Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 13, 1838, Image 4

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\ If!! f) E
.Flowers qf Loveliness.
. EV . I; E.
Around thr.cross'the flower is Winding, ,
Around the old taut
ruined vall
And, with its fragre llowerS,.hinding
The tirCh• with %%Ilia it soon nmsufall...
Audi two before that cross are twayink,—
One; with her earne s t
t • the hein't delayirk;
•• Bent heavenlywith some earthlylove.
st. \larie's shrine is now laid lowly,
..hiyered its windows' rainbow panes; , :
Pilent'itsliymniL-that pale flo'Wer
Of all its forTnet:.pride
flu Shed is the ancient anthem, keeping:
"I•he vigil of the silent liiSlit ; '
pon'e is the censor's siA•ey"sweeiiiit ;
. Did) LS the Sacred taper's light
• • ,
T hie• the rapt soul's eitt • too •
• The - desert titt - ti to Iteavet/ma) bear ;-
'Tis not the,.shrine that- i ea - divOtion,
place.thnt tfie.s the pra) : er ; • •
.J.tot fel I: grieve t 1 at, thus
The firth the fallen Fell; .
.w w • "
110 a n l y pinand
• _
, Wet. thankful in their
• . •
k 'theyoung mini filled<lll fancies,
Arni hones, whose gloss„is.nnOel gime;
• .1 .11iit — riddie early world s romances, •
,/ • • erShould the cell close its funcrcd stone! •
• the quiet . Cloister wanted,. ' •
•. :For those ,t r ylio.weai .i‘i'eary eye;
Whose ?ire has long•-bccp disenchanted,.
• • Who Inivi•one.tinly
How oft.the'ligart of woman, yearning _ •
"; 'Forlove it dreams bat tiOver meets,
- 'll.7.roin, the Aigildi . wornand weary, turnip&
. ,Cold shelter id these - dim - retreats !
There were that sple,mn
That life's harsii,feeilsh, hours deny?
l here might tilt , last rrtiyer .... Ej,# to heaven,
.my. God! Ipray thee, let Me die!!! •
".. _
desire none of our delinhuent sub
scribers:- to ;read:the
copied 'from the Boston Liberator: ' , Our
reason- for makinr - this re nest - is—that--
. _
we are fearful ii vio 1 urge.tnem to per
lortn•iheir%fluty=anil_that would put mo
_ _ !Icy in
. our pockets, „an article nee.ded_ai .
- • about our heart, •
Come A. F,
And .'pay your bills bont..gtly a
- :Pot li for t 4 cld -ye'a r and the nsair:: - .
••• I;lken A sits; a happy -
- :11. I, J, K., 1.,.1\1, N; O, '
- • We-Want our money—don't be slow,
.. Pray donut let us Ik again
- Or spend - our timel: it* in* vain.
`P, Q. 11, S; T, U, and V, . '.
-'• Our easy we would be glad to see, •
If--you our just detpands will pay, '•
- . - AVe i ll - wish - yOU -- will - oirr - NeTrA -- e . da '-d
Y, 'Z; Sr: all the rest, • , •
• Conte forwat d now and do your best,
eaIITE - pay - thuirrinter - al ryttirawe - - - -
- He'll happy be, and wish you so.
Take notice—,lf you do not pay,
May you be troubled every day;
May conscience never - give you peace,.
Till .you to be our debtors.cease,
But if in answer to our call, .
You promptly pay us, one incl . -111—
May your prosperity be great
1h eighteen hundred. thirty-fight.. '
. .
"For modes of payincntcredilors_m4_brawl,---,-
. PAYMENT. —A 'paper _ . ip_Camnettiem
gtves the •following extracts from the
'nutes of One of its collecting agents;—'
Mr. --,,' says he; !agreed toVay in, his
way, and refuses to pay cash.. I. S. has•
-gone to the west, and
. they say he can't
• .pay, B. K. has failed, Pays - two cents on
tti,e_ dollar. • L. M. paid, but wants the
paper stopped, because you charged him
moi e than the.price agreed.. G. L. good
for no - thing.. .M. very poor, but pro
„ibises to pay When he gets able..:
his. wife-just Am .to...bed of Iteefifiegothl
can't afrord-to pay "this - quarter.! • •: ”.
. ; ' QUEER CUR rtia.icy --The editor of the
-- .C - arekiti - livtorder - cornpltrinKtirat - iris - sirbr
scribes don't pay, and says he would
take • rooked. pig's tails soaked in yine...
gar,' .r titer than nothing. • . .• , -
After- noticing the' attempts of the
government presses to deceive thepeo
ple, ss to, frte`coorseof the general ad.
ministratoxfivith — reterinee' To — speele
payments, the New YOrk Commercial
Advertiser adds: _
' ' 'No longer ago than yestetky, we
oiliselves - saw - a large bag_ of specie
exhorted by the
,Post Office Depart
' in did . • . The debtor tendered Treasury
• notes—=the government's oWn paper
—Which' 'Were refused by the Depetrt
4n)ent--andwe saw the specie-paid:7-s
-: And yettthe government and its, organs
-tile . ..hunting down the banks like so
• tirTanr,hounds, - fornot .redeeming Aheir
• ;liabilities . with SpeCie instanter, while
-the.governthent ititelatishonors its own
-.paper. but it - does raj\ wcirse than. the
latks. ; They, have rideer refueed their
-iiiiii, paper fordehts' due to,them; '-:-,but.
`(ll'6'. government does:,c.,And . Yet,';v,vhi,le
.thus ;wringing every
. 4611ear . of specie,.
' finni the debior; that; .- C4p!.be: . phtaired,
iiit!'il.„,.Plus, ilk: i ts. ' oj)pretii4, tri ea su Vet
• `dolpi4 ! lt can to
, Jitevent the re,
su'imlit=on,i,.cd , ,sneeTt.F:paY rovniti, the i ) ar-,
biejt of o)e,:tAvi . L I ist rat i. li .dlre'..ctin.tivally.
: in: i s r itil cr4 ajoinst the b4h11,80, "Ca - ri•any
-Vans 10 . itareu - nprinciple . d a , ' j eelisgroae
, LIM- - ' . • ' -.'
