Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 09, 1838, Image 4

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    _ ..., .. ..... •, , .
. 0411._,1110ANDRETWS .
- . .gable 'Universes) Pills. -
._, re ol
60:ewe ahould 'contribute to the Comfort, Heath
- ' • aql.litlip ! 'nessellaitleind.'! - ,:,.
; Ott thii rr'rsllt. , :iLottl! br.Mtly, 1835, tlidie now
. troly,celebratA ' Pills ,w ere first made known in
' ore I.ln4il•zitaies;•altiimigh in Europe they had
- been previoin:ly m.fore the public nearly , a cell:.
tory. Tile American public_ naturally viewed
inein with siispaiiol), but as on. trial they. were
found what tik4t.lir6fessed, fit was soon displaced.
by tile greatest confidence.. - In . fact :the many
_ per Sons. who have commenced with - them'under ,
• the. most Wynn; cirouinatances 04. bodily afllic
tion, when:tvery .utlier means and medicine-had
proved altogether unavailing, have been restored
• o health
. andrliappiiiesss from - tin:iv wie; and the
. , consequbnce is, they are now recommended by
thousands of - persons' whom they have, cured :of
C ISUlnljtio6; hillueirca,.Colili. , , huligestinri Dys,
pc isia, Headache, Pains,iind a sense.of fullness
:1 tiiq back part of the:Head, usually the'Symp
. .. piris'or4p . oplexy,_Jamidice, Fever and j Ague;_
----.- 'Dill itius, ' S bar ler, Ty phuic'Yellow, and - dbinnion
-,.- leVers-of all kinds, Asthmii,,Cout, Rheumatism,
licervous Diseases, Liver Complaint; , Pleurisy
- - Inward Weakness, Depression of the Spirits,
' , :ltuptriWr FillMnmati:on, Sore Liyes„ FA, Palsy,
-Dropsy, Small - Pox, • ideailes., Croup; Coughs,
Whooping Cough, Quincy, 'Colic, Cholera Mot ,
bus, Gravel -Worms,. Dysenter.y, Deafness, Ring
ing_Noises' in the Head, King's Evil, Scrofula;
--- Eryeipelas, - or St. Anthony's rive Satlthertirii; - :
White Swellings, Ul!Ceys some of 30 year's stand
ing, 'Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs,
. Files, CoStiveness, all Eruptions of the ' Skip,
Frightful Dreams,' Female - complaints of every
- kind, especially obstructions, relaxation,
Std. - .
-Although Doctor B. has enumerated by name
the above diseases, he is neVeithieles of opinion
.with his grandfather, the late celebrated Dr.. Wm.
-- - 13randreth . that. there is only ONE Disease, an
impurity of the bl6od, - which by impeding the
-circulationi - brings - on inflammation, and conse
quent del'angement in the organ ,or part where
: 'such impurity of.the blood settles . ; and thaLit is .
- the different-appearances 'which this inflamation_
'or derangement . puts on, that have caused =di
.. Cid - moil to designate such appearances-by various
names, but which are in fact, only the same dis
-ease-,--wit-h--tiMre-or I,:lss violeime.---Dr. T
Ilrandretly Ives so fully convinced of the truth of
--the above simple theory,' that he'spent thirty
years-in experiments and laborious .research into
the medidal properties of the numerous . Plants
----'-composing 'the -Vegetahle__ls.inidom; his objeCt
being to compose a medicine 'which should at
cfcce - pltrify, and - produce -- by - srvetifictleTn, a
removal-of all badlitimors.frour the blood by the'
stomach and bowels, as by _the,contirination o
the use of suchia-inedicine-suclr-humors-are
sure to be- carried off, and the blood assume a ..
state of purity; and- whoever takes these Pills,
-- :roll perseveres-with--theinvill be satisfied that
.., lir. Win.l3randreth fully altained.hia philanthro
___ _ .
- plc - object. It is, now an absolute and 'known
• fact, that every discase,,whether it be in the head
' or ket, in the brain or meanest member; whether
it be an-utitwaril tilcer, - .or an inward abscess, are'
rill, though arising &urn Many causes, reducible
to this one grand effect;* namely, impurity o[sc
bkmd. •
T.l,,l_vcases - th ey qafi: anti 131 m
• ple remedy yet all powerful for.,the rerrioval of
theAsease,-Whether chronic or recent, ii ifeetious .
ur otherwiseTanil - what makes- them particularly
acl.mted, for this country, is that there not the
slightest-liabilit,y..,o69fdlndien_taking.._them ,
deed the system is absolutely less susceptible of
cold when -under their influence, Ahan at any.
oyher-time;:•therefore in this climate they are in
_ v , duable. Neithir do they .require change o
~.. —.dietl - c Di England Aliese Pills
haVe been the only medicine - of many ramiliFF l
for periiTd; *.• arying-frmn•-forty-to-sh4y-ars,.and
-have always proved effectual iirresturing health
wherever an :Owl-Mimi from itoccnrred.
NOTICE-1n consequence bf the numerous
counterfeits for sale in the Drug and Chemical
'stares, the public are cautioned against, puichas-
Mg of any person except the accredited ligaits.
se:cavil y Against, Counterfeits.
DitAN on writ has adiipted the following
plan to secure the GENUINE flrandreth Pills to
,the public. Every-authorized Agent must have
a Certificate of A • gefiey, and it will he seen - that
oncizintre a furgiWc - eriificate. and the
• ,person havitil.; it in his possession is equally liable
tln! fdrg•-sq+,
The 'fallowiQi; are the 'appointed agents for
thii.vif.:initv, viz: 'Win. Chamber' org,;
;tacnb A. EeftYslitirg ; 8z 11 LT
NEtti- Garfish.: ; :01 NV . .1 I arrisbu rg.
. . .. .... ..
Dr. liranclrtli'4--iillicers-foe—tlyt. — sule—of_lile
ribove. Pills are 169 Race sb,lve 'Mit_ Areet,:and
54*Chesntit stri..e.t,Pliiladelpliiii. -
MaS , 8, 1837.—tf. ". • ~ '
Itev. Dr. Ellariholomew l s
- An agreeable-car:lW, and effeetive'remedpfor
Coughsi-Doarsenessi-Colds,-Pains-in the-Breast,-
',hard 'Breathing, and Difficult expedloration.
For ddalts , COdren in cold climates and warm.
The proprietors are aware that there are many
remedies for coughs and diseaSes of the lungs;
_ some no doubtare good, hutlt Itas . remaineff to a
late day to discover an 'article so admirably fitted
to these complaints ; so powerful and effectual,
• and, yet so perfectly innocent and mild,
Let not the public. class the scientific result of
learned Physician and Divine with the nostrums
• of the day. Let.them Make a careful perusal of.
' the evidences attending this article; • their re
spectability; .and the decided manner iu which
they speak, and they cannot' withhold their be ;
' :lief to some of. its-virtues: Let us assure them
'that a single trial "of it' will do more to convince.
afrol - its merits' than all they can see-or-hear-tm
.. the; subject. It is quite certain that no injury
Al uncommon fact is, that this remedy is a
syrup, as palatably and pleasant•to the taste as
the most popular French Cordials - and children
take it alway , s with the greatest readiness. '
• The proprmtoi.s are now making rapid arrange- -
. ments to have- this article in the hands of every
- --druggistantLapothamy in the county. :It may
he knOwn to be genuinCEiftiteTffithiCritiniglia. 7
tore . itS below of the Rev. Gentjenian - and *Ply:
sician.Who is the author of it.
