Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 20, 1838, Image 4

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• •
• my, a“few abl&liodied citizen* between the
• ; 13 and 35 yeabeing:a ou t "5. feet:6
inches high, of good chaiwcter, and of re=
spectahle, sinding among their fellow 'Cal
zeds:' None need :ipply to enter he service,
hot those Who . are detei•nriiped to serve. the
.period is only,
three ysiairs,=-41oOktly .'110:" faithfully
This table shows .ott amount I ..--•
__-' 52 tZ
of pay w hi c h ..atisted soldiers, ill i 1 1:e
accordin6 to' their respective -
~, I E uco
gdes. lift entitled to receive i r iI
for their
-- services. ' I F. Ii I :3
To the Sergeant. Major, Quar
termaster Sergeant;Clef Mu- : t
sician, & Ch'f Bugler—each 16 192 640
To the- Ist Ser't of a•Company - 15-180-575-
Ordnance Sergeants
- All-other Sergeeants—each
Buglers:....-.. •
Musicians ".
.Farriers and Blacksmiths
Privates . 8 .96_288
------Ilesides-the-monthly_fay, as above stated.'
onc . ration pei-day is allowed every soldier, — .
' which is arriply Sufficient for his subsistence:
supply of comfortable and
• genteel clothing." Goo qua — rta -- 's and - Tfirel --
are at all times furnished; and every iitten-.
tion will 'be paid .to making those men_who
may .enlist, and are determineato serve their'
country. in good faith, ctimfortable_and con,.
_ tented with their situation; The bestin_ edi
"Cal "attendance" aiwayS -provided for the
- sick sOldier;..and no deduction of pay is made
during theperiod- he is unable to perform
his duty. Should the soldier be disabled' in
of-his dutYolle-laws provitte'a-pen-'
sion fur him.
-.----By-the_above.iLisaeen that *the pay fled
-- allb:vi,ances are respeitTible, : arid that, .with
• prudence and economy. the Monthly - fay of
the-soldier may be laid up- 7 -as every
‘requisite for his comfort and convenience is
furnished by the Government,
_including' his
sugar and coffee. The prudent' soldier,
therefore, - may - reaclily save from gm to
$5OO during his short enlistment of - . 3 years;
• and-at the expiration_a_the term
-he can, if
.--2---- htrehooses; - purchase a-small farm in any of
- western States. and there settle himself 6)rn
. fortably, od his n' land, for the rest-0111Si
RECIttiITING Ritlinzzvous, - Carlisle,-
the frame building in Ea - at Main ttreet, for
. merly -used as the Volunteer printing affice.
Deaiiiber 40837. - -tf •
07• The sum of • TW4l_-DItILLA gts
. " b given , to -any citizen, Non-commis
, sioned Qfficer. or Soldiar, who shall bring to
formedir - TaiinWeiiiirrsedfitriffialified-, - =
(as above described,) for-the duties of a 'sal.:
dier,' and who shall be regiilarly - enlisted. -
80 all. at., 4 doors below the .lranklin Zranlei
Capitol '
60,000 DOLLARS.
Persons at a distancediPosed to try their
--- luck - In -- eith - etc - of - thelollowing - grand - Lotte. -
lies—one of which draws alternately every
• week—are respectfully requested to forward
their orders to the subscriber,=enclosing the
cash or, prize tickets, designating the Lottery
will receive immediate attention by return
mail, and the drawings forwarded when over
- (if-requestedv)--
which DaAwmp Lon Esunr.s.- 1 0rder in which
the several State Lotteries will be drawn.
Mafyland State Lotteries draws in Balti
more - every other" Monday; Capitals range
from-10,001Q,- 20,000-to-$30,000-;=Delaware-
State Lotteries dravAt twice every week,
capitals vary from 5 to SID 000 ; Grand Con.
solidatad Lottery draws/nce every week - ,
capitals 20 , 000, 25,000 t s3o,ooo;•Alexan
____dria Lonely draws once every other.. week,.
.capitals 10,000, 20,000, 30,000i3,0;000 ; Vir
ginia State Lottery driws every Saturday in
each week, capital prizes,range from 10,000,
20,000, 25,000, 30,000 to $40,000: Tickets
• in , the above Lotteries vary from 82, 3,4, 5
and 10 each, shares in jiroportion.
. All letters addressed to the subscriber go
perfectly safe. No miscarriage has ever oc
-t-nrred: w.-i -
Feb. 14,-1837.-1y - '
Rev. Dr. Bargholonievirls
An agreeable cordial, arid effective remedy for
Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pains in the Breast,
Hard-Breathing, and Difficult expectoration. •
.Fbr Adulls & Children in told climaterand warm.
-------The-proprietomareaware that-there-are- many
•• remedies for coughs-and-diseases of-the - lungs ;
some no doubt are good,'but it has remained to a
• late day-to-discover-an article so admirably.fitted
to these - c mplaints ; so powerful and effectual,
•,:and-yet-to- rfe tly innocent •
• Let not th üblic class•the seientific result o
a learned Physician and Divine with the nostrums
Of the day. Let them make a Careffil perusal cif
the Evidences attending this orticlef - th - eir — re=
spectability, and the- decided manlier io which
they-speak and they cannot withhold their be
lief to some Of: its.virtues. us assure them
that a single trial of it will do more to convince
- all of .its.merits. thariall. they can see or hear on
the subject. It is quite certain_that_nallijuri:
"leas ever. been known to arise from its free use..
• uncommon fact is, that , this remedy is a
ayrup, as palatably and pleasant to the taste as
- most popular French - cordials and Children
,take it alwayst Willi the' reatest,readiness.
The proprietors ire, now making rapid arrange
ments to have' this ariicle - inthe hands of 'every
druggist an& apothecary in the country . ... It may
be known to be the following signa
ture as below of the Hey. --Gentleman and Phy
sician who la, the i author .
