CI • • ~ . . 40 -- .. 'SEEt '' egetabie - . U naPilli.' ' • ~; Science shinsldislintribute/lo the Comfort, Ilcil h , ...„ ~__...,--•-andLftappl4..caajf 11=1;471V'. .. . ":1110' lilteTeiglireentli/oflny; 1835,-these- now I s - ,Ttii . ilytelebrated rills• Were &it glade known in - liiiellititeil'Statei, although in-Europa-they had . been previuy rri dly before toe pub *.c nearly a cell ; .tuiiy: •• the - Aeriaiin Iftilille naturally viewed , 1. _ Ahem-with. suspicion.,..;_butes_.on_t_lal they were - ,.' fhond.What they professed, it was , goun displaced • ihy..tlie greatest. Confidence.. ' lit, fact thO iminy .7.._ Winn who have coni t menced with them under - the Most trying circumstances of bodily Tune. tiott,-wbewev.ery.•oliter Means. and incaLetnell-al • proved altogether iiiiiiiiiiliiigi 'l . laVe a:e rest ll riA • o health entl•happioesss 11..411;0:eh; use, Atinl . the • ---consequence is, they, are now reiimunieniled.b:.. . . thousands of persons Wlioni they-It:11 , e .oiled of • ,Consumption, loiltietris, Colds, lndigest-om.Dys . • 'Witte, H ea d a che,l.-!aitts,-..lintl_a:sen , e Of, alines' lit the ..badk part of. the Ileati,.ustially th, sylitp: toms of 'Apoplexy; Jaundice, Vevey .a Agne,.. -11illlous,'Scarlet, l'yphtlic, Yellow; and coiniutni fevers of all---kifitliiii-d-mt; -IllittifinatismT • :Nerimus•••Diteases, Liver Cuinpla - nt,' lileuriby ltteritid---Werkneis, Depression - of the .Spirlo , ,. ' Ruptures, Inflammation, Stine Eyes, - Fits,. - pals. ; /-) . ropsy, Small .'ox, lileazles, crotip, Cough ' '- • - Wllioqping Coug,h,, Qinney, Colic, Cholera M 0. .: -2._ _ bus; .11.4rav el Worin4, Dysentery,•D&ifne>9. lt•ng • .' ' int, Noises-iii tile • ii.eadir.iiiiS's. Evil,__SceMMA, Erysipelas, or S. Anthony's Foy; Salt'ith - enaii .• White Sw elling , , . U Iders ‘ sonie of, 30" y e;ll'.i ht:1114. ing;.4.lancers, :rumors,. Swelled Feet and-Leggy, l'ileih, Costiveness, all Ertiptioos of the Skip Frightfid Dreams,,-Female c,enplaints of eveQ . kind; ospecially:obatructions; relaption, Yee. - .-- - Although Doctor 13. has enumerated "by name _ .: - ..the r abo,ve - diseases, lie is nevertheless of pßini4ll -__ with hie grandfather, the late celebieted Dr. VW.' - Brandreth, that there is Only ONE. Disease,aii - • impurity of the' blood, which .by in - the - ding the . circulation, - brings on- iiiflammaticm, and cause ---7--qttemOdrangement in the organ' or part- where such impurity of the. blood settles; andl-liitriri-s -- :the different appearances which thisintlataation -or derangerpein puts on, - that - have caused ineili , -cal men designate such-appearapces_by.vatiouit. --iiiiii-es,'l:butTvirltielLare• in - fact, only the same ills .. ease,, with more or violence: -Di'. W-n F... prandAlth was so fully convinced of the truth of the above . simplle theory, that he spent thirty years in expe*riments and laborious Teimareli , into. -the medical ~p.t.fipertics of .the . nuinerous phint'S °composing the 'Vegetable Kingdom; ,liis cilijuin - being tocompose a• medicine • which 'should at _ . once purify, and produce by specific action', It .. removal-of-all bad hortiors front the blood by the - .6v the continuation-Tr - stomach-and bowe s, a- _ aura-to be carried:-..oir;_annitenMeicllKW; i:iratrr state of purity; at . u.l iiliciever • takes thes:iiVillK 'and.persereres-with -be.gatOied that -Dt, Win. Brandretli - fully attained his philantltro - pie object. It is now. an absolute and known Ad, that every iliTifire,-whether-it-be in the hello :. •I or-feet, in the train or meanest mernheri Whethei an-outward ulcer, or an inward abscess, ar, all, thdogh arising front mxny - causes; reducible s'.....,.34_thisionegrand effect' _namely impurity of the ;_ . In. all cases_ they will IA found a safe and sin , 'Phyremedy _yet all powerful for the removal of - - the disease; whether chronic or recent, Itifectioa or otherwise; and what makes them partictilifil. adapted for this country, - is that there is not-,tlic slightest liability to cold when taking them, in .____±d_c_6lAhe system is absolutely. les's susceptible o cold when under .their inthience, than at an 3, other time;: therefore-in thi'; 'Oinaate . they are in ' valuable. Neither dd they require change • diet or care of any kind. • lii.Engbuid these Pill,- .. have been "the only medicine- of many latiiriC%l ----ftirperiads3^aryirrgqi,enr-fopty-to444:ly.:ycJrs..iu . have always-proved effectual in r6toriog health wherever an aberation from it' occurred. , consequeliec.of, the' n u merous itninterfeits for sale in the .Drug and Chemical Stores,. the public are cautioned against purelia,s ing of anirperson except the accredited agents. Beeturity Against counterfeits: . ° Da. 131LANDRETII has adopted.- the following plan to secure the GENUINE Brandreth Pills to the public. E4ry . atdhorized Agent must have. - a Certificate of 'Ageney, and it Will be seen that - ''fli - double forgery MUST-be committed, ,before any one can pro Cure a forged Ce.rtifiCate, and the person having it in his possession is equally Bahia with the forger.. The folk:wing Are the appointed agents for .this vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore, Chamber - abut Jacob A. Winrott, Gettysburg ObILISY & MT . NEU, "Carlisle arid Wm. Bell, Harrisburg. Dr. Drandreth's officers for the, sate of the aboveTills'are 169 Race_ above sth street, and 34 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. May 8; , - - . nevi. Dr. DartholOmetv 3 s . • :PINK,. EXPECTORANT SYRUP. • , ikri'ailegibie cordial, and effective remedy for -Coughs,- Hoarseness, Colds,' Pains in the Breast, Hard 13teathing; Mild Difficult expectoration. For .dclults Ed' Children in cold climates and warm. The proprietors are aware. that there are many remedies fbr-couglis-and-dislases-ortlie•lungs ; _ some no doubt - ire good, but it has remained to - a ..-----laie - daYlo - discoveran - artiele - so - admirably . _ fitt e d _ to these 'complaints ; so powerful. and effectual, .` incl jet - do perfectly innocent and mild. • "Letinitit he publig-Tclanlierscientific-result-of ,1 • - -a-learned Physician and DiVine with the nostrums of the day,, Let them Mak e -a careful perusatof 1 --- , -. .the evidences attending this article; their 're ; .. ispectabiliti;',and the decided iiiiiiiier.iu which - - they speak, and they cannot withh Id their be eir • - • •lier tcr•some Of its virtues; Let us' ssure them ti ' that single trial °f r it witl . do - mor to convince ~ . all- of its merits 'than all they can.see Or hear on •,--,•-ther•subject. ltiis quite certain that no 'injury - .--tras.ever-been known to arise•from its fr e use. - . •q ri 'uncommon' fact, is, _that this rem dy ia a 'syrup, rialpalitably_and pleasant to, the taste as • - tlie moMpoPular French 'cordials and children. •• i take it always with the greatest readiness. .::.This proprietors are now making r iiid arrange-, --- , --,-imentato ; , :th'e,..ltittils:of -e.vCrYr. • druggist and apothecary in the country. It may .