oAnu - sLE Feb: 27, 1838 El „ • . IVIn.• CztAart:- , -DiseusSion : has-lately , /nide the subject of - n4gro , - Anfrvage•an interestingquestickti of Constitutional — 11 W; nr,Supeeme C'ourt,havit ''' r •defe'r - rnitted it Ina ease lately argued. at,gun ) dry, Whose. Opinion was•-writtep OS:. .. .0 ii,efJusticeGlbson, and ; delivered to ..nu.tdo . liite for. publication in-the-vol,• tn ue which has just left the .. pre,ss,."l . ii enti.it_t. a 4...9 i . for - publicaticrm• • ~,-„, . • . ..Ihe.'Atiestion arose ,upon a 'lveit o f .• iwrarl.o.the judgement .Of the ° Gotn:no - .Pleas of Luzeette County, in aetitia . . by • Wm. Fogg,.negru, againgt lliibbOnspector, at:ld Levi 1.3a1c1 winand others, Judged of 4ie E.leeli 'n, for _refu tiinglhis vote. the -court Belo ti J e •Pliintiffredp . ~.beidg, ii6ini . 6ll , ...tliatrd hegro,has . pta Tight•tii . vote.tindei Our present eptvio . ttit ion,. the judgmcile.rl - :, • .Atespeetfa3Y; , • , , FREDI - WATTS. .V I7 I.LI,TAINI Fiso6, ' • vs. • . _ - . otherk- - . The opinion as lhe Cnuit-was,deliVr! eeed by Glusot!,-11,J. '`his-"record. raises, a" second time, :the dnly . ,questidti on , a phrase in the Constitution, which has. oecured since, adept ion.; ,fat,;(l .however • parti z ans :May have disputed the wisclonn_of its provisions, no-man has disputed - the clearness and precision of .its ph reseolo gy. We liave"often been called 13 i3on to - enforce its limitations . 40egislative power; but ithe : business - o'finterpreta ti - on'was inciderttal, and the difficulty was not,.in _the :diction,. • but .in 'the uncertainty of the act to which it was tbe a p-elted.' have, Said, a qbeit len' the.,nAiniqg_of _a_phrase_.hasA tl rioe a It would : be more acCritate to say thesqme question has ,arisen the secOnd:tinte.. About the year 1795, as I have it from James Gibson, Esquire;_ 'cif the Philadelphia Par,ihe very point before us Was ruled by the High COurt of Errors -- ,an_dA,p - peals . against the ii-131.44:Dregra:,-_-sUrrigegibSan:; . deelined - an invitation.:to be eonceined, " in the argument. - and - Mierefore has no he: . - = - MemOrandifinzo.f_t- :cause4o,d cause,-. •to the record. I .have, had the office searched for it-,..hut - the, papers:had' tab. .:• leis into such disorder as to preclude a. hopt.of its : - discovery. -. .Most - of them' - were cmperfeet, and . many- Were-lost-or • • ..iiiiiplaced: - •l3ui - Mr:.Gibson's rernent•- . brance.of thedeeisi r, isperfeet - and etr,, -- ., titled, to ell ecitifidet.tee. _That-the ease -11) • Was 'ntit • reporte s probably - 13 wing .to the fact that the judges gaVenoreasonsi an . 44lte:-.43,:mission .iv-,iliepr,goii - e - . - "r2t.: - . gre . ttella'Slirreiiiift df it 'Wad id have . pu t • thequeStion at rest and prevented much • mitileasant excitement. Still. the judg .7 . merit is not the less authoritative as ,a percedent. Standing as the court of last resort, • that tribunal' bore the ' same. relation to this 'court, that the Supreme Court does to the. Common Pleas; and aslts•authority could not be . questioned then, it can not be question . ed now.. The point Aberefore .is, not - open to discussion on original ,grounds. _____ltutihe_tunission.l3l4lte..judges,re iles - it - prolier-te-showl-71 ha t-their--dee i -. -idn4ailininded 'litho trde,.principles of‘the Constitution. In the (irk section. of the third article, it is declared that , "in ,:elections by the citizens, every. ittEEPtAN 'of 'tke .. age.. of twefity-one 3earS, having residttl in the State it'd ' years'. before the eleetidn", and haVing Within that, titne.pdid a State er . coU:nty_ tax,."_shall_enjoy_the rights of 'an_elec; for,. Now the argpment of those who ._aisert the claim of the colouretVpopula tion„,is that a negro is a man; and, when. not befit ',to involuntary servitre, that he is tree; . etinsequently that he is a, l ...freeman; and if a freeman in the coin' mon aceePtation of tlre.tertn,thert a free,;' man in every accptation of it. This pithy . and syllogistic Sentence comprises the Whole argumenewhich, howeVer elabnra.:' ted, perpetually gets back to the point - -from, vhichit started. : The fallacy AK: it, ie itsidstimption that-the_tertkOf • free : . dont' signified. nothing but exemption ' from involuntary ,service; and that it has, " not : legal . signiAcatiori.moice OecifiC. The • . 'freedom of a municipal torpok(tion, or, ---- binr.Fpolitic,. • implies ', fellnWdhip . atii jtatttcipation of corporate"- rights: but an inhabitant of an incorporated Aide,' whets neither se'rvant nor slaye p thetigh bound bY.it_S-Idvo3, may. be riiik, freeman „Ili r'esp'ect_ of its goferrnierit. _.lt has in 664. been affirmed by test writers, that' • A babittinee,and paying scot end lot, gives - nt , i incidental right to . corpora te fre dom,. lixit thre 'Coiitts. have 'refused to a I otVl-; 7 -- Cilgeiteiierl-Whenhthe-charter— ' med: to imply, a it,nd,, when not d - Veit 4 1 front prescription . Of grant, it haslieen Aleemeci, ii qualificatitin niferely, and -tint a title;.' - '(Wildox;,ctiapi.;o, pt,, 4:5•13.) . Let -it;nnt ,13C.',541' that - theiegtil • Meaning of thewordlreeman, iipacular, toPrit --.