LIVILUOTE 1G; . CinttelEllAyl) txposi-rolW will be issued rivo DOLLARS - Rer_altikti. to be paid half yearly in adyan9e.. DVE,II77SEME NTS not eiteeeding asquare or-three-insertions, ON-EDOLL-Ail,-and-every übequent insertion, Tw'et . ity l .fiv . e. Cents; longer ones-in proportion. . : • - Letters addreSsed 5.0 7. .the publishers on bait -Ness, -MIST. BE - .'oll'`ST P4ti), otherwise they will not be attensled to: I AGENTS. .., . . r The following persons .have been appolnied Agents,- for the Carlisle Herald and Exposuo'r to whom payMent tor s'ubscrip ' tion and advertise iffiTrairdaii 'bg - tria - de; -_.- • D'. Saci.cfy, -.Esq. Shiremanstown, .Cumb, CO. ) SCOTT CovLv, Esq. Newville, do. . • P.-E.ooxyz,Rsq. Newburg,. . • do. Thos. W. Mains, Esq. Shippensburg,. do. .101 IN WON') sit me u, ' Esq. -. dii. , do: .I_,A_A T Elkll, Esq . , Hoguestown, do. R. WILSON, ESq..-111 - O - O - liiiireiWg - ,• ' dO. WILLIKra-RurisnA,_Es.q_Haipew_ell,_do. , -R.- Sa.U . RGEON, Esq. Churchtown, do. Dr. ASA WHITE, New Cumberland, do,*. Tilos BLACK, Esq. Bloomfield, Perry county A..BLAcg, Esq; Landisburgi-: do. xovrijou. ' • At a uteetitigg the Standing COmmittee of the •Democratic_ Antitnasonic7 l'arty' of,. - Cumberland — county,. convened , by order-of public notice, •to_ : mak-e-arrangefnents forthe-election-Of-Delegates to meet_itr CoutitV"Convention to appoint'Dele , gmes to the Democratic Antrmasomd uonVentton to meet in Harrisburg on the day of March next, •_ - • WILLIAM GRAHAM vAs called to the Chair,. and Ron iwr-W-trsobt was apptanted Secretary.- - . On motion,-it was • 7lc,lot_red,2.That the ,Democ'ratic Antimasonic citizens of_.this county meet at- the several tion Districts in each - borough-and township, on Sattirilay the 27th clay of January nrext, and elect cac 1 - two . 3W - tgates; - t o - meet - itr - Connty. - Conren - , - . 2 - tion._oii3loiTilarth2_9_tli - dAy :of Jan u a ry'n e xt; -to .ttminatc-and appoint. suitable Delegates to rep resent_said, county and Senatorial District in said, State. Convention at Harrisburg, , • • WILLIAM GRAHAM, Chairman. • __ _ Ron nwr WILSON, &cretiiry. . • • .1141114 S; • The subscriber, on behalf-of-himself and W, gargan,colieifk,fi 3r - Sal ; , ethe J)LJNn CANON -NAIL - S. — They- are made - Of re fined iron, and , are believed :to be eqnal - in quality to ,the best cut nails that were ever manufactured= .in the--. United, States. The following certificates are subjoined. New Cumberland, January 70 . 818. - We ... have ken well acquainted with the general .quality of 'cut nails. Those. made from the thincannon tr.fMed iron, \,,ve_iccm ..sider superior to those made, from fhe'ye - s imp,orted iron • Roswell' Wi)ochVard. Duncannon 'iron •Work"s, Jan. 8, 1888 • We certify that we have carefully exam- Wed the nails" manufactured by essra. Woodward and Wilder,atNew Cum erlarid, out of , Duncannon Iron, and do believ them _to_be-superior_to_unr_weLhave ev.ecsee _used • John Freo,th, Mas:er Roller, , Enoch Lewis, Carpenter & Patern M . 'l_"he above nails will he delivered o 'Ate Cumberland Valley Railroad, or On the Ca nal, at Harrisburg or-Duncan's Island,lnd siwarded as maybe direCted, to . - any town in the state, on suitable references: or -a li beral discount will be made for cash. - Also—on hand, Hammered Bar Iron, and it is etpected constantly to have for sale at • the 'werks, , rolled . iron Nail Rods, Ate.; of the 'various sizes. ;'Orders. by mail,-directed to Clark% Ferry, Perry county, will 'tie punctually at tended to by the manager on the spot." W. L. FISHER: January 16, 1838.-4,i.* • • _ . BARNSLEY,...SHEETINGS.- TUSy received by the subscribers'lo-4 and eip 12-4 BARNSLEY SHEETINGS. Also, 8-4 Barnsley Table & HITNER. Carlisle, January 16, 1838. Ltunbermaii‘s Baink .Notes . -varrirmm4 • . A.tew -- hitadred--DOlraisJtate:Notes''Of the Ltimberinan's Bank, wanted, which will ,be4iurchased at a discount.. Apply - at this'office, or address A. 8.. Carlisle. Janithry 15,. 1838. _ _ NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Martin Brenneman, late of East Pennsboriiiigh to wnshipi - Aecesseti, having issued to the subscri ber, residing in said township; all persons indebt -ed-to—tlie-6tiite—will"in'aite'ittiftiediate payment, .and those having claims against the estate, will present .them properly authenticated to the sub scriber. _ • _ .HENRY_ B.RENNEM A January 15, 1838.: Register's . NA)lite; Notice is hereby given, to all Legatees, Cred . itors, and all other _persons concerned, that The following accounts have been, filed in this Office for examination, by the accoun tants therein named, _ and, will be presented_ to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland coun ty, for confirmation and allowance, on Tues. ,day• the 30th day of Jantfary, 18: .The administration account 451 nedy, administrator of Robert" cease'd. The Adminiktration acceunEk adniihistrator Jame, ceased.