-be knownto, be gennine by the foßoWing signs., • ' ture as beloW of the Rev. Gentleman a icl- My - glean who is the'author'or,it. • '• It is with great-pleasure:that the•prq, rietors •.'- are enabled.AMlS 'to bting - forward, an Aliele so . truly -meritorious as this syrup, and from Such a fl • , source,-and they trust the community who 'have ~occasion_for Its use may always'find it within tlicii . . reach v batli ins to placesat which iemay be friMid, and the low price at which it is sold. , • '. '.' A great number of the must, wonderful cures -•-- - MaY be been by calling on Mr: Bolander,.Caidisle, ,--- at-Whose toreit is. fot_sale. ~Hee Air. H.olander's papers: ~ _ - ....,, . • , . ' ' . Alsiafor sale by S. ELLIOTT, .' -. :DISSOLUTION, • • . THE Partnership 'heretofore; existing bkween the subseribers, under the firm of HALL AND 'PORTER,dayditsolveil by'mutual con sent.., The books are in . the handsef TVilliont M. Pfrierysilliti ,Is Authorized to Settletbe JOHN' L. N.. - TIALL, • •wm, M. Pprriltti, Carlisle, Oct. 30, 1837. . • • . • ----LEatlftcmop.Drarehrt,...P_L.G..ql(kg, jlgeus§A NOTICE. , • iterionit indebted ,to the estate of litq`ofs:theltorougli. of Newville deceased., are requested to .•rittike'paynienti without delay, to Mrs. th aline 4; qt4lo.4.e_b;...tix*eui.ris , ,residing boron gh . .aforettid, • or. to -Robert towtisulClir2se Baying claims against • ' J. 'GEJ)I),E.S... .Executrix. ROBERTjLAIR Executpr; 1:16a. 18,1837. MI 4,OItIWSO-Nlk?-'ILLS. It LC E fl , .. . & . . . . ..o.ral ngent tla r•nilsylvanin, ',La L;ylaptl, Deluwarey c.. Nu, i,o with All ,t; tikr,o duos bolow,Atarket sly Ph ilatl.l 4 iiiiV , and No. 101.4.1t4, sc., liaililliure, near tit:, l'osi. Ot; tite. .• ' , :Ask:T.ol.s Nlcustaxds or • • COLLI;(3IS oY . • WHIC:11 have obtained9'se - Approbation and -1 - kzeuronsendation -Thousand-:fltottsansls; who have been iii CuisS'ampiion - , Cholera Morino. n'Ai' 4l,l--- - boos internally ur extet , nally, and ali diseases of •the Liver, yellow ..FeVer, Gout, Lumbago, Ooh drib. -DroPsy, $t ,Vistsis's Dance, Pspilepsy;Appopiexy,Ysiky,',Oreen.:Ssick ness, and ail, isns:ructions to which the,eale • torn! it-...liiitriiss:nglY.frable, and .Wi Fin tich - seinrso , many of the fairest portioiiof the . Creation to their. -untimely, graces; Small )'ox, Measles, ‘ll - 11 - ooping gOitgli, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Jauhdice. Gravel, S tone, and -it Urinary Obstructions, Fistula, Piles,,,lfCipteres; and Syphilis in.all.its stages, Co_ „tip d e dityswe;s, Worms, S.Cury_y, (tolling of the Evii, Catapeons , Disorders - ; - is short,. every complaint; :Which . the' hurrian ( - risme tS so :1.1!.:f tily stsojecti under all their varied sianCesir-as the Ifygelan ctinvictionis, • thrit 3111fgaiTti OiLe:i cal disease thatis . fit [fie 1 y.i f f the-blood, fruits wlience springs every conylaint that'u,sh - possibly assail his corn pric ste:i frame, an.rrliat it is the•perpettial-strug gle of , hi s vital, pure stream of life, ; (the -gift. of Almighty power) to disencumber itself-of its vis cous - acitd -:humorsis--with _svliich it has, become. cointnixed... . -, This. Valilisble.medicine, being composed-only. ' of vegetable's-natter, Or medicinal herbs, and war ranted.,on oath, as - containing not one particle of -inercurial,--mineral, or chemical, substances; (all _of which4ireuncongenialio_the nature of - man, and . therefore - destructive to the human frame) lo sund toll:se-perfectly harmless to the most ten der age, or weakest time, under every sage of human suffering, the-most-pleasant and-henigi-in ' sts operation -Mut at the same thne the inost cer tain io-searclthig_o_tit - the cast orevery hisweverdeep, and of . Pabt - T - Miliga - cure - that - was ever offered to the - weal This wonderful effect, toO-is-produced - by the' least -trouble tt.r. -t.ent,s, by inerelyswallowing - a certssiiiiiumber of - Wills, and: being called a few extra times - to the purpose of evacuation, with . the least possihle sensation of pain, , exhatistion of boairy strength, And_withott t the • fear of-catching cold, or_,atten! -tion 'to d ss,o diet,..i.u._any_ststsy_differe ist, _front .450-ir,aP.lntsSlOnted. iits..,TheSti - pilts - c - ure in-all -c-a4e..,-;tud-calinot_bc_taken exc.t7.si7alTEizi:' d iice,.which is the touchstone of all human know edge, has long' borne, the fact; and truth in this 'country. , ' 1 r= - . 1 - *-fiese4nedicines cure T tly.,.p_urgip_g, and yet the, weak, the feeble, -the- infirm; the --stervouirfliel sleficAte are in.a lt - t . v days strengthened by their operation, because they:clearthe body of its bad funnsrls;- ltd._ invariabir,:produce sound sleep., They are - the safest and most elliciCietiSMridie-iiie :o hike to sea, - prevefiting,-scurvy, costivenesis„ &c. - The operation of 'this mild Medicine, which conveys immediate conviction.britabtility; 11;Om die first doSe is asHbeneficial mishr as Mei surly; first calming, their curing, all Mental de rangements, ,licceistrie,ties, Nervous Affections; drtnubtlites ltestlessness,„from_ witatecy.,l ,oliXce; .coilipLintS which hail: Lucca prirperly understood, as thellygvists have found them all to pfoeeed from acrimonious huniout s -due:bloodyaiidi-impfilVfol-the-Present-andfuture- 1 eace of inankiud, discovered a cheap an'd'i.titiVer' ritale - otimiifyingTettringrand - preventing...- - The being cured of any disease, infirmity, or ;ore, is now, no inure a dubious or uncertain pro cedure----perseverance id the Vegetable universal Medicines will alwayilestore nature to her due course. The literary and gedentarY; of both sexes,, whose pursuits so much.. impair the'facul ties, . will find , a sure remedy in the :thtirersal Medicines for preserving the energy and spright liness of, the - imagination; and - improving their health; old age will be attained , by the use of them, and passed free from pain and infirmitieS.. They are not enveloped with the mysteries of other medicines- ' they only require to' be perse -vcred in-with Sufficiently large.doses, and tient will come' off' svell;—when a disease is 01.) stinate, patients frequently do not take'doSes large enough. . • •The medicines are comprised in three aisferent articles only, viz: ,inAwo kinds of - pills, of differ ent Strength or power, designated -4-No_l.und 2; tliq L lirst is a powerful, but most mild and gen. tie aperient, or opening Medicine, detaching and partially removing the billious ropy humours, whilst the No. Pills carry off those and the serous acid and putrid' humours, incidental M. the body; and act together as a ferret in a warren, never' resting until of' the . human .frame is thoroughly searched,.ec and cleansed of . its impurities.. • The Vegetaide Cleansing roweers stre.9fgrent. assistance to patients and•facilitate - the.cyacusstidn of-badlitmiciurs; they Soften, cleanse:iind detach the acrimonious .. phlegm ; are cooling, and allay the thirat. One, two,, or three powders May be -Luke,,-throughout ;..the.ilay,..mixedinlalf.a.tum , bier of water. -. 'file pills are son in packets or 4,..6,,and: -f3-,--antl-25-and-54-.centLboxes-.--the-tavnufrimer consist, of three boxes each, viz. one box of No 1, and two boxes of No. 2—the latter; one larger boX with a division; the powders arc in separate boifes at 37i-cents-each. ' .(0•1n consequence of the repeated SOiit.itations Of the agents, and for .the Convenience of the Public in general, boxes of t .so . cents, and 25 cents each,-can-now be had of,'all the Tents. - • • GENERAL R_EMA . RKS - RELATIVE FAVS.I.IFE I. I .IiLLS h PIRENIX B! These medicines hili•e 10ni71.76.11 linuWil and appreLitedq for their extraordinary and inimediate. powers•ut restoking ywrsuits suffering under nearly every kind ut disOltle tense hick the human frame is liable , liiallY linfiebealiffeertilicatedinstances, they have cyon-reseited sulferers fronethe_xery verge of nu untimely caave, niter sill tho deceptive nostrinorof the slay liad tit• • Pal)._ folk:dr:arid to manytlititts.inds they have permanciitly secured that uniform enjoyment of health, without Which life itselr is bubo' partial blessing. So great, indeed has their efficacy invariabli.ititt iii tlubly 'rivet ek'iliteLlt. has .appeured seareely loss than inintotilons,,to those Whit, linen_. UnacqUailitinl With theheutitiftilly philosophical pi ' upon which they' liee coniputintleil, and upon us Itich,they cupietpiently. aut. It manifest and sensible 'station:in purifying the; springs mid thaiiiield of life, -- und eittluffig tfienewith runetred tone and vigor, that they were ilidebtcd for their Dante, w hick wps btstuWill upon...lunit at the spontaneous rerpttst Of several inch% tffital 4 ',how lire ['they liodiffiriously saved. • . ' he proprietor rejoices in the .opportanity a:forth d by the unis.ersal diffusion of the daily press, tin. piecing Ins -MEG-E-PA-HLE reaehs-ottyery individual in the cianinturity. thiffite Ake host or peilliCiollf glitiCkeritS,WhiClL boast of refit table in gredients; the Life Pills-stre solely vegelable,-nial. contain neither blercury, Antinomy, Arsenic, liar ally othe, eral, hi tiny form -whatever. 1 hey are entirely colopps.:d" of extractirfrotii . furs midpowerful plants, the-virtues of T which;-thougleiuiig !slims Li-to-set ernt-Ilnlian_irduStjnit_ recently to some emnientplutrinaccutical chemists, are alto egether mrklrinnytt. tu Alierfigffillfilsttsprerapslei s in . 11.eilital I science; 1 - were never b e foreutliinniStered - in - so - hoppi l y . efficacious a combination. - • The first operation is to known the coats dr the stonisali null bow/els, the various iffipsfrities nod er ta yilinies emisntix thou; and to is move the _lnitileized-littes Which collect in the couvoittioaa of the small intestines. Other nictliein, partially cleanse these, and leave such col fleeted masses behind, us to produce 'habitual costiveness; 'With all its train of evils, or totthlootharrltien, with its ins iinitierit dangers. - --this fart iS'ssekt -known. ta - anatoinists,'-who-examitie uftertleniffir ain n flieee the prejudice ol thirst. Well 1.. n nt., tinte-Wewt. 'lliir4iftf6klßitinitretturthelygt . : -., flie - sceuseil -ct i ; ; M ntAitt. VEt...LUTSIII,I.,-.LIF.E.PIL-1.5-esLo-cleanse the kidtay stunl . tkehladder, and by Oil , olefins, the liver mud this tune, the brattlifuructiim of which entirely &pi:quit -1 1mm the -regetlarity-of-the-uritrorY-org.ans, Thelaltunl,-whielt-tirkes its red color front the agency of the liver tend the lungs be-' fore it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished coming. ream a clean stomach, 'Ttotii•Ses-feeely-ilitongli-the veins.-reinni s every pint of, the •sySteth,iiKertrirelipineutly mounts the red the bloomitig • Theffillowing ace amour, the distressing variety ffiliontair armies, to which the Vegetable - Life Pills are sell knonn • to kei et DIiSPIiPSIt; by - thoroughly . mind stainticlasrand creaking at flafie of our, healthy Ili by ti.teadof the stale and swat Fla aleney, Palpitation of the beart,l,ol.9 or Appetite, litart - p'.:VI and Ileaskathe. ifestlessiless, -1117feimpiTTATixicry-FLangstor,-anik--.l.lelitis elitily, which ore the general, Will vanish sif a natural' rot scqueitec of its Cuailixearsx. 'by Cleansing the' es hole. length of the iniOstines• w id; a stil i•ent process, and without vitilenee;•all ciuleut pfirge•sleave the bun els costive within two days.. "Di.n.ttitka and Cholera, by removing . the sharp acrid Ileitis by.which..these.colie. plaints are ueettsitMeel, the hilirieative set retion'of the i..usciti. niendiran::i. Freres t/' air hinds, by restoring' - the hand strirt7gular vii ruhlliup,through the pew,,s or peripiration in Soule Caws, autl. the. thorough 'so • PI'LLS have - been known to mire Rlieutitotirtil permanently ..„li_thrqe„yre.,elo2fjLiti half that time; by reinfis'ing Meal - iffilitninaillin . " Irmo Wt .. ; mus'elrs'iiiiirlilflifikWilrtlies . joints. Drofiries dull Aid*, by fet•ting unit strength, ning the kidneys and bladder; the yoperate'must deliglitfillly on - these important organs., and hence have ever hers final _a certain remedy for the worst cases Of Ortivel. by dislodging - Trout the turnings of the boWels___ffie.slinly matter to which these creatures adhere; *Asthma nod Con stimption;by l:Sewing the air vessi•ls of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds Will occasion, which if not removed become s liat.dencil, diseases." Scurvy, 'Ulcers, and invetertitr sores, by the poll feet purity which these Life eilfs give to the blood, and sly the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, anti bad crimple:thins, be their alternative effect Upon the thlitls that reed the shin, ths morbid state of cvliieli occasions till Ertl lithe coniplaint. Sallow t tSuudy, Mai other disagreeable Complexions. 