---191),corporaticiticaltd-that:vVe-havelt-not- ,,. InC.A'- he''cli:arterit 'ind:Constitutions - Of • ' It ) . enrittylviania..,..•The,lawd. agt . .ee . d' upon " . i6:fitiglancliti:Altty;llB62,, use,tVe . Wo4 - itftliitVeifie'iense r inci even : furnish A difiniti ' , ;47/I'it::'' • "Diery. inhabitant .'---orif,'ilaiii:iirciiiine.nihi r t,-bi'cii shall be -J pUrchasero one i un re acres 0 . ,. : ant1 . . 4.0 i. upwards,. his,heirs and assigns; 2nd _, eicry,'peiatin:"*o 'Shall have. - --plid , itis rL Patutige.' , "ancl... shall have "taken ar.i , : . prie hundrediierefi 'cif,land . at a penny an • 4cre, - and have, culiliated - .ten.,aeres :thetieof.;:l . tund, eyerjr..‘persim that ; , larttit. . beer oa, servant „, . bihis service, khst have taken , fip hi..a'fifty acres Oland. , and •shail have , twenty thereof, arid' every ,inhahitants, arti fi cer, or other, residgrit rrin-thg said provigce that pays scot and I , , . t lot to be deemed and accounted province: and' 'every such Icersim* shall be capable-'Orelect Mg or Ateing-_--,eleete* .represehtativs`oftlie.peoPle in nrOyiti.: vial councilor gettersl assembly of the , said province.'-'; NoWc." . Wlty--- this min'. ute anal el ahem t e 41 eta il .I . lad .irended that4*lll . trut-servaritis,'and.sla,ves .should . be - freemen, to every intent; it •Itad been easier ankmore natural io.say so. 'Hui it Was not intended.' It .was foreseen that there would be juhabita . nts,. neither -. planters •`taxable,. who, thOugliifree as the Winds 'might bennsafei deposii3Or' r power;, iesof popula. and ,'the • • . design . was idmitno man, fo.the free dem,orthn , )r . ov it . ,c.e.whO had-itot a stake. 41'14. l : :T,hat _the freedoin . .of the proVr-, i nee who had 11;1. stake . i n . it. -% .T hat the. clause, which relates to freedom by service; - iiias - not intended for - rria nu in ted slaes,.is•evidentfrinviiire 'fact that there 'were none:, and it • regarded-, not slavery, but - liniited - servitude , expired by-effiu x -Of At - thrit - timts - T- --- c - er . .; taints, the case-or a.manumitted srave, prof h isAohorn progeny, was not con templated tO be provided on the fciunderia.schern'e of policy. I . haVe qinlied,the - paSsage,,..however, to sho . W that the *MA fkeernan. : WaS applied, in,a a peculiar_sense to the, politicaLconipact Of our .ancestors, resting; 'like -a capo ratibit, on . a,..eltarter-Sront the crown; and exactly:as . it was applied' to :bodies pbbitclat home. --In 'entire consbnalice, it was deelared,in the Act- of Union, given at Chester in the same year,. that strangers and . foreigners holding land .'aceording to the ,tats a•Treenfatr,',arid• promising obedienee to the , proprietitry as as iallegianee- ; to the . erown, "shall- be held'and-reptited freemen. of the proiinee and - COUtities aforeaaid"— and it was further declared that when a_foreignet "shall make request to. 'governor ;of the jsroVi n,egil i tip• the a fo re- , iaidfreeituni", the-sarhe. person shall ' irdinated,on the 'Condition's herein ex prease_d:4aprig-twenfliallli.-g-S ster - ling in& , sion peculiarly appropriate Co co&porate . o w i.p:_ Th.o_,,word • in the . same - aenee pervades.the.Chartor of Privile .ges, the Act cif-Settlement, an - dthe - Act _o_f_Naturalization.,-io,the r ,prearrible- - tri., the last - Which ~it 'Was- sat d tha t some of the Inhabita.n.li . . Were "foreigners,hd not freemen according, tti . Altet.nceefita- . tnn. of the - laws ofT 4 ttglan*: , "-.1 - t held Ata . ,place also inlhe-iegisfatiVe sly 1e..0f erpetmentf.d r Ov i n AO the - adoption of the ,present - 65itstlititien; after which,. the d -- con- sent of the freenien,"‘were left out- and 't.he *sent.style sub'stituterl,7, --- Thu - s I till ,the' instant when the_ phrase on' Which the question -turns, was pended, tlieterm freeman- - had a peculiar and specific sense, being used like the •texm citizen which supplantetth, to denote 'one who had a voice The citizens were denominated free- i men even. in the- Constitution of 1776 I --,and under the present Constitution, the word; though dropped in the style,. -WaS -11 Se d dale gistitire_azt s con v ert ible_ 1 7 144. h-el eetors,iaiLlate.,..asAlte_yeay,„l7 bBl, when in grew into disuse.. In an act' passed the: fourth of April hi 'that year for the establishment of certain plecticin district, it was, for the - first time, used inilistriminately with that. Word; sirice itrher, it has been .entirely disused. : H Now - it will not-be *ter:dell that leg-, ialature .meant to have it inferred that every . one not freeman, within_ the pervieW should be deemed' a slave; and. how Can a convergent intent be copee„3: ted from the same ivord itythe Consti, tution, that everyone ,not. a . .slave is to be accounted an elector? • Except for! ills word' citizen 'which stands in the .copteitt also as a'term of qualification, an aflirmance of• these propositions would extend the . ‘ right of .Stftfrage to raliens; - and.,to - gdrnit of . an'Y exception to the argument; . iy force being le'riv.ed' from the _soPposed. uniVersality tif the term,'would deatroy. it. Once concede - that - there-may , be a_ freeinin