It is with great pleasure that the propr'etors
are enabled thus to bring forward an art cle so
• truly meritorious as this syrup, and fro such a
source, and they trust the community who have
imcasion usetnay alWay.s find it within their
b' reach, both as to places at which it may lieldtilid;
and - 41:e low° price at which-it is sold.
.........1.: -- ;A:greatnambett.oEtheunusLavonderfucure s
may be seen by calling on Mr.. Botander, Carlisle,
• -, at whoSe tore - it is for Sale: , See Mr: BOlander's
papers. .. • -
Also for, sale by S. ELLIOTT , --,
7111 E. Partn p rah i p heretofore existing between
the subscribers, under the firm of HALL AND
PORTER, is• this day' dissolved by mutual•con
sent. The books are in the hiinds of - William
.211:rorferi_wbo_ls authorized to settle the same.
• JOHN L.• N. HALL; "7
Carlisle, Oct. 30, 1837. " '
Estate of Dr. John P. Gilles, deceasid
All persons indebted to the _estate . of.
Dr. John P. Geddiq;: late of the borough
ofi:Newville, deceased, are reqqested to
-make payment, without delay,' tcr Mrs.,
-Catharine Geddes, Executrix, residing
in the boiouth aforesaid, or to Robert
Litird,.executor, 'residing iii:Frankford
township; those, having agalmkt
—said estate :will present_ them properly
tauthemkated'for Settlement.
' • Executrix
101.111180NISPILLS -----
10 -
- . 73...... rt lir ZrE R ,
• . ._
-gots:111J avni for i't huNylvalita Ntaryhintl, Delitivere,.&e:
No l': south ith al;titrlr doors'lielotv Arial:vitt., 'Philadd
pliii :hied No. to N urth at., ii.t,thepr..,, hear , the l'usCOG
• •
. . „ .
. . .
!FL:Air:cif sem , nen liY T11L1.1155 ur 'tun IfyomAN
eoLLEGN 4.1 k 1. _
I!EA urn, LONtioN,
Valic:ll hiiVe obtained the Approbation and
Recommendation ITlMusaits, lvhohave been
cured in Consumption, Cimlera
tiong internally or externally, and* all dieases of
the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Ithetimatisin,
Lumbago, .Tic
,Doloreux. Dropsy, St, Vistus's
Dance, Epilepsy, Appoplexy, Palsy, Green.Sick 7
nexi, and all obstructions to which the FemalC
tormis_to distressingly liable, and. which send so
Mang of the fairestportioiof - - their - 1
untimely graiies;,Small Pox, Measles,. lfliooping
Fever,. Asthma, Jaundice, Oravel(
Stone, and A Urinary Obstriictions, FiStula,
Strictures, Thiptures, and Syphilis in all its stages,
Constipated Bowels;WormsiScavy,ltching_oftlic
Skin, King's Evil, and all Cutancous_Disorders ;
in short, 'every Complaint, which the human
frame is so-direfully subject, under all their varied
forms and- names;-as-the- llygeian—convict i is;
that mad is subjecltoOrdy one real disease-,-that- is -
in. the joiparity of the blood, front, whence springs
every complaint that can possibly assail hiaconi
plicated frame, and that it is-the perpetual strog : .
gleig this vital, pure stream of life, (the gift-of
Almighty power) tO difmnpumber itself orits vis
etius' acrid - humors, -with--which- -beCOrne
This valuable medicine, Ping 'composed only
of vegetable matter, or medicinaliierhs, and war
ranted on oath, as containing , not one particle of
mercurial, mineral, or chemical aubstances, (all
of which are-uncongenial to the nature of man,
!and therefore—'d structive to the huMan frame)-
is found to be 'perfectly harmless to the mostlen ,
der age, or weakest, frame , under every stage of
-human-suffering,- the-most pleasaannd: benign in
its o ,eration -and at the same-time-the most aer-
tain in searching out the root of every complaint,
-however deep, and Of performing a cure that was
ever offered to the world. This wonderful-effect;
too is.produced by- the least trouble to-the-pa
tienti, by merely swallowingia oertain number of
ilk, ' and - being_ called a few extra '1.414 to the
-purpose-of-evactiatiorn-with--tbe - leastipoSsibie - .
sensation-of pain, exhaustion of , boaily strength,
land without the fear of catching cold, or atten
tion_to_dress_of_diet,inLany way diatent, from_
their accustomed habits. These pills cure in all
eases, and cannot lie taken . to excess; txperi . -
ence, which is the tombstone of all human knowl
extensive use of them has already verified its
truth -hr this country..
These medicines cure by purging,'andyet the
weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous; the
delicate are in a few days strengthenedliy their-
operation, because they clear the body of its bad
humors; And invariably_ produce sound sleep.
They are the safest mind Most efficacious Nledicine ,
Zo taire - TU - st - PsnYreyenthirscarvy, costi-y-enew-&-c
-• •The, operation of this mild Medicine, which
Conveys immediate conviction of its utility, from
the first dose issas beneficial to the mind
.as the
batty; first calininetlien - curing:nil Mental-- de
ringents;' Eecentricities, ervous Affections,
irritainlities and_ltestlessnecs, from whateVer
source; "complaints ‘rhielilhavc hitherto not been
properly understood,:as the llygeiSta . have found
thenralrto.proceed from acrimonious humours in
race of mankind, dicovered'a cheap and univer
sal modi , l-of purifying, curing,and preventing.
Tire being-cured of any' disease,, infirinity; or
sore, is now no niore,a dubiods or uncertain pro
cedure—perseverance in the Vegetable Universal,
Medicines will always restore nature to her. due
course. The- literary and sedentary, of • both
sexes,_ whose. pursuits so muciL,impair the facul
ties, w:11 find a sure remedy di the tuiversal
Medicines for preserving the energy and spright
liness of the imagination, and improving their
health; old age will be attained by. the-pie of
them, and_pasied_free. from pain and infirmities.
....:Fliey_a re.noLen.veloped.withithe_mysteriesJir.
other medicines;
they only-require to. be pease.
vexed- in with sufficiently large dobes, -and the pa
tent will- come off' well; a disease is.ob
stinatei-patientsfrequently do not take doses large
enough; ~ . .
The medicines are.compriseA in three different
articles only, viz: in two kinds of pills, of differ
cut strength -or -power, - -desigintted-by-No,tand
2; the first is tepliVerfnl i but most mild and gen
tle aperient, or opening medicine; detaching and
partially removing • the billions ropy humours,
whilst the No. 2 Pills carry off those and the
seyous acid and putrid humours, incidental tolle
body; and act together as a ferret -in a warren,
never resting. until. every avenue of the human
frame ,is,thoroughly activated, and -cleanseTof
__ .
AlinporitieS. ;. .. . _ ---
The Vegetable Cleansing Powders 'are of great
assistance to patients and facilitate the e v acuation
of bad humours; they soften, cleanse, and detach
the acrimonious phlegm ; are cooling, and allay
the_thirst. One, two, or-three polvders..may_be
taken throughout the day, mixedin half a tutn 7
bier of water.