'Elie use of these rids roe a very short. time. pill elf et an entire cure of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking I inprute-, Anent in the.Clearinss of the skin, Common Colds and In fluent:4 will always he cured by ate ties', or by tiro, es, ii in 'the worst eases. Piles,-as II remedy for' this most dis tressing and obstinate 'malady, the 'Vegetable Life Pills-de serve a distinct and empliatre recommendation. It in well litioWn to Iniiiiirtds in thus city, suit the Prtiprie.tor' or these invaluable was himself !filleted wiApite complaint for upwards oC thlety-ffeivforrs, and he Erten in vain every remedy' prescribed within the is hole ronipais the Meteria Medici. lie however, ut length, tried the medicine wh iel t he tiovi off rs to the public, tutu lie wascured in a very short - time, after his- recorerybadfbzen , prottuutfited not only im probable, but alirufutely impossible, by ally 1111111.ln it - t . U1194 I)IRECII'IONfi FOR Proprietorof the Vege table Life Pills does not follow the base find Mercenary prac tice of the quacks - of the day, in advising persons to take his large quantities. No good medicine can pussi bliVe so recuin,d. These pills are to be taken at bed tilde everynight, awn week orfortnight, nccording to the disease. The usual time is I'Vnin 2 tu 5, according to the constitution of the person - . Very.tielicatc persons should begitem ith bus twoond increase its the !intuie of the case may require thuseautwo_rtibusto orofcry costive liabit,inay bo•gin with 3; and increase 10 4, or even 5 Pills, and they will 'effect is sufficiently bap . py gendethe patient in their fur ther use. These Pills sometimes occasion shiftless nod vomiting, though very seldom, unless the stomach is very foul; tins ; however, ny be eonsiderel.aftivoriffile symptom, as the patient will find himself at : once relieved, and byper -severance- will-sure-recuvci . ... - -They.sesually.operate_within. 10 or 12 hours; arid never - give pain utiles. the bowels are very much encumbered. ,They nifty be taken by the most delicate females under any eiceiminiiiierc however. -recemmtaivitTunituraitia. IfithriaTidttharpregidnFfiTiliiiTir take brit one at a time, and thus continue -tat keep the bowels open: and - even tiro may he taken where the patient is very costive. One pill lusts solution or two table spoons fall ol watt , r, May he given to an infant in the following doses-a tea spoon full every - two hours till it operates; fl=ea ehild frouilfile - liitlvb years of age r -lialf a pill-und from five. to ten, one pill. . THE PICENI.X. tniTTEtts, are so called, because they. possess the pum'er of restoring the'expiring embers or health, tint Klouili n o. rigor thi.oughout the constitutionias the Piece hit is said to In restored to life from.:ttle - ashes of its own dissolution. The .Pltuntix Bitters are entirely vegetable," /110 RISONIA. N-A it lie ParnilyAdviscr t jsxrß of the British Colleire of ilealth,-3el Edition, price o c' t tu a l ii ` iliVii:;. c . , i 7 i neve:. fail ) t . o ertnliCate ' entirely tile LT -75; and PRACTICAL PROOFS ul the tiyge- fects of ISL/wiry, inliniteg sooner than the-most penterfui ian system of Physiology', including the !ioeig,h pre t p r a n t•N i i , ms , 7l:p i t i r L suparthu,and will immediately asLre the Of Life." ." Treatise' on Smial-poy,; ,, .‘Lette tkt r on 000 THE HED; nevertA4l In. ' sickness incident to yourog females; mut will he found n Cholera Morbus," and many attested cures effect- certain remetly•iirall CaseS of nerroas.debilityanducakness itm- DAs- -Mc..orid.../Ittfrourf mpaire untor..y_ constitu ...lfhttitltflall As fiaxl hi' e efficy ca f t the of the most id tions. a rmedy for i,. Edition, price 37 4 cent s Phoenix Bitters will be demonstrated by the use of s'suPgfe' The llygeian Medicine's are all imported 11110 wink. The ritual those of these bitters is half u wine glass water Or Wine- itild thus Milan linty he taken two this a great expene, notwithstanding , , ./ Y , r tome bolero nay, nouffilia t an LIMIT Meal 3, which they are sold at the same priea , tts in Eng.. , quantityniny bet taken at all those who ore I hare been 6years before the Amer-" _afflicted with indigestion aftertnierds„ these Bitters will .1 •, th e r of e f; . prove invaluable kathey_very_gyeatly_inerease the scion of Mon publici their preeminent. success site principal visiuma,litip.ttuti to of the. afflicted, tbo assault can testify • . and enable •the stomach so dricharge• into.' the bowels (..; A. 43 rioN.--ia Colf-tetFtence the ti g h whatevor is olrelisire.. Thus indigestion is easily find speedi , estimation ill which Morrigon.. are ly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths-of the ab essorbmit-vesseh being cleansed, nutrition is lavilitated, and the public,"it has induced an innumerable host: of /Strength of boily . ond energy of mind use the happy results unprincipled counter el els to attempt imitations, Foe 'Cornier pletteulites of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS and Hilr'r.ett, appiy..ot mr.'moir'oes offiee 2 , No. ' under• deceptiVe terms thus to delude tliz.ttuwary.,±tatlreactway,NeW whe re tlie - eau be affiliiiied -and foist their-nostrurnsifor_the_GLmuinet lygcian ,f.for2s cents,•so cents, or 81 per hot; and the Bitters for f3l Cd• Numerous eertineutes of the syouter _Medieine;_in 9ertSeaßenee of which,. the Agent °' s 2 per b"ttlrl,- .'ful efficacy of both, may be there inspeetedi has taken the precautit ' Waftli -64 ar'roftiavillicltt -- Inlionfe r olistittate - and - counrise tt l e a -aseute.efrrimie-atiti. Extra Yellow Label fixettOn'itiach Picket, signed ' initatailiatoey Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, Fever and, by the Agent of each State and ,. 'District, and by:2' D ie. 'sin Pali • Piles liduries rom the use of mei , . g. YI I )1 J. • carry, quiliiioe,and other diseases Nag standing, it ip - be . their Sub-Agents, in every County; the innfation found mccaaliy Intake-both the Lin! Pills and timid:chit , of which will subject . the forg'er to the severest the doses before recommended. . . .N. 8.-These Pills auiltlialittnrs.nill_get all mercury nut punishment the Law . can hind it is further' of the system infinitely faster than the bestpreparations or lo.beituticed that none . of. the above Medicines Sarsaparilla, • and cetain yerfiedy foe the l'oShing•ef cantle - obtained` - i0" any Dritg' Stor 'throughout i blood to the head; or all violent , headaches; lie douleurrix,' the Union, ; f il e Drug • • Stores being the principal uersons.ulto are predisposed, to apoplexy, palsy, . _ . • Es.c,, shOuld without "the Life Pills Or the Hitters , . source till migh which the counterfeiters vend fur one &nein time wilLsave life.' .They equalize the eireti ilieir spurious articles. . • / lotion of the blood,draw . all pressuri. from the hen 1, restore appointed A- . ' perspiration, and throw off.every impurity lie Vt le ',Greco ' CO'llespeetable parties may.. be gents on liberal terms . ; by applying-to . the General! the iduit • • Depot, No.. 2'3 Sotrin S,avraitTa.STnastlireeii • ' - for sale at the store of S. ELLIOTT icloctit,below:-Miti,ket-stre c i r _ t , haadel i thia _ and _ at , . !re : ptembeelB,, •• . No. 10 North street Baltimore; nearly opposite the. Peal. Office s Where' the Gernline' Medicine:.irnay • alimys be, obtainexit__---. -- • . For•sitle in Carlisle, at the store of Ocat.- ex & HITNER. ' Sept: 4, 1837. . . Stock find ; -.g.tchaitge MitOKER, street; oppo'slte to Wilson i -Hotel,- • • zai b . - aalazgatait Mao- ,„ • . Stocks . ys hod sellablotes Of all bought and sold. LOTTERY 'PRIZES ,casliedi and all Information given relative to LOTTERIES.' .' August% , tyle cv _ , VAL It A I WE., 1131 1 .11"1=B1§. ' .A CONTRAST, • All notions, Crain the semen's& ages, hate had ships-, lin etduudnaealY Ibuod out the Nay to l.Wrka.