Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 27, 1838, Image 4

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, . ilrektiston:
. 1111i,E . SPECTFULIN informs his friends'and•
- 0 --‘' , "-the public, tti rh taken the Public
. . : Honse; . lately kepi by Mr. John Smutl, at
• ' 'perner ofd M Ct ket:Bqbare;:Haryishurg,'
known aSthe..- • . • . • . _
Which he has fitted. up in 'handsomer .tityle,
' accommodation of the pgblic., His
tiihle is well,supplied with the'best the mar.
ffm cist . h "h with. the, clkiicest of
_—goorsraild—winev tdr.prorifts. , it ig ing
•, scryants,.are kept al_wys.reatly, to attend-to
- the wants of customer's:... •
, • ge - lias taken the stand with.a .detettnina
- li , fo6spare no pains or expense to make his.
house equarto any in the ccientryi'by keeping
---.—every.department under the superiqemletice
f the-410st competent;_atid faithfdlyanil,- by
personal attention, to give every'sstisfaction
• his customers.: respectfully
r! . qUestathose who pay Harri.burg a visit, to
call and test the truth, ofhis asSertions...
"].. - Ay,.. JOHNSTON.. •
lanttary . B,' ", .
..4,:ncouritge,ool%Qton Alanufact u-
110iINET sTORE;,
• ••
— 7lll. pUt - favors, intorm-their
- • friends and the publie-gen'erell-y-tha.t-One
'.* I. thi.,firm , having .lately returnecLfroin the
city of !Philadelphia, with a large and ex,
'rellent,assortment of : turs and. Plush, they
_are now prepared manufacttire Gentle
; filelfS , 'Hats and Ladies'.BonnetSin
and most approved fashion. The-quali-.
..11 of the Plush isfar superior,tonny former
-4y had on. hand::-They haVe tit present an
excellent asSortrrient•of
- - Plain ..Russias Liaiid.bidek.t..
. _,Brush . -.--Bearer. Castor „and°
".. Silk Hats
sizes and Tniees,_:
nets nf all colours and desr
they, will-Fell at-the-most .
Gentlemen and Ladies who ate in want of
=these artiGles, will do welirto giver an-eatly
• N.E. They have on handa few of the.tiest
quality of - FUR CAPS which they offer. to
at Inw_pric._ •.-
• The- subscriber, on behalf - of - himself and
• ' , c• W--Mgrgath_offersifor • Salethe
CANON NAILS. .They ate Made of re- .
'.fined-iron, - -and are believed 16 lie - equal in,
quality_to :the best:cut: - that .were-ever
- =manufactured-in-the United States. The
following:certificates are subjoined.
- , Ne-w-Cutriberlana i january 2 7oB3B,—,
tieeff"Wraciffiarrifeir - wiffillie
- - general quality of •cut nails.; Those made
-from:-the Duncannon refined iron, we con
sider-superior to those made &pin the best .
. ,
Dunchnnon Iron Woiks, Jan. 8, :38.
• We certify that„,we have carefully exam
ined the nails manufactured by Messrs
Woodward and Wilder,at New Cumberland,
- • flut of Duncannon - Irok - and do believe them
to lie superior to any we have ever see n used.
John French, Mas*.er Roller, ," •
Enoch Lewis, Carpenter & Patern Maker.
—*The-above- nalls-vill-be-delWered-on - the
•• Cunibetland Valley Railroad, or on (he Ca
' :nal,•at Harrisburg or Duncan'i Island, and
' 'forwarded as, may be directed, to any town
in. the state, on suitable references: or a li
beral discount will bemade for cash. •' •
'Also—on hand, Hammered/Bar Ircn, and
it iS expectedconstantly to for sale at
• the works, rolled Iron Nail Rods &c. of the
" various
9:7 - Orders by mail, directed to Clark's.
' Ferry, Perry county, will be punctually-a -
- tended to by•the.,manager on the 'spot.
January id, 18.18.4t.* ,
• •
' . • 'NOTiCE. • •
LETTERS of Administration on the estate of
Martin Brenneman, - late ot.Eait..Pennaborough
township. deceased; having hotted to the subscri
ber residing in said township; all .persons indebt
ed to the estatft:wil.l. make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the estate, will
preient them properly authinticated to the sub
scriber... - • • HENRY BRENNEMAN,
January 25, 183 8. . • .11dm'r.
Blink fbr Salo •
FR011 , 20 toSOalaies of •Carliale - Bank - Stock
. 'for ige,on which <there is .10 doPars per share
.panif‘• 'Enquire at th4i office.
20th •Januaiy,•-1828. In the.cifse of the'
writ of- partition and valuation on the real
estate of. Frederick May, late of East Penns
_ :_btirough township, deceased, being this day
- confirmed. On motihn of W.F.' Line, Esq.
Ole. 'granted tm'all the lielis , aikliParties In
_interested,_ pa appear at the nextstated.Or
--fltatt-COUrci% Tuesday the Ist day of May
'Oext,, to aceept or iefuse'to accept said• estate
-- .ut;thuvaluation. • ' _
• - Thoti..Craighell, ell 0. C.
Carlisle r i '•Ve6 - . 12, 1838. %,
fhave ik )in N ew
AAA CLOCKS• wbielv i l warrmit to
keep good time, and offer Ahem at -reducedprices,Ait my store. -
11/11 - ARRYA.TT'S N0V49,, - complete in one
Arlivolume, just& received and for sale at title
1 1 90k.Store of • - • JOHN J. MYERS.
-Pebruary'l9. . •
. OCKHART'S L:IFF f OF SCOTT, just re.
MAceivett Amr for sale At. the 130 k Stere.ef -
-- Ety r l9
,~u54 eeceived and or
takie4iifie - Rook Stoie of •. J J MYERS.
- 111)'115RA NOVELS . completejn one
volume,just received and 'fur sale at the
[Wok `store f • EIYERS.
• February 19. - , .
• • „
• -TAB-Subscriber . offers for rent a' small and
convenient DWE LLING- ho USE, • • •
' - aituate - in -
tbe West end Of - Lolither
street,. • near the College. • The .",; j ;
house hi thell,caleuhtted for s'small •
family:: ‘rositionon will he.given - on.the first sy
ofAprikn. .;• -- e •,, , - .
. , ••• ext VVIIAIAM $: • IVLURRAY. • .