The pills are sold in paekets of $l, $2, and
$3, and 25 and - 50 - cefit boxes—the two former
consist of three boxes each,'viz. one bOx of No
1, and two boxes of No, 2.-tliti latteri'onb larger
buk. with a division; the powders arc in separate
boxel - at 373 cents each.
caln consequeoce of the repeated solicitations
of the agents, - and .tbr.the' convenience
. pf the
Public in general, butes of '5O cents, and 25 cents
eitc_hi can now - be - had - of - all -the-A-gents;---
of toe brahli College of Health, 3d Edition, price
*2'7s:and PRACTICAL PROOFS of the Hyge-,
ian system of'Physiology, including the• "Origin
of-Life.P. " Treatise on Small Pox "Letter
. un
Cholera . Morbits," and Mantatiested•cures effect:.
ed in this country, as well as in - Great Britain, 6th
Edition,i. price
. 371: cents •-•
.1 - Th'elfyifeliffi - - - MediChtesureoll--impor*.cLiate
coniitry at atl'eat expense, notwithstanding
which they. are sold at the same• price as in Eng.:
land. They have been 6 years before the Amer
ican public; their preeminent success in the relief
Of the afflicted, thousimadsscan testify . ..• •
CAUTION.—In consequence of the high .
_estiination in which_Morrison!s_Pills_nre held by
the public, it has induced an innumerable host of
unprincipled counterfeiters to otteitipt imitations,
ifirderireaptlitlelitisllitfatOltelictre the unwary,
and foist their nostrumsfor the Genuine Ilygeiatt
Medielne; in consequence of which, the Agent
has taken the precautionary measure allaying an
Extra Yeilow Laliel liked on each Packet; signed
by the Agent of each • State and District, and by
their SulhAgents,in every. County:. the imitation
of which . will subject he forger to the severest
punishment the Law can. inflict: and it is further
tdflye noticed, that done of the above Medicines
can he obtained in any Drug 'Store throughout
the Union ; the, Drug Stores being the principal
source - threcgh7 - whlctrthe - counterfeiters - yend
I their spurious . articles: . - •
o:7.ltespectablc parties may be app ointed A
gents-on liberal terms, by applying to the General
No. 34 SotrnAlirvis . rn STAIIiT.• three
doors below Marketttreet. Philadelplda—and at
No. 10 North street Batimore, nearlyoppAsite the
Pint Office, - where the- Genuine Medicine may
' obtained. • .
For sal - e - in Carlisle. at the stere or
BY & HLTNER. °_,
Sept. 4, 1837..•
. ,
~Stock and „Exchange
Harriet:lurk,. ilarket atreetoiiimite to Wilson's
Hotel, • •, • • •-•
liii4 -- (411311)00Zillare •
Buys and sells Natal °fall kind& Stools liought
and 'sold. LOTTERY PRlZES:taabed, and all
inforitiation giVen.relative to LOTTE,RIE§.
Ancust 311837. . . •
ty-*--Ar** : _t.kOF /:.p) *10:40 ' :,.it. lqf suilleva,clipt73,-
midfut , s (bid
rgaffirvi.x BITICEIiS.
_, •
Allnations ' .ftont the remotest ages,, have had ships, bu
Columbus tmly Annul oat the-way o America.. Delbre the
time ofr the grout Spanish navigclo 'people were only min--'
bled to paddle aboyt the pliort lo '. ilSt,s(l , with .the 'Life
/slmlieines. — lt is bit two yinOs sine • 1 first v(fituri.d . upon
-Mt iiiiknown'oeeali, - iitoiL I have discover( d , the pet moos
object.' wasycseareli ot*- - - HEAL:eII. Vegetable ineiliciiiis
Were ilidelll 1:110ifil when I coilimencen my search, but
their Iise . WIIS nut. • fly the Use of tooth, I littsemot milly
passed from the dejected invalid,. to the, hale, hearty" and
active malt of business, bet, voniparativeleSpeaking, I have
renewed my-youth.' 1 um, thus; 'will, Ctullhilellee ill my-own
experience, lid v ise will i too , rel low , ei tizeiiii. Dims the reader
'want ',roof tutu,: VhAil , ,,T ABLE. • LIP F. AII , :bICIN PIS
are biscwn ease? I have on 111 iLi, iat my office,
54d Drilatiway, hundreds of letters, front some of the 1(1051
citizens of thiS my native 1111111,1 . 01111a:try Direr
ell'in testimony of the virtues 01." A 0001) VlfAll , ;.IA.111.11
. .
persons whose constitutions have been nearly ruined by
tthd'ltilLinfullible"-iiiiiierai -preptirations , of-the-sloy„.wltl
'bear me witness, that the Lire Idedieint s, and such . only, are
the trup course to good health. - . . -
• - -------
11acis medicines have long berli-knowiyinclappreeinted
fur their extraordinary and 1111111.141 W 1/011,16 Of•rlblOrilig
ileatei :W . 111010,0 Persons suffering tnitleroieliFly every kind .
of disease to which the 1111i111111 frmuc is liable.
_litinany._.hundreds utourtificatedinstrincesi_th_eY
even ion:nett sufferers from the very verged' 1111 11111ii/lIHY
- grove, - after 1111111e'
.deceptive nostninis or the day had sit
failed; unit to itinnyulionsinols they have permanently
secured that uniform enjoyment of health, without which
life itself is hut a parthil blessing. Su-great, int:et d has
their-efficacy invariably and infabibly proved, that it has
appeared scarcely less 'hail miraculous to those who were
unacquainted with tire beautifully philosophical pi inciples
upon which they, are .open%l hich they.
consequent] y • act.: -- lt - heir JIM A-st - :541-sensible
aeriuu iii purifying the springs and channels of lire, and .
enduing them with renewed tone Mid vigor, that they were
indebted for their name, which vials LktiloWl . ll Iliad% than lit
the spuntaneous request ur_sess.ral whose
they had obYiouily 31.1V1.(1.
The proprietor' rejoiets in the opportunity afforded by
the universal dillbsion of the daily prtss, Lou' placing his
I'ABLE'11.L.5. within the lininefeilgt and
reach of every individual in the community. Llinthe the
Bust of pernicious quucgcrits, which boast of eegetableln
greiliehts, the Lire Pills-are solely vegetable, and contain
neither Mercury, 'Antimony, A rsenie, 11101. riny other min-
Mirror:li wlibletcf. "They - arc - entirely cunsposed
of extracts from rare and powerfurplatits, the - virins-s - of
rectOdly to some eminent ploirinaeetiticul (Animists; are alto
gether unknown to the ignorant pretenders iu medical
science; and were never ht.tbre administered in so happily
efficacious a combination. • .
!Flue first operation is to loosen the cants of the stomach
and bowels, the various impurities and crudities constantly
settling-around- them ; 11111 - tu _remove (I illeyl
lath collect in the convithitions of the small nitfsimi s.
- otinT - medivinti - Turetilfily cleanse tltcsc,auu leave sm..
levied mosses be uud, us to . produce habitual I:rightness,
with all its train of en fis, or sudden ditirrinka, a ith its ina..nt
iuinent dangers. I liii - Brot - is -- well - known to till I. gala
anatomists, who examine Lire human bow e 1.4 after- Eleanor
and 'hence thi• - pry.juilienTill'llivire - weldnformcd melt-against
the coach thedicinti of the age. The second effect of the.
VELE TAI3LE LIFE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys anti
the bladder, and by this means, the liver :mil the lungs,
tire healthful action of winch entirely "d. petals upon the
- regularity of-the-nrinary_organs._The [maul, s, Lica ta,kcs
its red cult& front thenageney or the liver ausai - thilnkings - bo - - -
afore it passes into the heart, living thus purified by Wei.,
and nourisltdd by food coming (im', a clean stem:tell,
courses freely through The v, iris, relies, s every part of Ore
• system, and triumphantly mounts-the banner of health in
the bloofteing_clidein.
— ThilTanricorigitre among. the 4istresshie variety
diseases, to w Inch tire Vsg.table lofe tabs nice well ',wawa
to be infallible:-; •
- DYSPEPSIA,--by tliorOlighly cleansing The_first anal
_econd stimmelea, a lion of pure, healthy loin s ,
nsteatiof the stale mini
Of the 'Wart, Loss uf.Appciav, Heart-burn ataPileadatacile,
Itestiessitess, 111.teintinr, Anxiety, loangitor - ,. and elan
choly; which are tire general 'symptom* or D)spepsin, Sall
vanish as a witurid cons: quence or its cure, • Costiecatest . ,-
by cleunsing_One_snitolviel4;th or thc_iutcstiitu toth st sot.
ventlirucest,anctwithout s ionlice; ail vioteillptirges kit\ e
lite bowels costive within tit,. days. astir L'holcra,
by removing the sharp acrid finials by 0 inch these com
plaints are mwasioned, and by promoting . the lubricative
-secretion or the. niuscull__Mtillbrnite...
„kcere.t ... cf oft kite!.,
by restoring the blood to regular cirriiiiition,
iiroevss of mrspiration iii some cases, and tire thorough, so-
Mr E
PILLS have been know it tTi ei t r e - ///aeianie(i:c • aipernirul - dii'ilS" -
il'tliree it ao. Mid . Cora in. _lid& that: tiolei - liY - rlaiamilig .
local inflaninuttior front lire muscles and ligaments of the
joints. Dropsies of all linds, by Freeing itnii strengthening
the kidneys and Madder; they operate-must tin
these tin - portant organs, and hence have over been found an
.c.ertainreanedy,for stua.starsy.ettsys of Gravel. A lon, Worms,
by dislodging from the torningi of the 'hovelg - the slimy
andtter to winch these ereaturcs adhere; Astlillia and con
suiliptiod; ttr'relitving the air vs souls of the lungs t Min the
mucus, w inch even slight eulds An ill (WC:isnot,. Welt if not
'removed betoilics hardened. and produces those dreadful.
diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers, anal inveterate sixes, by the pert
,rect - purity which these Life l'ills give to the blood, and uly
One litimorst Scorbutic Eruptions, and had complexions, be
their alternative till et open the fluids that feed the slsiustbs
morbid statir of Which teen silly all Fru
Sallow, Cloudy, and other ilisiitFreenble COMplexions.
..use.uf..theifil.blisfora very:snort time; will etfect an entire
cure of Salt Illietini,T6
tt in the CIIOII.IO (Ir tile Shill,' COlllOlOll COWS MO In
fluenza, will aiwa) s be cured by ono dose, or by two, even
in the worst cases. Viies;•-its u retired)' for this. avast (lit
tressing mid obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pilli de
serve a distinct and emphatic recommendation.. It is well
known to huudredsfit thus city. that tire Proprietor of these
invaluable-rills . was himself afflicted with the- eompleint
fur upwards of tia tory-fice t !. ears, rant he tried in vaiii every
remedy prescribed w dill the whole compass of the 3f curia
islediatt,-L-11c.Awcwerifit-ienlill, tried the Mean:int , which
bellow to the publie. sand be was cured in a very short
•tinte, after his recovore bait been pronounced nut only im
probable, but Ono:tit-1 impossible, by nit•ans.
Dill ECTIO NS FOlt U:iisa-Tite Proprietor of the Vege
table Lifa Pills does not r‘d!ow the base null mercenary prate ,
tice of the quacks of the day, in advisifig persons -to take
his Pills in large.quantities. • No good medicine can possi
bly be so required.: 'Flies:- 'pills are to he taken at bedtime
every night, fora week - or fol (night, according to the diseasd.
The usual dose is front 2 to to thenTunstitutioni
ofilic_person—Very delicate ',arsons shouldficgin_witli
two, rind increase 11l
those inorcsobust, - or oe very costive habit, tarty - begin sr Ith
3, and:lncrease to 4, or even 5 Pills, until they will effect a
sulficiently happy change to gtildi• the potient in Olefin fill ,
titer use, 'rinse Pills soma thins oce.rsiai sickness and"
Vomiting,' thOugli,yer) seldom, unless thr Slonincli is cosy
foul; tlas,lioweveronaay be considered a favorable symptom,
thepalieitt will find liiicseif at mice relieved, old byper•
severance will soon reenact r. They usually operate within
10 or (2 hours, and 'never give pain unless the bowels are
very much encumbered. They may Inc taken by the most
delicate females wads r any is, however,
recommended, that these in toter periods of pregtiacy should
take but one at a time, laud thus , emit iliac to keen, the
bowels °pea , : and even tent asp' be illkot , rchere'llie patient
is evrY"c6stiVe. One pill in tiptions
4101 of water, may be given ill (11l infant - in - the following. -
doses-a ten spoon fu ll . es cry two hours till it operates; fora
child from one to live years of age, half a pill-alid from
lice to ten, one pill.
'IIIIE.I'IIUiN uvrTr.usi• are so.eallut, because they ,
possess thepower'or ra .tocing the tspiring embers,of health,
to 41. inning VigpC, tite,constitution,aS the rhos
liiicts said tolirTri_til.iirniTTO-lir-liblii-tlie=bSliel-D,Eitl-_nwil
dissolution. 'TireHinters Aire entirely vegetal - tic,
composed of roots found uuiy iiceerta in parts of the western
of all kinds; will never Nil to.eradicatn entirely all the td= ,
Teets of Mercury, ii flout ly soon, r than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsoincriliii.ainl a ill immediately core the
determination of It 1.00 . T 0 TIM BEAD; never nil in - •
tine siehness inealent to youra,FJOantalet 7nul will be (lan O
nod a 4
certam remedy All iirr_rrys erb/4/y . antitccßksir , / . ,_
or theinust impaired coast, iiitions. Asa CrincilY for Cara-
M t ill: subscriber will 143iit 'that well known
nic and Itellaninadorp lihruanhism tai ellleacv of the
Phoenix Bitters will la clemonstratted ' fay the Amu do siinglc.4.4 large Milllion,se, - for many scars
bottle; The usual dose or these hitters is half wine gills occupied by -.Christian ' . 11tiinrich, , nod itiih . e re
- Tall - cirrwriter-car-wine,.apilthoiltliiin.X. inn
or thrtx times a due, about half an hour - before meat IS,-or '.cently.. - ify - otlieNiAs -- s ---- TAVERN -
Iess quantity limy be'titiseti all all 'fo those who are :Ysir 4 1 'MUSE. i$ reniarka
011)tcuh:telt With indignst,. o art, r hang ' Bitters sill bW 5 • • • . .
y very, g „,, t ty nett (,„ o f 6 6 • lily well c..lculated for entertain ing
the principal visceral, ip Ilium to I.:aorta tlieir,Tun :- . ;ctiont. ; '•-4•110 DE;S:S ; there being three
sintienahlo the so - itheliariv • into the bow( Is stair-wav:• , , .Fife ;Ames in most °fill,: roonis.
hatever is offensive. Tinistintligestion is easily odspeetli. • • , ,
ly riurioved, appetite r. stored, mai the months of the ab• The sliest ion eIY pletmot and dcsirshle, beim.
Sorbent-ressels being cleansed.: nutrition is facilitated; ansl-ort the hot th 'west eol.iter- -01" Hanover tint' Lotitliee
strength of body . and energy or mind ate the happ')• results streetsi while,. for conveitiences, .it excels any
For further particulars of. MOFAT'S LIFE PILLS, and
pluEtclx . tyrrEEtts. „ 1 , 1 ,1 / . „ t m e , At 0 u.,, t .,, oßlcc , Nn. tallier house in the borough or chontry. It po.s
Ifrodd wain, NaSni the - unitstnit:ridelntages - of - 1 . 24 . oins-on
for 25,eenti,s0 emu . , or 81 per box; and the Bitters for Kt first floor---12 roonis out the 2d lloor--'-4 rooms on
Or $132 per bottle. 0 - XS Tuns certificates of the wonder
the 3d floOrG Celfars Boise. - • Two wells of
full efficacy of hoth;anay t here inspected.
111 Some olisthiate.alui romoueotra emits of Chronic and water.; (one at tilt: frontdoor on Lontlter street,
InnauunatorY Rheli nlat i ani • r ' lver • C4"l'inin", Fever and with - a pimp' tilerein• the other in the the
Agne,,Dyspepsia, Palsy; Piles injuries., rom the use °inter
/wry, quieditooind other tlirecrieit of long standing, it may he nal:lien dt. 1 01;) eastern made to coot n eighty'
found necessary to take both thetaill..litlis and Phoenix 13it- , live II ogslietidsc large and xfinvenicni 'Stabling,
ters,in the doses before reeunimentled.. Ir t ge tt;,s ru b l e ac ci a o ;
' N. n:—Theserilliinulthe Bitters Will get all mercury out " j ib ..c3r6Pge house, and bileds ; bt
of the.systens infinitely faster than the best preparations of I e itt „ garde tia al I iiched. - to the
msr.y cOnvenienees not sPeeified;
Sarsaparilla, and area ectain remedy fur .the Tasking' ay . • .
blood to the head, or all violent:headaces, tic donleurus.' •
pattlimiostit are predisposed I n s apoptexy, 'patty,' I 2. Also, - ore -frame 'Weather boarded
iste.olbould nev e r be without the Life tins or the
TheY tat imlite the circu-
Bittersi,Lrwo Story House, situated in East -.Lotitherst.,;-
...‘Ati - C- . two-t., - "'ellars u 'a-tiartlen-and-Stabling-kttsched 2
lation tif thehlood;drawallpressure from tine bead, restore
perspirationond throW off.etery impurity by the pores o tlieeretn.
the skin,. . 1 3 . Also,"one °thee AVeather•boarded at the store of S., ELLIOTT• House in West Loather street, adjoining the Ger.
September 18, J 837. -Iy. • man Reformed' Church, with a Garden attached.
,o it. •"For Terms apply to
Nov. 20. .
One. Dundred Bushels bf clean Vlaxseed , want
ed at the store of the, Subscriber jn SOuth nano ,
ver Street. • ••• -
• . • • S. C. BOLANDER. •
Carlisle;Sept 1%.1837._ • -.•
MOTIC.,L: - •
Lettersof Administration on the estate of John
Morret deceased, late of - Monroe township, 'de
ceased, haying issued to ,the subscribers, residing
in said township. All persons having claims against
the estate, will present Them. to the subscribe, for
payment,and'aillersons indebted to the estate will
make paytnentimmediately, to •
-- • " Samuel Morro,.
. George Brindle,
--Nov 20,1887.; . Exectdore
•-• ,
Stecriiiting_Ser cc.
rll', a few ahle7budled,citizens, betw.een . the
ages-of 18 and 35 year, being about 5 feet .6
inches high, of good chdracter,, and of re
spectable standing,. anfong -. 0164 fellow citi
zens. None need:apply to enter the ser-id
buf.those w.ho,are determined 'to serve the
period of their enlistment—which is only
tbrce4 e4rs,--honestly andlditlifiiiii 7 . 7-1
...... .. .
• - -- -- Pay, of - Dr11.46: -
. ... - - ' soldiers, when
. . t? I .
- - '' MOUnlidi --
- • -.. ' ~___
• This table shows the amount z.2. a
of pay which enlisted soldiers, 1 I. , ' • '79:",
according to their , : respective ~ ts- „ I .-,„ co
grades, ,are entitltd to receive I . ii
for their services. ' - ' 1 f...i. I ;4-.1.2
To the Sergeant Major, Qum . , • ... , •
sic an , tit'Clef Bugler-=each 16 192 640
T, the'lst,Ser't Of a Company I:3 '
„ y3O 579
Ordnance Sergeants
All otlie 7 r Sergettams—cach
Farriers and Blacksmiths 10 120 360
Artificeis -
Privates • • 8 96
Besides the monthly -pay, as above stated,
one ration per* day is allowed ifvery
• : strflicienttforAis:subsistenee
—MAIN. a large supply of, comfortable and
genteel clothing. Good quarters mid fuel
arc at all times furnished; and every atleit
ti will be paid to making those men _who
may-enlist,-and-are determined -to serve_their,
rfir - g - mid - firtiffiTat7ifiiiltiThie_and ten-‘
tented with their situation. The best inedi
cal* attendance is •al ways provided for the
1 sick soldier ; and ho deduction of pity-is made •
during the peiiiiid lie_is unable - to pet tar
his duty, - Should the soldier be disabled in•
the line of his duty,.the laws provide, 4en- -
sion fur him. -
By tli - C 7 Tflintreir - isT - se - en drat-the:pay-and-1
al/owanices are respectable, midrib:it, with
i pi Udence, and ecinionly, the monthly pay of
the -soldi_er may helaid.up-‘-as every thing
requisite 'for his coMfort_and -conychiencels
fin iiished by the Gur_ernment, ineloding.his
sugar and cake.. The _prudent s..ldicr,
l_t. lei clut_e,._may readil_y____sar_c_from_6'3oo_ to_
5500 during his,short enlistinent of 3 years;
and at the expiratiqii . of clie term he cite; if
he chooses, _purchase a small farm in any of.
westm n States . ,_and, there s'e tt le-hinisel Ceam_-_
fortably, tin his owif i laild, forthcrest of-his,
life. .., 7
• .
. .
Main ,ti•&•t,:tor-•
Ir7The solo of :TWO *
will be given to-rtny-citizen, Non-coininis-
Sioned - Oflicer, or tiohliar, who shall bring to
this Rentlezvous - an.able7bodie4 recruit, well
formed,- sound, and otherwise duly qualified,
(as above deseuibed,) for the'duties of a sol
dier, ;and who shall be regularly _enlisted.—
80 Ball. al., 4 doc7i:beldtv the punk.
50,000 DOLLARS.
Persons at . a distance 4iposed to try their
luck in either of the following grand Lotte
ries—one of which draws alternately every
weeh,—are respectfully requested to fm.watd
their orders to the siibscr - iber; enclosing - the
cash or-prize tickets, designating the Lottery
will receive immediate attention by retain
maiLand Atte clrawing,sforwarqed when over
(if requebted.) -
L. W. 113BINSON.;
Baltimore, Md.
D ItAWIN F41.0T-T ER I ES. —Order m
the several'Statel.otteries will be drikn.
Maryland State Lotteries drawS in Balti
more evet y other Monday. ,capitals range
from 10,000, 20,000 to:S3O,L'O : O-; Delaware
State 'Lottet ies - draws - twice - every - Nreek7,
capitalsvary - from-510 slo,ooo.4ilyand
solidat ad Lottery draws..once every: week,'
capitals 20,000, 25:,000 . to 530,006; AlerianA
dria Lottery draws once every - other week,
capitals .10,000, 20,000, S 0,000,50,000.; Vir 7
ginia State Lottery draws evely.SatiAlay hi
each week, capital prizes range front 10,000,
20,000; 25,000, 30,000 to 840 c 000. Tickets
in' the above Lotteries vary from 52, -3, 4, 5
awl 10 each, share's in,proportion.
perfectly safZ *-- No miscarriage has ever cc,-
Feb: 14, 1837.—1 y ":;!-
Estate of.J6cob Ugh, (kc'il,
- • NotiCe.. •
All peiions indebted to the Estate, of fa'
cob ,High, Sen., decd, late of Mifflin township
Kumberland count3r,•are requested to make im
mediate payment to Jacob High, residing In New.;
ton township, or. to Henry Healing, residing in
Mifflin township; to whom letters of administraz
tion on said estate have issued; and all persons
. claigisior demands against the estate of
said deceasedare requested
_toinake known the
same to .eith t er. Ofthe, Administreters, WitiVoCt
delay. •
_ • - JACOB MGM„ I,4d7Ar's of Jaen()
JIKNUY RAILIN GS High, - Sr. deed,
Nov 20,-1887. •
- - ffair *Mr.
HE subscriber of for sale the,•folloWing..
Ifonse anilhaliJot of'4 - round;
te the north aide of Main street in the bor
ough of Collide; nearly' opposite Mr. George
Atighinlittugh'a hotef—the west •half of lot
61, -in the plan of said borodglt—boun'tleiL by .
Main street on the south, Dr. T. .Myers ,
...Myers, t. the
west, Diekinton alley (23 feet-wide) on the itokl.,•
And the widoiv Creighton on' the colt, containing
30 - feet in front.ond 240 feet in depth. - The
dings are it
- Frame I r'eatherboarded
. • •
fronting onMOin street with a large • •
Back ituildipig,
.tunting• on the alley. Said half a high
state of improvement, with a variety of choice 1 •
Fruit Trees and Grape Vines,
• -
no w,l) eart_currantim . d-Gooseberry Bushes, and
;csr/of different kinds. - ".•
An indisputable title will be given - to the mix t
chaser.,Further particulars are deemed unite=
Any persons wishing to purchase, are
invited to call and view the premises..: terms
~c be made ki) w n -by .
August 28. 1837.
$ $ $
12 144 432
10 120 . 200
94108 32.4
DR. N,Vm.' EvAsfs'S emmaurt.F. TONIC
B ENJAMIN BOWN, corner of Shippen an
-George Streets, - affected for
!SeVen yehrs .with extreme „kiervousness, by
which be was not able to wiitehis name z --
Sytnpiotas_were,:craT4irm, - daily spas_.
irrthe head, loss-of-appe-tit l -•
piration of the -heart, giddiness and dimness
of sight,. utter inability of engagingTift any
thing that demanded vigor-or courage, sick--
, ness._at_the_stomach,._ impaired. appetite,.
eakness- of -Are _extrem itiesr
emaciation and extreme ileiAlity, disturbed
,sense of. pressure and weight attht,
stomach after eating, -great mental despon
dehey,--severe flyitig pales in - the chestillack
auff - Side, costiveness, a ffirslik - e - fa — S - O - ciety ---
' arid conversation. Mr. 13. has made trial of
various medicines now before the public, but
to no effect`,. ttt,il, observing in a public pa=
pa pO--som e -co res pry for med by Dr. William
Evans's Camomile Tonic and Fatally Aperi
snt Pills, he Wasinduced to give them atrial,
of which he' is at any time happy to 'state
that they effectually cut ed him of the above
dist ressing .disease. • - '
. .
. . .
riii'soll.s _NY Ito dotibt .above _are_
m ost _r_epect_fully_dir_ect_ed_to t_lte -above men
tioned person, . at -the north-west corner of
Shippen:and Georges streets.
Dr. NVNI:—EVANS'S' Medicalofice for
tiee' sale r,f 'lfis'excelrellt.Nltdciiie,ots at No.
N. Emal - ru ST. 0114- where
:Medic i . netan-a,hy . ays ,
For this-office. •-. .
• t
The Subscriber returns his sinctee thanks
tohis former customers, for the liberal share
of fiati•onage, which has,heen given him and
solicits a continuance' of the same; 'as also'he
invites those who, may. not l as yet,' have
given him.itiali,r_to_du_solatins shop in North
Ilanover street, one door north of Mrs, IE.
•Weise ° s store;
Having latekv returned from the the cit
of Philadelpnia, bringing witit him the fates
and most approved fashions, thesubseribe•
has on hatid, .a large assortment of
LtLii I DZCZ) Wair l 3l2.oB
finished, in a superiiir style. -•
Also, FUR AND ZEAL CAPS, of the
latest - firsliion's - ,, all of which Will be sold low
for cash, or exchanged for country minium
• • •
18`.,4;—tf - , '5l,
G Et). PRINCE, :
Formerly' of Szinbury, Northumberland
• • County,
llegs leave respectfhlly to inform the nubile,.
that he has removed to Harrisburg, where helnis
taken that lai•ge and spacious three story _brick
house formerly occupied by Mathew . Wilson,
coiner of Walnut and Third streets, •
in - view - of - ilie - State - Capitoloviticirbe - nperted - on
the lirseciay of kay last, slid where lie hopes to
continue tb_ receive that patronage so liberally
bestowed on- his. establishment ( heretofote.•- He
will at all times, be - provided/with every thing
necessary to make his guests comfortable.
• ,• , G, PRINCE:
— llarriSlineg;%Turie • ; 1837. • tf.
- 1111{AIND,RE1'WS" ritris. •
WA, : k Further supply of BrandretiViVilliciiisll
IR.. cent krtetfejust received, and for sale, at
the ato:e
1., Est6t4, of elnistian•Co6 •l 7' er, deceased.
f 'Erriuts of administration upon the estate
711.1 of Cliritian Coover, late of Dickinson town.
Cumhe-land coUnty, deceased, have issued
in due form of law to the subscriber, residing on
the farm.cif said deceased,-in said township
pyrsoiwainving claims ligainst said estati.will ,
present them, and those' indebted will make pay.
meat to - • . • • •
Sept. 25,1837.74 w.
Celebrated Itheumatic,.Nerve,
Applied morning' and 'night; has'.cured
drcds..). It gives relief in the swelling or the
glands - of thellircat, -and relievesthe numbness
'and contractions of the limbs and will take swel.
&Cgs down; and. inflarMitions out of the flesh,
rheumatism, bruises and sprains —lt gives imme
diate relief; it strengtliZns weak limbs, and ex
tends the cords when contracted.A few drops
on alieep's wool applied to the ear of-deaf 'per
sons, Will by'Constant application, cause them to
hear in two'inontha' time. " '
' . A 'great number 'of. certificates of the most
.respeetable,and ;Wcent character may, be exam,.
Men where it is sold. .Nlease 011 . 06. C. Bolander
Carlisle,who willgive -further information. or
Nlx..l,liiiinder's papers.. ,
Carlisle. October .30;18,37.- 1 1.y. cow. , • 48.-
Allica l or sale by Se .ELLIOTT::
and *Soup
• , .PirtrittaTE. •
The SuhScnberrit - priVate , sale,R
the following - . property' situate 'about three
miles. west : of -tliHarrisburg :Bridge• and
adjoining the Cuinbeaand Valley Rail Road;
ecintaining about .1 acres having, theieon
erected "
a shop, stable, rt. well of never failing waterat
the door, together with choke fruit
trees.- Possession•will be 6iven on the Ist of
April next. ,
Shiremanstown, Dee. •18,11337. • • •
TI-IL Cmiter house and store, room, newly
finished 4n-the best-style,. situate on the south
east cif Market.,Squat e, now in the possession
- tif - W --- 17. - Airedin - tti- - =Alserthe entire-Wilding
down in Liberty -
A LARGE . " •
• • 111 T W-0 5,3" 0 R
• • S Toxr. monsE l
calculated for-tki-or more-familtes yvith:st lot of
ground, and tid - o - üble Stable. Poss4,sion rill be
give - it on the first day of April next ; for terms
apply to.Thoinsis Carothers, Esq., or -to the sub
scriber.. ••-
T. URIC...-
1 Dec. 19, IS37:=-3w. ' •.:
• N E
Ceitstables, :Retailers, str.-
IN. and by an act of the General Assembly
11 -of Pennsylvania, entitled 'An act gradu-.
ating the duties upon wholesale dealers
retailers of merchandize,• :nid prescribing
,the mode of issuing licenses and collecting
said_duties - ," it is made the diity of the Con
stables of the-respectigeftiMinships. within
_ .u-nty.of-=(2-attilberlatitli7. - -and-'they-rare
hereby required to makc,out, on oath or af=
lirination, and -deliver — to .the clerk.'ot the
cOurt.of Quarter Sessions, a separate lig of
all the_wholeSale and_retail dealers in goods;
,wares,and.merchandize,,,wines or distilled
.Spirits . ----drugs or me. 101es—except — Those
that are the growth or prOiltic7C:bf-thetini
tedStates; on or; beful e the first of - fiektjan=
.wary sessionsi being the Bth . day:. Merchants,
Pealers,--inilTithers embraced in - the sniff ict,
are also notified, that . ' the Aisociate Judges
and Commissioners of said county, will
tend at the Cominissioners office on Friday.
he 12th da of January next, at ten . o.'clock
in the forenoon, fi,r the - "p ur p 05t , 15 rtira - ri
and classifying all retailet s within said couir
tv, agreeably to the saicract, where all such
as think. proper waY--41-encl.:
- Attest,—J. IRWIN, Cl'lc to Coin'rs.
_,__Commissionerg!_ ()Met., 4 .
be.expOsed' to public sitlein.the.Bo :
rough of Mechailicsbnrg, on' Saturdaythe
27th day of lan,itary, 1838, by orde r of the
,Orphaits! Court of Ciiiiiberlai!.(l county, .
LOT . CU!' G71...0t7X1); • .
in the_ said_tnrough,_botided • by- Adam
1-teigellohn----14nit-k-lin--natl,-.14an0-,Kills •
containing about one- A cre, - haiing- a ..- •
Log House ,
.--tirercon - crectecl, and some Fruit
VTrees upon It.
-- A - LSO;-An other Lot of Ground, near to
the above, bounded by tiimpson , s Road,
Rtigti and Cotiver and Nancy. Wright, with(
a small House thereon.-erected: And wl4eli
will be sold as the property of •Adam Lro=
tidrff, dec,,eased. • .
Terms of, sale made known on the'd /
ay of
G.51:101t F F,
Administrator ddani Lpligsdi4,;STitira:
Carlisle,•Dec.• :16, 1837.-4% ,
II I •
of Pennsylvania in WI and German
. Persons - Wishing ti Lin copies .of the
Pamphlet Laws of tht ,ent - Session .9,f tfie
Legislature of Pciturleania, in .the English
and. Gerourn Langiiges---Ahe former half
hound; and the lufter in /'an:/inlet forrn, at
fifty cents , per / c:opy—are requested to have
their names rcgis . tered With the county Trea
surer iinniec,ixtti y:
the Sec' etliry OEl* C:ornhipnwealth in a'te - w
days. /
3. W. EB\, Co. Trea,
'Treasurers Office, • j
CiiiiisreTlYee`. - IS 1837. '
SITUATE at the head' of Grefit.a.Springs,
in. Nowtow township, Cumberland county,
about four miles %rest of the borough of New
ville, Will be rented fora term of-one or more
yeies. The buildings are •
TiVlrwo Stony Shine Fitttorri--
with. carding and spinning machines, .looms,
and all. neccssaryachinery. for in nufica
turing cloth; alSo a - dwelling, :house conven
ient to the factory. For terms apply-to eith-.
er of the undersigned.
J. 11.7,1.&11 . _,
INll,_ . _
Wrest Pennsboro•
Dec. 4, 1837.
Eitcourage your own alanufactw,
re f 2`3,.
21.412'5 - eitgai'Ap _
i t . jgcE Ed
THANKFUL for - pastfavors, inform their
friends and the public getier,eliv that one'
of. the firm •having lately returned' from the
city of Philadelphia, with a' largo and .ex.;2
cellent assortment of Furs .and Plush,: they
are-stow-preparaLto—manuf.r tire (i_eL. --
men's, Hats and Ladies' Bonnets in the lat
estand most approved:fashion... The quali
ty of the Plush is far superior to any former=
ly, had 'oti,liand. They 'h'ave _at present an'
'excellent assortment of .; •
. _
• kart B P
asslas, he . and black;
_ .
Brush' Weaver, Castor, and
• . • ~..- Silk Hats - . .. ' .
I r. .
Of all Size's and prices: , : ; - .. .
4 .9.1i0.'a general assortment of Ladies' llory•
nets of all coltiuri•and description, such as
Pure White, Fawn; Black and Gr y, which
they will sellat the most reduced )rices. . -1
' Oentlemen and Ladies who areln want of
iliese articles; will do well tp i give• an early
call , .. • • • . .
.Dec.-18, 1837.-3 w .. ,7.,.........."
They have on band a few of lhe best
quality of FUR CAPS ivhith they offer tQ
sell at low prices.' jin
I-- - dlii*Dyspeptie . .
• .:ThillMedc,chte met with - thernticni.nou
aPprobation - b - Ithose whdhav'efairlY,e - mpleyed it,
according to.thetlirectipitsili teCompiended with
increased confidence Itublit';lo almost"
every:variety-0C fttnetional - •diaorder
of the sto c
:mach, bowels, liver arid•epleen; - inteh as heart
meld eruptions:, •liattaiN. hendschee pain
itnd distention / of the stomach and lioWelo, mot. •
pient cliarilicea, colic;' Jaundice, flaturelleeita4i—
tualcostWenesS, loss or spiietite, sickliearl-ttehe,
sea slokness, Etc: &c..- These Pills tieing entirely:,
vegetable, maybe taken - with • perfect :ritafity - un. -
der any • exposui*e—to weather ; ' may- be •
further remarked, that they Belden,. if ey'erepro- „
dupe sickness at , the stomach or griping -..The •
r.nurnereue• Certificates. friini: gentlemen of - the •
highest ,respectibility. give -ample evidence of •
the value in whiclithese Pills•are held, and there • •
•are few who donoteay. they-have adopted.theird
as their
_common family medicine: • ••
• • • - -tESTIMONIALS. • - .
Pom the lit. Rev. Lewis S. Iveis. D. D. Bishop
- - of North Carona: • • ,
-RA LDIGII - March 2,. 183$
..,-1-t a vin2;_fox_the,lo.lt_thrce_years„been intimate.-
ly acquainted JOlin
city ! and enjoyed his pr fssional Cervices; tinkt
pleasure, in stating tha his• character as a chris.•
tian gentleman and , e. perienced Physician, en.•
titles his testintonyOrt regard to the . use of his
Anti.Dyspeptie Pills, to the entireeonfidence of
the — pitblia. --- My experience ofile Bond effect"-
-of-these-Pills, for -two years-past.' satisfies me,of- ` -
their eminent., valve, •particolarlYin•
_digestion. and warding oftbirmusr...
tacks, I was in the habit of' resorting fcir seetir4',
agaiabt:them - , 4 - With very partial•succel,s, tu,a ,
•Jiheral use-of Calomel; er - Dlue Pill:.` Btu silider -
mi:licgtiaintanee with the Anti-pyspeptin Pillii of •
Dr. Melt with which he prescribed in thefirst -
instance "himself ; Is hilve not. been under . the lo
cessity of using Mercury in any form, : _besideit.
'being wholly exempt. from bilious attacks. Se
veral members of my family are expeiienoing
thesane beneficial results.
L S. IVES; .
From the Hawks; •D. D. St. Thomas '•
- NEW Yong., Feb4,:18:6.'
ve no knowledge deri . vedfrom experienoe. •
of the etlicacy,-of-,-Dr-: fleck:m . loes _Pills; but -C
know that several of, my personal-friends in -"
Carolina, whom I lcft • sni9e.years ago, suffering_
severely under dyspepsia, were in 4.A health
when -I saw-them on- a few_montbs
since, nod arrYscriliel their recovery to the. use
orJleckWith's -
know that the certificates - obtained by the.
Doetor in North, Carolina,.are:from gentlemen of
the yespeetalYility;--and'se-erii-of-thetn--H
-stated tome verbally that ‘vlti , ..h is contained in
their "published •certifieates. • I. have ths_mobt/ •
entire. confidence in. them. • _
1 aho know_ Dr. Beckwith. and have Ino•Wrs
tilv.Fovimod; ;Intl I cheet fully,f‘tate
with lli,linivlyes "that -itia elipr ieti•r alta tria
ap gentleman antl.experienpeflyit.t . aie,ili'm enti-
Iles his testinomy, in regnatl to the me.fir kis Anti •
W•lientic fall, to the entire conli,denee of the
ptihl c."
1 7 . T.:: - 11.VW.E5.... —:
From -Dr.x.--G__Ngat t •
IlkliSt 11.11.,N.,Y0f1v, Aug. 11117. . •
'.'Ntr 'II: li isurner, , ./_ --_ . • .
of my frienO.s in this" town have
i% vi? Dr. Ileckwith's Anti•D)sprpt i c 1 1 ,11 ts with
ec'ded betwiit.. -
, Ainong the nunihee —,-a Meenher
of one of families, who has beett .. ,9fflici „
-edSwith-- : dyspep,s,ra i -of the : wo rst. grade_ tl5l. fvutr
years. I haveorgrA the tie, bf IleckWith's
best. chance .'of relief. She
had ah' e lgly — AfroVvartorts - TenTedieitrwillillitic ,. r
benefit br"poSbave :roil wits therefore re•
I;;C:tant, to continence with this Iler symptoms;
being.ttch alle‘iiated by,the use of the firs' b tx
she'cltmo 'to my-house for - a farther supply; but
firAing that my stock of the article tens exhaust—
. Oil. she expressed much anxiety to have m-,r
'obtained as soowas possible, and wished that one
box' might be sent by mail; if They - iiiitlirbrit bs
had hi a short time by other_means. '
"I am not-in the hal, tof employing nostrum'
and quack medicines-in my practice. but the „
which you veml should - not be ,so classed..
recipe from which they are prepared is undoub'-•
lyta; -
"Ilaviag spent two winters in Noath Carolina.
I am not ignorant of the reputation of some pr
the higirly respectably geOlemenAhere
rendered their public testimony in favor of tho
neaicine. • •
win ohly add that the trial of these Villa haw
been- satisfactory in this place. You may send
me, by the first opportunity, one quarter gauss.- -
• • Truly and respectfully yours, •
• E. G.InYGATT.."'
From the, lion Charles Fisher, hZte member oft
SALisamar, Pcb. 24, 11337.
years ago. I was very L _nincli afflicted
with a 'disc:lied , stumach and bowels; nothing I
cool t-appeured-to-ogree with me, and I was
obliged tube very carefuLitrm) diet. A journey
tithe south.wesf aff t weled me consideratile relief;
and% as L supposed,-..hail cured met but when k • •
left off travelling, the disease returned again and
I-Was obliged4mtake-Medicine-constantly,-among . ---
tither things ,ery often catomet;thiicontirmedio
be my State until a-out twelve months ago, when .
on the recommendation . of Major John Heard, I
'began to try Beckwitles Anti-Dyspeptic Pillss
vI soon • found relief from them, and have sine&
faken fib - other medicine whatever:. Whenever ,
I-find my stomach and bowels ire Lecothing de
ranged, I resort to these Pills and invariftbly find.
,relief. I 1nv....r heard a number of persons speak •
; of the benefits they have received from- theses
Pills, in the most decided. terms. I , rim well ne-,
quainted-with:- Doctor -Beckwithi=4l-e-fbra , timo
resided. in this place, and was my family Pliyai:
cinn. -Ills own testimony with regard to the use
-of hisAnti-llyspeplic Pith may be filly relied
I.ol‘. "CHARLES FISHER.", „,„
New l'erle.Gen. Theo.'Sern.
Mr.. 1-I....D.Turner—Dcar tboite sub.
ject to bilious attacks , and espi•cialy to the Dytt
peptic,.Dr. Beckwith's nits, will ttnquestionably
afford relief; I speak.with more Confidence after
having received material benefit front them,-fir
Witi 1 had` tysed - al Most ei'ery - thing else itria i n';
They need .but a. fair trial to find a tilace in the.
liledicine'Chest of every family; and ,to gain a
reputation •at the North, as , respee.table and, pi--
tensive as they have secured; where they have .
been Tong known tit-the-South„— ~ •
Very respectfully yours,
—Otlier-teStimpniala7in htvor-of-these-PiThi-from--.:
the' mo,t respectable Sotircett,'are gwen with the
-. Price for a single Tefras libeirid tor
agents and these who. buy to sell again. - Mho
had nLfl. D. ,TURNER, Pripcipul Agent, 18U
Broadway, NeW York, altd-ily
Dec., Carlisle;
4, 1837.:--li
aotice to _Creditors.
. . avr-appliedto_di •
judges of the Court of Conlin on Pleas of Ad- ~
ams County, for , the benefit of the insolvent
laws of this Commonwealth, and they „have
appointed Monday the 2clday of January,
l8:38, at the Court House in , Gettysburg for
th • tearing of me and my ereditoriv - when
d where you may attend if you think prop ,
• sAmtypl."s, FORNF.X.
•, 1837
- _
Gettysburg Star.
I have received 8 day, and .SQ ,hoqr Now
York C,LOCKS„. which warran t to
keep good . time, and navy_ them nt 'reduced.
prices,,at my , store. • k
CI.IAELES- BARSITZ, has received
:•per• Gum 'Elastic suspenders; viiith he L •
offers at reduced prices t • '