Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 23, 1838, Image 4

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-.: • •IPegetable naive , ' sal Piles.
. • :seience alsoutd coritritittie to t elewnfort, Health,
yel litippiltess of . .L.lcolkitid."
01) tra e eighteenth of May, - 1835; theie now;,
• truly celebrated Pills were/first Made 'kriown in
the United'States, although in Europe they had
kken-previmply_f_orc_the=publierriesrlra , cesi. ,
tin 7 y.. l'he 'American public naturally. viewed
them with _suspicion, but as on trjahthey .were
' found wind: they professed; it was soun'displaced
by tlie' greatest confidence. In fact . the rusty'
''persuns who have commenced ;with them tinder,
• the most trying circumstances of bodily afflic.`
when'every , other means, and medicine had
prEived altogether thiavailing,, have been restored )
u health and happinesss froin,their use, and .the
consequence isoliey .are no* recominen'cled by
thoosands ! Of persons whoin they bave. cured .of
:;._Eitins f -and-a-sense-orifullircss -
Of the Head, usually the sYmp
tonni of Apoplexy, Jaundice, Peter and. Ague,:
Milhous, Scarlet, Typhus, YelLow t . and
. 00 . 11111191 r:
fevers uf all kinds; Asthma,, Gout,
t 'llierions - ' - Diseasesi - Liver `Complaint;- - Pleurisy,
,Thward:-Weskness; Depression of 'the Spirits,
---ItuptUres,lnflamination,. Sore. Eyes, fits,•,Palsy;
Dropsy, Small , l'oX, Meazles . ,. Croup,:Coughs,,d
-11'hoopineCough;qunie - y,.Col'iC, Cholera .Mor
• bus, Gravel Worms, Dysentery, Deafness, Mpg,.
ing Noises in the Head, King's Evil, Scritfula,
F.rysipelas,.or St. Anthony's' Fire, , Salt Rheum;._
White_S: Uleers.some of 30 years stand.
ing,-Cancers, Tumors,- S welled Feet-and , Legs,
Piles, Costiveness, , all Krupfiuna of lhe.
7---- I.!'riglifflif - Lireiims, Female . complaints Of every
kind; especially•obstructions, relaxation, &c. .
Although,DuCtor' B. has enumerated by name
the above diseases, he is nevertheless Of, opibion•
with hie grandfather, the,late celebrated Dr; Win.
• brandrethi" that there is Only One . Disease, an
impurity-Cif - the:blood, which by, iMpeding-the
- circulation, • brings••on infiamlnatimi; and cons°,
;rent derangement-in the organ or . part where
---- Teirch - AinWity of the-blood Settles; and that
- the djffersnt appearances which this Milani:Won
or derangement puts on, that have caused medi
cal men to designate -su ch appeartmees by various
• naine's but which are in fact, Only the :same ilia
wjth more or .less-.violence.= Wm,
so_fully_convinced of tbelfutii - of
- ;the above- simple-theory,r-that-helpelit-thirty
._ years in experiments-and laborious ireseaßli : into
the' medical
. propertics of the numerous' _Plants
composing the Vegetable Kingdom; his object
',being to compose a die;PTEirfe - Wiiicit s6utiTtr of
-`once purify, and:Trod...tree by specific action, a
• removal of all bad bit - Mors from the-blood--by- the
_ stomach "lind. - bowels, •as by the. continuation t;
use :of such_ a 'medicine,: such _humors are
sure to be carried off, an the..blued assume a theiraccus,..
r` — `" • le-Tills-
.teTh7if - purtty; and whoever takes thest..
and, perseveres with Them Will be satisfied that
Dr. Wig. Wand'.6th fully attained his philanthrO.
pie o.bject. • It is now an absolute and . known
fact, - that every disease„ in-.the head
or feet, in the, brain or meanest member;-whether
it be ap outwarAl.ulceri or an inward absdegs, are
all, though arising from many' eausei, •reducible
:tiLthis_one Juana effect, namely impurity of tlie'
. • I
. ,
•.- • all cases therwill-befound.r - a-miTe - and - stii
- ple-remedy yet all powerful for the removal *of
the disease, whether chronic Or recent, infectious
or'Otherwise; antliwluit makes thein particularly'
adapted IoC this country, is that there is not the
!lightest liability to cold When taking - them, in
deed the system is absoluteViess susceptible of
cold When under their influence, -than .at any
- 'other- time; _therefore in this- climate they' . ..ire in--
diet or care of ,, any kind; Di-Englandlliese Pills
• have been the only nritlicine of friiiy 7 farnilie3
for periods varying from forty to sixty. YCars, and:
have allayroved effectualin 'restoring health,:
NOTICE.—In consequence of the numerous
connterfeits.for - the - Drug - and ChemiCal
stoves, the ptiblie are cautioned. against purclias
mg ny person except the accredited agents.
• Security Against Counterfeits.
Da. BRANDIIETII has adopted the following
- plan to secure the GENUINE Brandreth Pills to
the public. Every authorized Agent" must have
a Certificate of Agency, and it will be seen that
'double forgery musT be committed, before
coy - one can procure a forged Certificate, and the
--- person having kin fiiii - pOssession is equally liable.
• •
with the forger. • .
• The following are the appointed agents-for.
. - this vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore; Chambersburg ;
Jacob A. Winrott, Gettysburg q OGILBY 8:, HIT
NEB, Carlisle ; and Wm. Bell, Harrisburg. .
- Dr. Brandreth's officers for• the sale - of the
above Rills are 169 Race above sth- street,. and
34 Chesnut street; Philadelphia.
. May 8, 1837, 7 -tf. . .
Rev. Re. Bartholomesils
An agreeable cordial, and effective remedy for
Coughs, Ilbarseness, Colds, Pains in the Breast,
Hard Breathing, and Difficult expectoration. •
4.$ Children in cold climates and warm.
The proprietors are awarethat there are many
-_ remedies for_coughs, and diseases of the . lungs
some no doubt are_goml, but it has remainestto a„
to these complaint's ; so powerful and effectual,
and yet so perfectly innocent and mild.
• Let not the public .class the scientific resultp
__ a learned _Physicititt and Divine with the nostrums
of-the-day. - - Let-them-make a-carefut perusal of
the . evidences attending this article; their re.
gpectability, and the decided, manner io which
they speak, and they cannot withholdtheir be.
lief to-some of its virtues. Let us assure them
- that_ a single. trial-of it will. do more to _COFIViIICC
all of its merits than all they can - see or hear on
the subject. It is quite certain that no injury
bas ever been known to 'arise from its free use.
.fn uncommon fact . is, that this remed.d.s_a.
, a
— syrups.patatihry. and .pleasant to „the tasth as_
the most, popular French cordials and children
• --takeitzalways:tvith:the• - gr'eateatreadiriba." — : —
The_ proprietors are now making rapid arrange.'
ments to have thiS ariicle in, the hands of every
• druggist-and apothecary in the country. It may
be known to be genuine by the fohowmg signs
- tore as below of the Rev. Gentleman and Illy
sician who is the author of if.„ •
It is'with great, pleasure that the proprietors
are ettabled thus to bring forward an article so
• truly Meritorious as this - syrup, and from such a
source, and theyArust.the community who have
occasion for its use may always find it within their
reach, both as to places at'which it may be found,
• and the lOW price at-which it is sold. • ---
- A great number br the.must wonderful 'cures
_ rnay_tieseeriby Riling on Mr. Bolander; Carlisle,
at whose tore it is for sale. - See, Mr. thilanderN
7 — tailrirs• - • . ,
Also . for sale by - S. ELLIOTT.
.THE Partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, under the firma HALL AND .