iii line sense'of it; who-is not soHii--arrother;- ,incitheAvilide ground IS. sit rre nd ered In what sense then must, the Conven 'On - of - 1 - 79(rire - suppet - ed - tu hurt: used the terthl QuestionleSs in that . which it had acquired by irse .in public acts Ind - legal - prodeedings. - foi -the-leadori that - dill - Atone statute is to' be exbond; ed )4136'30. , othe meaning of things spoken and written, must be as - hatli been etinstantly. reeeived, i ' (Vaitgh 169.) .On this VrincipleiAt-ia difficult to disCoVe r i - howth - TWOrd - fieernan, as used4n previodiptiblic.acts, could have been motani tO . , eolnincelielid -a • coloured. rape. As well'afight it be supposed that: the declaration'of'unQeitial - -a'nd-unali enable freedom in both our. Consead tions, Was meant to comprehend NOthin ivaieVeritnttree"omprehensive ly-predicate-d-rat—ura practical - 1 n force= ment of it would luive • liberated every !flatre,. in ltw,S l ale;'Yet nCiagated, ttitaVe . .: ry, 104.4aotiptY64 ekist amond tia' derogation of-it,..Rules of interpreta tion . denfandTa §ltlety • ierlial eunitrun iir-notl)ipgrlivr-A,111,6,iral Otole: and a cnoSiitntion •tp he -consti . ued atjll more' .even ' a , repriediat one, heciuie „a ,e6nYnntioll fOr Masses, • can do . ljttle More than . marlean outline of fundarriKital printi ples,"leaving.the interior , gyratinus and details to 'be• filled up byerdinary "Conventions itflead_ed ; to regulate th,o" F eenducl.of nations,"" said Chif Justice Tilghrnan - in the. Farmere; Bank v. Smith, 3sBetgit. 81. Rawl - . - 69; "are not to 'oe construettlilieartieles of aireemeut - itrtli - e - edhTeton-law . . Tbr exrlcqr *ivaltU, anix E !)I*.JllTle - i fnlipi6ii'de 0`0 . 1.0-public tvi*lb-:. ler 4.-' tra et.' 9f. land : Lildn4o . lo : 4 (.41,1. - 7 : lwilectlink'these tirlei,. ; ,Styiet ruleS - . 4 . . -construction , may..b4-,adlietett to —and :Lit is best tty shouldbe .adhered to, though sometimes at tbe expenselofjus -- ; it ---' It - WI - de - - i t.co.r. But w ere- mu t 0 s are to be 1 airee s ted ..by the.. conStrtmtion. of( , ian: .aniendinen t,'" weal , reardi - s - to-be: paid to the spirit . , and intention. " e - What ' haler key, AO theSe,,thart:the.toneof,an T . tecedmit legislaiiott 'diaeoVerable.in the. application . of the, disputed terms? ' _'-I.3ut„in - addition teinterPretatiOn from_ usage,- this antecedent _legislation Cur . - nialtes. other prOols - fthat , -ne. • coloured race was party. to Our : social compact'r--' t.AS , Was firstly -;remarked. by • liresident fox io the matter,of the late, .eontested . ele . 'etion - , - , eur. -. anceitors'itettled - the pro, ii_nee. as-a cointriuiiity,Lof • 'V,ltite'rnen., and the blacks 'Were. intrthhiced'ititoit , as a race of Islaves— whence . ati. - uncon= , querable..,prejudice:ofi,es . tate.which-ltaS ' come, doWnAo_ourday;:ipsonmelrthat:, a suspicion of taint still has the unjust efrect, of.sinking the subject of-it helew the common-leVel.. Coniistently?With •this prejtidice,.is it to_ be . credited-that. parity of rank would beAllonied to such-! &race! Let tlfe triestion.be answered -by-the -Stnititelrof--1-1.26 - which -- deimari--. -- ; nated-ii_an_Lidle-and- 7 a-ilothfaltpeoplo; 1 Which direCted 'the 'Magistrate...to bind. outrfree 'negtot.:s- for , laziness or. Vagran cy ;Av filch forbade them to harhorin,_ d iarr or mulatto:slaves on pain Of-ptinish pent by fine. or'to deal s _with___fiegro' slaves.on pain of strips; ..which-annex -Mt to .tie--inderdiet . or marriage With- a l white. -- the penalty of reduction. to sla very; which punished themlcir tipling. 'with - stripes..and--On-a-white----person with-servitude for, inteitnarriage with a negra..- --II frevnan,;in:a.political sense,. . were - subjecti'of these 'cruel and degra ding_opPretisions; what - ti - Mst have been (the lot of their brethern in bondage.— It is also true that degrading _conditions .wer_e_so_metimeassiAsed_to_whit 111(1.1_ -butnevei , ---atr'-iiienibersaalacaite' - ' - in. -- ,slovent.debto'Hi, to inclienTeiheworstnf cthem, - _were compelled: . to make! - Satial -- factiureb y scir3ittrderbut-that , -::AVai, 1i0.:4, towed front-a, kindred4pA:-Stift-leitif,tii."- titma...,prin_eiple.ofthe commck„law-- I.T.ltia .acy:if-': - .1".# remained . ' !ist=fOrcefill:ii - was: repealed by etnfinci •- jatingjet Of .1780; -:and - it is irrational to d beheve that the progretia - of liberal; sentiments was - so-rapid hi' the next ten - yearsasito-prodnee - a .. determination-in the convention - of 1799, to raise •this. d_elireased_raceitsohei eie_LoE t b e_i.i.liit_e_ one. If "such' were its-._pUrpose, it -• is i_stranger-that the-word- 'choson to effect rit, should have been the.very-onerche *sett by the cotivention'of 177616 de , signatc , a white elector., "tvery freeman," it is said Chap. 1,1, _See I: V I, Hof, the full age, of twenty 'one 'years . . having -resided in this state for the space of one whole year before the day of eledVarA, and paid taxes during that time shall enjoy .tll - right of 'an' elec tor." Now if the word freeman were not potent enough to admit a free ne -4ifii-fo-iiiffri-g-e-iiiiTtiFilie-fiytif-Eciiiiiiii- ii. iisiirivis - ttillitruit -to-dise-errr-a---degree -1 of - rma - gio -- in .