Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 06, 1838, Image 3

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cA'ams s LE.
uesda y, Febrauary
• Vie People's Ciatidiclaies
FOR - . 1 1 1 111:181DENT,
Ns9ato 1F1A1111.112 VT" GI
"liitgratie alifiniasonic Cana-
•didate for Goternor;
C.Z.Z . 32 a -ME SIZIEg
Appointments - by .the tloVerr.or.
Jolin -TagkartiLllinses Sullivan, .E.'
, 'Pennyliacker, Canal . f 7nmmi',sionei-s
Il2.>=Sulltvau, Esq: .has been re elected
'`President; and Win. C. McPherson, of Co
lumbia; Secretary cf tl~e Board.
Mr. Coad's Lectures.
Some of our readers have exprifseed themselves
, aniPriSed at the appearance in Our paper of a
• parairaph - respecting-this :gentlernatt's introduc-,
• —tory,...whirealculited.ia.misleatLthe_public_ i
mind. lli answer, we would remark, that we did
riot hear aaidintraluctori; and therefore could
notlayany thing_pers6milly..about it. '''fgpitra;
:graph referred lo was looidettio na for irartion,
and We.wt;r - e- disposial to, believe it correct from
- .the fact thatwe-had sein Man - trona
nionials of ability:Rein 16g.h authority, & also ma:
my fluttering notices:from yarlomd These
-qiiings would have deceived - more 'knowing heaqs
than .i;urt. Them ivn.saii'efrnr; however, and,
was thia.rotirtompo , dtorsnitted to credit the par
conoitini*tqyik'consegnengi we h.
'to father thti bantling. - • -•7- •
We have since attended' one of the It loret,
-slid do'ost ee - eive'd
_ . .',_ . llool . .trOd,_l,l_Concl may
• be - p . °stetted of MuCh , thdly
• - mistaken ifhe thinks tleit he has • all illtOnined
'the . oc/el/Vile darkness' which
wailed as resting like a' tl , O
q utbitants of our borongb,
In-addition•to ilils,ifirough blowhole course,
the was captlouq, dui sensitive at the
'least , annoyance.Andeed, he manifested , a kind
•Cf teeing whi is utterly incompatible with the .
dignity of a. übl:c lecturett. all this we do not
'wish to b considered'as being'unfriendly to Mr,
entertain for him the rriot'icincll
; :,I,lltOtvould not wish to injure.liiin;
r . )• Athena° Itonorrihlo.
It will be remembered:, by our readers
- that soine; time since, i've.Enpied into 'our pa
per, a paragraph frOin the Nashville Banner
in which it was mserted, on the faith o
several gentlemen of Tennessee, that "Gen
'.ertilliickssan had said that • Martin Van Bu
Ten's adynin6tvatro . . st go dim!), sic." We
make haste to state that the proof of the
• 'General's having used the languake 'imputed
' therefore stand fully acquitted of the 'charge,
We correct the error we were unwittingly
led ipto with great cheerfulness, and hap
py, in
thus being able to remove the itoLifit of
•our neighbour of the Volunteer, respecting
-;cur "political Honesty."
3y thei3altitore Patriot of Saturday afternoOn.
'we learn that a fire broke out on the morning of
that da , in the Theatre and Circus, on Front•st.,
Town, by .which a ' , t;iist a mouninl property
was consumed.- The whole wardrobe; and \other
stage liroperty, and' nearl the whole of the &fuels
frian establishment,*befon
.r or
,enterprising. minegt.
.. „ }he Circus, were • In•
volved irt deitruetki With the building_; of fif
tp.tWo.liorses'conrincted with the
only five wore rescued the flames. The loss
b milituated at 124,000 - dolbrit i . `':
The COmmonweaith Ranh.
- • lite:Louisville Journal, tecently„. In noticing
-- 11111FiriFirtirThisl3urrernment - petritas - ther — fo
lowing infornuitiunt-- •
• ",A few..vveeks ago, a judgment was obtained
• In the - Circuit Court of this - city: on a -joint hole
for sB,i3oo,_payable to the CoomiOnrvealth Bank
,' - ,of-Boston, and signed by Shadrach Penn,.Jr., R.
• Al..Johnsoni T. M. Moore, Patrick H. Pope, and
Albert G. Hawes, In this case an arnusing hid
. dent .occurred. • The case _went by. default,_and
when - 31te-She'riff r _wbd is .a good Jackson man,
- Iliad-called out the. - naines of the defendants, Ire
archly asked the Judge, in an under tone, wheth-.
er he should call Martin Var. Buren."
• This is realtya remaritabit3 ,case. Shadrach
Penn` is the editor of adeading Jackson paper at
Louisville, and the other persons bound- with him
are all citizens pfKentucky—all thoroughgoing
and devoted partisans of Martin Vart,liuren and
the Pet Yank system
R. 111. Johnson is the - Vice Preside n t ; T.M.
'onto was lately Minister to Col u rnhia , and Pope
Hawes were memheri)ot Congress; Afler
,over' 01 !hese banied, "the. Sheriff might
- , ldnic'of•Mariin Van Duren..
- post remarkable - feature in the case is,
ote should . be Sent froth Louisville to'
Bank' is, however, exclusively ,a
Directors are hes # Klllrlipsee.
,pi office boldersv *lot fl9-'
' n 44' the. 'pie lO , thatr Once.
C . .
. 6 S3S.
government - are to be'limito to' twenty-five,
to be chosen from the most solid and respect
In the differentplees in which
have depositories, ye .may probabl
Prentiss and
Word, tevo 'bona fde Whigs, 'Are -returned as
elected over'Claibbrno and-Gliolsm, by; the largest
vote ever given in - that state. - memberS
elect„tit the opening of the regular session, pre ,
sented their 'credentials, and -clairned :their sesta,.
A fter a good deal. i.if 'romp : mem -by .parry,'
the east% Was' referred to - the Committee on . Eke.-
tions, and they reported in favor of Claiborne
and'6ll4.;on.' on." Then cane- "the tug of war."
Prentiss, ou„behalf Of himself and colleague,
commencedo-the discussion, and in a most bril
liant and masterly efFort, asSertecl
-Ile was followed ' by several gehtlennen on both
sides. • After some days debate, a vote 'was taken
9n the-following tunendmonfoffered by Mr. Bell:
- That - the rettntition of this -House'
.soreelingly be
cloud' ol;ei.the in
of the 3d of 'October last, declaring. that' Samuel
,Gho'aim and John li. Claiborne were duly
elected members of th .25th &ogress, be - re
scinded!, an'd that Claiborne and Glni'son are not
duly elected members of-the 25th Congress."
The vote stood 119 to 113. The original clai•
mants•were therefore ruled out. After the de.
erbium a motion aas made by Mr 110 a loco.
loco, to refei , the whole question back to the
people, Which at our last advices was nit decided.
We rather opine that Messrs. Prentiss and Word
will be admitted to their seats. . •
We neglected to:notite - at.a-pr6per , tinrcT
..the_intrnduction,_ ; by—Senator„.T.enrose,._into!
our State Senate," of the following preamble
and resillution r contemplatiqg the protection
of the laboring community. It i 4 very justly
remarked, in this preamble,. that the .poor
'mechanic and workingman is=_often deprived_
Of his wages,
,when he and his whole family
depend upon them for th . e necessaries
for want cif , a4ropes rirct,eefiron by the-laws
of the State. By nice evasions of •the laws,
unfrequently palpable fraud, the
. p . oor laborer is unjustly robbed of his wages.
1i tivill - be seen - that-if- has::beenlgft - fiir — tlie
worthy Senator from Cumberland, C. B.
PenroSe, , w-ho has ever and upon all occa
sions 'proved himself the decided and prompt
advocate of the laboring people of the State,
tomnye first -iil!this oaatter'orguardiag and
securing theiti7.ages. 'Not one appreciate's
more highly their *service§ to the cou ntry
and their usefulness,to the comniiinity; - and
no one is more able to advdeate - th - eir rights,
titan :kir. Penrose._ •
ng to 111r::-C-Foo-
Whereds; It often happens,_ thnt w by the
1 444u : tea)1 . . - i_sotiSlengaged..nantifiijeruTtiftg
roinineand Mechanical business, journey
men mechaniesiand laborers are deprived of
the payment of ikeir wages, upon. which
.their families depend for support; - and sound
policy, justice, and humanity alike require.
that they should be protected against such
losses, by giving -them a preference O'er
other creditors less meritorious, and better
-- abte - to bear - themrtherefore, •
• .Re'so/ved,._Yhat. , the conamittee on the
Judiciary , SySfein lie_ instructed- to inquire
into the expediency of passing a .law, giving
to-journeymen mechanics and laborers a
ority or preference, for the_ payment of any:
wages due to them. for not exceeding., six,
months'work, nut of the estate of any CM
ployer "vlio has been engaged 'wary - mining, -
Man.ufictirring.`.-or mechanical 'bUsniess;
the event of the deathi.brinsolVenty of such
employer, or out of 'the' vireceeds raised by
the sale of .t4epersOOO!,4*Oettk of 'such
employer,-on execution, blot such
journeyman mechaniC"or. laborer such
claim,. or out'of•the estate OfSuclt:ermiloyer,
a'ssigned, for' the payMent of 'his debt Wind
notwithstanding , a preference is not given in
stteli assignment of §uili,4ots.= : -Har. ChrOik
At: a special election for'a merither_of the House
of RePreSentatives of . Penosylvinia,,ltele : 'in'Phil..
adelphiti Oit - Fridn!!!._S SF'ql9 l *'sa W r i b igt
Wilif6,4loep,frition; ViiollllCy wilq us.
'casjo ittd 11 , the of
• The land pre-emption bill.passedthe Senate o~rt
I Tuesday,- by . - a—rote of :30',f0 18. As we
canimderstand thismeasure, it appears . .to
popular seeking ( scheme of the administration,
= hi/ \ giving away : the - publicJands for a - song, to
- squatters and other.gentlemen who haying little
respect for the distinction of tizettni and !uutn,
have already seized .upon the lands without ask-.
ibg for them..• It would probably have been more
propecly Aesignated,ttlibad-beencalled , ii
vin - lastetuj -91 a pre-etnplion few, that is a law
entided "An act to conferpreininini on sattaiters
and othe..ivvlto;shall , be convictedOretealingithe:
. phblic lands of the United Statei."l'h'ese
landieirnstittite a valuahleTtnid for electichteeking
with. The Globe, we observe, xpresses . :mtiehl
sympathy Me this meritorious clasyf citizens.,
the. squatters, and ; pours forth'its.fifth, without
stint, upon Mr. Clay, becatise-:that gentleman.
dot's tot trevor thissystem_of tend stealing,: The
Globe-knows that a squatter's Vote is as good as
an other body's vote, and its,drift now - hi to make
it apparent, that Martin Vin "Buren is the squ'at=
ter's friend and Henry - Clay.the squatter'efoi.— •
Alas! for Henry Cly—wfio never could bend
conscience, or sacrifice the publia .. intereit, to
purchase votes! 'And so far Martin Van.l3tiren
as the=advanthge-laverl=himv-----
The Senate has been busily .engdged rat.the
past week In coniidering. the Sub-Treasury bill,
introduced by Senator Wright of New' Ybrk.—
Mr. Senatorltives of Virginia, has offeied a pro,
ject which he wishes substitute for the whole
of Mr. Wright!.i.l4ll.4The-substitute proposes to
reorganize tlie_State fjank:_Dep — psite:SYstetn; The
iftirnber of banks Selectedas laeFOiitoriefiTirtlil74-
- "Rei , inlve4;
The, hlndisonilin ;states that ,CHARLES J. IN,
PARSOLL. the great mouth place of the:Loco .
.Foc - os and Anti-bankers, who " would have been
F4ULTER tife — Geneinl Hovernment in the
supra .$70,491:
This "Tory Ptiti:iot" is one of the most ardent
advocates. of, the SUB. RRASURIT SCHEME;
which .would. place the purse of .the NatiOni and
the -whole SPECIE OF: THE COUNTRY into
the linn_ds •pf tile` President: Cari be ;tlt/t he.
exPects; to become one'of the RECEIVERS GEN-:
IEAP.?. -What thing . ye? 'Would_ the_
.the government be safe in'the hands of such mar-
Lett Su .