. ' PORTER, is, this "day disiolved by mutual con-
V sent. The books are in the, hands of TV•iiharn
' M. Porter, who Is authorized to settle the same.
• r .
Oarliele.;:•Oet•SO, 1837. • • ' ".
Eatatq of Dr. jam P. Geddes, deceased.
All persons indebted to the estate' of
Dr. Johit - P. Geddis, late of the borough
of Newville, deceased, are requested to
make payment, without delay, to Mrs.
Catharine J. Geddes, Executrix,sesiding
in the borough aforesaid, oi - to - Rob - err
Laird, executor, residing in Vrankford
township; ihose _having claims against
eaid estate will present thenri properly
authentieated-for settlement, — '
Dec. _ll3i 163-7.
—, enerhlitten - tror - PentiVivanTo7.llto7lolol,
No li.s.ifitla 7th st..thre't• (lours below eturltet st., Ph iholel
phi und. Nu. 10 Nurth st., lialtimurs, Hear the Post 01,
lice. • • , .
. .
II r.sura sr:mean 11 y 'rite USE - 0
sitoirrstiss - Ux trysisse alarm's:les os
• fl esi.rir, LONDON', . •
• NURCilhaVe. ObtAlillit.filifi Approbation 'and
Itiicoininendaiion ofjliinkinds, ZOO :4:67:s:been
cured in consumptions Cholera' slorbus s .intlama.'
thins internally or externally, an . i.l all diseases of
-the Liver, Yellow - Fevers Gent; :Rheumatism,
Lumbagis,..Stiessp_olortinx." Dropss,v, s _•,:s Aristls's
Danes., Epilepsy, Appnplexy; Palsy, Green Sick: ,
ness, . • obstructionS in:swine!' theyeitude
- term is an - di;tressingly Wilde,' and which send so
inany of the fairest portion of the creation to their
untimely . graves;.Sniall Fox, Measles; Whooping .
Cough, Scarlet - Fever, Asthma, Jaundie6, Gravel,
Stotie,nnWill Urinary obstructions, Fistula, Pikes
Siricturei;.Ruptures, and SyphilikiwahltS'stages,
-tsonstipated tiowels„Worms, Saurvy, Itching °film
Skin, King's Evrl, andsillsCutaneoui -Disorders ;
4+ss-stiort. j • every • Complaint, which the human
franse is so ihrefuliy subjee:t, under Mt their varied,
lots& and winless as. the
.11ygeihn conviction is,
that ;sag is ,izildect 10-cTly one real is
tss - tlie impurity - of thii 2 Moudi from whence springs
every complaint that_can.possiblysassaitslits,coni--
plicateci frame, and that it IS the perpetual strug
gle of this vital, our, stream of life, (the, gift of
Almighty power) to disencumber itself of itri, vis
cous acrid hamors, with Whieli it
_lias becoine
eommixed. • • •"\--
- _This valuable _ Medicine, brsiog s - COMPOSeds.onlys
of ~,eto l e matter, or medicinld herbs; and wats
ranted orroatli, as containing - not one particle-of
mercurial, mineral,--or chemical sub Stances, (all
of which are unctingeniallo tiles-nature. of man,
and therefore destructive to the human' frame)
'is found to be 'perfectlS harmless to the most ten
sler,age,. or. weakest, fants.fitrules every stage of
Iniman - stifferirrgOlie it loStspleastuttStMdstseliti,Fitili
its operation, anWat the saints time the must eel ,
tails" in.searching out the root-of every complaiht s
lieweVer pertorriint a cure thatwas•
ever.offered, to the world.. This•wonderful_elfect,
too - issprodirtedtbSi — the leasti:ficitible to the pa
wingsa, csaalustnillkiser.9l.
-pill=, and -being ogled a tew extra times to-the
'purpose of evacuation, with the least possible
sensation CTpain, eshaustion of .boaily strength,'
and without the . feal. of. Catching cold; orattens
.tion to deess-of diet, in any Way- different; froni
their accustomed'libits: These -pills cur e nit all
cases, and , 'cannot be taken to 'excess. Experi
sencesw hie!' is,the tonchstonessf all human ktionds
edge - , - naslongs borne testimony tolhe fact; and
extensive "use. of them has already verified its
truth ii(this'conntry. , ,
These'niedieines cures by- purging, anti yet the
weak;:the . .feeble, the_ infirm, -- the: netwouss_the
'delicate are ilia few th.iys strengthened by, their
sopessition,.because_tney clep4the litod_
-111111101'6; and invariably ilrbtluce_ . ,,sound -sleep.
- Tysirellie"safe4 7 llllU - MOSCilfficattiniSliediehie
to-take tO sea; Preventing scurvy, costiveness, &c.
'The operation ofsthis mild ISledicitse; Svhiah
conveys immediate conviction of as Minty; Flinn
time first dose is as beneficial to the mind as the
body; hot - caltnin,g, - then curing all Mental de
rangements,- Eccentricities, NervouS Affections,
Irritabilities ands .ItestleSsness, s from -.whatever
'sunsets; complaints whichlutve hitherto not been
properlystimicrsinorbsaS - the-IlygeistsSliave-ftiond
them lilt to pisiceed from aerimoninginimours in
th,,e•bloisl; and, IlapPily!fill• the present and future
race of Mankind, discowered a cliettp:rusLksinivers
ssuLniudeissfs puta4sMg s scitrisig, s and...p_rereraing„..„,
The being cured of any„ disease,. infirmity, or
sore; is now no. more a dubious or tincertaisi pro
ceslure—PerSeveranceLin the Vegetable Universal
Medicines will always restore 'nature to her dire
course. 'Ore -literary - and sedentary, Of both
. sexes, whose pursuits So much impair the - faculs
-ties, will find a 'Sure remedy in the• Universal
Medicine's for preserving the energy and spright
of the' imaginaSion, and improving their
health; old age will be attained .by the use of,
them, and passed free from pain.and
They are not enveloped with the mysteries of
other medicines; they Only require to be pan-.
vexed in with sufficiently large doses, and the pa
tient: Will :come off well; when a disease is ob
stinate, patients frequently do not take doses largo
enough.. - , -
The medicines are comprised, in three different
articles only, viz: in two kinds Of pills, of differ - . re
ant Strength or poises, designated by No . 1 and sr
2; the first is a powerful, Tint Most mild and gen
tle aperient, or opening medicine, detaching and
partially removing the billions' ropy humours,
whilst the No.. 2 Pills "early off those and-the
serous acid and putrid hu . moura s incidental tin the
body; and act together as asferret in a warren,
never resting until every avenue of the human
frame is thoroughly searehed,' and cleansed of.
its impyrities.
The Vegetable Cleansing Fowlers are , of great
assistande to patients and facilitate the.ovacustion
of-bad-humours; they soften,ccleansesand detach
acrimonious.the phlegm ;,are cooling, and stlltty .
fliirihris(~t)ric; two; or - three powders may :Fe
taken throughout the f . sy 'mixed iti half, a tom
bier of Waters
The pills are sold in packets of $l, $2, and
$3, and 2.i andso 'cent boxes the. two former
.tchisiat.. - of_111re& - Sii - xessiiieh, viz. sone - b - eassolsNo ,
I, and two boxes 2.'•-the latter, 'one larger
pox with a division; the powders , are in separate
bnxes at-37i cents each. _
flu consequence of the'repeated solicitations.
of the agents, and for the convenience of the
Yublio in g,eneral, boxes of - 50 - cents; and 25 cents
each, can noir be, had of 'all the 'A'gentss-
_lllO-R-ISGMEANA - 1 41 t.q'Timil
of the ltrrti,h College of Dealth, 3d Edition, price
$275; arid. PHA PTICAL_PROOFS of the tlyge
l•ral•igistem oTlillysiology, including the "Origin
of •Life.".. " Tieatise Sinap Pox ," "Letter on
Cliolera Morbus," and many attested curPes'eflect.- -
ecl in this country, as well aslit Great 13:ritain, 6th
Edition ; price 37} cents .