- the-intervening-plan-oi emancipation sufficient to give it ade- quate potency, in the apprehension of the convention tinder the second. The only thing in the historY of the convention, which. casts a doubt upon the intent, is the'fact - that the weft! • . _white was prefixed to ihe word freeman_ l in the report of the committee, 'and superfluous, Or still more probably be -Cathie it:was feared that - respectable men of dark complexion' wOuld often be in. aulted at the polls by ,ohjectiOni to their colour. •.1 have hoard it said, thai 'Oallatiu,sustaitted.iiis motion to strike. ont.on the litter greund. ,What' ever themotive, the - disseverance is inatiffi-., cient to :Wrap the interpretatiop, of -word of such .settled ,and iletermthate •Meaning as the one whiCkremained.r -IA-legislative body'speaks to the judica yy only through. its final ect, St - ot presses t s-ttri I rt--th a -ward i their meaning nil •intluenced.bY the lsense in which they haVe usually been applied-tii-eitrinSie4n4te-rseweLcan_ yeeieve ati• explanation of them from , What-his . 6'C:en moved or . said iii'debate. : The-place-nf a judge is his `forum - the - legislatiVeltalt Where 11e-even diSposed to,pry into the motives of the rnerfiliers, imposiibie for him to dacertain them; and in',attem pt discover, the ground, on which the conCliiiiiif - Was attained, it ilatint .probable - thatfa - rnemberefille majority could indicete any that was common to Previous propoSitiOns are merged' -in- thelact-of-consurnmation . ;_anci - thein erPretei of it mirit.lOok toAhatalone. have thought it fair . te, treat .the iptetition_aS it stands,.... l affected by our ril eip ale, tt ti Wit h ont. lustrationsfroin' thlaSe'df ',other Oft ere::,the " Condition -, the per toisey. second ,aeotion, the lotirttriarticteOCilteFederal Coin stitotion - ‘:::preSettl;:en -04 seetriedrOn`,fiTiKg. 4 , negro i t *W it !ell I , s to be.insupe'ranle - ;: o !iiemberecl, that ciiiiensl4,ai Will -al freedom. ?s, i ful 'qualifiet-, Aiorti and itow.,it 'OUltt 'be "enfiferied:lso asle.overbeor,47l,4ilol - less 'disabilities.ort:him..iniother. states; is a ., ,iirobleni-._of. difficult' solution. In -this. !taped, the question::,tlecernCs one . , „not'Of i nten ti On', bat of powert and pe. UN' er so doubtfulls to forbid the: "exercise of: it. :Evert:man must lenient the:pe ietissitY;9llbeac i ts 6: tolteal . Ay tb by 'Alins'e . .r:boe is,telrieeiTtieptnihi otv the iikilty , ii - thL:wiliCh it ;is .4 4 014 • Giinsi.deratibns. of mere • tititnanity with .which, jutlgeit,• - we have nothing to do;'and interpreting the•ebnstittition in - the spiritof our ‘ytt institutinntt, - We •:arer r io,nnO_tkprori . - pupoe'thittrado:of cot our.are.destitute . ofiitle 'to the eleltive franchise. Their biond,.hoNtteyer, miv becomes ,tlilu AupcqssiV94o o Pi!t: 't6 to' toopelp.esltiictive character; anil then both pviicy , and. justice require that:prriou,s ttisabil!tie;v ishouid - IV' the' Amendefl:: 'Sotist i t U Carolina;-ri.free.negro f rtnu o llate,:Or free per.son,of, mixed, hipptl,,,tieeenktett from n egi ova t theticiurtly:gen.o:atioti jaclusiye,, , tho:ugh. one ancestor olecie4 generation: -ntay -46Cen ,:a!ltite• ;person ; shall.-vote. for of the VregVet::to'saii-no"s•ittii-l-a4t re-glilatiori Sur, ,practiCal .. - purpose, been attempted here;_ in conseqbetice of - etiery, :case - of disptited:Yeelet - it: nou's . f: ..detervp,med :by. no particular rule but by:the discretion Of theyuclge,• and thus • a gretit constitutional even tinder the proposeJ anieinithents n.f the •constttuOuti,, sport of • _aprice; .• conclusion' ive .reef tlie _could. erred _in di- . -recting-that-the pJantiff,could - haveliis action against l the defendant' fur the re jaetiOn-cirhra-yeter-.• Judgment. reversed. The 411e4heny Deiizoci•cii, an uniform advocate_of the . .adniinistratiuns of Jack" son,' Yaw Buren• and• j‘s . nonnced by. the Pittsburg IVliirtury, be - cause, like thous ands -of-Otlterylin. Buren ate!' in the state;'.: its editor is oppotiecl to the sub-treasury,saieme! • In .sp - eali:ing' of the'instr.uctiog resolutions passed-by our legislature, tlie editor of the Demo-• crat remarks,..ihatA`this'distin - ct action. "tin the part of thelletnocraey vania, will, jt is iiresunied, consignythe unfortunate. vuli trtmsu prfliogittUii; to •tu rulier Sif•e< 11 1 1 7 . i i ; - ot•ea t , 'lj .. itt ) 6410f, : )tace1d% ~ivolocrat,.As t . i;1 •„; „,,• ; A -, " "'toccrlrkansk inone to remain -,e cos wro atit,t,tt itoltottAttglit2,-a4lll-U-11 7 - inr himself. . • • emu° .44"-tianktiess - ttoca'rry .out: their designs- 7 sit,fire ~to:sthe ~illagc of Waterloo. aja . ,the - Jl'wellitigs of the trinit : : tfOloo:s::j,ji In al Ai a jo rb 4 y . fa, to i .cfi I a i ti`l,l4 - lat ati -b - c:6l - :i e g ett' Tit t us , suppos"coawouiti,,prouucu rrtneasures i , : ,utiOverttually_4iiitgAisitti,2 A war 'bet w eenslie:;t - 4O' tj o s: to the: Vhillanc en z!,ol7- ' .t,iii : -...NVOrth; their 11 hick is ike - Shiopialter although Tor some time a dispute - 00kt, is now., no longer an , - „open:_xptstiOtr, - ;41 When, the baiik . was :up in the AA Se .yesterdak._ . Garretsbn propos'ed a'l new .more elTticttially , _reSt . rit.:( the issuing of npte utidertire denomina tion 1 ;of: Ave dollar •co ra mon ,- par- cogno men of sliinplasters: The',Se..tion was adopted; but the great mass ni the Van Buten party opposed ii,cno-twithstanding their loud denunciations of-• Small: notes Both its and•out 61 the Ilouse.: :Jere we have them. In the:negative voted MesSrs. Brooks, Clark,. Coplani Crispin bint:. ock, (Susq.) - Fegely, Geiger, Gilinyti.e,. Goldsthith Hook, James; Laverty . , Leech, M•tlluoee, Porter, Pray.,4eynoldS, (Lit 4.) Ritter, I2yan,-1-Sipes; Smith, Steyensiin, Taylor, :Thompson., Walborn, Wtioth . litirni and Yost. - . • —Theßogan -A tl as -o Ft• id a • "Au illustration of the' beautiel of..the sub-treasury system may. be founa in a .littie circumstance, which took .place yesterday. A draft. for ah. amount un der B4oo . frorn the Poitmaster . a,t Wash ington drawn on the Post Office here was protested fO'r non-payment. Hurrah for theAtew 2 experiment! Wlio-will say kt is not working to admiration?"• . trtOc'The, Virashington- Correipondetkt of the;New York Journal 'of - Courimeree,_ thus describes the great rush of the ladies at the ,Capiibl to hear Nfr. Clay- in -the Semite, on Moriday • ks,:soon, as the doors of, 'the Senate Chamber were opetted, - The galleries and floor Were filled withildies and_ gentle men: , .The.ladies.-took- complete. possesision,of the• floor,--filling up, not-only the privileged *seats,. Wit all the lolibies.— The ante Clirnber,s , were, Also' , crowded, and hundreds who Could not get over in' , to •'thern wandered about the. edifice, lounging in the Library-Siiper4r`Court, . .1041re- - 11 - afrof_74r.Preierita - AadieS who- had, taken . position 'oti the tlooy, were deterniined to inairithip it, at of therdlei - exatisk ing - them:: -They. baffled all the attempts of-the. Surgearn at 'Arena and hiiaisis 7 Hiants to remove' O&M. i• I ______At—lengLlill'lr.l.Watker_Aino_ved suspend the , rule excluding-persons friom the--floor, for:this but- it--whs-aigned that If (fie lathes once got foOthofild there,' Ihey-•couTd.never ue rejeetedi and. . that all idea of doing .ariy.--business - mOst' he given up. Mr: W. , allser's motion, was withdrawn,. and the'officera fortlip-Sen ate, then .pfoc.e.e . ded to'clear, the 'floor,' notwithstanding indignant and,,,,,re imigeful shOt.:off from. many hrioht. eyes against theyn, against the .S.eoute,..'and the Viee. : ?Presi7 :tlent.ltinasdf!" , - ' • fac,t itt history tlfat.the t vibe ,of Indkans. "called wtto a wanderingslife.in the Mexican Ter_4 ritOrr f,iit rind ; abOntlreittsrhave fabled tlieiiiiindepetiAddceoagainst :the W;et:lS.of Sttai‘n 'a Pitt he 'NI eXic tof States ginekt- - ' 00410 COrfei'' 'dna! riziaeo' 7 , -,4- ; Tfiey, ire more ptimertitiii`Taiiike:and ' 'dependent" than any and have been for a century past tljc terror of the frontier provinces of 'Mexico.- - They, are the Tarters of the American tiatitinent;-'. TheleWEittiors-are all splendidly ; mounted, ad as horsemen tely 'are•tinsurpaised by' any people in. world..,,the More .than-la hundtediyeais "ago;•ti intrf 61',. 4. 9ierii went 'to' the 'sea. shore, and,'were attapkO.d- by 'the Span• itteds and - all killed; - Mid silica - " that' the tribe nev'er been 'known. to venture near th'cOast, OM leptroxigiTfr *.',, .7'I4TV -10 f i.;14 D.ff S. - !-, .• kranz 1;17,1110'r. . •• • - Jed. • . • , ' . ' . ' 310Venielit • 1 - . 2 i humours from various quartera . serve to strengthen the op i nion, that something :4 - elieus was contemplated by,-the _ (.;;Autili vv' an - insurgents on' thd - 224: --- The: Alban . •Plyerkingjoirtral..oooitoilaY'saysi- - '• 4 learn' from ail' intelligent Source, that on_ M‘inday last; , sixteen sleighs passed thro' . . Pulabki, • ,Qswego county, , with patriois s,diisiiriedriii-Gravelly,roint, from whence . a deSeent:was to be: Wade on_Canada...- - 1 The New. Cnmmercial AdVerti, 1:;;!. mentions A similar tumour ;and adds' . .".•-• "We:think 'there is some' reason-to te'•• i lieve !la:an:attack will t;e: r attempiiii - !iii 7 l ;tinolton, With a vie,W .of destroying the • stearrilioata andi:other=valitable. I).rOPertY. . at-that place:- ,'l'lle - s . pleudid boat Great i - Bi•i fain is anchored Flihse'uride'r - the guns: - nt - Point-rFrederickTand will prObilbly be: -salt,AltOuld. an attack he . mfick.. - ----: 7-77- It is'kotiwn. that :A.l : a`clkeriiie . • was at' Watertown a fitiv days ;igo, and that the arsenal at that Place had-lie-0 broken in -40,• :intl. ar ken away, in:preparation, - presuinal, kor-the contemplated attack upon Sings ; OW, whielris - Withi -a• short - tlay's •tnareli of Watertown - , and which is nuw a'ccesilAe_ tor any Itirce on .-tlie•ice : • • The inhabitants of 'Kingston were a.pl pris'ed'ul the lconteniplated attack. and amply prepared for it. Th 4 force in the town was 1200,. and 1200 more were close at hand,: : A detachment of artillery had:arrived•from Montreal." . . - - the-; Correspondence of the Amirican Btfirr_ALo, Feb, 510th, 1,838._ 1 I - • Doubtless you . will be interested. in lirtriting the progress of .events . 'ln this °civarter.. • - 1 here has been another atrncii in this disgracenitAit:ofkii.,_ facts are ;11 .. __xWirleit rtf7 , ole4:-• il - gd aboutvivi-i-A.tv4ir.-tfa-triTittiw- ME fiehdlike Hseht.inu - 4:l4:7rdisciivpred;' , .-a - nd warrant wer - e::yest,erday is tied foi:, four. - of the priticilkd But two have vet been caugh t F l , ; -:,l7neit.e .11Japr. clos'e (one of the lStajild .711ertleb)-:.and . _ . a Mr. Parker: The eltatitination commen- , ced yesterday, and has been continued throughout to day, and is nut yet (5 o'- clock P. M.) brought to a close: The greatest efforts are being made to shield the culprits,and.tn - stille theinvestigation —as it is .strongl," suspected that , many would figure in the business who are not At last silence is broken. The-B - uftato ,Advertiser oldie ElGth informs,•that • on Saturday night, 24th inst., several hun dred men being assembled at Comstock's, eight miles faint Buffilo,. on the, lake shore, it was .apprehende'd an•invasion l i, was meditated, and Cot \\Lords immecii ately started - with the small force of iegtt:- - 'ulars and 4 volunteer companies untie'. his c-omroimtlT'ro - .l:riwiTtrgr.rbEi - i7:71.V•11 - 017 within '2OO yards of Comstock's, the road - -- was - fou n d-to-be-Int rri ead 1-I : fettee-- and - oth - er obStacles. These were al .most immediately removed--the . cry was r aised anfong those assembled at the tavern, ''the regulars are coming!" and these gallant invaders cif : Canada mostly 150 took to the ice or the lake with thcje terins.—They, sere pnrsued, - but having stime two or three, hund..(Al yards the start, _were. not overtaken.;---. They; hOwever,. left a hoWitzer, .and a swivel-which-wereltaken-possession • The night was pie'rcing cold, and it was . feared ---that % Abe,. men •the , lake . , would Peri sit, •.towitritS 4. mcirning they. began to!Tertirn;-some of theirs • frost bit-. ten, and all heariily disgusted with - the enterprize 'they had_ undertaken. • Not .a. man, so far as can be ascertained,' suc• -Ceetted.in - . getting into Canada. They' were alctibt eie,ltisively from this Country principally from Genessee and Niagara . counties . and had probably been induced to embaik,in the scherne-by. others,we have, the sagacity to•rernain concealed. They . had .no .and were illy pro-_ vided. • • • ..It is deserving Ofretnark that. 'every foil ntl ed In a day or two a terwai ds, in= fo .- t - otinited - on -4- 4 4- exao4tiali n n - -oPloinlf-. fertnution was received herei'itatingllutt Chaie, been. confirmed to the_ very he 7 v dtter:. • larwe . n utnber. of • 'Arnerioana, some-ac- • • T • It he BAtish• residents in Bu ff alo have -coupt“nr-ten-thonSandeliad-Uniteerwitn. • ._ __d against the -- proteste.-slanners-f-Speaker 'l%lcKenzie, and- designed . to. capture ; McNabb, on Gen. Scott. Kingsitiii and Fort Henry;• - bra: - coup, "de • .-.A• NornEa AasrINAL 13 - 3 K OEN OPEN Main: '6n . Saturday, inforination Onlast Friday. ight, til'';',2,3d; the Arse . .authorities by one, nal' at Batavia •:.-witS. ThrOlien open,. and tif-the-United!-AtittesElleptityL - IdatsliutsZ:s72l(egs ntarningntiOn - 1790 .. . I b•LiTiir who . stated that there was cause to appre,.:7_ powdey were stoten; cannot such . and i lietid an extensive' - organizationfee the;stmilar occurrences begireventeill Outt- . Purriase, said ilvat the gniernnient had, ne rage upon Outrage . is...'perpetptged,, and f4rce at hand to.restrain the People,,anii t'Sticaraely antsteps . appear to be-.taken by . we were therefore to expect art attack. atettuthorities_ lireventlike . laWless ic " ri - brio bring the offenders to justice.. • Had any other ina.n . then . Matkeniie , FRoNTIERJyr:D.ETROIi.—By: inforrna 6ettn the , phittee of theAlacqet; the tale (ion which we have received froni!baroit w°l4l ( U down to - Mitlil we learn that - at - that date atia , aqs,takeri .eare,to - "keep himself out of a ll The an patriots sO far from ranger, if he could !only Lid 'a sufficient ' being,etnCentrated,' and - 4414t I • Duni* Altier i eina arrant fenlap,noughl . .io: c 4 i n,a46,..ve.re . scaitery'd,alOng ,41e i htke te l .frikhit;r" -- hj:4; - : there . could be no doubt 1, shore ,n. strait - 019,w jitiieties' , - ;iti almost that be:Weeid them on , anittiatl ii s hoeletiS , and.. atarv-ttlx - tempt hpwhiclf-they. would be the - oniy ; 54 11 :it ar roti::i" ,truly sufferers,,TAlko the :That number.-,lielkeetned •',to haye_found,art an at preseiif • suspectctL... • otpunisliediAhere:, -is-no-Use-for-ldws or-penitentiaries. • ; The. Albany 9orrespoildent of, the Cou tier an&Enituirer, tinder dated the 24111 I instant, sayst-- , .. • .. I "The disturbances connected with t Canadiin affairs, - may soon: be expected= to break out afresh:. A gentleman in, •Wliont Ican placc - reliance, says; that'a - I number of men, :amounting -to to at least -1.5_06; ft owthe-northern part of Mill State, i ; - are actually embodied oii - some one of the i•"TliouSiiiii tiliinds'.' in the St., Lawrence. I - TheiViiir kjng open cif theersermLat Wat -1.-ertown-yon-haVe heard bf... The fever ex., tendi along the 'whole frontier. . The at- . :iaek-on'therCanadians, it.,was believed, was to be simultaneoUs at various 'points. Persons at a. distance- from- the fronti t er can have no just conception of the feeling that pervades qui' citizens:. • . . , . From kingatciii (tr. c.) Her. Feb: .20 . the' • Warninr , .'ivhich we gile in onr, last number., has . . soon proed to be well attack .y#s -to niatle:.On_:_l . C.-ingSton fuithwith.. tie and his. gang were An, 'latch .elated athavitig run away f . OmN a-' vy . s A s 11 tit weld d. new.take the ~ ball_•bx: the_ horns,, shoulder him 0 . 01 his.fuvotite:,fielh•le4o his*plaae with_Mackenzie ,and: :tVie.. orii:tei had a friend iii. the ruft;. who lad ette*ed o • spi k e ..the:4lun's, od the •intglit CAN=ADA<. *hell the attack mad& periintia . ipt.init.,whitt) a baspialuil 4 „, 1 ,- could -attach, Iris . tlis tnis,etl froni tb la service. Well if-our neiolitiora cliboae 'to . be come banditti, we must prepare toenter tain'theitieCcording,tci.their.ileserts, and a warm welcome they -will. surely re ceive. _ • Iymediately—on . the.yeceipt of: th'irifl fortnation._-a_rifle company' was'Orthed and rifles dtstribtited to them. .A volun teer gtinrd or -100_10A watch all night at • the court house;', and is' -renewed—every night. :Piquets weee.sent . out.j s p all dir rectionsi, and, grins olt the-bat:oo6s Jtt_i MissiSsauga. Point imte: of d•Rmlfr pounders, were- . loaded with_calttnister sliyt,.. : tlies`e-guns corn- , 'nand, with . tr . croiss , 'ltre;: the • whole ; field of,ice in front y(the,town i ,and-can_arrest the...adijance.of any part - y.in'that•directiOn'._ The guns af,..the Fort,'and at lie A) rif,elt Ronses are 1050;00 to _porit . ‘.out destrner-, invaders,-,2 . seycrairstreeia*t., - ,' harti€ailed.= On Sunilavdeaptuips Flick wood atid . _oltirk's.ct-iitpariies of.-:.Le_trox militia arrived' iit,town; with Capt.. • Fra- liclOs' troop . of horse . ; andj-yester•tlav oth- 1 tut:rived. , • . -- These - various reinforcements auirtlie voluntetr ,coinpanies• increased • the st rengtli - of:tirts - g - arriSor - 10 - up ,- . : warils of 1, 2 00 men besides ssveral bun aretls•reaoly tt a monreitt's •notiee. The 54t1 Regt. Frimtenac, 15260 strong, can be tirouglrt in at Short • Warning: .Besides, out' strung forte inartillery .gives Us' a . ten-Told u iority over, the .pirates, 1.6 say nothing-or ottrer,tlefetice - s: • Friday forenoon a detachment of the ktiyal--Artillery, under Lieut. Willan's, arrived-be're-from MOntrea';. and yester day-they, "with the part) , pre . vitiusly ;here, and some of tbelt.Alarine'„and Terth vol.; (weer .. were -exercised with grtris - brCihe ice, in ferint of the town, Bring iartridie • • " Wetiel not thio4 own •towtiamen .neek • 1 - , a pe:u s ial:ir r airyziiiiirliii - o r ent ettaittiiii - CO r.4l6sioti - , iiiiittl- - - lir-EIi4WC -2..- --witi, rtlfele.itc„r, , tin_ t , 136_ , tzatioyi o i,iM : 7 -•:. - •t - e' - ' 4,1 - 110117e - liervice.— .AVii - ellitcrat 211' . c vas retilly eontem plati 7 61 - - - - - 11.,--t - li - e=A -- itiorit;ans - --oy• - -•tiotT:titirr - ditty earety't.,oosigtsjil beini, - "i•eptirgd - iii:f:i:e , ..41:1a4a41t , -,-1,10i , _,04 tii'''.`slirprising,' - KiiiiistO6;"Ke tliisig„',Widl - ISilt impossible. tesitlei," - ii,liite.liff Pisitfets - on the roads ev: i ery I.tt,,fteen tiiile,s, nee kept up all ilt>trridic - ingston, and oa \Voir-Island; and ill) Itirce-couliKiipPri;ach thili• town hot we. I• - . __ _. must hoe - - - ..at least. two -hours! - : - potice - til , ~.--„,,,----- tnere approach. ----' • - .------- FireONTIEL3: — , ATI•Emf-rtn . ri ,- ;v i tigtos OF CAN.%DA Acr-Bliit• • 'WQATIF:.TitYiNd. ---t An -experien ced write; saysittatunebushe,o(Agix seed gtiiuntkvith.'eight:biishils `of ()As; ia ter - fle !ibises than:sixteen oats ' iiiiineiand will effesdnaLfy cure the hots,-- If his . ..helthe case, 'lke much cheaper, food fur, horsee thwolitsAliy th emselves , fut u 4 1,1tilej of fla'x' seed ' w ould iui goil'etat i ly‘,'Cest more than lour bualteis , oy'wets; leayltig savingi of 4 every 16:: .I,vis•-.lyortli - a, 1 trill, York Mi - - • ••••: . , • ri b Oltikt'll yank - 1m the r deneyi' •• •• • . • . J r,-- 4tre - take fids occ . asiuil,"b ecause i ve that tike-til4es requirt il, to reiterater• oor , Often expreslied and sincerely enter... • 4 fained opinion that Gen. WILLIAM II AItRISON .is the only 'matit;,:,,who • carry the state of Pennsylvieniii'att forAhe Presidency. inopposititm l ,to the . ,ldco toCos. We have not:room , here - -to-go over all •the grounds on • WhiCh we fuw,d our faith; ,uti,.,they appear to ' • be so clear and Onincumfoored •Must - C - Otyince.;he, mind of every . So - ni4ii surpasses us'inaitlird ration for . the talents,- - patriotism; • quenciiiptl - public OerVites - of HENRY ci.tiV-; . ,:reew,eicel us :in the . e4iination'-' - which:We - fix - open lel lectuol and acknywleilgai of, 'end :reiefince for - the, i principles, constitution of thip union, pusseSsril'• and Often, eshibited.,.by, - DAN EEL' WEB:ST - Ell., .tlieSe• I 4iAlraCt:',c9 iisiderations , look-.at the'; - 1 - A - ctLinf c:ondition - .4 the' public , mlnd; anti' ` es;pe . _o4ll3; at the situation i;f: Petin - sp. lama ty of ihis_state_ composed iof -whigg'-i and -- antimirsods,_ among whom are. large n friends - of GeMlitcliStint-,•; - Is nut Pen n syl vania:L-,has she .not been thoroughly tlOttoteratic„ . stittei-- not these .q.O e tits' point.everyreirk.cf:L____.