• BaUrt . USti /1111,1ffiller, petiple-itere oil y-tins-; bled to paddle about :die shorts. Just so with .the Life ttlCslicilds; to bitt two years Mime. 1 first vs:mitred upoie I. have diseovertd the yet emus itb • ieetl vas in Search of— Negx.tnble [miles .w were indesd hiwa.n.heit .I.miniiiiencess my stareh, ut their use was not. - BY .th'e - use of them, I have nut only 'Passed from the slej,stted is valisloO niHre man .11 , 11:;111.; , $, but, comparatively spealsing, I have renewed tiny yotj'ili. I can thus,.wllli vaniii denial iti ow experience, advise witsi iny rellow-ciaimiss• odes the read:a.. maid proof thatlthe .1 ISLE LIFE It* - are siatable.tit , bis twit •I.havd on foe at.loy.udidet Broadway, iiaildrhals of letters, trans sollleur tile omit cl,tiV:ll3 uC this my noire is ti u, voloritmy offer testhlions of She virtues Ur ai 0001) VEGETABLE: • Perssinilt hose omistifutions have been nearly ruined by the thilkinfallible" mineral Preparations of the day, Will bear me witness,.that the Life . stledieines, and such ; yore the trae,cothae to permunentzood health. ~ • , •' ' ' - Flaxseed Wattled ' , . ..., One . Bundred Bushels of cleaullaxseetT waits. the store, of the Subscriber in .Youthlituto= ver Street. ' . • . '• S. C., BBLANIiER. , ~ . C-Irlisle - Sept 1.8',.1837. ' • '-'.. • ----' . . : • '.7vorlcE. _ - , .....-Letters of :- Administration — on - the orJolin' Morret deeeased,late or Monroe totvnghip, de ' senors:a, having issutd to the-subseribers, residhag, in said township. All persons having claims against i_ the estiitei-will-present-them-M•the aubseribersofor payment,aml all perSoni indebted to.the estate will make payment inirdediately, to Sativel'Morret,. • - ' • Geiii•ze Brindle; • . 1 . • Nov 20,:1837. `',-,, ". - :.greiutore'l, IENITED-STAITiS - AIIIIIY. : • _ , . .. . , • . ... Recrivitinig:Service." 7 ' WANT EO . for the 'LT Nr."•ii• En ST4,‘T.E.S \n NY, a few able-bodied citizens, lie.twri,tlte ages of.lB - lind - 35.. years,. being a1.v.4.5`..fc'e(6• inches.higli,JA, good rh, racier, and' t‘f., re speCtable standing ann ig, theis.felloW - citi ien..,_.llone need appl to enter the service,' but tho4e who are determined .to serve-the period of Eitel(' • enlistrnent-whieh is :only fßee.yearsbonestly and.faidifully. • - ' ..- - .....:_ .: _____.._ ._ 'l'4 if Dra „vim' . . :*- .' • ibld tr;:whOz , ,_ , ( . ! - n,<ttptu ..,„ . , . . . . . .- . 1 -1 -t" . ,i• - . This table sbnws• the amount ~..:-. :..--•: (.-.-.. of. pay wldcli enliSted soldiers, . 1 ' i &': . I.' I '-'. according to .theispeciiye 1 I' :-...-, ?Ades, Eit.e.- entitled to it:ceive I ,i 4.1 i:-.1 lei' tli'eis services. - ;. .•• - 1:f - - -- -- - 1 - Ii•- - 1 Yir I • ' -- - - $ $ To the.Sergeaht_Miljor, Quari • ter.master Scirgeltht,Clef • ' 6.4.• Ch'f Bugler.--ea11.•16.192 640 To the Ist Sri% of a Company 18 . 0 - 575 ,ftrilnance Se'rg-eants Alt other.Sergeeams-7,eacll' ()AA:iit] ra S f3uylersi Mtisi6lans Parail 131ackstniAts- Attifien's • • , - -- Privates: •• ~ ,_ . . asa . - 8-96 288 Besides the rrionthly pay, tai t7;aiTtf.rtl - , - one tation,per day.)s allowcd eve Sty olt.lker, ~ wlrich..-4 firriplisuflicienOor- his'subsistence —algr4‘ iilane supplypiC,tonifortable ttinl Al genteel - • - dlirtiiiiii;,---L, d:_quatte_r_s_jantloi (gel ale at all tituesftttni , 4 ed; and every, attelifi tiofi will be! 14t1:1 7. .1:44 - thase - men way enlist, a fi re determined - to4 7 Eve r ilteir county in goctl-faith, comfprtalge and cow tented „tvithitheir situation: The best 'meal -: al--, .a)ways jit'ovitled . for _l4Lp__ •Irk. soldier; and no•deducthai.orpay is made. he is intn e tm pet forr tits duty: - Should: tlie-soldiet-:be-disableit the tine.Of his duty, theditivnitAide, a Ten; By the. Above it is seen that the:pay.' and allowances are resirectable, and that; with iitt rt iviratt-tt---ecoutorty.'„_tlie,urontlibLint of the :Suldier may be laid op—,ts every thing rei;iiisite for his comfort and cotivct,,tt;nce-iS ..fu_ niitied by the Goverturient, int:lading hi sugar and: coffee.Thetitletit tht tor•e, - ut futon F,366 --- to v z ; acm_dp listment 0f,3 yeat.;; 'and at - rltrt cati!, Ite chooses, 'nail fir n lit t u t) ' of westeitr Stt settle hiaiself coal fartably, of , fc:r.the reat. of his life. . .I•II..CRUITING IZENDEZVOtIC, . Caxlhk, in the frame building in Ens,t Illu in slreetifol'- inerly ti.yed qs .-- ilre- - -Valtiztria . e:i r- P'int - ing - office. - Ilcceniber4 4 lB37..—ti • sum, of po Ajes' will be gi 'eft to' ao citizen, tiun-couiwis siin Officer, or Soldiar, who shall bring to this lfelide•4vOns an able:-bodied,i•ect nit, well formed; sound; and otherwise duly qualified, (as above described,) for the duties of tv,sol- Who shall be i r egularly enlisted. • mr.OIEINSON I S OeIFICEI I £0 Ball. .51., 4. &dors Wow : 111e Frankfin Bak. j • • Capijed 5Q,000 „persons at a . distance Iliposed - to try their kick either of the following . grand Linte -1 ies—one of 'whith draWs alternately every week—are respectfully requested to forward their orders to the sub.scriber,enclusing the cash or .,'designating the Lottery will receive immediate attention by reitttn mail, and the )drawings forwarded when over (if requested.) • F A , W. ROBINSON. • DRAWING LorrEnlE.s.- 7 Order in which the' several State Lotteries will be drawn._ Maryland State Llitteriestlraws in Balti- More every other.. .Monday. capitals range from 10,000, 20,000 to $.10,C90 ; Delaware State Lotteries• draws twice every Week, .capitals-vary-fruin-5-to-$l-0000-i-Giand_Con— sulidatnd Lottery - yli - aw's once • every weep:, • l intb_l2o,Aoo, 2.1,006 to 530,000 ; A.klun d-rial:Loftery draws once every . oilier wes.•k; capitals 10,000, 20,000, :44000,50,000 . 0/iv: einii'Svite Lottery dritargceVery Saturday in-, each week, capital prizestiatwe - froin 10,000, 20;000, 25,000; 30,000 to $40,000.-:: -- Ticjtvt§, in the abrive Lotterieg vary froiri - r - 3T - 4- - , - 5 and 10 each, shares in proportion.. • All letters addre ssedlo the-subscriber go perfectly safe. No tnisarriage -has ever oc curred: Feb. 14, • • • •. 0 1 - 1 .RE N f r • . WORE subscriber will rent \that well known ...i.&.l4;_trge_ t ttttt t o ` convenient liouk, for nivy yeara . occupied ply d - ii . :iiiiiii — Tiiiiiiivicli, wild'uthre're, , ~- ' cently by . others; as a TAVII.EN - ,t r ii,,%‘t: „t; = g ~,liousn. The house is reraarka ?,A fi l' i•i'l," bly.Well c4culated col. entertaining ',. Pr,•::.". 1 ';:5..-L,iVi: ,, BOARDERS ; there . eing th ree am ic=n ays',,and Fire - Placessin nuisto ili'e rooms; ; Vie 'situation is very, plea Kant and desirtiVe; being on the north west corner • of . flanover and I c .outlier sti'eetsoVhile, -- lor conveniences, it excels any other house in the borough or country. it. pos senses the unusual advantages of 12' rows on the first Boor-12 rooms on the 2d floor-4 rboins on the 3il fluor- 1 -6 Cellars in-house: Two wells of. waterikune_at t I.loooooor ojr, .9 I it4er Street,_ with a,ptimp ;herein; the-other in.the yard at the kitchen dour;) a Cistern Made to contain eight#, live llogsheads . large and convenieni,.stablifig, with carriage house and sheds; large and e.±:ce., tent gardens' altached to the null:dings besides. ' many Conveniences not specified .... - • - . ' 2.- •Altio, - one frame -Weather boarded, Two Story !loose, situated.• in East- Louther Si., with two Cellars, - aGarden and. Stabling attached theereto.,;• ~.. . i. ' Also, one other'Weathef-boarded `House In West Louther street, 'adjoining the Gm , - man 'Reformed Church, with a fiarden attadlitd . c) it.,,. _roe Terms apply to ' . • .....• . , NOv.'2o. -- ..' CHRISTIAN L 1 , MICH . New Books Lt. Sta .apinaryl THE subscriber:las just received at his. Book and , Driig. storeJo the borough of Car lisle,:a Large and General :Assortment of the . . . Latest Plebticatfons. .He-has also added.a large number, f DRUGS A ND' MEDICINES to his formsr itssort dient:. otivhich will be , the low est p rices. • ••• • • .1.01 - IN,T,_II.IYERS - January 9, 1838: . . ' 4 lUlt and SILK Plush 13611105, black and 0 .• faiicy colour, for sali by - . BARNITZ.'; %mg* larveattar* .. . . , . . • • _. _ . . Flfiii z mil)serilf9l.iiflZ•ff - fOr sale - the - following it deiserib'edlionse !Ind Imir-lot. of grbund, situ tilde Oil the'llo,All tilde Of Main. street in trios, bor. .biw i 0: CpvlijeT'ileatly opposite. Mr. Gcorge A ughio leingh's . hotel-the %vest Ida of let No. 61, .in the plan or said ,berough—bottnded .by Main street on the south - 111% T..Nly e rs on the %eel; D;elsiiiii alley (23, 9 feet widrj on tlienOrtlip: and the widow Creighton en the east, 'eOntaining 3(.) f...e.i.!n front. and 2.10 feetAn depth; .I'lle. btia- 1 : -ding's ale a. .. • '• k' . .' !-i . _ )___• .- Frames Weather b o - a..- r d , :e t ,rL-.l ~z. 3.; , 7i.--,E= - .. - . 4A w, , IP 4 drooling ens Main street with ;t lar g o - . =I frrich. Igpwlc Mail ill illEgj • • BRI-CK:StA.BLE; .. froilting on. the : Said - half lot is_ in a high statc ot, imp . rovement, with, a variety 6r.tioice • lervait r arCeS 0,21 d Clirltre.V ilia es, • now beating ? Currant and Gooseberry Bushes, and' 671r4berg ot . di - —2 .An litle will be given to We par chio,ti.. 1411111 m. particulam arc decided' tome cetsarr.---Any-person§ to-pnrcroisc.,-aic ill 4 itca calf,ltald-VielV the prellliSe The terms u ill be made known. by ~ JACOB SQUIER. Att-glit'_2B. 1.837. 12 144 -- 432 10. 120 . 360 . 9:108 32'1 . lINTERthq. ; /riG. CAS'I 4 I CURED BY -6 " DD. WM IiY•ANS'S .CAMOMILII TUNIC AND FAMILY 'APERIENT FILLS,--Mit• • • - I.3IKNTAINI - 1 - 15' - 110 - W - NTcorner - of - Shippen'and - . Georgere.eis,, ,Philadelphia, afrectcd for 'seven years' with , eNtrerne e rr iiistiesi,' by 1 1 4 witteAr hP. WaS . kik a ble:to-w •t is : nadre--: , his symptoms wtye, eructir • ,:- daily-spus nimlic pains inThe head,ilins_oruirp_etite_p_ul2_, pication l of the e hsart,iciclinems_Nisi dimness of sight,--utter inability of entiging• in any IliiiiTtlia - rdearalitlect - vigor - or - cpirrage, -- sict; - . •iceSs at the .stomach, it appetite,• - e , ohiness and weaktesir ,of the-,extremities, col:Aeration' and extrecr. debility, disturbed rest, a sense of preSsare •antf weight at th. 'stomach after eating, great mental clespcni-f dency, smiereilying--painsviirthe clies.L.lac k. - - . and side, costiveness !. .a dislike for ,society . and cofiretiaTioni• _'LM-1;.-711-.---has-rnatle7trial-nt vitriotis-medicines now . ,b_efore the public, but to no AlTelucitil, obierving in a public .na lui per some sores perforMed by Dr. Will iam Evans's Camwitile 'Tonic and FaMily Aperi . cot Pills, !he.:,Wits induced to give them a trial, circili - Mlt - _• lie is : ai,:apylltiMe.happ.y.triist:•it e, tbitt:theyr.ffee_tually:cured him - uf - the above , -distressing disease.' , ~----- - I . — .Per wcit's ,-,-- sv ha -- doubt - Ac ta - born - c nrc-i---.are most i especi (idly diLectecrici the i boy e ravm liccncd-person, at the ',north-west corner of Shisip - en and accorges - steets.7 • ._ - •- .' - ittlitiJAM.b;;BOWN. - 111120 -36 u . . . . Dr: WM. EVAltin'S - Medical Office' for the sale of kis exeelent Medicine, is,at 'No -I.j, N:EIG :ITI - FS' . 121 ) Iiihicleilihia, when his I% , lctliciiie can .t rays be ob . tajnedf -.- . ho - 'ale, at this ee_. - • - off_ • - . , .; -- - • 614 . . ra g• V' 7-- •••- . - , . , ... . ...,,,......,- . MANUFACTORY. 0 - The Subscriber returns his since retthanh s to his`former - customers; for-.the liberal share 'of patronage, which has been given him and Solicits aett , inuance of the some; as also he invites. t1f4444,w . h0 may not, as yet, have given 411'4 'ciiH, to do so at - his shop in North Hanover stn. et, one door north of Mrs. F.• - 1 1 t eiseS - slOl 1. Havinglately returned from the': the city of Philadqfpuia, bt Mging with hitt) the latest: Mid rhyst - qlproved - fushlons; the - stibsct .ber has on hand, a large asSortnient of . . GENTLI N EIVIEE'S ILEALrErs j . . . ur,4l - my4t.,. h auluar.i p a ,. o . &c. finished in -a superior style. AIso,FUR AND. ZEAL CAPS; of - the latest fashions, all of which will be sold IoW fin. cash„or exchanged •ior country prloduce. Call and. see. — - ANDREW 6. .L.ECHLER. Nov 20; 1837.4tf. •' ' , 51 PUMA° HOUBE. - • GEo. ,PIidIsTCE, -Fdrinerly-of--Strultry; -- ortliumbinlan?l . County,. ' • leave - respectfialy-to inform the public, that he has reintivettto Ilarrisburg,-where he has taken that large' mid `spacious three story . brick house fortherly occupied. by Mathew Wilson, corner of Walnut und.TOirel streets, • --•-. HARRISBURG, ln view of the State Capitol,Which he opened on the first day. of May last, Ad where he hopes to continue to receive that patronage so liberally bestowed on his establishment heretofore. Ile will at all times, ba.;_providect with every thing necessary to make his guests,comfortable. Q. PIUNCItI. 11,ttrrishurg, June , 1837, tf. „„ . lIRANDECETIIIPS PILLS. A.Furth,ef supply, of Brandreths Pills, in 50 cent ~b eies,,just.,ree.eiVe0 4 ...ant1.10r sale, at - the sloe • OCILBY & HIMER Nov. rt, NORTH INSURANCE CONPANY,,' CAPITAL $600.000. THIS Conip4t)Y.still continues - to make Insurance_on all kinds of property .through. iheir-agency.in4; al li sle r'egetlated according to the risk. Averaging L froni. Ss So cents,' in the hundred dollars. Descriptions will .be, received; and policies dated Mini the day of surve y . • . JOHN , J,:. MYllllS.__ • . January 9,168.