The H)rgeian 'Medicines are all imported• into
this Country at_agreat expense r -notwithstanding
which they the_same price as in Eng
land. They, hav6 been 6 years before the Amer
ican public; their preeminent success in the relief
of the afflicted, thousands can testify •
AUTIQN.:—In consequence of the high
estimation in.millich Morrison'; Pills are' held by
the public; it ha, induced aminninderable host of
unprincipled counterfeiters to attemptimitations,
underAeceptive. terms thus to delude the unwary,
- and - foist their nostrums-for-the-Genuine Hygeian :
lerlichterirems - equenee - trf - Whictr, -- tlfenerit
has taken the precautionary measure ' of having an
Extm - YetroiiksLiffleffiXtiriffiteacli Packet, signed
by the Agent of each. State and District,, and by
'their Sub-Agents, in every Eounty; the imitation.
of which will subject the forger to the severest,
punishment the ,1404 , can inflict: and• it is ,further.
to be noticed, that none of the above - Medicines
can-be-obtained in .any Drug Store/throughout
the Union ; the'Drug Stores being' the Principal'
source through which- the Counterfeiters .vend.
their spurious articles.
. .
• (rrllespectable parties may_ be appointed 'A
gents on liberal terms, by applying to the General
doors below 11.1arket street, .Philaaelphia.,...and at
No. 10 Nortii street BaliaraiCrierirlry opposite' the
Post Offce, where the Genuine Medicine may
always be obtained. .
F_ or sale in Carlisle, at the store of ClorL.
T. 7
Sept. 4, 18.37. •
Stock and .Exchange.
Bit JEER, •
Harrisburg, Mark' t street, dppcisitg to:Wilson'
• thci C►to64l3l►2l'o
Buys and sells Notes of all kinds. Stocks bOught
and sold. ; LOTTERY PRIZES cashed,.and all
information given relative to LOTTERIES.
be emaigat rxiaatim 7.2tramil
.Ifqffat's•Ve; , etable Pfe Pills 'and
All nations, from. the rentotesi ages, Lave had ships, Lai
Columbus only found out the wby to Aulrrica. Before (la
time of-die great Spanish tinviguturoyopie were only ena
bled to paddle about the-shores. gat with-the Life
MxtSeines. It is but too years sinEe. 1 first ventured upon
an unknown ocean, antlAvhave discovered' the precious
ultiixt I woo in search of- , IIbIALWII. Vegetable medicines-
Were indeed knout' Wirt:li 1 eollllllolCell niy search, but
t fittir u)e was not. By tLo. use .litivsi.not only
passed front the - dejected 'invalid, to the hale, hearty and
'active man of business, but, einupdratively speaking,l have
renewed my yptltil:- 1 cab thou, uith eUlllidellee ut my own
experience, advise with my fellow-citizens. Ditto the Wallet
want petit& that_ the VEGETAI3I.O3. • LIPIti• MEDICINES
are sititObli to his own east? 4.lthre int fife at dny ounce,
• 540 Broadway, !minim:cis iept, , rb k Noun some of the Most
- respi , etablii citizens of thismy' ziativelinuf, - VuliTiitareffer
rd inlestimony of the virtues'of•A (3001) VEG,IITAI3I.Ii;
. .
• _Persons whose ounstitutions have' been nearly ruiped by
the s‘ull-infullibie" mineral preparations of the duy t will
bear me wipiess, that the Life Medicines, and such 0111 s, are
_thetrue.course to'permanclit good health. ' -
. These - medicines have long bleu. known and appreciated;
-for their extraordinary nail immediate powers of restoring
.perfect health, to:persons sabering under nearly every kind
of disease to'a !doh the Italian' frame ix_liuble.
/It lililPY. 11 1 / 1 1dreth of ceriilleatcd instancy; they have
Oven retested stiffW,rt from the' Very verge of an untimely
grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day hail. sit,
terly'faile4 add to many thousands they have permanently
secured 'that Miiform enjoynientof_heillth,_witlsout_Wliich_.
life itself' is kali partiltl bliiqing. So great,' iissletti has -
their efficacy invariably and infaldhly proved, that it hat
jiippeared scarcely less than,miracultnis to those Who were
-UllaCquaintesl with the beSt,,, , rs..fully plalOsophical. - 7 p
' Spoil which they are coin; blindest, nnd upon' whirds they
consequently act: It -was 'to their manifest and sensible •
action in purifying the 'lndio and channels of life,. and
'enduing them with renewed 't1111; and vigor, that they were,.
- inilebted - fortlioirtiatilshicli wailietrows.d insbnrtlitiiis-sst
,the Spontaneous' request. of several individuals whose lives
tltesy hail obviously savell.t.'. • •
.The proprietor rejoices in. the opportitit'y ollinsli'll - liy:'
the universlil didilsiuli a the daily; presc, for placing g - Ins
V IsiCils: l''Llrls; P 1 1.1. S "vs itlani the liiiiiwledge and
reach of every ifsilividual in the COMmtiillity.._llalihc the
host of pernicsousipiacheriesi - d - liiiTibost of vegetable in
gredients, the Life Pills are. rettly yegefezbic; sind contain
steitreiNercury, - Afftltocnir, -- XrsenicTitor - a . ny -- titherinity -
- eral, in any. oral whatever. 'flissy are' entirely composed
of extrac rare. and powerlisi plants, the virlites of
which, tho long - known to several . Indian tribes, and'.
recently- to some minnenaihardiaccutical chemists - ore altii- -
- Other 1 - tiiktitisv --- to -- thii Ignorant pretenders to medical
scienccffand were nesdi before admanistered-in-sti = hapniiy.
- ellicacionstreodthiCtr." --- ' - ' --- .. --= ‘ ==- • -'-
The first operat si to looks' the. e,attis of the stomach
arsil bowels, th e va • s impuritieiVialst
. rtiditi . e.veonstantly
- settling nround„theM; and to reent . .elft Isktiened 'faces.
which collect itsAse..o.olVVOitOntt li fe Iti,pitestinet.
t it
Other medicineitik9lt irieritAll tid 4 t Vemili col
lected maid:, behind ,it sp ii - Ike A Islam :Pilaf ''
with, all its train of evlf,' 7 ifthcit:4*Kitiifini
'ipiiiient,dapgers._ 'Th its .fa , ' .erti 116100n4S'A lit Ofilla
anatoniistetwt, to ' e.tamine - the' ' ,t - ireli:Alicr sliiiithir
andhesiOAto,tikogitidice Of tliese Well infsirined men against
- the-gliabk.'-*edteinesi-optlist.ngtl.=--alse-setbnil - e foot lif - Llii::
vEGETAStOLIFE:LPILL's, iss.torAleanse the kidneys and
.the bladder, .and by v t,lrtiriimeatistAtip s . liver and the lungs,.
the benlthful stetibr4l.4thicit toditelf depends- iipon the
re:gularity of thearintiri,trittilllks?`litehlo d, which takes
. its red color frowtheaigency-otthliliver. , d the:langs bu
eore it passes iutordsethestrt,_bekkOtkus t'. lied by them,
mud'muuritheil hyrTfoOtl,l 7 estudWitis s'• -On stomach,,
courses freelitliiplei - the - reltic .9, , - ..., itr - z.: . artottlie
tystein, and triumfantly -- mounts
. ;- 2 . '''llin Ai health in
the blooming die ;:t-k - s.ce , "-'''' , '-' , '''''''.4l , t.i.. 4 ';'.. l `. - . -.--..'...
' 'the followinit r a itaiongtliail -:i" , la:, v;etLaihuman
iditeiisaTtualieliteletfte TV fritipft ,its.: '40... '-04111*(910:11,j
ius lie infallibles-- ' .. ~, ' -', c ,1U,Z114,,fe_,/: ,i . 5. ,, , , , _,..)51'5 ,, '.,•': t:
- "DYS'PEPSI - ,t, - " ' 4 164 tigb" --- ,- '--- - - -;-:- r -7 1 1,, rSt 'ld'
econd stnisidchs,it - iliting a tisl# ' 'y! , i 'elatri#44 e,
.risteador the sits , ' bss IsiStit'eT 1, , , . ' alpi*tiOn'
of heartfLoss )41 ' ':,il _ , ' endssitehic
itesitelpes.,, lalet I?. xiOtS -4 . r !.10 46 ir ....„
.ch.:,,,, whieb...... „.,,,,kr ~,,,„„..„...,,,,, • ,e,,i,,,,i„.„,:
*mush as itmatural '' sequenoe. wrAu c - - ,aoliesei - 4:
,by cledirsingthe whole length or (ho intes , - .willi4ll6li,
-vent process, and witlidut vi4ilOnce; . all vitilefitisoreslestVV.
the bowels conics tvithin-t sso days. - - 11.1tirstistristkilltar i
iv removing -- the sharp acrid fluids - ,iti , s.,e
plaints are °eratie:led, and by protrioting the flibfleittitli,!
seervtiou. ef-themiuseus membrane. -Fevers:qr. _all_killas,'
li4 , restoring the blood -to regular -cirso lotion, thr (nigh - the
' process Of_per • Spiriltioll-ill 501110-aSeiii and-the -thorough so
latiou.of all intestinal obstructions -in -others.. The LIFEL
I'll:LS have bedsit known to cure Rheuniatirmpernotnentry
mi three sreeks," and' Gout in half 'that time, by reniiiving
olocal,irrtininmatiamsfrourlise-rmorelemmkittgadretnr Of,ttre
joints: Thiosies 'Tall kinK , , by freeing and`stre»gthening
phi-kidneys and bladder; they operate boost Alelightfully on
dose illipllllllllt organs, Mid hence have ever been found n
certainreniedy fur the worst easel of Gravel. 'Also, Worms,
by dislodging from' tins turnings of the bowels this slimy
matter to which these Creatures adhere; Asthma nod Cod
.ption, by relieving the air vessels of the-lungs from the
ucus, which even slight colds will ocension, Which if not
removed becomes hardened,--arid produces Mose _dreadful '
diseases. Scutvy,,llleers, and inveterate sores, by the pert
fect purity-w• .11cl' these Life Pills give to the blood, and ahy
the humors; ScorbuticErMitions,.and..baamoinpleXioll3, be
their alterndtivb effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, the
morbid' state of which occasiinis "alrEruptivc complaint-
Sallow, Cloudy and other disagregableAmplexions. The
use of these Pals fora very short tuite,Xvill efliict an entire
cure of-Salt- Itheumfdirysipeldsy-andtis-ittriking-improve
merit in the Clearnessof the skin. '.Cionnion Colds and In
fluenza, will always SC cured by tine d9Se,mr 'by two civil
in the Xvopst cases., Piles,—as a retnedy.for this-snos ' t dis
tressinginid obstinatemaludy, the Veglitublc Life Pills sly
seeke a thittinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
leitodlittibundiedsinlins city, that the Proprietor of these
invaluabhit Pills,' waiitiniSelf afflicted with the complaint
• • upwards of •thiehj-fircoeurs, and he .tried in vain every
in•tly prescribed within the whole compass of the'Meteria 1
`ru s)
l et. ' He however, at length tried the inedieine which
.0 w MS rs to the public, and lie was cured in a very short
tie , after his recovery had been pronounced not only nu- •
probable, but-absolutely impassible, by. any human means.
DIRECTION'S POR USE.--The Proprietor of the Vege
table Life Pitts does not follow thebsise and inereedary prac
tice of the quacks 'of the day, inadvising .pyrsons. to take
his Pills in large quantities. No good medicine can possi
bly beso - required. - These pills are - to betaken at bed time'
every night, fora week or fortnight, according to the disease..
'The usual dose is from 2 to 5, according' to the constitution
of the person. 'Very delicate persons should begin with bum
two, and increase as the nature of the case may require
those snore robust, or of very costive habit, may begin with.
-3; and increase to a, or even - 5 - Pills, -- and:they - will elfeeral
sueiently h e t
happy cango_gitidetlie-tiatiefit-itrther -
O'er use.. --These - Pills _sometimes occasion sickness! and
vomiting, though vefy seldom, unless the stomach ievery
•fyult-tbss f lioweveronay:beconsidered-a-favorable•symptom,-
, as thepatient will.find himself at once relieved, and byper
•severance will souls recover. They usually operate within
le or 12 hours, and never give pain . Miles, the bowels are
very 1111101 encumbered. They may be tak s eit by the roost
delicate femalesunder any circumstances.—lt is, however,
recommended, that-those in later periods of Pregnacyihould
take. hot one arirtiliiiiii 1 11 1 1 1 1111111111111111111 l to keep„the
bowels open: and earn vivo May be taken- where.-the-patient
is very costive:. One pill, in it solution of two table • spoons
full of water, may be - giiiiin to, an infant in the following
doses—a lea spoon full every - two hours till. it operattrii.for a
child foul one to five .years -of age, lifilf d- Pill — ar front
live to ten, one pill. . - , • . .
' THE PIREN IX uvrrEns, !Ire so called, because they
possess the power of restoring the expiring embers of health,
to a glowing Vigor throughout the constitution, as. the Nice
nix is said - to. be restored to life front the ashes of its own
dissolution. The Phienix Ilitters-are entirely .Vegetable,
Leunimisetlof-rootsfunmi-onlyin - certiritrlidrturtiffneestilrir
s routitry, Which, will infallibly cure FEVERS AND_AGUES
of all kinds; will nes'lm faid-to-eradicate - mitifelFull the ef
'feets-of--MereuryOlitinin4 /lamer thin - thir nmst-powerfu I - ,
preparations of Sarsaparilla, and willmediately cure the.
determination af BLOOD' 'l'o 'llll2 , HEAD; never fail, in
the'Rekliciiiiiriikrit to . younaepiateflartd - ,Avill•be found a
certain remedy in all eases of IICCV:0114 debility atuliveaknOoo
- Ks a r,..-
'or ilk! mast
air and Inflaultnatory. Rheumatism ' the ellicaily of The
Phoenix Bitters will be demonstrated by the useol.a single
bottle. The usual dose of these bitters is half a wine glass
full, in water or wine, and this quantity, may' be taken two
or three times a day, about halt an hour bblore meals, or a
less quantity may Winkel' at all times. To those who are •
afflicted with indigestion after meals, these Bitters will
peeve invaluable, as they very greatly increase the action of
the principal viscera, help them to perform their functions,.
andemible the stomach so Tiliseharge — ififf — the — howels
whatever is offensive. Thus indigestion iseasily and sperdi.
ly removed, app or
etite rested, and the mouths of the oh
unbent vessels being cleansed, ,nutrition irfaeilitoted, and
strength of body and energy of mintl'are the happy results
_For_farther particulani_of_sloEFAT'S_LlFF. PILLS a
PHOENIX BITTERS, apply ut Mr. Notrat's office, No:
10 Broadway,.New York, where the Pills Can be obtained
for 25 cents,so cents, or 81 per .box; and the Ili ttersTor
- ..talp ;er:bottle. — .=:NumertiutaiertificatoirorAlionde
: rut efficacy of both, inaPbetliere inspectml..