• ,joi!w4h great pleasure that the-proprietors
firMnabled .thus to.bring &ward an article so
Meritoriousjis this syrup, and from such a
- -Soar , and they trust the community whip have
- occasion for itause may - always find it within their
zeach,",bothaa to placesatwhich it may be found,
e' . 4n&the hnv price at which it is 501 d..,
A _greAt number cif nie most wonderfnl cures
be seeq bicalling on Mr: Bolinder. Carlisle
et 'whose •tore it is for sale.. See Pdr. Solatideri
papers -
• ,Alsolor sale by s.,ELIAOTT. • -
All pprsprts,whsatvilisr theznielvesfi
edlottied3Obserit7W are requested to call
diately; en, Esq., and
.pay up; in
+whtSse handii - ithelitaduf3mve been, placed for
"Calfilei:rair • : 334 .
:alit or.,Gigs; Pi
Jilt t. • Orita44
pattern!. and. for la OW
Mliaries ihirnitc
.. .
. _ . ,
anti-Ogspiiiii - "Pals. :', ,-
. .
.1116 Medicine liiiving too. with theptiminni
Approbatippor tliiise4ho Katie fairlyvemployed it
aceortljniao the directitms . r is recoinmended will
•Utcreaied confidence to the. Miblic, in Minos
' 'every variety of fiinctional , disorder, of the sto
mach,' howelF, liver and spleen;, such as 1. 1 - „.. 54 "
. I
burn, ascid • eruptions, tiausia,. "call.[:;ha'bi=
'aski diatention Of.the stomach ti , '
te:: d.aclie,.
pieta di:Arrlicea; colic, jatto•l'--4 sick - • l' edfi re ty
tual . cosliVeileSs, , loss ~, ,i ileSe Pills heirg r I
1 Sea sickives, &c tin .
.ailcen u % , v e lltat r e j i l f n e dt s . a vm. .F era, Y viaoe..
vegetable, trobsure to.
der 'V remarked; titiit'theyseldorp..ll.e
,i'46: sickness:at .
numerous Certificates, gentlemen of the
the- st,o l m ro a in choriptng .
highest. respectibiLity, give_:anteple
tlie.valite in, which these Pill , r held, and them
e/ll:fence of
are few not say they
. 414 adopted them
as thei r- common family medicine. . . .
From the Ili. Rev..Leisis S. Ives; D. D..Bisitnp_
- • . •z Qf North Carobs.
March 2,4835 ,
_ 'flaying for the last three yekri, been intininte=l
ly acquainted with Dr. John BeCkwith, Ofthis.
city, anal enjoyed his professional services, I take
' pleasure instating that hii cluiricter ai a chris-'
titles his testimony, in regard: to-the use of his
Anti Dyspeptic Pills, to the entire confidence of
the public. My experiente.of the good effects
of these- pills, for two years'jtast, satisfies me of
their eminent value, - -particularly in aiding .in
impaired digestion and Warding off 'bilious at
tacks, I ivas in the habit, of resorting for security
againittliem; very - partial-success, tlb a
liberal use. of- Calomel, or Blue Pill. But since
myacquaintance with the Anti-Dyspeptic Pills of
Dr:TB - Cawith whichpre - s - cribell - hrt rst
instance hinself, I. have not been unclef the ne
cessity of using Mercury in any`form, besides
being-w I tolly-exempt_fronibiliatis_alltie:_ks Se
- veral members of my family_Lare,experiencing
-the same beneficial results:
10 120 , 360
9•_ 10_8 324
10 120
-- E — STIVP,S. -
Frcim the.Rev..F. L. Hawks, D. D. St. Thomas
Nzw Yonn, Feb.. 30836: 7-
' •
have no - knowledge derived from experience,,,
of the efficacy of Dr. Beckwith's Pills; but
ktiow that several pf my personal friends in North
Carotins, whom I left some .years, ago suffering,
severely ufider dyspepiii. were hi good health
when I saw them on a visit made a few months.'
. .
of Beckwith's, Pills. , • .
1 -know that the certificates obtained by•the
Doctor in„NortliDarolina, are from gentlemen of
the highest - respectability, and se , arll of them
stated to-me verbally that which is contained in,
their published certificates,. I have the most
entire confidence in ihem. • - • • - •
_ .
I alSo know Dr. Beckwith, and have known
him- from myboyhood, ' and . I cheerfully state'
tian gentleman - and experienced Physician, enti
tJes his testimony,in regaad to the.use of his Anti
Dyspeptic Pills, to' the entire confidence of the
public. '
F. L. • lIAIVICS. -
From Dr. E. 0. Mygatt. • -
- 7 - • 11.txminiz, N. York,- Aug : 1637. - !
'"Mr. H.. 1. Turner, - • . ,
•:•-SirSev'eral Of my friendsin this: town hive I
-used Dr..Beekwith's7 Anti-Dyspeptic - Pills - with I
decided benefit: . -
Among the.,ti6mberis4-Mrs-:-=„.-a 2 risembet:
ed with dyspepsia., of 'the worst grade for. four
years. ' I have urged the use of - Beckwith's Pills,
as affording her'the best chance of- relief. She
-had.-already--tried various_ remedies; With.little
benefit or positive injury, and.'was .therefore re
luctant to commence with this. I Her symptom',
being much-alleviated by the.use of the first box
she came to my house, for a farther sopplyt ° but
finding-that my stock of the article was exhaust
ed, she expresied much anxiety to have more
_obtained.as_soon as poisible,_and wished that one
box might be sent by mail,,if they could not he
bad in a short time by other means. • I
"I am not-in-the habit of employing nostrusits
and quack medicines-in" hiy practice, but the Pills'
which you vend should not be so classed. The
recipe from which they are prepared is undoubt•
ly.a scientific one. •
• "Having-spent_two_wintersin_ Storth__Earolina t
I am not ignorant of-the reputation of some of
the highly. respectable gentlemen there who have
rendered their public testimony in favor of the
Medicine. 7. .. - , ,
"I.will only add that the trial,ot these Fills has
been 'satisfactory in this place. You may send
me, by the firstopportunity, one quarter - gross.
TrTla y and reapectfullyyours,•
• • 4, F.. G. liilltGATT,"
From the lion.Charle&Fisher, late member of
CongreiC." - : •
-Several-years _ago,,l_was _very =mock-afflicted
with a diseased stomach and bowels; nothing I
cotfld eat appeared til'agree with me, and I .Aval!
obliged to be very careful in my diet.. A journey
to the southwest afforded me considerable relief,
and, as I supposed, had cured me; but when I
-left off travelling, the disease returned again and
I was obligedln take medicine constantly, among
other things very often calomel; this continued to
be my e s tate until about twelve months ago, when
iiiitheredetrenetatitiotiof 'Major John - Bearc1;•1
began to try Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic' Pills;
I soon fOund relief from them, and hitye since
taken no other medicine whatever. • Whenever
I find my stomach and bowels. are Itecoming: de
ranged, I resort to these Pills and invariably find
relief. I have heard a number of persons 'speak
of the benefita they have received from these
Pills; in the most r decided terms. lam well ac
resided in this pit and was my family Physi
cian. His own te:*iniony with regard to the use
of his Anti-Dyspepaßills_pay_be fully relied
I on, _ IT 11 A RLES 'FISHER."
New YoreGen.-'i'lleo. Sem. May, 11, 1.837. •
• Mr. H. D. Turner—Deat; Sir,—To theie,sub•
ject tobilious attacks -:and eapecialy to the • Dys.
- peptic, Div BeckwitWe Pillk, will unquestionably
afford-relief,—l- speak - with - more confidence after
having received material benefit from them, for
which I had used almost every thing else in vain.
They need but e fair trial to find.a place , in the
! I
Medicine Ches of every family; and to -gain a _
reputation at ,t e North, as respectable and ea
tCnsive_as tllleVJAY.P._,Mgtireit—wiltre_theyitave
. „ long knmvn at the South. ' - .. •
, Very_iespectfully,,yours,
• . • N.• S. RICHARDSON. •
• Other testimonials in favor of these Pills from
the most respectable sources, are given with the
accompanying :directions. „
Price fora single , box. SO. 'Tents, liberal to
agents and those who-buy to tell again. To be
had of H. D. TURNER, Principal,Agent. 180
Broadway. New Yoric.and_hy ,
SAML. ELLIOTT ; Carlisle.
• ' Dec. 4.. 18f7 • .-1y..., • - _ .
THE members of the Marion Rifle-Com
pany are hereby notified that a meeting wip
be held at Messrs Macfarlance: Hotel -sin*
Thursday evening, 22d February, at Bi. o'•
clock: Punctual. attendance is requested.ais
business of importance will be brought before .
the.rneeting. '
- Jr. 'KELLY, O. -
Carlisle;, Feb. 12,.1838. •
. , . ..
-Six cent*eura,rd. . 4 „'.
..• ,• i RANNWAY from the subscriber,
4 , .."••• on. thel lth in§t, in indenttd-servint
Orl i named MARG4RET MAR
-I'lN:' The above' realard will: ,10,4
... \ '-, given , o anyperson who at,ill bibig.
- - -
,bliCk said WI, btit•no ex t rientes Raja:.
..,..*".._ ' - - - ELIZA. L. fiTAVIVIAN.
. Ftiruaryl2. 1838. - • •
„„,,,,,,i,. 1 4- • .... • „ .' •
•, . ,
SALisnalir, Feb" 1837
p r E t -
- ' • • • •
the Receipts au&Ex - petiditures of the 'county of etimberlatill
. .
Y the CoMmissiuners of said County, from - the. Ist daY',of January, to the 31st day ' . of December, A. D
• " ..1537; inclusive. -
to balance of tag es ontstandini'at last 'annual' set-
County tair.:--a- ssessed for ]837; including common.
~school appiropriation of $lO,OOO • .
Received op loan from W. Bentz; . . '
Balance due by M. Holcomb, Etq, sheri ff , on Ist
-Janualy, 183r,qkc, paid over-
Balance due by J. Lobach, keeper of penitentiary .
Verdict fees receiyed in garter sessions -
Amount of note received of A. ,Erb, due.,Jsth of
Feby.uary, , lB37,
Amoubt received for
_redemption of unseattd
landsOnterest and cost:paid-by-collectors ••
Schedule oroutstatidiugnTaxes, •
Due County, per returf Treasurer,
• December, 1-8 . 37; subjert'to ~ xonera :ions,.
eke. with. the amount assessed for 1837,
Collectors: plicates• i.
John Matter 627,p4 35,
P Missersnoith • 2575 93-
Win Woods. . - .311* 45
Adadn.Scil•er.,' 2637 O 7
744 '27.
56(i 1.1 ,
2092 '65
324 09-
• fl'otenships.
Allen ,
_E.Xen.nslione _
_Frenit ford
Alex LognitT.
Win 'Y Boyd
Peter .Br:cker
J. Waggoner! - /
. 1301101 —
_Jolin.Kinaloe .262.39
David Scoby ' 2686 -32
i-k N. t .
J B Dune I -- - 1377 40
-111-punlari..,_. :2392 82*
George Clark 463 77
Iliigii Craig I .77 - ; - 303 27.
JlSl .. urng9mery 1 ; .2129 7.4.
$ F Mtddletoq
.• . • Addition - 7•Eiums - Ate - Conoth
-. • Byßeport.of4uditors,,viz : • •
M. Holcomb; Esq. sheriff, for fines and yen.:
diets, Bcc,' • •'1 • • • . iios`l2
Jos. Lobach, Esq. proceeds for pepitentiary .56
John Myers, Esq: sheriff, for fines and -ver
Amount of loan from W. Bentz _ ._---.:.
to balance due county by treasui•ert
*Since - "wild in - -
- aliellialance due 'county-by-I-W. Eby,„Esq..-late -trcaAurer. since
- • •
- Cumberland County, ss. .. , .
. - WE the Commissioneris of Cumberland County, do certify
' '''''' • that the above and iciregoing exhibits a,true and correct state,
If"i' 7 ) .L: ). ‘ ,
...2 ~. . ment of the teCeipts and expenditures of-said county, for the
.if„ •,; term above stated, as also of the taxes assessed for the use of
-l'it- -- .,. I the county' and common schools, together with the aggregate
.....offlees..and_cxorissajjo_naallowed dp ri txgis
_ . saj d term, and
also the amount tethe several taxes outstand rig and in the hands of the
respective collectors, as above stated; according to the best of our know
ledge and judgment. Witness our -hands and -seal of office, at 'Carlisle, ,
the first day of - January, AD. 1838. . . .
. JACOB ZUG, . .
• '
' JAMES WILLIS,. . Commissiimers.. 1
. ' ROOT. C. STERRETT , •, • '
Attest—JOHN Taws's, Clerk..
.• -• : ' ~
, . . • . . .. .. .
Hanover and 'Carlisle - Turnpike FOR RENT. • . • ,
,-,ill - :.. • • • •
-_ -
mint subscriber will rent, that well known • •-:-..--. • s atk . a; T .1 11 1 • '
„,,; large and convenient house s for many y ears: • ,••••••-- _ . elt - -- ' • •
Eihibit of Toth received, Repairs and•
expencett_in_theAlanoveri_and_Carlisle Occupied by Christian litimricli, and- more -re • • •
; • ....',._ _ cently hy ot he rs -- a TA yERN ..31 Aw UFA C TOR Y — • — . -
,from the 13th ,i,,,,4f!. , HOUSE. The house is remarks. /- , . - •• ,
Decembert, 1836; to the , ,I. Ith .Dec. 1837.. . I tree . I t t : t.” bly well c : dculated for _ enterta`ning Ihe Subscrther, returns his'sincere thanki
• • • • DR... e,---- ze r,u,;.':-.; BOAltpLits ; there being three tohis former customers, -for- the-liberal shaie
stair.ways, mid Eire places in most of the rooms, of patronage, which has been given him and
To amount Toils, reeed st_gate No. I,_
. n ' The situation is very plea%ant and desirable, being shlicits a continuance of the same; as also-he
----- Jacob - Bear - , - gatekeerier • --8 0 - 137 oe the north west corner of Hanover and•Louther invites those- who may not, as yet, have
To amount Tolls rec'ed at-Gate No, 2; streets { while, for conveniences, it excels ; any. given him a call, to do his shop - in North
John Hetigy, gatekeeper ...612 331 other , house in the bormigh"or cntnlttl• It Pos Hanover Street, one door north of Mrs. E•
amount ant Tolls ree'ed at Gate No. 3, •
sesses the unusual advantages- of 12 toms on the. • ,
• Catharine Jones, gatekeeper 502, 271. fi rst floor-12 rooms on the.2d floor-4 rooms on " Having lately returned' from the the city
'To amount Telle.ree'ecl at Gate No. 4, • Weise's storm
the 3d floor-6 Cellars in 'house. ' Two wells of ci . f,Philadelimia, bringing with. Win the latest
• --,WOn-Thompson,-gatekeeper.'46s -se - water ;- (one at the front - door on . Louther-street . • -- ' anu.most roved app fashicins,. the subscriber
To aniou 'oils rec'ed at Gate No. 5, . vrtith.a -pump therein; the other in the yard at the
Andrew Dixon, gatekeeper; has mg' hand, a ' large assortment"of
573 66 kitchen don, ;) a 'Cistern- made to 'contain eighty
to ..atuctunt.Tollsrfrom StocktoT attd • ' five, Hogsheads; large. anti convenient stabling, . GENTLEMEN'S HATS
. ?
Stokes, stage toll • - - - 100 TO with - carriage house - . and - shedsi- , ,,11;rge--and--exce- - -........1 •
To reorree'd for old gate house :•:' 25 00 lent gardens attached to the buildings besides • u l arjpmeg aimign - agg e •
~ . ,. ~ . _ ~.. ,v-! - - , .4. ,—:--- many conveniences not specified. • • •
_-' - 1 . •
.. :- -;1•••P $2958 83 i. '2. Alan, one frame Weather boarded &n, finished in a superior style.
' CR. • • . Two Story House, situated in Oist • Louther st., • : Also, . FUR AND ZEAL CAPS, of the
By Cash paid for Repairs on Road "$2213 80 with two Cellars; a Garden
, and- i fltabling attached latest fashions, all of ;Which will be sold low
T 1 - . for cash, or exchanged for country 'produce..
0( Managers of .comp'any, .%. 54 00 theereto. . . , .
as. 5 flatekestpres Salaries • 500_90 " 3,,Also*,,tine. other4,Witather-boarded.,Calkand see. • . ___,__
- ' ic Probates of dateli'rs m'ly reins'.. 750 House- in West Loather , street, adjoining the Ger. • - • ANDREW G. LECHLER. I
Ii B oe kr an d stationary . '7 ' 950 -man;Referttled Church, With a Gamlen attached'Nov„2o,lB37.--tf • ... -' 5l
:' ... Printers bills for advertising && 6-00-o-it. For Ternis apply to :
•• Rental Gatelinttses_No:_2•&_3,..•____-48 00-Ney..2_2o. .. -EH itiSmilq
aumni r — IP-U-1316-W- HOUSE '
• .
e , • Building new Gatehouse No. 4, ' 438 00 . - ,
it Secretary's salary, ' • - —.-
• •30 00 N ew Illtsisti. - .gip S'llatiOnal•*: • .
_.,__G-E 0. ---- ,P RI NCh, -• .. •
Treasureettalifty; ------- •
.__ . --- 50. 00 . • .. .. . _ _
THE subscriber has joist" leceived at his Formerly. of - , ! .'unbury, . Northumberland"
,----- Hook arid Dtog store, 4Y - the borough' of_Car- *. •_ . c oun ty,
$ 3356-B ° - lislm,.a Large_and_GenerarAssortnieiffortite . - - . • : . • •
Balanne...expenda over and abre - Alte arnount- • , Begs lei . * - respectfully to inform the public,
'received Of $397,961 1 - . •-.- Zatest Pu blic ati ons. . - . that be has removed te.Harrislatirg, where he has
Ida certify that, t y hel above exhibit is He has also, added a large numbd of DRUGS . taken that large and spacious. three story ' brick
correct as witness tiii — hand. this 4th day AND. MEDICINES .taltis former srasort- nouSe formerly occupied bsMathew Wilson,
of January 1838.. - rnent; All of which will be sold at the low- •
corner of. Walnut art.V'hird streets, .
.T.LIOMAS-ST-EPH-ENS. est.prices.. -- . --------1-. IBRIJRO,----------
----- -• Treasurer. - '''' *. ' • . JOHN J. 'MYERS,L,'. In view of. the States ipitol, Which he opnecli on
the first•day.Of May last, and, where he hopes to
'• January 9, 1838.
-. • FOR :RNT. .'. .. •„•-. . • •
- r 0 a .R. EN T . •
- ~,,, - - caintinue to :receive that patronage so liberally
bestowed on his establishment heretdfore. He
- - • . will at all times, be pievided with every Wing,.
THE Corner house - roomy- newly . - - ,-,_ ,3 - .... , .
' THE Brick 'Dwelling House,Store and necessary to make his guests comfortable. . .
finished in the,-situatean.the south,.. - . • G. PRINCE.•
-east' of Market Square, now in the possession Ware House attacffed, situate inN orth Han.
of Mr.',l. Bredin :-Altio the entire building Harrisburg, Stine .-: /837,- . ' If.
down. in Liberty Allsy; . over street Carlisle, now in the-occupancy of!
- . • Jacob - Wetzel,* -Also 'tile Stone - Dwelling . •
it-All -ETIVS - APILLS ---.
. — 7 ---- - A LARG -
.- TW 0 -S. TO•R Y
• ' House -adjoining-accupied- by -Rtget-D‘ , Guth
. ~E -. , tie, Esq. also, the ' , front Store Rains and
- sroors At'OUSE, -
41 )1coi lli f ilill ed
_for twi'aemore fineiliei with a lot of
cellar adjoininglhe-Bitck- dwelling House,
- now occupied by John, Early. Possession of
either - of the above unvOrties may be had . „
it l is ' t P .or il d r . ll7 supply of Brandretha Pills ( in .50'
cent boxes, just received , and for sale. at.
groundsand a.doubleOtable. Possession will be on the fit* 'day of April next-To Good -- Nov, 27,1837. ' .
given.on the first day of April next ;. for terms Tenants, e. Lease for years may be had:*--! •.- ' . .......____ - .
apply to Thome, Carothers, Esq., or to the 'sub.; Apply to . . ISAAC B. PARKER. : -
scriber: • • • ' Carlisle,Jan, 28, 183e.-tf : ' -
Dee.l9; 182 . 6,-siv: '
• . . I
NORTHAM3-9 111 C
' ' INSUARNCE CONP.4 ...., .
. .
' .
--", T have received 8 'day, and 30 hour New' • '- CAPI T AIL .86.6 0 0,.. . .
A York THIS Company still coati ues' to make
lierrien• * CLOCKS.
keep good • time, and offer them at reducedhsurance on all kinds of• p_ec_lnkiY
whiCh I warrant to .
30th January; 1838; In. the case of the prites, store. " • - . their agency in Carlisle. The we
' MILIM is
writ' bf partition ,tiled- valuidian - On the real ---- : • CHALES BARNITZ. regulated according to the risk. Averaging
estate,of Frederick May, late of East Penns
lairough•townslilp, deceased, being this day from 35 to 40 dents,in the hundreddollars.
confirmed. On motion of W. F. Line, Esq. iv l ea th er ,
Rule ',grafited on all. th e heir's. and parties hi m a , , , e , e .
TEST , ireceived an • assay of Fancy Descriptions Will b . reavived,' arrlic4icies)
such as Men's; and Women's dated trim the day. of survey. . ,; , • r
Moro,f 1d ' red • and green do.-.L. . , , JOHN J r AlyAs.
_mac i o,
interested to appear at the next stated Or.
Phana Cdtirt;'orrTuesiTitythe Black Nal,' Hatter skins, Beading% &c. &O. ...,, , • • .9genti
isext;•to accept or refuse toziocept said es t ate
(4. - Mar and for sale by - C:BARNITZ.
at'the valuation. -, .
..5, 1 y...;
~,"•••r-----, v, '. -:'" : i i- mur '
7 Thqa, Critighellititi l li 0. C. Ir . f
- Carliske v reli,42,lu3B. l 43v! ,-' •
•. • \ ..,•,••• • . 1 . 1t . ......e.._-_ - '.. .- . ' -
n'nf ofiti
375 7',/
293 93 6-
1"167 85
341 67
124 27;1'
292 65
- 567 O 1
‘126 :30'
801 57
_679 71i
872-6#f, 7
, 26443 _s6_
.$20,3 671
van( (alai 72) peolier+
. • ..
' :By cash . .paid oC.offi nrs
missioe ord - ersviz
, , ). .
. .. •
. Balance due -.Treasurer by county a Taskannual set-
•ifeinehi• . . - ' ' - . • .. •
. ,•, • ..
Grand and traSersejurors pyy '
• Auditor's •for Settling aec:ouffts of 1836 . -. . -' "- • •
Witnesses feesin cyiminal prosecutions r • .-. ' ~
Constables ' do •-do - • . • •
Justices .. do - :, , do -. . .
Printinglor . cOunty: -, ,-., - ' •,--
,- - - •- :• -
Repairs anfrincidenial expensei.f public . buildings, Includs
• - ihg court criers's feeS, 'stationary thr office, &c..
Carlisle batik for loan and Interest • .
. .
Expenses of general election .. . , .
Assessors-pay . for 1.837 ' • '
• :
7COlifftion-sclpol.._iippeopristiori.. • - .
Sintdries.forntshed county jaff,and 1 - Militenflary ' .
Eastero state petffientiary-tor-supptut•oleonVjets -
Lewis Hyer, Esq : "pay in full 'as cominissidner
Jacob Zug,'Esq. pay as,commissioner for 1837
James Willis; E q •
~ 'do. . - . do . .
.1W:bell C. Sterrett; Esq. - do from-13th November, to
. - 31st December, 1837 _ -
- 3Plui irwin,.F.sq..satary as elerk•T•io commissioner . •
James 1-1. Graham, Esq. salary as attorney to do . -.. -_
Directors_of the Poor Ibr support of yappers ''.r
, Al elchoir-Brennetnan, salary as' Director of - the . Poo - r - tor
Robert 131c1'une,.Esq. dor - do .
•Da yid. Ell', Esq; do • • ;do . .
Poor house visiters • .. ' '- .
Michael Holcomb,- Esq. sheriff, for support of prisoner?,
Thomas CriTilietifflr.'-Es-5:-rfeeft-41s---elerk—ol—quarter-les
STEI .- Miii - eTE4rj. - e - CdefAilY - allozoey general ' •. •
George. Fleming. Esq. prothonotarF's fees. - . • • '' -...
Joseph Lobach,-,Esq,,sslary as keePer of . penitentiary= .- ._.
'I tiquests - on - tlead badies . ..—,
• Taxes, Sic. refunded. = - _ • - - - • ' •
:Constables lor Making quarterly, returns
Tuition of poor children . • .
Expenses of making road, at J3ig Spring bridge, near New
. Mlle; ..
J. Laumaster On,
$ 3924:-25
. 5'6
3000 00
311 27
44 00
SO 00
77 3Si
L e&AutitiltAttigin
Brett'lit's, Ifen Liytiurn
Amount ot,Co mmieslnners'. orders, &c:
Exonerations allowed Collectors . .
Fees ;do do
Balance of taxes due by collectors, per schedule on &hit
7 side • - •
44 06
By-Treasurer's commission
13y balance dub county by TiTasurer i Wt. - 7 39
503 595
. ' -, •
Auditors' . - Report
. .
WE, the Auditors of ,Eumberiand county, having examined the seve
ral accounts and vouchers of Jason W. Eby, Esq. Treasurer of said coun
ty; froin'the Ist day Of January, to the Slat day'orDecember, A. D. 1837,
inclusive, do report and certify that we find a balance due said county by
the treasurer of live hundred and three dollars and fifty-nine and a-half
cents_,lis above stated.. Given intsimonr_iiand‘ at Carlisle the llth_day_af
January, A, D. 1833,
and SILK Ploablkinnepvbl4kandA:A.l§4T.'..RECElVEb s „called hair andSea
fl' c.f . ilourSi for sale by graisAed Matraases, and for sale by
bridig over:Yellow
• .• JOHN BRANDT, (NL) ,. •
-°• .. GEO. 111. GRAHAM, ' ,
'January 9,1838.-3 m,
31t;CEE;1147T4) . ' ACADE/V/Y.
' " 72i' CO' VW:3I - , 17 . l - T.,,'• - .*.-,-.
. ,
ClasslNlO I, f0r.11338. •
To be arawn 'sic Alexandria, ,Va.: Saturday, Feb
1 Prize of .40,004) Dollars,
•. 50'of 1,006=-4c•B4e '
7rieket $lO,-.- INI fps—quaiter 30.
Ceresof PaCkages 0f.25 Whole Tickets $l3O
•1)6•. • do '25 1-11dr do 65;.
:do- 25'Quarter do v.,3q 50
• • • •
•-•For the benefit of tho Monongalta Academy. .
. , . • ektits -No 1, for 1838: -
I ' ? be drawmaoAlexandria, Va. on the Feb
1111111' -1838. -_ •
. •
2262 37
98 00
340 07
ID9 4S
116 26
35,294= A -11,764-4,000- 9 -5,000-3,000-2,500- ,
2:361--59 p.rizes.of 1,0(4)1 43r.c &c.
Tickets only s,lo=l . lalves $5:--Quarters
Cere_s_of.Packages of 25 Wholo. Tickets
Do do • 25 Half do' 6s.
Do do -25 Quarter do 32 50
347 . 71 i
__ 8033' 80
-• -204 98
• . 10,000 00
• . • .281 /42
• . 112 'BO .
- ., 10900
Virginia "Slate Lottery.
'Nor.tho benefit of the town of IVheeling...
Pass'/Vo 1 for 1830. •
TO be Alexandria, Va. Saturday,,Feb
_ .
• _ - • rusty 10,A838.
2,0G0-1 1 747i-25 of .1,000,--20,0r 500-28 yt
• • 300, &c &c. • • • ..
'ticket $5-“ltiarier $2 50
C;erttsofpackag , es of 25 Whole 'Pickets •$l3O
Do . . d 9 Dalt do . 85,
:DO - , Quayter . do 32 50
Oar-Orders for. Tickets and Shares or 'eel tifi
.-Schemes,will receive the most prompt• - wentiou
and an, .official. account of- each drawing sen
immediately • is over to iall mho order from
:us. . • ' ,
D. S. GreE.G . ORY . & Co. 'Managers,
• •• • Washington City, D. C:
27 00
260 00
60 00
7000 00
30 00.
80 00
130 00
___z__lll4 29
78 50.
. :. 28 13
- . 200 - 00
' 2171
• . g 7 44
81 92
.-- ixamErtzar-oraNteui
Books by-ingiCa€7lVetvipapet
299 - 00
17 61
has - now -been in existence existence.twelvc months,
.and has enjoyed; -during - timt period, - a very
extensive share of public favor. It has fur
alished,._forAwo_dollars-and,a_bitif, reprints. of.'
-London books- F whith cost "there - over fifty
seven - dollars in addition to.a•large amoubt f
literary matter: reviews oLnew: hooks, tales
and domestic atitl - foreiginnews.. „
• The original proprietor, intending to Be-•
yete his tiMeand attention to Lis_ other peti
t:die:al works, has dispeaed, of his interest in
, the Omnibus to - the presebt
'WWI Make-no farther' charge-;in-its genet al
character than issuing it from another office;
arid chant:ill - 1g - the name frolic
, . .
:I:Literary Ommbns Wilrbe 7 issord
every Friday morning, printed- on excellent
- paper - of-aTiargesizetwill - contain
-- '.4 - .910 - 4 - FiiTifiliriiii"d'tegcfb at -caliTlco
.equal every week to a London
'duodecimo volunte t reacing Novels, Tra !
vets . , Memoirs,: &c, rid only chargeable
with-newspaperpostagel-- --
2. Literary Reviews; Tales, Sketches,
Notices. of Books, and information from the
world (If letters of every description. •
a. 'rile news of the week, foreign and do-,
$29,159 80
193 86
816 30
4872 68
$35,042 .6
603 59.
.7,f35;867 39
The.price mill be two dollars per annum
eacTi to clubs n 'five ~ndividua s. — l'o cliiffS7l
two individuals, two dollars and a half, or five
dollars for the two. Single mail'-subscribers
three dollars. -Mail remittances -to be post
As the - arrangements for this _undertaking
are all completed, the propiletor asks from
-- uenerous-pablic-tharconsiderationicrlw - hic
so diffusive a scheme -Of circulating know
ledge and amusement is entitled.. •
-- the first-number of the - New-Series cont•
menced on the filth of January,- 1838, from
which period, or from any future date, -new
subscribers may commence.
.10:2Postmasters and agents for periodicals
'throughout the I.,Juiun and Canada, are re,
quelf r ied to act asagents for the Omnibus, and
com`municate with the propi'ietor. - ^ • •
Address, post paid,
NO. 50 North Fourth st. a. .
January 16, 1838.. .
Triennial Assessment
NOTICE is hereby given that the Commi••iom
ers.of:Ctunberland county, .will hold the appear
for the year 1838, in the different townshipfi in
said county, at the-time and places as stated be
low, for the-purpose of hearing" . all persons who
may UPWY ft't .
ne to 'them shall . appear jost and reasonable, to
frit • .
' For Dickinson and Westpermshorough town
ships, at the public house of John 'eau], in West - -
pennsbororigh township, on Friday the 16th day
.of February next., 'I -
of Jacob Engle, in said borough, on Saturday the
17th day of February next. . -
For Southamptott and Sliiimensburg townships
-at the sane place, on Jtfonday the 19th day - of
February next. ,„:
For Hopewell township, at the-public house'of
James Sponsler, in Newburgh, on l'ttetclay the
20th clay a rebruqryalext.
For Newv,ille and Newton townships,. at the
pubichouse oftilithattlleffleman. - in -- Newville, -
om Wedngday, the 21st day of February next. :
For Mifflin and Frankford townships, at • the
same place, on Thorsdarthe '224 day of'lrebru
ary next,.
..I\ •
For North and South,-Middleton townships, at
therVortimiseioner'slace; - in - Carlialen
the '23d day of February next.
, For Silver' Spring_ and East__Pennsborotigh,
townships, at the public house of • Joseph Grier,
in Hoguestown; "Saturday " the 24th day. of
Febritary next.' , .
. ,
- For the bokrUgh •of Mechanicsbirrg. - ri - Ftlie
public house ofjobn Denver; in'said boromMein
Monday the 26th rkls Of February next. .•
%, Tor Allen toWnstdp,,at the public, house
-David-Shafer, in Shepatilstown, on TrieitWilie
I 271h' day nfFebruary next.. . • ' .
IFor Munroe. ton , nship k at • the public house. of
David Martin;litChurchtown, on Wedriesday the
28th 'days of February pext. • ' - ,
' Far the borough .of Carlisle,
at the Commis
eionees4office,..trt Cailisle;, on Thursday 'theist
day of blarch. next. .• . •„.
tcyrtip . laseaairi of eaCli
are also . notified and required to attend at the
time and 'plaid , . liked fur- tl)e appeal-or their re
specti've•torrnabips. • , .
Hy Airder of:the Commissioners.
•• • • .JOHN, IRWIN Clerk
Commissiiner's (Meet.
Carli,sled an. 18.08.18. S.. •S , s • .
T4lil.liartnership heyelotore existing betweep'
;be subice!!lers,..under tke firm of .ELALT'. , AlO,
Fontr;; .. iti ii :o '
day fli.isolve
to d by .mitual qoT.
sent. • The ' , boo theliatitt7,le 4 F 4 P
AfTFOre 'ettlithe-sa*
jow , ; HALL;
1 1 9111
30' 1431.
ruary 17; 1838.
. .
Maria arrtsklrg a
square, E
• •
• Geo. - BP,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the Publie, that he has taken the Public
House, lately kept' by Mr. John Smull, at
the ..corner.,of Market Siluare v Harrisburg,
know n 'as the
Which he has fitted up in handsome style, •
lor--the accommodation' of the'ptiblic. •Hisi - - •
table is . Well, supplied with the best the mar.
ket affords; his bar viith.the
. quori` and •wines, .and lirompi. "and obliging
servants are kept always ready to attend,to
the wants of custOmets. ' - •
He has taken the stand with a determine'.::
don to spare no pains or expense to make his
house equal to any in the,ctruntry, by keepi
every departmentsnder,the supermtendenci'
of the most competent. rind faithful; and, by
.personal attention, give every satisfaction .
to, his customers. ' He therefore respectfully •
reepiests those , who pay IThrrisbiirg ayisit, to
call and test the truth 91 his assertions.
January 8, 1838.•
Encourage your. own Manzefactu
— rers; --
. • Z. ME ILL ER A• SOM.
• • •THANF.FUL for' past favors . , inform their
friends and the ptibliegenerellythat one .-
of the firm having -lately.retur ed from the
chief .Philadelphia , with a I rge and ex.
cellent.assortmenof Furs an Plush, they .—
are nm3LprepareiLte--manufa tdre - Gentle- -
etk!,s :Bats and Ladies'-Bunn ies' -Bunn is in-the lit-,
est.and most approved fashion. f Th — e quali= - 7
ty of. the-Plush is far superior to any former- --. \
ly - .hail on - hand., They have at-:present an. .
Ore - 010A assortment of . . . . .- --- - • '
PlairiAtiseias ) white and bl a ck;''
Brush', -".Beaver, Ca.t4pr, and•
•Sillc, Huts„ •• •
of all:sites-and-prieis; • •
. Also, a general assOrtnien,f - of . tulles . ..Batt* .
ijets76lall_colours_allirdescriptions, such as
Pure - White Fawn, ifiaatand Grey, which
the .will . -at the -most minted
Gentlemen and Ladies Who want of
these-articles, will do well to. gilie an
- early
13, • • _
N. B.: They ha've on hantra fewmf the hest -
quality of FUR-.CAPS which they-offer • to:
hell - at IoW prices; . .
The - - s ubscriber, on. behalf of him Self and
Q. VSI4; Morgan, offers for sale- the•
NAtt.S. -They are made of re-:
fined lron, and are believed- to be equil in
"(Lindh - yr to the best cut - nails that were ever
i fixtured -in -t h ited - 7States.., The
foll Owing certificates are_thjoined..,
New Cumberland, January 7; 11838: -
1,17 - elirtve.'been wett acquanited
..., with the
-general 'quality of cite nails: Those -Made ' from the Doncannon -
'sider superior to those made from, the_best
imported iron.
Duncannon Iron Works, Jan. 8, 1838. • _•
We certify that we have carefully - exam.
fined the 'nails manufactured by Messrs.
Wood ward and Wildenat New Cumberland
out r:f Dungannon . Iron, add do believe them'
to b e superior to any we have everseen used,
- John French, Alas .er Roller, ' : ,
'Enoch Lewis, Carpenter & Patern Maker.
The-above-nails will he - delivered - 0n7607-T
'Cumberland Valley Railroad, or on the Pa- , •
nal, at Harrisburg or Duncan's Island, and
or WaydeitaTr-martre-diretred•Titi—afirtifiWri—
in the.state, on suitable references: or a 11-*
beral discount will be rnadefor cigish.
Also:-:-on hand, Hammered Bar Iron, and
it is expected constantly to.have for sal at .
the works, rolled Iron Nail' Rods, &c.- o he
various sizes. • .
,11.70rd.e:r4 by Mail, directed•to, :Ma's
Ftrry, Perry ,county, will be punctually at
teudvd to by the inanager on the spot. •
- • . - W. L. F1SH111.: •
January 16,11358.-4t.* • -
_LETTERS of Administration oh the estate at
:Martin Brenneman late of East- Pennsborough
township, deceased, hliving issued to the subscri
tier, residing in said township; all persons indebt- ,
1 ed to the estate will make immediate paynient,• ,
and thoa,e having. claims - against the estate, will
present them properly authenticated-O.the
scriber. _ • HENRY BRENNEMAN, .
Juntiar,os 11338.- •
SITUATE at the head of. Green Springs,
in. Nowton township, Cumberland county..
abtioifotit;miles west of the borough of New
v i Ile, will be rented fora term of one or more '•
years; The buildings arc
.... .
.A__rtwo:Story.'StOne Vaktoiry,
_ .
with carding•and spinning inachmes, Wont%
and all neccssary . machinery for .manufac
turing cloth ; . also a dwielling house Conyen•
ient to the factory. For terms apply to eith.-,
et -cf-the-undersignedi--7----------------
W M. BIDDLE, '1 Carlisle
H. GRAHAM, - • • •
' GRAHAM . ,
West Pennsbore
' --w
Dec: 4 -I t§7
Ralik Stock fbr Sale, • •
cr FROM 20 . t0 50 shares of Iliii • VStock`
for sale, on which there is. 30 (Minis . Fibr altars --
pant. •}l.nquite at, this office. • -
- :. ' February 6,18384.-4 t; •
Mill be issued at TWO DOLLARS per annum;
to he .paid , halfilearly in advance. •
A BYERTLYEAVENTSriot exceedieg sign r
three insertiens,. ONE •DOLLKII, and every
.4sequent ills**, Twenty-five Cents, longer
ones in proportion.
' , Lei era addressed to the puh3ishet4 on bust.
.seas, MUST BE POST BAll),;othertrise they
will not he. attendedAo. - •: '
'e, - AGENTS-. , -
The„,followipgfrperetras hare .been oppirtittad
+4ents, lost the Earlisio,,,fforald spd ,Exposttbft
to whom imy•Min(toiiiistkscrlptiott ant . ltotsriDetise;\
jrnot - vis catilf be
Emade . ~ J.- d -,, . • •,, - , ...
„ rt . y h q . •shlremsostown,, , Emb., Cov
ocOT*'Coirtr, Esq. NeWmtm, - i - , d o. .
Ft..,, , Noc k xitTr.„. ,Esq,'Ne w buix,
~,, •,, ~„ n;;. d a .
' .,l3tssEk!, EsqEsq..Shippenibum, do', „
c..tiinitlirciNnutitcli, Esq. ; •'do." die ' •
J., AisvEmt.',"Esq., Eloguestown t , :, ..40.
R. WlLlio6 ,EEN,AteghPit . le%M.. alk
Wit.t.t.tit itt.i.Nri .1'; Esti' licipetyelf, do.
'IL Sl'ilaag°x. .sq ; yilurcii'""' 44 '
- Wtf .
.1T i 1 ri- 4inberlo'..d„ . .;, k, do: s •
Ha 3 .11114 EN! 1344 1 . . I° Co Pfig; o # Pprilir count if
A, Illf4Pli, Ps% Laila eburr *
1 , ' - ni -4194
Shubael Wildef;- -
Roswell Wooclwardi