Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 09, 1838, Image 3

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JAmiiiril''9 ($08:
The People's, Chialidales.
\P -M9 : 1 11,U-2 DC:)
tki , 2 cuaztzt.iii 111
..+Detiaoiraffe 441 rimariGnie iretn
didaie for governor, •
. •
a.,72,1 lt 1 1 ,T. n2,,r-
On motinn of Jlimes PI. t"; rfiltarn,..gsq: ,
John .1. Mycrs, .111. haver, and
.fir'ederick E. Bally,. rs.. w c re ;Am i
in pi'actice-Iliwin the several courts of - this -r----- est by:retaining iier.servie . - -,-,- --,-,-,-, -.--- --,
counly.-. • . -.
.' •A\ . . . .
. .
• - ... -•''•' . I . . ' rhiladolphia Saturday Nowal .. '
l'he aVetv -- .31 - trirr:.. ----.. -,1 . • ._...
When this altilible '.',Weekly" commenced its
In consequence' of our columns being crowded '• - : .. • , -. , , ~ __ ~. ~
career s many-gloomy anticipations wet e leitle
4rvith other (Hatter, we • were obliged to issue our
• spectitig the issue. , It was th ought a Hazardous'
number patTon withs
tht• e
h u Il
ot thence in
sinii New e et-41l af'sgr 1ot. ive
7 ; affair . to-attempt 'to i rivalT its - con tempOj'aiies Whic
had-start etl-In-the-iZe-so-10n4,-bef4e-firand-liatl
' hot or do not wish them .all the happiness . ,- • f
' -already gained so large a sliar . e. of„patr,onage, • But
i ' ill for ,
_ .....7,llle_prescilLy_s_thicli il . . 8 P ° " --) e . the-enterprizilig-ptiblishe-rs-thouglitT_otberwfse
" frail mortality to enjoy, - Such is - indeed • our thay said that the public wants demanded another
wish, and such is °"'' lit - vent player. wci' " I 'l l "Family Magazine," and-they fearlessly l..unch
;hen, health, haPPille". and 1 ,10 .1 ) e,1 41 Y durin g al ' s .e,l their infaidbark-upon--the . licean.lof_populat
:., dear, nd,. , the,rettii•ii.optuttiy•llaypy-nevir-oties.
--' favor. "They rigged (heir Vessel in a,.
•• We tendei• to them our thanks for their pat- : . . i n •
steered a differeni:ifirection from theircontein-
: • c' .
' ronage arid Yuppori during the past, and hope for
porariev, and the remit' showed _that: it was:la
.31 continuation of-them duising the -present_and --
~. shorter toad to piifflic este; i)i. A t first their sm:-
-- , coming--years._Our-gratrifilflek-imyledgMents - - . „ . .
• -... '..-..- -- • . . CCSSI IVaS COITCSIMMICIIt WWI the infancy of
_,,,,,,,,grAllße_fo_r_tile - large increase which otir sub- - : , - e ' xistoi nT.. - e. Li i - i , ifit i - ioy
,ninde to
--- 13 — Eilpfrolilkst . Iris received, and we . hope by at-' ninfin , ll .,- .
They liti'ye - persevered in their effort,
._ilenticin,assidnity_, sild:_piniciiiiility - in the dis- ' • .
dra-wn. up o n -very-Liesource-which--ingentity_
cifuld'dc vise; and the liheral - . - patrartrge - of a ;off it: --
- rewfiriiiirg- community hits - At'lengtlf 'teStifiediNit
they liat:d arrived at - that degree of excellence;l
‘t Ucli will tThabre - theitito,cope successfolly,wiThH
' an Fi sli i kJ' publication. of the day. Since,its first
, Liied CO gipaterekerilOn and more vigorous ef
(.l-oil, and have addedeonsideratily-to-ilie-interest
of their print - and.l!(l,_the.public hive
, '
gained by the competition.
,„ ..
Theliatt.tentB of the "Saturday Nett,"
,are always o,Cths first order s and cOntributed by
seine of the - most talented writers of the day
'and the entire:Editorial Departinent is conducted
with consummate übiliiy. The gene ill character
of the U.ork is too well lint Alt to. our readers to
require any coinutentyMn us..t We would, how
ever, invite particular attention to the premiums
which they offtr np encotrageine9-to new-sub.;
scribers, which. are of, the most generous and
liberal kind, and we think 'unequalled. They
Offer .
'charge - of our (Ititjes to went acid litevive.
..:greater in e rease No efful rt Sdiall. be
1V aII [Tr jallaker red to fts i
- emir readers with 11.. rich ietdieedifal re
past. -- 'l'ir eliable - tis to - do - their-Eatit,factioli
as welkas our_own, it • will be necessary thatour
want of fluids al ivays produces; , lve therefore'
hopC our subset ibers will not lorget, us, but by
rrentpfly_pning the frifling . .!suin's- , .which - iheY
` may respectively .owe, enable us to servo - thenf,
'it:core faithfully. They will also doing eon-,
Lie - us to in gn •ave tjte appeittrinet. or our Vilikr, as
- *yell as to make it itta.e valuable as a weekly 'lnts , -
• cellsny. ;
trj-Otir aukg its. . Ome.lojlm n LES
Naiionol LeglOature; Hon
Jour SEect:ii NT, 11011. AlEtuti.e . , hon.
CrtA 311tEns, of .the Stet o• Convention;
:and to the. lion. CH A nt,Es 11.'PENrtosE, of the
State Senate, fur Valuable ptiblß. tluotuatuts:
Our readers will pardon the' absence of the
+Usual' vOiietk . 01 our paper—we have excluded
much intereviug tnatter:to gire place to the
:Fitectil of Ile 11011: eIIARL , ti NAYLOR In the
balls of `Congress. -Vi'e belie%°e that Ihis'n - oble
effort. Will court:tend itself t1;1.110 henJ and heart
Of every well .wisher of . the 'prosperity tf his
-country. 11 is a triumphant %Indication of the
tiaraeter of Nolllietqa institn lions a4OrNorthei
2/ICII, a nd a bold and fearless replMo thb baee
and unqualifiedeltarn - es made against them by a
Wanlhero are fib t EMT - Hie d that it
without an answer. No man in his senses
could deny the absolute of his asset lions— ,
rl; and iio one could withstand his fervidana en'er;
getic eloquence.