-Treestity . scheme he adopted and
W . 'e shall liar t such - defatilting patriots ;Ming in :
sPlendoPorf ll e.moneY of the people. • •
_Penns* aiiia Legislat4i.e.
•o •spolideriee•of the Herald dr. Expositor.
.. • H.tooleutroa, ° ,lautiary - 29, 1838. .
sori;ething . . waidoni - of course„ : . but
What was dime Was, not! 'possessed of much in
tereiti at--leastmay t be-in the eye of yew'
readers. • " •
. .
In ikle — Senat „Mr'. Strohm, from the corn
unlade p . poh ed to visit the . : Gettysbiwg_rail road,
_reported : a ainst. the . continuance_of that road,
declarin that "it was fully to eomroence it, and .
its—c . o4nuance would be madness;" but •if the
L 4slature were • determined .to continue the
(I,,ilr,t_the Waynesboro'. route would be he
4mst, l'hat co'intniltee, with gniatliropri=efi; : .
,recommend that all 'damages' sustained by the
contractors by said discontinuance; be .
-Mr Cassatt gave notice that in it few dvs he
would presenla counter report, expressive•of the
views Ot the MO6 •
lent to
rgi ye. .Arr
M. thecity, reported a bill incur-
poratikg.qm Plfiladelphia_Catil Company.
resolutioni came up in, or
laken•np for
snits. in that
btit were potpoticd until to.moryout..
asrs. yrelitiss
that at the
-In the Honse, NlN•Johinion reported it bill,
thorizing tie folliAving subscriptions on - the part
ortlte - state;" - viz: • • •
To the Bald Eagle and Spring Creek
sa;igatioil Company • •
I:),,daware and Schuylkill Cant& Com-.
d to seats ro
Were only
pp were de
pany •
Pe.nnsylvania and Ohii) (anal Company- .60,000
Curnberiand , Volley_Rail load Company .50,000
Pittsburgh llnd .Connesville Rail Road
-Company- 17,1 o 0
hi • the
Mr. Smith; from tfiC committee on F, location,
repot td a , I) . lll.4c:coring to ; every inch ntcrtl
.... . .
a t least-three:iwynths ttchoolineper annum, •
l'he Judiciary committee reported unfavorably
to several applieations for divorce. The report ;
after much discussion,- was re-committed.
_-,..,Among'he petitions presented
to day in-the Senate; were several Praying the
-Legislatureto petition against the annexation of
Texas; for the incorporation of the Lackawanna.
Hank,the_steickholders tdi be indiiidually-lialtlr;
from Che"ster comitrfor the better protection of
woolgrowers. •
Mr. Penrose, froth the Judiciary vaommitte - e, re.
ported a bill establishing a : District Court. for . the
counties of lietks and, Northampton:
The bill granting- aid to Dickinstin Colkge
passed on final reading,-as also did the bill for
the rtrutection of Person it • bt."
ing. •
in . the House, Ntr. S
effectual attempt to postpone 'lke orders of the
day fur the purpose of taking up his%bank
He appears to. be yemarkubly bOld, brave and
daring, He said he,ivoUld persist in the course
he had taken, vii: the , crusadeagainat the hanks,
flOw, in my orilnion,:lie Bass
more cause to fear his colleague than the banks;
He hoped that the order of the day would be
suspended, so that the banks might see and be
assured that the Legislature was
-act-in-this-matter,' •
Mr. StCverisappreciatetl the, generoitc motives
of the honorable chairman of the bank conunit•
tee. It was-very-clittritable- in him, as the banks
were to be executed, to. give 'them tiMely no.
tice, so that the-3 5 might call around them ghostly
aid, aiul prepare for their final exit:. •—•
7 -- Tlie - DoMpronernentn,vaslict -- 4igrelidA..
Mr. Reed's resolution, preVentingt negroes' and '
mulattoea from voting, was _taken up in 'commit..
tee, brit before ant, thing. was done, it was re
ferred to the' Judiciary committee., '. . ' •
- lJtednes f ias 31.- 7 1 n. the Senat;., Malay : Mr.
Darragteeresoltitions rektive to the right of - pe..-;
tition came - tiviiir - Penrose-proposeti/n amend
ment to 'the first .rtsi.lution, and / s / uppottlidlit
, . with all th e ability WhiChiniglit - be expecteZThinri
'his deservedly high. repittation s a speaker. lle
'said lie - agitation:which: exiit d on this subject. -
T was-nof kep't-up-ky-Northern members_of Con-
gross, but by Southerners, vhose towerini°in: -
hition lead§ them to encourage' all, poilfib!e' ex.
_Tie thriigt'fron ew T';iiiiltiet. they
Wanted either tlVelevation f a S?titheriTfivor
ite to the Presidency, or the division of the Union,
. - .
3r........\t a
liiid - the'for ' non of, a- great Southern c i ptifed.
• erac l e .' referred to several historical rinti;
'among of rs he stated that the' first petition
eveT.presented_to Congress for the 'abolition of
,slavery, was signed by BenjaMin Franklin.. lie
-maintained that the right of. petition was a so:
'vereign right of . the people, 'and' necessarily_ ii.
volved the right to hitve the petitions remit ,
.., -
:The Senoe ordered 1000 cold el in 'English
and 500 in Gerniati:4 report f k • the rePorr. Strohm,
on. the Gettysburg. to lie Vint e 4. •
In the Ilo9se„ the bunk, bid wus posed through
the committee of ti*wi;f e withoht opposition.
- ,Thje 'hilt:repealing the, Registry Aetulso,Pessed .
Cult - Committee of the whole without opposition.'
.. .. , .. • . .
Mr. RAO r eported' u. bill.: - ereetink parts of
York s ]yranklitradd Atlnins cdunties into n 'new
county to bccalled Jscksom . ' . • .• _ .
Tkikreday, Ibirunry from
tt)e J4l,dieiiir't ; committee, reported a'gainst, any
legislation on:lbe sub i leet tit negrO sufrrage.:
. Mr. daasatr,lkan the minority Getlis.
burs rail roacl - c9mtnittec i Milde.repOl:to,
- ' : - :_. ! T 0*,...:(0'4.01:icit... 'th)**-44.:,..a..10.ti...::13%#00'1*.i9X'.-
The Ti o 4 Patriot.
alders the faitlf9f the state pledged foWardithe
successful propectilkiiv - of that -work, -to complc
tion.lleapeaks highly of the manner in which
the work on the road has been executed; con
silders . itcl:eclitable . to all concerned.
.The report
will-be printed.-.__ ` - 2 •
In the ifitse, this bill establishing a•-court of
criminal sessions for The cify and county of Phil
adelphia passed through comrtlitteecif the whole.
Thei-gAntinfianik.bilLwats , taken- up on second
reading. - the' first '.section being u n de', consi
deraiiiin,'Mr. Stevens fioped:it \ would' be po s t.
pulled 11,,cew days longer; heitacl prepared seve
ral' ameudinentsthat were intended to make the
anore l elfective4be amendments
printed, as they *ere ntimermis an
Stevenson,Ali. g the Very leained of
'the committee,:-was astonished „of,
tiCe"gentlemanfrom-Adants.• Ile had .00d
him tn: be prepared.,to..go hog for the,
bill,. and said' he 'consideredthe bill to be the'
~ . . ,
very thing it should be.
li. Stevens explained. Ile Considered the
-hill:not—T . tite-peppery-enongh:- I —in this-cut,4nd
thehst manner the debate was continued for some
time ° ,' wheal the bill was postPoned until flint:s- - R
day 'of. next week. . .
, . 1
Tlie annual l'port of the State-Geologist Was
rccelyed : 10,000 copies- were ..orders&:to
printed in English and 3000 in German.
• 'Friday 2. —The . discussiOn'im the" resolutiomi
[lariAlli was resume this morning. .11Ir.
•Leet spoke about an hour and a half,in opposition
to then). 74.16ssrs: Darragh and p4ssatt supported
them. In the afternoon. Dr.l4llin. addressed
therSenste,agaipit,the-resolutions, against-ab_ollt
tiint, against an unneeeSsary-and - xlangeroiss - ez,
citement of:a question that could do its no good
and world ilo,otlfenoi . ttch harni. The Dactor'i
Speech en this occasion-was ft , was ori-,
ginal in every Sense desirable; original in senti
ment: showed, with-the
power of a painter, the , pictnre 'of wretchedness;
ice; misery-and-critre thattwmrld Le - occasioned`
hy the Maim of ;free negroeffroM the South,,
if th,e . pr,,Vcts of . the Abolitionists Could be.rea
. . • - • . ,
-In the flonstS the luisiness- or-the day was
mo'stly . of :an unimportant - Jtattire. Vie- hill- to
establish a- wort of criminal sessions for the City.
county of Philadelphia, was got up and Oc :
casioned some iliecusiion.. bill repealing
the registry act .passed a secontk7ading. It will
doubtless - pass the requisite- readings_ in the
!louse, but can get rui faititer..•• . .
f 60,000
• .1 ,
Saturday —Mr.Penrose tOAsii'aailressed the
Senate about twO:hottriraild a half:'ll - 6 isoppo:
set', to the , aholitiorr-Of shivery_k_theinistijet-of ,
Columbia under present cireumstahees_:. And
I:Avery-- in the Sooth4oold -all prubahiliiyhe
wot therp.. The `oath could ntit,do it. INC
pe considers Pattp;. r s - resolution a,tlangerotts
vihlition . or the spirit of the Codstittition - , 'and of
the sacred right of petition.
in the House, the.bill repealing the _ Begistry
Act Passed a final reading and w•as sent
Senate. The 'resolution authorizing the Gover
nor to presetit,ft awoidto Genersdiltgh Brad
paged tratiimouily.
lutious opposition to the SlO:Treasury.bill,'
now before Congress„ resolution lays -on .
the table. Mr. Johnson is a democrat,-but no
destructive. Loco-tocoisnt has no chartos in his
eyes. Iris democracy is of the school of Madison
and Jefee'rscon; he acknowledges not the heresies
Of Ming, Slam s Bang & Co, •
From_ the New York Star'.
have seen that the Richmond I:;aquirer has
lately, in noticim Mr. Cr.;sy, antl/for• the
purpose'ofilifiring this- dist inguisl ed states
man had recourse to the . ,9ld att oft-yefuted
calumny of the 'Coalition. W will quote;
for the edification of 'those w,}{o desire to see'
a graphic description of thji - loonster, as he
was in January, 1830, the/following Passage
from. the celebrated s aeeth .of Mr, WEB
STF.R. [in; reply to Senator who had al
luded to the Coaliti i.)-
(1, 2
" 'But, sir, the `oalition,:r The Coali3iori!
ry o
?..y . ,' 'the murdo, • d Coalition!' The gentle-
Man asks if I 1 re led or. frightened into this
' &bate by th spectrd of Coalition- 'was it
the. ghost murdered- CiTrilltinaV:lii - el- -
claims, ' licit . haunted thelneraber from
M:issac and which, like pie - tiiilSt Of
Banqt , would never.clown? ) .. -' I: he murder
.l-17-poatitintriirthis-,_':clraf ge=. - i)Va-Eznali,.&
flop, in reference to thetafe(hdrainistratilin,
Want original, with the, hoaoriible. Mein her.
did not spring up inthe Senate.. , ' Whether
as a fact, as an argurnent, - . ; OVai.-an'etnhel!
li:din - mat, it is 'all biirrniVed, : , - lieadopts it,
-indeed; .from a Vert i 'low' origin, 'and a 'Still
lower-Oreseat:condition. - - It - is 'one - of the
thousand caltininiCS NVitil which ' the' press
,Jeemed,-during -an-excited-political--Canvass"-
It was a charge of which there was not.only
no proof or proliability,_ hut .whith_ was',.in.
itSi If, wholly' , iMpoSsible to be • - trtie:' No
man of common information ever believed a
syllable of it. Yet it was - of - thatcclass - Cf
'falsehoods which, by continued repetition
Alt rottgli=-all-the-organ - ofr - tretrattiotilitid
abuse, are capable of misleading those' who
are already:l:tr. rnisled,'"and'of further far,-,1
ning passion's already kint.ll(d into-a flame.
- Doubtless, it served itS• day, and, in greater
or less degree, the end 'designed by it. - flay t ._
ing - thine that. it has. Sunk into the - general
mass, of loathed calumnies. It is the - very . '
east-off sitaigh•of a polluted . and shameless
i press. . Incapable of farther mischief, it Ito
lin the sewer, lifeless and despised. Ivis'not
I now,' sir, in - the power of the honorable
,- !Wernher to give . it dignity or decency, by.
