. . . 4.41ja - 'ie- ECTOR IsT . S,YRU,i 3 Ikteagreeritile.cordial, and . effeetive remedy fol Coughs,',kioarAeness, Colds, 'Pains in the Breast,, hlard'Breathing, and Difficult expectoralion.% ' For Adults 0 Chil dren in cold climates andltiiiiin. Thesproprietors are aware ; ,that.there are. many •-• remedies for coughs lit Cnicase - s of-the lung-s-; -.aoroe•nodonbt-aregoOd, bill it has rerpained to a• late daylci" discover ail article so ,adinuAly fitted to these complaints ; so, Owe'atil and i elfectual, and yet so perfectly innocent and el: I.ct.not the public the. smentificresult - 13 alearn.ql Physician anclfDivine with the nostrtims , - of the day. --Let them'mnke il'eArefill' perusal of t , the evidences attending . . this article; their re , *spect ! inlity,,,,and the decided 'manner they speak, - ,vigil lliey cannot withhold their be , to some of its virtues. '.Let -Us' assure '(bent th it. a single - . trial of it will . do MONS; to dint - v.-ince ti al: of its ineritg. than all they can see Or; hear on tie shbjeet. quite certain that, nO, injury had' ever-been known toariscA'rom_its free-tiger-4 , .unconimon fact is,- that 'this remccly•is syrup, as palatably and. -pleasant to. thclaste - iis' the most popular French Cordials ainlXhildrett. l .takelt . .always with The greatestreadineag. The prbprietors.ge now making rapid arl'ange-1 ... -- metits to:have this ' ariiclerinElthe hands of every 'druggist and apotliecary _ in the country. It 'May be known to be gent - dile -the followink signa- 1 litre as below of _the Rev. Gentlelnan and Phy sioiii~ who is tine aittlior of it. tt is with-great pleasure-that the proprietOrsi "arc enabled dins to bring for Ward, an article so truly -meritorious-as-this-syrillilini—suclra , source, and they•truSt, the. community' who have ---occasion-for ifs use may-always findlt .within their reach, both . as•to.places at which itmay be found, and the low price at whielrit.is sold., , Alreat must,:wondeifUl. - cures may - be seetol calling on Mr, Holander, Carlisle, at whose torett ie for sale. See Mr. .I.3plander's „• , - • papers. . • . -Also . for side by S. ELLIOTT • - : 'DISSOLUTION,- .: TUE' Partnegship beretofore - ezisting between the 'subscriberg under the firm of HALL -AND .3--ZP ,-- OKTERis t his day di3selved by , - mutnai ecin.. • `sent. The .'books are in the hands of William _A - Porter; who is authorized to settle the same. ', • ' JOHN-L.N.-HALL, '. , - -- -WM. M. P:OHTER; • , t - orirllSlgi_ Oct. 30,---:1857 . -,.-:,-,-, , = , ----,.---,':_ <.. _ :._ Mate - of Di: Jolin - P. .Geddes, 'deccal l t . (. NOTICE. , Alt persons. indebied to the estate .of Dr. John P..Geddis, fate of 'the borough - of Nei , 'Arllte, deceased; are reQues - tect to make payment; without delay; to Mrs. Catharine .1: Geddes,_Executrix., reSidine h to• Robert I . executor, residing in Frankford . township; those hairing clams against. ,Aaid_esiateLwill—present- propit‘l'Y - authenticated.for..sottlement. • - -:•EIATIVE -- .ItGEODES. • - -ReecOtris. ROBERT LA IRD, • ' _ • - • - 0 - -Executory ' Dec. 18, 18-27,..-6WI . _ . . _ , Triennial Asessinerit. Eis-hereiry - giveirttrrrnho .actor - ttliMon• ers of Comberlantl_connty;:,trilt hold_t „Wads - for the Year . 1838, in the- different townships in *said county, nt fhp time and places .as slat r)e low,. for the_pt_trpae of )learin2.all personsiOn may apply for redress, and to grant such relief, - its to them shall appear just and reasonable; tG For _Dickinson and, 'Westpennslibrough town . t :ips, at the public house, of ,John Paul, in West ,: ,ennsborough township, on Friday thel6th • ,if February itext. For Shippcnsburg hogough, at the public house of Jacob Engle, in said borough, on .Saturday the 17th day of Febrisary next. For Southampton and Shippensburg tOwnships 'at the same place, on • Monday the-I,day of February next. --For-Hopeweilltownship,-at-thelmblic-house-inf , James Sponsler, in Newinirgli,. on Tuesddy the . Otli day of Februaryrnext. 'For Newville and,,Newt-ni-4ivbships, at the public hofise of Michael Ifeffleman, in Ne%%ville, 'on Wednesditii, the 21St day of February next. For Mifflin and Frankford .townships, at the same place, on Thursday tile 22d 'day of Febru ary Next. For North and South Middleton townships; at the Commissiober's office, in Carlisle, on Friday the 23d day of February next. For—Silver Spring and East Pennsborough townships, at the public house .of Joseph - Grier, in Hoguestown, on Saturday' the 24th day 7 of February next. For the borough of Mechanicsburg, at the ptiblic house-of John Hoover, in said borough,on -.Monday the 26th day orFebruary next. For_ Allen township, at the public house of David Shafer, in Shepardstown, on Tuesday-the ----2rth-darof -February-mlxt; For Monroe lownshiii; 'tll.e public house- of David Martin, in Churelktowo, on Wednesday tht . • 28th darof February next. -For the borough of Carlisle, at the Coromi.S. ----- Titionees-fifficeon --Thuriday the UV clay of March next:, ' ' • o::f.The Priticiptd4gcssoi..l of each • are also . notified and 'required to attend iftthe; time and -place fixed -for the appeal of their • .spective townships.. ' . • ISy order of the - Commissioners: • . JOHN I,RWIN, Clerk, Commissioner's Office, • , - Carlisle, Jan: 18, 1838. S 6w.t STATEMENT , , --q.-Of;CnloSc omn_hooLAptiropriatron-Clue-from_th - State to the different Diatricts — Or Cumberland county, for the school' year cornmencing.the Ist Monday ofJOne, •±•-• • 1839 Allen $273 85 Newton . 4188 - 39 • Carlisle 506.92 Newville ' 98 40 Dickinson 328 88 N. Diddled % 229 83 E. Pennsboro' 293 r 28 S. b4liddieton 299 10 --Frankford_l2B-39--,siiver-spririg--238-89- ____lLopesuell-132-07---Shippeosb'g-bm-192-28- Mechanicsburg 80-92 Shippensb'g.tp 18 12 - 191' 4 63 Southampton Oonroe • . 199-40 , —W. Pennabr THOS. H." BURRk Superintendent of porimpi SecretnyY's Wfice, Harrisburg,l .Janunry I,stfi, 1838:-3t. • Notice. • Wl-IF4IE,A.Si by, the late Treasurer's Report it tippears that a large amd'unt oCEounty Tax in balances, ,remains . outstanding in. the hands of collectors, and. it having become necessary and expedient that said balances"be collected, Therefore, -17,esplved, Thai the• Treasurer be hereby in . stru t ted and 'required -to call upon colleefors i from • whom_balances appear to be due. and ; to issue his warrants for the collection' according to law otall balances that may be unisettled after the se cond jdorniey,Of February next. . • - • " JACOB ZUG, JAMES WILLIS, ' , ' - . ' ROBT. C. STERRETT • • - - Commissioners Commissioner's Office t t • 4 4 Jan. 18 •1838.