In some obstinate and Com.plicated cases orchronic.and
inflammatory Itheumatisni,,Liier Complaints, Fever mid.
Ague, Dyspepsia, Palsy, Pil e s; it the use of Mee.
curd, quirutie,antl other diseases oriong etanding, it marbe
found-necessaryto take both the Life Pills and Phoenix Bit
ters, in the doses befbrerecommendil.
N. 13.',These Pills and the Bitters will get all mercury out
of the.systein infinitely faster than the best preparations of
Sarsaparilla, and are a retain remedy for the rushing of
blood to the..head, or "all violent , headaches, tic donleurux,
peplum who are predisposed to apoplexy,' pally,
&e., should never be without Pie Life Pills or' the Bitters,
for - one those in time will save life. 'They equialize the vireo
lotion of the blood, draw altpressure from the head, restore
perspiration;and.throw off cverYiniptiritY by the pores o
the skin
,For sale at the'StOre of S.‘ELLIOTT:
• •
• SepternberlB;
Flaxseed Wanted
One Huniiredilluehele of eleapYlaxseed want
ed* the store of the Subscriber iii South Hano
ver 'Street.
Coliale.Sept 113,.1837.
Al' 0 TI C E
Letters of Administration on the estate .of -.John
Morret: deceased; late' of_ Monroe township; de
sceased; having issued to the subscribers, residing.
in said township. A Ilpersona having chtims against
the estate, will present them to the sUbscribers for
payment,and all persons indebted to the estate wil)1
make payment immediately, tg.
Samuel, Morret,
George Brihdle,
Noy 20, 1837.
-Rec.ruitipg- Serviee.
_,., • .
WA W.r.lib for the UNITED STATES4Ati7..
nir;,a feWahle-bodied citizens,' between the
ages of 18 and 35, years; being'abont 5 feet:6
incliesiliglii of. good charOcter,•••nd of 'ye
spectlible standing ainong their fellow, piti
zens. None need apply to - enter.the services,
but thosewho are determitied - t - o - servc - the
period .of,their enlistment- 7 -Twhich is only,—hduestly:and fithftilly.. ,
-- '. • - •• . Pal i of 1),rogooh•
. .
' °. ' - - : -,- soldiers„.wlitri
. - . . • ~ .
. : -• . viowded.
. .. . . „,. .
:•,- ~ . - .. '• -. I ° ld
' This tahleliowsithe amount I ' • ,, r
of pay which enlisted soidiersdl . ' 5 l . ' - 9,: , ,
according to 'their respeetivel 5 , ;• G 3
s• rad 0 , are entitled to receive I .tg*. . .c
-fOr their services:' - • "
..-.. 1 1 .
'o the serge_aq Mfijor,
terniaster Sergeant,Chq
Bc_Clef Boglei,:-.each 16.192- 640
the lsrSer't of ;t•Corop4ny -15. 180 575
- •-
Farriers and_ 13)acksialiths--
diesides.the monthly pay, aglibovJ. - gfat,
one ration per day is allowed every soldier,
• w is_am su Mei - en rib r - 11 c-e
-=-also, a large-supply - of :comfortable and
ge.keel=clothing',.nonclAtitirtos-and fuel
are:at times furnished; and every atten paid tol s making- those men who
may' enlist,. and - are serve theirz
cquntry in - good-faith, -comfortable and can: -
tented_ with their situation. __The best medi-.
cal attendance is always provided for the
•siak.soldiet;.andiio deduction Of pay is niitde .
dniin_-the , erind-ire-ia-uttable-tcrperform-
his duty. Should the soldier, he.disa
thooline of his duty,thelawS provide a pen 7
sion fur. hiu9. ' • • • - •
By the - aboile it is seen that the , Pay and
aliowitNe;es , 'E - re respectable, and that; with
-- pffidentie ati - trktimorify - , - the - monttly:Day - ct
the- soldier may be laid up—as every thing
- ;..
". t ,' for--his- 'onnfoKt-and--conveniefice-is-
Ilb - ,4, •-h , : r- '..:Ov.etn menti_incloling_his_
itt '5:4 ' , it.. di, . 7 ,15 . : , _ 7-N.:lThe - "Pirifil - eiTt — §6lil ref,
'AZ'''. tot.. '. i:_.".:, -- .n' save from -6300 to
',.ltptitF4fif ~erst:- ' ,,sh.r.t.: listment of 3 yearsi. ,
441.4s t ai;t.)iermiii,.. , tiol Of the - term he can; if -
.)o.4_lootilktijOh• Se a small farM in any of
**einA4ifOnid there settle,hiniself coal- .
Tr ithiiiAltid),i:s:-brin . land, - ,for the rest of_his.
'" 7 li TR C R 11I+,1 Mg - : - .R - E II ID F.Z V 0 ti SeeltliSlC t s :. in
;the fratne.b• 1' ' - E - a.v&lllailtstreet - Tfor
It .
-merlptsed* e -- Pii
. kntecr 'printing- offiee.*
! - llecetplii,t , 1837.4-tf • " • ..... . •-
~ -.: _1...tiE.,...,.-...?________l____
.:-.0 " --- if"..';.4 7- 9ysTwO — Do - L - L - Aus:
. 1.: y;, kien,.. Non-coin miS.".
ed. , -.„"......`, - ..; . 2.:0,..:1: '•'. , who-shall tiring to .
.l- . 1 - - • N - indied recrueewell
- •v: 4 , ...vit a , , .•:.,*: .- . • it. , .. •
: , ; ,, , ,it,l, • •• t rwise duly gnalttrd,
t•';': i'.:,:, ' i1:44,) - tor the duties of .a'601 2
t', - r ''• • • o shall be.regularly enlisted.- .
. ..
This r
(as, at).
nonittisiims OFFICE,
80 . Ball, at., 4 doors below the Franldin Bank. j
Persons at a distance diposed to ry their
hick, in tither of the following gr• nd Lotte
rie,l3=one of -which draws alternat .ly every
Week.:--are respectfully. requested to:forward
their orders to the subscriber, enclosing - the
cash_orkrize tickets, designating the Lottery
will receive immediate attention by return
mail, and the drawings forwarded when over
(if requested.)
. ' Baltirpore,'Md.
, .
DreAsylNG OIL LoirEntEs.Order in which
the seVer:al'State Lotteries. will be drawn.
-- u tylandlState=t - otteriesnd raws - hrlialti- -
more every other Monday: capitals range.
from".1.0,00041:20,000 to y 530,000 ; , Dela w are
S ej-,-otteries-draws-twiee-eVery-week-f
-apitalsvary from 5 . t0 $lO,OOO ; Grand Con
sOlidatad Lottory draws once eery week,
capitals 20;000 25,000 to $30,000 ; Alexan,
dria Lottery -draws . once every 'Miler week,
capitals. 10,000, 20,000;30,000;50,000 ; Vir
ginia Stnte. - L - attery - draws.every Saturclain
each week, capital prizqs range from 10,i) 0,
20,000,"-25,000,_30,000 to $40,000. - Tickets
in .the above Lotteriesyary from $2, 3, 4, - 3
and . lo each, shares - in proportion.
•., All letters addre sled to the•subscriber go
perfectly safe. No Miscarriage hai ever cc-,
. - cairreti; - 7 -- : ----- .7H ---- 7 - : —. . ----- r - '7 .--------- .
,Fel). ,14, 18.17 . .=-1y • P••• • •. . '
3 !I rel4lly . for C,
. .
-;450, , ;54 4 ? - 7 •
. " r
C a pit io
:FO4., , ,UNNT•
1-11- - stibecriber-- - --WiVieiOhat=w ell L-ltnnwn.:
large und'conventent houie,..foi• many years
ace .i ea by Christian 'Humrich, and more re.
.;ead, cently Others,. as a TAIVERN
HOUSE,: The. httuss remark:m
-.4;V bly well edkulated,fo entertaining
BOARDERS; there • . being threei
stair-ways, sod- Fire places inmost of the.rooms:_'
The.situarZin is very plea4ant and desirable, being
on the north west corner- of Hanover and Lowther
streets; while, for conveniences, it excele .any
other house in the borotigh or country. • It pos.
sesses the unusual-advantages of 12 rom.l•on the.
first floor-12 rooms on the .2d tioOr=4 :bores On
-ater--;,(one at -the front door ow.i.outlier-sfreet, ,
with a ptimp therein; the other in the yard at the
kitelien.door;) a Cistert • -.tcoht
five .Hog!theads; large t
with carriage house - and
lent gardefis attaelied
-many conveniences not specified.
. 2. Also, one frame Weather'boar6d
Two Story House, 'situated in East Lanther st.,
with two Cellars; a Garden and StaOlinefiftached
9: Also, • one other' Weathet-bnarded
House In West Louther o Street, adjoining the Ger.;
Hemmed Ran Church, with a Garden attached
o it. For Terms apßly to . • •
New Woks .& Stationary,:
THE-subscriber has just received at his
Book and. Drug store, in the borough of^Car
li*le, a Lttrge and Generkl Assortment of the
- Latch' Publications. -
He has als6 added a large number of DRUGS
AND MEDICINES to rhls former assort
ment: All of which' will be sold at the lovi
est. prices.
JanwyA.lB3B. •
latUltand:SlLK Plush Bonnets, black and
fancy colout's,:fot . lale by
• • CHAS.
-ffot *air
TH er Offers . for - sal6 the
thise,rilletlisitose.Od boolf lot of gl
uate on the north side of lidn.street h
uitgh. pf -Carlisle, nearly. oppOsite .111 t
A tennhatigh's hotel—the West half 01
Cl,the. plats of -said.borotigh—hot
Main street op the: south,. Dr. T.'
. Mye
alley' - (23 feet: wide)
and the widow Greightoir out the east, 't
30 reel in-frotti and 240 feet to depth:,
dings area • '„ •
_ Frame 'Weather&
I 'I 4 .
sirr t • -
f‘rimting street with a large
. ;IRO cli 11 a di. nildi ma
fronting on,the alley. Said half. lot la
state .of.ini.pioyettleatovAlLA . .variety_of
Fituft Ti•ines. aid Grape
now hearing, Currinit and Gooseberry Budici, and
birulibeiy yriiiirth:o3t.
An, intlisPinable title will given to the poi.-
particularsvare (19geed. mine
ceSsary; Abiy persons - wiling to - put'bhme, Ole
in‘;itcd to cull ansl - view,tbe premises. The terms
will bermade known by
,18: ,s__
15.ust 28, 1837
IJl2_ 144_432
,10 120' - 360
,9 108 324
AN D FAMi - I.Y A Evatikr:zr_ll,u - L,S;:a"- - -:M . R.:!
BENJAMIN BQWN, cornet, t • of Shippen and
George streets, Philadelphia, affected for
_se_v_en_years-with eyrrentener_v_ousuess,lip
winel . l he. was not . able'to write his. name;--
,Ais,..syntp.toms were; erectatiort;,dally spas
' modic pains,iti the head, loss of - appetite pal
pitation of the. heart, giddiness a nd din - mess
-9f-sig It ,=utter= ipability — orengagingiin - any
thing that demanded - vigor or ccmrage, - i sie*-
uess the stomach, . impaired:: . apPetite,'
coldness' and weakness of
_the extremities;
emaciation and extreme delYility,Aistut bed
!rest, .a sense of 'pressure and, weight at the .
stomach after eating, grezit_ r Mental despon
dency severe flying pains in the chest, back..
• 1 eCe oven ~s . ~i - disukc .. Spe i c
and tonversation;• Mr:lt — has Made.trial of
various medicines now; before the public, btit
to no effect, , until, observing-imalfublic,pa
paper some cures performed by D. William
E'ans's Camomile -Tonic and •
8 96 288
0 stated, I
ent fills, he was induced to
of which hes•is. at any' _ ppy ..ats ;
lhat they effeaually. cure - MIS - 1 of the above
- clistreSsnr_g_--tljsease. - - -
.Per Sons .who - .dotibt the. above cure, • are
most respectfully directed to the above men- : -I
tioned - p4on, at We north-west coiner of -
Shippen and Georges streets. ° '
ical-C) Mee-for
the sale of .his excellent Medicine, is at No.,
19, ST.
Eor sale at tins- office. .
:-DI tal
The Subscrilier.returns his sincere thanks
to his forrher customerQfor the liberal share
of - patronad;Whichtag)been given him avid
solicits a continuance of-the same; as. also ire
invites those who may. not, as yet, have
'_giy_eo 111M._a call,..t.o_doso. at his Shopia_North
' Hanover street,,one door north of Mrs. E."
Weise's store:
lalely returned from the, the
. city
of Thiladelpnizi, bringinOvith him the latest
and most approved fashiOns; the subscriber
has on hand, a large assortment of
&c. finished in I Averiortyle: •
Also FUR AND: ZEAL CAPS, of the
latest Also,
all of _which wilt_be_sold low,
for cash, or ekchanged for countr,y produce.
Call and see. .
Nov 2_0_,;19:17. --if „ 51--
I - .
r •
Fort7Oriy of Sunbury, .Northuntherland
,;*‘'' COUI,4Iy
. .
. ,Begs-leaire, respectfully to inforni- - thf public,
.that he hus.reiriovect tollorrisburg, where he has
takep x tlititiiirin.:and.ispaoious_.three stojy brick
housejciiiiferlf'Occupied by Mathew Wilson,
corner•ltit-Wisluut-andrThird-Streetii- -
In view of the State Capfiol, Which he opened on
the first day of May 'nit; and where he hopes to
',.cmAtinueto• receive that
_Ratronage se liberally.
bestowed on his establishment beretoll)re. • lie
will at aiNV• be prOvided with every thing
'necessary ti) lti - s guests comfortably.
Harrisburg, June •-• , 1837: • 11
A . Fuither supply of Brandreths Pills, in 50
cent boxes, just received, and for sal
the Aare
• •• I , .
_ • TO. Comnam still continues to
nsurancr:Op.alt lands of - property - through
their.ugeoty in 6Trliile. 'Tie "premium - is
regulated according,to the risk. Averaging
from 35 to 40 cents, in the hundred-dollars.
Descriptions be received, arid •policies
dated from the day of•survey. . . -
'• 3seizt,
January 9; 1838.-3 m.
Celebiated Rheumatic, Nette r
•,and Bone
Applied morning and - night, has cured hun-'
&eds. it gives relief in `the swelling or: the
glands of the throat, and' relityes the. numbness
,and contractions of the limbs 'and. will take swel
lingi down, and inflarnations out .of the, flesh,
rheumatism, bruises and sprains.—it gives imme
diate feller ; it strengthens weak limbs, and - ex
tends the car& when— contracted. —A few .drops
on sheep'sworl . apPlied to tile. ear of deaf per
sons, yill by constant application, cause them to
hear in two months' time s ,• : •
A great 'number Orcertificates of the Most
respectable and decint - character'may be exam.
fined where - it is sold. Please call on S. C. Bplantler
Carlisle, who will giti,e further infiirmatintriorsee
Bolander's papers.' ' .
Carltsle' October.So,lB37.-7 1 y. cow. 48. ^
Also for sale . by S. ELLIQTT..
A licautifid 'Mead of :tit!
Is Che-grandest ornament - belonging -to ttie-hu-.
man' frame. How strangely theloss of itchinges_
the contenance and prernati - Tiiidy Firings on the
appcarande Of old age, %Ole,' causes many to re
coil at being uncovered, and_ sometimes even to
shun society triavnid the jests and sneers of thinr
acquaintances; the remainder of their lives are
consequently spent in retirement.'" In short, not_
rmi" the: Itis:s of - Primer - Cy fills the generous.thinks
ingyouth with that heavy sinking gloom as doe
theloss of his hair; frif - avertall;lliese timitleas
_ant-circtimstancesr-OLDRIDGF,'S -13 - ALNI - 01,"
COLUIIIIIA stops the- hair from falling off 'On
the first application, an( 1:1 - 4 , fttr.i bottles restore'jit
agairi..._ It likewise protices,eyebrows and wins
kerovents-the hair From turning-grey; makes
it curl beautifull).,-,and frees it from scurf:- - Nu- .
merous . Certificates-of the -first respectability - in.
"stipport of:: the virtues Oldridge's Balm,- itre
nsylio:byithe - prop Htors.
rylteail the- fond - wing:. • ,
Routrt,i' wrinirroN, Esq., late Mayor of
Philadelphia, has' certified, a 4 maybe seen Liciow,
to the • high' character:id •the : following gentle
men. - „ . -
The undersigned *ad hereby certify that we
have used _the_ Balm 9f Celmithia.discovered. by
A. Oldridge, and have - found it. highly aervicea.
hie not only as a-preventative bkainst_thelalling
iTfriirrizur, but also a . eertain restoraive;.
tIiATCH Vat, senior, . '
Methodist Minister in St: George charge,
No-86-N6rtit Fifth street
-3011N-P-114CL15',231-Ara strict. . -• . - •
3011N_.0.,1110.M.1.5;_.M...0-163,1tace st;
5...111.11tN EY, 101- Spr nee
' - ` l l-IUG11.111'eU111)V, 243 Soutit7tlySt..!. : _
::-.IOIIN-GA-tt1 . 3 0 1r;,--1-23-?3
The aged, and..those who persist in, Wearing
may:4)ot alwayii.experiente its re"st r oratiVe
- qualarea,. yet-it-will -certainly raise its virtues in
the estimation-of: the .public, when- it is kno wn
that three of 'the above - signers are More 50 years
- of age, - and the other's not'less than 50. '
'77 7 •
• . Co.m:.toNwEAL•rii .
• eity , Philadelphia. • --
_.-Ll,ltflandi-1 . 11 : 114.1 11-lON., Miiyor Drpidcity of
Philadelphia, do hereby certify that - ram well
acquainted -with Nte - ssrs -J. loglis, John S.
47-tlge-Y1,4114,119g1t , -..W.Gurdy.,:_whose , natnes , are:
signed to the above certificate; that they are gen
tlemen of character and . restectability,.and as
such. full cr e dit - shoultibe giv - On to the said eer
titicate...._ •.
hand, and caused the seal of this city to be
L. S.] affixed this sixth day of Decernher,
Observet liat each bottle of the Genuine Balm
has a' splendid engraved wrapper, on which is
represented the Falls of Niagara,. &b. &c.
For' sale at wholesale-by CostsTomc St• Co. sole
, Agents - for Kmerica - ,' - New — York - ,Eand - by - mbat
druggists throughout America: • •
For sale by &.C . : BOL/CVDER, Carlisle.
Also for sale by S, ELLIOTT.
Indian Specific;
• Farr - the - prevention and etti.e of-Coughs,
Coldsp-Asthmas, convmptions, spitting_of
Blood, and diseaseiof the breast and.luvigs,
&c. • •
. .
.. Doctor, Clarktron ...Freeman, the_proprief.
-tor of .the specific, resided upwards of four
years among the Wiferent tribes of North
Anteridan Indians, and with unwearied dill
quire a knowledge of the different remedies
used by them, for the cure of the sick and
wounded ; and more particularly those which
the ten
tion.. and Complaints,of,the breast and lungs.. ,
He observed the Indians were subject to nu
merous and: Similar complaints .to those of
white'people'; - and•from
=[lieu mode of ^liv
in.g, and being exposed to the inclemency
of all weathers, many of their complaints
were corn Ph care cl;:and: - violent.. Although,
cinatirof - their diseases were Of such a_Jia- -
ture-as would, with. people in' a
-state - haViterntinated iii confirmed copSurnp
dons ; s.Jet k - during the time. he was. with
them, he_did , not hear of one who died of a
'-cOlisutOption:-:2----- •
So happy are they in their knowledge of
rertiedies;;And---so7Certain of:their- effects—
when applied in time, - that -said "a
true consumption IS'a disease never 'known
-or-heard-among - them-,"7 - Ths trutlrok this
olcservation must be cOrroliiifatediy all who
have-had the opportunity of becoming ac
quainted with-these people. - It may then be
asked why they:Are exempt from these corn
• plaints? (I . l Tbe reason is - \ obvious ; because
they immediately
,seek for .relief, and pre,
Vefinlio'se - cOnn ne , • -
dertnine hte constitution,. and bring 'bit linen
rable 'consumption.
Bls of_ direction accompany each, boltte
_oCth_e_Specifie„_p_ointing_out in_a_c.onspictious_
manner, all the. symptoms in. the - different
t-a , ges r og.these-41iStressing-dis,asesTalsoiiar7
licularldirections-respecting- DietThifff
linen; and. how patients are toconduct them
selves, through - every stage until health is re
:stored;. for vain and useless' would 'be the
prescriptions 'of the ablest - phsician, ac
companied with the most powerful-medicines
if - his directions are not inlherd
toe • -
The Public„aie informed that the depOsi
tions of two hundred and, eighty seven per.
sons have been taken before the proper au
thorities of the city of Lanca„lter, Pa. all corn.
pletely . cured. of the most desperate cases
of consumption, some of which .a e detailed
In - the bills accompanying 'the bot . .e.
• The price of each bottle of IMFIAI4 - ,
SPECIFIC is One Dollatvand each envel
oping the.genuine Specific is signed by Dr.;:-
Clarkson "Yrnati, and%the initials C. F. on
the seal of each bottle. None can be gen
uine without thissignature ; a °base coMposi-,
don having been attempted to be imposed
on the public by a counterfeit imitation of
this'extraordinary article.
, a:7- it:constant supply of tha, above Spec;
ific, isleptconstantly on sale, by SAMUEL
ELLIOTT, Carlisle, and by Samuel Wilson
Shippensburg. .
Dec. 14, 1836..-- 1 Yr. . .
JUST itECEIVEA-turled halr and,Sea
grass BO Matrassesi and for sale by. •
ui . I!ptic;'PiUs:,
~ . .
i'llikMeditine having met with the unanimou
approbation of those who have fairly employed it;
according to the, directions, le recommended with
increased confidence_. to the public, in- almost'
every variety of functional disorder of the sto.
mach; bowels; fiver - and spleen; such 'as' heart.'
burn,- ascid eruptions, nausia, headache, pain
and diatention•of the stomach and „bdwels, inci
picnt.diarrlwea, colic, jaundice; flatulence, habi
tual costiveneas, , loss of appetie, sick headache,
Sea Sickness, &c. 84c. • These' Pills being , eittirely,
vegetable, may be takeiy.With perfect safety , uii7.
:der any exposure to weather; may: by
further remarked,•that•they seldom, if ever, pro.
duee sickness atr the stomach or griping. The
numerous Certificates; :from gentlemen of the
highest respectibility, , give ample. evidence of:
the value in which these Pills are held,. and there
ate. fe vi - who - ilut.say they'Vave adoptedillapa'
as-their common famil medibine. •
v i ,
From lit, IleV. tewis:S. Ives, D. D. Bishop
of, North Carol's....
Marth 2, 1835 ; •
1-hying - for the last three years, been4ntimats
.: y :
aciptainled'ivitic Dr. John BeCkwith, of this
city, and :enjoyed his professional services; I take' •
'pleaSure in stating that his character as a chris. :
tian gentleman and experienced Physician, en- ' •
titles his testimony, in "regard, to the use of his
Anti , Dyspeptic Pills, to the entire confidence of
t(ie public.. .11y - experience of the good effeots • .
of these-Pills, tor twOyears past, satisfies nit of
"their- eminent Value - , partieiflarlyin aiding - in '-:-
inapaired' digestion and warding off bilibus •at-'
tacks, I 'was in the-habit of resorting for security
againstltheM, and with very partial success, toa '
liberal use of Calomel, or Blue Pill. But since 1 •
my acquaintance withllie Anti.DPipePtic Pills of,
Ut: Beakwttli' which lie prescrilial in . .
cesaity of using , Illereur3i in any forin,,_besides• _
being-whollyxerilf&from-bilious - attacks: Si
veral members •of my family are experiencing
the same beneficial results. , - • • •
• • - L S. IVES.
From the Rev. F. L. Hawks; D.ll. St. Thomas
• thumb: • - • _ • ,
- , • Von -
i have no knowledge derived fi•om experience,
_a_the_etlicacy_6( Dr: lieek,with'S Pills; but I
know `that Several of My ;Per minfarfrieMds M North
Carolinaiwhinia I kft sonie years-ago suffering
severely under dyspepsia, were in good health
when 1 saw them on &visit macre - a - few months
since," arid all aseribed'their recovery to the,use
orlleckwith'i , 4" • " -
-- 1 know that IlfeTtertififites nbtaine - rb`y the
Dectrir'in.&tirth Carolina, are from gentkmen of
th_hikkest_reosetahility, L aA iLsi ; ._:m3Uorthem
.stated to the verbally that .which is contained in .1
Ibeir "published certificates.: 1. have the most
, • . . .
- I also know Dr, Beckwith, and have known'
him_ from my, byyhood, and I cheerfully stain
with Bishop , Biat , --liiSchar . acter - as-a-cliiii= — .
titurgentleMan and experienced - Physician; enti.-- -
- -tfes his le - St - momy, in repad to-the use of his Anti
:Dy_sPep_tic fills, _,to__Buntire_conlitlent - e-oLth-cr___
• -T. L. HAWKS.
riorri Dr._r.. Nlygutt...
"Mr. 11. I). Turner, . _ -
• Sir—Several of my friends in this town have
rused-Dr—lte-e-kwithls_Anti-pyspeptic rills - witlr
decithid benefit.-,
,'-- Among the number is a lilrs.—, a 'member
of one - ifbiii best - fa - mines, who has been afflict.
- ed - With dyspepsia of the worst grat.le for four '
years. I have urged the use' of Beckwith's PBS, .-
1 as affordiVier the best ciliate of xelief„,..Abe. .... ..
ita ore...dy tried various remedies, witlilitile -
-benefit or positive.injury,• and was therefore ie
letant to commence witk this • ' - 'ller symptoms, .
'_being much alleviated by thQuse of the first box
she came to my house for a farther supply; but
finding that my stud( of the_article t'l4is exhausl c
ed,_she expressed nmelrMixiety to.bave more ----
- Obtained as soon as poSiible, and'wished that onia - -'-
box might be sent' by Mail,ll.they could not be
had in a short time-by other means.
"I am not in the habit of employing nostrums. •
and -quack medicines in my 'practice, but the Pills
which you vend should not be SP CLISStd, The
ITaiii9 . frum which they are prepared is undoubt. .
lf.a !scientific one. :'. ', • - . '
"Having spent two - winters in North Cars)lim.
I am not ignorant of the reputation of some of
the highly respectable gentlemen there who have
rendered their public testimony in fAvorbf the
"I will only add that the trial_of-these Pills hes_ -
been satisfactory in this • place. You may send -
me, by the first opportunity ; one quarter gross.
Truly and respectfully yours,
• • E. r ...G.IIIVGATT."
e lcom the, Don.. Cluudes Fisher, late member of
• Congress.
• SALISBURY, Feb. 24, 1837. ,
Several years ago I was very much' a ffl icted__ •
-Witly a-diseased - stomach and bowels; nothing 1
could eat appeared to agree with me, and I was
obliged to be very careful in my diet. A journey
Ito the•south.west stfihrded me considerable relief,
left Off travelling; .the disease returned bgaio and
"FiVae Obliged to hike medicine constantly, among'
other things very often calomel; this continued to
be_my_;state_ontilabotty-tivelve - Monthirago, when
on the 'recommendation of Major John Beard, I
began to try Beckwith's A'nti•Dyspeptic Pills;
1 soon found relief from them, and have since •
taken nd' other medicine whatever. Whenever
-1 - find - mysto - mali - and Bowefs'ai c becoming de=.
ranged, I resort to these Pills and. invariably find
relief., heard a number of per Sons speak
of the benefits they have received from. these
Pills, in the most 'decided -terms.- - I am'well ac
quainted with Doctor Beckwithi he for a time
'resided - irrthis -- and was - my fatitilY - Phytif-7
cian.__His__own, testimony with regard to the use
- ofhis --- AntoJyspeptic Pilfs .rnay - be fully•
on. • - "CHARLES -
2 New TOrk. Gen 'Dieu Sem - 31 as li •18^7
I ti^."/L - FJ: - Tttrterr-=Ditti'Str,'•=TO - tlrote',litth7 - '
ject to Whims attacks and especialy to the Dy
peptic, Dr. Beckwith's-Pills, will unquestionably •
afford relief, I speak with more confidence` after
having received - material* benefit from. them, for '•
Which Iliad used almost every thing else in vain:
They need Rut a fult:,trial to find a placein_the_L___
- Me - int - Chest of ;,,verylamilyvand to„g,ain a
'reputation at the North,. as respectable and ex
tensive as they have secured, where • they have .
been long known at the South.
Very_respectfully.yours, • _
- oribese Pills koin
the most respectable sources;Ttre:glierrWilh - the
accortipanyitlg directions.
- . Price for a single box, 50,
.Terais liberal to
agentiancl those who buy to sell again. To be
had . of 11. D. TURNER, Principal Agent,-180
Ilroadway,'New Vork,_and by • -
Dec. 1-, 1837=1y .
• .710 lice to Creditors.
TAKE NOTICE that I have appliedto the '
judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Ad.
ams" County, for the benefit of the insolvent
laws Xthis Commonwealth,. and they have •
appointed Monday the .22d day of.lanuary• 41
1838, at the - Court Muse: in Gettysburg for:
the hearing of me and my, creditors, when
and Where - you may attend Wynn - think prop
er. . •
December 15,1837 , • •
• '„Gettysburg Sttir. '
have received .8 day, and 30 hour Now •,.
York CLOCKS; which . Piirarrant _to
keep good time, and offer them. at reduced
prices, at my store.. •
.. . _,
HARLES BARNlTZ.has' . recei veil su-'
per' Gpm Elastic Suspetulers, which he
biters at, reduced prices.
.1 .