Eattertipling to' elevate ir, introduce ; it
into' the Senate.. Ile cannot change it frOrn
what irii—an object of 'general disgust and
scorn. On the contrary; the 'contact, if he
choose to touch it,.is more likelV la drag him
down, down, to-Cble•place wllete it lies itself. -
„ ......._.
in' the * Ronse of •Assertil?ly .o New,
York' on Friday' last;- Mr.' baba - Pi:e,-
Se.nted ''st : petit iOn ' si4ned by urteen
"thousand seven lit) ftdrOil . inhabitants - of
thg, city; of New,York;- . for a .r.6.peal of ,
.the stnall . note 'Woliibi c tory. law.. ..11:In.
:Minn presenied a. pet,iii.orl'of 400 .citi-'
zees:Pl f .Kerltip - t'er, to th . 6 fame . 'ffeet.—..
Nir. - 1A eeniaiker, that althouts ). t co-'
- ....te
of,-the petit ionerswt. ro ten? ;„ . 14 .1a 4 poi i I I.'
cat friends, he.eci v t ; 4 . '1 ( - ) % i i ltlitti th e, pe. --
tition.:' , ,t. i:.,' . N s-, '' .. , .-, : :. - •
• County Convention.
A' meeting of the 'Democratic Anti
Sonic. Delegatts, elected' by the aitizens
the different townships and boroughs in 4
county of Cumberland, was held i
County Hall, in the Borough of Car
Monday.the 29th . .
o , The meeting was organized by the. calling
Of Mr. WILLIAM- GRAHAM" of South .
Middleton townsliipi to•the:-Chatr, and ap.
pointing GEott,cE•l% Part.LiPs, Seol'etary t ,-
- After a mutual . expression . 'of views the.,
Convention proceeded. to . the - election of
**Delegatei.toAlre sth of March . Converittorr-=
Upon taking .the Vlte . it appeared- "that
Capt. George
,RupleY and James Kennedy,
`Esti , were elected as. Representative
' gates and Gedrge M. Phillips - as Senatorial--
,other counties onitturring;
The Con,ferition• then. adopted the
ing • • ' .
_Resolved, That this Convention has View
.ed.,with _proud satisfaction the course pursned_
by o , ,ut enlightened and Patriotic Governor,.
Joseph Inner, in alibis public acts, and that
A true tegard the best,Mterestsrofthe State,.
requires that he shatild be re-elected to the
post - hich be has so honorably and faithfolly
filled; and that "delegates will express the
views-of this meeting by voting for hiS nom-
Resolved, That we still have unbounded
_confidence in-the stern repabliCan. principles
of Gen. "Williath K. Harrison,-and consider
him the ingst'eligibte . 'candidate - fin- the
Presidency; in "opposition to the present in.
cumbent-buf disapprove of any nomination
by the_State Convention, believing ifbetter
tti leaVe it. to the deliberations of the National
reiiikerd; Tltative - tend ei• to Tholifai H.
BurrOvies, Secretary of'.State,,,sur heart
felt gt kande for his noble and FriteKOrising support of free schools, and
hiS indefatigable industry- in the ; -'clause of
,Genet•al--Educittion,c \ wliieli—issOHintimately ,
-connected--with--the--prosperity- of our
public.. _
,-Resolved,' That these proceedings - be sign
ed by the offieeficancrimililiShed. —
• - • ' WM. GRAHAMXhairman.
George 11l -Phillips, Sectetary.• • • -
Murder and Robbery.
We learn that the ltriver of_th:e
- - U:: s.
mail was murdered, on Friday night last
-- w„ithina mije an - 4a half Of Stockton, and
the mail bags ripped open their cal
tents rifled. - The bags were found Inext
ffiorningin--the,nighberhood.:_The stage
'ontained . the • New-Orleans Mail's . of
Nine:9day and Thursday and the mail
Of_ Friclay__ from this 'city. The driver_
hid two bails shot throdgh his head.-;
Suspicion rests - upon
_two inert . who
had seen lurking, •aboitt:Stockton for.
,sorrie days .•
L . erl* Whilst (he United - States , Bank 1
etiSteil - "the- Oovernroent experienCesK
ia:little difficulty- ii'reiiiiti rig. fundOo
1 auy . and every part of the Union, dory,
we, - haVe-daily accounts of : the di culties
letcperienced, and if the charge* orthese.
tianstOssions were,publishe ; it, would'
be seen, that where the overnnient
formerly got this busi ess . done - for
nothing she. now•pws / frorn four to sir
rper cent, arrauntipg/fo several hundred
tholisa'nttdollars pir annum. Tfie - G,oV .,
ernment; by thriate blowing u otth6
'steal; - Black( Hatvlcbetiveen . , lc -it
burg and Ne•Kr'Orlean's, has lost more
money 144 she ever lost by the United
States 6nk in the whide courie of
twenyyears, and this is.,not more than .
the. f t, nth part of what she has lost since
th year ,183 2 .-St. Louis li'epublican.l
. Baltimore alriarheo.
For the !Tick ending Febiliqry 3.
1 tOl.lll, —We,hear of no transactions of mo
ment this week, and altheugh-no change has ta
ken place in pricey, beldam-ap p ear more'firm.—
Sales from` - storeshave been made at , ..97,78 a 8,
but very_few are now to sell under
latter rate. We quote the wagon price at :1;7,50.
RYE. FLOUR.—We continue to quote the wa•
gon price of Ist at ,10,50; and thek store price at
4,75 s 5. '. j
GRAlN—Wheat —A cargo of 20..000 buihels
_WheaWsias 'received,this week by the ship Mar
morn -feom . Rottertlatn, which is to be , put into
store. We hear-of- o transactions.
- CORN—A few loads of yellow Corn, received
by wagons, wore wJd during the week ut 65 a 68
cents.. No while in inarket-,y,would probably
conun4nd yO Cents.. '
--- OA - T - S—We-quote-n - oininally-from-stores At-40
cencs. ,
CLOVER SEED—lfe'heal• or no, change 'ln
I prices, and mime as !before frotri wagons
12 1-2 a 5,62 F. 2, and from.'storas at $4,37 11f2 a
` ,. b.;62 , -I:slifi' buil - Vett —
FLAN. SEED—Is withont . change; Sir. from
Wagons $1,12 1.2, and front - stores 1,25 per bush
el which. is a slight decline'ot the rates of last
WHISKEY—There-has been an linuovenrfent
Sn the d.onand for whiskey, and seal of barrels
have been made at 34 a 34 P 2 cetits„.lsmall- sales
df hfillant 33 nett% the' wagon price of 'barrels Is
40 cents excluiive of the barrel, with a tendency
to 'decline.': -The inspections of the week comprise
'l7O lihd. and 1093 bbls of which 100 hhdo. were
tram the Sustinehanne.-
• .Philadefithia alailket
,„5 •
FLOUR - GRAIN—On IN —On Saturday a tale on
iodide at $l, and on Monday another 1;1.7,12 1-2,
both under peculiar circu:nstances: Subsequent
ly a lot sold at $1,25, but there being orders 'tor
large parcels, the price advanced to 7,50; at which
rate several parcels have . been taken.. .Ryellonr,'
no sales, holders ask
,ss.—Corn blealt-A eale In
- laid's - and one - in. bids at' prices . not made public.
Buckwheat bblif ai $2,50.a
2,62 1-2 each. •' . .
GRAlN—There has been' more inquiry for
Wheat ; 2,000 busholatidessa sold, hot . we did not
learn the price. 1000 fair Southern ; at 1,50 and'
some .small lots of good quslity, at $1,68.—N0.
sales of Rye, and prices maininal: I Small sales of
Corn from.u:agons- at 20 to 72, 'a n d froth store at
70 to 75 tits pee bushel: Oats—A largOate of
Tenrisiivinia at 87 cts. ' •- •
SPIRITS-4.4miretFeaßti of French Zrandy"at
•fornier'rates; snine old. Cognac at 41,55, andot..
at. 51,70 ;„Giela steady ; N.TE. If um-retail
sales at 44 q 45 cts in hhds and bhls Whiskey,
sates to 4 considerable extent in lihds at 30 cts;
bbls - are hefd at 34, but fee. • .
DIA at B. D
,On the 18th by Rev.. Henry AnrattiL
SAROLL, both of EasiPenniborouglt 1:.-Ziwn
On ..t'hut'srlay last,
.by st i n -f e , Mr,-
PZ I- -rAGE STRQIINI,,•Uf Folnkford
Webi Nnnsborough towrslii isz :
On the same same, Mr. WM.-
- V-1-IV-P c , to=
„both of this /2,
Office of the-Jtfercatalile .12dverfiserl
MoniLE, Jan. 22.
s ••• •
.' Departed this life 'ow Friday. morning last,
Miss dfnn,..fughin&augh, in the 22d year' of
her:age: ,
Ittthis afflictive dispensation , we are ngain
summonedlo the contemplatiOn of the solemn,
truth that the tenure of our liven is awfully
insecure. We are called to view the silent'
grave -where now reposes all - that remains of
one who'was once Its joyous. as happy, and .
as sure of distant earthly, pleasures, as any
of. her surviv_orsone who .by her genoe=
ness— her untiring kindness—F•her affability
.and—cluberfloess_of tliSpositiOttr . rher win
ning and persuasive manners. 7 ancllier guile- .
less life; had secured the unbounded esteem
-and friendship of's large circle'of acquaiu(l -
antes. . .;When such, qualities; with their
possesso'r,' are consigned to the , unt roubled,
"dreainless slee'p• of death," we' should be
warned of iNaur owii prospects; and ask what
.are our own hopes. The young, especially,
who are now in 'all the buoyancy , of . health
and hope, should notice' the illustration of the
fact that death is "no respecter.lif persons."
In the. :death of one of their number, hey.
- shduldsee.and feel that . "in' the midst f life.
we are in death"—=that we scarce begin to
'breathe, (Ai we are numbered With the dead,
and they coutd not hut s'ee; like her, the ne
xessi ty dy_preparation_fo r_the_S ole aim
change. . •
The following reflectioasi . oecasioned by
here death are from the pen of 7 a female ac
quaintance. •
PM glad that I . was.born tc die; ,'' •
From grief, and ivoeind 1)011.s:et-free;
- My mourning days shall dien be o'er,
And I shall live to die nu more.
—=lndust our_bodies._soon,f( • lie,
Be deer. -AI • br b clod:
..)e deep inter, Jeneatli t clod;
Yet our
. souls towe sky,
- And ever—ever glory with our God:
- Angers• trump shall soon proclahn ~the.
solemn sound- -- -: - ' •
~ ''Awake! Aw4ke ! ye nations under ground!
Arise! discard your_d_yinglsht;ouds; •
_And meet King Jesusfin tile clouds!"
, 110:13ANSO.1 , -8.0FriCE; Z.
fS.. - SO litallilitore..Slineet.
ESU .OF zHE -- 41t AND MARY-1
. AND-ST*l l h r -lio , r-r-mt-v . :,--(3-1 lass-4, I
drawn in Baltimbrebri Wednesday lfternonn '
January 31: - - ,'. . . ..
`..). 20 18 64 45.30 50 47/46'62. ' -
Distribution of prizes - . • ' ~/. • •-.
tombi'tion 18.20 33, cap.,Tirme of - 5515,000
•-- '3O 45,64, 2d capital prize' .8,000
- _ ' • •20 33 46, /•_ ' - 2.000
. .•, .18 50 63,7 _- • 2.009
'•:" f 20, &33 Ist &•2tl dr'n nos. 100
Iff aiii. l ,,i4, .3(1 - ahrF4th --- " -- 7 'BO
' 30 anil 45, sth and' 6th "' ,' -60
• . . • 47,--antr-50t 7th ami'Boi . " -50
•.. ~- 46 and 47, Bth and - 9th "-" • 40
,/46 f and 62, 9th and.loth ."' -- ` - 40.
. 'An - others with 2 - of the "draWn''N'tii. 'on,
each 20 7 , andthers having: Only of them
On;'eacli 10.: ) • . - .
^- ‘- • - -•
All persolis at a distance boldingprizes in
the above are, requested.' send them .to 1,11
'subsciibet,for payment,- or...renewal in , iathelt
magnificent Lotteries so n,to be dya!vti . „.