--3 t. 5 JUST received an 'ass ortment of Fancy leather, such as Men's and Women's IVlorocco,'Fiench do, i'ed and green skins,Brudings,.&c.-Bcp, . c. QDOZ. mpcx. SHELLCOMBS, for sale..bY , CHAS. BARNI'r Z.. • dtroffat's Vegetable L(fe Pills, and: vitecroiax . . ' - All nations, from the remotest ;Tes s hit bad ships f Lai Columbus only rtnind oat the way tai A therica. Before the %time of the itreat'Spanishaaviipitor;peepli? were Only ena , bled to 'paddle abou Gthe -short. s. Just so with the Midicines. It -is but tip yews since I first vontiii•etluplin an unknown ocean, nod I have (Memo:roil the pc. emus object I wits in sear,elt - of—IIEALTII. Veg . , table medicines were,intletel know is whets I collnnellOott lor_searchi -. but their ObelfraS hot.st By. the tile of 1 have not only Busied front, the dejected iu yalid; to thi! hale, hearty and.. active Man busiiess,,but, i-a c'tfinpanthivele sit.ilsing,l have - renewed-1;1j- youth, - 1 - ean - thusitli cOnlittt nce experience, advise witismiy fellowscitizois. ' , Boa nit reader want-proof that the•VEG ET 111.1 - ,:1141.11%11i1D1CIN BS art:Amiable to-bis own .citsi.?, on file' at ley officeol 545 Broadway, Iliad Fedi iirtel.tifrs.frant some Orthe-ilioSt resveetable.eitil,ms 4 . 4 . .11ns my nativeLaild, voltniary oiler ed in testimony of•thui•virpies of A Guov - yliotT7llll,E.. MEDICINE. _ — Pai - oin — iiiostTdoii . ;iiiiiiipns..ikave been - C.11;1y -- cit'n'iCii - 113 : the %full-infallible" finitieral preparations of the .day,'will bear me witness; that the Life •Jloshrines, mid such. only, arc the true course tapermanent good health% , ' • JOHN MOFFAT: GENERAL REMARKS 'RELATIVE vo FAT'S .LIFE LLS . Si; PIHENIX 'BITTERS These laedieine'sbanelong been known atittappreelated, for their.extratwilinary and immediate powers of restoring peefeet :width, to persons, siillini»g oadyr•u'early every kind ordisensil toss bleb the liumait fritmeis liable:. — lmurany littnilredrorcervilidatcd-instnneestlicy-linte even rescued soffirers from the very verge of an untimely gra ye, 'after all the deceptive nostrums of thevlay had ut. • terlydited; anal to many tlionsinials they linve-yeransuietrify --seraieral that--ntrillirm enjoyment - of len-ttliTwitftmrt-whichr ! life itself is NIL a partial blessing. Su great, indeed has their ullicaey invansably and infallibly proved olint it has appeared scarcely'-leis than- mirnoilous-to those -who were inuteapaniiited with the beautifolly philosophical poiliciples 'mia which they are conMetnulcd,rand_upon•Lwhich they consequently act. Tt - was to their ffi _ ninfest 'rani! sensible . action in.purifying the. springs anal channels of, life,'.and enduing them svit ferajhewed tone•anal vigor, that they were ineebted for their name, which was bestowed Upon Him at 'the spontaneous request of several individuals whose lives they had obviously saved. • . , ..-. - - ..1 lie proiirietor, rejoices in the opportunity afforded hy the universal diffusion of the daily press,Tor playing,- his VEGE FABLE . : LIFE PILLS within the knowledge meal - reach of every individual in the ci onniiiiiity• Unlike the host-of- pernicious qiinclaerics, w Lich boast of vegetable ill grrtlic•nts; the Life Pill, ale..ruftly 1-/;;;ctaslc, anal contain neither Mercury, •Antimony, .Arsenicofr :my-other min •cral, in any Conn, whatever. They :are iecttirely-conmoied ofestractsOom rare nod poWerfail plants, the virtues of which; .thoogh long known to several ' Indian tribes, and recently to sonic eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto '.gether unknown - to the ignorant metenders 'to medical .science;-and . were never-before, administered in . 60.. happil y, eilieneious a combi mini jail: , . The first ciperationjs to !doses' the coats of the 'stomach •and.bowels, the.various impurities and crutlitittLesms_tantly_ settling around them; •alial to remove the liaralcired. faces wlfiela collect in the einittittliimx.ol the small intestims. Other medicines partially Cleanse these. and leastesintals-col -lecterkniasierlirtmtak tis - to produce habitual costiveness, as ith all its train of evils, air sudden diarrhoea, With its Mi.; -iminent alatigers.• l'hiS - fact is well, I,lloWil to all (gala amitomistsoclio examiite the human levwels after deatlng - old hence the prejudice or these %Sell informed Olen against the smack medicines-of the age. The second effect of the .VEGET ABLE LIFE PILLS isqh cleanse,the kidders and the bladder,-and by this means, the Baler and, the lungs, : the healthful action of. ai liii-la entirely .depends. upon the regularity of-the-mireir . t °rpm.' flic_blooal.-sa high. takes, - its - red color from the agency 61 the liver and the Id figs be fre it passes into the I; vact, being thus' purified by. them, -iusal-ururthlaod by - 51Y41....-earning r1 . .c..1.11. 'lesu stonmstli.,_ courses freely through the veinwcrynews es cry parSof the tystent, and triainiphanlly• mounts - the' litilther oh health in ilielilormaittg cheek. ~_.,_.. :1;1,e - fiillownsr:turcsamougth-c - alist - ffsciirg - Variety-of human [ - disc:au-5,40 NS11:1,11 she Vegetable Life Pills are well litiown to lie infallible:- DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly -.demising the first and, vernal stomachs, :and creating a flaiwof pore, healthy Wk.' nstead of the stale and acrid kind;-.Flatillency Pa flotation of the heart, Loss of A plit•tit.... Ile art-bairn and Hind-ache, Restlessness; 111-temper, An•ictg,. Iding,inr.anal' k1 , : 1 4 1,- ...1 eholv,,abiela are the genyr3l - .XyliaMaini•S'iif Dyspepsia, Ns ill % gi?ti - ,11 as a natural eons, ems-live of . .„its• ...1111. C , Ji2 , ,'?ie i t . , I likeleansingthe at Laths li'lic'tticif t lie intetrincs with 0 sal vet,ttroce,s. anal a iihout violence.; all rml..nt purg,s least the bowelicottivew it Lin Ivo days.- -I tiot r Phit a :yid Cholera. 1 ,I t•! Its, ~ m as jag- tilt' .:11 . 11 , i'n! . fluids, by whiell thew Volit- 1 plaillt.B are occasioned, and by promoting the Itilnicatakse , rerytiorraf -- tire - gantscur-smeiiiiiritto. 1. - re---,;} - 0,1111 L ,i 1 icy restoring the..blililil I , rigid:it' 0111:1011t1011, alirougli thrl process . .ef,pciqi,l tatta .11.. some , -,lsv, ;mil the thorough so ; Intim ase- - affintesthine aijajtcale6, - 016 --- ollia-cs. • Thai LIFE ; -pli--I.S hi av v•ho011 kr. own't;l , llrrvi:lirt,rurerl-ni - pvrtna,tently ! n thrce weel,s, and 1..,:th I. kali that time, by . retnos ing i,laicaLtivilatumatam:_frnothethiosidesthipl_hgasiscnts.mEtke. Jousts- - Den/tvic.: al nil A;m/..;11)....1r0eing and strengthening j• the Rialnel's and bladder; ?lacy operate most delightfully on thus, impertant organs, tam! 1,-line hnse ever bran fund cl. certain remedy for the worst(llsoi of Gravel. A Ito, Worms, by dislodging--from the to roiogs of:the bowels the slimy 'ostler to which these creatures adhere. ' A stir pin and Con. sumption, by relieving the air-vessels of the lungs from th e mucus, whault even ilaglareolds;will occasion, a Inch if not removed becomes hardened, and produces those 'dreadful. diseases.; Scurvy, Ulcers, anal inveterate sores, liy the pert „feet purity, whieli these Life Pills give to the blood; and aly the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and had complexions, be their alternaiivetaffect upou the fluids that feed the skin, this morbid state of which oreasions - all Eruptive complaint- Sallow, Clotitly,4otd.other disagreeable•Coniolexions. 'Elie, use of these Pills for a very short Coney will effiet nn entire -cure of - Salt-Ithemo, Erysipelas,"-unil -a-striking 'improve silent in the Clearness of the shin. ca w ntnn colds find In ; -litteneaL will-always-be.--corrat-bruneltasfec-ur-by-tWaceven in thvi worst cases. l'ilaas, - ,:as' a rode,' yafor. dais' lism ost diti 1 min sang aind"olistinate malady, the X eget:able Life Pills de serve a distinct - nod einolia lie ran:owns. natation. It is well kunwntothundreds in this city, that the Proprietor of - these 1 invaluable Pins. Was liiiMelf afflicted . with the, eomPlaiiii. for upwards of fhirey-live,provst;:ttol he Lied in wain evert'( remedy prescribed withilii thew hole Compass att....ma.... 31, dirt.-41e however, at length, tried the medicine which he now -Mil rs to the publi c;:ind he was cured tit a very short lime, after his reel's, my had hero pronounced not only inv. probable, but absolutely impossible, by ally homan means. DO ECTIONS FOR US E.-The Pioprietorof the VeTe• table Life l'ills'does not Itilhow the base dad mercenary mac ; tics of the quarks of thaa alas-, iii atlVisilig„perSoill to take his Pills in large quad arks, No gond iite . diciive can p.orils , hlthe so required.' - Tlii-seTiills tire to lie taken at bed time every night, for a week or fortnight, according to the disease. , The usual those is from 2 to 5 . , a ceoriling to the constitution ; of the person. Very delicate persons shamlal begin wigi-ase;„ `two, and increase as the -nature of the case may require those more robust, or of very costive habit, may hegin with 3,,and increase to -1, or even 5-Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happy change to guide the_ patient in their fur ther ape. These Pills sometimes -occasion sickness and vomiting, though very seldom, unless the stomach is very ; foul; tins, lio.weverowisti be_considered a favorable symptom, as the patient Mill find himself at once relieved, and hyper- l I,severance:_wilLsoon;rueviver.-They-taiially-opera to-within-h. I'lo or 13 hours, and never give pain unless the bowels are I very much encumMfred. They may be taken' by the most delicate females under any circumstances.-It is, however, , I recommended, that those in later periods of pregnarY should take but one-at- a -Oho', and thus continue to keep the. bowels open: and even two may lie taken where thepatient '•-Is - Very coStive..- One pill • T h -ii solution aTfTA6 7 fable- spoons-1 full of water, !nay he given to iiii infant in the following doses-a tea spoon Rill every hen hours till it operates; fora coital from one tat five years of age; half a pill-and fruits - five to ten, one pill. - - . - • .„ • THE PIBENIX DITTEIIS, lire sosalletl) because they '-; possess•ilie power.of_Testoring the expiring embers of health, to agferwritg vigor throughout the constitution, as the Plans aniX"-is said to be restored to life frnin the ashes of its own, dissolution. 'lite Phcenix Bitters are entirely vegetable, , composed of roots found onlyin certain parts of the wr , stern , country,which willinfallibly_eureFF.VEßS AND AGUES of all kinds; will never fail to eradicatc'entirely all the ef fects of Mercury, infinitely soonela than the most powerful .preparations of • Sarsaparilla, mid Will immediately cure the detertuluntion,of BLOOD TO 'l'llE HEAD; never Rill in the sicknety - inetilent to•young fent rilet 1 and will be found a icertain remedy in all cases of, IICI . VOIII debility and weakness iif - the - morrimpaired constitutions. --- As-a remedy ter thiea nie and Inflammatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phoenix Bitters will be denumstrifted by the use of a single bottle. 'Flue usual dose of these bitters is half a wineglass . --fullritt-wateror - wirreararrilthiX•qtla - fiTityiiiiirliViliTilm two or three times a-day, about half an -hour before locals, or a, less quantity may be taken at all times. -,:lro these whosarc afflicted, with indigestion after meals, thatse Bitters will 'prove invaluable, as they very greatly increase the action of the principal viscera, help them to perform their functions, And:enable the stomach so--discharge into the bowels wit Meier is offensive. Thus ind igestion is easily and a peedi -13--removed,-.appanite-restored-,-and-the-moutlis-orthe-ah,- . -sorbentLvessels-being-cleaused,-nutrition-is-faeilita terl,-and strength orbody and energy of mind are the happy results For further pa • rticulars of AIOFFAVS LIFE PILLS,. and ,PI-HENIX• -BITTERS,. apply atolsir,Mottit's Office,' KO. 16 Broadway,New York, where the Pills _can be obtained" for 25 cents; 50 cents, or 131 per box;. arid the Bitters for MI - or fp per bottle. '1:0 - '1 , :tinseroals tWitificates of the %stinger ful efficacy of both, may be there inipected.. - , In some obstinate and .comPlicated easeirpr chronic and Innarnmatory.Rheumatism,iLirer Complaints, Fever and Ague, HyspepiiiiiTalsYL Piles, i'njuries from the use of mer cury, quintne,and other.diseases of long- standing, it maybe found necessary to talreboth the Life Pilltrand Phoenix/11W ..tetal, in-thedoses helbre reegmmenacti. . . . . N. B.—These Pith and thii Bitters will get all mercury out of the systentinfinitely. faster than the best preparations of Sarsaparilla, and are a cetain 'remedy for the cashing of brood to' the-hedd, headaches,. tic douleurux, fze.r•All persons who are . predisposed to apoplexy, palsy, &e,, should never be without the Life Pills or the Bitters, for one dose in time will save life. They equalize the cirep lotion of the blOod, draw all pressure from the head, restore perspiration, and throw off every impurity by, the pores o the skin For sale at the store of S. EI o LIOZT SepNerntet 18, 1837.-4 y: -• • One Hundred ilushela of clean-Flaxseed Want ed at the,, store of the Subscriber in South liana vex Street. Carlisle Sept 18,1837. Letters of Administration - 0u the estate, of John Marra dee:Cased, late of Monroe township, 'de sceased; haiinglissued to. the subscribers, residing in said township. All persons having claims against the estate , will present them to the sklasc.:Ars - for, paytnent,and all , persnniinWebted ttiAtile'eotate'will make. partlent'immediately, to. .8a mueL--Morrat. - , George Brindle, Nov 20, .183 7. • „ Rxectitora :A_ CONTRAST, rlaiseed Wanted 8. c. boLAIsiDEit. XOTICE. PM Wljr - ..v..#t4tiOr'.:7l,lTooo:_ 4-itt!::i-i1g1e.)..,0..0it*J9-..<-: UNITED STATES ARMY. - - - „.-- _ • ..: . o; • . ' re ecruit.irig Ser`vice-. _ •WANTEP for the UNITED STATES AR- My; a few alApliodied citizens,. between the-, .11 ges - 103 - tind Veing„about 5 feet 6 inches Likho:of 'good 'character, 'and- of -re sPeCtable stantling q arnong their felloWci6 zenso None'need VIA yiltiYOortrr the•service,-, 'hut.thbse w.ho-are tititirefisiliVir•fo.serve the period--W-their•-•enlistarentwhielf-is-Zaily tbree..years,-4onistly and faithfully. Fab of Dragoon .soldiers, ivhea• . . • • - mounted. 'lt• • rThis (able shows the amount l • ,of pay which enlisted soldier,' h. actordipg• to their' regOective.' IHgrad_es, are -entitled to . receite for their services. .• s • To the Sergeant Major, - Qnar. - • • • : I termasterSergeant,,Ch'l Mti- • u _ siciap, & Ch'l Bugler-_—each 16_ 192 4 640_ Tro•the- . .1.5t Ser't of a company -15---180-5.75. Ordnance Sergeants ' • All other.Sergeeants--;;each . 12 ,144 432 Corporals 10 120 - 360 Bugle-i's - 9 .108 324. • . _ . . Musicians . - Farriers and Blacksmiths Privates Besidgegie monthly pay, asaheVe stated ? , er : day is allowecrev : ery Soldier, which ,N — amply sufficient for -his subsistence —also, a large supply of comfortable itod genteet-clothing; - GoothqUarters .and - fuel .are at all - times furnished; - and -every atten tion will he, paid to,making tnrose,.pieu who May - erilist, and are determined-t-o-serv-e - tirei coun'tififf comfot table,and con fated with their. situation. „I'he best medi cal attendance is- always. provided for the sick soldier; and no deduction of pay is made during the petiod ate is unable to pc! form his duty: - Should the soldier be disabled,in -the line of his duty, the Jaws provide a pen - sirm - . By the above-it- is seen that the pay_and latto. B e.ar t ce.S_ t ax.e_ce'sppcutble, and that, with prudence-4n(l -- iteon - tifily:lll - e..inolith iy the soldier-may be-lard up•—as--every - thing requisite for his . c.6Efeirt and convenienCe is furnish - €.(l'4 the GOvelinment, including his sugar- and cat - MC. -The prudent"- soldier, Iltlierefore„_may readily save from 8800 to. 8500 during his short enlistm - ent . of. sears; : an - d - iit•the eKpira tion 'of - the term he can, if - 11 C thopSes,' purchase a smalifirm in any of western - Slates. ailirtlre - re — sertte hiroselrcom:- - fortably, on his cm n land, for the-rest of his life., thefrante building in East Nail: .streador tntztly .userdfia thvroluifteerfirititin& effirer - Decdmber 4, 1337.-f • 7 - 0:7"1:11 — aLsillTral TWO" DOLTTAItS }Dill be given , to any citizen, Non-commis-. sioned Officer, or Soldiar, who shall bring to this Ilendezrous an able-bodied recruit, well formed, sound, and otherwise duly qualified; (asvaluave described;) for the duties.of a sol dier, and who shall bee, regularly enlisted. OtIFICE, E3O Balt. st., 4 rigors below the Franklin knife. j* - Capital=-. - 50 - 000 DOIGIARS; - _ 9 Persons . at a distance diposed to try their luck in either orthe following grand Lotte ries—one of which draws ''alternately_ every week—are respectfully re9uested to forward their •orders to the subset iber, eficlosinf,•• the cash or prize tickets, designating the Lottery will receive immediate attention-by return mail.jind the drawings forwarded when over ,(11,retlifeted.) ROBINSON.. • Baltimore, Md . _DRAWING or LOTTERIES.—Order in which thc.several State Lotteries will be drawn. -- Maryland State Lotteries - draws in -11 a more'.eVery tither , Monday. capitals range from 10,000, 20,000 to $30,000 ; Delaware State LOteeties draws twice every week, 1-capitals-vary-from-5-to-$lO,OOO-;-Grand-Con —. .solidatad Lottery draws once every week, .capitals 20,000, 25,000 to $30,000 ; Alekan: dria Lottery, draws once every other week,_ capitals 10,000, 20,000, 30,000,50,000 ; 1- ginia State - Lottery - draws every. Saterday-in each week, capital prizes range from 10,000, 20;000, 25,000, 30,000 to $40,000. Tickets in the above Lotteries vary from $2, 3,4, 5 and 10 each, shags in proportion. . • All letters addre ssed . to the.subscriber go perfectly safe. No miscarriage has ever oc curred. . . . • Feb. 14, 1837.