It have beerrwell if Charles J. Ingersoll.
. of "tory_ nieniery," had been m•esent: when this]
- stirring speech was made. It contains senti- 1
.e'sr..ot one who-declared "that it lic i itad lived in'
- rthe daps of the revolution, he would' have been
---.3-TPR . Nn-tind-witoafterwardil-liad-the-andaeity-
Icktiffeitiiinse)fas a candidate for an office of h 0.7
amr - antl - trustp , =andiwhtr -- -ix-nciw-preachingthisl
'Tory Elec.° Focojcloctrines irk the- SIMS Convven-
Men.. If lie Was any of the sensitiveness common
to out nature, the btirningidesh of shame would'
iliiiiifeilVii -- E - OuitteriMice, and he wottd
sought for sonic retreat to hide his
confusion. •
• ',lt will be rententheitAt by our readers that Pre
' zident•yaxs BrazN, iq hiS late message to Con.
'gress, stept so far out Ol•ltis proper:lip* .0..-;to
• give the United Stafes Dank of Pennsylvania a
knock or two because it paid out the notes of the
old Ifit - atTThi a . pretiy Poinmentary on - tliat part
message, the . Nationail 'Gazette says that the
is now paying the members of Con.
gresspne third it? FpeCle 1%1121 two thirds in thoSe]
caste uttlawftil, abOminable • rit;tea: - - Will not our
worthy Prcuddeot be-soon obliged to change h •
note?.? ye„stippose that our friends d_own
way; with their accustomed liberality, will no)(ci
. ibis inatter,
. . .
, - OlilitaryTATelings.„ •
VC'e 'have received the ; proceedings
, tif several ,
inectingslrla-41Wring The- lastwe t tlr in , the upper
crud of this county, in favor, of : ffei.ini persons
who ire candidates for-military honnts. , We' are
sorry that a iy ant of room compels Ali to omit
them. Av g will, however, give the names attic .
ciniTlidates, and ' we stippose . that this will ber
enough to stirndiste the voter s to use'every elyort
tO;lect their favorites. F . The eandidStes of one
party. ire. Adjutant J mot
_Wyseoor, of ,Nest.
_ .
petniaborough township, for, Lieutenant Colonel,
.and, Captain Jamas Brozman; or. Newburgh; for
e Major. The other party have nominated. Capt.
Monsooisatt: Dortamosr, of Dickinson , town.
ship., for Lieutenant Cokafe4 and ; Mr. DA.vln
--Woman, of itapewell. towubliio . for ',Major,
Waller Scott.
10 do and $2O Liults'er's, Marryatt's'and
.„, . .
10 do and $2O: do
... :Aand.Celcbrated Trials.
10. do and $lO Marry:lit and do do •
• 5-doandslo. Any of The following:
1/Israeli and-Celebrated 7.4.ials—Literacy Soti-
Bitgraphy of Scott. Piiik - Wier
Lnodon Forget-Me , .Not, 'Friendship's Offering,.
or Christian - r.„
-These premiUms are salkellis, and together
with the intrinsic - excelience of the "News" i'
self, cannot but - ensure an extended patron --,--
We wish them abundant success
.Tho Novv•Tork
• We bave,just received the last numb
yCar 1837 of' this popular periodical .
- c . — by a „faitTiTarilid .esutifuJAy engraved
likeness of our distinguished courytryman Task
tngton.- Irving • We have enjo . id the pleasur e
. . •
- of --- seeing -- this --44 hrigbr - paitre i -- r --- s - t - a"r - iii — iTur
horizon of letters, and, can t tify to the striking'
resemblance -- which - this - gr occurportrait bears:t
- the great prigival. - The alike cent-cote of this
number are original, and characterized by their
.:10rittaLexcellxnce..-Ailko-rnefits . of -Thisputilic-x;
; lion are generally .k own -and appreciated, some may consider it ppesuipplion in' us to direct et
tention to it; yet we cannot rehain:froni fre
quently esipresaing
,our unqualified admiration
lof the able' An - oriel. in which ' ' he Editor. has ca _
~tered for th ' literary public TOr years past. We
believe thir In the,number arid coatlrness Of its
'engravin s—iti the talent .displayed In its.origl
ilectiorfs—in Ibis candor ; aire Ain paitiality -bf it
Brit' res 7 -in the : iCeauty - and- popularity of as .
music,—and init's- typograPhical execution it can
' have •no ~superior in our
,country. We look
proudly upon .it awe fair specimen of .onrnational
, literature. Those of our friends who are' deal:
roue of subscAing fora publication of this
can be-gratified with- a sight of
.the work
_by_calllng atjiur_office.____
INVIOLABILITY olr Corermaciii.-:—The fel
!Owing article recognizing„.the itiViolabilty of
cntract, passed the Cotiveatime which 'is now
sittitig in Philadelphia to alter and amend the
•Constitution of the State, V the following vote
64,'rtays 54. • .
"5ec..2., The iiglitn, privileges, immunities mid
estates 'of religia,uirsocieties and corporate bodies,
shalt remain as the constitution of thiastate had
not been altered or gmended."• • •
In- iOnneetion with the ober° 'provilion, the
following; eneot'iraging education, wai - paseed:
-• - " Sec. 1. The Legislature shall continue to
provide, bylaw, for the establishment ofcommon
schools throughout the state, so this the benefits
of education .may be extebded Aci all persons hr
the Commonweith. • .
"Sec. 2. The a is and sciences shall be promot
-ed in oncooy More senaluariesof
• ,: • to JPlaminOth
* *heel.. 7,
The first ntfintbev for ; 184 of AlexandertS
:Weekly Idelteenger may with mtich'!ruth ;be so
called. an immense ptfper,, decidedly ., the
largest. we'have says: Its fie. is em:
bellished'witb 20 poitraits'of distinguished public
.rtten',:aminig which we notice those of "Clay and
Calhoun," representatives Of their 'living, breath-
Captain. Blarryatts celebrated_
the l'irate t has been condensed expressly
columns. It contains a comet, and att..
