ES!M _~.;~. it liftAtirtfterAT ' . ft S TAkkit le • Ustversal Pills. • donlidbote to the Comfort,. Heath ' • and .751 . 4,4ine,5s of Mankind." - „, On tlieeighte'enth 'of May, t tese now, truly celebrated ' Pills . were first' made known m the:United States; 'alithMigh in Europe they had been previously before the public :nearly 4 den- The,Americun ptihlic tratttrally",viewed, yri,emr With Sn'spicion, but as on , trial :they were, ott4iWhotthey professed, it Was soott . displueed greittest 2 -ctidenCe. In. fad ;,the many persons. who ha,ve colnicenced:.with thenk tinder ' the,,mosi trying, circonnitances:of afflic- Cep . ; when,every other .111G.11.1iS and medicine had proved altogether unavailittg; have been restored. biand Imppinesso,froin't het r • tiSe, and the • lice 18. they' . aremow reoommended by have Mired 'of ' Cononm ( digestitim-Dys , .-pepsotio , ose..of fullness In the ba Cat tlie syinp _toms ofAp k opleiy„ Jatintlice, -..eev..r and Ague, 11;yplitN, Yellow, and .cminnon reVers of all kiiula, Asthma, flout, ltloeumatisto; Pis.easeS - Liver.CctinPlaint, Fleurisy lierresslon or ilii spirits, IritPthres, Tollainniation, Sore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Socill Pox,' Metizles' Croup; 'Coughs,, Whopping - Cough, Quincy, Colic, 'Cholera Moe _ bits, Gravel ery hrnfiicsa, Ring. itig°NoiSes in the !Desk King's Scridlila, ErYsiriclitS; or St. Anthony's Fire, .Salt Rheum. 'White Stvellimi'4, Ulcerksome of :30 years stand. itig,'Cancer?i, Tumors' Swelled Feet and Lev,_ Costiveness, all Eruptions :a” the Skin, Frig' httid 'Dreams,. Female complaints or e‘ery kind, especially obstructions; relaxation, - Although,Dottor . IC ha's tmoineratedby mune, the abbve diseases, he is neverklieless of ilpioion ' with 'his giandrather;the late ceNtrated Dr. Win. - I ' . -}lrandreth, -- that - there is only inlnirty of the blood, .which by hoped :nit the circuiatiOn brings On in.flammat and come qtient dertingen4nt in' the organ or part where •. 'seth impurity o ,the blood settle and that it is Ilte - d;fferent'appearanees which this inflanitition or. d erange men t p On, - thift - Ifffre - catiseineedi= calmienAo designate such appeuKances by various . names, htit which are,in,- fitet,.onfy-the :same des , ease, with 'more or less violence. : - Dr. ‘Vm DrandrethWas so fully convinced 'of the tenth of the above simple theory, that he spent thirty y, ears in experiments andlaboricins_ research into tile medical properties or the numerous _plants composing the Vegetable -. King - derhOli; Obßet being. to compose medicine which 'should at • once purify,' and produce by_opecitio action, a ' removal Of all bail litimorifrom the blOod by the stomach and boWels,' as by the. continuation m , the. use of such a- medicine, such: humors are sure to be . 6iittre:ci off,'and the flood 'assume a stitteThf purity; and' whoever takes these Pill?, •'7 and perseveres , with - Itoad. - • lorsatisfietriliiir folly attained his pintail - 4111V: - . : Tic object.' It is now an absolute and known -- -- fact, that every disease, whether it-belo the head • .or feet, in the brain or Meanest member;'Whether. it be an outward tileer, sir cm inward :abscesS,-are -a% though arising - i . rommtany causes,--reducible to this one grand effect,' namely iinpurity of the blOod; - • . • ln till cases flier found a safe andsim .pls remedy'-yet I di-p ol verforfoutlya-I , Mnovalor the disease, whether chronic or recent,_infectious or otherwise; and what them - particularly mdaptedto . r - this - conntryiis - that - thrreis net - the : (lightest liability tp.enld • when taking them, in ,„ t d.dte.'systent as ansoltitety least,sthseptiblet: ol SI& when their influence,7 than at :any - ":76llleFlilicertifereforerirrthis - a limat t ahe y ,,areli-1 valitable: Neither do - they' - require change: ti 'diet or care of. :My kind. In England these Pills 'for perlods varying froM•forty to sixty years, an —lave always_ Trued ei - Te6.;::.! in restoring health .----tylere.ver_an alibis:aloft from it ocaiirred: - : -- '• NOTICE.-An. consequence _ortutThmerottir , -counterfeits for s:de in the Drug and Chimie"al• _Stores, the public'are cautioned :igainSt put/Chas ing of any . per3uu except the accredited agents. ,• Security Against counterfeits, • Dn. ERA:Inns:IA has adopted the 'following plan to Secure the GENUINE •Brandreth Pills to the public. . Every authorized Agent _must have a Certificate of Agency, and it will be seen that a double forgery MUST - be committed, before any one can - procure a forged Certificate. and the person having_it in his possession is equally labk with-the forger, , . . • The following are the' appointed agents for this Vicinity; 'Viz: Wan. Gilmore, Cham&rsburg Jacob A. Winrott, Gettysburg ; OGILEY & LET , NEIL, Carlisile.; and Wm. Bell, -Harrisburg. llrandretles---oftteers-for --- the - sale - of_ the shove Pills are 169 • Ittice . above sth street, and •34.Chesnat street, Philadelphia: I May 8, 1637.—tf. • . • Se o n. eon. ee LEGISLATIVE REPORTS. . THEPENwsfr.vAisir.A. TIILEGIVAPrI will be published - semi-weekly during the ensii ing_se_ssinn of 'the Legislature, and contain' full reports of the proce.tlings of both' bran== chess taken by Compeient'and faithful repor tors. ,' • The.ncts of the 'corning session of the Le giSlatiire Will be looked to .v..kitli.mnek I:llinter §_cciple expectthe party that have - ii:airy out their . -promisesrof,reforming_th e _ ; currency, and banishing shin plasters from circulation. This subject, together with the ,Improvement System. independent of nume ..rons others Of, interest, are of. therriselves of --sufficient magnitude-to-r.reate_a-clesire in the : -niind of every intelligent citizen - to;take-a .. : paper' fromthesett(of Government, In addifien,rii,this;-the,proceetlings of the_ ---- Stare - Conventions - that*ilyassem bl ei lere on 'the:4th of MarchAo'norninate Candidates for 'Governor wril I len4ed tn;With iitterest, and given • - Tjte.,:pr4ieflinkg.nt- ..Convention •to • 'irifsnd, thief'ConsOtutind - will'anb - - be given until,it final . And also 61:1ee...1 ted int : ere.stitig - Con- -tressional"proceeding 4 : -- ~t e- Terms-o,the , kelegraph,_are „ _:,-,:lror*theltessit*Serrni , weeto --- . -- $ 2170--- % • Iroe'the gear:• • • • t. • 00 - • Persan - s•Tp af . ittliatite• ''''s'h',itly'recelye the' Telegraph, train : the pre-- -- - ''s e n t to; the god- of : the'aes Son; a_iltl: six be setitoany:One 01441:qi fir) _ paid in_ atliianety • ••. •-• • Coinpete.p.,rie*nsl, get a g enis - hktbmnigh).?a o rhonil; foi the usual conapen ' .<"„_taitjon,„a,fe ri t'eanssted,,tp , inpr,tn_u s t ,,,ood ii t ",‘ l *tg e l . o 4 ; l l.9 o i st *T f•roff'ool.•: THEO FETILI . • ol 00;.4qe,1437..:; ,1;•-4 , 4-- , •-•Foji.°45A11:4• • •';'• - Tife,.aubser/be,fleci,arrOr. e toll,owing deisbedti House and Lot leigkoilit'd, • the beiiii*WoPeayliale; letelilitiiindedilif•then eat' Ny" Dicklifeciti Col Atiltiii) rt ot,!o•tkerPtet:Py:therW,idikactleltierre kt. 4.leltitltikfiggtf,pr,ont,,,B4...sutfeet. depthz-- - • eirdings are afitone flause, fronti on Louther 'mint Bak building an4'gtlatk!'. The irieitriir good etettie•Orit4prov I , ~,.„ to.jierehare are trortiert Oa) And,,eitegil ti e.the_ pt.eninniii:, The feeiiitiTilifbe made kdown " • , , :_lienript„ta . "._.o 31,0hn Hutton:' , vNov. 6. ' Wailedlniinfpritely: 999 04 0 :Ok<o ,9109La4 ap , : Yllqo S,l Pinelo oh "IhV 6 OPtMgW2VAt i n • •- • '1341t, Oct, 30, «=e • El Eli! Zegisf uR DtG r the 'ensuing session Oetge legisL T D • ,leiturei.(llo{..eystotie 'will, be published tWice — a week;•and contaiWfull - repeals of the •proceedings in both:ll66ses. • It. will also.eon taiii:- - •account;:of Ilie4ireceedings or he. refornizonvention, which , (judging_frcintsim• -gar bodies in.otlit!r states and the convention - that :formed , our:present '6nnstitution;) wilt hardly close iti 7 session , before Spring.'J.'•Q! The political complex& of theleffislattire and the impOrtant.raibjectsWhichwillitecest garily,conie, hpfnit it, Wilt reodet•JhCriext session.lieculhilly interesting, All eyes are 1-ttiffieti - this ~wayifor speedy,:reforra,: ha- our present defective currency:l! Deidtil action relative to Ittiprcivetnet4.lyA*l--is7-ar— cletitlr;Oegried:•iif. many. . quarters. 1 7 1t.ese_ two inatterstif theniselves,..form subject of intense•.itit e.:est , to. the peOple : at large. : .• On We .4th. 4,f March, ,ti.dernocrutic".con veliiion .itssemble here and porninate).a gainlitiate for grerrior,* An accounLot tite,tii:er with the prepOntriii provernentS of the ipa'4l.v—iii :all itpiartel.s UV be faithfully can .I.lleSe circurrisiane6S,, there never has been : a time when a paPer,froni the seiit.of . kolrernnient waS sable valu e to all - -the. citizens of the' torn-. monwealth, as 4'4111 be for the .ensuing six . , 'rite serms'9l.the Keystoneare the same as hei*titfiale. • During 'the tiession*emi-*eekly • s2,QO For , the-y•rar. • • 3,00 . „ . person.forwardink us 2 . 4011ars receive:the Keyiton'elrom the time. of- sub close .of the session , -or six copies will be sent to any on.e . offiee for OP:, All 'Post Masters tire invited to aet•as ti - gents forthe Keystonei-in , reeeliting-stibs_ beri and remitting, money to us; and 'any one signifying his willingness to shallfreaeive a.list of our subscribers, in hiS town and neigitbochOod.,..with - our zterms'Of auncy. - • Packers — Barrett Parkg; . • ; . . Rep_otter. and SatJeournail.- Is published at. Harrzsburg," - iwiee . a week during the segsion, of the .Legishore, -- . . r ._n «d ce_n_Weekiduring•Jhe _recess.' The Reporter has ibeen, and will...continue lo be, a tirm.and - unwavering laborerin the cause: of Democracy;—an advocate of the prircciples of the Administration of the. General Governm'e'nt— an untiring opponent of the party which rules in the Executive Department of 'the. State, .and which lia4 trampled tipqn , the tights, -and wanton: ly dkri garded the will of the People of Pennsyl= VIM a ._As_the_eusiting_session_ will be one_oLmore_ than / brdinary—impOittance,-: t II c—pro prielot;: has rnad i e Mich t!rrangemenfs as will enable him to give -full and satisfactory reports ofthe proceed: ings of the Legishitttre„and;--to realize the , ex. .neetitions ,of :those who roily patrohize -7'ilative information, portefras a vehicle or'„ Che'terms:of the'llsliorter.andAgurnal, are ; •". •- ' ''' - 00' 1/nrilig.the session,- , 2 00 A agent or other persons•forwarcling $lO, 'or. 14c04 `l:ended, a§ may he directed, during the Ire session of Ole Legislature.. • „ Persons - forwarding' hatrieo kir:Subscribers are 'request ed-10-Live-partictilar-iir,stating-whether_ the_ siih,eriptions are to continue for the,year,or , the' session; intelligences. . ' LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS The, - approaching 'Session -Of' the . Legislature poriises to he one of unusual interest. and hence the spurt of its sittings cannot flill of being mo mentously interesting_ in. the, general public. The Intelligencer will be issued SEMI-WEEKLY , perid inglhe session of that body, We,, therefore, so. , hod the Support of the friends °Ell ARRISON & 111 l'hiEß to aid us in our-enterprise. We de sign employing, corbpetent Iti-porterii, who Will faithfully and impartially.note the prOceedings of both oftie Legislature; — The - domnant party lave 'come under solemn promises to de ! vise a remedy f'Sithe. existing diseased state'Of the currency, it will be!nitt among the least amusing and ludicrous incidents in the history of that par ty, to observe the indifference with which those sundry pledges will be regarded and the:corn placency with Wlich they Will be violated. The majority must restore the-circulation pf, specie, and,hang back to- its wonted, regularity and -soundness,,the_monelary_,affairiyof this State, or lit thousand promises Will - be: bfokem - HThe actirn of thiii body.' on, the internal ireproyetnent Ties tion; will also be of interest. . During the sitting oldie Legislative, flnprKibei of COnventionti7will 'assemble-at 'the seat of *go. y e intnent,_the. : tratisactions 'of which, will be of rr O r dinary-interest.toAlte.people;_anditibial lid \--ri our steady and_minStaiit Mire to - advise our readers of theimpOrt of their deliberations. . The EonStitutionid.gonvention, now in 'session: will doubtless prolong its session foisorne'rnontlis yet to. come, and consequently regular i . epsirtS of Alicir-proCeedingi„shall -also- have a place iri-this. ~.. .. , -paper. , _ .. 7 -A6-Wlo;7d:shall be the constant pndbE!vcircif the . ,.dilitikr, to collitte and embody in the,colirnins. 'Of the Irdelligencer, as gre,at - an amount of inter esting 'Matter as piactieable; a nd_,nei_rialitsLiaex.- 'pense will at, any. time, to render this _wiper the, Telticle,ofit.lie_ latest andinp,st impor tant news, on-adsobjectis of- general interest.- . TERMS: .- '•'' • - *'' • For the "Selision,.•tiViCe a week, • "'. $2 00 For the whole year, • !•.. ••• -•• 3 - .00 siA,qoal.s_B.will,b sent t o any plapOluiing the session, for $lO, if paid in Advance. • : A liberal - discono n tAvill be given to periens•at di s t a ncer - ZWelatnittiTi - iTtiginiFilor , thelllCE •lll: gencer. , • • •% % Ttiomrsor CLARK. 11 arrisitrg, Nov. 12, 1837, • • •. • - DIVIDEND • CARLI.iLIBANIC. NO V I Y- 1837 . The Board.of. Direet4i . s of thisloititur • have td:!.htyrdeehied :a .divitlendk of . 3 er tent. ,11 . 1 r the ~14tit.,sii, i ttOntlia. sal, the capital ''&l4bek' pahl ThO-saine...ivilfliol),Etyable to the Jitsacit,holtidt's-ot,theirlegal-.--Teitreaepta . lives on or after the rAlthistant. 1•• ;44/ neky an pa aiklug• WrittlESubscriber tales this method , of Inform, he, , ; .c iti.4lla of,Payllsle;and„its that sba,futs comni9ncell the above-00604;,blittroles, in all 4-40F:f,„, v.ittlintibkailk 3 l°° ol ' .1)°m• 'doors East , ,the SpOond ‘.Presbyterian •••"..=,,, ,- Chtiretti 4igliere Aft' is' ready Ao receive tililhasePothe'may. [-, . '• W'ar ' 4,r1 . She. boAes, .hye-itricratiatition- t to• business, to. rtierita, Ititart:-OflPatranage, and' pledges; her elfshall- be dotiu,,in.p c ,.nolit• and I sit bstautial manner"... :,She ,also "kettpa- *it hand, Roo Opt, Optinkoi 00. c• E.` _ 24: - 'll,,•iiaioti.f:.`',l9 be received regularly 1 ovary seas • ,;,;. tar 'rkofirkit4iPef,: t r.:47 brcelrtio t `feet, The owner,leilemr44,t9PßlA:4 l 4ko' baugh's gotelwkigr•Olm : ; t4p;b'e s luid`tlkii f ihs o satiitlactiOi'ikedeheeor > rne, - Carl ige, Nov..6th. 1837:;"' : . NoC.' - itre - - pay.. - PRICE ()NE'DOLLA : It • • ' It is 'considered' of kreSt impertance forthe :public to know the following,flicts: • . • • • About flinr yeart ago, , SOltlmbh- flays, the per son to whom the celebrated Vr.,Gridley.,had; oh imparted.Lthe.. secret of making' a Liniment to Wire- the Piles fl ,'authorized : it,to be put up . and sold ,Under:, tlfo,uatue'llaye-f . , ini-1 pent, enjoined `that All who w . usiir one bottle hie Piles;-and fethili;:the -era .should have the pried;ffunded.. Since that 'ti we, 'upwards pf .fit Itlty, oitSsiul. bet; sold,-out-of-Vthich; hot .ten havee, returned, andllicSewilyliccanse the-persons.ilid 'not prOliably; never 'attended ' It Is "nrlW - de.tertnined by. the priiiiriOhr, t I t • t b . lin be.". made. mote' fiillyncipnnnt wi Wit Ii virtues; so that those stiffering4ith:tititt I complaint itiay hvailibentselvegitif : There: are-many-fjmousaui.l ecilTheates!or'ilie lip* respectable and 46theitt le!. ch , arneter,' many of which may be .examined where 'the article is. ' • It ismsed as an • e?cternal application;:ancl many other' comphiints entunerAtAliln the wralp .;corsiderect,lemarkahly efi'..efive; 1114 fin; the PILES it equal; and theagents are,nout bound to refund in all 'cases does nut . . It'is' being Hospitals in our principal Cities' with great erect. • No rietiolz,4-Thi's extraordinary Chen - if - Cal com position, the result ,i3,f science and .ther.-invciitiOn of tueelebrated.rnetlical man; the intr. auction:of wh eh to I the public wasJiivesfed• with, the siilem nitY:of 7 a death-bed bequest,' has since gained a e uutation _un ItilV mist ai n g _the :Our-. rep,tness of' the lamented Dr. Gridlcys list con fession,' that "he 'dared - ont - die - without giving tb posterity. the benefit ,of his knowledge on this .,sub.ect, and he therefore bequeathed to his nen and and attendant Solomon I lays,The secret of his discovery, ,- • . •It it note used principal hospittasi and the private practice in our country„lirst and niest certainly for the cure of the P ilea, and:n6o so extensively and effccitialli as to baffle crcclulity, finless where ifs effeets are witness - ed. E:ilernid-' ./xio.theifolloWing...cornplaints.t_ . ForZropsy—Creating extraordinary al). C) 4.1 sorption at once. • 4- - Au .Swellin g s—Reducin g them lila - fear- 7: 1 haws. - - • tr: . , w Blieuinatlsm—Act.o or Chronic,.lying 'll ---.- • quick ease.- ^ . - 0 .. 1 E-,.......# ore. Throal—.ly cancers, ulcer. 7 i or colds.- 4:/ m — CioUp; - `6Firlieoping Couilli= Externally 1- 3 and 'over.lhe Oast.: , ..._ .- - - Z p L , .411 Brukics, Sprains and Burns—Curing .t 4 rr in aSC :51 w-knurs.-_ . • 4oii's and_U/cers—Wlictlier frusli_or_lo . ng., l -4 •,..,,itandiqg and Fever SOl'e - t3. ' ' . rtj , . . -,..„. Its operations upon hdolis and children in re ducing rheumatic swellings; ancl loosen cites and - ti htnesa of the cliest h • relaxation of the parts has been surprising beyond conception. - The - commoyrremark - of - th - oe - whii - liiii - cused it in the. Piles, is, - "It acts like n Charnt" ; , ; - 'll'is used only:as an - external a pplicat:on: and its. soy et - eignykiitte 711176Cfriirthe_nhO - ve cornpiAtts, ts_ justified by scientific Principle. _ of 'the- many "ty...9rtrt WILLIAM D,'BOA9•_ 4 i-Orge QTaxittilie wurvitati 44tRit gigirvaxiitot•• • I. a ssss Retrredyli/S-Teceived,- th&followihg,only,w,ith., joined. They .are genekidly . e:xyacts hum lc tors ,from pir - sous of the highest respectability whose names are - not:published for obvious reasons, thougA the -writers iive. mot . ohje,eted to hare them-shown' to:AUeli as wish to see them. . ' - . • Cincinnati ; Oct:•-9114-11336, 'OtoII the • reniedies we givCs sell _none. so , , decided satisfaction na.llays' Liniment.: We can procure, if you'desire. thebest - recommendations frorit,some of our most .worthy citixens." • l• • „,.......I:Bpjratb,_.//prt.LIOM, 37'„ "I have'sold:all the Hays' Liniment and 'Could have sold much more. Jud_geis cured by if, .Br. has sent at least twenty persons hereto bay-it." - • ' Vicksburg, January 3d, 1837. We are 'in Want of Hays' Liniment, - the sales are 'uncommonly . good, ancl - the article thus far,. -unrivalled. It is used for a•carietv Of Com -plaints, and apparently with great efftret in . all. :111. a planter. now • here, 'has -written nearludrePage aboitt the cure be has experi; enced by . it, noti ving .before left his house for months. He Was cured of Piles in.forty-eight hotirsrwe-will 'send you his eulogies-whicli way. be of service to' Mr. Ilays.'"'• • - Charleston; S. - C.,,Dec.-28th,'--1837:- "I have been.dibtressFd for four years wills the Piles, my sufferings have keen intense, and my physician had 'recommentltd . an operation as the only means of relief. Hayti' Liniment was ad vised, and 1 have used one bottle, and so far as I. can judge am fully and entirely cured.. 1 cannot 'refrain from:expressing my -- anxiety to have its !_qtialities_more extensiVely known, _ IYetv:Or7cans, Nov. 3d, 1836. • • - n2l7r,..ficir,--I;liay.e . damned Quack Mediaines, Caloinel Doctors,'•Lotielia 'Steadiers; 'Vegetable Pobtors, find so oritO the end,,last of all myself, :life and-every-thing-besidesOnvingAtsarts of an ittea - liboilt-a•heatrof - coinfort r ist-exeliatiginglife_ -for that place-a right,stpart chance, hotter Airan any about in these parts.--t have had the thles for eighteen months-till - 1. got your Liniment three days ago, and; now I arn yell„„tind• have. thrown • St. Little, 111:ay sth, 183 T. • 7-- "Wp 'dont kndw - what - :the—people do- - .Tlth . Liniment, sure 'they _cannot all • have the we reckon it is used , for Itheturaitism and conks, sores_otivellings. We have. sold a large quantitY this year, as you ,may; knew by - our, last pnrchase, - ylliCh is all gone, Please send us two, gross' more,.. mid also the tittieleS Crdered last week; if• - tiOtAreatly .shipped.'!" • VVe might multiply such Bathe above to any in. definite length. IWt-prefer that Persons genitally who sell the . articic . should. exhibit to their -cus tomer:a the - origin al certi fi cates, they have on bandit -is-for-41e • Also for 'sale 'dt th - Csiore of S. Elliott. . , ..• DR,SHUBAEL HEWES'- . .... "7 - • - • 4- ' ° : ; ' . .. Celebrated - Rilienlitka li t ' l Ne r V F, .an ; wile, . . . • , , .. ~. ..... A(tPl!gtl"tnorning, and - night, has .cured_; hum.. i tire s.' 'lt. gives relief In, the ;swelling or 'the iglandi of thethrpiit, . and relifeaffie ' iiiimbness and contractions ortiiellithslinct .wiTrtiikt- - links 110%0; :shl )pflamittimia nut W the field), -rheumatism, bruises and Swarm '•:• ,- -It gives imnie-. diate relief ; strerigthtng . ivetik'lirribS; zartil ex tends the cora when abiltractedA few drops on sheep's,wool: applied Ao the ear!nr - detif per sons, ,svilll by ; constan t ,applieatinui cause. tl min fa hearlittvo rnonllue-tim,2-, ~,,,, :, l+ -, ,;:;:.,,- . ~ ..,,4, great num_ber,..o , f.,c6.ttiticaies of. the'„lnoSt .rcvs:Pl9 l 3l# and, dgngt , 4 Sllar.a.CleirltiaT; he xara* Inca .where itili sOldis,, eleasecnll pp Eii C; Delandei Carliare,. v;:hn,tvill give. Fnitlier:lnferniation, iziF.,liee :Ai; BOldndeela PlAeia , ~.: : - • , •,, .. ::.; - --,- CarilifltdcfotketZ,O,l.B3Y ,:-- 4 1, y•Acliv. "'' 41 'i t %:Ajtet' (60;ileTtir'S;:-.4..tj_:)LIC,),TT; „ ,..1 : :•,....' v d tt pne iluncited , PuOielkorc enkraiciiea *tint §ubpailbo,o'u"th`Hancj ' • (I.Dt. - 4: ; 4 4 . 2 - 6 ' 13 - 1314NTAti: iilisle' 'SepelB;4lB37. ' ••'` ' ," • ISM ..' Va l ' 6 . tittt ;:L:'l titfdtti l lfg* , p i lin t OA ,-", 1 ..-, , ~, , --.i• i .";, , i''.,ALTT. , , ~ ,e -btokala of kii. ''..** 4. '.oirlisk,Jo,;il , 1 BLANKS fiii:iiileriA AliikiefficOr . .!::,.- mai ISE 111-ORRISO-NIS . - R-VENNE.R; general agent flm•pennsylvanin,i Maryland, Delaware, &c., .No 38 south 7th et, three doors beloW•Mark et it., Ph phin~und No: 10 North st:j DaMature, near the Post Of, lice. HEALTIT EM6UREDZIrr-Tlll3 -.IjSi3OF :.,.TIIE HIM MAN Vj:4.TABLE • Us LVIiII'HAL Min 101)1E9 9F ,_.: ' • • ; .• . .I.e . i Plaiirsu7Caitzna• 'el , )-- ; , ...L.:.. --• • • • •• • ..- . HEILTU, ,11. •,,, LONDON, , - ~ .... • ~,„ , , " . {VHI . CIT 11111V . p obtained •t he • ApProlnition -and ItcemolendatiOn - of Thousands,, wlitiliave been - - eurecl intonstduptidneplialera Atorlitis,'•inflamm . -tions-internalVorrexternally, amP all 'diseases of • ;tire' Liver; Yelletv• I , eve , Gnet,.-Rhentnatisin, Lumbago;.-Tic:Doloreux.: propsy, St, Nistues - 'Danee, Epilepsy, 'Appopl sty, Palsy, Green,Sick... I L ns,,,and all obstruct-tot Mwhich , the Fenfale. _Porn is so distressingly, hal) - ajna- which send se r - diany- - nfilielitireStliortien - Of the creation to theii;- untimely graves; Small' Pox, Measles, 'Whooping . Cough, Scarlet Pever, - Astlima, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and -I.lljrinary Obstructions, Fistula, Piles,. Sti:ietaea, Ruptures, and Syphilis in all its stages, • Coilti riilt s t:A - lio Weis, Worms, Seur4,ltching ofthe likin ' ging's tvil; and all Cutaneous Disorders ; in • sliort„ every 'Complaint, :Wirth ,the liman frame is so direfully subject, under all their varied • forms and names; as the flygeian conviction is, - thitt'snan.ii - suldectip_pnly_meJ;eatdiscasc:;tliatis,_ _ to the .fniptir it g of lite blood, - from whence springs every coniplaint, that can- possibly,assail his com plicated frame, .ancllbitt it-is the perpetual• Stru ggle ofthiS vital, ptire stream afire, (the gift of ,Almighty power) to disencu mber itself of its Vis cous' acrid humors, With -which it has become -commixed. . . . . . This valuable medicine, being composed - only of vegetableMdtter, or medicinal herbs, and war; raiiti:(l on aatli, as containing tot one particle of mercurial; mineral, oi/chemical #pbstancesi (all of -Which are uncongenial to the - nature of man; lind therefore destructive to the human frame) -is-fbund-to-he-per-fectl)qtarmless-tu-thd-most-ten der age, or weakest frame; under _every stage_df human suffering, - the most pleasant and benign - in its operation, - . and at the same . time the m.ost• Carr lain in searelingiout art - rcot of-every complaint,- however deep, and of performing a etirmthat.was -ever' offered tathe world. - This-wonderful effect, toe is produced by the least trouble to the pa. tients, -- hy - merely - swallewingircertain - number_of pills, and,..b.eing called a few extra - trines to the purpose of- evacuation, with the least poisible sensation of pain,' exhaustion of heady strength, and-without the fear Of. catching-cold, Or atten tion to dress of diet, in_any ivay different, from - their accustomed habits... These pills cure in all _cases, _ancEcannot_be taken_to_excess..._.Experi 'mice, which is thelotichstone of all human knOW - 1- edge; has long borne testimoVo the - fliet; - and . extensive_use• of them bas;alread - y ve - Efied - its ... truth in this country. . - • -.Pliese-medicines citre_by_purging, and yet the weak, the feeble, • the infirm, the nervous, the delicate are in a few days strengthened by their. operation, because they Clear tlie - body„ of its bad litimorsrand ,- -invariabiy-_ - pntitme — sound -, :sleep: They nge the safest and Most pill Cacions-Medieine, R:Th - k — e - teiscarpreyenting scurvy,- costiveness,-&c - -' =The operation - - of-this -mild-Medicine,- which.- i conveys immediate convietion-of-iti-utility ; from •thelirst dose - is:as - beneficial to the mind as arm - body; tir:st, calming, then_.c_uringLAll_ ARin - tal der rangements, - Ecoentricities, Nervous Affedtions, '"*.• •-....f.,diatever Ilt,,,a.QllllleS :111(1 eSTICSSIICSS, 11'0w .. .snitee,i, complaints which have hitherto'not been prefeTly - utrilersio - o,4itlinWeWliiii'Llirifird' them all to proceed-from acrimonious humours in -the blood, and: happily for the present and future race-of manklud, discovered a'elicap and - univer. salmode - of purifying,.curing, and preventing. The. being cured of any disease, infirmity,mi 'Sbre, - is now no more a dubious or uncertain pro.. cedirre—perseverance in the Vegekable Universal Medicines will always restore nature to • - her due Course. , The :literary •and* . sedentary, of both Rexes, wlinse pursuits so much - impair the facul ties, will find a sure remedy -in the UnWersal Medicines for, preservingAlit.ettergy and spriglit lines.'ciNhe imagination, and improving their health; old age:will ile attained by the- use of Them, and - passed fme 'from pain and infirmities. , 'They-are not enveloped with the mysteries or other medicines;" they only rennire to bea perse vered in with sufficiently large doses, acid the pa tient will- come off welk—when a disease is.ob stinate;-patients frequently do not take doses large enough.. • - . •-• • .. The medicines are conriPriseit in thiee different articles bnly, Viz: in two kinds of pills, of .differ,.. ent strength or power, designated by No 1 and 2; tli - c - kills a - tiVWerflil, - but most mild and gen tle aperient, or opening..medicine, detaching and Partially removing the billions ropy humours, whilst the No. 2 Pills carry off those and the serous acid and putrid humokrrs, incidentaLto the body; and act together as a ferret in a Warreti; never resting until every avenue of the human . frame is thoroughly searched, and cleansed of ' its impurities. . The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are "of great assistance to patients and facilitate theeevacuation of _bad humours' they soften, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegm-,-are-cooling, and allay the thirst.,,• One, two, or three powders may tie 'taken throughout the 'clay, -mixed in half a tum bler of Water. , "- . The pills are. sold in packets of $l, $2,. and stind 50. - Celit; bortes—the-twiantmer consist of three VOies each; viz.. one box of - N - 1, and two boxes of NO,-2=--;ilierlatteri'one large bok with a diVision; the powders are in separate boxes at 373 tents aohi - - S• " , . _n In consequence ofthe repeated splicitations t)f - the agents, -and-Tor-the—cutivenience-of--the ,Fublic in general, boxes of 50 cents, and 25 cents 0 : each, can now be had of all the .Agents.:_:_' id ==l • MORISONIA-NA.-the_Family Adviser of the British College of Health, 3d Edition, pike $2,75; and-PRACTICAL PROOFS,of the Hyge ian System of Physiology, including . the "Origin of Life." " Treatise on Small,Pax „' "Leiter on Cholera Morbusi" and many attested cures effect ed in-this country;as well as in Great Britain, 6th,' .Edition,price 3 7+} cents.: . . ' ' • The Ilygeian ,Medicines are all imported into this country at a great, expense, notwithstanding whicilitheysire,soklA.Pie.J.Fne7_price; asin.Esig lasichey_hav_e, beeri - fi years beffiii-tlie-Kniei ican public olieir preeminenViccesi in - the relief . of tho niandican testify • '.. :- -,r- - " ' fa. ;CAUTION.—In _consequence of thdhigh estimation in which•Morrison'a Pills are' held by .the.ptiblie., it hasieduced an innumerable host of unprincided'cOunterfeiters to attempt imitations, .undei deceptiire terms this to deg& the unwary, and foist their noStrtinasfer the . Genniiioygeihn . Mefficlifei iii",--aitiegniepee.-of-whichr.the-,Agent. Ilia taken the ptecanti6nary measure.of having an Extra Yellow Label fixed on each Packet,liigned -hy7the.itgent:,iff each. !Mate, and Districti'assfl by their Sub-it gents ; in everyCiatifilyrthe-nnitation `Cif which. will subject, the forger to the; set rtinniiihineiit the - Laweean inflict: and itleforther; 'to bdikitieed; that noneef the .abrwe Medioines 'Can be ' •iin,YDrOg Store throughout -the-Union itlie DOg Stores being the. principal ,source., through 'Whiiih'the:Cdtinterfeiters- vend- I their aPurjous-articileg..2 s•.', ', ',. z . • ,-• • ca-Respectsble-parties mar. he , appointed A - - gents.ohliberatterms, by applying to the General Depot, No. 3} SOuTII SEVENT# grile*b! Orep" doors helow-Marltet street,. Philadelphia- , and. No. f 0 10 North streetßaltimore,.nearly opposite the i Sost Office . where the 'Genuine Medicinesmay . halivaye beto ' hasined: ''''' 5:1 ~..`. .::. .--.- ~.- ~ ''' . . , i . -For:Sale:in -Carlisiei: at the:ttore s:if OGD,,-; tor lk,',4lrhign. ::::. ~,,, ~ ..:, Sept.: h, ::4 1837, ,! .• -.; ~. •- :!.- , • , -., ,-: ~ • Ydurs, :cc. Stock And ;Eptchange • 4 .-.•,r; " B rolizign,--_‘„ •••• • tnirgvt*aike!.:}4refet* oPPCItte4 0 Yfils, -4 1 4 '4l.l4•WvadrarNipaidb, lad 'of all Ici;)8g. '!'otlicicEitb‘t apd pny., ~.14.tricptior:,,r,tuttis=Etstiell; 'an itifottita.tion Tito ytliye to LO T TERIES, " , liuguit 21 ' ; -yQg,:AP. . . . . . ItlNHEAubscrib et" will, ront-that,.well known ' large and, convenient house,:for•iiiankyears 'occupied -14 "thtiStitiii' 11titnrich; attdlntire re l eentli,-byvotileisi; as tAVIMN: house . yY bly_well calculated fors terkaining ' • BO i• • there* lag- 'three stairways, :.atid place§ -1,11•60 ' the Maths:: The Situ - ation is very pleaziantan tsi ble, being, on.tha north. westeorner cif Ha over and.. Lauther ; streets,•,tvtille,. cenveni it-excels._ any, "etlier hotiSe7lo -- -tliblio thettnatniataditintsges-of 12 roms:on':tlyhr firstiloor--412.rapmsonlhe 2ilfloor 7 - 7 4-,recitris on the 3d floor - 7 0 ,Celltirs Two, wells watery (one at • the front ifrior•on kr:anther street, putinii. therein; 'tit 6' Other •inAlie yard at the' kitchen.door;) - , Cistern,:uni - delo'bontaiii,flglaty.. five llogsheads;. large and -canvenient",istablitig„ ,with eiwriage prime and blicdr large and 'eic& lent, gardens attached' to the 'buildings besides .many "Conveniences not-sliecified: • - 2. Also, one fraftle . Weather boatded. Two Story House, situated-in, • gast ',anther st., with two Cellars, iiCarden and Stabling atta'che'd Atso, one 'can. Weather-Dom:lied Housein W.estlouther street, adjoining-the per man Reforalec) 'Nitro!), with a Garden attached to it. Tor Terms:apply tor , Nov. 20. CHRISTIAN HU MICH.' kontiisoms OFF CF'',.. , SO Ball. at., 4' doors below die Franjilin Banlt3 Capical 5 ' 0,090 DOLLARS. Persons at a.distance diposed to try their luck ineither of the grand Lotte lieS„—one of - whithernntely-e-v week-;-are respectfully requested to forward their-orders to the suliseriberi. encldting the cash or prize tickets, designaqng the Lottery will receive immediate attention by return mail; dnd - the drawings forwarded w-herrover (if requested.) . . ' E. - W. - ROBINSON° . . Baltimore. nRAIVIiIG OF LOTTERIES.—Order in which the several State Lotteries will lie drawn. Maryland. State—Lotteries draws in Balti more every other Monday-.; capitals range from 10,000, 20,000 to . $30;000 Delaware State Lotteries AraWs twice every week, capitals-vary-from SAo-$lO,OOOl-Grand-Con-- solidatail Lottery draws once every week; capitals 20.,000, 25,000 to S 30,000.; Alexan dria Lottery draws' once every Taller week, .capitals 'lO,OOO, 20,000, 30,000,50,000 ; ginia State Lottery draws every Saturday,iri each week, capital prizes range from 10,000, 214000, -- 25,000_,_30,0.00 to - s.4l4ooo=Tick cis in the above Lotteries vary from $2, 3; 4, 5 - and 10 each, shar4s in proportion. -- - -- A - I.l=lettbli'lTililre-seti-A-n-tl)lliseyiber go - Perfectly - safe: -- No mi sc a pri age -11 ev - c o u r red. _ Feb. 14, 1837.-.4y-_ • • .- • • . . • eltkitatir - Ndininistration ;. onAhe c t statev A .44o Morret deeeasedclate of - Monroe - township, de ceased, having issued to.-the subSeribers, residing in said township. All-pereonihaiiingiclaints against the estate, will present them toTheAnbscribers for paytnent,and all . persons indebted t the estate will make paytnentui-minediately, to Samue Morro., , • Georg • Nov. 20,18*,- Executors.: • Or • • - - lilltaik's Cotimitliale. i p t y. an- order of - the Orph;re cogrt: : ..of. j'-'' tumberlaffil county, I will.ebse to Vublic Sale, ow MONDAIe, thellth tia of .December next, on ,the 'pre s, a Tract of n i ca A cni t, 12EHI ~ ' 5 Land situated in Sou mpton town ..tritirtv Ship, containing Six f ues, more or .5'. - - - -j-0.1 4 4,:". less, having thereoli. ected, a Log DWELLING HOUSE, known a he fate resi• denee of John • McCa . rty; deed. 'erma made known on the day of. Sale by:. .;- - . . ' Jam estturgis, gdpr. of J. litarly, deed. Nov. 20,1837. DZSSOLUTI i'll}l Pirtnership heretofore.e the subscribers, under ..the firm POUTER, .is this day dissolved sent. The . bOOki are *.in - the . ha AL Porter, who is authorized to JOHN L ~ • - 111; M. Carlisle, Oct. 30, 1837. . Siotr_soa. THE'subscribe'r Offers for sale a following described.lionse and half lot r ‘ ground,'sit nate on the north side lif Main' 'sue in the bor fough .-of- - Carlisle, ican ._. .• • ~r.-Gee • -4tighinhaugifs•shotel—the west ..lia of lot No._ 64 in the plan •'of said borough untied by oldain street on the solidi, Dr. T. 1‘ •vs on the west, Dickinson alley (23 feet wide) . the hold,. -and-the,widow_Gteighton on the eas , ontaining 30 feet in front and 240 feet rdaeliai vie Fun dings' area . 'Fram e. -. if'eatlio , t _1 ~-.,it, .• a ~ .. -- - - • , •• : I,l '.ir I I I ... ' '- . . z fronting'en.Miin street with alarge . litrickllack. Buildink_ A N.D/A.13-11 1 CK ST A•B PE , . frontinjon,ibe• alley. Said ball lot is n , higi state'of improvement, with a' variety of cli c _____ ..,._. ......,.., QCs-ruit-Trees,anst_Girpme-V\ es , . • , .. . now bearing , Otirr ant and. GooiebeiTy Bubb m i • Shrubbery of different kinds. -•- • '.' An indisputable title will be given to,tlie r.Ol chaser.__ Fjirtlier pSrticulari ,are..cleeined ui e; I cessiry. Any personsWishing' to purchase,, re invited to call and view the, poYen4ses.. :The to s ,iv..illhe niscl ynown by • ,: k . ‘, -- r; ~,-- --. :- . J A- C OBISQUIER- .- August. 28,-183n, ._ • I, , ;, , , 7N, , B.—Gbod western ,paper_. on sol.. imint - bwiik4.7l.ll,l l .;ie receive , . in r • OkAtie . above'. , ..' ..... 7t .‘ - ' -7 1FT5t. --- , .. PUBLIC •HO "'..' G=E-o. iiitasdv_. .Formerlyof Vunbury, ~ NorifAumberlaikd ;'' - t 'COtinlYi. -- " - r ,:;:* -, IlegtTleit tespeetfullir to. infoll : -- filic; that he !tali' owed to Harrjsbuit,., 'hate he !trais taken - that:tar '' * (1 . apatious r three story . brick': henSi 'fainter y' -- oecitniedhY.`lklathar *Wilsion,' l 'Centel . ' Fif - Walnut aiialrlilicl,streete;. '•"- ''' ' r :4 f, • ~ .1 ~ : -.; 4, !HARRISBUIVG, , , ,,,, :, In viewi'of the State klapittil, which he opetiertan the first day,of May last, and *hern ,he hopes to -receive'`- receive' that'Vairiniage ientrtally bestossed, on , Nei , 'establishment hhietorare -He will'atialhtimea,‘ lie provided -With: eVery - fithmt nec,ediatry*, to matte hid igne - Oti'entrifeitlitile; 1- - ~ .. A ~., -....,, , ~,r ,.., `v ",,, ''.. - •• -. ~i r•V;'....r. ItlItIon: ' -4 Iltitirlitat i 1 lune', ; 'ltt3rl ", 1 ' --,,'.. ''-'- ''': ft ',.' ~ ; •;, : i ':.i.' 1.. • '.', ''' ... Further utility of t llrandre •teen • gesgjuit rectelvedrieu ,t ot•eitle; i ttVV the'sto a a s-, u... 5 OGILBY & HITNE • Nov. 27.1837. ME ' Villicabkiieilelgstate . , yor, k'URSUANt o he direction:of the . Ken dy, - tleCensed,rlate - Of. `l4lflliii;towitship', - U - tvill - sell - at - Puldic;Sale,` on -MONHAN'the. 25th Ably pf-AOrnber'neit;,on th,e-premises at ~Ten o'clock in the_ forenoon, the follokingAlescillied -tare); sititafeil in Itlifflin iind:lfratikfortl•tiownships.; bounded by theiands of Georke .Bratten, .john Brown,. .Henry Britn and_others,,contalhing'2lres of patentecl land of, gest qualiti-- or Slate anti:Gravel; about 170• - aciitttf - tsihietrareclenred; -- tWeriiVtlneht - dovered wilt•:finther. .!fheilnprovements..itre • . . .. • • • •- . IkP0• 11 Loff'Xlcitase: ',llTh AND ' Arcs; KT T • :Double L ' , og..Barh, with tido Thresh ing Floors atul aliouse erected for•O Distillery.4=— „ • There is a stream of never•fail.. • k „_,, , ,, , ..1V64;., —ing water running , past the 161- 'provernentS.• • • ORC HA:IIIY' • . •• • of . e*celle . nt fruit on the''Farrn: The:above Farm is well lated.for.raising_eitheit_prain or Stocic,:as there are-a great many drafts whichl produce early pas-4 tune, or may be cut for hay; and there being ruff: ning water in all the fields 'except - two. The Farm will, suit to. be dijiiidecli-and-_ will .be sold divided Or together, as will best, suit purchasers. P&sons wishing to inspect the premises will:call at 'the 'intiscribees residence in Carlisle: :' •• . The terma of Sale *Ube—Zls . o pay :able on the execution of the agreement s the-real-. due of one-half the purchase,- .money -y-on-the-first - of - April next, pd. the :balance in three annual payments without interest, to be secured by,a lien un the• land. . . ......, fcov. ,20, 1837 I=ITBLI :11'0.-TIOE, -',. The Stockholders_ of. the Hanover. and Carlisle Thrnpike , Boad Company, are here by notified, that an' election for 'two- -mana- Managers, ,will be held at the house of-John Overholtzer, Inkeener,. 'hi Ctirnberland CoOnty, on Tuadaythe.l2th,--day of decem ber. next. between "the hours of twelve'and Four o'clock, unsaid. dayi-tci serve for one year, - The - Commissioners. of Cumberla nd -and --Adams. County ate, ikewise notified to attend at the said time and place, to those three managers, ,the Common., .wealth to-serve foa the' like period. By order Of the Board. 1~70v.-20, 183 TO - 101 M: . CREDITORS. - . . TAKE. NOTICE that I lui - veainlied to the - Judges - of - the - court - of: - C9_ mmoirr- - TTC , ait-i=of - York-county; for the-benefit of the fnsolvent laws , cf ilte - tom mon w eallh of - Pennsy va n ia, an :hat they haveappointed 'PUF.SDAY 2th day of I)ecetnber,.lBl37, at 10 o'clock creditor l s,Qt-tb:a.Cou.rtHeitse in the borough of York, when anctwhere,yon"maratterftilf ,yquAhink proper. York,-Nov. 8, 1837. .., . ~ , ....,..\ -- Al ANITFACTORY • The Subscriber returns his sincere thank • to his former customers, for theliVertil share of patronage; whiCh hat; bccn_given him and ,solicits a continbance of the same; as also hg invites those who may not, as yet, have given him deal!, to do so at his shop in North Hanover street, one door ,north of . Mrs. E. -WeiSe's'store. • -•- - ._ . _.=.l.Havingtately. returiteddrom_the of Philadelpnia, .bringing with. him the latest And most approved fashions, the_subscrilAr has -on=uhandi - lars,ezassortm ent-. --- GENtICEPILIEN'S manvs, • • _ tbawsoo &c. finished in a superior style:.' AIso,FUR 'AND ZEAL CAPS, of z t ie latest ashions, all.of ahich will .be soft l low Jh r cash, ii-exchanged for countryAirt - ideci; call and see. ANDREW G. .J,ECHLER. -- Nov. 20, 51 ing between HALL AND mutual con of tie the same. HALL, I tarat: AHoust Old/LOC of Grd North llanover St, iii wide • • . ept• a .Grocery. The 1101 is large-and .convenienti,havini great.; number - of- rooms on e:i fluor, ancLan-excellent CellitruM ;the whole buildbig. Tfiere is AP Kitchen doer, a pump and well o I.Tie - Iltuation-of-thebniklingia_s t p son desirotia of commencing the 1 ileskwould find it to be an excel! ia also S TOX.L n .11tE on the Lot. ' ,, The Store, ROOM can bb had separate frojn the Alf desired. • 1- •• . • For Varticulars Incinice of Carljsle r Nov. .20, 11337: arded : Take Notice ttg4t we have. a . ea-a-the cotitt-of-commoti'.ft -county:for_the benefit of the ins commonwealth; and they lave day s . the 12th day Of -Deceit* court•house ip Carlisle, for the oar creditors, when and wheiel if you think proper. ,, ' - JAMES JOHN Nl. so Bstate:of.44cob .11i • :Notice. -.-„.. - • -,-AlLpeiso.ns indebted .-t9 ofla tate cob High, Sen., Late - 4f:_ - d4 K6ieberland coon y, are refine:, ' make im-, Mediate payment to Jaceb4 - 11, ' g Aim township ) , -or to .Henry . a residing in Mifflin township,, to whoin !etc ,dmiuistra tion orraSid estate..!lisve !mimic]; , - Periods' ania,decessed,-,sie • requested, .to. no *,, , t h o same: tO•eit4ei , ' of the 'A'dreinis Wi t tapti HIGH. , 'HENRY ItAiLlikio;l 20,1!387: " • t~ M k!Pw 6 T E "" re r! i-St ' died etimberland find Perry OtetrillsPeP:frhitt Is 541:1 cotuktiy stands in, " lbe-renteal Q .. ;;iyhtit',4lt: sttsehed , to the premises, hich n order:; IXny peFsdn wiehi i.te *le ProPer. ( Yreall the Subscriber, rAsiding at the, pal, Sterritt's Gag, Niav 1837. gaM!!! -Ii Qliei't=lVlcFarlane, Jldrn. de bolas t7o7l . Wit will annexed. T. STEPHENS, Secretary SAMUEL PETER. ~~d nd, situate in lit present there_ I , I liIrgaZTAPAT 4 .. r Detembei 4 .--$ -000 ' 40 CiP/TrATI t ..4 ' --- - f 7. 1.7 111:!11;4 P 1 ! ;: ' - ' 4 4 - A0 7 0 t:PP-1 1 P 11 % GitAND:POisiSOLI4 - ZeirED /4 ". 6#ER1l El'eA4gi ' 'P',7:•, To be dFawn atAirlin - dogtopipti ,RILSMOT` 6th 6UV 1 0 7 4 r : 1 ; , :-;' • . ,yArdet s ideikdia r- ,*(4*''',,,,'=',, 3- 7. e'? 1 ` ' • Prize ,of ~. ' 40,000P01t10-:: r:.... :, ,d o. ;:.,-, :.. f:,;,,'.l.s,ooQVidlaVs:C. • 1- .--, - , d s oL ~- ' -Ati 3O:01);oltais' „.. l' --; ''' — ao --- . 7: -, : - '- - 6.4oonowaii.ff 1 - . dOL___ . =.4l..._•;:::,', 4004, 1 3 „„, 121 a,,yi1 1 i±,-- 1 s prizes - of, :1,.100, i'S ,- ,...pr1ze";,0X,'?7,400 5 - do ' --'' '• 1,2 5 0 A?,a. , ,- " . .`0"...,..':',f - 20,tk . 7 . 5 - ___' - da„._: :: .: :1,000, ,-`, f.*;' .B (..d.' B ct . '':l Tic Is eta 10 dolls l- --heg r;-' .-- cie4rtee z l2 , 10 Cc+. of paekages - of - '25 'Whole tickets? 140 _ -do -- do - - O•25_M- - df_ do' __:7D--• -- do do 2, '25 Quaiteiii do 35 For the' theAown'of-Wheelin,g,; - .1 . Class No, 8, for 4.83 Z. •.-,• , To be drawn 'at Al'exandria, - Vii; the 25d/ ' Decernher,lBs7, (rand Capital Pr ( iz ) ;.• - ,•• 25,000!,-=6,000!-5;000! 2,000!-50 of 1000!--.5G 800(.,6cc. , Tick ets'only - 8 vent-rid-quarters -7- In propor eon. : , ": Cer of rizicicoges'of2s' doll. - do do -25 tacit' do - 50 (lois • . do • :do- quarter- ,, diai ' -25 dots . ± $30 1 900: - CaPfacil. ------7- 7 __ . 7 , , . ±s3O®O L Capasai;° -- - --- - - - - • 7/1,5 Drawn Numbers. ,. : .:. , -2. STATE OF %* E t,N A•;-=',' Class D. ' • ,•: ______ To be drawn at Alexandria,'Va. - on Saturday • - Dce,ember 30; 1837. • :" • Brilljant Capitals:- • •.- 100—.8.L000-5,000 . -4,500-4,900-3,500 • 1,500-1,200, Etc Bcc 8co , •; - = Tickets 10 dolis—halves anclquarters' in ,proll portion. ' Cer of pa • ckages of 1.5 Witnje tiCkelm $llO iac , un'ont d 0 (143 • - 25 half.. do 55 do do 25 , quarter:c16 ------ .27 - .59 ......Orders for. Tickets - andStiares Of Certifi:• -... rate's of Pilckagea in the alitTive . Seheme receive the most prorapt",attentlon,aa; fllcial-account of each drawing. sent im e-7 diately - after it - Ta'Over o all who order fr m us. 'Address, 1). S.. GREGORY .& Co: - Maniwers. • • • Wailiingion UiTyTIVG.• Suvplement of the Orilinance 7.e-.-- SECTION . Ist It is bettbY oidained That the keeper if the HaYTScales - be - and he is' - hereby aythorized'tind required ditiOn ttf the or " - oldest— witir ''' or , any person or persons apkip,._ . that-purpose,. he or they, O'Ying• to tit er at the rate of fifty cents per ton for the' first . ton of loftding. upon the , said wagon",' and twelve 84 a, hail cents in addition, whenflte load exceeds one - ton, twenty five cents 0ell:We - Toad - exceeds two tons, thirty SeVCll.and half ceinkiifietithe finald T exceeds three tons: fifty _centswhenthe load exceeds four. Ohs' and 'sixty two and cents when the load exceedsfive' tens- Pr ed, That no' oaded wagon which 'exceeds tons in weight; shall he weighed upoh scalei; • Passed 411 i - IsInv:•1837.: • / 7 /- • . , 'FREDERICK WAT'l".Pres't. Attest 7 - 7 JAR. W. Ilovr, Clk. . INIPTICJE. THE subscriber, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Curnb.erland county, to distribtde the effects-in the hands --oF:David—KenpWer; -- the — As'signee - of — Jacob Snyder to Emil amongst-the'creditors of tild said Jac ."4.der,' the_ 20th - dp-trof — Decciitberi-183-7-,--ut-ltiszoffice in ihe).l6roughpf Carlisle, at 10 o'cloclz in, tha f renoon,,,tei discharge the duties of iris ap- o , ointment, of which, all concerned Will take notice. WILLIAM Iyi.:BIDDLE. November 27, 1837. . ' _ CREIPITORS , TAKE NOTICE-that tve . have - iipplied to the juclgts of the. court of. Common Picas of ° Cumberland county, for the benVfif of bo, insolvent laws of, this CoMmonwealthi, add - , they have-npi)Ohited_Montl4. the Bth day in of January, 1838,.8t the Court Houseca - e. lisle, for the hearingof di andintir creditors, - viten-and-whereloii-mikr-Attend-if-you-think.— -proper. *HIRAM SAVAGE.. C.,1. R:DAVIS; . , - The New VOrirrtnOrier Inquirer will insert the aboVe advertisement, with the `name m`ark~clZhus~aHin - weel~ly j - three - times,.___ and charge . • n. yard, at the. pt rate water: that Amp_er-- rcantilesbusi: stand. There g * Ly l e• - 86 Baltimot*:Street,' nftimbie`, Ma; • - •grj, iiEAT, gt:iind rind gioi•ioni•ielli the • 50,000:dollat. Lnttery-, , drawtion Satur .day the `BBth inst i ;,;.Grand Consnlidatecl-Lot t.ery, Class, B, jaw est, prir,e• dpilst 7 z.,6,o 26 7 17 ,41 55 19 ift, ft 41 .; - 00. — ;Cothbliiatint•VV,6'6oLl7:,_seid tit' a' gliit fer .tieket,..near,the:_grand.;ptize;:tr.iittesiots ..,.. large, prizes... , , • h •••• • ' •, --,--.The-follownt&eonthinnlioni_ark-entiagd_to Prizes of, viz.. ' *. • ~ 7 26' . 60, 1 50;000-17' 49 6":1 ''slo 6 . 90 , , 11 19 43,," - 7,500— , 7 17 26 : ' , -6040 11 41 43 . 2,000-- 714 , 60 1,250 •• 19_55 60, 1,000,—.....:11 17 , - ; 69 „ rr l , o oo 7' 26 43,.. •- - 100 . ~.• 39 .43; '! w•. 61 AU personslthioughout the ,United:Statei ItAiAng Poi es in; ttie:above Lottery- ; at ace-- spect ful ruin Fsted them .to the j 'sub'§erifier,-for AC? e a .stg it' in iny,of.the•splendidiLotterirevittotr,.drit*lngi imill-be-forwarileailmnigliat-411: 1 1119 1 trecpipt,L ROITIN§O,I4, ''Nov " 1 " ''.." • OUSE .IVarehouse '£ ifie Editor. O)'S.•, • d to thejudg nt lawdorthis loiated . '! ties-' 1837, at - the, of .us and may attend WERS. LLER, ALTERS Estate Of chi t§t lan, Cooyer decqaeed. 1, ~ ~ I V TICE, . .. IA oTeftlaPnfjgoTelatifiti°6 l l l a c ic l i i n2 l m e l;n te • ship, eurobe-hsnir county. deceased ' , bavetissued , 49i dile form,nf linV A(kiher , fitltr i ncihettl l'eelthelf on the ftrm of ,said , thiceasedetn-pid ,towtishie Au 1)6 sons havinffnlginiti tigaint''aila estate will pi•esebt *hero, and.those Indebted.will maketPaY ` men ; to - e s 7 e., .. ~;... , ft , - -, -4_ , -.4 . ,- ~ tale d on A luAu 'COOKER, Adm r. o‘vrt by Sept 25, 1837`.- B w. ' ',-,.., ... •,, , 0 , ...t Ole best , , % * , 7. ,t" 'county. Nilice,tri Credif4ips. . dik Y , 4 . s ' r t f g , Tale Notice that I have applaect to the ' Yt; ee r the Court of , domtnon 4 Pleatr of Cumberland dla geuety-tor the benefto of the insolvelif , lam of goo Met commonwealth, not thAY tf: b ' ve Islgettfte'l ' nt the Ttlesday,'thel2tli f dall of Erecentb r 'la, nt the ngto courtrbouseillt CarlislOtblvthe•lliarlnglitten,land . Key creditets. , . Whett , DP 4 wt,E.YettPtt t r' d K. it you think' piober. • • T U RN DROWN, k November 201183P.': " • 2'. ' n " ' I - of, ,I .r.,decd, 0 EIII MEM ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers