •
011ii0111 •
Silver akin,
Wethersfield red, (ap,): j
Strawaburg, large yew
Landretti'a extra earl_
Party trarne, ,
. Ea'rly L'lntrltnh;;
Large niarrowfay;
DWarf rharrOwfat; 2
- Pepper.
L;irge sweet, bell AA.
ped, _
Low salmon;
Long scaaetl sliort tip.
lied turnip. .
Nellow turnip.,
savoy _
Pricicley. seeded.
Squa,sh -
T,a ! ly push, - •
Long gren, _
. . •
Turnip, -
Early flat Dutch,
llecl topped, ------ /
,Yellqxv Swedisl4.9r Rt4.-<—
to Bagi.
Pot and,Sweet Ii rbi;