' This taniv shows the amount
f pay ‘
k ehsted..botti;ei.s", 13 . 3 .°
aenorcht% to-,thetr ,
grades, are eotititd . to rt:e.eive'l.
for their ' I
e `
0-Wi ,
. I
To. the Sergeant Major, Qimr
tenivaster Set ge . ant,Ch'l
- sician;& - Clo,f each 16 192 '640
I'n the Ist Seet 'of a Company 15 1:80 575
Ordnance-Sergeants• _
All other SergeeantE—each
Farriers and Blacksmiths
Attificers" • ---,
PI ivates
Besides the Monthly pay, as abOe stated;
one ratiOn per 'day is allowed.every soldier,
which is amply sufficient for hiS subsistence
large :supply of conifot table and
genteel clOthing.. Good
,quarters and fuel
are at tithes furnished; and every atttn
lion will to' making thoSe_tilen.who
:mayTenlist,_and are deteisiitined:to.servetbeir
country in-geed faith,' etnnfot table and con:.
.tented. with their situation. The best medi
cal attendance is always" provided for c ihe .
.sick soldier; and no deduction of pay is made
during the pet iod he •is unable to pei form
his duty:. Should lbe.Soltlier be di sableaiii
the line of his duty, the Ipws•provide" a.petr--
_sion_fut...hitn.. • - . . -
_:l3y the above it - is,seen: that the pay and.
allowances; are vrespectable, and That, with
prudence andeconomy, the monflifSipay
the soldier may be..lital up—as every.- . thing
reginsite for his comfort and. "convenience is
furnished hy
,the.Govertncnt, jncl tiding. his
sugar and, coffee. The rrtident..-soldier,
Therefore, -may readily save-from--,8300: to.
, P3l t went it3 - yearsr
and at the expiration - of.the term-he-can, if
he chooses,purchase a small:form in any of
western States,- aid there settle hiruselfcom
-RENnti_rzy . .cius, Carlisle, in_
the frame : building in EtilSt Main sireet,Vor
nierly-used as the Volunteer . firinting office..
• • •:
ir7The sum -of - TWO* DOLLARS
will be givOn to any citizen,
sioned Officer, or Soldier, - who 'shall bring to
this Rendezvous recruit, well
formed, sound, and otherwise duly qualified,
(as above desci ibed, for the dutiss . of . a . 501 .7
Bier, and who shall be' regularly enlisted.
80 halt. at., 4 doors .
tSclo . tv the pranklin Bank.
' jki•
- 50;0.00 Dat,LAIM
• Persons at a distance diposed to try'their
thet - of - th'e - intlovring:granthbiitte.-
ries—one of 'which 'draws alternately every .
week—are respectfully requested_ to forward
their orders to the subscriber, enclosing the
cash or prize tickets, designating the Lottery
Will receive immediate attention by return
mail, and the drawingsiorWarded when oiler:
E..M; 1.t."131.1950N•
. Baltimore; Md.
DRAWING 61. I,()T.R.Kia.-HOrder, in whicb
the several State Lotteries will be draivn.
Ma4land , State Lotteries draws in
more every other Monday.- capitals range
-from - 10;000;720;000 to $3O,COb ; Delaware
- State - Lotteries-draws- , twite-every-weekr
Capitals vary frum - 5 to $lO,OOO ; Grand Con
- stlidat - 51.17Liitrely - draw s ; once every week,
capitals 20,000, 25,000 to $30,000'; Alexan
dria Lntrery• draws once every other week,
capitals 10,000, 20,000,.80,000,50,000 ;.Vir
ginia State Lottery draws every. Saturday in
each week, capital.prizes range from 10;000 ; 2
- 20;000 - , - 25,000, 30,000 to 840,000.. Tickets.
in the above: l - Lotter:ie.§ v 4 tiry from $2, 3,4; 5
and 10 each;tlGires in proportion. •
All leeteri addressed to the‘sub'scriber go
perfeeilfiafe: - Ncriniscarriage hascver oc
curred. • • '
Feb. 14, 1fi37.-111 . • • .
• Rev. De. Barth()Wpm - Ws -
--An agreeable - .corAillZand effective remedy for .
- eciutrsvitiiaTsen'epii.-'eorsv-It'aimilrttre-Breat;*
Hard Breathing, and 'Difficult expectoration:
Poe & Children Wig climates (Ind warm.
proprietors.alTaWare that there are'many
remedies for coughs .iind, diseases of the -lungs - ;'
some a° dohut - are.gOod,hut it. has
late day to discover an artielelio:admirablY fitted
to these" complaints ;- so pOtve.rflil and efrectual, -
and yet 'so perfectly - innocent and mild. • . •
- Let not the public cla.,s the scientific result o
a learned Physician and Divine with the nostrums
of the day. Let theftrmake a cereful perusal of
the . .eyidences,attendingthis-artieley—theirre:7
spectability, and. the .decided manner iu'wkicli
they speak,_ and they cannot -withliold.their_he-_
lief tQ some of' its virtues. ...Let us- assure' them.:
that - a single trial of it will
,do mare-toconvince
-all of 'its - merits -- than all -they-can-see, or . hear on
the subject. It is quite 'certain that no injuryl
has ere'. been known to arisefrom itsirec use.: --
uncommon ; ' feet is, that this remedy is a
'syrup.' as palatably:Asa& pleasant to the taste as
the most popular French cordials anct,chilqeit
take it always with the greatest readiness.
The proutietols are new ticaking rapidarrange
ment's to have thi s ariicre in the hands of .every
drO ggiia.and , apothecary in theeountrY. _lt may
fielpown to be' genuine''. by the fhllowin,g
tare as lielOW of the Rol: Glittleinith and' Phy
sician who is - the author of it. lt.
is with .great . pleasule that, Abe proprietorsare enabled thus to bring - forward article so
tray - raeritaious:as, this.sylnp, and from such a
source, aild they trust the community who .have
occasion for its use may always fiad it within their
reach, both as to . plaCes at whiCh it may bfo4ik„d,
and the' low price at Which . ••
A kreat whaler of:the must wonderf9f e.ures,
may be seen by callhig'on Mr.f'Bolander, Carlisle,
kit whose tore it is for sale.;.; See -, Mr. llolnsider%
for sale S. -ELLIOTT'. • :
. .
