••. • • relp.itsylvirentaiLek-islitteere 11 . Coriospondonoo. icklf thorlioraid ek• Ex•TinAtye LETTEII, DATED _ HARRISBURG, 'February 19, 1838. , •, MondayfFtib. Senate, to-day„ new county out of parts 'of Jefferson and e-Keto--be--c al leth S leWar_tyin_hokor_ of the .. '9ld• OomMocToie orl'illat name, • -• passed the : committee orthe whole. • ".' -- In, the - House..we had-a•hnsy-d was this hall ,•has scarcely ever witnessed -' •-• before ~ , fllle-usstan 1 motion. - '.of.:thelinstruCtions retitive to :the' Sub , '2,:estiey Bill was resumed .• , The clues- . "tion.rpending on 54turday - when; the adjo4roe'd,Wits' upon an;-arnend:••• Tlifs-was negd— \ tiyed'hy.a. vote of '5O Lb 50. , Mr. John... • _ . son then inovedan amendment instruct ing--our---. Senators-.. and _regtteti.i•tcw• - ;• •• our RePres'entatiVes_to, Vote• for. a . postpone , merit -of the -, sub-treasury • bill until next -session of Congress... This wai adopted . • by it vOte"of 51 6.49... . Mr. Garretion- then - moved 11;1M - tend' we have coufi ---'----dencein--Martin.Nran 11 uren and- our Ile ••• Ahoeratit 'Senator's and lltpiCsetiiiit Ssii-! ,- •ad•o d—b-y-a s-me__Of 56 to - • 46.--;Mr. moved furiher to • amend by adding J. 6 .and tliat ourSenatorsSenators . _ . „.. --:beLf-ti44A • ••• ted.'and our ,Ile,)resen-- ..':__l"ntiv.es.reque.sted to vote for, Some tnea-.1 _ 4sure for coilecting,,keeping ancl•di-Sbnrs-• .• in the public monies as-shall most cf fectu:ally,d,it•oyce' the banks the, go . vernment," . adoiited by•ti vote of-52 to • 48. • The - resolution Lis' thus „:artiendetb, theti adopted by a vote Ol*-51to 49, - and•,the,House adjoUrned at 4_ e o'clu.cle, M having been ii"Ses . sion -----This-is-a-stramge.ntonster,_.n4,we find it letigty . ,.;llte lieu n se, • Senate will have to use the•-p'eutung knife •tind curtail it ails us-fair proportions. . . . ._ Tuesday 13 :-The.-exciteVient 61.1asA . - ~ .... - -.- week it - nd of.yesierday is pasti - iv . e have Ito more of it, and I 'Artist we shall _ have Tor a long time to Corne o resnititiOn , iii )t - tructingrthe committee on the Judiciary to brinkitt a billtabOlisliiirg •Ishmetil, was-taken up• on second read. • Ile addresse'd "the Senate with' . 'lowed by Mr. Penrose in opposition to • 'it. :Before the question was taken the . 'Senate adjourned. _The House_ Al •of moment to 'day. • The incorporating the: Wash' . ingtort Insurance company of yhiladeb_ came - up and was pas;..ed on seconc hr erectinka. • Atm county out of, part of "Old Berks' , ' to be.cally)l i Girard, passed' through co n,- Initte )f the tvho'e. • r. Funk, from the - minority of - the . / tommittee appointed to yisit the Getty s burg4D roTcOniiTl - e - freport. Iy counter to that of the majority; it de• clarcs that to abandon the" work would be 'unwise, unjust and dishonorable to the state. . . 0 0 0 copies in English and 10'00 hn Germain of•both reprts were- ordered • to be tinted: Wednesday l.= . teLyi • •gaged to 7 day in the .disctission or Mr. , James' resolutun. In the'afterOiiim -Penrose:ga're the Senate a Most harmo nious treat. Ile read,tlie proceedings - pf a "great and respectable ,meeting of the 'clenioCracy'' of some village in Schtiylkitl.conntrtbat .ostracised Charles. ": Franey, the Setiator 'from that county, nce use oTilieltififiiFri - ti - ta - Nce- 4 0-ctria . Tall - road e. orporktiotisT - ' The' , ggrave and reverna seignors" were, riiiieutsed with laughtere—and-all7but-Pre - irrast - ilyie - Sen- --- ator - froni Delaware, Judge Myer • • Toyed the treat. • The.liotte gal up the bankliill;:seve.. • endm — etits-Ayete pfoiios-edi-several - spre , hesiviStle,_ansEthe_liouseudjo'urned before the vote was taken. , . . Thursday the Senate, after further • disenssion. uti Mr. Jatnes' resolutions, .they were postponed indefi• . b3r,"-a.ypte: of 19 t? 5. -A - bill 'au theorizing a • subscr ip io O 1 859,000 on ,the tiart,OTthe slate, j)assed'through tniffediTlvd : whoi • . • . Tu tha•klouse, the _bank bill was taken up. again, when Mr;,Steveni proposed • the following itfliett of the proviso in . the 'first section, "Provided that all banks • subject_,lo - Lthe gradual - tax imposed by law of Ist April,:lo4s;and all those,sub• sequently incorporated , sublect to "the sameAriti sball,parinto. the treasury of the commonviealtheight per cent. on all dividends whielt ado` not"Eitteed six ,per cent per annuli', i'tati of nine per, .4ent. '.9tt exceeding 89veri .and not • ..exceeding eight per; per annum, ten - per denron such dividends; in lien of the tax 'n 0* imposed..on•said banks: : This was.adOPted,by a vote of 5010 45, and . by the same vote •an-amendment-proposed -by Watta,. was adOpted,,exeMpiing -such banks . as have , paid. a bonus for their-charter frOm the operation • • , . _ -sect ton ley elks 4,-propp sed- a--4u 'thee - amendment to insert in lieu of the.. words tictween 'shall.-be;' in' the: ninth. Tine s and2the-provisii; the_following; 'set tiside - as a speCialfund for. thelncreaied security of the-creditors_of.sitch institu 7 tioins,One • luilf of Which:to rlie l liaid into ; the treasury .of-the coin motiwealgr •an• nually . .' This was also . adopted;' but -bito . re the-question was taken upon 'the section. as thus amended,-the House- ad jritirtied. • . • • .Priday I . 6.•:—lnstitictiOps have • gOde forth—=the-Writing is upon the wall. -We 'tiope'some seer:in the-Serate., of the States may readthe interput:taoon there- Of tb Jaines I.tielrattan i -- if-be- doeS..,not. resign he certainly . •will 7 —ti•einble.. The Cesulutions : of:•lastructiirit .against - the sub - treasury passed' theiSen.atelii the same shape in-which they came froin the • -Houseby:a:vote, or E1.t0 . '12..Mr: Penrose subtnitted'aoirie explanatory resolutions that will..acoompany these. They tell 0- • reilt- - plitinly . --What they .mean by their _ctrujidentelli thesuccessor_of-"myillus triOus predecessor.'' ,Tutlge • Myer's work -ittl himself into a,terribre_passion- upon att-i 8.--,a1 • ••••: together too hasty. fur-the gubernatorial chair, too testy and passionate... p the—anti- I - hank_.bill again= -and . a.great_ . meaSure_ undid --their - . Work.' of • :yesterday:: The first sgetion now Stands.6S follows: "'that froman - d after -- the next hOlf yearly_ r4yi-• . dend shall be declared by'7, the banks corritronwealth,. it shall: not be.lawful'-for-rhe - 'dit•ectors ()f any ol` them, or of savings institutions or loan company, to . - declarea -- dividend of. ; of . ..capital acttially one of the excess of 'anntkal ,pfbfits • .ari - s - Ing' froth att)% of. - such- institution's' over anid• above. eight per cent. shall..be.set aside as a special ftitid"Tertheincieased-secu rity-.ofAtl creditors of said_ institutions, and the other . lialf shall be „paid into . :_the _trea%ltry_a th - e_Conimottilath annually. b'ection L passe'd . 10, the Hoitse adjourned, j attuday ., l7:—ln the Senite, arter an 'Ti r iiir&vteltl-discu . s - i:ion l the .fulloiyi-ng. resd Ose w'eTe s. 3'EO - fit e . ilrriff vote of 15 to I mo. Whereas; the House of Representatives" of the Commonwealth of Penn s ylvania have passed the followirig resolution: '"lti•soßed, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth .or Pennsylvania in 'General Assert - flay met, That -our Representatives in Con- - gress be requested and our Senators in , Hstrocted v to—vole - - and use- their-influence - = fur a postponement-untifthe next session of congress oftlie act - introduced by the Uon..Silas Vright of New Aork,dom monlY-called the-sub-treasury-bill, or-any other act or acts of a similar character, and,that they vote at this• session for - no ' nature:• And that we -bate--fulkconlidence in Martin - Yap 13u ren, and. the wisdom . and intelligence of our democratic senatrsand reDresenta= tires in Congress: , And'our senators are hereby further, iti'Structed and out writ bers requxstea to vote for such a mode of receivingi - keeping±and - disbursing the public moneys as it-ill sepxrate as far as praCticnble the banks from the govern _ .... _ And whereaS. the Senate of the Corn tnonweAth_ot.Penngylvania has concur red in and passed the same: • - Therefore .Resolvtd,---lliaT"lht-Senate-hat-cern turred resoluti•ou. • • • • Because, / the system proposed to , be established by. the sub treasury bill is an innovation upon-and at valiance With the approved and heretofore . settled policy of the generfl government; . 'under which Avt ---- 11 - a - ve — th - e(1-1-,r-mare-than fifty:years, and under 'which we have prospered as no other nation this system sets kt_uswlittlit.. obligations of the general • government, enjoined byjhe constitution of the United States, ,to, regulate commerce bet Ween the different state s,and .with foreign, 0- vernmrtits, which, cannot..be done but, 4.y'. .givi - nc - atiCliteServing to the country a Ain& currency,e'qually.:good in every part of it. ' Because this system, it established - , would separate the government and its in terests from the people and their interests, Making the' former hostile to the latter, and !the•'tinnatu rat. enemytof the interests - arthe- peopte„ government - is - under the most solemo-obligations to foster - and protect. Because; this -system would estab l i sh of popular displeasure it has received, one--.currewcy--for r ---the-ioverwmen't-, gold -- ,wje - awe - 747 1 - tcn he - S - aliate tiiid - tike - 11 - 011'S'e - hat and silver to be paid iooffice-holders and little lust ground of rationalrblief that he the dependants of government, aPd'a eo ,... l will ;Ahandon.ii . project so iniqUitous 'and' thee currency, and a depreciated paper suhvirrsivc.Of aligoortgovernment,„ And curt eney, for • the' peitplt, - mel ti ng the •shOuld it he 'made to appear thai - the ap 7 ; office holders and the gov 'ament richer' paehensions 01 the Senate ore ,100 Weil and-Ahe -peopleliarref...-:- .: - __- -• 7' . .' founded, we have to- assure ' the' Howse' ' Because this system' would subvert and. and.the people that the Senate will -on';' destroy That system 'of, credit which hits CO' with them in denotiocing, in terms advanced the welfare:rand_happines - i .of similir .tO 11 - load : employed by. harinces... tors, towards the despot • who then .ruled our people in a .degree which- has made of. our nation the envy and admirationthe nation', that a ruler'"Ptliose 'character. the world. That system of credit which is..tpus.marked by every act that tuaytde has rendered practical the principl , that :.fine a trant,.ia unfit to govern a,:..free all men .are born , free and equal; whiah Ps.°Ple': - ',. '.• .•. • ' • 1 : hai,.giverr. t to-the.poor man of * hOilest'prin-i• Resolired,That_•the Senate cannot 01Plea. orintelligence atuf etiterfirise, the i withhold its concurrence in. the' to rnpli . means of papal Cortifota.'as•he is hia e ,louse to t c entire -e equality with .the rich in -letri.linent paid:by the h '' • • 'I et 1 inp ole ': legatipn, from' Pennaylvania in Congress. Octal rights. -, a r ti st t . t C a - - • - -.- <- • lteretofore-iicarcise d g l e ) a cyst m of credit': Ihe Serlate:bas no doubt.that the ilelega :incorpnrated•banks; Y the' Pectple 'titre'. i iron possess wisdom anti • intelligence to _are con - Orredup•on the 0)0 henetita.awhich,l-petteive'theenotinities of '-the aub-typa. enterpi give life, at,.l, vigor to "the bilaineas o 14itg.-who 6ui• system; and it is'-the earnest hope fl, - • Of the Smite -that no Man among thetn . ciffii,ViiitliVin cret ( itin' , . ., .. ,k}r the.. degrading' .iiittY-.'svaiit'ilie•intekity to. op:PoSe ii...- Vbr•oftOtt , L . ,itaft .erise7ordeperlda•ncerfor-the-most-.--partl . produced where. such. institutibrtgi , . hare not existed,:and which in other countries separates society ipto` feudal lords atid' degraded •vaisals.:*•. — Because, the sub treasury system will destroy comniet.ce,. put down entermiSe, - putt devive the sons of indUstry 'and la borof occupation. and support, and re duce our, once happy country to a •gidte' Of ; Moral anth'pcilitical degradation, fi,ting the people itif. -the- absciluto go*t.rerftment WhicT,Cit will. tend.to estabfish Over thein. . . .. . Because it will increase the Pattonage of the general gov iliiinent, alreu;:ly'swol len to an enormou and dangerous .extebt,: and 'will, • when . 'tee establisbetl-, h'e•the occasion of a co stant`increase, Of the swarms of ofliCe holders to harrasS bur people, anci_eat'out their substatice;-and finish the work of destruction of our dear :bought liberties, alreadycso feat Ili Ily_be-: gan . ...: • . . - , . :___,,, .' ...Because it, will tend to i consolidate all power'. in. the - h: l nds of tbe. P.resident of _the,United SAates, and - "the slates by-de , grees'into onelsbvereignty, the obvious tendency and in result of which I would be to transform the•presebt.repub licati systebi of the United States into an absolute or at best a mixed mona'rchy." . Resolved, That the Senate.has concur- Yed; in the , instrUction-and ,request Ofthe House Co our Members of ; Congress '.to Note far such a . mode of receiving, keep ring.,_and dishorsing the moneys a-a Wiff:ii - el - ife — TlS — flir - Irs - Tra - eticableAhe banks from the government." , ' Because; taken in connexion .with _the jitst--conclemnaiion-of-the--110use r oOft he sub-treasury bill, Or any other act or acts' 7of-o4iniilar eitaracter," the Senate finds 'in this ins' inctiOn and' request,. a : proper 'rebuke 'of the tnifOrttinate attempts at and exercise of political influence by the ge neral. nt, in the 'management of they money of the government, -through .bankS:etuployed for...this purp - Ose, stifully: proved and so, 'faly felt _during. the past. „.. _.tal . fern , years. 'The Senate - cheerfully Join 4 the-House ih-ciiiidemiiiiig-that'influence,- and-i n:4li is-in stru ct ion-and - req - nestrth a in. - the system of 4 .` receiving, keeping,' .and,dishfirsing: - Pbblic maneys",through_ a bank orhank'S ., of the pecople,care should be taken - as far as practicablesti . to .sepa rale the banks from the government, that While-they are fiscal purpOses, ihey . shall pot _agaivberemployed as the instruments of political {lower,-or tit Slip_ ply the corrupt Wants ,of ,the depend-v.l4s_ - or - the go - vernment: - ,:. . ' .• .• Resolved, 'That the Senate' fully cob -ales in . ,. t lie wisdom of4irhis-requestnancl instruction,7". when _they remember, the• history of those- politieid attempts .and tactices of the lasi . few'years, commenc ing:with the- attemptiO - -remove the• Pre. - giTelirtTf "Iliiilifilliarto f - fli - e,`T.fire:l3l - dk To. -- -t be United • States in- Net flainpkiiire, although- he-Was eminently. qualified (dr his station, because . that. gemlematt i clil fered in politics ft om.certain zealous par tizaps-and-higlrofficers of general-go vernment, whose motives of action the re cent disclosures of the transactions of the deposite banks of -Massachusetts have shown to be any - other than pattiotic. or .disinterested.. _The_ Bank of the United Statrs properly resisted these .attemptsi and the . warfare Of the government on the currency and business of the country stied;. and it has proceeded, until, like an earthquake, it. has loosened:foundations; and threatens with destruction the' pros • peri ty-a nd-g avert - tin eift-of-nt h-e-cou IT; „The events of this, war need not he re cited to sustain the views of the. House; they are fresh in the recollection ofthe nation.' 'The grossly improper'selection of the Agriculturali Bank of Mississippi, by the present. Secretary of the Treasury, midi he recent disctostires of:the affairs of the deposite banks of Massachusetts alone, prove the wisdom Of excluding political influence from the goveinment of the ma fre-yzof:--th-e:nation—and-lpitifFilit—citip.- • Lions to `the sub treasury bill. • Resolved - , That the' Senate lias not considered it proper to differ from the :douse in tlie -expressions of conn tesy to ward7lfie-VetFilileifrof-the-t-h)ited'litates,. with Which it has chosen to associate a manly and dignified condeirnatton of al most the only ;measure of government of im_Portance 11&- has. recom•. tnended. Such 'expressions of courtesy the conventional politeness Of the_tige-kis• tifies in :one individual toward .another : .individual; - wlti:Viti - ihe 'same 'lime con demns'his condttet in the strongest terms; - gird - ch - q-iway - • branch-of-our-- governinent=towa - rds - ano thetfeven - althou - gli associated with --- the severest 'condemnation: The severity perhaps may be considered heightened i by the_ tertns._of politeness in which it is • conveyed. • G I - f —lie— _n so. tar:the expression ofiiiifillence in, Martin Von 'Bosco-may rest on the conviction of.the House that he iidllmiot persevere : , in the odious inetistire already so universally unpopular, .alihongh the Senate °may hope that;, the confidence of the. House is :not - Misii severance of the_President iii this clan , gerous - measure, after so many.eVidences Should the Sentite.be_miseaken in. this, they will have reason to fear'. 'that a ser vile admission to the' will of power, ,add not ,a regard for the interests of the peo4 'pie; • constitute in the minds of some the hest claim to the name of depioefacy. - ... Resolved, that - 4h e S peal - ter:o the SO • ate transmit a-copy of the foregoing pre amble and resblutions to each of the sera alors and members of • Con - greas from this state, to be laid before 'their respective houses& .• In the Bottse, the:second,sectioa of the bank bill' passed without eilVition. To the tiiird section several Amendments, weretlendhigrbefot e the Ilpti:•..adjourned: raltn.RlErl On the 6th Inst. by 'the Ree.. Wm. T. 'Sprole, Mr. Samuel .WondB, of Centro county,. to. Miss Alnrgarct ,s:pinsikri- , of North .Mldclletor. town- ship. . On 13th - init. by ihellev. John Davis, Mr. Jldum Antch, M. D. ol- Delphi, -Indiana, to Miss Lonvlecleei., of Allen township. _ In Lewisberry. on Wednesday the 14th by the Rev. William 0. Lumsden,'Mr. Tlinmas Enstiliager,to N 1135 BEza Until ~of York. county. . • •'.. . • On•the 18th by the same. Mr. John Hart; to Mii;s Midi Secke - 1, both of Yoiic county. DI ED. rOn - Ilfonday - eveninglast - on - Nesvville,-in-con'--1 sequence of having his genii fractured bra kick from n horse, on the Satnr4y preceding, Mr. '1 ~t.aughlin, - aged , about 53. 3 pars. ..tile4taLa woolly . ' and esemplay citizeni-and . Kik otthilfillE.VD.ll7o.4 g.. • : . • - _ . . ~ .. _._.,orlity and exempla-y c,... . ..... -- ------ - ,- . ,_ lOss will be' severely' Selt-ln the - Tomtnunity or . MessrsT-Fiacir-tind-Beardstey-have-re'c'ently-heen_g Ispng_instrnaidn-lni_L_Willittmspott\' which he wAs a member._ ', ' . . 'Milton and other villages on the Sus9uehanna."Tto large classes of bidies and gr:ntleman.— on Thursday the Ist inst after a lingering ill- „„One of the editors of this paper was at Williamsport their sojourn at that place, and -ness--Mr,-C.haries- P-Robitrsbn,_9(_this _place, Takes pleasure in stating that they received a:verv.liberal support, and gave general. satin aged 'about 30 years. . ' . faction. • From specimens which ‘ye have seen o f their writing; and the successful result On Tuesday last, Mrs . . th caarins Corhh , an, of their iristructioi r:o ni-which•fell under ouwn'obserVation, we cheerfully reoom mend'them wife of 11r. William Common,. of South Mid,.fto the lavers . of fine writing as most competent teachers and highly deserving of public pat: dleton township.• . . . . , ronage.Kelistone, Harrisburg, Dee: 21, 1837.• . • • o n the loth inst. at the residence of her f at h er,. Benj. F. Msekall, Egvin Cecil county, Md. Mrs. .i 1 believe the " system of writing . caught by , Mr. Finch to be superior to any otheri and - 3.,-%V IV'JAeons,-reliet -or thelate Rev. Cyrus would advise every person, who wishes to write a good hand. to embrace. the system which 11. Jpeolis.. • . •-,, - . ..... . istatight by. the above gentlemen.. , BENJ. JORDON, Predt. Illiddlilown Bank.. .MIDDLETOWN, MAY 20, - 1836. . . . . . . . . . , ' From the explanation givento me by Mr Fincl.'of his mode of instruction in Penman ship • the'principle by which his scholars made such rapid improvement is at once obvious. . ..• .. ' • . . .CHAS. AVERY; Rec. of Deeqa.Susg Co. - -- .„. . STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA - " - ' .. -, - '. • ' _:----..------ 1 ----- . r i_.— ----.. -. . Sii7stfileffirifFa - Ci - Piii - y - . - . . . . . ~0. tr . ,. .. . r,''Geo. Walker., Prothonotary of the Court of Common .Pleas of said county, e - 4 ,.; ' 4 .:." ; do certify that. he above signatures are genuine—and further that I fully eon • v ). ..,- ,, y_.- r.' cur ire the above i and believe Mr. Fincles•mode of instruction superior tei any I ". ‘'.4 ~,.. have e - ver:-ivitnes.-ed.Wittes my hand;and seal of office at-Montrose. - ..Tuly. l innet'' Slat,. A.' ll:--1837. • . . -, GEO. -WALKER,: Proth'y. . 'reOlieri - Dollars tor Thirteen; LeMsoinis. 1 5 • • - •.. • . . if alitiakanre _ aits.. For - the Weelvendinfr Pcin•uary - 17. F -7_The_r_e_c_eillts_of_thp P k_Sre_ the aggregate being not quite 35_Qbbls. The store pLice is uniform itt sB,•at which themarketjslirm. The wagon price is 570.• 1 75. left FLOUR: - •=:Wre con tinue or quotatiiiiis fOrlst from Wagons at $4,50. although . for an al advanne has- been paid; The Store - pricejs - $4,621a4;75;7_. • -Gll A I >T.= f•Fhecit..-W e- have to note Some_operations irCfor,eign wheat _within a_ clay or.two paSt,•the sales of Which 'comprise ajmut, 25.090 bushels; viz. • • . - AbOut•2o,ooo bus. car. of Marindra, at $1,60 ---2.500. " " Sophie ' , .1,60 s, • 1763 of which Was red; of very nod quality. •All the remaining imports - of foreign wheat. fexnect aboutm-2800- *IOC' at4iet unsold) are in - sip re" v week at sl;6s—this is the, only parcel of domestic wheat which has been at market for crime weeks.. CORN-The last sales of white were a 75 cts„__ and-of-yellow at 70-cents.-and-‘. , ve qdote the same rates to day, A Cal go of Virginia: mixed was' sold yesterday at 70 cents.' OATS—We quote at 38 a 40 cents from store. A cargo-of Virginia was acid early' in the week at 40 cents. : • CLOVF,II.,: _SEED—Has undergone - no change in price, anrl`we-continue to quote the wagon prier, at $' a $•5,371, and from-stores at $5,25 a 3¢5,621 per bushel."_ FLAX SELL)-We hear of no tranacictiotis in this article. - We quote the wagon price•at $1,121; and the store price at e. 1,25, dull. , . ..Migfilletithitt-araTtCti - For the itieek ending. February •17. • • FLOUR ANI) MEAL-Holders of Flour are firm at 57,50 ,per bbl for fair to good brands,.at which price• Several parcels - have . been taken for export; Fancy brands sell at $7,621 a 7;75. Rye Flour, a sale has been made, at a shade under ,$.5 per bbl; but most holders are ;firm at 85. -In•Corn-•Meal,-vie baVe no sales to - notice, It is held at '63,75 per bbl.';- GRAIN—The sales have been quite unim -pnriant=Allotit---A;000-16-0-- Wheat have. arrived, and is . .held at $1,60 a a 1;65 for fine quality; and sale of -Southern in store at $1,60, and a small lot of Red German at the same price. lii 12ye, there is - nothing doing. , coriiiSdult - atr6B tor39,cts a considerable -- lot lofroM-store been-sold probably at ,something less. '.We quote - the store pr ice of Oats at :03 Os; but ars sates of moment. to aft Ctaiinaitts.nnd rerstkils Interested." Notice is hereby given, that a writ of Srire Facia v, to April term,lB3B, to me.cliretted , ,-.: mop Pleas, of Cuntberland county, on the following, '..Mechanic's Lien,'' entered and - recorded in the_ Coprt—of - Coturnon7Pleas,‘ aim esaid, viz: . .• • ` Ft ederick Wise, •1. , • . • - ye. I -Sci.---Fa.--str.—Me -Henry .:Myers„ Con 7 Lieiv - N0: - Inactut!,_antiaustees ; April' 1858. of. Dickinson • • James W. Kelley, 1 - ' ' • " vs. I Sci.. Fa. • stir.. .Me- . ry Myefs, pun- }.clianic's Lien, No 10, tractor, and Trustees April Term, '1638. of DickinsrM,C.ollege ! j- • -1;S: -Sur,- :Me* TheTritstees of Dick- Lchanic's • hien, No.• inson College owner:4i., 21, April Term, _and Henry Myers,: I : '7 Contructur, 7,J• . • 101iNiN . :1yEltS, Sbert#''. Sheriff's ()nice, 'l . • Carlisle, Feb. 17, 183,3. 5 . • TKO. A girl from .12 to 14 years - nt age; to•ilo light work.. -in a srnalrfamily.•' - , • , Apply to W. It Allen, North'Hanover -Street. • " " • • • • . ' NAMEIS' . CHRISTIAN PROFESSOR; just. Qj receiyc,o and.for saleattherlioul3: Sure of 19. J. J. MCV-MliSi 4 7 101111311 . 'ON -TIP F 1 C'.o:siS I'llti/TiON OF N Just yecelved nod . for saleait.lie Hook Store of-"j A A. MYERS. rebrtititya9.• • - ,•• ,ONE.S I ) 1 12-eiCTICAL Pl-11tENQL;00Y, sale itt,ibe Book Store of rooso.. , • • ' 4 l. J. ItIYEBS. - • • Ti" r Tecoisctl'aocl , lii/.4Blu•at the Book §roo,t. Of. . . Feb I Jh'• • J;• stylats Vcanutittar4 "Should mo • • • - In learning that wfizeeare be thrown, away,. - requires a day." Stri,TlZlFigg'22lZ-05-7 ,7, a - nZ243iirco\ RESPECTFUL, Y-annoitnee to the eitizenS of Carlisle that tot, •• course of lessons the , , giving a erictratt 7 ly 1 eAratarian sigatitia of tearitt2Tr.. • • By,. this new and improved systein'of 'Writing, pupils are taught' to sit in ail easy And graceful. position, and write a- 1 • •• •• ' - '• . . . W Adapted practical and every clay pUrpoicbflife, • •• This , admirable :systein is founded on simple and ralionaTprinCiPles, and is capable of •elmnging most scrawling and irregukr,hand ,writing, and substituting in its Place, 'a -neat; ,p e g nj , and rapitruse , Of •,• • It is equally •calcullited - for_bOth- sexes . .. . • ._ . • -- ForlYA is:the - ft - ink elegant, atidlii , .fact th - e 'Only proper/hand for visiting . • „ and complimenlary eards i ,biltets, • , •• . . For - GENT4EMEN•it is a regtilar;bold, flowing, businesS - Instruction will also begiven in German - text, Italian,Pyinting; and in short any and'every. thing in which the use'of the pen' .is concern ed. . , • . • Specirmiqfsmf plain and ornamented penmanship!inay-be seen by , calling at Mi . % AUG allsirlIAUGII'S-HOTEL. ---- tis facto ryfrtn.pr;te men t the_scb• ..(2' • 1 : . .31011RISON'S:.tqL1S. ' E general agent Iltr - Penosykinia; - MarYlnittl, Dela are, Sze:. ;COnsonithlth st, three doors below Morket st., plaittotol - 7o.lo,;sturth st, Baltimore, near theyou (.4; • SECURED 'UT TILE •11. SE OF 'Tun IIver.I.LN • LOETAItu:'•UstVEusAL hien teisks • - TILE BRITISH . (404EGIL .or_L Lantos . , - ..• . - ..li4LUElLlt*tt;Obtaiaal.4he—ApProdultion7. - ;01 Recontinendatiou of Thousaml4 who have been Cured in Conaunption, Cholera Olorbus haulm, Rotas internally or exterbally, apa. all diseases of the—Liver, Yellow Fever,. Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Tic Dolorenx. Dropsy, St,.•ViStus's -Dance.--Epilepsyi,-Appoplexy,TP - alsy. - Green - Sick; :nes,s, and all- obstructions to which the Female 'form is so distressingly liable, and - Which send bo "many of the fairest portion of the creation to their untimely grives;,Small Pox, Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Asthma. -- Jaundice,Gravel Stone, and all Urinary Obstructidns, Fistula; Fires, -Strictures;Ruptures;and - Syphilisin - altits - stagesT l 'Constipated Bowels, Worms; Scurvy, Itching ofthe Skin; King's Evkatidall Cutaneous Disorders ; iu shOrt, every dim plaint,• which the huMan frame is so direfully subject, tinder all their Varied forms aid names; 'as the Ilygeian conviction is, that malt is aubjeit to wily one real disease ; that is to the impuritythe blood, from, whence springs plicated frame, and that -it is the, perpetual strug gle of this vital, puree stream .of life, (the gift of Almighty, power) to dbiencumber itself of its vis cous acrid humors, with which it has become', commixed. This valuable medicine. being dornposed only, of vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and war ranted on taap, as" containing not one particle' of mercurial - minerali-or chemical-substances,-(all of which are uncongenial to the .nature of man, anal therefore destrobtive to the human trame) - is found to be perfectly harmless to the most ten lre-3t-fraintirnder-eierrstage-of tligiipst pleasant and benign-tit op at'the•same time the.most cer tain in searching out .the ri:O1 of every coinplaint, however.deep,•and of performing a core that 'was ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect, too is produCed by the least trouble to the pa. Rents; bytrerely'SWallowing - a - certain . number.oli pills, and being called afew .extra •times the purPose of evacuation; with the least possible sensation of pain, exhaustion of bandy strength,. anti without the fear of catching cold, or atten tion to dress of Aiet, , in _.any way .dirretept; frinn. their accustomed habitat These pills cure in all cases, and cannot be taken to eipess. • Experi. cote, whirit is the touChstone of till human knowl 'edge, haS'long borne teStAony to the fact; Mid extensive .use of them has already 'ver;fied its -- truttrittthis - cticrntry: -----.-•---•-~------- ------ These medicines curel.4,onrging, and yet-the weak; the feeble, the infirm, '.the nervous, the delicate are in a few days .strengthened by their' operation, becatise they clear the body-of its basil humors; and invariably produce sound sleep. - They arellie safest - and-mot elficaciotts Medicine to lake to sea, preventing scurvy, Costiveness, &c The ttp_eration_of this mild lfedicinJ whicli ennveysimmediate conviction of its utility, 'font' 'the first dose is as beneficial to the . mind as tile ; body; first Calming; then curing all _Mental. de., rangements, -Eccentricities, Nervous Airettions,. Irritabilities 'and Reitleisitess, from whatever, source; complaints which have hitherto not- been , properly understood, as the Flygeists have found Ittehrld titrproceed-froM-acrintonious-liu ratio rsdri. the bleiod, and,,happily for the prese.nt and-futurel race of mankittd, discovered' atheaß and univer sal mode of purifYing, curiiig, and preventing.. The being Cured of atiV disell.Se; infirmity, or- „. :sore; ismow_no. more a ti mus or. unce_rtain„ pre, ced u re—p e rseve ranee' intheNegetable.,Universai Medicines will always, restore nattire.3o--her: due e7,ur4e. The literary, and sedentary,. of .both sexes, whose pm - Attila much irnpsOlte [Ka . - _ties; will find a sure remedy tfiirtllltiygrsal Meilibinea for preserving the energtaAtotptiglft liness of the, imagination,. and itnPrilYl4lVeir health; otZt _age ” wf,ll attained'. by'the . use. of them ; uttd passed free froittliiiin4Ml . lo6rinities. • They are not einielOpeil:Witfi the Mysteries of . Other ' they ohlY',.rettuire to . be perse vered With'silfficiently large deses, and the• pa tient will . come off well; when a disease is ob stiiiate patients frequently. de not_takc des,es large . The medicines Ire comprised in-three iiisferent articles only, vizi in twO . kfits of pills, of differ . ent'strength or power, designated by.blo t iihd 2i 'the first is a powerful, but nm‘st'nfild tie aperient, or opening, medicine, detaching and partially removing'. the 'billy:Ma. ropy -"hinnourg;' whilst the N0.'.2 pills wary :off these •and the serotis acid and putrid humours, iriaideittalio the body; and act together lui.f..ferret , tn-St warrei. 4 never IR:still untiloYtry svantie-0f,',4116 ti franc: is tl:..fr4tighly . ..sc . 4.rchctlv.---fuld-P4V*4O ;- it' impttrine,s. 0. 'Elie ,VeotablOtil,stl3;iig , ,t'qo Awn; ler,dor gat tance fltOdit4te tlls,?Y4t,"o2tlT r warranted.' of bad liumonral they soften, cleanse, arid Aet..eli the acrimonious phlegm ;'are caoling rind allay the thirst, .. - o.ii - ei , tWo. or three powders may be taken throughout the day, - mixed in half a tum bler of water. . . - . .. N The` pais. are--so;d.inpsckets oi . $ 02, _and consist of tliree.boxes'each; V:ix, one • box of No 1, anii:TWOTtioxes - nf.No. 2—the hitter, one, larger box. with a division; the_powders'are in_ieparate boxes.at 373 cents .each.. • 7- .I.n;asEmpluantaimEtlie4gp:catc_d_Wi.aitaliiAM - 1 of the - agents, •andfor be convenience • nf-..1119_ Public in zgiteral, boxes of 50 cents,"antl2s cents each, can' ricniii - be-,budof all the Agents. the Family Adviser - Oftne - BritiVi - Colleodrnealtic - 3d Edition:price ' 62 75; and PRACTICAL PROOFS-of-the Ilyge ian System of Physiology, includ:utg..the "Origin .or Life." 66 Treatise on Small Pox thr Cholera Mori's," and many attested cures effect ed in .this country,. as Well as in Great Britain, 6th Edition, price .17'i cents --Ilteitygetatt-Me-ditlifeS-afeTtlrifrWfarifitb this country at a great expense, notwithstanding which they are sold at the same price,as in Eng-. I land. They have been 6 years before tke Amer ! ican public; their preeminent success iette relief of the afflicted, tho usands can testify . consequence of the high estimation in whi s Pills .are I_iehl by_ rtlripTiblib7iTlias induced iiiiinnumerable host of Unprincipled counterfeiters to attempt imitations, under deceptive terma thus to,delude the unwary, and fist tlieir nostrums for the Genuine 11nel:tit Medicine; in consequeneeof which,. the- Agent has-taken the precautionary measure of having an Extga Yellow Label fixed on each PaCket, signed h'y the Agent of each—State and District, and by their Sub-Agents'', in every County; the imitation of-which will subject the finger to the severest punishment the Law cap - i9flict:"and it is further: to be, noticed,__that none of the above _Medieines_ can be obtained in any Drug Store throughout source through which: the Counterfeiters vend their spurious (J.LTlteapectable parties may appointed ;A:. gents on liberal, terms, by applying to the General . Depot, No. 3i SOUTH Savwcrei...S•rnstiT;_three doors below. MarketCA, Philadelphia, and at No:lo 7 Nortltstreet-B. Itimogeolearly,upposite_the. Post Office, where. the-Genuine Mgclicine may always be obtained' , • • .• For Sale in Carlisle, at 'store of Q 91.11,: mAlisl l 2, l Fl S . .MEIrEY . , Mecitanicshiirg, ' And.Wtt. H.UNTErty NlillertoPtii, Perry County. Pa.. • „ . . • Sept. 4, 1837. • • : • Pomdde Divine. this AO well kiihWh-ih .Eurov ei.has - n ever- before been made ih'this coun try,-'to-all- who-have-ever-applied-it,-bo_ecomium mecessary,-to those who-are yet unacquainted. With its viitues• a trial will be its bcst'recom mendation• - • _ . _:lt-softetis the skin; cures and prevents chat) , pings or roughneg9 of the hands. or lips from.the - .piercineeffects - of-eold-weather,,cures-chilblains,- swellings and bruises occasioned by falls or other ' wise, and. will prevent the, many bad conse 4tiendes of sue!' accidents:lf a little 'be well rubbed in for a few Minutes on a . bruise iit'tt ill prevent alt blackriess. If applied directly, it.will cure burns and scalds, alleviating pain and ' preventing blistifre. It ie useful forcaneer he. tort . I n s -ri r blen 7 ,-for-Igaints r pAriicttiari • lying iri,•.fon - a t\tift,' neck .and swelling ., of the -glands, for the p lt.'s and will prevent a fistttla,. ,for a gangrene,-meltinglt littler- . --into the•wOund, -for-paik-in—the—stomach;—rtibbed—in- before-the fire; - rind will grcatly4eliete rhetiniatic and gouty purrs axed in any:part. * • Prepared arid Sold Wholesale :and -ReWl by it Fenner, 3i Soutli-Sevent Street; Philadelphia; wbose.:name"antDachlreSS wilt be,coreach glass of the • - . • . fur ale . by GGILliy- , .&"' 'HITHER; ~PlirCE 50 CENTS THE LASS.' • February 19; 183/3. •G. _ 11/IrARRIC Al'T'S •corojilt•te in one voltirtie,.; just. reeeived nott,loi sale nt the Book Store of JOHN J. •ItlrEltS.• •• rebritarY • • .., - • y OCKAART'S LIFE sccirr just re ceived anti fohalle at the ltdittr Store of Feb 2 . •' .14:5-111YEttS. pg .Tlll.l - P IfES 11 WYK 111A URC 11;, ;received Atilt fol. d:uy~4 We Book_Olpe,:....i)r — 7 - 3 . 3 '-uve,tts: 11!g 'i11.% .:Oorripleto i ' •- ••v .- I,l!mic‘ ja,:c4,l .. vc and 104 m ika l l r g r : t'the dunk iIS to:o6' o rJ 12!MIIMEI . - On the Bth'day of. Jannary, 1838, a peti . NOTICE. . • tion was preiented,to the Court of Common Plea§ of -Cumberland. •Courity. by Samuel lieetern. Esti, setting forth_the.facts that otr the .18th November, 1820.• Jacob Weise ecuted a Mortgage' to John Sheaffer on a .- triiC.tof land in Dickinson Township , boundt ed- by Wm. Wood, James Woo ds, John: ilettripk, and others, containing 103,actes, .4....mhe5,, to secure the payment ;of- ten bundS - tirs2o each, from the Ist of April,. 1822, till , the ist of April, 1831,Inclustve; and .that the-said Samuel Beetern7tStfi - Pur' chased the said land from Jacob Weise, and. executed_ a mortgage" Of it to the said' Jacob Weise, to secure the .parchase money t2OOO, in annual payments of $4OO each, frotn•the Ist'of A p;jl, 1830, t*theist of April, 1834. tl etolve, which said purchase monei has Jaco b weld , in discharge of the mortgage of Jolin Sheafftr by anagree ln3leeeen, Esq. ntoif the p ar said Samuel Court for a rule up - on all persons' 'interesten c h e w cause why the said mortgages-should not ta.., rati fied. Notice is therefore. hprebr-given the. said Jacob-Weise and to.the Heirs-or` legal representatives of the.said-John'Sheafr fer or any other person interested, to appear attlienextKourt of Commsn_Pjeas,_ol Cum berland county, to be, heidon the 9th day of April next; to chew causer f any they have, why the said. Court should not eater v satis,i faction on the said mortgages aecording to law. By order of the Court. •• • • JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, _Carlisle, Feb. 17, 1837: S .Franrthe First day.e 4,41 next. • -- - _• That property formerly - 'owned and occu pied" by. Mrs. Jane . Thompson; ,ilted, and now—in-4he-occupancy-of -M :Wm Max well, situkte neat' the Holly. Gap Tavern,. in South Middleton -township; ,Cuniberland county, containing: abott 12 acres of land: . , on, which is erected • : • - • A TWO - STORY 4 . f PPP • - - T, STONE -HOUSEyi Kitchen and Garden, n Barn and Tenant House. There is also on said' land, a young Orchard of good Fruit. • The .Vvliole• o will be . rented together or separate, as will best suit the:parties concerned. Friciurther.particw!_., lays enquirc'orJacoll Sqaier, in CarliSle._ L l: JACOB SQUIER,,/igent. Carlisle, Feb, no,. 1038.—tf. • • . pop 110%.VNLKE'S LIGHTS AND SHADOWS 1112.4 the 4011 ' 186 4 11 -Life; just received and for sate at the. Houk Store of ' J -J. ,MYERS; .„ Vebroary 19,. ~ . . A --LB U NIS=—A--.,large.--number,—just—received and for sale at the Book Store,or — Feb 19 rinTliE CtilttS'flAN KEEPS*K.E; ' • _ . • ji . l'lie Token, .' . . . . • ,Literary Souvenir, - . -:-Tite-Varlour-Sorapalook r — , .. ^ 4 Jtiat received and for Bale at tlie . Booli Store of • JOHN J. Zillt.RST- Fef3ruliry .19 - -- 41:1-_ , TilT9rth'zr-IntrikcluakSbratcnitfilte-Vmzversc- , --- , -- 11_,Idust reedited and for sale at the Hook Store of ' J J 141YERS. Pebroary, ' • wgaile—nt_v_cuteEn,_ Sy. Lady- Bury, jttst-re- UA B , ceived and for sale, at the Book Store of J J MYERS. . d't?' . Instruction on. the 2, Itt IT ir 114 1 17 -- hr. - "BO from respectfully-informs the citizens of Carlisle. that he wilrgive a - course of lessoni on'ttie . Gtrman . Flute, ,to thoge who are desiroUS of learning to perform on that instrument.. Mr. 11.- will attend at the residence of those.who are desirotis of .tatting lessoni. ,Application L-may-f-be-made - to - hinrirtlil of Mt; George Beetem. k . ! CarliSle, Feb. 12; 1833,3. w. LOUCES' Famous floe tor thellthen , matisrin and-oliter Pains. • Much need not be said' in relation to this wonderful remedy, as the proprietor feels confident that when applied, it will, as eau - tie - proven by the of respectable per sons,---effect,an-entire-cure-9f-tlrelliteumatie. and other pains.• It had not until lately been his intention to make it public; Lifir:by—tife friNuent applications of his 'neighbours, and the wolidertni cures it has effected, hefeels. it a duty - Tie owes to socieik as well as him,: - self, to make it:more generally known andlat the_sauwainte,..hayeit.:putasnear-as-he-can„ within the reach of all' who 'may be afflicted— with that" painful disease. . Iluhdreds oftiames cotild.be published ue persons .who haire beekc:ured by_this. cele brated Medicipe, but 'the following are select-. ed from the mass, as s being .amply• sufficient; to attest its pciwer. • John Srove, Peter Lindennithir. Peler Lindomuth; Robert Richardson; eorrrerrtts - Sto tier, -- SaVotrDilren Aaron 13ender, Jacob liiestand, - Hobert Dysdrt, Henry Alsbaugh, John Alshaugh,_ Christian-Org,ani — Saniuel - Fenely, — David Bender, _ Samuel_Young, _george - Fisher, • Jacob Woilich, John Cover, Jacob Miens... Mount Joy, Aug. R.. 5, 1.83,G. . . • All otders from adistance addressed.to the . "stibscribei 4 i"lVlMint Joy.. Lancaster county. -• will be 'promptly and faithfully attended to. • ~ , • • , SAMVEL LOCK 4f 522 - ountlo,y:TelY: - rthrl,s37: - • . - 7 ' • The .above. medicine is.alsolor sale y_ - JOHN - _ HATFIELD. . FOR. NEXT.' THE- Snbscriber-- . orers 'for rent a- mill and • ccrvenient DWELLING HOUSE,: aitoiite id tlicW*d 6yr - 61 - Lololler. • street, near 1110.•'.'• College, The hoae w'ellealciAlated -for a small family, Pobseasien will be.given on the 'rat day d1'4,10-if next! •. •_ WILLIAM - B. MURRAY. cartioe; Vebritary 13, 1838.-St. 1 IS IRO R Sale one new, and, fashionable BA.'" ROUCIFIE Also .one second hand TL LB ILjg,r, with set of harness to each vehicle:'. CHAS. BARNITZ. frasi,tingtot,es- sr • A'ITENTION , 'ARTILLERY•y , ,: 'VAL are ordered to Vara e on .'yOur useet -yeroit ita (VT HORS pA Y, TH E . 2 . 2 ND ,, Li . 4 1,,V43F FE1113110Y.:24 EXT, tit litita!' t e..lp:sl44...lll7 wittt ornis.!n,gitoil Atli* 6. , • . • „ ~...,„"L. , *;•,,, , '",t,13y 'order 'of ClOhdri 'Hiddre.'; • iifirlislelaniniri,3o -483* " • INEZ= lEZZI J J"