— The• supplemental , account Kerr, administraeor, de bonis Sterrett, deceased, late of ship. - The Guardianship account of Samuel M'. tune, Guardian of the person and estate of William Devnr, minor son of Joseph Devor, deceased, , ________ _ The Guardianship account of John Peters, `Guardian of William Eby, I minor child ef 'David Lb , deceased. ', . ' - ' t . WILLIAM LINE, Register., ~ *Ca 1...„, \ e ec.' 30, 1837 ! . . D it M CK SHELL COMBS,Ifor . 50- . 9 * 9 - . -.— silk', by • . cIIAS..ISARNI'VL. , . . • ... .. . - ••... . , . . . ..• . . . .. - . .. . - . . . . . .. ..... , .. . . . . . • . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . • .. .., , • .. . . . . . ..,.. ~ .' .1 . -1 . , : 1 . .: - . .. . , -nb".. ..... ,• _-.... . . .. g ... _..•____ ,4., 1,.., . . . .. .. - : . , , 0,,,,...., • 1 . . , . .... . .., ~ • , . . ~. • . . - -. , • - - . - . ‘ ..,--P 11 "` -- . . . -. .• , . . - . • . ~ • ......._ . - , . .. ~ , . . . . . . . .. . . . . ~.., ~. .. . ... ~_ ~ . . - -4. - -, - ,7! - _,..„1"•, - .,„,...,.; ; ;!-- --- • -, ---,,,,,,, gliMgl= MI - WASHINGTON HOTEL, .MarketiSquare,Thirrisburg, Pa. •Gp(). RP Solmston. iftE P SPCTFULLY informs his flietfclsand the Oublicat be has taken the Public llous,e, lately 'rept by 'Mr. John Smulr; at 'the—corner of Matlet'Siluai.e, Harrisburg, known as the . , ." WASHINGTON ilOTtL 5 '.--- rich he has fitted up in handiorne style, 1.1 r • the . accommbdation of the public. His ' able is wellsupplied with' the best.the-may -1 'et - afro - ids; hiS bar with the_chOicest of li q ors and wines, and prompt and'obliking, set ants are kept always ready to attend to the• ants of customers. . . . He has taken the stand with a determina tionto-spare no pains or tkpenSe-te make-his honse equal te any in the country, by keeping every department and i file superintendence of t e:=most-competent and-faithful;-and,-by personal-,attention, to give every satisfactionl 'to his customers. - He•therefore: respectfully- requests those yilto,pay Harrisburg a-Visit, to_ call and test-the truth of his assertions. • GEO. W. JOHNSTON., January 8, 1838. OLLYESA - 13L181 - IED Exchange .and - - 80 BALTINOITE.,STREKT_. 11111-jEAS , frorn7 L -oil-parts-oHle-Uoiom-en closing: cash -- for =prize tickets, .- meet with prompt attentiori:, MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY. Class No 4, for 1.338, to tie draWn - at - Balti .rnorc, Jan. 31, 1838. - 5- 000 - 1-Italre -APITA.-L -. Z-E-. - - SPLENDID SCHEME. - --- 8;000- - :"= - _ ----- 78;600. t;obo 6 5,000 "3;500 3,500. 2;322 ' 2.322: 2,000 "‘ 4.0,000 500 10,000----. 20 20 20--- 7; :' • 400 4 8000_ .20 •V :, _2oo—'- —_400.0 '35 : • 150 4 5250 ..-__5..6:1_,2,._,i' _,,,,.:, ._ . .. 4 ,7„1,Q0._2_,...:,-7_5,09,_ 56 - : . , 80 . 4 _. • 4480 • 56 - --s:: ' 60 • ' 3300 56 ' :- • 50 ', - 2 BOO 2800 • &e. &e: &c. Bce; &c. &e: — &-a. Bcc, • 1 sizes in the scheme amounting t0,5329;471 66 Number Lottery--10 drawn ballot, 'hole, Tickets ',110;, ' ayes 15; 0 uarters .&.' 2,50. (-_, . ~ Cer of packages of 25 W. tickets, $125 ^ I 25 H. , do. 62,50 I _____' ._ 25 sa,_ - do____3l,-25 -- r rnarids for Tickets, or Certify. , rites. in the above, punctually attended to, ..a.._ fro y return tn,a3L-If dressed to . . • ../ E. W. \ BINSON, Balt. M. January 8, 1838. , . . . "Caiq,sle Sav►►►g - Tien& •SOCIET'Y'- • The - Boaril of. Dim - 004 - 0f thislnilitution. have authorised the Treastv er to allow in fu ture the following • rates of interest on all "SPECIAL DEptsITEV of money: • • . Deposites remaining 9 months 5 per cent. • • it • 6 .. 4 It • 4 • " Si ". . 3 ~ 3 • St '2 • "• 2 " • The certificates of the Institution will be. gfven-for-deposites- at-the above-rates of in terect, and ali BANK NOTES of good received—the Institution pledging itself to redeem its certificstesNin notes l cur rent in this rieighborhood. Application to be made to the Treasurer, -either in person or,by letter. ' • By order, JOHN J.II4iTERS. • . Treasurer. Carlisle, January 8,-1838. . • . - Capital 30;000 Dollars. VIGINAA sTATt LOTTERY. For Endowing the Leesburg licader_n_y - and. for - - - other purposes : Class No. 1 for 7838. To be drawn al Alexandria, Va.. Saturday,,Jan uary 13, 1838. 7 -- • - $30,009-40,600-7,000-5,000-4,000-3,000- 2,165-25 of 1,(100, 7 -50 or 500-50 'of 200, &c. • Ticket slo—Half , 4psQuarter $2 50. Cert's of Piackages of 25 Whole Tickets $l3O — Do._ _----do__ 25 HMV .d0= .. .65 Do. do , .25 Quarter. .do 32 50 100 Prizes of s l looo. • yIAGENTA - STATE LOTTERY. Nor the benefit of uf Wheeling. • To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on the 20th Jul • nary, 1838.' • . ' • GRAND CAPITAL ' PRIZES: $30,000-8,000,4,000-3,000-2,500-1,017c -100 prizes of 1.000:&c &c. . Tickets only slo.Halves ss—Quarters $2 Si Cert's of Packages of 25 Whole .Tickets $l3O Do de . 