- ing Mind at oncesto considerations - which show the otter_ impossibility of:obtain:4P' the vote of this state rdr - either of the di . s- a or nguished *statesmen- whom .t have just .'• named? eau ,the anti-Van•lßured. partr„ In f i le Uuiuu succeed-without Pennsylva Granting that-.they can,, which-we . .held to be highly improbable, is it not Our policy here4o.get such-a.canditlate as will • carry us triumphantly through the conflict soil--snatch. the 'ke vstene from the 7,,rasp Of: ". • :the ''spOilers?r - Oen..l:lA - 11RI8CIN is the - luau to . do iperience, ?act; and while we are in favor,!)l - k s gtltifi.,: ; ;:,.-,- •Naihnifil Convention; we-Aludlf_9l6(ceisr,,e.-_,.--• to hope that. its the' hero of ,TAlo,.eritii - oe*lLl.he the-tortStrt . , I nct no ato S. di: . Rep. Arike-Stab-Travitry , SirJacpue -- 7, lOs urge:4-as a tl,.a Igape e: Jayormf thiS" . titi:trieLl ex pcitient," iwactit'af. 6peratitin! - Arid what are its YlTeliTSE: — . WliTriTlS — "lll - t - !- ufetali.ic the-peopfejta‘*been )-far.t- M0ney .. ,,01 - the-day of: pa--. • • per, antl - thatii - veavaiier IntMey I searee than e.vetio vds:he . for,o,,, - ;'jritt"....- --,.. '... true that. busiaiiis i• - prostratifritterin-;,:_ portzttiorrs into our "ennintereitil cities have atomst ceas'ell--:-tliatsttiresin;•ll.4si% which eat Lawn eninotatuletl'a rent of $6006; ii ''brims Int r-t h a "many ol them are entirely closed, and.that• - the revenue _of the general govertitnetct. • that port has fallen off at. least btu:it:al? . are certainly Fie•rs ; -and. what-- J(4l(i t.targiftnents do - they atrordip favor of the legalization: . of the sub-treasury ' " .seltenie? - York Rep. ill Etna GE w alfg.r._ It appears that thiS personage, in,' his - resignation of his cotiptrollership. at • V as hingtonOinty-/Estruek-for7higlter-,wa•L-.----- ges" after all. His imlignatton at the lippoint-ingot—of—Mr:--Multlenbirg_ al • - Minister ((Oust as it appears, to frighten . a fatter place out . of the President. : AccUrdingly he has ;smoothed his.ruilled dignity by accepting the Collectorship of the port which rises his salary to '54,500, instead, 0f_5:3,500 per . annum,-Which he receiireti at NVashitigniti. Mr. )larker, the collector whom lie displaces, fakes hix comptrollership; but we think that in this case_"a fair_ekchatig , ,e iS a ititibeu,nittas- ; touch as Barker loses 81000 a -yt a.: by the transaction. .; qt forge NVoli hereafter, , account of this. eibinitien, uf ., his ventr'ity .- ; - . can be nothing more 0144 a "SpectaClepf derision to his enemies and 'inelattchoV• pity to his ,frieittls.";—:l: - ork:Rcp. • . . The h .Itight of Instruetion: -• • , • ...Wonders. will nevei'-iease," is anold and true edi ,, e, and, we no's • proceed to .• notice .an instance_ of its verity. The - , Lancaster Journal--a thorough bred bed . : foto iew spa per,-edited. by. .th a t Avorst,..atitiL__ ' ' most unprincpled of all,, kinds of 'Mild-, cuss. -=a - recreant fe‘leralist_mfedibisi __ tlemoiracy--a class of men' liflio afiyays prove, that "One: re.negatle is worse limn ten 'Turks"--this paper—the. imMediate . otaan ellatne BuCkanan— F r id ay. 0 , tanie_mit.in_a_liing_LAirtielel.;„allainst_ the iighi. Of a lOgiSlature-to instruct Senators , 14 - the U. Statesl - l - f -- . - In - years:jost - pattAie - I : 1. iegislative‘,po:ver-to-instrtie'rfand:Ole - c0n . :„..„ . . , .. Isecitient da ty .Of the 'Sentinir to "Obey - or ''resign," ha've Wen a favorite: dogma of the'4ack.soir and Van .Bureit pally. .• Un der i ta- OPera den iSp ra g a 4', Leigh,..Tyier, .. .lcitig,_ ; l3ltiCk, and n.lm . nr,thodos, pilig ciaus have been drivel . from the .Senalii • -.Chumberond all the an . tlietnits.,:onil de:" nuneiaiioniorpartyhave Veenn - heaped Op, on theitethts;Of.SoOtharil,Kinght Anil:1106 '- 1 bins - , who atilried to titeCtinititution-i;' - 1 heeded notiilie‘artifieialqlanderS of Beni- , 'agogueS,.ond. .boreup itgainSt thesterm.,.., : : •.,0 1 ..tit;i4 , :rury:piSsW bY,'•SO - ii'on'ee, mole .. ,they Stand. n Alt e ... ;dell r, ' lnigli.i4p nshiktei -olilte-favbr_ohlielienphiollthiiite+l4,l •• 4.iiil - Neili'• '.l e (key: - :'.'Notti •'l.i# . ,itfiip' - ."Oile. • hut i:: . iei-eis; 6'o i• .. P. 7 ,"r- m'' ',t.i,e..,. ..'k: t i,,, r .s,t L.,ii,,c, t 4,i,A ciitite fr o th , the othek:sidO.of the' ho \ uAe; and, „ the- sathe'' poi i,t ici.i it•ti ii ‘ '., , ..ho: 7r 'l4ll' belt( . 41 ; the 00qtijii,v , P 1, PAkdrkicie., l 9YlN L' . °a:o"' IR iii iv i ikk taßce o fileLmneistetotOnal,lnil. 14in ti in* JO ilc , thoin,e'e,it , a (..tlnetinAtititlo'n, . i at" Prpeiipei l anirlasii i rd ' '' '\Ve atrreiwitli•- • ,r t h on novy,.. we. ttisitgteOf ffiv,th itthth lie.- ; . :, • tore; Itht'let the hal I; roll on, say tve;:uri-, iit itagaitilreturtis to- t le place of-delia titre. ---Tiirk rim, '. .. ' • ~. ~- ;'. •:.1 . . BEEBE IS