W. -ItO•i3INSON; Bali/Md:
• Vebruary .5; 1838. .
•• . ,
15 DraVin Nos. ip,esch • package . 91 25''Tickets
To lie drawn alAleatandria. - D. - C. on Saturday.,
24111 bfarcl 'lB3B.
—, 75 - Number-Lottery—.lsDiawn-Bitllofsr :
Briliant and Rich Scheme
1 Cai)itul Priie t)f, ' $60,000" •. • J
'1 - Splendid Prize.of 25,1100
' 1 do . do ' 15,000
1 do' do - 10.000
1 raze of • • ``..- • 9,000
• .1 .do -"
.. • . - '. 8,000 ',
1: do 7 ; 500'
. 1 . do , ' 7,000 .
f do' - - . ' -5,000
- - 1 • 'do ' • , . : 5,000 , '
• t- do ' •' ' 1 ' 4;000 '
'1 ' (RI ' v . .. , . . . • • 3,000--=
1 ' - Aci - 2,500
1 • do • • ° 2,220
1 - do_ :' ~ .' ; 2,1,00 .•
'5 .' ' Prizes of .. 1,500
5 ' , do . _ 1, 500 ' - •
.. - ~
SO.. , do ' 800 .
50 „,, do 700
50 of $600 7 -50 of 500.-:-50 of 400-60 of 300—
60 of 250-60 of 200
Besides many of 150-100-.90--80-70-60 r5O
•c 40-24-20-16-12.
Whole Tickets 20-Halves l'OQuarters 5 -
Eighths 2,50. ^• „
Cer of packages of 25 W. tickets, $260
Do - do - 25:H. -do aao_____H
,Do do 25 Q, ,• do . .65
'Do. • -- do 32,50 .
.VOrdera for tickets and Shares or Ceilificates
f Pstckages •in the above -magnificent scheme;
(which wiiliiiTsiiiirely , b - e - dflitificsitt - tlve - day - nam. - - 1
ed) will receive theajnost prompt attention, and
an official account d'f the drawing sent iinmedi
itely after it is over to all who order from us.-
D. S. GrtcOosy.s, co. Managers.
Washington City, 11-" C..)
—BO Baltimore street.- S. -
A FORTUNE maybe secured by the
purchase of aticket in either of toe fol..
!owing Lotteries. Orders from abroad meet
the strictest attention. • •
State pf Virgitija, Richmond:Acade*
at Alexandria, Va., SATURDAY; Feb..l7.
Most splendid prizes.--1 prize of $49,000,
10,000-,-6060 ,1 —:5000 —3ooo 2500--1940-
30 Of 1000, - -33tc. &c. Tickets SlO shares
in proportion.
Cert's of packages of 25 , wh 1e tickits, SOO
Do - do . 25 half an : 163'
Do do 25 cpkartvt dpi 32 50
-• , ,
Virginia Stale „tottery, for the be.ot fit - r;l 7 .
the town of Wheeling, class No. 1, f,r 1/438,'
to be drawn at Alexantb ia, Va., SATUR.
DAY, Feb. 10.
Splendid Scheme.— x',30,000=10,000
6000;-5000-40002500--2000-1747f —25
Of 1000--.20‘0f 500-28 of 300; &c,Tick
et's 'slo, sh'ires in proportiol,l,
Pet of packages of 25...wiaole•tigkels; $1 . 30
Do . ' do • 65
Do . *do:
.ir77l o rders . fc; , sag; sh a res cer .
tificates of ,spackaOs • in' the_ ab.ive •tnagnifi4 .
tent, receive the - most prompt
.aktntion,''.and an official' account _of , each
drawing sent im'niediately after. it is over to,
all oho order from this office; Address
E.AVAIOIIINSON;.BaItinobre,. Md.
--Feb. 6;1637'. • • , •
Situ* atbckofbr S i ft
•.1 /O, -
FROM.2O to 50 shares of.earbalo.:UstikDOW
for. tale, on; which there ia 30 (12,11aralper share
Peal. , thia offide., Jll.. r ;:;;; 1;
I,Februail• 6i 1838 —4l. •-", • ; '
- ;
Hanover and :: : Carlis le &
0.01/tP -- A 117.-
Eshibit of Tolls received, •Repaire 'and
expences in, the. Hanover and :Carlisle
'T,arnpikr Road . Companyi'.: , froin. the 'l3th
December, 185,6; to the 11th D'ecr.'lB37-;
. .DR.
To amount Tolls rec'ed at gate No. 1,
.411 W Jacob Be . ar, gatekeeper • .680 07 r.
To amount Tolls.rec'ed at Gate No. 2, - -
John Heady, gatekeeper • 612 33. f
To amount Tolls rec'ed at Gate NO.
,Catharine Jones...gatekeeper 502.2711
To amount Tolls rec'ed at. Gate No. 4, •
Thompson — gatekeeper-465-.50-.
To amount 'l'oll's rec'ed at Gate,No. 5, .•
. AndrCw Dixon,.gatekeeper, 573'66
'TO amount Tolls Worn- Stockton and
Stokes. -stage toll •
To rent reed for yid gate house
By CAsh pnid for Repairs on Road }12213 8D
. ' Managers of comPirty, 54 00
'0.:.5 Gatekeepers Salaries . - 500 00
_os - Probate's of - Gatek'rs'nn'ly Writs 7;50
. "Books and stationary • 9 50
oo Printers bills for advertising &e; 6OD
' •o' Relit of_Gateltouses-No; 4.84 3, . ' 48.00, E
. ,t 1 Building new Gatehouse No. 4, 438 00
..._ o' - Secretary's salary, , 30 00
, . '' Treasurer's salary. go_oo
. _
1. •
• 133563-7
MimiCa expended over and abn . ve'the amount
received of $397,96}
dp eirtiWthat the atnive exhibit, is
correct 'as witness niy r.hand_this
of Janilary — lffsB - , -- , --;
Treasurer. • •
. 'of 'Cu mb er-
land County.- ••- . •
TEIE Atalitors Of the county take-the liberty
of stating the amount of fres Raid by the,.copnty
for arrests, &c. for, vagyancy.and intoxication - 1n
the frorough.of Carlisle, for the year.lB37, viz:
6 Constables' fees , sy7.-32_
Justices' • " --- 6 50„ •
: Sheriff's -” . • . (185' 65
. . -
—r,-4 4'283 47 • •.•
• The„kuditOrs are of opinion that a cansidarblo -
portion of the
-above expenses are'OCCasltinecl. by
overmffici4ms esettionsin some of the
cent of the borough, particularly the co . a4t4blea. -
- from the_atimr rouSarresisfOr into:riga/ion:and
va9rppcy, there is ton much the.appearance of it : -
being mude a business instead of 'a duly; 'mul, a
'comparison . of cases between the last and a. few -
previous years, ju . stiftes'the firespriiption- that it - '
ja so, or ei..e that the cause of telwteratice has
be'en.i.etpgrading instead - of prokressing.
In comparing the constables fef (or -seals,
in -the- horrAigfi-Of. Carlisle, for 1829, with
those 0f.18.37;-for -, we find the
increase in proportion.aS '1 to - 19 4
- Tliemtiwlitors beg leaveqo retcemmend rnorti;-
special examination, hereafter, by the JostiCes,
before - they c.nyoit;' - and . a more full representa---
tion-of proof i r sentencing for alledgerl orrgrcptesri _
-as many have :teen committed to prison (Aiming; •
the * hit yeai, "w nit: the Auditors have, reas-nr to
believe would not come-,within !the' description '-.•
grven-;by-theliW-of such•-as- - May be - •Coosiderecil.
- _W. LUSK„ 'Judi/ors. •
GEM Itt• GR - ANKH ,
Carlirde,Atin_,_2s,7_l_B3B;: - ZE.:_. •
RESPECTFULLY inform' their friends and
• -• • the public in generaLthat
i'‘."--- they Still continue to car- . :. f.-
ii LI I '..i . , ,„, ry on the -__ - • . .
i ' O, < 2 • ''. . Wraith... Making
_ ..,
', ' 9 3 -1:::`: ,
'r Vi, a 4 '3 4) ,: i 7 , • . OUSIiiOSO 9 .. ..
• ''''
' ' .l-\ . ' . in all its various hranehes......
attlieitAnd .sroudr4rFiTorth-Hanover-etreetritx---=-
th c borough-of-Carlisle; where - they - are - ready to
attend to all calls, in their line of business.
N. B —All persons knowing theinselves.te bs
indebted to - the'subseriber "are -requested to call .
and discharge,their dues on or before the Istilay"
ofllt next, after which time suits will be .
broughtagainst- all Who-negleetattentling to-thisi -
.notiee, without respect of persons. -
I - R. D. pUTHRIE.
) Carlisle, January 30, 1338..-3 w. " .
_ .
. .
THE - Corner house and stone room, newly
finished in the best style, situate on the sobth Market Square, now in the possession
of Mr. J- Bredin =Also' the entire bulking_
sown — iir.iherty Alley; . • ---
~.-.. . . A LARGE.•
- 1 .,..
...: tt, .
T W-0 13 T - 0 MY • _
' - ':'.l.:-.' - : y.:L STO.7VE mous 7 - •
calculated for two or 'more families with a lot of
ground, and ailouble Stable. Possession will be
given on the first day of April - next ; for terms
apply to Thomas Carothers, Esq.,.or to the sub
scriber. - -
Dec: 19„,1817.-11w
• •Itlashingtotals Birth Bag.
----- •
ATTENTION Awl:mix Ry . !
" — "YOU
.are -- orderetlAo4araile'-on.:yriur_usintl._ _
ground; on THURVDAY THE 22ND DAY - OF .
FEBRUARY NEXT; at 10 p'clock, A: M. with
arms in goad fitinorder. •
By order of Captain
-- A. --- NOBLE; - 0 - . -- & — " - 7
Carlisle ; January 80,1938. • . •
Have you ..a, Cough? ,
. DO not ineglect. it! thoitsands r have Meta, pre
mature death for the want of a - little attention to
a common cold! - -
H AVE• YOU A COUGH ?-13r. jaynea's
pectonnt,-a safe-Medical Rrescription, contain._
ins no poisonous drugs, and-used in an 'extensive
practiee for several years, will. mos t
ford relic/; and save - tom fromchat awful disease,
nually - aweeps into 'the grave..ltndreds .of the
yonne: the viii, g - iy!
HAVE - YOU COUGH P..lie per4qaded to ,
purchase a bottle of this Expe'etor,ani!
..-• .
TO-JP ! ! unlit:OW may4ie too late.
' 'ltsrt , :iYost a'Covaill'elisynea.Expectorant is
- the only remedy 'you Should faketii cure ynn!"
• Por !hit plain Reason that in no .one_onf the
thoussonl cases where it" .has. been used, hail it
failedlo relieve.. • .
=lt T tnityt- , bes_liadorshe Proprietor, at No. 20 -
South Third sitreet, PhilinielOhiis;ind'OT Samuel
Price $1,00: • - • .
c.htuary 6, 1838 —Smo. . i . " •
The-New-York .Mirkor.• •
The followhi - g.aye the contents of the
New YoskMirrOr; -- -publishd on Sgerday, -
the, third of Fehrtiary, vi ,: -- - -
. .
The Monk of La frappe. • 'hi" the }lon.
M r's• Norton,.Concluded; Thd Love Chase.
a Play 4in Five Acta. by . , James, She Vldali •
' Knowle:;—Act a - ; • F.A•enone TivilVit. _by
Samuel Woodworth ;4001th' Notee`ota iisic
to Washington 1 - Poiettl,lft-ThveaVn of the,. !-•
Ding Pt ophet ; Allesaliiiheetilor - Vlie fide.. '
sav and the Heiress ; The Monkish ilfikantisr -
The:Beauty of Nations; A new.,waTor "Dc.
ink; TheFarnityCircle; Peetry—The..W n..•_ -- -•
drrer s ,l.ReplyiTheDead Alive; Baty, disl
vantages; Ancient F4yigranie - ; titerary os
tices,; Scraps from ttre*Gerrottn'Ot : Jeari Paul;
POetfy. ;; To Readers - end ceireatoondelit i a
Editorial: genaarki 4 ;. Poetry ; 'Love's Telk,
graph i The last. ineVolti, !A 1 1 0.1Fulilice. - •)
, ,
100 OD
2$ 00