251-11f - 7 - ilo• • 6.5 po • .do 25A9rfer 0o 32 50 — 5 30 , 0 00...410,000. • . - 14 Prawn Numbers. ,' " • acini'r vsygnala S ate Lottery. For the beliefit . of the Me'clianical B-enevolen' - Society of Norfolk Class No I- fin. 1838. • - GRAND sCHV.M.E. $30',000-10,000-: 7 6,000 , --5,000----4,000-3,000 $2,500-2,120- I .AOOO-45 of I',ooo-20 of Slki— • . ' 20 of 400, &c &c. , - Ticket slo—Half ss—Quarter $2 50 Cart's of iiackagesof'2s Whole Tickets $l2O Do • .• do 25•11a1f do . 60 'Do 'do • Quarter do 30 --. ;.. (it Orders for Tickets and ShaVes. or, Certifi cates *of PaCkapes in the above, Magnificent Schemes, will receive the most prompt attention, 'and.and an official accotint of each drawing sent' immediately after it is over to-#ll-who-oFder-faini us. - Addres, -,. . . ' .. , 6 • ~ D, S. GREOld' & Co. Malingers - , - . . • Washisigton.COND. C. , . . JUST received Spun 'aid Pfug TOAiCeo! . warranted No. 1. widely! will sell whole sale .at manufacturitiginices ., --AlsircommenSE. cals.. • • - • • • CHAS. BARNITZ. o .91.1 0 ERI`DETA024.16f TO 7%i.1VS 3 41RIPS SCIEXCES R 1 CULTURE; 1U,N:C•1111E.71 - T; AV. ate. --t • - 9 ,- ' . . Printeil and .7Publishol, liimOlay; ,W.0.-eQr.Ec . . , , .. . • ~ NOTICE. --ALL-persons indebted - to-the estate- of ;Robert Earley, late of Hopewell township, deceased; are hereby-notified to attend- at the-lormer residence of. said deceased, on Friday and Saturday_ the . 2 6iIi7ninF27:th-days - of'January, - 18313, andrmilke paymont • thereof—otherwise the claims . againSt th . em 'Will- be put in the hands - cif a lusticeolthe lien& for collection; and .: air persons liaving -Claims against are requested to present them properly. authentieatia— - .•. •.• • :Attorney in fact for Sally . Earley. N. indebted to the late iirrn'of Robert 'Earley,' sr. ,iuid 1441e - A - Eurre - y - , Jr. "UM iegnested 'to" appear, settle, and make payment ,at said' time to-Rnbeit-Earley, jr. surviving' partner - of said firth. • • - • • - ..• . - January 1, 11338.-3w.* • _Will be exposed to.pujilic sale in the 'flu_ rough, of Mechanicsburg; on Saturday tfie . 27th — trajr - ciflanuaryTl - 838Tby - prder - oFthe Orphans' Court of Cumberland-couniy,_ LO2 l . 01P GROUNIi,-• in. 'the said 'Borough, - bounded by -Adar.n geikel, John Franklin and Isaac Kinsey, - containing about one Acre, having a • . ... ;.. .... ',.... —_... Log-Ho.usey'. _ :-, 4 -.: 4 ‘, . • . . Id. no 0 , ; "thereon erected, and -- s - onne - Fruit • •• .411 I.l' - -g" 14 1 - 4 ,,,,,, .. ,, ri'-• Thes upon •it - . 7 1 - .---- • Al;s0;---:-A:n-other-L-ot-of-Groundirnearto ilie—iftfoW'Viir.ridR1-7-bY.TS:ro-pson7•57 pad, Iteigel and Coover and Nancy Wright, with a small House thereon erected:. And 'whieli will be sold as the - property of Adam Longs dorlT,,,sen'ts.' - deCeased.. . ,'Perms of sale--Made - known on the day of -soli:-by - ' "' ADA-IVI--LONGSDORF-F.,- --- - .- - .4 . dinini,Vrator of .Rdam Longsclorff, Sr. dechl. Carlisle,. Dee.:26, 1837.-4 t. . 'AMP:.:t...7. . • ~ LAWS ___,7._ ---- , , DT . ... of-Pinkpan .1 English and Gernian,- -.Persp l io 15, - to 'obtain,. copies - .of - the , PamPh - ULM& .111 e. present Sesslia'bitbh . Legishttu`kpri_ennsylvani4,_in:the. - E.nglish . and Ge . Yriliih. Languages,---the former hail 1 b:onnd_,_analie_latter___in_Ezmlthle,form,-Ht.. - • fifty: cents ;p& - copY-Lare requested to-have their names registered w itWh - the - county - Trea -- . --- S - 0 - erinritiEdiarelY: --- -. ---- , -----.., - - A list of applicants -must be - for Warded: to the Secretary of the Commonwealth in a few days.' : -- . ._: ...„ • .-- - -__,:- • J. I,,'VASIIIr, • Co. Trea. . . • Trettsutft,Ogi.' , 'll -- - ' • .-ciii i ii4b4 - 4:8 , I ••-• • fi , • - • 3t. -- •..._,... • . ,..‘40 • ..r•1i ~ :f 4..4. - i lt -. 4 .t..: ,$., •.' - . • GLIMEEN SIMI '''''.!•:.,• ',- ! 0 - EN " 1 r.' - II • 4. , • • W I - A . c ..:,•41..,...0,),,R? , r . . , ~,„, -.-- .• -- --. . ~ . , ~:. , - L +.• - .: , :.!•' • . 8r t ukTO -ati l i s iw.l,. ~ ;tx, e.", . ..,.1.0.0': in' No w ton tOris ) . 'r l .r', : Ili -, : . itootnity..e . 'about four mileS4est".9o4: ' , 7.; v,: ~. , ,719 4 ' ,Ville, will be're - aifed for at • .0 , 1 " , • •-••-. . w ;bike, years. 'The buildings it ti • - .. a..,, • ~,,,,., ,• : • ,It, A Two. - SlOty*OnVATctorp4 l -7r ; • - and ,rr •.' - --, .• ‘4 - •with.carcling, - ,4*!iim - g machines, and allneccssarYLlriac„hinerrAr 7 t,f . k-anuf*A. luring cloth; alsO. , ,Wdty elling.lionae-.conyen-..: lent to the factory. For terns apidyl:64itli- er of the endersigned,f, • i.:\-.. ....,..,.., , • , - .. -. WM. M: BlblttiE, 1• i I . j,:' J. H. Gll AHXM, .. .3 5.,! is e ' SAM'L GICAIUM 6 ' , ••••:: - • . . " ,;,;.• . • ,- 4::- ~ H....,, 1 , Nest„ enntibvo,,.' De'F,. 4, 183r:: , --: i i . , .