DR. BRANDIRET-WS Vegetable Universal Pills. - . . -Inionce should .eontribute td the Comfort, Heath ' • and Happiness of Mankind:" -,-- off the, eighteenth of May; 1835, these ,now •tititycelebrated•-Pills were first mail4nown in "Alte'United - Striteo, although in Europe they tract . been' previously before the public nearlya cen tur'y.' The American public naturally viewed them with suspicion, but as oil trial they were found what they professed, it ryas aoorrilisplo7c - ed -by the greatest. confidence. in feel the. many _persons -who have commented with them under the most trying ,circumstances of bodily . afflic -Ition; when every othermeana and medicine had proved altogether unavailing, hare been restored o health and hapPinessi from their use, and the. • - consequence is, they are now recommended by • thousands of 'persons • Whom theyhave cured of - COnsturiptionp linfluenzri,, Colds, Indigestion, Dye peptilifilleadache, Pains, and a sense of fullness .1n the back'part of the Head, usually ; the symp -toms-of7Apoplexy;-:-Jaundicirever-and--AgueT •Billious Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow, and-common - - , fevers Of all kindsi. - Asthma, Gout, Rheumatism, - Nervous Diieases;" - Liver Complaint, Pleurisy InWard 'Weakness, Depressiop of,the' Spirits, • Rupture', Inflammation, Sore Eyes,,Fits, Palsy,- Dropay t : Small Pox, Menzies Croup, Coughs, - . Whooping - Ccitigh; Quincy, &tic, Cholera Mar kus, Gravel Worms,-Dysenterk, Deafness. Ring. ing`NOisesin the Head, King's foil, Scrofula, 1 - .Erysipelas; or St: Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum. White,Swellings, Ulcers some of 30 years stand: ing, Cancers, Tuition', Swelled Feet and Legs, - Piles, Cestiveness, all Zruptiuns of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, -Female complaints of every kind, especially obstructions, relaxation,&c. • Although Doctor- B. has _ enumerated-by name the above diseases,_heis, nevertheless of opinion with his grandfather.; the late celebrated Dr. Wm. itranttreth, that there is only Gas Disease, an impurity of the blood,. which 'by impeding the circulation, brings on inflammation, and-conse quent derangement in- the organ or part where such impurity of the blood settles; and that-it is the different appearances -which this inflamation oillerangement puts out, that have caused medi cal men'to designate suph appearances by various names, but which are in fact, only the saine.dis case, with more or less violence. Dr. Wm. Brandreth was so fully convinced of the truth of the' above eimple 'theory, that he spent thirty years in experiments and laborious research into the medical propertica_arthe numerous plants' composing the Vegetable Kingdom; his object being, to compose a medicine which should at once purify, and produCe 'by specific action, a removal of all bad humors from the blood by she stomach and" bovicls, as by the continuation co the use - orsuch a medicine, such humors are ;7 ( 474 014 e; 7..'ilk - A. 1 00.10 ( lik. —and-perseveres-with-them-will - - - be - satisfied - tha - Dr. Win. Brandreth fully attained his philanthro. plc object. It is now an absolute and knotin fact, that every disease, whetherithe in the head or feet, irithe brain-or meanestmember; whether • it, be an outward ulcer, or an inwardabsceas, are all, though arising from many causes, 'reducible . to this one grand effect,camelyi impurity of the klood.. . - In all eases - they wilt - treicuncl 2 safe and aim" ple remedy-yet all powerful for-the-removal-of - the disease, whether chronic or recent, infectiotis or otherwise ; and what makes them" particularly _ adapted - for this country, is that there is not the slightest lhbiliiy to cold' when' taking them, in deed the system -_ is absolutely...less susceptible of culd w.ll,ln_uncler their influence, than at-any other time; iierefol:c in this climate they are in valuable. N. dlicr 1() they require" change • dier.er care M any kind, In England these'Pills --have -- bern-the - ouly medicine - of many--families for periods varyim; from forty trroixty. years, and' tuLux...a.rdlectualin.rbatormg.liealth, • -Wherever arCal;e:wirm from it occurred. ' NOTICE.--In com:equ , iiec of the numerous counterfeits for - gr.ie hoe, Drug and Chemical Stores, the public arecisillioned against purchas. ing of any person exec pt die accredited agents:" Sininurity Against Counterfeits. A ICTIRT.TII-- h g adopted—ther-Tollowing plan to gecure the GENUINE Brandreth Pills to the public: — F,v4-ry authorized •Agent - musthare a*Certifioate of, Agency, and it will be seen that • a &utile forgery MUST be committed, before any one can procure a forged CeAificate, and arc "On hatilalialliS-TatiefiaialLia-r-CitIILIV-1 1 1 1 1 11 t , We forger. The following are the appointed agents for , this vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore, Chambersburg ; • Jacob A. Winrott, Gettysburg ; ; and-Wm. Belli Harrisburg:— --- - BranAreth's officers fcir the sale of the above Pills are 169 Race above sth street, and •34 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. - /"May13;31337.—tf. ,›lRev. Dr. , Bartholomewhi NK - EXPECTORANT, SYRUP. An agtoCable cordial, and effective remedy for Coughs, ,Hearseness,Colds,Pains in the Breast, Mard - Breathing, and Difficult expectoration. • For Mulls 4.1 Children in cold climates and wo r m. The proprietors are aware that there-are many remedies , for coughs and diseaserof the lunge ; some no doubt are good, but it haieremained to a late day to discover_an.article.so admimbly fitted .to theie complaints; so powerful and effectual, ,rind yet so perfectly innocent and mild. Let not the public class the scientific result of a learned Physician and Divine with the nostrums ',' of the day. Let them make a careful perusal of the evidences attending this article; their re spectability, and the .decided manner in, which 'they speak, and they cannot withhold their be lief to some of its %cones. Let us assure-.them that a single trial of if will do more to convince 'all of its merits than all they can see or hear on - the subject. It is quite certain that no injury, has ever been known to arise from its free use. An uncommon fact , is, that this remedy is a syrup, as palatably and pleasant'to the taste - as 'the most popular'Preneh - cordials , and children takelt always - With the greatest readiness. - - - The pyonrietors are now making rapid arrange . ments to have this ariicle in the hands of every .. - _ - raftiggihtimil_ apothecary iinihe cotintry:Trifinity: Ile knOwn to be genuine - by the following signa ture as below of the' nevi -Gentleman and Phy sician who is the author of it. d iM It is. with great -pleasure that the ,p rietors . are enabled - thus to bring 'foripard an- article so truly meritorious as this syrup;•,sin.. rom such a -- source, and community - who'theytrust - the - have • occasion for its use may always find it within their . reach,' both as to places at. which it may, be found, and the low Price at which it is sold. ., , A great number of the must wonderful cures may be seen by calling on Mr. Bolander, Carlisle, _ at whose tore it is for sale—See-Mr.- Dolander's • !Also for sale by. S. ELLIOTT. s'' • _ . •DISSOLUTION, THE Partnership heretokire existing between - the subscribers, under the firrn