Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 06, 1838, Image 4

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graintest , einanient beionging_;to the Ml
tint nifrarne-. strangely thelmis , orit
the 4thitenance and preM:itqrqy.bririgs on the
,apPearante•ofjold age, causes'many to re
'coil, at'being' unitivered, Mind' sometimes even to
•4:— Iran society Co avoid-the jerts and slicers of Bien.
acquaintances; the rein:Ml.ler of their, lives are,
• consequently spent in'retirement: lit short, nOt
eren theloSs of property fills the generous think's
• .'ing youth with' that heat 3 , Sinking gltiom as doe , :
.the lossof • his hair.: To averuall theSe unpfeas.
• •ant .cirettinstance.4,..OLUßlDGE'S BALM OF'
• COLUMBIA steps the Indt• from „falling „falling off on
the first application, anil a fewlhottleS restoreWt
agaitiZAt likewise produces clebrowS and wills .
hers; prevents the hair from turning.grex," - fillikes'
it,cnd beautifully, and frees it from si - Mf. Nu.
• mereuS'. certificates alba . first 'respectiibilitY in
support of Ilte....yirtues,,of;.Oldridge's balintire
.ilswlM, by the. propfuXors. • •
' CO-Re:o{lle following:.
-ROBFIT''IVILitToN,Esq., ‘late - 7tlclyor of
Philadelphia, hat certified, as; seen .ielnw,
thq. high character of the following gentler
. ' The undersigned "chi hereby certify that the
have"used : the 1341111 of Columbia discovered
,Oldridge, have flatly.] Sf.fn reeat
'tile net only as a preventative-agaihst the falling
off of, hair, but alsO a certain restorative.
W THATCHER,. senior, .
Methodist Minister in St. George cha re,
• • No.l36:NorttrPittirstreet ,-
jOIIN,P:',INC. MS, 331-4rch street.
JOtIN tit`: 11 , 16;1 Race at.'
JOHN" S. FilltN.F.l - , 101 Sprite.e at.
lIVGII M'CUItD South 7th st, , .
JOllts.l GARD, Jr. 123 Arch st. •
The aged, and those who, persist in 'Wearing
wigs, may. net always experience` its restorative
qualities,..-yet it will certainly raise its .virtues its
the estimation of the public, when. it i 3 known
that thiee of the above signers iire snore 50 years
of age, quid(the.others.not less/than 50. _
• [From the Mayor.]q .
• City of Philadelphia.
i. ROBERT w n Ali.l',ON, of said .City o
Philadelphia, 'do- hereby certify .that 'well
acquainted with Messrs—.V.-V4- - Inglis --John S.
Furey, and Hugh - McCurdy, whose* , .. ) nrimes .are
signed to-the above certificateOliat_theyare_gen:
tlemeh of etiartitter and respectability, and as
full - credit - Should''be given ttto the saltl,eet.
tifi eat . v
In witness whereof; I have hereunto 'eet my.
hand, and caused the seal of-this city to be
L. S.. 'faired , this sixth da of Decembor, &c.
. .
7M - 4 - KR TON; "Mayor,
- has ;a splendid engraved wrapper, on is
- .rePtesen.te , l' the Falls of Niagara, &c. &.c.l - • .
'• For stile at-wholesale by COMSTOCK S 2 C sole
• — .Alents 'for - America, New :York; and by most
:'`driiggists dir(intlibitt - Anierica: ' • by s.-C: BeLANDER Carlisle.
. . 'ARO for. sale 13.37 S: ELLIOTT.
_ The
For the prey . ntion' and cure •tif Coughs,'
• (;olds, Xstlimas Cilnsumptions, -spitting of
Blood, and diseases of the breast and, lungs,
• ClifiTsqn7Fite man,
for of the :spc.cific i - -resided upwards of four
. years artiong.,,the.different tribes of Istiirth
,American ludiani; and with unwearied dill.'
:once - used ever means in his power to re-
quire a knowle
used- by- them, for the - edre,of the sick and
wounded; and more particularly - thOse .which
hey •take to prevent and, cure the consumw,
____Llion—andeomplaints of the breast and lungs..
He obServed the Indians we-e subject to nu-•
• merous and similar complaintS to •those of
wiTite.people ; and from their Mode of
• ing, and being eicpoSed to inelemeitey
of all Weathers, many of their compinints
plicated and violent. Although,,
- many of their diseases-„were-of such_a
ture as would; with 'people in a civilized
state'have terminated`iii confirmed eonsunap
. tions ; yet, dm ing the time he was with
thew, he did not hear of one Who died of a
,• So hoppy_are they,in their:knowledge_ of
remedies, and so cei tain of their •effects—
when applied in. time, that it may be•aid "a
. true consumption is,a disease •never known
or, heard ,aroong,them,”' The truth of this•
observation must be.corroborated by all -who
have had fthe-•opportunity cif—becoming 41C.
• 'painted with-these people. It'inOy then be
. •
asked why they are exempt from these corn--.
pleints? •: , Tbe reason is , obvious ; because
they imMediritely7seekfor -- . - relief, -
vent lhose.complaints which insensibly no
dermine constitution, and bring on incu
-rabic Oonsumptiom . :-•• •
Bills of. direction accompany.: each boltte
,N , oftlie Specific, pointing out in a conspicuous
-manner, all the symptoms in the different'
stages of these distressing diseases ; also par,
• ticulae directions respecting Diet and keg
linen.; and how patients nrc•to conduct them .
„ • selVes through-every stage until health is re..
• stored; for vain and useless %vould be the
prescriptions of 'the ablest: physician, ac
companied with the most powerful medicines
if his directions are not faithfully adhete&
' The public are informed that - the - deposi.
flans a, twu hundredvand eighty seven:per
sons have been taken before the proper an
, thorities of the city of Lancaster, Pa.,all corn..
pletely cured of the most uses
of consumption; some of vrhi
in'.tlte bills accompauying.th4
' The price of each bottle of INDIAN
SPECIFIC is One Dollar, and each; envel
oping the genoine*Specific
Cl iksigne(.l--by
arkson Freeman, and the initia ssC. F. on
the seal of eac.b; None can be ge'n
uine pithout thissignature ;.a base comppsi
,. -tion-haviug been .atteinpted_to _be.imposed,
on. the public by a .counterfeit imitation of
this - extraordinary artlele.
It7A._constant_stipplytibove Spec
' ific,ls kept - constantly on sale, - by SAMUEL
. . - ELL'lOTTLvearlisle-and-by-Satauel-VVilson
Shippensburg., • '
1836.-4y.' - .
(~.` • SITU BAEL HEWES' - ,
Celebrated Rheumatic, Nerve,
. _ and Rone
AppTiearrnornmg—and night, has cured hun
dreds. • It 'giiecyelief in the awelling or the
glands of the throal'i - and' relievei'the numbness
and contractions of thelimbs and will take swel
dOwnland-inflarratiiins- out of the flesh,
.lbeumatism', - ,brnisesond sprains.t gives imme,
di relief rit strenglyens weak 'hubs l and
tendslbe.cprds when centracted.—k few .drops
• _on sheep's wool 'applied'(o',the ear of deaf per
• sons ; will by,constant `application , cause. them tot
bearlo.wo months' timq. ,- •
- A great number ,of certifies:tee of the most
1 , respectable and, decent' character may be exam.
...fined where it,is sold; ('lease call pita. C, Bolinder
;? who will give further information, or see
.n ,A4N, Bolar,l4o* MeV'. '
-;;Carlisle,ro,cloner iOw., 48.
iarel by ELLIOTV
!I• • Colonization -Meeting.
The • •ein t
le IP onmation finciety,n ssocut e
:1;014 ilieir'ntinitterq'ti . ,Y, in the
' tife ) 22d 'Fe.bitary',il6*t;, ut.ll Welock, A. M.
' loe l tl . 4ikile or; itt'o=- - ettn ie in t,h4 Inprn'tid
• .! ,
Telifeetfully.inititEir 'totitterie °Several
. maybe expected.
liezviile, Jan: 30,1838.
• • : - .• . ,
rrs •
- o
• nelbriiiting .seryibee
WANTED -fOr tbe Uiv i•CE.DSTA•fEs A ft-
Div, a feW l ahl,e , hodied citizens, liet - Weeti-the
ages of 18 and .15 years, being.ahout: s feet '6
inches high,-of -good cha racter'; and of . re-,
s"peciable• standing among their 'fellott , citi:
tens. None need . iipply to enter the service,
hut thOse who are determined to Serve the
peyfe.d. of - 'their enlistment—Willett - IS billy
three yeafs,--holiestly.and faithfullk.
-,PO,y of brOgium
" • aoldtcrs,' when .
. • : • •' • mounted:: •
• . •
-••-• I 'ls
This table shoWs the amount. [ Elz.l
_pay : Whiatit etilistecLsoltileu; 4.
, 1- 6't
ac&n..diog to their respecti've 14,
- Oade..c — u - re - entitled No receive ~_
ME' Omit . services. '
• P" . •
:I'o the Sergeant Major,QuarQ
terrnaster Sergeithr,Clef Mu
-sician, Bugler,—each. 'l6'. - 192 640
To the 1 - St Seerora Company •15 40 , 37.5
Ordnance. Sergeants • -
All other Serge'earits—eaell 12 144.432.
Corporals ,• • •"10 120 360
Bugler's • ' . " .9 108 k•S-'24
Musicians 1 - '. '
, .
Farriers and plackstpiths . . _: ~ 1.1 120360 1 '
Artificers - • , .
Priirates, - - - . 8.96 288
Besides the monthly pay; as above'stated,
-one-ration :pee- day is-allowed-every_soldier
which is amply sufficientfor his subsistence
--;also, •a - large Supply of -comfortable and
genteel clothing. Good—quarters and fuel
are at all•times furnished; and everyittten
4otiJiill be paid to making ihoge me 'who
may. enlist,•and are determined to serve their
country hi good faith, comfortable' and con
:fated witiktbeir - situation . :: - The best medi•
cal attenda,-
• k,sohlle.r.;
dolllolle period he is unit e to .perfcirm
his duty. honld the soldier. be
. disabled in
the line ochiS thityolie laws•proVidd.a.pen
sion for 'him. • • • -
Bi,the above it IS seen that the-Tay and'
allowances - are respectable; a,ntl-thati--witii
ptrudence;:andcconotny; thd.nienthly pay of
:the -sold ie rtnay-be •up-•as,every_thing
requi - site for his comfort - and_ convenience is
furnished by the GoVernmentilinclittling.his
therefoi - e, may readily .save from - $3OO to
$5OO duting his short enlistment of 3-years;
and at the - expiration of, thelerm he can, if
he chooses; purchasb„a•small farm - in -nny,,of
western States; antl-there-Settle - --h-iinsett , eomt ,
fortably, on. his min land, for the rest. of:bis
life. • • _ •
ItENnitzvoui,. Caffisle,
Me - frame b u iic fin ffln, Erza street;' or-
In (47F1;.mITTiVhf...
- December . 4,lB3i*.'—tf' -
-1 - PTlre snip: of TWO DOLLARS
will be given tO
sioned Officer, or Soldiar, who shall being to
thii Rendezvous an "ableAiodied'ieCruit, well
formed, sound, and other Wise duly qualified,
(as'abovC described,) for the . dtities•of a sol
diei; and Who shall he'regnlarly enlisted.
halt.: - 81., - 4 80 ''doors - below the -Frankliq-BVII-4
. •
• • . •Capitat`
'50;000 - 40LILIARS.
Persons at a:distance diposed to try their
hick in:either lof Aliedollowing grand-Lotte
ries-,-one of Which drii•ws alternately every
week—are respectfully ref:rimed, to forward
their orders -to the subscriber, enclosing the
cash Or prize tickets; designating the Lottery
will receive immediate attention -by return
mail, aud.thedrawingi forwarded when over
(if requested,)
E. W. it 015-114‘S6N.
• BaltAmore, M
DRAWING Or UOT/EitiE..4 - .---.otihir, in whic
the several State Lotteries will. he drawn..
Maryland State Lotteries draws In.Balti-
More — every .other — Monday. -capftals'range.
from 10,000,. 20,000 to $30,000'; Delaware
State Lotteries draws twice every week,
capitalS Vary from 5 t 0 .5153,000 ; Grand Con.
solidatad Lottery draws once every week,
capitals 20,000, '25, poo. to-550,000.3 Alejtan
driALWery.draws once every - other week,
capitals}lo,ooo, 20,000, 30,000,50,000 Vir
ginia State Lottery'ciraws every Saturday in
each week, capital prizes range from 10,000,
20,000, 25,000; 30,000 to . $40„000. Tickets.
in the abizi'Ve Lotteries vary from $2, 3,4, 5
and 10 each, shares, in. proportion. . • •
All letters addre - the - subscriber
perfectly safe.. No tniscarriagehas oc
curre4..- ' .
Feb: .14;
Rev - Dr; - Iliarthail - omew s
An agreeableeen.dial, - and effective remedy' for
Coughs,' Hoarseness,Colds, Pains in the Breast;
Hard Breathing; an d ifficult e..lipectoration..
For MON E. 4 Children in cold climates and warm.
The proprietors are aware that there are many
emedies for coughs and diseases of the lungs
some noAoubt are_goodi_but it_has remained to a
late day, to, discover an article so adinirabliP fitted
to these cr ,verful and effectual,
and_yetso It and - Mild.-
Let not
aleatned-1 ,ne,with the tro_etturrm
of the clay. Let them make a careful, perusal of
-the evidences attending, this ftarticle;, their re
ipectability, and the decided -manner in which
they speak; add.theY cannot withhold their be.
lief to some.of its virtues. Let us .assure them
that a single trial of it will , clo chore
-to convince
all Of-its merits_thap all they cad see be bear nn
the subject. It is quite certain that no injury
Lhas-ever been-known-to-arise-from - its - free - use.
uncommon 'fact is,.. that - 7 this remedy is a
' , syrup, as palatably and pleasant' to' the taste as
the most popular French cordials and children
take it always with the greatesfreadiness: '
The proprietors are now. reeking rapidarrange,-'
ments to have: this article in the - , hands,of-ei , ery
' druggist and:apothecary,in the c ountry,;
,It may
be known to be genuine by the followmg
ture as below of the..lteV. -Gentleman, and Phye
•siciaff.who is Abe author of, it. , •
• --Ws With..great pleisdre that the proprietors
are enabled thils - to bring: forrierdcan-artiCle. sti
truly meritoritm4 as this syrup, and from . such - a
source; and they trust the community Erillo have
occasion for its,use may alviays findit'vithin their
reach, both as to places sit which it rear be found,
and the low price ' at Which it is sold.:
' A great number of the - most :wonderful ;epees
_may-be-sten by calling on Mr.:Bolander; Carlisle,
at whose toreit is : for sale. See Mre Iltilander?B
papers. -
All'personswhoktk4 theniselves to be iitebt•
ect to the Subscriber-are-requested .to c aH boMe.-
'diateljr" ~
, on Wm. Irvine;f Esq,, and ! pay' ,
up; bi
whose hoods- the' books have .bsen . 'placed .
Carlisle, Jan.. SO, 1338. ' • • ,
ance. is alwafs provided fcTf - ttre
• and no deductiiiti.of pay is made
- NO
f• • '
11 Vltt2ti
17 - 44 1- T''-11 MEI 11 4
r • •
Of the. Receipts:and th e
By, the ConitniSsioner6f said County, tram the ISt day ofianuary, to th 31st day o December,. A ; 1).
• - • . .1837 'inclusive •
. ,
ro•balatice . of 'tares outstanding at last - atm : nal set -
•. c ptitTrnett,. - .
Aunty inx asessed'for
school appropriation-of $10,060 .
...—Pieceivechon loon froth NV:-
Bahrici! doe - by M. J-lolcomb, she' ifr, on•lst
Jthlual paid over- . '
•Balance due by J; ',ohne!), keeper-Of .penitentiary --
Verdict fees .received in quarter sessions • •
°•'Atnotint of note ireceived. of- A. Erb, due• 15th of
Febrmiry, 1857, • • .
.Athonot..rec . eived for - redemption of
SaTAfitc — cinii iixe,
Due,,Cowity, per return of i'reasurer, 3 I'M' • ".
December, 18.37 „silbject toextinergtioils,•
4`.6.--toith.- the • cinzolt4 (t,i'sess•ed. for 1837,
• viz,:
ConOrofq.' 7 "
John Mateet• •
Aclatn Seirer
Alex : Logan
.NVIn y. Boyd..
Petef liricker
-I , Kooltford
M onrob •
Nliffiiii .. , B7 McCorTick .
.----,.861 40-
Mechans'borg 7Danl Relkifferr --, 324-02 L
N. Alidti I
teton David Kutz. 1898 '27
. _ ...
Newton • 4.- . lVaggon , l-308 01
Newville• - • John - Kinstile 262 99
S. 1%141 - ton David Scoby • 2686 32
Southampton. ..1 B Dinican , 13 . 77 -40 -426 30.
Silver Spring I .Do .I'
nlirp' 1 2392 82 • . 801 57
Shippeneg - bolGeorge C . latic I 463 77 ' . ,_
--- •-•-• " - tp I Illigh Craig •- v ' 'i-SO3 37 - ' :-----
VTPEFindboro I J Oonlgoll!cry.. - 7 - `7l. - 20 71 679-71-i
-' • - ' •
. , • ~
, 1 $.2.84;13-56_ 41872_684.
. - -
. - • , _ .• ..
- AdditionaLsirtus due .Cotinty •
.._ , . .
, . By lipporl of aliilitof 4 s, viz : •
M, aulcurnl;,.l4q, sheriff,lor lilic Eitl.ver , . ~ • .'- -
- ilicts &c, __--
.- .:.. -: . '. ',5105 12 _
Jos. 1.,01) . ac1i; Esq:proCced7 , fur penitentiary . '56 4 91 -4 '
John N 1.); es, . E sir.. ili . eriff, fur fines and. ter.4
•dicts, &c.
• •
•• Die by"Countyi ,
Amount of loan from:*, Beniz
-- - _~-.
To - balance due•-couilty:by-U.eaisurert
Sliwelntittin - tult • ' - - -
balanceclne-ciltinty Esq.-}atc-trcasureri-sin&
ll* to kis successor in office.
- •
. .
Cumberland dotutty, - SS. .
.. , \
. 0 ,„,,,• -WE-the, Commissioners of-Cumberland county, tfii . certif
15. t
. ..,5.11N . that the above and foregoing exhibits a trueiand correct state
pts and expenditures of said county, Nl' ht
:P 6 .4. ~.. ment of the !Teel
4 L taxe s assessed for the use o;
1.!;i • lidiitY7iiiiil common schools - JogetTieTiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiii;
lrentil :
. - of fees and exonerations` allowed during the said terM,:atii
arso the amount of the. several taies-outstand ng and in• the hands of ihc
respecOe - collectors, as above stated, according-to the best•of our kno w•
ledge and judgment—. Witness our.-fitTirek and 'seal of ..olfice, at Carlisle
the first day of January, A D. 183 S: - ) •
• • .JACOII ZUG, .
. •
. .. • JAMES 'WILLIS, Commissioners :
. •
- • • .. • ': • . „ ROBT. C. ST ERR) - ;
' .
At test— of N IRWM, Cll'k. • •
. • ... .
.- . .
NT:- d
~._ • ..
. ~..
E likT —l— • - •___._-' - . °l W --- •
- 01 - Common - -School Appropriation - due from the
- - -
'IrEtTIF , subscriber will 'reii'V,-• 40t well known +. ,•••,
.. . -
- a - large and convenient houSe, for Many years e.-..--- - .
"7 • '\
.:-. county. s k f t o i r iel tTe n s l c .c ! n iL D l j } t e .r a ic r ts co o in f commencing the
.. I.t, Monday . ofJtine,_l/338.
• .
I[T - ..r 4-- .21L -A 11-I ‘ , l -9111- G lh •W ir -m- '' Dialricts. . 1839 Districts. , .1839 - -
o_ccu pjed by Christian `lltinirich, , and more re
--i cently .by, others,. asi_a _TA V_Ettly - T --- MAN-.
: R ;-, -J -, fitiusn. The house is remarka- •
The Subscriber returns bis sincere•thanks- Allen - $27 3 85 Newton . $lBB 39
. I? : 4 1 ri" 1 '11", bly well c4 i lc ... nlatm..l .. for i enteltaiiiing
three touts former customers, for' the liberal share Carlisle . 506 92. Newville - 98 ,40
I,i ro an d Dickinson -...- , 4-326-83 N. Middleton. •--229.-83
i4.-. ; c:: , : .OARDE. IS ;. there ming
`E. Pemisboro' 293 28 S.,Middleton ~,. 299 10
stair-way , and Fire' places in:lnost of theroorns. o f patronage, has_ been given
Frackford 188'39 Silver Spring' P 238 89,
The situation is very pleasant and desirable; being solicits a continuance.. of the same;
. as also he
Hopewell -132 07 Shippensb'g bo. 192 f. - 8
on the•north west COlller - of Ilimover and Lauther invites . those who
. n ot,
a sl s ial Y i e in ii N h o a rl . l e t
streets; while, for conveniences,' it excels any niven him a Call, to do So at Mechanicsburg 80 92 •Siiippensb'g. tp -18_12
other, ouse in the borough or country. dlt pos Hanover* Street, one door northobl 'Mrs. E": ..,„,.
mania . ,191 63 Soutfiampton 197'46 .
- -
sesSes the ant sual a,tly.Mtriges of 12 roms‘Sn•the.- WeiSe's spite,. _ . • - Monroe 199 40 IV. Pennsboro' -257 02
fi'r'st floor-1 rooms•outhe...24 floor-4 rooms on . Having lately returned from the the city
the 3d fin r 6 *Cellars in•-house. I. w° wells of Or Plkiladelpnia, bringing with •him th latest
water.; (o at the front door•oa Loather:street,
and most approved. fashions, .the sub - Obey _
. • •
with a pti therein; the other in the yard at the. has on hand; a la - rgeLassertmen f '-. .
kitchen door;) a Cistern made to •contin eighty
five Hogsheads;: large. and convenient 'stabling,. • etIEINTIA EIIIEN'S 11A.TSi'
. - -
with carriage house and .sheds; large' and
. e . •_ . xce. -• • - 7 '-'' ---
- ' d ~‘, d • ' ~. . -
-lent gardens, attached lathe, buil4ings •besides l b-iv/siva maxruzarea. (
many conveniences not specified.• . . -- • • NOtido. . .
finished in a ,snperior style s • .
- .2.'A150, 'one frame • Weather-boarded ?tic ,
tippears• that a large amount ofounty Tax in
;dances, remains omstanding_in Ane_•handi of,
Two Story Haase, sittiateilw,Bast i Louther st.- --
Also FU R J )ND_ ..ZZAL. CAPS, of the .IV HERF!AS. bribe late .Treasurer's R e p or t it
latest fashions, al o g fe dw l f l oi er i - hen uw i nf lt i" b . er ,. s t o ol l u l c O e w .. b
with • twit), C_____ellars; a Garden and Stabling attached '
. 3 , -. . .-_, - , -_ __few r•Ash, or_
ibeere;iir • . Call an d ',see.- 1 u . . _ collectors;. and it .4 - aiing,lb_e_coriii_necessary and
.- . - • - .
. .
3. Also, one other :Weath6r-boarded •thatsaid
expedient balances be collected, - • •
House In. West Loather street, adjoining the• Ger. Noy.
51 • . ,
man Reformed Church, white' Garden attached, - pjd- '837.-7- 4 f . .. • - Lesolved, That . the. Treasurer : be hereby, in-
O rt. 'For, Terms appty to . • 7. • ' ' structed and required to call ripoM•collectors from
Nov. 20. - -whoa,- balances appear to be - due. and to issue
, . . his warrants for the - collectlon accordi tigtia• - •law
New- Books . fic Stationary: PRINCE, ofall balimees that may be unsettled after. these.
. . . . .
___THE_sub_s_criber . hasjust received at his Forni /2/' of - Swilzitr9 .Northurnberland •
mind Monday of February next.
Book and .Dr_u_gstore,in slielborefigh.of Car- - ~.-... d . • -,. - 4 JACOB . ZO' G.
• Co tint y,_• • ... - --.- --- •: - 1•'• - •• - ' •- ••••TA M ES - AV.ILLIS, -
lisle, a Large and General Assortment of the-•' .._________________,-----. . . . • _ „ ...
---, -,----- . - ilegsleave respc.ctfully to inform the pubke, 7 HOST. C. STiiIIIIETT
--77-T•' LatotTritiblications. . ' that he has reamyed to Ilarrisburg,..khere_lie" has •-- - 4s,
.b,.. ; * . C_Commissioner's Office 1 •,. - • Commissioners
taken that large and spacious three story
--11e-has.alsciaddedttlafge number of DRUGS -- --• • "
AND MEDICINES - v . ) liii-TriiiiiiC-11-iiiiii-7.heuse•-f9rrteilY--eeetiPteq-- • -
Jan;-.18,1838.--3 .. t. ,--$ . . . _ .. ,
l ow , corner of Wtilnukand Third streets,* ,
menti • -All of which will be sOld,at the.
• . --•-
est - prices. I scoilt 1.-, • • -
In view of the State Capitol, Which he opened-on .•. , . .• -i t t
- the first day' pf May last,.and where 'he hopes to rsiltir. subscriber oilers' - for _Sale the following
.' • - • -. continue to receive- that patronage so liberally R. described house and half lot of ground, sit..
R. To , u . r 0L .,......
--bestowed (Mins establishment 'heretofore:. -• He iiateori the north-side of Main street in . the bor•••
al ay Ars . • willat all times, be provided with ..every thing ough tit' Carlisle, nearly opposite . Mr. George
THE. - Brick DvMliti - Cfranie ---- Stare - and - fe - cessark to - make-his-guests-comfortable, • ..,Anghinhauglici. hotel-the west •half or hat• Ne.,
Ware .1 - loase attached, situate in North - Han.'.4..• - , ~ - • . • G.I'RINCE.: 61, 'in the plan of said - lisorougli.;---bounded by.
over street•Carliale; :now in-the occupancy of Harrisburg. June r„, ,
1837: .. , . d •Ir Maiii,street on the sottth,,Drl :1".• Myers” on the
.Jacpb :Wetzel,,, also - the Stone' Dwelling - 4 „. '. , . • , d . - west; Dickinson alley .(I,3_feet wide) , onthednorth;
and the widow
. Creighton on.the east, containing
'Heine adjoining occupied by Rob't D. Guth- • • 11 , RAVAlDltigilir S PILLS -
tie; Esq. 'also, the -front :StOrd'• RoOm, and , . :30 feet in front and.24o feet in depth. The buil
cellar adjoining, the
. Bricic dwelling House,* A ' Further supply. of Brandreths• • Pills, in .50 ding's are a ' , ° '
'Frame; ll'ecu th erbotirded
now occupiedby - John Early.,.,POssession of ',AL cent boxes, just received; sod for bald;-ate s
~..,-.. ,5,.„
- ii
either - of the above- properties flay be had the stoio' . .
TNER ' ' 't '`' -" I '''' ' - . " ' •
onAhe first - day of .April next-1 7 .0 Good ' -•- •. .- OGILBY 4141 ' . --.'. a • vv. , - lia 0 Nal• likl i
" r hi , Loa ...,^ '
Tenants, a Lease, for, years may be had:- - NoY-• 27,, 1837. ielsi - a'
Appl 5 , .to :. • - - ISA 4c•B. PARKER..
`Carlisle; Jan, 28, 1838;tf '- ..,•-"
January 9, 1838.
F o,n
. „........
. , - —, millain•str. 'et with a farge
', . 'NOR* NORT H' ANIERICA'..-.- fronting . •
. ..." ' Brick Back - ..llnilding r
IN cONAVVY. .. • . ---, -,. - • ~
T. have reeelv&l 8 d4y, and.'36 'lionr New -• . • ' " '". • ' . ' ' ." - ArN DA . B iti . CKS T A III;
....York - "CLO'CIC.S.. Which. I Warrant .. ~,.
keep good time,: and offer them at !educed' r Said On half lot is .itt. a high
't'ci CAPITAL.S6OO.OOO. , _ .......
state of improvenient:, with a"variety :Of choice
• pricesiat my store: . , H •'-- ' -.,. . .. ' Insurance ,on all kinds of .PrOperty through
.a. I cus, wreies anft urape Vines,
CIIALESII4RNITZ: their- agency in lisle., 'The premium is..". ~..- .... ,;.,. ••' , • ,•• .: ~ •-! • ,' •
• - ' -'' - , • . regulatO'necording tti.the - risk." :Averaging 7 • . ,
in he hundred &Mira, now bearing,. Ciirrant.and GooseLerry Pushes; and
n •
LlST_receiv.ed_. an assortnient:,:of_FlMey f_Lom 3 : s . t i o ;.., 4 c o ”, cetits,
1 . 1 ".. leather:, such. at.. Men's'and'• Women's .L,e50r,p,...k,....„, -- - ill' lle retieived; ni.d.. Policies ShrtipbolortlifferentAinds , • .- ...,.
'Morocco, French do,' red and.; green
,d6i.,,..;., datc•d feetri tit* claY. Pf'surveY.• • ' ..-• ' . • . An. jWspittable title will he giVen forthe•pui.
Blitek. Kld; .Hatter skins, Brudings: litc. &c. . • JOHN ,J.- M 7 FER%, • chaSer. • Further Okiao4s are deemed urine
and-forrtinteby:77.---1-T7----C.-7BARNITZ.'77:7-------, --- ------ -------'----', . . • ' -'.-4gintecessary. , - - - , :Ani-personsLwishing_a_pnrchase, are-
• - .•:;• ' • invited to call and viewthe premises... The terms
• _ will bp made:known by . Jr. , o), •, • .
•TAV;011 . SQUIEIL ° ,
VUR and SILK , Baunets k . s black and
J!: • fancy colours, fa. , sale by • • • • 5 , -. MOCK SHEI 1. - CONISS • •
•. - 41A.S - : PARI•HTZ: " Es°4. "
std . !, by . StrAS. 'August:2B '1857
SON.:.,W. ,EBY;ESq...TREART4E.R;,::,
corn mon
lizi'i.'' of eitc- .queu.tout
- plivales. _ . rsiaiiding;:-
,V 704. 35 375 72
- 2575,.93, • . 295 9.3 4
. 3114 45 1167 85
_—l :C:l7- 67----3'll---67
744 27 1 : 124 27"
: .
366 13
. 2692- 65
its - TOrr Iti - ist - EripoL , do
, BY cnsll . pnid. on Commissioners.!_ordersy viz:
Balance dire Treasurer by cchintY at last
.annual sett
Qranti and-traverse jurors pny
AU!Mors' for settling accounts of 1830
Witnesses - fees in criminal prosecutions
Constables do- do ,•
JuSticeS 1" 'do *.:,
Printing for county _
Repairs and incidental expenses, of.public buildings, includ
ing court criers'sfees, stationary for office, &c.
Carlisle baok.for loan-and Interest' .
Expenses - of general election -
Assessors - pay for 1837 • - , ,
Cominon - schribl npuro_printion '
Sundries hirtilWe'd county ptil and pelareritiary
Eastern state penitentiary tor - supporter eonvi la '
Lewis Flyer, Esq. pay in full as commissior :
Jacob Zug., .Esq. pay as coniniisitiner for- 37
James - do • • ( o -
ltobert C,
•S o tertettAsg, •AoZfriihl 13th N?vember; to
. 31st Deci;mber, 1837
john 'lr‘riri,',Esq.'salary as clerko commiss nners
. Mires - I - VGrilltxm - ,- - Esq•-snlary as attorney to do _ •
Directors of the Poor for support of-paupers -
Metchoir Ilfenneman; salary-as—Director ot-the.--PoOr (or
Da. id . Enrminger, Esq .
Poor house visitere •
Rliehacl - -Holcomb; Es 4 ihcriff. for support of prisoners; ,•-•
•"&c. for 1837 . - _ . • .
Thalia!: Craighead,- jr..:Esq. fees as clerk of.- - quarter.sesk
' sions(&e.; - .,
dernify tbirrrek,ge'otal . :
Georgo.Fleming, Esq.'proth.onotary's, fees •
TOSepb — Lobacti, Esq. salary as'keeper •of penitentiary
Imptesten dead bodice
Taxes,_&e. retunded---- -
Constablee tot-ma - king quarterly returns
Tuition of pooroh;ldreu
.'x:penies_oLtnalting rna
' villa, - •
J. Laumaster on 'riecamt of building - bridge corer Yellow
28423 sfi
315 27
12 971
44 00
50 00
292 65
367. Cl
44 06 -
8 205 *67A
sboo oo_
~+35,3d~'~ - 3t3'
503 . '59
,d ct .
% -- Breee.llo --- riiraT - I,fablitlC
Vieweis of roads and bridges .
Pox'oi•dere • . • -
A..inunt of Cornmissinners' Ordei•s,a.c. '-:• $2.9,1159 . SO
ENonerations allowed collectors -• ... .- - -
Fees : -A° . rlo ' • - - - - 816 . 30:
Balanee•bf 'axes due by _ collectors, per ti, f . cliednle on debit. • '
side ' 0 - - • '' - - , 4 _ ' 4372- 68
~ . "... -4
- .•• • • - k• . • .... r.tt35;042 617
By TrensUrer's commission - ' - .
- ' 0 321 15
By balance due county by_ Tre.asAtter - 2 ': - ' - -, --- - - --50a• 5b3
• -
. , Auditors" eriml. . .
. .
:-wE, - the A - liilltoi;s of .Cuniberland county, hay i U.r.r, examined the save
.al accounts and vouchers of Jason •W. Eby, Esq.:Treasurer of said coon
i.V., frotn - the'lit - day or January:to - the 31st day of December, A. D.183t;
inclusive , do report and certify that we find a baton& due:said co.unlyiv .
liiiii - asure - FOTITV - e — liTiiidia - iirid - iii - Vii - ilarairi ni - fifif:tiine - iind, a hag
:eats, as above - stated. Given under our hands at Carlisle the 11th day of
lanu9cy,.A. D. 1838, . -
JOHN BRANDT. (M• 1 . • ' •
WILLIAM LUSH ',. 'Auditors. .
.. .
Q. ~.
10,000 00.
• • . - 281 - 4•
. 10303
112 50
• 109,50
$3914. 'B3
I .s46intendent tf Commit§dtvols..
Secretary's office•• Ilarrisburg,l _ •
January ,15th, .__
..40.41DP 'wiz,. •
e, . fov.tB3B.
_Tii..b,7sir4ven.ut Alexanclria, Ta. Saturday, Feb
DrosT SPIANIan ritrzEs.
„ .
Prizt of 4141),.:466
50 or 1,000— : ,5C6 & Scc. I.
, .
• . Ticket $lO,- . llalf SSL--(sootier $g - 50. •
Ccrt's of. VA.c.kikkes'..9f 1:3.0
1)o ''d', e 25 f:df dpi P 5-7
D do . ;25 (Viuter , do 32 50
Fair the b'enefli of thnitlonong;Aia . Acudeiny.
e/ ./Yo 1 ibr 1838.. • '
FO be , drawn at Alex:IA(11 4- a, Ya. on, the -23 Feb
ruary, 1838...
$1545 71'
2262 373
43 00
340 07
150 48'
116 26
159 87
3,5,294-11,764- 7 6„697-5,00P-3,0002,400
fiCl-59 prizes of - 1,000! Ri:C. Ste.
Tickets only slo—Halves 'ss—Quarters $2 .59
Cert, of Pt ckages of- 25 Whole Tick.ets $1,;,>0
•dO. :25"Ilittr . do' '6 . 5
• o-_—do, 25._fathirter_dp.
347 71i
-147 ao,
- •
IVirniealp• Slate: tiolgCry:
__ Nor the benefit Gl the towti of Wheeling:
Cl4ss J.Vp 1 forlB3B.
To' .be drawn at Alii: , nuntria, Va. Saturd4, Pelf
• uar). Ai, 10 . 36 :
. _ spilEivnin .
260 00
--b0 00
7000 00
$30,090-10,000-6,000-5,000-4,1)00 , -2; . 500
- 7 -_2.690--1,Z471- 7 25 of 1,000-20 of
.. 500-20 of
Ticket .910 —l!..o";s—Q,ltartee $2759 • •
30 00
30 00
)0 0.0
Cert'e of pack?j es M . 25 Who!e 'I lckets $l3O
do-'Uo . '25 do (5 • •
Do. ter-, do. _l , , 32, 50
. 0 -Orders for- Tickt-tv iin7l Shared of. Cettill
'cates-.: of Packtig•cii . - • in the almi'e-• , -Mai,l•Oifie - eitt
Schemes, will receive the most prompt attention,
Mind an_official account, of each drawilig : -sent
immediately after it is o er,to ktil who orilets froth
Us:, - 1111dresv, )1'
•• • -
D-S. GREC;OI2I' Co. Nlimitgiersi, •
' Wasiongton Oits!, 1). t•
, .
1x53 05
114 29
78 50
-28 73
- 200 00
- 22 44'
'- SI 92
•1 OS
PRGFif;E c',.rus—N OF TUE
299 00
86 84
17 61
Bonks by Mad; Neu.spni;eq.!cara
has tow been in exoenee twelve months,
antl, has enloyOd, dnring Heat jier it cl, a very
extensivehire cipubli6.lavor. Itlnis .
Wished, fin- twO dollar Ett n (I , half; reprints of
London books. whiCh -cost:there .over` lift'
seven Ihillar.s in whin bin In a* large. amount- of
.liternry matter: reviews of new books, talcs
, domestic fad' filreign . news.
The cit igsmcl' jtrulit is or, intending to. de'.:
vote I)is tirne.and'attettOon ti) his other peri-
the_Omndma,to the ptet.ent Ptibisherovito
wilLmakeito fanther
elyaractertnan-b‘suing.,itli utu.nuo.ther
and changing the mutt; fermi - ! - Waldic's'
to 'BrQW . II';.v •
Brown's Literary oinpilmS-will be issued
.papef cif alarge -It will contain,-,-:
1. Bunks, the newest and hest that can. be:
,procuted,_ equal every—veek th a Loudon
duodecinio volume; embriieitig Novels, Tra
vels,- ne - MiTirs, • bnlflClTargE.4le
_ .
with newspat;ei . postage! _
• 2. Literary Reviews, :rates, Sketches,
Notices of Books, and information from .the
world of letters of every description.
3. The - news of the-week;• fat eign and do-.
l'he price -t wO dollars per annum
each to clubs of five individuals: To clubs of
two individuals, two dollarS and a half," or five
dollars 'for the two. Single mall subscribers
three dollars. remittanees to be. post
• As the arrangements for this undertaking
ate all completed, the proprietor asks from
a generous public that consideration to which
diffusiVe a scheme -Of circulating know
ledge and •amusement
The'first number of theNew.Series corn.
!nen ced on the, fifth .of January, 1838, - from
which period Or from any future date,- new
subscribers may coninnence. . ,
tiC2r°Pustntastois and agents for perm( lea
throughout -- the - Uuion and
. Canada, are re
cluested to act as agents , lon the Omnibus, - and
communicate with the proprietor.
Address, post pald;' ----
, .
No. 50 North Fourth st. Philadelphia.
January 16,1833.
NOTICE, is hereby gi v en that th6CoMinisSioti - P1
ers of Cumberland couhty, will hotel lte Appeds
for the year 1830 in the ditcrent townships in
laid coontY, ut the timO aucLplaces-au-sturedThe:
low, fir,theTrihrpose.of, hearing all persons who
may apply for sedress, to grant such relief,
as to them shall appear. just add. reasonable, to
wit ,
rilaly I'6 18.3.
TrienniAll Assessment.
For Dickinson and Westpennsborough town-,
ships, at the public house of John Paul, in West
pennsborough tounship, on Friday the 16th day
of - Feliruary - next - , ---4 -- . —•—
' For Shippensbttrg borough, at the public house
of Jacob Ea*:,•in said borough, on Jatiirda the! !
17th day of Felfruad 4 next.
For. Southampton alici,Shippensburg townships
at the same place, on Monday the 19th day .of
February next. .. . . •
For Hopewell township, at the public house of
Jamdi Sponsler, in Newburgh, on "uesday the
20th day of February . next. -- ' - ,
-1--For Newville_and Ne_wton4pwinsl psLatthe_
- public house of Michael Heineman,- in-Neu ville,
on "Wednesday, the oflEebtuary next.'
' VOr Mifflin atuf Fiankford' 64n:ships,--at' the'
same place, on. Thursday the 22d day of Febru
. . :
ary nexi.
• For North and South Middleton townships; at,
the Coinonssiono:'s office; in Carlisle, on Friday . "
the 23d day of February next.
:For. Silver Spring and. East "Perthsborough
townships, at the public house of Joseph, Grier,
in Hoguestowtv on ...Shfurdazi the; 24th day. of,
February next., . " : - .
--- Fqr the , borough---of : Mechanicsbur ,-at-th -
Pnblia hotise of John Hooter-in - .: i ' orough,on
Monday tlie_26tlri.Vorrebruary next. • ,
Foy 'Allen' township, at the, pub lic hiluSe° of
David Shafer, in Sheptufistown, on : Tuesday the
.27th day of February next. .'.
" For Monroe township, at Alto. public bowie of,
David 'Martin, in Churehtown, on Weininesday the
28th day of February 'next. -. : -,- - .
' • For the borough .of Carlisle, at •the-Commis-
Sionees office, in- Carlisle„ on 7 1 :rhuisda . y tlm Ist
!day Of March, next..• , . •
03. The ,Prineipal dseessors of each , township,
are also - notified ' and required to attend tit - the
:time and pluce.,fixed'for the appeal' of their re.
' spective to, idilps. . :. ' - •1
I, - .• By order Orthe Commissioners. .
! : ' , ':
.. . JOHN •111 W IN,' Cle,rk;
• .tornartisaiono Moe, - ? 6t - it, . • • '• ,
. -Calisle, Jan: 18, 1838.3' .
• •
Partnership heretofOre existing between'
th em e siihieribers,under thejirm of HALk. AND
PORTER, is this (iv d4splred by ,Inuttlar eon
lent.-The honks arein" th e
Itt s Porter,, who is suthorize4l tin` isettle‘the:aame:.
. , s ., N,
z„. • , •-
O •'` • y i tI4TER. '
carlitd''ct , :Aar, ,• • , .•
:Market gquareo.?arris'bu'r a* •
. .
`Geo. Ilit. - irohlaktpia. • •
111% tISPECTFULLY. informs his friends and
the public, that helms talc - 6p thethe ,
House,. lately kepi" bi'Mr; John Smut', nt
the 'corner_ of MatkeeSqintre,..Hartisburg;—
. .
known as the • - , •
-- • • .
Which he' lia'S`fisted up in handsome_ s.tyle.
fot':.the accommodation of the pt b litble is lien supplied with the best:ths . mar.
ket •affoids; the criskieo.o:6l;li
quoriautl'ines,, and prompt anotbbliging
gerx-auts - pre kep.t.alava - •
the ,wants of customers .: . " •
He has taken the stand with a determina*
(ion ,tospare no pains or expense to make his •
house equal .to any in the : country,by-keeping -.,
every departrtient under theshpernitendence.
of the most, competent and. faithftil; and,. by •
personal, - attention,...togiVe-Orerrsatisfaetion --
to hts'custemers. - He. therefere respectfully .
requests those 'who pay-Harrisburg a visit; to
. call and test the truth Ofhis.assertions:
0 - E,O . "JOHNSTON.'.
Januavy:;B ; 1638. •
Encoura . jlaitzfaeltii=:
zrE a -V AZ , -
rit-ittifli"a r til: for pastlar in'i; infthin - thltr ~. . •
-R , :friends and`the, Public that one-- -
of Ole firm having-lately returnee from the . ___
eity•of PlLiladelphiai with a . lar d Rini' *ex
tellent assortment of Furs and Josh, fthey_ , .
.' 4 .
are rioreprepa4:edcAo.--manufac Ire Gentle- • ,
tlienN - Bats and Ladies': Runnet.S - jp the Itit- . . .
est and iii'ost Jipproved fastiiiiii...` 1 he quail
ty_of the Plush ii far superior to any. fortner'-c:)—
1y- had go - haild„---.:Xhe'have at' preselif an' - ' --- -
.oceellent assortment of-- -
_ _
Plaiti . Ih;s - stiai ~ white and bleickl, -:
...*Brfesh,. Beaver stir,, an
C a 8
of all Size's and priees. . .
!I genet:fa assortme,nfoHiadiestann.--
nets Of MI colnur's and descriptinns,"such as'
PureAVltite; FaWn, Black and Grey, which`
they, will sell• aLLlt•evinst reduced prices.
•-• Gentlemen and Llidies who ate in Want of
these articles, will t. - well - give an eat ly
Dec. _18„..18::37,'-3w
. .
N: a have oh hand few of - the-hest
qoal . ity of.FUR CAPS— which they offer' to
sell" at .
,INA 11",
sidiseriber, nu
NV.,,offtf-rs:-fot.--safe-4h m
11,5,-I:hey a re_mad _
• fhied jinn, aticl ate believed ini .
quality-tn. the hest .cut,nails that .were
niAllllfactured in the 'United States. Th 6
Cumlierland, Januaity,4-1838:
'Ni have been well 'acquainfecl - with the.
general quality of cut. milk. Those_made
crtincfliiThncatinpn refined iron, we con,
sidersuperior to those made from the 'best
' orted iron: .
It usWell Woodward
Dpncntrinit Troll Works,lan-8, 1858. •
• We — Eatifracat we have carefully eicam.
fined 'the nails - Manufactured. 13 Messrs.
Woodward and Wilder,at New Cumberland;
Out of Duneannon Iron, and do•believe them
to be superior to any. we have ever seen used
John Frena, Roller, • •
Enoch Levi,s Carpenter& eatern Maker.
The above nails will be 'delivered: on the
Cumberland Valley Railroad, nrsen the Ca
nal, at'llarrisburg or Duncan's Island; and
forwarded as may be-directed; to any toWn
in the state ; on suitable- references: lip
or a
beratzdikounimill_be.triatle for cash: 7 ,
• AlsO—on hand, Hammeeed Iron,.and.
it is expected constantly to have fair Salel at
the-w-orks,rolied-Iron-Isiai - RodsT&c; - of - tlve
various sizes. •
by mail, direCted to Clark's
Ferry, Perry county, will be punctually at.
January 16, 18:38..7-4t,*
LETTERS. of Aihninisti•ation on the . estate.or
.111artin._Ltrennetnan, late of East Permsbototigh
to.wnship, tlecea4ed; having issued to the subseri
be'r,residing in said township; all perstins-intlebt
.ed- to the estate_ -will make immediate payment,.
and those having claims against- t h e estate,. will
preSent them propeidy -authenticated .4.0 the sub•
January, 14, 1838.
• SITUATE at the head of Green Sii.rints, ,
in: Nowton township, 'Cumberland count ,
about four Miles.west of the borough of Npw••
ivilfbe rentecrfor a term of one or more
years. , The buildings : are • • • •-•
:A Two Story Storm Factory,
cardit :Spinning machines, iOO.,MS#
and all necessary machinery for . rnanufac..
- taring - cloth; als - o
'lent to the faciory. - For terms.applyjo_eith
•er of the lindersigned: •;- • _
. . M. BIDIDLE, . Carlisle
.1i.141,7.4 GRAHAM, .
• West PentiO)oiat
Dec. 4, 1837
JPIIII I .ITE 5.1410.
übscriber sell at
the folloWing riropeity • situate..aliout three
miles west of the . 1-larrisbsurg s ridge and
adjoining the!Cumbei land Valley. Rail Road
containing ab9ut 1 f, acres having tlle'reon
• - Two .Log Molises4'
shop, stable, .a well of ne v er failik Water att.'
the door, .tOgether. with about 3o: choice fru if •
trees.. Possession,will,be•giv.en..OnAke,Ast , n
Apr next.
• JAdPlit 'l - I,A4MR,
, Shifeiiiinstown, Dee.' 1$; 188 t,.;
- received by the '6lilisc~i6 1C
1574/;Bqngslej Tab/d - PiciPer.• •1'
xi; •
Siinuar'y'l.6; . lB3B,',.. • . .
. &ass Bed Matrasses, dnd
per' Gurn:Elastiu
offersitdi reduced prices,.
Kivate , sale,