CoUnterfeits, and Broken banks,-
and ,:thetates of exchange of the -Bank - Notes .
of - the Catitet:lstateS. This s alone Could Make-it
valkaabl It-business Men.: In addition; it gives
many --in iereiti ng - tales, - ske telt es,- sad'
neont.r . eatling. We Cann()) but admire the una
lirttres not=sit always -in active. exercise. —Alexander,
seefrus determined to strain every-nerve, rind draw,
from t.exely resource, to;reader 'Ws' publication
worthy of public. apbrultation: WeltoPe that he
will receive his: . reward. ye cannot - ClO's& this
•'notiCe with - Oat ad% ei - ..ting to the name of o
ne whose
contranitioTt' frupteittly grace its colurhns and
whiclr alone arc wuryttihe price of the paper, We .
uteilll I!• :'Though, young
111 . 3 cars, and but a shot dime a candidate
fame, site bas acquired a reputation which
1 . 1 . 1 a-d1 rank her among the' sweetest female poets of
our country.. The breathings - of her muse- arc al
ways characterized by purity ti:vigor of thought,
'and a pathos and tkinlerness of expression, which
.rt:aches at once the luar3of - the reader. The
publisher of 'the_ Messenger will consult his intev.%
For 20 aubsc'ribero Sod -s4p the entire - warks of
. ,
Chancellor Oxenatiern said to . 'his, son,when he Correspondence_ air the lisatfa - & - 3i4pitaitior t
was seniling Mtn to 4 Congress of Ambaradors, • EXT,itACTACtTIIr t anirthii; pinto •. , • 4'.
and Yoblii man was'expressing his diffidence • 'too - . ' 4:f.tanienuart, Tan..l3d, 1813. z.
_ ..
of his own abtlitiesfor such n employment, :'Co . According to lifr. Crabbei resoltitioh relative to
see with your own eyes uam parys sapientia the tetiriPet . ialy adjoUrnmeriti-both_ linnets asseatt,
_ Li t
regitur munduisi---Whet a small p t•idri of=wisdom - bled, or rather viere to-assemble , to-day. For es
.---- •
governs the world. 7 ' ____ the event:Roved,' in consequence of the, want of
.4.'perusal of this fate proceedings:Or Congress a quorimi;7therelvastibthing den,,either house.
hasebrought to. our recollection (hp anecdote of . l' the next 'day (Jan. '4111) the Senate itiraY
the celebrated Oxenstiern 'and son. I'J:he flith4
;tt Withouritquortini,-an& donsequently.-thVe
tvatilcletiirOud of informing his Inexperieneed Son
~x , ,i, nothing
_done there, - Itillielloti:se eV
tharwisdom" and ihtellfgence•are not necessarily i number of petitions were i:ii;4iiented, whicl on:
ten necte&Wilh high office—that even Ambaa'sa- i slimed a greater part of the day's sessieti, among
,dors, whom the multitude.aretee - aPt to slew as ! 0tiii.,,,,,, against' the annexatinif.of Texasqo the
••• _ ~
Solomone, fn I aylre'fools. . I-J - Idoor against flie;yepeal . - - of-the . ;; egi,stry:l'et .4:
- The'teiiiliitions - orlioth Ifinises of Congress, rib, aid to
.DieTki„,„,, College; &,-. 'Mr. Stevens
denying to citizens the right of petition;end to " I submitted a resolution makri A the. folloWini: ap . •
members 'the freedom , of speech,-are I .---- I- /
in the hiStory of official stupidity, lolly,. and
knavery. These resolutiontare in •direct viola..
lion of the fundamental law of the. land.. Con-',
greet; shall - make - nelaw; says' the Constitution
"ahridging ' the . freedom . ..Of speetili,...or of'. the'
presis; orthe right of the ;scoot e peaceabir tit as.;
semble, and to petition the government for a. re- /
dress of grievalices." - The - freedo - nrof Speech'em 1
any and every subject•the right to petition and !
the liberty of the press are the grand essentialsof
our free_ government,Hand of-ali 'civilization:-
What will the friends of free government in the
old 'iv orid think' 01. these yesoludons, and the ar- i
g,unrieshisattil reasoning ofstheir'advocates? • They •
:will. see that an American Congress, the repre- I
seritatives-_ , ALfre_emen,-_- have_-violated-_the_ most---.
- essential' primiiples of their treat chirief' " - itt it" - i - Put"is Si". -
berty; and have 'promulgated' to. the7world that / vl,iicli -is by man
reason and argument are dangerous in American: thf.'s - -1 '•
legillit fen:Tail - iiruirbi•feiiiTiFfeilf "' - - --""
On the merits of Abolitiqnsin we- have nosh
ing to say. But this we have to say to Southern : ,
- men -- und -- SoutlferiF tnembers) Of Congress,.and..'
their dosgh_fac.ectfidends of Ililiall-0111 1 t-e--3 1 -1-- • - • r ' l - ,
i .1 , riday .t 1). he Senate hawing at length
wiiirta cairn the public' mind orrthe" subject oil -.--. : _. - . - . __.___-_—__________
. obtained: a quorum, pr oc ee d ed to business;
- slaverythey-must-give-reason-and-'-iirgement----to • .•. - _____ • _ . ,:_____
- ...
.werepresented :from the county o f
Abolitionists. The esti . .rent of abolitiouisincan: '
• ' .. Union against the * annelatlon
.of•rexiss to
not be stayed by Instilt, brute force; or by stupid . • ..
Uinta]: It is to ' be :supposed tint there
antLprejtaliced - Notes - of C °tigress:Men'. It must , t h e e
Borne -: - ' .
'nl :air citizens who are favorably
be met by reason and erg.unsent. :Aboliiiimiki rir
di.Toscil to this prtject, and therefore it is
May be wrong in 'a moral 'point of view in the '
silnie w hat Singular that no memiti lids- liffa- -'
coupe which they are pinsuing, but we know .of
'no legal or - con stitutional principle which they 'VOL of the a UlLeXatimpfalmtpLostinittitej
•. .• .
hivesiolatect,,, They. ask:. Congress . „ to abolish • : yet:conic in. - .Mr. Dtirragli submitted a pre=
slavery-in-the - -Drittfet'r COlUMbia:'and iirtite ;amble and •resolutiiAii. In the, former he af
territories .., Tl4s congress hai a right to do.--..1' firmed'llt 9f. petition to he inherent in
-..y_liether_it__tvo_uldr_htlexkclierst_d6 . 9 ' 3 " P re "._.. 4l se_penple,4sUiLexisting:.anterior to-the _e,onr,- ,'•
sesit - ls,.anotherTtiddifiereiit" question .on which ! . . .:. - . , . -- , • : • ,
• - . _ .___ . ....,._
_____,)_--_-,-,.----,-stituttisti—folly- recognized b y_ that instrit:
ii,e'grre - iiii: it - Pinion. Xbolitfonists' are charged , -- ,- -- , -,.- -- --.:
desiring. -----
~ meta; and necessary to the existence and
with abolish slavery in th e '- . , - - -
degii. -perpetuity of - their liherties. - Ille"De - eltera._
stales This is a_lalse atictd'alion - .. They'
most i tfili d d _ aud _ 4 , initt i o ,C . t.iii , ll 9r. Independence asserts as cspe of the '
no suCh thinf. -
- among=:th:em , rkrarw -, thrir= --- C - mfgresiliasird9tltt.y' 44 P'' ll4 'g'" can ' Y. cs'-'"''4qe''revoiutiun: - itrilkir
7 tnade us a free people, `'Rifer our repeated
power. The power and right are Hi the 'slat
.1 petitions were answered only by. repeated in
holding states themselves. - - .. - -
-----But-abelitiOnists desire:to' gthe slave tares.' jury t " ThepeoPle of Perm4Yliinnia have al:= -
timtnselves bi.'''abolish, slavery. finif )1 their i ways . regarded the free, and unrestricted 1
1ik ..1
mode of action to accomplish this - objcy. 2 Their. •1 right of yetition- as , the main pillar.of our_
holt:chi republican institutions,-:..and as the channel
attempt to argue and reason AV MI . .91 ~ v e
They proclait ! through Which the sovereign will tan only
on the subject: They A hem and the
, .
iv °rid 'that slavery is* a sin--; that / ie . is eondensikd : be expressed.... They are ardently attached
by' every principle of'natural andrevealed law---; . ''
-.— - - -
.. to an d anxious to maintain the .principles of
.and_that_tt...ivill_be_their_lnte!E_. .
liberty, - ariitfh ----------- _ - aiWaYs
The arguments of abolitionis s May be unfounded, : --- - 4 ,
made i vieu . 'eci ‘vith regret...mid censure any attempt
and their • reasomng <rale ,hut they
within - the spirii and lett r Of the conslitutim to cortail,or in any wise diminish-the sover
i and
eign right. of petitioning their representa
laws. e'ille free cOnsi unication of thoughts and •
opinionti is one of th invaluable rights of man : 4 Lives on all subjects. ;The House of Repre:
and every citizen ay freely
. speak,• write anci ... sentati / ves of the' Congress of the 'United
piint on any sub ea, being responsible for the Stale 4 (lid,Tori' the twenty-first - clay - of - De; -
abuseof,that lib rty." "All power . is inherent cem 4 ber, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty;
• •
in the peopl , and all free governments are t), pass the following resolutions, viz:
founder' _on therr_authority, and initituted 'for
. 'Resolved', Ti vat all petitions, memorials'
•., safety anti happiness:, For the ad
andpapers, touching the ebolitiohof 'shy:,
lt. of these ends they have et tit I times an
very, or the buying, selling, or 'tftnferring
)le,and-indefeasible-right to alfer, reform,
of slaves, in any Stale, - Dispict,_or_ '1 erri t o r y
nit theirgo Vernin (41. in such mariner as
of the United States, be laid on the table
may thick proper." ,-. . . .. ,
These noli_lepfin_ciplel May . be set at ,defiance 'without being debated, printed, read,/ or
refer' ed; 'and that 'no further action ‘vhat•
ever he had thereon'':_Be it therefore--
z. i
.s s
A ,
.t r i
J U'
II i ,
. ?
0 C r /11
. to
Y '4 i
/ c t
, 1
ieir ileac
inal ien
or abi
' . .Millrainpled 'under foot by a briital Alton mob,
and stupid,_selfish e and prejudiced Congr eiSlifoll,
but the totelligencelif the country will, delendl
theth and insist on their supremacy. Men talk II
of the destruction of the Union. What is a. union ' t
wo th that gives not the liberty of speech? Such
a mion is fit for slaves, but..nof for freetnen.—
T tparguo and speak even agaiiiM out
rai r is-of,-tdork-clsriserineirectinnitilff - Utitirir;'
itself,glorious and important as If is justly.consid
7 ,
r for the
GEORGIA —II . IIE,LegRdaIGIO of. ' tliis
Union and ,Administration by a large majority,
ally- -condemned-- the -Sub-Treasury
scheme: Resolutions approvirig of that expedient
came up for consideratiim • in the Senate on the
- 14 i Inst. anciiiTeT - •ehdd on.the. table for the ses
sion: Yeas 40, Nays 30.- The next. day emotion
- was Made to re , .coosiddr, which fitiledi Yeas 32.
Nays 36. Jn the House, ti bill to prohibit the cir
culation of notes atilt old 11 .. ank-Or:tlie United
States, (as recommended inlite-Presideht's Sies
sage,] Was like vise laid 'on the table hy 40 majo
rity: A motion in re censider was lost by 2i
b-TreniuryAcheme was discussed and d
lie liciFd - by - tire - opponents-of-the-latter-resoln.
tion, but found no backers.-2Veio:Yorker.'
Political ,History...,,
The tolleiving_itern we "extract from the New
'..-!.The act chaftering the . late Bank of tit; Vnit , '
ed States' was passed in - 1816,-,in the Hoil`ee. of
Repfesentatives by a majOrity of nine. Of sigh!
membertitom South Carolina, John C. Calhoun,
L ! oumdcs,}and five others-(all but one)
voted Vest. - t/t six membeis from Georgia, five,
inclucfliik John Forsyth, Wilson lnnplcut, and
..4Yred Cillhbeit, votedaYea. Hadjliese oppoied
the bill, it would have been lost."
1 in looking over our exchange papers we notice
that the' silly , effusion aboitt the "rose;' which
1 We iniblislicd sorpU time since Ibt the purpose of
conirnenting up o n it;. has been accredited to us
aststlie effOrfuf one of our regular correspondents.
Thig mistake emanated from the liallitnore Chron
icle. : We would have thanked the editor of that
papet if Ire 14 published in connection with the
.iveraes,"•aportion of our teotv'ke opo it.: We
are 'iyet, t;,..9 tyilelt ct4ltr.4l' VI. theppo s es '.n of
midi a coFfespondlitt,
i(#l I;iropt - iii.*Lii•,-,...: - i f
oils; viz:.
To‘Vards avoiding, the inclined•
- at 'Colo - 11)in,
F Tti repair the feeder dams in tlie Sus-..
.cinehanna anti other rivers,.
To noostruct'adtinionnLlocks & deep:
cii the Canal , lielow Dinican ; s - Island,' 19;000
Towards the Gettysburg extenspit of
hu Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Towards damagrs,
And - 1 - luit no Urcvk actually - under con'tract
need lie suNpendecl nor discontinued until fur
ther legislative nction on tin..subject: This
is consid4ed as at substitute for the appro
_priat.inn bill U , h ich_has-passecl ; theLeglslam re
still th'e hanclibf -the-diiiernot;, and
which is by , many to be in a high
gree,o.b.jsctionable;land bei a mere.
attempt to involve the adininistrationin4m
barisissment, and .compel the *Goveynor to
anothir--mammoth - bill4hich it is.4esigned_
to I;ring.up about the close of •the Session -
'by the Senate and - Hodresaf
zp f , tcsentatives of the: CommonWealth' of
I l kenm-ylvaida i in General 'Assembly:filet,
That 'he resolution passed by the House of
Pepresentatives in Congre s s, as'aforesaitl, is.
'tiff/hint FiffiitafFeipiiiffitiTion of 'the United
States, and to, interesti--an
the-Jibes ties of- '
q — It~s~il:t cif t7iaZ ourrSenal of s in Con - gresYbe
•instriieled to use all prOper 'efforts to prevent
the-adoption of, any_ resolution,"or the enact
' Inuit of any 14w whiCh could, in any 2vise,
Le:Ajq..or..follid_thepeople--to. : Petition-tlreit
repre-..entatives on' all matters that unnY , be
tlic subject of , .
.Itesolvecl; That our Resentatives in Con:
gress be . use early and•vigoroni
efforts to havethe resolution passed in Con
gress; the .t wenty- first day. of 'December, A.
D., eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and
uhicli:denies . to the people the, right of pe
tition i rescind ed.
.12.eolvest,That the GoVernor, be rerptest
ed to.have a copy of the fore'toing resolti=
tions transmitted ..to_eaCh of our - Senators
and Itcpresetltatives in,Congres.
Mr, Penrose' submitted.a irrearnhie and
resolution instructing the judiciary commit
tee to enquire into the expeclitticy. of giving
prior f-to-the-elaims-oljiiittieimen-ntes ,
Chunks and laboterS' in the event of:the
death or insolvency of their employer. which
ngrsed 'to. • .
In the Hose. The 'peaker Fila before
thnt .body the antinnal. report. of the - tnan
agers of the Cumberland'Valley Rail Road,
Stevenson submitted a resolution calling'
- upoifthe Cashier of thol'hikad . elphia..Wink
.for the keasons'of the Board of Direct* . in
- that institution for reftisinea seat to the Di
rectorelee i ted. by the. House; (Mr.. CarPen
ter)..• . restalutiOn_w_assattoPtecl..The
reSoluticitt stibmitted • by Mr.ot,evenLWas,
taken up in Ccimmittee•bf iliWhOles — but
before any definite" action Waa• hid upoti it
1 • • ti
I.lle..CoMmittcc rost,Tand the- resolUtion was
!tiered to tip committee on. Internal Im
, •
Saturday 6th. Senate
t to-Aay. a
spirited debate Was had upon the resolution
of. Mr. barriiiih. -
41r.isprose;.-addressed the Senate with
his usual ability on tDe resolutions,. but de
sired the further consideration of them to
be postponed Until the Senaterwas full, which
was iltuTec---4 • '
The folloring persona were nominated
ar the office of State '4Creasurer. •
Mr..Leet nominated,: - Danl.' , Sturgeon,:
." , Fraley (City) 4 . 1 10hh
." Darragh • " John Strohm."
" " Alex. M. Piper.
.In the House, / •
Mr. Stevenson " Daniel S;nrgeon.-
" Stevens
" ; Johnson "• D; M'Glaughlin.
. vtiAcTidAX FARMER.
The third number of thi's very interesting peri
•,. • •
odical, published by an/Association of
Farmers of Silver' Spring, in this: county, 'arid!
edited`by I t Tioir, has left the press: _
We would. invite Ole:attention of Faimeri to
this cheap andAiseful periodical. It can be ha 4
it . our offine. ;'nie.•-terms
.are 627 centisper
- ammo), tole paid on receiving the first. No.—
.4ech n i ndiber contains_24 pages duodecimo ) mak
ing yolume of 300 pages a year.
show tww this work isTreeented abroad as
-well s - , - at-home; - we nn 11.7 . few - eitradta
several reviews and-notices:
180 ; 000
. 30,000:
.g-ont - theWeehlTillesin_ , • auk ers urg, a.
- work-before - us-contains'Much- original
and selected - Matter, calculated to be highly use-..
ful to that portion of our populatithi for which it'
is more especially intended„aild_promisesitobe_
aeltitereating vehicle of lnformation to the agrl 7
• From the Lutheran Observer. Baltimore, Md. -
-- 'flie - numbernow - befOr . e - mjl4 - filledValf - ajd::
Ijcious selection of articles hi , ii interestin. and
useful ; especially to the Imsganc7rl= e — are
highly pleased with this eflbrt - and from' in
rplaintance with the editor, L. 1). Iturr, We have'
no, doubtS the' Practical Farmer will be deserving
of the universal patronage Of farmers." - ,
. - .
Fromlhe Farmers' _Friend, Parkeriburg, Chester
- County, Pa. - -: . • . ,
. "l'hig work n , i•ll. oeserVes - qle patronage of ag.:
culturalists.—/-Ve clo-not-reeomtnend-it-mere) '
7 3"tvguse - it-is cheap; bot - Oecanse-litig_ricli-in agri
cult ikralinatteri - lindls - egictrlntecbto-be - eminently
us, ftp to,the - agricultural - tommunity..._ AI-should .
LleAnl bi ev - inly farmer." ; • . *. • .. ••
. 4 . toni_the:Sicturtlay_Chronite,_illtiladelphia.-
. ~.%. ~;. gri a tiffilgt iihoul-Cpe.nitliouLtlitcperi,
ROHL TimagE-aidiRKET.
..FLotin.ln 'the ••early part.of the `tveelr. a
tendency to a decline in prices Avasindicated
.and since then the store price has become
uniform at $8 7.5, with butliiitEdoing. The
wagon price has settled down to $8 50. .
WHEAT.—The - only . parcels offered this
week, - of - which we are apprised, - were two
sma II ones to-day, neither of which( was sold'
when we quit the market.. •Millers are in
difrerent about buying while, as is at present
the case, their Mills are standing still.
CORN.—A sale_of_:white corn at 76 Lents,-
aiiViiires of yiffiiw fi nni wagons at 80 cts:`
ItvEZ-We quote withoiit sales, at 85 a $l.
WHISKEY—Since our last weekly report,
_there has been a considerable deelin o e'm pri
ces. On Monday the wagon price of bbls:
was 33 cents, but on TueSday it fell- to 30
cents at Which rate it has since ruled and
continues to day. •The store:prices have
been unsettled kir some day,s, and we find
that they are not unifom to-day. 'Sales ,of
bbls. from stores are rating at 36 a 37 cts.
_by dealers who have bought _ from wagons_ at
. 30 cts ; kvhite orthe.,whdrf some sales of bbls.
have been madt'at"3B cts and of hlrds e itt 37
cts. The inspections of the. week i ,c'omprises
127.1hd5. and 109 bbls; all of which' except
221 th Is _from Philadelphia ivere_recelve_d_hT
•In Carlisle, on Tursday the-2d inst.. 1.-L:
L. ROBINSON; aged 20 years, of Wit•
mingtim, Del., student of Diekin,son College,
flo's gone vital spark has fled
Ile now lies mouldering with the dead
A heautlfulorgracefid form,
• ' Whose life Scarce)asted 'till the morn..
• " Ose - ! -- .lte's gone to, realms of light,
- Nt'4re saints arrayed in spollewl u bite,
_Proclaim 11Ie praiss
1 - treatirrg- bydatt can": Clint
• Ile's gone to 'mingle with - the blest, •- •
Who in _the Saylout's b_osom_restL •
Ancf.tyhen the trunivet kind ihnll-sound,
he-be fount. .
Methinks I see hint east an eye • _
To earth, and witha pitying . sigh,
ExhOrChis comrades Uto be
Preparcd a holy God to see.
Is the're..ayouth who will not het.
The call thnssoundecrin his ear ?
If so. he .11e!cr a fleaiteu.can . gain,
slut must etujuye eterini
Inkkinion CoUe e, Janty:try 8, 18$8. -
At a meeting of the . '"Oratbrical Society of:
Dickinson Institute," Mil January 2,1838 i.
the 1)110 - wing preamble and resolutions were •
unaciiinou'sly adopted:-i
Wnitn,kii.s, It is with the most Unfeigned
regret.tluit* we lict've received the painful in
telligence of the death of our'muclfesteemed
fellow student,J. L. L. RobintOri, a we
eetn - itorc - essary - rm, 17p-r-optir-1.-OffEt-airn-e
-testimontrobl our respect to the metpery of
tho . decesit=o; . :l'llerefOne •
Resolved, That we sincerely.sympathite
with the - friendi . ntid relatiorts:of_the debeits=
`rd- 7 knowing that his devoted parents' Have
lost a kihd and ,itiVetionate.son,,and th~i wt
-oorselves:have 16st an etfrnableinember and
an.amiable.assoeiate. • '.
tes'olved, Therefore; That. we will weer
the usnal hadge-of .mgin uing
fin: . SO
• tesolved, Thara cs.V6' oft lie above Yesciltt
iitniii be forwarded- Co the friends of the
. -• • • • - •
P ®Et'. a t N..Z'
1 .- ‘
l• THE :Brick. Dwvlling. Honk, ,Store. and
IWare Housd attached; Attate•in Not t'h an=
4 1 over street.C l ai lisle, now in,the.nccupancy, of
Jacob We,t&i, also -the Stone -Dwelling
House-adjoitiingoccitpiesiby llob't D. Gtitli
tie, Esq. also, the front ,Store Itooin. and
cellar Adjoining the 'Pirick -dmielling Honse,
now occupied by ToltozEa . rlyi, - '.Possession dr
either of Alit Aliovi.'propertiea . may be 1 0
r iin..the:...'fi rst -dayonf. April' tiext-- , To Good
Ar PSI' RECEIVEI.);; Cur ed hair and Sea: : Tenants, it.LCUSe, for years may be ,hatl.•-•
e" grasS•Bed,lll.atrasses, - and for sale by ,' Apply to ::. ..' . . ISAAC 4... PARKER.
...... . ... • : CHAS! BAW.,'"IITZ. - . • Carlisle, Lin;•::..'B, 1838 0 —ti ' .
• .. - .1:',....: '.. '. '
Resiiive4l, 'That .a handed to th
severalueivsiiiperi of It-he borough, tor: pub
. .
- DIED )
1V.11...MAT1.:11,,5e0...1'm reit&
v c .
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f •i if geE,S,.-=,
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.'Niakara County. SS.
Gilman Appleby, of the City of Buffalo , -
being duly_sworn, says_ that_he left—the
port of Buffalo on the morning of , the 29th
instant', in the steamboat Caroline, owned.
by William Wells, of Buffalo, 'and bound
for- Schlosser, upon the east side of the
Niagara river,_ and within the United
_That this deponent commanded
the said Caroline, and that she was clear
ed from_Buffa_lo with a view to run between
Said Buffalo and - Schlosser, carrying pass
sen ers, frei,ht, &c.; -that this deponent
caused the . said• Caroline to be landed'Vt•
Blackßock; on ,Iter-way'down'.,:mtd_W_hile_
there,„this deponentcaused
Hag .t o be run up; -. lld that soon after
liaiititTßlttek Wick — Bather - a - Ar - oIIFY - iif
Musketry wtlsiliacliar&dratiheisaid_Car—
ohne, from . the Canada shore, but•Withont
-injury: ,-That-the-Caroline-Ontiniied-lier
-coursc, down the-Nitigara . river unmo:lesi
,attached to Navy !Wind, where a
number of 'passengers disembarked, and
' as- thii -deponent supposed, -certain art . i- ,
cies of freight_ were landed. Tliat from
this point the said - Caroline ran - to Sehlos.;'
'ter, there. about '3 o'clock in' [he
erne_ rat—beov - sentlfhis time
_dark. the said at made tivo tri e s'to Na-
Lyy- Islandi landing as before. • 'hat
~' at
about the hour of - the - afternoimi
_deponent lAused the Said boat—to be
landed—at Schlosser and made last_with
Chains to the doek at that place. That
the crew and Officers . of-41ie - Crirelihtititini:'
.berechten,.and:that in :the.course -of_the_
evening .23 individuals, all of whom were
board and requested this deponent; and
other officers of-the-boat its permit them
to remain_ on board of the.b6Ot the
night, as they were unable to • get - Jodi;
ings at the Tavern near by. These re
quests were acceded to, and the persotis
thins c oming on board retired to rest, as
did also .the crew and officers of the Car
oline, except such as Were stationed to
watch - during the night. - ,That about mid.
night this deponent was informed by, one
of the Wirc - fi;ffititaeierilltOats - filfiiif - Willf:
men were making 'towards the •Carolityc„
from the river; and this deponent,. Juitne4
diately gave the alarm, and beforit,;hewris
able to reach the deck, the Caroline - wa
boarded hy 70 or 80 -men, all of whom Were
armed. That they itinmediately corrtmenC,_
ed warfare - with rittiskets, - swords, and out
lakes, Upon the defenceless creW and pas
sengers of the Caroline, tinder - a fierce cry
of-A-0-God damn them,-give -naksaanere l -kilt
ever 9 man, fire! -firel:' That the Caro
line was- abandoned, with Out resistance,
and the only eft r made by either the crew'
or passengseen k edt_ntrein_e.s_cticte_
ns~aughter; that :this deponent narrowly es
caped, having received several WOonds,.
none of Which, hoWe'ver,' - are bf. a serious
,character; that itninediately, after the Car
'Ohne. fell into-t-he-hands cif the armed - force,-
who boarded her, preTvas 'set -on fire, cot
loose froM dock, tind towed into - the
current of the riVer, - then aband.tned and
Soon after descended the _ Niagara Falls.
That this deponent has ° made. Vigilant .
search for the individuals, thirty-three in
,number: who are'known to-have beep lip-
On the Caroline
hoarded, 'and - p only_ Eirc- to - be-4 - ti9nd i .
one of 'W m Os- Du fre (Tato,-
inv as - forint '-tlea-VupOrt=tire---ribr.-k,—)i.a,ving
received a shot from a iniusket, the ball of
which penetrated the bark of the head
and._ caM at the, fi'itAllead. •41140•1 . -1:,
Lancl___Captain-C.--.V.--1-lai ding-we-re
kriously-, though : - not mortally wounded;
several others received slight wounds
The twelve individualsivho are: niio
- ails deponent has no doubt-. were
either murdered upon .the boat or found
a watery . grave In the 'a w eati:act of the
Phlls. And this furtherdeponent: says,
that immediately after the.' Caroline
was got into the current of the stream
and abandoned as before stated, beacon .
iiglitrWerd - itiYA rethiporobe-Canada.
shore, near Chippewa, and after suf
-ficientlitne had elapsed to enable ... the
tmats to feaelt . that shote; this ileponent
distinctly heard !anti--and. -vocifertius
.cheering at, that. point.. That this de- .
patient has no .duitht.that thd individu
als-whin, 'boarded the b earOlitie were a
(.part of the ;British 10t:0.2s - now station.'
ippawa. _
Sub3cribed and .sworn . , Dec. itp.ll). 1857,
before me. S. B PIPER, L'Orbmissioner
Of Deedd.-Icc. for Niagara - ' -
1 - i . • N.o9ric.E.
1 , L o' meeting of the Standing-Committee of the
i p
De '', ratic Antimasonid • Party of Cumb and
county, convened ,by order of public nati , to.
_make.arrangetnents...fortbs_elecnop,ofHe gates..
- to meet - lb - County, Convention to - appoint Dele
gates to the Democratic Antimaaonie Convention
to meet in Harrisburg n the Athdskrot Marsh
. .
• next, ~ / • .
GRAHA was called tome Chair,
and Jtos BUT WI Lam aa'appotntedSetretary %
• On miitioniit-was 1
Resolved, .That the Deinocratia Antimasonits;
citizens of Miscount meet - at the several Eke..
Lion Districts in each °rough and township,, co
Saturd the .27th day Glanpary next, and elect '
- Delegates,.to/rneet-in-County-Ryinverr-L---
p c il...
ti .on Monday the' ofJanuary next, to
nominate and a oint iiiltabl4_ljelegates,to rep - -
resent,!fai4.c.o.Lint n
onventin at J ,J; Senatorial D;stridt in sant .
.1,a141i: farrisimrg. .
WILLIAM CRAIIANI,-Chdirmap. , . '
Roncar WrtsolsoSerretary. : . - ,
• .)?so
1001INSON'S,01,1) ESTAB I LISHED ..._,±
Eifliangeafto.Lottelev Office.
r ' ' svalm, Lai oi'r , s7ril EET.
-RDERS from all parts•t,of :lie Union, en.
`closing cash -- for - prize lick - tts;,mkdt77 ---
' 7-----7 1G171 - 111"MNIYS1: - 71. -- TIZLOTTERY; -- •.• -
Class No 4,-for 184, to be drawn at Balti.-•:•
•more;Jan. 31, 1338. •
•.-- . .
...., . ,r PRIZE.••,-,-
SPLENDID S'ellEill4.
1 PRIZE OF -$25,000 IS , • $25,000.
1 , ." -.: — , 8,000 .. r - - 8,600
.5;000 - I - - 5;000 ', • ,
- 3;500-' :000.
2,322 1 .- . - • 2;322 *-: ..,
',OOO -,
500- c --- 16,000 -
400 c - - - 'l3OOO - ---
. 20
56 ,
&c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c.
Prizes ip the scherfiecamounting !f) F, 329 ; 4 11 •
66 Number -Lottery-10 drawn ballots',
Whole Tickets f,1:0; ~Halves $5; ,quarter 6
2,50. •
. Cer of packages of 25 W.Jickets, $`12.5 .
Do do - 25-H. '- do' 62,50
Db do - 25'Q, do 31,25
• 11 - .*A:ll commands for Tickets; or Certifi%
cates in—the above, putictually attended to,
by return mail. if addressed to
- E. W. ,- 110,BINSON, Balt4Vid.
• Carlisle Saving , Fund
SOCIETit." •
The Board of Directors, of this'lnstitutidn.
have autnoris,ed the Treasurer to allow in fu.
_ttire, the following._ rate* of _interest,
"SPEctAt. DEPOSltEi " Ciritintleyl
Deposites remaining months 3 per cent,
6 II • -• rF
Id '4
s . • a.' air
If 2 Of 2 If
: The certificates.of the 'lnstitution wilrber
given for deposites at the above rates of in...
tercet, and ,all BANK NO - T - ES - of good-cred
it will be received—the Institution pledging
itself top Vedegni its certi fmstes in notes, cur..
rent in this neighborhood. •
Application to be made to the Tretisurer.,:.
either in_person. or by_letter.
IV order, • • . .
. . • • • Treasurer.
Carlisle, Jaupary 8, 1838. •. •
JUST received &oil Philadelphia, a sup-i',
_ply of Black - Russia Hats of the latest,
fashion, a ,superiot• article. For sale at the 4
• NOTICE. ..
.' TAKE-notice that, I, have applied--to the -
-Coort.of Common Pleas of Cumberland coon- .
- ty; - for th - eT trent fir - oft h e - insolventlawsi - and
,they, have appointed TUESDAY the Sikh. •
.for`,the hearing of me aid • -
my creditor,
_at the Court Holm in the •
ough of Carlisle, when mid where you may
attend if fon think proper. -• • • • •
'OUR and - SILK:Plush Bonpets; black - and
colours i fkir' ,- - , . •
' . . • • CHAS. BARNITZ.. •
. .
- $ ;0
60000. . - '
THIS Company still tOntinuesetro7M - 146
Inturatter on all :kinds of. property through .
, their agehcy in •Cat lisle. The. premium is . '
regulated according•to the-risk,
from SS to 40 cents, in the:hundred dbilars
Descaptions will be 'received,, at.d -
dated from the da of survey.
January 9, .183,1:—,-Sm,
New' Books tt; Statioilary:
. :FHB sutiscriber ~has just-reee' ed at,his. ,
Bo and D hit store, in thetoi*gbi of Car-
Bile a Large and• General Ass9rtment orth.: r
- . ---1 -. "test "rlibZitotiolts._ '
I-Ie hasa also added dlargenuinbee of PlltrG;
A NI).,N11;11)1CINES to hii former assort!,
meld: `'All of ,svliich'.wilb be sold at the. Ipitri.:
est -prices,
JOHN J.'.mYgßs.
ienuary 9, 1838: , '
I VRARLES BArti!IITZ, has receive& suL
per Gum. Elastic 'Suspenders', whiek
.afrers,atreduced priceS,
Maike(Square, Ilarrisy4y;Pa,:
Geo. lir.•
. . .
RESPECTFULLY informs his•friends and
the . pujlic , .tltat the Public
House, lately kept by'Mi.. '!John. Stinull;at•
the corner of Mai het Square,-Harrisburg, .
known-as tbe
Vtrilielt.he has fitted up In hatic4orne st le,
for the
s accommoclation of the public. His
-table is-wy-supplied with the.hest the mar*
ket afro' ilg; Ws , ba'r With -the chol_c_e,st
titters and Wines, and' prompt and obliging
servants are kept 'always ready' to attend to
the . . wants of custnmet s.
Ile has taken the stand with' a determina.,
tieM to spare-no pains or expense th make
house equal . to any in the country; by keeping
every department utalerthe si,per intendenee
of the most comPeteni And faithful; and, by
.personal aftention„to_give_ever_y_satisfaction
to his ciist - oniers... He therefore resperafully
requests those whopay I ITir ei3buit - a - Visit; to
;all ' '
..january-8, 1838.
-- TAO
- 80
January &18S