Carlislei rebruafy 13, 1838.5.-3t.1
Shaine! Wilder,
J. J. HYER9.
..".- -n.• . II2NNEzt,. • • , -
iieneral agent fur' Penitsytvanin, 7.larilanti; befu whre,
~.Nu. . likauthith U. three (4=3142101r Market st., Philatlel.
t hi s - pod Nu, ip North st.., Baltimore, near ., the Post .OP
. 8E01716C D E.lllr.p k; iktk
LT/ 11 IX UVtyennuAL %MEDI clicks cy„,
Tan tinrratqi- CtlLLY.tia
' • '
' ,.Will(llllnti:e"..obutined the_ Aiimbrition:,and
lt,corninendatiun nf :Thnustino :who li4v6been .
cured in .(lonsumptiiin,'Cliule'ra
bens intertially oi . • externally; and all.diaeuses of
•Llver, Yellow - Fever,..Gotte, ltbetireafifirri;
Lumbago, . tic •Dolorerrk. Dropsy; St, .Vistmes -
Daiice,• Epilepsy, A ppoplexy, F'alsy, Green .9ick - ,
ness, and, all obstructions to which the . Female
torah is:so distressingly and whiCh send so
many of the'fairet portion cif their
!untimely. graves;'Synall Pox, Measles, Whooping
C•otigtivScarlet -Feirel 7 ,7Sili4 7l .s, Jaundice, Gravel
Stcme,.and.-.11 Urinary Obstructions, Fistulr, Piles;
I - Stria - tires; Ruptures, - and Syphilis mall its stages,
_Constipated Bowels, Worms, Scurvy,Bching of
akin, -King's Evil; and all .Cutaneous Disorders - ;
in short, every Complaint,. whieh the, human
flame is so, direfully subject, under all their varied
~fornfirand -namesi- as theillygeian-conviction-is,.
that man is Odectipoolkom
__ reatdisectselithatiti,_
to ille-irnpu6ty hue blddo,', fr - om whence springs
' - every. complaint- that can possibly, assail his corn
plicatcci frame, and that it'ia'the. pet pelual strug
gle of this Vital, pure stream of life, (the-lift of'
Almighty power) to-disencrimber itself oT its
eons acrid humors, with which it_hits become
commixed. f-
This:vafriablemedicine, being compose .
of vegetable niatter; otinedicinal herbs, and war
ranted-on oath, ea containing-not-one- particle_of
- 'which are
. sincongenial to the nature of man,
-and therefore ,destlnetive tojhe human frame)
is" ound to be.perfectly harmless to the'moSt. ten
der Age, oPereakest frame, underevery stage:of:
humartstiffering, the most: pleasant and benign in.
-its-operation _atidYit the same -time th e most cer,
taint in searc hing out the-root of every - complaint
howevCr deep, and of perferming'a cute that was
ever offered to the world. w endured effect, -
twig produced by the least trouble to the pa.
:tients, bl merely swallowing a pertain number of
*pills, and being, called a few, 'extra--times to the
purpose:of _eractiatien, with the least possible
sensation ofpain, exhaustion of booily strength,'
. and without the :fear 4:4'c:itching cold, or •atten-•, in._ any way different,. from
their accustomed habits. • :These
_pills cure in all
cases,:and cannot - fie taken to excess. 71:4eri- -
ice, wliieffi - 'e toncliftone - lit all hunian - knoWl. -
lge, has long borne testimony to theTactu and
:tensive-use-of-them-bas-alrcady---yerified its
truth in this-country.
: 1 These medicines cure by purging, and'yet the
weak, the-feeble; - . the infirm, the -tirervom4 the:
sleficale_are_inLa Jew days streneiliened hy their
operation, because they clear the body of its bad
humors; and invariably' produce sound - :"sleep...
Theysare the safest and mostfefficacious Medicine
to, take to sea;_ preventing seurvy;costiveliesi,
The operation of this.mild Medicine, which'
conveysimmediate conviction of its utility, from
the first dose is as beneficial to the mind as the•
body; first calming ; then 'curing all' Merital . de
rangements,7 E,crientricines, 'Nervous Affections,
source; ComplaintirWhich have 'hitherto not been
properly - iindersiood; as the Hygeists hive found
them all to..prneeed fro:4i acrimopioushumours in•
the blood,-atid, happilylforAlle-lfresentanif-future
sal mode of purifying, curing, and preventing..
:The being cured of any disease, - 'infirmity, or
sore, is notv-ircr - M -11 3re a dubious or uncertain pro.
_cede - ire—perseverance in the Vegetable Universal
Medicines will_always,restore:nature-talier-deie
course. - The literary • and sedentary, of both
-sexes,--whose pursuits-so-much -impsir - thefacul. 1
ies, will find a sure:remedy - 4n the - Universal
Medioinei for preserving the energy and.spright•
liness of the Imagination, and ,improving their
health; old age will be attained by the use of
them; and passed free from pain and infirmities,
--They arenot-.enveloped with the mysteries of
'either medicines; they only 'require to 'be perse.
vered in with sufficiently large doses, and the pa-'
tient will come off well; : when a disease is ob
stinate,.patients frequentlyslunottake . doses_large_
efifitig - h. • • -
• The medicines are comprised in three different
articles only, viz; in two kinds of pills, of differ
ent strength or power, designated by No land
'2; the first is a powerfuirtut most.mild and gen
tle aperient, or opening medicine, detaching and
partially removing the billions ropy, humours,
whilst the No. 2 - Pills -- cartfiffrihaae • and the
serous acid and putrid humours, incidental to the
bodyr • nd act - together-ii-a-ferret-on a warren,
nev• resting until ; every avenue of the hutna,
e is thoroughly searched. • and ncleansed. of
-its impurities.
The Vegetable Cleansing rowdies are of great
assistance to patientsand facilitate the evacuation
_bad hurnoursl, theyxoften,cleanse, and detach
'the acrimonious ifhlegm.; 'are • Cooling, and•allay
the thirst: One, .two, or three powders may be
taken throughout the,day, mixed in balf a turn,
bier of water. . o •• I
--- The - pills are sold im . paciets-0f 4 5142; and
$3, end 25 and 50 cent boxes the tws former
of three boxes each, viz. one licedf No.
1, and two boxes of - Nithclatter, - one - larger
box with - a division ; the - iioe6rs are in separate
boxes at 37.3 cents each. -,-- - _
03In consequence of The repeated solicitations
of the agents, and for th e convenience of the,
Public in general, boxes of 50 cents, and . 7,s*cents
each, can now be had of all - the Agents.
MO ' MONTANA. the Family Adviser
of the British College of. Health; 3d Plition,price.
75; - tunt PItACTICA - LP'RDCifi3 of the Hyge;
ipn'system of Physiology, including th'e "Origin
of Life." ".Treatise on Small Pox ," ”Letter• on
Cholera Morbus," and manyattested cures effect
ed in thiritountry,_ as well as in Great Britain, 6th
Edition, price`37l cents. A
The H_ygeian Medicines are all imported - into
this country at a great expense expennotwithetading.
whicktbey are sold at the same . price Sas in Eng
land. —They, have been 6 years before the, Amer
-scan publict-their_preeminent.auCcesiinithe relief/
of the afflicted, 'thousands can testify
(Cr CAUTION.—In consequence,of the high
estimation - In — which Morrison's Pills are' held by
'the public, it has induced tin innulnerable host or
,unprincipled counteffeitera to' attempt imitations ;
under deceptive terms thus to deltitle_the_unws!7
Medicine; in consequenee of which', the' A'geni l i
has taken the'precautionary measure of having an
Extra Yellow Label fixed on each Packet, Signed.
by The Agent of each State and - District, and by
their Suh-Afents, in every Countyi the imitation
of which - will subject-the forger ao •the severest.
punishment the LaW can Inflicti'and it is further'
to be noticed, that none of the :above 'Medicines
can be obtainedin Inw„Drug Store throughout
the Uniotr;the Stores being the 'principal
source through .which the Counterfeiters vend
their spurious articles. , • . •
oci•Respectable partici may, be appointed A-
gents on .liberal terms; by applying to. the 'General
doors below_darket street. philadelphia.L.and. a t
[40.10 - North stor Baltimore; nearlY ei r
o . p . osite the
Post O ffi ce, there the Genuine .31 tetne _May
always be obtained.
For sale in Carlisle, at the Store of
MARTIN LS' 4. Mcgli.El", Mechanicsburg,
And Wat'. 'Perry
County, ppi. : • • •
Sept., 4, 18.17.
. . • .
- .:, Pomade DiOne. •
_This celebrated- emnllient r sa4ell known in
Europe, has never before been made in.this cam !
try, mall who hare esier'applied it, no ecorhiiiiirc
ispecessory; to those who are yet unacquainted
with its virtues altial will be its best iecorit
men - dation.- • '" •
It softens cures and Prevents all chap=
'ping! or rouglinetii Of ilieliatuls or lips front the
'l•Rai-5P'VA*44,011 . * , .. -,- . .7p) : • : 04101(4 . 11 . M.5%10.c04.1 . 0ri:
~ p v vi ee r i e l i iii t i gg s e o f fn e ( •
l ef t s . ;
i. o u e 6 z e n s ' I' l l
c •w cii " e i a i
o tl i i i e e. i4lr4s li c e h o i r lb o l t ili i n e a r ,. ,
wise, 'and will, prevent the
~Maity bad ' gonSe
4itences of 'such accidents.. If a little -be well
rubbed in for a few miniites.on a-bruise or pinch,.
_will pr e ient all blaclincss.7 Afapplied directly,
,it will ciire:fitirnsahil ,sealtlii, alleviating paiii , and
prevent ing,blist t •is.tiseful for a:cancer Ile-.
(bi l l it i s broken, Ihr; .94e - breasts, :Partidnlarly in.
lying in, fort• - • Ineek and swelling of the
1 glands, (bribe pile • and will:prevent a fistula;
for a gangrene E rnelta ig a little .intti - - the Wound,
rior.pain in the stoma ii, - rubbed in' before .tlie
re, andTillfgreatly relieve rheitmativand gouty
rpaina fixed : in - any part. .. . -' ... • ... -
,Prepared and .Sold Wholesale and Itetlil by
' H. Fenner,Si South Sevent Street, ,Philadelphia,,
whose name and address will be on each glass of
1 the,Pininide. •' .- - . • ' - -- '
...110d - -also for sale byOGILBY & HUMES,
February 19,1838.'' . .
. . ,
Publishing. Boob by mail,,al•News,riaper Poslogel
-has--now been in. existence -twelve-months,-
and - had'enjqecr,.during'that period, a very
extensile share_of public favor. It has fur
nished-,-for two dollars and.a.half, reprints.of
-LoAdon-books which-cost- there / over fifty.
seven-dollars in apdition-to a!farge amount of
literary matter, reviews of new books, tales
and domestic and foreigninewsi
;The original proprietor, intending. to de
vote his time and attention to his.otherperi
the Cfmnibus to the Onsentkpublisher, - _illio_
- will make no. farther - change. in its general
- Oa/meter-than issuing it from another office;
and chntiging othi - name --
to 'Brown's.' .
Bt.min's 4l.,iterary Omnibus will belisued
every Friday Morning, printed on excellent
paper of-a-large, size. • It-will contain, ••.
1. Books, the newest and best that can be
procured, canal every week to . a London.
duodeCimo valuine,,_Tra 7
vets, chargeable
with newspaper postage! • • _•
"2. .Literary'lleviews, Tales, Sketches;
Notices'af Botiks, and inforitiation from the"
world of letters of every description:.
carffire_week - Jorefiria - firde:
L _ _
'The price will be two dollars,per annum
each to clubs-of five-individuals-eltibs-of
tWo individuals, two dollars and a half, or five
dollars for the two, , Siugle mail subscribers
Ahreellollars.- - Mail remittances ".ba be post
,the.arrangements for
,tbis undertaking
- are all completed, the proprietor asks from
a genetous,:publie that consideration to which
:diffusive a scheme 'of 'circulatirtg 'know -
ledge aild amusement - is entifled. -
The- first number of the Nev t r Set
men'ced on the 'fifth of :January_, 1838;:from
Which peribttor, from any future. date, new
Subscribers may commence:-' `_
- . 7 IC:ProstmastersAtidagents fof periodicals'
-thrOughout the Uuion and Canada', are re.:
quested to act ,as agents for-the Omnibus, and
toirimulkatellVitif the proprietor.l
No..4 ; iinart.h--Fourth
.lanuary 16,1838. "
Triennial As§essment.