*: , t.:: : "...k".0 i ,.... - : - - ''''::-:',3. '.. ~, ,:., . ..",e- 7 --::-',:',; 1 Encou . rage - _y:o4*, 4 ( 4 , , - " , i Oitufa #,,,, 4 ..,...,. .0. ...,..,..4.3.,,..,....,t i ..,.„,:..., ,•,,..b CA. • LESLtig i ,s,..l: - t..., , ' ; ":.:. :• • - --.,.,,.. , :i4; ••• „ c „..„., 7-• ; . .aIA T I cik •:r Pt) '..., A . , ...v,.... , „ ~0; , - . AND BO N N ETOE,..-.STOR • , . ,44 .8 41 ,. .HANK-UL I I or-pastl a orsO 7 nform the ir friends and the . ptthholeinerelfy that one of the firm having 14 rreturned froth the city of Philadelphia,. .ithilia, largo add i l ex cellent a ssortment cif t' op: and Plush, they are now prepared to , :manufacture Gentle= men's Hats and Lathes' Bonnets in.the lat est and most approved fashion. The quali ty of the Plushis faesupe rior to any futlity ly had on hantk...They.have_at present-an -eldellettraSsortnieriret _____._ Plain liusoias ; , white and black;- ..Brush, Beaver,. Castor, -and . Silk Hats • - ofall - sizes - and - prices. • - Also, a general assortment of Ladies' Bon nets of all colours and descriptions, such as . I ui•e White, Fawn, BlatiCand 7 Orey, which they will sell at the most reduced prices. Gentlemen and "Ladies.who are in want of tli - ese artiel - K -- 4111 - do"‘Well - to - giVe - an - early= call' . . Dec. 18, 1837.-Bw_ ' . N. B. They have on hand,a kw of dieing: suality".of FUR CAPS whith they,Offcr••to sell at low prices. . The Subscriber will se si ll,.. at •Privitte sale, the following: property settateyabinit three Miles west, of 'the Harrisbin g 7 •Bridge and' adjoiang_the e'arnherland' al - .ad containing about 1i• acres having -thereon erected • . • „ , Two Log Hou s es, 4tablei a•well of nevervfailing,water att the.door,•togetifer with about-60 ehoice„fruif trees. Possession Will be given on thejst o' Apr. next. •JACOB SdARER. , • Shiretnansemn, • Dec. 18, 1837., . THE Brick' Dwelling -Houk., Store And Ware House attached, situate in North Haiw over street Carlisle; nOW in the occtipancy of JiMob ,Wetzel, also the Stone Dwelling Houie adjoining occupied by Rolet 1). Guth rie-TIE - 4 .Witi,:lliFiliiiit - IStiiire — WOCFMTaifia cel4r adjoining the. Brick dwelling litiuse, now occupied by John Early:. Possession of, either of the aboVe properties may, be:'-had , on the first day "of ...iVpril--I;ext—To Good Tenants, a Lease fur Years . may, be had.- ,- ppjy • . : !=ISA - 0 8.. ;PAI L UR; Carlisle, Jim, 28, T E S 41 r, J: .JII'U 4 Rio' 23,1183'. IMMO - • THUM A S J. EARLEY, BIAle SA.I4IE. POR.RENZ Cuitaberitoid,'6,mity,.• P j CU. eartatso. sweetest floWers enrich'd, • From,varioas gardens•cull'd with care.'' From the New Yorker w tv-s--7-1,-o-vri.7 -lIY rENDLETON Wnens, 'mid the, wo ld's tempestuous sea, _ Shall man'sfraif bart in safety-be?. In what calm haven may it rest, -L-No-more.hy_windslior wives dis&ess'd r. • Where raging storms supine y ie, .Ncs clouds bedim the spirit' Say, be there 'neath yon lofty dome So sweet a plate,- so safe a I 1 y 0 ,,0n the oceari's wild '-:-Wheretempest-witers-proadly-lave,-i A-lovely...islet rears its Itatl• • Serenetitrorra the sea's - deep . liKj . Alt& found that islet's: gentle base— The litres lie down with mirrored face; And in its wildest, deepest cove, - . Is the retreat of Woman's Love. - Here all the - TiasSions.of the - soul . - Arealnietl - by sonne - strprime donttol-« 'WhiCh o'er that lovely bay presides, And moves its_winds antt swells its tides; • To lave, beneath thezolden That .dances brightly on the.wave, . - In triumph o'erthe:temp-est% Nur shall it be . a meteor's glare ip-the midinght And soon goes out, to shine no more Liove-ii - ves on to - death, And struggles her - dying' breatitt 'ClinginginTeii:i;i 7 to-the last, . Till hope is crushed. beneath the-blast. Warrenton, Ga. Oct. 24,'1837.__ ' - iC, ...':' . ~ - ' ' NVENTION,,. iiititte co _.----,.... !0 . ' , :ilinftiee of-the-Ilhole,-on Mr.- Mr lt' ~,- ‘ 1 , , to restrict the . .13anki,frOm ' 'k P liiti 'WO' n . :' Ina. notes o a less denomsnatton than Ir TY., b f ~ :tca dollars, and for impos i ng other re- "*P4tas on them. .- ' r ' l • 4 Al4..,k_ate had taken a wide range, *.ite4Wilii.plq - I'. COPE made the folli*Antifiliatirks, the' rules limiting ~ hint hour;Ca,"Xl.iic•- :.k 1 IllildiAtM4l.le-inctir •-the charge• of ~. , . i .. . ' • 'temeri, , tt . . , , engaging in• a debate al: ready e444ttirtekl,and before an audience . . - whote, paitencOrktust be worn out; and ricl : werek4 ,!or - 00suit my own feelings 'nnly s ' ; l, stoictiPc.ertaiilly not make the 'attempt.-,, ; h ltiii'll, however, proceed at once to :o . *:'distuisipn of the'bUbject be'ttee, • That , firiitin of the resolution before 11 11, us, which:kiat es to restrict the banks ' . ---% _"es . . . . 'from issuing' ~, f.. es od butane* denoini-. 