-11 m: 'DR. SIIUBAE EWES'' , reannatic Nerve and Rollie Applied morning : and nigh, has Cured bun dreds. It' gives, relierin , the swelling or the glands of the.throat, and relieves the numbness and contractions 9i' rhe,linaltsArd,will take swel lings, down, and inflannitions out of 'the flesh, rheumatism, bruises and sprains.—tt gives imme diate relief r it strengthents- Weak limbs, and ex tends. the cords when,-contracted.=.7A few drops on sheep's wool . applied_to the ear,uf deaf per sons, Will by constant application; cause them to hear in two months' time. . A great number of.„ccrti4catesmf. the post reyp ! ,...quible and ileccpt character May ,be eXaM• fined. *het it iSsMhT. 'tife.;Liiit'alriiii3:42% --11 Olantier Carlisle, who will glve forthei information or see Mr..l.ldander's papers.- ' - ... : -. . • , ._' Carlisle, October:3o, - ,i1137... 1 y,i6iW. ' ‘lii, Also for,sale by S; ELLI /. 1"I'. - ' /.'"' ---- • LINIMENT. 1 T TE - 8414 E. , . , . The tiubstribee will sell at private sale, tlie • f,'Mow in — property , - sittiate . About:three miles.westkf the• IlarriOntrg, 'Bridge trcljoining the Cumber land Valley Rail ltoatl, containing about 1. : 1 acres having , 'thereon erected , • • . . TWO Log . El'ouses,..,_: - a shop, stable, a ,iv.c , ll a never fail ing,ivaterat the door, tngether with abti4t.,so .ehnice fruit. tret , s, •PoSsesbion will be Liven on the.lst of .21pr, , next, JACOB SLIARER. - Shiremanstown, bet; 18, 1837. • • • • , rom N :LTAlE_l3.ll. , 4_Dw c c.iliot; Houk, Store awl- Ware, House atrached,,sstuate In North Ilair4 over street cailiSle,now itiThei'oc:Cupancy of 11,col) Wetzel, allo the 'Stone D'welling House..,adjohlipgmecupiectbv Rob's. D. Guth- also, She., fi.tail — Store Rount. — aid ciillar adjoining, the Brick 'thvelling House, •itu.tly occupied by — PiTS - 9essioli of 'either of the.abOve i)ropertie's oriay be had on-the .. first day of Alit ii . next—To'Goad T,nants, Lease'foryearS play be had: 7 ,— ARply--to . • ISAAC 13. PAII,K.E.R. [..Carlisle, Jan. 28, 1838.--tf , • •• N 0 Ti C:E TO"Comiithiesi - -14eIttilers - IN and by , .ati.actAil - the _General Asserntily -FLof Pen entitle dsylvania, dltitled '•An netgrailn-• ating The duties tilion wholesale dealers and retailers . of mercbundize, and presAribing• 'the mode Of , issuing licenses and collecting _aid._tluties,'!Jt is madeihe duty_of ..the Con-. stables of the respective to‘mips within th (Lead fityy—Tof-- -t on be rl nd,r d— t hey --a rfi' hei bk7letittired e to makeout * . on oaths or a 1 tion; -- And'daiver' - to — ttieTclM - k — ot7the - 1 Acturt-of Quarter Sessions* Ars . eparate . list;of ,all the„Wholesale and retail dealor. :warcs, and.merchandize—wine: Spit or • r —.4 tlrtat are the growth or . product tetf Staces,.otror before the first arOsessions.„•heing the Bth day, ctrl'' and othets embraced . iLre - also notified, - and COrninissioners of said .county, Will. at i.N•l3ffier.e—or 111 e-12 l-day - of — liffilraTy - ir . c.9;t; - : 11e - te.ti 7 Vi; in-rhe forenoon, tor the • pO'rposeof ,bearing ;lad'classifying:all retailers ty, agreeably to the said aet, , W.bere such - as thlok proper roftrattrod. test r ,..l.j 1.0.1 ) to Comq.s. ofnct., Z, I elrliste Dec .1:6 S . • . • niuite %Aim; puscd Atf,pulijitc inugli -of Nlechaniesluirg, on ..Sianitlay 2.71.11 day of January, 1838,4.)y—ovitrr of the -0 -Gnu t. C 111111 . n.uland county, . LOT 017 G110U..17,), hi the: be'titicleir by, Aciain Reigel,. John Traiikriu arnt..litae . . Kinsey, ,flactg-11(1114 - then on t meted, anti - Oine Fruit ,Trets upon it, • , other pa. of Ground, near to the above, bounded by' *Situ pson's . Rowel, lteigel and Coover and - Nanny Wi•ight, .With a small "louse thereon erected: -- And -41dcb will be sold as the property of Adam Longs dorff, deceased.... . . • . TerMs of .sale made known on the day of sole by. • ADAM LGINIGSDORFF %Ildininistrator of.ddam Loizgsdorfj; Sr &a:4l, e , c • • • 44,4 a vi ••••• iu • I • • PAIVIrgLtI7 LAWS, of Pennsylvania in English and German • Persons wishing to obtain copies of Painphlet ‘. Laws Of the present St.tsitat Of the Legislature'of,Peinisylvaitiajti _the • Eaglish ! - and German Languages—the forrher half 'bound, and the latter in Pei mpkle t forth, at fifty cents per copy-r-are requested to have their names egistered with the county Trtat surer immediately. A list of applicants must be forwarded to the Secretary Unite einainonwaith in a few days.- J. W. E8Y,12,0, Trak. , Treasurers Off ice, - ,• Cal lisle Dec. i8:1837. 5 .• GREEN SPRENG '6VOOLLEN . SITUATE at the head of Green Springs, in - Nowton township, Cumberland county, about four miles west of the horough•Of New rifle, wite4 rented for a term of one cn; inore _ _ _ -years, :The buildings A Two story Slope Factory / g With 'Carding and spinning machines, lOoins, and all - - necessary machinery for anafac ,tuyingcloth; also a dwelling house conren ;lent-to the factory. Forterms apply to eith er.of the undersigned.' WM. M,MDDIiE.,I,. • • - Carlisle H. GRAHAM, . West Pennsboro' Dec. 4;1857. • En,courag.c_yoor owiz Ataititfa.ritt- CARLISLE . VigAZ 08a2g, - AWD - BONNET - STOItE: KELLER (5 4 74:1,411 . ANKF UL ler past -favors, inform 'their ---!i•-friendS - and the public gencrelly that one 'of the firm having , lately i (alum:a from the city of - Philadelphia, with 'a largo and 'ex cellent assortment of_ FOrs , and Plush • they aO,-nr ql . 4lrepared to manufacture Gentle men's Mats and Ladies' Bonnets in the lat est and most approved fashion, The quali ty, of the Plush is far superior to any former ly had on hand. They . have itt• present an' 'excellent assortment of , ✓lgent, Plain lizissiasi - •:white an" lack; • Brush, Beaver, Caotor, • - and - • • . • ". Silk Hats of all sizes and prices, Alsoo general assortincni of Laclies'i3Ori net's or.all - colours and thisti iptions;-such us Ptiie White, rawn;lllack and Grey; whicli they will seitat the "must redued.prices. • pentlonen and Ladies who are in want of these articles, will do well to.give an early _ cull - . • • • • • _ Dec. .18;..1i3n4aw N.'. B. They hav'e on hand 4 ) r'w ofthe best guitti!y;of .V)_ll2 CAPS ivhi h they otter to b , belFilt lotiipriCeS; . • v.z • • *: '. ' rers. Auti-Dys.peptie . . : This Medicine havin met with theithanimott' ' approbation of-those vi Li haie fairly employed ;t, - j _according-to-the-dire ons,-is.reco'mmended-with— increased confidence to the public; in almost cve'ry-Nariety bi . functional disortki, .of the sto- . -maell;-koiveliiliver and_ spleen; such — as. heart- burn, ale:id - eruptions, ;Infiniti, headaehe,.. pain and diatefition of the sttinuicifiind 'bowels, inci pient vegctabid headache, r m rh ay cca, colic, ,jaundice, flatulence, habi tual costivencsq, lost of appetite, sick heaachei sea sicknesli &c. &c.. These ring being entirtly. betaken wilPe l fect s;fet y. .1 ni cealPelosttwe:th:r;andi,nrey:c . ftttle remarke d ; t hat they ieldom,if.e:et,plo. ilii:tickessatte.siotricor.itiipli)e.,:.e - numerous Certlficates, from gentlemen of the highest - respectibilliy, give . ample evideqe. -of -• -the value in• which 'these Pills are lield;and there . . are few whO, do hot 'say they have adopted them as their common family Medicine,. •, , , rif _ - ' ' . ii- TESTIMONIALS...". --. , • • From the datillev. lVesi- v,-BislooFi • . - of North Carelia:, ~ ' ''' ;l i • ' -. • a:ALI:ICU, Zilarch.2, 133; Thiving frir the hist three yelirs, been intimatu.: iy acquamtc.d..with Dr. John Beckwith ; of this. , city , Fand , cnjOyethhisprofeuulotial.seriiccii,l=talid, spleasure in stating that his choracterlaO a chris.. flail gentleman and . experienCed Physic:an; en titles hf 3 testimony, in regard to thtt use of his' ,%.iiti•Dvspeptie Pills, to thu.entire confidence of the i+ty.experience.of tile hood . acct.. of these fills, for two years pout, satisfies me" of their eminent valve. particularly in aiding. , in impaired digestion and %yarding. off bilious at tacks, was in the lOMIt tif. resorting for security against them, and .witli eery partial stleceiis, to a liberal use of thilinnel, or Tilde Pill. But since acqnaintance with the Anti.Dyspeptic_Pilis -Dr; with- Which lie , prescaibed-in-the-iirui instance himself, I loive not been tinder the ne , . ce4sity TirilliNr.Menrory - m — nny -- form .besid e s .being wholly eicempt.frum b lions aitaeks. Sa= rural members of . nly family-are .cXpericnoing the same beneficial reLalts. liroin the Rev. 1 4.. lianla, D. D. St. Thomas • Nr.w Your:, 1!7e1). 3, 7538.. no v(tettgederivectlrorrr.exp - erience.i of the mild,ity-of - lar. Ilvekwith's Pills; but 1 - at several of iny persOnal friends in'North .11arOtiinii , F..thonv.I left. sni}e' yeari ago slifferin4,' severely dyspepsia, „were in good health • whets I saw them on mode a. few months . iiinee,. and all ascribed their recovery tothe 'clic . • fir Beck+t ith'a falls. • -I know' that the certificates, the Nnr.thiCarolina,are•froitt gentlemen or the highest respernabilify, and - se eriJ orthoh: :1 4 13, La Ltsuns verbally that whidi is eontaineit entire ccitilnlence in thm. teek with; and have hnown hint from tny boyhood, and I g.....hcerfolly it es, "that laS charatter as a dirk- Liao I;elith. Imo) e.perieneeil t'hysitian, lies his tr-stiniony,. in - Vega:al to the use of hts Anri to - the entire conlitirt.ce of Ilia pid.i.e " MEE 1.. 11.1 iV N 4; I , (uuri)r: - . lIA I ISaL, N. "I' ur k, Aug. 18:it. ;if my - iiiend , iiithis ., town .liare • -thud -i)r.. Berk t% ith's speptic rills With • • Antomz - the tittnibc. - Tii . a- member ". tom who has, been flfliict eO-with 11) , :..woit,gr.ide for four iyears; 1 bare urged the use of lieckwitit'sPkils, • . --a4 7 :llfording.4ll•4Lt...e=hest,cltance.;..uirelief_she____ Inid - ralceady tried various retned,ie . s,•Willi little_ boiai t- ptisitive-in-jury,-,atiLL.W.as_theeforeLte , ...— Itictant th_tminience Ilex Sympfonas, being - muck alleviated by the use of the first buts she c.hhe to my liutise for a farther supply; - litif. --- ftitding that my stock of the artiele u-145 exhaust ed, she ex'pressLii much' anxiety to have iiint;o obtainqd as soon %visited that one box might be sent by inail.-if they- -could nut be tad iminshort time by other means. - - - "I :2111 not in the habit of employing noitrtisns. and quack medicines in my practice; but the Pills which tort veind should nut be su el -sied, -The • recipe from which they are prepared iS “Ilaving spent two winters in North Carolina, I :1•11 not ignorant bl the yepotntion...of sO.nie.of • • the highly respectable gentlemen there who Irate', rendercd - their public testimony in-favor of the Medicine. - that the trial of thege PIM bag b'eeif, satisfaelety. in this place: You . may send .l-nt, try. ow first porto oiiy, - tine quarter gtus. . . , . . . . . -- `Ptak-rthil-rcsircolfthlylNtrri,.L._:_________. TC E.' MY GAI - r." .. . Froth the Hon CliallcH 1 , 4 Ina,- late then4)er of" . , •-: :•• Congress. . . SA Lipinthir, Feb. 24;1857: • • . Several yeari . ago l' was very much afflicted .with a diseased Meta - naafi and bowels; nothing 1 . could eat appeared. to :i i i.,,e with me, and I was . obliged to be sery careful ifir A journey 1 to th 4 south west afftirdetl toe Considerable. relief s and,"a.S• I stippoted, hid cured tire; but witen 1 \ left, off travellingctlc disease retorned.again and • I was obliged to talee-medicinc_t_onstantly,.amitiv r :_._. -Other•Utings rel . }' oftetecaloineli__ffliscwitioucil hi, •• be my state tilitil about t‘t else nioinlis ago, w hen on the recoMmenda i don of Ma j or .lohn Beard, .1 . began to try . . Beck vt4ll . s'`A - Titi:DTs'pplierills - r - • I soon fflund - relief from. them, and have since takon •no other medicine whafeKer. IVlteineet r • 1 find mystmuitch told bowels ace becilming (1,•4 ranged, I resott to' these:THlS :liiil invariably find M . 0 .. I have heardO ntintber.of. pc Nous speak of - Ore' benefits they hare received - front Iliac -- Pills, in the must 'decided terms. I am well ac quaintekl with Doctor Beckwith; he for a times resided .in this place, and wits Mijaillily . Plipii- oian. His ball testimony'sidtVgaril to the Use of his Anti•Dspeptic Pills may be fully. relied on."CiIAIILES FISIIElt."! _ . Neu; Turk Gen. 'Phew. Scm. May, - 11, 1837. Nts. 11. D. Turner—Dear ,Sir,—To those tutiS'. ject_tn_bilisms_attacks:_tunteSpecialy_to_the_Dt De-Deck with's.Pills, will untittestionnEdy allbrd speak witli more confulenceltfter having received material benefit from them, fur which,l had used almost every ihingelse in vain; They need burn - iltir trial 'to find a place in ilia' medicine . Chest of :eVeryfamily; and 'to gain a -reputation at the North, us ,respeettibie vx tensiVe as they have Secured, where they„havt;. been'lonr,' knoWn st.l.lkg Stitith.; Vet resPatfully ybdri„'' _ . • .N. S. itICII4IIPSON. Other testimoniztls4rr fai•or of' these Pills from , th e _illo h tycspeg.. .acconilian)ing directions.„ . P. ice for 4, single Wo*, - 50.. Terms ,liberal to ageatm and Mto.bny to sell ognin. bad a H. I'URNEI4 Principal Agent, 180 11t•outhy:4, ICON . SA ELLlOTT, Carlisfe. Dec. 4, • 1/137-1y- • .i oUcc-~0. JredUt rs TAKE NOTlCE,,that.thave appliedto.the judges of the Court of Common Pleas' of Ad ams County; for the benefit of the insolvent , laws of this Commonwealth, and they ;have appointed - Monday the - 224 dog of Janizaiy, 11338 i -at the Court House. in. Gettysburg-,foe the hearing Of me and my creditors„when find where you may Attend if yon thialkprOp- W Decembc.r".ls.BlAB3M7U._ FO RNEY dpitysburg§tar. • . I have received SO hour New . Yoijp*CLQUKS; vihich ., I keep good dure,l . ood offer.l.theyn.At. educed prices,,acmy store. - - • , CHARLESbes• received •Ci- Per. Gum. Eliisiic'.!Siiskiiiidcrs,,yibicli be offers at reduccd prices. , . 7-1 S. IVES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers