Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 01, 1838, Image 3

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Monday, J'aUiiary 1, tS3S.
The Peopfr'.4.' Candidates . .
- FOR E'REilllENT‘'
17D104 Mr4.,InAILM4IICI)II'
irpit ;VICE pnEsipANT. ,
JnentoCralie ailti9M7Bonir Can:
Waage tor Governor,
-It MY! gl"
. . . . .
The - partnership heretediire . existing - bet 7,een
• . the suhscrib and Gsouni W.' VEAzar, was dis ; .,
solved on the 1 h ult. ..The lieriqd & keposilor
will hereafter b Published on theindividhal re;
spOnsibility of the undersigned. y •,."‘ /1 -• •
GEORG hl M.Ol-131,t3P5. -
. .
- • •
The compliments of the season ta w lir patrons
Have you any money ?— The prints 4rants;•--sill
you give!
. : .11n,dttr last we had merely tirdrii o notice the
cif.War. B. FurAvlLFn.44 4 he subject .has
- m ince , preaseilupen our minds and we feel (tried. :
to add- oureeble
. though ., sinceri. tribute - to the
general esteem that was e ntertained for .his cha-
a;:ter;. He had early laid the fonfidation,for fu,
.'• titre usefulness and distinction-in a libencl edtrea-,i
tin . p—but'was prevented frotiTtaking that a dvan t, :'
..• 'tags of it, Which he desired,ty the insidious, but
too'fatallYintre ipproaehes of that disease witich
loveliest among the ."things i that are npo'=fif
• ..
•. an affeaionale.dis . posiiion-11igh -and --henora'bje
piincipfea4engaging manners--a eyifia i ted ;
. ' he gave promise of a - career of honoean4 fame;
Put—ihat,umlistinguishing storm, wfilikregards
alike with • indifference,. the trembling limbs of
__-:_ege . _and_the_vigor_of_youth„hak*ten_down.
ibAe.hopes orfuturiniceellenee—iet not ,
( out leaving to us;
~ the eimOlsitnry - liOriTe - th
-- , --avill-blooth afresh in-anotheiaml-better:worlch-'-
Wederply sympathizOvith the afflicted_ rela
tives in Theirdistreasfoehereavemmit:
• •
' An jot creatin i gictfer from our Brooillyncories.
poodent-hai tiectt:cravcied'_out t . It will :appear : appear
•out_oext. •
. • TlM , ConaerYatid County Tooperanee Society
Vattrita rlitivFrsnry meeting' on eliriatmah even : ,
l'rchyteriitii - church,of.thja_place,
! a 4. t 'v•ltiedt• ssti 1. db '
e addresses v‘ • ere e were t he
, •
Itev/ittesarv,-11-7Cliidick and Thorne.
the•doings of the Society_ for the
• post year, and of the State ofyomperance . in the
-i ? -4entinty-ovas-read-by:-Profyssor—Citidwell,- , _Chair,
mired' the ExectitiVe s.:Mtimitteer report
• , 4
'111:y1-interesting_ on e,-socl-tv-ill_be.fdund-in_another_
column: ,
, .
'The Society organized in the afternorm_ of the, for the. purpose of ,holding their an
i!ual electiOn for officers, which resulted in the..
•choice of the following 'persons for the ensuing
.Presidoil,—Rev. John P.
YicePretdent,—.Piofe,sorPyofessor M Caldwell. ;
•Sec -
T,;--Jacol) Sener. •
.execrdive Comniittie,—Rev. Daniel McKinley,
Fey. John Ulrich, Pnidessorlt. Emory, and Dr.
Samuel •
Philad:olphia naturdilll,rFourierl
It would give us pleasure to copy eutire . the
advertisement of the publishers of this long-esta.
blisbed favorite of the reading public, but..its
-- titreme-length forbids it; WC - will, hOwever,
condense it, sous in ocoupprnuch . less'space, and
jet tlo,stypic justice to its character. We have
heretofore remarked.upon its excellence, index
rtessed our belief that it was one 01 2 the most
afily conducted, entertaining and instructive Ftt
tnily 'plewspapers of the day. As,yet we have
bad -no cause to change opr opinion, and we think .
.t hat the - almost- unparalleled , patronage:which:ban
— Keen awarded to it, is ali'undant evidence that our
estimate of -its character is just. L it now num
. hers on its subacript;on list over 2800t1 ntemes. , —.
hint what are its meritsi,- . 4t contains ably written
..akiclt. aon almost, every' topic; embracing Liters.
ure„.-. Silence, le — Arts,' Education, Medicine,
Agt:ictitture, Internal improvements, Nairatives,
Tales, Sketches, Biography, Poems, Foreign and
Itarn'estic Nevii,.Accotints of Sales; 'Markets, &c
The n thoi . ocit gents alio of all the leading English
Periodicals ire , placed
_before ; its readers'at_the
:. tartest moment after their receipt. The '"English`
Iribution.and matter furnished from them which
wouldidene cost
. 41 - the original form Firrr DoL:.
• One of . Captain Marryat's "Sea Stories"! is also
ii;course of publication in its•columnaiwhicti wil l
'tidd freshintqestiothe publicatiod. •
Its cOrrespontrents embrace many of the most
• distinguished ,writers of our country, such as Miss,
Sjgourney,ly G Clark,
.Mrs llpox, Miss Leslie, Miss Seymour, Dr Mc
Henry, Professor , Ingraham, 0 -74N , 41.Oliries,;_Gren
Welk 'Mellen, W E•lturton'aind ahem, Such. .
nathee nOd-oo eulogy. •
iiiducement to sUbscribers, the
following liberal premiums are offered :
'! To any person sending the names otTen Sub.
Licrib'er;and twenty _ dottinsin, cmhOtte_wnrkcoil
Captain,•lllarryitt, aid - E L Bulwer, embracing
:Eighteen, Popular Nova,. To any person .or
`jferstnis ,clubbing .together, who• will send five
times and ten :dollars, either ,. all the above
. .
Wm ks'of Marryatt, or Those of Sulwer, or any of
.the following:—The Chriatian Keepsake, 1838—
The-Toke lB5B--. . -flte - Literary Souvenir, 1838
L;'l'he • clitcick 'Papere—LOckhart's ' Life of
Scott: t o
any 'person Who will forward sizlii
tdoilare ;s 11 immedilitely . receive ' Scott's entire
works, ern racing his
Lifi*WikErtri;- - -o - r - 24 - iii
the'novels Or-IS sot?sciibers-,-or IF for 8 intiscri
bra Isillillie call: in advance Tice terns for a
Ygar's suAsCrip;ion are. ,$2 in ,advince-3 copies
!or $5 in Ovance, Ten copies for $l5 in advinon: .
c—§3 l eb are the merits iincEstiett - the terms of this
• bighlA .valuable faknily newspApei.