--NOTICE is hereby given that the Commission
ers of Cumberland - county, will hold the .Bppeals
for the year 1838, in' the different. . townships in
said county, at the time and places as stated be
low, for the purpose of hearing*.all persons wli,
may apply for redress, and to grant such relief„
as to them shall appear just and' reasonable, to
'For Dickindon and Westpennsborough town.
ships, at the public house of John Paul; In West
pe nusbprough-tov• nahip r on Frid_p_the_l6tlLday...
.orre6fuary next: ,
-• For Shippensburg borough, at the public house
of Jacob Engle, in said borough,,on .Saturday the
17th day ofTebruary next.
For Southampton and Shippensburg townships
at the same place, on• Monday the 19th day of
February next.
For Hopewell township, at the publiC house of
James Sp*r,.in Newburgh, on Tuesdaythe
20th day ebruary next . •
For Ne*ville• and Newton townships, at the
,public house of Michael Nett
on Wednesday, the 21st day ofFebruary next.
For Miffiin,:and Franlcford townships, at the
same place, on Thursday the 22d day of Febru
ary _next.
• For North And South Middleton townships, at
the Commissioner's office, in Carlisle, on Friday
the 23d day of-February next
'or . .Silier Spring ind East Pennsboiough
:ownships; at the public - hOuse or,Toseph Ghee, -
in Iloguestomi, on. Saturday the 24th• day of
February next.
--- Ft:Te :the ,borough — of - Mechanicsburg.-at-the_
public house of John 'Hoover, in said;boroughon
Monday the 26th day of February-next.
For Allen township, at the public house of
Davit' Shafer, in ShepardstoWn, on 2'uesday, the
27th_day- of Febrtiary-next..-,.-----
. For Monroe• township. at the . public house of
David Martin, in Churchtown a On Wednesday the,
28th day of February next.
- , ---Feir-The - borongfrof - Carlitleclft - tlie
stoner's office, in Carlisle...on Thursday. the Ist
day.of March next. -
o:7lChe,Principal.lssessors of each 'township,
afe also notified and required to attend it - the
time and place fixed for the appeal of their
spective townships. •
By order of the Commissioners.
JOHN. IRWIN t Clerk,
• COrnmissioner's Office, 6 ' • •
- w , • -
.TIIE Partnership heretofore existing between
'the aubgcribere, under thefirm of.MALL AND
PORTER, - is this. day dissolved-by .mutual-con
sent. -The-„booltsare-in-thelands of
• wm:miPORTEIL
'Carlisle; Oct. 314 42:37. , '
RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and
- lei public in general, that
!ey - still Continue to car-
on the' • -
Rusiiiess •
all itsmarious In:angles,
forth Hanover street, In
:where they are ready to
attend to all calls in their line • -
N. persons knowing theinietves to be
lindOtetEtO the subscriber. ore . requested to call
and - dlicharge th - ifidties on or before the let day
41:larch next. atter. which time suite will 'ha
brought agalrkstnlt who neglect 'attending to thi
noticeoilthout:vespect of pentOW.
• :Carlisle, .11inbary 86,4886.•• , -8w • .
1 large Sifivig or.•‘•
-Celebratod : Camiiill4.Pills;
Just Iteceiyed
'Herald dr:ExPoldfor Oa e.- .
• -- Carlisle,' Feb: - 13, -18$ : 8: .,
"Should--monthirand ,yeare-be-throtvn away,
,iii learning hat• which scarce requi7 , ei (tWay..'2
24 i 1124 , 18 2KCI - Lt
RP.BljEc+FUlit - Y - ;innifue - toTttle - citizens - pf - C:nrliale - that - they - intendgiving_a
Con rsenViessons in the - - *: • • • ' • ••• •
Zeit b ritteb• ear tartan Aglitein of Wrlttrit.-
. _ •
By thiinew and improved'systeni of Wiitinz; pupils are taught, tn sit in an easy
and graceful position, and write a •
134AVTariwm:...m . Awlpi
. , . .
. .
.- , ,
Adapted' to the practical and. every day piirpoSe •- cif - life. This * ~ idinirible Ayetettf Is.
~ ~. •
founded on simple and'. rational . prinfiples, andis :capable.'''or changing the most
scrawling and iiregular hand . 'writing, ati&substitutlngin its place, a . neati. elegant,
and rapid-use of the pen. - P- '!•- ' 1 - ' '•- ' • •-' •• -:•'. •'• ' .
'-__ boil. )'•i3eses. - • - -:.. ,.. •
•._ • ,-.- _
- :.For LADIES it is, mnsVelegint, and in fac:rthe. only, proper hand f or 0
visitiM; -
and compliMentarycardg,_billets, •etc.;•.• •''''' -'.• • -:
• • • - . , ..
For . GENIILEMEN, it - is a regular, bobl; flowing, business hand-Writing. - . '• •
Instruction Will also - he given in 'German test, Italian, Printing, aud in shgrt any
and everything in which the use -of the pen is,concernod. •• ' ,ir '' ',--• ..
. , Specimens of plain and -ornamented- penmanshiii• may be seen -by, calling at Mr.
AUG,HIN:ILVI.JGH'S HOTEL: '..,. ---.- ' ' • . -
.... Satisfactor'
impeovement to Ate -scholar warranted;
' : .. , - , " RE COainielLEArDail Ti0.,11 S .
. •
. ..
----Messrs--Fincli---and=Beardsley 7 have-recently:been -giving instruction in Williaraspor ,
.Nihon and other villages on-the Susquehanna. to large classes - of. ladies and geritleotall.—
One of the .editors tit* this . paper was at Willignsport during their sojourn 'at that place, and
.taltes pleasure - in stating that they_ received a very liberal support, and gaVe general satis
faction., From'-speCienens which we -have. Seen - Of-their welting; and.the*„.ificceisfUl result
of their instructions which_felLundertair own observation, we chew fully recommend them
to the loYers of fine writing as moStcompetent teachers aiuthighly deserving of.ptiblie pat-.
ronig - e.'---Reyotone, Herridzrg, -Dec. 2,.1, 1837.
. .