=1y Oi RENT' • , (ffA HE-subscriher-kviVrent—that well known N A - Jarge - and convenient house, for many years occupied by Christian Iltymich, and more re cenßy by others; as a . TAVERN N HOUSE.;:flie house is remarks . '4, ;#. V bly well cAlculated for •entertaining BOARDERS ; there tieing three' .stair-ways, and Fire places in - most of the rooms. Thesituation is very plea4ant and desirable, being on - the - north - west - torner °CHI - Mover and - L - mi - ther -- e - 416 -- e - teiikhilE, --- fcii. -- convenience's it excels iipy other house" in the boiongh or country...At pos. Sesses the ormsOal - advantages of 12 roms on-the-- first floor-42 roorns.on the 2d floor-4 rooms on 3d floor.-6 CeJ4ars - Two wells of 'water ; (one at the frorit door on Louther street, with a pump therein; the other in the yard at,the - kitchen door;) a C3istcro „made to:Contain ctlity five. Hogsheads; large' and convenient. stabling; • with, carriage house-and' - sheds. large a nd lent gardens attached to the ? buildings . besides , many conveniences not specified. 2.zAlso, one franie - . Weather boarded ,Two Story House, situated in East LoitiK'r with Vvo Cellarsia Garden and Stabling attached theereto. . 4.. A 150,.. one . . other Weather•boardecl House in West I:Outlier - street, adjoining the Ger man Reformed 6hurch, with a Garden attached o it. For Term s apply to ' - • ' ,Noy. 20. • . CDEDSTIAN'HUMRICH New Books .lir. Stationary THE subscriber bps just received at• his Book And Drugaiteire, in the borough of Largelisle, a ae,E.at and General 1 c A a ss t o i r o bi l n i e s n: of t h e L He has also added a large number of DRUGS AND MEDICINES to his former assort ment:., All of which will be sold at the low estprites... MY,RS, January 9, 1838.., . ipUR and SILK Plush , Bonnets, black and fancy coloyys, far sale by • • • • • CHAS. BARSITZ; •, ° • fflOrtgt - A. 2 TVQ. MOM subscriber-offers -for Sale the folkoring - , : ,, K - = - describeclAtouse , andAtalf-lot , of groUnd i -sit, trate on the 'north side of Main ,Street in the burr ()ugh - otCarlisle, nearly. oppysite Nix. George Afigliinhaughlsritotel—the west. half of fok:NO. 61, the 'Plan, of said .borough—botindeff , by, Main' street - oriAlte 'south, 'C. "-I'...ltlPirtirtfiir west; Dickinson alley (23 feet wide) on the neat], ..andalte_w_idtttir Creighton on-the east, containing 30 feet in front and 4240 feetiu depth': • The • e 'dings are a • • Frame lf ath arbour ded . • , • , trtnWAV4ll .„ ra• fli!...l , .i•mts - PA . - • fronting on Mtn 'street-with • • .- 'Brick Back Building, • -• BRI'cK STABLE , , fi onliitg vii the alley.. Sai d half. lull is ip It high. state of improvement, with a variety of choice 'Fruit TreCs and '.Crapc.VlOC;s; now bearing, CurraiirdifirGooselierry Biislecs,, and Shrtildikry of kinds. _Ai) inclisputable_ti . tle„Will begivetrAmt_he_pur chager. Further , parttetiliys fre, deemed unne cessary., -Any persons ‘vishing.to purchase, are' invited to call'and view tlie premises. .The terms will be madknown iy August .28:1837: ' • • • ••• ',UTE RESTING CASE -CURED 'BY Pit; WM. EVAN S!S CA Mt MILF: TON re -AND FAM PLY -• APERIENT R. BI3NJAMIN.,B9WN; corner of Shippen and George streets, Philadelphia; -affected for seven_ years with extreme.- nervousness, -14- which.he was 9m,t_Able tow rite his ,narne his symptoms were; eructation, daily spas modic pains in the head, loss of appetite pal vpitation Of the heart, giddineks and din - Mess of'sight, utter inability of engaginX,7ifLany. thing that demandecpyigor imPaireic ntipetite, coldness • and •wcaltness., ! of ,1)N extremities, emacjaifon and extreme debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure itnii , weight"at the stomach after eating, great. mental despon dency, severe flying pains in the chest,:bacrit 'Ural side, costiveness, a dislike for sucict 'and etinVersafion: Mr; B. has made trial of -variousnredicines now•before the ptibli aft to no effect; until, obSerVing in a public na paper'some cures perfot Med by Dr. William ItiForrie-Itrultnitir-ity=NPe erft-Pills,leWas:indutectto give them-a-uialy of which, he • is . at zany , time happy to, suite that theyeffectuarly_,cured_him of •the_abuve_ dh;t-res'sing. disease; - : • Persons mld` doitbt the above cure, are - most,respectfully directed to the aboyeAfen firmed person, at 'the not th : westcdrner of ‘ Shißpen and Geot:ges streets; 10 120 360 8 . 96 283 br. -\VM, .EVANS'S Medical OfliCez for the SZ tle ef his exaillent MLdicine, - is at •No; EMILE H .Sl' iladt.l4llLiablir his Mediciiie can alivays be obtained: • :For sale at fhis,ollide. • . • -7 AN *-7 MANUFACTORY. The Subscriber returns hiS_sincere thanks to his former customers, for the liberal share of patronage, which has' been given 'him add solicits a•cont.inuarice of the same; as also he invites l those, whp may not, as •yet,-.have -given lurn a call, to do so at his shop in-North ...Hatuiv_ci_streeti_one_duor,.._north_ \Veise's store. -- Havinglately , returaed' from—the—the city of Philadelpnia, bringingyiih him : the_lates and`most approved fashions, the suliseribei has on hand, a Jarge assortment: of . GENTLEMEN'S HATS, . T.I)Z9 (Dal - au - I it . s •- , &c. finished in a suptrior style.o * Also, FUR AND ZEAL CAPS, of-the taCcsCYtistiidtis, all ofwhich_wilLhe. sold low for cash, or exchanged for country produce. Call and sec. , - . ANDREW G._ LECHLER. - Nov.. 20 0- .18:.17.-tf PUBLIC HOU.SE. • .GE.O. PRINCE,• Formerly of Stinbur'y, - • NorthuniberlOnd • County, Begs leave respectliilly to, inform .the public, Ahat_helias-rein - ovcd-to-llarrisburg,-where-he-has taken'thatlaige and spacious .- three story brick house formerly occupied ,by Mathew dorner'of Walnut and Third streets, _ HA thilS In view of the-State Capitol; which he openekpn the first day of May last, and where We hopeaio continue, to receive that patronage so _liberally bestowed on his establishment heretofore.: He will at all times, be provided with every thing necessary to make his guests comfortable. • G. PRINCE,_ Harrisburg, June , 1837. * tf AFurther supply of . Brandreths in 50 cent boxes, just received,-artil for sale, at the stoic OGILVY &I - lITNER N0v.1.7, .1837. • ', • _ AR ERIC - A '.. • L., INSUILLYCZICOMP.daIc_,,,„ cji - PITN - 1,03. * O 600. 9, ..."' • • - THIS Company: ,stall -•Continues to•make, Insurance-on all kind of property through 'their agency in Catlisle:, The premium is regulated according to - the risk; Averaging from 35 tef 40 cents, in the hundred d4llttrs. -- DescriPtioOs- will be received, ar,d_policies dated from the day of.survey. • • JOHN J. MYERS, . . • , ..agent. January 9 . 0 . 838.-3 m. • • . = , DR. SHUBA:EL HEiVEW Celebraird.lihenanatic Nerve, •.1 .. ' ' • '-• and Bone . . . . - . . . . . • ...:.-- .. 11 N, 1 . M EN-Ir.._ • .. . . . . . Applied Morning . and night, has cored hun dreds. It gives relief yin -the swelling br the glands of the throat, and - relieves thq munbness and contractions of the limbs end will take'sWek lings down, and inflamationa out 'of the .fleshiH rheumatism, bruises and sprains,--li giv'es imme diate relief r:. it strengthens weak -limbs, and ex tends the cords when contractedA few drops, on sheep's wool applied to the ear o deitf.per:' sons, will by constant apPlication,''causelhein to hear in tWo months'-time. S. . A great ioriber. of ecrtAtates qr the most respeatabie..aoalecetit ~cloOacter- . may be'exatil. fined where it is sold. Please call on 8. C. Bolander arlisle, WIM will-give' 'further-lamination. or see Mr. Bolantler's papers.. CarbslecOctober 3(41837.-Iy. co w . • 48. Also for s . al6 by S:. ELLIOTT... E - N MIN BONN. - _A.Aec•-aultinji-111.ead-ot is the grantlestAnmatmint ibelonging to the hu: man frame. • •Iluv - c,ontentnc&:!and. premattirely—brings_on - the: appearanct , of old age; WO causes ninny to-re coffittheing ,uncovered, and sometimes even to shuit,Seciety to avoid' the - „Psts and sneers of then' aith aegilances: the retnamder of their lives.-atc ..corequently_spent in retirement.--11n=short,,not even the ass of property fills the generous thinks ing youth with _that' heavy sinking . gloom the Joss of . his', hair, To avert all:tltesel impleast: ant circu mstances, OLDIIIDOWS BALM OF COLlP:AlltlA^Attips the- hair from falling 'off on •the first appliCation, and afew bottles restore3it giqtr.'tlt keWise: - -prod n . ces- eb ro ws7and-w I Us-- .kers; prevenlSAlM:hal:Firmmturiiing , grey,--makes it curl beautifull) aryl, ees..it' from scurf: I%N_tre . nieroUs cerlifieates (ID the - first reSpectabilitr;in 'support of Abe- yirtnes. Ohlvidge's Ballo; • are nsunio by the papriefors,, • • ' • eillead the following: • • :Rd BEIM_ Vt* lIA 11TO N, Esc' . lat cThfriy Or of haircertified,..as.rnay ' .be seen' below,. to the. high 'character of the 'following gentle • men: ' . - - . . ..- . ,_ . . The undersigned do hereby ,eeitify that -t . ire' intKe_used_thci_itahn of Columbia discoveredby .t. Qldridge, and have , found it highly servicea ble not only as.alireventative against the falling cuff;-of-Itir,-but.also-a-etdttainLyestoratiye- TIIATCIII gli s senior, • - •No. 86 North Fifth'stre.!:t. I.)..TILOMNS, M. 11.163 ILice.st • . • JOIIN S. FICIIINEY — „IOI'Spriice - st. ,ILUGWIWCURDT,243 South 7th st. .1011 N GA liD„)r. F 23 Arcli St. • The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, -1 - nay not always expetience its restorativ quatities, , yet i.t will certainly, raise its virtues in ;the. estimation .of the public,. Whey it is imotvii that three of the abOve signers are more 50 years of age, and theothers,not . less than 60, • . From the Mayor.] CO3I2IIONiVEALTII OF F I EN:4T.I.VICIA, Cit) ;- 01 . 1thilatielphia. - • • l'abh-Ar t t,vpinafgrit(L7d/_y_Qf 11 - M7l - 61iilitT; hereby certify that-I am • well acipininted -with' Messrs .1 -P. loglis, John. S. Furey, Ihd Hugh McCurdy,' whose they arc signed to the above certifiettteLthat they are.g'en tlernen of character and ,respectability;'-and as such full credit should be gixcuto.the.said eev,: In witness whereof,save heiTunto set-my, hand, titirl can_ fed the KO or thiseity_to be s:] sixth-day-of -Decernbiw,-84c.. ROBERT' NVI - lARTOf4;•Alayor. 011,scrvc_that each bottle . of the Genuine Balm r;4l.- s fiend's(' engfaved wra er, on which is refireseoleil the.Fant; o c,. For sal'oat whohisalc by Coi - srocn.. Sc Co. sole Agents - For Amrica; "New York, and by , most drogi.rists.tbroogliotit America; Fot -Sole by SC-0. BOLiANDER, darfisle. -• Also far sale-by ELLIOTT; ' • • :CONSUDIPTION CUREDT: • • Thelnidi.liv.SpeKifir, For the prevOtion-and . oure •of Coughs; Colds, Ai•;thirlV:Consunriptions: •spitting of Blood, acid diseasesof the breast and - & - e, • - • ' - - . . •Docior_Clarkeon • Freeman,. the proprie tor of the specific, resided, upwards of four years - ramoog- the different • tribes of North gence used every means in his 'power to re quire.a knowledge, of .the_different remedies_ used by ,them, for 06 cure of the sick .. arrd . wounded ; and More particularly those which hey take to prevent and cure the' consemp . - tion. and complaints-of the breast and-.lungs. He observed the we• e subject to nu merous and Similar complaints te 'those of white people'; and from, their - .mode liv log, and being e'xpoSed to the inclemency of all weathers, many of theiti_eximplaints were_complicated and violent, ,-.Although, many "of their dUreases were cf Snell a na turc as would, with people in 'a srateli .e t r minated- in: eon firm ed-consurn !ions ; yet,' diiring the: time - he' was with them, lie did not hear of one who died of a consumptions • So happy are they in their knOwledge pf remedies, and so cei taro. eLtheir effectsr— when- applied irittime, that it maybe said "a true' consumption' is a'disease nereF.known• or heard among them." The truth, of this -observation must be corroborated by allyvha have had the opportunitjFThf - becorrthig - ric-r , piainted with theSe people. It May then be asked . whythey are exempt - from com plaints?: Tie they linmediat6lvt seek for relief, and pre vent those complaints which insensibly nu-: 1 derthine hte constitution, and bring en-inctf :rah! c-consu m pt . — Billsof direction. accompany each boltte of the Specific, pointing..out in a con spicuous manner, all. the symptoms in the different stems of these distre,ssing diseases ; also par_ ticular directions respecting . Dietand -Reg , ' linen, and how . patients-are to conduct-them selves through every stage'until Wealth is re Stored; for vain and. ifselesA would be the prescriptions of the ablest - phYsician„ ac companied with the most powerful mediCines if iris directiOns ate not faithfully adhered to. , . The public are informed that the deposi. tionS•of two hundred and eighty seven per -ions have been taken 'before the proper an= thoritie i s of the citAf Lancaster, Pa, all eoni pletelyjrcured- of tile.nuist desperate cases of consumption, some of .whicltfire detailed, lli - rlielfillc - iitZerarifiiiiiying the bottle:. The. price of each bottle of, 'INDIAN SPECIFIC is One Pollar, and each envel 6ping thegenuine'Specifie is "signed by Dr.- Clarkson Freeman,.atld the initials C.F.. on the seal of each bottle. None can be gen uine without thissignature ; a base composi ,tion-Lhaiing--75- ten , attewlidto • ffiT . impose on ,the' publi c by a counterfeit imitation -of - this - eXtataflitraty - drtic I e - . - - - ''constant supply of tha . above Spec ific,- is kept -constantly-on-sale ' —bi,--SM UEL ELLtlOTT,:Carlisle;and.,by Samuel Wilson Shippensburg. • . POR :R FAIT• THE Brick Dwelling • House, Store' and Ware House attriched,situate In North Han , . over street Carlisle, now in the occupancy of Jacob Wetzel,: also the Stone. Dwelling House adjoining occupied by Rob't D. Guth rie, Esq. also,: the front StorO'lltoom, and cellar adjoining the Brick dwelling House, now occupied by JOhn 7- BOssession . of either of - -the above properties may, be had on the' first day ',of April next—To Good Tenantsi a4..ease for years may he had.— Apply to ISAAC B. PARKER. Jan; 28, 18380;--;tf . . have received 8 day, and 30 hour New Yoik CLOCKS' •which I waxrant to keep good time, and offer them at fedbced prices, at My store. • • • •• CHIALES BARNITZ. . fII:I,ARLES has'receivecl su ‘..' per Giim .Elastic Suspend Ors, which. Ire o,ffers at iTclik.ecl prices. JUST RECEIVED; Curled. hair and.Se . an: gran pti4latrasses, and'for sale by ~••• BARNITZ. • a-01 wr SITUATE at the iieml-Of Greerk§pititit,s; in Noniton,• to.wnship - ,• Cuni,be Hand county, ahem: foUrmilei; west of the borough Of,Ycw- I vine; will be rented fora term of one Or more yearS.l'he-buildins_s A Two Siot.gr Slone faelory•• itlk.darding , aftd spinning inn - alines, 'la ms, and—alLpecessary Tachinery for manufac turing alsq a •Ilwelling• liouse:convem•, ,lent (othe-factory;• Fur terms apply to eitli- T-r;of-the-unttersignedl._::_z I 'O . • .1 'At:BIDDLE; 3.11 GIfAIIAM Cal. lisle SAM% 61tA, HAM; •• • , • West P.ennstiorO' Dec. 4, 1837 - • uoni-NsdNis' or,D , EsTA itOsi LOttti'v Office. 80 aitt...rtmoaE, STREET. • O R6F I RSN'om all parts offile Union, en closing :cash for "prize ticketS, megt with prompt atiention;, • • - .• -••-r-gA•11-yfrAN-D-51 2 -1c.-1 7 •E:f-,O.TTERY - Class No 4 1 -for •1.858, fb be drawn at Bald moredan; 31 lB3 3. ;-.. • • 25,000 spE,Eynrn -- serrEmE: IZE OF - 525,000 IS , - M 5,000' :5;000 3,500 2,022 ' . 2,40' 560 - 400 1 `2OO 4 . 150 •.:400 &c. &C. .&c. &c, &c. &e. &C. &c Prizes:iolthe scheme amounting to 5:319;471. •• E 6 Number,Lottei'S7-10 diawn,balluts, Whole 1161 lets .$10; Ilalves,6s - ; - QuEir.key's 2,50. • ' E., 6-.%-5 Do ; do. Q, . 31,25 All, 'fur TiCkets,rifCertifi cates in--the above,- punctually attended to; by Jeturn.rnail. if addressed to . 7 ;li',..W.7RQBINS — W, Balt. LY . January 8, 1838. - STATE OVA IRGIN lA. nucialloND itcaptnary • , Class No i , (orIBJEL . . - .i . O - be . dniNilt - - - . TliAir±canciria-;—Va-.—S;iturdar:Feell • .. - rtia6 , 17, I'B3B. • '• ' . ' I Prize tit 410 . 000 INllars.. . 50 of 1,000-. NJ-Ticket e.:. 83 1 ---(l.oarrer of 25 ‘Vll(ile Tickets $l3O . 77 1 23 i ilt Do do •-. 25 (inartei; do. 4 32 50 VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For the benclit of 'the Monongaikt • C/a5.9.-Vu 1 fi». 1838.. ' - To be drawn at Alexandria. Va. on the 3d Feb ruary, 1838. .GRAND , CA I..ITAL_PriIZES: ' . 35,29-1-11,764-6,000-5,00U-3,0002;'300 2,361 H-50 prizes of 1,060! Ito &c. Tickets only $lO-11bilves ss—ftuarters $2 50 _ Cert's of Packages ol 2.5Wh01e i'i r ciket's ..sl*.;o . Do • -- '''''' 25 Ilalf, do ' 65 ~1)Q .. . do -- 25 quarter do ' - 32 50 - Nor the benefit of the toWit of Wheeling. Class .N . o 1 for 1838. ' To be drawn at Alexandria, vet. Saturihiy, Feb ruary 10, 1838. • SPLENDID SC II ENE-. • , $30,000-10,000-6,.Q0Q -T-5,000-4,00- 2 -2,5001 —2,000---4,74-7325 of 1,000-20 of '5OO-28 ofl . 300, &c Tic'ket-elO —ll air ss—Quarter $2 50 cert's of - packW - gc - STA - 25 - Whiile - Tick - ers - 1.1 - 36r -- _. DO do r 25 flail do 65 Do 'o 25 quarter do . - 32,50 flg-Orders for 'Tickets and Sliares' or-Ceftifi. - - -cates. of,.Packages in the above 'Magnificent Jclkrmes, slllicceivethe most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing- sent .-immetliately-tifter-it-is..overio_altubo..order.. from. us.', Addresq, - ‘• . • D S. GREGORY & Co. Mana . ger9, • 11':!sliington City,_ C - ' -- FAMPEELET - ZAVS of Pennsylvania in English and German. Persons wishing tn .obtain copies of the Pamphlet Laws of : the present Session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in the English and Wrman_ Languages,,,the_formen.haV bound, and the latter in Pamphlet:form, at fifty .cents per copy—:are , requested to have their names registered with the county Trea surer immediately. A list of applicants musrhe forwarded to the . Secretary of the Common wealthln a few dais. . . Treasurers Office, •1 Carlisle Dec. 18, 1837. j 3t. :' 'NOTICE. '• ALL persbns indebted to the estate"of Robert Earley, late of Hopewell township, deceased, are iereby notified to attend at the-loriner - fai'deW - 4: of said deceased,- on Friday and Saturday the -26th-and-27-th-days-of-Januaryi4S3Brandrinake payment thereof—otherwise 'the claims against them will-be-put in.tre hands of-a-Justice-of-the Peace tm , collection; and all personi having claims against said estate are requested tO present them properly 'authenticated. .THOMAS . J. EARLEIri- - . . Attorney in tact for Sally - Earley. • N. B.—AlLindebted to the late firm of Robeit Earley; sr. and Robert ,EarleyOr. - tire requested to appear, settle ' and. make payment .. at said timeto Hobert Earley, jr. surviving phrtner of said firm.. • January 1,1838.-3w."' PRit .11TE , Sall.L.E. . . The. Subscriber will sell at private - sale t the folloWing property about three miles west of. the.'Harrisburg', Bridge and adjoining the CumberlandNalley2ail Road, containing about" 1 + acres having thereon eretted • , • . ..T L og Hou bsi t . . shop, stable, a well of never faili Water att.• the door, 'together with:aboutSO c ice •fruif trees. Possession will be given on t 1" st o Apr next .- -. . "- • • ' • ' ' ' . IAqOII . S.cIARER. ShiretnanstownMec. 'lB 1837. ' : ' 13 ARN LEX; SH Wilke • ' CUS 'L' iCCeiveli 'l3 . y the sti6 . sd-ibtra 10-4 and, 12-4 BARNSLEY SIIEETINGS. Also, 8-4 Barnsley Table Diaper." OGILITY Bt. lIITNER. Carlisle, January 16,.1838.. Encourage_your mom Manufactu-- 7 CARLISLy. • - MAWR , JtiaZait, •._ AND. 1130i4'NET - STORE. -- _ Ib.:IIMLIT. ER )50.711 - ) riIHANKFUL for past favors, ‘ inform their • -.--_friends_and = the_p_ublic_getikelly that one of the firehaving , lately reed from the. city of - Philadelphjal-with ;‘a Largo and 't cellent assortment of FUSrs and Plush, they, are now prepared to rnanufacture.Gentle men's flats and, Ladies' Bonnets in - the lat- est and most. approved fashion: - The quail . - ty -- of -- th n Plush - is far - superior to any 'former- - ly: had on hand. They have at present an, excellent assortment of - • Plain Rusoias l 7ufhite and black-; - Brush Beaver, Castor, and' • , - • Silk . Hots. . • • of all' sivs-and prices. . „ • • - .•. Also, ca general assortment of Ladies'•Bon nets .of - - all colours and descriptions, such as, Pure White, Fawn, Black and Grey, - which they will sell at the most-reduced prices. ' Gentlemen 'and Ladies whii arein want of these_artieles,- , w ill do-well .to-give call • • 1837; 3 w• N. B. Therhave'on hand a_feiv of the best qualjty..of FUJI CARS which they offer - to sell at low prices. • : • 25,000 8,600- 5,00 TT SIIINqTONITOTEL, Fildrleat' Squoivy, 3,300 2:322 ab,ooo 10,000 BT/00, 4000 5250 T 5600 . f 6 0 1 so - 4- 280 P - . The supplemental -- account — of — Wllliam --- 7 - =Kevri—adminigratorir-de-bonis•notr-of-7David- - Sterrett, deceased, late of Hopewell town ship. ' • The-Guardianship account of Samuel W.- Come, Guardian of the perso_n„and estate of William Devor, minor son of` o'seph Devor; • deceased.' • The, Guariliansfiip account of J hn Peters " ruardian of/ Eby --4 .. •or child oi • Dhvi d Eby, ,clete • - ••• • WILLIAM LINE, Register." Carlisle, Dec, 30, 1637.. rers. Geo: lit Iliediaiston. .. RE"ECTFU'LLY informs his friends and the public, •that he;has taken. the Public House, lately, kept by Mr.' John Smull, at Ow .s.orner .of Market Square, Harrisburg, knoWn asilie - -- ,- . .- - 7 - - _ • lOTEL, Which.he has fitted up in' handsome ,style, for the-accommodatiOn of the His • . lOW is well,suliplied with the best the •mar• _het affords; his_ bar 'with the Cluricest of quors aud-_wines,. and prompt...and obliging . servants arekept always - ready to attend - to - ± — : t'lle-Wantri-Olicustermets • - He has taken the stand with a deterrriina- ' don - . to spare no pains or expenseqo make his • houSee•qual to any in the country. bykeeping every department under-the superintendence *1- tlve_most:C.ompet e rd-__and_frathfir I ; a 11er - sorra' attentiu_u 4 oJigive•every satisfaction to his customers. •He therefore respectfully requests those Who pity Harrisburg 'a visit, to call and test t,4e truth of his assertions..:-:-:_-• -" Liquary 8, 18,38.. - :NAILS: • • • bell f-of—hi m sel C.- W. is.Pergan, oilers foil saleythe DUN, "- CANON NAILS. They are made of re- • fined icon, and-'are believed to be equal-in - qua tv to t TeliTS . t. — CUlTiffiiri'lliht were ever the. United States: The - following certificates are . subjoiaed. , We'have been well a cquainted . with the ' gefieral quality of cut nails. .-Those made from the • Dunczi4non refined.' iron, We eon. sid6r superior to thosb.made. from , the best imported iron. • Roswell VV.oodward. • • • - ;Dungannon Iron Works,' Jan. 8, 1838. We certify that:we have - carefully.:exarn,:,: ined ;the nails manufactured by Messrs. Woodward and Wilder,lew Cumberland, • out of Duncannon - Irow, - ah - cTer-h'e,lieVe theM to be superior to any we have eVer seen used. John French, Mas.er • - Etuich Lewis, Carpent - erec.Tatern Maker. - The - above nails will be delivered-op, the Cumberland Valley Railroad; or . on the Ca- nal;at %llarriihurg' or Duncan's Island, and forwarded as .may . bedirected, to . , any town in the state, on suitable references: or beral discount will be made for cash, Also—on handellammered Bar Iron, and it is e)c.ficeted,coriStantly to have for sale at the works, roiled Iron Nail Rods, &e. of the mus sizes. 1170rders by, mail, directed to. Clark's Ferry, Perry county, will. be punctually,,at telided to by the manager on the spot. W. L. FISHER. ' January 16, :NOTICE' • LETTERS of ,AdminjOration on the estate of Martin Brenneman, late of . pist Pennsbotough township. deceased, having issued to, the`subseri ber,"reSiding said townsinpfall - persons indebt ed to the estate will make immediate payment, Mid thtn•e - having - cliiims against the estate, will present them properly ambenticated,to'the sub scriber.- HENRY lIRENNEDINNi. . _ _ jahuarg - 15,1838 Registers .Notice: Notice is hereby given, to all Legatees,. Creditors ; fled all other persons concerned,' that the following- accounts have been filed in this Office for examination, by. the accoun tants therein named,. and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland coup= . torl-for-confrrrnatiotrand-allowauceTon - Ttlea - - day the 30th day of January, 1838. The administration account of James Ken nedy, adminitrator of Robert. Kennedy, de ceased. . • • ' • The administration aecount of Joseph M. Means, administrator of James. Dysatt, de e ased. • • . • • • • , "Carlisle Saving _Fund .. . , • ' SOCIt—TY." 's . . The Board of Directors of this liistitution have autnorised the Treasurer to allow in ftv= hire the following rates of interest on ,all "SPECIAL DEPOSITES" of money: Deposites remaining. 9 months 5 per cent., , de , r , • 114 ' 4 " 5i . :... ...... ' f if • 2 .g 2-" f • The certificates of the Institution 'IL be given for deposites at the above. rate"-:f in terect, and all BANE NOTES of good cred it will be eceived—the Institution pledging itself to ,redeem its certificstes in' notes! cur= rent. in this neighborhood. -' AppliCation to be matte to the Trea - strren,--„ 'either in person'or by letter., , •,i , _ -'. By order, JOHN "Treasurer. Carlisle, January 8, 1838. Adin'r.