• .• , . ,
The. Goverate ' , is Aii esseige• .
. • TwO''Weeks ago We published the : Goy
erno?s•MeStige - .10 -- tfiejl ' egiS
law . r , „ - . 401 i Ei
eislop,,toyhicli time.,ive'had
barely rootri,,to;draw attention. ta its:contenta,.
wittiou - retitat king on any partictilarportion
Of that,t4urrient... ' .• • - .4/,:'../ 7:
• ThoscoVhb havecarefuo-readlliiffitiper,
. hliVe been struck with;#lo excepent•
repOliehn. sentiments, .which pervade its
•witike'scope. It partakes ofa.irue 4nieri.
644, 'and partfeulariy,;.ofitt.:P.ennalvanirt
character, and
,ttathits been4tptly remarked
by a cotemporary,' will h i evynore , influeace/
0 the' Welfare Of the-50*y; than that 4
'the Message 'of Tresiclf,Van Buren/In
speaking of the ernbarria,Sments grow log mit .
of thelleranged stater the . .ettOeifey e - Abe
- Governor pays. the foiliAving jus __t ribute to
the "farmers, mecyanics:.and / eralianti . of
Pennsylvania—a Oute no i ress true,
deserved: ,' - - 7 .
-* 4 fNeither•Mny: ie stea'dy character of the
dealing portion, f/our / nommunity be aver.
look ed.. The pfuilent,Ahnugh enlarged views
and solid, ope:fltions s Orthe
.merchants; and
:.41%,1 . 41 itivaiMi-r. in Which the manufac
tiirers•Maintiined their credit and operations
o*one-intikWe/reverse, ;are 'worthy of all.
praie. _,Sjytained as they'were by the stead.
fast/Air arid afire capiterbilli-e-Tme-chanies
l'O' y 4—:ill have paskd_the ordeal in a
amid.' t once bene fi cial and honorable to
ilie•S' .”
~.y, ..
--_ .Tpt po i i cy.of thoGovernor,:in refusing to,
cal 7the_legislature, at the time of the sus . -
pa, Alon of specie payment, and the propriety
,'Of his Caution, are most conclusively proved
by the excellent condition in Which the banks . ,
are represented _to be in byjheir last fetttrn..
1 It appears the !twits of this state have
1. curtailed their circulation, since the suspen
sion of specie payinent in May; over two
-millions of dbllars! and have , now over two
'millions and a half - of sliecie in their vaults,
- I:he Shfilpraster curreney comes-in_for a
notice - in the Message; and such a notice too,
as - intst meet the npproval.of every judicious
We bellere occasion has been taken
by individuals and-c.orpnratious:td:turn:the
present.tinfot timitte'state of the currency, to
their-own aditaritage-, by making large-IS,sues
of worthless pa'per,.and:theix, to dispose of
the proceeds of these issues, as to Tender
prompt payment .of them, in .Case of-a re-.
sum ptioh of-specie pay-ment, wholly tntitrac
tica-ble Such :itidtvicttitts 'ought to •know,
and if jhey do not kipAv„ they ought to be
toll, and the 'impression Made deep, — drat=
such conduct is calculi tell and will even:
..tuctlly 4 Ari a grgat..ical harm - and - harm
too that ivilrbe risitirdsvpon - the h - e - ads-of — k
_class„w_ho will not be able, easily, to bear,
it!. , Iu regard to the issues of small notes,
the Governor remark - s as follows:
"The only . btaricb of the• subject yet ire
•maining untouched is the flood of small
notes, which has ) sn •suddenly and generally
covered the State. The odious name by
whiclothey have been branded—the attempt
made by each political party to stigmatize
its opPonent with the blame of their origin,
Wittier diglike w itir_whiebtve_
been received by the public generally,7rhota
gr eat proportion of them proceed'fronsour
ces of unquestioned solvency, form additional
proofs of the unsuitableness of small - notes
of all kinds to our %yam's and circumstances.
No legislation is required. to rid. us of those
that now infest, the State. 'They are, every
one of them, cleat ly in viola -- 4m of act of .
Assembly of - the 12i h April, 1828; on the
subject and will disappear as soon as the im
prisoned coin of the country resurnes 'its usu--
til office. • Then without regard to the time
f redemption set filth on.'the face of them,
be it one, two; or ten years, with or without
Interest ; the Tvi eit ier eman in
stant payment, or sue for, and recover.the
penaltyr g.s. ; innd interest, inflicted on their
issue by the e:xistig laws." •
ED! -So Clov..Ritiler assures thelJatu'rez .
Hear his emphatic language on this point.
(ter recommensWg the appropriatimi of the
necessary, means for completing. he various -
branches of the state works, & to keep up the
necessary repairs, tile Governor proceeds:
4'l hale presented this particular estimate
and plan•ef appropriations not with the ex
pectatirfn tluit the latter will lie. adopted
-thronghout„Lor:, with the determination to
concur in no•otfier, bitt to chew that, the in
dispensable wants of the Compoirwealtli,
may all be supplied from her own unborrowed
resources. It .will afford me great pleasure
-to-aid-in=givingefficacy,to any_betier,,Project
which the wisdom of the Legislature may
readiness to do so, I wish it to be distinct y
understood that NO FORCE OF CIR
411 orir energieg-sho:rad..now_ be.devoied ta.
sue& measurea as will ensure and hasten its
The Governor, then alludes to a dissatis
faction,' which exists among the I.7OREIGN
- CREDITORS - ortite - Sraze, - who - dema n d -to
-be paid -the-interest- due -t hem% in-SPECIE,
and adds": "diatit , j. introduced in connexion,
with the above qtiored paragraph,'-' - as
biting an additional strong` reason for suet` - .
for confining air our preseizt 'energies to the.
8 4 7. 0_060L0t nzoking,theirslienditure,at
yearly, i reasid, as siyeedity jiroductive as,
practic Oe." • . • • .
heti.. Ge verner,ltitner, is..determined
that, with his consent. THE STATE SHA'LLGG
NO. MORE IN DEBT!! . Every citizen -Of
-Pennsyjiania, c ,who does not.'consider astate
debt' a r state blessing, 'will apPiove" of this
stand of the Governor. . -
'Another:truly republican feature in the
- message; , Ave-catinot-omit-quotiog-it-is-con. „
rained in the- following reasons for . refusing
assent to a law, incorporating coal and other
companies. '
"1. BeCauSe the incorrioratiotrof corn*"
nies'of any kind, to accomplitill objects with
in the reach of private - enterprize,is -a &
parture from the . go,ed• old and safe rule o
Legislation ju Pennsylyania.:' ' . , .
2. Because the, mining of coal: .t.ho,tWi it
may - have required the enlarged poweti'of
corporations to commence a n d carry it into
successful operatiOni ate beginning Of the
coal trade, is EC-hosing - as - now well understood,
ap e d profitablY'pursbed by 'thousands of pri
vate citizens, wltos rights - and interests will
be injured by the/exercise 'of corporate pow,e
er and compeiii6n. ' -- -
4. ' Because the desire "to-forna.trial comma
panics, • is ienerally produced by- the. mere
spirit of iseculation',' or by. some plan to dis
pose of particular tract of lan to g reat ad
vaa e, and not by the in ntio of real hit_
vestraeut in this particular brat ch , of tiusi
peps, or of carryintit on as a means of gaits
itig a livelihood. . ^ ,
/ 5. And all, because I feel the utmost
e c te
repugnance against an
. .project. that ° '.may
.have the influence of .ipplineor mnTihpoli
zing the_great coal tr de of l'ennsylvania t
whichTfeiiir - Vfould - hb - t effect of the gen-,
eral incorporatiOn of,coal, companies."
-- Other equally striking •passages might - bc
culledf tom this excellent / state paper, but
our room will not admit of - more at preSent !
We hope; if anrhave as yet_failed to read
this document, they s. will
, at : once 1, possess ,
therriselves of a copy and eicamine it ,with
care,-as it aboundlio republican seqinwitts
which every Pcunsylvatilan ()atilt to under
stand.. . ti
By the folliiwingletter.of our cormajmodcot, it
_will be.set;n that-the Reform COftventii) i wil7 nd
jourit sine die onthe 2d of next month., .
Bairagt of a letter to the Editor, lei . .
• Pill LADELPIIIA. Dec. 1.6;4837.
pear —E ver since we met in this city; the
,subjects of corporations and the
.currericY; - lialie
beendiseussed in Committee of the. Whole, to.
gether.with one'week's discussion while - in liar
tisbnrg.' .Speeches of four BIM fiveltours
have been made by delegates-of-both--shles r of
the house. loterminabledebate has' Rile
the'ConVenticiii - ri . pe-fOr . the - following pm ceed
ings, which were had this morning: viz.' -
A motion .was made by Mr. Dioc.zr, hat the
Convention proceed,to the second reading - of the ..
folikwhig-resOlutionr 7 That- 1 -wheer-the-ittieatiM
shall hay been taken on the section now under'
consideration, 'all the re
gnarly made to amenAlhe. Colistitution. shall he
ton.?iddretl as on second yeaditig, and proceeded '1,:._.... "Cyle'presenikdrepetjtimitnorrv.the citizens
in accordingly; and t hitt this Convention will ad. ;lOrktisqt henna Conn ty;4rftylrig tat „the right 01
journ - sine - die on the 2d day of February- .next.
~_ trial by jilt, may begrantsd•to evcry.hunumbe-
L ,.-Afier considerable debate upon tills eptestion, . ing,in it \ t Y case Where peesentilliyeth9s - concern- -
and Mt :different_ inotioni_to amend,and finall; -ed The - flint resolutionfor:tbe ; llotteeTto - kljiurnH
rto postpon - e - the whole indefinitely; the previous - from the 21s1 inataint until ; fite Id.of r Januaryi i was
agreed tohy . a Ytite nf f9.,,t042. -. -,•-, • . . ..
question Was caliectlind 'it %vas deckled that, the
main 'question - Sball now-be put. h , 4l' , i'ajor'ity oli - r- iitllte_lionse. , • - ,Mr. Reedi - ef .the, County.. re
-13 votes. A divisit of the tr.: , Stii):,,v:4 called ported a bill icorporatiug-the•Mo;nitinent Cente.:
for, to end after the. word ' "accordingly." And &fp . • • -, , :.:...-• ; .. , •
on time Auestion 'of agreeing to the:fir3ttp,:irte 1. AG; 6:41,i ) ,0 resolution-to. adjourn from thellst
- t hc- - resol uti o 6 .7tlte-..- ye as-we re-.?'fivsys_4,,iturl--i‘ttsluid-_,_tuttit-itn4nizatrigNas-,tadcetifili-Ti rttl:
on Of second paid; the'vote - stood(:Yenss:l;-.--noesi-agreed M. ,- • : ~ - ..
~. ~ !. • . .1 , .. ...._•:-.
0; - .sr . ; the - whole.resoltition as agrecd to and ! .Tharstlay 1 240..- I .lii Senate petitions ' , ArlitoFo•
ilititetlT-iiit-c7ilich'7ti'4WoTiotTqt;i7llViileiry tii:lifeil•- s - e - r-exteniintr-Wrilrc‘ - i . )ennvylvenh,e.
Nit.. Earl to proceed to the second readirg of a "'Rail Road from Co'unibia to . Harrisburg ; from
1 citizens of Dirks - cotinti thr : tlie erection of a-
Separate , county um of part 'Of Berke; of 'Clear.
field, ld'Keeri and 4,:e , ifertompounties . „ for the:erec
tion of\county.;;;-211,_r.--# . ConlieYT:tePorted:
a bill incorpo .ating.the9ovehanna Rail' Road
Company, to make xt.lfad Road, from York to
Harrisburg. 'l•li . e.,.Settte, In , committee of the
Whole, „went! into„considerationPf B 'ill, ,No,. 4,
making partia'l's iations.toterds the rt Pairs
and Contintrancesid 1110. pnblc,wcudrs. yessrs;
Pelt z, •Liet, Barelay,1"14P!"1111gIt were
. eppoee4
1 to se much of Alm -bill as ~: n atkes appropriation to
' the Gettysburg itiil Road., •-rdissyS. :Cassatt and
i denies consid‘veddlic
, faitti of the state .. pledged
i4nvards'..the:Snrli2Jo:spl.4,..s . t.liitt improvetnent. ! ---
1 be motion io strike. ouLthe item referred triWas
. -. .
negatjvcd. - w lietdlii bin Was fi.yd*d, to, and being
I iminetiiatelyG;l 'r a second .ain.l,ptivd tune. was
acilt.._lo the ti ottEe :itir.sbncurreinic. l : ~
. -
./ii - de . iiii`a.4.- :to'dii.m 'a A :£llMcist 'every day,
resolution, proposing to alter the rules, do that
no - delegate shall speak longerthan_ one bout: at
anyone titae, -- withoutleAVe of-two thirds or the
Con Vent ion or of the Committee of the Whole.
Various motions were made_tor:modify,:to-post-:
pone, and to refer the subject to a Select Com
mittee; until at last the previods question was
called by
. 111 r IlArnunsx and 17 others, and on
wing to the rraolutiAn ; the we efi2
nays 31;. so the resolution was adopted:-
1 have now some hopes . that the , businets of
this body will fthAlly terminate on the 2d day - of
February, next. .1 believe the
.passage of the
above two•.resolutinns were indispensably neces
sary, in order to make some reaseinabit pro
gress in our - business, although they are con
demned by many as:oppressive, and its rr fleeting
dishonor upon the convention
- • TIM hour for closing the mail having arrivqi
must cldse this letter. _
.Penn*ylvaitia .
Corrospondenco °eau, Hernia dr. Itxpos!tor.
'Solomon says that in the 'multiplicityof coon:.
sellors there is wisdom.' I -would' suggest
tothe Solornofirorthe coilvairot the propriety
of so increastrig the number of
in the lower house °Lour Assembly, that
,desirable quality in - a legislator, ore Legislature,
may he attained. The lamentable deficiency
Which, we. find here at this timer cart only be
ascribed, in accordance with the royal psalmist's
apothegm, to the paucity of
. 011- representation
in that
Iri the:Senate on Monday the lith,—Mr. Peitz,
on leave given. read a bill to restore the pro
and county of Philadelphia-=ln other words, a
bill repealing the registry acts. The resolution
submitted some cloys belOre by Mr. Pullettop for: 1
-the=appointment -of=a rcoonnUtee÷.lo -- _vielt_the_,
Gettysburg Rail Road, ' was ' taken up on second .
reading,and tiler (3017 e. debate -agreed te. 'The
cow Mince are Messrs. Cassell, Myers and Strohtn. '
Mr. Myers submitted a preamble - setting lorth
the of the Bapke to resume - specie pay-
tnents, if they would; to this was attached a reso-
I ution compel-these-Institutions _to _pay specie
for lheirnotes;
r arciiiiin fired periods, and on
. so to do, their charters to be- forfeited.
The reaolution was laid oil thataille. - - the Senate
incovntnittee of the whole praceeded to consider
Bill No, 4. vvhich__Mikes__partiaLOpitropriatlons
towards - the continuance of the public . .., works—
but before any definite action. was had the •comr .
thittee rose.
In the HoUse a cO - mmitiee, consisting or Ititisirs.'
Priy, Gorgas, Garretson, . Park and Ford, }va s
appointed to visit the,House of Eteluge
dalphia;;aresolution Watialso'adopted'eu,thririiing' l
the Clerk. to purchase , thirty copies of the hist .
edition. of Puritan's digist, yi tie placed in the
Libraries of : the Iforise; end in , addition. to furnish'i
cach,of ll?e, • nevirrineintiers with a copy. A . cdniie .
almanac would, have, been more acceptable
many, and to, a greet majority much_more2c,Orii.l
- The till) to . r'epeal-, the registry act
was taken up in diAnniitteo of 'the: Whole, but
before any definite action the
committee rose.. - • , . •• I
...... .
. • Tuesday .12th.--41) Senate to day the VOamble ,
nnd.reaolntians submittedPy Mr;Myers, rbfitive
tpthecuryency Were takeq,upon.accontl reading . .
Mr. Penrose went into a luminoutileminsittekot
gribt_VATltigtittr asitil/4150,02atter+
- •
arts and iiroposi . tion9 re
HArtuisntinc,. Saturday, Dec. 16, 1,90.
.the absurdity of legislating upon a . subjeTti - whlch
... ~. .1,..
ciee . treatid..effecitiOly W.lthre . htty a lIVIV.O O iPat :
'Y a Speaker fully r suatXined the ‘edvlable repe;'' .l
-tailen-witiat sea sca;!iitfaltitesinan arid .1!)/l.eapeels
er. 'he hal:justly acquired::: lkir.- Myst% .611444"
that his prednction Ilii‘ireth'erloplliedifq.oklT4l
cultY,:tis tixtricaierziefroOilliicli s ipe4roposeij an •
liniendmehl, which -only gialhi . "confusion Woree,
COaleunded.'';'AllOretiaine; fuithei4jacussion in
• the . course Of 'efiicii-lbti - prenmble end- tesoluil ou
became Involitid hio fog,' the whole!uhjec.t , was
(~,,‘ , lv
peat -poeed, '- '•' - '''.
*-- ' '
In , the .liiitrio iblday:resoluti .er '., laid_ 'on:
tho table for ii' teirivo'iary .adj • ''
rtittkenA from, th;e :
2lst instant "thitil • tbe•Eltf of. January; , for:a contz..
mittes' to . visit Ate :•Eastenly Peniteetfary,,.and,
Philadelphia'coinity:vrison; •instrUctjog, the : , ..,t1::
diciary Committet . -:to--1 - eporta blil-Wialcing this .
disinterment ot i dead•hodies(wilthout . the:ion:sent
of the . rolativel or 1 he,deceased-parsoni) telony;
requesting'Congress:' to • continue- the ',lgittlinial
Rosil frem - .Wheeling,: via_ Milutsille to. Erie:
1 Mr. Love
~ reported o hill erecting a new county
lut of Allegheny; .wa9hii],gton;,Weetmorelen a ,
and'FaYette, to ,be 'Called Carriit,.' , Mr; Gorgas
:reported 'a sitAringi r e,i. the bill. incefporating .
*l 46e Ha rrisburg Carlisle and
.Cha enberaburg Turn
. pike..Company.' The bikpieehles for the.passage
I of.swinci-.and', rorrned i e'attio free of .toll.oe• said
.1-,road;previded a majniltSr of the managers -`6013-:
sent to the same. Mr.tWitis,l:ficim the commit
tee app . ointed for that ptirpole; Intide'zirepoit, re - r" -
1 ferltkg the 'di ffereift iteilia' , Of the - Governor's
1 Message le the appropriate • - committies;:: Ti?nl i l
I 'psrttirit--..reiating ' toir. the' Currency; restriction
upon- :inks. &c ; l ira's tiered to ',Messrs. John
sstemSt ebaoii;'-fit;pkiiis,." - Watts; .I . .lMcllwain._
1 Steve Itrifire; Sebring*-)tual Gallitano. - The
pa rel 'lye to 'Secret Secietiesiwas relered to
FMCS!: -:- Stevens,--1)i I linghalu in4 . l-leya. 1 - ,
1-='-ire iisday-1314- -This-being the day.set, apart
by-the Sinnfle for the - elecilbo of Bank-Directors,
i that bilsinese'Wei proCeeddWori, wire-the - foliar - F .- -
Ilog persons were elected, viz: . . . ,
~ -.For t/!', Pennsyrventid , lAink, lOseph - fl.'SmAth,
Wllliam Aoilea. -.'":',": -. .:1 - . :::'•[ —;•..:' •
!* James M'Oerrnieltil - ' '3/1111.....):: . er. -.; , .
I - ....
I - 9 Foe the - Co . lgn4ia Bruke'6itipitigie
ifr'u ninooh freiti ^: f.-,77;71:7".
-el I ftllc 51 ti red.4441)111&1 3 , - iilitin6i.otis _pet i.,
•• Aa" •" ft4if ; •
tioll9 cre lir rien g. to Diekinson
II M t
(;o..ege.: o rte.( a res !Ilan in
structing, th . q,Cwmmtlt£e 4 . 0 n flamer to firing in 'a
bill . reprop'tion , of iipeeie
ityinents, l?y A pe
and that the ripepial,eoixunnitt:eein t art:ofthe
Governoi.'s tilesage rgJxlive toilie:eiirr • : be
f r om,ic t :f ! irtli F r o 111
sulijeet. eso.
Intimti beinuuneinled. by •titr,ikjlig oui. list - part .
discharging- theispeciokeensnii.tfee, was agreeil to.
Sonleangry flchate w„ty, eicite'd'illythis resolution.
Messrs Stevenson and Iteea..two very learned
members'. froi”. the cnuuly, milist !s (l. the louse by
the Comntiin_epts 7 velkieli___passql_tre,tween_liem. _
Mr =Stevenson.heltl.the.,ilelnocraty .if.h scot
league • leagu e'inarry.low
s ettiniatiorltose talents were I
iebteerneti-as-littio-brld - r--ltect
(Friday 15111.: 7 -,-)A i tilt440
. re f
!ported a b 41c rccit'utga:ttew county
.tiut, of pacts
I , of Ntolugometl f . .chtter anti lu calledpream,
life and fes6l4;!on,.;fi L iipemling . - that,part Of the
cnitnting 9r . deolarhlg. it i‘igetV;: . Ailyijig a Susp en
akn, of spekepayinents,.uriiilthe Ist Jarioaryi
tollie....eninmittee on
I banks. ..‘
liitiotA to .ttay,, ntospy of ipiitiry 16•;rejstio,n to
the' banks iimil
'submitted by I.4.;.l9oiirsi :, :wasagfeed tot that
•the • spetiak : .itpmm . l,tee:-Ott fi ke:!ehireiMy.':be in
• ittstitut Pominpnw9alth.hil.xii;iontrit
huted to tttte; peeittristry i -;einhiiNiscrteAtti, under.
Uoltielt . f thti•leoroympiltY It ya, heeu,,lnb?ring, _by
I loaning ari ..•imdtte. s propittiticn.el Iheir _hinds to'
directors for,usuicifite:-11,11141!5,:tt c T•.4
'-brokerithr otheiskg,ibts 4 ;rith
itotes of their'-frf.r0i,9.4. - stlien' banks...ate depreel:
ated value, or by ericliteillxriit t ihs• Or , elePressidg
tuttss,£„:94her...foinkS;'l'oi Oun
g al;),,t?.,tia ,cli f clvOlge,'Fif:'the;holiier's iaid
:. : The-CQTr.tyitiper-hcmp- !le Lenii..9 . t•-• . l6•ii • irk t;
AO visit tltepla oes U . here eitehili mks are loeited
Dlv hais..puhmlttetEa p and resolut
truchigl.lte t, the.[present derange.
went the cntretiey •to . ill
advised inter
ference of. the Givierid CsO'r.e:i ; iirrekii: - . The pre- -
arnble and resolitt;Up I.ty Ou.thetetile. for the res.
-cote , noilfrom the; e.9ptposit) in 0r the,-!louse,
might eay, , :for the cession. „
, .
- fi t lf t irdayl.6th.—The'..Senateto.l l ay - OiiriPint ed
34 . Rann'tIttec of nine to visit Hickinson College.-•
In 14c•Zfouse.LOn !notion .of Me.,74!flvaine of
cheg.,:r.,•_the, commutes on education_ were in
struPted fo - i:...lquio itto the expediency , of intro.
da t ing a bill ieciiiin - g . to ev er indeutet l appren-.
lice at'.least three u•;onths 14 ottr,lzt very year.
of his apprenticeship.
Mes . srs. Curtis, Diutmock; Leech,'Ho-tik, WO.
oti, Espy; 'and Hill of Westmoreland,'were ap
:pointed a - committee to it the EiWtero Peniten!.
tiary and other publicinstitutioutt in the city and.
eounty'of 'Philadelphia, in which the state is ctin.
'concerned. • ~,:.
• HA 111491111.1110, December 21 182i'. •
An approaching adjournment has i pecu
liar_effect upon ouriegisliture,andin_all
hood upon all other con'gregation' of men assem.
bled:for lhe special _purpose of =kill ifi;d la vl's
and eating better dinners. As the wished for day
approaches, which is to .sever them from their.
wearisome tinties. there is - a restlessness, a
.. ficfgl
uneasiness manifested, which daily becomes more
and more intentie. Members are seen - wandering
from place to place, yawning, moments. seeming
hours and }mitre years; until at length the Wen-,
aity of this feeling , becomes' so Overpowering iss
quite to unfit either House for serious duty. But
-"LI& you Will My. i 4 'foreign
r to_the purpose; let . e
know - what they base been-doing, • ,
Well; on Monday the 'filth lmitant,,up . to‘which
time my:last epistles carriesthe - proceedings of
the Legislature. -in the Senate the:resolution of
enquiry, submitted some_ time lige by Mr. Pen
ro'se relative to the exclusive use.of mineral coil
on the rail roadb.of the Commonwealth,,was-ta- -
kenup on secona reading -and agreed to; Mr.
Lek submited a reselutioti that a.„49 - mmittee of
five beTippointed to - Vislftb . is Eastern Penitentia
ry; and the county prison of Philadelphia; to ad
dress . tolbekheclfe_of the diffiirent
ties, to ascertain the manner of conducting their
respective county-prisons, Sr.c :
After undergoing amendment, restricting the
duties of the committee to a vitit to-the peniten7
tiary and - Philadelphia county prison, the w=.
tiOn-was-ado_pted-by-a vote of 16 to 9.__This corn
. ftterrvvaCaubsequeistly - :enittrgedlirriiiii — Mr.
Penrose submitted a preambfe and resolution re•
lative to the opening ol l the Senate each morning
with , prayei'.. The bill relative to the union of
certain- rail road companies .of Delatare' and
_Maryland with__tileWilniliat — tion and
Philadelphia Rail Road Company, and the bill
altering the Charter of .thefranklin Bank of
Washington, passed the requisite readings.
In the - House remonstrances without number
were presentedagaiust the repeal Of the Registry_
Act.: .P.etitions were likewise -presented frem
citizens of the rity_cf;Laneaster_prey_lug_for the
extension of She Registry - Act to that city. Pe:
alone were presented from Union and "from Sue
. uehanna counties praying the Legislature to re
monstrite against the admission (if Texas intilhe
Union. Mr. Hill, of Westmoreland, submitted a
resolution of enquiry relative to the survey of a
rouns_for a rail-way-or licAdamized road from
Chambersburg to the eastern termination of the
Pittsbuigh and Laughlintown Rail Road. Mr.
Fassmo're submitted resoltipon lcstructirvir the
Committee inquire into the ex
pedieney First—of teducing the number of di
rectors for each school district—Secondly, of al
tngJlL_._ltlitectors a reasonable compenistion
for their .services—and Thirdly, of requiring
thole elected to that station to serve, or be liable
to a penalty fixed by law; fora refusal or neglect
in the performance ortheirlespective duties.—
The resolution was agreed to. Mr. Fell sub
mitted the folloying: That deny more travelling
committeesylhis house be appointed, that - such
members•be selected by the Speaker as are mil.
ling to perform the 'respective duties devolving
upon them for the least compensation; and that
members be allowed to state to chat: inwrit
ling to serve. This, as you may suppose, was
not agreed to. -
On motion, the tionse' resolved itself into a
committee of the *hole on — thebill - from the - SeO. 7 _
ate making 'partial appropriation, for the repairs
and for the continuance •of the public imgrove
monis. Mr Stevenson moved to strike Out the
clause making- an appropriation of SdB Obo for
paying the debts already contracted 'on ihe Getty. :
burg Rail Roacf. - After considerable discussion
the amendMent Wei negativect- - -n tootiob Ito '
amend by Mr. Gilmore, That the Canal CO:nniis
sioneis be instructed to sulpend operation, on the
Gettysburg Rail Road From the first day - of Janu
ary next, was agreed to. The , bill haring paned
The committee of the whole, ti res iinmedialely:ta ,
- ken - up-on-second-reading, when Mr. Thompson
made a motion to_ntrlice out t 'approFirliiOn be 7
fore spoken of, but - the. rho!' -was not agreed to
wheri, after aorne.ilirther debate, ho. Vllll
Pulled to a third reading, Weed to, and sent to;
the Senate for toneurrence in the amendment by
rue day 19. An Satiate, the amendments of
- thelliiiise,--to - the . bili making partial appropria
tion tb the publid Werke, were concurred In.—
' Mr. Strohm Made' en ineffectual attempt to have
the amendment. directing the discontinuance of
Work o n the Gettystfurg, /tail Readjirielien out.
iblitigripittitibititrutotio - w 7 the — yeas - Were - S, nays
2 \
20. A committee"bf nine was'apponited- o visit
the public achools.of plihadelphia. St. A Ili a , 4om
mittes.til threelto.visit the Weitern Penitett laiy.
`'-In the House the follow Ins Persons were elect
ed•dtrectors:• For the Bank oUPennsyl vapia, Ed.
mond B.:Nixsell etid.Joseph' H..Newboltl4 For
'the 'Philadelphia. Bank. Benjamin .C: Carpenter
'end' Dale! 141. Broadhead. :For„ihe. Columbia
Bridge Conipany. Joseph' DetWiler. and. 'Adam
Diller. A message wok rieetved froin the Clover.
nor;i:enelosittg - a ;letter - from the •Eashier of the-
Bank of Pentisylvtinia, stating that hyawarrange.
neat With Aii Barlngs, of London; the. diasaGa.
faction of the foteign hold:4w of Pennnylanta
stock would all probshility-allayed; 'iri COn•
, ..., _ _.
seVnence,nt.which the governor_eoneeived that
no legislation up on -- the subject was rt./Inked at,
this time. •. '':7..', -' ..., '.
-: .
. Widne#46 :20a In the Senate, nothing-Win ,
_Ally .rii notc was done to-day. 'lli the' Hetise, on_
"Protion of .Mr. f!rabtr, pack copies of the Auditor
General's reputt, and 3,ooor:copies of the abstrao,
iifthe'Engliiii 1
longtime, and 2000 in nfits German ,
tiffguage. he re int,Oil. hi r. ty..
son Sulintte'd .i 'pi eninblP and roalutioni, ritindn,
etrating with great ability:rand powerful
guinent.'itiihist:thmedMissiomof Tex.a into Or.
Union. The resolutions lay on the table Cpr the
present. On motion of-Mr. Reynolds, of Nitres: -
- moreland„the comniittee on'lniand - Navigation
were directed to inquire into the expediency of
atithtrizing the Survey_olarollidtir st. : railway or
McAdamized. road fi-Om-Cbatnaliburg to Pitts!
Mr. Crabb reported a bill authorizing the. em-' 4
04mm:a of a moral Instructor
. in the 'eastern
Ocelwed off;reil, a re s teolu'ion direcling.the
Canal Commissioneht to'Procure a 'chart of all the
public Improvements of the state, and of fill such
publiC ,improvements, in the . neighboring•states
and Canada as may In anit way conflict With . the
Improvements of Pennsylvania, end furnish each
-member with - a copy.'..A.The resolution'was ecd
to. Both Houses adjouPned to meet next mo
log at . 5 minutes past 12.
.:Thursday morning, Sminuteapast . l2. In. The
Senate there was note quorum present; in the
Hotile there was,.batio. businese watt transacted:
UtAttni ED
On the 2lst ult. by the Rev. Win. T:
Sprole, Mr. Hugh Stewart to Miss Sa,
rah, eldest daughter of thelate Mr.-Fran.
cis Searight, Esq.. all S. Mtcldleton
township. • • •
With the above,notice we were faVorcii
-with a - handsomit • 'slice -of the wedding
cake. Both bride and groom have our
'best 'wishes for their future, welfare.
.We say to all '. Go and do - likewie.'
On the sth ult. by,the Rev.,J. Moody,
Mr. Jesse -Kilgore, of Newton township,
to Misi - Mary, eldest daughter of Mr.
Joseph .Quigley; of Hopewell township . ..,
'On the 26th ult., by the Rev.. John
Ulrich, me. Jacob Ritter, of South Mid
dleton,-to :Miss - glizabeth Smith, of Mon
roe township. _ -,•
Died on the 23d ult.-John-au, youngest ton of
hrishipber4u-,otrige - vittni-Tow-uhipag e
years and 11 mont118. • _, - . •
It la but just_to remark_thitAttring,fife„behad
secured the esteem and - friendship of all- who
knew him, by his exemplary ,moral , oaracter—!
his gentle and affable address—his iffeetionste
dispoiitiOn, and.his firm and unwavering piety •
The pains ordisease were severe; but he endured
_them with_Cliristinn resignation.-- During his eon._
-finementhe delighted_to_conyerse,Zupon his future'
destiny, and , the .consoling prospect of fitturity,
secured by °the religion of,Jestts. H is favorite
theme was . the love of. Christ—and Its the coil,
vulsive agony apprciached, his expiring words
welcomed death, testifying to his sorrowing
friends that lie .was going to a home of eternal
happinessoodwell threver in the presence uf,
Itis - Saviottrand - his - Co&-/"Nlar-l-idie-the death
righteous.", • RAW.
_ sorrict.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert
..r,arley';_late_ofßopeweittuwn,ship„deceased are
hereby notified to.ifterrat thelormer reirdenee
of said deceased,. on Friday . .and ilaturday. the
26th and 27th days of January, 1838',:and make
payment thereof—otherwise the, , clairos igainst
them will be put-in the hands of a Justice of the
Peace for collection) and all persons Jtiiin.
clairris_against said estate are requested to present
them properly atithentie..tbi.
Atiorm:y in fact for Sally.Earley
N. It —All indebted to the late firm of Robert
Earley, sr. and Robert:Earley, jr. are .requested
to• appears settle, and make payment at said
time to Robert Earley, Jr. 7 -atimiting-..-partzuz_tif.. l
said firm.
January 1;1838.-3w.°
Society "Equal Rights)?
Members are requested to meet - in the
ilst.t.,.on this afternoon, (MONDAY) at three
O'clock, on business of imp. glance."
January 1, 1838.
•Capitag 30,000 ,Dollars.
For kindowing the Leesburg Academy and for
-Clasallo...l. for 1133:.
•To he drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Jan.
nary 13, 1838..
EinuNDID 5VA1E312... • - • -
$30,000-10,000--7,0W-5,000-4.000-.1, 000 -
2,165-25 . of-1,000-50-a:500-r-50 01'200; &a ,
Ticket $lO-flair $5:-Quarter $2 5 , 1.
Cert'sof.l7.ickage3 of 25 Whole , TiCkets $l3O
Do•, dO do • 25 Half ', do 65
• 25 Quartcr
_dtt 32 50
100 Pirizeis of $l,OOO.
• Nor the benefit a the town - 0' Wheeling.
• Clan No 1 for 1838.
To be drawn at Alexandria, Va..on the 20th Jan.
uarg; 1838. . •
$36,090,--78.000-4.,000-3,002 , -2,500- 1 , 01 7-
100prizei;-of 1,000! &c c , Sce.
.Tiekbta only slo—Halves $5-05,iiartera,40,• 50
Ceres of l'ackagea of 23 Whole -Tickets it ISO •
Uu do - 23 Quarter •do 32 SO
. .
Sao i ooo.—s.o,ooo.
. - 14-Drawn Nwribers.
Virginia Suite :LOWY..
l'or the ini:efit of the Mechanical Belies°lent
• Society of Narfolk
Class An 1 for 1838. ;
$30.000--40.000-6.0004-5,000-4,000- 3 , 000
12,300-2,120-2,00025 of 1.000-20 of 500-
20 of 400. Ike Esc. , • : • . '
ThkeLeio --H H lES,s_,Sitjar_ter.s2-10— j -
Cart's ofpackages of .2.5. Whole - Tickets sl2o_
Do, • : .25 Half_• do • '6O '
Do - ;do ttnalref" -- do ' - SO
03-Orders for• Tickets and Shares or Certifi
c o ck _ of
.p at k a; the 'above Magmifice - in
se- mnstproMpt-atteuiion;
and and an of * of each- drawing iient
immediately' to all who order froiu .
us; Addres
1 . 1 Managers,
Jan, 1083! astlington City. D. C.
TAK : g NOTIPE thatae lam;e a~ililieil to
the judges coutt of ,Cernmon.Pleas
Cumberland county; for the:•bcriefit of - the
insolvent laws :of tliis Commonwealth. tklld .
they have appohlted 'Monday - the Bth day
of January, 1858, at the Com t 'Hoube, in„Car
lisle._for_the_heakrihk,pf,u*,,und nor creditm_a,:
when and where may-attend if you think
proper . .
A ',LPN' wEBB ,
• ' ME(;
8 6
BY virtue. of an. order of the Orphans'
Court of Cumberland county, will be
exposed to Pliblie• sale on Wednesday ,the .
24th day of January next, at-the public house
of John .Joseph Kelso, deceased, situate in
Bast Peonstiorbiigh -VW& enmity,
`ecintaining 21 Acres and .107 Perchea r morts,_,% . ":
c riexv._:_Bein_g_part uf .a ract fOrmerlY
led 5 4 10 `s FerrY pfack. - Taiis p roperty is—
divldkl into three parth and will be BM
. se p ara t e -pr to4ther, to'isit purchasers.,
_ 44 , 6 tif the ofOreleid pro
psrty situate a h n yethp , Aurnpike , and op this
river,Susquehanno,, cent - wiling Acres and
42 peiches, - more or with Quit large and
commodious Brick - ; _ • • '•• •'5 . .
TAT it, Btrr: Ili
•- , .
Large fram stable, all nearly new, and n ow'
occupied by John Sourbeck,
. • .. . .
. • up. '"
Contlguous thtieto, a valuable LuinberYar4 , •
:thereon,, and other necessary imprervettie'nts.
and, beautifully situated. ait is one-of 'the
beat stands for a public house in the county. .
No 2 - ,That part which lies below thb
Harrisburg bridge, Ws 8= Acres and
15 perches, mor or less. r nning thb._
turnpike roast about -142 erches tiettetlie
'rail road, With ' .yrnber rd.on the river
shore. lt` here is - a oust occupied 'as a store
and other improyem its thereon erected: -
- No, 3: That par situate on the lured-
Pike road. containing Acles, more. or less,
witlim • • •
ii; ' -',' ::•:_ t-TmrSTQR , t2:..,- , .:'. ,
I tht' : . ,_,.;_ oa,;--irou.ogo
. . ~
thereon erected; occupied by Leyte's Banks; ,
a good Orchard of select.fruit, aganien. add .
'other improvements.: A portion of the above
property being situated on the river'shore.
"both above and below the Harrisbuq bridge.
affords the best - landings in the viciiirty..hav.
ing tice_advantagei of the turnpike ' ; and. the
rail road being within st few feet of it. It hie
for a long time been occupied as a landing.
and Lumber Yards. The property . pses- '
ses many advantages • its favorable sty.tion.
and its connection _ wit h the i'mprovcinents of-"
the county , Which Makes it well W o thy the
attention of purchasers. -Due, atten nee will, -
be .given and the_ternis of sale ma elinown
on the day. of sale by .
• -- - _
• • •
By order of the Court4—ThomiiiiiCrailli
eml,•Clerk, 0. C. • - • • -
December 18. 18374.- •
The subscribers. auditors -appointed
by . the ,Or . pitan's :COurf
. of 'CuMberla ( rid '
county, - to marshal and 'iMPOrtidti the '
remaining. assets- of .Jonathan' Huston ' ,
amo,ngedifors, will. meet for that"-
purpose, at the Public, house-of 'Joseph; •
„Stay_Man v ot_the Walnilt,Sottom
in said: towntNp, on Saturday. the 44th
of'JanuaryynfJat 10 0'c10e15,,:4.• IC_
at Which - time and plaC'e all persons
ing claims'against . said :estate are noti
fied to produce the same. !: ;•!•-
Dec. 18, '1887.-'- e ..V Att(4000,1:
ASSIGNEE A.ccffitirirt. •
NOTICE is hereby-'given that the. Assigntis
account of William Lusk assignee of Robert
dleinn.,-haa_been-preaented.teiihe,coust-ta1.., ,, ti.
mon Pleas.of Cumberland county; fol. confirm*
tion ands allowance, and said cburt have -att.
pointed the first:diy;'3anuarv'term,.lB3B; (being
ihe Bth dsi , of said month). for considerittion Sind'
!tidoon all concerned to show coma
nut be confirmed and allowed.. •
Proithy Office.
Carlisle; bee. 12,1837. • '
The, subscriber, an auditor appointed by Me
Court Of Common Pleas of Cumberland Coun.
tv to Marshall the assetts=in - the hands of
Piarick_Davidson .Esq.-Administrator of the
estate of Thos. Guy, deceased, will meet.for
that purpose, at the Prothonotary'', Office,
in Carlisle, on Tuesday the 23d day of iattua.
ry; 1838,.at• ten o'clock in the forenoon, `of
which all concerned will take notice.
. • GEO; .F.I.,EMING:
December 19, 1827. ,'
To_nit Claimants and .PerisenS
Notice - is hereby-given that a writ of Sara
Pacifist to Januaty . Term, 1838, to me direct- •
ell, has been issued out 'of theCohrt of Com.
mon Pleas, of Cumberland county, on the
411 owing ' , Mechanic's LienP entered-And
recorded in the Court of Cfimtnnu Pleas
aforesaido iz t
George. Spangler, li. . -
.. •
ye. '
.i. Sci. Pa. 'Sur. M 0.."
The Trustees of Dick--- charlict'' Lien, No.
inson - Cullegefuwnersi - 29 - riancityr - TOrinv ---1- -
and - Henry Myers, - .1838... - i - -
- . contractor. • • •. .
' Simon Oyster.•• ..:.1,
. a
, --.
- pi -Spi.Pa.. Su r.
The trustees of D ic k- Mechaniis tein.
itson - College - usinert - .NO:A - January --
_eini lenry . Myersi'ar .[Tesy,lS34
chitect: ' ,
~. .
Yost Spangler
~•'. ‘
vs. , -Scl.. Fa: Sir: -
Henry Myers, A rchi Mechaniest.Leln
test. 2und,..trtl_slets—of, '
~:-o . 3s4iftliary--- - - -
Dickinson College, o- Term 1-838: •
, ..,
wners., . 1,, , .. j
-- JOHN. Ivi, VERS. Sh'er(ll:
. Sheriff's Offie,e .
~ •••
Carlisle. Dec. 25, 1837.] ' '"- - . -
TAKE NO' ICE that I have app •
judges of the urt :Of Common-Fleas of Ad.
HMS County; -fo the_pineflelif the Insolvent •
laws of Allis Co imaniyegith. And they hare' \
40tiointed Mond e t' e 22d day January.
183 t at the'Cenr House In ''Flettystarrir for
the. and:. my eretEtratii.. when
and .where yo May atlendllynn 004 : 0.04
' tlecenther .15,1837 , ••••
Gettysburg Star.. ,
havc received hotly IcCriv ,
& York cLoras, which I warrant
keep good tiipe - , and otter thety teAucetil
prices, at my store. -
• " • 'CriALtgBARNiTZ. , •
CHARLES BARNITZ has received' se
per per Guin ElastiO , Suspendete,-settich he
"cffers•at reduced prices. ,
E 3