• All persons Who'kpnyv,iltetnaelves to be indebt.
Nd'WAN; Sidnierber ,are retpiested te call ingife.
op Vjn. lrvine, Esq., and, pay uiff:in
ivlioellacas the books have been placed for
colleAtion. -. • BOLODER. ,
• Carlisle, Jan. 30, 1338: •- - • - • - . •
'.the Receipts and Expend itures'.Qf the County' of Cumberland,
, e COnktnis'siimprs , of said County, froin tile 1,44. da's , 4 - Jannary, to the 3.lst day of. Decembei;-A, D
, .1837 iticlustve. •
LDCT of taxes laSt annual sa
lty tax :assessed for 1837,. including coinnitili
1061 appropriation 11 . 610.,000 -• • • '•
.ived on loan tram W. Bentz ' . * . •.•..
Dance thin by-M. Hulcoinb , K.q,sheriff, on lir :
January, 183-7,•&c. paid over • . •
Balance . dnel4-J. 'L04141 . 01)6' of penitentiary
Verdict fees - received in 'quarter-sessions -
Anintint'Of ante rectived of P Ei b,due 15th of
. . . . .
,Frpfuat'y, 187, ' . ' ' ,' - .':: ',-* •
. ,4
Anunt,:teceiiird for .1;i:51604)00 of _unsea l ted,
lands,. inteet . St and cost .
. ....
-Scli:e4l6. - tif oftglatidlifg:TOte4;
Due CounlJ, per retur&;of.l.treasurer, 31st
December, 1337; subject to exoneratioi4,
4.c. with the-amount asrsessafor 1831,.
viz: . ' •.' - '
-- - plicatts.
. 4 2575 - 93
Sill. 45
i .'4637 -67
744 27
566 13
-,-,10,120., 360
• Townships..
E. pennsboro'
Fran k ford
Monroe '
10 120 360
8 96 288
Ntifilin . •
N wton
SotriT pion
Silver- prig
Sitippetts'g Ito I George-J:1:0k I. . 463 77
tp I ,lluglt.Craig. 303 37
IV:Pc6nsboro I 9 Itltolitgoter,y, 2129 7'l
• • County,.
• • 13y Report of ludilors, viz :
M. 'lelcOnib, Esq. sheriff, fur and vei .
--4icis,•Sce; _
J05..1.03:1th, Esq. proceeds for pcniteiltiary 56 493-
John Myers, Esq sheriff, for 7 fitiesand ver- • `•
.diets, er.e. .• • ' • 4 . • 44 06
Pue, by 'Counti l
Amount of loan.from NV. Bentz
To balance due county by treas,urerf
. , . .
*Since paid in full. _ • - -
-I F-Ike-bulance:due--count-y-by-J-Wc-EbyrEstp--late-treisuyer--sittcc l
paid - to - his successor in Lance. • - -
.• .. .
Cumberland Cemoty, ss: ..
out WE, the Cominissioners of Cumberland'c - ounty,-do certif.
) .1. '
4 4. 0 that the above and foregoing exhibits a true and.correet state
.n.%. k.,... ment of the-receipts and expenditures of said; county, for ;h:
L4l ),•
..,..i 4 term above stated, as also of the taxes 'assesseddbr the use •O:
r, ej 7 41 ',. 4C. the county and common schools, together with the aggregat:
L. . ` l.4 * ouees_and_exonerations alloyed duristLthe said ter ~.At
;also the oinount of the.sev \ eral taxes outstand ng and in Omit:lnds of the
respectiVe collectors, as atnive stated, according to the best of our..k now
ledge and judgment. Witness our hands and seal of otficv,'at Carliste,,
• the first day of January, A .6. 1838. .:
1 A.-001.1-..Z11.G.....,,_—_,
- • -.- • 4.41e4 - 4 , - JA.I4ES - ,KULIS, -
.. • .'-.`"
ROW!'. 'C. ST - ERR . ri ,
Attest-10,1N inwm, ark
. . .. . .
. • sTAtEn ENT —7
' ''
• FOR RE 1 11`.. • • - 3-Ai_ „. . - „.,
.t. ,:'• „
al w' .
.4......,_„_., O fState C ommon
toti. :l l l , o f e re A n r i M D r i oj t ) r r i i c a t t!t i d c ite tin fr ib ci .e m ria t fi lie
14,1MHE subscriber will rent that- well known ,- --- 11 ,
A - large and convenient house, for many years• - 7 iilk*-- --
county, rim • the school year `commencing the,
occupied by Christian Ihnorich, and more re , ' .
' 1 Ry- Ist Monday orJmie, 1,838 ; ..,
:er...-- cently 'by others, as a,...7I•AVF.RN
• ' D:': trick.
$. 4. : i9 85. .::: : .;: t f: -:
$1 1 8 8 8 39 39 "
't 0 g ; - HOUSE 'the house is r emmket- . MANITFACI. 0
_ - •
4 0z tll u ~! • '
'••.:,,,,,, u I 0•,., bly well calculated for erne' rtaining _ TheS,,td?seriber_ returns his slnee_re t ..r _ .... __ltanks Alle l .Z l6 ______
506_9.2=._ _ N.E.46 _ ,0116
,into __
''''"' " •• BOAlingltS-1116re - 71 - teing — thre to hi - 571qt i set Gusto for the Ithetai sn•ate •-•-,•• ,
. ,
__..---- , . .. 328•_88 •N; Mreldleton ' 229 83
•stat3,, , waysi - anit Ore places in mostpf the rooms, of patronage,. w hiclOas be en give.n Lim aud 4)1 -C• k ! ° !•O n
Alte_sttuationjayery.plea , ant.and_desirahle„Leing_solicits_acontinuance_of r the_same;_as:also_he_ F E 2l6 ll 7_ l l° ' 29 ... : !_n j.7.Michlict" 299 10
6615 0 Silver Spring. 2:iB 89 the north west corner all:mover and Louther ihvites , those - - who may
" t " Yet' have limiewell . 132 07 slii ) a sti'gth' 0:192' :8
'streetst - whiler- 4or - cmreentences - Ht - exeels-any-Th'etr him-k-vilirto-do-s -;it-liis4op-ir.-Not-tiv-,1--• 1 b ' 813 - 9.2' - st Pi
e ' -. 1 '—'7 l 1 8 .- T V
.., a - C tames urg ~ oppens.) K,,.,p. .0
other house in the • borough or country. - .1t tr i o Hanovel• street, one eor north of Ml's, Li' • mai n - 191. 63 Slot Inimpton- - 10 . 7 46
sesses the'tihustial advantages of 12 roms on the- W e i se ' s . store. " .
. , ' " Monroe - 199 40 .W. Pennsboro' 257 02
first floor-12 rooms on the 2d floor-4 rooms on, Having lately.rettirned from. the' the city
the 311 °°°r-6 cellars iiii house' Tw o wells or of Philadefpnia, bringing with •him•the latest'
water ; (one at the front door im LotitherstretA, and - d - fashicinsthe subscriber --
- W'illi a, pump .. .therein; the other in thF)aril at the. liar 04 h a nd,
a large ashortment Or • '
kitchen door;) a Cistern trade tO contain' eighty • ..
five Hogsheads; 'large : and convenient stabling, GENTI.EMEN'S BATS,
rwitii carriage house. and I dieds; large' and,ekee- ... .
........... _
lent gardens attached do the. buildings besides Is a iimzeo. alcompiez o -
. .___.
Many 'cunveniences'not slit-titled: . Notice.
... , ,
• It Also; 'one • - frame'. AV eat her boarded.lkc. finisit.ed in s superior style:: .
.7 . 1 . 1 r, E1_1 . 1:.. , A_ . 1 :,
.1 ., 7 tole
an llt ) e l'reasurer's Report it
Two . Stoty Haase, :shouted in 'East Limther st., • Al sd," FU R AND : ZEAL CAPS,. Of thCi
with two Cellars', a Garden and. Stabling attached latest
_ fashions, all of winch will
be sold low 'f-1) .1:ei....5, ' - - - I r . e!iiiiii i t:is g iLt . stan l i l l ' i l t t ig o . r in C t e l l ie ll h ' a ll iti:
. ( ii . if i
• . ,
theereto. .. .. •.. .- - '. for cash, or exchanged for cc .untry '
produce, "'
collectoN. and: it having. become necessary and
3. Also, one other: Weatlier.bAttu/k.' d Call-and see." , .'
'expedient thid said balances be Collected; • ..
Ropse in .IYest Lottilier street, adjOining the Ger. . . I oereorre, ' . • .
man Reformed-Ch u rch,' with a jp.atti.en_j l tt ß el s .4 1"..T . ,,0,y .. , ..20,- 1837.-- 7 0_,_,___ „i •_______, .
.2.----- 5 t----' , --Rmived.--Ttiat--the---Trtasttrer-heiherelry - Iti:
•, - 11:`iiKil .. e'ims app fy7fii" '.'"O' - • •
. - strocted and required tomtit upon collectors from
.N9r. 20. ', . CIIHISTI:AN 11UMHICI1. •
P VII LIU ii. COU : Ps - - -Mimi; kilances - tippear to be•tie * and tit Witte
v, . .his.warratitx . torthe collection .aceording to _lay.
Neu , Books k - Stalkolan: . . GEO. , PRINCRI, -. or Ai. liatoices that ally be nnsettled after th.F be-
Sirday of
• Febrelary-next, ------- ---,- --7-
T. II& stihnriber. hasjast_receierd•- at his . .Fo'rinerly l- of - • iSuiiblfti - ..ii - , - Wa rillumkrla . nt .l l eun : . !
Book and Drug sore, in the borough of Car- JAC9,II ZOit
. ~. • • COWIIy, . • . ' JAMES WILLIS, . .
lisle, - a.Large and General Aisort tnent .of the .
_ Latest ..p ublitations. , • !legs leave respectliillyto inforrn_the,ptiblic. itOBT. C. 'STERRETT
• - • Co/amiss{ (inera
V • tbat he Ilan removed, to Harrishorg, uthere he: ban „- .• . ~, ran ~• -
He'hai Mari added n - large number of DRUGS tilken that large atul spacious three story brick ,oninaistoone s Office, , . . .. •
AND MEDICINES to his former. assort- he formerly oomuricrl •Lx _Matheffli..,..lUsan 449. • 1--13 * -43:38.--3( ''' • -----•' - • - ' ''
- ntr - Airol.WhiCh'var b ---- iiildiit tliCiiivZaraiii - e - Viir ititulnut and.Viilli streets,• - •-:::ii- ‘ .
~..6, -, „... . . .
„ . .
est, priceS.l. ' . •
HAItIiISBURG, '• ' • ' - ' ffigior muici,,rp 4 ,.. .. -•
In-view_Olithe Stte.(.;apitol, widch_he Opened On, :. •. . • '
the first day of. May last, and Where he hopes to rwifill'stibscriber offers for sale the
, continue to .receive that patronage en libel:4lly
. 111 described lionse_attil half lot Of grOuncl,_sit.
F o ii - R E Nit - bestowed on his
. establndonent heretofore, 'lle u ortlisitle of Maio street in the bor
.., .. . 1 willat all. imes, be ps•ovided 'with..everf tliitig ii
'THE Brick Dwciting House, Store ( ancl necessai•y to shake his ineSta coniforialik. •. A liAti., newly. opposite Mr.. George
'a hotel•---the nest half nfs lot No.
Ware HOuse attached, situate in North Han- ' " ~ ' .G. 'PRINCE: .. 6, ran of said borough-hotintircl •by
over street.Carlisle-nOW in the occupancy of Harrisinieg, June -- ,- 1837: . '• - -- '-, .; tf - Main street Millie...south, Hr. "I', My.ers on- the
Jacob Wetzel, also the Stone . - Dwelling - ' ' ----'
Mae ailjninineoCcuniedrbY It OA D. GOth- - '
BUN ' . ll EIIII. I ST 11',111LLS., stint the widow Ciiiigliton'tin the e!st, coot riving
rie, Esaf. a150, , , - the front Store Hoorn, and-- - --- . :30 ./Zet in 'front 441'240 0:.-t In depth.-..:The bu.l
- • , , .
cellar adjoining the Brick dwelling House, A Further sup - ply. of Byndretita PillS; la 56 dulgs are a .
now occupied bSriplip Early. PosseS'sion• of jik -cent bOzes, jut received, and for sale, at , -'. ~, :-,' ' ',Frame IfeathOboarded
eithi_v. of.. the above prnpertieS may 'be , had the •sici.e • • r 7 • -- , , 4441 r / l'a, .. •
..I , k? I I I .. . • •
on the 'first day of Apt it next-'Co Good ..• . „ • ~ ..-•
~ 6014.131 t atiII•TNER .. .•,'' •••••1 a I' • f""N' Vi. Ma Irrt
, .. • • ~--,,, - -5 - 2.0 4 , k - 4 - 4,‘) , •
Tenants, a. Lease tor 'years:Mai , . be' had;- •Noy: - 27, 1837.' ' , " - ..r !. • ,'. :. ' '' • ' ~. i..:- ...; ' ;
..- •
Apply:i. . - - ISAAC El, PARK:EIL' • ' .
Carlisle, Jan,: 28; 1838.-4 f -
" JO lIN
Januayy_ •9, Ipss
NOBICIII ANIEBICA. ~. 'franii i; L: on MO
street with,W larg;,
. INSURANCE COMPaNY; - : " , . Brick Back Building,
THIS CoMpany still -continues to make fronting „n
Insurance on all kinds or pi operty through , • - L s " S ai d - 11 ! ' is
it e Ilev' l'ir to i l ica high
state of imprOvgment, with a variety of choice.
their agency in. Cat lisle. The premium is
reghlated ategrdin to tit risk., Averitgiogiirrifill Trifri Mild ea . :MO Vibes , front 356 40 cents, in the-huhdred dhllars.. ''• .- . .—''t -' "; ..: '. . •
UST' reC
I assottment of ancY scriptions will l/e,---reCeived, at.d ol' i
..., letitherw -- such as &ler& andP lc " ; ..57uu6bery
noat hearing, Cureult andGoaseberry Bushes, and'
of dil erent kinds. • • . .
W,tilmeWs m a t e d C6.11a . the dvbr , ~, v ..
KorocOo,.Fitlich do, red and green do • ' - a ' 81 ' Y.' \ . . ,- • . , giv en . .' •
pntable title - with be to t he purr.:
BlaCk Kid, Hatter sklns,..Brudings. &c. &c. '`'' • •..
.60 ,8 , 4 4 4 clias . er. Vurther ,i;articulars are deemed mime
,., - - :••' , JOHN, J. MYERS; , , Aw bulls
' A - 6 - wishingto l • "
and for Sale bi,.. : '. c , .. BNIRNIT'Zi -- - ' n.' .• ' ' - - 'cemittry. • . sty pets ns pure lase, rire
• .., , '• , • • • • • .
January 9,t838.—0tp .' . " "° -. call and view thtprernises. The terms
VUR avid SILK. Pliish Bonnets, black•and juST. . ,
,Cu e air and Sea- .. .... --- -• • • JACOB. ° •
" 4
'RECEIVED C I d'h ' " I • be ma" klia" )3 ' . . . '
fancy colours; for sale by , .
' ' grass'Bed*MatrasseN%and for sale by ° ' , AY/ER.
4•C‘HAS, A - RNITZ, . . ••• . r . . , CHAS. BARNIIZ s • •- • .
• : August '4B, 1837. , . '. "-.. • ; .
. .
r, .
have received 8 . day, nail 80 New
Y9rk • CLOCKS. which ivarrant' to
ki.p good titne,'and offer. them at : reduced
prices, at ray store... '
Fkk) ,- t,41m:: . (4 . 14Xv:,,,.:W*00010*.:* -
.:.$ -- :: - .T.:„a_;_;_.r-z - :::......:t.'s'. - 0,':
JASON ;W. EpY,' Ega.e • IIIZIO:ASifRIE4,..
P Nresiiers,Mith
Adam Seiree
Ales. Logan \
Aym Y pOyd •
Peter • Itr'cker
S...Mcf!ortnicit . .611.40.
WWI' Relirner 324 02
-David Kuiz , --1898 -27—,
J. Waggonei - -- 7 .1308 - EOl
John.KinOop - '
- 262 19
-David.Scnfiy . , 2686 32
_J-13 Duncan 1.37 40 •
M. Dun)a F
p . : 2392 . 'B2
... . .
t 52844,3 sii
$ 3924 25
• 4 .
315 '2
44 00
50 60
- slanting
-295 93*
1167 85
.341 67
' 124 27•
292 65
36 011
426 30' 1
679.71} I
$1872 . :0bi
Commissio nirs
By cash paid on CommissiotiOrs - or revs - I - Nat. -
.Dalanee due Treasurer last annual set
tleinent.-* 2. '• `.
• ..
Grand and traverse . jurors pay,.
Auditors for settling accounts of 1338
Witnesses fees in criminal prosecutions
Constables do. do. , •'--
"Justices dO do '
Printing for county - I
'RSV:lire s rutincidental -expenses of Public buildings. induct.
' . ing court crieis's fees, siaiionary for office; &c.
bank' for 10 ' 1111 and inierest .
-Expenses of general.elec.tion
Assessors pay fur 1837
.00filltIOn ACIIOOI amiropi lotion —••
Sundries lurtifSbeilS county jail and•penitentlary
--Eastern state-penitentiary-lov soiyou t„of-convicts---
Lewis Ilyer,'Esq. pay .in full aa - commissioner- :
Jacob, Zug, Esti, pay'as for 1837 ,•
James Willie, .E.q d o do
"Robert-C.' Sten ett,.Esq. ifia • ..frem -13th November: to.
• 31st December ; 1837 • '
irotim - Esq,,salaryfia.cleTir cottiniissione'rt c
Jaiues Graliain,_,Esq, salary as attorney to, (la
•DireCtors of the Poor lorisuppciii priimers. = . •
Melchoir ilitimenian, salary as Director of
. the . Poor for
Robert 111cCune,-Esq„ do-
David Enuninger, Esq. dr, •.
Poor house visiteris
Michael. HOlcomb,
.therilt for itipPoil [prisoners.
:.&c. tor, 1837
Thomas.Craigliead, jr.' Esq. lees as clerle,ol quarter les-
S. - D. 'Ada ir, , Esq. fees - , - -as - .leputy attorney general •-
George Fleming. Esq. prothonotary's fees.
"Joseph 'Abaci', .Eqq. salary as keeper Of penitentiary
1- Inquests on .dead bodies
',Taxes; &c. -relunded
Constables for makingptartsrly •
Tuition of poor children
Expenses of making road at Big Spr i ng Prid . o,- near Neiv . :
J: I aumaster 'on account of Imilatn; bridge over Yellber
Breeches, nem: .I..i.,intru
Viewers of Toads
Fox orders •
• • •
A matint OS rrimmi•sioners'
E xorkpra lions allowed _
r 6 "30 —
Balance or taxes due by collectors, per schedule 'On 'debit :
side 472 654
liy,.Treanurer's 7 cointnissio,n
Ainlitors'..•lleport. „' •
• WE, the Auditors of Cumberland county, having examined the seve-
AJaccounts.and vouchi+rs of Jason W. Eby,. Esq. Treasurer of said coon
ty, from the Ist day of January. to the 31st day of December,' A. D. 1837,
inclusive, do report and certify.that we find a balance due said cornr . ty by
he treasurer 'of live hnn;!ed and three dollars -and fifty-nine and a half
cnis....ll*.uh.lM.slogll.._:_lar.iul..under-our-liands , ut t !•vrlislejle.l.llll,Aiy o f
Jaituary, A. D. 183,8.. ' -
Tif OS - .11. - 111.11t110W
S pertntendelit of Common
Serrttary.'s HarrisbLrg,
• Sanuary 14th, 1838 •
~., 4
JOHN I3RANDT. (M. ) " ' •
W 11. LIA NI LUSK, .4 ecdilors
Gto. M. 'CR HAM ; - .
-. ,
lamignaolol ACADErift*
I t 2'2 MT%
- • - Class No 'I, for 1838.
To be driOn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday,
138 . •
" • - "AbsT •
iriiiid . of 4o;o0Oloollafs.
- 7 10,000- r 6,009-L5;006-:5,000-:.2,506-1,946=
• • , 50 Of 1,001:8;.c •
• Tick et $lO •-•-• J lale - $5-4uarter $2 - •
Cerrsof,rackacs.a of a 5 IVbfliellek.els„.sl3o
‘, CR.
Dp .
DO . do
$1345. 71
2202 .37'3
is 00
. 3.10 07
169 48
116 26, 1 i
:Isp 37
Fur the;betirtit
• Class Ar'o.l frr,1834.
.• •
ro be drawn at Alextrly:a, Va. - on the .1d
vivify, 1338..
:34,294---11,764-- . §,600 . -6 * .003-3,000-2,500-:..-
" 2 36:-53 rif•izes MOE: . B,tc-Es.c. • ••
Tickets eitily fack—lVili•e : , $5 —Quarters 1 ,50.
tif Plickag'es of 2.5 Whole`'Ficketti
tiq • - 25•1114:. , „tki
= tro , -1 25 Atiltfter do • :•-. •52 -50-
4'3033 83
. • • 147 00
10;000- 00
281 42
103 63- -
76 50
112 5o
109 50 .
• - 15 , rii•giellig: Logicry..-
Nor the benilit of the towitofili'llee)infr,: •
- f0r ; 18,38..
To be drawn tit 'Ale).iandria, :Va. -S4tuiday, - ; Feb.
83e. •
' 7 -5,000 - 4,000--=2;530
-•?•‘4,000 1 -1.';7•47.6 .25 of 1,000=20 of 300-2.8 •of
- 27 00
7 - - .:7_260:00
50 00
, .
30(); &c &c.. -- ' . - . ..,.
• ' Ticket $lO-4101 - ss—Qn:irter $2 51 - 1,
Cert's of packages of 25 ti hole rickets $llO .
Do . _ . do_ : . 95 Mill ... do - 65 - _ --- -
Do ',
.---d ,- • _ 25 Qmarter` do . •32-53_
_A:I-Orders' foi'. Ticketir nod Shares qr Cd't - 'fir --
elites of Packages in the J.iihote,,,)lagnficent-
Sctii,nief, l% iII rt c iti ce theAnost profit - in intentidn'
and• an,. official aeconitt of : rack drawing KR
innneiliatidy after it is over to.all Who oydeV filial
'us..., Addre3r., --4, . - ''''''''' :-- ~,' - - - :-... -
--- - I) S. GREGORY & Co:-Matingerg, - _ -
.' ' - _-WAshington - City,. D,. - C - :
- .
30 00
30 - 0 J
30 00
30 00
1358 05
- 114 29
78 50
28 73
- 200 00
2f 71-
1 03
, . •
LITEKAirY 0;11N1.11US
.11as now been in c'xistetice•A-Welve
and has enj9yed, doling that - period, a_very
exteM.iee share ,rptiblic-favor.- It. litisjoi
nisherWortlYo'dol 1 a t 4:7firtlalia 1 f, rep.d.nty of -
Ltirlon-..lm6ks which cost Ilierrl (War fifty
sevetr dollars in mithcitm (9 a large annatot t f
-fiterat y.matter, reviews of new books, tales
'anti domestic and foref - gmli'wg: - •
The original prow ietor,. Mullah).* lo de-
29 Er
- • . 3G. 84
17 -61 -
629,15 9 80
- . 193 86
$35,042 643
'32l' .15
vote its time an al teptimi-t1 "ts of eit ye'
pdical woeks;'has.dispo.ecl of Ii is interest . in •
tlic_Omnibus. to _tlie T prvsent-:pli blishe
_make no-fifrther
_change in its general',
i - characrerthan - Nwiirg - it - fr'fitilz - MottiPl' - oftice - t.
and cluftrginethe irmne from 4 Waldie's'
tfr'Browies.' • - •
---,, - $33,86749
Brown's Literary OniniMis will,be issued
every_Evitlify:narning.,, printed on - exci 11 en
INCertifif,liilite - STiF; 7 ll%Weon t
1. Books; the newesCaftd besvtpat can be
procured, equal every wet k to a LLondon.
duodecimo volume, embracing Novels, Tra
ikeis, Memoirs, Ste, and- only, chargeable
with newspaper postage! _
2. Literary Reviews,. Tales,' 'Sketches;
Notices of Books, and information front the
world of letters of every desci
3. The news of the week, fop
mestic. •*- -
• The
_rice tvnl be twp . clpllars,per annum_
each to clubs -or
two individuals, tw.o - chillars and a half C-m -five
dollars r . ortlie,twri. - . Single mail subscribers
three clonal's:- Mail- itmittarias to be Post
• •
As :the. arrangements for this uneleytakicg
are all completed, tire proprretdrsosks.l ,
a generous public thatc.iinsicieratiraitto which
sn 'diffirSive a scheme of cliculating know -
ledge and amusement is entitled.-
The firstinintiner of the Ne w - Seties- cm •
men ced an the fa • lth rf January, 1838, from
which perircl or ft urn any future date, new
subset ihers may commence.
302'PtIstniiisters and agents for periodicals
through oui the Union and Cattail - a, are-re
sque_sreil_toiert 55 a 4 WS for the ( and
corn municate with the' proprietor.
• Address, jurist p.ud,
No. 50 North Fourth st. Philadelphia.
NOTICE is hereby ttit:en thatthcKominission•
ers of Cie olteK'ind county; ty 111 hold Ike .Apptuls
for ) the year• 1838, in the different township% in
said county; at the time ;oaf places as stated be-
, .
Low,- for the_purpose of ,
hearing al I' persons with
may upp'y' for redress, and to-grant sock relief,.
.s&to -them shall appea r just and reasonable, ttt
P : , ---•-- • •
For' D'ckinson anti Westpcons;borough toivn.
ships, at tbe public hons . e. john Paul,. hi West•
peniisbortniKli'tp‘,tiship,_on_friday_the 16th day.
of Febriiiiry ;. nexf. • . .
For Slkipprw,burg bni 014;14 fkt the public bokise
ofJacolr tiaiti s btirougli,lm buturdkytbe
Taribiy - of-Ifolitual:)_l_l_ . t_':V. •
For Sontl!anVtliii Shiprensburg townships
at the same- place, on AtoddaN-the--19th-tlny
February utsxt.
For 11, pewi,•ll totensliip i at tlie•pulilic house of
Jaenes_Siionr; in. Newburgh, on Tuada,:y the
20tylar of February .
For IClewville and Ni Alon.totrnshipg, lit the
public Jamie of Nlichavl Neu vine.
bn-Weihiriday, the Ihi dAy of"Fehromy neit.
Fur Mifflin nuil Prank at the
'same pl:;ee, on Thursday tne day of Februls
For Noah and S'ontit Middleton toirnships:Ftti
the'Conitriiiiiiter's office, in Carlioe, on Piitioll .,
the 23d day,of February next. -
For- &Jeer .Spring and y.'11.4t Peunshorough
ownshipq at the pbblie holUie - of J/Neph Grier.
m`•Hogii'rsh.wi, ou Saw day the of
February next.._- . •
For tile liorongli of. lklechan:csbuirg, atlthe
public hinise .r.tuhn 11,loyer, in rill,' bortiagh t on
illyntloy the 26th ilay:nt February next:.
. For' Allen .township, at the public " hotise
David Shafcr,.in Shepardstfiwn, on 'Tuesday the
: - 27th (lay of February :
' For Ntourne township, at the public hotie• of
David on..lredneday tltt,
28ar aril. of February att. • ': ' • dr , •
' For life liOroirgli.”r Carlisle, nt the Commis..
day:Of Slarelt next.. .
Priodpr;l.lsiTor-3 . of each , township,
are also ' required to 'ii tend at the
time'and place fixed for the appeal of their. re.
spective. ttNpalt
• ,Brorder of they florrniasioners.
• JOFIN IRWIN, Cleik,'
iripissioner'u Unice, • •
Jan,' ]8,,1838. S , •
_ : '
.11cissozolITIoisr •
4 , Tpl.: Partnership heretofore existing between
•the.'sobscribets,, tinder the firm of , HALL AND
PORTED, •ii. this tiy.diniirlveit:by mutual ten.
sent . Tho the.bitnds or Valiant
M. - kr - or/6. who 'a ititherizea to nettle the sam e.,
• - JOHN - L..1k1; HALL,:
, , • _ 'WM. M. PORTER:
,Carlisle; 00t..30,^103 . 7 ! ' •
at f ,
25 Quarter - —32' 50
Trieinfial Asiessanefit.
iflarket: Square, BarPisburg, Pa.
• .4, - Ge*..llll.airolan . stoti,l
RESPECTFULLY inforiai his frietidtawl
the public; thafhebastaken the Public
HouSe, lately, ke . pt Johh Stuull,:af
the, corner ..iif4larket•Square, Harrisburg: .•
,known as the . I ' 2 • ' •.•
• lt.A-giiI*OTON; L.
.Which litis fitted up . iit hanasomeostyle;
for the 'accornmodation of the public': • : His :
table is well•suPPlied with the best the mar. •••
kef iafibrclq big bar with the :cboicest
quors'atr wines, and' pionaptand•--tibliging
servants-are keik--alway_s_ready--to-ktend-.!to•--
the of customer s.- . . -
'He•lia - Slaken the• stand-with a deferthina.' •
Lion to spare no pains or expensiloirtike
house equarto Ray in the counfryiby'keeping: _ -
every dePartm,en't. outlet:the Sityei intendence
of the , ringst competeat - and ,faithful; and; by
personal attention, -to 'give:every satisfaction•
to his customers. He herefore respectfully
requests dime who pay flarri'sbarg.a:visit, to
call and test the t rot hofhis asset
January 8;1838. • ;.• • • -
Encintriigejour own ;Ilianufactu-
lea r k•? - C ) A2O
Lg..ifirlatif. ER dt .80.4;
9;Ni - TANKFUL for past favors, inform, their " •
1- friends and the public .generally that one •
Of the-firm having : lately
: returned from the '
eity of Iphia; with' a_ large and: ex
celie"o assOri went
;ire now_prepared--to - mantifadtut:e Gentle!,
est and most.approVed fashion. The quali- . •
ty bf
,the PltiStris,far superiorto any for met.- .
ty - !fad .cr.harid, They have at preseni an _
excellent ascirtment-of--
Plniti••Russias, •while - a - ntl blacks- •
. • s
. Brush, Se.aver. (.41..t0r,
- Silk - flats
of all sizeaand pt ices. - • ;6- -- - •
Als6;:a,getieral assortment -of Llidie' - guit.;: —
„nets of, all colours aintalesct
Pure Witife, FaVin..l.Sfack
they - will sell ai ai - enio•st iccluced prices.
these - at ti cies, iveltio__g,ivt. an .eat
• .
. -
-N. B. They have f) n d a f_v&of the best
crivality ttf FUlt RAPS , which- tIA7 qiter- to
pelf . .
atiow juices, •• I . • .
(rhe sobscriber._mi , belialf-of-himself and---
C." \V. .Morgan, offers. for-sale thDUN..
e s l.
-' N•NC -) N - N - A11.7.. ---- r - They --- are - niTi' e7firitz
fined hoo p and-are believed; to b - equal - in : -
quality to tile hebv.cilt nails that were ever I:
manufactured in the . United States. The
following_tertifictites.are bui joined.---,-- ------'----. - -.
• -.* ''''''' - ' 7 NE.i 7 F.CiirtilbiTifiliirr, Linn:4 ry 7. tR3B. -
Weljtie- been welt artputin , ed - ivith .00' ,
_general 'quality .of cut nails. - Thii - se made
from the Duncannon - refined iron, we: - con., -
sides ruperinr to thOse madi: ft tan . the' best.
intim; tett ittin.. - ' . ' -- • . - •
Slitibael Wilder,
It oswell . Woodward.
Duncanncn Iron-Works, Jan.-.8;-1838;
• We cet tify-that Vie have carefully
the nails Mann fltcunted_try--M e
WiiTiri;,a (Pa litl AN'ilder,at New Cot niberlandi.
out of - Dtmcimnuti 'film, rind do believe them .
to be superior to any we have everseen used,
French, Nlas.ey Roller '
. . • • •
EnnelrlWlVls i Carpenter Sillatern Maker..
The abuye nails•will• be delivereff4n- the
'Cumberland V.lley Railroad ; or on 'the Ca
n..), 'at Hem isbrirg or Duncan's Island, and
furwarded as may be directed, to any: town •
'in the state; on suitable references: or a
bet al distr;unt will be made for cash.
Ako—on hand,. Hammered Iltr Iron, and •
it .is expected constantly to have for sale at .•
the works, rolled Iron Nail•ltods,.&c. of the,
Various sizes,,,.
17'Orders by mail,' . dircated to Clark's
Pe 44 : , fentort - rf't - iiII - F - be punctuu
tended to by the manager on the spilt,
• . - ` W.. FISHER
LETTERS of - Administration on the 'estate of I
Martin Brenneman,' late of •East Petinsbolough
to‘Vnship.deceased, having issued to tti, subseri.
be:, let:Wing in said township; all persons •ndebt
ed to .the estate 'will make iinniediate payment,
and those having debris' against the estate:4ol
present- them properly - authenticated tp•the itub: ,
scritt .r. • -HENRY IMENNEMAN, .
tgaryls. 18.38. 4dner.:.
• SI itct .
at the heof Springs.
iiY Now Ml)* towo4l)ip, 'Cumberland cottoty.
:ihnot f lir miles vicar of the lioroo ;It of New.
IttP - ; -- Will - he rented for a let* orootor more
Feat s. boiknoo are _ ••
'esero StoPy ry,
vdt ettling:ittaspintling-macitines,-looms.,
and nvcc ssary machinery Jr - mantiflic4
toting cloth; also a dwellitig house woven.
lent so :Ile factory. For teralDapply eith- •-
et . of the undersigned, • , • . •
IVA!. t c
arli r
. , West'
. , .
. • ~. .
The Sub Scriber will sell
,'at private . sale '
the following -property situate
.ahnirt..; three
'miles. west ,nf rite, Harrishur g - gridge.ritid
adj:nning the Cumber land-Valley ltail:ltitd o
containing-about—l .. " acres having theram.
.erected - -.
. •
..w.vitO Log Houses,
shop,' At:Atte, 4 ;aril t , fne:yer ,waterptt-1
tik door, covtlier with - ohm SG! choice, WWI
trees. Piniscssion will be •iten - tin the lat 4
.Apr. next. • •
A (!onsaAgr.u:
Shire m anstown, •Dec. e • '••••
„ SH.EETING I 7. •
, •_
fi.i l ta t ik v itiAl,y the stitisbwibera .1 7 4 and
OP 12-' - ,11Jboi .
' •
b Byreqley . ruble ”
tr01.1:11Y 'St ifITNEIL
Carlisle ..rantiary 1601838., •
.. •
, . .
~. .. . . _
. • • .itank, stock . ibr - Sale
• . Ello3ll 20 to 50 shares, o 1 Carlisle
tilikil . (here(herein•l36lll‘.- ft:4A ~
for sale, on
30, dollars tigt '14404
paid.- ; Enguire itt•Ehis ffi
oce': ' . '•'. -... -1/.. ' ,• r . '.
. ' .VOruitry'fii 1838 - -.4t. ,1 • . . .6 .'• •.,:: ~ :
Cl - 4ARLESA3ARNII has received CIR. ,
.per Gum Elastle Suspendersovhithitti
offers at reguced rites.