'nalion than Sll% . isi:Epresume, a matter of comparative ind,ifterence to the Ira it Aera.,of Philaclelpll'a. Our merchants seceive and,pay Mos ly in checks on the "banks: - To another, • nd a veil respec table portion.of our' itizens, our mam,. facturei's and niec . hailcs, it is_ of more consequence. Some_ f these pay weekly_ in wages to their workmen, from ssoo' to 53,000., Supposing, a man's wages to ,he. lets tliatuten dollars a week, notes of ,that amourtt would be mushmore in convenient, s both• to the- payer.and re ceiver, than-,notcsof a,smallerdenomina tioni._itulAtilie_ p attics ___Ei refer-- -dc . b•llars notes, what' godd reason can be assigned for refusifig to gratify them? . Five dol lar bills! are more--convenient to the .market people,_ to travellefs, and to the ctuntsy_poptilation_generally. • It has peen stated by._a_ delegate_from: iliejtountykhat — originally, the. Bank of North - Amerlea did"-riot issue notes of a .es's denomination than ten dollars . . -As sume it--so-far.for-the_ sake of argument,- Tliirinikriallo — w — sr - liUty, that the publk. convenience demanded notes of a smaller denomination--for most certainly - that_ bank,.llke all others, has for many years • issued, fiv.elicillar notes. . . But I have it in my_ liolArgr to.furnish some-cu riou s-an tltt tab tio-i fo"rmatiour for the : meMber from the county, (c.. i. Ingersoll Yon this subject, derived from am .examination of the, minutes-of the board of Directors of the 13._•,1 , America, which I. take the , liberty Or reading, viz :.. Bank of North .Bn2erica,?' August .60i 1-789,- . "Mr. Rchard.Bache - moved;uponstte recommendation of Dr. fietijanain Frank lin,that this batik shouid,now issue small tickets or notes, to the - call of the: public for •change, during' the present interruption to the circulation of copper 'coin4 and presented a sheet of wiper of: a very malittr.fahric, most .suitable fot the • purpose- 7 01.-iviiich 'paper the Doctor: had only 'two reamslwhich he pm:ACO aiT use., .. .• . _. ..Witerupoit,...thk board resolved .. .that Belifti - ipht, V. 11 .. itrite.. wint . a' olititber of t i c k e tC o i , th e •dritotnitiatioit. r .of 'three. li t ne ieetir is pfla kdopay, ----- ,eqtrid7tiroire - e. -- , pence s . p cte t atid afscia ets of the .denornination cif , one ninetieth of a dollar, equal to tine penny.specie.. • The- minutes of October I, .1789, con ! . min the copy of a letter, from Thomas Willing,Esq.:Preiident of the Bank, to Alexander Ilamiltow — Seeretary - of-t be- Treasury,.from which I have taken the following extract: • ' ' _"We find,, and - daily experience edn' vinces,_. that there . Is . much leirrisk `of imposition. by.the counterfeiting of our paper; than 'of the gold:and , silver. . now - currenl are so-. manY-hBSe-pieCeS-Welrtnacie,lattd_ .current, thatit_ is_z nardly . possittle_for2a person to receive it withontlois, though _eveEso .well ,infOrmed-- It is a:truth that we have destlroyed; the last—yea-i-4,- Ap:tlie full amount' of twenty - thottpand .diallars,.offered to us in payment as-gold -and-silver." • • - :=:_Th - a - e - eitt - ritc,t7S - ftirniah us "with the ex perience-.or.ouri forefathers lon thesiib — ..- ject of paper. and -specie, which it • will be wellior_us_to_remember its the,course of this_discussioo-, ' .°, • The resolution before the committee, if . intended as a measure of hostility to - 111 - e - b - anlss, will prove abortive; the ar- - • raiv_willifall_shitir ti=o • - „banks'wilt - rintissue -- one - dollar less on -thatsincewito-borro_w, Of , " - the in', - irtliertaiiii - nr:ntitattriVe - dol tat notes, gladio.get ten dollar notes. ' 'When the Bank of England Avis chard ter,ed irt-1694, the same cry. of monopoly 'was urged'against: cre a tion. - This I7es w, _the measure f - ait • abridgment . of their over:.. Av,helnriingipbvirer. - .:J.tiey PerceivedAhat.' its-tencl'Oney-wits-to elevate-the-Cninniion ' ei‘s - in,Vvialth and influence with themselveS. - ,TheT.were . right.— .The--commerce of-the 'country, whia they-were too Slothful, ton aristocratic to cultivate, we's then at aTovit ebb; , but brthe industry, which .the bank, soon .di ff used •,n _d m ver- the whole-na on, anniaduites*ga - n_tojintirish,...and, ilie-canyasS=6F-Grea - t-Britaity - fo-whiten every ocean, 'in every...quarter of the globe. From' that, period in this, the wealth, the power, and the greatne4s of .the British empire, h'as been constantly on.the increase, until-they. ha've attained an eminence surp'assed byino nation on earth. • . .A bank, in its simple elements, is.bni _atrasso . ciAtiottaf - intliyillualsT --p for:theur -Pifisnoflending money. A charter guar: antee•s•to , the .- .Stockholder,„that he . shall riot be• made liable for more' than the stock he.subecribe.;; . and is as much a matter of convenience to the public, as to liiinself,sitic . e. the claimants. , on .the Bank can, with greater facility and cer tainty, assert their claims, by suing, an uniti Av hi c h7a7corpion suing individuals difficult to be 'deSig noted. • • , . A bank is invaluable to young trader's of fair reputation. I t enables them to enter into -competition with their more - weft l ty - nog i ors, pr ortune - ail or rame. Were it not for the facilities thus _affo rciedLta_m eriLa n ter p ize, _the_ :bu.,iness of the country ,would, be con, fined-to a few capitalists, who would purchase on their own terms,, and sell only for •eztraiagant profits:: 'Fite far- Mer would receive leSs- for,his produce,, and pay higher for thoSe necessaries he _wants in return: . - - Banks prevent .robberies. , I"t is, no doub4-within-the-reColiection-of-others beside . myself..--on this 2floor,_that f6r some years before *the establishment of the Ol- bank of the United:States, , in' 1791, robberies were ,of such frequent occurrence, that two or three burglaries in .a single night were, not uncommon. Our highways were inested`by thieves, iancl_our farm.houses frequently- despoil:- ed. T I)6 B_a9 it_stf_Nri eth_AM eri ca-w as then the, oply one in existence, and,as it was -but -little understood, people were not in the 'habit of depOsiting their po , ney_ in itssvaults for.safel-keeping.• „ • When •the Bank vasrechartered in 1787,_the JO •13rackenird was_ -a-repre,sentative fr m-Alleghenyr-in-the whos held ,in Philadelpht left: home a deAermined.enemy of Ahe Bank. He arrif his constituents had formed those horri hie ideas of itsmickechiess,- which many think, or affect -to entertain of the banks .of the present- day., , Some imaFhiect that it`Mas,compoaed of, a- bank of ban ditti, who inhabited-caves on Ihethinks • .f_lhe-Dela-Marerlitrm - --irlierirce - they - a - aLT lied forth to rob - hen roosts, and per petralq: other depredat-ions`on the lives and praperty of 'hely quiet neiglihors.— From their suPriol'ed . residence -on' the. margin of the,Delaware; was derived in the conception, of those honeacountry people,. the .fiarrie 'of hunks. The Repre• ..sentative I hav'e named,: pursued his *Slow, and '6autiou's - eourse - towards the .City,lemittiringVasfheTadvanced,. into the doings, of this ...young monster, - But Brackeuridge . was not a man 'to be long imposed Upon"; 'be remained:hut a short time in•the infected city, - when-mangre the,iroiructions and fears of his consti-. tuents, he became one* of the-mnst pow-. erful - ad.vocates for , recliaFtering . tho banli s and it was accordingly rec hart ered, • been courteou,sly Call , ' iiiii6Kri - j4,members of this :tion:' It; ,aftee haying paid for their 'privileges,' and • they :do not ,transcend their .powera, they sho.uld :be:coral/1y deprived of their charters, who.,are'then, this robbers? -- The batikor tlinse whq despoil 'Them of theii , liOxsk )I,,ut ) . 'say, these'nrietnbera; deal ray' but. only .to regulate the - Banks. . That is, LsuppOie,, only. to cut - off Their arms: and legs, ad 'then let 'them - ~run if they, can. • : -L_But , we_-_hkve—other__propositiotiS thati the one .now under consideration,.placed: on our, files, for futureaction, and .ema, nating frorri-the same quarter,froni =the 'woods . of Susquehanna!'• 'We are to . have,it seetna. but ten banks in the - state, With a • ciPitTil- of three millions-each; `thuscrafting off nearly One_ half of our _present circulation Now, .have gentle Men reflected on the effects of this-mea. • sure?- Onthe - misery_attd"..4siss to indiv,i ,„ duals, and to the public, Which anust , FeYu. m•- calling. o ut — orc many Inillipns---of our ctierency? • sca t-p6ssible to-believe _that _the _ail ocatea'__of__ 4 . h is-r4ipou -projict--can--be! serious. - But where : are-the ten banks to • - • lielticated?:.., -doulikless-be al-. lotted to St .r _i_s•Riehanna`county,iiid it may *be-Convenient fivlie - delegalelrom that . coUnty — , (A. ••11. - 12bad,)•10:2 be its. Cashier. Another will . doubtless go to Indiana county;' and one may find its way to WE ate if the . intesbarre, to gladden:the heart 01 ne delegate-from - Luzerne. : But. \vhere-will yon-plant--the remaining sevenTFlNCTiii can be- expected' to doinesticate i:n •this, city-ofabomin - ations—tiiii- - -- - ftfa - iiit=lioun& city of speCulators -and robl4rs,"--4his :'gang' of - foul spirits-t-this city of 'Mer chants, whose-counting houses are their elm - Idles; wilidse money is their God; and whose ledgers de aced ledgers of course, the delegate from fidiana twill - tindei _Standme,) - whose ledgers are - bin - b. - Bi- . _ bles:? . Allow me, once for all, to ob_sert e Bank: aSsuredly, did' ;not. apply to -the, printers: - --laut-the-printersi)ike all - other that the intidbifaiit'S of this some' wicked - - borrowers,---aPplied applied---to--the--Bank,-and--. and---- -city, ilave_ thirty. niiiitafiSTOf - d - ollaei' in; improvements- were ireated- - in the - Same ., Manlier. If vested in your internal &c.. they. offered satisfactory paper,Th'ey . were • yonettienpikes, rail road, canals, E•tc.