_, II believe the system Of writing taught by Mr. Finch to be superior to a ny other;' and,
- would acliiiirevery - person7-whii-wishesttrwrite-a-good-handi-tortaliracohe system which
is taught by theaboire(gentlemen. ." •• _ BENJ. JORDON, ?Pest. itilddlero , zOn B - iiir.
' MIDDLF.TOWIsk MAY 20, 1836._. , ' • , - - -, -,
From the explanation given to. me by Mr Finch. of hislmede of instruction in Penman-.'
- sill p; -- tliel - priricipte - bywhich - lris scholars made'such Tapid-iinproyementls at -ob-vious
, -
--- , CHAS. - AVERY' Rec, of Deeds Suil Co, . ,
• . .-7-Iji
PENNSYLV-ANIA,1:•;: 1- • '
1. 1 • r I, Geo. Walker, Protlionotary•c
certify_thatilie.4l)Ove signature
' 7 9 the.above, and - believe Mr,
i t • •31st,, A: D. 1837. •
. • •
Terms, eT - Hollsir tot Thit
_'" _ . . .._ ~.
..,...... ~...,._
tgla -, '1 -
m- - • - - • - 0,-7 -, ..
. ~•
The Subacriber . returns his sincere thanks
Co his forMcr custoners, for the liheraVahl,
61pairenage : which hai. been given hiirt and
'SZTiri sr" -- tToliiifilfatie - e-ThrtlieShiiiiifffitatirlie
invites those who-may not, :as • yet, have
given him a call, to do so - at his shop in North
. ay.czrsireet, one-duor north of Mrs. E•
Having lately returned. from the :the -city
of- Philadelpnia,---bringing with-him the-latest ;
and amt.. approved • fashjons;-the subscriber
has on hand,, a large assortment of
---------- ' -
• . IRENT.I.i.EnEN'S iitt r itS
. .. _
;- :Itaxaceo Imanztazzi
-Bcc. finished in a superior style.• .
. Also--FUR. AND ZEAL-CAPS,.of the
latest fashions; all of which will be sold low
- filiFeliiiiiii'eXeliatig - Td 7 feftliiiift - frPrtidtie - e;
Call and see. .
Nov„ : 0, 1837.—tf .
. .. .51
New, Books & Stationary
. .
THE subserlber has 'jnst received at his
Book and Drug store, in the borough of Car
lisle; a Large . and General- Assortment of the
' ,:Antest Publications.
He ha§ also added a large number . pf DRUGS
AND MEDICINES to his,former assort-
Menu . All of which will be, sold at the low
•est prices. _ ..
January 9, 1838.
THE Brick : , Dwelling -House, - Store and
Ware House attached, "situate in North Han.
-oyer street_Carlisle, now in the occupancy of
Jacob Wetzel, also the' Stone Dwelling
House adjoining occupiedby Rob't D. Out
roe, Esq. also, .the front, Store-Room. an.
-cellar:adjoining-the-Brick—dwelling--Hous ,
now occupied by John Early.. Phssession of
either of the above properties may, be had
on the- first day. ofd April , next—To Good
-T - errantsi:ai.aeasOw years may .be.'had.,--
A pPly
. tor • ' ISA - A RKER. •
Carlisle, Jan.1.28,4838.--tf
_ .
Formerly of S unbury, NorthumbePU nd
• - County • -
that he has removed to Harrisburg, where lie , has
taken that large and spacious three 'story
house formerly occupied by . MatheW Wilson,
corner of Walnut and Third streets, - - . •
in yiew orthe.Shitb - Cipitol; - which - .he - npenecton
IlitfifitlerifirlltiftiiknliErfiliereThelopes to
continue to receive that patronage so liberally
bestowed •ini-Ida-.establishment-heretofote, -- He
will at all times, lo provided with
,every thin
necessary to make his guests comfortable.
• " - G. PRINCE..'
'Harrishurg. J:une
AFurthersupply of Brandrithe Pills, in 60
' cent boaeo, just: received, and for mile, at
the:Atom -
Nni.'2T, 1837. 7 •
C A.P IT Art46(i 0 g6t1•04
THIS Company still -continues to make
Insurance on all kinds Of 'ploperty-through
tmency in Carlisle.- _The premium is
regulated according-to tliC risk, ..Averaging
from 35 to 40 oents, in 'the' hundred dollars.
tiiseripikin:s will be re ceived ," -
arid policies
dated from.,t , lip - 40 of Surve,y. _
. ,?). I ; ; ,,JOHN Llviy.Eng;
I. .
January 9,,inn.-3m.
.. , .
UST` RECEIVED,, Curled hair '
and Sea
4gresds Bed - ssesi and for sale by
f the Couri Common fleas .or saurEininty,
s • are
_kenumeand furtllo that,l fully con;
Finch's mode . of instructiOrrsuperior to• any I
y- hand-:end seal-of-offine,at=_Momi•osec._ July
GEO. -WALKER, Protley...
teen -Lessons,
- fian - ovei— and - - .Carlisle -- Turnpike
. • •
Lxlittiit - Of .Tol Is - Tedeiyed pai rvan
in: -Hanover - and Carlisle.
Turilkkr . Road.C,Oinpi l yl. n
. -
lle'r,nddiiii.;•tB.l6,loAhe;l.lo4 rt./i6 1837.
To nt
Jacob ilear, gatekeeper -686 07
ITO Amount Tolls mom! at (Cate No. - -
• 'John if eagy„ gatekeeper - c 611-33*:
To_amount Tolls rec'ed at-Gate No. 3, ; •
• .Catharine . Joites, 'gatekeeper 502. 27 i
'To emounf Tolls rec'ed at Gate. No. 4, • ,
illiam - Tlminpso,n, - gatekeeper 465 -- Se
To amount Tolls rec'ed at Gate No. 5, . .
Andrew Ifixon,4ate)ceeper, , 573 66.
To amount Tolls from Stockton and
Stokes, stage toll 100 00;
_Toirent.reoll,or_old_gateitouse_ _ 7 25_00.,..
By Cash paid for Repairs on Road . $2213.80.
