Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 27, 1838, Image 3

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    : HERALD:4. NIA EX,Po,slycilt..
OitGIC lir; riaLLIPs.
.06 A. A 4.; '*-.-5,,x,11.-.:
Welbrziary.27; A 835,,
1%1 People's Candidates:
•. • FOIL priEstintriT,
Vta4 marilataaqauci
tmauvao ma.staati
,' • did ate if:or •Geverntor l • •
Rag go' aril ~Vecting.
t the citizens oftinnberland Conn.:
he Public Ilouse.Uf the Alessi.%
'FltlitSDA - vEX - EN I NG-the_
ate purpose of apPolnling, Delc
-gates to a•StateConvention, to be held Harris :
11 1 140Coullie 6th - ot 11:a1:4Ties.U; to adopt •fiisastires, * l
to connect the cities (if PhilatlelvVor-PitGlimtgli,_l
• ainl-ClevelatigiChio,by_a_Raillioad. It is hoped
ghat all who reel an interest in. the Cumberland i
vidll attend.. • MANY--
~. • .
.Catutherleciad fraittly Eyecup!.
• meeting of :the- Cumberland Comity :Ly- .
lieldiA_Lihip'pen-sibittg. in the bm
day .of March next: :exerciil . e - las - -
---openid-by-an-addreFs-b-y-President Durnm,
I'te4itlen44of the Lyceum; which will be followed
by a disciiEsion or the following-queslitny:-
, . lf t puk/ our. Co s inninti 6:chords succeed hater, Yo he
, supported mainly by the botadYpf the Slate; by
direct Itr,raion? •
the evpnivg, nn Additfss . tvill ht.
L .
delivered by rme(AFor Cabin ell, on some siihject
.connected with -gfnetal education ; after NvCich
• anv miscellaneous blisiness will fie attended - to.
• i hoped. that, the •rnerribers of the I ettim
- _ will be' generally present ; .and that the Inca!
Eicturfig of the County will Jte well itepresc:itted.
The frientirTg•cfuselthromdiutitt:tlte
,. ;county are 'respectfullyinvllealo - attenttr ,---:
' (.)ur readers are referred - 16 thg .
(110.-54.11)-TUPIISIIEy scheme
We wait with anxiety for n farrepOrt 'Or iris
tn ,
igh,ty effort of a nobte,-mind. -
.• 'lll •Tni.;•riT.n . the; tic tv-Seno tor
the 1 , 2,x - eeUtive
sclunne of an exclusive metallic currency, "en
-, lireikkopi•acticable, and, uniuitott. to the habits,
circumstances, and edmineiCial prosperity of the
people of the United slatee."
then i n norig etc , aiii-evidence•
friends of the temperance c1 , ..1130 on the eveitini.,* :
of the 221.1 Theatre, that in, n instance this engagement was
notperformed; but on the contrary FOURTEEN
Thikidslphia, every part of was. crowded'
' r=rlhe number present was estimated.tcriii-notl4llthis-paper-"-Irma-already
____, Fe. 4Thati, , ras . e el vered _t y _i_bse» rericem_rr7, leaving but about six millions in
circulation, Ind which are• in a course of pay':
• Mr. Buc kiogliam,-inember'of the 111 Nish Partia.
These nil lions are in the hands of
---.-411e41.-an.cLsev_eralotherAlistin44ished_ , get;.tletilett.
i.those aho prefer them lo any lather paper, as
• •
Vii st morela nd Countyt I they know they . are perfectly secure;, the State
fiarn'fremthe Westmoreland lntelligencer ' •
Bank being p'edwed (or their redemption ivheri
that one of the )arg,cst meetings of the friends o 1 ;, t ; •
7 they may tio_presented; while they are Sc.— the Siete - AdministrothinAs_er held . In that cOitn- , . / na y at a premium over other bank paper iu
ty,'washt;l'd d'h . . Tuesday last in Greensbuig. -- 'different partsitill re iuntry. •
• The Intelligeneer :remarks; ':that "all. present I .
That ihe-ohl polled - States - Bank "presented-no,
— 7lteemcd - to=take-a-lively-interest_iikits proceed -. 1
bedulc of therlebts a . 3 t'ff •Llg r I
inns,i, and - What 'to 'us was most. ' 5C
-4_ I)LLrr--=
and alloived the General Government_ access:
N i v )i c e_ r; n f r e H eo t t n i
pisnosNa n
dopted, ts'c f .ee t its accounts;" is so barefaced an untruth that
l .persuaded,_ we tvitirnot.stop:to.notice_it,„or_e_ven._to'.csprcss:
speak the sentiments of the . honest yebnianTy of
our suiprise at Mr. Grandy for uttering it.
.nut_y_; and Irointhe interest:manifested at
Ihp meeting, we ;venture that .11S - ro - tire - right-o-theate PanlcAn_ksite
ilotes of the. old bank, we dean it unnecessary. to
-IVelitinorelantr' will -next October tell a tale that
inuch. - No one deities the right of the Car. ,
will be a " catition " to the frieridslallis,snii.
and thc/c lisle Bank to issue the notes of the Ch4mbersburn•
or the. Iftwilsburg.,;„or:any.,otherthiik, .and-yet
Sub-Treasury candidateAor Governor, whoever
:be may be." William Graham,' Christian Pain- I the Carliste.l3aA is„..noUresponSilile for one dollar
ter tied John•Arnistrong,.Esqrs; were' appointed
of the paper, so issued. No
',delegates to the 5111 . 01 Co'nventiOn. •it for doing;nor questions its right to do
'the. State Bank of the United States issues the
paper . of the old 'LTn4ed Btati.s Bank, asl i t does, of
any atherliank,..toLani,one, Int_tY_prefor
bu t how ?. Withoitt_r_esponsibilityLfor_it
\ .
: The Intell;gereer of LarcitcrappCars to be
''Telld - Yiyig - liirntelf - tt6ire - `e - iErense , of;•theTitonesty-1
• In his paper - of the 13th:inst., he give a long : i tion when demanded? 115 , 'no means.
: It has
string of errors corrected
the •At it i reaseit i e Hengc - ged mid bound itself to •do this :tylieneer : it
• iy
lis desired by the holder: -Where is there any
'presses... We know .that honesty belongs to the
wrong in all this' 1 t Woubl: require a
party, and whenever they v illn' have been betrkV, I thin g
telescopic eye
: lo 'discover it, for it is an old saw
ea into an erroncolis---statement against their op-
. „.-ponents, t w
.. re prompt
.. to make . le- anientle. • : "Ile must have 'optiet sharp I weep, •
, _ -.To see what is tot to be seen," - . -
1 'honoMi .
ble As soon as they- discover their err or,
Vi'p wish we' ceilldSay as mticlifm the Van Rijn The objection, however, is urged that the old
- or Tory presses. The cot.rection -0 r ildel United. States 136iiis
. no longer exists, and tliat
- alaterilenis is alai) that does not lie at the - Idoors I therefore issuing its paper is ti, fronduPon ' Me
=1.1.r).....pr00f vide Lancaster_ Intelligeneer.A.lhetkuhlict_J fldsed! ::: Lsilhosp AilmAnsifelAlis_o.bjeCi
tion Ter . t .it wil, t tin;
'case of Mr.: Webster ul S4iliaili • breaking--L of ider . hat
and the cease'
n, who it exist
siLsoCarliSle.V.:,olufitger In the'case of Mw Fletell
Pr: ' • "We might,.lf
. tre choie,- 'multiply these will iaY!.. s a good ; substantial and responsible Ea.:.
ecutor; who has. ample means of libioi'in, and !Ms'
instances;' : :'`• ' . ' .
• : pledged them fors::: the payment , of ev'ery note in',
will the Carlisle Voluutcer hate, the'
- .political honesty tell Its•readera that in the
Oarges which they 'brutiglit igsdnit the:lionit
Fletcher, they lied under a mistake:,
. .
By the lolloWing letter, which'. we extract
-- from a Philadelphia paper, it will be seen that
:another honorable tallest lied come off at Wash
' ington,,, When shall such things Nave en end! .
' •
. ' . . ASlllricacoN,,Veb. 24 108
Dear Sir-, have, only, time to, say that 'great
eueitement prevails ` here this evening, in conse
quence of ,a fatal reficontre, between Messrs.
(.;raves,•ot...,tisnKckii tind Cilley of , Maine.—
They foUght with rilles . „.ceMmencing at one.hun
.dred paces and cioting,..len,'alter each fire. •
• .. They fired three times without: ; effect'. ', The
fourth shot, at seventy, paces, proved fittatto My.
Cilley—the •ball, passing throughills, body: and
xqusing alditiit iffstantaeath., -
Tbe perties with the corpse were, in - totvn
about five o'clock' this pupping: . .The t challenge
grew out of a charge Tide by-Mr.Cilleykagainst
k il
James W..-Webb.: Mr.'Oraves was - anen' dty
M ems:, Wise , and. Menifee, as: seconds,, and r.' i
B. as surgeoti, , Mr. Olney , 6sr Messrs.-Bynuml
'of North .Carolir,a, and lopes 'o( Wisconsin, as
leconds; and Dt. Dunce.% of Ohio, es Sprgeen. 6
• • . .4 • •
Tholltoln—tho Itaiuntoor—and tho
• • .
5'11±1.4 Gpti Ntnr, chairman - of the . Judiciary )
Tteintnittee, his made. a - very . able'and - tmanswer. ,
able'rePert - on the subject of:Mr. 13iddle's late .
,flagra'ut . and a rbi trary. o4erthrow . of the .old char-::
.ter of the Bank of the United States.; to set ti . Pfilte •
establishment. - The part shows that, with
out a semblance of right - , -in-direct'eontraven tign
Of the - charter, lie'sequestrated all the property or
the'old bank for the benefit of the new—that he
.. , toOk 110 lit,Cile towards "a settleinent and liquida-
.of the; a (firi rs - .and - aiteotfnti-,of the 'corpora-.
1 tion,!!_aa:eXpressly_regnited-htthe charterthat:
'he presented-bo-schectule of the debts and.effect9;'
and aliowed the General , Ooverninent ,, no:atcess
o n
toltre ' a ccOiiiit - sii—itistitutio tifiteli,.it :- was
Tanta to - 'sreyhones,tlyelit.sed ii_ltt, instead of
'winding - up the _concern, . and canFe ling;7' - a
notrs:in two fears, he now reports nearly SIX
TEEN MILLIONS ef: its `paper on hand as a
;banking, ftind,and ii actually passing out millions
°flit's-- money,,after the 'execution-is deftmet,_as
tbeircithititig thedium. In a word, that (he pre-
sident lies' blended •the two,banks,.anti-gene on •
cwith , both; in titter disregard 'oe all law.''
The abo:re, froin the. Globe, is extracted into
the columns of the Volunteer - of last week, and
no doubt exhibits the sentiments - of: that vers.;
dons That Mr. GitUNDY should haV e ,
yreeented a - renort such as the Globe alludes to,
is a nnitter of astonishment to us, when Ito must
have hail before him the resolution of transfer
made by the oldynited - Btatel.gank, and that of
Enaltputwaii • late Institution, of the
The IC4olie:"Osys, "tho' report shows:Atilt - tie
M DLE] sequestrated rill the property of
the old bauk for the'beneftfor ihe new"—"took
nOtterTi473wilts t — f — sottirttretti—Olid—liguidati , •
the , affairs - and accounts of the: coEporation"—
"presented no schedule ofihe delits.and effects,
and allowed tbe - General Government. no access
to the accounts of-, the institution." • Theresolu
tions_below slim bow ti - r — illl_this is in
coi.Thrkir'with truth. Wlien the._.Stte ut Pc
sylvnialranted a ckarter banicio.lexalled
the tutted States BanY'af Pennsyli4nia, it was
aid_belete.tip,stiCtjnAted S(aleSl3,ank, and being
tigreetible to tlioie .- 6 - iiikirried in it, nrrarigenii9hts
were niade~or gang operation - uhilet• it./Mr.-11
will be
te_rc.s ecrtlfairshleney - olihe oleßank
lind was tinaniincusly . erected to that optic new
institution-sfate "Jyrrit tw L. 13 v.v.A Iv 'Was,
' elegy led - to - the 'situation 'resigned by - ..Nlr. Biddle,
,and boards of _ direchirs
LW —1?-o -11y-.4 . l:e_Liatlth e_dire4ars-ot_th
banic, Mr. Diddle was not responsible after his
resignation, Aloe' had he any p' sequester
the propertY - 6I the — Old'hinik - . - ' -- The charge of se
questrationAlierefore; . f.rlls to the grOuntl. ''•
- .:Tttezrne-xt hfuit.orat - "he-took - no:7;A em- . 1 07 -
j'ilirt": a Em c.fhqc . 'air r di tqltidnt o n 7," Sze. &c." 15
rgrraUv ttnfirirtided. It trill be see that, Ed
thcigh no tenger connected with the old United_
States B.nik. he-datake..stepe-to.acconiplish .this,
wrier] as l'fosi - dent - oritremrw - StairrilnnkTire9
to "pay. ea Pis%il,. airrtr)i.4A;n:Ae all .i7e6! col. I
tr /14 amragrienolls , owing, enttrril into, or . I
It:mfr.' by 114 ,:i . )1(1 United' States•l3ank.
this thcre.were .no steps taken "fora settleinent
and rcinidetiop of the afftirs of the corporation,"
we know not hole any steps could be taken. In
Iht resolution ;of acceptance 11,,cre was'al)esitive.
engagement on the part of the Stale Bank tb re-
ia tate 'and ; Jinvireyeiingainsi' our
13anic—a,ilies. entirely . from:paetr i;oirposea,
and is raised - to;call oflitiblie: attention from the
nifariottl. scheme/3_ol:the present" in4tine/Oled .
administration.. , •
• .., •_ -
Having - already . eieeeeded • life :Udine , had
!preseribeilfor, our remarks, we elose..bY:topying
,the loll; wing proceedingi „of '-the reara:btive'
tkia . rds of,tlie - old-and flew !United State Ranks;
hhich proceedings ,Were c.iirnintridc!kted to Vie
Secretor};, and by him•toSorigress fp areptf . b 7
ltshed antiiiip , thepubftc.documente. • :
'' i iit.',ri•rrivelfiigr:Ofltlie.hlreetors of die Dank of
the United §tVgl„lfell Apia; 2;.1936f • r
-"A commumcatlq wa d received from lliat the w
L. Bevan, .1?; vi.itteflOinenftite:Bani of the 1105.
dope adopted , 4%.meetiiik of the;:iitoejths6,lders of
that,inefitolimff hold•on :the-19Th day,ot Febriiary
la . .4—among7lllc.h •-resolotion,wes;the
ing,•t9 • •
!'nesol ;and ,aingultir, te„ . ti,oney,
good's; eliattElo; rights, credits, and ..pirsonf.e..s. , .
tate.ivhatsOei-ee, owned by, or btqohiiin'g . to, or •
in the cuetody nntiTinisession . of tilts bank-,
Whereseever the iane,mayi,bei Cage toe itith:lll
. .
•• „ .
to d gitatej Batik.
Ite ea:VIVA Ir Wire: t 4ix (Anti StElcampii,
motion by 'Fprd,who ,suhtinitted a resolution
for the 'appointment or a committee. to enquire
into .the: truth of the clutigee'r 'an' attempt to,
bribe ariteMberof this House tit vote igaiiistthe"
.Stll3.ll"reasury . _reoltitiUni. ... The resolution, as
, was ,to be expected, gave 'rise to a warm and
.stirring *bate... 111. Mclitivec, as usual, Aas
much .dared Tthe.iiiveStigatien;
lioped the resolution . Would pass to his'fric lid r ‘ roin -
Nirestwitireland, whom he pr'ci.touncecl as honest
And . luinorable a• man as had . seat upon that
fit by him and his `elAtise he, would' stand
unto the end even.,,shoidtl it•cost his blood.
‘.Mr..stevens .thought that at; gond 'could
itri7refilmrthe-apPoiutracnt or - these: scandal
ing It would result in nethilik
the . .publication : and distribution ef ../tvo'clee
tioncering pamphlets - at • expense . of the
state; lie therefore moved the indefinite Post
'potiemehy•of the whole „subject. Subsegnently
.at the request of Mr,
.Hey.ti . alits. he withdrew
his motion. Hepkins moved an amendmeht:
empowering 'the cpintpittee thren9uire: i. the elfrge
of bribery' prefe'red'agitinst Mi - . -- ThoMpson. The
amemlinent :Was agreed Ip and the resolution as
thus adopted. r' The dominittee are
Messrs, Ford, eoplan, Vling : aud Dim
Mick of Pike. • ''• • • •
The sixth section •of the bank -bill-was_ne:tt
taken tt This tiecr.on provides for the resume.
up again . in the
,116usce A wearisome and pout , .
less debate was engendered by . the conSideration
of specie payments on t ie. fiTititthrtrextr
. ,
1 he-woolo of , the reMai rider of Abe session:was
of an•amettilment submitted on Saturday •
. consumed in. discussing an amendment submitted
- larre.tson, io prevent the banks making loans
provisoh to the Flee
tiom The object was to,prevent nur-banam_
being drained•by-the note specie Paying banks of
-other--states:---ThiS witsadoptcsL late is the, dn} ,
by a vote: of. 13efore" the question was
taken upon thd thus amended, the
evidences and securities for the same,, be,, and the
same are, hereby assigned, trarisferfed and, con
-veyed to-the•President,'Directors :
of the .11aiilr.oftlioll„nited States incorporated by :
die State of Pennsylvoid, for the followingcon-
siderations •and upon the folloWing terms and
contlitionst—thal is . to say: ' ' ' '••
1.. That the. President, .11ictors, and Company
of the Bank of the United States incorporated. by
the State of Penniylvania,
with and- out of the
saine,..pays, satisfy, and 'discharge ell debtii,'con
tracts and engagements, owing; enterediiila; .
made by this; bank, as the same shall beCoMe rue
and -payable; and fulfil and-execute--all-trusts-and
obligations Wlralsoove.r'arising -from its transac
tions, or trod' any of
.thein,.sti that - :every-
tor, or other rightful .Claiintir - shail •be fully
satisfied. ! •
~AY-Ilerettporb on 'mottan
Resolved, Thitt' this
. bank 'doe's "hereby assent
and agree - to the said resolution, audio each mid
every ',part thereof, artdlia'till and singularithe
trims; ternisland 'conditions, in the said reiolu
tiqns and ea ch and, every '&f them '.contained',
and ;Nes hereby engage -and bind Nett to do,
perform and execute the several, duties and en
gagetnents therein stipulated to , he patormed and
c.xoeutedantl,:wlll, when
,thereunpa regußeq.,
trake_and. execute :any othe assurance that may
be deemed necessary..
r, IP'eaut.4ylvanfa . . Legiglaticke..
Cokeespontlenee of the -Herald eft )P xposoo.r.
Ilurriittlirg,„Vel) 21, 1.838.
re Anti-Batik - 11414 . 14 taken
'upon. pledge of-pip :own stock. It ivaa
ever negatived. • Mk Iptielimni -offered-a:sub
stit ut efor fieritifilie Wee t A's Atli tivas -
ty lengthy, and Could not ,WiFirtir
_merely hearing it raid,' tile" House, on mo
, adjottrnec -to give., tne - fol—the l printing of
:dte'cimendment. ' " I
In the "Sehate a bill making appropriation. to
tint Franklin Rail Road passed a second reacling.
111 r. Legit, from.a speci3l committee, reported a
bill in il:ing nr.propyiation to the Eastern Peniteir
Tuesday ..20/7/.:--Tbe Senate was to day cri- .
gaged in the • ;consideration of the bill erecting
parts of_perks, cbestei• and - ltliontgonierY into a
separate cotiiiiy;to be called - S e t. Clair.
.',Vlie.e2M 7 ,
in ifFerose, alialfaZ - l eave 1 - o — stra - pili: - . --- - Ar.--lolTh
lei. of the city reported a bill . gtarding - aid-to the .
Union Gana! Gomp . any', 's(3,.. i .tral i..iilhi flit. the ni- ,
corpoi-atiim of varwits COM pllllicq were VC:1)011(AL y ,....,131 ~
.... - - .
iJiloll the ITholc; the ie , ,siun of this day tmty be :Af ter this die Ilohse. - ad.lottrir,ql - , - and titet.-agalii
:ls-r-oh on 0 eisl - 41r nin t el'es t illgr-7 -------- " ,------:----- - - tin-flie-a ft crooonoy b_eii Illy . syyi ili1) 1?(,:ton, pre;: .
----- to - th e 1-10ii:..e, tke annual .; report Or the. SoPer• ! s r ei -ihh ig • : the. ptocess by which . the Cliarteri of
iiireiiiient- (if Conintoit SOtools was read, and:- no.n.specle riyi„g:b„:l,k;;.,lpay,.lie.cleclareo, to be
co,Tes.",in.ll.lagkii(li,„.(inil ... ,73ooo 4 ii. k;
i rrimil ' ! fcrfeitei„l, v,astaken up and.-attloptceby
,a iote of
. , . .
were orderCil printed; . wafer the gaper% i- :44.
; 55 to , . •
.. . ;
[ - slot] of tla;. Superii;t7n.lent,;--.411-ciitin.xion - w alt 1 .....,-,.,,.-,,.. ..,..........
71 - ii ,- ; --. ' Offi - cej.'s iTportrr I:FfiiViie r liflifhs6ll:. • i , 1. -- 1 - 1 .• .. eyr fit ) ../... e:i. 5... - .
l Slow, ("I ...the EducationEducationb r EVr o pe• -T" a
) • - -.1.1. , Me ! 1 o .i
Vale ending February 17. •'
also twlerC(lto be printed.:-. . - .
: . - . .14,()U R —Prices are without c.ltange_viz
- Me. liarng offered a•resolittion for the final ad- L.
-_store price _';B, and wagon o price f.. 7 7.5 L-.
journment of the Legibfattirc on (he 22.1 of March.. G
Wit , much _ t r loilig
RAI . I ,, —WiIEAT.-,—paraol of gnod rhe.Aoii-llank Bill was then again taken up; ;
• '
cign rcd was sold early. in the week at $1,65-
; For
when after sv.eral ,ainetaltneht ii to th e third sec-
i pet : lishel. YeSterclay a crop of 1400 bushels
li on were
.negatived, it wait fi nally adopted itt,tlie f domestic - white, raised . near the city, wits
following shape: . - _J S ltd - at - SIOS -..gtiality' good, hut not free of
,„„,• c o, i ll b e m i - d - E. 0 .0 gartiz. - Th - e - hif port - by - t - h - e - -striTrWa - slihtt - orr, -
':9 ' . 3. NU' I P III - s ? r - 1 :: : :' -; 7'' ' ' ' luau Liv.erpaol,is-ah_out.._l7.,'ooD_bushels and h
k)letlg,es of, stock ; on any.oifier security. than that
; y_
the , Ulysses, -front liottel . daurr, - about " 6500
which is usually demanded by banks, savings in- ; . bushels,
stitntions, and. loan companies, and loan; Co di-' WITISKEY,-I,Ve anote . Mids. tn-da_y at
•cctors. (!irettly or indirectly, shall 'CC—placed
older the same, restrictions with tTiose nmil
,disetinnectetl with, sail 4166(11'60n5,
nor Jail. or - la:ins to any director,
alockliolder, — or . othet , individual,
,by any ba.nic;
savings institution, or loan company, by loan or
otherwise, either- dim cal)._ or
_ , indirectly, at.any :
time he noir ihan six per cent,, when the ea
Ca shall not exceed two hundred—thutuand dol4
los; all stich instOutiOns with a caPitalsxceriling
.ty*ltundred thousand, and not exce:edintrfive
Wi'cli'ed - thoushnel - doihirs,-four_ per cent;-alf such
institutions with a capital .exceeding five him.
thousand and not exceedi ng one
million, - three per cent, mid all such institutions
viiith a capital of one thillien and upwards two
por cent Nu; the amc omit oca t7rchrlh pa
instich institution; mini shall any, stOckholder lie
"eligible as a'ilirector for more than three out of
every five yettrs;CXcept the president forthe' time ,
Shall be 'always elikibici . .and Pro
vided, That the total amount of loans:'
rectly or indirectly, to directors ,a)ul'ofliders of
any of the said Banks. saiiings institutions and
loan companies,' shall not in any event exceed • the
sixth of its capital stock paid in.'? .• '
----- Wcdncsclay - 2'tst.=Tre - thiTFe construction
of a Tide Link Canal passeil the, Committee :of
the WhOle in the Senate. John Hare-Powell,
who is at present here, baring for the bill, appears
tti - haVe a deep'interestin the work: The Canal
is to be Consirneteci - ori the Western side s ' of the
Schuylkill, and islleiiigned to facilitate did cot
ti•ade in the Western part-of time city
In the-House-a resolution -was passed for the
appointment of a committee to invite the 01,-
ernor, Ilea4s. Of - Department,. Canal Cortunfs'Son; •
- el b
Hall to-morrow, the. •birth, day of the
, father
his country; for thcpurpose ji`earing his Fare::
well Addrees read. ••• •
The fimrth section of the bank b ill.jlh6ed
. • ,
It it - lakes stockholders hi bals lialrk foi
the de.bts'of their resPective',4lltittitions in pro.
portion to the Stock held therein. The•firth sec.
, •
Gott was ndut)ved, inasmuch as it wrssuperceileil
- „
by, qtine . ametidtne94, , Tormerly adepied4. ' .. ' :
•• l'ituradak' 22d.L.'chis being the, natal ifif ttio
Father of hiscetintry—a das' ever to bcosteerited
-by those who prize the fruits of his wisdom artd.
"patriatiair74l.4vas set , apart :I'o ltigher Purptises,
than the iat!dinary
,transactions of business: Ati
ten o'' , Olock'• precisely; the 'tit:vernoi., - HeikdsA,4
Deßrtnent,•Sisteyr'easurer, Cantil Coirimia4lon.,
era ana - Speaker
~ and 111ernber4 torifte 7ellitiA'
eliteted _ th e__lrepr'eSeAtapF' : el4RV , ,;" ll lA
criverttor - :was. !tested in ;the ' g ' -Ic .. .'ts" chaiY , .
Mr. Dewart on his rigrht,• - and , brAturde n ott...itis
,lat:_• !Fite _.Forivell 411dress;tif: Gen: -Washin - -
tdp was then•read by Francis R. Skunk," Clerk 07
, •
Aliejleilie; after 'which-it tkitS - orilelOti that -§, ooci
*ctiptes inn n is k t,,enct 0000
,Th, , ,Got Min of ; said
Viirev'tir 'illcire.;s bc publialie,4l for clistributiou;it
i g
when but .11ouses adjupsned. •• 4. , c - 7 !; • i , ' •••;.
:Bugg 23d.—We had quite a -flare lip iti the
1 - ituOi. , this ' morning;. • i The breeze was put in
I louse ❑t-IjOIICITCd
was , tliti:inoriing•
Cons - umed in the consider . ation of the usual,pre-
liMinary business, but.the bank bill was immedi: ,
ntely U.lcem up. -Tiie-amenameat
call. nE, the iirevions question', ‘v4en.:tbe sixthsec:
tion, in . t6e, rollowing shape, was adoptil.d by a
vote 0..5616 22
"SECTION That fip.m.a.nd art - Cq . ..the'l6 . th day
o nc I right likiidred and thirty
eight, the hanks of this Coinnionwealth shall re:
y Ttasi
:111 - 47. ccoi rife nitiNt'et for bbls.
;brecon . e -- nmre - fi - rm - ntl - - - we --- rptott-tltern-aP323---
a 33 c. .wagon price of bbls. is-28 cents.
_exclusi_ve_ciltlie_barrel._Tite inspections-of
the week comprise 21 and 1069 bb4 :.
allieceived by wagons.
• , • .. 1 , , L1,-.,1„4-_,..... T.A .At ..,_
..._. , z , e::,— , 4 - -- =072 k Cetee , —' AV._ •2:''' Z ' • ~ic . •
1 'ff" . .e . 1 c3•9 '; , 1 ,
i .i. l ' I 4 L ROAD LINE,
S . Wiftezire 'Qjipo: itiori Lute Stages
To PittsbtirF, •
Bo Rail : Road to Loncaster, .llar'-
•frisbierg 84" Carlisle to
Passengers immediately on thejr ..arrival at
Cliambersburg.-wilt-take-the-;iyiftsttre - Op - - --
• Tin - ainir - Line - StagoE to Betipixl;• Stoachtoivn,
and Greensburg, 0 Pittsburg.,
Through- to iftsban•2,: : -fi•ont
Philadelvi lain 4'" Motu's.
Travetler,afe mostrespeetfully informed
that•thesOiew:and Splendid Lints have Tios
itivelys.mmeneed; running on '.l\fonday, the
19th z instant, for.theArst time, and will con:
Optic to' leave Broad - street, ,- above Arch,
West side; daily at 8 :o'clock, A. M '
Travellers going.' Eastward • will leave
,Charnbersburg at .., o'clock in the morning.
11?" For seats 'apply at • the Hotel._
44-astis, • •
Tlie - proprietiiii of these Lines assure t 4
V irile,- that they have: . spare d nothing 'to them equal, Unfit superior to'any other
'on goad; and therefore hope, that when
Passengers wish to go Westward, they will
please . call lut the' Old Go6d Intent. Office,
89'C:besot:it street, below Third) 0r,,t0 either
of the fullowinis - i - 1 • ' . •. :
S. BEcirror,O, Sanderson% notel:•
Agehts, sweet,-above
Arch, West
GEO. GAIILIN, It. )1 Car Pro-°j
• prietor; - Ch‘anabelsburg,.. j
/At :S/MPY•et CO. Cliambersburg.
WM. REYNOLDS & CO; Bedford: .
M; DOBBS &7),C0. Pittsburg',
- .
" • • 'St; tge Preiprietors..,
IACOB FOLtZ, -,Agents and Car
•W. GRIRDY, 5 111 . Conductors.
• Februaii 26, .lil3B.
I ` :i ,r, tes.tpiesitiLnictit!:eth;ng;4:ecrased.
filitirgitec . . •
tfeeft..„Rf 4,lrikitiistratioo. on, the.
1,0 .).,q r • t r
, :s4ipl : „feinkg; (J. late of At,
ei4l 4) 4 l ,al4l.9M3',''lJAve' is
sued .to, t f.,qhketil.)et-,Jcsyling'ito tow IF.'
ship. hi'diidfourn of litw.'• "All perscfits, there.
'fot•ct,ltidebted to. the. estate, will in!,ti5r41.14, , .:
nient itipitediatelp , ajtd those 6aeing claims
w lll :::pres'ent - t - treitiv,.; - properly7ittaht
for di
settleerit..! . 4,
February 26; 18.4 • - .
. .
R. .11fcC 4 UNE, D. E IifING-,ER and ../L WaGGONER,Psers; Pirectors
of he Poor and of the House . of Employment.of CUmberland'
in account. nnlh said County, /root the-.lsParak - Januarkte)
31st day of OecenAber,lB37,inclusive,
Tamil% dam wo from co. tea sury S' * 7ooo 00
• " fec'd from flannott, I Aug
-net', Anclerson-ttt'
'roan, fot• sit ppOrt of iVlKtit'tz,
li;itlinan and
I). _Urban' •• . •
from 13erks county for suppnit
. of .•
"•front Dauphin county.for do,• - 12 17
- 6 _4-for'n-horse •• - • 100 7 0
for.-fislmets, - fringei - & baSketS' 22 17:3
6 6 for Ilas'ceed, and tallow3s. 33:
• " for cider
• • apples-and w' 'Siberian
f.' old stoves, old iron and rags, 33 49
• 6cfrom'paupers & triciney - yeceiv.
. ed
" 'fromlnstices in binding children 25 71-•
" for sundries ::• *. ' 16 77'
. .
ScheduleAowing the proceedv.
• of the Farritin, 1,837. ,
505 bushels of-.wheat f, rye
675 of cot n,1215 of oats, ): •
tatoes; 4 - of - Ulnyer seek - 2A
th seed, 9 of, flax seed,_.3s a Or-
nips; r o vet o IVII
appleS, 25 of onions, 10 of, parsnipsi .--
9 of soup beans, 9 of peas fo!' sauce, _
9 of dried apples; 70 gallons apple
butter; 51 loads• of hay,::lo'of 'corn'
0 • • , "f-tinttp-k-ins";: 2050 he, •
of cnbbageT - 217. S cucumbefpickels;
20 barrels-of tood_andovitterectcti;
der; 10211)51 : ao - 1femp, 104 of-linch
ied flax; 12 bsclon. • •
Blocle-on...riarn:l--Ist4 - an!y 183 S.
— Six liead of ljorss,-20 of horned
.cattle,-4 ree ing.ps9w,
ro baliißmtlue'county
. . .
' • - ---=-1 , 000.0110051
JaiI.IES..L OTID.O . N,:4sq. I . 'reasterer of fie Poor House and House. of Bpi:
- --------p lo:gincu-W- sa id-co u-nph 2 .l-0 , -a cepw4.l-4v it/14h 0-Di recairs4-t-h - ' .
.. _
• . . . said:lnstitution, from tkalst day of - Janyaryto the 1
~.._ 1 . 31s1 day of fiecember:_ll.n7, inc./my/ye:, viz::_ , , . • -
. .
'o am tint i•cceive.d . frot the coml..'
...._.,ty_Trenurer ', • -: • . - 7000 oo -
fini (Judi ri•C:Civ6.l — fi:Eirlil - event . •-.
sources as 011iibit64in the 1.44;e 1 —
___ . _ _ ____ _,
g oin g cm -••- -- -535 -.l±l;ii
' 7555. 44j
o bajanceduejnstituttbra y ea t
• - _.:r2.-L- 5.....: --- :.... - :._: - _..,...:_.
' -'l3 - erf Pork -111010)1:and Peal Alio and killed . on l'a).2n in 1537 ----
SI beeves, average, weight 490 lbs: -- of which; R 9 were fattened , on tarrn; 41 hogs, avcrage
weight 165, of•Whicti 38-mere.fattened and raised on farm; 20 *sheep, average weight 42,
all fattened and-. 10 raised on farm; 1.2 calves, a'ver'age weight 62; all-raised and-fattened,
;on farm. - . •
.. _ N, -
-----7 - 7 T.4ere was.alsnade and ( nianufachired in th' i• House, ....
57 yartli; tow -and flax , linen, 67 yard, bagging, 81i yarc 11..iiniel,_ 46 yards
: rugs, 1 . 50 -
shirts and chlltuoise,.l-22 calico frocks, 6 pair .summer panta oohs, 71. pairs knitted stock
ings; 66 pairs.for..ted stockings; made 20 ;
,:innel frocks and tticoats, 33 sheets, 34, aprons,
10 cha ff lieds, 23 caps, 78 feittlier . pilla)Vs pillow slips.,.: d bolsters; moulded and dipped
35-911-tallo-w-candle.s . ._ - .
• . •
The Directors of the Poor, LS•c: of said counly.anizex The' following -CiViihit
of extra lahor, pelfOrnzeddby the 'Steward., ..Matron am! Pauper ,
ally of januarli, 1557;• as follows, vi;': , .
A canal or dlrplr t h roogy the swamp 100 rods lortg.; - 61 - TißlTififF, 7 3Te - efileePt ma - d - etat - Pah_
turnpik•cyound dehouse; a new eider trough; and repaired cider in ill, 'the carpenter work
nfla dry-house; 9 coitus; inade•4 windows in poor house doors; 1 word chest; 4 bedsteadS;
1 wheel barrow and one wheel barrow Avhcel ; S dining tables and 3 small tahleS-in pnm
home; 625 rails; cut. 33 loads of wondk . matle 48 hickory and corn brooms; 32 bdslicl has :
, kets; 22 hand baskets; renmyed and altered the ra ery glaiz ed the poor and dwelling
houses and hung the weights of the ilwelling . h Use windows; made chew Wagon bolster
and coupling pole; made doors to the fire plaCe - ii 6l,elling kitchen; altered the hog stable
and made• 17 feet m bre: t Cmgli.,;_iind a variely_of.Ml er articles made and.repaixed';,noade.69,
' pairs wnUllen pantalonns„ roundabouts and vests; summer vests; hoired barrels.of
60ap;_149 lbs. hard soap; oolurcd'alfthe wool an yar
Tdols on Tarot; st faituar!), I gs. •
2 narrow wheeled wagons, 1 wagon body,
_I pair wood ladders; 2 pair hay ladders, 1
deat%orne with harness, -- 1 - carf- with gears, 3-ploughs,-.lharrows, raer-to•reill - Keldi;7;
wheel bart:owis, 1 winothving mill, 1, scoop, 3 log chains, 6 set of wagon gearS',•4 sett of
_plottgWgears,:2_sliovel itarrnws,__2flxbreaks,_2sett of carpenters toOls, 1 sett of butclier
mg t ls, B.axes, and a •yar s iety of forks, shovels, spade - s;"sekthe% - crAles,' - grubbins
digging irons, hoes singletrces, doubleti;pe, shaking forriis, rakes, &c. &c.
i,Astian,-18374_af w h ich - coln - red) - 1115"
Whole number iidniitted the 31st Dec. 1837 inclusive, (of which 19 Were ) 184
. ,
Making the whole nntrih,er thrptigh yeat
6 f which died, 12 children bound out, 158 discharged and runaway,
• •
. .. 4 •
. . . ,
Leaving the number of paupers in the house 15t Jan. 1F1,3
Out d oo r ,• •,..
paupers supported at public ,expense -. .
. •
,M 7 E the Directors of the Poor and ,of the House.of Employment of Cumberland comity,
certify the above and foregoing statement to dontain a just and true exhibit of the of of
the Institution, - during - the_period - above st.tted,, according to thebear of our:knoddedge..--
Given Oder our handstthis'.lst day of Janthry,,lBBB. , . .
. .
• 1101W.RT...McCUNF.,' ' .
~ .• '
. r .
, .
, . . .. 'bAVID EMMIIC - GER, • {Dineloi's.
... . .
i . . .
ABRAHAM WAGGO NER,., • .:. . '
. . . , .
' WE. the Auditors of Cum b er-latid-county-do certify, that havini_:eocamined the-aCaourits
and vouches of the : Directors of the Poor and House of Empinyatent . of said.coantY,.from
the Ist day oflaimary tO the '3lst day Of. December, 1837,AncluSive, do find a balance.thie
said county by the Directors Of said institution of seventeen.dollars and seventy-two and
three-fourths cents] and
. we also'pertify . thatwwe,fitid a halanee dne by James London, Trea
surer of said institution, during said term, to the Directors thereof, nnounting to seventeen
.thillars..and..s u .u enty - t w o.aud.m*AOuiths_cent4al.l..of,..w.hichjipattit_ularly_isetfortiLiitth :
above stated accounts. "Give'n under our hands thiS 11th,,day of . .Tannary, 1838...1" • '
JOHN BRANDT, 1.1‘143' ,
. - - 4 ..
, . .
• .
'- • • - W LLIA M. ,1:1.1SE, '.. : - - : .4 0 0a rs „
ORI3E M. GRAHAM, :- .. ~ . •
, itiO,rxen.
, .
.30 Janu .
itry, , lB3B. In the case of the writ
of l'ailitiditancl valuatigri on• ihe • req e . sfitte
of JadoErklieiled; late of Pe*toti' township.
deceased ; being this day. donfirened. .On !no
tion of Fretlericlt•Watts;•E.Sil:,•, - bßitle • • all
the heirs arid 'part hlterest, 'to "appear
at the,•neict stated Orphans,Ctiurt, - to he held
at•Carlisle in and for Curoherhind.co4Ly; (in
l'uesday..tile first dayicif MaY'neitt, and t st : ,
eept-Or refuse to accept of snid real 'estatt'lit
o)6' and , appointment 'thereof, or
show cause wlfy the •soroe'MiOnici not he said.
• • :,,; . ' • `IIIE (.',OURt •
— I - tlo7 - e - ertifrtkeahove to
taken fr'o'm the records of the.. Orphans Coltry
of said county. , : .
C r,\IGH44),C; ; O.
1838, - • -
ES' itkst
Sore ot):
. 1", bruary 19.'
f) ILT #,)N •I‘ifi..;' , 'CO,S . S,Killlll(l,N Ulr
- relntiatv . ,
875.55 441
Jers in the
• .
A girl' froge.l2'tpl4,lol,rs - ot age, to 4k
liOt*ork in ' n small famity, .; :
'ApplitoW. H. Aljen,'-.lsiorth•Oanoi;`et , i
• • •• . • ,
Feb.Carlisle, lO., 1838.
41UP sale at the Book_Store or
a.Feb'l9. • ' 3.. 3.
. 7 1 COURT 'OF ROME, just - receifil and
. for 931 q at Mmlloak,Suir6 of • '
A .
„...., LIIUMS —A large nunther,•.juit received
aiicl fur. time at the llui.k Store of .. '
tub 19. • -• • .'•: ' .. i• - '3 3 - it:VERS. •
itcluat'Systenunf the'Utilfti•se i .
flb• f sa le at the Iltiolt
'. • •
1)1VORChI/, by Lady Wiry,
ceirtal and' Kir Abe-Wool; btiire-cif
izqx 19. :• . mmts. •
• •
amcimt clue 4s. Lotirdon, Esq. ,Tren9ii
. rer nt last settlement 044 41
7 - FutiefdrotpenVev - , - for -- ont - door
Plaister and &hiding •
:441ncksinith Wak.
edical atterid'ance -for out dom.
,_Slio_emakingond hattitig
.F;upport of .out (lourper.i
Justiceo' and oonstables',fees:
.Beef and pork • • • -
, Printing and 'stationary •
Merchanaize, groceries,• &c.
(clothing, bedding, aid part •
improvement inclusiv)„ 1780 503
• Taildilitlg; - wealiing and tafaing 96 :71f
- , wagonmaking, ' : . •31 09+
LeAtlier ' • • 111 284
rarming - itiemils ' •-; 'l6 343
s.7lineries for house, kitchen, • •
yelling expensels, imstage -wa: . •
goning expeuses,-and ex•pences
far settling with-, neighboting
- kounties-- l5B 7,.6 .
. M. Fishburn, for steward's &
tyon's salary p !Arai - rigs, nurse,
• jaiTaingrete-r-king,
for one yent, ending 20th Dec.
Treagurer's tialary for 11 yea''.
y llirectors,
.CurieM. Arenneman, R. W.
_ _
and D. I.l,tnntinge_.
services, each 27._ 00_
salary, - 130 00'
A ttorney's .fees and. salary . . 80 -00
Fireviood and coal - 265
Stock-- • - • 956 00
MaterialsimilrovementVatill for
post,ancl rail fences , •
- ardirOlotitr'und - potatoes
„ .
13iirance - cine county Ist Jan. 1i38:
By anitiblirtitte at last S'ettl - enich . t _ _
:caslii:paicl - on - I)irett'ors - otcler : s - as .
stated above -.7273
i f 734
Mtn , '
Oo :the Bth - diy of 3atniary;:o9B, -
don was.presented to the Court Of Common
Pleast,of Cumberland County - Samtiell
fle,eteno, Esq., ,settins forth the facts.thatent
the 18th NoveMber,.lB2o, Jacob(Weise ex , ,
ecuted „a, mortgage • to: John:Sheaf:Kr on '
-tract of Amid in DiCkinson tawnsliip,,battnil4
ed by - Wm.- 'Woods, JanieS Woods,-.4ohd-
Hettrielt; - atid - othd.s, •containing W 3 acres . ;
42 Perthes,, !the payment of tea'
bonds of 8250 ea-.. 11, WO the Ist of April,
1822 . till-the FAt Aprili : lB3l ; lllClusive;-
a rid•t ' liat the Said' iiatottel Beeteia,'Estl:, lhtii
chased the said land from" JaCoirWeise,• Rua
executedjamortgqp,e- of it to, the said' Jacob
in Mn
ia! .payments of S4OO .eaCit;from the
Ist of April, .1830, 'to the Fit of-April;lB34;
whiCh :said, ptirchase: Motley has' .
all been p‘ohl in dise.ltrge Of the-Mortgaged'
Jae.6l) Weise try hilirif.S(Oalrer liy an agree- -
:meat .ot.the-pttities:: And - the - said - Samuel
:Beetent, prayed the Court fora rule
tiPonperSorift interested 'to shew daub° •
why die. said mo'rtgagei - Shouttl - bdt be rid- 4
fie& Notic.4 ,- is therefore.ltereby given .to 2
the . said inColl Weise"andj:o - •ihe..Heirs or -
legal representatives the said John Sheaf-, ~
fer or-any other person ititereited; to appear
at the next - Con r Co mmon Plea4.' of Cum-
her I and :con ti ty; 'held on the - ,ltiv - day_oL
I April next; to slim. Cause; if ank they have.
'why the said Colin iltould. not eater saps
faction. on the said niortgage s e•heetirdlng to
By - order of the Conti. .. •
-*•-• JOHN. MOAB, gheri, .
, 7 Sheriff's -Office; - • - • •
CiirliMe, Feb:- 17, 7837: 5, •
57 e 5
'' 39 21
,57 59i
. 17 623
JO6 38+
CM' 62/
, 52,18.
Roii2 the Fzrst day of .flprit Next:
That property formerly owned ntut occig
pied. by Mrs. Jane Thompon, deed, - and
Ntax- .
well, sits ate near theHullynGap , Tavern, .
in*SouthAtiddletsy township, - Curnb.erland
county, tontaiping . about •12
: acres Of land;
on ivhirli,is erected • . '
, , ' • •-. .
.. 0 ( 1 v
--- , ST - 011E-1101USE, •
600 - 00 - '
60 00
81 "00
• 896.58}
_ •
KAtcli - ti; and'oB.itte'n, a Baim • and Tepant
House. alstioli said latui, a young
rented' together pr sepai'ate, , us-will best suit
Che:parttf.s cphr,enied---For further partieg- :
al , s 7 etutiaires.- ILlacnt),SqUie -c.-in-Catlis • _
. " -.. C'arlisle, Feb. 19
—11 . 19: -)f-the
the-11,,r4c. , -§tore .l' ••••
Pciaiwi' •
244 41
. . -
7411 M at . . 1 13' Tl 4 Tit
R. BO EShN DAHL. late- from CerrnanY,
respeCA fully infiii•'rii.the itizens of _
•tht,he.will give a course of- lesAo9s,.on the
Ge3 - •man Fliee, - ,ro•those who are desirous - 16f. •
oathlearnitrg to perforrn . at - iiiMliffiteht• - Mr.
B. .., the
,reslde,ace 9f those-who .
a're desirous - of - takifigissons:- .
:mayt-t,e- ,- --•platleAT , hiarttr th - e — Haretliflvrer"*:-
% . .
George Beetelh•-
•: Cat lisle, Feb. 12, 1838.-.--3 w
7535 443
• .. ._ _-.
, ....... .
FAMOUS - COO 10_r_illt_Ifthetto__
li11(11341111 . and other Pains.
need not be said in relation to this.
Wonderful remeilr; as the proprietor feels
confident that when applied, it will, as•Cira
be proven by the nitmber of respectable per
sons; , t ffect an entire - ctire-of-thelthettmatic----
and other pains. It-had not until lately been
his intention to, make it public; bul by the
ft-event. applications of his neiglibnu_Q, and. ,
t i_e__AvolaTFlEffiVes-:ll 7 lTit - Filfecte , lteletta
it a duty he owes to spcleiy as well as him
self, to make it mitre generally known and at
the same time, !mire it Pitt as near as he can.
wittrin-tte reach of all ivho may. be afffieted
wEth tlnApaintid disease.
ifundreds of could be,Published of
persons who been cured by this, cele
bitted m ediciae,liut_the-fidl9 wing arpselect
ed from 'the as being-amply sufficient
td •
'Rohn Srove. • Peter Linctemuthjr:
i'eter Linde:nut!), .Robert . 4 Riehardson,
corneltosistOmer, Jacob, Diffenbaugh,
:Aron l3ender; Jacob - Hiestand, •- ; •
Hobert Dysart,- ; Jacob - f,: Nagle,
-henry-A-1-shaugtt,- 4olitviktsb•augh„:-„_.-
Christian Organ„. Samuel Fenely,
Da •*(!• • • rntset--Yottn-g 7 .
gebrge Fisher, Jacob Worlielt,
Joltn . Cover, Jacob • -Aliers. •
Mount:Toy, Aug. 25, 1536.
• -
All 0
ot tiers from a distance addresed to tho
:;ttbsc.tiher, Mount ::Joyi Lancaster county.
wttl be promptly and faithfully attended to,
Feb 7th - 187..
, „
- 289
The .above #trcdicine is.ufso for sale by
Cat•lisle, rib. 12;1838,
IttL, ve you ` a: Cotigh?
lii"Qmot Neglect it!?thianiands have met a tire.
"mature qqatly for 0)641M - for a Tittle attention to
a commriO,Ald!:" • • •
COUGH Jaynes's
TPie4ierant , :alLsafelSedicaLlftescription,-contain."
ing pdfisimouk drugs,. and iisecl man extinideo •
r practice or several' years, will Modpositire(si
ford relief, and save-yoit frniii that .awful disease,
I PUL11102V.,212.r :CONNUMPTION, , which-an
'wally aweeps into the grave hundreds pf the
young; the old, the fair, the lovely and,'thes=
IM - FE - ITtbigtlool, - fielsgriut
purchase"a !ntie or tkier.,xpeatoraw •
Y to morepre may he' too', lite.
-- tiArti - Yotr A Coup4Wlayneli Eii>ectoriiii
the•otily re,' eciy.ynu Anal(' take to cure you! • •
.Fbr this plain Regsol ,ths‘, in. no tine f the
thiinsand case* wkeriOt' has, beak used, has it
failed to relieve, ':•
• .•
ItHmay be hail' of the Prop"rietor, at Na 20
!ititti Third street, Philadelokia, and of Samuel
Eilintt, Price $1,99.
.Fr.bruarY 6;11,1358:-L.',3"ino._ • • " • •
Volt. Sale 'one new fashionable - bk.
m: • 11.10 ITC If F; A Iso .;nne se6'ond .4114
one sit of hripriesls,tc!._
eacl)-vehicle. e. • HAS: $441q.1t.f .
rain! cii itisll4 Fa:Eris/it:A
; Tl e l'olr.en; • , .
The- Parinite.giiitip :
- .Ipst receive'llititil for sale at She Bo" Ir. Stoie of
Fehrunq 19. " •• • -
. .
fa rif e..suppiy of
telebi'-titetttl notn~le
ii r erala L';vll , 4lioitioince,
Carlisle, Feb. 15;1658-
loNdkuttivin on
.'7 ',., ~ l~sY .