- aecoMaiodated; if not, their applications r. --and no small portion of the revenue of were ,rejected. . I believe. the Batik has the Statels drawn froth the same source-:' suffered-loss_by _them; .but. that - the . I could name an indiVidual. now on this floor, who, besides oilier investments . of sumg•borrowed were regularly repaid. - the•land,:th at prod.ute ,hi m some rune . As a former Director of thaflnstitutiOni .'. ; aeration;bere7-enapiraticalltheir4myte-stimoiriy" iias4ne hundred. tti ousanditliil- - -I tars-invested in_ imProvemenis . r of - . ac: to the integrity of. all these-operations. ltaowledged utility 'to.; the State,' froni . ....rectalleet of those'printers ac- which he derives not one cent of income. companied liis-applic - ation with a written - ' I miglit'also point yom. attention to our declaration that he was opposed 6 dharitable -.institutions, :. our . numerous. Bank. and , whether the . loan•wakgranT associations for the promotiori_of know. ehis_op. . ledge ofid science, and for the'ren'tif le - asked, • suffering humanity:- To these and other 'He re.. . Avorks-of-disinterested_benevalence,...moi_ nisiitent,_____ a few of the "gang;' so called, devote. !gate has "nearly•the. whole of 'their time; and for "ere made '• the promotion of such objects...give.away. to T . hornas Biddle: implying, of courke, more than some of their envious slim. that the borrower had: been improperly: derers are worth ; or ever will be., Yet favored. The factsorthe case are these:, The _Government had paid off a large is the city, 'and these:are the men - amount, arits stock, held by the Bank, to whom •are ascribed, by the delegates - -- from SUsquehanna•;indiana and Luzerne;• and it became: a matter of concernment .the--.-opprobrioats-.epithets.- wit 4..114. have. to some irfkrnedir.tte....eniPlarnent. _for_ quoted: . ''. ave stopped spetthisaddition A o the funds of the Bank. __ _But ;the, .banks h Several, -persons were applied to, and . . paymentS ! the wicked. ingrates ! .But among, others T. Itiddle,_:..H.e was .i. .have not the people? and has not the go, broker of high; reputation: was in the . vertment? , • • habit of employing large sums in his _la tasines_S,aitcLagentleinan,---onwhose-,-- Tlre - delegate-fro'm-the-coutitc . Ingersoll,)-stated, in his nlace,lliat -So probity, ineans,• and punctuality, the utmost reliance'•.coOlcr be placed. To - .percent had had lately been paid for money. hiiii, -- (tieri . lare, - a femporary - liaaii - lir - d.A -- "[hen are Our banks the best remedy for, Made,: and ample i security obtairied.-_ , money, for ,they.cannot .chalte-Lnore than:Six per cent. . 'When the regular business of the Bank • enabled the Direct -ft is made the subject .of complaint' Ors to use these funds, in ordinary, discounts,. the . money was. that the issnes of 'the banks are irregu dematikled-,, and. returned,, together with, in _that they sometimes lend,profuselY; the interest; In this •tra nsactibn, the -:--- and then very sparingly., As well. may gentlemen complain Of the-variations of Batik was -- its - inunh obliged to Thomas the-seasons;-aticts_that-ionr`-wrote-rs-do-not_Biddle, a's •Thoprias Biddle was to the- Batik. '.• A loan to - Charles . Biddle has:, yield crops of cotton and grain, as well likewise been the subject orcriticispi. as our summers. - When produce -is • It: is suffioient for me' c, say, in relatio ' .- brought to market, money is wanted to lb that loan, that he the tiin .a., pay for it; when the season for business Director of one of our - city banks and ' . is-over, nioneyceases. to lie is equal de that the motley he borrowed,,wayfor the mand. About fifteen hundred thousand bales of 'Catton are brought use of that • batik, at a- perid .6f public • - -annually '-to our- sea ''ports.--',"The- . Banks pressure-,tr_the•Bankofthe_United.StateS, -.. then-called-:on;-an -` ey-lend-io - ac, - 10 ~h at all times- willing. to render neceSiary° Ove assistance to any of the other bail - Its. On 4 commodate the dematiol/ ' The shippers draw upon tleeir EurOpean earrespon- another occasion,, ; , a conSiderable loan dents, and the Banks are repaida was made to aperso.n wholield'a- . high t h e . si ate . : ef. station. as a public public officer. - ' He called at ' farther ;exemplification, the Bank, and :Wedged - that Congress .• Kentucky sends, .annually, to the - At rtien,wilhout making an•appeopria-' . untie States live -stoek--as-horses,- ,had ""tion-,.t0- 'enable- him - to7pay - a - Stapulated - . ---,- m illes,Tcc. , tiLthe. vt — iflue of two milli's:Ms • sum to certain - India - with - Whom he Id dollAies. The_banks there furnish the -had negotiated a treaty: for there - Linda; mean's of payment to a.. class _of men who with whom he fipprthended' diffit. .. purchaSe• of the farmer's. The Banks' .and culty, as he -would not be -able to make • are repaid by _drafts_ on eastern met. „f chants, who, in turn,'"are provided for byilen\ comprehend, why he could not pay • - le--- - e . ;/ them according to contraet.. The -amount .. the arrival of the stock:" In. a sing .required ' was- adyanced..l4 the _Bank, - tablishment in. Cincinnati, onto thousand hogs„are slaughtered Idaill, during the , which. waited- until Congress, 'at their . neit-session;-!made-the-neceSiary-npprei season, and in that city, .t here arese\eral of-these extensiveestabliihments.--Ma..::Pelatiele loanc.,Avi -eiaaid. . - .Another ney is, of course, wanted for these one,. olds a . i'lleinatt7whO pow -. . h rations,- and the, same pracess takes ,„.hlArnst and cOnfi- - place. So : with our Millers; they want dente. in the government, who was, at vheat, and reimburse -the- the time,-and I believe' has always - been, ale of tfieliT - Honr: 'When one - of f the Banit'..s - onrionents - . -- ' ----,-- • --:-- nooney o is.watited,.the banks lend When ' I--should notfeel myself warranted thus -- it is not wanted,. they cannot lend. It-is to speak of these several loans, had. it . - contrary to .their intdests to-keep-their not. -been for- the charges -of - partiality means unemployed: • .k ---' .. .. _. and political. faioritism; so often urged ° , against the instittrtion; and,l ana'aure if , _ • But the- monster,-. tt ;Bank olthe ID. the - parties Were sloir irfniY heiiiiii, they 'That - States! that bane of lir prOslierity:•L: . Wou Id excuse the?) liberty, I - 7 - takein : thus . • That same monster was going- on :very referring Usefully and.harnilessly, in thelaursuit to these.improper ... may no .be transactions.::, -••: .',. • A. , . Of its, lawful occupations, when General nother fact .ii. to Mention.' •. AJnajorit of ~the Dit•ec,. Nisk.S.on took: it into his head 'to confer . -,-:- a head on_ the •Poparnoutti..branch, and tors or the Batik were 0 iginallyjadlcson-- , tc,'signify, tbrough_ liN,. friendship, his men, and hid actindli!given theie votes this .notect . perSon. - if they. iiectime • 'desire for other changes in the adininiS. I for imi , 1 otherwise , it was . i ns ,fault ,. not theirs. [ration of its Conee.,l7FlS. - He was not tifia:"Hel iiiidlireviCitiSly--,.-Spoke-o-:oell: It:sliotild-be-remembered-also,-thitti7.ilie administration appointed five-outnif . the ' . ortlie , .' bank-4e now 'became iis deter= which the board c'onsistedi. „ • Mined, enemy—be : first flattered . ; and twenty five of w 'ii , s, :Ant politics .formed no - part Orate •btisi , . tftens:ailiied for favors. But the lady ness of the bank.. In-their loans;:atid in , :•- cky . -she had no fancy fora .more • inti-• their-appoifittrients,:to 'office, theenquiri. inate"connettion,Tatid - then - came tife-det iaration ofwat .. ! , l i .mtist tie admitted,' never was as to the, pulitical,qininus, Of . _ • OM= idIWIP SERIES; F'OL. 2.—Xe. S. said the President, 'that the Bank' hi s failed in the great end for which it - was • • established—a -uniform and- soithd--, cur--- • i•ettcy . ." ; But our troinestic exchanges were th o, on an average, throughout the. cou try, _at _ab , put one half, of one -per cent., and iv afte - r - W - thi.±ds gradtially, rose to. 5 per cent, 10.1 per •cent, and . - per Cent: and from Tennessee rernittun ces to Philadelphia reached 25. per cent. remiutit. The removal•of thedepcisites • gave - tliefirst - itnpulae; and the "usflen •Oon of specie payments added to the:, - - troubled -- wave.. Generarn - Cligo - 11 ---- 7 - • 'had sworn it 'tremendous oath that he •tvottliFwAtig-off - th - e - Ace - ck --- Sink' ,--and lie selddm wavered.i is plirpose. --A-gentletriatiov-ho-itad-been-his-iritimate -friend for _years, - anti who was also my_„ friend, said of hini.,.-"I never in-all myl, life,-knew ; -that--man. to-tiiidertake - any thing, gootr_Or ""bad,. that'. he Would not- persevoreln, withoitt --regard. tO-.conse- • - quences - ' . He_ did: so--perseverei - until - :his measures destroyed the best currency '• any nation was .ever . blessed with, and • brought ruin on• thotpEands. ' • ..• • - This little matter of 'neck . - N - a - S — a very- natural conception. 'The:. General _was-known -to-be-game,-.and -has -- - lcuir - sustained -- -the ---- repUtatitarpf - _isemr - . one ort he best cock fighters in. the Chris- . lii.n.t-corn rpulnity,c,.,,,--,,,--,;-- ~,_„..„: t , y, It was \ long *a * charged upon the Bank, that it I 'it money to.,printers; i(:id the crithina ion has been revived. on t )e flonr of .this House. And - why, - let nie ask, should not - the loans of the . Bank, esterida - to priniers, as well s - .to' any -ather-class-of---ottr fellow c-iti;,....., - ~...---- Me 13 MI ME