- - 5. t $
4, 5 Gatekeepers Salaries . 500. 00
Priabates.of.Gtitek'rs nyly're'rns 750
4 ' Books and stationary - 9 50
4' Printers bills for i advertising A c, 600
4'- Rent of Gatehnities No: 2 & 3, 48' 00
.Building new Gatehouse N0..4, 438 Q 0
-. 4' Secretary'roalaryi • , • so. 00
- 4 ' Treasurer's salary. 50 00
• f 0356 80
Balance expended over and above the amount
received.of $397,96+--
-I d o certify - that the - above exhibit is
correct as .witness my hand this 4th day
of JaiMaty 1838: -• • • 1 •
• • T-reasuteri-
nit COrnethouse and store ram, newly
finishedin the best style, situate on the, south
east of 'Market Squarenow in the.possession
.of Mr. J 7. Bredin :=—Also the entire building
dawn in Liberty -Alley; •
;• =A :LARGE. . • •
). •
..* . T
`colculatia for two or more families with a lot of
grountl..elislik_double Stable. Possession will be
given on the firsTailtrApril -- nett-Tfor---terros
apply to Thonias Carothers, gsq:, or to the 'sub-,
scriber. • • ,
• Dec. 19, 1837.-:-.Bw. .• . "" ' •
- I
.-.- FOR, .11ENT.'''.
. _ .
A I N HE-subscrilierivill_rent that well known'
c... large. and convenient house; for Many years
occupied ,lii - Christian Ilumrich, and more re
aGently by others, as it TAVERN
HOUSE.' The "ficnise is , remarka
blfwell calculated. for entertaining
EICIARDERCLAbirre being_ three-
Hatr4ays, aiialitre.,plactlurtnost ofthe rooms:,
The situation ilieq,pleavant an&desimble; being
on the north west coltec..of_lltanoverand-touther
streetsi while, for convenience - a, it excels:any
other house in the borough or country. • lt_pes
sesses the, unusual advantages of 12 roma on the
firsefloor-12 rooms on. the 2(1 floor-4 rooms on
the.dd floor--. 6 Cellars in house; 'Vara wells of
'water ; (one at thetront door - on touthetestreet,
with a. pomp therein is The other in the pird et the
.kitchen door;). a Cistern made to contain eighty
five. Hogsheads; barge and convenient stabling,
with carriage house and, sheds; large and exec
lent gardens attached to the buildings besides
many conveniences. not specified. • ,
2. Also, one rime Weather-boarded
Two-Story- House, situated' in-East -L. - outlier at.,
with two Cellars,.a Garden and Stabling attached
theereto. ..
, .
S. Also,' one . other , Weather.boarded
House In Wt Louther streeteadjoining the Ger,-
map Ite.forrne 'Church, with a Garden attachedo it.,. FOr 'rms apply to —•- :
. „,
Nov. 20. ' CHRISTIAN nximnicit-
.• .
-JUST received an' assortment 01-Yatrity
ur, ,leather;' 4uch . as. Men'sand Womeitra
Morocari; pieilch do, red arid' greendd.'—'-.,
Illack"Kid, Hatter iilsias,
- Biudirigs,.Brc. &d.• ,
and for sale by ." ^ 4. .C.' 8Att1.743 - 4. k:.::;‘,s
. ..
. • • ,
pun. and SILK Plush 'Bonnets; black and
L;,.• fancy colours; for•sale.byi •
airOti . , -DysPeptie
.•-. - -
This Medicine having: met with the'tinniiimo u
approbation of thoie who 'nave fairly'employed
according to the directicuis , ; is recommpded With
indreased 'confidence "tor the
, pubirc,•in
every variety. of functional . .ilisorder ofythe - stu
amen; bowels, liver and spleen; such''as - hearti,
ascid eruptihns, pans's,' headache, paiif
and distention of the stomach sind..bowels, inci
pient diarrheas,.colic, j it nclictylls tttlencek.habi-:
tuateostivenessy ldss'of appetite, sickfiead.acliC •
'sea sicknesS, ' TheSe Pills being entirely.
rfilly_be ta_lee_Cwith .perfeet sifety thy.-
der ;Any . exposdre to Weather; andit7Fniiy be.
further remarked, that seldom, , if ever, Oro':
dude sickness at. the stoniach or .griping. ,The
numerous Certificates, from. gentlemen of the
highest respectibility, ttittple evidence
the Value in which these fills are Iteldoind there
are few who. do noesaythiy • have adopted them•
as their cot - Minim falnity_medicine. _ •
-From . the 4t.lley.l.ewis . B. Ives, D. D. Bishop.
of Islorth`Carolia; ,I •
• • = ; • WA/ ElDll,March 2, 1835 •
'Having for. the last three.yeara, been intintiate!
ly acquainted with Dr. 'John ;,,BeCkwith, of this
-ay, and enjoyed his professionalseriices, I take,
pleasure in_ stating that his character as a dills.;
ban gvtlentin"an4 'experienced Physician, en
titles hie testiinony, in regard to the use of his
Anti , Dyspeptiu Pills; to the entire confidence•hf
the public. My . experience of the good effects
of-these Pills, tor. two years past; satisfies me of
• their - eminentaluer-partieularly in Tdingin
impaited' digestion and warding: off bilious at
'..tacks, I was int.he habit of Fesurting_for security
against t_hem; and - with. very 'partial success, to a
liberal use of Calomel, prattle Pill. But since
my acquaintance With theAlati-Dyspetptic_Pills - of
Dr. Beckwith which he; prescribed in the first
instance 'himself, I haye not been under the,ne-
Cessity of using Mercury in any form, besides
being wholly exempt from - bilking; attacks. Se.
Veral members of my family "are experiencing
the same beneficial results.
. . ' L IVES.
Froiri the, Rev.. Fe_L. Hawks, .D. p. St. Thtimas
'•" • . - New-lroutr, -- Feb3, - 1836.
• • ,• •
. liave no knowledge derived from experience,
of the- efficScy. of 1)r. Beckwith's Pills; but
know t h at several of My personal North
• . rolina, 4 Whorni left some years ago suffering
everely.under f dyspepsia, : _were good health
'when - I saw them on a visit made a few Months
since, and all ascribed recovery to the use
- Of ' BeekViritli"S - P -
1 know that the certificates obtained by the
tbe_higliest_respectabilitv,-_..and_severuL of_th'em_
stated to me verbally, that which is contained in
their publishedcertificates.:- 1- have the..most
Wire confidence in them.
- _I
.alsol,know_ Meckwithi-and-hav_e. _known
him from '_my boyhood, and I cheerfully_ state
with Bishop Des,•"that his character as a chiis- -
thin gentleman and experienced' Physician, enti;
ties his testimony, in regand to the usepeltia Anti
-Dyspeptic Pills,-to,the•entire confidence of the
-. F . .:1,. HAWKS.
From Dr":t:G Myatt ,- -
. ' lIANNIO.I.,L, N York, Aug. 1837.
'qtr. 11. D: i:orner, - - - ._ _
- -
___ -
Sir , --Seyeral of .my friends
na in -this .town-..tiaye
used Dr, Beckwitles A-Dyspeptic-Pills-With
•de - cided benefit..
—..Artiong - the number is. Mrs.---a member
ed with dyspepsia of the wortitTgratiefiii four
years.. I. have urged . the use of Beckwith s' Pills,
-ii--affoikling her the =hist chance of relief.' -.SlM
had already tried various remedies, with little
benefit or positive injury,- and 'was therefore re.
Itictant to commence with this. her symptoms,
being touch alleviated by Op use-of- the first-box
she came to my houie fora farther supply; 'but
finding.that my Stock orthe article was exhaust.
ed, she expressed much anxiety to have, more
obtained as soon as possibleand wished that one
boic m_ight be sent by mail, f_they could not- be
had in a short - time by othermeans:
"I am not in the habit of employing nOstrumi.
and quack medicines in my practice, but the Pills
_which you vend should not be so classed. 'The'
recipe from which they are prepared is undoubt-
Httwiteletitifielitier --
: . "Having spent, two winters in :North Caroline;
I am, not ignorant of the reputation of some of
the highly respectable gentlemen there wife have
rendered their public testimony in favor of the
"1 will only add that the trial of these Pills has
been satisfactory in this place. You may send
me, by the first opportunity, one tinartey_grols.
Truly and respectfully yours, .
•• - C. G. MYGATT." -
From the. Hon. Charles Fisher;'itite'member of
• Congress. .
• SALISIIIIII7, Feb. 24, 1837 -
Several years ago 1 was very much afflicted
with a diseased _stomach..and bowels; tiothing - 1
entild eat appeared to a ree. with me, and.l Was
obliged to be ver ca
crthe-sottafTwest_afforded me considerable-relief.-
and; as I supposed, had cured 'me; but. when. 1 '
left - offiravelling, the ilisease returned- agaltr,and
was obliged to take medicine constantly; among
other things very often calomel; this continued to
be my state .until about twelvemonths. ago, when
on. the recommendation of Major John Beard, 1
began to_try, Beckwith's Antt-Ryspeptia Pills;
1 soon found raj from them, and have since
taken, no other medicine whatever. 'Whenever
-1-find my atomach..and.TiorieliTirre becoming de
ranged,. I resort to these Pills and invariably find
relief. 1 haie heard a number persons speak
of the benefits
,therhave. received from these
01111, inlhe most decided terms. lam well ac.
tit - minted with Roctor ,Beckwith; he for a time
edded_hlilliaplace; and was
_my_fatinly Physi
cian. His own testimony with regaiirthATie uce
.of his Anti.D'yspeptic Pills may be fully relied
on. . - -"CHARLES FISHER:"
New. York Theo Sew. May, 11,-1
Mr. D. 837..-
H. D Tur ner—Dear - Sir,—To those Nub.
ject to bilious attacks
,and evecialy to the Dys•
peptic, Ur..Beck.with's'llills, will Unquestionably
afford relief.-1 speak , with more conhdence after ,
_having received material benefit' from themjor_
which I had used almost every,-thing else-in vain.
I They need but.a fair trial to =find a place in'the
Medicine Chest ,of every family t: an to 'gain •Ik
reputation at the. North, aa respectable and ex
tensivelts they have - wherOtterhay,e.
Very respeetfidltYoura; ,
f_LOtherliestimonials-fu farpr , .of-theye-Pills from
the most respectable
s: /otirces, are given - with - the
accompanying direct - 1
ns.: --1 • • -
'Price , for a single box, 50; • Tering' liberal to
agents and those who buy_tci - sell again. To be
had of H. VIT.URNER, Principal /Ilenti - 1110
Broadtriayk Neuffork, and by
• SAM h. 'ELLICITT,.CarIisIe,
Dec., 4, 1837."—1y • • '
• •
llfarion,RideContiminy. - .
THE Inemberi,of die, Marion Rifle Com . -
pani4t,re hereby notified that a meeting will
be. „held at Messrs Maclarlunea! Hotel. on
Thursdny,evening,,22CFebritary,, at 6i o'-
clock. ',• , Punctual,ateendance is requested as
' business ofirnpoytahc4 will he brought before
thernee ll ogrr, •
~ •
• 11-I:KEILY,,O.
teb. 12, , ;1838. _ '
. • ,
SlX,Centk retVa;Vds'
1 110f r A*A
•• - y frork the sabscriber,
9r . i the 11th inst, an.ibdinted servant
named' MARGARET MAlt,
TIN. :The,,,above re*ard
given to any Oerson wlta.Miji • briiig
bapk said girl, but nO,!xpenOes.psid..
February 12. 1030, , •' • -/ '
.• - ••• • • • ' • •
14131 "
Recruiting; Service.
WANTED for the 'UNITED &mies Aft.;
my, a few able-bodied citizens, between She •,"
ages of 18 and Ss years. being about .I,reet'fb
,inche.sitigh, of good, character, and of , re-'
spectable standing •among their felloiv
zent. Mine need apply to enter the sersice,
but those Whp are determined. tojety_c_the •
period, their ..enlistment--which . 'is ,only_ ,
.bree years,-ahonostly and faithfully.
pall; Vl)ragoos
moidtPa. 'when
'..zr7IC I '42
1 '
it If4' 1 • 46
a 31.
P• p •
0 • 0
This table shows:the amount
of pay - tslilelt. enlisted soldiers,
according -to their • reipective
grades, artjentitled- toleceive
for their siervMes. • . •
To the S ergea nt:t Major;_giiiiiii - ,
, termster Sergeant,C t lef Mu- .
siciad, - fic:Chl - Bligler= - - - deatic - 18 - 192 - 640:
'To the Ist Seetof a'Company• ;15.180 473
'Ordnance Sergeants •-•- •
,-. Bother Sergeeants--each,'
Corporal' ; ' •,. . .
1311gler.s. • '
Musicians. . - • -
Farriers and Blachsmiths
Artificers •
_.' ~
Privates_ _ . ' - .-:'8. 96 288 .
Besides the.monthly-pay,_as abeve stated.
one ration per day is allowed every soldier.
which,is.amply Sufficient for his subsistence
—also, a large supply of comfortableund
genteel clothing.
_Good quarters and zhie.l
are at.all times furnished,' and every .
. atten-,
tiorivill be paid \ to .ninking..those.tnen who ,
may enlist, and are determined: serve their. r -.
country in "gpod faith, comfbrtable and - con'w. -
tented with their situation. The best meal- .
cal attendance_ is always provided for; the -- -
si:Ck soldier; and no deduction Of.Py.i)imade I"
during ,the_perlod_he. is-Unable to perforin
his duty, Should the soldier be disabled in
the line of his duty; the laws provide a pen-
sion for him,. ..
. .
By the-above it is seen that 'the pay .and •
-mounts ices"ai:e respectable, 'andthaf, with: -
prudene,e and economy,. the monthly' pay "(if •
- thesoblier - may-be•laid-up--as--every-thinpr----
,requisite,forAis7.comfor Land=conventeneers .
furnished by,the GOvernrnenti.including his ,
sugar. and coffee.. The, prudent soldier,
therefore, may readily: save . from', $3OO to
pm:refuting his short'enliitment of 3:years; --
andat the expiration of the - termite can; if
he chmises, purchase a small farm in any. - of '
-western States, and there settle himself com- - • '
Portably, on his plan land, •for the-rest - of - his - --
-life: ---- . ,
. .
11F,11.1.71:T1NG RENDEZVOUS,. Carlisle, `
the fratkr 014ilding blEast - lifaimstrtrti:fot, ,
merly zieed as the Volunteer printingipffice.
Decernber4, 1 . 837:—tf •-
117• The sum. of TWO DOLLARS
will be given to any citizen,...lion-commist•
sioned Officer, or
.Soldiar,. who shall bring
this Rebdeztious,an•able-bodied recruit,:wall. -
(as above described,) for the duties of a sot,
dier, and who shall,,-be enlisted.:—
60 Ball. at, 4 - dooraiildw the Ayinkari...Biiiikt
captta:t - •.- -
, ...
50;000 - DOI.
• I.AID • .. N.
Person;at a distance diposed to try their
luck in either of• the followingapd Lotte-__
Tries—rone of_ which draws alternately every..
week—are'respectfully requested to forward
their orders to the suhscnber, enclosing the , '
cash or prize tickets, designatinit he'Lottery
_wilLseceivz-immediate-attentioneturn--- : -
Tniirafitl the drawings when over
.(if requested.)
Baltimore. Md. •
the several State Lotteries wilt be draWn.
• Maryland State Lotteries draws in Bald-
More every 'other Mtinday.• capitals range
from 10,000, 20,00 Q, to $30,000; Delaware
_State Unteries draws twice every iveek, '
capitals vary 'from 5 to $lO,OOO ; Grand Con
soliclatad Lotterk-draws once everweek,_ ;-
capitals 20;000, - 2.1,00.0 to $50;000 ; Alocap-•
dria Lottery draws once every other week,
capitals 10,000,'20,000, 30,000,50,000.; --
ginia State Lottg_ry draws every SatorclayLin'-
-bell'-'o7elr r Ortintal prizes range from 10,Q00;
20,000, -- 25;00, -- 30,000 to $40,000. ; Delete -.
in the, above 'Lotteries vary from. $2, :3, 4; , 5-.tti-d-10-eath,
. tti - d - 10 - eath, -
All letters addressed to the subscriber' to •
perfectly safe. No miscarriage bas'ever oc
curred. " .
Feb 14;1857.-1y A = .
itev. Dr....Barthollamew7R,
akreeable cordial, and effective remedy for
Coughs, Hoarseness,; Colds, Pains in the Breast,
Bard Breathing, and Difficult expectoration.
.iibr 'Adults F.? Childrenin eahZ climates and warm. .
The proprietors are aware that there are many
ernedies_forStailg.tia and diseases of the.
some no doubt are gond, but it has - remained to a
late clay to discover an article ao admirably fitted •
to these 'complaints i_sopowerful and of ectlitil; „
andlet so, perfectly innocent and mild. . •
• Let.not the-public 'class the scientific result 'o'
learned Physician and Divine wiilkhe nostrum
of the day% • •Let them make a careful
the-_ evidences attending thia articler•their re- •
spectability, -- and - the - decided - manneriu - wbieh .
they speak, and they cannot withlioltitheir be..
lief, to some of its virtues. Let us assure them
'that a single trial 'ea will do
.more to convince
all of its merits than they can see.or heatt on
has ever lie,en-known-tnarise-from-its free-use ;
_l4-uncoinmon fact is, &bit , Abia remedy is a
syrup,* palatably and : pletatti ni_to the tastess_
the most popular Freneli cordials And ehildre
..take it always with the greateatreaclineas; .
The proprietors are pow makingrapid
ments to have* this the bands pf efery - -,,_
•druggist and .spothecaryin the country. ,litrnity
.bie-known‘to be,gentinie -by the following pigna.
lure sa belowOf the ReV. Gentletiin.and
sician who is the. :Oboe of it.. . • .
It isWith i great pleasure that the 'proprietors
are enabled Bolsi° bring,.forWard an- article so
truly meritorious as this syrupi and frank :inch a
source, snit they trust the ,coitimitnity who have
occasion for its.use may itlways.findit-withln their . '
.reaeh„both as to places at 'which itrmaY , Linfdan o ;::''
and the low priCe at whiCh ills sold.--, • • .
A great fiumbei of the *Oat:wonderful cures
may be seen'by Carlisle. ;
at whoso tore it .10 for salk.'f 'Pee polainler's
paper& . •-• ' •
- Alio f0f.5i11e,14,.4.:ELT4031,...
.• • '•• ••• •
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djalely on •• Wm. 'lrvine, Esq.,• ned - pay. up; in
whose hands the book's have bier; .placed for.—
.• -- • ' St' BtA , ANPfaI•
• CarlialeOen. PO; 1338: : . • • •
RAllob Bands; foi l Pigii BuggYso - Ba
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